#can u tell i like glass animals lol
just-spacetrash · 1 year
I was tagged by @thepondstogether ty for the tag king<3
shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag some people 🎶
1. Electric Feel by MGMT
2. Model Buses by Lovejoy
3. Pools by Glass Animals
4. Your Love (Déjà Vu) by Glass Animals
5. Saint Bernard 2 by Lincoln
6. And She Was by Talking Heads
7. Love Trial by 40mP
8. Summer in the City by The Lovin' Spoonful
9. Pork Soda by Glass Animals
10. Sleep Is for the Weak by The Dreadnoughts
im tagging @mistermooneyes @bluehairedspidey @the-emerald-guard @iwantabatlleaxe @starfilm @yourblueberrymajesty @rubyrevenger @vampivc and anyone else who wants to do this<33
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carolmunson · 11 days
modern!eddie x tipsy!reader
“Ooh, someone had fun,” he giggles from the couch while you stumble into the living room. He knew what to expect the moment he got your texts an hour ago.
omg can’’t t wait to duxk u when i home get t ho home* duck***** fuck u***
tell me they were at least good quality shots
casa migos i
aw come on, i taught you better than that
and wine
yeah? what kind?
all day lol and espresSo
😎 ya
sweetheart, did you eat at all?
yes!! we’ee getting za we ate before and now done dri nking
okay, will i see you soon?
ya soon we can sex
He laughed at that one, a hearty belly laugh. You’re only like this when you’re wasted. Clawing and snarling like a starved animal at the sight of him, the thought of him.
When you stumble in you’re lucid for the most part but your eyes are glassy with evidence of a good night. He can tell you smoked too, which means you’ll need more ibuprofen than you normally do when you drink.
You drop your purse and jacket next to the door, kicking off your heels by the TV stand. He’ll pick them up later.
“Hi baby,” he smirks coolly while you make your way to him on the couch.
“I had so much fun,” you respond, unbuttoning your jeans and shimmying them off, “But I never wanna wear ‘standing jeans’ again.”
He doesn’t know what you mean by that but he doesn’t ask, just nods, welcoming you with open arms while you straddle his lap. The second your faced dips into his neck he knows your promises of ravaging him are long broken. Your body relaxes, sinking in against his chest.
“I’m glad you had a good night, sweetheart,” he murmurs quietly, hand sliding up and down your back. Your breaths come in slow, he can feel your lashes fluttering against his skin while you force yourself to stay awake.
“Would’ve been funner if you were there,” you say into the crook of his neck.
“Yeah,” you nod, “You make everything fun.”
Eddie’s heart swells, “You think?”
You lean up, looking at him with glassy eyes, more tired than wasted, “I know.”
He leans his head back between the cushions, bangs dusting his eyes, “You make everything fun for me, too.”
You grin, a sloppy one, “You know how I can make tonight really fun?”
Your fingers skate up his chest, sending a shiver through him that stirs in his sweatpants.
“Sweetheart…” he warns gently.
“C’mon,” you whine, tugging at the hem of his t-shirt, “Please.”
“Doll, you’ve been drinkin’,” he reminds, reaching up to cup your cheek, “You know I don’t like playing around like that.”
“I’m not drunk though,” you protest, “I can do the drunk driver test. I swear.”
“By the way you’re falling asleep sitting up, I doubt it,” he laughs. He leans up, supporting you on his thighs while he goes in to plant a loving kiss on your lips, “I think we should head to bed.”
“Lame,” you frown, scrunching your face. You shimmy off his lap and cross your arms, walking down the hall to the bedroom.
“Kissin’ me like that like some kinda Cassanova…” you grumble. He rolls his eyes, getting some water and aspirin for you while you change into some pajamas.
“That’s what the call me. Eddie Casanova Munson,” he grizzles, leaning against the door frame with the glass and pills and hand, “Your libations, princess.”
Your sour look doesn’t fade when you take them, but you to say a quiet thank you when the pills pass your lips.
“Am I not fun anymore?” he teases.
“No, you’re still fun,” you sigh, crawling into bed where he follows. Eddie takes a silent win when you wrap yourself around him after sliding between the sheets.
“I’ll be more fun tomorrow,” he smiles, burying himself in your neck. You feel his warm scratchy chin and shiver, soft kisses following it, “It’s gonna rain.”
“That doesn’t sound very fun,” you murmur, the bed feeling cozier with every passing moment while the alcohol rushes in you for one last sleepy hurrah.
“Yeah it is,” he responds quietly, feeling you grow heavy and slack against him, “We can stay in all day.”
“Boring huh?” he smirks, “I don’t know, I thought maybe we could revisit your texts.”
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mister-mickey · 9 months
Hi, if possible do u think u could do outsiders hc, on the topic of little quirks they would all have? Like for example idk maybe someone has like lots of stuffed toys in their bed, or like someone who enjoy weird food combos ykwim? Love love love ur writing and ty!
Asks tumblr
- He used to eat glue 💔
- Like, he thought it tasted really good! His dad had to confiscate all the glue for a month because of him.
- If anyone ever mentions this he pummels them into the ground
- He likes to collect flowers and plants and tear them apart
- Not in a destructive way, in a “I need to keep my hands busy” way
- He especially likes tearing everything except for the spine off of a leaf, it’s his fave
- he walks in circles while listening to music
- He just paces around the kitchen for actual hours and honestly it worries darry a bit
- He’s having the time of his life though, even if he looks crazy doing it
- he refuses to drink things normally, he always chugs whatever he’s got
- His record is 20 seconds for a gallon of milk
- He feels awful afterwards but it’s worth it to him for some reason
- He still plays with the toy cars that Mr. Curtis got him as a kid
- Secretly of course, but soda knows and just doesn’t say anything
- But he’ll be in his bedroom going “vroom!” With them. He loves mimicking car crashes
- he LOVES those tiny glass animals!
- He steals a bunch of them every-time he sees them, just because they’re so TINY AND THEY FIT IN HIS FIST SO EASILY
- He doesn’t play with them or anything but he still likes looking at them. He’s got them shoved in his dresser with his underwear.
- he collects things from the schools lost and found lmao
- He’s not usually much of a thief, but he can’t help himself. He loves all the weird clothes especially
- Sometimes he wears the clothes he took to school to see if anyone recognizes them (so far nobody has. He would be scared shitless if someone realizes)
- he doesn’t wear pajamas, he straight up goes to sleep in the clothes he wore all day
- Like, jeans and leather jacket. He has woken up multiple times to see that his arms are both asleep
- He says it’s because he doesn’t care, but he actually outgrew all his pajamas and doesn’t want to get new ones
- she steals peoples pets
- Sometimes she returns them for money, but usually she keeps them until either they run away or Tim kicks them out
- She’s an animal girlie what can I say. She names them all variations of Angela too (Angel, Angie, lala, etc…)
- he still sleeps with the stuffed rabbit he had as a kid
- It’s got one ear completely gone because he chewed it off as a kid
- Tim and Angela tease him to no end but he knows they wouldn’t ever tell anyone. He hopes that at least.
- mf hates cats
- He’s not superstitious at all, but he’s convinced taht they’re bad luck
- Maybe they just remind him of Angela idk, but he will scowl and groan if he sees one (loser alert!)
- he loves worms so much man
- He picks them up and holds them in his hand until he eventually drops it. He goes digging for them sometimes
- he is a hero and saves them after it rains! He picks them all up and puts them back in the grass
- adores porcelain dolls. She isn’t really a materialistic person, but she used to have one and she still loves them
- The outfits? The hair? She wants one so bad but she doesn’t ever buy one because it’s “a waste” and she’s “too old for them”
- But she stares at them for so long when she’s in the store
- he gets cold so easily!!! Warm this boy up!
- He wears jacket after jacket but still gets cold, his bed has a million blankets on top, it’s like a mountain
- Ofc, this means winter is his least fave season, this kid turns straight up blue in winter
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final-milf-ratchet · 5 months
I just wanted to say that post was about Megs, Shockwave and even Breakdown but now I need to be enlightened about Magnus right now if you please
No u r so so right abt all of them being bottoms too just please look at him
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Look at him and tell me he doesn't have a massive rack. Like. If you stood too close he wouldn't be able to see you over his chest. (Obv no one beats shockwave as the president and founder of the big titty committee but I think Ultra Magnus could be a good candidate for perhaps vice-president or treasurer)
And like. Let's be honest. If you told him he had nice tits he would be soooooo embarrassed it would be SO cute.
Also, listen, I think we can all admit that every tf character has some continuity where their design sucks. Ultra Magnus, however, is nothing but BANGERS throughout every continuity where they show him (even animated and I will die on that hill tyvm) my personal favorite is TFP just cause
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LOOK AT HIM he's literally got an hour glass figure (I choose to see it gives ultra Magnus even bigger boobs lol)
Animated ultra Magnus?
