#exclus safe
foxfairy06 · 1 year
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***not mine***
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i saw a stupid post full of exclusionism and was. tired anyways shoutout to system members who are transfem, transmasc, transneutral, and/or any other trans modality i'm forgetting - whether it "matches" with the body or not we put up with so much bullshit sometimes
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trans-wojak · 7 months
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sirenium · 10 months
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[ID: a banner that's a pale magenta color, with a cropped he/him lesbian flag in the left corner. Black text sits beside the cropped flag, saying 'this blog is a safespace for he/him lesbians' end ID]
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[ID: a bluish, slightly darker shade of lavender, with black text reading 'this blog is a safespace for she/her gays'. A cropped she/her gay flag can be seen on the left side of the text. End ID]
I tried my hand at making banner things, lol. Feel free to use if for some reason you like these janky ass banners that took about five minutes each. /lh
credit is appreciated but not necessarily needed, as these were made for fun.
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Intro Post
This blog is for plato repulsed people of any platonic orientation to talk about our plato repulsion !!
main @entropy-sea-system
Bodily 21
We support all system types (including endo, tulpa, etc.) if you don't, this blog is probably not one you would like anyway, because we don't agree with sysmed/anti endo views.
The flags in the icon and header are plato repulsed flags made by Rift from our system
This is not an advice blog, don't ask us for advice.
Any platonic orientation / unlabeled /etc. ppl who are plato repulsed may send in asks (apl, allopl, aplspec, unlabeled platonic orientation, etc.) (You're also included if you experience plato repulsion only sometimes or to varying levels !) . Also remember that not all plato repulsed and/or apl ppl are aspec in other ways or repulsed by other relationship types.
Plato repulsion is repulsion to friendship and/or other platonicism /platonic coded actions and encompasses a range of experiences. This blog does not tolerate any negativity towards any attraction or relationship type (i.e. please don't act like any relationship or attraction, including platonic is inherently harmful/bad).
Edit: Im too tertiary repulsed to answer asks that mention tertiary attraction and/or desire for tertiary relationships in detail, so I probably won't answer asks that have this and would prefer to not recieve asks of this kind. Note that this also applies to mentioning being in those relationships sorry if it was unclear before.
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m3l4nch0ly-h1ll · 6 months
Some alloromantics and allosexuals have fluxuating or spiking attraction towards others. Some of them don't experience attraction until they're close with someone. Some experience attraction to someone they aren't close with, etc.
Some cis people are gender non-conforming or have multiple expressions (masculine, feminine.) Some cis girls like to wear boy's clothes. Some cis boys like to wear girl's clothes. Some cis people don't feel strongly about their bodies- especially when they're autistic.
Stop making things so complex and stop being inclusive of allo cishets. New terms are made to just include them in a community they don't fit the correct criteria for. Stop influencing them and tricking them into thinking they're part of the community just for being diverse.
I understand people like terms to better describe themselves, but plenty of the aromantic and asexual spectrum terms describe allo's too. Aromantic and asexual are strict terms defined as people who don't experience any romantic/sexual attraction at all.
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redtail-lol · 1 year
Interrupting my flag posting to remind people of something because I saw not nice things trying to find a faunic lesbian flag before making my own
Other people using a microlabel doesn't undermine your experience
Other people using an alternate label doesn't undermine your experience
They're not insulting you, telling you that your label is wrong, or claiming the label you use is somehow dirty.
Lesbian is inclusive of nonbinary people. Trixic is still a valid label for nonbinary people who want to emphasize they are not women and/or are not comfortable being called lesbians. It does not invalidate nonbinary lesbians. Trixic and lesbian can be used together or someone may choose to only identify as one or the other. They do not invalidate each other
Same goes for Vincian/Veldian/Turian/Cinthean/other equivalents. I'm gonna say veldian because it sounds nicest. Veldian js inclusive of nonbinary people. Toric is still a valid label for nonbinary people that want to emphasize they are not men. It doesn't invalidate nonbinary veldians and it may or may not be used in combination with veldian.
This also goes for faunic and floric. Faunic and floric are valid terms. They do not invalidate lesbian and veldian. Both lesbian and veldian have wlw and mlm connotations even if they're not strictly limited to those people, and it's okay to want a term without those connotations. It's okay to use faunic and lesbian or floric and veldian if you wanna specify your attraction is broader than the wlw or mlm relationships commonly associated with those labels
Being a full-moon springtide lunian/bi lesbian/omni lesbian or a summertime solian/bi veldian/omni veldian does not invalidate lesbians and veldians who are also technically mspec but would rather just identify as lesbians or veldians. I wanna be specific about the genders I'm attracted to being inherently mspec even without including both binary genders. You don't have to. I'm not forcing you to.
