#eeeew this makes me very happy
someonestolemyshoes · 8 months
Hi, Laura! Just came to say that Helplessly, Hopelessly is still one of my fav LH fics ever. I still re read it from time to time, and I love how you portrayed them, it just feel right. I hope you’re doing great! ♥️
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I'm so glad this fic brings you joy anon!
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blurredcolour · 2 months
Reader really was going through it in the beginning, poor girlie 😭😭ALSO I'm starting the "A New Love For Myrtle 1944" petition. Sing to make this woman happy again. We didn't spend much time with her, but hers is a sad story in need of a happy ending. Every signature counts.
I love that she's knitting now and I love that she's sending it all to Bucky ❤️❤️ You just know that those are his most prized possessions ❤️
And eeeew, where was my Miller trigger warning?? 😭 She's so mean 😭 Like, I get she's a product of her time and I'm judging her with a modern mindset, but YEAH I'M JUDGING HER!! People are dying! Let them be happy! Chase your own bliss, girl! Leave them youngsters alone!
OMG, Bucky's POV is all I ever wanted. Loved being inside that man's head. He is a mess lmfao. But I can only imagine what he was like the first few days since he can't remember himself. Buck was blessed with an endless amount of patience because we all know Bucky talked about that 1-minute at most phone call the entire time.
Their letters? 10/10. Soooo perfect, it felt like I was prying into other people's private conversations. And I love the little details she adds just for him, like the Yankees winning the whatever it's called (sorry, baseball confuses me severely).
And honestly, the TEASING the boys must be putting Bucky through between letters 😂😂 And he's on cloud nine, he doesn't even care. And I bet Buck is thrilled for him too ❤️ I love them besties, your honor.
AND YAY TO BABY EGAN ON BOARD!!! Coming soon to a hospital far, far, far away from Bucky 😔✊
Despite the little joke I sent in another ask, I get her reasoning for not telling him, but man's not stupid. He's gonna figure out pretty fast he's about to become a father if he hasn't already. What's left for us to find out is if he's going to write to her, saying like "the jig is up. Can we name them after my plane? Not the one that went down, that wasn't even mine" or if he's going to wait for her to bring it up.
At any rate, pretty sure he'll miss the birth since, as he said in the last episode, he's been in the stalag for like eight months already. Hopefully he will learn how to astral project by then 🙏🏻
History question to wrap this up: could POWs send things out of the camp to the people they were corresponding with? Can't imagine they'd want to part with anything, but I wouldn't put it past him to send her something for the baby as a way of saying "I know" instead of having any of them writing about it.
Beatriz you have blessed my inbox yet again
Firstly - I adore how you connected with Myrtle. She’s a complicated, wounded woman who thought she did what was right. I don’t think she anticipated the reader’s poor reaction to it all, honestly…but there’s no shortage of eligible men if she can allow her heart to take another chance.
The knitting! Yes! Inspired by the weird little hat that Bucky was wearing at the start of episode 7, I was thinking it would be a lovely connection and per Red Cross rules very much allowed! You bet he takes very good care of his winter accessories.
But Captain Miller - a woman with very different priorities from the reader and very rigid morals. Interfering and scheming, she is always looking for the next promotion so it is utterly bewildering to her that the reader resented one and then proceeded to ruin her well-laid plans. Good riddance to her.
I honestly hemmed and hawed about including a Bucky POV here but it was demanded by my brain and therefore we got several into his rapidly fracturing psyche. Bless Buck and his patience for the delirious ramblings of head wound Bucky 😬
Beneath any teasing from the boys, there is surely a lot of jealousy - the reader’s letters come faster, and she seems to send more? And the knitting…But they’re also glad because it’s dulling the edges of Bucky’s caged-animal behaviour…or it was 🤦‍♀️
Baby Egan 🥹
Baby Egan to be born stateside and definitely not named after Bucky’s planes because they were - Just A Snappin’, Mugwump, and Mlle Zig Zig. Don’t seem to roll off the tongue 🤣🤣🤣
His reaction is going to be very interesting, wish me luck as I do my very best to bring this all to a close in just one more part 😬😬😬
History answer - as far as I can tell POWs we’re only entitled to send letters, but I will do more digging!!
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thisdreamplace · 2 years
How would you advice to let go of people (a romantic interest)? I decided today that I am defeated in a situation and I really have to move on but it hurts and I don't like the pain that I'm feeling🥺. The guy I like is dating someone else. I don't want to cling to someone I can't be with, it wouldn't be fair to do so. I know I need to move on and continue with my life and put myself first, but I'm kind of scared that I will never find someone better than this person, he was a dream for me and I probably got my hopes too high while also thinking I was not going to get him (in other words, I put him on a pedestal). I am actually happy for him, his girlfriend is really pretty and it seems like she loves him, and I know he's a wonderful person and will make her happy, so yeah I'm very very happy for both of them. Romance has always been beautiful for me to watch, so I'm lowkey shipping them and rooting for them. I think that what hurts me the most is that I also wish I had someone to love me like that, eeeew but yeah. Putting this into words just made me realize that I feel lonely and uncapable of feeling loved by another person 😢 anyways if you read all of this, thank you. I needed a friend. If I go with this story to one of my friends they would probably think I'm overreacting about some guy again 💀
:( 🫂 hugs lol <3
just bc like. thats a hard feeling. and i think it says a lot that you want to let go rn, instead of holding on for the hell of it (“well the law says i CAN so I WILL” type lol)
its definitely difficult sometimes because the desire feels so outside of ourselves, yk ? that idea of “when that person comes to me THEN i can finally feel loved !” and it makes sense to the human experience because we lived by that rule, that our feelings are results of what life gives to us. the difficult thing is realizing our feelings are our own, n life doesnt decide them. no one gets to decide but us.
i think its wonderful that by the end of the message, you realized how you really feel. how you feel lonely and unloveable. well there you go, there is your quest. to let everything else go, to stop believing someone else has the responsibility of making you feel some type of way. and choosing that feeling on your own, as a choice. as a moment by moment choice. let go of him day by day, little by little. knowing that you, and how you feel about yourself and your life, is much more important than painfully holding onto something/someone.
i hope this helps 💕 i’m glad u were able to vent ! <3
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bunsblr · 3 years
Tu... torial? Pt. 3
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Welcome back to part 3 of my tutorial for anon. In this I will go over perhaps my favourite part - the face. Did you used doodle eyes in your notebook when you were in school? This has the same energy.
This is where things get a little harder to explain because it involves a lot of drawing. I hope you get the general idea though.
Open this in dashboard for best view of the screenshots.
Disclaimer: I have no formal training for any kind of graphics stuff, I work in an office as a receptionist - I serve coffee for a living. I am absolutely self taught and while I consider myself pretty comfortable with photoshop, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t about a gazillion of other things that can be done that I have no idea about. There are people far superior than me in the Sims community. This is just how I do it, with techniques I have picked up through the years. Some things I go over in these will be pretty basic, some things a little more unorthodox. Disclaimer 2: My edits take time. This is what I do to relax, one edit takes several hours for me. Sometimes days :))) Disclaimer 3: My photoshop is in Swedish, which is my first language. I tried my best to find the English translations for every step that I do.
Tools used: The Sims 4, Adobe Photoshop 2020, One by Wacom Pen Tablet (very basic and unfancy).
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I start by adding a new empty layer in my Sim layer group, above my base Sim layer.
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I use the smudge tool (I always keep my smudge tool on Strength around 30%) on the Sim layer to smudge and soften the eye whites a bit. I only redraw my sim's eyes if I'm changing the direction that they´re lookin, otherwise I just refine the existing eyes. In this case I didn't want her eyes quite as far left as they were. On my Details layer, I use the brush tool, hard small brush with opacity around 70-80%, and start drawing the eyes a little bit further to the right.
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I realized I wanted the eye whites to be even whiter, so I added a new layer inbetween the Sim layer and the Details layer. Using a soft brush with lower opacity (29%) I go over the eye whites. The lower opacity allows me to build up the color by going over multiple times, creating a better blend. I then merge this new layer with the Details layer because there’s no reason for having these on separate layers going forward.
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I turn the opacity of the brush tool back up and continue to draw the eyes. At this point they're looking rather creepy...
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But looking much better after some added dots of “shine” with a white color (not full on white, slightly muddier)
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I turn down the opacity of the brush again, take a soft brush and a dark grey color and go around the whole eye to add some shadow.
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Turn up the opacity of the brush again (I know it’s a lot of back and forth with this, it’s just how I work) and work around the eyes. I clean up the make up and add some lashes. I also add some dept to the eyebrows using a slightly darker color than the existing strands and draw in some new ones here and there.
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Time to clean up the nose (eeeew). I start with the Smudge tool on the sim layer, strength around 15-20%, and smudge the pixels a little.
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On the details layer, I clean up the nose further by drawing in the nostrils a bit, and even out the colors around and on the nose, picking up color with the eyedrop tool and going over with a low opacity brush wherever I think the color is a little uneven.
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With the lips I sharpen the shape, add some highlights on the top of the lipline, clean up the corners of the mouth, redraw the teeth and add those squiggly circles on the top and bottom lip. They look a bit weird up close but zoomed out it will look glosssssy :) I pick up existing colors on the lip with the eyedrop tool and work with both lower opacity soft brushes and higher opacity hard brushes here.
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Now I feel happy with the face details. Here is a comparison of the face before and after. A little bit cleaner and smoother now!
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Time to throw some shade. I always start under the chin (because for some reason that's the most fun). I create a new layer in the Sim group, name it shadows, and I use the pen tool again and make a path along the jawline, sectioning off the neck from the face. I went over the basics of using the pen tool in pt 1. This is.…may be an unortodox way to do it. I'm sure a lot of people would see this as an unecessary tricky step. It is however my favorite way of doing it.
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I made two paths for this first work area. Meaning I first made a full path on the neck above the necklace, closed that path and then started a new one below the necklace to include the chest area where the skin is showing (separating it from the clothes). When both my paths were closed I pressed ctrl + Enter to turn them both into selections at the same time. As you can see I didn’t bother following the “edge” of the sim, you will see why later.
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I eyedrop a color from a darker area of her skin, then I choose a darker, more saturated color in the palette that comes up.
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I use a big soft brush with opacity around 30%. I start to build up the shadow under the chin, with more color right under the jawline and less further out. This is where my pen tool selection comes to good use, it keeps the jawline nice and sharp even though I'm using a soft brush to get the fading effect on other parts of the shadow. As we already decided, the light comes from the left in this picture, thus the chin shadow ends up to the right. I use a smaller brush to go around the clothing line, and under the necklace. The tighter the clothes, the smaller the shadow.
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 I noticed the neck was lighter on the very side of the neck, and that interferes with my shadow. Now of course I could go over with the shadow color a couple of more times in that spot, but I prefer to correct the color on the base Sim layer instead for a more even result. So I hide the shadow layer, eyedrop the slightly darker area on the neck (and keep it this time).
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It's important to keep the selection while I do this, so I don't paint over something else. You could put this on another layer and just erase if you accidentally go over something you're not supposed to, but since I already have the selection I can just put it on the base Sim layer. I brush over the area a couple of times until the color is how I want it.
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While I am at it I also thought the chest area is a little too white and colorless. This often happens on my sim pictures if I’m using a sim with lighter skin. Again I eyedrop a darker color of the skin, but this time I choose a more vibrant version of the color to avoid muckyness when I go over the white.
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I set the opacity of the brush to super low and then very carefully go over the whiter areas of the chest a couple of times, avoiding the areas where there are details such as collarbones or cleavage.
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I make the Shadow layer visible again and deselect. Now you see how I have painted a little outside the skin area on the neck, because I didn’t follow the edge of the sim with my selection? I quickly fix that by holding Alt and grabbing the layer mask from the base Sim layer, and dropping it onto the Shadow layer.
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Now these two layers have the same layer mask! And it's time to bring out the pen tool again, and make a path around the face.
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With the face selected I start painting my face shadows. I put shadow on the side of the face that´s away from our imaginary light source.
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I paint shadows under any hair that covers the face, and add a shadow on the side of the nose that´s facing away from the light. This usually takes me a couple of tries to get right, like this here wasn’t it...
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I use a 30something % opacity on my brush and then 30something % opacity on a soft eraser brush and go back and forth with these until I get a nice blend.
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Got the nose shadow looking decent, and add a little shadow in the eye… socket?… closest to the nose. I make sure that this doesn´t go over the eye itself and interferes with any colors there. I want to keep the eyes clear.
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I deselect. Now we´ve got some little flaws here and there because my selection didn’t line up perfectly. I blend these with the smudge tool.
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Looking fine gurl!
As I mentioned it’s a little hard to explain some steps, like the eyes and the lips, because it is just drawing until I like the result. I hope you find this useful though, and please send me an ask if you’re wondering about anything!
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juncottonluvbot · 4 years
Just hold me tight
Chanyeol x reader
very fluffy
A/N: Sooo, you guys remember that I also write sometimes? Well here is another one, once again sorry for the awful titles I just can’t come up with good ones ever. Anyways enjoy the fic!!
