#cause the combat imo is boring
poorlittlevampire · 2 years
i think the only real reason i miss playing genshin is bc the only other games i really play are rhythm games which have been very frustrating lately lol
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my-darling-boy · 11 days
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(TW injury description)
I am SO glad you asked I lose my mind over this man. Sidney Beldam! He’s most known for his miraculous recovery from a major facial injury sustained while he served as a young sergeant in the First World War. If you’ve read the Facemaker by Lindsay Fitzharris you might recognise him! Sources differ slightly about his story, so I’ve pieced it together as best I could. The photos below were from about February 1919!
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Born in 1897, Sidney was about 17 living with his mother in Cambridge, England when the Great War commenced. While he didn’t enlist initially, he was soon conscripted when it came about in 1916 though thankfully he was in a non-combatant role driving lorries transporting soldiers to boats headed for France. It’s where he learned he enjoyed driving! However in April 1917, Sidney was transferred to the Machine Gun Corps and eventually rose to the rank of sergeant where only 7 months later, his life would change forever.
During the battle of Passchendaele, one of the muddiest most gruelling segments of the war, Sidney was on the frontlines when a shell burst, sending a shrapnel fragment tearing diagonally through his nose and the right side of his face. The young soldier collapsed face first into the mud which ended up saving his life as falling backwards would have caused him to choke on his own blood. For three days Sidney laid in a mangled heap floating in and out of consciousness while vermin scurried about his body and the other dead and wounded around him. No one would ever know the details of those agonising three days, but the trauma he experienced there left him with a lifelong phobia of rats and cockroaches. After the initial wounded had been cleared out, a wandering band of stretcher bearers discovered Sidney alive after one man touched him with his boot fully expecting him to be dead. Miraculously, he was still clinging to life.
The 19 year old sergeant was rushed down the line and then transferred to two different military hospitals where his wounds were hastily stitched in an effort to save his life before infection could spread. Unfortunately, closing the gap where he was missing flesh in his cheek caused his upper lip to be pulled into a sneer and a sunken depression formed where most of his nose was missing around the bridge. Still, he was lucky to be alive, which he later used to remark. Well he was luckier still as he would be transferred to Sidcup military hospital in Kent where he would become a patient under Sir Harold Gillies, the man often considered the pioneer of modern plastic surgery. When he arrived at hospital in 1918, his wounds were healed but his face still bore the heavy trauma of his experience. If you want to see his photographs upon arrival, I won’t post them here but if you search his name, the photos are everywhere. IMO they’re not graphic but I know it can upset some people.
Gillies went to work trying to restore Sidney’s face. This required him to reopen the wound in his cheek where a skin flap was grafted to allow his upper lip to return to normal. He also folded down a skin flap from his forehead in order to create a new nose. Behind his facade, a series of tubes and canals had to be inserted for proper sinus drainage and other unnamed functions. While his initial handful of surgeries did most of the work to reconstruct his face, Sidney underwent over 40 surgeries between 1918 and the 1930s, some reconstructive and some to evacuate the tubes behind the flesh, meaning the common cold was a routinely painful affliction for him. Gillies understood operations were traumatic for the men at Sidcup, especially since most required more than one, and so made a point about creating a lighthearted ward environment, one Sidney says was quite jolly with the staff doing everything they could to make them feel comfortable and dignified as possible. And while I thought the topmost photos were the most updated case study photos for his recovery, I stumbled upon another set from 1920 in the Faces of War by Andrew Bamji I have not seen posted anywhere!
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And lads listen. In such a sweet little twist, while Sidney was still recovering from the bulk of his major surgeries, a local pianist by the name of Winifred volunteered to play for the resting servicemen, all of whom had some form of disfigurment or amputation. Carrying in her sheet music, she and Sidney laid eyes on each other for the first time and she later remarked how his smile instantly lit up the whole room! For them, it was love at first sight. The two were soon married, and although it was in the 1920s, I don’t have an exact year for this. This most likely came after Sidney was finally discharged from service in 1921. There is a photo of their wedding and y’all look how SWEET!!
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Between his initial surgeries and army discharge, Gillies asked if Sidney would be his personal chauffeur, an offer he took up quickly as he loved driving from his time with lorries during the war. One somewhat humorous account tells of Gillies—who was a bit scattered at times—asking Sidney to renew his driver’s license as the surgeon left it until the last day to take care of; Sidney in a rush waited in a long line at the county hall before jumping the queue and begging the administrator to expedite his employer’s license as it was needed to drive him to the hospital the next day. The man refused, even for a surgeon to get him to his patients. Sidney went to another staff member who was friends with Gillies and begged him the same. The man cheerily agreed but was still in need of a signature from the stubborn administrator who again refused... at least until he found out Harold Gillies nearly won a golfing championship, at which point he took Sidney to his personal office to expedite the license as he was happy to do business for a skilled golfer (apparently saving people’s lives doesn’t matter as much??). A no doubt perplexed Sidney was finally able to get back to the hospital on time!
After his army discharge and most likely about the time of his marriage, Sidney moved back to Cambridge where he worked for the council as a rent collector. He was so well liked, apparently even from the people he collected from, that he soon worked his way to Housing Manager for Cambridge. About this time, he had a daughter, Pam. Every account I read of him, people gush about how sweet he was. His wife recalls how Sidney was always adored by all his family and friends. His granddaughter Marilyn McInnes in an interview said, “He was the most warm and optimistic and loving man. I adored my grandfather, I was constantly on his lap as a small child. I never noticed anything funny about his face, I guess I thought all grandads looked like mine.”
Sadly, Sidney Beldam passed away from cancer at about 80 years old in 1978. But considering the man was given 6 months to live and ended up living for 60 years more surrounded by a large and loving family, I’d say he certainly had a full life. There is a picture of him and his wife in the 60s and they are absolutely charming!!
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But anyway that’s me done rambling I’ve a massive crush on him. His story makes me genuinely happy to tell and I’m so glad you asked!
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yanban-san · 1 year
if it's not a bother,
could you show some more artwork of yours?
-a person who loves others art🩵
Sure! I've been doing a few sketches of some Android-mas (Yandroids, courtesy of Stardust on Ro's Discord <3) over on Discord- I'll share em here though. ^^
Here's the first one, I got bored when I got the legs lol:
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Here's the second attempt- I once again got bored when I got to the legs but not too much
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I saw some art of Android Ingo and Emmet with screen display faces and tbh that's my absolute favorite kind of "face" for any robot character- LED screens are really fun and cute looking, imo.
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Some Headcanons about the Android boys: ◮ These two are bio-electric androids, rather than straight up machines. They're half synthetic cellular construct, half AI-powered battle machine- And beloved by the public as unofficial heroes and mascots of Android tech. ◮ They are completely autonomous, and can function for years without maintenance- They are self repairing, self fueling, and they were also some of the first androids ever released before someone realized it was a bad idea to give your lethal autonomous AI bots the ability to self-sustain. ◮ They have two "cores" that power their bodies- A biological core, much like a "heart", that supplies their biological functions with fuel, and a power core that provides them with all the power they need for their mechanical functions- They can also use their power core to power other machinery, or give themselves a super-boost in combat if needed. The bio-core is a biological hazard and contains chemicals known to the town of Undella to cause not just regular cancer, but probably Super Android Cancer- Luckily no one's trying to eat them or rub their eyeballs on their hearts. Their power cores, on the other hand, are radiation hazards when exposed- And protected by thick metal and polymer plating to prevent leaks.
