#does this go into the rain world main tag????
spamlets · 5 months
“you do things to me.”
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TR: I hate you.
DF: I know.
TR: I want you dead.
DF: I know.
TR: One day, I’ll be the cause of your collapse.
DF: I know.
TR: I hate you, I’ll kill you, I’ll sabotage everything you stand for—
DF: I know.
DF: I love you.
TR: …
TR: I know.
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anomalouscorvid · 9 months
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ok i'm trying this again. you, reading this, send in fictional characters! preferably from the Fallen London or Rain World universes, but other characters from other fandoms are still acceptable if i know them 👍
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 27 days
Idea inspired by this art!
tags: sorcerer!Gojo Satoru x f!reader, au is kind of medieval, mentions of men grabbing reader out of home, burning at the stake, reader is mistaken as a witch but she is a prophetess, it’s giving castlevania x howls moving castle vibes, Satoru is a bit cocky but we love him (might do a pt 2?)
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There’s a nice cottage outside the city, 15 minutes away by foot, you live in a home with your mother and brother (your father actually passed from a brutal cold three years ago, leaving you to tend to the home and seek work). It started off as a necessity, advising the horse racing, chicken fighting gamblers on what animal to place your bets on. your reply? intuition. that chicken has sturdy legs, that horse has agile movements. excuses that granted you money for the time being, for your gifts. an ability passed down by the women of your family though yours outweighed the abilities of your mother, so you remained unadvised. using your intuition to get by the day.
Word gets around that a young lady such as yourself is not married. 19, 20, 21, and now 22– you’re questioned behind your back by your neighbors at how you could possibly remain unmarried. It had been 6 months since men started disappearing in your route by your home, reportedly last seen by the lake not far from your home.
You had been labeled as an unmarried bloodsucking siren, a cursed demon who takes the bodies of young men, and although all that is false, it does not help your case that you’ve remained indoors most of your life and the fact that you’ve advised others in the world of gambling.
You were a sinner, sentenced by the court, but before that happened, a large storm broke 7 days before the fated event.
It was windy, dark, and rainy that your mother had frantically put everything away. “I’ll get the lights from the back shed!” you called, putting on a coat, a second for safe measures. the rain pours hard that it overcomes the splish splash sounds of your feet. When you’re walking towards the fence to the main road, and into the back of your home, you catch a man. wet, crouched, and seemingly pained from all the walking he did. the nearest town by foot was over an hour away, and waking in this weather surely meant he could catch a cold.
“I am sorry to burden you, miss...” the voice calls, head hooded from your eyes, “but is there any shelter I can rest for the night? I... I don’t have any-“
“It’s fine,” you speak, soft and understanding before you pull him gently by the arm, “come follow me,” and you lead him to your shed, making a bed of hay for him before you’ve taken your first coat and placed it over the hay for him to use as a blanket or mattress. the man behind you stands silent as you pull out to light a candle for him, turning to him, “it’s not much,” you say, “but you can stay here. It’s better than spending the night outside, right?” with not another word, you hand him the candle and grab the supplies you were originally here for. “stay here, I’ll be right back.” you direct softly, shortly before leaving the shed. at home, you take out a bowl and serve some leftover stew and some bread that you would have eaten in the morning, opting to give it to someone who could have needed it more than you.
“there’s some stew in here,” you say, handing the man a bowl and bread with your other hand. it’s at this moment you notice how unbelievably pale his hands are, almost like the statues outside the cathedrals. it almost leaves you speechless, and he notes. “Thank you, miss...?”
you give him your name without much thought. finishing your arrangements in the shed before you turn to him. “feel free to stay the night, or until the rain has settled. whatever will facilitate your journey, sir...?”
“Go-“ suddenly, he’s surprised that his bread has slipped past his fingers until you’re on your knees picking it up quicker than he can. It isn’t until you look up that your eyes meet his, a breathtakingly striking pair of azure eyes, bluer than any water or sky you’ve dreamed of, it leaves you silent. “Thank you,” he whispers softly, and the sound of his ragged voice reminds you where and what you’re doing. suddenly shy and remembering you’re a maiden, you’re quickly at your feet wishing him a Goodnight without another word, closing the door behind you.
He’s gone the next morning.
Several days pass and the talk of you around town grow more and more. you’ve asked your mother to keep your brother inside so as to protect him, but on the evening of the 7th day you’re harshly pulled from your home, leaving your mother with teary eyes as you’re feeling like the life out of you is being squeezed out with the way so many men manhandle you. pulling you, shoving you, shouting insults, you’re suddenly the main talk of the town as they expose you on the streets calling you horrible names: whore, slut, demon, murderer, and more. the names don’t cut as deep as the memory of being pulled away from your home.
“Burn the witch!” Cry out many, and you’re roughly shoved against a stake before rope is tied around your midsection, burning roughly against your soft skin it hurts. the town mayor gives a speech, then the priest calls your execution necessary for the good of humanity, blaming you for the deaths of over 12 men in a 6 month course. mother’s shout at you and men renounce your existence as worse than satan himself.
everyone wants you dead. and suddenly, the fire runs around you.
“God,” you call out, “please let these people see past their mistakes! you of all people know I didn’t do anything! please save my mother and brother from this fate! please spare their eyes from this shame, this torment they will carry- and please make my end as quick as possible so that I can look after them.” a long moment passes as your head is now dropped low, not long before you hear a chuckle.
“Well, that’s certainly not the type of monologue I’d expect from you.” calls a voice. he tilts your chin up to face him after your silence. you don’t know if you’re hallucinating, the fire is bound to burn you any second and your lungs burn. in front of you stands a man. tall, handsome, and pale. white hair and pink lips like the kind you’d see in paintings. and his eyes? they strike a familiarity you’ve seen before.
the man before you grins, and you can’t help but put your whole faith, even your idea of god on him as he looks at you with such admiration.
“So you’re the girl they call a witch, huh?”
amusement crosses his eyes. and yet again they are breathtaking, finer than any blue mosaic you’ve seen. possibly holier than any church you’ve stepped foot in.
“I’m not a witch, I... I’m a visionary,” you reply, trying not to grow dizzy from the fire around you. when you turn to look elsewhere, no one seems to acknowledge the man in front of you. were you hallucinating?
“So you’re another one of the freaks, huh?” He says, eyes laced with interest. “That’s why they have you here. even when you didn’t murder all those men.”
“I didn’t,” your coughing takes him by surprise and he remembers how sensitive humans can be, “I... I didn’t hurt anyone,”
“I believe you,” he says, lowly. “Tell you what. I’ll save you from this fire, and in return you can help me find out what on earth became of these men. put an end to this. deal?”
you nod, not remembering what happens moments later as the man wraps you in his arms, making you drown into a deep sleep before he kisses the crown of your head. the fire erupts and sparks behind you both as you both rise like shooting stats, terrifying the townspeople behind.
“From now on, you’ll live a life free of torment,” whispers the sorcerer, bringing you into the comfort of his cave.
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pansear-doodles · 6 months
just a heads up that a user is going around openly bragging about being banned in rain world servers and for supporting iterator x slugcat (their post showed up in the main rain world tag)
they were also being rude to other people in my server and they blamed me for pushing out the message that these kinds of ships are problematic (even though they joined my server where it explicitly states that it does not support these kinds of ships)
please do not harass this user (and other kinds) and just block them. do not give them attention.
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About this blog and story 🌟
Ello im Yuri he/him (idc)
Dacky is my artist name call me by one of those names 😌(Rain my Internet persona name)
Want to know more about me? check out my second blog were I post fanart or answer more personal questions that aren't related to my story (⁠・⁠∀⁠・) Down here 🔽
Rules for This blog !!
I only answer questions about my story s or characters on this blog.
No wierd/ inappropriate interactions or comments
Be cool😎
I respond to comments but no wired ones
No Nsfw
Anything that isn't strictly about my story will be talked about on my second Ac
Do Not Steal 👊
Sry not personal anymore
If u want to use my art ask and tag/mention me
Fanart is appreciated 💖
And I'm open for ideas or tips with my oc world meaning:
if you have an ideas for characters that fit into my world tell me :D
if you have polite and constructive criticism tell me
If you want to tell me something about my character that could be changed tell me
:) please remember be nice
Now my world Hoshino🌟
Hoshino 🌟
In this world select few have abilities. called Hoshi. Those energy powers are energized by light and dark souls depending on your soul type, wich range from mind dark light time growth heat liquid spirit and some more rare types like love song or electrical
if you pry to the stars that apear once a year on a special day called: death star day. A soul with does power's is born. That person can access those powers with a special necklace that stores most of it✨ The necklace is able to take energy from other objects or sorces like Hoshi a creature made purley from that power. people may also use Hoshi powers without a necklace resulting in bigger access to energy but a higher risk of losing ot to.😗
the legend explains how this happend🌸
the main character is named ponia and she and her friends go to fight against many dangerous people or creatures in this world and meet other people 🌸🚶
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these are the more important people
the evil team against ponia is called:
the fallen angels. they want to bring back the legends and ponia is a big part of that💀
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she also has a twin called nagisa that i made with a friend of mine and changed to fit into the story. the twin plot is apart of the legend
im going to post more of the story laiter in form of manga or animatics. maybe also essays or stories
heres a quik comic i made a bout the day before the story starts with ponia still having long messey hair 😄
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ahhhh so cringe
Here are all the characters that are in this universe :
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the-depths-au · 4 months
*this post continues heavy totk spoilers
How did it start?
A lot of people started posting some really cool art of a TotK ending where Zelda returns as a hybrid dragon creature thing. I saw a few that called it a “bad” ending and I noticed she was often portrayed with dominantly human-features just like, with horns or a tail, or the purple eyes, etc. I love to play video games(clearly) and I enjoy the challenge of seeing various endings, not just “secret endings” (think Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, The Witcher 3, Drakengard- anyone else play this?) I got to thinking about how her coming back didn’t really like a true “bad ending”. To me, a bad ending, really, would be one in which she didn’t get to magically, miraculously come back in any form. A bad ending to me would be Mineru’s warning held true. And in doing so, it would become The Legend of Zelda because she becomes the stuff of myths. Of true Legend. Fulfilling destiny (botw-era and the series as a whole). My brain sort of took off from there regarding the implications this would have on Hyrule and specially, our boy Link.
How could you! A Bad ending? Is this story at least hurt and eventual comfort??? Does it have a happy ending??
