Astrology Observations 3
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🌸 How to use astrology in a way that will actually help you? This is how I use astrology for myself without letting it overwhelm me, so it's just my opinion First thing: When you're looking at your placements, don't take them too seriously. Remember that these are energies and you have the power to manifest them. Very often, we unknowingly manifest these energies but we can do that consciously too. So, remember to do this:
🌸 When you read about a positive aspect or placement of yours, and you like being that way, focus on how true it is, even if you feel it may not be true. This focus on what you already have and what you already are, this is what we call as focusing on the abundance (instead of the lack of something), is going to get it manifested.
🌸 When you read something negative/neutral about your placements or aspects, learn about it, think about how it may manifest in your life and consciously try to get out of that situation or consciously try not to be that person. Let me give you an example:
🌸 I have a few placements which says that I'm beautiful and charming but when I read about it, I didn't think that I was charming or beautiful but I didn't tell myself that I wasn't, I let myself think that I was beautiful and just be. While there were placements which said that I may turn passive agrresive or that despite my wish to lead, I may let go of control over myself, so I remember this everytime and try my best to not be this person.
🌸 You don't have to actually understand all your placements or experience them right now, it'll take time and few more experiences, but you'll be okay. You'll learn how to deal with them.
🌸 Cancer placements remind me of pink in the first picture (of books) below instead of Libra placements. Libra is more of the 3rd picture of the perfume I guess, and the 2nd picture of Minnie from G-IDLE reminds me of Leo.
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🌸 Lilith in 8th house may be able to find strength and power in thier sexuality. The more they learn about it, explore it without going all the way at once, they'd find themselves to be genuinely empowered through it.
🌸 Scholars of Vedic India believed astrology to be one of the core studies one need to master to be a learnt scholar. For them, astrology and astronomy were mutually inclusive, if not the same. Many astronomers from ancient India have described a lot of astronomical phenomenons.
🌸 There are two types of planets: Superior or Inferior. Superior planets are those which have orbits larger than that of the Earth, they're farther from the Sun, hence are slower. These planets are more enduring than the Inferior ones, which have orbits shorter than The Earth, namely Venus and Mercury. And superior planets are Mars, Jupitar, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
🌸 From my observation, people with Sun conjunct Venus have softer nose, while people with Sun conjunct Mars have sharper nose.
🌸 I've noticed Sun conjunct Moon men to have long and sleek nose.
🌸 Most Sun conjunct Mars women have a very noticeable and attractive jawline.
🌸 People with Sun conjunct Jupitar have a golden and brown glow about them.
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I have around 257 followers, I'm planning on hosting a Game for celebrating 300 followers, so let's reach the goal and have fun! ✨
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sera-pheam · 3 months
bitches will be like "man i wish i could be creative", but not want the painstaking and gut wrenching awareness that it takes to make deeply resonant things to begin with
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somuchyoudontknow · 11 months
Hi Sophia. I hope you are well and managed to resolve your issue. It was me sending that message "Hi Sophia. I hope you are well! Welcome back 💙May I Ask You About My FS? So it's been a few months since God has been sending me clues about my FS. But often my mind is doubting. I want to trust God about it, but I don't know what to do about it.and your answer for exactly what I already knew. You just confirmed his personality! Thanks. But I will pray for God to confirm if my FS is the person that comes to my mind. Would this spring be in Brazil or another country? I'm asking you because I'm Brazilian and it's autumn here // Did you get any insight into his age, characteristics and what country he comes from?
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Hi hope you are doing well. Yes, my problem is solved. Thank you so much for checking on me 🤗💙❤
It is going to be spring in your country. I am not good with age looks and country but if I get a message I will let you know 😊
Characteristics: This person is very ambitious. They want to be on top of their game all the time. They have many connections, friends, and co-workers. This person seems to have great determination, willpower and motivation. They are very competitive. They would like you to be ambitious too. They will be very supportive and will love to see successful too. They might get lost into their successes and you might prove to be a reason to remind them to stay modest. They might be a little show-off. They might have a problem with communication. It will be your responsibility to break the ice in difficult situations. They might become closed off in times of conflict. They might act snappy sometimes. Do not take things to your heart in case of a fight because they might say things out of anger and not seriously. Let them have some time alone. They like to think again about the situation and like to see where they were wrong. They will admit their mistake but after some time. This person seems to have some ego issues. They might be a person of habit and might get their energy worn out due to workload. It seems you would be the person reminding them to have balance in their life and they would be very grateful to you for that.
