#dom rpg
hyatoro · 2 days
what class would the yans be in a fantasy rpg setting!! feel like kayden gives warlock vibes…
Wonderful question! As a Dungeons & Dragons player I’ll be referring to a lot of the 5e system here. 
So you were close, but because Kayden Nguyen’s powers are inherent to him he’d be a Psionic Soul Sorcerer. He could take some levels in warlock, especially with you as his patron, but his base class is definitely sorcerer. He was born with his powers and had them even before he met you, the reader. 
Augustine Carver is the second obvious one as a Paladin. Your knight in a shining suit of armor that would gladly smite someone in your name. His oath can depend on how his life plays out. Think either Oath of Vengeance or Oathbreaker. He could go either way based on how you, the villainess, view the royal couple. Vengeance for himself, Oathbreaker so he could be your sword. Let him dirty his hands for you. 
Franklin Russell is an Arcane Trickster Rogue with super high charisma and dexterity. Big on illusion and enchantment magic, but he’s also a sneaky little shit. You might mistake him for an innocent bard, and that’d be what he wants you to think. Like you’d only know if you think about his mechanics, not just how he presents himself. 
Hwang Minsu, if we're being brutal, is a plain commoner.  If he had to have a class though then it’d be something like a Ranger. He is not adventurous and is mostly a victim of his circumstance. The bow is what feels most comfortable in his hands, where he’s away from the danger.. If he were to be forced to get good enough to subclass then he’d be a clumsy Gloomstalker Ranger. A weird combination I know, but he’s very uncomfortable with it all and it shows. 
Now I’m imagining them as a party and it is rough. Specifically because they’re wildly different levels in comparison to each other. 
Minsu is 3rd level, specifically giving him Umbral Sight making him “adept at evading creatures that rely on darkvision”. 
Kayden is 6th+ level, plenty of room for growth, but having Psychic Strike is important for his character. His early growth is fast but then he plateaus. When the reader meets him he’s like level 3. 
Franklin is a 9th level Arcane Trickster for Magical Ambush. In a world where death is a lot more normalized then that would be his preferred method of removal just because of how permanent it is. He lives in some middle-low populated place, so not a lot of resources nor the skilled personnel for reviving people. Works out fine for him. Plus an invisible mage hand is very useful.
Augustine pre-timeskip is around 7th level. Post-timeskip he’s pushing 13th to 15th level. He just has that much more experience compared to the others, hence the huge gap in levels. 
If you’re wondering why Franklin is higher level than Kayden, that's because he’s much more comfortable with his role and his class. He found it all on his own and is capable of a lot narratively. Kayden has more potential in terms of pure magic, but it’s not always about that now is it? These are just their classes and levels based on how I introduce them in their posts. 
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uniondeptofmed · 5 months
I am resisting the urge to ask if there is a UnionSUB
UnionSUB is our Submersive Underwater Battalion, so, there is one!
Thanks, UnionDOM.
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norollsbarred · 2 years
Their costumes!!!!!!
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actionmissiles · 1 year
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Dropping down some doodles. Ogress Beer Wench.... Goooo!!!
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potatotalksculture · 11 months
More thoughts on Disco Elysium
[SPOILERS for Disco Elysium ahead.]
I’ve been dubbed the “pretentious wanker” for internalizing the though about a art gallery with a name similar to some chocolate bar out of Charlie’s Chocolate Factory. I was hoping for something absurd or maybe written in an imaginary language. What I got is a (quite accurate) critique of the modern, high class art world. Like in Velvet Buzzsaw. Or the latest season of You, if you’re feeling pretentious.
And also my “Actual Art Degree” consists of colorful invectives. Nothing is good enough for the Art Cop. He criticizes everything. Everything is mediocre for him. Why is he like that? Is he part of the milieu at the Art Centre? Or was he never allowed to enter and that made him bitter?
I learn the philosophy presented in Disco Elysium as I go. At the beginning you wake up as a dude who knows nothing. He’s literally and metaphorically NAKED. You, the player, know as much about the character, the identity, the story, the cloths and the surrounding of this protagonist as much as he would know himself. Isn’t this a perfect starting point for an RPG?
I know nothing about RPGs. I never played any kind of pen and paper, nor did I engage in similar games that include creating an identity for your character and sticking to it. In theatre, at work, I prefer the logistics and managing over imagining stories and creating meanings. Communication is hard enough as it is. No need to over complicate it by including made up stories and character traits in it.
This are two reasons why Disco Elysium was perfect for me. (I have finished playing the game as I’m writing this post. The origin of this post is a draft I’ve written sometime while still playing.) I DIDNT HAD A CLUE HOW TO PLAY THIS KIND OF GAME. I was as lost as the protagonist.
As I moved through the world, interacted with figures and objects, I was learning the philosophy implemented into this game. Without looking into the fandom.com wiki, I think about communism and capitalism. There’s also moralism. And some form of neoliberalism, I think. Somewhere around the first or second in-game day I got the task to Rebuild the Communism. Me? The guy, who assumes he’s a detective but is not completely sure and who just some hours ago has found his second shoe? Sure, comrade! Let’s go! But wait! Now I also have some moralist pants on and… we’ll, get points for saying this or that.
The points system was the first thing that made me think more about the representation of the four different school of though within the dialogues. Capitalism is about making money, having money and seeing people though their monetary value on the market. Neoliberalism is about wanting the state to leave the people alone. Moralism is about being somewhere in the middle and trying to keep everyone calm. Communism is about sharing everything and eating the rich. Easy! Or is it?
As I was progressing, I kept losing track of the thoughts. I felt really drawn to the whole rebuilding communism concept, as a strong anti-capitalist myself, this school of though was closest to my own believes. But as soon as it was about violence and killing, I took a step back. This was not in sync with me. And since that’s how I’ve chosen to play the game, I started choosing the less violent, more non-descript dialogue options. This has brought me onto the Moralintern though. This got me thinking:
In real life, when your looking for a moral compass, it’s hard to a stick to one principle. Cuz usually the universal definition of the chosen philosophy is not completely in harmony with your personal believes. So more often that you’d like to you are confronted with some personal inconsistency. And with every consistency you learn something about yourself. The most of it being: You are not black and white. And so is the world you live in. Inconsistency is part of the reality. Evolving is part of being a human.
