#eimiko angst
haruniki · 1 year
When We Meet Again, Be There
a/n: my ao3 link for this fic I wrote is this !! I’m kinda proud of this one!! So I hope it’s good and atleast decent. Please ignore all oocness and inaccuracies lol
When We Meet Again, Be There
EiMiko Angst
Early mornings used to be calming. The low chill that came from the winds and purple hues that light the sky as the sun had begun to rise. How beautiful the colors were years ago, now they were just a memory of someone from so long ago. Though time for the fox should be nothing, she’s lived through countless centuries and those went by in a snap of her fingers. But that was all before.. Before her beloved archon locked herself away.
Miko had spent many years waiting for Ei to make an appearance again when she first disappeared. After waiting everyday at the entrance of the shrine for over a few years, she realized that she wouldn’t be coming back anytime.
When you slowly lose hope that someone will come back, you begin to wonder if things change, if feelings change. 
When a hundred years passed and there was no return of Ei, Miko tried to move on. There was plenty of women in Inazuma. There was the lovely lady that came all the way over from Watatsumi Island  that would often come by and express quite the interest in Miko, often offering her to come join her for tea in the place she was staying in the nearby village.  Of course, Yae never thought of actually agreeing. 
“Though maybe this once would be fine. It would just be one time and she is quite pretty..” 
Miko shakes her head, trying to shake the thought away. The thought lingers and she has been awfully alone, perhaps the one time she should indulge a little. Even if she’s suppose to be eternity’s servant, Miko is unable to serve eternity if that eternity doesn’t wish to see her. 
When the lady from Watatsumi Island comes by the shrine again, Miko agrees to accompany her. The lady smiles at the acceptance and has Miko meet her down at the entrance of the shrine. Miko nods, almost a bit too excited but who could blame for it? An evening with someone, someone who wasn’t so bad looking and seemed just as interested in her as she was.
“Just for the evening, just for the night..” The repetitive thought reminded Miko, but would it be so bad if she repetitively saw the lady for evenings when she felt oh so alone. Surely it would be fine to do so. 
Of course that thought seemed to diminish when the lady led Miko to her temporary stay in the nearby village. Holding Miko’s arm, talking and joking as she entered the quaint village home. The tea tasted delightful, and the woman smelled and looked quite pretty. Surely, this was fine and would be okay, just for a moment at least.
Months go by and having frequent meetings with the lady have made Miko slightly better. Though the ache in her heart still remained, like the sting from a shock of electricity. The Watatsumi lady must have realized it as well, seeing as though their last meeting was cut quite short. Upon returning to the shrine, a letter was presented to Miko. A very familiar emblem etched on the paper and the wax seal. And a message requesting her appearance to be made in shogunate’s castle. 
A rush of awe and excitement seemed to rush through Miko. Did Ei finally return? Oh how Miko hopes. There’s no explanation Miko can think of other than her beloved archon wishing to see her. 
With the pittering of her heart, she sets out to meet her archon. There wasn’t a specific time just a brief message that said that Yae Miko of the Narukami Shrine was needed by the Shogunate. So surely the time didn’t matter, and it wouldn’t be so bad to see Ei sooner than time permitted if there was a scheduled time she was needed.
Guards allowed her in with little hesitation and she found herself to be quite quick up the stairs. Perhaps she should slow down, just a little. A little more of a dignified walk would be expected of her.
Entering the halls, there’s slight differences but it stills familiar and all the same to Miko. The purple banners seem to be new, much different from the prior century. The adoring gold threading and impressive craftsmanship of them.
Footsteps, heeled shoes to be precise and a slightly familiar scent. But something odd, off about the smell and the way the shoes click to the floor and an odd smell comes off with the familiar scent.
“Miko..” That voice is so familiar, yet… it’s wrong. It’s hollow sounding and not at all what Miko had hoped to hear after so long. Turning around she’s met with a breathtaking sight, her beloved archon but it was all wrong. She looked like Ei, sounded, and even smelled like her, but it wasn’t her. 