I could tag this hurt and comfort, but usually people who read these types of stories have certain expectations of what “comfort” is (and that’s okay!). Same with a “happy” ending. I don’t need stories to be wrap up in a bow with warmth to enjoy them. Honestly, some of the stories that have touched me the most over the years have had “sad” endings/negative character arcs/tragedy. That being said, I don’t particularly enjoy pure whump, either. What I feel is most important and what I am to do with this story, is to make any suffering meaningful. With purpose. And hopefully- maybe- you’ll see the “comfort” that is possible even in these types of stories.
Wait! So Zelda remains a dragon?
Yes. They defeat the demon dragon. Rauru and Sonia appear in a silent thanks, then they disappear and Link falls from the sky alone into the water. The Light Dragon continues along in her flight above him.
Link is also the only one who can see/has ever seen the Light Dragon.
Are there any other major changes from TotK?
It follows the game pretty closely. It’s just hard to say exactly what is in this story from TotK because there is just so much. In BotW, I headcanon Link took his time. He doesn’t remember anything. He is alone, lost, and the world is a vast, broken place. Therefore, it is plausible/ realistic in my head for all the side questions to be done prior to the ending being reached. In TotK, especially with the headcanon he and Zelda were together in the time between BotW and TotK, I had a hard time imagining Link would waste much time on anything unnecessary to save Zelda. So, with this in mind, I’ve had to justify the side questions to include in the story. Link’s journey is a bit different than my own. Whereas I actually spent 80% of my playthrough exploring the depths, this Link only went down when necessary. Meaning many of the lightroots have not been unlocked and he only has part of the armor of the depths. In the Linktober and the early concept, he has the entire set but this has been changed for the main comic.
How far after the events of TotK does this take place?
Five years.
Is it completely planned out?
Yes. I have a complete rough story outline done. It’s 17 chapters. I am anticipating some editing as I go, but regardless, it’s a big project. A huge shout out to @zeldaelmo and @fioreofthemarch for helping me get the story set. They are both phenomenal writers for the LoZ fandom so be sure to check them out!
What happened to the comic?
I made the decision to tell this story (initially) in writing. I have a very specific style in mind for this story as a full comic and honestly, I just don't feel like my artistic ability and overall proficiency is where I want it to be at this time. I'm still learning! I will be continuing to post art, concept art, and some comic panels here as I go and eventually, I would love to adapt the story into a full comic, but for now, I'll be telling the main story in writing.
How long have you been drawing?
I’ve been drawing all my life. Just for fun, although I took a few classes in school. Digitally, self-taught, since fall 2022. Still very new to this with lots to learn! I have a minor in creative writing and feel much more confident and comfortable with that.
Feel free to send me a DM with questions anytime! I plan to update this periodically.
Last updated 2/26/24
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agentwhiskeysdarlin · 9 months
The Wildflower
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Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x F!Reader
Rating: NSFW 18+ (minors dni)
Warnings: very might mentions of death, (Y/N)mentioned like once, storm anxiety, so much fluff that I hope it has everyone kicking their feet, heaving making out, Jack being so sweet and gentle,  smutty goodness but no sex…yet, oral (female receiving), vaginal fingering, more fluff, cute banter
Word Count: 3.8k
Author’s Notes: Look who remembered how to write!! This was inspired by a TikTok and truthfully I have more plans for our inn keeper and Jack. Halfway through I knew I wanted to keep this universe alive so I’m not sure when more from here will happen but I hop it does soon. Thank you all for the continued support and being patient. Massive thanks to my editor as usual @clint-aww-no-barton and let me know if you want to be added or removed from my tag list!
ao3 link
The rain made a soft pattering on the roof and windows. Music filled the room, from the record player in the living area, until the rain drowned it out. You let out a soft sigh as you moved the needle from the Elvin Bishop vinyl. It didn’t matter, the rain made its own rhythms. You glanced out the big window, that faced the main road to your small inn, noting that not a car was in sight. It was going to be a slow evening and, most likely, an even slower weekend. Rainy days didn’t tend to bring too many people in to stay, but on the rare occasion, you didn’t mind having the old inn to yourself.
  You had grown up in this place. Chased kids of guests down the hallways during the summer. You would spend time there with your grandmother, who had started this place with your grandfather, and refused to stop when he passed. You even begged your mom to let you stay during holidays, and she always let you. You had loved it since the moment you stepped foot inside. As you had gotten older you started helping, and soon took more of it over as your grandmother aged. She had written one single thing left to you in her will. The only thing you ever wanted, the inn. Some of your last words to her were your promise to take care of it, until your own dying day. She was pleased with your declaration and so far you had lived up to the promise.
  You smiled softly to yourself at the memories that floated you by during times like this. When you actually had time to think. You made your way across creaking floors to the kitchen and put on a pot of water for tea. The light draft that always swept through the place kept you constantly in a sweater, or cardigan of some kind, even in the dead middle of summer. You never minded it, and truthfully it was perfect to you. The whole place was. You double checked a few things, to be sure everything was ready just in case someone decided to stay, before settling in an alcove and opening your book. Your tea settled in your left hand, taking slow steady sips while it cooled. It was honestly a perfect evening.
  Night fell too quickly, and even with the little bit of light you had already turned on, the page in front of you was getting harder to read. That was your cue to get up and start to lock up for the night. You stood and stretched carefully, and began your nightly routine. You were just finishing up in the kitchen, about to head to lock the front door when you heard the distinct sound of someone opening it. Your eyebrows knit together, confused at who in the world would be stumbling in this late. You walked into the living area, to find a man in a cowboy hat and suit.
  “Please tell me you’re still taking guests?” He drawled.
  “You’re right on time actually. I was just about to lock up.” You gave him a soft smile as you watched him visibly relax.
  He was handsome and his brown eyes held a softness, and something you couldn’t place, but it was comforting. He was also dripping wet, and both of you seemed realize it at the same time.
  “Right! Let me get you a towel! So sorry.”
  You moved quickly, turning back to the kitchen and through it to the laundry room, grabbing a fresh towel from the the dryer.
  “Do the best you can with this, and I’ll get you in a room as soon as possible. If you want I can throw your wet clothes in the dryer. That’s if you don’t get them dry cleaned.”
  You found your self fumbling your words, suddenly awkward. You dealt with people every single day, from different walks of life, and this wasn’t the first handsome man who had walked through your door. He was just more so, and he was making you nervous but not in a bad way.
  “That would be amazing darlin’. Names Jack by the way. I do apologize for coming in so late, and in such a state. I had a bit of a late evening and this was the first place I came to.”
  “(Y/N) and it’s perfectly alright. You’re my only guest so, welcome to the Wildflower Inn!” you gave him a big smile. “I have some left over food from my dinner tonight if you’re hungry. After you get settled that is.”
  “Oh that would be even better. I really appreciate that darlin’.”
  “Not a problem at all. Let me show you to your room.”
  He picked up the bag he had set down to dry off, and followed you. You lead him to the room close to yours, for reasons you weren’t quite sure of, but you went with your gut.
  “Here’s your key. You have a small closet here, a full ensuite bathroom. The tv may be out because of the storm, so I hope you don’t need it to…”
  You didn’t get to finish your sentence before lighting flashed through the room, and a crash of thunder rattled the windows, as the lights flickered and then went out.
  “Shit. Well, the tv is definitely out,” you let out a bit of a chuckle. “Also in every room is a flashlight.”
  You walked to the bedside table, opened the drawer and pulled out a flashlight turning it on.
  “I’ll go get a lamp, so you’ll have some more light.” You give him a smile.
  “Thank you darlin’.”
  You gave him a nod and went to grab a gas powered lamp, placing it on the bedside table and lighting it.
  “I’ll leave you to settle. You can come down when you are done. Lucky for you I have backup supplies, but your clothes probably won’t be getting dried.”
  “That’s perfectly alright. I have extras. Thank you for everything darlin’. You’re a natural at this.”
  “Well, thank you,” you gave a smile, your cheeks hot, before turning to leave.
  You were careful with the steps, as you made your way back downstairs and into the kitchen. You pulled out more lamps, lighting them and placing them in just a few places where you could watch them. You turned and started to work on fixing a sandwich for Jack, careful to only open the fridge sparingly. You had no idea how long the power would be out, but you prayed not long enough to ruin your food. Just as you were finishing up you heard footsteps, and soon Jack was joining you.
  “I hope it’s okay. I left everything off so you could fix it how you wanted. Please do eat as much as you want,” you gave him a soft smile.
  “Thank you darlin’,” that damn nickname was going to be the death of you.
  “I have water and sweet tea.”
  “Oh sweet tea for sure. I’m too much of a Southern boy to turn that down.”
  You let out a chuckle as you fixed him a glass. Just as you sat his glass down and was turning to fix yourself one, the thunder crashed again shaking the house and rattling the glasses in the cabinet. You jumped, feeling yourself inching closer and closer to being on edge. A normal, calm, thunderstorm didn’t bother you, but this one seemed to be getting worse. And with no power it was making you nervous.
  “Whoa! Hey you okay?” Jack stood up, his chair sliding against the wooden floor.
  He reached for you just as you turned, and realized the two of you were closer than you thought. You looked up at him, trying to calm yourself down but your heart only pounded more from the look of worry dancing in his brown eyes.
  “I…I’m okay. It just scared me. I don’t do well with storms,” you felt your face heat in slight embarrassment.
  “That’s alright. Why don’t you keep me company while I eat real quick? And then maybe we can do something together? Do you have cards? We can play by the lamp light?”
  “Yeah I have cards. That…that would be perfect.”
  He nodded before he went back to his seat, and you turned to finish making your drink, grinning like a school girl with a secret crush. You hardly ever had men come stay here alone, and the few times you did, you’d been slightly nervous. Being a woman running this place mostly alone was not ideal, and it could get ugly fast. Jack, however, didn’t make you feel that way. He made you feel at ease, sent your heart racing, but you felt like you had known the man your entire life. It was something you had never felt before, but you loved it. You sat across from him and sipped at your drink. The two of you slid into easy conversation, learning more about each other. It was easy to talk to him, and he had you laughing and smiling more than you had in awhile. The only damper to the evening was the crashing thunder, and howling wind that joined in, making the bones of the house creak. Jack watched you carefully and seemed to hurry his dinner along, until he finally sat back.
  “That was delicious. I was hungrier than I thought,” he let out a chuckle.
  “I’m glad it was good. I really wish you could have had the soup. It’s a specialty of mine.”