◮ They are battle Androids, designed to protect interstellar transit routes or regular passenger transit- Protecting passengers is how they ended up becoming heroes as people recorded their battles against rogue drones and other threats.
◮ They have nanobots- Innumerable armies of miniscule robots inside of them that repair any broken pieces, heal/repair/grow any synthetic cells, or even specialized attack bots that dissolve any foreign materials in their bodies- Or outside. They also come equipped with the ability to synthesize human/pokemon medic bots to stabilize any injured passengers- And they can control their nanobots, as well.
◮ Androids have an extremely long list of precepts and codes they have to follow- If they attempt to disobey their precepts, their bodies literally stop working. Most precepts were things along the lines of the Three Laws of Robotics, but more and more kept being added with various legal cases and lawsuits and eventually P.R cases and public safety. ◮ They have regulators that prevent their synthetic neurons and other biological functions from acting on any... organic urges they might have, despite their genetically engineered origins. Sure would be bad if those broke, wouldn't it?
◮ Their LCD screen displays can make various emoticons for them to convey their meanings- Ingo and Emmet also use their signature triangle smiles to help differentiate the two for maintenance crews and the public.
◮ Also! Forgot to add, their limbs aren't attached to their body normally- They can launch them like drones at targets or grapple things from afar, and they can pull themselves to their limbs if needed.
And finally, some emoticon displays:
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sweetchotimochi · 2 years
how to do well in classes you don’t like ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
We all have classes that we don’t like, and usually we don’t do the best in them. Here are some ways I combatted that to make sure I did well.
Read the syllabus or marking scheme: imo, this is the best way to get acquainted with what you have to do for the class overall. It's easier knowing how much you have to do to get a certain grade. Finding out the criteria for something makes it easier to handle those tasks especially for things you don’t like. Systemically handling such tasks makes sure that you don’t stress for that paper or project in the longer run.
Try to get interested or find something connected that you like to get more immersed in: I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again. Studying is boring but learning is fun. I had to take a required art class last year which really annoyed me, and the teacher wasn’t the best. But this was overruled over the fact that I really loved art and history. The world is full of interesting things; you can definitely find something you like in any subject you are learning, even math! This method serves as a motivator; for example, if you really like learning about black holes, studying for relativity in your physics class would help you understand more about them.
Always revise over what you are doing wrong: Another way to understand how to get the best grade in a class you don’t like is to look at how well you do on tests and grades. Most people don’t do well in these classes. You can look over what you have done wrong, and go back and see what the teacher is looking for in classes. Don’t overthink about how bad you did; instead, find what your teacher was looking for in your answer. This way, you know exactly how to answer next time. It’s another way to find out the criteria for how much effort you need to put in.
Ask for help: Another great way to do the best is ask help from someone you know is well-versed in a specific subject. If you really don’t understand what is going on in class, asking for help eases that stress. You’ll be surprised as to how well this method works.
Celebrate your successes: This is a great motivator. Finished that long paper? Take a break, watch a movie, have some fun. You’ve done a lot for something that has been causing you stress. You deserve it.
Consider dropping: If you really are feeling stressed, look for other options. Sometimes a class feeling like a burden has an immense impact on your grades. Think about how much this class is worth. Talk to your counselor. Are there other options? Other classes? Do you need to take this? It’s okay to drop something you don’t like if its really impacting your grades and your health.
I wish you guys all the best. It is really a big feat to do well in a class that you don’t like. Have fun and don’t take to much stress. Good luck!
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chaoxfix · 1 year
Not sure if I have any inflammatory opinions of my own but I have seen a consistent fandom trend of making the girls the "responsible ones" in whatever team/duo they're in. Like making Blaze responsible when she's with Silver or making Rouge the responsible one in Team Dark. Give me your opinion on that
(ok i know this is about blaze and rouge and i will get to them but i also talk about sally here. sorry. im a one track mind)
i think some of it is an extension of canon and some is fandom making canon worse. in terms of making characters responsible, gender aside, it will always make some sense for some characters to be more responsible than the others, especially in a show about team dynamics or conflict or combat. leader characters are very normal. and if you really need a braincell character, thats fine, and it probably SHOULD be the leader. and it should make sense for their overall role and function in the story; if they suddenly become the braincell holder when it doesn't fit them, its just going to come across as forced -- and sexist, if theyre a girl, and especially if theyre the only girl on the team.
that being said, in action series like sonic, this is often caused by canon writers and character creators being afraid to put girls in combat situations.
if youre afraid of giving girls a combat role, of course you'll make her the delegator and the one who simply does things from afar. maybe you'll give her some tech prowess. anything that doesn't involve that difficult question of "can i conceivably write her winning a fight against a guy? will that anger people who think its wrong to hit girls? will i anger people who think girls cant win fights? will i anger people who think its unladylike and setting a bad example for girls? will it anger people who feel emasculated by girls in combat?" -- this is also why a lot of women are given marksman roles because it lets them be useful in combat without actually using physical strength.
this is actually why i think bunnie is a brilliant character btw because she got to be a powerhouse and no one really had to question why -- she has a robot suit, you dont have to wonder if the writers cared about any of those questions i mentioned earlier. duh she can win fights, shes part robot, next question.
this is also probably why amy is given a hammer; she's the only of the core 4 with a weapon. writers tend to give girls in combat a weapon or something to give them a leg up. and i think its often fine, but it is a pattern to take note of, and kind of gets at the heart of many writers' worries.
anyways when writers in action series are worried about writing girls and having them in combat, they tend to 1) give them weapons (or other plausible excuses for their strength and abilities, like bunnie's robot parts), or 2) remove them from the action altogether and have them lead from afar. sometimes they try to make 2 less obvious by making them occasionally capable at fighting off people in a 1-1 fight, but overall they are not the powerhouses, they're the brains.
also, for number 2, i think this is part of why so many girls became the leader in many recent series -- because it helps them meet their 'girl character' quota without automatically just making them a damsel in distress girl character. (though admittedly that still often happens, on both fronts.) -- and it also doesnt have to involve them in combat.
so its not always a case of, girls wrangling boys is inherently boring and problematic, and often complaints of this dont fully understand the greater issue. the leader always wrangles their irresponsible teammates -- but its just recently that girls have been pigeonholed into the noncombatant-leader trope. i would argue it becomes girls wrangling boys if you have a girl character who IS written as extremely physically capable and canonly has fun, but they constantly have to curtail the boys' shenanigans. to be honest, this applies pretty strongly to boom!amy imo, but in other fandoms, i see it extremely often with characters like cassie sandsmark from the original young justice comic series (no, not the TV show). stuff like that. a girl who originally has fun and enjoys shenanigans just as much as the guys, but suddenly has to wrangle them instead in a reboot because she has to be ladylike- er, sorry, a 'leader'.
