#fallen kingdom set design
zeeinkzquill · 20 days
(a wip tadc au, some concept art in the post tho)
A virtual RPG-like world filled with mystical places, tricks, and traps around every corner. 
One-six humans remain in this world, hiding within the Fairytale forest, with the fallen AI Caine, to find a way to beat the final boss and find a way out of their digital prison.
♠️♥️Role Sets♦️♣️
When a human first spawns into the Digital Wonder they are assigned a symbol:
♥️ Hearts: Based in the Sweet Heart Kingdom.
♣️Clubs: Based in the Kingdom of Fairytales
♦️Dimonds: Based in the Kingdom of Playful Diamonds
♠️Spades: Based in the kingdom of Underground Spades
When a human is spawned they are assigned an Overworld Card consisting of 2 things:
The front holds basic fighting symbols that holds the player's basic fighting style and weapons. (This part of the card is usually held basic playing card symbols)
Examples: Ragatha is an ♥️Ace of Hearts♥️, giving her a mage like fighting style.
The back holds the player's ultimate move (which are based of the Major Arcenas of Tarot Cards). The move can be activated through battle when the player gangs enough hit points. When activated is can give the player player 
Example: Rag’s Ultum is the Temperance.
[Art of the Cards will be coming soon!]
<the character designs and bios may be updated over time ask I build the story and timeline of the world>
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Name: Pomni
Class: Club
Overworld Card
Basic : The 7 of Clubs
Ultum: The Wheel of Fourtune
Being the newest member of the human players, she overwhelmed to say the least. But panic attack aside, she has a lot to learn while trying her best to be useful the gang, learn her new powers, and so much more. It's going to be a wild ride!
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Name: Ragatha
Class: Hearts
Overworld Card
Basic: The Ace of Hearts
Ultum: The Temperance
Bio: Loveing, caring Ragatha is the walking version of the class she was put in, all while trying the keep her composure under all of the havic the digital world (and some partners) may have to bring.
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Name: Jax
Class: Spade
Overworld Card
Basic: The Jack of Spades
Ultum: The Hanged Man
Bio: Out of everyone in the gang, Jax is a criminal. Like literally a criminal. For however long he's been trapped he's found his way onto ever single wanted poster in Digital Wonder. (Which is the main reason he's with the gang, for cover.)
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Name: Gangle
Class: Club
Overworld Card
Basic: Ace of Clubs
Ultum: The Sun
Known as the lovable crybaby of the gang, Gangle is more than she seems behind that mask. Being the creative fighter and artist that she is force to be reckoned with
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Name: Zooble
Class: Spade
Overworld Card:
Basic: Eight of Spades
Ultum: The Tower
The tank of the group, Zooble has a heavy hitting attack and attitude. Tho they my look like a mess of shapes and colors, in a fight they do most of the damage.
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Class: Diamond
Overlord Card:
Basic: King of Diamonds
Ultum: The Emperor 
One of the two kings of the Playful Kingdom, Kinger is one of the most questionable rulers the kingdom. Though his ways maybe … weird, but he’s a fair king non the less.
a small author note
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I will be trying to update this story every so often like twice a week. Again Have any question about the AU, my ask are open.
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dragon-kazansky · 4 months
Symphony of dreams
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Morpheus x Female Reader
Morpheus has had time to adjust to life after his imprisonment. Reunited with his friend, and of course his wife, he focused on his kingdom. However, a new element comes into play. A Vortex. Rose may just be what he needs to find his missing residents.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: More episode dialogue. A little bit angst, but don't worry, it soon gets solved.
Chapter Eight - The vortex
Lucienne was off conducting a census to account for everyone who had returned to the Dreaming. It was amazing seeing the realm fill with life again.
The halls had staff passing through them once more. Residents were returning to the dreams. It was becoming home again.
Matthew flew over head as you walk down the hall. You smiled and waved at faces you haven't seen in some time. Many of them expressed how happy they were to see you awakened.
After Morpheus was captured, they had hoped to turn to you to look after things, but you were no Endless of the Dreaming. You did not have the powers your husband possessed.
When you fell to the sleeping sickness, the residents of the realms began to lose hope. That was when they started to leave.
Informing the realm that their queen had also fallen ill was one of Lucienne's hardest tasks. Now you had both returned and everything was going back to how it once was.
You open the doors to the throne room and head inside. Matthew flew on ahead. You smile as you approach the stairs, of which your husband sat at the top of on his throne. You stop at the bottom step.
Morpheus was reading one of the many books within The Dremaing. The name 'Rose Walker' was printed on the front in gold letters.
Those blue eyes lifted from the page he had been reading to look at you.
"You do not need to stand on ceremony in our own home," he says, smiling at you softly.
You chuckle. "It never felt quite right to just come up the stairs."
"Your throne sits here too," he reminds you.
"I know..."
Morpheus closes the book and sets down on his lap. He lifts one hand and holds it out, silently asking you come up and holds it. You chuckle softly and begin to climb the stairs. When you reach the top you take his hand in yours. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses it softly.
"You're my queen, my love, my very own dream." He speaks softly. "You do not need my permission to sit here with me."
You smiles softly as you reach out and hold his hand between both of yours. You caress his pale skin with your thumb in soft strokes. "I know. I'm being silly."
"You are far from silly."
You chuckle and take your place beside him, sitting in your own throne. He had designed it himself when he married you. You keep hold of his hand and look at him.
"What were you doing?" You ask.
"Reading. Are you aware there is a vortex?"
"Oh?" You glance at the book. "Rose Walker. Pretty name. Is she dangerous?"
"No. Not yet."
You look at him quietly.
"I have a plan."
"Oh dear," she tease.
Morpheus chuckles.
Lucienne returns at that moment. You both look up as she comes over. Morpheus stands and descends the stairs. Not being particularly fond of sitting on your throne alone, you follow him, taking a seat on the lowers steps instead.
"I have accounted for 11,062 of them," Lucienne tells Morpheus.
"Wow. Someone's been busy," Matthew says, looking up at her.
"Yes, well..."
You smile. "Well done, Lucienne. That is impressive."
She smiles at you, clearly proud of her work.
"There are a handful of new entities," she says.
"That is to be expected," Morpheus replies.
"But... three of the Major Arcana are gone."
You look up. Morpheus glances at you. You sighs softly. Last night you had a dream, which didn't happen normally as you lived within the Dreaming. You had spoken to Morpheus about it.
You had dreamt about 3 specific residents of the Dreaming leaving. One in particular you already knew was still in the Waking World, The Corianthian.
"Name them," Morpheus says, looking back at Lucienne.
"The first is Gault."
You feel a chill run down your spine. She had been one of the others in your dream. You're not sure what this meant, but it couldn't have coincidence.
The window behind you began to change, in its image was the Arcana in question.
"A nightmare who, I must say, I never trusted."
"She is a shape changer," Morpheus states. "It is not in her nature to be trustworthy. Who else?"
"The Corianthian."
Again, you knew that much. Lucienne had told you he came back at one point, but left. He hadn't returned because he had wanted to. Made sense he would leave on purpose once again.
The second window changed to reflect him in its image.
"I assumed as much. Still feeding on the dreamers he was meant to serve."
"The last?" Dream asks his librarian.
"The last is Fiddler's Green."
"No," you gasp softly. You didn't want to believe it. He had been in your dream also, but you never wanted to believe he would ever leave the Dreaming.
Morpheus looks at you softly and then back at Lucienne.
The last window changed to reflect the field in discussion.
"That is passing strange. He is, after all, vavasor of his own dominion and always so reliable."
"I know."
"This is my fault." Morpheus says.
"No. It is mine." You say, standing up.
"Had I been here, fulfilling my function-"
"I was the one who fell to the sickness," you argue.
"Because of me. Because I was not here," he says, looking at you.
"It was not your fault, my lord," Lucienne chimes in.
"No? Then whose?"