  “I doubt this will be the last time I ever see you. It will just give me an excuse to come back.”
  You both froze slightly, with your eyes connected to each other. Your stomach erupted with butterflies and once again you felt your face heat.
  “I was secretly hoping that you wouldn’t just leave and never look back,” your words were soft but even over the storm you knew he heard you.
  “I would never. This is too…”
  The both of you fell silent with small smiles on your faces. Another crack of thunder and a hard gust of wind broke the moment, making you jump and close your eyes.
  “Come on, let’s get into those cards, and get your mind off this storm.”
  You stood and turned to one of the drawers in the kitchen and pulled out some playing cards. You sat back down and looked across the table at him.
  “Ready to get your ass kicked Cowboy?” The nickname slipping out accidentally, and you stopped breathing.
  That was until Jack broke out into a smirk, and you swore you saw a twinkle in his eyes.
  “Oh it’s on darlin’.”
  You pulled the cards out, shuffled them and the two of you started in on your first game.
  The storm had settled outside. Rain continued to fall and distant thunder could still be heard but now it was peaceful. You had lost count of the number of games you and Jack had played. Running through various card games, and even a few he taught you how to play. You tried your best to stifle the millionth yawn you had let escape in the past thirty minutes, but failed miserably.
  “I think we should turn it. I’m sure it’s late,” Jack smirked as he looked up at you.
  “I’m fine. I swear,” your eyes were heavy and you knew he could see the lie on your face.
  The truth was, you didn’t want to go to bed, because you didn’t want him to leave. You figured he would leave tomorrow morning at some point and the thought crushed you. It was odd how quickly the man had worked himself into your mind, but there was something about him.
  “Come on darlin’,” he stood and held his hand out.
  You took it and he helped you stand, before you both put out all the lamps and padded upstairs with the flashlight. Jack stopped at the door of his room, and you did the same. You turned to him, hand on your door handle.
  “Well, goodnight Cowboy,” you gave him a smile.
  “Goodnight to you too darlin’,” he returned the smile, but he didn’t move to walk into his room and neither did you.
  The two of you kept eye contact for longer than normal, and you wondered if his mind was racing with the same thoughts yours was. You were silently begging him to just come kiss you. Take those few strides to you, and just, kiss you. You didn’t want to have to toss and turn in bed all night, no matter how tired, and wonder what those lips would have felt like. He seemed to battle himself too. Then his hand fell from his door handle.
  “Oh fuck this,” he spoke just above a whisper before he was in front of you.
  His hands came up to your cheeks in a gentle hold and his lips crashed against yours. You reached up to fist the front of his shirt, and wasted no time kissing him back. You melted into him, your mind going fuzzy. You had never been kissed like this. No man made butterflies, no fireworks, erupt inside of you like this man did. You realized in that moment, you were in deep. The two of you reluctantly pulled away when air became a must. Jack’s forehead rested against yours, and the two of you panted. Your eyes were still closed, trying to gather yourself, but you could feel him watching you. Finally your eyes fluttered open and were met with brown ones. He seemed to watch every thought cross your face.
  “Tell me you want to,” he whispered.
  “I want to. Please,” you sounded slightly desperate, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to really care.
  That seemed to be enough for him. His mouth fell back to yours and he picked you up carefully. You wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers finding purchase in his brown locks and your legs wrapped around his waist. He fumbled with your door but soon you were through it, and then you were against the wall, trapped between it and Jack. His kisses were eager and so were yours. It was like the two of you would never be able to get enough of each other. Finally he planted you on the ground and pulled away. You were a mess, and the man had only kissed you. You glanced at yourself in the mirror that was attached to a small vanity behind Jack. Your lips were swollen and red, hair slightly disheveled and you were a panting mess.
Jack’s hand gripped your hip and took ahold of you, pulling you to him. He gave you one more slightly softer kiss.
  “Let me make you feel good, yeah?” He spoke low and gentle.
  You couldn’t speak, too afraid of your voice giving you up, exposing the wreck you truly were, so you simply nodded your head. Jack’s hands travelled up your shirt, inching slowly across the skin of your stomach and up to your breast, squeezing over the fabric of your bra. You let out a shuddering gasp and gulped slightly. You watched him watch you, as he let out a chuckle at your reaction. Then he slipped your shirt over your head and let it fall to the floor. Your bra went soon after it, and he didn’t give you much time before his fingers had the hard pebble of your nipples between them. He pinched, pulled and you let out a moan, arching into him slightly before he released them. Never once did his eyes move from yours. He turned you slightly, and gently pushed you down to your bed, your legs hanging off. He hovered over you, kissing your mouth again, before pulling away and starting down your body. You let out a sigh as your head tipped back, eyes fluttering closed, trying to focus on where his lips touched. It was all so gentle and intoxicating. His lips wrapped around your hard nipples flicking them with his tongue, before he continued down your stomach till he was right where your jeans rested across your hips. He kissed right there under your navel, as he unzipped your pants before pulling them, along with your underwear, completely off. They joined your shirt on the floor and you finally forced your eyes open to look down. It was the most beautiful sight you had ever seen, this man resting himself between your thighs. You let out a whine as he placed your legs on his shoulders and wrapped his arms around you, to keep you pinned down.
  “I know darlin’. I got you,” he spoke, his breath ghosting over your already soaking wet center.
  You shuddered and watched as he leaned in. No more slow movements. This man knelt between your legs, taking you in his mouth like this was the first meal he had had in months. Like you were the last thing he would ever taste. Your head flew back, a moan almost at the pitch of a scream erupted from your lips, and your hand flew to his hair, lacing your fingers there. You were putty in his hands, completely at his mercy and you had never had a man touch you like this. You panted, moans still falling from your lips, as he moved his tongue around your clit before sucking the bundle of nerves between his lips. You jumped, letting out another yelp.
  “Jack,” his name fell from your lips like a prayer and his eyes looked up at you smirking, as his tongue went back to work.
  His right arm lifted and he pushed your right leg slightly off his shoulder stretching you open more. He pulled his mouth, away pulling another pitiful moan from you. His middle and ring finger rubbed at your now sensitive clit, causing you to jump and you looked down catching his eyes. He never moved his gaze from yours as he slipped his two fingers deep into you. He started to flutter them against that delicious spot inside you. Your head went back again and now both of your hands found purchase in his hair. His mouth went back to your clit and his fingers started to move even quicker inside of you. You thanked God that there was no one else in this house, nor a single neighbor in ear shot as you screamed out. You were reeling and you could feel yourself inching closer and closer to the edge, before Jack moaned against you. You snapped, your body going ridged, back arching, a mixture of curses and his name falling from your lips. You tried to close your legs but he wasn’t letting up, determined to get you through your orgasm. Finally your body gave out and melted into the bed as Jack let up. His lips peppered kisses across your center and thighs, before he was crawling back up to your lips. When he kissed you and you tasted yourself it sent a whole new jolt through you, and you moaned against his lips. Your fingers fumbled with his pants and his hand reached out stopping you. You pulled away, hurt clearly written across your face. Jack did nothing but smirk and kiss your nose.
  “Let’s take it slow darlin’. Not that I needed anymore reason to come back, waiting gives me more incentive to hurry my ass up.”
  “Wait, you really do plan to come back?”
  “Darlin’ you had me the moment I walked in to this place. I took one look at you, and knew that this wouldn’t be the only time I ever saw you.”
  The smile that spread across your face was a beaming light, and your stomach fluttered with butterflies.
  “It took me a bit longer.” You smirked as Jack’s eyebrows furrowed.
  “What do you mean?”
  “It took me longer than the second you walked in.” Another look, puppy dog eyes activated “After I realized you weren’t some crazy killer, then I was good.”
  He let out a chuckle and shook his head. “You had me worried there darlin’.”
  “It was a few minutes instead of seconds but who is really counting?”
  “Oh I am. I’ll always tell people I fell first now.”
  Both of you let out laughs that mixed together, and it was a sound you would never get tired of. Silence fell and the two of you kept your eyes on one another, try to memorize everything you could.
  “So… when will you leave?” You paused for a moment. “And how long will you be gone?”
  “I can stay another day but then I gotta get back home. I shouldn’t have to stay away too long but I never know. My job is…unpredictable.” He spoke as his fingers brushed hair from your face.
  “What do you do?”
  “I wish I could tell you darlin’. It ain’t nothing…like what you may be thinking. I’m just not allowed to say and normally its not a problem. It could be dangerous.”
  You nodded your head in understanding. It made your stomach twist slightly, but you tried to push every single thought that fired off in your brain.
  “I’m going to try and take some time off and come back here. We ain’t too awful far from each other. I can help out around here, earn my keep and all.” He smirked.
  “Oh yeah. I don’t let anyone stay for free,” you chuckled as you looked up at him.
  He finally laid down next to you, pulling you into him.
  “I think I can think of plenty of ways to pay you back.”
  “Oh I can too. I have some pipes that need fixing, the lawn needs to be mowed, I can send you grocery shopping,” you pulled your hand between the two of you to tick things off on your fingers, before looking up at him.
  The look on his face made you burst out laughing. 
  “I see how it is. You finally got a man around so I’m going to have a honey do list.”
  “Exactly! I just happen to put myself on there too. Mentally,” you taped your temple and smirked up at him.
  “That’s what I thought,” he smirked kissing your forehead and you giggled.
  The two of you laid there ,falling into easy conversation until you felt yourself slipping to sleep.
  “Sleep darlin’. I’m right behind you. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Jack’s lips once again caressed your forehead and you curled into him.
  As you fell asleep you knew there would be many more nights shared with him in your little inn, and you couldn’t wait.
Tagged: @jimmythegirl​ @arcadianempress​ @discogrrl​ @immundusspiritu​ @someplace-darker​ @thisis-theway​ @ohpedromypedro​ @scribbledghost​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @princess-and-pedro​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @littlevodka​ @all-hallows-evie​ @mack4676​ @perropascal​ @audreyshepbvrn​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @kaqua​ @novemberrain221​ @weasleywinchester​
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bullet-prooflove · 21 days
A Cottage in Nice: Captain Jean Treville x Reader
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Tagging: @lovemissyhoneybee @sekretwindow @rey4kat @roschele  @sassyscottishchick @aiko24k @scorpio-1357 @kmc1989 @burningpeachpuppy @swanfan17 @dragon85faby @angelnyx @caffeinatedwoman @missyhoneybee
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Jean’s fall from grace is inevitable. You see it coming the moment he turns down the position of First Minister.  It becomes the talk of France because no man in his right mind would defy the king’s wishes and your husband does just that.