Being a lilaean or violaen also doesn't invalidate strictly wlw or mlm lesbians or veldians that don't use the microlabels. They're just being specific about their attraction because they want to.
If you don't wanna use a microlabel, don't. Stop trying to tell others we should just call ourselves lesbians or veldians because we're a lot more than that.
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casperthemainecoon · 10 months
Critizeing Transmeds as a Transmed:
Btw some of this is pointed out to radmeds and I know that not all transmeds do this its just that I've seen these problems in the community before:
Stop judging random people online: This is a thing that I've done before and this is the most common thing I see in the transmed community. You don't know someone's entire life or story based on a few photos or videos, just because they look like a cis person claiming to be trans you don't know that. Some people can't transition at the moment because of living somewhere unsafe or anything like that . And btw transition takes time so if someone doesn't seem to be transitioning that isn't always the case. I don't pass at all but I am transitioning because I've gotten a haircut, got a binder, told some people close to me my chosen name and pronouns (although they're not being used at the moment) The best example I could use for this is when I was arguing with someone online because they said they were a trans men yet looked completely female (not even GNC, they looked completely cis) I called them cis and said they weren't trans because they didn't experience dysphoria or a desire to transition and they told me that they DO experience dysphoria (social dysphoria) and desire to transition and the reason why they didn't want to transition at the moment was because they wanted to have biological kids and didn't want to mess up their body until they had at least one biological child which is completely VALID. Every trans person is different and their journey is different. Unless someone straight up says they have no dysphoria and have no desire to transition then don't judge because you don't know them or their life or their current situation.
Not everyone has to medically transition or do all the surgeries: This is more directed to the radmeds of the community and I know it is a small minority but I would still like to point it out. Anyways, as I mentioned before, EVERY TRANS PERSON IS DIFFERENT which means that their transition journey will be different. That would include some people not deciding to medically transition. Someone may not medically transition for many reasons, they may already have features of their desired gender and pass with just social transition, their dysphoria isn't that severe and they already feel comfortable with just social transition, etc. Now for surgeries, there are some trans people that will medically transition by taking hormones but they don't want to have any surgeries and that is completely valid. Again, no trans person is the same and people will have their reasons not to get any surgeries. Some trans people will be fine just binding/tucking and don't desire top or bottom surgery, some don't have dysphoria with certain parts of their body and don't need top or bottom surgery (for FTMs with no top dysphoria would probably mean they already have a small chest or no chest at all which is valid for them not to want top surgery), some people just don't want to risk surgery complications, some trans people already pass without surgery and don't feel the need to have surgery, etc. Transmeds belive that to be trans one must have gender dysphoria and a desire to transition and transition is different for everyone, some will only socialally transition, some will medically transition without having any surgeries, some will medically transition and have some surgeries, some will have all the surgeries and everyone's transition journey is VALID :)
Stop supporting right winged transmed creators like Blaire White just because they have a good point sometimes: The right hates ALL trans people, even us transmeds trust me I've tried arguing with transphobes using transmed logic and they were still transphobic. People like Blaire White not only makes the transmed community look bad because she is the root of most transmed stereotypes and strawman arguments (like how all transmeds are miserable, all transmeds are right winged cis bootlickers, all transmeds hate non binary people although Kalvin is also somewhat responsible for that stereotype) but also people like Blaire White have a lot of internalized transphobia as they side with the right which we all know that most of them are transphobic TERFS and transmeds shouldn't associate with these people as they still don't realize that transphobes are after all of us and you can't be a "good" trans person in their eyes. Just because these right winged transmed creators have good takes sometimes doesn't make them a good representation of our community, these people are usually fuelled by negativity which leads me to my next point
Just be more positive guys: Everytime I go on the truscum subreddit all I see is just vent after vent after vent and people complaining about tucutes. Although I do belive that trans safe spaces should allow people to vent, Jesus Christ its all I see, no wonder tucutes think we're all miserable. It wouldn't hurt us to be a little more positive, yea I understand being trans isn't the most positive thing ever, I get it gender dysphoria fucking sucks. But try to focus more on the positives of your life, like how you had a pretty nice day, you passed well today, how therapy is going really well for you, etc. We should have a community where people feel safe to be sad and vent but let's try to be a little more lighthearted :)
And that's all I can think of for now, if you disagree or think I've missed anything I am definitely up for debate and discussion :)
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autismvampyre · 3 months
neopronoun fun fact
the swedish language has three sets of pronouns for people. the feminine(hon/henne/hennes), the masculine(han/honom/hans) and another newer addition
the gender neutral pronoun hen/henom/hens(alternatively hen/hen/hens) is an invented pronoun adopted into common swedish as early as the 60s. it comes from mashing together the feminine pronouns "hon/henne/hennes" and the masculine pronouns "han/honom/hans" and was meant to replace the phrase "he or she" and make writing less clunky
hen helps demonstrate how language evolves over time and how adopting a new term isn't impossible or even uncommon. if a neopronoun can be accepted as a part of the swedish language in the 60s, you can learn how to use zir or whatever else may make someone comfortable.