Lucienne looks down and then says, "I'm afraid there is yet more news. Gossip, really, but..."
"Go on." Morpheus urges her to speak.
"There are rumours among the dream folk... of a vortex."
Morpheus and you look at each other.
"The rumours are quite true," he tells her. "There is a vortex. A true annulet. The first of this era."
"Then you must hunt for it, sir. It must be controlled." Lucienne states.
"The vortex is a she, Lucienne. Not an it." Morpheus looks up at the ceiling where a figure appears among the stars above your head. It is she. Rose. "And the Endless are forbidden from taking action against any mortal who is not am active threat."
You look up at the ceiling too.
"Yes, but should the threat become active?" Lucienne asks.
"Then perhaps one of our problems may probe a solution to the other three," he says.
Now you understand what he meant earlier about having a plan. You don't particularly have a good feeling about any of this, but you trust Morpheus.
"Sooner or later, she will draw the stray dreams to her."
"Is that not risky, Lord? She could destroy the Dreaming. And the waking world in the process."
"I'm watching her."
"Yes, but only when she sleeps. Perhaps one of us should surveil her in the waking world." Lucienne suggests.
"I think it best I not leave the Dreaming unattended for now," Morpheus says
"I'll go," you say, walking closer to Morpheus.
"No." He turns to you immediately.
"I will not have you leave my side. You must stay where I can protect you," he pleads with his eyes.
"I'll go," Matthew speaks up.
Morpheus does not take his eyes off of you. "Very well. Lcuienne will tell you what to look for, Matthew."
You sigh softly.
"And what you see, I too shall see," Morpheus looks up at the figure of Rose above.
"Are you upset with me?"
You do not move from where you sit, perched on the bed. You had gone quiet after the conversation on the throne room. Morpheus had called your name as you left, but you did not respond.
Lucienne left with Matthew to discuss what he needed to do. Morpheus had then followed in the direction you went. He knew you would just disappear into the bedroom.
"No," you reply flatly.
Morpheus watches you with his blue eyes. Thoughts running through his head. He does not move closer, not does he leave the room. He does not wish to leave your side.
"Is this about Rose? About not letting you go?"
You say nothing. Morpheus doesn't like it when you're quiet.
"Please talk to me," he begs softly. Your husband has never begged for anything before. You know you're hurting him by not talking to him.
"Do you not trust me?" You ask.
"Of course I do. That is not why I refused to let you go."
"Then why?" You turn to look at him. "I want to help. I want to be useful to you. A vortex is a very important thing. I could help."
Morpheus feels his heart shattering as the desperation he sees on your face. You think you have no use to him.
With wide strides he crosses the room.
"Do not think yourself useless, my love. I did not let you go because you are not worthy. I did not let you go because my heart could not take anything happening to you again. Last time we were separated, I was captured and you fell into a deep sleep you could not wake from. I would never forgive myself if any harm ever came to you. Do you have any idea how precious you are?"
Morpheus kneels down in front of you and takes your hands in his.
"I would rather die than let any possible chance of harm come to you. Stay by my side and watch over her from here. If she comes to the Dreaming, you may go to her, but while she's in the waking world, I beg of you not to go."
You stare at him. Morpheus kneels for no one. Least of should he ever kneel to you.
"Morpheus... stand up."
That single two letter word sends a shiver down your spine. You squeeze his hands gently.
"I'm sorry for getting upset. I just feel... useless right now," you confide in him.
"You are not useless," he assures you. "Do you have any idea juat how much help you are simply by being at my side?"
You shake your head.
Morpheus leans up at little closer to you. "You help me so much. You inspire me."
"I inspire you?"
"Oh yes," he smiles. "Especially now. I think you're coming into your power."
"My... power?"
He nods. "You had a dream last night."
"Yet, you're a resident of the Dreaming. We are not the ones who dream. We are the dreams, we are the king and queen of dreams."
He can see the confusion on your face.
"I think there is something there. Something important in the fact you had a dream."
"It was probably just a fluke."
"No. I don't believe that," he states firmly. "I believe in you. I believe in your purpose. You are not useless."
You sigh softly and crack a smile. "I'm sorry I'm such a... I don't know."
He chuckles and leans in even closer. "Do not appogise for being you."
"Still, I'm sorry."
He smiles as whiskers softly. "If you keep apologising, I'll push you out of this bed."
You laugh. He laughs.
He kisses you.
Later on, back in the throne room, Lucienne comes with news. An update from Matthew you had been tailing Rose Walker.
Apparently her brother is missing.
"Jed Walker is still in the realm of the living, but I cannot find him," Morpheus says.
You were sat with him on the steps to the throne, your hand once again in his.
"No. Nor I, my lord."
"All humans are connected to the Dreaming. They spend a third of their life here. Breaking that connection would require knowledge. And power."
"Then it may interest you to know that the last nightmare Jed Walker had before he disappeared was of Gault," Lucienne says.
"You think she severed him from the Dreaming?" Dream asks her.
"I do."
"Because he's not just any child, is he? He's Rose Walker's brother. She is the vortex."
"Excuse me. I'm Rose Walker."
You all look up to see the girl in question walking toward you. You feel a chill down your spine again. Morpheus squeezes your hand gently.
What do you know about my brother Jed?" She asks.
This was impossible. She was in the throne room. That was not possible unless Morpheus let people in.
The most spooky part was that in your dream... you saw this exact scene. You had forgotten until just now. Morpheus hadn't. You had made sure to tell him everything. Which is how he began looking into the vortex to begin with.
All you could do was hold Dream's hand.
"Who are you?" Rose asked.
"You have somehow dreamed your way into an audience with Lord Morpheus," Lucienne explains to her. "The King of Dreams. And now you must go."
"Lucienne," Morpheus calls out.
"She shouldn't be here," Lucienne argues.
"No, but I would like her to stay."
"What is this place?" Rose asks.
"You're in the Dreaming, the palace where people come when they sleep," your husband explains.
"So, I'm asleep right now? I'm dreaming?"
"Yes, and I should like to know how it is you found me."
"I heard you talking about my brother. Isnhe here?" Rose asks.
Morpheus leaves your side to approach the young woman.
"Do you know where he is?"
"No. But I think he might be with one of my missing Nightmares."
"She's a nightmare? What would she want with Jed?"
"I don't know. But I have a feeling it has something to do with you."
"Me? Why? What did I do?" Rose questions him.
"It is not what you did. It is what you are."
"I'm sorry, I don't understand any if this."
"No. Dream vortexes are largely incomprehensible."
"What's a dream vortex?"
"You are. You see, once every few thousand years, a mortal is born with a Dreaming ability so powerful, she can travel through the dreams of others. Apparently, all the way to my throne room."
"I was just looking for my brother."
As you listen to the two talk, your heart goes out to Rose. You do not remember much of the family you once had back when you were a mere mortal. To be unable to find her brother after so many years must really frustrate her. Yet, you see a determined young woman who will do anything to reunite with her family.
Morpheus did everything he could to reunite with you after a century, so you understood her pain.
"If you can find me in The Dremaing, you can find your brother," Dream assures her. "No matter where Gault has hidden him."
"How? How do I do that?" Rose asks.
"For now, keep looking for your brother in the waking world. Matthew will watch over you there," Morpheus gestures to the raven beside you.
"At your service, Rose." Matthew bows his head.
"When he is with you, I am with you. Then tonight, when you sleep, you and I will go in search for Gault and your brother together. In your dreams."
Rose soon wakes, vanishing from the throne room.
Morpheus turns to you and Lucienne.
"Matthew, go."
The raven nods and takes flight.
Your eyes meet Dream's. No words are spoken, but the understanding is mutual.
Rose Walker is the answer.
