#ess waters a plant
summersareknives · 1 year
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the good place au is good placing like mad ✌️
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andy-paleoart · 2 months
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Primitive gardens | Jardins primitivos
The Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction primarily affected marine life, resulting in a significant decline in various marine species. During the Ordovician, land was sparsely populated by simple, non-vascular plants such as liverworts and moss-like forms. These early terrestrial plants were not likely significant contributors to the extinction event, as their ecological impact was limited compared to the marine realm.
The extinction event itself is thought to have been driven by various factors, including glaciation, sea level changes, oceanic anoxia, and possibly volcanic activity. These factors primarily influenced marine environments, leading to the decline of marine species such as trilobites, brachiopods, and graptolites. The emergence and evolution of early land plants during this time were part of broader changes in Earth's ecosystems. As land plants continued to evolve and diversify in the subsequent periods, they would eventually contribute significantly to shaping terrestrial environments and ecosystems.
Silurian key-plants
The presence of Cooksonia in the fossil record signifies the adaptation of plants to terrestrial environments and their gradual divergence into various lineages that would eventually give rise to modern plant diversity. It represents one of the earliest vascular plants, marking a crucial step in the colonization of land by plants. Named after the paleobotanist Isabel Cookson, these plants were relatively small, reaching heights of only a few centimeters. Key features of Cooksonia include dichotomously branching stems with sporangia (reproductive structures) at their tips. It lacked leaves, roots, and a vascular system for efficient water transport. Instead, it relied on simple diffusion for nutrient uptake. Cooksonia is considered a transitional form between non-vascular plants like mosses and more advanced vascular plants.
Prototaxites is an extinct genus of large, tree-like organisms that initially thought to be a type of tree or fungus, but recent studies suggest that Prototaxites might have been a massive fungus-like organism. These structures could reach impressive heights, with some specimens exceeding eight meters. Prototaxites had a simple structure, consisting of a trunk-like body composed of tightly packed, vertically oriented tubes. The function of these structures is not entirely clear, but they are believed to have played a role in nutrient transport. The debate about whether Prototaxites was a giant fungus or a unique type of ancient plant continues among scientists. Regardless, it represents an intriguing chapter in the history of terrestrial life, providing insights into the diversity and ecological dynamics of ancient ecosystems during a time when complex land-dwelling organisms were still in their early stages of evolution.
A extinção em massa Ordoviciano-Siluriano afetou principalmente a vida marinha, resultando em um declínio significativo de várias espécies marinhas. Durante o Ordoviciano, a terra era escassamente povoada por plantas simples, não vasculares, como hepáticas e formas semelhantes a musgos. Essas plantas terrestres iniciais não foram provavelmente contribuintes significativos para o evento de extinção, pois seu impacto ecológico eram limitados em comparação com o reino marinho.
O evento de extinção em si é pensado para ter sido impulsionado por vários fatores, incluindo glaciação, mudanças no nível do mar, anoxia oceânica e possivelmente atividade vulcânica. Esses fatores afetaram principalmente os ambientes marinhos, levando ao declínio de espécies marinhas como trilobitas, braquiópodes e graptólitos. A emergência e evolução das primeiras plantas terrestres durante esse período faziam parte de mudanças mais amplas nos ecossistemas da Terra. À medida que as plantas terrestres continuaram a evoluir e se diversificar nos períodos subsequentes, elas contribuiriam significativamente para moldar os ambientes e ecossistemas terrestres.
Plantas-chave do Siluriano
A presença de Cooksonia no registro fóssil indica a adaptação das plantas a ambientes terrestres e sua divergência gradual em várias linhagens que eventualmente deram origem à diversidade de plantas modernas. Ela representa uma das primeiras plantas vasculares, marcando um passo crucial na colonização da terra por plantas. Batizado em homenagem à paleobotânica Isabel Cookson, essas plantas eram relativamente pequenas, atingindo alturas de apenas alguns centímetros. Características-chave da Cooksonia incluem hastes com ramificações dicotômicas e esporângios (estruturas reprodutivas) em suas pontas. Ela não possuía folhas, raízes e um sistema vascular para transporte eficiente de água. Em vez disso, dependia da difusão simples para a absorção de nutrientes. A Cooksonia é considerada uma forma de transição entre plantas não vasculares, como musgos, e plantas vasculares mais avançadas.
O Prototaxites é um gênero extinto de organismos grandes, semelhantes a árvores, que inicialmente pensava-se ser um tipo de árvore ou fungo,mas estudos recentes sugerem que o Prototaxites pode ter sido um organismo gigante semelhante a um fungo. Essas estruturas podiam atingir alturas impressionantes, com alguns exemplares ultrapassando oito metros. O Prototaxites tinha uma estrutura simples, consistindo em um corpo semelhante a um tronco composto por tubos verticalmente orientados e compactados. A função dessas estruturas não é completamente clara, mas acredita-se que desempenhassem um papel no transporte de nutrientes. O debate sobre se o Prototaxites era um fungo gigante ou um tipo único de planta antiga continua entre os cientistas. Independentemente disso, ele representa um capítulo intrigante na história da vida terrestre, fornecendo insights sobre a diversidade e dinâmicas ecológicas de ecossistemas antigos em uma época em que organismos complexos que habitam a terra estavam em estágios iniciais de evolução.