“Miko, it’s wonderful to see you again. I must apologize for my absences, I know that you must have missed me.” Her ear twitched, she missed her yes, but not whoever this imposter was.
“Of course, it’s been far too long..Ei. I’m glad to see you back and well I presume? You look just as stunning as ever.” Miko smiles, even if this Ei is fake she was still a lovely sight to see. The same looks and everything, minus the hollowness of the fake and the eyes, the eyes didn’t look the same as the real Ei’s. Perhaps just a misfortune in the light, or the fact that it seemed to just be a puppet. Ei had one before this one, but Miko never paid it any mind.
“If you follow me, we can sit together and have some tea. And converse with each other.” The lack of warmth in the voice or compassion almost drove Miko into a pout. No embrace or anything for this heartwarming reunion. This fake truly isn’t like Ei at all, the real would have given her the much longed for reunion she wanted, right?
The area where Miko was led was the same one where Ei and herself would sit and drink tea and eat delicious sweets long before her initial disappearance from the world. The fake Ei sits down on one of the cushions and gestures over to the other cushion. Tea was already waiting for the two. Taking her place, she looks at the other. Studying the face to see if something was wrong. Why would Ei send a puppet of herself to meet her? Why not come to see her on her own? Did she fear that Miko would be mad at her or did she just want to make a fool out of her? Whatever the case, this whole charade was starting to annoy her.
“Weather has been nice of late hasn’t it? I noticed this morning that the wind changed making the cherry blossoms from the shrine fall towards the upper areas of the city. It made me think of you. The pink petals flutter across the ground and around the statue at the base towards the Kujou clan.” The puppet rattles on, looking in Miko’s direction. Not showing even a sign of joy, it truly wasn’t her at all. Not even a shimmer of her true essence could be seen. 
“I know you’re not the real Ei. I could tell by the way your voice sounds so different than hers and the way you smell is slightly off. I had hoped that maybe it was my memory being wrong, but I know my memory is excellent. I can retell 500 years of occurrences that happened without a single wrong in my retelling, so the only explanation was that you were another fake.”
The puppet, interrupted in the middle of her sentences, closes her  mouth. It was odd, the puppet didn’t quite know what to say. It took a moment before she said anything. 
“It seems that I couldn’t fool you. Everyone else seemed to be fine and assumed nothing was amiss whenever I showed up. One of my commands was to also talk with you and see how you were doing.” The puppet stares at the cup of tea, watching as the steam slowly rises. A small tsk is let out by Miko.
How cruel of Ei to pull this joke on her. Was this little joke supposed to be payback for all the years of Miko’s teasing and playing little pranks on her? It wasn’t nice to have the roles reversed, especially after disappearing without a word. How would Ei like it if she pulled a similar stunt?
“I should’ve known it was too good to be true. Why didn’t she come here herself? Is this supposed to be some sort of reward for being patient, hmm? Or perhaps a cruel joke?” As annoyed as Miko was, she should have been nice in her wording. Perhaps just a tad bit nicer, but with how angry Miko was getting it was a bit hard controlling her attitude.The puppet shifted looking up at Miko, in thought. She clearly didn't have a response for those questions.
“The Real Ei will no longer be in appearance. To preserve Eternity, she has decide to stay in her own plane of living. I will serve as the Raiden Shogun and protect all that lies in the nation no matter what happens. I was also sent to regain a relationship with you to hopefully reconcile a relationship.” While the words said had some form of emotion, the puppet made no such expression. Miko brows furrowed, Ei is what? To preserve Eternity she’s hiding away? Hiding away from her people? From those who care about her? From Miko? How inconsiderate of Ei to do, absolutely cruel and hurtful.