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pansexuals be like: "I identify as pan but I just have to say I'm bi because no one knows my super special label and I'm just so oppressed because of this!!!"
Like bitch, you are two steps away from understanding that THEY ARE THE SAME FUCKING THING.
And the only real difference here is that pansexuality has some pretty biphobic (and often transphobic) definitions.
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foxfairy06 · 1 year
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gloaming-sometimes · 10 months
exclusionists fucking confuse me lol. like yea sure, you can say someones not queer or deny their queer identity's validity or try to exclude them from your measly part of the community but do you really think thats gonna change how queerphobes see them? or for that matter how they see you in comparison to them? i almost guarantee that if they were to see even the most "normal" queer next to an unapologetically queer person they would hate us the same. they might give you empty platitudes but its only to manipulate and weaponize you against your own community. and that "privilege" they grant you is conditional, limited and never really existed to begin with. queer was never a box you fit into, it is everything the box rejects.
(for the record this post is open to responses from exclusionists, just be respectful and dont hold ill-intent or you're getting blocked)
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trans-wojak · 2 years
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G’day, I made a transmed meme
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sirenium · 9 months
The fact that there are people older than me who are exclusionists is so embarrassing. Let that sink in: there are people who are older than me, an eighteen year old, having temper tantrums online about somebody else's existence. 💀💀💀
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onisia · 2 years
Staying Safe in MOGAI and LIOM Communities - 'Safequeer'
The term safequeer is going around - it is a huge dogwhistle for exclusionists
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These are the flags associated with the term ^ the waterlily is claimed to be their symbol
The movement claims to care about 'safety' and the protection of disabled people, queer people, and POC - it misuses the critinclus label and is an exclusionist movement
Safequeer advocates against:
Any use of transabled, trace, or transage
Endos/Tulpas - the movement is blatantly anti-endo and anti-tulpa
Paraph1lias and proshippers - the creator misdefines what being pro-para is as well as what being proship is, whilst we are not proship at all it's still important to fight back against blatant misinfo. They define pro-para/paraph1lia as such: "A term used to defend zphilia, pphilia, nphilia, etc". This is blatant misinfo as the term pro-para works to support those with these paras, not encourage acting upon them. Proship is defined in a fearmongering way - in reality it's just a term for those that are okay with or support the ability to ship any kind of relationship in fiction, the creator defines it as "someone who supports shipping pphilia, inc3st, or abus3 as well as drawn [bad child material]", which is just reaching and trying to make them look 'worse'
'Harmful identities', where it claims lesboys/turigirls and mspec lesbians/gays are harmful - simply put, it's exclusionism
Transandrophobia truthers - the movement actively disbelieves in any transphobia directly aimed at transmasculine individuals, and claims any understanding of that is transmisogyny
This movement considers itself to be anti-exclusionist and critical inclusionist based, it is not
@mogai-sunflowers We felt it was important you saw this term if you haven't already, as it actively misuses your label /g
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404shcats · 3 months
Pinned post!
(redone because the old one was too long)
Hello we are The Puppeteers, we’re an originless plural collective. We don’t have a dni however we are supportive of most identities (mspec gays/lesbians, endogenic plurals, nondysphoric trans people, amab transmascs/afab transfems, etc) and we are anti-contact for harmful paraphilias. We are against capitalism and are generally very left leaning in terms of political views. We do not actively participate in discourse and are not interested in being dragged into it. That being said if you “disagree” with any of the identities mentioned above (ex: if you’re a transmed, safequeer, or sysmed) get the hell off our blog, you are not welcome here.
Current host(s): we currently function using shifts so we have different hosts depending on the day
Headmate intros:
Other blogs:
@404-coining pemogai coining blog
@non-dys-sys system blog
@killjoypuppeteers mcr blog
@non-dysphoric-positivity positivity blog
Our Spotify
Our YouTube
We also have a wonderful partner system the showmen (@milkcowley), and currently uninterested in dating anyone else. -🎙️
Our username is Puppeteers on simplyplural if you want to add us
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