(Interestingly enough, when you interact with the books about Dick Mullen often enough, you enable a new perspective on the world. A black and white perspective, which proposes an insightful contrast between the real world and the fiction. You are not a fictional detective with all the evidence in front of you. And you also contradict yourself.)
And also: no philosophy within the game is only good or only bad, or rather explicitly positively or negatively coded. There’s the “lucky” racist that was supposed to grant wishes. There’s the brutality and bloodthirsty of communism which was supposed to be about sharing. There the brutality of the humanistic Dolores Dei, who was trying to do some people not human.
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dewittwrites · 8 months
━━ ⟢ 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 · · ✧
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𝑺𝒐 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰'𝒎 𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒉, 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰'𝒎 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒅𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒆
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐒 1837. The Coven of the Orchid Rose have been asked questions they don't have the answer to. What are these mysterious marks which have begun appearing on their kin when they come of age? Their meaning has no listing in the history books and the Coven are at a grave loss as to what this could mean.
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐒 1868. The Coven are no closer to their answers, though years of dedication and searching have brought them no response. No explanations. Their people grow restless, impatient. They want to know what this means, and why one does not have the same mark to their own blood.
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐒 1905. A breakthrough in the research of the Coven has revealed answers they could not have believed. The mark is not exclusive to their kin, but rather it is Species wide. Reports of Werewolves, Humans and other creatures of fable and fairytale bear these marks. Answers draw closer.
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐒 1997. War has broken out between the Humans and the Supernaturals, with the Supernaturals blaming the Humans for the existence of the mark and Humans returning the suspicion in kind. The Coven has grown weary, despairing of their brethren and of their mundane counterparts not allowing for logic and reason to shine through.
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐈𝐒 2039. After so long searching for answers, the Coven have finally found the information they seek. For over two hundred years they have searched for the illusive answer, and at last they have found it. But where do they go from here?
gardenofroses is an upcoming Dominant & Submissive writing group for mature audiences only, with a core focus on the consentual dynamics between muses. the group is for muns and muses aged 21 and over with a varied species list. we seek to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for writers of all skill levels and experience levels: everyone was a beginner at one point after all! If you're interested drop a like or send the owner a message and the link shall be provided when the group is up and ready!
𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒆 𝒂 𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒌𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏
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lavish-promo · 1 year
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Higher beings have spent their immortal days spent attempting to find entertainment when it comes to humankind. And after a while, why not adopt some of the more interesting ways of entertainment with twist?
Everyone is escaping from something in their life. A depravity they’d rather take to their grave then ever admit out loud. Maybe it’s a guilty pleasure? A sin against humanity? An embarrassment that has set them to be the black sheep of society? Whatever it may be, the higher beings have seen it and have selected you to have a do-over.
You’re approached by a handsome stranger to tempt you with the promise of a clean slate and leave your old life behind, only leaving a small trinket in your possession for you to use as your key to the new life. Once accepted, you’ll step through a pocket dimension into a whole other alternate universe that runs on kink, following the dynamic of power exchange between Master and slave within the mountains of Scarleway City.
The twist? Everything that happens within this dimension is broadcast to every other dimension within the universe like a reality tv show as the higher beings pull the strings of your new life to cause chaos.
This is an 25+ semi-app discord m/s roleplay group for oc’s, that pulls inspiration from The Truman Show, Love Island, the Twilight Zone, and other sprinkles of various media. Explicit content is covered with kink and many smut related themes that follow bd/sm protocol of d/s & m/s, and there is dark material covered by plot and muse. Connection building and interaction is encouraged and pushed for through activities, tasks, games, events, and plot drops. You do not need to know about kink to join, there is plenty of learning curves offered if you’re willing to learn and participate in on the fun that the plot, members, and staff offer! This is a LGBTQ+ muse only environment, which means all muses are required to fall under the queer umbrella to join.
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 2 years
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Name: Blaine Anderson
Designation (Dom, Switch, sub): Submissive
Age: 25 B
irthdate (click here for list): July 7th, 1997
Faceclaim: Darren Criss
Orientation: Primarily Homosexual
Kinks: Bondage, orgasm denial, body worship, wax play, and more
Anti-Kinks: Incest, blood/gore, vomit/urine/feces, extreme pain, etc
Key Points:
Loyal (sometimes to a fault) and incredibly caring.
Musically talented
Charming, always finds something nice to say
Despite multiple past traumas, still trying to look on the bright side and find the good in the world.
Blaine's been through a lot in his quarter of a century on Earth. To sum up; a homophobic attack at a school dance as a teenager that hospitalized him, being abducted while at the institute by a man desperate to find a claim before he turned 30 resulting in a broken arm, on top of various traumas from school punishments and even fellow students at certain points. But there's always good things that go with the bad; like getting claimed by Sam Evans, who is a literal Prince Charming and treated Blaine with kindness and respect and their love for each other was unmatched. It was a dream come true. And then another dream came true when Blaine was offered the chance to Audition for a new Broadway Show thanks to his brother Cooper recommending him. Blaine landed the role, a leading role even! But it required him to move to New York, and for a while he and Sam tried to make long distance work. Until it didn't. After a few months, it was becoming clean that the distance was not just physical miles, but it was becoming an emotional distance as well. Being apart from each other was difficult, and when Sam suggested ending their claim Blaine really shouldn't have been surprised. It took a few days and another long, exhausting conversation, but eventually Blaine accepted that it wasn't fair to Sam to continue wearing his collar. At that point he had no idea when he would be returning, or even if he would be, because the show had done really well and got an extended run on the Broadway stage as well as a north american tour scheduled right after. So the papers were signed, the claim dissolved, and Blaine thanked his lucky stars that his agent recommended using "Anderson" for his stage name to protect his partners from nosy fans and stalkers. He didn't think he could have handled it if he'd had to see "Blaine Evans" on all the posters and playbills after that.