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river-in-the-woods · 29 days
Do you personally believe in Asian superstitions surrounding lucky and unlucky numbers? As somebody trying to make something but unsure of how much these beliefs have an influence on me it highkey drives me insane 😭
Hi there!
I did have this same struggle once with superstitions in general. Like you, I had the thought of "Should start believing in all these things now that I'm a spiritual person?"
Superstitions are held by laypeople who have an indirect and watered-down understanding of the world of spirit. There is undoubtedly some truth in them, yes, but it is often over-simplified, incomplete or misinterpreted. Think of Plato's allegory of the cave, where the prisoners see only the shadows on the wall and not the objects that cast those shadows.
What we do as spiritual practitioners is to ponder and investigate why and how, and base our craft and cultivation on that.
Just as a layperson can tell you that aspirin reduces the sensation of pain, but a scientist can explain the chemistry of why and how it happens.
You've probably heard of iron being used as a protective metal to repel Faery Folk, right? It's a natural assumption to make that iron is somehow fundamentally harmful to fae. This fascinating post by Lailoken proposes instead that iron is in fact sacred to the Folk, and the perversion of this metal through smithing is what repels them.
Remember, that spiritual practitioners, occultists, witches, magicians, sorcerer/esses (etc) are beings that laypeople have superstitions about.
I suspect you have visited my blog because you consider yourself to fall into this general category 🙂 So ask yourself, on what basis do you believe in the superstitions of your ancestors?
Onto the topic of numerology...
If I may: what you are really asking me is, where do things get their power from?
Laypeople believe that 4 (四) is unlucky simply because it is a homophone for death (死), or that 6 (六) and 8 (八) are lucky because they are homophones for the flow of fortune (溜, and 发 as in 发财).
Is there power in this? Perhaps, from the collective psyche of innumerable people making this connection. Whether it is powerful depends on how well you can tap into that current of psychological power. I personally find the idea of homophones creating in/auspicious numbers to be shaky, so I struggle to invest much belief in it.
I do believe that there is power and meaning in numerology, though. In magic, numbers are symbols, in the same way that colours, shapes, plants, animals, and celestial bodies are.
These things have power from how they naturally express themselves in reality. Allow me to expand on this:
1 is the number of beginnings, individuality, single-pointed focus. It can be used to express both the entirety of existence or the tiniest piece of it.
2 is duality, polarity, cycles and opposite or/yet complementary forces. Day and night, yin and yang, heat and cold, mother and father. It is attraction, passion and pursuit, such as that between predator and prey, or between lovers. Hence it begins to generate movement and force.
Where 1 lacks motion because it has nothing to be moved by, 2 creates a dynamism as it strives to find balance and union.
3 is the number of innovation and creativity, born of the attraction and movement of 2. Between fire-hot and ice-cold, between Heaven and Earth, 3 is the sweet spot in between that creates life, drawing on powers from contrasting forces.
3 is the first number where stability and balance can be found (a chair cannot stand on 2 legs, but it can on 3; pyramid structures are highly stable). 3 is the number that brings a sense of space and time: length/width/height, past/present/future. Triangles are used in magic for conjuration as well as for trapping spirits.
4 creates foundations upon which all else is built. The four elements, cardinal directions, seasons, DNA nucleotides. Therefore it is a number of solidity, consistency and endurance, yet it can also mean stagnancy and obstinance. You could argue that 4 is unlucky because it can be used as a symbol of imprisonment; after all, death is a fate none of us can escape.
5 is often the number of transformation, as our five-fingered hands create and destroy. 5 brings conflict because it is attempting to break out of the solid confines of 4 (incidentally, 5 is also associated with Mars, the planet of aggression).
In East Asia, we have 5 elements instead of 4. Hence our elements work differently; they are not building blocks or foundations, instead they represent the ever-changing and dynamic forces of reality that are constantly overpowering or being subdued by each other.
I'm vaguely aware that numerology features heavily in Daoist magic, but I have no idea how much of what I said above overlaps with Daoist numerology and how it is used in ritual. Even so, like any esoteric tradition, it is a study of the nature of reality, and anyone can attempt to reach these revelations through their own studies and meditations.
I hope I have demonstrated that it is not so simple as 'lucky' and 'unlucky', 'good' or 'bad'. Just as it is with all things. The water that nourishes and brings life, can also destroy everything in a mighty flood.
I also hope I have been able to inspire some clarity in you on this matter 😊 good luck on the path.
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vvasilisa · 3 months
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' watch your step, the vine― they don't enjoy being stepped on as much as you & i don't. ' a motion, below the steps of a god, even she must give respect to the plants, they demand it. they are no less than any other living being. & there, hands of nurturing, they offer water to each plant, each & every leaf given water - flourishing with esse. a touch brushes over sporting buds. mother nature is healing it's young, it's withering young .[winter is so cruel. it's ok. you are safe]. ' i will be frank. i have no idea why you are here. i have not committed any crimes of late, to my recollection, so unless harley did something.... what are you here for? ' SC. ― @torntruth ft. wonder woman
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Curiosidades sobre Veneza...👇
Veneza é uma ilha? Não exatamente! Na verdade, a cidade é um conjunto de 124 ilhotas que começaram a ser populadas e anexadas umas às outras a partir do século VII. Cada pedacinho da cidade possuía geralmente uma igreja, um campo (a praça) e um poço, e eram as pontes que interligavam uma parte à outra. Diferente do que muita gente pensa, Veneza não é mar e sim uma lagoa separada do mar por pequenas porções de terra.