@missdreamofendless - @mischievousvillainy - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy - @emarich7 - @lollipopsandlandmines - @mouth-whore -
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vikwrites · 12 days
" DAEMONUIUM " - Tony Stark
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Chapter Summary ➣ The Fall of Stark Castle. Pairing ➣ Fallen Prince!Tony Stark x Reader Word Count ➣ 611 words Chapter Warnings ➣ Medieval! AU, Slow Burn, Violence, Major Character Death. Author's Notes ➣ An idea by @welldonekhushi, a bit different to what I usually write, next chapter will hopefully provide more context. Thank you to my lovely beta reader @nicoline1998enilocin <3
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Prologue - Overture
The rope felt rough against the Prince’s neck.
Tapestries of silk, once proudly displaying the kingdom’s colours and emblems, have been shredded from their rods, some burnt into meagre piles of ash; the rest torn by the passage of time and faded by the harsh sun. 
The throne, once a shining beacon in the grand hall, now stands in solitude. Its layers of gold leaf have been stripped away, revealing the cold iron underneath. The brilliant gemstones that adorned its surface have been pillaged and looted, leaving only empty settings behind. The rows of stained glass windows, each depicting a moment of the kingdom's triumphs, are now shattered, their intricate designs marred into shards. 
The peasants stormed the palace. They came in hordes of near thousands, pitchforks and flames in hand. The grand doors splintered under their force, crashing open to reveal the opulent corridors within. The echoes of their cries reverberated off the stone walls as they surged forward, a seething mass of defiance against the monarchy. The nobles, once standing proud and untouchable, now cowered in their gilded chambers, the unfortunate ones having been slaughtered in cold blood.
The same could not be said for the Prince. For he ran, like a swift wind through every nook and cranny of the castle — up twisting stairwells, down spiralling towers — the peasant’s voices like cries of the damned — the walls quaking with emancipated rage, like the first leak in the wall of a dam, forewarning that nothing could hold for long. His patterned robe dragged upon the floor, stained red with blue blood.
His legs could only carry him so far; he found himself perched at the edge of the turret, overlooking the dark horizon and the sheer drop into the ocean below, the waves crashing against the splintered rocks. He could hear the peasants’ voices as they approached, drawing closer by the second. It dawned on him that death was not a matter of when, but how.
“ There he is, ”  — fear became a tangible, living force, creeping over his figure like some ravenous beast, holding him in a standstill — “ Seize him! ” 
The Prince was bound; not by silver shackles or golden chains, but by simple rope. He was marched like cattle out of the palace gates, being put on as a barbaric display of irreverence; a sovereign turned laughing stock in the span of a night. The peasants scrambled like rats, just for the chance to witness the spectacle. 
Amidst the crackling of bonfires and the scorching heat. His body trembled with cold, but his mind burned with anger — with memories of the firelight still drifting like phantoms in his brain. 
Tears fall from the Prince’s eyes. They meander down his cheeks. 
That fateful second before the floorboards dropped, the Prince pondered if he had anything left to save in death.  He stands in solitude on the gallows. While the Cardinal recited blessings in Latin, the words in the people’s mouths were nothing but curses, laced with vitriol and the name of the Devil, lashing out like a bitten and cornered dog, condemning him to the deepest rings of Hell.
The creak of the floorboards, the roar of the crowd — these were among the last things he would hear before he died. His eyes did not bear remorse; instead, they held shame, to be stripped from the high chambers of the castle and reduced to the same fate as a lowly outlaw. 
What he’d give to be a young prince again, adorned with jewels and veneration — now he’s traded in his necklace for a noose — 
The Prince took his last few straggling breaths, and the floor gave way beneath him.
⎊ back to masterlist
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Dave Maass and Patrick Lay’s “Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis”
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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"The Emperor of Atlantis," is an opera written by two Nazi concentration camp inmates, the librettist Peter Kien and the composer Viktor Ullmann, while they were interned in Terezin, a show-camp in Czechoslovakia that housed numerous Jewish artists, who were encouraged to make and display their work as a way of proving to the rest of the world that Nazi camps were humane places.
Of course, it was all a sham. Like nearly all of Terezin's inmates, Kein and Ullmann were eventually shipped to Auschwitz to be murdered. "The Emperor" was never performed during their life, but the manuscript, written on scrounged paper (including the backs of other inmates Auschwitz transfer papers) survived.
In the decades since, "The Emperor" has been mounted a few times, with varying degrees of faithfulness. But those live performances were limited to the people who could attend them during their limited run. Now, a new graphic novel called Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis, brings the work to us all:
Death Strikes was adapted by my EFF colleague Dave Maass, an investigator and muckraker and brilliant writer, who teamed up with illustrator Patrick Lay and character designer Ezra Rose (who worked from the Kein and Ullmann's original designs, which survived along with the score and libretto).
The tale is set in the mythical kingdom of Atlantis, where the reclusive emperor has been holed up in an armored tower for decades, directing a forever war, greeting each battlefield report with fresh orders, all the while carefully scheming to maintain his grip on power by prolonging the war footing among his people.
But the Emperor has a problem: he's won the war. Every enemy has fallen. Without endless war, his system of social control will shrivel and he will be vulnerable to his people. So the Emperor declares a new war of all against all, announcing that it is every citizen's duty to make war on their neighbors. Problem solved!
But the Emperor goes too far. In announcing his new war, he directs his messengers – drum-beating automata who march through the streets of Atlantic rapping out his edicts – to claim that Death himself has blessed this new war, and "when the final drum sounds, our old friend DEATH, our flag-bearer, will raise his sword in salute to our great future!"
For Death – a swordbearing skeleton in a soldier's greatcoat and shako – this is too much. The Emperor's endless wars have already tried Death's patience. Death brings mercy, not vengeance, and the endless killing has dismayed him. The Emperor's co-option drives him past the brink, and Death declares a strike, breaking his sword and announcing that henceforth, no one will die.
Needless to say, this puts a crimp in the Emperor's all-out war plan. People get shot and stabbed and drowned and poisoned, but they don't die. They just hang around, embarrassingly alive (there's a great comic subplot of the inability of the Emperor's executioners to kill a captured assassin).
The Emperor will not be denied. He embarks upon a war of wills with Death, to see who will give in first. The surreal tale plays out among the people of Atlantis, the living and the undead, as they struggle to fight a war where no one can die. The tale cuts between these people, the Emperor, and Death, who is in company with Life, a sad harlequin who is even more demoralized than Death by the Emperor's long war.
What follows is a tale of revolution and love and hope snatched from despair.
Maass discovered "The Emperor" through a bargain bin CD of "degenerate music" he found in a suburban Best Buy in the 1990s, which was accompanied by illustrations by Art Spiegelman:
Maass found a six-panel cartoon Kein drew "expressing his frustration with the evolution of his libretto." Over the years, Maass turned this little strip over and over in his head, until he found himself travelling to Prague with Lay, where they were able to handle the surviving manuscript pages. After consulting with experts all over the world, Maass and Lay and their collaborators created this extraordinary graphic novel, updating it, queering it, and lavishly illustrating it.
While this is clearly an adaptation, Kein and Ullmann's spirit of creativity, courage, and bittersweet creative foment shines through. It's a beautiful book, snatched from death itself.
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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thevyladsafespace · 1 month
My "My Inner Demons" overhaul
alright, since I'm bored- here's what I got so far.
I renamed Asch's kingdom to Phobos, in reference to the original term of Daemos (probably an aphmau 'sound it out' name like Ein and whatnot.) With Mars' moons. Phobos and Deimos. While the general species of Asch's kingdom are referred to as Daemos.
Appropriately, I gave the kingdom a family name. Dacite, a type of Volcanic rock. Asch Dacite, Rhal Dacite. ectect.
Backstory time:
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Noi Barter. I gave him the backstory of "sole survivor" from a long dead and fallen land, the story of a late bloomer/ someone whose actually more powerful than the rest. He just has amnesia. The key item being the locket around his neck, changed from a lightning bolt. To a sun shape. Spending most of his days fighting for his food, he found strength in stealth and being quiet. Due to having little muscle mass compared to his future companions made it easy for him to sneak into Phobos. Being caught and eventually set up for Execution, Asch recruited him. Being the last addition and stuff. (Similar to the original story, but I put a bigger spin on it since we know very little of a majority of them.))