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gemini--goddess · 2 years
I’m honestly so grateful for my intuition it has saved me from so many situations
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It was my moms birthday today. She has been gone since sept 23 530 am 2018. I miss her more than she could or would have ever believed. She left journals upon journals. One stating she felt she was gonna die that year. She wrote letters to me about dreams of walking into a funeral home and saw a casket but could not see who was inside. I had to take her off life support and when she passed I felt this intense energy I never felt before and since my life has change. My mom always knew things others did not, she also was very big into tarot and astrology. I have taken an interest in tarot, incense, crystals, the pendulum, but the biggest thing is I know what others are feeling. I feel it so intense. I walk into a room and I can feel the energy. Not only things like that I know when things are gonna happen and I somehow get people I’m thinking about to reach out. I keep a positive attitude about the universe and how it’s always there for me. And it is. I feel vibrations and connect with different frequencies. I also see death before it happens. Sometimes I’ll just be setting on the couch and announce someone close is gonna pass and next day it happens. I always had good gut feelings and could read people, but I feel like when she passed I’m that hospital room she left some of her gifts behind like a birthmark. I hear her voice clearly and she comes to me in my dreams. Told my therapist this and she canceled the next session. Just getting things off my chest
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warriorinthegarden · 2 years
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thejewelleryblog · 2 years
When you link things up & realize your intuition was right all along
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faerytreealtars · 1 year
♡•° Fast Facts about your Future Spouse ♡•°
Welcome, my dears to a rather small (compared to others I've done) Pick an Image reading this time it is all about your Future Spouse.
I used intuitive writing this time and as always only take what resonates as I'm sure you're not all marrying the exact same person in the future!
Without further ado let's get into the reading, So take a breath and choose a pile. Always remember to trust your intuitive guidance and to only take what resonates for it is rarely wrong…
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Pile One ~
• Has a happy-go-lucky personality, will always find a silver lining in situations, and will be a great help to you if you over-worry or panic too much, helping you see the good in all situations. • Really loves Cats/Birds (one or both) may have a pet Bird or Cat or if not they really want one in the future. • Likes to sing, as a hobby or a career, may be some of your Fs dream careers. • Dyes their hair • Has a lot of artistic talent, I'm seeing a lot of different outlets for this from painting to Photography, maybe writing/Poetry for some. • Believes in Miracles, and has a very hopeful heart. No matter how much goes wrong in their life they have always retained their brave heart. • May have had a rough childhood - I'm hearing both bad parental support/figures and bullying. • They love cupcakes and/or muffins.
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Pile Two: •Is a very private person, may come off as mysterious to some but this isn't their intention, they simply stay in their lane and don't bother with drama or petty gossip. • Has Curly/Wavy Hair • Their favourite celebration is Halloween/Samhain • Likes to be of service and helpful to others. • Loves to receive handmade or thoughtful gifts over gifts of just cash. • May have a darker aesthetic • Has a crow Guardian animal/Familiar. • Loves to stargaze and moon gaze - helps them feel at peace.
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Pile Three -
• Is well-known in their community
• People-person/Very Extroverted
• Sporty/ Athletic
• Of Large Stature/Muscled
•Really Friendly/Polite to everyone they meet
•Loves to make others laugh
• Has a pet dog who is their closet bond
• Loves classic spy movies
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Hope whatever resonated with you makes you excited to meet your FS someday when the time is right! I wish both you and your FS lots of good wishes and luck.
If you enjoy my content then feel free to give me a tip: https://ko-fi.com/faerytreealtars Don't ever feel pressured to do so though, your reblogs and interactions with me and my content is a lovely enough blessing it-self!