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Literally has little hand holds for someone to pull on while their fucking him! I could go on forever but I shall rest my case here. For now.....
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thelovelybitten · 6 months
random loonatics unleashed hcs bc I like childhood comfort show binging
only elites watched loonatics unleashed—so for the ATOM SIZED community who still gaf abt this gem here’s some random hcs I thought of
[+] confident, determined, loving
[-] stubborn, cynical, impulsive
since he’s like. the most heroic MF known to acmetropolis, overconfidence is his thing. sometimes it goes too far and people have to smack some sense into him (lexi & tech, most likely) and y’all thought duck was cocky… ace is cocky and smart vs duck is cocky and dumb.
i imagine he has some sort of cooling eye drops he puts in after battles or over usage of his laser vision.
may wear glasses if needed.
he defo has underlying anxiety about his leader position since he’s basically in charge of the universe and his teammates he considers his family. (he confides in lexi with this eventually)
on a similar note, since he feels the pressure of being the leader, he suppresses his emotions all the time until lexi finds out and they teach each other to heal :’)))))
as much as he and duck annoy the fuck out of each other, they complement each other in the sense that ace needs comedic relief and duck supplies it (bratty ass little brother things)
anime STANNNN. anything that’s got good lore—He and Tech love sword art online. they hook in rev and slam in the second season. he and slam like attack on titan FOR SURE.
duck gives ace social media tips (because ace loves the attention but doesn’t know SHIT ABT creating a following)
japanese culture fascinates him, so he implements traditions and holidays into the loonatics' activities.
stubborn as fuck, it’s his way or the highway. since zadavia has always put him in charge, it's hard for him not to boss people around when he's unable to help. (as seen in s1 ep6)
since in the show it’s hinted all the loonatics are in university, I have ace being the second oldest child. he’s a natural-born leader, but still can’t take certain things seriously. tech is a good influence on him.
[+] sweet, empathetic, fiesty
[-] emotional, hot-headed, judgemental
she wears noise-cancelling headphones all the time if not needed by others. the absolute peace and quiet she needs to stay sane, tbh
the amount of radio traffic and minds around her causes headaches and migraines—but also some paranoia and slight insanity since she can’t take all of these mind voices all at once. she receives medicine after years of putting it off/testing due to her super powered dna
^^ tech is the one who finds her crying and screaming and he takes care of her until she tells everyone else.
also to touch on that, tech creates wrist bands that lexi can put on. they are supposed to cancel any brain waves or mind reading for a certain amount of time (but not forever, as she is super powered and it’s still a wip for him). (she also needs her powers to protect planet blanc)
actually hates carrots of any sort (minus carrot cake, she would die w/o it) ace thinks she’s crazy.
“can you read this person’s mind” is her biggest gripe and she hates when anyone asks her to do so
due to her upbringing, she hates mean girls and anyone who isn’t a girls girl gets to have a not so nice convo with her.
she’s very social savvy and is always in the newest trends, she hates how self conscious she is but funnily enough she and duck relate to one another and do have shopping sprees and Amazon hauls for therapy 😭
she’d like tiktok but rarely post lol, and when she does her social media pops off
feminist. "oh girls can't be heroes" "girls shouldn't be doing a man's job" SHUT UR TRAP. she will prove u wrong in 1000 different ways.
most popular of the loonatics—she’s the only female.
her age hc I have is she’s third oldest. which kinda leans into my duck/lexi hcs but that’s in another post
[+] intelligent, punctual, organized
[-] uptight, perfectionist, egotistical
perfectionist syndrome we LOVE HER
he’s so father type (big brother to all of the loonatics, everyone relies on him imo) Ace is the leader, but Tech is the dad 🤪
since he and mallory (mastermind’s) huge falling out, he has a people pleasing complex. this is because he feels guilty about putting her in jail as she is his protégée but knowing what he did was for the best makes him uneasy. so not only does everything have to be perfect, he has a hard time saying no to prevent conflict.
that being said, when it comes to danger and safety he’s gonna put his foot down.
he absolutely loves tinkering with rev. the two of them share one braincell, though. call them thing one and thing two. they’re smart. but not together 😅
while tech likes…well…technology, I feel like he’d also like forensics too. And watching crime shows with Ace and Rev.
he also has a bit of an ego. mostly bc he’s the creator and manager of all the technology in blanc. (And the universe, maybe. at least blanc and acmetropolis.)
has some sort of side gig going on for sponsorships. i hc that he loves to help create new technology, but he'd also like to provide said ideas to companies, kingdoms, etc. usually has the loonatics branding on it.
when his powers upgraded, he had a bit of trouble controlling it to the point where their new HQ had electrical issues for a month. yay metal but also oopsies I can create electrical currents and it’s a lot
the idea of him being immortal due to his regeneration abilities scares him because his friends will eventually die off and he will remain on his own :( (if i had to think about this, so do u.)
very protective of his stuff, and his family. this is not debatable.
he tries to hide itttt but he loves kids. he likes to surprise them with things he makes and teaches them how to build objects (with lego, of course. ain't no way is he letting any cheeto-dusted fingers come in contact with his shit.)
he’s the oldest loonatic NO QUESTION.
[+] energetic, comedic, caring
[-] oblivious, childish, sporadic
he’s so baby boy. a child. I love him so.
adhd brain on TOP
fears rejection, but works on it with lexi helping him out
I think he’d also play league with lexi and ace.
he loves running around fast, obviously but he also likes to stop and enjoy views when he can. (Defo uses the wormholes to escape to sunny places.)
definitely has lists to keep himself organized (and slam, which he is blessed for)
likes mechanical machinery and modifications (hates detailing though, fuck that)
recites the entire bee movie script to tech to annoy him
relies on zadavia for advice frequently. she’s a mother to him and she gives him hugs :))))
knows the best spots in the universe for anything ever, (thanks internal gps)
may the lord bless him bc he loves his brother so so so much that he'd do anything for him. rip is always welcome at hq and they play games/invent shit together :)
would pull pranks on all of the loonatics and he’d get away with it (but duck sees right through him—helps him anyways) since it's shown in season 1, episode 6 that ace and rev like to watch sports/attend games, they'd love other ones that are hockey, basketball and football-oriented. (since this is the future and all, the sport they play in this episode is based on soccer anyway) duck is also part of this too.
the metabolism popped off this man can EAT. since he's already burning it off. He's unlike slam though—he eats at a regular speed due to conversation-making.
youngest loonatic.
[+] strong, resilient, comforting
[+] aggressive, uncontrolled, moody
has a hard time with expressing himself due to the language barrier b/w him and the civilians.
good news tho, rev and duck help him to learn english :DDD they get him to read a ton of things (rev with different books while duck just shows him magazines with him as the street model LMFAO, also trends and stuff.)
has an action figure collection that if touched, a tornado will destroy your room. (he had them before the meteor hit, as a coping mechanism from all the fighting he did)
obvi fave food is pizza, specifically meat lovers
gets into origami to control his mind. lexi loves doing this w him :)
tech and slam love to do weapon tests together bc slam is BEEFY and withstands more injury than people think.
ace and slam train together the most. it helps both of them with tiny/large targets.
desperately wants a cat, a kitten, something cat related… but ace says no all the time bc it serves “as a distraction” from their job (ace is delulu ignore him)
a chef. amazing in the kitchen. cooks all the food for the house. a WHOLESOME MAN. watches the food network LMAO
gives the best hugs.
VERY BROTHER BEAR VIBES, he'll tell someone straight up to NOT FUCK W HIS FAMILY. just DON'T.
third youngest loonatic but acts older
[+] loyal, self-aware, amusing
[-] arrogant, overbearing, hypocritical
u know this man is one of the ✨g w o r l s ✨
he attends drag shows with rev and lexi (DID I STUTTER ??? I think not.)
he doesn’t give a FUCK this man will do what he wants, when he wants, for as long as he wants. (until ace or zadavia gives him shit, whoever comes first) attention-seeker, but rightfully so as he is very much overshadowed by all of his teammates, when in reality he is the strongest and most deadly loonatic. i mean think abt it. he has three powers. the most out of all the loonatics. ace has laser vision. lexi has telepathy. tech can manipulate metallic objects and regenerate. rev has super speed and is a human gps. slam can create storms/tornados. DUCK HAS THE POWER TO CREATE HOT LAVA ORBS (EGGS), MANIPULATE WATER, AND TELEPORT. u see the vision???
it also doesn't help when zadavia is always shitting on him for his character. in her defense, he is a superhero and should be a good influence and in a professional manner, when in his defense, he should at least be praised and acknowledged for the work he puts in...js.
he does get a bit depressed abt the whole overshadowing thing sometimes. but he's so cocky that he hypes himself up and forgets it ever happened.