Park Chanyeol is the single most beautiful person you’ve ever laid eyes on, just looking at him is enough to make your stomach do backflips and to see his smile made your day, not to talk about his laugh. The way the man seems to feel such intense joy with his whole body while laughing was what kept you going, just the thought of seeing that image again was enough for you.
There is no way you could ever give that up, no matter how in love you are with him, how much you crave for the touch of his soft-looking lips to yours, how much you wish you could hug him tightly every night. If there is even a possibility that the knowledge of your crush on him could cause your friendship to end or be awkward you’d simply not tell him, it’s not worth it.
Your friends would always just tell you to tell him, that even if he didn’t feel the same he’s Park Chanyeol, the nicest human being alive and your best friend, he’d never hurt you in any way. This is true, Chanyeol never hurts others if he can help it, instead, he hurts himself.
They don't know him the way you do, you and Chanyeol had met when you were both still children, in kindergarten and ended up remaining friends due to him living across the street from you. He had always been sweet at heart, though loud and annoying at times, but he wasn't always that popular with the ladies.
At some point during high school the world started noticing how good looking Chanyeol is and with that came the confessions, the love letters that he feels so bad in denying that he’d end up putting himself into first dates and even relationships just to not do so. To hear your kind-hearted best friend cry because he didn’t know how to say no, to hear him agonize over how he feels like a bad person for having feelings, you couldn't do that to him.
And so all throughout high school, you didn’t confess to him, to be his friend is enough, to see him laugh, to have him confide in you, it’s more than enough for you.
Then college started, both of you have chosen the same college and so you decided to rent the same apartment, which at first wasn’t so bad but is now sure to drive you mad.
It isn’t about your feelings for him anymore, though you can’t deny your feelings for him have only been accentuated by the way he seemed to mature during the past few years, not only in appearance but also in personality, long gone is the Chanyeol who had you ask the teachers questions he had because he was too shy to raise his hand and ask on his own, now he was confident almost to the point of being cocky at times, there came your problem.
Chanyeol keeps making “moves” on you, full-blown cliche drama like moves and it’s driving you mad.
You move to pick up something from a higher shelf, where he is picking it up for you, oh so close to touching his chest to your back, you watch movies, there he goes yawning and placing his arm across your shoulders, you’re in a busy street and sure enough, you feel his hand reach out for yours.
And it’s great, it feels so natural and you would be so happy, that is if he had just said something about it letting you know what is happening in his head so perhaps you wouldn’t have to overthink his actions so much.
Your whole issue would also be gone if you just asked him, but you couldn’t, you can’t afford to and so you continued your slow descent into insanity.
Until one fateful evening that is.
As you open your door to the small apartment you and Chanyeol shared you found yourself mildly amused by the sight you found just as you opened the door.
The man who is definitely way too tall to be throwing himself at people, did just that as you opened the door, he seemingly has just been sitting on the ground by the door waiting for you according to his drunken blabbering.
“Thank god you’re home, I was waiting for so long…do you know how hard our floor is? We should have carpeting everywhere when we buy a house so my butt can be more comfy, ok?”
You had no choice but to hug the giant boy while slowly pacing towards the living room couch, not being able to hold in a soft laugh at his cute ramblings.
“What about the kitchen and bathroom, huh Channie? We can’t carpet those”
The testament to your love was in the way you practically cued at him as you played along in hopes he’d remain awake for long enough to make it to the couch, in spite of his smelly bear breath so close to your face every time he spoke.
Chanyeol, however, didn’t seem to notice your endearment with him as he let out a big “eeeew” and responded to you with an annoyed expression.
“Of course we won’t carpet those, why do you always ruin my attempts at romance, huh?”
He lets out a big “humph” as you drop him to the couch to be immediately pulled into his arms as he wraps his legs around you in a way too strong cuddle, only to continue rambling.
“You need to start accepting my romantic ways if we're gonna start dating or else I’m gonna start thinking you don’t like to be back, ok? You know I’m sensitive about this stuff”
Now that was enough to make you turn in his arms to face him, desperate to leave his embrace, face as red as a tomato, completely scandalized by his bold statements.
“W-what are you.. do you know who you’re talking to right now Chanyeol?”
Despite your completely legitimate question given his drunken state, the man child rolled his eyes as he turned his face towards you, way to close to be safe and starts letting out ramblings as if they were obvious.
“You’re my best friend, who likes me since god knows when, that for some reason, I’ll never know for sure, I didn’t start liking until this year, which you have to know I’m very sorry for, and who I want to date, is that enough clarification for you?”
His big eyes now bore into your soul as he told you his feeling with not a single ounce of doubt, which was broken when he looked down and said in a much smaller voice.
“Unless I waited too long and you don’t like me anymore..”
Upon hearing his sweet words and seeing his feelings well up in his eyes from so close you can’t help but feel your eyes get a little wet as you giggle a little bit at his cuteness.
“Of course I still like you Channie,” he sighs in relief blowing some air softly in your face “ No need to feel so insecure now, huh? You were being so manly before helping me pick things up from the top shelf huh?”
At your soft joke like praise, Chanyeols eyes flutter closed and a dazed smile graced his face.
“You liked that, didn’t you? You were always complaining about having to use a stool…” then you almost thought he’d fallen asleep and began thinking of a way to escape his grip and go to your bed but he held you in tighter and softly whispered “Now that I’m your boyfriend you won’t have to complain about anything, ok (y/n)? You just have to hold me tight all right..”
And so you no longer had thought of leaving the couch, even if you woke up with a hurting back all you had to do was hold Chanyeol tight now and if he allows you, that’s all you’ll do forever.
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supercarricat · 5 years
apartment search I
Hi I wrote again.
IDK... I like it. Tell me what you think of it please. And I don't care but fairies exist!
"And here we have it. It's a three bedroom, one living room and big kitchen apartment. The elevator stops directly in the corridor and has a lock system. So the little one won't go running. You have a big balcony and a huge garden",the sales woman explains to you and Tom and you both only look around.
With you and him having your baby boy a few months before you want another apartment. Tom is standing beside you in the long corridor and has your hand in his. Your heart is beating faster and you smile at him. In hi other hand is the stroller.
Your baby boy is sleeping peacefully for now and Melody is standing next to the stroller. She looks inside and softly sings a lullaby for her brother. Since he's on this earth she's so happy. Always being by his side and always helping you with him.
Something still in the city of London but also outside. That's how you found this. It's to rent out and it's a secluded living area. It has big fences all around and some other apartments.
It's a model apartment. It's already with furniture so you can see what it will look like in the future. "I don't like",Melody let's go if Toms hand and stumbles on her little legs trough the long corridor and right into the living room. She stops at the big windows and looks outside.
You share a little look with Tom and follow Melody, while he stays with your baby boy. The little child sleeps in his stroller and Tom is chatting with the saleswoman.
It's a good neighborhood. Best schools and Kindergardens are in reach. The neighbors are lawyers and doctors and it's very family friendly. Carefully you crouch next to Melody and look at her. "sweety, why don't you like it?",even if she's almost four, both of you want to include her in decisions.
"It's clean. That's not how I wanna live. I wanna have green and a garden and it's so high mommy. Look you can't see any birds",she sighs against the window and you smile at her.
It's true. The apartment is nice. It would look good. Tessa could live here with you four and Melody would have the opportunity to go to the best Kindergarden and school. She would have a lot of friends which parents would have a lot of money.
The gates would help her grow up without paparazzis and having a somewhat normal child hood.
"clean?",you ask and still look at your daughter. The little one looks at you and nods very fast. "yes. I like our old apartment. It's like Narnia with my fairies. Here I can't have fairies. They don't like all that grey",she sighs and it breaks your heart.
Your old apartment was perfect. But for you three. Now you're four people and need something bigger. But this apartment...
It's so clean and grey. Sure it has a playground but...its so unloved and cold. Even if it has the best Kindergardens or schools... You don't want your kids to grow up like that.
"but if you and daddy and baby brother like it, I like it too",she adds and you hug her immediately.
"how are my princesses?",you can hear Tom and Melody looks at him. "my fairies don't like it",she shakes her head no and you look at your boyfriend. Tom kneels next to her and looks at her.
Melody's voice is so small and sad. It makes your heart clench very painfully. You want her to be happy. She should be happy and love your new apartment. Not sad cause her fairies couldn't live here. But Tom really loved this apartment in the advert. You don't know how he will react.
"if your fairies don't like it, we won't rent it. Maybe we find something else",with that the frown on her face turns into a smile and she nods very fast. "Very good",is her answer and she looks outside again.
You smile again at this and take your hand in his. As you bite your lip, he kisses your lips. His lips are warm and soft and you sigh into the kiss. He's a great dad!
After a few seconds and an "eeeew" from Melody you both end the kiss an look into each others eyes. "thank you",you whisper and he smiles: "what can I say? I like fairies"
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uas-fics · 5 years
Title: The Cool and the Uncool Summary: Kevin's not a bad boyfriend. He and Red get along so well! So why won't she let them be seen together? Is he really that uncool? Rating: G Ships: Revin For @revinweek  I combined like day 2-5 prompts for this because I wouldn't have time to actually make quality content otherwise, so it counts for all those days. ^^;
You can also read it on AO3
Kevin burst his hand away from his head.
"Those special effects blew my mind!" He exclaimed, excitedly swinging their hands. "Did you see the laser fire? So cool!"
Red nodded in agreement. "I know! And the costumes were so realistic. If I didn't know better, I would have thought they hired real aliens." She sighed. "We've come so far from actors throwing themselves around a set to show turbulence."
The two waited at the crosswalk as a line of cars slowly rolled by. The evening flow of traffic would make walking Red home a bit of a chore on any other day, but Kevin didn't care this time.
They had been counting down the days to the movie's premiere. With the influx of superhero movies lately, a good old fashion sci-fi space adventure was mana from heaven for them.
It wasn't that either of them hated superhero movies. On the contrary, Kevin loved Marvel's movies. When he heard the plot of the new Thor movie, he dug through his collection of comics for the mini-series where Jane became Thor while Thor went soulsearching and read them three times over in his excitement.
And Red had a deep fondness for DC's movies and comics. She could quote the Joker's joke about the inmates and the flashlight from 'The Killing Joke' verbatim. She saw Wonder Woman five times when the movie came out and even dressed up as her for the Halloween party at school. She looked so cool and awesome, way better than the other Wonder Women in their class.
But there inlined the problem. Except for Wonder Woman, DC's movies sucked. Their comics were good enough and the animated universe from the nineties was awesome, but those are nothing compared to the glory that was Marvel's extended universe.
Whenever Kevin pointed this out, they would argue about it. They even broke up for a whole three days because of it!
This one-shot sci-fi film was just what the relationship doctors ordered.
"So, what did you think the ending meant?" Red asked. "Did the captain die or do you think her cryogenic status will hold out until she reaches New Earth?"
Kevin tilted his head in thought. "Well, I think she'll make it. The technical experts did say it was able to make it there, or nearly there. She might wake up a few days before, but that will give her time to draw up a report to give to the Emporer of New Earth"
"But it was damaged, remember? In the fight with the alien--" Red froze. With a small gasp, she tore her hand away from Kevin's and shoved it in her pocket.
Kevin furrowed his brow and looked down at his mitten-covered hand. Did he have a hard candy from his pocket stuck to it again? No? They why would Red drop his hands?
"Hey! Red!"
Oh, right.
Bebe trotted up to her, completely ignoring Kevin, which he was fine with. He put his hands in his own pockets and looked away, kicking at a rock on the sidewalk.
"Bebe, hi, what are you doing? I thought you went out with Clyde?" She looked around her towards Tweak Bros down the street. Kevin looked too, but he didn't see Clyde or anyone else in their class near the coffee shop.
Bebe scoffed. "We did but then your stupid cousin showed up." She wrinkled her nose. "He dared Clyde to see how many muffins he could eat and Clyde ended up puking on the floor."
Red recoiled. "Eeeew! Why are boys so gross?"
"I know, right?" Bebe looped her arm around Red's. "Do you wanna come to my house? I got the latest issue of Preteen Girl's Dream in and there is a quiz in there you just have to take to find out what your favorite cereal is based on your zodiac--and there is a recipe for moss graffiti that I think Wendy would love to try. Oh and an interview with--"
As Bebe rattled off the contents of the magazine, Red looked over her shoulder at Kevin with an apologetic smile. Kevin sighed but nodded anyway. He gave her a small wave then trudged across the clear crosswalk home.
Not even Star Trek could lift his spirits. Kevin slumped down in the couch, wishing the cushions would open up and swallow him whole. Maybe take him to a fantasy world with characters that look oddly like his friends and family where he would beat the odds and become a hero to the people and defeat the bad guy. He'd loved that.
Then when he got back to his world after being king and loved by all, Red wouldn't be ashamed of dating him and he could be happy here, too!
As the credits of the last episode on the disk rolled, Kevin had yet to be swallowed up.
Giving up on that possibility, he rolled to his side, staring at the title screen playing clips from the show.
He didn't get it. Did it matter that much that he wasn't a cool kid like she was? Didn't dating her move him up in the social pecking order? Or did he just pull her down?
Kevin sighed. What could he do to make himself cooler? He stopped wearing his Klingon ears to school and only made a minimum of three references in conversations not about sci-fi movies.  Didn't that erase enough of his uncool status?