Months later, after the tour ended and his contract was up, Blaine moved back to his parents' house to wallow in his singledom and decompress after an intense schedule packed with shows, rehearsals, and events. He spent a few weeks there laying low, going to the bars he knew Broadway fans weren't likely to be and occasionally hooking up with strangers just to try and feel something other than emptiness. But of course, Mama Anderson didn't raise her son to wallow in self pity until his 30th birthday. It was, in fact, on his 25th birthday she took him down to the registry and made him change his last name back to Anderson. She also presented him with a letter of enrollment from Stonewall Prep, as she had gone ahead and re-registered him and told him he had until the end of the month to get back to school. Sometimes tough love from your Mama is what it takes to put things in perspective.
Blaine is understandably nervous about starting from scratch, he is now back at square one with zero points, no claim, and he's probably going to have to retake all of his classes. But this time he's determined to do it right, and not let his Broadway career stand in the way of a claim.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received?
I've always been a submissive, so there's no surprise there. It fits me well.
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it?
My parents raised me to think critically, and while there are absolutely many systemic and societal issues I do think overall it works as a whole. My parents would like to see some changes made, as would I, particularly in regards to slavery.
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?  
I'm not sure anymore, I used to think I wanted to be on Broadway after graduation, but I've done that now. I guess it depends on where I end up in terms of a claim.
How do you feel about authority?
Rules are there for a reason, usually to keep everyone safe. I don't have a problem with it.
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
21 - ᴠᴏʏᴇᴜʀɪꜱᴍ -
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ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴀ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
pairing: pornstar! wooyoung x pornstar! reader (fem) x older pornstar! san
summary: you star in the tenth installment of “Stepdad Fucks Stepson’s Slutty Girlfriend.”
w.c: 3.3k
warnings: aged up! san, hard dom! san, dom! wooyoung, sub! reader, there’s a whole stepdad/stepson theme that’s alluded to but it’s a porn setting so it’s not actually real, daddy kink, pet names, name calling, voyeurism, oral (receiving), squirting, two spanks, humiliation (m receiving), unprotected sex, cumshot
a/n: dilf pornstar san <3 that's it. that's my entire note <3 also yes this is just me simping over san for an hour straight leave me aloneeee
FFF Masterlist
On your way to your next shoot, you sat in the backseat of your driver’s car, staring off into space. It wasn’t until you felt your phone vibrate on your lap that you looked down at it, reading the text you received from the intern at the company you worked for. They sent you a link to the script, which you promptly opened. They usually just consisted of a really vague explanation of scenes, along with some basic dialogue. It was relatively easy to remember. Reading the small text on the first page, you realized that you’d be working with someone else besides your friend and coworker Wooyoung. It was Choi San. The Choi San. Not only was he aging like the finest wine available at a Michelin restaurant, he was quite the celebrity in the industry, known mainly for his stamina, his ability to stay hard for a prolonged amount of time, and the thing that initially got him noticed back in the 80s — his ability to pump out endless cumshots. Despite being older, he was still able to keep up with the younger men and even surpass them, able to work for hours with few breaks in between, and always having a lot of enthusiasm. Needless to say, he was a very, very busy man.
“Hey, Woo,” you spoke, turning your head to look at your coworker sitting in the seat beside you, admiring his shiny dark brown hair, watching it bounce slightly as the car drove over a particularly rough road. “Did you know we’re working with Choi San? He’s going to wreck us!”
“He’s going to wreck you. It’s a straight person porn.” Wooyoung looked up from the game he was playing on his phone, blowing a bubble with the strawberry gum he was chewing. “And yeah, they told us before we got in the car back at the studio. Were you not listening?”
“I mean, I heard that we’re playing a couple that gets caught or whatever...” You pursed your glossy lips, idly watching Wooyoung continue to play an RPG game you weren’t familiar with, before gasping, “Oh my god, is San going to play the step dad role? That’s actually everything.”
Wooyoung paused the game, unable to focus on the battle that was taking place on the screen. “Y/N,” he started with an attitude, brushing a bit of perfectly-styled hair out of his line of sight. “Do you even watch his films? He always plays the step dad.”
“Not always.” You sucked your teeth, your lips forming a slight pout. “He’s done a ton of solo stuff. And I also saw one where he played a professor cheating on his wife.”
Wooyoung chuckled softly, reaching over to ruffle your hair, not wanting you to get pouty because you were upset. He’d rather see you be like that when you were begging for cock onset. “You’re right, Y/N. My bad…though in that one the husband was cheating on the wife with his stepdaughter.”
“Oh, yeah…” You looked down at Wooyoung’s hand when he lowered it to hold his phone again, your eyes slowly following a prominent vein that tracked up his forearm and eventually branched off in different directions, feeling a very familiar twinge of heat form inside your core. “Are you more excited about working with me or San?”
He didn’t bother looking up from his game, answering right away, “San.” In turn, you made a tiny hmph sound, unconsciously folding your arms across your chest.
Wooyoung smiled to himself, tapping and swiping his phone screen to wear down the enemy in his game, until he won. After emitting a small ‘yes’, he glanced over at you. “Come on, Y/N. I’m just kidding.”
“You’re not funny,” you mumbled in a pouty voice, suddenly caught off guard when he grabbed your chin and pulled you in closer. “What?”
He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, gazing at you with half-closed eyes, the tip of his tongue swiping near the beauty mark on his lower lip. “You don’t need to ask that every time we film with someone else, you know. The answer’s always you." Seeing your sheepish smile made his heart melt, though he had to be honest this time around. "But I think it might actually be San this time. I mean, just look at him," he sighed, already playing one of the man's latest films on his phone, sighing longingly at the sight of San pounding himself into a guy's ass, while his fingers were buried inside a woman's cunt.
"Wooyoung!" you whined, pushing on his shoulder. You stared at the clip, studying his intense, lust-filled facial expressions, and admiring the way he just kept going and going, not showing any signs of exhaustion. "No, you're right. I'm with you on this."
Wooyoung smirked, gently resting his head on your shoulder. "Thought so."
San was even more attractive in person. His angular face and sharp, chiseled jaw distracted you first, especially his Adam’s apple, watching it bob up and down as he took a few drinks from a glass water bottle that probably cost at least a few hundred dollars. A few drops trickled down his freckled neck, disappearing inside his plain white button-up shirt. The one that was clinging to his broad upper body and becoming a little loose near his slim waist, though his Gucci belt kept it tucked in. He was expensive, and he didn't mind if everyone knew it, too. In fact, he preferred it when eyes were on him.