if someone is forever labeled as the leader -- it makes sense for them to be strict. regardless of gender, that's their personality, and we've seen plenty of take-no-shit male leads like this that dont get called boring, or at least dont have their gender called into question. the actual 'girl wrangling boys' criticism im referring to is when they take a girl where that is NOT her personality, and suddenly it becomes her personality for no reason other than that shes a girl. to me, thats the issue.
girls are written like we're automatically the pinnacle of compassion and level headedness and we don't have fun, and instead focus on everyone's feelings. and in small doses, whatever, fine. but when that's constant and amplified by fandom spaces, when they take a girl who DOES have fun on adventures but suddenly she's just sucking the air out of the room? boring. no thank you. thats actually why i dont like boom!amy much. because amy in general was often written to be immature and to get into shenanigans while chasing after sonic. (her set of sexist writing issues could be their own separate post, but she at least was allowed to be imperfect and irresponsible, even if that was often very poorly done)
but overall i think if you solve the root of the problem it helps. just make more female combat characters. let them fight, with weapons or not, and then your series no longer falls into the 'there's only one girl and she has to wrangle all her boy friends because shes the girl and thats her job' category. suddenly it can be 'girl leader is exasperated that every single one of her teammates is dumb as shit, including the other girls on her team who are allowed to have more fun than the leader is allowed to have' -- ya feel? this is why i liked parts of archie, because both bunnie AND amy were regularly part of combat. sally being a comms delegator wasnt a big deal because, well, there were already girls in the thick of it, why would i mind that a different girl was leading things from an observation point where she could organize their strategy on the fly? thats just what a leader does in a series like this.
for blaze specifically, she can be in combat so that's helpful, and shes a princess so it makes sense for her to be responsible. her arc was also being able to have more fun with friends, so as long as she's allowed to actually do fun stuff in the future, i think that's great -- so fandom writers should be more focused on her character arc. if they write her as boring and fun-sucking, then theyre actually regressing her character.
for rouge, being a secret agent and thief is her whole ass job, she knows when to be serious and responsible bc she's an independent contractor. but she should also be able to get into her own shenanigans because shes a kleptomaniac and deserves way more heists and funny mishaps along the way (the murder of sonic the hedgehog rly delivered on this one, tbh). if they write rouge with the only braincell, they should be pretty careful, since rouge is usually causing knuckles's shenanigans in canon. or if youre a team dark fan, be careful since shadow's not really one for fun shenanigans anyways, and omega is -- well. if anyone DOESNT have the braincell its omega but i dont think rouge does more than point his ammo in the right direction if that makes sense. rouge likes the chaos but she organizes it in a way that'll favor her.
this was long lol but i think i organized my thoughts fairly well?
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feralkwe · 1 month
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
(11 on the meme) ooh! i already answered this one, but i am not afraid of a challenge, and i'll go again.
in my previous answer i mentioned minfilia warde, and i don't have time to get into the analysis she, imo, deserves, but let me summarize: i see a lot of 'she's boring' or 'i just didn't care about her' and i guess i can see why people feel that way. imo people are a little harsh on arr as a whole, and minfilia gets swept into this and disregarded for a variety of reasons. i get it, the plot feels slow to some people (it's standard mmo fare imo) and a lot of people are put off by the english voice acting. that's fine. a little cringe aside, none of that ever felt like a problem to my enjoyment, but i get it.
i found minfilia to be a genuine person, one who actually cared about you beyond your usefulness (something that i think it takes the other scions to come around to), someone who wants to help you understand what is happening to you, and depending on how you play your wol, a friend (i've even seen some sweet shipping involving her!). she's not brash or combat-focused, but smart, dedicated, and soft in a world that would see her become harsh, and i think people are more likely to overlook a woman character with those traits. she's committed to the cause she believes will save the world, and your role in it, to the point of her own demise.
while there is an essay to be written here about fridging women characters in a setting that gives us a variety of wonderful women characters, i think we can think of at least one male character with an arc reflective of this who is not as roundly dismissed. the difference is we don't get to see her actions through it. i don't think the writers did as well by her as they could have, but the bones are there if you care to see them.
idk, i enjoyed her greatly. she is definitely someone whom i think had a huge impact on kit (my wol). so that's my answer.
(and! i got through all of this without mentioning her relationship to the gunbreaker!)
here's the meme if anyone else would like to participate!
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smol-tired-binch-blog · 9 months
So. Finished Kiwami 2.
I can feel the details fading from my brain already, what the fuck was that. Even without the weird anti-Korean bullshit (seriously EVERYONE is Jingweon except Kazuki and Suyeon bugger this honestly) it was so fucking BORING, I didn't CARE about the fate of the Tojo, let it fall, who cares. The only reason I'm mildly interested in it staying is cause the Omi are worse. I wasn't as invested in the combat but in fairness I got into this series thinking the quick-changing between four unique combat styles was this franchise's gimmick but turns out I'm wrong :) That's fine, it's just one of the main reasons I picked up the game, that's okay.
The game's best bits were Ryuji and Daigo. Also I like seeing Yuya and Kazuki and Sayama, whilst not given the best treatment via the writers imo, is a really cool character.
Oh and Majima Saga was MUCH shorter than I expected which eh, lil disappointing, but I got closure with him and his Sotenbori past so I'll allow it (even though it makes me fucking CRY)
Time for some under the cut ranting:
Why is it that the Jingweon's whole 'death before dishonour, revenge above all else' is simply Bad And Evil And Backwards when I swear like....don't yakuza have similar creeds? Never back down, loyalty to the cause, to the family, debts must be repaid in blood and money alike. Maybe they're go a bit more with it but yakuza aren't above playing the long game for their goals (see Sera and Shimano). Is it bad when they Jingweon do it cause they're Korean? They're the bad guys I guess so.
Speaking of the bastard, Kazama really likes taking two young brothers/comrades and telling them "go make something of yourselves, you have such great potential" but then proceed to give special attention to one of them for SOME fucking reason but then still plays the cool-headed and aloof mentor, like "no I don't play favourites I can't do everything for you" whilst doing Literally Everything For Them and fighting tooth and nail to get them to the top without letting on to anyone that he does actually care. Every day I grow angrier that Nishiki didn't kill him the first time. Fire again, boyo.
Also FUCK RYUJI'S DAD. SERIOUSLY, what is WRONG with dads in RGG games??? "You're saying my own mama threw me away?" "No! I begged her to leave you with me." I BEG YOUR FUCKING PARDON?! WHAT?! I- I JUST- HUH?!?!?!? WHAT?!?!?!!?? FUCK OFF?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
But now Ryuji. Oh my God Ryuji. What a character, what a lad, what a man. I don't give a fuck, okay, he earned the title of Dragon, bollocks to Kiryu. And I mean that.