O Canal Grande tem aproximadamente 4,2 quilômetros e profundidade de 3 a 5 metros. Uma grande ponte liga a ilha até a cidade de Mestre (como alguns dizem Veneza nova, ou Veneza continente). Por ela passam carros, ônibus e o trem.
A construção de Veneza
Para construir as casas e palácios, os venezianos fincavam troncos de madeira nos pequenos pedaços de terra para que ele ficassem bem sólidos. Em contato com a água salgada e o “caranto”, mistura de areia e argila das camadas mais fundas da lagoa, os troncos ficavam duros como pedra. A partir daí, os construtores colocavam duas camadas de placas de madeira e uma camada de blocos de pedras e tijolos sigilados posteriormente com grandes blocos de pedra de Istria, uma espécie de mármore muito resistente à água salgada e à umidade.
As margens das ilhas são revestidas com tijolos para que a erosão não “coma” o terreno da cidade. Com o passar dos anos, esses tijolos tornam-se frágeis atacados pela água salgada, pela variação da maré e pelo movimentos dos motores dos barcos. Assim, de tempos em tempos, e é necessário um restauro. A operação não é nada fácil, deve-se fechar e esvaziar o canal para trocar os tijolos danificados.
As ruas de Veneza são cobertas por pedras chamadas trachite e é exatamente debaixo de onde pisamos que está todo o sistema elétrico e hidráulico da cidade. E entre uma ilhota e outra os fios e tubulações também são atravessados pelas pontes. Veneza não possui um sistema de esgoto moderno e utiliza ainda as históricas galerias que levam a água suja aos rios e canais. Duas vezes por dia, a lagoa se esvazia e se enche de água proveniente do mar por três bocas de porto, limpando assim os canais. Em grande parte das construções existem as fossas sépticas, grandes caixas onde ocorre um tratamento da água suja antes que ela seja depositada nos canais.
Foto de 1950, mostra o canal principal se Veneza drenado e sendo escavado para ter aumentada a sua profundidade.
Curiosities about Venice...👇
Is Venice an island? Not exactly! In fact, the city is a group of 124 islets that began to be populated and annexed to each other from the 7th century onwards. Each part of the city generally had a church, a field (the square) and a well, and bridges connected one part to the other. Contrary to what many people think, Venice is not the sea but a lagoon separated from the sea by small portions of land.
The Canal Grande is approximately 4.2 kilometers long and 3 to 5 meters deep. A large bridge connects the island to the city of Mestre (as some say New Venice, or mainland Venice). Cars, buses and trains pass through it.
The construction of Venice
To build houses and palaces, the Venetians planted wooden trunks in small pieces of land so that they were solid. In contact with salt water and “caranto”, a mixture of sand and clay from the deepest layers of the lagoon, the trunks became hard as stone. From there, the builders placed two layers of wooden plates and a layer of stone blocks and bricks, later sigilated with large blocks of Istrian stone, a type of marble that is very resistant to salt water and humidity.
The banks of the islands are covered with bricks so that erosion does not “eat” the city’s land. Over the years, these bricks become fragile, attacked by salt water, tidal fluctuations and the movements of boat engines. So, from time to time, restoration is necessary. The operation is not easy at all, the channel must be closed and emptied to replace the damaged bricks.
The streets of Venice are covered with stones called trachite and it is exactly below where we step that the city's entire electrical and hydraulic system is located. And between one islet and another, wires and pipes are also crossed by bridges. Venice does not have a modern sewage system and still uses historic sewers that carry dirty water to rivers and canals. Twice a day, the lagoon empties and fills with water from the sea through three port mouths, thus cleaning the channels. In most buildings there are septic tanks, large tanks where dirty water is treated before it is deposited in the canals.
Photo from 1950, shows the main canal of Venice being drained and being excavated to increase its depth.
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rachaelmayo · 1 year
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I realized that it was cruel of me to neglect to post the mutant bunnies after waxing nostalgic about them... These are the Beholder-spawned cursed bunnies that resulted from a misguided attempt to banish a cursed pink rabbit foot by feeding the foot to the Beholder.
Bunnies may appear randomly at the GM's discretion (especially when we're getting too serious, metagaming, or just need some excitement), or by having a priest/ess call upon the Fluffy Cult of Doom, Despair, and General Annoyance for "assistance".
Each bunny color has a "power". Sorta.
Yellow bunny - blonde, cute; has the effect of Power Word Happy on the group.
Teal bunny - thinks it's a duck (a teal is a type of duck), and can fly. Will convince other players that they can fly, too, but just for a couple of minutes.
Red bunny - starts out as a hot potato. When someone tosses it, it becomes a fire-breathing bunny.
Pink bunny - comes with a feather duster or two. Tickle attack!
Chartreuse bunny(ies) - usually occur in swarms; small, round, very bouncy balls of fluff. Get into everything.
Violet bunny - affected with a Curse of Depression, which affects everything around it. Curse can be lifted; becomes a faithful companion thereafter.
Orange bunny - the only evil-aligned bunny. Causes players to vomit up everything, including things that oughtn't be vomited, like shoes.