It moves quickly from there, the king shows his displeasure by stripping him of his rank before he dismisses him from the service entirely. His career is shattered within a matter of weeks.
He steers clear of you in the aftermath, he doesn’t want the taint of his misfortune to muddy you. Your marriage has always been his most closely guarded secret, he will take it to the grave if he has to.
He ignores your letters, vacates his premises in the garrison and disappears in the night.
There is one other man who knows your true identity as Madam Treville and you meet with him under a rain drenched canopy a few streets away from the garrison.
“We’ve tried to locate him.” Athos tells you as you watch the droplets form puddles in the mud. “It is as if your husband has disappeared from the face of the earth.”
“He is ashamed.” You say quietly as you remove your riding gloves from pocket of the men’s jacket you are wearing. Your hair is tied away from your face with the red ribbon that secured the bouquet on your wedding day and your clad in fitted men’s breeches. It’s easier to move around Paris in this guise. Women tend to be hassled if they are alone during this late hour. “If he isn’t in his cups, there’s another place he would have gone in order to lick his wounds.”
“The cottage in Nice?” Athos questions.
It’s been years since he’s thought of that place, of the town where he witnessed your marriage. It hadn’t occurred to him that their Captain may return there, that he maintained that level of sentimentality.
“We bought it several years ago along with a small patch of land.” You reveal as you tug the kidskin riding gloves up to your wrists. “A place for an old soldier and his spy to retire in their golden years.”
It’s a joke between the two of you because you both know there will be no golden years, not with your choice in careers. The cottage serves as a safehouse these days, a place to go amidst the chaos of the world.
“I’ll escort you.” He says, removing his own gloves from his belt. “The roads at this time of night will be treacherous…”
“Athos.” You say fondly because his loyalty to you and your husband is admirable. “The Musketeers need a leader in my husband’s absence and Jean has always intended to name you as his replacement.”
“Take Aramis or better yet Porthos, even D’artagnan.” He argues as he helps you up onto your mare and you shake your head as you grip the reins in your hands.
“This is something I need to do as a wife.” You say softly. “The presence of others will only serve to silence him.”
You see the resignation in his features as he looks up at you. It’s hard for him to concede to your wishes, it’s the gentleman in him you think.
“Stick to the main roads.” He recommends as his palm smooths over the nose of your horse. “The back ones will be filled with vagabonds.”
He’s not telling you anything you don’t already know but it’s the warning of an old friend, one that doesn’t want to see you dead. You feel his eyes on you as you disappear into the night, watching you for as long as he can. He can’t stand the thought of his Captain losing anything else, especially not his wife.
It’s a long ride to Nice and you spend that time considering the state you’ll find your husband in. There have been ups and downs over the years, the rise and falls of your professions, your personal follies but there has never been anything like this. The king has thrown his whole identity into flux and you’ve seen what that can do to a man, how it can twist them into bitterness.
When you arrive at the cottage nothing is as you expected. The windows are wide open, airing it, the garden is neatly trimmed, the flowerbeds recently tilled. The vegetable patch has been replanted and there’s a small harvest sorted into several different baskets. Each one has a name tied to them written on parchment in Jean’s hand.
Local families you realise as you study each one of them. You know that some of them have suffered hardships recently and Jean can’t stand to see someone struggle, not if he can help.
You employ a house keeper and a groundsman from the village to maintain the cottage while you are away. You use money you earn from your spywork and the jewels your first husband left you to fund it. His lands, along with your own had been seized when he’d been tried for treason but the jewels, you kept as payment for what you had endured underneath that tyrant. It had been a pleasure to watch him hang, knowing that you had orchestrated his demise.
You find Jean around the back, bare chested, chopping wood. His scars stand out starkly against his firm muscles as he swings the axe down over and over  and over again. There’s a catharsis in being productive, especially for him. You watch as he tosses the logs onto the wood pile before clearing your throat and stepping into his line of vision.
“You shouldn’t be here.” He says wearily as he sets the axe down, diverting his attention to the wash bucket and rag he’s set alongside the well.
“Here or with you?” You ask him as he cleans himself with the cool water.
He doesn’t answer you, he won’t even look at you and you can tell he feels ashamed. He has lost his stature, his position. His name may be on the title to this house but it is you that it belongs to. He has nothing besides the clothes on his back, his pistol and the sword that’s been with him for almost as long as you have.
“I have no prospects as a husband.” He says finally as he wrings out the rag. “You’d be wise to ignore the affiliation you have with me, it will not put you in good stead if our relationship is ever revealed.”
You take the rag from his hand and toss it back into the bucket and he sighs because you would never let him off that easy, despite it being in your best interests.
“My love.” You say softly as you lean against the well. “Will you look at me?”
The line of his jaw clenches as he shakes his head, his palms coming to rest upon the stone rim as he looks down into the clear water below.
“I know that it feels that you have lost everything.” You say quietly, studying the profile of his features. “But you have not lost me, you will never lose me.”
“Terese…” He says, his voice rough as he finally tilts his head to meet your gaze. “I have nothing to give you…”
“Our marriage has never been about trinkets or reputation.” You say, your forehead coming to rest on his as your fingertips chase along his grizzled cheek. “It’s about love, it always has been.”
“Terese…” He begins again but you press your lips to his and all thoughts of arguing fall out of his head because there’s just you, here in this moment, anchoring him, holding him steady.
His world is full of turmoil but you’ve always been a safe space, a guiding light in the dark. With you he knows who he is, who he’s always been, who he always will be.
Jean Treville, your lover, your husband and most importantly the man you call home.
Love Treville? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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channoticedmeuwu · 10 months
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p — CHOI YEONJUN × FEM!READER | g — fluff &/or angst, wedding!au | w — none¿?
a/n — oh, yeonjun, always the victim for my vent writing pieces 💀 kind of inspired by corpse bride ++ idk what this is. lol.
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an eye for an eye. a tooth for a tooth. a soul for a soul.
that's what yeonjun believed in.
the church bells’ ringing echoed off the marble pillars as he stood by at the end of the church— a sunshower's light peering through the cathedral glass, casting a rainbow upon his anticipating features, his eyes getting fuller the longer he stared at the doors. the uncommon phenomenon of the sun and rain caused a stir amongst the guests, creaky whispers and opposing forces as whispers gushed like wind, “what unusual weather.” “oh, I sure hope this ends right.” “rain on a wedding day, tsk!”
his palms clapped together in a tight grip, he pursed his lips. a sigh wavered through the air as he straighted his back, and all eyes were on him— the white of his coat painted orange as the day grew, the broach adorning crystals upon his tie shooting beams; beams that caught your eye as you entered with the bottom of your dress, soaking wet. the rain caused your dress to appear blue as the liquid seeped through the fabric, but, “nothing can be done at this moment. the wedding must go on.”
and you felt your back straightening as yeonjun sucked in a breath. tears rushing to his eyes as the air, sharp from everyone's conflicted words about “such a wedding,” pricked his insides so painful. but the lips he was biting so long wavered into a smile, like he noticed your bridal bouquet didn't match your dress at all— yet, were his favorite. their petals drooped as they let yet another raindrop fall onto the sequin of your dress— your trail wetting the carpet you walked on.
and the hushed whispers turned thin until they could no longer be heard— souls of palpitating colors glaring at you like they wanted to be you. all of a sudden, it made sense, you and yeonjun. “of course, why have it any other way?” and, why, “god, how charming does the sun look on her, doesn't it?”
and you watched yeonjun blink away his tears as you stood in front, his cold fingers warming at the touch, the eyes that grew brighter despite the light. and you didn't even hear his vows twisting in his throat as he stumbled— sheer panic across his eyes. but, as the rainbow hit your face as you fluttered your eyes, he knew. his voice wavered, the crowd held in air as he leaned closer.
an eye for an eye. a tooth for a tooth. a soul for a soul. yeonjun believed in his fairness— the right to justice, to take back what had been stolen from him years before, underneath a cherry tree, a pretty sunshower just like this one.
and now— a kiss for a kiss.
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi @bangchansbae
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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eliias-bouchard · 7 months
wait does the main rw tag know how to find scenes to set as your pc background.
how to set rain world images as your pc background
go to steam and go to rain world's tab and then click on the cog over on the right
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[id: a screenshot of the cog's menu. the 'manage' option is selected. /end id]
click 'browse local files' itll bring you to a folder called 'Rain World' with a folder called 'RainWorld_Data' in it. open that folder and then go to the folder called 'StreamingAssets', then go to 'scenes'.
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[id; the scenes folder. it contains a bunch of other folders, named in correspondance with various dreams and intro scenes. /end id]
lets choose intro 10 - fall.
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[id; the intro 10 - fall folder. it contains a bunch of images which correspond to different parts of the total scene. one image, named 'intro 10 - fall - flat' is selected. /end id]
locate the flat for whatever your desired scene is and then right click and select 'set as desktop background'.
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[id; a screenshot of a desktop, with the scene where survivor falls set as the background. /end id]
but wait, what about backgrounds from downpour?
go back to StreamingAssets and then enter the 'mods' folder, and then 'moreslugcats', and then 'scenes'. there youll be able to find all of the downpour scenes too!
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[id; the same desktop, but with rivulet's ending screen as a background. /end id]
and there you have it! go wild :3
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raycatz · 1 year
I wish so much that I could fully enjoy totk but I am struggling so much. Idk why some of the decisions for the game are the way they are. I can't help but be critical given how important the series and botw are to me.
I feel like the game is struggling to have its own identity. I feel like some creature has wormed its way into botw's skin and is wearing it poorly.
(So far I've played through the Gerudo and Rito story quests. What I've written here though is mostly about the world and direction. I just need to get some of these thoughts out. There are spoilers.)
The three main criticisms people had with botw were the story, weapon durability, and dungeons- and man so far in totk these things have only been worse. (The boss fights are incredible though)
The framerate drops whenever I use ultrahand, and combined with my left joycon drifting it makes trying to use the new mechanic difficult to the point that I will avoid it to do something else.
Some of the game does feel like mashed up dlc ideas. I would have preferred them to be dlc even. If the Zelda devs wanted to tell this story or make a game with these mechanics I wish they would have made an entirely new game instead of using botw.