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vantaesfairie · 1 year
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔨𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔞 𝔬𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫
atlty’s tarot readings - dm for paid readings and prices!
for the easily butthurt people i’m not specifying or demonising any mental health disorder here. FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT ONLY.
choose a picture below:
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pile 1: dancing girls around a bonfire
the main message i got was that ‘if they are working hard towards something, it will backfire or fail’. definitely their goals, even if they achieve them, will bring some sort of backlash to them. perhaps a hotheaded fight (could be verbal, physical...) too. and something about erect*ons possibly not working too (censorship bc of tumblr). their outspoken or blunt nature can cause them to amplify the negative effects of the karma on them. it feels very workplace, so they will get karma at work or in school if so. their passions and endeavours will not come to fruition the way that they may think it will. they will grow stubbornness and pessimism, and possibly overwork themselves in a bad way with no achievement at the end. expect something coming or going rapidly. either they will get out of a situation that they were barely in to begin with or they throw yourself into a situation head first without thinking things through. they rapidly advance making snap decisions which puts them at a disadvantage. 
pile 2: candelabra girl dancing
yalls main message is ‘justice will be served’. something in their balance (could be work life, emotional balance) will turn off and cause an imbalance which will affect them. they will be attached to material physical things like appearance, s*x, etc that makes them forget and dismiss about the real things that make up a person, which is their relationships and opportunities that appear. they will start to have some silent self-image issues but not tell that to the world. they could face weight or health problems. they could start to be financially dependent on something / someone else. if they have wronged someone, they will definitely pay the consequences. the truth will come out. their main challenges are just materialism and financial difficulties ahead. if there is a legal battle, i’m feeling that they will lose it. 
pile 3: lantern girls searching in water
your message is ‘they will lose everything’. (i’m not sure if this is everything everything, or just everything in the sense of what they find most precious in the world). their emotional maturity will decline, they won’t be able to open themselves to be friendly and to let people to get to know them. they will get triggered by the little things (in a bad way, unempathetic way). perhaps a creative block too if they are an artist in any way. they will be very deceptive, but people will realize their schemes. if they have cheated, this will come to light and bite them in the butt. if they were once this higher up who bird-fed those below them, the roles will be reversed. it feels to me like they will drop from the peak of what they thought they had to absolute nothingness, or a position that they feel is degrading. they may also start to cope with alcohol or some sort of binge. they’ll lose their cool, and get demoted. 
thank you for coming to my blog! please consider a paid reading or custom sigil. check out my masterlist for all my works. reblogs help!  
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overandundertarot · 1 year
How can you find comfort right now?
Hello! This pick a pile is going to focus on how you can find comfort right now, whatever situation you may find yourself in, just some advice that could help soothe your soul.
Here are the piles(1-3):
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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These pictures are not mine, i found them on pinterest. :)
Pile 1;
Cards; 2 of wands, The hanged one, The devil and 4 of pentacles.
Life may be a bit boring right now, you may find yourself just going through the motions. As I write this, my heart is feeling heavy. Maybe you are being weighed down by your own expectations on yourself, and society's expectations as well. Also for some of you, you may be experiencing blockages in your heart chakra. What can help you to find comfort right now is doing something for yourself, I'm getting less of in the physical sense like a spa day or vacation, but something more spiritual in nature. You may be so caught up in the material world right now, making money, paying bills etc etc but you need to take some time to nurture yourself. Your life is lacking that sense of spark that is present when you arre contented and spiritually and emotionaly fulfilled in life. Some of you may want to change what you do and take another path in your job/career? But what you want to do may be quite different and maybe even frowned upon or considered weird. Advice for these people would be to combine your creativity and what you feel inspired to do with the structure that you may already have in place. A partnership would also be beneficial for you. Overall, what can give you comfort right now is turning inwards, nurturing yourself and your desires. Maybe start a hobby that you've always wanted to do that can allow your playful and childish side to come out. I'm getting something like drawing or painting colourfully, something you can do with your hands or something very active.
Cards; The fool, The emperor, 5 of wands reversed, Knight of pentacles reversed.