“I see, so this was all just some cruel joke. I should’ve known..” A small laugh leaves Miko's lips, the whole situation was laughable. Why would Ei wait 100 years to see her? Or come see her at all after 100 years. Love surely was a cruel thing.
“It seems that you can still talk to Ei, right? So tell her this for me, would you? That the next time “we” meet, be there. Or don’t ask to see me at all. That’s all” The puppet says nothing as she watches Miko stand and walk away. Perhaps she should have stopped Miko from walking away, should have said that Ei does harbor feelings of love for the convoy and wants to be with her now. But for some reason she doesn’t budge, not so much as a muscle moves. Eternity truly is far too cruel a faith.
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intensely-reading · 11 months
When the Thunder Sakuras Bloom
Word Count: 9.5 words (1/1 Chapters)
Relationship: Ei/Miko
Tags: Yae Miko-centric, Angst with Happy Ending, Grief and unhealthy coping mechanisms, very Canon Compliant (a dive into Inazuma 500 years ago), we’re breaking open 500 year old trauma like an egg in this fic
“Oh?” In the middle of the Grand Narukami Shrine, the Kitsune’s amber eyes narrowed, a smile playing on her blood-red lips. Miko stood up straighter. “And who might you be, little one?” (After five hundred years, Yae and Ei air the grievances of the past and redefine Eternity.)
Read it here!
Author’s Commentary:
Until recently, this was one of my proudest fics
I wanted to write about Yae’s grief, especially after even Ei left her
Yes I know the title is the same as the 2.5 Version. In my defense, I thought of it before the version title was released
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angelfacesstuff · 2 years
ei x yae miko angst fic,
WARNINGS; angst (please tell me if I’m missing anything!) also traveler isn’t here
finally, together again.
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“oh, miko, I never thought I’d have the chance to see you like this again.” The bittersweet laugh of ei broke mikos heart. how she missed her. her purple eyes, her braided hair, her smile. she missed it all, she missed ei.
“well I’ve always been here, I told you I’d always be here,” miko softly placed her hands on ei’s teary cheek, “I had never left.” miko smiled softly.
“because I was always in here,” miko tapped ei’s chest, symbolising her heart. ei chocked on a sob. “miko, I shouldn’t have left you, or inazuma! I’m so-“
“now now, no need to be sorry, you know even after all these years inazuma will forgive you.” miko’s reassurance never failed to save the electro archon from falling to rock bottom.
ei’s hands linked with the kitsune, “but what about you? do, do you forgive me?”
miko laughed, giving ei a soft peck, “of course i do, I wouldn’t have forced my way in here if I didn’t.” ei’s eyes softened knowing her wife still loved her, even after all these years.
“what is inazuma like these days?“ ei asked, effortlessly starting a conversation. yae all but chuckled, “well, why don’t you see for yourself, hm?”
“I trust your not going to linger in here any longer” miko almost glared at her lover, giving a warning to her stubborn wife. ei giggled softly, hand squeezing yae’s.
“I don’t see why we can’t have a stroll around mt. yougou” ei muttered. “neither do I,” yae nudged ei reassuring it’s safe out, “shall we?”
ei giggled, “we shall.”
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alielerart · 1 year
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“If it’s with you, I don’t mind restarting over and over again”
They were married 😔
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pinknishii · 10 months
I wrote a rated E Eimiko fic with a good sprinkling of angst thrown in hehe.
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Y'all just think about all the times Miko must have had to go to Inazuma city because of her duties as the shrine maiden - and seeing the Shogun Puppet...
Imagine the face of the person you love most looking back at you look at you like you're no one. Pain???
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And you just know Yae was the perfect performer because she knows its what Ei would have asked of her if Ei had said goodbye: to help preserve peace and stability in Inazuma.
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iateawasp · 2 years
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"Am I that easy to let go?"
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tartaglizzies · 1 year
Eternities Apart
"Ei, do you understand what I mean by eternities apart? Eternities apart from me."
"Miko, I didn't know."
