#dceu not cancelled
sharonccrter · 2 years
I’m still in disbelief. Even if the film tested poorly, they put $90 million into Batgirl, and it’s in POST PRODUCTION. People worked hard on this movie, and WB isn’t even going to let it see the light of day? Put it on HBO Max, say it’s a stand-alone and not cannon if it “no longer aligns” with were they want to take the DCEU (which is a joke itself because they have no clue wtf they’re doing.) But not to release it at all? I know the fanboys are just cheering because they couldn’t standing the thought of Batgirl being played by a Black Latina woman, and WB is just feeding into that. I have waited so long for a Batgirl-centric movie, and to have it be ripped from the fandom is POST PRODUCTION??? Every single person involved in making of the film deserved better and so do the fans. 
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the-desolated-quill · 2 years
Of course all of James Gunn’s DC projects are perfectly safe. 🙄
Is this a good time to remind everyone that The Suicide Squad bombed at the box office? And yet Gunn’s ten billion spinoffs are still being produced while Batgirl gets cancelled.
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coffeebooh · 2 years
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i need to punch someone real quick and this someone is david zaslav
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eamo2004 · 2 years
So Batgirl, one of the first DC solo movies in recent years to focus on a female superhero. The movie that was going to be the first comic book movie to have proper transgender representation with a Ivory Aquino playing Alysia Yeoh. The movie that was going to be Brendan Frasier's big mainstream comeback. The movie that cost $90million and was in post production.
Was just cancelled. For a tax write off.
Disgusting behaviour from WB Discovery amd really shows how little they care for female representation in the CBM industry.
WB is using the excuse that they want their films to be 'theatrical events'. Not every CBM has to be a next level Endgame event. It just needs to be good and fun.
DCEU is dead.
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rebel-moons · 1 year
i still can’t get over what a fucking joke this whole thing is. like dc films you are the laughing stock of the entire world right now. you will never be famous. not a single successful film coming your way in the next decade.
and honestly? good. i’d rather it all burn than watch g*** get within ten thousand feet of snyder’s trilogy and characters.
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aegonrhaenys · 2 years
WB killing people’s hopes and dreams on a daily basis
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majickss · 2 years
I have a lot of emotions about the WB discovery shit that’s going on so hopefully this is something coherent,
David Zaslav has no fucking idea about what he’s doing. I don’t understand how you can make this many terrible decisions and piss off nearly all your customers in under 2 months. Zaslav is running WB into the fucking ground, first it was Batgirl and the scoob sequel 2 movies that were almost entirely done and now it’s cutting entire animated shows off the platform. It is evident that Zaslav does not care about the people, not his audience and certainly not the creators who spent their time and talent in animation nothing other then making the line go up and guess what? He fucked that up too
And this sucks not only as a artist but as a DC fan too
I was just starting to get excited about what they had planned, that maybe eventually I’ll get to see some of my favorite characters on big screen but now that’s probably never going to happen because it’s all falling apart again and it’s even questionable if their good shows are going to continue
And It sucks corporate greed at its finest, when creators can’t even be sure they’ll get to finish their stories because of a fucking tax write-off.
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kryptamazon · 1 year
So... DC announced their plans for a new movie and TV universe. Two items caught my eye:
"Paradise Lost", a HBO series which DC summarized as Game of Thrones on Themyscira. I am immediately concerned that the show is going to be a bunch of men writing women backstabbing each other for power.
"Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow", a feature film, to be based on a recent comic series of the same name (which I have not read). Remember that line from the 2015 TV series? Something like "All that pain, and it just made her kind"? This movie will not be that. This is to be, directly quoting the president of DC Studios, "a much harsher and more fucked-up Supergirl" because of the same trauma of losing her home. Again, haven't read the comic, but I'll take them at their word, and I have to say: ✋I do not think that pitch will sell many tickets. If the pitch said that she grows into a hero... but it doesn't.
I'm sitting here thinking that the reasons I liked the 2015 Supergirl and 2017 Wonder Woman productions (hopeful tone, honest fun, inspiring characters) are going to get dropped in favor of drama for drama's sake. For serious, though, if they're going to make a Supergirl film, why not make a bright, feel-good summer movie for families and young adults? Wouldn't that sell more tickets—and a hell of a lot more merchandise—than the one they announced?