Leif and Pierce now come from very different kingdoms. Since.. an entire universe dedicated to one kingdom is weird.
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Feng Leif, or just Leif appropriately is from a Chinese-inspired kingdom, exiled for assassination crimes, later hired by Asch the same way in canon. And leaning into another horned creature from the same culture, the Dragon. While his name was chosen by himself after seeing it somewhere. While knowing it correlates to wind, which I HC him being rather proficient in using it with magic. And instead of.. entirely insane maniac, he's definitely smarter than he appears. Not book smart, but very street smart and survival wise. The insanity is a choice for him. Instead of being soothed/ calmed by an E-girl over time. (/lh j)
(The rest of the designs are being worked on. I'll make full body posts later. )) Pierce Stone, making him originate from a Japanese-inspired kingdom. Y'know, with his kimono and whatnot, I'm leaning into my other culture fixation! Youkai. I made Pierce an Oni. A wanderer that eventually got hired like the rest, by Asch himself. How? I'm toying with the idea Pierce signed up for a tournament/ exhibition kind of event in Phobos. Recognized by Asch and eventually hired.
Rhys Wynn, (It's pronounced Reese, Aphmau.) is a scholar from Phobos. Someone finally from the same Kingdom as Asch. Designated by Lady Grandma to be an assistant to Asch. It's.. pretty straight forward with him, I'd say.
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semisolidmind · 1 year
I have totally fallen in love with Fuwa Fuwa Panic and have decided to join in on making my own human and mascot couple for this world. Forgive me if this gets a bit long. 😅
The human is Ai Yukimura, a young woman a year or two older than Emi. A professional ice skater in Tokyo who was caught in a professional slump, trying to figure out what to do next after a string of low rankings hit her and her confidence hard. But, when the mascots came, that quickly became her last priority. Being chased by a group of low level mascots, she locked herself in the one place she always felt safe: the local ice skating rink. She heads further into the building trying to stay as far from the doors as possible just in case when the sound of skates sliding and hitting the ice catches her ears. It's only when reaching the innermost part of the rink and seeing a giant anthro unicorn landing a double axel only to stop when he catches sight of her that she realize she's in trouble...
Shigeru is the unicorn mascot designed for the rink. A fairlt flamboyant princely kind of character meant to appeal to young girls in particular and put into the mascot program by the rinks owners under the impression that it would simply be a way to draw drum up more business with the novelty of a living mascot. What happened instead was that the owners were jumped by some feral mascots and Shigeru took the opportunity to make the rink his palace. He wasn't expecting anyone, let alone a human, to enter the place with all the chaos outside. While disappointed since he's quite the extrovert, he also took it as an opportunity to test his skills. That was all he felt his life would be until he saw he had an unexpected audience.
Ai is terrified the moment she sees him. Shigeru is immediately in love when he sees her.
He calls her his "ojo-sama", his princess, and assures her that he will never harm her. He's very touchy feely, hugging her and holding or kissing her hands while showering her with compliments about her beauty or how she skates. He actually leaves his palace to get his princess everything she could ever need or want, putting in the work to make the ice rink into a true palace the two of them can call home. And all while Ai's trying not to have a nervous breakdown or set him off in a way that spells the end for her.
She doesn't trust him or the things he says, but she forces herself to bare with it. She knows that he's a far lesser evil than what she had experienced before taking refuge in the rink. She thinks he doesn't know, but he does. And it just makes him double down on making sure Ai knows how safe and loved she is with him.
It's a very delicate dance. Ai being scared of Shigeru, but knowing that he's her best bet to stay alive while this lovesick unicorn tries the best he can to show his princess that he'll never hurt her and only wants to love, care for, and skate with her forever.
What makes this even harder for Shigeru to get through to Ai is when the odd mascot or human somehow manages to enter their home. Usually, Shigeru is able to turn on his natural charm and dissuade them from sticking around. Despite how much he obviously doesn't want to share Ai or her attention, his extroversion makes him very amicable and usually their guests leave without any blood needing to be spilled. But, if a mascot or human proves to be dangerous to either his beloved ojo-sama's life or their relationship, well...
Shigeru may be a fool in love that isn't as bulky or physically intimidating as his fellow apex mascots. But, he's agile with a ton of lower body strength and weapons literally at his feet he won' hesitate to use. Even if it just makes her fear him more, the prince will do anything to protect his princess and their beautiful little kingdom of ice.
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i liked the idea of a yandere plushie unicorn prince, oddly enough
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I've decided to compile all the small pieces of information about future episodes that RTD has given in his Letter from the Showrunner segments in DWM. I've only included things that can tell us something about the episode, so stuff like Bad Wolf investigating if using a certain title is permitted hasn't been included here. I've included the issue each point was given in and I will obviously update after future issues
(Last updated 28.04.24)
(No relevant info in DWM 604, no update in May)
2023 Specials
The Star Beast
- Contains the words westerly, pelican and dreams (584)
- Page seven contains the line "Oh, Nerys and her big mouth!" (585)
- The reconstructed opening scene made from fan recordings of filming contains lines that were cut from the final version of the episode (595)
Wild Blue Yonder
- Contains the words wild, Southampton, vegetable, Flux, bean and starlight (585)
- RTD refers to a "terrifying scene with Sue" and two celebrity historical figures in the upcoming specials (596)
- None of the specials will air on the 1st, 17th or 23rd of November (596)
Series 14/Season 1
Space Babies (Episode 1)
- Contains the words roar, Glastonbury and conquistador (589)
- The title was said aloud in Star Trek: Picard 3 (590/591)
- Scene 11 is headed as INT. CONTROL ROOM and the stage directions say "THE DOCTOR and RUBY walk in to find a cool, sleek, metal CONTROL ROOM, full of CONSOLES" (598)
The Devil's Chord (Episode 2)
- Scene 10 is set INT. CANTEEN. DAY (585)
- Contains the words Liverpool, legions and non-diagetic (586)
- The title of the episode was revealed (598)
73 Yards (Episode 4)
- Had the line "I once went to the top of the Shard" cut from the script (589)
Rogue (Episode 6)
- Page 10 contains the line "I am ruined" and it is said by a character named Emily (598)
- When talking about watching the final mix of this episode, RTD threw in the quote "Live vivisection!" (602)
The Legend of Ruby Sunday (Episode 7)
- First line of the script is INT. COFFEE BAR, USA - DAY, 1947 (584)
- RTD said he recomends midnight viewing for this episode because "it's shocking, frankly, and there might be screaming!" (603)
Empire of Death (Episode 8)
- Contains the words kingdom, gold and Tigella (592)
- Contains the words terror, dust, pizza, Einstein, death and opera (598)
- One of the above words is also in the title (598)
- An unspecified episode had the word "sixpence" in the title before the plot about said sixpence was cut (591)
- There is a crucial scene, designated 27B, in an unspecified episode with an as-yet unannounced guest star (593)
- The aforementioned scene contains the debris of a fallen statue with an 8 foot tall head as part of the set (593)
- The last scene to be filmed for series 14 was a scene in the TARDIS in the "middle bit of the finale" (whether this is episode 7 or 8 is not specified) and the Doctor slides to the ground at some point during the scene (594)
- RTD says the following about the upcoming season: "Will we ever see Mondo Caroon? Where exactly is Bertie Lester? And how many people does it take to fly an asteroid hopper?" (603)
Series 15/Season 2
Episode 1
- Scene One features none of the regular cast (600)
Episode 2
- The episode features a guest star who's been in the show before but in a different role (600)
Episode 3
- RTD mentions that Ncuti Gatwa is rehearsing with a Special Guest Star for their 13th episode. I assumed he was referring to his 13th episode with Gatwa and didn't count the anniversary specials (597)
- An unspecified episode contains the words garden, firmament and diploma (592)
- An unspecified episode contains the words radiation, moth and skiffle (597)
- The sets include a hotel, a chamber and a hospital (597)
- More sets are listed, including the UNIT OPs room, the Sundays' flat, "a set so real we could rent it out as its actual self" and an "absolute labyrinth of a set" (potentially an actual labyrinth based on a previous comment from director Makalla McPherson) (601)
- RTD confirmed that the 2025 season will not contain an episode celebrating 20 years of New Who (602)
- On the 8th March 2024, RTD claimed they were "shooting a scene that will live forever in Doctor Who history" (602)
- The "climax" of season 2 contains the words tinderbox, Croydon and threshold (603)
- RTD says "oh, I wish you could see that guest star" about the aforementioned episode (603)
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(To clarify, I don’t have any preferences on genre or tone here, just budget. Or lack thereof I guess.)
