#cuddle piles for everyone!
omaano · 27 days
If you're still taking those polyam sketch prompts...D2 for Cody/Obi-Wan/Rex?
Obi-Wan deserves a pair of handsome space heaters for the cold Tatooine nights :3 nap piles for everyone! Thanks for asking (and for adjusting the requested pose so that I can keep drawing different poses)❤️
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Polyamorous/platonic poses for sketching
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linkedin-offficial · 9 months
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pttucker · 8 months
「 Kim Dokja thought: Yoo Joonghyuk is now in the Gilobat Industrial Complex. 」 At first, I purely felt gratitude. Ah! Yoo Joonghyuk was a decent person! That jerk hit the industrial complex to save me! I felt thrilled for a while without thinking much. Then once I thought about it, I couldn't believe it. That Yoo Joonghyuk entered the Gilobat Industrial Complex to save me? In the first place, it was strange that Yoo Joonghyuk knew about my crisis. How could a guy who wasn't a constellation or have access to a channel know about my crisis? Thus, Yoo Joonghyuk was likely to do the opposite of coming to my rescue. He noticed that I impersonated him and came to the Demon Realm to pick me up. In the meantime, something went wrong and he headed to the Gilobat Industrial Complex first where he went through an unnecessary dispute and overturned the industrial complex. I couldn't even fathom how much rage it felt to do that.
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Hey, remember when Uriel and Joonghyuk had that conversation about saving Dokja and Joonghyuk gave those absolutely atrocious excuses as to why he was "really" going to the Demon Realm, you know the ones that were so bad Uriel straight up started laughing at him right in his face?
Remember how Joonghyuk was soooooo obvious in his desire to save Dokja that nobody would ever believe his bullshit mumbling about 'usable items' or some shit?
Well great news!
In fact, Joonghyuk didn't even have to give his excuses, Dokja just thought them up all on his own!
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 3 months
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anannua · 9 months
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team minato snooze pile
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The cool kid zone, no room for us peasant humans and aussies
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esmeraldaka · 6 months
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
I have seen a fair share of Polyamory Percy fanfics (go figure) but it has never been Polyamory Jason wherein everyone loves him as if Jason Grace wasn't literally there treating his friends so sweet and sincere like they were lovers from their previous lives.
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I know you mentioned you’re down for prompts in the integrated AU. I’m a simple girl and would love to see Gale wrapping Maureen in ALL the layers when it’s cold or sharing body heat?? I don’t know if that’s what you meant by prompts. Love the fic and can’t wait to see what you have planned for it. Gale and Maureen, and Bucky and Ida have my heart!
I AM SO DOWN!! This is so what I mean, I’ll most happily incorporate this as I think we alllll need and want to see this. Thank you for popping in and spreading love for it, I’m so touched y’all are enjoying it already.
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ranger-ribbons · 3 months
soft prompt
the Ninja Steel polycule forms a cuddle puddle then ends up falling asleep together
Hey penguin! Absolutely can do!
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Important Note: Brody and Levi are not dating in this fic, they are just dating everyone else.
It's been a long day. Fighting monsters, getting beaten by the big bad of the week, tossed around like their training dummies until they figured out how to beat the monster with a clever mix of Preston's magic and Sarah's ingenuity. The only bad part is that Preston couldn't be morphed while they fought, since his magic was restrained under the Power. The price one pays, he says when the others bring it up.
Sarah doesn't say it, but she knows it bothers him.
They end up heading back to Brody's house, which he shares with Levi and Mick. Calvin is limping from a well-placed fireball to the leg, Hayley's supporting her ribs where she's sure some Basherbots hit her. Preston's got a black eye and his arm in a sling where he got attacked while doing the spell. Brody and Levi are mostly untouched, natural born Ninjas and masters at protecting their backs while fighting from the front. Sarah, herself, has a bandage around her head from where the shrapnel of the resulting explosion when the monster was destroyed cut her.