A thought hit him.
Clyde and Craig were both nerds too. They liked sci-fi. They made references. They were cool kids. He just needed to find out what they did!
"Moooom!" Kevin yelled towards the kitchen. "Can I go visit Clyde? It'll only be for an hour. Please? I promise I'll text you if I'm late."
From the kitchen, pots and pans rattled and the sink turned on. Just as Kevin pulled in a breath to yell again, his mom replied, "Alright, you may. Just be careful and back before dinner. We're having meatloaf."
"Thanks, Mom!"
Kevin tried to jump to his feet, only to have his heels tangle in the throw blanket and fall to his face into the carpet.
Clyde put his hand on his hip and eyed Kevin up and down.
"What's up?" He asked. "You look out of breath."
Kevin nodded, hands on his knees. He ran the whole way to Clyde's house so he could have as much time as possible before dinner to talk.
"Can I," He panted, "come in? I have to ask you a question, then I have to run and ask Craig a question too."
Clyde stepped aside to let him. "Craig's here with me. You can ask him now if you want."
"That's perfect!" Kevin straightened up.
"We're in the living room watching Buzzfeed Unsolved." Clyde waved for him to follow.
In the Donovan's living room, Craig reclined on the couch, chuckling at whatever the hosts had said a moment prior.
"Hey, dude," Clyde leaned over the back of the couch, "Kevin Stoley is here. He has a question."
Craig twisted around to give Kevin an uninterested look.
"Yeah?" He nodded. "What?"
Kevin opened his mouth, then shut it. He squirmed under Craig and Clyde's gazes.
"Um, I, I need to know, ah, um," He chewed his lip, "how...how are you two so cool? You like the same things I do, but no one thinks you two are nerds."
Craig snorted and rolled back to the laptop set up on the coffee table. Clyde covered his laugh with his fist.
"Oh, wow, really, Kevin?" Clyde shook his head. "That's what you ran over here to ask?"
"Yes?  It's very important." Kevin wrung his hands together.
Clyde threw his arm over his shoulder. He patted his chest with a shake of his head.
"Oh, Kevin, my friend, for a nerd you're not that smart," Clyde chided, "Coolness isn't something you can just learn. It's something either you have or you don't."
"But...but what makes you cool? Why do your girlfriends like to be with you?" Kevin paused, then corrected, "Why do your partners like to be with you?"
Without turning around, Craig asked, "Are you asking this because you want a girlfriend? There are plenty of girls closer to your social standing that would date you, dude." He paused the video to get a better look at a picture of some sort of creature.
A blush crept up his face. "N-no, I, ah, just tell me. Why do people like you? Why does Bebe stay with you?"
Craig chuckled, earning a glare from Clyde.
"Weeeeell," Clyde bobbed his head side to side, "girls like me because I'm super handsome and charismatic. Bebe thinks I'm the best boy ever--no matter what happened today." Clyde flipped Craig the bird, which he returned without looking up from the laptop.
"Yeah, well, Tweek likes me because...uuuuh..." Craig straightened up as he thought. "I don't know, man. Fate or something? I'm ten times hotter than Clyde?" He propped himself up on the couch to question, "What girl do you want to date so bad? All the cool girls don't seem like your...type."
"There's not a girl!" Kevin lied, "I, I just want to be cool."
"Why? You have friends. You don't sit alone at lunch. No one bullies you more than anyone else." Craig ticked off on his fingers. "You're even on the basketball team. What's the point?"
Craig's probing stare made sweat spring up on Kevin's skin before narrowing his eyes. Even Clyde started giving him the suspicious look.
"Fine! It's Red!" He blurted out. "We're dating but she doesn't want anyone to know because I'm not as cool as her and I just really want to be able to tell everyone what a cool girlfriend I have!"
Kevin slapped his hand over his mouth and backed out of Clyde's grasp.
"Oh, shoot! Please, you can't tell anyone. She'll be mad at me."
Clyde's mouth hung open while Craig wrinkled his nose.
"Eeeeeew, gross." Craig stuck out his tongue as Clyde demanded, "How?!"
"I don't know?"
"Red is...and you are...but Red is hot!" Clyde gasped. "She's cool and I dated her once. Why would someone like her date someone like you?"
Kevin started, "Well, we both like sci-fi and comics and stuff, and I was at the library and we wanted to check out the same book and--"
"But she's hot!" Clyde cut in.
Craig jumped off the couch. He walked beside Clyde to grabbed hold of the back of his shirt and pull it over his head, leaving his friend tangled in cotton fabric.
"Shut up about my cousin!" Craig snapped. "She's not hot. She's a loser and a nerd, just like Kevin. They're perfect for each other."
"Red is not a loser!" Kevin defended. "And neither am I. Just tell me what to do to make her ok with being seen with me."
Clyde disentangled himself from his shirt with a suck of breath. He smoothed out his hair and readjusted his clothes.
"Ok, you know what, yeah, yeah, ok, I'll help you be cool," Clyde proclaimed. "We just need to fix your hair, and your voice, and your face..."
Craig took his cellphone from his pocket as Kevin asked what was wrong with his hair, voice, and face.  He took a few steps backwards before heading into the kitchen.
Bebe finished tallying up the questionnaire with a flourish of her pen. Red rested her chin in her hands as she laid on her stomach on Bebe's bed.
"Ok, so, according to this quiz, your perfect guy is a hunky scientist," Bebe exclaimed. "How sweet, Red. You'll be like Marrie Currie!"
"Dying of radiation poisoning?" Red laughed, taking the test to make sure Bebe tallied right.
"No, like, working with your man and winning the Nobel prize in science or something. You're really good at science." Bebe elaborated.
"I'm not that good," Red rolled her eyes. She was good at science, actually, very good. It's just so interesting and cool, but if she owned up to that, Bebe might think she was bragging.
"Yes, you are!" She pushed her shoulder. "You're going to do some cool space science things, and I'll discover how to talk to dolphins, and we'll both have really hot hubbies standing by us."
"You mean you'll have Clyde eating all the tiny quiches at the ceremony dinner?" Red teased.
Bebe put her hand to her chest in offense. She opened her mouth to snap something at her when Red's phone rang.
She held up a finger and took it out. She raised an eyebrow. Why was Craig calling her?
"One second." She held the phone to her ear. "Hello? Craig? What do you want?"
"You're dating Kevin Stoley?"
Her heart stopped in her chest. Her gaze whipped towards Bebe. Luckily, Bebe had moved to her desk with the magazine and was copying something down in her notebook.
"What are you talking about?" Red hissed, twisting to sit up with her back away from Bebe.
"Kevin? Kevin Stoley? The nerd? The only Chinese kid we had until like last year? Cosplays Spock every chance he gets?" Craig replied in a deadpan. "Your boyfriend, apparently?"
Red forced a breath through her teeth. "Who told you that?"
"Kevin did. I'm at Clyde's. He came running in demanding to know how to be cool. I--I mean Clyde bullied him into telling us why," Craig explained. "He said he wanted to be cool so you wouldn't be embarrassed by him."
Red's cheeks burned. Hopping to her feet, she told Bebe she needed to take the call to the hall. Bebe nodded understandingly before taking her own phone out to snap a picture of a magazine page.
Once out in the hall, Red demanded, "You bullied him?!"
"I didn't. Didn't you hear me? Clyde did."
She could hear the eye roll in his tone.
"So you are dating then?" he continued.
Red looked up and down the hall then whispered, "Yeah? We are. He's really sweet and smart, and if you keep picking on him, I swear I'll get you, Craig Tucker."
"Wow, breaking out the last name. What are you, Bertha Red, my mom?" Craig mocked. He knew using her first and middle name like that would get under her skin.
"Shut up!" Red ordered. "Just, urgh! What's going on? Is Kevin still there?"
Craig hummed. "Yeah, he is. Clyde is giving him a list of what he can do to be cool like he is."
Red winced. Cool like Clyde? Clyde wasn't really cool. Sure, he acted cool and confident and brave, but everyone knew that was a lie. He cried at the drop of a hat and wouldn't stand up for himself if his friends weren't standing with him. Clyde was just as big of a nerd as Kevin. Why would Kevin ever thing to get tips on coolness from him?
Craig spoke, filling up the silence her stunned reaction caused, "Do you really think Kevin will drag your standing down that far? How do you know dating you wouldn't bring him up?."
The sound of a refrigerator being open came from the other end of the phone, followed by Craig calling to ask Clyde if he could have some orange juice.
Red squirmed against the wall as if Craig was in the hall staring her down. She wasn't sure what would happen if she told everyone she was dating someone as uncool as Kevin.
When Heidi started dating Cartman, she became a laughing stock. Though Kevin wasn't nearly as terrible as Cartman, the last thing Red wanted was to be mocked for liking a nerd.
"You wouldn't understand," she finally replied.
"No, I get it." Craig shifted the phone. "Tweek wasn't all that cool when we started dating, but he's really cool now. I bet it'll be the same thing, at least if you keep Kevin from making too many Star Wars references."
Red groaned. "That's not the same. You and Tweek are cute together because you two are, like, opposites. It's like a dog and a cat playing together!"
Craig swallowed some orange juice on the other end. "Wait, what? Am I the cat? Or the dog?"
"It doesn't matter." Red began to pace, twiddling with the ends of her hair. "We aren't different enough! It's not cute. It's weird that I would be interested in him."
"But not for him to be interested in you?"
"No, because I'm cool and popular."
"Clyde called you 'hot,' and I corrected him that you are a loser and a nerd." Craig teased. "Aren't I a good cousin?"
"Screw you! Stop making fun of me." Red threw her hand up as she came to the end of the hall. "I want to tell people we're dating, but I can't!" She spun on her heels to head back towards Bebe's bedroom. "No one can know that Kevin and I are dat...ing."
Bebe's mouth hung open. The magazine fell from her hands to the floor, falling open to the future spouse quiz.
"You have a boyfriend?!" Bebe gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.
"Shoot!" Red flinched back.
"Red?" Craig's voice almost sounded concerned.
"Craig, I need to go. Talk to you later." Red went to end the call, only to quickly add, "Also go make Clyde stop before he gets Kevin thinking vomiting and mosquitoes are cool."
Before Craig could reply, she clicked end and shove the phone into her pocket.
"You have a boyfriend?" Bebe repeated. "Who? Kevin who? Not Kevin McCormick? He's, like, thirteen and smells like tobacco."
"No, I, um..." Red wracked her brain for a lie but came up with nothing that would be even close to believable. "It's not Kevin McCormick."
Bebe bound up to her. She wrapped her fingers around her arm, buzzing with excitement.
"Then who? Is it that Kevin from fifth grade? Not that Kevin from Middle Park?" Bebe's eyes grew as she searched Red up and down as if she might have a sign on her chest with Kevin's full name.
"Bebe, please, drop it," Red begged. "It's a secret."
"I can keep a secret." Bebe grinned. When Red didn't answer, her face fell in confusion. "What's wrong? Is he a," her voice dropped down, "an adult?"
"No!" Red pushed her away. "I am not dating a grown-up! That's gross."
"Then who is it?" Bebe demanded to know. "You can't just say something like you want to tell people you two are dating but can't. Who is it? The only other Kevin I can think of is..."
She trailed off, brows furrowed.
"Kevin Stoley. Are you dating Kevin Stoley?"
Red's shoulders slumped and she accepted the inevitable.
"Ummm, yes," she admitted, waiting for Bebe to start mocking her for dating Kevin.
"Wow." Bebe pursed her lips. "Kevin Stoley."
The repugnance in Bebe's tone made Red's stomach twist. She had expected it, of course, but instead of making her ashamed, she felt angry.
"He's not that bad!" Red snapped. "Kevin is a sweet guy. He's creative and passionate about what he likes." Red pointed a finger into Bebe's collar bone, moving into her personal space as she spoke. "And he lent me all his 'FlashPoint' comics when the website I was reading them on gave my dad's laptop a virus. He's just as good of a boyfriend as Clyde is!"
Bebe held up her hands in defense. "I never said he wasn't."
Red narrowed her eyes incredulously, taking a step back.
Bebe fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Look, if you want to date him, cool, whatever. Why does it matter?"
Furrowing her brows, Red frowned. "You don't think it's weird on me for dating him? He's a nerd who likes Star Trek and wore a Spock cosplay for a week to school."
Bebe rolled her eyes. "Yeah? So?" She shrugged. "Clyde brought a jar of mosquitoes with him everywhere for two weeks. Pointy alien elf ears are nothing compared to that."
"Klingon." Red corrected automatically. "They're Klingon ears."
This time Bebe did roll her eyes, but, Red didn't feel any malcontent from it. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she had always envisioned.
Kevin sighed as he trudged up the school steps. His cool lessons didn't get all that far before Craig can out of the kitchen with a glass of orange juice, eyed Kevin up and down again, then proclaimed he was a lost cause and Clyde was wasting his time.
Before Kevin could stop him, he'd grabbed Clyde and drug him against his will back to the couch to finish watching their video.
While Kevin did enjoy learning about the Moth Man, he couldn't help feel he wasted his time. He didn't learn a thing about being cool or how to fix his face, hair, or voice.
"Hey. Hey, Kevin."