Being in the Plane of Euthymia for centuries, Ei has had eternities thinking, eternities shut out, eternities spent watching as her subjects fall into disarray, and what else?
No more distractions, Ei had a task to accomplish.
Simply and Swiftly. That was how she ensured success in said task.
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The archon's heels clacked on the wood of the shrine, she halted in front of the two shrine-maidens, who were currently busy pampering the Guuji Yae.
"Why, good morning, Ei."
"Oh, good morning, Miko." The god greeted back. "You're in a good mood."
"Of course I am, today you're finally going to relax. With me, of course."
Ei's face flustered, she looked away, scoffing.
"Well then," She coughed. "Are we ready to set off?"
"Yes, I was thinking we could go have a picnic."
"A picnic, that sounds great." Ei smiled.
"Miss Yae," One of Miko's maidens spoke up. "Would you like to be accompanied by another shrine maiden? Incase you both get ambushed."
"Nonsense, The Guardian of Eternity would never let herself get captured by such low-lives. Would you?"
"Of course I wouldn't, Miko. Come on!" Ei started walking away, offended on how this maiden could even think that the archon could let herself be in such position.
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The pink and white checkered mattress laid on the floor, under the shade of a red tree. A biege picnic basket rested in the middle.
"The weather is amazing here, don't you think?" Miko looked to the cool clouds, drifting by.
"Do you really think so?" She looked up, following the direction of the pink-haired woman's gaze. "Oh, you're right. It really is quite a nice day for a picnic."
Yae Miko laughed, opening up the basket and taking out a small plate with a small cake on it, the cakes design was purple with one dark-magenta stripe in the middle. On the top were two birds and one of Miko's kitsune foxes. Surrounded by five flower bushes, two were pink, two were purple, and one was half pink, half hot pink.
The archon's eyes lit up, the latter was certainly diligent in her love of sweets.
"What a beautiful cake, did you have this custom made for me?"
"I did," She laughed. "I wanted to surprise you, isn't it lovely?"
Ei looked to Yae, and smiled, laughed, even.
"Yes, yes it really is lovely. Thank you."
Yae smiled, then pulled out a plastic pink spoon, she scooped out a chunk of the cake. Afterwards she pointed the spoon in the god's direction.
"This is foolish, do you really intend to feed me?"
Ei scoffed, the skin of her cheekbones were tinted with red.
"Come on, I know you want to."
"Miko, I'm a grown woman. I can feed myself."
"Just a little bite?" The Shrine-Maiden begged.
The purple-haired woman looked into the pink-haired woman.
"...Ugh. Fine, just a little bit." The god of Eternities held her mouth wide, closing her eyes to prevent any awkward eye-contact.
After a few seconds of nothing, Ei lifting one eye slightly.
"Are you done?"
The kamera's button was pressed, and a picture of Ei with her mouth wide open with a strawberry cake near her mouth was now permanently placed onto a paper.
"Hahaha! Look at you, how adorable. The Archon of Inazuma, the God and Guardian of Eternity, with her mouth open wide for a piece of cake."
Yae Miko chuckled, looking at the picture. Whilst Ei felt all the emotions Yae wasn't feeling.
"Miko! When did you have that Kamera?!" She exclaimed in embarrassment.
"It was laying in the basket, and it was just the perfect moment."
After a few seconds, Ei sighed. Then she began to laugh.
"I guess, it was kind of funny."
Miko smiled, feeding the whole chunk of the cake into Ei's mouth.
She then placed the spoon down and looked into the distance of the ocean.
"It's been quite a while since we've done this. Everything is a repeat of the last without you."
"Without me?"
"It's like finding moonlight nights strangely empty."
She looked back into Ei's eyes.
"Ei, do you understand what I mean by eternities apart? Eternities apart from me."
"Miko, I didn't know."
All the kitsune-maiden did was grab the god's hand.
"It was never your fault."