HIS APPEARANCE IS EVERYTHING TO HIM, which is why he and lexi hang out a lot when lexi is in need of a break. THEY LOVE THE SALON.
he helps the men eventually with tinder profiles so they can get out there and find romance and shit (but not lexi, since she knows she can get whoever she wants) he's pretty successful at it too.
BOARD GAME CHAMPION. BACK-TO-BACK MAY I ADD. Slam hates it bc he almost clutches the win but duck suddenly has a trick up his sleeve then BAAM. winner winner pizza dinner. his favourite board game is monopoly. (for obvious reasons, mans' needs to be able to manage his money for future investments.)
if he could be on a version of america's next top model, he would.
might be a sarcastic asshole, but does deeply care about his family, and other beings for that matter ( I mean, s2 ep12 ANYONE ??) tweetums was his everything that WAS HIS SON.
trolls people on club penguin with rev, don't ask, I just know.
blogger typa beat. is the social media editor and influencer for the team.
second youngest, but acts like the youngest LMAO
aaaaand that's it for now, i will make separate hc posts for pairings (platonic and romantic) and obvs the loonatics in general, so stay tuned. :)
if u read this far u THE GOAT >:D
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poopingonthefloor · 1 year
youu sshhould tell some headcanons u got for jack dave n henry if u want ofc
OK SURE! *glass shattering sound* (Some of these are not "headcanons" or are technically implied to be canon but im just going to list all of my specific perceptions regarding the character)
Long list down bellow. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
-Dave and Jack both have adhdtism and borderline personality disorder. (((I also want to use this opportunity to apologize for any previous ignorance/rudeness i may have responded with before I'm a bitch but erm I am improving. so yeh also yeah i can definitely see Jack being autistic now too which i know i said i dont really see. it turns out my symptoms i projected onto him were also autistic symptoms so um...))) -Jack is a dog person, Dave doesnt have an animal prefrence but dogs suit him the best because he's dependent and sensitive and dogs love unconditionally, Henry has no feelings about animals however he dislikes dogs in particular. -Henry likes cartoon bears the best though. only cartoon versions.
-I imagine Dave as a child wasn't necessarily BULLIED by other orphans but he was treated poorly and excluded. Adult carers would try to befriend him but he was a "problem child" as a kid and didn't comprehend human boundaries (he never learned) so he made adults uncomfortable too. -I stole this one but if Dave was a cat he'd be a lykoi. henry would be a maine coon (jack is a default shorthair but i give him folded ears sometimes for fun) -My Dave was born purple (and also Henry is born pink) for reasons similar to Doggo's "why is henry's eyes evil" explanation. It's just different ways of their "evil" manifesting -- Dave's eyes are normal as a child however because obviously he isnt "evil" as a child, I imagine his soul is just weird and that he's never been fully normal. (because I'm not a fan of "x character if bad thing never happened" worlds where the character is basically just a normal person. Like its just more interesting if they were always an outcast/unusual from birth. Also it just makes more sense for Dave's character since he is never shown to be normal in any way even in the flipside LOL....also because Dave is often described as "not exactly human")
-Henry however just quickly grew to be jaded and resentful of anyone and anything living. Either from his dad or just that being his personality (but I prefer both). He wasn't outcast and he got along with people when he felt like it but he just hated everyone. -However I imagine Henry always had a childish side to him that enjoys more cartoon artistry and performance. -Henry and Dave gesture similarly when expressing excitement/enthusiasm, though Henry gestures very little most of the time. Henry either expresses exaggeratedly and cartoonishly (but comes across condescending) or not at all.
-Jack likes to watch TV but Dave does not and finds sitting still and watching pictures on a screen boring. (Though certain movies/shows are an exception) -Back when Dave still had simple desires/pleasures (before the lobotomy) he always wanted to have a pet but animals always hated him (because he didn't know how to handle them gently).
-Henry has no romantic or sexual desires whatsoever. He had a wife and child simply because Martha confidently expressed interest on him and he decided to lie to her. The only motive really involved was the societal standard of having a family/having a kid to continue his legacy (but henry didn't really need that to spread his didnt he lol..)
-Alongside that Dave is pansexual and Jack is bisexual (with a prefrence to men) but those are obvious -Dave appears stiff however can contort his body disturbingly (flexible), Jack is normal and appears in great condition for a corpse... (mostly due to makeup (nail polish emoji))
Ok thats all for now so I don't make this post longer than LONG. thank you for asking my headcanons though. ^__^ I love being crazy and sharing my opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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welcome :D
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(images above is not mine, it's an art req by @pokimoko[a cool person :D]!) (i will hold onto these forever tysm dude)
(also AUDHD OCTOLING SQUID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(tw!!! I swear here(got that American and Scottish in my dumb self), if you don't like it, you should probably go!!! I don't wanna make people sad :<) 🦑 ★ this abt me temp is by @electricalstemplatesᔦꙬᔨ—!! ╰━ Name: Spike ↭ Age: not telling but here's a hint: I cannot drive a car┊🎮 Pronouns: any! she/her is preferred tho!!! ﹅ __gender: Transfem | orient: lesbian__ꕀ🏆 ✮ l [link]() 🔫➜ I (surprisingly)have a gf who likes to be called Eight/Agent 8!!!↯ . . ੭ ⁠くコ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
⁠ C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 hello, I'm Spike! you can call me Goldie if you want, too. i go by any pronouns! i have ADHD so i may forget to do things... if i do, remind me! ;-;
cake day: jan 19 :D
a furry/avian/lgbtq+ safe space! (if I ever make you feel uncomfortable, please tell me!!! I don't wanna make you feel that way!!!!)
i am opening art requests again after like 3 months lol i can draw:
ocs(that aren't complicated)
reaction images
art prompts
please send asks on @askbfdicharactersorocs i wanna draw objects more
BUBBLE BLOG: @thebubblebfb
BH BLOG: @etherealhole
LIY BLOG: @liythefourbiddenexplorer
TWO BLOG: @two-integer
ROOT BEER(my objectsona) BLOG: @transfem-cowgirl-cook-rootbeer
GOO BLOG: @cheerfactoryco-founder
TEA KETTLE BLOG: @caring-kettle-ii
FOURBIDDEN AU BLOG: @fourbiddenarchives
you can also find me on: RobloxWattpadBeta.Character.AIScratchRedditTwitter/X
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here's Root Beer V3!
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AND Golden Egg!
about the Salmonling:
ROOT BEER?!?!/!(REAL)(AT 3 AM) :000000000
Spike - yea sure, anybody can call me this Salmonoid - it's salmonling, but they get mixed up often so yea :) Salmonling - sure :) Golden Egg: godamnit 8 I will get you back for that (she kept calling me this when we were at a cafe and due to me having the 'ability' to get embarrased easily of a glass ant with broken legs I was a blushing mess for the rest of the time I was with her--) THING - w h y d o y o u c a l l m e t h i s Person - ok???????? Root Beer - go for it :D Spika - this one's your fault irl fren/silly Pika - other sona's name so ye :D Asteroid - old roblox name, ye :D Asriel/Alphys - my kin so ye :) legal name - big no-no >:( Any other silly little nicknames: go for it!
i run a BFDI/TPOT/II ask blog called @askbfdicharactersorocs! if you wanna ask stuff there, to to that :D i also have a blog that just puts Root Beer in random ass places that y'all ask me for called @puttingrootbeerinplaces!
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i'm a young artist trying to build my following on Tumblr! I draw many things, including;
-{memes(sometimes)}- -{CHANGED}- -{Bugsnax}- -{fanart(sometimes)}- -{Battle for BFDI/TPOT}- -{Mysterious Object Super Show}- -{Otherworldy Ravenous Beast}- -{Animated Inanimate Battle}- -{Open Source Objects}- -{Excellent Extraordinary Entities}- -{Beautiful Ultimate Really Never Ending Realm}- -{The Daily Object Show}- -{The Nightly Manor}- -{Inanimate Insanity Invitational}- -{and other object shows!}- -{smaller game characters}- -{splatoon}- -{transfurs}- -{My own OCS}- -{UNDERTALE}- -{Cookie Run}-
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and more to come in the future! my blog is mainly for wholesome content cuz do a lot of meme/just straight up wholesome art.
i'm alright with nsfw art of my ocs although i wont draw any nsfw myself. i'm not ready yet...
my asks are always open, I would love to answer questions for you all on both accounts! :D
my account isin't that active with posts since i often forget to finish or just start another drawing...
i appreciate likes and reblogs and I would love for you all to follow me on my adventure through Tumblr! be sure to stick around for stuff like work in progress animations and artwork. <3
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birthday: jan 19 :D
fav colors: 💜purple💜 💙blue💙 💖pink💖
Object Shows
Spongebob(ik sounds generic but yea i love that show)
Roblox: @mayab3020
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Remote (Tpot/Bfb)
Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
thank you for reading :>
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bivwifeybunny · 2 years
hey ! can i request a sapnap smut?? like sex on the first meeting type of vibe and maybe make it in the car? :-) any kinks u like. thanks
-🍄 anon
Paring(s): Sapnap x Reader
Warning(s): Smut (Minors DNI!!), car sex, degrading, praise, overstimming?, fingering, hair pulling, marking (hickeys), I think that's it?
