#cardio hiit
cardio-and-coffee · 1 year
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fitgirledit · 1 year
Hey there, my fit ladies!
As promised in yesterday's post, I put together a list of YouTube fitness trainers with the best free home workouts. So what are you waiting for? Get ready to work up a sweat and let's get started on your journey towards better health! 😅💦 Happy exercising!
1. Caroline Girvan
Caroline Girvan is one of the top fitness experts on YouTube, with her videos providing a great way to stay in shape from home. With workouts ranging from high intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength-building exercises (dumbbells, kettlebell, no equipment/bodyweight/calisthenics), Caroline has something for everyone.
Her no-nonsense approach makes it easy to follow along as she guides viewers through each exercise with detailed demonstrations, helpful cues - and no talking! I've been using her workouts for two years and have completely transformed my body from flabby (skinny fat) to fit and muscular.
2. Sydney Cummings
Sydney Cummings is another popular fitness expert on YouTube, offering a wide range of workouts to keep you feeling fit and energized. You can choose between her HIIT and strength training videos. She also provides modifications for each exercise so that you can customize the workout according to your own needs.
3. Yoga with Adriene
Yoga with Adriene is an inspiring online yoga practice created by renowned yogi Adriene Mishler. With a mission to make yoga accessible for everyone, her free videos on YouTube have reached millions of people around the globe. From beginner to advanced practices, each video offers mindful guidance and creative sequencing designed to help you connect more deeply with your body and breath.
Adriene's workouts are designed to be both challenging and enjoyable—a perfect balance between building strength while calming the mind.
4. Move with Nicole
At Move with Nicole, you can join fitness instructor and personal trainer Nicole as she takes you through a range of fun and challenging workouts, focused on pilates and yoga. Whether you’re looking for an intense workout or just want to stretch your body out after a long day, Nicole's workouts are a great choice.
5. Natacha Oceane
Natacha Oceane has become an international sensation thanks to her unique and innovative workouts, which combine elements of yoga, pilates and HIIT. Her goal is to help people stay fit and healthy while having fun. Natacha's workouts are designed for all levels of fitness - from beginners who want to start their journey towards better health, to advanced athletes looking for a challenge.
6. Olivia Lawson
Olivia Lawson is known for her combination of strength training exercises, cardio workouts, core work, stretching techniques, and nutrition advice. Whether you're looking to lose weight or build muscle mass; improve your flexibility or endurance; gain confidence or simply feel better about yourself - Olivia can help you get there!
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qrfit · 9 months
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Day 4 of 5 day workout week:
Triple Thursday?! This was NOT the plan today! 😤 I planned to play basketball with my 15 y.o., so I did a shorter walk and a short HIIT workout before we left. Then, it began to downpour! I mean, buckets! So, plan B: added a 30 minute step routine plus abs/core to get in a full day. That was a bit much! I’m pretty sure I’ll still feel today tomorrow. 😂 Hope your plans went smoother than mine did today! If not, I hope you came up with a good plan B. 🫶🏽
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freeonlineworkouts · 3 months
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hoebehaviour · 1 year
OH. MY. FUCK. I did it. I did it... I REALLY FUCKING DID IT!!!!
I completed the 2 week shred challenge! I couldn't be happier! I did it without any extra rest days and with unprecedented commitment!
Warmup: 5 minutes
HIIT: 25 minutes
I fared well but I realized I'm shit at even knee push-ups.
Ab workout: 10 minutes
I paused every 2 minutes like always but today I could do a few reps of contralaterals so yay!
Arm workout: 10 minutes
It involved the arms and back, and you know me, I died. It was pretty difficult. Especially when doing plank walks. I struggled to do all the reps but did the majority no matter how many times my muscles gave up.
Cooldown: 10 minutes
I'm gonna rest for a few days or do light stuff. Currently, both my wrists hurt and my left calf is injured. I'm sure my body needs a break too. I'll probably start another program next month or by the last week of May.
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twingirlsfitness · 2 years
I burn 1000 Calories in 10 minutes. Watch to see how.
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HIIT: your fat burning weapon
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HIIT training contains intervals of high-intensity exercise with breaks of low-intensity exercise.
But what does HIIT offer for Fat Burning?
Interval training is very effective at burning calories and fat. The key to success is that the alternating rhythm of aerobic activity consumes enough energy to burn fat in the metabolic process. So we burn a lot of calories while losing weight and not muscle mass.
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ifastfitness · 2 years
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IFAST exercise bike
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superacion-eu · 2 years
Rutina HIIT de 10 minutos para quemar grasa abdominal
En el canal de YouTube de superacion.eu se están publicando una serie de vídeos de rutinas HIIT de alta intensidad para hacer en ayunas y de una corta duración, tan solo 10 minutos. No hace falta que hablemos en profundidad de las ventajas de hacer estos entrenos en ayunas, aunque si todavía no las conocéis, esto se basa en el hecho de que si durante la noche hemos dormido unas 8 horas, habremos estado consumiendo mucha energía para mantenernos "vivos" (el gasto del famoso metabolismo basal), así que nos levantaremos sin combustible y tendremos que tirar de las reservas. Y esas reservas son, por suerte o por desgracia, grasa acumulada.
En este vídeo en concreto se presenta una rutina HIIT de nivel intermedio focalizada en la zona del abdomen bajo, para movilizar de buena mañana las grasas de esa parte del cuerpo y fortalecer sus músculos, de cara a que luzca mucho mejor con el paso de los días.