The two shared a kiss under the same tree they sat before.
Both of their tender lips pressing against each others, Ei grabbed tighter onto Yae Miko's hands.
Before long, they broke apart. Staring into eachother's eyes.
"Your lips taste like strawberries, you know."
"Oh, Miko."
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boba-butt · 11 months
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risingsilence · 1 year
I’m currently looking to write some new rp, here are basically all my “rules”, info about how i write and plots from my amino account. comment or shoot me a message if interested.
have some music to accompany you while you’re going through the post~
>I’m used to writing in 3rd person and this is my preferred writing style
>lit. | adv. lit | novella
>please don’t control my character
>with all my plots I assume that they can develop into smvt, if you don’t want that in our rp please disclose it before we begin writing
>if you’re a minor I’m not comfortable writing smvt with you, sorry i’m an adult
>I struggle with mental health a lot, so I’m probably not ignoring you although I will do my best to let you know if I won’t be able to reply for an extended period of time
>my only trigger warning is explicit animal cruelty, please let me know about yours before we begin
>I don’t do sole fluff
>If you want to write something together, send me a message with my plot you’d like to write or message me your own idea I’m open to these as well
Onto plots we go:
>Angst rating 1/3
>Ganyu x Xiao (will write both)
Months pass after Ganyu received guidance in her adepti training, however even though she tried her best the memory of the solitary conqueror of demons still clouds her mind. When an opportunity arises, she makes her way to Jueyun Karst where she receives directions as to where to seek Xiao. He is reluctant to let her close at first, but soon enough the two realize that they have much more in common that they have initially thought. Their shared loneliness and the yearning for the human world.
>angst rating 1/3
>Albedo x Xiao (will write both)
Not knowing where to proceed further in his research of “the meaning of this world” Albedo embarks on a journey around Teyvat. Caught of guard he gets ambushed by a tribe of hilichurls, but a mysterious stranger shrouded in dark mist comes to his rescue. Fascinated Albedo decides to follow and study him, even if the other does not return the sentiment.
>angst rating 1/3
>Kokomi x Kazuha x Gorou (will write all)
>I do intend this scenario for 3 writers, I’ve written rp’s like that so it is achievable even with longer replies. If you’re interested in this scenario please shoot me a message and we can either wait around for the third person or you’re very welcome to recommend someone
When the vision hunt decree is announced a rebellion forms on the Watatsumi Island under the rein of Snagonomiya Kokomi. Many a great warriors arise among the ranks, but two shine even greater than the rest. Soon to be General Gorou and Kazuha, a wandering soul. Those two soon become the closest confidants to Sangonomiya Kokomi, but behind the closed doors military tactics aren’t the only thing which blooms into life.
>angst rating 3/3
>Ei x Yae Miko (will write both)
Ei leaves the plane of Euthymia to take in the world outside and witness the great nation Inazuma developed into during her absence. Among the differences however, one thing remains the same, Yae Miko. To that stability and certainty, Ei is soon drawn and the two grow closer than they have been in millennia. But even though the love is sweet, bitterness soon mixes in when Yae Miko realizes she might not be in love with Ei, but the memory of Makoto which is preserved in her.
>angst rating 2/3 possibly 3/3
>Traveler x Xiao (will write Xiao)
TW! body horror
It’s been a while since the traveler has visited Liyue, but the approaching Lantern Rite and the longing to see familiar faces leads them there sooner than anticipated. Among their stops is Wangshu Inn and a meeting with a certain yaksha. Although neither of them would admit it out loud, their thoughts often drifted to one another while they were apart.
Soon however, something rather peculiar comes to the Travelers attention when they feel up a pair of, what seems to be horns, growing atop Xiaos head.
>au! reincarnation, modern setting, immortal venti
>angst rating ?/3 (depending what kind of back story we can conjure up for them together 😈)
>Venti x Xiao (will write both)
>theme song: Immortal by Reinaery
Venti is an indie musician. Perhaps their music isn’t the most popular out there, but they have a dedicated group of fans. Soon it even becomes possible to rent a cosy venue for their first ever concert.