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umm i thought ezra miller was cancelled, so why are they still in flash-point? did  miss something ???
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allupinyourminds · 1 year
the dceu fan in me has officially died.......
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sheliesshattered · 2 years
not me spiraling about what cosplays to make for a con that’s still more than ten months away
#cosplay#about me#2022 mood#I haven't done any non Doctor Who and non Wasteland costuming since 2015#well besides the quickly thrown together set of four Disney Princesses for my niece's birthday in 2020#it was the beginning of lockdown and all her birthday plans had to be cancelled so we a whole in-character Zoom call for her instead#but that was entirely just things I had in my closet/costume chest already and none of them would have passed muster at a con#but BESIDES that it's been all Wasteland costuming and Doctor Who cosplay for 7 years now#and Jack and I are talking about actually going to a good old multi-fandom convention sometime next year#we're looking very seriously at Dragon Con at the end of August but WonderCon in March is also a possibility#do I have enough costumes already completed that I could wear on extremely short notice? yes#will I still make new ones? also yes#Jack and I are kicking around a couple of ideas for couples cosplay#either something brand new for both of us or me making something to match one of his or making him something to match one of mine#or fixing up our Hitchhiker's Guide Arthur and Trillian a bit to make them even more screen-accurate#buuut I still want to do a couple of other things just for me#and in all likelihood I'll end up wanting to wear costumes when Jack doesn't feel like it#one of the (DCEU) Harley Quinn outfits is high on my list#as is the battered wedding dress from Ready Or Not#but which Harley outfit to make? I have a list of pros and cons for my top three choices lol#and if I do the Ready Or Not wedding dress which version of it is the most recognizable?#when it's freshly torn to shorten it? with just a little bit of blood splatter and missing one sleeve? or full on end-of-the-movie red?#see what I mean? spiraling#I have a sewing project on my table right now (plaid flannel shirt) but I really might start on costuming stuff in the next month or so#hmm hmm hmm#and suddenly I have the 'what should I be?' song from the Garfield Halloween Special in my head lol
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amazingmrcinema007 · 2 years
I feel sorry for all the people who worked on the Batgirl movie. All that hard work and money poured into making a movie and it just gets canned as a damn tax write off. I'm concerned that the Blue Beetle and Static Shock movies will meet a similar fate.
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so what you’re telling me is Henry Cavill left The Witcher for nothing…
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skewedlights · 2 years
Batgirl shelving divides the DC fanbase AGAIN
Batgirl shelving divides the DC fanbase AGAIN
It always felt like this film was cursed because it first started off as a Joss Whedon production but then got shelved after allegations surrounding the director and then it got new legs, well that was until recently. Just giving my thoughts on the news of the shelving of the Batgirl film, the reaction over the internet, accusations of WB racism, Ray Fisher as well as what this has left me feeling about DC in general.
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maikswen · 2 years
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nerdybonesco · 1 year
Embracing The Collective Artistry Of Film: Beyond Individual Actors
Actors ultimately becomes a face of a particular film. Many don't consider the work done in the background of a film: The direction, the editing, the cinematography, the music and overall production. We can mostly see this in Indian cinema where the common man praises an individual actor, and totally shoots a blind eye towards the other 80% of the movie (cinematography and what not). This seems pretty unharmful until it actually turns out to be something... sinister ( I think, I don't know the right word to use) People sometimes express dislike for a movie (Hollywood, Bollywood, anything) solely because of the presence of a particular actor. This is one of the major reasons a movie gets cancelled and so does the actor (gets cancelled). It is important to remember that our dissatisfaction does not directly affect the actor themselves. Instead, it is the collective effort of the entire team behind the scenes, who dedicated countless hours to bring the movie to life, that may and will suffer. Let's take Ezra Millers for example, we all know the ample amount of controversy going around him, if Warner Bros had just Super Mario Bros' Smash-ed the Movie. It is not Ezra who is going to get affected by this move but rather the entire movie production whom have spent hours on this project. This Blog Post is to actually convey that, although Ezra is a (whatever you want to call him) it doesn't seem fair to the others who worked in the production if you are going to criticise the movie for what's it not. This does not goes only for the Flash movie but all the movies which had been criticised as one of the worst. we should remember actual people worked on these movies. it is good to criticise but it is crucial to understand and appreciate the hard work, creativity, and passion invested by the entire production team.
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