A/N: hi 🍄 anon! thanks for becoming my first anon! i'm so happy everyone on my blog is giving sapnap so much love. he's my favorite boy (as if you couldn't already tell lol) and i love to write for him and show him some love :) also im so sorry but I'm literally so bad at writing long smut scenes... like- ugh it annoys me that it's like "they fuck and they cum and that's it"- lol so sorry in advance if the smut seems short but it's currently 4:30 am and I don't have the energy to care anymore. hope you enjoy <3 gonna go pass out now
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You stared at the glass in your hands, turning it slowly as your mind raced.
Should I say something? No, it's too late to say something. But if I don't say anything it'll just continue to be awkward. But the longer you sit here thinking about it and not saying anything the more awkward it's getting. Oh who am I kidding I've been sitting here for the past 10 minutes not saying anything just staring at my drink like a loser. Why did those idiots have to ditch me and leave me alone with him? I don't even know him that well.
You had gone out for a night of drinking with a few of your friends. They informed you they invited another friend of theirs that you hadn't known but you assured them it was fine only after making them promise they wouldn't leave your side.
Liars. As if sensing your own inner turmoil, the boy sitting across from you, Sapnap, if your memory serves you correct, spoke up.
"Hey, I know they kinda ditched us, so what do you say we get outta here?" He asked with a sweet smile.
He sensed your hesitancy and his lips morphed into an awkward smile. "You don't have to, I was just wondering..." He muttered as a pink blush dusted his cheeks.
Cute. You thought to yourself before making up your mind and sending him a smile.
"Sure, why not?" Your eyes wandered over to your friends currently flirting with each other. hands wandering. "I have a feeling they're not gonna come back any time soon anyways." You commented as the two of you made your way over to his car.
Now Sapnap was attractive. Only a fool would say otherwise. Back at the bar, there were plenty of distractions to keep you from staring. But now in such close proximity, you felt you couldn't keep your eyes off him.
His natural cinnamon scent calmed your nerves, and you allowed your eyes to linger longer on his bulky frame. His deep blue button up hugged his torso, top two buttons left unbuttoned, and sleeves rolled to his forearms. Your gaze wandered down his arms, past his shiny gold watch and to his hands, which currently occupied themselves in turning the steering wheel.
And just as your eyes wandered, your thoughts weren't far behind.
God his hands are beautiful. I wonder how his thick fingers would feel str-
"You alright there?"
"Hm?" Your eyes quickly switched over to his face, to find him looking at you out of the corner of his eyes. "Oh- Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just zoned out."
The chuckle he let out sent a shock to your core. He laughed like he already knew what you were thinking.
"Just wanted to make sure, I mean, for a moment there I thought I had a pretty girl starin' at me." He smirked, glancing at you through the rear-view mirror and sending you a wink.
Now if that didn't have you rubbing your thighs together just to relieve some pressure you weren't sure what would.
You had two options. Be bold and potentially fuck a very very hot man? Or ignore the comment, go home and sit on your couch binging anime till you pass out.
...fuck it.
"And what if I was?" You boldly asked.
Your eyes focused on his lips as his tongue darted out to wet them before releasing another chuckle. "Well then I'd have to do something about it, wouldn't I?" He turned his whole attention onto you as he waited at the signal.
The red light cast a sinful glow onto the two of you, highlighting all of his already breathtaking features.
You subconsciously leaned in closer, gaze focused on his lips.
"Then do something about it."
His hands cupped your face, one moving to run through your hair as your lips danced. He dropped his hand down to your thigh pulling at it, signalling for you to climb onto his lap.
You pulled away and climbed over the center console, knocking a thing or two onto the floor.
His hands rushed to your hips to steady you as you sat on his lap. Your lips reconnected and your hands roamed over each other's bodies.
It was messy and desperate, tugging at the buttons of his shirt, as he fiddled with the zipper of your dress. Your hips rolled against his, pulling a groan out of him. After what you said to him, he had never pulled into a parking lot so fast in his life. He was itching to ruin you and he was gonna get what he wanted no matter what he had to do.
He pulled away to tug your dress down, pulling off his shirt as well.
"You're so fucking sexy. So fucking beautiful." His mouth attached itself to your neck, kissing and biting as it traveled towards your breasts. You arched your back, pushing your chest further towards his mouth.
"God you're a desperate slut, aren't you? I could see the way you were eyeing me at the bar. I bet you were fantasizing about how good I would fuck this pretty little pussy, weren't you?" He taunted, hand traveling down, pushing aside your panties and teasing your entrance.
You let out a whine and nodded your head. "Mhm- was thinking about how good you'd fuck me- how good you'd fill me up- fuck-" You moaned as his two fingers dipped inside your dripping pussy.
"Already so wet? Did you get this worked up all for me? Just by thinking about my cock?" He scissored his fingers, searching for that spot inside of you that'll drive you crazy.
He smirked as you let out a sinful moan, letting him know he found it. He continued to pump his fingers in and out of you at a rapid pace, thumb rubbing your clit, making your moans grow louder and louder as he brought you to the precipice of your orgasm.
"C'mon princess, cum all over my fingers." He coaxed you to your peak, your hands gripping his shoulders as he worked you through your high.
He pulled his fingers out of your cunt, bringing them to his mouth and sucking them clean. "Taste so sweet baby. Now let me give you what you've been waiting for, yeah?"
He quickly made do with his belt and pulled his pants and boxers down just enough to pull out his weeping cock. He stroked himself a few times, thumbing at the tip before lining himself up at your entrances. He rubbed his tip through your sensitive folds a few times, making you whine out and buck your hips.
"So impatient, baby. Well come on then, if you want it so bad, take it." He leaned back, hands meeting behind his head.
You reached down and lined him up with your entrance before slowly sinking down. The two of you moaned in unison, the stretch was heavenly and his cock filled you up deliciously.
You steadied yourself with your hands on his chest as you took all of him inside you. After a moment of adjusting to his size, you lifted yourself up on shaky legs and began to slowly ride him.
His hands returned to your hips, guiding your movements as little groans and whines escaped his lips.
"C'mon pretty girl, you can ride my cock faster than that. Are you already tired just from my fingers?" He taunted, grip tightening on your hips as he began to pound into you.
"Gotta do all the work myself? Don't worry, princess I'll make sure you're fucked dumb on my cock by the time I'm done with you." He grunted, lips finding their way back to your breasts, licking and sucking, leaving a trail of purple as his lips traveled.
You moaned loudly, fisting his hair in one hand while the other steadied yourself on the car window which had fogged up during your activities.
One of his hands snuck in between you once again and began to toy with your clit as his thrust became more sloppy and rushed as he chased after his orgasm.
"C'mon baby, you close? Cream on my cock, make a mess, pretty girl." He groaned as your walls fluttered around him, squeezing him so nicely and milking his cock as you both came.
Your head fell to his shoulder, both of you panting as you slowly came down from your highs.
"Man I'm so glad they ditched us."
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Taglist: @eminems-skittles
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dafry-shenanigans · 1 year
Aight... Hear me out...
The ultimate shonen trinity-
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OR what i like to call the FullHero100 group- (believe me this was the best i could come up with lol, cause everything else felt too... Tacky or unremarkable (or taken-), so if u got an idea on what to call this trio do tell)
At first i was just thinking how these 3 were animated by bones and how cool all their animations is- But quickly that derailed in me getting deranged and obsessing over how the 3 would interact
Thus here's a list of scenarios and stuff i wrote on my little note for FullHero100- (or short gang haha-)
Ed and deku: smart and fighter duo (Aka the strategist and first ones to jump into battle)
Deku and mob: sunshine duo (but also massive power loaders)
Mob and ed: Supportive brother duo (aka would do anything for their bros and really cares about them)
How (i think) they would act in fight;
Mob: the tank/defense (I mean mob could easily fight but you know how he is)
Izuku: glass cannon (unless he can control his powers, then ig he's just a cannon)
Ed: the distraction but also the main fighter (because we all know how extra he can be)
How did a problem started?