So far totk has no through-lines between itself and botw. No one has mentioned the Champions, only a single npc has talked about the Calamity, no one has mentioned Calamity Ganon or the divine beasts Link calmed, and only a few people recognize Link himself. The champion successors I've met haven't spoken of the Champions or their divine beasts which is strange given how they spoke of them in botw, and at most have only referred to Link having been there in the past as, "when you helped us" without any specifics as to what. I've done all the side quests in botw and to have the people I helped call Link a stranger is saddening. It's even more pronounced in Hateno. I bought a house there. I helped its people. And the house no longer has Link's name by the door and Hateno's people remark at how Link is a new face in town. Didn't I live there? Given how some of the kids have grown it's probably been around 4 years since botw. Where has Link been in that time for the people to forget him? In Kakariko Cottla says she can't talk to me because she isn't supposed to talk with strangers. We've played tag together. I cooked meals with her sister. It's sad. In botw we spent the whole time collecting Link's memories and growing attached to the land only to have the land forget us. I feel like it's a disgrace to all of the time and joy players put in and found in botw, and to botw's story- to have none of that matter.
What happened to the Divine Beasts and the Sheikah shrines and the slate? Further, some important npcs from botw are just gone without explanation.
If the events of botw are so irrelevant then why use the same world and characters? I understand it's a way to save time and resources but this game took 6 years to make past botw. I would have preferred a new world and princess/hero entirely so I could go into it as a fresh experience. Instead, it feels like what made botw important was swept away, and the map and characters are only being used as an empty husk, like setpieces. Majora's Mask being a sequel with reused assets worked because in Termina there was no reason for anyone to know Link, and him traveling to find Navi made sense, and the look-alike characters are different people. In botw, there is no reason for no one to recognize Link or his achievements. He is the Hero of Hyrule for that world and it's people. He freed the divine beasts and put an end to the multiple local disasters they were causing, yet none of that is acknowledged and it sticks out like a sore. (I'm really really hoping that Sidon talks about Mipha and the constant rain caused by Vah Ruta because how could he not? That's his sister! Yunobo saw Daruk's spirit in botw so I'm hoping he says something of the Champions. I'm really hoping.)
I enjoyed exploring botw's world because there were always koroks and shrines to collect. I could wander knowing there was something in store to find. The world never felt too big or empty for this reason, and the solitude made sense because of the Calamity. In totk the number of shrines and koroks has been greatly reduced (edit: there are more shrines and just as many koroks as in botw. It just seems I'm having difficulty finding them ashfsjdf.) I know the overworld already so there not being a reward for exploring gives me no incentive to. The lack of shrines and the cutscenes required to go through to use the towers is another hindrance on exploration and quests. I can't get spontaneously sidetracked because there's no nearby place to warp back to, and I know how far I'll have to walk to get there. Traveling can feel like a chore instead of something enjoyable. It feels like the overworld has been stripped.
The world wasn't made for the new mechanics either, and so the areas to use them in are all tacked on as monster camps or fallen ruins, instead of a natural part of the landscape.
The new map content, the Sky and Depths, would have been better being condensed. They don't fit within the scope of botw's map. The Sky Islands so far don't take up much space and are significantly less important than I hoped they would be. The Depths is a fun concept and I enjoy the restrictions it puts on players, with the soft cap and kinda rougelite aspect while you're in the early game, but it's way too big, very repetitive, and there's not much point to exploring once you know what it's about. Both the Sky and the Depths would have benefitted by being more carefully thought out, concise, areas and suffer from having to fit the scope of botw's map. The Depths has poes and zonite to collect, but these things come in such huge quantities and require even huger quantities of to be useful that it feels grindy. I need 3 zonite ore for one crystalized ore, 100 crystalized ore for one fuel charge. There are three charges in one canister, of 8. That's 7,200 zonite ore like wtf. How is this supposed to be achievable? So far I haven't needed to use the vehicles all that often so it's not particularly useful atm either. The amount of cross-trading currency collectibles is overbearing. For some time I had no idea what any of them were used for so I didn't know what the point was in collecting them. Bubulgems, zonite ore, large zonite ore, poes, crystalized charges, large crystalized charges- too many. Please condense some of them.
Gone are all the very cool weapon designs, replaced in favor of the new fuse mechanic and endlessly scrolling through materials to find the right thing to attach.
The memories and the story in that aspect are still passive. Even more so.
We're all familiar with the Zelda formula- totk now follows the botw formula. Plateau area, back and forth fetch quests to upgrade your abilities, four main story beat locations, memories, and then the open world for players to tackle freely. I'm really hoping there is more. There has to be because the Sky and Depths haven't been used in the main story beats so far. In botw you could go anywhere and have everything to do in a given location immediately assessable to play through, but in totk there are things locked by progression. However, it's awkward because you aren't told precisely what's locked or why. I'm like- I went through the effort to get here but there isn't anything for me to do. I know there's something here! But I can't do anything yet and idk why or what I'm missing! and instead of building anticipation it just makes me frustrated. I'm not sure if what I'm missing is locked to progression or if there is something I've truly just missed.
So I have a feeling of having missed something important story/mechanic-wise when exploring, and then on the other hand I have the feeling of being very clearly shoehorned towards certain goals. Nearly all of the npcs have dialogue that leads you towards something. I don't feel like botw was ever this in-your-face about goals. The Calamity happened 100 years ago so the people have had time to adjust, while the Upheaval is happening now. It makes sense that the Upheaval would be much more pressing, I just wish the npcs would chat about something other than "go here, do this" once in a while. Like, I found Bolson, and instead of being greeted as a familiar face or getting to see Bolson in character, he just told me to go somewhere for a quest related thing. So many of the familiar characters are missing the quirky characterizations they had in botw that made them them.
With being shoehorned towards certain locations: many, many of the npcs want me to clear out monsters at Lurelin. So I went to Lurelin. At that point I'd only completed the quest in Gerudo and five shrines, yet the monsters I faced in Lurelin (and widely across the overworld) were black level monsters, which I was and still am nowhere near prepared for. Totk is either meant to be more difficult than botw or there is an issue with balancing. I've touched maybe 25 shrines and have lit a good number of lightroots, but haven't completed many, so maybe that's a factor into the enemy leveling? I also think there's a way for me to get help that I haven't found yet. Regardless, the enemy scaling across the world feels like it happened too quickly and I don't enjoy the npcs pushing me towards things my character isn't ready for. I feel like there should be more checks in place for this that determine the npc dialogue to the player's progress.
I haven't even talked about the story.
I know I'm being very critical with the game, and I wish I could just enjoy it. I need to stop trying to find botw in this game. And I should take a step back for a while too. I'm just disappointed.
The music and boss battles have been incredible! I hope there's more structured boss battles outside of the main four + ganon. Heck I even hope there's a boss gauntlet with a cool reward.
Just- yeah. So far I am not enjoying the new Zelda formula when it comes to totk. Botw worked for botw. totk looks and is structured too much like botw to feel like its own thing, and yet trying to play it like botw is just upsetting because it isn't.
Totk is a good game, but it's a bad sequel.
I hope the Zelda team returns to the old format sometime, or at least pulls forward some of the ideas. I miss the concise dungeons that take multiple play sessions to get through. I miss the tricky puzzles that make me feel smart for solving. I miss combat being a puzzle requiring certain items or learning boss phases and patterns (rather than sticking materials to your bow and taking a "just deal damage" based approach. I want to be closer to it.) I miss the worlds that were puzzles in and of themselves like Minish Cap or the Oracle games. I miss seeing a clearly marked spot on the wall or a tree in the way and knowing that I'll pick up an item that will help me here later. I like that there were clear solutions. The clues in botw and totk for progression are not as clear. And the botw open-world format is too large for concise puzzles like this. I enjoyed the open-ended way to combat and puzzles in botw, but I feel there should be space for both. No more ways to fenagle the physics or smack your way through obstacles. I want to see linear progression and long-form puzzles return to Zelda games, at least for the next one.
I'm hoping there's some plot twist or turn in gameplay that I haven't reached in totk yet. We'll seeeeee
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whumping-valentine · 8 days
Hey you guys, who's ready to finally watch me live up to my username???
This piece is focused on Valentine and Vittoria. I realized that I don't have to wait until the main series arrives to talk about them, so I'm writing this!
Any little things like this I'll tag as "Butterfly Blood Extras" while the eventual main series will just be "Butterfly Blood."
So yeah, anyways, enjoy finally seeing Valentine in action! If you like the dynamic and lore feel free to stick around for the eventual chronological series 👀 it'll be out once Fawn and Hunter is completed.
Content: Slightly cocky (ex-)royal whumpee. Intimate whumper. Non-human / magical characters. Fantasy setting. Elemental magic. There's also very detailed, intimate, vampire neck biting at the end of this. Also stripping and nudity, but it doesn't lead to anything sexual. Also also whumpee has a collar.
They/she whumpee (Valentine)
She/her whumper (Vittoria)
       After being cooped up underground for such extended periods of time, Valentine was overjoyed to finally be getting some fresh air, even if it meant they had to sneak out. The cool wind against their face, the sound of the chirping birds, the slight crunch of the earth beneath their feet, it could just about be Heaven. Even when they'd get to go outside, it was always at night. They could hardly remember the last time they saw daylight.
       It was cloudy that day, and it looked like rain was soon to come. While it was Val's favorite weather, they'd much rather see the sun at this point in time. They'd do anything to feel its warmth against their skin, even if it defied every rule of magic itself. But let's be honest, that was only but a dream.
      It didn't stop Valentine from trying, though. It never did.
      They tried everything they possibly could to move the clouds and change the weather. Every possible thing their mother ever taught them. Every stance, movement, and motion that their siblings mastered ages ago. Though for them, not even a single gust of wind bent to their will.
       Of course, they knew this would happen. They were nothing but the first-born disappointment. The destined Princess of the air and wind, heir to the Kingdom of Hearts, and yet they couldn't make even a single breeze.
       Princess Valentina Rose Papilio, the butterfly who never got her wings.
       They fell to the grass, hugging their knees to their chest as they wept against a tree. They should've been holding their mother's royal scepter, wearing her crown, making all of Heriviks proud. But she never even made it to phase one. Never got her wings, or her powers. Couldn't even control the Hearts' element of wind let alone the other three like the rest of the Papilio family could.
She had cousins from the Kingdom of Clubs, who's dominant magic was earth, do flawless air maneuvers. Who could control the Spades' fires with ease, and make formidable waves that even the most skilled Diamond would be jealous of. That was just the nature of her family, they were more than just royals, they were gods, too.