He paused and looked over his shoulder to see Dougie rushing up to him.
"Oh, greetings, Dougie." He flashed him a Volcan Salute, which Dougie returned. Dougie vibrated with contagious excitement.
"Did you go see the movie this weekend?" He asked. "I did. I went with my mom and Butters. I liked the music and how the ships look. What did you like?"
Kevin's uplifted mood fell as he remembered what happened right after the movie.
"The lasers, I guess," He muttered, looking at his shoes. One of the laces was double knotted and the other wasn't. He'd have to fix that before class--like an uncool nerd.
A hand slipped around his hand, taking him from his thoughts.
"My favorite part was how the captain defeated the alien with the water and electricity," Red chirped, leaning against Kevin's side, nearly toppling him over with her greater size.
Dougie turned a shocked, wide-eyed face to Kevin. Kevin kept his own shocked, wide-eyed face fixed on Red.
What was she doing? Why was she holding his hand in front of everyone outside of the school? He could feel all the eyes of the other kids on them and hear their whispers.
"R-Red?" Kevin stammered. "You're holding my hand."
"Well, duh," she threw her hair over her shoulder, "we are dating."
A collective gasp came from all the students around them. Red turned a sharp glare towards them, and everyone spun around. Kevin half expected them to start whistling nonchalantly.
Dougie took a step back. He waved goodbye to Kevin before bolting off, leaving the two alone to talk.
"We are, but, you don't like..." he shook his head. "Aren't I too uncool?"
She nodded. "Yeah, you are, but it's ok now."
Kevin frowned and looked down at himself. Did something change since yesterday? Did he get super buff and handsome while he slept last night? Maybe he did go to a fantasy world last night and just didn't remember, but when he looked down, he didn't see anything different, except the little stain from the meatloaf last night on his stomach.
"It is?" Kevin asked. "Why?"
"Well, I just figured it was stupid to act like I did. It wasn't fair to you, either." Red explained, squeezing his hand. "Also, I told Bebe last night, and Bebe said she wanted to double date with you and Clyde, so you can make sure Clyde doesn't do something silly or embarrassing so it doesn't matter anymore. Bebe has my back, and because she does, so do all the other girls."
Kevin furrowed his brow. "I don't get it."
She smiled softly at him. "It's ok. You don't need to know how all the science works to enjoy Star Trek."
He still didn't fully get it but decided to employ his suspension of disbelief towards the inner workings of girl social structure.
"Oh, well, if that's ok with you, then it's ok with me." Kevin felt giddy. He could walk through the school halls hand in hand with his girlfriend. They could talk about science or Star Trek in the middle of recess.
He dared to give Red a kiss on the cheek. To his surprise, she blushed but didn't get mad at him. With a  laugh, Red began to pull him down the hallway.
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Everything happens for a reason Part 22: the talk we've been waiting for.
Omg. Guys, I told you. It's sad and beautiful at the same time. Don't worry too much at the end of the day, everybody will be happy. I hope... 😅
Just so you know, I know nothing about Rosé except that I can recognize her on a picture. So, how I portrayed her is purely up to the needs of my story.
My dearest reader @hopetookmysoul called my Taeminie and Jimin "min min". I had no choice to use it, and I will use it next parts as well. I just love that ship name too much 🤧
Warning: angst at his purest form. If you feel depressed, don't read.
WC: 5061
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8 days after your drinking night with Namjoon
Today with Taeminie, you have selected 3 luxury apartments that match your criteria. The 3 of them downtown Seoul, all in the same complex with a high security level. Also very importantly for you, it had to give you access to the backyard, something rare in big cities. You visited only one of them this morning and because you were charmed right away, you decided to buy it without further ado. Everything about the apartment enchanted you. It has 3 large rooms, one more than your needs but that’s perfect, you will have more space when your friends come in visit. It’s a sunny, modern place with a lot of kitchen cabinets, a big tub and the windows overlook the backyard. The apartment is already empty and as soon as the transaction of the sale will be finalized, it will be at your entire disposal. Paying cash with the insurance amount you had for the accident prevented the worries that the bank could have caused, therefore you are confident the transaction will be signed soon.
The presence of your friend by your side, taking your hand or encircling your waist to pretend he was your “man”, gave you the credibility needed to buy a very expensive, luxury, downtown apartment. Being friend with an idol has its advantage and to be honest, you know your relation with Taemin is true and not based on his celebrity status so you didn’t mind to play the game at all, calling him baby or my love, even pecking his lips in front of the real estate representative because you knew he would pretend to be bothered by that as soon as you will be alone together. The truth is, it was a never ending game between you and him, you playfully trying to seduce him and him “eeeewing” you to make you act upset. 
That little game started one day at the beginning of your contract with him, the first month you were dancing together. One day, a woman came and intensely tried to flirt with him. The first reaction he had was to come closer to you and take your hand saying “that girl, she’s my girlfriend so please, don’t try anything with me, I am a satisfied man”. Of course, the second the woman turned her back, Taemin have told you that his “favorite Jeon’s ass were Jungkook’s” to make sure there were no ambiguity between the two of you. You have smirk and wink at him and then answered: “it’s just because you haven’t see me in a bikini yet”. He was under your charm just like that, in a clap of fingers. He thought you were a cool person, accepting his homosexuality right away and even joking about that. That refreshing, funny and open minded attitude was soothing for him. That’s how your friendship and that little “I am trying to make you love my ass” game started. The two of connecting together, sharing his little secret and accepting the other as he was. Completely.
Ever since, from time to time, Tae had “used” you to play the girlfriend part, when he felt that was necessary for him or when he noticed you were unamused by a too flirty man. That’s probably how the rumor of you two getting together spread and came into Hobi’s ears.
It’s been exactly 8 days since the party night with Namjoon and you still haven’t recovered from it completely, at least mentally. You have explained everything to Jungkook, sparing him no details and he was more comprehensive that you thought he would be. He promised not to share your feelings with Hobi, encouraged you to talk to him and concluded the conversation saying:
“Noona, you are a grown up woman now, I am touched”.
Never in your life you could have thought that your little brother would said something like that. It was so funny, him “babying” his big sister. He really takes his protective role seriously and that makes you love him even more.
You also have talked more than ever with Namjoon recently, He was checking on you, on your broken heart. A confidence from you brings one of his and little by little, you spent hours talking on the phone, texting or face timing. Everytime, you asked him how he was feeling, if he was ok with you, if he was too hurt to continue talking to you. Every time he gave you the same answer:
“It’s being away from you that would hurt me the most y/n”.
You made things clear with him very often, no possible ambiguity. Your heart may be broken but it still belongs to Hobi. You told him not to wait for you or try anything because it will always stay a friendship relationship. You don’t want to give him false hope, you want him to understand that a romance with him is impossible.
You were not comfortable to talk specifically about Hobi with him, because you really don’t want to hurt him. Your conversations were always more on a philosophical level. You were exchanging with him about your perception of love, the place of friendship in a relation, how can friendship evolve in a romantical relationship? Talking with him was really enriching.
He talked to you specifically about Hoseok one time only. He made you analyse everything with a different point of you. Today, you still can’t answer the questions he served you when he monologues for 10 minutes straight about your relation with Hobi:
“Why haven’t you talk to him before? You are in love with him for such a long time, why keep your distance from him? Personally, first occasion I have, I want to touch the girl, I mean I have that need to get closer sexually or not. I just need to touch and hug her, to get to know her more, not loving her from afar. Be a part of her journey, share her thoughts and yes, touch her all the way possible. It’s a need, the girl is under my skin. Why have you stayed so distant from him? You are a touchy girl, as you called yourself, you are a baby koala. You keep sitting on Jimin’s laps, petting Jin’s head, rub our back, squeeks our cheeks, massage our feet or shoulders first occasion you have, hugging us all the way possible. Girl, the feelings you gave me when you massage my hands while we were watching a movie the other night… my hands for god’s sake. You have that need to touch, to be physical too, just like I do. I know it, I see it. When we transport you, you literally melt on our back or in our arms because you hug us so much. But never with Hobi. You can talk to him, actually you talk to him a lot, I see your complicity and it annoyed me sometimes because you two shared so much intimate conversations. You two together can also be so childish when you start a food war or a staring competition. I see your connection, your complicity, your bound. But always from a certain physical distance. Why? You said you don’t want him to know you love him, but WHY? Don’t you want to touch the man you are in love with so he can touch you back?”
That’s a very good question. You had that need to touch him, you want to. In your mind, you didn’t touch him because you didn’t want him to know. But why didn’t you? As Namjoon said, the need to get closer should have make you do a move in his direction, at attempt to become “something” with him. What was keeping you from doing it? And also, what kept him from doing it? Namjoon didn’t wait 4 years to declare his love. As he told you the other night, he had to talk before he would explode. Why not you? Why not Hoseok?
Namjoon… a perfect man, in love with you. That generous and sensitive man, always analysing things, putting all the stress of bangtan on his shoulders to make it easier for his bandmates. Leading the way in interviews, composing and producing his music. Most importantly, the human behind it all, his sensitivity, the way he puts into words of the most insifignant things to make it suddenly interesting just by the choice of his words. His intelligence and kindness.
You’ve been thinking about it a lot recently. Comparing Namjoon and Hoseok, their personality, the bond you have with one and another. Namjoon is certainly a man that could have take a big place in your heart if Hobi haven’t take it on the first place. If you were comparing Hobi and Hoseok it was to understand when and how it all went wrong. Not to make a list of the pros and cons because, with both of them, it’s impossible anyway.
After thinking about it over and over again, you fell asleep in Taehyung’s bed since it was his room’s turn. You stick to that comfortable routine to make sure you wouldn't ended in Hobi’s bed night after night. Among all the beds and without consideration for the owner, Tae’s bed was the most comfy. It was fluffy, there was a lot of cushions and each time you change position, you could hug a new one. The bedding was heavy, it gave you the feeling of a big hug while you are sleeping alone.
In your sleep, you felt somebody sitting on the bed beside you and finally laying down in front of you. You felt the soft movement of the pillow under the weight of his head. Used to sleep with Taemin recently, your inconscience doesn’t analysed any further and you filled the distance between him and you, nuzzling you nose in the crook of his neck, clasping your arm around his waist. You kissed him in the neck, because whenever you are sleeping with Tae, you have the habit to lay a kiss on each other, the first body part your lips met. Sometimes it’s a shoulder, sometimes a cheek, sometimes a hand. Touring with him for more than 3 years, you represent each other family when you were away from home. You represent the security and the soothing appeasement of unconditional love. Just like family.
That neck isn’t Taemin’s neck thought. It doesn’t have the same texture under your nose. It doesn’t smell the same. It’s Hoseok’s scent, it’s his body that you feel against yours. Still sleeping, you think that you are dreaming of it, that you dreaming the most beautiful dream. You hold yourself a little stronger against him, overwhelmed by the fact he’s finally in your arms, against you, loving you. What a wonderful feeling.
“Huummmm Hobi” you moan, “You feel so good. Hold me closer please, you ain’t close enough love”.
It’s his fingers, releasing a strand of hair from your face that made you realized what was happening. You opened your eyes and can only stare at his face, his face on the same pillow than you. He seems so tired but managed to smiled anyway.
“Oh No! No! No! No!” You said, coming out of your trance.
“Y/n calm down”.
“What are you doing here? Something happened to Jungkook? Please, tell me my brother is safe”. You are paralyzed, you cannot move away from his body. Whatever he’s doing here, his smile is soft and he seems to be calm so, it must not be a bad news. He took your hands in his before he told you:
“Ssshhh, everybody is safe over there. I came alone because I needed to talk to you.”
“What about the shooting?”
“I won’t be there the last 3 days and the boys will visit a little before coming back”.
“Why are you here?”
“I needed to come,I just told you. I was losing my mind over there”.
You sit straight on the bed and covered yourself with the Mang plushies you’ve taken on Hobi’s bed. If he noticed, he’s not letting you know. Your first reflex would be to run away from the situation but you are well aware that the longer you flee, the stronger it will hit when it catches you.
Still, he was uncomfortably too close for you.
“I think we need to talk”
Even though he was right, you don’t feel strong enough yet. You don’t want to face him ever again to be honest.
“Can we do it another time? It’s the middle of the night”.
According to the clock on your nightstand, it’s 3:20 am. For the first time in a long time, you were sleeping peacefully, maybe because now you will have a place for yourself.
“Please y/n. I am begging you”.
Your right leg was in front of you and you bend your left knee over your straightened leg. Hobi sit right in front but a little bit shifted to your left because of your cast, crossed legs, not leaving a lot of space between you and him. His calm attitude, his soft smile and his tender gaze gave you the courage to dive in this uncomfortable situation.
“Who speaks first?” you asked.
“I am gonna let you start, since there are a few words I’m waiting for” he says, smiling. He was really calm, that surprises you.
“Hoseok, I am sorry oppa. My intoxicated ass doesn't justify my behavior at all. I am ashamed of the words I said, the way I acted and the way you got to learned it”.
“I won’t lie y/n, I was angry. You shouldn’t have talked to my girlfriend like that. I mean it. But that being said, I get you, I understand how you feel. I asked Jimin if I was understanding things correctly, I was sure he knew”.