'Dragon of Dojima', 'Mad Dog of Shimano', legends, yes, but inherently tied to and defined by men who ruined their lives, men who don't deserve their names attached to those boys legacies. Ryuji though? He's defined by none but himself, tied to no one, his strength and power and name belonging to him and him alone. The Golden Dragon. By God he earned that tattoo.
And the less we say about that dumb ending the better. skrunksthatwunk already made a good post on why it's bullshit cause Jesus fuckin Christ on a unicycle WHY do they keep trying to but Heterosexual Romance in my Shirtless Men Beating Each Other Up Whilst Pouring Their Hearts Out To Each Other game.
But hey, Yakuza 3 should be fun!!!! Genuinely really excited to see what goes down!!!
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bdslab · 5 months
asterix in d&d is fun cause essentially his highest stats are charisma and dexterity with slightly above average in other stats. I'd say wis is higher cause of his insight and survival skills but honestly his understanding of how people operate is SEVERELY hindered in cities. I'd say class-wise he'd fit more of a paladin archetype imo… now while it may seem weird to have a paladin who largely fights unarmed, i think it works out since most of the time when he doesn't have the potion he's using a sword. other weird thing is the lack of armor but eh for paladin oath… for as chaotic as the series gets i honestly feel like he fits the tenents for the oath of devotion? Honesty, Courage, Compassion, Honor, Duty… Like I said he fits the basic paladin archetype pretty well. DEVOTION PALADINS ARE ALSO KNOWN TO INCORPORATE WINGS ONTO THEIR HELMETS SO Anyway, onto obelix. Obviously highest stats are strength and constitution (like game breakingly high numbers you shouldn't have), mediocre wis and cha, and a serious hit to dex and int to make up for the outrageous str and con stats in order to let unarmed combat be viable for 5e and not be a monk obelix has to have the tavern brawler feat. after that… barbarian would be my best guess. the lack of armor works well with barbarians and there can be something said for the rage kicking in a few times ahtibat1 For barbarian path… I'm not as familiar with these but actually Juggernaut works pretty well. Melee attacks have the ability to launch foes 5ft away, you're impossible to topple, and structures are cakewalk to take down. actually it's perfect Cacofonix is a bard that forgot to spec into charisma honestly cacofonix probably has pretty decent constitution for how often he's hit over the head with a hammer. he probably has some good int as well, mediocre for the rest (charisma dump stat though). College of valor fits well with the large numbers of fights around the village Getafix is a pretty standard druid. good wis and int; decent dex, con and cha; fairly poor strength. Circle of the Land is a pretty literal description of what's depicted in the comics and movies (oral tradition led by elders meeting to keep secrets & magic within the community). vitalstatistix is an up and up champion fighter unhygenix and fulliautomatix are berserker barbarians but because it's a kids book there's no death and blood when they rage geriatrix is a kensei monk except instead of a sword his weapon is his cane now. dogmatix is a dog
people are always like "devotion paladins are boring and have to be perfect angels" but honestly it doesn't say anywhere they can't blatantly disrespect authority if they don't recognize that authority in the first place what im getting at is that asterix being a rude little bastard calling caesar "jules" is fine. honestly can you imagine the audacity. he's less than 5ft tall & caesar's conquered all gaul* and he's like "fuck you i won't use your proper name"
*except a little village in armorica paladins of devotion have to lead by example and honestly, disrespecting caesar and accidentally tanking the economy is a pretty decent example lmao
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So, the Decepticon dnd party. This would be significantly more chaotic as they know Far Less about dnd and their party will have far more allowances. Also, uh we Are going to assume that mecha enter the player party in order to show appearance, and since there is More than the autobots' campaign we're going to often say that not everyone does a thing in a session, Soundwave merely asks that they at least join the server even if they don't talk the entire time. Because it's my au and i say so.
Soundwave is the DM, and he's going to be called the asshole DM, or "Who do you think you are, Primus?" a lot. He's going to let his party stretch the rules far more often, but he's going to run them ragged and he Will have far too much fun writing monster and boss sheets. You can hide NOTHING from his ass and he isn't afraid to pull shit tricks on his players which they were warned of in session zero. Miss a session? No you are not, you're just going to have to do it over the comms like a pandemic kid on a snow day. If you're truly truly unable to come to session, he will fill you in on what happened while you were gone and update your player sheet accordingly but by primus there will be surprises.
Megatron is a warlock. I think you know exactly why, but his explanation in game would be the power and he will try and make a plotline of trying to defeat his patron eventually (yes that's inspired by me playing COTL), which who knows the patron might be the BBEG of the campaign. He will beg for magical weapons, constantly, and will be surprised when they have consequences. He's not going to care much for gold loot, no he's all about the magic damn weapons and maximizing damage potential. He will be the guy who will get surprised by a mimic and trust Nothing.jpeg ever. He's gonna bring dark energon to session, and things will get particularly funky. If anyone's going to make fucky ducky moves, it's him. This is, inevitably, factored into how the campaign is played.
Starscream, predictably, will be a rogue but will tell everyone else he's a different class but he has not decided Which One. Of course he can't hide this from the DM but the DM will let this slide, provided a twist will come about later. The majority of PVP will occur because of her and her player character. I'm betting that she's going to be the only one who cares about currency based loot, and while she's expecting to have to steal it from the other players she's just going to end up the party treasurer. In session they prefer to get up and move, so hearing their pedes clicking in the backround has become part of the ambiance. If anyone's going to threaten the other players it's Starscream just All The Time. He's going to fling himself across any table there is, cause stuff to go flying Everywhere, just to hold his claws against someone's throat. I'd say they're chaotic evil but no with time you can predict them rather easily and get your shit off the table.
Breakdown would be a fighter, and probably end up being in possession of whatever weaponry that Megatron got bored of. He's going to go all out in describing his player character in combat, and Will beg Soundwave to let his player character be married to whoever Knockout is playing. This has lead to the hilarious inside joke that his player character is a widower several times over. He's probably the only one of the group to do his roles openly, which functionally is a little pointless considering the DM is Soundwave but it's part of the ambiance. He drops a lot of dice imo and has to pick them up constantly, leading to his dice being all kinds of chipped and fucked up.
Knockout will be the motherfucker who's characters die constantly. He may protect his paintjob, but his player characters are well fictional and he's definitely not above letting them succumb to anything and everything. This is not helped by him often choosing wizards which are notorious for being fragile as all pit. During session, he's usually working on something small to keep his servos occupied. He's got pretty dice, i can just see it in his optics he's a person who has a little fancy dice roller and more than a few dice sets. He's willing to give a new dice set to anyone who inevitably loses theirs or throws them at each other or breaks them because damn this party is rough on dice imo.