She was powerless without magic, and that powerlessness is exactly what Vittoria took advantage of. That magic that made her who she was, that should've ran through her blood. The magic that should've made her a god. Because without their magic... what difference does a god have to their subjects? There wasn't one.
There was a certain humble humility to that, of course. It's important for powerful, gifted beings to not be too full of themselves. It's their responsibility to use their powers to keep balance and peace in the world. A responsibility she was always told she would one day have, but would never be granted. A raised and bred god denied their destiny.
Vittoria always said it was fair. She was born into royalty by random chance, so it would be fair to take it all away, too. Maybe she was right. Maybe she deserved this. Maybe this was her destiny. Maybe a punishment from the universe. She wasn't too sure.
The thunder rumbled quietly in the sky, small drops of rain falling from the clouds, tapping against the leaves, hitting the earth. Wind rustled through the tree branches as autumn leaves fell in their breeze. Valentine turned their head to the sky, closing their eyes as their tears blended with the rain that washed down their cheeks.
It was the weather of her people, as was the autumnal season. The Kingdom of Hearts, the Land of Eternal Autumn. The Heartis butterflies, the creatures with air magic. Their heart longed for home so much in the early days, but now she could hardly remember her mother's face, or her sister's laugh. Even the sound of her brother's arrogant, whiny dramatics would be like music to her ears. All those things once took for granted, now a bitter, distant nostalgia. A time she could never go back to.
They sat there with their thoughts for so long. Even when the droplets began to pour they still stayed put in the grass, letting the storm cleanse them. It was almost meditative as they listened to the fierce wind, and rumbling skies. It was a warm, comfortable rain, and in it, they found themself back to a memory they'd almost forgotten.
They were out on the beach with their family when they were young. Their mother was teaching them and their siblings how to make rain. None of them had gotten their magic yet, so it was all just practicing the motions, with their mother actually creating rainfall by the end of the lesson. Valentine remembered getting their royal gown soaking wet, covered in sand.
They remembered feeling scared about the mess, until their mother encouraged them to have fun, chasing the four of her children with waves, springing sand castles up from the ground, letting the rain get them soaked. Amora Papilio had always looked to Valentina with the most pride in her eyes, being the first born.
It hurt so bad to watch it slowly turn to disappointment. Some days they wondered if the family ever even came looking for them. If they even worried. If they were happy about it.
Valentine sat out there for what felt like hours. They didn't want to go back to Vittoria, to the dark. They contemplated trying to find their way back to the Kingdoms, but they knew that was hopeless, and trying would just cause them even more trouble. Using whatever scarce strength they had, they stood back up and started the walk home.
The walk home? They scoffed at their own thoughts ...Since when did Hell become home?
Valentine eventually made it back to the entrance. A small hatch in the grass among many that would lead to an entire underground city of torment. They hopped down it and made their way through the various empty stone hallways, until they made it to the horrid front door. They nearly felt like throwing up as they turned the knob, willingly walking back to the worst place they knew.
       "Out playing in the rain it seems." Vittoria said as they entered, causing Valentine to jump, "Trailing mud and rainwater all over my floors. Don't beg for my attention when you get sick. What were you doing?"
       "Walking," Valentine replied, shutting the door behind them, "You know, like you said that I could."
       "I never said that. When did I say— ah, ah, ah! No trailing mud and water all over the carpets, you're a mess and you don't need to bring it in here. Take off your clothes, and tell me— when did I say that?"
Before the order was embarrassing and down right horrifying, but now it felt no different to taking off their shoes. They talked casually while they stripped without a second thought.
       "You told me this night that you did not need me today. You said that I could do whatever I wanted, sunrise to sunset. So obviously that means I did not have to sleep during the day then, yes?"
Vittoria looked displeased, but not angry, "I suppose so," she sighed. She always watched her words when making deals with Val, finding ways to twist them around while still being truthful. It was only fair they did the same back. She could only blame herself for this one.
Valentine smiled. They knew it would work at getting them off the hook, though they still worried, "Great! I had a good time outside."
       "How the hell did you even get outside?"
       "I took your keys." They casually replied, taking them out of their pants' pocket before taking them off. They tossed the keys to a very surprised, wide-eyed Vittoria.
       "You… you took my keys? How- when- you- you took my keys and just… came back?"
       "You and I both know how well things fared the last time that I attempted to leave. Besides, it is not like I even know how to get home, so even if I tried it would be all for naught."
       Vittoria sighed in frustration, rolling her eyes as she placed her head on her hand, "I thought you finally got rid of those stupid royal speech patterns."
       "Oh, I have. I just do them to annoy you now."
       "You used to be afraid of me."
       "You used to be scary."
       Valentine bit their lip as soon as the sentence left their mouth, and the mood instantly shifted.
       Vittoria stood up, "Oh, what's that? You think I'm not scary?"
       "I— n-no, ma'am, I just—"
       "You think I'm not scary?" She repeated, stepping towards them. Valentine slowly backed away. "You think I've grown soft? Lenient? So much so that you think you can just take my keys and sneak off in the middle of the day?"
Valentine shook their head vigorously, "No, no, it isn't that at all! I just— I know how your games work, I'm just playing by your rules! And— when you know the rules things just... become... easier?" They quietly squeaked, unsurely, shrinking down as she stood over them, backing them into a corner.
With a quick, simple motion, Vittoria hooked a leash onto their collar, "I'm not going to have to keep you leashed all the time, am I?" She asked, putting her hands on the wall, boxing them in, leash around her wrist.
"I— I sure hope not."
       Vittoria narrowed her eyes, "What games are you playing, Papilio? Because they're sure not mine."
       "I'm not playing any games!" They squeaked, voice strained as it started to fill with fearful tears.
       “Oh, you’re not, are you? Really? Could’ve fooled me.”
       Valentine was shaking like a frightened dog, trapped between her arms, stuck against the wall. Her gaze always felt uncomfortable and obtrusive, and in times like this where it was frightening, Valen felt like they could just combust on the spot. No matter if they avoided her eyes or squeezed their own shut, they could feel her staring, they always could.
       Her gaze was a threat, a predator stalking their prey, looking for insecurities. A fucking creep lusting after them like they were nothing more than a pretty toy. A gaze that could practically burn into their skin. Always intrusive, always threatening something, always felt. They just prayed she didn’t say—
       “Look at me.” She demanded, her hands going from the wall to their shoulders, causing them to tense and freeze, squeezing their eyes shut, tears leaking down their cheeks.
       “Bug…” She said, tone more irritated, growing darker. She slid her hands down their arms, “I won’t tell you again…” she grabbed tightly onto their wrists, and growled, “Look at me.”
       Valentine hitched a breath as they forced themself to open their eyes, staring at her like a deer in headlights, afraid and now unable to look away. Vittoria slightly tilted her head, and when they felt her lips kiss their neck underneath their collar, near their collarbone, their silent tears turned to crying.
       “P-please, no! No, don’t, please!”
       “You know much I love the taste of royal blood, baby bug.” She whispered into their ear, “I could do this allll the time, everyday, but I don’t. I know how much… distress it causes you. How much you hate it. I only do it when you fuck up.” She said, louder. Valentine cringed both from the volume and the curse. “You have no one to blame but yourself, you know that, yeah?”
"Y-yes, I know, ma'am, I'm sorry."
"You better be." She said, trailing her hands back up their arms, unlocking their collar, letting it fall to the ground. Having it off their neck made them feel more exposed than if they were fully naked... which they were, but now they really felt like it.
She planted slow kisses all over their neck. Valentine had never been more tense as their face flushed from the vulnerable intimacy, just waiting in anticipation for what was about to happen. Vittoria slowly turned kisses into licks, then to dragging her fangs across their skin, to nibbling, still not yet biting. Until she did, fast and suddenly, yet gentle. Valentine hitched a breath, and their breathing became labored.
       Her fangs lightly pierced through their flesh, just on the surface, so agonizingly slowly. It went from a simple pinch, to something that only got more and more unbearable. A mix of crying, screaming, and incoherent begging came from Valentine, getting worse as she sank her teeth deeper and deeper, penetrating their muscles as delicious, royal, godly blood seeped into her mouth.
She may have been presenting as a vampire, but her inner moth cravings didn’t just go away because of it. She had to fight against her instincts to just tear into their flesh and eat them alive. The insatiable hunger that a moth had was impossible to satisfy, but at least with blood, thirst could be quenched.
       She sunk her teeth firmly into their neck, holding them in place. By this point Val stayed quiet, focusing on their breathing, getting used to the pain. They winced as Vittoria sucked the blood. The horrendous throbbing, the feeling of the suction, her tongue, their own warm blood dripping down their neck. It should’ve been unbearable, yet they still managed to take it. They had no other choice, they never did. A butterfly at the mercy of the moth’s ravenous teeth. The teeth she was always warned about, a warning she never headed.
      Curiosity always bit the butterfly.
Vittoria could practically feel the blood flowing through their veins. She could sense the tension, and wild beating of their heart. She could feel their pulse on her teeth, and in their arms that she held tightly onto. She could feel their tension slowly slipping away as they grew more and more weak and limp. That was her sign to stop.
Finally, she pulled away, releasing her bite. Valentine was exceptionally pale, looking lightheaded and faint.
Vittoria chuckled, "Hm hm! Took a bit too much, didn't I?"
Valentine could only blink slowly in response. When Vittoria removed her hands from their arms, they collapsed forward, forcing her to catch them. "Oh, you poor thing." She cooed, holding them in her arms for a moment, dragging her fingers through their hair.
Oh, how she absolutely just loved them like this. So weak, fragile, and relaxed after putting up such a fussy fight. So calm, tired, and passive. A limp little ragdoll she could do anything to. The fact that it was caused by drinking their precious royal blue blood just made it all the more better. A part of them, now a part of her.
Though despite how great it was, it wasn't something she often did. It was reserved for special occasions, or spontaneous ones like this. The scarcity just made it more delightful for her, and more frightening for Valentine. She lifted them up into her arms, and carried them into another room.
       Vittoria wiped the wound clean while Val sat and sniffled. All that was left was a throbbing puncture wound accompanied by the bruise of a hickey. She placed a bandage over it, securing their collar back on over top it. She reached her hands up to their face, wiping away their tears with her thumbs. Val winced from her gentle touch. They always found it insulting and invasive. Such a gesture of fake, loving intimacy.
       Valentine moved their puffy, sad eyes to look at her, though her gaze no longer felt scary, or threatening. It was almost... admiral? Proud?