Oh! No! Jimin, have you talked?
“He didn’t say a word about your feelings but he didn’t deny my theories either. Anyway, with the things you said the other night, I was able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together, Jimin was just in the middle of us, like you were for him and his boyfriend I guess, making each other talk and trying to guide them. By the way, it worked well for them, right?”
Hobi says, naturally tending his palm for you to “high five” it. Instead, you took his precious and delicates fingers in your hand and intertwined fingers with him. To feel it. To feel him. To be as close as possible, in all the way you can. You noticed though, he said “my girlfriend”, not “my ex”.
“It did work. They will have 5 days together when the boys come back. Hopefully, they will enjoy each second they can be together, their love is so precious”.
He nods and continues on his idea.
“I was mad y/n. Really mad at you. The way you treat Chae was rude. But also, I could understand how you feel. My turn to apologise now, I would have never, ever brag about her in front of you if I knew you were in love with me. Never. I hope you know it”.
“I know Hobi”.
“Ok, good. Also…” he’s hesitating. “2 questions. Are you still in love with me? How long have you being in love with me?”
You swallow the little amount of saliva that you have on your mouth, you feel dehydrated. Hobi noticed at the same time you're doing it that you’ve lost weight, too much weight since he last saw you. You don’t look healthy at all, sadness painted all over your face. Recently, you’ve been neglecting yourself and it shows. He’s scared you might suffer from depression. He will have a talk later with Jimin and Jungkook, you need to gain weight otherwise you will disappear. Have you eat at all recently? It’s not the time for this conversation but he promised himself that he will watch after you. The only thing you seemed to haven’t neglected is your personal hygiene, that’s a good sign, right?
You were ready to give him a long and detailed explanation, but at the end of the day, what really matters is “do you still love me” and “for how long”. Gathering your courage, you started to talk very slowly, almost as if you were detached from that story, like you were talking about someone else.
“Yes I am still in love with you even though I am questioning myself about what real love is. I have been in love with you for what? I don’t know, maybe 4 years now? Maybe less, maybe more”.
This is the shortest answer you can give him. When you are nervous, you over talk. But it’s ok, he knows you. You have to add, you needed to:
“Hobi, I love everything about you. Everything. I know details about you that you probably don’t even know yourself. I love everything, everything about you. I am attracted by every single part of your body. Every little face expression you makes makes my heart flustered. When you smile, I feel warm. I love you, I love you so much”.
“I am so sorry Y/n. It’s just a big mess”. He said, taking his head between his hands, leaning forward”
“I know Hobi”. You caress his hair gently, sliding his locks between your fingers. At this point, there is no need to restrain yourself from touching him, he knows you love him. He sights.
“Why haven't you talk? We would have been together now, a happy couple, living a happy life”.
“Why haven’t YOU, Hoseok? Why?”
You are not the only one involved in this. He had his part to play and he didn’t play it either. You can take your part of responsibilities, not his.
“You want the ugly truth y/n?” He didn’t wait for you to answered. “I always thought you hated me. Well, not hated it’s a big statement to claim but at least that you were not comfortable around me”.
“You are right Hobi, I was not comfortable. I was incapable of getting closer to you. I was scared that you would feel my love and I didn’t want you to know I was in love with you”.
“You can’t love me if you don’t want to be close to me. It makes no sense!”
“Hobi, you have to believe me. I was not touching you because I was scared that if I did, you would feel my love, my desire for you and that you would know the truth. I was scared, I didn’t want you to know the truth at all cost”.
He was very emotive, on the merge to cry. His eyes were teary and when he was not talking he was biting his lips not to sob.
“Hobi, you didn’t talk either. Maybe I loved you more than you loved me”.
He stopped you:
“I was so in love with you, I was waiting for a little sign, something, anything to keep on hoping. But you were so distant. Why? I don’t believe it. I just can’t believe that I almost got you, YOU, the girl that I loved with all my heart. It cannot be for real, destiny made us love each other and finally decided that we were not meant to be. I just can’t believe that”.
He was almost yelling by the end of his speech, unable to hold back tears any longer.
“Y/n, I was in love with you, I was touched by every little gesture you had towards me, shaking inside each time you were smiling. Melting inside each time I saw you laugh. Girl your smile, your delicate hands, your smell, your kindness, your hips, your lips, your generosity, your sense of humor, your intelligence, your strength, your softness, your bambi eyes when you are touched, your sexy moves when you dance, the way you become a powerful goddess on the stage but as soon as the spotlight are off you remain yourself again and act childish, you being a baby koala, the way you always help us put things in perspectives, your toughness against adversity, your calm personality, always thinking before talking on contrary of me, the way you’re provoking your brother… your beautiful and kind heart…”
You had enough, it seems that he was really in love with you after all. No doubt, he felt something.
“Why y/n, tell me why. I need a good reason to have lost you forever because I know I’ve lost you forever now. I know…”. He was almost shaking your shoulders, to make you react. He was crying and it broke your heart to see him like that.
“I was scared that you would reject me”. You said, gently cupping his cheeks, crying with him. He covered your hand with his and he pressed his forehead against yours for the most intimate contact you ever had with him. Your man. Your beautiful man. The one you love with all your heart and all your soul.
That’s it. You just spit it. That’s the reason why, you just realised it the second you said it. You were scared he would not love you back so you prefered to keep your distance instead of taking the risk to get hurt. At the end of the day it couldn’t have been worse because you are now losing on every level. You could never get over him, or in that specific case, be with him. You continued:
“I think that maybe, all the rejection that I had to face when I auditioned to be part of a girl’s group, made me doubt myself. Every fucking time, every time until I met Taemin, I were rejected because of my body. Too fat, too slim, too bony, too thick, too much boobs, not enough boobs, an ugly nose, not enough sharp jawline, too much cheeks. Name it Hobi. I think I felt like I didn’t deserve to be with the beautiful, perfect you. You are so beautiful, you deserved so much prettier than me”.
Big tears were running down on your cheeks, his tears and yours, mixing together as if they knew it’s gonna be the only contact your fluids will have.
What touches you the most, what hurts you the most is that never in that conversation, he tried to have you back. He was talking past tense. That broke you.
“Hobi… Hobi please…” you said, crying.
Please what? You don’t even know yourself. Please hug me? Kiss me? Don’t give up on me? You don’t know. All you can do is cry and say his name over and over again, sobbing. And the more you cried, the more he did, never letting go of your hand in his, softly caressing your cheeks with his forehead with slow, soft strokes , pressing his nose against yours, his nose on your forehead…
“Hobi… tell me…”
He leaned back, looked at you in his eyes. He placed a beautiful, soft and tender kiss on your forehead, leaving his lips pressed on your skin as he answered.
“Tell me, why couldn’t that be possible again? Why is this a fatality? Why can’t we start something together, now?”.
You don’t want to beg. You don’t want to, really. But deep inside of you, deep in your guts, there is a voice that keep screaming “please Hobi, love me, please. Love me back”.
“I am not saying it’s possible or impossible. I am lost and I don’t want to drag you down with me, I don’t want to give you false hope. That’s the only reason I am not saying anything about “us” right now. The truth is, I have Rosé in my life now and I’m really, deeply torn apart, I need to take a big step back”.
Both of you stayed silent for a minute or so. Forehead against forehead, hands in hands, breathing in harmony, letting your tears flood your faces. After a few moment like that you told him:
“Hobi, I have my answer now”.
“What? What answered?”
You take a deep breath in, gathering your courage to talk.
“You don’t love me as much as I love you. I was never torn, I never doubt. Not for a nanosecond. You were, you are my one and only, nobody else could have compete against you. Not even my celebrity crush”.
“No. No. No. Don’t give up on me just like that, please. I just don’t know. I am a weak man. I am just a stupid man, I’m so stupid”.
You kissed his forehead, inhaling his smell. You don’t want to let him go, never. But at the same time, you know you have no choice. You need to get over him. You need to heal, you need to recovers from him, take care of your heart or you will die from tje pain. Your broken leg and the lost of your and career is literally nothing compare to your broken heart.
“Hobi, stop. You ain’t stupid and you have all the right in the world to be unsure. I love you Jung Hoseok, I don’t know how I will stop loving you… But I am letting you go”.
“No, please, no…. don’t do that, I love you, I always loved you too, it’s such a mess, please…. no”. He was crying, sobbing. He look broken, dejected.
“Hoseok, if Rosé was in front of you right now, would you act the same? Would you cry like that? Asking her not to give up on you?”
He’s not answering. Is it because he don’t know the answer? Because he really don’t know?
“Hobi, you are torn and you have the right to be. I don’t love you less because of that, that would be too easy, right? But, even if you would answer me that you’re choosing me tonight, I wouldn’t believe you, I would still doubt your feelings for me. I am not going to be a second choice, I don’t want to doubt my man’s love. I don’t want you to impulsively chose me and then regret it. I want to be the one and only in my lover’s heart. Otherwise, I won’t be confident in my relationship.”
You stopped, to make sure he was following. His sad brown eyes glued to yours made you hesitate for a second but you won’t change your mind. You won’t flinch. You know you are taking the good decision. You know that to be happy, you need to go on with your life. His love for you is too uncertain. He’s unable to choose between you and Rosé so you're gonna make the choice for him.
“I wish you will find happiness with her Hobi, really. I wish you will be happy. I love you”.
“Wait, wait, please” he clings to you, his 2 hands catching your nightgown with desperation all over his face.
“What is it?”
“I think we deserve at least one kiss. Please y/n, you can’t say no to that”. He said.
Would it be cheating on Rosé? Of course it would be. Would it be your problem? Absolutely not. Do you care about her feelings if she feels betrayed by that? You don’t give a shit to be honest. You’ve been waiting for your man at least 4 years, you think you deserve a kiss, screw that thief. At the same time, would it hurt you more? Can you be more broken inside? You don’t think it’s possible unless something happens to your family or to your Min-Min princes.
Hoseok sees you analysing the situation. He don’t want to think, be want to act. For him, you both deserve that moment together, a sight of this impossible happiness.
He drop his gaze from your eyes to your lips and he slowly lean in. You can’t resist those lips, you just can’t. That mole, that perfect mole that you’ve been dreaming of almost all your adult life is too tempting to be neglected.
Slowly, you followed his movement and gently, softly, you lean in. You started by brushing your nose against his. When you felt his breath on your skin, you couldn’t wait any longer and you brush your lips against his, taking your time to feel the contact of his lips under yours. He seems paralysed at first, not making a move to kiss you back. You pulled away, unsured. His expression was mostly sad but he smiled at you nevertheless. He then gently placed his left hand on the side of your neck and he tug you in for the most emotional kiss you will ever have in your life, caressing your naked shoulder and arm with his other hand. It was soft, sad and the taste of his tongue awaken all sorts of emotions inside of you. Desire, fever, passion, sadness, love, joy… Still, both of you kept the pace slow, not wanting to rush anything, feeling the moment, living it entirely. You had to do it thought, you had to tease his mole with your tongue. It was your only kiss, you’re gonna take all you can.
When he started to run his fingers on your hair and you started to feel things heating, you pulled back and placed your hands on his.
“Enough Hobi, now go”.
That was it.Your one and only kiss with the man that you love, but will have to forget.
He stood up and walked his way out. He opened the door but before he leaves the room he said:
“I don’t know if I can be happy with her either you know, she’s not you”.
“And I am not her either. You can’t cut us in two, unfortunately. Goodbye my love, please, let me alone now”.
You can see he’s really sad, dejected, lost. He seems as broken as you are. You see it, it’s all over his face. Knowing he’s feeling like that made your heart heavier. But you have to start thinking about yourself now. You have to find a new purpose in your life.
When he closed the door of Tae’s bedroom, you can hear his sobbs. That’s also when you free yours.
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asianjeremyheere · 5 years
happy one month anniversary to the bmc obcr!!! to celebrate, im gonna put my track-by-track commentary under the cut and split into two parts (act 2 here) because god it got so long and i am. very sorry. read at ur own risk. and it really is just rambling commentary because i had a gdoc out and the whole soundtrack playing, alternating obcr and ocr tracks SO! tada! act 1!
Okay the orchestrations are great on both BUT I do prefer how much more sudden the end is on the ocr? Obcr Jeremy's theme kind of has that echoey quality at the end and I'm pretty sure it's just a recording thing but. Recording-wise I do kind of prefer the ocr. That said, I don't listen to Jeremy's theme THAT much.
90% of this is going to be me preferring the obcr and this is no exception BUT I do like the ocr tempo a little more? It's faster and feels like it captures the whole day-at-school rush a little better, which works in most of the song except during the "Christiiiiine" portions because those are absolutely KILLER when they're a little slower. They sound more romantic, in a way?? Like it goes from Jeremy seeing her, a girl whom he likes and wants to point out to Michawl, to Jeremy seeing her and being totally enraptured/distracted by her, hence the slower/more drawn out Christiiiiine's working in its favor. Also would have like Michael's verse to be faster? I've always imagined him to be, like. A fast talker. I don't really care about how much George changed his voice for it, I just wish it was faster. But overall, I like it better on the obcr because Will R is waaay more emotive and I'm in love with his falsetto and his runs.