Polka-dot bunny - speaks in a faux-German accent, and causes everyone to dance the Polka as long as it is playing its accordion.
Green bunny - causes Plant Growth; otherwise acts like an ordinary rabbit.
Indigo bunny - neutral, but problematic - a bunny shoggoth that saps stats each round that it is present. Must be eliminated with a large fairground-type mallet.
Mauve bunny - there used to be a miniatures painting color that was called "Mind-flayer Mauve". This bunny is that color. It feeds on psionic energy and can be used as a weapon against psionic enemies. It likes the pretty sparkles that it alone can see.
Metal bunny - as in, heavy metal. Comes with a boom-box that can be used as a sonic weapon. Not evil, per se, but neither nice nor polite, either. Excellent way to clear a tavern or fill a dance floor.
Gray bunny - comes with its own weather system as a Curse effect. Can be useful; storms produce lightning and potable water.
Black bunny - comes with its own sphere of darkness - and a flashlight. You can only see the bunny when you're within its sphere of darkness and it has the flashlight shining beneath its face. Wears sunglasses after dark.
Brown bunny - BUNNY MAKE SMASH! Giant bunny. Has some kind of earth magic that allows it to move very large pieces of earth.
Beige bunny - same size as a brown bunny, but prefers interior decorating to earth-moving. Very friendly, and often in company with Brown Bunny brother.
Maroon bunny - as in "marooned". When it appears, it will take any players within a certain radius into a random plane for a few rounds. You're all lost and marooned together.
White bunny - always shows up one round later than called. Messes about with causality, but not on purpose.
Crimson bunny - think, The Celery Stalks at Midnight, if y'all remember that far back. Vampiric, but only toward vegetables.
Blue Bunny - ICE CREAM HEADACHE! Gives all players a horrible headache for a round, then you can all have ice cream.
Yes, it's all very silly. Eventually, these went from a curse-effect to playable characters, at the request of just about everyone who heard the story. The GM created a Toon Town backlot setting, let us all pick a color, and then let us romp around creating chaos. It was glorious.
Ink and Prismacolor markers.
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summersareknives · 25 days
hi hello i would like to ask you a question: how many hair colours have you had, which ones and which one was your fave? and if you could have invent a new hair colour based on anything you liked what would you choose? xx
hello hello kat i have had 3 ( brown (normal) , two very light brown streaks (attempted blonde did not go well) and rn its supposed to be dark red.) i prefer dark red ny far it gives me this whole …… Vibe.
my new hair colour would be like a hair colour that makes anyone that looks at me get happy to see me there and also that all of their dreams are going to come true bc that’s a wonderful feeling to associate with someone i think
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leaozinho · 20 days
(🌱) My muse catches yours watering a potted plant/garden.
— Gatinha, que susto — falou, levando a mão livre ao coração enquanto erguia o regador para não acabar afogando a plantinha. — Não é erva de gato, antes que você comece com esse papo — esclareceu, erguendo um dedo para que ela nem começasse com as piadas e então deixando o regador de lado para poder pegar o vaso. Aslan o levou até Pietra para que ela pudesse ver. — O Gerome jogou um monte de sementes em mim na última vez que apareci na horta, aí resolvi plantar e colocar aqui no chalé. Eu não sei o que é, mas tá crescendo bem, né? Ou não? Isso é ela morrendo? Nossa, ela tá morrendo, né?? Eu sabia que não servia para ser pai de planta! Por que não me ensinou a cuidar direito? Isso é culpa sua!
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benedictt-palenjr · 1 month
Benedict T Palen Jr. - To be a successful gardener, you must pay close attention to your plants and take hints from them. For instance, if the leaves droop, it may mean that they require more water, and yellow leaves signify that there are likely some nutrient deficiencies.
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abundantfamily · 3 months
Prostadine Review Official 2024. Is it a Good Supplement for Prostate Health? Watch Before You Buy
Prostadine Review Official 2024. Is it a Good Supplement for Prostate Health? Watch Before You Buy. ✅ OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://cutt.ly/prostadine-site-official In this video I will show you why Prostadine is a unique product. It’s the only dropper that contains nine powerful natural ingredients that work in perfect synergy to keep your prostate healthy and mineral-free well into old age. The formula promotes the normal functioning of the prostate, promotes the health of the urinary system, and gives bladder control support to the users. Inside every drop of "Prostadine" you'll find a 100% natural and unique ingredients that are clinically proven to support the health of your prostate and urinary system. ✔️ Formula - Plant Ingredients, Non-GMO, No Stimulants, Easy To Use, No Chemicals. ✔️ Prostadine Dosage Take 2 ML of Prostadine drops daily, preferably in the morning. The drops can be ingested directly or mixed with beverages like tea, coffee, or water. Shake the supplement bottle well before each use. ✔️ How Long Does It Take Prostadine To Show Results? Usage for 2-3 months is advised, although individual results may vary. Consistent use, adherence to suggested dosage, and a healthy diet are recommended for optimal results. ✔️ Prostadine Customer Reviews Verified buyers report positive results, including relief from prostate inflammation and improved urine flow. The supplement is credited with enhancing overall quality of life and energy levels. ✔️ Prostadine Availability And Pricing Available exclusively on the official website, Prostadine has different options for purchase as follows: Check on the link below - 1 bottle (30-day supply) 3 bottles (90-day supply) 6 bottles (180-day supply) Prostadine offers a 60-day money-back guarantee for dissatisfied customers. 100% Satisfaction ✅ OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://cutt.ly/prostadine-site-official Prostadine ingredients - Nori Yaki Extract Powder Supports prostate repair + Maintains healthy urinary system. Wakame Extract Supports normal function of the bladder + Strong antibacterial properties Kelp Powder Keeps the system toxin-free + Supports a strong urine flow Bladderwrack Powder Strengthens prostate cells + Supports healthy libido levels Saw Palmetto Kidney supporting properties + Strong antimicrobial Pomegranate Extract Maintains healthy blood flow + Supports testosterone levels Iodine Supports the urinary tract + Maintains healthy prostate function Shilajit Strong antioxidant benefits + Sleep supporting properties Neem Strong antioxidant benefits + Sleep supporting properties 00:00 Introduction and Concerns 00:11 Yes it is a Good Supplement 00:20 Important Informations 00:28 Content 00:48 Prostate 01:07 Urinary Flow 01:22 Bladder Control 01:30 Dosage and How to Use 01:59 Side Effects 02:16 Warranty 02:20 Formula 02:32 Customers and Results ✔️Compartilhe esse Video - https://youtu.be/FHt-7sfozXE
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jamesthepigeon · 5 months
we are the animals.