Dreadwing and Skyquake (look i specified that this is a nobody dies au and i fragging meant it lol) would both be paladins with significant themes of duality. Yet again I'm going to mention the eventual attempted destruction of Megatron's patron, and this is like their Paladin Goal™️. They Intensely detest the undead in campaign, and there will be lots of sidequests based on this. Yes, they are going to end up being the healers of the party because of how adamant Knockout was against being it "i have to heal you fraggers as my day job what makes you think I'm going to do it in a game??!?" Which will create some absolutely hilarious in game moments as they know Nothing about healing. If you think it's ironic that Dreadwing and Skyquake would be paladins, ohhh then you might be seeing the same thing i am. In session, they keep their stuff close and often will do twin meetings without the rest of the party (which of course Soundwave knows every aspect if these because he's practically omniscient)
Makeshift will be a druid. Why? Wildshape. Remember how we didn't see much of Makeshift in canon? Well you're fucking gonna now. Makeshift is rarely physically in session, but is always there on the comms. You'll forget he's there usually, but when his player character is relevant Damn does he steal the show for a session. His player character imo would likely be a druid, he's often going to masquerade as the party's pet to unaware NPCs.
I can see the predacons more or less sharing a player character, with Predaking being the main representative for it. If anyone's going to successfully miss a session, it's them, which has lead to an inside joke about their player character being so forgetful that they forget who they are. Let's be real and say I'm not quite sure what dnd class they'd choose, because while Skylynx and Darksteel might want to choose a barbarian, I can see Predaking wanting something a little more whimsical. This kind of arguing is exactly why i chose for them to share a character because that would be hilarious as all hell.
Shockwave would be an artillerist artificer. He's exactly going to try and explain what magic is in dnd because he likes Logic and most people consider magic the opposite of logic but no it's simply a science with different sets of rules. His inventions have caused the most TPKs, hands down, and have caused Several ragequits. He loves how complex he can play this, and Will try and make a trebuchet. This is exactly who you want handling a heavily boobytrap-ed dungeon, because that's what he'd do if he was designing a dungeon. If he's not allowed to do something, then he's going to find the pettiest way to replicate the basic idea of it. He's definitely going to tinker during sessions, and while at first dnd magic will frustrate the hell out of him Shockwave will figure it out and lament that he can't use it in his real technology work. He's going to be the guy who's trying to get a pet dragon and fails consistently because the DM is an asshole. He'll definitely draw diagrams up outside of session for fictional weaponry, and hell he might actually get ideas for real things based on it.
Arachnid is another member who would be playing rather infrequently, but she comes in handy. She would choose ranger, more specifically a hunter ranger. If she's allowed to collect trophies in game, she will. There will be jokes about this, and i think it's Soundwave that would compare this behavior to earth felines. I, personally, would compare how she plays however to a leopard. Her player character would spend a lot of time lurking and laying traps, which is what she usually does in her day job too. 8/10 if someone gets like actually murdered during a session it's her. She pops onto the comms while she's hunting and it's not an uncommon occurrence to hear some poor soul gurgling from her mic. She will be Never physically in session otherwise Starscream and Breakdown (and probably Knockout) ganging up on her.
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askelectrochromic · 2 years
Since I finally managed to play Other M I somehow feel the urge to talk about it. Specially in comparison to how you changed the story in Cyanide.
First of all, I did not mind the original story too much. On the one hand because I read so much trash about it, that my expectations were below zero and on the other hand cause I was too busy grumbling about the controlls.
There were however a lot of missed opportunities, like the deleter stuff. This could have been interesting, but there were not nearly enough people on board to keep it that way. From how the game set them up, Adam and Anthony were never suspects to begin with and while they tried to make the player suspicious about Adam, it was too little too late to really be believable in the first place.
Making Adam the actual deleter does solve the „not enough people on board“ at least somewhat. It also makes his character a lot more (dark) grey, which in and of itself is a lot more interesting than the lawful good character they tried to make him out as in game. In adition it opens up a lot more opportunities for where the story could go.
Then there is the „paternal relationship“. Despite Samus outright telling us, it does feel a lot like she tries her best to convince herself as much as the player that this is how she feels about Adam. What we see however, looks very different. At least to my eye. Your take on that part suggests that I‘m not the only one.
A lot of people complain that Samus comes off as weak and whiney. I don‘t really see it that way. Confused, conflicted emotions certainly, but she is still good at her job (a lot better than the „elite“ soldiers) and pretty badass. Just because we don’t get to hear or read her thoughts in metroid II and super, does not mean she doesn‘t have any. Quite the contrary. Why else would she spare the metroid hatchling in the first place?
Which is also what I see in the way you write Samus. Competent and good at what she does, but still a person with flaws and feelings, that she needs to sort out in order to move on.
While I still prefer your Samus, I don’t think the way the game portays her all that bad.
It goes to show how some (not so) little tweaks can turn a mediocre, boring story in something a lot better and more intriguing.
Ok, that almost (?) turned into an essay. I will send it anyway and hope you don’t mind.
SableGear0: Don't mind at all, always appreciate someone taking the time to put their thoughts out there! (And Other M is definitely the kind of thing that merits long-form discussion imo. This one's gonna get long too, so strap in. I'm going to sort of work backwards, here...)
Honestly, I agree with you on a lot of points. As flawed as it is, Other M isn't actually that bad of a game, it just... the things it does poorly, it does really poorly. The story itself is fine, if maybe too close to Fusion's. The worst parts about it are the cutscene cinematography and the characterization. And even the latter is largely a product of the localization direction. It tried to go in a dramatic direction, which in itself isn't bad (worked in Dread imo), but it went overboard, and that particular flavour of melodrama doesn't really jive with the stablished tone of the series.
I personally dislike the surface-level depiction of Samus in OM, but I can see both the intended original vibe and respect it being read differently than presented. The thing is, if you dig into it, and think about it, it's not a totally unfair depiction, but the game's way of communicating that falls flat. I get why Samus is emotional and impulsive here, she's hurt! The Samus we see in OM is conflicted and grieving, she's lost and lacking for purpose, we should be sympathizing with her confusion and her outbursts. But her own narration doesn't entirely line up with her actions - and not in an interesting 'unreliable narrator' way, but a frustrating, dissonant way. She's still sufficiently badass the rest of the time, and when the combat controls in OM deign to behave, we see that clearly!
Her unspoken actions have so much more weight to me, too - not just what we can extrapolate from the 2D games, like her sparing the hatchling in M2, but in OM as well. Honestly I think the best characterization we see of her in OM is when she's interacting with the Bergmans; she's professional but compassionate, she's very gentle and understanding of how terrified these two women are given the circumstances, she gives them space, she protects them - even not knowing who they are, she places herself between them and danger both times we see them speak to her for any length. And that hits so much harder than any monologue, imo. Those are the moments of characterization we need.
I also, honestly, hadn't thought too hard about her claims about her relationship with Adam, but I really like your take. It does feel at points like she's trying to sell the audience as much as herself on that angle, but her version is really not what we see. And frankly it's not at all what I would have guessed from what little we were given in Fusion. (I am omitting the manga bc I didn't know it existed until well after I had played Fusion, so that was my only context for Adam.) Which begs the question, what's she afraid of admitting, if she can't convince herself?