       Maybe sometimes it wasn’t fake.
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Thanks for reading! I hope you liked your first look at Val and Tori :3
If you did, you should be pleased to know that the full series I have planned for them is 50 chapters long, with each chapter most likely being over 3,000 words, at least. Though I tend to get between 4,000–5,000. You can tell I really love these two, I feel like you can just see it in how I write.
If you have any questions about the lore of the world or characters, or just wanna know more about them, please feel free to ask me in the comments or send an ask! I have a LOT of worldbuilding in this, and it can understandably get confusing. As the King of Yapping, I'd gladly go into more detail! I'm practically begging you! Haha.
Stay tuned for more of them! ♡♡♡
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There Is Quiet | Commander Fox and Dove
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tag: @generic-geek-girl @erishimoon
synopsis: you, the clone's s/o, are privy to watching order 66. three of you will be able to reunite with the man you love in the aftermath.
authors note: I tried really hard to keep this light but uh.. o66 isn't light so sorry in advance LOL
It's dark and raining the night that the Jedi die.
You're on your way back from picking up dinner when you hear it. The tell-tale shattering of glass from the windows dozen of stories above you is enough to make you drop the dinner from shock, sprinting into the doorway closest to your left to begin maneuvering through the tunnels that would lead you back to Palpatine's office.
Your dinner remains untouched on the streets of Coruscant.
One of the perks of being the Chancellor's personal assistant was having free reign of the building plans. That just happened to mean you knew every in and out. Every hidden closet. Every secret tunnel.
Your favorite secret tunnel was the one that you and Fox often occupied. On the days where you needed a break from the world, when Fox needed a safe place to cry, when Hound and Thire needed privacy to talk to each other when something difficult happened on patrol. It wasn't Palpatine's tunnel.
It was your tunnel. You and the Guard, your little family. Your little family who you left with promises of dinner to celebrate your new promotion.
"Look, I'll compromise. I will go get dinner to celebrate my victory and you will finish all of your patrol reports by the time I get back," You drawled, grinning as Fox shuddered when you dragged your finger across the curve of his jaw. "And maybe I'll throw something a little extra in there. Just for fun."
"Little Dove.. you make a very tempting offer." Fox murmured. "Ill be waiting with a bottle of brandy and some candles whenever you get back."
Telling him that you loved him had come very naturally. He was hesitant to reciprocate at first, as all clones are, but the idea of loving someone like you had been something he wanted to pursue. If Fox was going to run, he'd run toward you forever.
"I love you."
"I love you too. I'll see you soon."
That's all you'd left him with. An, "I love you", a wink and a kiss.
That was the last time you saw Commander Fox for quite a while.
It's dark and raining when you finally come to the main gate just inside of Palpatine's office. He's not even aware it's there. You, however, are painfully aware of how cold it is in that room and the bodies who occupy it are familiar to you.
Anakin Skywalker. He's supposed to be a hero, and here he is standing frozen as Mace Windu attempted to kill the Chancellor.
Or that's what it looks like, at least.
Your fingers drifted down to the blaster on your hip. Fox had made you learn how to use one - as well as learn hand to hand, because he was not having his Dove be hurt - not long after you had started dating.
Anakin's voice is raw, thick with guilt and shame as he collapses to his knees.
"What have I done?"
And it's not him that draws your attention, but two realizations as Palpatine knights Anakin his Apprentice: Fox is not here, and neither is the rest of the Guard.
You don't know where they are. Where he is.
And that's when you really begin regretting that the very last thing you said to him is, "See you later."
The first thing you do upon fleeing Palpatine's office through the tunnel network is call the only Jedi you really know. Ember's comm is nothing but static, which already unsettles you more, so you attempt to reach out to Phantom in hopes she'll respond from Utapau.
She does. The terror in her voice is evident.
"The clones all turned. I don't know why, but Cody is trying to kill me and I have to go-"
"Phantom?" Nothing. "Phantom, respond!"
There's nothing but static that makes your stomach turn as you desperately shake your comm in hopes of a reply. Ember was with Ahsoka, and Phantom had gone with Obi-Wan, which meant two of your best friends were in the middle of the crisis that seemed to currently be plaguing most of the galaxy.
If Cody went after Phantom, then will Fox-
"Oh, Maker," You leaned against the wall to wrap your arm around your stomach. Just thinking about all the what if's in regards to Fox and the rest of the Guard's well beings made you want to wretch all over the floor. "Just let him be safe. I don't ask for much, but please let him be safe."
Your first clue that something is wrong is the contingent of Guard members stationed outside of the Senate room. You know better then to attempt to use the front door, but the sight of Hound and Stone's helmets on the bodies that guard the Senate is enough to bring tears to your eyes.
Those are your boys. Your boys. Not Palpatine or whoever he is now, not the Republic, yours.
They don't sound like the same ones who'd asked for six milkshakes and enough fries to feed a bantha less than two hours before. They're not the same men who used to walk you home in torrential downpours, not the same men who had goaded Fox for so long that he eventually caved and asked you to marry him.
You'd started wearing your rings around your neck after that. It was short, prompt. He promised to give you what you really wanted after the war.
"It's what you deserve." He'd said.
All you can think as you sneak past Stone and Hound is that what you deserve is far less than what these men deserve. You'd give everything you had if it meant these men, your al'iit, finally had peace.
Because peace is the bare minimum of what they deserve.
Fox isn't in the Senate Room either, but the rest of the Guard are. You only barely have time to glimpse the form of an older Jedi Master you recognize but don't know the name of as he tumbles tumbles tumbles and disappears beneath the floors below.
Thire's voice is the one that calls out for orders. They're so... monotone. They sound like droids.
You briefly hear something between Mas Amedda and Palpatine about Order 66. Whatever that is. It must be what has all the clones committing mass genocide against the Jedi.
Your heart aches for Phantom and Ember, but you press on anyway. You have to find Fox.
You have to find Fox.
This is how it feels to be CC-1010, Commander of the Coruscant Guard. You are trapped inside the dark confines of your mind with no way out because an order was meant to be carried out: KillthejediKillthejediKilltheJedi
Your better judgement screams at you that this is wrong as you are left chasing a rogue Jedi who couldn't get off world fast enough through the lower levels of Coruscant.
Something reminds you of Dove as your head is thrown back, your jaw bludgeoned by the brass knuckles that come in contact with the skin there. It hurts. It bleeds.
You press on.
The Jedi dies and the body is left to be added to the others that burn on the Temple steps. Skywalker carried out the Emperor's orders. There is nothing left of what used to be of the Jedi Order. It's fallen and forgotten, just like them.
Just like the clones will be too. You know that. You will be forgotten, just another name on the battlefield memorial just outside of the Temple. There's so many there now. Too many names to put faces to.
Something in you believes that, if you find Dove, there stands a chance that you will be remembered. You'd have an impact. A lasting effect on somebody out there in the galaxy.
Dove. Your little Dove.
You need to get back to Dove.
One Year Later
The reunion never comes. Two wedding rings are kept close to the other's hearts, a futile hope that one day they will return together for the wedding the other so desperately wants.
Word gets to you through the network. Your network of those who had been with clones both before and after the order, those who were still alive and actively helping the Rebellion.
Including you. You were one of the few who knew him the best, and thus an invaluable asset to the Rebellion. It was just fortunate that Bail Organa and Ahsoka Tano had found you before Palpatine found you were alive and used you for his own personal gain.
Ahsoka was the one who told you what really happened. Order 66 was a kill switch implanted in the inhibitor chips of the clones before they'd been decanted to commit mass genocide against the Jedi. They couldn't help it. They couldn't help it.
All this time you'd spent trying to come to terms with the inevitability of what Fox had done, and he couldn't even help it.
Ahsoka had shed tears with you in the aftermath of her confession. She understood. While she'd been too young to be with anyone, she had a close relationship with Rex. Rex had almost killed her too. Had she not been able to remove his chip, he would've.
That had been the same day she'd told you about Ember. Ember had died with Jesse. He'd held her as they went.
That realization had only made you cry harder.
"At the very least, Dove," Ahsoka murmured gently as she held your face in her hand. "You can honor him and your love for him by doing the very thing he would've done. Fighting for what's right."
You nodded and thanked her with the barest smile you could muster. You just didn't have the strength anymore. Most of it had been taken when you lost Fox.
Gripping the metal of your engagement band with trembling fingers, you nodded and allowed your eyes to close before the tears could fall again.
At this point, you're holding out hope he'll come back to you. It's all that's kept you going at this point.
It's going to have to be enough.
The reunion never comes, and neither does the wedding. It never comes because Commander Fox is dead at the hands of Darth Vader.
And it absolutely destroyed you.
This is how it feels to be Dove, former personal assistant to The Emperor.
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ticklystuff · 5 months
Profile Tag Game~
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Hello - Why, hello there! I apologize for the disturbance; my fanbase (@lovelynim, @ticklygiggles, @xsezzie, @keru0, @mythiczer0) can be quite noisy at times. Hopefully playing this little game can quell their enthusiasm for the time being.
Chat: Tickling - Don’t.
Chat: Health - Eat well, sleep well, poop well~ Three easy steps to bettering one’s health! You only have one body; it’s important to take care of it.
When It Rains - Perfect timing! I’ve been blessed with the minor inconvenience needed to cancel today’s obligations~
When It Snows - Yes, I’m perfectly fine wearing shorts in the snow. No, I’m not cold. Please stop staring at my legs..
When the Sun is Out - Ugh, too bright..
Good Morning - … … ………
Good Afternoon - Mind keeping it down? My nap time requires absolute silence.
Good Evening - Ah, I’m just going for one of my nighttime strolls. … Err, I suppose you can tag along, but I really prefer my alone time… Just keep talking to a minimum, okay?
Good Night - Hm? Can’t sleep? Well, I have the perfect advice for you, ehehe. Wanna sleep like the dead? Try a shot before bed! Cheers!~
About Me: Color - The term “colorblind” is a misleading one, as it perpetuates the belief that individuals, such as myself, possess the inability to see color, but that is simply not true. Instead, I often mistake certain colors for others. Red and green are the usual cases, but blue and purple are tricky for me to differentiate as well. Most people view this as a disadvantage, but personally, I disagree. Being colorblind just means that all stoplights are green to me, ehe~
Something to Share: Jobs - If you had all the money, time, and skills in the world, but still needed to work, which career would you choose? This is a question I often enjoy asking people because not only are the answers creative, but they can really give you insight into the person that’s answering. As for myself, I’d personally enjoy being a judge for a cooking show. I’d get to enjoy so many tasty foods, without having to actually be the center of attention. Also, people would have to serve me under my scrutiny, ohohoho~ Sounds fun, doesn’t it? Anyway, since I’ve shared mine, it’s only fair you share yours, no?