I know I said I was terrible at recognizing tempo but ILPR feels so fast on the ocr??? Anyway I like the obcr version better and Stephanie is adorable in both but MORE so in the obcr. Her inflections have so much more character and she paints a much clearer picture of Christine as a whole just in that one song. ALSO the added dialogue!!!! Love that. It's also got a less consistent tempo (I think????) which works for a song like this and a character like Christine
This isnt on the ocr but it was in the original show and I got it stuck in my head all the fucking time so I'm just glad it got recorded!! I don't have a Two River audio on hand rn but I like the bway version better anyway because Will R is, again, more emotive and I think it works better with this specific iteration of Jeremy anyways? Like. His whole character is sadder so this song fits a little better.
Ngl I can't really tell the difference between the two but Gerard's voice has only had time to improve (I hope? He seems to do a lot of stuff when he's not doing a show and I wonder if he's like. Taking care of his voice. I hope so?) and I love the new glitchy stuff at the end. But like rip the "picture this" verse :( I think I just. Like them both pretty equally??
Obcr babey!!! I like the way a bunch of the instruments cut out and it's just the 8-bit stuff right at the start? That's fun as fuck. Also Will R's "ah! gah!" noises are 💜💙💜❤💖💙🧡💙. The orchestrations in the obcr are also just. God tier. And the tech-y fade out sound at the end is one of my favorite things. Also George's voice is the same pitch but he sounds younger in the obcr and that's not good or bad because he still sounds convincing enough to be a high school either way.
Okay I like the obcr for this better too just because there's more in it. It isn't just Jeremy screaming for a minute and a half, they also added the dialogue which makes it better. I don't actually really like this song as much on the ocr just because I did. Not enjoy listening to a song that was basically just screaming? It's too loud and I was always worried about people hearing it through my headphones skdjks. The obcr version isn't much better screaming-wise but I can't just straight up skip it anymore because there's stuff at the end. Plus they have a bigger budget for effects and the transition from the startup-Squip voice to Jason Tam's voice where they're doubled up? God. I love him.
Obcr wins this just for the 'outdated' riff alone. Also, Jeremy sounds more intimidated/impressionable?? WPC Jeremy doesn't sound scared of the Squip/sounds borderline rebellious right off the bat, which is weird considering EWM is allegedly the 'more evil one' 🤔🤔🤔🤔. Plus I think the obcr has more harmonies and Will R's comedic timing during the Squip Tango is spot-on. AND KATLYN!! Yeah. Love her. She's so much more intense in the obcr and it works for Chloe??? She just sounds more passive in the ocr. That said, Jason should have sung more because his voice…… pwetty
The obcr ending has my heart…. the pinkberry riff….. the giggle and "au revoir"........ I am in love with Brooke Lohst. I don't really mind that it's slower either? But I can't hear the trombone shot notes as well on the obcr and that makes me sad :( Charlie Rosen ur orchestrations are gold but dont drown out the trombone that was my favorite part of ocr dywr!!!!!
Jason Tam's Squip voice is good you guys are just mean and don't understand nuance!!!!!!! I love the obcr version of this because a) Jason!!!!!! b) Will!!!!!!!! and c) Tiffany's high note at the end!!!!!!!!! Also the gong!!!!!
For real though? Will R. is much more expressive in the repeat-after-me section and Jason Tam's cooler, more laid-back tone works. I'm more inclined to trust that he can actually help me because he sounds more guiding than demanding and I, personally, don't respond well to people exercising their authority over me! I do much better when things are phrased like "I'm going to help you! Here are some suggestions. Do them. Look, it's working!" vs "Do what I say, it's the only way you'll succeed" and to have the Squip start out sounding more like the former before getting more outwardly controlling works better and makes more sense imo!
Okay I can't really compare these two because they're totally different songs at this point but I love Sync Up and I can compare that end portion because it's the same! 'Head to play rehearsal' > 'drama practice' because it's not a huge difference but he's parroting Christine's terminology and it shows that he's listening to her, which Mr. Will Roland himself said was a huge part of Jeremy's journey! (Learning to listen.) Also, Will R just sounds more eager and excited to actually be included? Will C just sounds like he's relieved that he's not being shoved around. Will R!Jeremy sounds more excited in general, even at the beginning before he gets shocked. And then his “ghughgh” noise. Mood, Will. The Squip at this part is kind of. Hmm. I don’t really like it in the recorder version ngl but I know Jason talked about like. Struggling a little more to get into the Squip mindset during the recording process because the costumes are so integral to his characterization and he didn’t have said costumes for the obcr recording so I’ll give him a pass. It doesn’t faze me as much in audios so??? Jason Tam u get a pass.
The obcr recorders make me ❤💗💖💕💖💕💙💘🧡💘🧡❤💕❤💕💙💜💖❤!!!! Also I prefer the new ending where she goes "Who kneeeeeeeeeew?" and how surprised/thrilled Will R!Jeremy sounds when he says "Is she talking about me?" but like…. Jason Tam, I will defend your Squip voice to my dying day but why did you have to say "pheromones" like that. Okay also I'm listening to each song's versions back-to-back and the tempo changes keep throwing me off. But I do appreciate the lack of clapping in the ocr.
Obcr wins because its an instrumental and I love the bway instrumental. Also, it's longer and spookier. Thank you, Charlie Rosen. You deserved a Tony nom for this shit.
I'm gonna say right off the bat that I love obcr Upgrade so much because of the additional depth given to Brooke and Jake, and I love the new ending because like woah chills. That's all. It's not a disclaimer or anything, I just love it. Also, Stephanie's "oh wow"? Cute as fuck!!! Britton's voice??? God tier!!!!!! Brooke's french at the start and the way Lauren's voice breaks on "I just want someone to see me first"??? God!!!!!!!! Tiffany coming in by herself before everyone else joins in during that layered section??? I am deceased. I love trying to pick out every individual person's voice in that section. Usually Gerard, Lauren, and Will are easiest for me to pinpoint? Idk. Ocr Upgrade still fucking slaps though. Steph's "oh wow" is a little more underwhelming but I'm like. In love with the tempo right before the "Christiiiine"s? Also uhhh wish they'd included Jeremy and Michael's conversation somewhere in the obcr.
I love LGW and I'll stand by this forever. I'm gonna compare this to the end of ocr Upgrade because that's technically where it goes and I think it does a better job of showing Jeremy's motivations and his worries about taking the Squip! Also it makes sense story-wise that he would take time to slow it down and think/process considering he just…. asked the Squip for time to process….. but like the original ending is still a bop and it's super good for like. Hyping urself up. I just think LGW does better for Jeremy's character and it's a good song!!! It sums up a lot of what I feel/the ways I relate to Jeremy, too, so it's. Emotional hearing it in audios skdjsj but not as much with the recording anymore!!
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sam-ilou · 7 years
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diazevan · 6 years
Eeeew, no, please! Don't put Spideychelle as your profile pic. You're an Iron Dad blog. And I really do not want to see that stupid photo every time you come on my dash. Please, I'm begging you! I'll do anything :/
Hi there, 
First and foremost, I ship spideychelle, I like the picture and it made me very happy when I saw it (I was having a shit day when I saw the pics.)  Yes, I have an iron dad url, but I’m not an iron dad blog; I’m multifandom, however, I do adore iron dad. I post Doctor Who, Teen Wolf, Marvel, Sherlock and odds spots of Harry Potter. When it comes to editing and my blog, I’m very inconsistent with what I love. 
My url changes probably every few months, to the horror of all my lovely mutuals. I change my mind a lot, but this url is the first one I’ve properly been happy with in the longest time. I know it’s confusing but I don’t hide the fact that I’m multifandom, ever. Also, which the number of fandoms I have, I will never be able to find a URL to carry all of them. 
I am sorry that you don’t ship spideychelle or you are bored of seeing the pictures, I just really love it and I promise you that I literally change my pic every few weeks. However, when Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out next year and the DVD is released, I will be making gifsets etc. I will make edits of them because I love them. 
Most of my ships have come to an end now and I adore spideychelle, I’m excited, and I believe I have a right to be
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dearlinong · 6 years
friends to lovers ; ding zeren
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( A/N: okay so this my my very first post here and i’m really excited to write more of these here. i hope you enjoy this friends to lovers scenario with zeren ( ゚▽゚)/ )
(A/N pt2: okAY I JUST READ THE WHOLE THING AND THIS WAS LONGER THAN WHAT I EXPECTED. this was all over the place but i still hope you guys will enjoy it!)
genre: fluff
requested: no ;-;
you and zeren have been friends since high school
the two of you actually met through zhengting!
zhengting is your neighbor which makes you two the best of friends
one day he introduced you to his group of friends, it was also the day you met zeren
when you were with them he would always check on you
‘heY, want some food? :D’
‘n-no, i’m fine : )’
‘okay! just call me when you need anything : )’
then you just give him a thumbs up or a nod
after those small talks with him you two would eventually share each others likes and dislikes, then he would ask you how your day was and you would ask him the same thing the next day
let’s just say that you two became super close
the two of you hang out SO MUCH
to the point where people in school think you two are a couple
when some juniors asked him if you two were together he was like ‘eeEEW, NO, the two of us are just friends.’
after he said that, you felt your heart suddenly break into a million pieces
that’s when you realized
you had a crush on ding zeren
but you were hurt because he didn’t feel the same way as you
you still respected his opinion
after school you told zhengting
he was a screaming mess
you would always tell zhengting all about zeren because he was the only one who knew about your little BIG crush on him.
one saturday, one of your neighbors mrs. zhou asked you to babysit for their twins
you gladly accepted the job because you really like children
mrs. zhou also said that you could bring another friend with you because,, duH your little body can’t handle twins wHO WERE TODDLERS
so you immediately texted zhengting
‘hey are you up for babysitting?’
‘awwwe sorry y/n, i got a project to finish.’
‘oh that’s okay!’
‘why don’t you ask zeren, he likes kids.’
‘i think’
so you text zeren and he said that he would love to help you babysit
when he arrived he immediately ran towards you because the twins were already pulling your hair and biting your cheek
after the twins finally calmed down zeren and you sat down on the couch and had a little chat
‘oh god, taking care of children is hard’
‘why did i even agree to mrs. zhou, i’m so damn stupid’
after a while, jiangju, one of the twins, went in front or zeren
‘zeren-ge, i want to sit on your lap’
he then scooped her up and laid her on his lap
while jiangje, the other twin then said they wanted to watch mulan
you got the dvd and played it on their TV
jiangje also asked zeren if she could sit on his lap, he said yes almost immediately
when the movie started and mulan went on screen the twins said that ‘y/n-jie looks like mulan, both of them are so pretty’
you we a bluSHING MESS
then when li shang came into action jiangju gasped and said ’oHH, li shang looks like zeren-ge’
you and zeren chuckled because of how happy they were about it
the movie finally ended
but the kids weren’t running out of questions to ask
‘what animal is cri-kee?’
‘why did mulan pretend to be a man again?’
‘why can’t a girl fight in the war?’
but then jiangje asked
‘are zeren-ge and you together, like mulan and shang?’
you didn’t even dare to look at zeren because you were so red form the question
‘actually yes we are! you’re so smart.’
zeren patted her head and smiled at her
it was finally bedtime for the twins, it was also the time when mrs. zhou got back home
she thanked and payed you both, then you guys left
zeren insisted in walking you home because it was night time then
‘uhhh,,, the thing you said a while ago, when the kids asked if we were together, ummm-’
‘i’ve had a long time crush on you y/n, and it’s okay if you don’t have mutual feelings with me, i just hope that we won’t be awkward and can still be friends.’
that was the only thing that came into your head
you didn’t tell him that you liked him too yet because you were still in shock
when you finally arrived at your house you two said your goodbyes
you haven’t told him that you liked him back
so you quickly kissed his cheek
that was his expression when you did that
‘i like you too dumbass, who wouldn’t like you. (‘-’*)’
‘but i thought you like zhengting-ge.’
‘now that i know you like me back, can we go to the coffee shop i told you yesterday, tomorrow?’
‘soooo... a date then?’
‘if that’s what you want to call it, then it’s a date!’
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hockeytrashgoblin · 6 years
Found you (AustonxAshley)
Author’s notes: Am I aware that this timeline is fucked? hella. However I don’t really care that much. Sorry if you do but oops.
I was laying on the floor of my kitchen scrolling through my instagram. The day at school had been absolutely horrendous and sometimes you just get in a mood and need to cry on your floor for a bit and need someone to care for you. Nothing wrong with that. Except that I had no one to take care of me and I was just moody on the floor but oh well that didn’t matter much.
I kept scrolling through my instagram until I got a text from my friend.
‘K I couldn’t care less about your sports shit but like some hockey boy is looking for you and I think you showed me his butt one time?’
Almost immediately my mind went to Auston but it couldn’t be, there was no one way in hell he even remembered my name let alone be trying to find me.
‘Sure Leah whatever you say, I really believe you.’ I replied to her rolling my eyes.
After a little while of laying on the floor I got up and started making some pasta for dinner before the hockey game. I called Grandma too to talk to her about how awful the people of my program were today and to talk through the hockey games.
“What games do you get tonight?” I asked her while stirring the pot.
“I get the Capitals vs Vancouver and eeeew the Leafs vs Nashville.”