Something I had thought up while gazing at my cat for a moment: animals can't see colours we can, but instead, they can see colours we can't. They know things we don't. They notice details we don't. They uphold logic we don't. They aren't as innocent and daft as we think.
Maybe, they aren't just creating random sounds/patterns, but instead speak languages we don't. If the homo sapien is so intelligent, than why are they destroying themselves ? Sure, we grow our knowledge, logic, and morals, with assistance in education systems, but
They could already uphold greater knowledge. I will now display examples to as why I think this.
It is very likely, that the Jumping Spider can precisely calculate the distance they leap using math beyond human comprehension [not to mention spiders in general spiders creating webs as abodes and to capture prey in the most horrifyingly clever, and deadly manner], similar to a God/ess of logic/wisdom.
*Worms, and earth-dwellers alike, are quite litterally responsible for what happens to our bodies in death, rich or poor, young or elderly, it doesn't matter, you are food to them, similarly to a God/ess of death.
Some animals use Echolocation which is a biological sonar, used both in the air and underwater, which emits calls, and by listening to those calls that return from various objects near them, they can use these echoes to locate and identify the objects. Echolocation is used for navigation, foraging, and hunting prey.
Animals such as some species of bats, whales, dolphins, doormice, etc. all use Echolocation, similar to maybe a God/ess of travel and language or Hermes, the messenger of the gods in greek mytholigy.
A white-headed dwarf gecko with tail lost due to autotomy. The behaviour whereby an animal sheds or discards one or more of its own appendages, usually as a self-defense mechanism to elude a predator's grasp, similar to the God/ess of war or/and battle strategy.
The list goes on, but I'd like to include one of the most [in my oppinion] suprerior life form, that has been discovered, I believe there is. It needn't a tail, nor multiple eyes, and it is estimated to have started its creation about 1.5 billion years ago, as well as diverging from other life. This life form is Fungi.
With the probability of colonizing the land during the Cambrian, over 500 million years ago, and possibly 635 million years ago during the Ediacaran [but terrestrial fossils only become uncontroversial and common during the Devonian, 400 million years ago].
Fungi has been placed in a different kingdom from plants, and bacteria. Fungi, like animals, are heterotrophs; they acquire their food by absorbing dissolved molecules, typically by secreting digestive enzymes into their environment. Yet, they do not photosynthesize. Growth is their means of mobility, except for spores (a few of which are flagellated), which may travel through the air or water. Fungi are the principal decomposers in ecological systems.
These and other differences place fungi in a single group of related organisms, named the Eumycota (true fungi or Eumycetes), that share a common ancestor (i.e. they form a monophyletic group), an interpretation that is also strongly supported by molecular phylogenetics. It is said that fungi possibly flourished in Dinosaura eras, e.g. the Triassic period, past the Jurasic extinction event.
There are about 144,000 known species of organisms of the kingdom Fungi. You can even tell that some Fungi can even seem as though they are extraterestrial. Evidence from DNA analysis suggests that all fungi are descended from a most recent common ancestor that lived at least 1.2 to 1.5 billion years ago. It is probable that these earliest fungi lived in water, and had flagella. This curiously superior prehistoric organism with its own Kingdom seems similar, to me, to the Greek God, Zeus, the father of all Gods.
When I was gazing into the house cat's eyes, I also thought that maybe, what humans theorize about possible life after death, the meaning of life, more philosophy, etc., animals too uphold different knowledge to these topics. They too could be extremely self awair.
This concludes my philosophical nerd emoji ramblings, have a lovely morning, day, afternoon, evening, or night. ☆
* Some of the worm anylisation section was inspired by this song that i love:
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veronicaphoenix · 6 months
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"Lia plucked a few daisies she found magically growing through concrete and gifted them to Noah. Surrounded by the distant hum of city life, Lia and Noah gazed at each other, their innocent stares speaking volumes, reflecting the trust and the profound understanding they were building with each other. The world around them seemed to fade away for a moment as they existed in their own little bubble of happiness, five seconds that captured the essence of childhood and true friendship."