Brody shoves open the door and gestures towards the living room. He and Levi disappear up the hall and come back with blankets in multiple colors. Calvin immediately snatches the massive white and yellow one to wrap around himself and Hayley. Sarah snaps up the pink one and leans into Hayley's uninjured side. Levi keeps the golden one, settling in behind Calvin, and Brody spreads the blue one over Preston's legs before spooning up behind the magician and laying his head on Sarah's leg with his back pressed to Hayley and Calvin's knees.
"Movie?" Levi asks, grabbing the television off the couch and turning it on.
"Tom and Jerry," Sarah offers in response, seeing a marathon on Boomerang. Levi selects that channel immediately and puts the remote back down. With that, it's just the six of them existing together peacefully. Hours pass like this, them ignoring the world as they unwind from the battle and the fact that they'd almost lost each other again. Maybe it's not so shocking that they start to fall asleep.
Preston goes to sleep first. Magic is still new to him, so he's tired way quicker when he uses his magic. He's followed by Sarah, who's overextended herself in battle once more. Hayley and Calvin are awake one minute, watching Jerry chase Tom around painted as a white mouse, and asleep the next, Hayley's head on Calvin's shoulder and Calvin leaning back against Levi's chest. Brody's out next, curled protectively around his Blue. Levi's asleep not long after.
When they wake the next morning, no one worries about it. There's no school or parents to appease. There's no Mick calling them for training. There's no reason for anything to bother them, so they stay cuddled together on the floor, only getting up to get food and use the bathroom.
It's how they prefer it anyway.
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hatkuu · 4 months
Let's say that thanks to some sciency/magic shenanigans, an identical copy of PC appears one day. Now there's two PC running around. How does Kylar react? Would he react differently if it's an opposite sex clone? What if multiple copies appear instead, would he become Ash Ketchum and tries to catch em all for his harem?
cuddle pile. kylar getting absolutely smothered with love. idk i didn't even think about sex for this one I was solely just thinking about the cute shenanigans. i don't think kylar would ever be insecure again. he'd be constantly loved by like. 2 - ∞ pcs.... heaven for the lil guy
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antiqua-lugar · 5 months
anyway I choose to believe Dorian and Wyll did not really unpack any of that because it is all A Lot and just hold each other all night. they can start talking tomorrow.
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strangesickness · 2 months
i need to write poly losers fan-fiction. poly losers SAVE ME
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Whumptober day 4 — Waking up disoriented, can’t pass out
Wind and Time have a bad... time. Ha ha. ahem. Poor Wind really isn’t used to icy temperatures huh.
Warnings: drowning, questionably accurate descriptions of hypothermia, a little bit of sort-of vomiting
Ao3 link
“Sailor!” Time shouted, squinting around at the blinding snow. “Sailor can you hear me?”
Nothing but the sound of the wind slicing at his exposed skin.
Time frowned, then looked around at his surroundings, trying to decide which way to go. Those accursed portals had it out for them, he was sure of it now. He and Wind had merely been out getting some firewood when the ground had abruptly dropped out beneath them, dark magic sucking them in before either of them could even shout.
Time had been plunged headfirst into a drift of snow, but hadn’t seen any sign of the sailor yet, despite several long minutes of looking. If only he had Twilight with him. The rancher would be able to pick up Wind’s scent in no time—
An abruptly cut-off cry echoed through the valley.
Time snapped his head in the direction of the sound, then bolted, boots kicking up small explosions of thin, powdery snow. It had sounded like it’d come from one of the hills close by, and he prayed he wasn’t running the wrong direction as he sprinted through the field.
He crested the closest rise and was treated to the sight of a frozen pond below him, ice in a solid sheet covering it. All except for one spot in the middle where the ice had cracked and broken, dark water visible underneath.
Wind’s sword lay in the snow beside it.
Time felt his heart jump, and he bolted for the mostly frozen water, grabbing in his pouch for the particular item he’d need. Practically throwing his armor and shirt off, Time pulled his old blue tunic on and shoved the hat on his head before diving straight into the freezing water.
The effects of the temperature were lessened by the tunic’s magic, but it was still a shock to his system, and Time froze for a second while he acclimated to it.
Then he squinted through the murk, searching desperately for any sign of Wind.