THEME: Free TTRPGs (2/2)
I’m so so glad that you posted two asks because holy shit do I have recommendations. This is the second part, once again organized into different pieces of advice!
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4. Unofficial games based on a licensed IP. 
Yeah, people do crazy things for the stuff they love, including designing an entire roleplaying game and then releasing it for free! Here’s a few that I’ve found.
Unofficial Hollow Knight RPG, by HKRPG Team.
Vast kingdoms, ancient mysteries, and adversaries far beyond reckoning await you.
The Unofficial Hollow Knight RPG is an original tabletop role-playing system inspired by Team Cherry's hit indie title. In HKRPG, players take the form of daring bugs going on adventures in the strange and wondrous world of Hollow Knight and its insect-populated kingdoms. 
What a labour of love this game is. This TTRPG feels dungeon-crawly, which makes sense considering the game it’s designed after. Each bug has hit points, stamina points, and Soul, referring to their magical reserves. Inventory is also tracked, using a pool called Stash. There are three Bug templates available for you to choose: Small, Average and Large, with different benefits and drawbacks for each template. There’s over 100 pages of character traits and abilities, spells, charms and rituals, items and obstacles, which allow for complex character builds.
On the GM side, there’s links to info for settings and NPCs, as well as Lands Beyond, a supplement that allows you to create your own insect kingdoms and gives you four random roll tables to aid you in this creation. If you want to replicate your own little traumatized bug adventure, this game is absolutely for you!
Skyfarer, by Failbetter Games.
Queen Victoria has brought London into the heavens. The High Wilderness stretches out ahead of you; cruel, unwelcoming, and filled with opportunity. Here you make your living as a Skyfarer, working on board a locomotive jury-rigged to fly through these cold skies and raging winds. Your captain has taken you to the Reach, a frontier on the edge of civilization, in search of fame, fortune and adventure.
You will change out here, where the Empire’s light falters and casts deep shadows, where rebels stake their claim on fragments of sky-rock riddled with fungus, where pillagers dig into ruins built by the now-dead sun. 
Players form the crew of a spacefaring steam locomotive. Gunners, quartermasters, engineers, signallers – even mascots – are brought to the fore as the Captain is struck down by misfortune and the crew must band together to get out of (or into) many surprising kinds of trouble.
Using a simple dice-based system, Skyfarer allows players and game-masters to easily tell stories set in the Fallen London universe with plenty of climactic moments, tense stand-offs, and grim decisions. As characters risk life and limb, they’ll accrue Peril – the more Peril they have, the greater the chance of them meeting a grisly and permanent end.
This game uses both d6s and d10s, and leans more towards the narrative side: your character qualities are descriptive, and your abilities are abstract representations, titled Iron, Mirrors, Veils and Hearts. You’ll collaboratively come up with your starting situation, and include details like who your Captain is, what the current crisis is, and what kinds of Allies and Antagonists are involved. 
One thing that’s really unique about this game is that there’s a character that the GM must play - the Captain, someone who gives orders to others, but for the purpose of this game, can’t carry out their normal duties for some reason or another. Once you set up your characters and determine what your starting scenario looks like, you’re good to go!
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5. Playtests.
Sometimes the playtest of a game is released free of charge, with all of its editing errors and without any art. These games won’t be perfect, but they contain rules, as much of the setting as the creator has managed to flesh out so far, and the spark of creativity that can pull you into a fantastic community. Get in early on a playtest and you might find yourself holding the early stages of something truly great - and you’ll get a sense of warmth knowing you got to be part of it.
Aeronauts: Flight After Fall, by Electric Purple Studios.
The world is covered in purple mist, the legacy of some cataclysm long past. Through the haze have risen several powerful city-states, built where the mist is thin enough that they are not constantly besieged by the fog’s lurking horrors. Now airships fly above the mist, and a new era of trade and conflict has begun to bustle in. The city-states, previously only in contact through small trading caravans, are now forced to face the reality of different cultures, different ways of life, and the possibility of war.
Aeronauts: Flight After Fall is a TTRPG of grand quests and small moments, of journeys from the tops of the clouds to the depths of the darkest tunnels. You and your friends tell the story of the crew of a small airship, trying to make their way in a world that is rapidly changing around you. Are you diplomatic envoys endeavoring to build connections, or are you a group of ragtag scoundrels simply trying to survive? It’s up to you.
Aeronauts uses a 3d6 system, and emphasizes narrative role-playing, similar to games like Apocalypse World and Blades in the Dark. When you roll, you add up your dice - a 15 is a critical success, 10-24 is a partial success, and a 9 or less is a failure. You will have access to a pool called Focus, which can add a bonus to your check, as well as tokens, which can be gained using certain actions and spent to alter certain types of rolls. Finally, there is a tool called Kismet, which allows characters to establish details within the narrative, either for their benefit or just to put their own personal stamp on part of the story. 
The rules as put out here are simple, but the ways you can use them and your characters go into much more detail, taking up 198 pages in total. There’s rules for different kinds of combat, examples of how to use certain parts of your character sheet, a delve into the lore, and pre-made characters who want to pick up the game sooner rather than later. There’s also a community Discord advertised in case you want to find other players, talk about the game, and get updates about changes as they happen. 
The Modern Eldritch, by Moondog Gaming Press.
The Modern Eldritch leads you into a world run by mega-corps headed by eldritch horrors who demand brand loyalty over blood sacrifice, wizards who believe themselves better than worldly governments, and non-profits who leverage vast intelligence networks to find donors. Players take on the roles of average citizens who have had their lives shattered by these systems, and now must journey through this world to fight for some sense of normalcy. 
The Modern Eldritch utilizes quick character creation, which revolves around crafting motivations and backstory; a wide skill set and freeform magic system which encourage roleplay and creativity to tackle obstacles; and a unique exhaustion system that invites players to gamble with their own sanity to increase their odds of success.
This PDF starts off with a quick introduction to the world and an outline of some basic concessions that the group should agree on before getting ready to play. Character abilities are ranked from a d4 to a d12, and character skills are ranked from 1 to 5. You’ll be rolling dice pools, and adding up the results to determine whether or not you succeed. You’ll also assign positive and negative elements to your character, to flesh them out and give them exploitable weaknesses - this is an eldritch horror game, after all. 
This game is also supported by a Discord server, and also provides a link to a Playtest Survey, where you can send in your feedback for future edits! My only complaint is that the PDF takes a little bit long to load - it takes patience!
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6. SRDs - write your own game!
Maybe you have the perfect idea of a game in your head. Maybe you have a setting that you absolutely adore - you just need rules to tell you how to play a character in that setting. Maybe you really really like filling all of your free hours with matching character tropes to game stats and putting together character sheets and writing random tables…. maybe I’m just calling myself out here.
SRDs are tools to help you design your own game in your own setting using rules that have already been sorted out. They will contain advice about the kinds of games that were in the creator’s mind when designing the rules system, and steps through what a character will need. Creators often offer them up for free, out of the kindness of their hearts and the desire to see just how far people can take their rules and bend the genre.