Pile 2 you have soooo many opportunities and a lot of potential right now. You may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to go forward regarding whatever it is you want to do. For a few of you in this pile I'm getting that you may be starting over from a time in your life where you felt like the rug was pulled out from under you and your whole life came crashing down. A few of you may have devoted a lot of time to something but it never worked out the way you wanted, like a cruel twist of fate. ( but only some of you, it was a specific message). What you can find comfort in right now is routine, building a new routine to channel and direct your energy will give you a sense of stability that you need right now. Also, joining a course( like a university degree) or something that may give you an outlined path to what you want to do. Being rational and disciplined right now will help to bring a sense of comfort in your life.
Pile 3;
Cards; 5 of wands, Page of cups reversed, 8 of wands and The fool.
Pile 3 your message is really clear, lol. What can give you comfort right now is being silly and having fun. Following your desires and impulses and having fun without thinking much about it, not taking life too seriously. You may be worried about something like a competition or a debate? Or something of that nature has ended recently. Either way, whatever the outcome was/is, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself and not let yourself be carried away by anxieties or fears that may pop up. Allow yourself to be childish and treat yourself as well. I'm getting the image of a child at a festival/carnival just running around, playing games and eating icecream.
Thank you for participating in this pick a pile reading!!! I would really love to know if this resonated with you so please dont hesitse to give feedback or ask me anything on my blog!!
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Astrology Observations 2
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🔷 From what I've heard, a planet is said to be combust when it is close to the Sun, around 3 orbs close. So, what happens when a planet is combust? The planet usually loses control on its destiny and it ends up depending upon how the Sun's energy will be executed.
🔷 The word 'Astrology' is means 'aster' - star and 'logos' - reason/logic. While in Sanskrit, it's called Jyotisha which means 'Knowledge of light'. *1
🔷 The Sun and the Moon are considered powerful planets and are usually given more importance in Vedic Astrology or Western Astrology because they influence earth and human beings in lot different ways that are already talked about in Science. *1 They're called the luminaries.
🔷 Even though these are very important planets, I believe, your top 3 planets/signs make you who you are. Your top 3 nakshatra or your top 3 dominant planets/signs from Placidus or Sidereal charts or any other chart may be the representatives of your energy.
🔷 Aries and Gemini people, in my experience, have such sudden outbursts of anger and then suddenly they're quiet.
🔷 My mother is a Taurus Moon and she wanted to be an Interior designer but she's a Cancer Sun and became a teacher for kids from ages 5-14.
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🔷 Ceres is an asteroid which talks about nourishment, nurturing and basically, sustaining of life/species. It also represents everything relating to gynaecology, childcare, post-natal care. It represents cultivation of land, farming and agriculture. It also talks about food and food related services. *2
🔷 Asteroid Apollo in 11th house may mean that a person is considered charming and beautiful inside out, among thier friends or on social media. The influence of apollo could also tell us about what we give, so apollo in 11th gives a lot more to community and in today's time, this is something easily achieved by social media.
🔷 Aries energy is quite adamant and impatient, as I've heard. So wherever you have Aries would show where your impatient. For example, for a Libra Rising, having Aries in 7th house may make them impatient relating to themes of 7th house, like finding a partner or marriage, that is why they're said to marry early.
🔷 This is something which I believe needs to be talked about, that Astrology isn't something that's going to solve all of your problems, don't treat it with so much definite belief that you forget that there's something much better you can experience apart from just what's written in your stars because in the end your actions make the difference.
🔷 Your Rising and Venus (sign and house) could indicate your style, the style you want to have and/or the style you actually have. While your MC and AC, together, may talk about how you style yourself in a professional setting.
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*1 learnt through the Hindu Predictive Astrology by BV Raman.
*2 learnt through Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George and Douglas Bloch.
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amourdivine · 1 year
personal reading feedback.