As I'm sure I've mentioned in the past, Deleter!Adam is one of my favourite headcanons/alterations to OM. I would contend that there is significant support as-is for it to have been a plausible twist, but this isn't the place to expound on that. I will agree that it does seem like something the writers flirted with before either forgetting or dropping for time constraints, which is a shame to me. The series won't be allowed to have morally grey characters, and it doesn't line up with prior representations of Adam. I just think it's neat. And I think OM should have leaned harder in the thriller/murder-mystery direction anyway, regardless of what the truth was.
I'm always flattered when people like my interpretations, though. Working through changes like that really is a thought-exercise, both in the backwards "what would cause this choice?" direction and the forwards "what comes of this later?" direction. Which is why the series is getting so dang long, honestly. I'm doing my best not to leave too many threads unaddressed and keep things internally consistent. (I'm also piling a large majority of my headcanons about these two into it so that's a lot of material already!)
Thanks for taking the time to write in. It means a lot to me to have people engaging thoughtfully both with my work and with the source material. Like I said at the top, OM, although much (perhaps unfairly?) reviled, still deserves thoughtful consideration.
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saudade-mayari · 3 years
I don’t blame people who says Aizawa is a bad teacher or a hypocrite, but you’re an account that I am comfortable sharing this because you also love eraser head. (It’s okay if you don’t want to post it)
Even Aizawa admitted to himself that he is a terrible teacher and mostly forced to teach as based on the vigilantes manga where Nemuri recommended Shota to be a teacher, but what he did to DEKU is somehow relevant for me.
Yes it is true that during the first part he hated Izuku’s guts and regarded him as having no potential but Aizawa was also testing the kid because whichever way watchers should know, Aizawa is right on the fact that Izuku just can’t attack recklessly and impulsively after having such destructive quirk. He did not disregard Izuku’s quirk, he is merely testing the kid to find his other resolve. As for Bakugo’s case Aizawa truly had a hard time disciplining him but he is watching him closely like what Mitsuki (Bakugo’s mom) said, so when All Might took tutelage of Midoriya (and Bakugo) he had no objections because as a HOMEROOM teacher, All Might is the best training for Izuku’s quirk (which is relatively passed onto him)
He is never a hypocrite for teaching Shinso. I don’t see anything wrong about that because I really understand that some training teachers have their own prodigy and he’s a homeroom teacher all he is accountable off is the overlooking at the their hero training which he did well because he focused on the student individual’s strength in the summer camp.
Aizawa also mentioned in a chapter in manga (254) why he expelled students in the past. He knew his capability as a homeroom teacher and he himself knows that he is a terrible teacher hence, re-enrolled them to other school where they would work with a new homeroom teacher. Some may see it as escaping of “escaping duties” but I really think during that time, Aizawa was just thinking what he thinks is best for the students. Afterall, he had proven himself good in manga as someone who really cares for ALL THE STUDENTS.
Blaming Aizawa for the events in 1A is practically uncalled and irrelevant, might as well just say the entire UA should be held accountable. He just had a poor decision making most especially when the truth about Kurogiri is revealed. However, even though he is not the best teacher, I can safely say that Aizawa is a decent and good teacher.
v v v long post ahead
yes anon!!!!. not my biased self speaking... he is not as great as other teachers, but saying shouta is a terrible teacher is uncalled for. he is a decent prof for me. made some mistakes, helps his students. it’s decent.
i firmly believe aizawa and all might are better example as a pro hero than teachers.
(Gonna point some of his mistakes in my perspective as a former teacher under the cut)
he was strict for a reason but he showed his care for all the students during the fight in manga (not gonna say since its spoiler) even aizawa himself knows he is terrible at teaching but at least he is trying😂
i also heard fans saying that because momo, tenya and todoroki are from rich and well known prohero family aizawa never bothered to scold at them. AGAIN IT IS WRONG TO SAY THAT.
momo, iida and todoroki...yes rich and families are known for being heroes but they practically never did anything to trouble aizawa so why else bother them? during their test, aizawa gave advice for todoroki and momo which considerably helped them.
aizawa’s way of teaching is to give harsh critiques and let the student have their own resolve. but as a former student and teacher speaking, it is both right and wrong to have that approach.
it’s definitely okay to let them figure out their own resolve (HAPPENS A LOT IN MED SCHOOL PROFS ARE HARSH HUHU) but it is important to somehow give them base and foundation before actually figuring out their so-called own resolves. i think it’s what aizawa lacks the most AS A TEACHER. but then again his entire character build up clearly says he’s not for teaching.
he was also called a hypocrite for teaching shinso but they aren’t picking on all might for mostly focusing on deku nor endeavor only wanting to focus on shoto. it’s not wrong to have their own prodigies because at the very least aizawa helped overlook his students like what he did in the summer camp and like what all might did in student practicals.
not just aizawa but all might, endeavor, nighteye and even gran torino have personal decisions on closely training those selected kids
aizawa WAS the only teacher who called the entrance/admission test irrelevant for non-physical quirks. HE KNEW IT WAS A PROBLEM SO HE HELPED SHINSO TO BE ON HERO DEPARTMENT bc he know the kid’s opportunity to be a pro hero in the future. he experienced that himself, although his quirk is powerful it was completely non-physical that is why his and shinso’s ability are less likely to be recognized. coz i agree the quirk admission test was somehow iffy... there should have been psychological quirk test too but i understand the point where fans tell that “it’s a student’s job to take advantage of their quirk rather than complain in the disadvantages of having a non-physical quirk.”
I agree on that statement but as a former student myself, i think reconsiderations should have existed coz there are probably lots of great students in general course department (like shinsou).
—and tbh... aizawa and kakashi are often the teachers who are regarded as ‘terrible ones’ but i don’t think so.
im not gonna point out kakashi’s but im gonna say aizawa’s role as a homeroom teacher. back in highschool, ive homeschooled in japan for 2 yrs due to personal reasons and i can say that based on their culture in japan and asia countries in general have a different approach on homeroom teachers.
homeroom teachers in japan are technically the ones who overlook the students, ppl who argued that aizawa should train them is irrelevant because all might is their combat and hero training teacher. aizawa is not meant to teach, but rather supervise.
which is why aizawa (as the homeroom teacher) and all might (the hero training teacher) are the ones who had council with parents because technically, aizawa is responsible for the students safety. HOWEVER....
manga spoilers on the cut
some anti aizawa fans are totally wrong to blame everything in him for 1A always being in dangerous circumstances because after reading the on going manga, they have no damned idea AT FIRST who the league of villains is responsible of. THE ENTIRE UA SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, not just aizawa I agree on that anon.
for aizawa and the rest it is still a puzzle in the early, i repeat early chapters of the manga what the league is really after aside from killing all might and changing the system of pro heroes.
yes. I agree he had bad decisions on the victims, mainly Kurogiri because he knew it was his friend. He regarded Kurogiri as a ‘victim’ but somehow disregarded the casualties it caused. It was irrational for aizawa to say it like that coz it was obviously a word out of his feelings in the past. can’t blame him (imo) but it was truly irrational and irrelevant for him to say it like that.
there are times aizawa as a teacher just harshly criticized them and let them have their own resolve which is in fact, pretty harsh for a bunch of 15 year olds. but i think aizawa only wants them to have their own resolve since its what aizawa has been doing since episode 5.