Wooyoung stood near you, sipping on a Red Bull through a bendy straw. “Y/N, are you just going to stare at him like that, or say hi?”
You put a hand up in front of his face, murmuring, “Shhh, I’m concentrating.” You were, to be fair, but you were also thinking about all the ways San could probably destroy you.
Zoning back in on the man, you focused on his striking dark eyes that gazed intensely through a pair of sleek black glasses, as he was entirely focused on the film crew member that was now speaking to him. Jesus, he was fine. You licked your lips at the sight of the crow’s feet that appeared underneath San’s eyes when he smiled at them. You needed him inside you sooner rather than later.
“Jesus Christ, I can’t watch this anymore,” Wooyoung announced exasperatedly, walking past you and up to San when he was done talking, tucking some hair behind his ear and pushing on the older man’s chest. After a few moments, he motioned to you and beckoned you in their direction.
San greeted you with a warm smile, slowly running his thumb around the lid of his water bottle. “I’ve heard quite a bit about you from Wooyoung, Miss Y/N.”
“Oh, did you now?” you returned, giggling softly, placing a hand on your hip and trying not to smile too hard back. “What’d you hear about me?”
The man’s once friendly eyes darkened in front of you, his tongue rubbing over his bottom lip. “I heard you squirt a lot. I really want to see.” The polite image he portrayed just a second ago disappeared all together. It was so jarring that it made your knees feel a bit weak. “You’ll let me see that, won’t you?”
“Uh-huh,” you nodded almost right away, not even noticing that you were starting to drool when Wooyoung put an arm around you and quickly wiped it away with his thumb, distracting San when he asked, “Is it true that you once came for 2 minutes straight?”
Once someone counted down from five and gave you all the thumbs up, the camera framed the shot, capturing you and Wooyoung sitting on a leather couch in a living room, pretending to watch the TV that was playing a rerun of a past football game. San sat in a recliner with an empty beer in his hand, not able to see the two of you unless he turned his head back.
With his arm around you, Wooyoung began to slowly pull down the thin strap of your tank top. “Baby, I’m so horny,” he complained, glancing down at your tits, idly flicking one of your nipples to make it stiff.
“Your stepdad’s right there…” You feigned embarrassment, pushing his hand away, only for him to position you so that you were sitting against his chest with the two of his hands working on your tits, kneading then in circles and rubbing your nipples with the pads of his thumbs. “Babyyyy, he’s going to hear us…”
Wooyoung pressed his lips to your ear, whispering loud enough so that the boom mic captured his low voice, “He’ll only hear if you’re too loud, you know? Try to keep your voice down.” He slipped one hand into your loose, non-existent athletic shorts, rubbing circles around your clit, his other hand pushing up underneath your tank top to grab at your tit directly, continuing to tweak your nipple. Delighted by your small, breathy moans, he rubbed his fingers rapidly up and down your dripping cunt, teasing your hole more and more, until he couldn’t help but fill you up with them, delighted with how soaked you were. “Fuck, you’re so wet already, babygirl…”
Soon enough, Wooyoung was on his knees with his face in between your legs, three fingers deep in your cunt, and slurping on your clit like it was his life mission. The cameraman positioned himself in front of San, who was watching the both of you over his shoulder and fisting his cock, still able to capture the two of you behind him.
“It’s so good, you’re stretching me out so good,” you panted, going between gazing down at Wooyoung and up at San, making sure not to acknowledge the camera at all. You fucked yourself on Wooyoung’s slender fingers the best you could, sinking further and further down the couch cushion behind you, your shorts hanging off one of your ankles and your top rolled up over your tits, all while you panted and moaned like a bitch in heat.
“Cum, baby, come on, you can do it,” Wooyoung encouraged in a muffled voice, dragging his tongue up and down your pulsing clit, rubbing your g-spot in just the right way to make your hips stutter and your moans to raise in pitch. As soon as your warm arousal began to drip out, he moved his fingers rapidly across your clit instead, shoving his tongue inside you to fuck the cum out of you. “That’s it, that’s it, baby. Good girl. Gooood girl.”
Your coworker’s praise caused you to barrel over the edge, your orgasm so intense you let out a desperate, almost sob-like cry, seeing stars. You painted Wooyoung’s mouth and face with your squirt, some of the tiny clear droplets hanging onto his long lashes.
“You got a slutty little girlfriend there, son.” The older man finally stood up and walked over to the couch, sitting on his knees beside you, his hand still idly stroking his long, veiny length. “But she looks like she wants something more than just your fingers and tongue.”
Wooyoung gave your cunt one nice, long lick, before looking up at San with a curious expression, despite knowing what he’d say. “What’s that?”
“A nice, big cock,” San replied, letting go of his own and letting it slap up into his abdomen, waiting for the cameraman to zoom in before he ran a thick finger up from the bottom of his shaft and along one of his prominent veins, smirking as the camera rose upwards to capture your overly surprised, but enticed face. “You want Daddy’s cock instead of your boyfriend’s, huh?” He slipped his fingers into your hair and brought your face closer to his cockhead, slapping it down onto your tongue a few times when you opened up. “Mm, I’ll take that as a yes. Now, open wide and show me what you’re made of.”
San’s stamina was no joke. It was well over two hours and you already filmed two deepthroat scenes, having to redo it after he pinched your nose for too long and you almost died tragically from choking on his cum, another solo jerk off scene for a separate catalog, and then he had to enter you in various positions, having to go slow, but stay hard, so that the photographer could take pictures for another catalog. Now, he was fucking you into next week for the camera. All the while, Wooyoung was able to cum a couple times, mostly on his own, but you were so gracious enough to lend a hand even when you were getting face-fucked.
Though, Wooyoung didn’t even bother jerking off himself at the point, knowing the camera wasn’t even on him anymore. He sighed to himself, idly running his hand up and down his abdomen, watching San fuck the shit out of you right next to him. He couldn’t be too upset. He already knew that the studio you were filming for was made for men who almost couldn’t even handle seeing him naked on their cum-stained computer screens, their fragile masculinity convincing them it was gay to do so.