Caltrop Core, by titanomachyRPG.
Ever wondered how to make your own TTRPG? Welcome to v1.0 of Caltrop Core, an introductory game design system using the humble and sharp d4! It's extremely simple and bare bones so anyone can make a game with it, regardless of your experience level! It can have as much or as little complexity as you like.
This game is extremely beginner friendly, and familiarizes you with the core dice-rolling mechanic before introducing you to character building blocks, ways to communicate genre and tone, and optional elements that help characters change the narrative. There’s also an entire collection of Caltrop Core games for you to check out (some of which are free to download!) that really show off what this system can do!
Titanomachy has also released Caltrop Core EX, which they refer to as a “director’s cut” of the regular SRD, and EMERGE8, an SRD that’s designed to help you create your game as you play it. It uses a d8 dice mechanic that takes inspiration from World of Darkness dice pools, as well as a few other tips and tricks that encourage collaboration between players and GM. 
VRBS SRD, by David Garrett.
VRBS is an ultralight system for creating highly improvisational role-playing games that reward creative, heroic action. It has a universal conflict resolution mechanic that requires a single six-sided die. In VRBS, characters are defined by what they do, not by abstract statistics. Characters can attempt anything that a creative hero would be able to reasonably accomplish and they either succeed or grow in the process.
The VRBS SRD is easy to understand and is excellent for games that need a tight session with an easy-to-predict end time. It uses only d6’s - the easiest-to-find dice - and sets up your characters to move through three scenes, plus one scene through each member of the group. Throughout the game, they will draw on a pool of Energy. If you finish the final Scene without depleting your Energy, you are sucessful! Run out of energy, you go home. Try again tomorrow.
Full disclosure, I have designed a game using this SRD before - Mischief by Moonlight, a game about small gods getting up to shenanigans inside a museum where their relics have been trapped. (Go ahead and download it for free!)
Games I’ve recommended in the past!
Mothership, by Tuesday Knight Games.
IronSworn, by Shawn Tomkin.
Straight to VHS, by Lost Cat Games.
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hollowwhisperings · 5 months
Naminé & Roxas Are Twins
(this meta was inspired by @violethowler's Constructing Kingdoms series on YT)
In KH2, the relationship between Sora & Roxas is seemingly paralleled with that of Naminé & Kairi. It is explained by characters in-game that Naminé, a Nobody, must have been created by Kairi's presence in Sora's Heart during KH1. Thusly is it concluded that Naminé must be the Nobody of Kairi, another facet of that Princess of Heart.
Except... Kairi is a Princess of Heart: a being of pure light, without any Darkness of her own. It is physically impossible for Naminé to be Kairi's Nobody.
At no point has Kairi exhibited the capacity to hold Darkness. Kairi's lack of Darkness is, arguably, one of the major reasons for her lack of combat prowess: without "darkness" of her own, Kairi is unable to feel the selfishness needed to hurt others. This is a small, fundamental kind of Darkness that all living things carry: without it, a Princess of Heart is all too essily incapacitated by selflessness.
Naminé isn't (can't) be Kairi's Nobody: she, like Roxas, is a Nobody of Sora & Ventus. Naminé and Roxas are twins.
Roxas and Naminé are unlike any other Nobody within the KH setting: they alone were capable of developing "selfhood", independently from their Hearts of origin. This is due to the many unique circumstances of their birth: Sora's self-sacrifice in KH1. That event featured multiple oddities likely to affect Sora's Heart, Heartless & the Nobodies created: self-sacrifice (love); heartlessness via keyblade; the specific keyblade used (the Keyblade of [People's] Hearts); the origin of said keyblade (Riku the ???, the person Sora likely loved most at the time); the presence of Kairi, a Princess of Heart, within Sora's Heart; the presence of Ventus, an artificial "Princess of Heart"; the location of the sacrifice (Ansem's Lab in Hollow Bastion, a World fallen to Darkness)... and likely even more factors, known & as yet unaddressed.
As twin Nobodies to Sora's Heartless, Roxas & Naminé were affected by all variables noted above. Sora has been the Host of several Hearts for his entire life: that makes him special, even before Riku chose Sora to be a keyblade wielder. I venture that the Heart most relevant to Naminé's birth was not Kairi's but Ven's: for where Roxas most resembles Sora in disposition, Naminé resembles Ventus-without-Vanitas. Kairi's presence within Sora's Heart had effects, yes, but less than perhaps understood.
The misunderstanding, I argue, comes largely from Kairi's longterm role of "Designated Female": as the lone KH-original female for much of KH's early development (& popularity), Kairi is often considered a "default option" with regards to all things feminine. This feeds not only into assumptions of a Kairi-focused love triangle but also into an overinflation of Kairi's presence in the story.
As with Xion, Naminé's true identity is obscured, in-game & within fandom, by her gender: "Xion & Naminé are female; the only female in proximity to this plotline is Kairi: Xion & Naminé must therefors be derivative personas of Kairi".
Here, as always, Kairi serves as a convenient "default" of femininity, misdirecting players and characters from the queer potential within KH. It is wholly believed, by Sora & the girls in question, that Naminé was Kairi's Nobody. Yet, it is never Kairi whose story and character is most expanded by Naminé's involvement: Naminé's story is, instead, a follow-up to that of BBS's Ventus.
Kairi struggles with a forgotten past, loss & a resistance to change (of "growing up"). Naminé, in parallel & in contrast, experiences the kind of life that Kairi has forgotten: [medical abuse], extortion & isolation. Naminé's time with Organization XIII & with DiZ mirrors that of VEN's with Master Xehanort (&, to a lesser degree, with Master Eraqus).
Kairi's history as a test subject of Xehanort &, possibly, of Ansem the Wise? She's forgotten it and, outside of Melody of Memories, we never get to see how it affected her.  Kairi's Ambiguously Traumatic Past is only ever used for her in her role as "MacGuffin" (i.e. an object of plot importance & no other story-relevant function, one that is ultimately interchangeable with). Kairi's story barely affects Naminé's & Naminé's doesn't affect Kairi's either: the characters most changed by Naminé's character arc were Sora & Riku. This further alludes to Naminé not truly originating from Kairi's Darkness but from Sora-Ven.
The duality of Sora-Ven is reflected in Sora's producing two distinct ("twin") Nobodies during KH1. Roxas is most reflective of Sora but physically looks like Ventus; Naminé is most reminiscent of Ventus-without-Vanitas but (allegedly) "looks like Kairi": this does not occur in the Nobodies of other hybrid-beings, as evident in Xemnas (Terra & Xehanort) & Xigbar (Braig & Luxu). In this way, Naminé & Roxas are more akin to Xion than most every other Nobody.
Ignoring the gender binaries (canonically used & assumed in-universe), the characters that Naminé actually resembles are Ventus (who I propose as Naminé's "primary" origin) & Xion (another artificial being with Sora Origins).
Narratively & thematically, Naminé's arc from CoM to KH2 was a continuation of Ven's story in Birth By Sleep. Both characters are strongly tied to themes of isolation, abusive authority figures, and artificial life. While other characters - Xion, Repliku & Terra-Xehanort - also explore these themes, Kairi notably does not.
I will note that Naminé does not NEED to be Kairi's Nobody to act as her narrative foil: I just find that identifying Naminé with Kairi is buying into the very same (false) Binaric Gender Roles that CoM, Days & (to a lesser extent) BBS sought to poke holes in. Tiny, easily mistranslated-into-nonexistence holes but holes nonetheless. Attempting to conflate Naminé with Kairi is to give the latter character more narrative presence than she truly has, in an effort to reconcile the two together beyond "similarly aged females in proximity to KH's plot".
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Chaos Theory Thoughts:
Episode 1
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I like the intro, a recreation of a deleted Dominion scene where Rexy disrupts traffic. Surely she'll appear in the show proper at some point? Wouldn't be surprised if they're contractually obligated to put her in every Jurassic World product.