Mob: *get dragged into/caught by trouble*
Midoriya: *runs into trouble*
Edward: *IS TROUBLE*
~on the other side~
Reigen and mustang: uses the mc for their own benefit but also tries to help them-
Mustang and aizawa: acts like they don't care (actually cares a lot)
Aizawa and reigen: protect the kids/don't let them fight alone club
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socialbunny · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals :3
i was tagged by @annieshowell, @obsoletepixels, @goatskickin, @shitysimp, @sicksadsim and @jsasimmer <3333333333 thanks guys ily >:3
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are you named after anyone? no, my mom had two names she wanted to pick for me and she and my dad settled on the one i have. but she was alsoo watching this movie in the hospital and one of the characters has my exact birth name so i think that cemented the name lol. and my name dirk, i named myself after dirk dreamer bc he's so me fr
when was the last time you cried? can't remember exactly
do you have kids? No I don't need that that in my life rn
do you use sarcasm a lot? I dooo, never in a mean way tho bc i feel like using sarcasm to mask how u feel abt some1 is pussy fr. i love joking around and poking fun and just being silly and weird and chillin like? irl personality is hit or miss with people. ive been told i talk back too much or always have something to say like? 😭
what sports do you play/have you played? when i was in elementary school i was in a dance group (terrible at it i have no rhythm at all it's honestly embarrassing) and when i was in high school i was in a tennis class (which was a PE alternative where we honestly never did shit tbh, towards the end of the school year we'd just be in the computer lab most of the time) and i considered joining the actual team but i also sucked at it 😭 and i really don't like doing team shit esp sports bc people start acting weird and i start getting real agitated.
what's the first thing you notice about other people? like physical i guess their outfit and hair and other shit i wear my glasses forr but shittttt, like just talking to someone i can catch their vibe really quick. just the way someone talks can tell you a lot abt them
eye color? Brown
scary movies or happy endings? it really depends on what the movie is
any special talents? nothing in particular i can think of. i think anything i do i'm really good at but not especially good at you know. i used to be told i'm really good at drawing but i was told this by the type of ppl who say they cant draw a stick figure so. take that as u will
where were you born? Texas 🤠
what are your hobbies? I love drawing and writing and reading and all the shit in that sphere of hobbies in theory 😭 been in a slump lately and doing shit seems harder than it needs to be. I love watching animation analysis and critiques, and listening to those 3hr vids of ppl talking abt shit i will never watch or care about while i do other bullshit. i really like making renders right now it gives me something to do without getting distracted too much. i also love playing really old shitty video games that have pages of cut content on tcrf
do you have any pets? No :( never had any pets when i was a kid either bc my mom had a whole bunch of dogs as a child and she didnt fw the idea of having any more animals in her house
how tall are you? 5'4 :)
fave subject in school? I love English (predictably I guess 😭)
dream job? i'd love to work in the animation industry in any way possible <3 or work in tv in general. probably have my own cartoon some day but thats such a stretchhhhhhhh i cant even work on my sims fanfiction or any oc shit LMAO. if not then i'd accept nothing less than a job where i don't have to talk to a lot of people and get payed billions of dollars to do bullshit
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i dont have 15 ppl to tag since i do ask games so slowlyyyyy but i'll tag @despairoftheendless, @junkskoer, @faghotline and @hyperthinks !!! <3
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iveil · 2 years
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{ EP 4: The Seventh Month Game }
"you can't control the cards; you can only control how you play." - Jared Tendler
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4 whole months and 2 weeks, that's how long he had known you. A random girl from a shitty dating app suggested by Jake. Just for a week, he said.
But it was really weird, almost like the girl behind the screen has casted a spell on him, bewitching him with her every words. Sitting inside the class, as Heeseung checks your old chats with a small smile. Multiple texts from him begging you to just give your name, you suggested a game. A little game, huh?
sweetpurpledarling077: let's play a game then, I often play it as a kid. Lemme call it The Seventh Month game, I'll give you hints sometimes for seven months and you'll guess it. If you guessed my name correctly, then I'll give you a reward in the seventh month .. for now just call me Purple <3
It's now the fourth month, and you had given him a fair amount of hints. However, Heeseung still couldn't guess it. But he obviously won't back down, he'll definitely be able to guess your name and take his prize which is you. Ah, he didn't expect himself to fell for you so hard like this.
[ ... flashback ... ]
After texting with you the entire night, getting to know you was fun, he thought. He don't plan to take this any further, but went to sleep with smile on his face which was a rare occurrence. Waking up with Sakura's text but none from you, he frowned a bit, but shrugged it off. Replying to her text he got from last night.
Hee_01: sorry, I was a bit tired last night.
sakuraaa_: np :) party still on for tonight?
Hee_01: ofc :) see u later
Night soon comes, and the party was starting. Putting on his fit for tonight, he glanced at his phone and there was no text from you. Odd, he thought. But he ignored it as he come downstairs, seeing Sakura and his friends.
"Hey babe, looking hot as ever." smiling at his compliments, she move closer hugging him. "And so are you."
"Let's party!!" Jake clinking his glasses, along with his girl in his arms. Heeseung chuckled, bringing his glass into the air along with everyone in sync. While the girl in his arms, were getting intimate with him, as always. Smirking, he whispered "Getting turned on so quick, huh?" caressing her blushing red cheeks, she kissed him bringing their lips together as they kissed passionately in front of everyone. It was not strange to anyone, they knew what Heeseung and Sakura are. A hook up buddies, nothing less and nothing more.
Behind the closed doors, with the blaring noise of the party outside. Making out together was a routine for them both at this point. As Heeseung removed his shirt, the girl above him were kissing her neck like she was so hungry. Moans, and lewd noises filled the room and along with it, was a ting from Heeseung's phone, not once but thrice.
It took his attention, turning his head to the direction of the phone while the girl above him doing the deed.
sweetdarling077: vroom vroom!! wassup bambi
sweetdarling077: gomennn for late reply >_< today was like apocalypse for me haha
sweetdarling077: wyd thoo !
Your texts gave a warm feeling to his heart. However he was too invested with Sakura and therefore he decides to continue it with her. The party lasted the entire night, weekends are going to end once again and everyone's are preparing for another Monday. Taking his phone, he opened your chat from last night, and types..
Hee_01: gomen? what's that lol
Standing up, leaving his phone on the bed to take a shower. After a few minutes, you replied.
sweetdarlingpurple077: it's a Japanese word :3
Coming out from the shower, he sees your text and smiled.
Hee_01: don't tell me ur japanese
sweetdarlingpurple077: I wish I am but unfortunately nope ://
Hee_01: haha , lemme guess an anime fan?
sweetdarlingpurple077: obv I am
Hee_01: how lame 😂
sweetdarlingpurple077: whut- say that again I dare u
Hee_01: I said it's lame , you who r 20s , is watching an anime? Haha how funny
sweetdarlingpurple077: just bcs I'm almost 20s doesn't mean I can't watch anime :/
Hee_01: still lame
sweetdarlingpurple077: I wish a titan would transform and eat u rn
Hee_01: titan what 😂
sweetdarlingpurple077: ereh I hope u ate this mf
Hee_01: bro wtf 😂😂
sweetdarlingpurple077: wait
Hee_01: hmm?
sweetdarlingpurple077: what about ... I'll just eat you instead then >:)
Hee_01: woah woah there , chill.
sweetdarlingpurple077: why not >:)
Hee_01: don't suggest something u can't take later babe
sweetdarlingpurple077: what if I want to, babeee lmao
Hee_01: u sure r brave huh
sweetdarlingpurple077: what if I am :))
Hee_01: if u r that brave then show up today
sweetdarlingpurple077: sus. Who would wanna meet up with a stranger like u that fast blehhh :P
Hee_01: bro. Then don't suggest something like that wtf
sweetdarlingpurple077: safety measures, Bambi.
Hee_01: u stay safe instead, I could appear anytime in front of ur window and u would never know :) and stfu with that Bambi shit
sweetdarlingpurple077: jokes on u my window has metal bars , dream off bambi
Hee_01: istg. And wowww are you a prisoner lmao
sweetdarlingpurple077: maybe or maybe not, but u still can't break in :P
Hee_01: what if I can? What's the prize
sweetdarlingpurple077: prize? then u could eat me instead :)
Hee_01: pffft what a flirty ass
sweetdarlingpurple077: only for u :)
Hee_01: who tf taught u this
sweetdarlingpurple077: I did :)))
Hee_01: stop that smiley asss
sweetdarlingpurple077: don't wanna :)))
Hee_01: bet ur laughing at me rn huh
sweetdarlingpurple077: wanna see?
Hee_01: don't wanna see ur ugly ass :p
sweetdarlingpurple077: how cruel :( but ur still cute bambi doe eyesss
Hee_01: god i'll rip off that smile off ur face
sweetdarling077: wanna bet?
Hee_01: pfft
sweetdarlingpurple077: haha 😂😂
After the second day of knowing you, Heeseung find himself smiling with your silly texts, but keep his cold demeanor only for you to easily break it after a few days. it was something new to him. Ever since knowing you, Heeseung would be spending an alot of time on his phone than usual, whether it be in the party, in the school or at the boy's place. He was always on his phone, blushing and giggling.