Personally, you could hardly think straight, unable to even acknowledge Wooyoung sulking on the couch nearby. It wasn’t your fault, though. San was showing you what it really meant to get dicked-down. The man was like a well-oiled machine, pistoning his cock in and out of you like he was built for it. In fact, his cock was buried so deep inside you, you swore he was going to quite literally rearrange your guts. You wanted to tell the man all of that, but instead you spoke how you usually did during your films, “It’s so good, Daddy. You’re making me feel so full with your big cock in my tiny little pussy.”
“Mm-hmmm,” San nodded his head in agreement, pushed you further down into the couch, his solid body flush against yours. “Daddy’s fucking you good, huh? Much better than your pathetic little boyfriend. You want Daddy’s dick from now on instead?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” you chanted in an obnoxiously whiny voice, each time he pounded into you, hooking your feet together around his slim waist, locking him in place. When the cameraman zoomed in on your face specifically, you emitted a few small whining sounds, making a small ‘o’ with your swollen lips, gazing at the older man with glossy eyes, your eyebrows drawn.
“Baby girl’s so fucked out for Daddy already…” San reached down in between your bodies to rub your clit, the camera now following his movements. The older man pulled his body back slightly, giving the camera a good view of him pounding into you so brutally fast and hard that you’d have no choice but to squirt for him. He knew it’d make a nice money shot.
“Fuck, Daddy, it’s so fucking good!” you yelled, almost growling the last few words out, digging your manicured nails into his broad back and scraping them downwards, making the man groan. This happened sometimes. You got so lost in the pleasure that it made you aggressive. Made you want to cum so badly that if you didn’t get to, you’d throw a fit. “Don’t you fucking stop!”
“I’m not going to stop until I made you squirt, princess.” San ran his tongue across his bottom lip, squeezing and thumbing your throbbing clit, shoving his cock into your aching cunt so viciously that he couldn’t help but let a loud grunting sound each time. “Squirt all over Daddy’s cock. Come on. Fucking do it."
Two rough slaps to your ass and one brutal thrust later, you tossed your head back into the couch, your face contorting like you were in pain, your jaw tensing up as you moaned, “Oh my fucking god.” San pulled out and moved out of the way, holding one of your legs up so that the cameramen could get in there, allowing him to catch a crystal clear view of your dripping hole clenching around nothing until a small amount of liquid began squirting out of you. “Oh my goddddd…”
To make you squirt as much as possible, San hunched over the couch and brought two fingers onto your extremely sensitive clit, rubbing it so quickly, your hips jolted away from his touch, encouraging him to hold you down with one strong hand on your nearest hip.
“Saaaan,” you choked out, tears spilling out of your eyes from how insanely good it felt. Your arousal started to spray out of you instead, covering your cunt and inner thighs, getting onto the leather couch, and of course, even wetting the cameraman himself.
San sighed to himself, admiring such a beautiful sight. “Fucking hell, you’re making such a mess, baby. Look at you.” Without wasting a single second, he got back onto the couch and sat on his knees, using your slick and his dripping pre-cum to lube his cock, jerking off so fast his shoulders were starting to tremble. “Gonna cum all over you, kitten. You want Daddy’s milk, yeah?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you nodded, gazing up at his dimpled smile, the small wrinkles underneath his upturned eyes, the pretty moles that decorated his strained neck. You couldn’t help but reach in between your legs to play with your pulsing cunt, rubbing the wetness around, making sure to spread your legs to give the camera a good view.
“Here it comes, baby,” San grunted huskily, pumping his hand slowly up and down his veiny shaft. “Oh, yeah that’s it…” He leaned his head down to look at your lewd face, forcing a long, thick rope of cum out onto your tits at first, making sure he covered the majority of your face in it, until he began working his way down your body. “Take Daddy’s load, kitten. Take all of it.” He continued to stroke the base of his twitching cock, the milky liquid splattering all over your tits and abdomen, some even landing on your mound and sliding down to your hole.
“Thank you, Daddy,” you purred, swiping your fingers through the vast amount of cum on your sweaty body and popping them into your mouth to suck on them.
“You’re very welcome, baby girl.” He admired the messy painting he made on his pretty canvas, taking in deep breaths to slow down his racing heart.
Once you relaxed and melted into the couch, San grabbed your chin and pressed his lips to your cheek, then made you face Wooyoung who sat up straight and gave you his best pouty face now that the camera was on him. “Tell my pathetic stepson that you’ll come to me when he can’t fuck you right.”
“I’m going to let Daddy fuck me whenever your cock doesn’t satisfy me, baby,” you told your scene partner, reaching over to caress his cheek. “That’s alright with you, yeah?”
Wooyoung nuzzled your hand, nodding his head sadly. Even though he was acting, you still felt a twinge of guilt inside your chest. He was good. The cameraman zoomed out slowly, then lowered it and gave a thumbs up to the other staff in the room, causing them to sigh and split apart in their own directions.
San patted your head and gave you a bright smile, wiping some sweat from his forehead. "Great job, Y/N. You really gave it your all." When you gave him an uncharacteristically shy smile, he leaned in, adding in a low voice, "It was fun watching you squirt. Maybe I can see it again sometime."
"Uh-huh!" you answered a little too quickly, your cheeks burning, making Wooyoung roll his eyes and let out a small chuckle at your reaction.
San turned to Wooyoung, pushing some of his damp raven hair back and fixing his glasses. "Maybe we can get a bit more involved next time. You seem like a brat. Makes me want to put you in your place."
Blushing, Wooyoung couldn't even form a sentence, too caught off guard by the older man's words. You shoved Wooyoung's shoulder a bit, knowing he was just as whipped for San as you were.
San found you both to be quite cute, but preferred to keep it to himself for now. "Mm, anyway, it was nice working with you two! Bye for now." He showed off his charming smile, accompanied by the dimples that he was known for, before walking off to find his clothes.
Once you both got cleaned up and dressed, you stood near Wooyoung who was checking his phone game, leaning on him, periodically looking over at San, watching him pop a few white tablets into his mouth and swallowing them down with water. "So, it's Viagra..."
"Huh?" Wooyoung mumbled, glancing up at you for a second.
"Why he's able to stay hard for so long, you know." You sighed, missing the feeling of being stretched out by him.
"That still doesn't answer why he's able to cum so goddamn much." Wooyoung paused his game, putting an arm around you, joining in on the fuck-me eyes you were giving San. "Ugh, I really wanted him in my ass. It's not fair."