“Oh yikes. Which are you gonna watch?”
“I’m gonna have to watch the leafs, I can’t stand Ovetchkin.”
“Poor grandma.”
“I hate the leafs but I hate the Capitals more.”
“I know you do.” I said putting the phone on speaker and sitting down to watch the game.
“And who are you going to root for?”
“Nashville of course.”
“Oh no but what about Fredrik Andersen? And little sunshine william? Oh and who could forget Aaaauston.” she was teasing me, knowing that I made a special exception for those three. And sometimes Mitch depending on what he was doing.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. I love them. They are the exception. Go Nashville and Freddie and Auston and William. That’s it.”
“You better not be rooting for the leafs tonight.” Grandma hadn’t liked the leafs in a long long time. She got me into the sports I liked and she let me know who we like and don’t like. Sure I was able to go off and like whoever I wanted but the leafs sure made it easy to not be a super big fan of, messing things up all the time. But those three were my boys and I was always rooting for them and Grandma knew that.
“I won’t, God. But if Auston gets a goal I’m gonna yell.”
“Like he did when you punched him in the face the other day?”
“Grandmaaaaa I didn’t mean to! It was an accident.” my whole family had been teasing me about this for the past two days and I was still just as embarrassed about it as I had been when I called grandma frantically from the ramp as soon as I was out of Auston’s sight.
“A vicious little thing.”
“No I’m not I love him.”
“Tell that to your fists.”
“You’re annoying.” I said with a big mouthful of pasta making her laugh at me.
“I’m just teasing, dear.”
“Speaking of annoying I don’t like this person singing the national anthem.”
“When do you ever?”
“When George Canyon does it.” and with that the game started and we just talked about the game, me not having enough hockey knowledge to completely understand everything going on and some of the calls or rules. I was relatively new to hockey and this was my first full season watching. They kept showing Auston and everytime they did I got teased again. It was a loooong first period. A bunch of commercials came on and I was walking around my house still talking to grandma.
“Ooooh Ashley, they’re interviewing Auston.”
“What?!” I yelled running over and jumping on the couch. “I almost just fell off the couch trying to get here to see him.”
“Oh my god did you do that to his face?!”
“It was an accident! How many times do I have to say it uugh.” I was about to continue but was shushed. I pouted but then paid attention to the tv.
“So Auston you’ve got quite the bruise right now, what happened there?” the reporter asked him, he nervously chuckled before answering with a smile.
“Yeah uh a girl punched me in the face. Scratched me too.” he said it with a fond smile. “When I went to the Jays game with uh Mitch. She was standing in front of me ya know at the high valley concert and she got excited and stuff. She didn’t mean it. She even took care of me after to make sure I was okay.”
“That was nice of her. Does this mystery punch girl have a name?”
“Yeah Ashley.”
“Are you going to be seeing this Ashley again?”
“Uh haha I uh I hope so. I’ve been trying to find her. But uh who knows? She turned down my offer to sit in the suite with me, Mitchie, Freddie, and Will to sit in nose-bleed seats so really who knows?” he was still smiling though.
“Alright well thank you for your time and good luck finding her.”
“Yeah no problem, thanks I appreciate it.” Auston got serious again and left for the dressing room.
“Hellooooo?” Grandma said on the other line.
“Um hi yes? Hello.”
“Did you catch all that?”
“Um yes I think?”
“Auston is looking for yoooou.”
“This is nuts. No way. This is the literal best news I’ve heard in my life.”
“You know what else is nuts? You giving up a chance to sit with all your favourite boys to sit in your seat with all those party poopers around you.”
“Okay but I didn’t know they’d be party poopers and the seat was great. If the Jays had won it would’ve been perfect.”
“Well you’re a jinx.”
“No I am not!” just then grandma let out a big laugh. A suspicious one for sure. “What are you laughing at over there?”
“They just showed video of you punching Auston Matthews in the face.”
“Yes they did so!”
“Oh no.”
“Could you be any less graceful do you think?”
“No probably not.” I groaned going back over to the tv to see it again. “That really wasn’t very graceful was it?”
“Not even a little bit.”
“Literally everyone I know is laughing at me right now.”
“I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
“No grandma you don’t get it. Every person I know is messaging me laughing at me. This has gone all over the place and now I keep getting texts and messages about it. I’m never going to live this down ever.”
“Oh come of it. That’s a little dramatic don’t you think?”
“If I were laying on the floor, THAT would be a little dramatic. This is the perfect amount of dramatic.”
“Are you gonna try to reach out to him?”
“What do you mean no? You’ve been all about Auston this whole season and now he’s trying to find you.”
“Why would be ever want to find me? That would be so dumb of him.”
“Stop that right now. Did you see the big smile on his face when he was asked about that bruise?”
“Yeees.” I said quietly blushing and smiling.
“Just try it.”
“I’m going to put one thing on social media. And if nothing happens, then I guess that’s it.”
“Yes do it. I really think you should. Get your hockey boy.”
“Alright fine. I just need to think of the right thing to say first..” I thought about it for a while during the beginning half of the second period before I found what I thought was the right thing that would let him know for sure it was the same sarcastic girl he met the other day. I took screenshots of my phone blowing up and then went to twitter and I wrote out ‘Thanks to @AM34 and @sportsnet for exposing me to all of Canada lmao’. I thought it was funny. It made me laugh at least. I went back to watching the game and during second intermission I paid a little more attention.
“I wonder if anyone has seen your post yet.”
“Yeah I dunno. I guess we’ll see.” I was really nervous about this. A lot more people than usual had retweeted my post and just overall interacted with it last time I had checked but still not enough to really make any impact I didn’t think.
“Did you really need to be that sarcastic?” Grandma asked laughing as I ran back to the tv.
“God I didn’t think it would be on tv jeeeeeeez.”
“Well on the plus side I think that Auston is gonna see it for sure now.”
“Look how many people tagged him! This is crazy. I’m gonna die.”
“Now THAT is too dramatic.”
“I don’t think so. I feel like I’m gonna die.”
“No you don’t. You’re just nervous. All you can do now is wait, my dear.” she said still laughing at me. “Let’s just watch the game and see what happens. You’ll have to keep me updated on this one though for sure.”
“Well duh. If this works out you get to meet Auston Matthews. Are you excited?”
“Oh yeah thrilled.” she said sarcastically.
“I can hear you rolling your eyes at me. Stop it.” we watched the whole game with lots of teasing of course to me about the whole thing. I continued to cheer for Nashville though. “Wow Kevin Fiala is a beautiful man.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“What?! He is!” I said defensively.
“If this goes into overtime I’m not gonna be happy.” she said changing the subject.
“Why not? Overtime is fun.”
“Oh pfft sure. This from the same girl that just yells the entire 5 minutes.”
“Oh wow well I woooonder who I got that from?”
“I’m sure I don’t know.”
“Of course you don’t. It’s not like you were the one who made me love hockey or anything.”
“Nope not me.” I rolled my eyes as the clock was running out.
“Looks like we get some overtime Grandma.”
“Darn.” after the break they came back for it and I was excited.
“I love overtime.”
“No you don’t. You love shootouts.”
“K, well yeah but I need to go through overtime first.”
“No shootout. I have to get up early tomorrow.”
“Yes shootout.” we watched the overtime and it was almost done and I was getting more excited for the shootout that would follow but with 15 seconds left Auston got a goal. “YES WOW YAY.”
“What was that?!”
“Oops she says. God I thought you were rooting for Nashville.”
“In my defense I did say that if Auston scored I was gonna yell.”
“You’re a goofball. I’m going to bed, I’ll talk to you tomorrow and you can tell me all about what happens the rest of tonight.”
“Okay, bye grandma, love you. Goodnight.”
“Love you too. Bye sweetie.”
I hang up the phone and continue watching sportsnet. They interview Auston again and I pay very close attention to that although I didn’t care for his lame nervous hockey answers, I wanted to know if they say anything about my post. They don’t until the very end.
“One more thing Auston and then we’ll let you go. During first intermission you were talking about a mystery girl named Ashley. She reached out on twitter.”
“Wait she did? Uh what did she say?”
“She thanked you and us for exposing her to Canada with screenshots of her family and friends messaging her about it.”
“That sounds like her for sure.” he said with a laugh. “Well if it makes her feel any better for ‘exposing’ her I dedicate that winning goal to her.”
“So now that you know that she was watching how do you feel about how you played tonight?”
“Well uh pretty good. I mean like, I scored the winning goal and I feel like I played really well tonight so I’m glad she chose tonight to watch.” he said laughing again.
“Alright Auston Congratulations on the win. And thanks for your time.”
“Yeah of course no problem.” Auston left for the locker room and I was freaking out. I went into my room and changed into my pajamas. I got snuggled up into my bed trying to answer all the teasing messages I had received when I got some twitter notifications. The ones that killed me though were the ones from Auston. One was him retweeting and the other was a direct message from him. After talking back and forth a couple times I gave him my number and he called me.
“Hi Ashley.”
“Why hello there Auston.”
“I found you.”
“I would’ve made it easier if I had known I was being looked for.” I said making him laugh.
“Fair enough I suppose. What are you up to?”
“Well it’s like 11 so I’m in my pajamas cuddled up in bed right now.”
“Oh sorry, where you going to sleep? I can never sleep after games, I forget.”
“No don’t worry about it. I get too hyper after games to go to bed. I just like being cozy.”
“You’re ridiculous.” he said laughing again.
“Yeah you aren’t wrong. So what are you up to?”
“I’m driving back to my place.”
“Aah fun times.”
“Yeah I guess. I like driving after games alone. It settles me down. I’m glad Mitch went home with Steph because there is no calming down when Mitch is in the car.”
“Yeah I believe that 100%.” I said laughing.
“He’s like a child on a sugar-high. It’s fucking crazy.”
“He does seem like a lot from what I saw at that ballgame.”
“Why didn’t you come with me at the game?” he asked abruptly.
“Um well I didn’t know who you meant by other friends first of all. I get nervous around groups and didn’t want to be all awkward and annoying to everyone. Besides that I had a really good seat.”
“You don’t like groups and you went to a game by yourself?”
“Yeah.” I said simply.
“How was that different?”
“Baseball games and concerts are the only groups or crowds I can be in without panicking and that’s because I’m just having too much fun to care.”
“What about hockey games?”
“I’ve never been to a hockey game.”
“What? Never?”
“Nope. I can’t afford to. Baseball tickets for where I like to sit are never more than 40$, hockey tickets are hella expensive. Plus I just got into hockey.”
“Hockey tickets aren’t that expensive.” he said quietly.
“Maybe not for you. I’m living off OSAP right now my guy. Not a lot of extra money for hockey.”
“Oh shit I guess not. Alright well I’m back at my place and I desperately need to shower. Can I take you out sometime? Please? Without you punching me in the face this time preferably.”
“Oh my god shut up.” I exclaimed making him laugh. “I’m really sorry about that.”
“I’m not. So what is your answer?”
“I’ll allow it.”
“Okay cool. I’ll text you tomorrow, bye Ashley. It was nice talking to you again.”
“You too, Auston. Bye.” I said with a big smile on my face as I hung up.
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s-n-arly · 7 years
It’s Learn About S.N.Arly Time
I was tagged by the fantastically talented @seasonofthegeek
🎀 - Are you named after someone? Sort of.  My mother had a friend named Shareen who helped direct her to a surgeon who changed her life.  My father wanted a name that evoked the French phrase mon cherie.
🎀 - When was the last time you cried? When my daughter’s principal called to tell me that she had once again behaved inappropriately on the bus, that she’d been permanently suspended from the bus, and that we should try to get her counseling.
🎀 - Do you like your handwriting? My handwriting is an absolute train-wreck regardless which hand I use.
🎀 - What is your favourite lunch meat? Eeeew.  None.  I’m a vegetarian.
🎀 - Do you have kids? Two - an 11 year old boy and an almost 9 year old girl (her birthday is Monday)
🎀 - If you were a different person, would you be friends with you? I hope so.  I like to think so.
🎀 - Do you use sarcasm? Very yes.  My daughter answered this one for me.
🎀 - Do you still have your tonsils? Yes, and they are occasionally obnoxious
🎀 - Would you bungee jump? I would love to, because I adore free-fall, but I have a connective tissue disorder that makes it tremendously unwise.
🎀 - What’s your favorite cereal? Steel-cut oatmeal.  
🎀 - Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Only if I can’t pry them off without untying.
🎀 - Do you think you’re a strong person? Yes, but I didn’t realize it for a long time.  Disabilities will sometimes do that to you.
🎀 - What’s your favorite ice cream? Zanzibar chocolate
🎀 - What’s the first thing you notice about someone? Eyes.  I love eyes.
🎀 - What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself? If we’re talking about what I least like about my body, it’d be the connective tissue disorder.  If we’re talking about appearance... the squishy, post c-section belly that I’m unwilling to amend with surgery.
🎀 - What color trousers and shoes are you wearing right now? Not wearing either, thank you.
🎀 - What are you listening to right now? The hum of the dehumidifier
🎀 - If you were a crayon, what color would you be? My favorite Crayola color is Lemon Yellow, which was discontinued at some point.  It was such a happy color.  I look horrible in yellow.