In those weeks, your texts pulled strings within Heeseung's heart. Making him giggle and swoon over your little jokes, dirty words and sweet compliments. As days passed, the amount of pictures you both sent to each other increases. You had solved the problem by taking multiple pictures of your older sister with the excuse you gave her "just wanna have an album collection of my pretty sister." But amongst the 'fake pics' you sent, you had also sent a pic of your favourite character's sticker on your hand because why not? Which Heeseung finds cute, and he saved the pic getting an angry emoji from you.
Back in the school, on one table, the boys were chit-chatting with their girls in their arms noticing Heeseung once again on his phone, texting again. Jay shaking his head chuckling at the sight, the older boy was really oblivious to his surrounding. What a lovebird, huh?
"Soooo~ when are you planning to take her to meet us? Hee?" the question took him out of his own world, his smile growing wider, as his cheeks were blushing red. "I'll see." looking sweetly at the texts sent from you. Oh what kind of situation had you put yourself in as you received a text from Heeseung.
Hee_01: :( its been a few weeks now don't u wanna video chat? texting is getting boring
Video chat. The thing you've been avoiding smoothly all this time. You were too smart, so you know what to do but upon reading that text for the first time from him, you kinda felt panic but it's no strange to you as you already did this before, however the only difference was this is a guy who's a few years older than you that you were fooling with. Those 'people' you mainly messed around were mostly around your age, so you didn't really take it into consideration.
sweetpurpledarling077: aren't you satisfied with my pics tho :/
Hee_01: ofc I am but can't we take it a lil bit further?
Smirking, you finally got that word. That magic word. You've finally gotten his heart, finally. There were a mix of feelings inside your heart though, as you were aware that you actually like the boy as well. But you cringe, shaking your head. It was only for fun and also the fact Heeseung was near 20s while you were still in high school was a bit too much. It was just a game, just a game. Few more weeks, and you'll end this soon.
sweetdarling077: remember the game? Let's add that as a prize :)
[ ... End of flashback ... ]
"Wtf, I really hate this phone!!" You hear your older sister groaning so loud the entire house heard her. Going downstairs you see her repeatedly tapping her fingers on her phone, the table with lots of countless papers and notebooks. She's studying so hard, you pouted.
"What's wrong, unnie." Patting her back, you hugged her behind. Taking a deep breath, your sister obviously annoyed by something. "This freakin phone has been acting up all this since two days ago, I can't even fu- call. God."
"It's an old version for a reason, can't you just a buy a new one? "
"Are you kidding me, (name)?" Your sister looks at you with shocked eyes. "This is my first phone since high school, and its a birthday gift from Dad. I even promise him I would use it till I finish college."
"Unnie, you're really a trustworthy person but obviously it's not working already.. So-"
"Screw it, I'll just send it to the phone shop to fix it." sighing, you laughed. Your family was undoubtedly wealthy, and your sister that one rich, gorgeous and popular girl. But if there's one another thing you can describe your older sister; she was someone who holds on to her promises, and that she doesn't break it. She might not be perfect at some things, but you can count on her words once she say it.
"But what you gonna use when you went to college tho, Unnie?"
"Yours." Your sister immediately took your phone in her hands, opening it.
"WHAT!" Your jaw dropped. "Why mineee?" You snatched your phone back, instantly holding your phone closer to your chest. Your sister laughed so hard at your face.
"Just kidding, I'll try to find old phones mom used before." Your sister chuckled. You breathe in relief.
"(Name)! Are you done packing?" You heard your mom asking you while she was on the phone, talking with your grandma.
"Yea! I'm done, mom." You answered back, "Good, remember 8pm tomorrow."
"Yeaaaa, mom." You lazily replied. You look back at your sister who was now writing on her paper, "Unnie, just go with us to Grandma's house." You tugged both her arms pouting.
"I already skipped attending college last year by just taking online class, so this time I want to attend it this year." Your sister patting your head. "But it would be boringgg without you.." Cuddling with your sister brings so much warmth in your heart, you two were not so close growing up together. But after spending an entire year through vacation last year, you two grew closer.
"It's only for 2 weeks, be a big girl okie? And tease our sassy grandma while I'm gone." Laughter filled the room.
"Hmm, when did you grow so big? You were just so short last year.." your sister trying to measure your height.
"Really!?" You beamed up, "Just kidding, you're still short as hell." Hitting your sister on her arm, she laughed at you so hard. "Unnieeee!!"
Going back to your room, checking for any stuff you want to bring to the vacation. Taking your phone, you deleted the dating app. Why? Your grandma, sassy and strict. She won't let you use your phone while on vacation, and sometimes she would check your phone's content which was honestly annoying sometimes. But what can you do, sighing, you can always chat with Heeseung through your laptop though, you thought so it won't be a problem. Opening your phone's gallery which contains of some of Heeseung's picture, you tapped 'Select All' and hid them in a secret folder.
"Just for 2 weeks.." you said as you drifted to sleep leaving your phone, as you shifted your position, your phone fell just under your bed.
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Today was the day of vacation, taking your bag with you as you went downstairs. There your parents were checking their bag for the hundredth time if there was anything missing. "Dad, your bag's gonna get a hole in it the more you check it." Laughing at them, they glared at you and you immediately run outside laughing.
"(name)!" You heard your sister called for you. Today was the day she's going back to college too. "Take care and have fun there okay?" Your sister hugged you.
"You too, unnie! And text me when there's any hot guys in your college okay?" Earning a chuckle from your sister.
"Thanks my sweet little sister~" pinching your cheeks, you pouted. "Bye!" Waving a goodbye your sister's figure grew smaller.
Your sister went upstairs to her room, and she sees your door were wide open. "What a silly girl." She thought, as she closed the door, she saw your phone laying on the floor. Shaking her head as to how clumsy you are, taking the phone in her hand. Face palming herself as she realizes she also forgot to ask for an old phone. Eyes landing on your phone in her hand.
"It won't be so bad to use it for awhile, huh?" The screen of your phone brightening up in front of her.
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"Heyy!" With earphones in his ear but not playing the music, turning his head at the voice whose none other than Sakura taking a seat beside him, "Hey." He replied somewhat coldly, as the girl beside him frown.
"Don't have any questions?" Sakura pouted. "What questions?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Like what did I do? How was I doing today?" .. "You seem really distant these days."
"Oh. Nothing, there's just so many things in my mind right now." Ruffling his hair, he gave a smile to the girl. "You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. How was your day?" Sakura smiled, "Today was the bestest, cuz guess what.."
"My bestie is coming to college today!!" Sakura exclaimed happily, fixing her makeup. "Gotta look good for my bestie." Earning a chuckle from the guy, "You always look good, so don't worry."
After those words came out from his mouth, a loud screams from students can be heard outside the college. Sakura realising who it was stood up so quick motioning Heeseung to follow her outside. His eyes still glued on his phone waiting a text from you, as he walked alongside with Sakura.
"Omg! Chaewon!!" Both girls screaming as they see each other, hugging and crying. Saying how they missed each other so much.
"Omg, Sakura! How have you been!?"
"I'm good, I'm good. College without you is such a pain. But it doesn't matter now since you're here!" Smiling so brightly, Sakura pulled the girl's arms. "Come! The girls would be so excited to see you again."
"And ah, I forgot. Heeseung-ah!" Walking closer to him who was still glued on his phone, "This is Heeseung, the hot popular guy of this college."
"Nice to meet you, Heeseung! I'm Chaewon. You must be Sakura's boyfriend, huh?" Earning a hit from Sakura, "He's not my boyfriend!"
Finally, looking away from his phone. His eyes landed on the short black haired girl in front of him, the sight made his eyes widened.
"You?" He exclaimed. "Purple?"
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Feeling the cool breeze on your face, and your hand chasing the sunlight while you were laying on the grass field. It feels so cozy, you thought. And you wanted it to last forever, as long as it can. A butterfly appeared out of nowhere flying around your finger as it landed on your hand, as you inspected it closer, you saw its left wing were broken as if someone had ripped it apart.
~ To be continued.. ~
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Author's note: I'm sorry for any grammatical errors in advance! Feel free to correct me :) this took me hours to make lmao 😂, the 'dating app' part from this story was inspired from a yandere quotev ff I read years ago. But the difference was I changed the story to a more complicated one ig? Cuz I wanted to practice my English and writing skills more :D I'll post the next ep on weekends since I'm busy at weekdays, but tysm for reading my ff <3 also Fever and Drunk-Dazed was the song inspiration of this ff as well, so try to listen to it while reading :) have a nice day 💫💜
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thelovesickbakery · 18 days
♡ ⸺ Name: Mimi/Rimi (not my real name but i will share it once i feel comfortable)
♡ ⸺ Birthday: (Once i feel comfortable i will let u know but i can tell you my zodiac sign <3) Im a cancer ♋️
♡ ⸺ Age: 20
♡ ⸺ Gender Identity & Pronouns: Female - She/Her
♡ ⸺ Sexuality: Pansexual
♡ ⸺ I am (Yandere/Non-Yandere): Im pretty sure I might be yandere
♡ ⸺ Looking for (Friendship/Romance): Both <3 But preferably a romance
♡ ⸺ Looking for a (Yandere/Non-Yandere): Both are fine, but i must say i prefer a yan for a romantic partner. I myself am a clingy, obsessive and neddy person, for me u will be world. So i want someone that feels the same.