"Why don't we try to get him to join us for that one upcoming shoot?" you suggested, nudging Wooyoung's ribs with your elbow.
"Are you talking about '2 Sluts 1 Cock?' " he asked nonchalantly, turning to look at you, idly licking his lips.
"That's the one," you chimed, your eyelids lowering slightly, gazing at Wooyoung for a while, until the two of you went back to eye-fucking San across the room, letting out long, lovesick sighs.
FFF: @hwalysm @scuzmunkie @creativechaoticloner @dilucpegg3r @yeosxxx @gemjimin @wonwowzers @sanjoongie @manipulatedstars @k-drizzle 
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© toxicccred, 2023.
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rpgchoices · 5 months
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Useless rpg recs. RPGS where you can have a d/s (bdsm-ajacent) romance
(I say "adjacent" as many of these videogame romances do not follow the rule of safe, sane and - sometimes - consensual)
Under cut for themes of sexual nature and spoilers:
Baldur's Gate 3: Lae'zel and Astarion fit in the adjacent category. Lae'zel's romance starts with some play on the dominant/follower roles between her and the player. Astarion in his ascended ending has some questionable romance choices that end up with him in a position of power (total power) over the player.
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous: This game has two romances that are adjacent to d/s even if nothing healthy to look at here! Thanks to @scorpiuscircuss and @meishuu for reminding me that Wenduag romance has a touch of d/s. She can be romanced by any gender and will consider the player characters as her superior, someone to obey given they are stronger than her. She has quite a sweet romance all things considered! The other (with caution) is Sosiel - I haven't played it so consider it a question mark between how much unhealthy d/s it is vs how much it's just an abusive relationship.
Rogue Trader: This game has a romance that will allow you to take a dominant role or a submissive role, and the romance will have a happy ending as long as you do not change the role mid-game. Marazhai can be romanced by both genders and his romance is a violent, bloody mess. He is a Drukhari and love is seen as possession and domination - so dominate him away! (or submit to him). The dom romance is a bit bugged but I wrote everything here.
Dragon Age Inquisition: The Iron Bull probably needs no introduction. A part from one particular ending for him, his romance is absolutely wholesome and even introduces safewords. The player will always take the submissive role in this case.
Pathfinder Kingmaker: Regongar and Octavia are less in the existential-adjacent role and more in the playful and fun (with a touch of angst) masochist (Regongar) and dominant (Octavia) role. In general, a player who romances them both or romances Regongar can take a dominant role. While there are no safewords involved, and Regongar and Octavia do use their roles to cope with their past, in general most of the romance is definitely on the safe side with enthutisastic consent.
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allieshouts · 8 months
SCOTT THE WOZ necessary lore videos
dedicated to my friend @coolboy12345. exclamation marks denote videos of absolute critical lore importance. if a video has no blurb / explanation, assume it is important. it is recommended you watch all of these videos.
I'm sorry for throwing a todolist-shaped rock at your head, coolboy. I really am.
THE INTERNET AND YOU -- not canon, but it's Scott's first true masterpiece and it features a lot of his friends who you will see later
FIRST TIME VAPE SHOP -- Scott introduces Joe, Dom and [Sam]. contains the first instance of the phrase "Hey all, Scott here!"
NINTENDO SWITCH WISH LIST -- the first traditional video in the "Scott the Woz" format
HISTORY OF SMASH BROS LEAKS -- Critique That Leak & Dick Vitale
TINDER -- really funny
A LOOK BACK AT THE NINTENDO 3DS -- This game blows!
BREATH OF THE WILD ISN'T PERFECT -- Scott ruins his credibility
POLYBIUS -- a pivotal moment in Scott's production value
! A VERY MADDEN 08 CHRISTMAS -- introduces a majority of the main cast
THE GUY GAME -- I just think coolboy will like this one
GAME COMPILATIONS COMPILATION -- send-off to Old Location McGee
SUPER MARIO GALAXY 2 -- introduction to New Location McGee
! GAME STORES -- introduction of Chet Shaft
AS SEEN ON TV -- funny
! HOMECOMING -- introduces new main character
SHOVELWARE VARIETY HOUR ROUND 2 -- provides a good introduction to Data Design Interactive. also, as a side note for coolboy, this is the episode that got me to buy Truth or Lies
! THE GREAT MYSTERIES OF GAMING -- major character deaths, both temporary and permanent
! IT'S A BARGAIN BIN CHRISTMAS -- continuation of murder arc
ANIME GAMES -- battle between Scott and Dr. Anna May
WE DARE -- establishes link between DKBB and anti-virginity
! THE DARK AGE OF NINTENDO -- introduces new main character
! THE DARKER AGE OF NINTENDO -- introduces new main character
! THE DARKEST AGE OF NINTENDO -- introduces new main character; conclusion of "This game blows!"
GAME SHOW GAMES -- my personal all-time favorite episode
! THE TRIAL -- "concludes" murder arc
MARIO PARTY -- very funny romp with Scott, Jeb Jab, and Rex Mohs
! MEMORY CARDS -- major character death
! SPEED DATING -- introduces new main character
! YOU'RE NOT AN RPG GUY -- whole gang get-together
! BORDERLINE FOREVER -- critical to lore
RIDE TO HELL RETRIBUTION -- Scott plays a terrible biker game
! MOBILE GAMES ON CONSOLE -- beginning of robbery arc
GAME BATHS -- funny
! GAMING REVIVALS -- resurrects a few characters, sets up some stuff to be revealed later
TOYS TO LIFE -- very funny romp with Scott, Jeb Jab, and Rex Mohs
MARIO PARTY 2 -- very funny romp with Scott, Jeb Jab, and Rex Mohs
! THE FUNERAL -- sees off a main character
! THE GIFTS OF GAMING -- whole gang get-together with some lore additions
DONKEY KONG BARREL BLAST -- Scott finally faces his virginity
IT CAME FROM THE NINTENDO ESHOP -- introduces Prison Employee
BOARD GAME VIDEO GAMES -- very funny romp with Scott, Jeb Jab, and Rex Mohs
THE COMMERCIAL FAILURE -- ends with a stellar musical number
MERRY CHRISTMAS, DATA DESIGN -- whole gang get-together
CANDY GAMES -- whole gang get-together with temporary character death
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arlerts-angel · 8 months
hi hi !! i’m just brain rotting on your softdom!armin posts and wanted to ask about your headcannons about him!! not meant to be specifically smut, but feel free to write whatever pops up in your amazing mind !!