My Hobbies - Sleeping is great because I don’t have to talk to anyone while unconscious, mhm~
My Troubles - Ah, I’m sorry, but I can’t hang out today. I already visited another friend last week and I’m still burnt out.. We’ll see how I’m feeling in the next week or two, yeah?
Favorite Food - Rice due to its unmatched versatility. It can be enjoyed as a side dish, a main dish, a dessert, even a beverage, and can be presented in many flavors. Tofu, likewise, is of similar caliber.
Least Favorite Food - I’m not a picky person and enjoy most foods. However, my intolerance to lactose does create some…. potential problems when consuming dairy products. This does not stop me from enjoying them, though, as these issues are for future me to address.
About @fuwahua - Not only is she a fellow ChiLi enthusiast, but a fantastic writer as well! I was so happy when she agreed to doing a collab with me and I can only hope we find another chance in the future~
About @otomiyaa - I still remember reading her fics all the way back in 2016 and, despite not being familiar with most of the fandoms, I still enjoyed them all the same. Oh, and we can’t forget to thank her for all fun games she’s created, including this one!
Birthday - Happy birthday! Your present this year is a shopping trip on my dime~ I know, I know, so generous! … Wait, what do you mean “no thank you”? Ugh, accepting the offer won’t make you greedy or selfish, if that’s what you’re afraid of. Likewise, turning it down doesn’t make you any more humble and if anything, I personally think it’s quite foolish. Now, come on and get dressed; a long day of food and gifts await you!
thanks for reading lol that was fun~ most of my mutuals have already been tagged or did the game so my victim list will be @fuwahua @ppystkposts @skayleay but feel free to say i tagged you if you feel like playing!
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zhongrin · 3 months
a/n: forgive me, but my friends are just so talented and i had to take notes of these delicious delicious lores. i would encourage everyone to check them out and send them sabotages!! (i might update this if i have time)
last updated: 01/25
kurisu / @risustravelogue
original bias: wriothesley (+al haitham & zhongli) // assigned bias: itto
known facts/notes:
lore-related asks are mostly tagged with #kurisu's ebg 2024/01 lore
what are those dots on the header?? -> ... ......
header changed -> .........
it’s been two months & 1 week since she went to inazuma. her last letter was from 2 weeks ago
who is the ‘client’ in inazuma? 1) someone with connection to estelle (blacksmith in fontaine) 2) was a previous solo client of hers 3) uses he/him pronouns 4) used to live in fontaine (or sumeru?) but moved to inazuma
who is the one speaking in the purple text? morse code: ... --- --- -. -> SOON
itto and shinobu agreed to escort her to ritou which will take 2 days.
who is the person seen watching her? -> "scapino"
someone seems to be deliberately erasing her memory. by stealing her vision? IT’S ALBEDO ISN'T IT OMG THIS BITCH /silly -> this "scapino" guy has it so it's highly likely that he's the one who took it??
she has her vision now but her memory didn't return. so there must be something else blocking her memory from coming back....
"Your previous order regarding the letters still stands" -> ????
location: Higi Village, Yashiori Island
sayu is possibly a witness?
my theory:
all facts point that she doesn’t seem to remember her ACTUAL age because 1) she said she can’t drink, 2) she still thinks she’s living in sumeru and is going to school. but she does remember that she shifted courses - to ksashrewar - which means this is a wrisu (or haikuwri timeline?), which makes sense because she knew estelle well!! -> THEORY CONFIRMED SHE THINKS SHE'S LIKE 10 YEARS YOUNGER LETS GO GAMERS
'client' is sus. will need to gather more clues to identify him.
the purple guy watching her looks like they're wearing anonymous (like the hacker group) mask.... SUS
"scapino" is a character from commedia dell'arte.
"He was originally a masked character, although later versions usually have the actor simply powder his face". -> WHICH IS WHY I THOUGHT HE WAS WEARING A MASK IK IT WAS SHADOWED BUT THAT SKIN COLOR IS TOO PALE IT FITS IM NOT INSANE
"He is traditionally shown with a hooked nose and a pointed beard." -> SQUINTS
traits to note that might be useful: "Self-preservation and self-interest are his main concerns".
crys / @crystalflygeo
original bias: zhongli (+neuvillette) // assigned bias: kazuha
known facts/notes:
crys can ‘dream walk’ and like all adepti, can hear people’s ‘prayers’/'wishes'. [one] [two]
her names: crys, spring bringer, █ █ █ █ █ █ █ (7 characters)
she has memories from liyue AND fontaine -> crylilette timeline!!!!!
she currently has a geo and hydro affinity stones which might be able to help (bless moth!!!) → will need to think how to utilize them
kazuha seems to want to genuinely help crys, which is good. he could definitely be an ally.
a youkai stole her real name, we'll need to find it.
current location: they're in ritou
neuvillette seems aware of what's going on since fontaine has been raining a ton. or maybe he just misses her lmao drama queen /aff
my theory:
nothing concrete atm, but i suspect the moment she learned all of her names, she'll remember her memories. fantheory: it might be related to neuvillette instead of zhongli. -> confirmed. LETS GOOOOO WE ON THE FINAL STRETCH!!!
psy / @abyssmal-skies
original bias: ayaka (+al haitham & dainsleif & neuvillette) // assigned bias: jean
known facts/notes:
psy was in inazuma and now is in mondstadt
ayaka doesn’t exist but psy remembers her
'please send me home' / 'you should know what happens to characters outside their dimension' -> she doesn't belong in this 'world'
'the wind feels wrong' -> venti might have noticed an 'outsider' who doesn't belong to this world
references to yumemiru woods ("Exquisite in quality and full of moisture, people say that it can lull people into dreams as sweet as the warm spring")
references to the miasma we encountered on the sakura cleansing ritual quest
my theory:
the relic transports her to a branch in irminsul where ayaka doesn’t exist. possibly the ley line thing going fucky like that inazuma quest. psy getting trapped in the ley line where ayaka doesn't exist.
navina / @dxy-drxxm
original bias: venti (+al haitham) // assigned bias: ferrylady
known facts/notes:
oletus manors / idv!au
hunter!zhongli ('director') exists. also hu tao ('undertaker') but unsure if she’s a hunter or a survivor (probably the former).
jean seems to be a doctor in this au
survivor!ferrylady or ‘charon’ (embalmer) seems to have lived in the manor for a long time. was she brought here along with zhongli and hu tao?
ferrylady has a platonic relationship with the novelist and seems to think of them as a friend despite their 'eccentricities'.
survivor!‘novelist’ is navi’s persona here
how does venti come into this??
that reference to the matchmaking event over at @/throw-letter away hslkdfhsld
my theory:
nothing concrete atm
ps. if heavy lores aren't your thing, check out (and sabotage): @/cerberuscaeli | @/jingyuansbird | @/ryuryuryuyurboat | @/faesther | @/starglitterz
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0shewrites0 · 1 year
Do you know of any good Suresh fan fictions? Or have you written on?
Hey anon!
I myself haven’t written any Suresh fics but I can defo recommend a few! I’m guessing you’re looking for chaptered fics first and foremost so I’m gonna focus on those but I’ll also add a few one shots that I found (some of which are really good imo) 🫶🏼
Chaptered fics (read the tags on ao3!)
Jaded (completed, ~90k words) @mrsbsmooth
The Suresh cheating story, the fallout... And how he gets her back. Partial pre-villa, mostly in-villa. Canon compliant.
somebody that I used to know (ongoing, ~13k words) @ellegreenwxy
when hayden williams gets cast on series five of love island, she takes it as a sign to well and truly move on from the heartbreak that's had her in a chokehold for nearly a year. but when her past comes back to haunt her, will hayden really be able to move on? or is she doomed to stay stuck in the past with somebody that she used to know? A complete and total s5 rewrite
No Other Love (ongoing, ~16k words) @luckyqueenreign
After weeks of ignoring her feelings for Suresh, Gemma was finally ready to admit to him that she wanted to get back together. With the Casa Amor recoupling in full swing, she never expected him to walk back into the villa with another girl. In-villa.
Never Really Over (ongoing, ~18k words)
Mara came to the Villa expecting a summer of fun and fresh starts. But what happens when that all comes crashing down because of a certain ex from Mara's past?
Fortuity (ongoing, ~10k words)
The villa was supposed to be a new beginning for Jimena. She was supposed to go there, potentially have a fling and definitely not fall in love because there was no possible way she would allow that to happen again. Unfortunately, luck has never been on Jimena’s side. With the object of her heartbreak becoming the center of her new start, her romantic getaway is turned on its head, and one not totally unwelcome presence just won’t leave her alone. HIATUS.
champagne problems (ongoing, 4k+ words) @lithopsy
Suresh Desilva never imagined himself buying someone an engagement ring. His dream life included an impressive law school degree and a cushy job in corporate litigation that allowed him plenty of money and time off to travel the world with whichever pretty girl he felt like bringing along. And it was all going to plan. That was, until he started seeing Catherine. And all the visions of wedding bells and picket fences that seemed to follow her around. Pre-villa.
One shots (read the tags on ao3!)
Please Let That Be Enough (~4k words)
Is wanting to be with somebody truly enough?
Midnight Rain (~3k words) @i-boop-you-main
'With the bewilderment of an innocent man, he asked, "What's wrong?"' A sad Suresh fic that deals with the confrontation of his cheating.
What If? (1k+ words)
What if Johnny/Nicolas didn't know he was telling the truth when he told the other islanders something he made up about Kamille (MC)
I miss you more than life (1.1k+ words) @perfectlysunny02
if i can’t be close to you, i’ll settle for the ghost of you, i miss you more than life.
I just can’t lose you again (755 words) @perfectlysunny02 
Gabi is in the villa, will that hurt Suresh and Emily’s couple?
The Answer was Simple (2.3k+ words) @willkimurashat
Eloise wanted a summer free of Suresh’s memories, but that plan went out the window too quickly, when she found him in a couple with her. The lie detector challenge, meant to intimidate the islanders, seemed like a perfect way to get rid of her persistent ex, but does machine know her better than she knows herself?
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