♡ ⸺ Thinking of a friend/romantic partner, I am looking for: Im mostly looking for a romantic partner, a partner for life not a short term thing nor a sex only based relationship, someone loyal, honest, kind, clingy, that really want me as i want them, someone that puts me first, affectionate, patience, that listens to me and remember silly details about our conversations or about me, that really tries to understand the me behind all my traumas, that gives me reassurance, that don't scream at me, and that is understanding and communication is a must! (im not looking for someone over 23) I will return you with the same kindness.
♡ ⸺ Small details about myself (interests and love language, for example):
- My primary love languages are quality time and words of affirmation.
- Im an INFP.
- English is not my first language
- I must say that Im a little reserved, but I become talkative once i get to know people better
- My love is strong so if I fall I will fall hard
- Im clingy, i will try to answer you asap and wait for your messages 24/7, i will want to be with u 24/7 even if we don't have something to talk about
- Im pretty sure I love like a dog
- I also tend to keep my feelings for myself
- Im a little jealous
- I love pet names
- I love having silly or deep conversations
- I also love asking romance questions (how is your dream wedding, dream date, etc)
- I love percy jackson series
- I love anime like kny, haikyuu, ohshc, bsd and many others!
- I like games like hypmic, genshin, roblox and some others!
- I also love series like gravity falls, toh, the dragon prince, etc.
- I love music! I don't have preferred genre but i do like vocaloid a lot, sadly i must say that im not a big fan of kpop)
- I love plushies and blankets so much
- Im bad at socializing and it gets me a little anxious.
- Voice calling also makes me a little anxious (i have a somewhat deep voice and my pronunciation is just bad lol) but if we warm up to each other then voice calling wont be a problem
- I would love to watch some movies/series/videos or just play with u
- Im a really emotional person and i cry a lot
- Im really bad at comforting but I'll be with you and try my best to make you smile
- Irl im really short, i have short hair and i love to dye it (my natural hair is black),idk the colors of my eyes, i wear glasses, im a little chubby and im trying to know my aesthetic.
♡ ⸺ Extra information: So my time zone is cst, i have depression and anxiety, i might have bpd. We might not be in the same country but maybe we can work a long distance thing. U can message me anytime ^^
♡ ⸺ Contact information: https://www.tumblr.com/rimirui my tumblr!
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im curious... what kind of music do u listen to? i know u post spotify links sometimes (and i almost always click) but i wanna know!! :3
ehehe umm i don't think it's very interesting but ;; according to stats.fm this is it,,
[ lots of screenshots incoming because i don't know how to explain it myself #iamawkward ]
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love kitty on there twice LMFAOOO can you tell i've been listening to that album (aikyo) on loop... oops. [ why is the introduction to the album so high LMFAOO that's not even a song ]
ummm i listen to things that i can somehow relate to mostly... infp moment ^^; but i usually listen to like... indie and alternative stuff i guess lol . and vocaloid sometimes but not as much recently
and my spotify on repeat...
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idk why the hell the introduction is so high and not The rest of the songs? HAHA
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binomi cannibalism song SO GOOD i need to listen to it more i was listening to it a LOT when it came out though hehe
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listen to girls rituals crap shit album . if u get anything out of this listen to that album HEHE
idk how glass animals isn't on there because i had been listening to their album how to be a human being Repeatedly for a while... (azrael cries to the song agnes on that album)
yaaaaaaaaa maybe this is interesting idk.
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Anonymous asked: hello if is still available, I would like to ask for bae and then in another section for twc maybe with an s/o fem who has an animal friend that follows her everywhere and helps her with what she can (like rapunzel with her chameleon or pocahontas with her hummingbird or giselle with her squirrel phil, etc ) you can choose the animal you want :') Thank you and happy holidays ♥ #Hebi100Special
Writer's corner: And here it's the second part of it! Entire dedicated to The Cat's Whiskers! I hope you like it, darl! Please, let me know♥ Enjoy~
Warnings: none
⋆𝐓𝐂𝐖⋆ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫
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⋆Saimon wasn't annoyed by the fact that mc had a cat
⋆He thought it was cute that mc had an animal friend
⋆And at first he didn't notice the fact that she had a great connection with that small cat of hers
⋆He simply saw her getting along with it
⋆Petting it and taking care of it, feeding etc.
⋆He even had a great relationship with mc's cat
⋆Saimon liked when it rubbed against his feet in search of affection
⋆In the morning, while he was getting prepared for work, he had noticed that he couldn't find a sock of his
⋆Mc's cat meowed and reached him with a sock
⋆"Oh, thank you!.. You're so smart, aren't you?"
⋆Saimon answered those meows, petting that cat's head
⋆Of course he would get surprised if he knew that his love's cat isn't a simple cat, but more
⋆He'd get shocked to see how able it is to understand what mc tells it
⋆It seriously understands everything she says!
⋆Imagine if Saimon lost one of his students' homework paper and needed some help finding it
⋆Mc would kneel down and pet her cat's head, only to ask it for some help
⋆The cat would meow in approval and start walking around, keeping its tail straight in the air
⋆Mc would ensure Saimon that they would have found that paper
⋆"Don't worry, my love. It's smart. We will find your student's homework."
⋆After some minutes mc's cat would meow, as to call its dear owner, and would come back holding a paper
⋆I'm sure Saimon would be so grateful and would smile happy
⋆He'd kneel down and pet mc's cat as to thank it
⋆Of course he wouldn't believe at what he had just seen, lol!
⋆He'd be surprised but giggle, saying that it's amazing!
⋆"Aw, thank you so much! You're so intelligent!"
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⋆Yohei wouldn't mind having a cat around
⋆It's also said that Ryu has already a cat (or maybe more) in his apartment upstairs Bar 4/7
⋆And since Yohei acts as Ryu's and Shiki's dad, 'cause he prepares them breakfast and takes care of them
⋆I cannot imagine him being annoyed by the presence of another cat
⋆Because maybe he has already taken care of Ryu's pets before
⋆By the way Yohei wouldn't fangirl for a pet, as I think Allen would
⋆But maybe he would calmly spend his thinking moments caressing its head and smoking
⋆He would sit out of Bar 4/7 some hours before its opening hour, smoking and thinking
⋆In the meantime he would be reached by mc's cat, which would meow at him and rub his head against Yohei's leg
⋆"Hm? Whatcha doin' here?... U lost mc?"
⋆He'd say looking at it and then, after some seconds, he'd grab it and start caressing its head, still smoking
⋆I don't know why
⋆But I headcanon Yohei talking to pets, especially when he thinks he needs to talk to someone but he's alone
⋆He's usually thought to be a mean man, an intimidating one
⋆But it's said that he's changed so..
⋆We all know he's actually a sweet man- aw
⋆He would get surprised to finally understand that mc has a strong connection to her cat
⋆Yohei would surely get shocked, especially if that cat proved to be smart enough to understand that all TCW need some help at the Bar
⋆I cannot help but imagine mc asking that cat for some help at Bar 4/7 and that small and cute cat helping mc with glasses
⋆Imagine it balancing some on its back and bringing them to Yohei at the bar counter
⋆Mc's cat would become such a mascotte of Bar 4/7!!
⋆"Wow.. Thank u, boi!"
⋆He'd kneel down and thank mc's pet, thinking that it's unbelievable.
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⋆Shiki would love mc's cat!
⋆It'd be love at first sight!!
⋆Because Shiki is such a sweet and adorable boy and I can't imagine him hating animals!
⋆Probably at first he'd be scared of being attacked by it
⋆But after some minutes he'd believe mc
⋆"Babe.. I swear! It wouldn't hurt you, heh! It's a good boy!"
⋆Shiki would smile and caress mc's cat's head
⋆He'd blush if he saw that cat playfully licking his hand
⋆"See? It likes you!"
⋆Mc would say smiling brightly as Shiki would too
⋆His relationship with mc's cat would be one of the sweetest!
⋆Shiki would take care of it even before starting his homework
⋆He'd make sure to check if it has enough food and water
⋆And I'm sure he would even try to bring it to school, maybe hiding it in his bag (?)
⋆It'd be so cute!