🎀 - Favorite smell? I have an extra strong sense of smell, which makes it hard to pick a single favorites.  Some favorites include: Sailor fountain pen ink, Russian Olive trees, jasmine oil and tea (don’t smell the same), fresh picked strawberries, baking bread
🎀 - Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My husband
🎀 - Favorite sport to watch? This is not a thing I really do, especially not team sports.  I will watch some of the Olympics, particularly gymnastics, downhill ski, and figure skating.
🎀 - Hair color? Dark brown with hints of auburn and a few gray
🎀 - Eye color? Brown
🎀 - Do you wear contacts? Glasses, yes.  Contacts, no.
🎀 - Favorite food? I love food.  It’s hard to pick one.  Samosas, pasty pies, Szechuan green beans, and spaghetti are probably at the top.
🎀 - Scary movies or comedy? Comedy.  I have enough scary in my head, thanks.
🎀 - Last movie you watched? Wonder Woman
🎀 - What color shirt are you wearing? No shirt, but gray sweatshirt.
🎀 - Summer or Winter? Both.  All seasons have their positive and negative traits.
🎀 - Hugs or kisses? Depends on who it’s from.
🎀 - Book you’re currently reading? I’ve been terrible at reading actual books lately.  Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy, and Baguazhang: Theory and Applications
🎀 - Who do you miss right now? My sister.  She has historically been one of my best friends, but she had a falling out with my parents and is avoiding the entire family.  I’ve only seen her twice in the last nearly three years.
🎀 - What’s on your mouse pad? My mouse pad is ANCIENT.  It has a Gateway 2000 10th Anniversary logo.
🎀 - What’s the last tv program you watched? Trollhunters
🎀 - What is the best sound? My safe for public discussion favorite sound is my kids’ giggles.
🎀 - What’s the furthest you’ve ever travelled? I was an exchange student to Germany for the summer between my junior and senior years of high school.  I’m in Minnesota
🎀 - Do you have a special talent? I find dead animals.  This is not a talent I particularly enjoy.
🎀 - Where were you born? The hospital
I low pressure tag @cassidy-alice, @squirrellygirlart, @emberglows, @squirrellygirlart , and @miraculousturtle
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thegeminisage · 7 years
all right i got about ~3 hours to get my shield and beat zelda lets fucking do this
the temple of time music is breaking my heart
this is one place where i'm mostly ok with them not using a classic tune for it tbh
like this music has so much grief and tranquility
i used to think the plateau was SO huge and really it's almost miniscule
i know it's a bit of a waste of time but i'm making the final trek on foot, no fast travel, temple of time to the castle
So Many Guardians
i can fight them now but only if theyre in the right place too close or far away and i cant do it
on a side note: yesterday (?) i found a beautiful pink spring i took many pictures of
today i saw that glowing spot on the map and realized i'd never figured out what it was!
dropped a pin bc i was curious, and it's the pink spring
temptation to warp over, check it out, and warp back: astronomical
but i'm on both a mission and a time limit, so it'll have to wait
ok. ok. im Here. its Time. lets go. shield first. that is My Shield, and the stalnox Cannot have it
there's a door i can't figure out how to open :/
ah, i see the stalnox
but i want that door!
google isn't helping me so i guess i have to leave it??
ok, all abilities fully charged, 3 fairies, plenty of food. i can do this. i almost killed one by accident once. that is MY SHIELD.
oh my god its got SWORDS stuck all in it jesus FUCK
my first shot did a lot of damage! but im wearing the atk+ armor which i can't keep on, it's a glass cannon
oh my god that was so EASY?
i kicked its ASS LMAO
holy shit when my swoprd strikes something in here it sounds like cannon fire! steady glowing too
i don't think there's one right way to go here so i'm gonna try to explore as much as i can
i've been spoiled by the fact that zelda has a diary laying out somehwere so i wanna find it for myself
ohhh the remains of the red carpet in here
i'm actually next to the tower i climed before, apparently i was just shy of exploring all there was to see up there...i'll see if i can have another look
lol i decide that and it IMMEDIATELY begins with the lightning storm
i found it!!! oh god was this her bedroom ;_;
he's quiet and persostent and can't resist a good meal
and it talks about why he never speaks ;_;
omg she even talks about her mother ;_;
the goddess hylia or was it fi?? oh my god.......
found the guard chambers ;_; this all hurts my heart, so much was just Lost
oh my god no THE BLOOD MOON...
huh. no cutscene here
honestly fighting my way thru moblins in hyrule castle...haha man
ohhhh the library ): i bet zelda loved it here
oh my god they even had docks under the castle!!!
oh NO i found the king's journal
he hated being cruel to her and was gonna be kind when she got back but instead the last time they really saw each other they were fighting!!!
still doesn't give him an excuse tbh but i can find a SLIVER of sympathy now
okay so........now i've explored all the insides. i go out?? i.......fight ?????
oooohh god im scared again ))):
oh shit oh Shit i found it oh god
im looking up a walkthru to read after the fight starts i dont need any more surprises
ooh he has guardian weapons
ok yes walkthru
GOD LMAO if you dont free the divine beasts you have to fight the minibosses here
oh god this is gonna be tough
haha "guardian weapons will break your shield" NOT MY SHIELD
i mean yes it can break but its Highly durable and replacements can be made if it does
i mean i know. they had us fight a manlike thing in ss AND tp but. i miss him
oooh down to 25%
im ready for phase 2 baby
there's gotta be one right there ALWAYS is
YES here we go
oh no i dont have epona though just a different horse im sad i should have left her out
I DID IT!!!!
oh my g o d
"may i ask, do you really remember me"
oh my god...oh my god
ohhh the credits showed a bit of everybody and despite myself when they played the trailer song and showed the old man/the plateau i welled up we've come so far
awww that was the last song of the trailer
ohh my god 
jesus christ, old man disappeared last too, my HEART
theyre gonna restore hyrule!! they're gonna travel together again!!
okay i GOTTA load my file and see what's what
awww it's the one i saved right before the battle i thought there was post-game content...?
it does have a little star next to it tho
ah well
that was.......incredible
and i cried
so there's that
man!!!!! im so, so glad
what a good game
honest crit: no, it wasn't PERFECT
i could have stood more classic tunes to punch me in the feels more often and give us more of that old #aesthetic since they changed SO much about everything else - at times it didn't even quite feel like a zelda game, though the reminders that it WAS were always heartbreaking and wonderful
also maybe this was just my playstyle but i feel like there could have been more than just the four dungeons since they were so short...i know the dungeon-y puzzle stuff was spread all around with koroks and shrines, but is One big dungeon too much to ask? even hyrule castle had 1000 ways you could have gotten through
could have stood a little more acknowledgement of who you were and what you were doing as the divine beasts started waking up? like from npcs and shit, not even for Glory or whatever but just because the story felt reeeeeeally spread out, even with the memories scattered everywhere
and again a little bias here but some of the battles once you began getting Up There were a little TOO fake-difficult...i saw white bokoblins in old old places so i know it has to do with You, not your location, and i could have lived w/o it tbh
would have loved some form of new game + or postgame content, but maybe i'm just sad bc i misunderstood a spoiler or w/e it was that happened
things i loved:
the music
the cinematics, holy shit
the voice acting
when they DID use classic tunes it was to INCREDIBLE effect, same with the castle style, the ruins, even the nostalgic armor
obviously the open world gameplay was delightful and addicting, i literally couldn't get enough
the final boss battle wasn't too hard but VERY climactic and wonderful, just difficult Enough - could have maybe been a BIT harder but then i did start with him at half health!!
the dungeons, while there weren't enough of them, were EXTREMELY cool, i felt DWARFED by those beasts, after i saw the first one i never called them jaegers again
actually kind of liked the weapon durability thing bc then i could just pick them up during combat when i was running low and steal them or fight with them, throw them, etc
did not like the BOW durability, all my bows broke VERY quickly, that and running out of arrows always was totally urgh...even with my weapons inventory upgraded i STILL couldn't hold all the cool ones the game threw at me, it needed to be like that for players that favored the bow - more of them that were OP, more arrows, etc
anyway i could go on and on but
i gotta sleep, and
i'm so happy zelda is free
it would have been so cool to have her as a companion in post-game, Somehow
or at least see her reunion with all those who missed her
or see link get his memories back
it ended a bit too soon but it was beautiful and i loved it
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celticnoise · 5 years
Being a Sevco fan right now is like waking up with a raging hangover.
Through the shakes and the sickness, your recollection might blip occasionally with the memory of some glorious revelry the night before, which you are sure in the moment was awesome, but whatever you experienced then is exactly that; a memory.
It belongs to another time and place.
Any appreciation of it has been obliterated by the ravages of the here and now.
Get together, later, with friends though, those who were there, and the swap of stories and tidings about how wonderful it was can easily sweep you into the same vomit filled gutter. There, amidst the fag ends and stale pee, you might experience something close to joy as you lie there with your eyes open looking up at the star-filled sky.
But it always comes down to the hangover.
In the morning, when you look at the state of yourself in the mirror, and at the clothes which lie, stinking, in a heap on the hall floor, when you consider the lightness of your wallet and the pounding in your head, that’s when what alcoholics refer to as “a moment of clarity” most often comes.
Sevco fans have been living in a drunken delirium for many months now; The Gerrard Revolution has seemed, at times, to them like a vivid dream too good to be true. But they’ve had the beer goggles on all the way through it.
Everything seems like a good idea when you are half cut and on a booze-fuelled glide.
Consequences are so tomorrow, if you even consider them at all.
Trouble comes up on you and gets right in your face without you even being aware of it lingering in the vicinity because nobody can tell you you’re being too loud, behaving too stupidly, or convince you that your “enjoyment” is driving everyone else nuts.
The beer goggles always come with the accompanying “deaf ears”. The last thing you want to hear when you’re drunk and merry is that it won’t last forever and that tomorrow you’re going to be very, very sorry. That’s how a lot of fights get started.
Gerrard has managed twenty six games at Ibrox.
He has won just thirteen.
That’s the reality, cutting through the haze, bringing with it the pain.
There have been sober voices over in La La Land, telling the rest to be careful, that Gerrard wasn’t experienced and that there was no real proof that he had the answers to the myriad problems which stalk their club.
They were drowned out by the boisterous, rowdy party-goers in the public bar.
They were told they were being kill-joys, urged to join in with the merriment or find somewhere else to hang out.
“Just don’t bring reality in here with you.”
Under it all was the implied threat that if they continued to rain on the parade that things might get ugly.
Everything looks ugly on the morning after the night before.
And it’s a matter of time before all the parties wake up sober but sick in body and heart and realise what they’ve done.
A mate of mine told me a story once which I gleefully shoe-horned into a fictional tale I published in my first book.
He was out one night with his brothers, drinking in a local pub. As the night wore on he got more and more interested in one particular woman. When his older brother spotted his infatuation he tried to talk some sense into him; this was, after all, not the belle of the ball.
Of course, my mate feigned anger at the mere suggestion he might fancy taking her home, yet at the end of the night his brothers watched in disgust as he approached her outside the pub, she sucking on a fag and scratching her armpits.
The following morning, he woke up in a dazed state and caught sight of who he’d gone up the road with. Self-loathing is a recognisable emotion in anyone who has ever found themselves in similar circumstances and at that point you are not overmuch concerned with the other person’s feelings.
He got up swiftly, meaning to depart before she woke.
He was wholly unsuccessful. She sat up in bed, and he got his first proper sight of her. If the drink hadn’t done it he felt especially sick at that moment. But the real denouement came when the fog in her own head cleared enough.
“Eeeew …. how the Hell did I end up with you?” she asked, her own voice radiating disbelief and revulsion.
It’s enough to put you off Smirnoff for life.
Sooner or later, everyone over there is going to wake up with that same disgust, and wonder how they ever ended up there.
This is what looms at Ibrox in the aftermath of last night’s bonkers match in Moscow, after which Gerrard was trying to convince people that his team showed attacking brilliance instead of merely coming up against a defence only slightly better than his own.
Everyone involved is waking up from the dreamy events of the party that’s been going on all summer … and realising none of them is happy with the way things look in the real world.
Fear and loathing once again stalk the halls at Ibrox.
People know this doesn’t end well.
Some will cling on tight for fear of making it worse.
Others believe that eventually a manager at Ibrox is going to need time.
Gerrard himself lacerates the defence he spent the whole transfer budget on, with a venom that suggests he must already be worried that it’s all slipping away.
He wants more money in January; it was ostensibly for signing a striker, now he might have to replace the back line.
He’s like a drunk meandering to the bar to buy a round for the table who hasn’t grasped yet that he no longer has his wallet; it was dropped somewhere, either at the pub or on the way from the taxi-rank.
He hasn’t yet twigged that the big project in which he places such store is a bust, that they are skint, or that some above him at Ibrox might not be terribly impressed with a manager who’s signed fifteen players and wants more.
The party’s over.
All that waits everyone over there is the hangover.
Everyone involved senses it, and even during the drinking they’re dreading it.
And of course, you can put it off a while by continuing to drink, by refusing to stop the party, but that gets expensive.
The hangover is still waiting.
It only means that the crash, when it comes, is bigger than it needed to be.
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