More people than expected show up and the evening passes in comforting atmosphere. “Comfort” was often the word associated with the music Venti made.
After the show wraps up, to avoid unnecessary commotion, Venti exits through the back entrance where he bumps into someone smoking a cigarette.
Xiao is stunned to run into his idol he just saw on the stage for the first time. Venti on the contrary, freezes in shock, because there is no good way to tell someone you just met, that you have spent hundreds of years looking for them.
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shimyiu · 2 years
Title: I have waited for you, but you never came back
Ship: Raiden Ei / Yae Miko
Characters: Kujou Sara , Random Characters
Tag/s: Angst , Eimiko ,
Summary: After makoto disappeared, the friendship of two girls also disappeared, Will a broken friendship and heart be fixed again? Or it will stay like that... Forever
Ei's POV:
Well it's been one hundred years and I... I still have not met miko, should i accept the fact that... we are not meant for each other? Or should I keep on fighting for this.. unstable relationship?
Miko’s POV:
Years passed and they never met, talked nor wrote letters for each other. Ei really ghosted her, her significant other. She chose her own world more than someone who's still waiting for her.. Miko, only heard about ei, from... Sara, ei's loyal friend, but she also had a thought that “What if Sara isn’t Ei’s friend but lover..” So she chose to confront her. “Sara, admit it do you and ei have a relationship?” yae asking Sara while Sara chose to joke about it. “yes, we do lady yae” Sara laughs while the fox lady suddenly felt heartbroken Why, JUST WHY EI? You made me feel like a fool. I trusted you, I thought you were loyal? Just like... Makoto...
This is a work of fiction. All characters and places are not ours, all credits to MIHOYO/hoyoverse
Chapter 1: The memories and the letter
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delusional-mishaps · 2 years
babe wake up delusional-mishaps is tormenting fictional characters again
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yaymeeko · 11 months
Yae Miko character study. This happens in one day during the 500 years of Raiden Ei's Sakoku decree. Doesn't follow canon strictly because Yae is older here.
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jasmyluv · 2 years
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Of all people... - a scaramouche x fem!reader smau
⌞Synopsis⌝  When you, a student who finds her best friend admits the terrors of high school. A best friend who've you'd hated ever since he left. Of all people, why was he the one to make you swoon, a person you swore to hate?
⌞AU⌝ modern!au, highschool!au, slow burn (?), he fell first but she fell harder, perfect score trope, childhood friends to lovers, found family (Childe and [Name]), fluff, angst, crack, others will be added as the story progresses
⌞Warnings⌝ swearing, petnames, different POVs, jealousy, kms/kys jokes, kazuha x reader, parent issues, child neglect, ayamiya (Ayaka x Yoimiya, in the future chapters), Eimiko (Ei x Yae), mentions of kokorou (Kokomi x Gorou), kavetham (Kaveh x Alhaitham), others will be added as the story progresses
⌞Tag list⌝  List #1; List #2, open, send an ask, comment, or dm to be added !
Started - November 28, 2022
Finished - May 7, 2023
⌞Note⌝ Written chapters will be marked with ◊, the pictures used in this smau (that assumably includes you) do not represent or portray what you look like in this au, you look like you in this au, nobody else :)
⌞A/n⌝ When it's based off personal experience except it's top 10 and 11 not top 1 and 2 HAHAHAHA
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Profiles !
Disappointments - [Name]'s friend group
Fatui Hamburgers + Kazuha - Scaramouche's friend group
Chapters !
Act I - I'm supposed to hate you, right?