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Chapter tags: growing up, parents' neglect, uncomfortable scene b/w an adult and a minor, implied alcohol and substance intake. | Word count: 1.8k | Cross posted on AO3. | Series masterpost. ✧.*
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Lia is 9. Noah is 10.
Cristina left early on Sunday morning, leaving Lia alone.
She had been sitting by the kitchen table eating her breakfast when Cristina closed the main door behind her without bothering to aim not even a single look and a good bye to her daughter. Lia, though stung by the lack of acknowledgment, showed no signs of distress. She simply continued eating her cereal. 
She was used to it by now. 
Finishing, Lia mechanically gathered the empty bowl and the spoon. With a detached sense of routine, she placed them in the sink, the clatter of porcelain on stainless steel echoing in the quiet kitchen. The mundane chore of washing up could wait.
Lia started to navigate the adventures of a Sunday on her own. Another one.
Pushing aside the thoughts of her mom, she decided to venture into the backyard. The neglected garden, a wild tangle of overgrown plants, was like a mirror of her own being, even though she was too small to notice that resemblance at the time.
With a tiny shovel and an old watering can, she stepped into the garden barefoot, saying hellos and asking how are yous to her friends the plants. She wished she could bring Noah home one day to show him everything she had there. It wasn’t as beautiful as his grandparents’ garden, but this was hers, and she loved it.
She was sure Noah would love it, too.
After a couple of hours there, she went back inside and took on the task of cleaning, something that Cristina didn’t seem to consider much necessary besides the occasional dusting and mopping.
As the day unfolded, Lia found solace in the pages of her favorite books. The characters became her companions, offering friendship in the absence of her mother’s presence and the fact that she knew the Sebastian’s household was empty, otherwise she would have definitely walked on her own to the house. Noah had told her on Friday, when they met at school, that he had to travel with his grandparents up north to visit some relative who was ill.  
In the afternoon, she curled up on the worn-out couch, losing herself in the glow of the tv. Cartoons became a temporary reprieve from the silence that echoed in the house and a source of joy. Her laughter filled the house, and the birds outside joined her their singing.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the room, Lia grabbed the thin book on her nightstand. It was the one that she had taken from Noah’s bookshelf last Monday after school. She had been inspecting his collection, curious, trying to read the names on all of them. She had picked up one called Planting the Wild Garden,liking the different drawings on the cover. Noah hadn’t read it yet, but he told her to take it home. She would probably enjoy it more than he would. In return, on the way back home accompanied by him and Hana, Lia plucked a few daisies she found magically growing through concrete and gifted them to Noah. Surrounded by the distant hum of city life, Lia and Noah gazed at each other, their innocent stares speaking volumes, reflecting the trust and the profound understanding they were building with each other. The world around them seemed to fade away for a moment as they existed in their own little bubble of happiness, five seconds that captured the essence of childhood and true friendship.
With her pjs on (merely an old t-shirt from her mother that reached her small thighs), Lia went back downstairs, humming to herself the same tune that she had hear Noah playing on the guitar repeatedly the past few months. Book in her hands, she entered the kitchen, put the book on the table, and moved towards the box of eggs that was kept in a corner on the counter, next to the roll of kitchen paper. She learnt how to fry eggs last year. Not because her mother taught her, but because she observed, she paid attention, and she dared to try it on her own when Cristina wasn’t around. Luckily, Lia had never set the house on fire.
Lia was trying to find joy in those simple pleasures, for she knew that if she didn’t make any effort, she would never be happy in that house, and she knew that people were supposed to be happy in their homes, right?
In the quietude, Lia would slowly discover a resilience that would become the foundation for her journey through the challenges life had in store for her, but sooner than later, she would also discover the consequences of everything. She would realize how fucked up life is, despite the beauty it contained, despite the good things, despite Noah and the warmth he brought to her life, and as she grew into a teenager and then into a woman, this resilience would prove to be both a shield and a double-edged sword, revealing its duality.
She sat alone at the dinner table. The soft glow of a lamp illuminated the room, casting a warm hue on the pages of the book. As she sat there, reading the book and eating a fried egg with two loafs of bread, her small legs swayed beneath the table. The sound of utensils against the plate accompanied the rustle of pages, creating a symphony of solitude that enveloped the room.
With the fictional world still dancing in her mind, Lia dutifully washed up. She reached for the book again when she finished, ready to finish the day immersed in a world different than hers, just as the evening took an unexpected turn.
From outside, two contrasting laughs echoed through the quiet house. Lia's ears perked up, and she hesitated, her small hand hovering over the book. The laughter approached, growing louder until the main door creaked open. In the doorway stood her mother, disheveled and unsteady, accompanied by a man whose laughter carried the heavy scent of alcohol and tobacco.
Both adults halted when they saw Lia by the kitchen door, a solitary tiny figure in the dimness of the house. Her mother remained silent, a heavy expression etched on her face, while the man, with bleary eyes, regarded Lia as if she were an unexpected curiosity.
"You didn't tell me you had a doll in the house. Where did this pretty thing come from?" the man uttered, his words carrying a strange mixture of mockery and curiosity.
Lia, sensing an unease in the air, clutched the book to her chest.