It took him several agonizingly long moments before his eyes caught on a familiar flash of blue several feet down. Time stroked rapidly towards it, and felt a burst of relief as Wind shortly came into sight. He was only barely struggling in the water below, bubbles escaping his lips, and Time quickly snagged his arm before he began to drag him upwards.
But Wind somehow gained back a measure of strength when he was grabbed, and struck out at him, eyes blurred and panicked. Time ignored his weak thrashing and pulled him close anyways, swimming with quick strokes back up to the surface.
At some point while he swam Wind fell limp, and Time‘s heart lurched into his throat.
He surfaced with a frantic breath, and heaved Wind onto solid ground, scrambling out of the water after him. Time looked down at the boy lying in the snow in front of him, face pale and looking horribly horribly small, and gently shook him.
“Sailor, Sailor come on, wake up,” he urged, leaning down and pressing an ear to his chest.
Time’s own heart was beating loudly in his ears as he desperately tried to find a heartbeat, but between that and the wind, he couldn’t make anything out.
He began to thud on Wind’s chest, hoping desperately it would help get the water up. He had essentially no clue what to do with someone who’d nearly drowned, it had never been a problem for him on any of his adventures, and he didn’t come across large bodies of water terribly often in his day-to-day life.
All he could do was hope it would be enough.
Wind suddenly shuddered, and as Time froze, the sailor began to choke, water dribbling out of his mouth.
Time quickly turned him onto his side, relief weakening his knees as the sailor coughed up what seemed like an endless amount of water. Wind began to shake as he gagged, and Time rubbed his back, brushing his hair out of his face.
“Link, hey sailor, just breathe,” Time soothed as Wind vomited more water out onto the snow, shivering violently.
While he continued to cough, Time peeled off his damp Zora tunic and quickly shoved his dry clothes back on, peeling off Wind’s soaked tunic as well. He then bundled Wind into his relatively warm arms as he fished in his pack for a cloak he knew he had stashed inside. Now that the sailor was definitely breathing, the most pressing issue was getting him warm, and hopefully dry as well.
“T-T-Time?” Wind chattered out in a croaking voice interspersed with ragged coughs, “w-w-wh...at...”
“It’s okay sailor, you’re okay,” Time said, voice thick with relief. He finally located the cloak and bundled it around the boy in his arms, shielding him from the wind as best as he could. “Breathe. What do you remember?”
Wind took a moment to reply, still coughing a bit.
“P-p... portal...” he mumbled. “Threw m-m-me, onto th’ ice. C-c-couldn’t get, get off, ‘fore i-i-it broke...”
Time nodded, and picked up the armor he’d shed, placing it inside his pack as Wind finally finished coughing up water.
“C’n w-w-walk, myself,” Wind chattered out when Time started to pick him up, and the old man shook his head.
“You most certainly can not,” he rebuffed, “you nearly drowned and are much too cold. Stumbling about in the wind won’t help with that a bit.”
Wind let out a croaky sigh, and merely nodded.
He continued to shiver as Time hoisted him up, his head coming to rest on his shoulder as the older man tucked him more securely into his arms. He pressed his face into Time’s shirt, and his eyes began to slide closed despite his continued shivers.
“Hey, stay awake now,” Time chided, giving the sailor a small shake.
“T-Tired,” he murmured, and Time held him closer.
“I know sailor, but you have to stay awake, you’re too cold to sleep right now,” he said sternly, and Wind groaned.
“‘M sleepy.”
“You can sleep all you’d like once we get to some shelter and warm you up,” Time murmured, and Wind fell silent.
He shifted Wind to his back so he could make faster progress, as well as wield his sword if necessary, and set off through the whirling snow. There was a promising-looking line of cliffs off in the near distance, and Time set off towards them, Wind still weakly shivering.
He pulled the cloak a bit tighter over the freezing sailor, and squinted desperately through the wind for somewhere to hole up.
The gusts were biting at every bit of his exposed skin, flakes getting in his eyes and making it hard to see. The magic of the Zora tunic hadn’t left him very wet, but he was a little damp, and the wind was quickly leeching what warmth he had out of him. But as cold as he was, he knew Wind was much, much colder. Keeping him warm, and alive was the most pressing matter at the moment.