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I cannot stress enough that this is just the ideal aesthetic. Dinosaur footprints creating potholes in an asphalt road that a truck has to avoid. This kind of casual urban anachronistic prehistory is my entire jam, I want to live in a world where Sauropods block traffic.
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I like that Pachyrhinosaurus gets the obligatory "wow" moment this time around. It's a fine if unremarkable design, but it's really nice to see in the flesh after the little screen in Fallen Kingdom name dropped it as one of the species taken off the island.
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One thing I already prefer about Chaos Theory over Camp Cretaceous is that everyone is a fully fledged adult. It tugs on the heart strings to see them grow and I always just feel a bit more comfortable connecting with characters around my age. Darius worked with the DPW in that four year gap between the end of CC and now. Is it bad that I wish we got to see that instead? The "getting wrapped up in illegal trafficking" plot is nice and all but I desperately just want an episodic series of the DPW dealing with dinos.
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Kinda hate this scene, not gonna lie. The franchise's dead-set insistence on treating every herbivore as a harmless cow is a teeth grinding pet peeve. Yeah, go up to a wild agitated elephant and pull a thorn out of its foot, you absolutely won't get popped like a grape.
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Allosaurus vs Pachyrhinosaurus. I like that the Allo is pretty outmatched, and it runs away after taking a couple smacks to the ribs. The franchise can forget that carnivores have survival instincts at times. Plus we get to up the score to 3-0 for Ceratopsians against Theropods!
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A fun twist on a franchise trope, now it's the car chasing the dinosaur!
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I like the themes of drifting away from old friends and the loss of relationships over time. The writers understood that it's a big time jump, the characters have grown up, to use that to drive the emotion is... surprisingly mature.
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I adore this scene, as Ben's antics and rant in the dead of the night begin to illuminate the danger they're in before he's vindicated by an ominous shadow in the window, gives me chills.
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Enter the Atrociraptor. Unfortunately they don't quite live up to the tension, the attack in the cabin is just a bit too contrived. They're loud and smash into everything like they're half blind, victims of falling bookshelves and railing on stairs. Very clumsy assassins.
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residentialrabbit · 5 months
So we can have more information about the species of angel, (Type function, appearance of the wings, etc.) I wanted to make an OC angel, but we don't have much information about them.
I keep some vague for people to just add their own ideas to characters so they aren't bound to hard rules.
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But some basic info-
All angel types have one set of white, light blue tipped wings and have conventional human eyes friendly forms.
Angels: Angels are sort of the average joes of the angel classes. Their kingdom is where most common humans end up living and their towns/cities are meant to reflect architecturally. Very much small-town energy. Their jobs are the most varied since their job is to tend to the needs of humans( and even angels) so things like bakers, cooks, delivery, maids, town mayors/city officials, carpenters, etc. if the town needs a role filled then an angel will be assigned to it! Angels true form are just humans but with wings
Archangels: Archangels typically have one of these two jobs. Being an arch guardian or a transporter/shepherd. Arch guardians watch over individuals or families down on earth, essentially acting as guardian angels (I just wanted to give em a different name), and protect. The second one is a transporter/shepherd and they pick up and drop off souls at the proper afterlife based on their death reports and the life they lived. They are essentially grim reapers or ferrymen. Archangels true form is a dragon and depending on how well they are with magic and age they have additional eyes on their body. Their kindgrom is the weirdest of them all as, to summarize it, looks very vaporwave/weirdcore. Usually, a human gets promoted to this class or the Angel class.
Principalities: Scholars, magicians, wizards, archivists etc basically anything that required high amounts of intelligence. Principalities angels value knowledge and truth above all else. Principalities true form is very nimbus-y in appearance and even in the more conventional form they have very textured and/or fluffy hair. Their kingdom is composed of many libraries and schools specializing in various fields of academia.
Virtues: Artists, writers, philosophers, architects, actors, singers, etc these angels embody everything that is beaufiul in humanity both physically,spiritually, and morality. Though, less importance has been placed on morality. Their true form is similar to angel's forms but they exclude a bright radiant light from their entire body and are extremely beautiful. Virues angels also have 4 wings similar to the Seraphim but are still tipped blue. Their kingdom is one of, if not, the most beautiful kingdoms with artistic beauty in even the smallest blade of grass to the grandest buildings.
Powers: Military branch of the angels. They protect Utopia and Earth from the forces of evil threatening them. Powers angels begin basic training from a young age and are divided into teams once they have mastered their fighting style. Melee, ranged, magic, healer, etc you basic RPG/DnD classes you get it. Other angel types can enlist themselves into the Powers branch even if they aren't natural born powers angels. They can master multiple types of combat but generally have one signature that they stick to. For powers angels that use weapons their weapon can be summoned at any time (unless fallen like Noel) and take form/adapt to the user. Powers angels true form are giant moving masked statues with wings that harden into steel.
Cherubim: Cherubim angels are the angels of nature in that everything that is living was made by them. Animals, plants, mountains, oceans, were all designed by them. Their kingdom is at one with nature with many of the buildings being built into or decorated with it. Their true form is a multi-headed beast hybrid.
Thrones: Lawmakers and work beside dominion angels, having a hand in everything to ensure it is running in perfect harmony. Their true form is (play the game and use process of elimination to find out!) Mostly "extinct" since Lucifer's fall. Remaining thrones angels that didn't rebel with Lucifer were absorbed into the dominion class.
Dominions: Dominion angels work(ed) alongside thrones angels to establish the law and order of the mortal and afterlife. The enforce the law and tasks to the other kingdoms that they and The Choir have decided upon. Their true form is (play the game and use process of elimination to find out!)
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childofchrist1983 · 5 months
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The first thing Andrew did after meeting Jesus Christ was to tell his brother Simon Peter the good news. Were you as excited as Andrew to tell others when you first came to know Jesus? How about now? Sometimes, we lose that excitement over time. But with every answered prayer, every new beginning, God gives us an opportunity to reclaim - and proclaim - our excitement all over again. It is a joy to know Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ. When we look back on our first meeting, we remember how we were so amazed and overwhelmed with joy by Him. Thank Him for continuing to show up in our hearts and our lives. May He use these moments to give us fresh eyes and a restored spirit, so that we may continue to be amazed by Him and His Holy Word and Spirit, and continue to share His Gospel Truth with others without hesitation.
May He empower us by His Holy Word and Spirit to live in the light of His Truth, love grace. May our healing and transformation glorify His name and Kingdom of Heaven and reveal who He truly is to others. May He help us to keep close to Him, so that we may endure until He fully sets us free and brings us to our true home in His Kingdom of Heaven. Thank Him for His Holy Word and Spirit. Thank Him for revealing the Truth of Him and His holiness. May He help us to hold close to Him just as He holds close to us, so that we may live in humble and faithful obedience. If we stray from Him and His path, may He use His Holy Word and Spirit to bring us close to Him once again. May He help us daily to trust fully in Him and His love, provision and care. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for making us anew! May He complete His renewing work in us, ridding us of the sinful words, thoughts and actions that aren’t from Him, so that we may reflect only His love and light and presence in us to this dark and fallen world and the lost souls within it.
God is our Heavenly Father, our Creator and our guide. And Jesus Christ is our LORD and Savior and King. As Christians, we trust Him wholeheartedly and we submit our heart and our lives into His skilled hands. May He shape us according to His design and plan for us, so that we may stand strong in the firing furnace and emerge revealing His craftsmanship as He prepares us serve Him on Earth and in His Kingdom of Heaven according to His Holy Word and will. May He give us the peace and endurance we need each day, and may He use this time to help us grow in His wisdom and strength and to grow in our walk and relationship with Him. May He make us more into the person that He not only created us to us to be, but called us to be from the very beginning.