001. Why are YOU here? (◊) || 002. Spelling Bee?? Exempted?? 2000 DOLLARS??
003. Coffee date! || 004. Is this an interrogation?
005. Study buddy + sleeping brother (◊) || 006. What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
007. Past is past || 008. Final Results
009. Midterm studying? No, midnight rain. || 010. Words I regret
011. Are you satisfied? (◊) || 012. "Average"
Act II - And if you don't?
013. Burger King Party || 014. Surprise visit, not so happy reunion (◊)
014.5 In my mind
015. He knows || 016. Delicate (◊)
017. Limerence || 018. Tiana to my Prince Naveen
019. To the newlyweds! (◊) || 020. Mixed signals come with mixed feelings
021. Puzzle me || 022. Court or confess?
023. Clueless || 024. Don't take advice from a ginger
025. Vermilion dreams (◊) || 026. You again?
027. It's nice to have a friend || 028. To "study" (◊)
Act III - Then, I won't.
029. "Bee"-t my dust! (◊) || 030. Celebration Dinner
031. And the winners are...! || 032. I don't need your congratulations.
033. Sweet nothing || 034. Labyrinth (◊)
035. So, the hatred meant nothing? (◊) || 036. I’m sorry, what?
037. Your blessing? Do I have to ask? || 038. Sparks fly
039. Subtle signs for your dense mind || 040. A rose for a lifetime (◊)
041. #scarayn real!? || 042. An end of another chapter with you (◊)
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© all rights reserved to @jasmyluv 2022. any reposts, acts of plagiarism, and modifying of my works are strictly prohibited.
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sarbcat · 1 year
this is my ship post, here are literally all of my favorite genshin ships with a quick explanation for each hetero jealuc - its my og. its my babygorl of ships. they have so much canon shit- and like. ok, high school jealuc and theyre best friends who both harbor more than just friendly thoughts for eachother but theyll never say anything... buff boi x buffer gorl what more can i say alberose - i know a lot of people arent fond, thats ok, i think its just cute. he protects her :) (she doesnt need it. but doesnt say no.) thomaya - i just think theyre cute :) shes his sugar mommy! <3 i like him and her brother more though fischnett (?) bennett/fischl - he plays along with her shit and thats adorable... he just thinks shes a cutie <3 and shes a total tsundere dont @ me chilumi - fuck u theyre cute... she beats him and he loves it ok.... tis.... so cute... 'hey girlie hold still' :) he is her little housewife and thats adorable scaramona - they're astrology spouses... she deffo reads his palms and he gets all sweaty bc omg shes touching my hands !!!! ittosara - fight me tengu!!! thats all a lot of the traveler ships r cute too. aether + amber, yoimiya,,, lumine + like- diluc? cute and oh my god i have a type oh no homo kaebedo - cute as fuck.... dont @ me... he draws him!!! cytham - they fight eachother on shit but they would be cute... cute as hell!!! kavetham - they would kiss. roommates my ASS kazuscara - they put the old conflict aside and just are there for eachother <3 thomato - i said it earlier and ill say it again, sugar daddy x housewife its cute as shit! malewife x girlboss but the girlboss is also a man tomokazu - old besties. kazu was DEFFO inconsolable when tomo died i wish he lived oh man im sad now wtf.... xiaoven - venti plays the song that kept xiao alive, theres so much angst there that i could curl up in that angst pit and DIE ayalumi - honestly i just fucking fell in love with all of their interactions - the 'keep your eyes on me traveler' haha! so cute hit me with a van pls beigguang - it takes a true diamond to catch the eye of ningguang and beidou is 24 karat <3 they fuck and thats awesome... love them!!! eimiko - mommy? sorry... mommy? sorry... mommy? eulamber (?) - i dont know what this ones called but KISS PLS :) jeanlisa - they are wives but im still a jealuc fan first and foremost im sorry :( --- thanks 4 coming bestays
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espritradieux · 21 days
*slaps my pile of EiMiko headcanons* this bad boy can hold so much angst and codependency and religious symbolism and warped perception of individuals and one's sense of self and divinity in it!
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