And suddenly he realized it had been several long minutes since Wind had said anything.
Wind didn’t reply.
Time felt his heart jump and he turned to look where Wind’s head rested on his shoulder.
His eyes were closed and he wasn’t moving.
“Sailor, wake up,” Time said, panic coloring his voice. Wind didn’t react, and Time stopped walking, quickly pulling him off his back and into his arms.
His face was pale and Time lightly smacked him on the cheek, but Wind still didn’t react, not even with a shiver.
He grabbed at his wrist, feeling desperately for a pulse, but Wind’s skin was too cold for him to make anything out. A crushing terror suddenly hit him, and Time gave Wind a panicked shake.
Wind’s eyelids fluttered.
Time watched him, hands shaking from more than just the cold as Wind’s eyes barely opened, then slipped closed.
“Link, open your eyes right now,” Time said in a sharp voice, and Wind’s lids fluttered again.
He let out a tiny whimper, and Time quickly bundled him into his arms again, striding even faster through the snow.
“Stay awake Link, whatever you do stay awake,” Time said firmly, ignoring the way his voice cracked just a bit. They’d finally reached the cliffs, and with a burst of relief he saw what looked like the opening of a cave off in the distance.
“Can’t,” Wind whispered into his shoulder, and Time tucked his head under his chin.
“Yes you can sailor, I know you can. Stay awake, please,” Time said into his hair, and Wind shivered just a bit. “Nayru above, I am not losing you to this. You can do it Link. Just listen to my voice, we’re almost there.”
Wind replied with a small mumble, and Time continued to talk, regularly prompting the sailor to reply. He didn’t have to wake Wind up again, which he was immensely grateful for, but by the time he’d reached the cave, Wind’s replies were nothing more than barely-there whispers.
Time dropped to a knee once they were safely inside and away from the snow and wind, and immediately got to work building a fire. By some insane luck some of the firewood he’d collected before he’d fallen through the portal had ended up in his bag, and with a bit of Din’s Fire, they soon had warm flames to sit around.
Time took out all of the damp clothes and laid them on the floor to dry, then sat as close as he physically could to the fire, Wind tucked in his lap.
The sailor was still awake, but only barely, and Time began to rub his fingers, making sure warmth was spreading to all the digits. He was fairly confident Wind hadn’t received any frostbite, but he still needed to warm up more.
“Old man?” Wind eventually murmured from his lap, and Time immediately looked down at him.
“I’m here sailor. How’re you feeling?”
Wind’s eyebrows wrinkled. “Like I got p-punched, by... Legend’s ice r-rod.”
Time huffed in amusement and relief. Wind being aware enough to make jokes was a good sign.
“C’n I sleep now?” Wind pleaded in a raspy croak.
Time sighed, and tucked the cloak he had around them a bit further. “Not yet sailor, I’m sorry. Soon enough, you’re still too cold right now.”
Wind let out a small frustrated noise, and Time began to card a hand through his hair, his fingers wet from the ice melting in the sailor’s bangs. They were silent for several minutes, in which Time checked religiously that Wind wasn’t falling asleep. Time was actually starting to feel warm again himself when the sailor spoke.
“Thank you Time,” Wind whispered.
The older man felt the smallest of smiles pull at his stinging cheeks. “Don’t thank me yet. We still need to find the others and figure out where and when we are.“
Wind frowned a little. “‘Meant for saving m-m-me. In the water.”
Time’s smile fell, and he looked over at the fire. He staunchly ignored the reminder of his terror at dragging out Wind’s limp body from the icy pond, and the continued terrifying moments afterwards.
The sailor’s voice dropped to an uncertain whisper. “I r-r-really thought that was it.”
Wind shivered, then nuzzled into Time’s shoulder.
“So thank you. For t-th-that.”
Time closed his eye and nodded, swallowing as he rested his head on Wind’s.
“You’re welcome sailor.”
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matchasartcha · 2 years
Thank you all for 700 followers!!! Here's a celebratory cat puddle 🥳
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
I am in severe need of a hug. I don’t care who from. I just need a hug.
Aww, honey, come here, we'll all give you a hug. *gently pulls you in and runs her hand over your hair*
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