a/n: i love soft dom armin!! absolutely!! 🫶🏻
18+ / SOME NSFW / minors dni
જ⁀➴ ♥︎| 𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
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- his love language is quality time
- naturally smells so good?? 🧼
- falls very easily but is reserved so he doesn't show it until the feelings are reciprocated (he's a scorpio what can i say)
- never calls his partner their first name. always a nickname or pet name
- he doesn't rush into anything, always goes at his partner's pace
- he's a quick learner and he pays lots of attention so he picks up on little quirks that lets him know what his partner likes and doesn't like without them explicitly stating it
- loves to read about anything and everything then tell his partner what he learned
- likes rpg's and arg's over first person shooter games but will play them with the boys 😃
- would likely surprise his friends at how he is in the bedroom
- keeps his sexcapades between him and his partner
- he's a switch
- average dick size but knows how to use it 😩
- sex is more about the connection between him and his partner, less about the pleasure (but still enjoys sex)
- not big on impact/breath play. there's more power in words
- likes praise over degradation. he'd rather give and receive praise but will degrade (out of love) because he knows there's power in words
- funishments over punishments. he'll overstimulate you or fuck you dumb before he'd spank you
- aftercare is important, especially if he feels bad for saying something degrading. you'll have to reassure him often that you like it
- prefers giving over receiving oral
- loves missionary (he likes how close he can be to his partner, especially for love-making vs. fucking)
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interested in more headcanons?
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sukunasun · 9 months
any drafts or thoughts u want an excuse to post ..?
spearheading the 'geto is good at games' campaign until he gets the recognition he deserves. losing one game of street fighter isn't fair evidence when he's literally an all-time taiko no tatsujin great at eighteen. just look at the marks and ridges on his worn-out game-branded drumsticks tucked under his bed, yes he has them for optimal performance. tossed next to the—just as worn—converse chucks. he always manages to score a 'perfect' in DDR, and owes it to the shoes. the staff knows he's here when they hear beethoven virus booming through the speakers, shoulder-length hair pushed back with a metal-wired headband while the group of local kids stand around the console with sparkling eyes, admiring the master himself.
but he doesn't brag. modest and so tight-lipped about it, face cringing the moment you ask about the shiny holographic trophy sitting in his dorm closet. he's busy with pulling your panties off under your skirt, pleated and pressed to perfection as he sinks his fingertips into soft flesh. ask him about anything else, anything but his starcraft II championship trophy.
all the things he could do when left alone with you on a hot summer's day like this but he pouts and sulks over a lost bet. exacerbated by the fact that his best friend won't shut up about it. brings it up every time they pass by the arcade or a mcdonalds. "remember that time you—" gojo doesn't even get to finish his sentence, laughing at the way geto's eye twitches involuntarily.
geto swears he's over it. forget that he still has that same urge to revisit old fighting games, his face scrunched up in concentration as the selection breezes past every character but ryu and his brawny muscles. he doesn't have a reason why, only that it's the one he remembers choosing that very day.
fuck it, he thinks. there are worse things, but the fact that gojo's got his hands on his own ps5 the moment it drops makes his blood boil. ready to snatch the console for himself when the man can barely steer or walk in a straight line. everyone assumes gojo satoru is great at everything, praises him for it, honoured one or whatever. pfft. geto knows effort is exactly what he lacks. "this is so hard!" gojo whines, already bored when he's yet to get past the tutorials of final fantasy vii. because he doesn't have the knack for it, this is where talent or bloodlines won't help, arcade games and their simple mechanics won't do now that he's left to traverse rpgs and action-adventures. it's why he gives the controller over to geto, leaving his hands free to clap and smack his broad back in excitement when he finishes the game in two days.
and he isn't always this competitive. geto likes when there isn't so much of a challenge too, when he can take his time decorating his island with the twins, their inputs are of utmost importance. loves that you sit in his lap as he patiently breezes through different maps in mario kart. feeling your kiss on his cheek as he crosses that checkered finish line in first place.
one kiss turns into two, then three and more. soon after he's found a new challenge in the form of making you come undone as many times as he can. pleasure dom is not a label he gives himself, it's one he has to earn. oh how you feed his ego, he feels so terrible. this isn't about winning, this was about loving you, making you feel good, but he's too selfish of a lover.
arch your back, strike a pose, preferably in a bayonetta costume. he takes his time, he relishes in the feel of leather, pulling the zipper down the middle with his teeth, and tries his best to resist ripping it apart. you've really outdone yourself, so thoughtful. he peels it off your body slowly, sensually. enough of a gentleman to appreciate the finer things, although not as much that he wouldn't pull out before he jerks himself off over your face. rectangular glasses that sit askew now painted with his seed.
loves making you shake and tremble, acting like he's unaware of how expertly his fingers play with you, his touch had been curious the first time, now he inches closer with familiarity, settling into a steady rubbing rhythm over your slickened cunt, teasing your clit each time he skims it before plunging his fingers inside. probing against a spot that has you leaking all over his sheets. it's not stars in your eyes but tears, hot and streaming down your face when he won't stop despite your garbled pleas. how you whine and dig your fingernails into his biceps, a little scared but so very excited, ecstatic even when he pulls out a bad dragon and you swear he's your soulmate.
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chloeesell · 3 months
ABOUT MYSELF ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯
-Im Chloe!, a 23yo girl, from Colombia! ( I speak English and Spanish :3)
-Into kinky stuff like dom play, pet play, piss kink, edging play, spanking, masochist stuff. Kinda brat tbh 👉👈
-i do custom content!, ask for my limits on kinks, with good and negotiable price ^^
-Selling mostly predetermined sets!, with lingerie, toys, fingering showing off all of me ><
-Enjoy a lot being spoiled 💵 by my daddies 🖤
-Into a lot of geeky stuff!, I like videogames, mostly shooters and MMO/RPGs, programming (technology at all), books and my love for music is incredible.