i think it was bad for aizawa to let iida go where his brother was attacked, he should have acted upon it as a homeroom teacher to secure iida’s safety but then again, ITS FOR THE SAKE OF PLOT😂
im going to say this again... as a former teacher speaking, it is bad for aizawa just to give the students harsh critiques and letting them figure their own resolves.
it’s not a bad teaching approach BUT that kind of approach doesn’t work ALL THE TIME. sometimes, aizawa needs to teach the basics, base and foundation so the students would have an easier time to HAVE AN ACTUAL SOLUTION
because as a student for 9 years in pre and med school, it is definitely hard to make critical decisions WITHOUT being taught the foundation and base first.
it’s like aizawa not teaching an intern general surgery but letting them have their own decisions if the intern is gonna decide whether to lead the surgery or not.
his teaching approach is not bad but it doesn’t work all the time. as a teacher, pro hero and adult he needs to imply his own experience as well which where the erasure hero lacks. But then again it’s plot and aizawa’s introvert character build up so we can’t really blame him because they need the plot to keep going.
personally, aizawa’s main mistake is not knowing what to teach for the answers to questions the students are not expected to know from teaching answers to questions the students are expected to know.
if aizawa’s gonna be that perfect teacher and all, the show would have been boring😂
though aizawa did assessed on their quirks during summer training arc but i think it was not enough for the fans.
aizawa is much more better as a pro hero alone. he does his job perfectly as pro hero.
so in conclusion, i think aizawa needs to have seminar with me 🤪 im gonna teach my man the proper and basics of teaching. HAHAHAHA KIDDING 🤪 (lowkey not kidding)
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logarithmicpanda · 3 years
So I recently got convinced to give Dragon age another try and fell head first into an obsession lol
I started by DA2 then went back to Origins before moving forward to Inquisition. Through the years I had been spoiled some stuff but was really past caring. Anyways, here are my impressions on each game
DAO: very cool maps, feels long and intricate. Some quests are bullshit but most are interesting. I hate the map transitions and the random encounters and find the combat system tedious, but the worldbuilding makes up for it. Most companions did not catch my attention. I expected to love Morrigan and I romanced her but she felt a little bit flat and too easy to get with, and I'm not fan of how giggly she gets (romance shouldn't make down to earth characters stupid imo). I liked the plot resolution though I'm not a huge fan of "chosen ones" lines. Zevran was an unexpected fave, I regret not romancing him.
DA2: i love the companions. I had them all maxed out except Fenris who was very close but since I sided with mages and took him on every quest he had a bit of disapproval going on lmao. They feel like a big family, even the ones I don't really like at the beginning like Aveline. The dungeons are super repetitive but i didn't notice at first. The quests felt compelling enough that I did every single one I could find, and it felts relevant and in line with my Hawke who tries to help everyone and fix everything lol. The timespan was interesting, but I was frustrated with the way known maps became blacked out again (bug or feature because of the time skip? Unclear)
DAI: mmmmmmph. There's so much stuff going on in the map but a lot of the quests feel boring. I get that it's not actually geared towards completionists, but to offer to players the possibility to do only tasks they find fun and still level up enough. I wanted to love the companions and while I have a solid liking for them, the distance caused by the fact the inquisitor is basically their leader bothers me haha, I wanted a found family again. I wish there were more character quests, I feel like I don't know most of the companions very well even if i did all their available dialogues
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veshialles · 3 years
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Project Ascendant
During the latter days of the New Dalek Paradigm's campaign against all other impure Dalek holdouts, the Eternal Caste foresaw the inevitable exhaustion of the progenitor devices from which their new empire had arisen. Each device they had scoured the cosmos in search of was capable of spawning well over a hundred new soldiers for their cause, but their burning need for conquest would doom their race to extinction if they could not replenish their numbers quickly enough.
Many experiments were conducted by the Science Caste in an attempt to create new progenitor devices, however the New Paradigm’s bio-mechanical schematics proved difficult to reconstruct with their limited resources, as unlike every generation of Dalek that came before them, their casings had been grown directly around the mutant itself, becoming a true extension of the creature’s own body. The experiments to grow new drones from scratch often resulted in Daleks which were not viable, with the mutants being either stillborn or becoming contorted heaps of flesh and metal due to genetic coding errors.
Thus, Project Ascendant was devised. The Eternal Caste and the Science Caste worked together to develop a new travel machine, one which would be more easily assembled and cheaper to produce, while still retaining the New Paradigm’s superior combat systems and design philosophies. The core design, however, was based upon the casings of the impure Dalek holdouts that had already been conquered and scrapped for parts.
One notable disadvantage to the design was a slight delay in reaction time, due to the mutant and the machine returning to a pilot/vehicle role rather than a fully symbiotic one. This flaw was largely outweighed by the increased number of drones that were able to be produced, however.
[behind the scenes ramblings below the cut]
So, I kind of showed these guys off before, with my last photo set of Eternal Caste Ascendant’s working along side the Time Controller, but here’s a slightly more refined model I just finished. I made the vent look a little bit more like the New Paradigm hunchback. except slimmer. And I also replaced the 2005 dome with the Paradigm dome, first time doing an actual mesh edit with blender (bc I had to delete that stupid eyeball ring on the front so it wouldn’t clip with the 2005 cowl. it was a very frustrating learning curve but well worth the result imo).
Anyway, what inspired this whole idea was that, way back in 2012 I just. Really liked the general idea of the New Paradigm becoming a “ruling class” over the Bronze Daleks, but I also thought that felt just a bit boring? Plus we’ve been stuck with the same old design for almost 20 years now thanks to that idea falling flat. So this design is my response to that idea, but with some Proper Lore and just a little bit of alien body horror for funsies!
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lisinfleur · 3 years
honestly,,,i wish thorunn had never left or got injured. because thats what made bjorn get upset and his respect for women went \________. they could've been a happy couple with babies and a good life together. but i dont think thorunn should've gone to battle.
Thorunn imo was again a sad attempt of Hirst to represent a woman discovering her own power and giving with her face against the wall of the "things that should be done by men". He deliberately wrote a character discovering herself more than a beautiful adornment and, when facing the basic consequences of going out to combat (gaining scars), went way into the locker once again, locked herself into it, and threw herself with the locker and everything down the hill. Þórunn was a complete deception not only to me but to Björn, cause she was the one and only he truly treated well and tried until his last effort to keep by his side. She broke his heart and probably the last thread of hope he had that true love could be a thing - remembering his father broke it first by openly cheating on his mother right in front of his 13 years old nose. After her, you can see women become objects for him at the point that he's able to cheat on his wife and exchange a woman who was beside him for years, bore his children, and was able to put her own body in front of his to avoid him being shot dead (which Torvi does when Erlendur is longing for Björn's death) by a princess he had just known and wanted to fuck. Þórunn was a sad character, poor and pitiful, which would've had a better ending if she had just died on that battlefield or later on childbirth or even coming back to discover her daughter drowned and drown herself with Siggy out of regret. Anything would've been better than that pitiful script they gave to her.