⋆Imagine mc couldn't find her sweet cat and getting a message from Shiki:
⋆"Hi, love! I'm sorry but.. Today my school has organized an event for Spring's arrival and, yeah... I've decided to bring your cat with me!"
⋆I'm sure mc would think that it's cute how Shiki had grown fond with her sweet and small cat
⋆So now imagine Shiki being in danger
⋆He has lost his phantometal and can't fight against some criminals who has cornered him
⋆He'd feel doomed but suddenly he'd notice mc's cat and even see that his phantometal is far from him but near that small furrball-
⋆He'd try hard to communicate with it and mc would help, asking it to run and catch that pendant!
⋆That's how Shiki would see that small cat running towards his cross pendant, catching it and bringing it to him!
⋆This event would surprise Shiki
⋆I mean.. How is it possible?
⋆That cat managed to understand mc very well!
⋆It saved them both, Shiki and mc, from those criminals!
⋆I'm sure Shiki would be grateful and would admire that connection both his lover and her cat have!
⋆"Haha! You saved us, don't you know? Hehe"
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⋆Ryu-kun looooooooooves animals!!
⋆He can talk to them too!!
⋆And I'm sure Ryu-kun would show mc that he caaaan
⋆He'd kneel down and start meowing, caressing mc's cat's fur
⋆"Ryu-kun can talk to cats!! Ryu-kun can understand what cats saaaay! Look~ MEOW MEOW MEEOOOOOOW~~"
⋆Since it's said that Ryu has a deep connection with people who surround him...
⋆(Hokusai said that once~)
⋆I guess he would understand how deep mc's relationship with her cat is immediately~
⋆He'd act oblivious, pretending not to notice how smart that small cat actually is
⋆Ryu-kun would take care of it as much as he already does with his pets
⋆Since he lives upstairs Bar 4/7 with Shiki, it's said that he spent most of his days sleeping or playing with his pets
⋆So I cannot deny the fact that I imagine him playing with mc's cat as well
⋆He'd get on all fours and start to crawl, meowing like a cat
⋆It'd be fuuuunnyyyy~~~!!
⋆And Ryu-kun likes when things are funnyyyy~~
⋆He'd do a running competition with mc's cat too
⋆Like.. imagining him crawling as fast as he can, trying to overtake it!
⋆"Ryu-kun is always the best~"
⋆I'm sure he would keep acting oblivious, pretending not to notice about mc and her cat, especially in front of his lover, his deeeear mc!
⋆But when he finds himself alone with her cat
⋆He'd show the fact that he already knows how smart it is and the fact that it can communicate well with mc!
⋆So let me explain better.
⋆Imagine Ryu needing some help with creating a new drink at the Bar
⋆He'd need something in particular and ask mc and her cat for help
⋆Mc would ask her cat to go and get what Ryu needs and it would happen
⋆As Ryu would get what he needed for his special drink, he'd smile to mc but then look at her cat:
⋆"Ryu-kun knows it already~~! Ryu-kun is smart enough to understand and notice your small secret~"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Hello dear! ♥╣[-_-]╠♥
I have a request for you if u don't mind! (。・//ε//・。)
Can i please ask for a scenario with Shanks and Law when they first meet fem! s/o that is physically the stereotyped version of the little short girl with a cute face but when they spend just the tiniest amount of time with her they immediately realize that her personality isn't even close to be compared her appearance cuz she's more of like a talkative, action-oriented, enthusiastic, and out-going type of person and they're just so perplexed lmao.
Like for Shanks it could be when he was at Party's and she was there just animatedly telling Makino how she nearly fell of a tree cuz she thought she had some insect in her skirt like what she was even doing on a tree?? Insp dialogue: “this sounds like you’re flirting with me.” “…i have been trying to do that for three years now." " ...But i thought u just wanted to climb trees with me..?"
And for Law I cannot imagine an other scenario than her being a strawhat and him being 'forced' in staying with them because of the alliance lmao. To the point to suspecting her being Luffy's sister or something, but also it would get him off guard cuz SHE is NOT LOGICAL! Lol Insp dialogue: “you’re cute..” “what?” “i said you look like a fruit.” “that doesn’t even make any sense.. *confused*”
Of course you can change them as you want boss 😉!
I hope you have fun writing them 💜 and please feel free to delete the ask if you don't want to do them! 🌻
I went ahead and picked Shanks because Shanks is hot. No other reason. (not that Law isn't but...preferences). Anyway let's get into the nitty gritty! It's a little short scenario with an open ending.
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A Face; A Name
CONTENT WARNING: alcohol consumption. that's it folks.
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A familiar bar, in a familiar village. Shanks, despite being a pirate, sometimes did feel like a creature of comfort. He enjoyed knowing exactly who the patrons were of the bar, he enjoyed knowing that he was always welcome for a drink. He enjoyed knowing everyone’s name, and how easily he could attach a face to the memory.
It was strange that he couldn’t figure out where he knew you from.
Your legs hung over the stool, swinging in the air. He smirked behind his glass, swirling his amber colored drink thoughtfully. He couldn’t figure out your age, and he thought he knew all the kids of the village. You were no Luffy, that much he knew.
A round face, and big round eyes that became more animated the more you talked. You were speaking to Makino, but your voice–loud, a little low and hoarse–reached the rest of the patrons. Did you know that? 
Shanks tilts his head, curiosity tickling his brain. In all honesty, he should probably leave you alone to your own devices. You were better off that way, plus it seemed you were busy pushing off the advances of a semi drunk man. He watches you, tongue behind a molar, as your mouth twists in annoyance. The amount of expletives dropping from your bow shaped lips was enough to put all of his crewmates to shame.
He tries to bite back a smile, but it’s futile. Especially as your hot temper, quick to flare, seemed also quick to die down. You were laughing with Makino again, about something he didn’t quite catch, and banging on the bar top as if you had heard the funniest joke in all the seas.
Unable to bear it any longer, Shanks carries his drink and his body towards you. He takes possession of an empty seat next to you, where you had chased off the man just seconds prior. A silent motion, and Makino understood–a drink was on him.
“You said something about a tree?” he asks, a sidelong glance taking in your profile. The whiskey burns his throat. 
“And what about it?” you ask him, eyes narrowing slightly as you look at him through long lashes. He can’t help it–he smiles again.
“Just curious.” 
And curiosity was known to be the downfall of men, but many men were not like Shanks. He had no fear, so he turned to face you with a crooked smirk stretching his lips.
“If you can’t talk about it, why don’t you show me the tree instead. Maybe you’ll tell me your name”
He watches you purse your lips, and wonders if you keep your name hidden behind your teeth. You smile, a little bit toothy, a little ominously.
“Good luck with that,” you murmur before you laugh.
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i23kazu · 1 year
Hii can i ask u?? Since i want to draw your genshin oc, i want to know more about your oc if that's okay! Thank you have a nice day/night ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡
hi elysia!! thank you for wanting to draw her waaaa of course!
about shuying —
physical description:
shuying is tall & lean, with a bit of muscle (esp in her calves, she runs all over the place 😅)
has brown-ish hair, and the length is to her midback!
wears curved rectangular glasses :”)
her left arm is covered in bandages and she wears a thin turtleneck, but the left sleeve is cut off so the bandages are visible!
she wears two tassle earrings on both sides!
wears a dendro liyue vision on her chest~
shuying’s hair is in a high ponytail with curtain bangs :D
fun facts:
– social worker who’s slowly moving into the medical field…
– never shies away from helping people; in fact, that is her downfall, that she wants to help everyone but can't
– tends to overwork herself between working on cases and visiting clients! baizhu shakes his head every time she comes home bc she literally looks like a dog panting + she's about to pass out
– shuying also is a relatively patient person – in the line of social work, however, she can get easily annoyed at her client's reluctance to become better, so that's something that she has to work with within herself bc she tends to think that shes a failure if she can't help them properly
– loves animals!!! but scared of animals bigger than her (hated going to sumeru)
– she's kind, affable and likeable :") i hesitated saying kind bc i feel like its an overused word but it really does describe her well LOL she gets along well with the uncles and aunties in liyue harbour!
– shuying hates seeing people left out, because she knows the pain of being a receipient. she tries to include everyone but #youcan'thelpeveryone is something that she's coming to terms with
– loves her mother's cooking, hates her father's cooking because it tastes like medicine but she never tells him that hehhehe
– cannot say anything bad about people to their face. she's 100% non-confrontational but is learning how to stand up for herself as well as voicing her feelings, esp when she's uncomfortable! she tends to sit in discomfort rather than let her feelings about something be known
– gets into fights with her mom sometimes because of their slightly contrasting views on monsters. jingli, her mom (finally, a name!!!) absolutely HATES them, but baizhu wants to teach shuying that not all of them are bad
– lives with the anxiety of saying something wrong to someone's face... she hates it. she can forgive herself, of course, but the embarrassing memory will always be there to remind her
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