-Be adult, be polite
-NOT ANSWERING DISRESPECTFUL MESSAGES (dick picks without consent, sexting for free, or trivial conversations) Only selling.
Ask for my menu on DMs 🖤
Using Paypal, crypto, and amazon gift cards! any tip would help me a lot (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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that-wildwolf · 9 months
how does fanon get Shakarian wrong? 👀👀
I'm gonna start off by saying that I'm a turianfucker too and turians are hot and I get the thirst I get y'all
too many people are attracted to turians and want a turian romance so badly that they ignore Garrus's entire character for the sake of getting a turian romance and just basically strip him down to nothing but his species. People who are into turians and have a primal kink or something, which like. I also get I'm a monsterfucker too that's fun. are also projecting too much of that kink onto turians and Garrus specifically because Garrus is just unlucky enough to be the romance option. People write a generic alien/human relationship while ignoring most of what the Shakarian dynamic looks like in canon because. Well I actually don't know why. But the amount of turian/human fics, and yes, Shakarian too, that include some kind of "turians are a bit feral or actually aggressive/possessive" take is terrifying. Have we played the same games? Turians are literally described over and over as uptight having a stick in their ass sticklers for the rules. Garrus is an awkward nerd who doesn't know how to flirt with his girlfriend. Even when he he does the evil he does it in the most rule-obedient way possible. He's a mess and he relies on Shepard a bit too much especially in the first two games. This man is NOT the growly dominant alien character insert you want him to be I'm sorry. Turians have 15,000 more years of civilisation than humans. They are not going to be feral creatures just because they have sharper teeth. The human would be the primitive uncivilised alien in a turian/human relationship if you need someone to fill that role (also, why would you?).
Not to mention Shepard being treated as a self-insert which is. well it is a lot more forgivable in my eyes, but even as an RPG PC, Shepard still has a lot of distinct character. I think this is the first time since playing The Walking Dead that I've seen a player character with such a strong personality despite the genre forcing her to be different things.
To be fair I think a lot of the problems with fanon characterization of not only Shakarian but pretty much everyone who gets commonly mischaracterized (look at the woobification of Tali) could be fixed by regularly checking back in with the source material instead of, which I understand and can also be guilty of sometimes, immersing yourself in more and more layers of fanfic until you can't tell apart the fanon Shakarian from the canon Shakarian.
Dishonourable mentions (things that aren't common bad fandom practice but bother me personally): sub Shepard and actually worse yet dom Garrus, any AU where Garrus is a human (like??? lmao. his entire personality and conflict is driven by him being a turian, that is so central to his character that I can't imagine why you would take that away and think that's the same person), Shakarian retiring to the beach (Garrus said tropical. He didn't say beach. He hates swimming he would drown save him)
Also obviously this should go without saying, but there are TONS of great fanfics about Shakarian out there. This is just a list of what people get wrong that I wrote in like ten minutes on my phone sitting on the floor in my kitchen. It's not some magic truth scroll of fandom transgressions. Also obviously everyone is free to interpret fictional characters however they want even if it's different from the source material. Sometimes ignoring canon is better, trust me. Do whatever you want and don't let me spoil your fandom experience for you.
But yeah
TL;DR: I think that Shakarian and Garrus in particular suffers a lot from Garrus being the only turian romance in the games.
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deandoesthingstome · 4 months
Thanks to you, I've read a few Dom!Walter Marshall fics now, and it got me thinking.
There's a joke among my friends irl (and many others online) that the venn diagram for d&d/table top players and kinksters is actually nearly a perfect circle (and if you add SCA and rennaissance faires, it becomes a stack of pancakes). We've said this for at least 20 years, and it's caught on online (or maybe it was one of those things that was pulled from the collective unconscious. Idk).
Back in my kink club days, one of the dungeon masters there was also a D&D dungeon master, and almost every person I ever played D&D or Vampire: Dark Ages or any other dice-based RPG was also into kink/ bdsm to some extent.
Anyway, my point/question was this:
Henry Cavill is a d&d/rpg enthusiast, is he not? 🤔 🤭🤭🤭
All those Januhairy pictures got me thinking. And full disclosure...I haven't been attracted to Henry since I watched The Tudors back in the day, and even then, I was way more into John Rhys Meyers. But there is something about Henry with the longer hair and beard... makes me want to drop to my knees and say, "yes, Sir."
I'm late to the damn party, as usual.
Whoa. There is a lot to unpack here. Please bear with me! Also, I got wordy so here's a cut.
First, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to let me know the influence I've had on your reading repertoire. That is amazing!
Second, you can't just drop "I've read dom!Walter thanks to you" and not tell me what you've hit on! First thing that comes to mind for me, like immediately, is Under Orders. Please tell me you've given that a gander?
Third, I will be perfectly honest that many of the words or letters in the rest of your ask are foreign to me in their use. (That's a little bit of a joke. Welcome to me!) While I do know about d&d and rpg and renn faires, I don't play. And I have no idea what SCA is. Though also honestly, I'm not sure how pertinent to the ask that is, since...
Fourth, yes, I DO believe HC is at least an rpg enthusiast (if, again no idea, Warhammer is that kinda thing?). So I feel like you're hinting at a facet of his lifestyle I don't know anything about, nor do I want to. No judgement, just fact: I have no doubt the HC we see is a little bit of a character as much as any of his on screen personas, and while I don't doubt he's a gigantic nerd, I don't really want to dive deeper into thoughts about who he really is. All this is my way of trying to say that while I don't have anything against RPF (I wrote some for god's sake) or those who want to know more about HC personally, I just feel like I'm never gonna know who he really is so I'll stick to my character fantasies. Okay. That was a lot. Sorry.
Onto fifth position. Well, that's me on my knees in front of, at a bare minimum (and yes, probably bare) Walter Marshall (full head of hair, full beard), August Walker (adequate head of hair, full mustache, adequate facial hair), Captain Syverson (shaved head unf!, full beard), or Geralt of Rivia (full head of hair, no facial hair I think). Or any of several combinations of these 4 guys I currently travel between.
All that to say: I'm may not agree with you about the correlation between body/head/facial hair and how willing I am to get on knees and take orders. But boy, was this fun to think about.
And hey: If anyone reading has any dom!Walter you want to throw my way, I'll gladly take it.
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