La combinación de ejercicios presentada en esta rutina está muy bien pensada, y consta de dos vueltas de 5 series de 40 segundos de ejercicio por 20 de descanso, o lo que es lo mismo 2x5= 10 series, que podemos alargar hasta los 45 segundos de actividad física si estamos en forma y no queremos descansar tanto. Jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, skipping y abdominales tipo tijeras y ciclo, son de los ejercicios que se nos presentan aquí, y por lo que se ve funcionan y combinan a las mil maravillas.
Beneficios de las rutinas HIIT de alta intensidad
Tampoco hace falta que hablemos a fondo de los beneficios que tienen las rutinas de entrenamiento de intervalos de alta intensidad, porque es otra de las cosas que tienen bien demostrada su efectividad, especialmente si las comparamos con rutinas de cardio a intensidades moderadas o leves, como mucha gente suele hacer.
Es mucho más efectivo entrenar menos de la mitad de tiempo que con el cardio leve, pero haciendo picos de intensidad muy altos, sobre un 85% de nuestra capacidad aeróbica, para así poner la maquinaria a tope e incidir directamente en el metabolismo, promoviendo la quema no solo en el momento por la gran demanda energética que suponen estos intervalos de alta intensidad, sino incluso bastante tiempo después de haber hecho el entrenamiento.
Para quién son recomendables las rutinas HIIT
Básicamente las rutinas de alta intensidad, sobre todo como esta de 10 minutos, son recomendables absolutamente para todo el mundo, especialmente para aquellas personas (mujeres y hombres) que quieran perder peso. Lo ideal es o hacerlas en ayunas como hemos visto en el vídeo, o las podemos guardar para hacerlas después de un entrenamiento de fuerza, pesas o calistenia, para acabar de rematar la jugada.
En este caso concreto del vídeo de esta rutina, el nivel es intermedio por lo que se necesita un mínimo de acondicionamiento físico anterior y es probable que muchas personas no logren terminar los 40 segundos de ejercicio durante las 10 rondas que se tienen que hacer. Pero lo que sí es cierto es que si lo vais practicando cada día, se progresa muy rápido y en pocas semanas vais a poder cumplir con la rutina, y estaréis deseando que se publique otra de un nivel superior.
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robertasgym · 3 days
26-Minute HIIT Workout to Turbocharge Weight Loss
Ready to supercharge your weight loss goals? How about giving a 26-minute HIIT workout a shot? HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, is like hitting the fast-forward button on your fitness journey. It's a workout that's all about quick bursts of energy, perfect for folks with busy schedules or anyone who likes to get the job done pronto.
Here's the scoop: in just 26 minutes, you'll be sweating it out with a series of short, intense exercises followed by quick breaks. It's like a challenge for your body, pushing you to the max and getting that metabolism revved up. And the best part? HIIT keeps burning calories even after you've called it quits, so you'll keep seeing results even when you're chilling on the couch. With a mix of moves to keep things fun, you'll be powering through those minutes in no time. So why not give this HIIT workout a whirl and kickstart your weight loss journey today?
Feeling the burn? That's your body getting stronger! Embrace the challenge, knowing that every drop of sweat is a step towards a fitter, happier you. You've got this! Good luck and have fun on your fitness journey!❤️💪
**If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!
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fitnessratsuniverse · 10 days
Are you ready to embark on a fitness journey that’s not only effective but also supercharged with intensity? Well, look no further, because we’re about to dive headfirst into the world of Tabata workout routines! Picture this: it’s the 1990s, and in a laboratory in Japan, a brilliant scientist by the name of Dr. Izumi Tabata is on a mission. Armed with a stopwatch and a desire to revolutionize the way we approach fitness, Dr. Tabata set out to create a workout regimen that would push the boundaries of what the human body is capable of. And thus, the Tabata workout routine was born!
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epicheadlines · 7 months
Is the ProForm Cardio HIIT Trainer Worth the Investment?
To wrap it up, the ProForm Cardio HIIT Trainer has proven to be a comprehensive workout machine that offers more than just your standard cardio training. Its unique design and advanced features provide a full-body workout, efficient calorie burn, and smooth operation Read More...
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qrfit · 7 months
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Day 1 of 5 day workout week:
It’s a Monday feeling Monday. At least, it’s Victory Monday (go 9ers! 😁). I ended up getting a vaccine on Friday night and it really knocked me back a bit! Plus, my arm was very sore. 😣 Today was a day for modification and I’m up for the challenge!
Getting my energy back, hour by hour, I finally venture out to my studio! I was able to glide through about 20 minutes on the elliptical. That actually felt quite good! Lower on the resistance (3-5) and just a smooth, brisk pace. Felt good enough to try a short HIIT, with lower body strength training for a quick additional calorie burn. I got through it! Didn’t break any barriers, but didn’t lose any ground. Hope you found some victories this Monday! 🫶🏽
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freeonlineworkouts · 5 days
How Long Does It Take To See Results of HIIT?
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soniyasingh88 · 9 months
Dance Cardio Party: Make Exercise Fun with Friends and Family
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Why Pick Dance Cardio?
Dance cardio is a phenomenal method for remaining fit while having a fabulous time. Dissimilar to ordinary exercises that could feel redundant and everyday, dance cardio keeps things invigorating and dynamic. It permits you to put yourself out there through development while partaking in the organization of your friends and family. The blend of music, development, and social communication makes dance cardio a first class wellness choice that is reasonable for individuals of any age and wellness levels.
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fitandfaboolus · 10 months
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