“From my vagina,” Cristina replied shamelessly with a laugh.
Lia, standing there with a mixture of confusion and disdain, shot a disapproving look at her mother.
"What a beautiful pair of eyes, my god. They're definitely not yours," the man continued, pointing towards Cristina, whose eyes were shot blooded. His gaze lingered on Lia, a little too intense for comfort.
"Yeah, well," Cristina replied, seemingly resentful of the attention her own daughter was receiving. The air thickened with unspoken complexities, and Lia couldn't help but feel like an unwitting pawn in a game she didn't understand.
"What's your name, sweetie?" He asked, his tone attempting a facade of friendliness that fell flat in the strained environment.
"It doesn't matter," Cristina interjected, her words cutting.
"I'm Steven. Aren't you gonna say hello, give me a hug, maybe?" he pressed, the false sense of joviality in his words failing to mask his intentions. His insistence on a hug echoed as a demand rather than a friendly invitation, and Lia sensed it.
Caught in the middle of this uncomfortable exchange, felt a mixture of confusion and resistance. Lia was being drawn into a situation she couldn't control, and she felt scared.
"No," Lia replied defiantly, her gaze unwavering. She asserted her boundaries, a small but significant act of resistance. She would have to get more and more used to it as she kept on growing.
"Whoa, she's cocky. Come on, let me give you a hug.”
His persistence became more unsettling.
"I don't want to," Lia stated firmly. The tension in the room escalated as her mother dismissed Lia's boundaries with a dismissive remark about politeness, deflecting attention from the real issues at hand.
"She's a brat, more lately. It's those friends she's got. Bad influence. School is a bad influence,"
As Steven approached, Lia's discomfort intensified. The overwhelming smell of alcohol and tobacco clung to him, creating an unwelcome atmosphere that surrounded Lia. Still clutching her book, felt a tremor of vulnerability as Steven invaded her personal space, leaving her yearning for the comfort and safety of her solitary moments with Noah's gift.
When Steven touched her shoulder, Lia froze. If she ran, would he go after her? Would her mom let him follow her, chase her? How much would she let him do?  These questions raced through Lia's mind as the man's arms wrapped around her. So Lia stood there, letting the man’s arms wrap around her. It was longer than any of the hugs she’d been given by Hana, so she was not sure if this was okay but it definitely didn’t feel okay, much less when the man started moving away slowly, keeping his cheek close to hers, and then nearly brushing his nose with hers.
His cheek brushed against hers, and Lia felt a shiver down her spine. The unsettling proximity heightened her unease, and when his lips pressed against her cheek, her skin prickled. An overwhelming urge to cry surged within her. All Lia wanted was to escape from that house, from those two strangers who should have been family and friends. She yearned for the solace found in the familiar laughter of Noah and the comforting presence of Hana. She wanted to hear Hana’s voice and feel Noah’s presence around, find his almond-shaped eyes looking at her from the distance and make a face to get her to laugh. 
“Do I have to start getting jealous or what?” Cristina’s voice showed her annoyance, but it also proved how her neglect extended beyond herself, reaching into the realm of motherhood. A child, innocent and undeserving, bore witness to a mother who was but a ghost of the caregiver she should have been.
Lia didn’t like Steven’s laugh. It echoed throughout the main floor of the house and it followed her as she raced upstairs to her bedroom, trying her best not to think at the way he looked at her bare legs and thighs, barely covered by her mother’s worn t-shirt.
She hid under her covers, holding Noah’s book to her chest, and it took her a while to fall asleep, the sounds coming from her mother’s bedroom disturbing her innocence, her entire childhood.
But when she finally managed to drift off, she did so wishing to meet Noah tomorrow and tell him everything that happened. Noah would make her feel better. He would squeeze her shoulder, tell her some jokes, and maybe give her homemade cookies by grandma.
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tower-of-hana · 7 months
The Rest of My Translation of (some of) Martial's Epigrams
I posted about a part of this translation project and got a lot of replies from sexbots which I thought was funny so here's the rest:
Keep in mind that this was a project that I did for school so please manage your expectations and be nice
Subdola famosae moneo fuge retia moechae,
Levior o conchis, Galle, Cytheriacis.
Confidis natibus? non est pedico maritus:
Quae faciat duo sunt: irrumat aut futuit. adultress
I warn you, stay away from the deceitful loose woman, flee from the notorious net of the adultress,
Smoother oh Gallus, than Venus' conch shells 
Do you believe in your butt? He is not a married sodomite: 
What he does are two things: he sucks or he has sex.
Inguina succinctus nigra tibi servos aluta
Stat, quotiens calidis tota foveris aquis.
Sed meus, ut de me taceam, Laecania, servos
Iudaeum nuda sub cute pondus habet,
Sed nudi tecum iuvenesque senesque lavantur.
An sola est servi mentula vera tui?
Ecquid femineos sequeris, matrona, recessus,
Secretusque tua, cunne, lavaris aqua?
Do the groins of the slaves, tucked up by black leather, become erect for you,
as often as you refreshed yourself in the water?
But my Daughter, to shut up about myself, Laecania, The slaves have the burden of the Jews under their naked skin, 
but young men and old men bathe naked with you.
Or is slave dick alone your truth?
Maybe the wife attained a woman’s retreat,
And your secret, cunt: do you wash in the water?