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wavebiders · 3 years
Operation: "Ignore the Shitty Live Action Winx Show and Just Rewatch the Cartoon for the First Time in Almost a Decade" part 24:
How Do You Liveblog Combat?
Awww yeah the Club of Old Badasses is finally in one place
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Stop it
Blink! She used Blink! (I've been playing too much TW3)
You can tell an episode is heavy on both combat and Bloom/Sky because I don't have shit to say lmao
I actually really do like the combat. It's no avatar, but it's really creative. Both tailored to the character's individual powers and varied enough that I never feel like I'm seeing the same move twice
Bloom and Sky are... well, they're just kind of there. The whole mess with Diaspro, and the unfortunate lack of consequences for Sky after did make me dislike them as a couple but not enough for their scenes to get a strong negative reaction from me
It's mostly just bland. Like they're going through the motions of the obligatory romantic subplot. Which I don't even consider a bad thing, given how it's a symptom of the show simply prioritizing female friendships over romantic ships
But yeah. The times when focus does get shifted to them as a couple just end up being kinda boring😂
Daphne, thank god! Yes, do call your little sister towards a more interesting plotline
Brandon/Stella on the other hand does have rights. Still not super into them partially bc of the lack of focus on romance I mentioned before, and bc as much as I hate to have shipping bias, I'm just more invested in Stella's dynamic with Bloom. But they're cute
Oh, hey Stella read my mind and changed to subject to her girlfriend. Can always count on her to keep things fun and gay
I need to look up what Bloom says in English whenever she says "lieve hemel" or some variation of it, cause it's almost a catchphrase at this point and adorable, and I'm curious what the English dub went with there
"Heavens" maybe? Doesnt have the right amount of syllables tho, and it doesn't sound as natural imo
Magix seems pretty fucked
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
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Kids??? Are we talking kids??? Can I... talk about Alphinaud and Illya’s kids??? They only have kids many years after canon after they’re married. 
Also no in-game screencaps of them.. because none of the base models would do either of them justice imo. So have these picrew made avatars! Headcanons and useless rambling about them under the cut!
Illya and Alphinaud have kids pretty quickly after they marry, because they’re a pair who has their future planned out pretty far ahead, and having children would be one of the few things they’d discuss extensively about before they even marry. 
They were initially pretty unsure about the idea of conceiving because of the nature of their work. They risk their lives on a daily basis for the realm and it would be cruel to subject children to losing their parents at such a young age? But they eventually do admit that they both want children, and that they’ll just have to work harder to make sure they can be there for their kids even with their work.
Illya gives birth to twins - a boy and a girl, with the boy being slightly older! As they grow, I think they’ll look more like really short elezen? Their father already has pretty short genes in comparison to other elezens.. so if you mix that with lala genes, you’d get even shorter kids. Reason they’re not entirely lalas is because Illya is technically half hyur. 
Individual headcanons:
Inherited his mother’s glossy purple eyes, but none of her personality traits.
Bratty and self-confident. Due in part to how much time he spends with Alisaie. He ends up picking up sword fighting because of her and is very reckless when it comes to combat.
He’s probably either a DPS or tank, but don’t expect him to hold a shield.. cause shields are boring.
Has a sweet tooth due to being spoiled rotten by Illya baking the kids treats very often as they grew up. He frequently threw tantrums as a kid if he wasn’t given sweets as often as he wanted, which Alphinaud has to learn how to discipline him for. His spice tolerance is medium.
Likes to poke fun of his sister a lot, especially in regards to her shyness.
Despite this, he is extremely protective of his family. He feels very guilty whenever he does anything to make Illya upset or worried... and he’ll beat you senseless if you touch his sister wrong. 
Is actually a really good chef. He just has a certain knack for it after watching in awe for years at Illya working in the kitchen. He’s just not very interested in cooking most of the time. 
He does know a few magical abilities, due to both of his parents being powerful magic users. They both taught their kids basic magic spells as a means for them to defend themselves or heal if absolutely necessary. He just doesn’t bother with them most of the time. In emergencies though, he does have the ability to cast cure on other people.
Actually quite intelligent. He’s just reckless and isn’t patient enough to study the arcane arts or anything other than just hitting stuff with his bare hands.
Inherited her father’s bangs and blue eyes. But resembles her mother more in terms of personality.
She’s shy and quiet, but not exactly as socially awkward or anxious as her other. She also doesn’t stutter like her mother does when talking.
Learned magic religiously from both her parents, so she turned out to be a very talented magic user and healer, though her combat style resembles Alphinaud’s more, with her using a grimoire and carbuncle.
Alphinaud taught her how to experiment with carbuncles like he does, and she managed to make her very own Amethyst carbuncle at a young age. 
Studies and reads a lot. One of her favorite things to do growing up is to read stories with her parents.
Often very exasperated with Ipheion and his behavior. She also gets grouchy and gives him the cold shoulder if his teasing goes too far.
She also has a sweet tooth but is far more cooperative when it comes to eating her fruits and vegetables. But she has zero tolerance for spicy food, so her mother’s stew scares her.
Despite her introversion, she’s actually rather brave? There aren’t a whole lot of things that scare her. She’s not afraid of swimming, heights or ghosts like her father is. 
She doesn’t like flowers quite as much as her mother does, but she does find them pretty and finds gardening with Illya relaxing. 
Helpless when it comes to physical battle.. in fact she may be even more inept at melee classes than even her mother? Which is saying a lot.
Now for general parenting headcanons for Illya and Alphinaud
Much like with other people, Illya finds difficulty in raising her voice towards her children. Most of the disciplining comes from Alphinaud who is far better at setting boundaries and being stern. He wouldn’t yell, but he will put his foot down if they misbehave. Most of the time though, it’s enough to just say “your mother will be very sad if she finds out”, because the only thing scarier than dad grounding you is to see mom upset enough to not talk to you for a while.
Illya is the chef of the family. She cooks and makes treats for the kids often. She’s also the one who does most of the household chores, but Alphinaud often feels bad and tries to help, even if poorly. As the kids grew older, they took it upon themselves to do some basic chores too. Ipheion would often take out the trash and doesn’t mind sorting for recycling while Eulalie sweeps the floor and helps her mother out with gardening.
Alphinaud’s far more talkative when it comes to telling their kids tales about their past adventures, mostly just boasting about how amazing Illya is, really. It’s hard for them to really visualize their mother as the amazing warrior and hero of many realms as their father told them to be.. since they only ever see her being the soft, gentle mom who takes care of them at home. They come to realize what he means when they grow older though, and have to confront the dangers of the world themselves, and realize that their parents hide their worries and pain just to ensure that they have a happy childhood. 
It’s also all the more apparent when they go out and people talk about their mother.. and when people do find out that they are the kids of the Warrior of Light and one of her scion colleagues, they often expect the kids to be just as strong and talented?? Which puts a lot of pressure on them. 
I’m not sure if they’d have the echo.. but if they do, they probably feel even more pressured about having to live up to the expectations of others knowing they are the children of the Warrior of Light. 
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