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I remember the reading you did for me a while back and wanted to provide feedback when I was in a better place! And well here it is: It was interesting how all at once you grabbed the energy I had at the time. The disappointment I was going through was big but it didn't look like that to other people. Just to the people closest to me. In the end I did have a moment where I got stronger in a way and I am in a state where I don't take people's bad attitudes or energies at all. Of the two options you told me were going to happen to me I chose the latter - me. I am quite happy with the growth I had despite being alone for the moment. But I feel more capable and confident about things thanks to taking time to heal and get to know myself. 💕
♡ ♡ ♡   to book a personal reading, click here.
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cosmictulips · 2 years
Last thoughts and then I have to go to bed because I have to get up early as fuck tomorrow -I have saturday off and since my brain decided to like, clean I am going to be in a good headspace to finally just push all the ko-fi readings out. they've been sitting here half completed for like an eternity. and I'm like anxious about doing them and I'm like, why? you did the hard part already. just finish them lmao-
Can yall feel my energy right now? I'm telling you something weird is going on in my love life LOL. between the man I spoke about earlier and now the LIBRA IS BACK IN MY LIFE kind of.
Something just feels fucking weird man. Like, nothing is going anywhere. it's like there's this force around me that's keeping everyone at bay right now. being like Taryn, you gotta wait. something is going to happen but it needs time.
and I feel like like... like nerves man. and every time I do a reading it's the same. something is in the air but I need to be patient and let something come forward.
can yall feel that energy from me too? do you feel the weird buzzing? the silent hum like a build up?
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dan-sing-in-the-rain · 2 months
personal vent in the tags
#today i had a sort of therapy appointment (but like for a specific event thing)#and i've met this counselor several times before and i'm not really sure what it is but my weirdness really comes out#and for context i am at this point like 70% sure i am not autistic from two years of exhaustive research#but the research journey did make me loosen up a bit and make me be ok with fidgeting weirdly when i feel like it#or not making eye contact if i don't feel like it#just bc i realized i don't really have to act like completely Serious Stable Sane Adult at all times when i am feeling the opposite#but then we started talking about social rules and how i understand them and i explained that i do know all of them#but i said it in a way that led her to talking about how social rules don't need to be intutitive and i saw when she decided that she would#try something different with me and then she started on a new approach about systems and justice and belief systems logically relating#and i actually understood her for once and the therapy actually started to help#but then after i felt like i was lying because i think she thinks i'm autistic and don't know it (she said 'script' and 'sensory' etc)#but i know i am almost surely not autistic#i just feel very guilty now and like a liar or something even though i don't think i said anything definitively false#but i hate hate hate feeling like i have lied about important things#i just feel like a fraud and a liar even though i don't think it hurt anybody and if anything it did help me somewhat when she switched way
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loveistheonlytruth · 2 years
i dont think men are real….
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hexpea · 5 months
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As Tsumiki's mother, you have an obvious sense of responsibility toward her. This goes into overdrive when you realize the man who was once the love of your life was actually someone else entirely. Your next step: taking on a job at the Zenin estate taking care of a 3-month old whose father was recently disowned by the clan. In order to raise money to become independent, this risky job was your only hope. But as you take on this new responsibility, it becomes riskier than you originally thought when the baby's father suddenly shows up. *mostly follows jjk manga timeline, potential spoilers* *smut warning in some chapter cases* *y/n is fem*
Ch. 1 - A Mother's Only Choice
Ch. 2 - A Mother's Mission
Ch. 3 - A Mother's Regret
Ch. 4 - A Mother's Intutition
Ch. 5 - A Father's Demon
Ch. 6 - A Mother's Promise
Ch. 7 - A Father's Responsibility
Ch. 8 - A Mother's Broken Heart
Ch. 9 - A Father's Determination
Ch. 10 - A Mother's Plan
Ch. 11 - A Father's Stoicism
Ch. 12 - A Mother's Confusion
Ch. 13 - A Father's Comfort
Ch. 14 - A Mother's Torment
Ch. 15 - A Father's Retribution
Ch. 16 - A Mother's Hypocrisy
Ch. 17 - A Father's Conflict
Ch. 18 - A Mother's Relief
Ch. 19 - A Father's Promise
Ch. 20 - A Parent's Responsibility
Ch. 21 - A Parent's' Ending
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