Narrat te, Chione, rumor numquam esse fututam
Atque nihil cunno purius esse tuo.
Tecta tamen non hac, qua debes, parte lavaris:
Si pudor est, transfer subligar in faciem.
Rumor tells me, Chionos, that you will never have sex 
And that nothing is purer than your vulva 
However this is not the part you should hide when you bathe:
If you have any shame, move your underwear to your face
Empta domus fuerat tibi, Tongiliane, ducentis:
Abstulit hanc nimium casus in urbe frequens.
Conlatum est deciens. Rogo, non potes ipse videri
Incendisse tuam, Tongiliane, domum?
You bought this house for 200 Tongilianus: 
 A common accident in this city stole it from you.
You collected 10 times its value. 
Was it not possible, I ask,
that you burned your own house down?
Mentiris iuvenem tinctis, Laetine, capillis,
Tam subito corvus, qui modo cycnus eras.
Non omnes fallis; scit te Proserpina canum:
Personam capiti detrahet illa tuo.
You fabricate youth with your dyed hair Laetinus,
nevertheless suddenly you are a raven, when just recently you were a swan.
Not everyone is deceived, Proserpina knows that you are gray:
She will remove the mask from your head.
Languebam: sed tu comitatus protinus ad me Venisti centum, Symmache, discipulis. Centum me tetigere manus aquilone gelatae: Non habui febrem, Symmache, nunc habeo.
I felt sick, and Symmachus, you came straight to me with 100 students.
100 hands frozen by the North Wind touched me:
I did not have a fever, Symmachus, but now I do.
Utere lactucis et mollibus utere malvis:
Nam faciem durum, Phoebe, cacantis habes.
Enjoy lettuce and soft lesser mallow-plant:
For you, Phoebus, have a constipated face.
Infantem secum semper tua Bassa, Fabulle,
Conlocat et lusus deliciasque vocat,
Et, quo mireris magis, infantaria non est.
Ergo quid in causa est? Pedere Bassa solet.
Your wife Bassa always has a child with her, Fabullus, which she calls her darling and delight,
And so that you have more reason for wonder, she is not a good mother.
Therefore why does she do it? Because she farts a lot.  
Mentula tam magna est, quantus tibi, Papyle, nasus,
Ut possis, quotiens arrigis, olfacere.
Your penis and nose are so big, Papyle, 
that you can smell it when you have an erection.
Si memini, fuerant tibi quattuor, Aelia, dentes:               
expulit una duos tussis et una duos.
iam secura potes totis tussire diebus:
nil istic quod agat tertia tussis habet.  
If I remember, you had four teeth Aelia:
One cough expelled two and another expelled two more.
Already safe, you are able to cough every day:
The third cough has no effect in this situation.
Invitas nullum nisi cum quo, Cotta, lavaris
et dant convivam balnea sola tibi
Mirabar quare numquam me, Cotta, vocasses:
iam scio me nudum displicuisse tibi.  
You invite nobody except those whom you bathe with, Cotta,
And only baths give guests to you
I used to be amazed you never invited me, Cotta:
Now I know you did not like to see me naked.
Mutua viginti sestertia forte rogabam,
quae vel donanti non grave munus erat.
quippe rogabatur fidusque vetusque sodalis
et cuius laxas arca flagellat opes.
is mihi ‘dives eris, si causas egeris’ inquit.
quod peto da, Gai: non peto consilium.  
By chance I asked for a loan of 20 Sestertii. 
That is not even a large obligation, 
As I was asking a loyal and old friend who can whip up vast wealth.
He said “you would be rich if you took cases”.
Give me what I ask for, Gaius: I did not ask for advice. 
Quem recitas meus est, o Fidentine, libellus
sed male cum recitas, incipit esse tuus. 
The little book which you recite from is mine, oh Fidentinus,
But when you recite it badly it begins to be yours.
Milia pro puero centum me mango poposcit:
risi ego, sed Phoebus protinus illa dedit.
hoc dolet et queritur de me mea mentula secum
laudatur meam Phoebus in invidiam.
sed sesteriolum donavit mentula Phoebo
bis decies: hoc da tu mihi, pluris emam.  
A slave dealer asked me to pay 100,000 for a boy:
I smiled but Phoebus paid him immediately.
This hurt my penis and it complains to itself about me,
And Phoebus is praised, which makes me jealous.  
But his penis gave a silver coin to Phoebus 20 times:
Do this for me and I will buy more.
Os et labra tibi lingit, Manneia, catellus:
non miror, merdas si libet esse cani.  
The puppy licks face and lips Manneia.
I am not surprised, since your dog likes to eat shit.
Zoilus aegrotat: faciunt hanc stragula febrem.
si fuerit sanus, coccina quid facient?
quid torus a Nilo, quid Sidone tinctus olenti?
ostendit stultas quid nisi morbus opes?  
Quid tibi cum medicis? dimitte Machaonas omnis.
vis fieri sanus? stragula sume mea.
Zolius is sick: the bedsheets cause his cold.
If he was healthy, how would he use his scarlet covers?
Why is his bed from the Nile, soaked with Phonetian perfumes?
What shows stupid wealth, if not sickness?
What business do you have with doctors? Send away all the doctors.
Want to get better? Borrow my bedsheets.
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