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for securing a place for all true Christian believers as followers of Christ and spiritually reborn children of God in His eternal Kingdom. Each day, the sun rises and its light and warmth, and the Holy Bible gives us a glimpse of the promised eternity to come. May we continue to walk in the love and light of Christ with our heads held high and our eyes on the finish line. May we lead others to His Gospel Truth and to His light as well throughout this journey with Him. Let us all humble ourselves before God daily, asking Him to forgive us and to strength and teach us to view life through the lens of God and His promises. May He guard our hearts against Satan and the temptations of this world and our flesh. May He give us the peace to find full satisfaction in God and His peace and promises, so that we may live our lives daily in ways that honor and pleases Him. As we seek Him daily, may He reveal Himself to us through the words He has provided and use it to conform the desires of our heart to Him and His love and compassion and grace.
As true and spiritually reborn Christians, we love, trust and believe in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ. We choose to keep Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ first in our hearts and lives and all other worldly desires behind us. He extends salvation to everyone, and we want to show the world the freedom, hope and peace they can have in accepting and following Him. We must ask Him to help us grow spiritually in our relationship with Him and strengthen us and the bonds of love that He has given us, so that our unity may glorify and testify to His power and goodness. Thank Him for calling us to faith and imparting us with salvation and righteousness. May He empower us to live in His will and righteousness, so that we may testify to His soul-saving power as our faith carries us past all doubt, fear, and failure. May He grant us the grace to forgive others who have wronged us, and the humility to seek forgiveness where we have caused strife. May we follow and serve God daily with love, trust, awe and wonder. May Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ strengthen our faith, lift our spirits, protect our hearts, and show us opportunities to help bring others to Him and His Gospel Truth daily. May we do this duty boldly, humbly and faithfully. Seek, follow and trust in the LORD God Almighty always! To God be all the honor and praise and glory!
We must come to Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ with sincere hearts to ask forgiveness and follow Him and His Holy Word and Spirit always. We praise Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the mercy He bestows upon us and we are grateful for His grace and mercy and infinite blessings. By surrendering our hearts and our lives to His will, we see all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. God our refuge and our salvation and our constant provider. We lift our voices to Him in praise for His steadfast love, mercy and understanding. May Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ open our minds and hearts more and more to perceive and embrace Him and His truths. May He help us to find time to pray and read and study the Holy Bible daily and to find power in prayer, praying according to His Holy Word and will. May He help us to come to Him in true repentance and with faith in Him and His grace and merciful nature. May He give us the grace, courage and strength we need to walk with Him and do His will daily. May He teach us to watch our words when we pray to Him and to speak reverently and rightly. May we continually ask God to transform our hearts and make us faithful and humble as we walk with Him daily. We must come to Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ with honest, humble and repentant hearts. We must seek Him and His will and choose to follow Him all the days of our lives. May He help transform our hearts, help us to seek and live for Him above all else and to grow spiritually and build our faith and relationship with Him with each passing day. May He forgive our sinful nature and help us always make Him and our relationship with Him top priority.
As true and born-again Christians, we choose to walk in His righteous path and lead a life that is pleasing to Him. We desire Him and His will above anything else. We desire to walk in accordance with the love and light He has shown to us through His Holy Word and Spirit. We long for a deeper relationship with Him and a deeper fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ as well. When we fall into temptation and sin, we must turn to Him for forgiveness, strength and guidance. When believers learn to walk in accordance with God's Holy Word and Spirit, they have deeper fellowship with both God and one another. And the sin that could threaten to destroy that fellowship, if confessed (1 John 1:9), is covered in the blood of Jesus Christ and no longer a barrier between us and God. May we ask Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ to forgive us for any sins we have sinned this day or in days past. May we be faithful to Him and His Holy Word always. May He help us to walk more consistently in the light and to not neglect long to confess and forsake any sins that hinder our walk with Him. May He lead us in the direction He wants us to go so that we may seek and serve Him faithfully. God is holy and almighty and deserving of all praise honor and glory. We rejoice in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ, knowing He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is the Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 1:8). May our hearts always be filled with thanksgiving and rejoicing. May He help us to praise Him freely and honestly like all believers who came before us. May we live a life that showcases our love and trust in Him and His Holy Word and Spirit as He uses us draw others to Him and His soul-saving Gospel Truth daily. May He continue guide, correct and protect us, so that we continue to grow in Him and not weaken and stray. May we all remain faithful to Him and to this duty and purpose He has called us to. Seek and put your faith and trust in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ and let Him do the rest. May He humble our hearts and help us focus on following and serving Him daily and helping others with joy and happiness. We lift our voices in praise to Him for His love, mercy, peace, faithfulness and grace - For EVERYTHING!
It is vital that we remain rooted in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit and that we live and walk as a beacon of His light and love and share and spread the Gospel Truth daily, so that the lost souls in this world can come to know Him and be saved. The more we focus on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ, growing spiritually by building our relationship with Him, leaning on Him and His Holy Word and Spirit, the better off we will be. Thanks to this and our faith in Him, we know that everything will be alright. And we will forever be grateful to Him. As true and born-again Christians, we believe in Him and His Holy Word and we strive daily to walk in His Holy Spirit. We know though our mortal bodies should die, He will raise us up and into new and glorious bodies (The Rapture). We who are truly His and alive at His second coming will never die, and our bodies will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and so shall we ever be with Him in His Kingdom of Heaven forevermore (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This is one of many promises given to us by God Himself. Thank God for His strength and guidance when we are faced with sin and temptation. Thank Him for His mercy and grace. Through Bible study and prayer, God reveals His wisdom and guides us to see opportunities to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually. He gives us direction to live our lives daily according to His will.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven (John 3:5, 14:6), the ONLY way to salvation (Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2:8-9) and He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25-26). Jesus Christ the LORD of lords, the KING of kings, the GOD of gods (Deuteronomy 10:17, 1 Timothy 6:15, Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:16) - He is the Living, Almighty and Everlasting God (Isaiah 9:6, Revelation 1:8, John 3:16, John 3:36, Jeremiah 10:10). There is no other God besides Him (Isaiah 45:5). We MUST humble ourselves before Him, turning our backs on false teachers, false gods and idols and our sinful ways. We MUST repent and turn back to God and recognize who He is and love Him in return for His great love for us. We MUST make God top priority everyday! May we be motivated to spread God's Holy Word and Gospel Truth to all the Earth, knowing that it is the only hope of all those lost in their sins. Let us not hold out a false hope for men to be saved without the Gospel, but instead, strive to do our part to get the Gospel out to a lost and dying world.
Leaning on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit strengthens us and our knowledge and wisdom about God and His Gospel Truth, exposing these imposters. May God help us to seek and lean on Him daily to gain the strength, wisdom and spiritual discernment needed to expose Satan and his imposters who seek to destroy us and God's ultimate Truth. Everyday, we must remember to share Jesus Christ's Gospel Truth with the world and to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and from the eternal damnation of Hell. In all we say and do, may all praise, honor and glory always be given to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven.
With renewed minds, hearts and wills, let us serve Him humbly and faithfully out of pure love and grateful rejoicing. May He remind us of His presence and to remain at peace, fully knowing that all will be well because He is always with us. Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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bearmemesreviews · 3 months
Skylanders Reviews: Lightning Rod
Welcome back to Skylanders Review: Spyro's Adventure edition. We'll be tackling our first Air Elemental with Lightning Rod, a character I don't actually have much to say about!
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[Image: Lightning Rod is something called a Storm Titan, Blue Skinned Humanoids who have an entire Nimbus/Cloud instead of legs. He has green eyes, a large broad nose, and Chesnut brown hair. He's most likely based on Greek/Roman Gods, especially those who wield Lightning Bolts as weapons like he does, and thus he has long, magnificent hair and a full flowing beard. He's wears nothing to avoid covering up his massive pecs and shredded abs, but he does wear spiked golden bands on his wrists.]
Lightning Rod here is actually a trope I really like, even if he's otherwise quite plain when it comes to the Skylanders roster. I just like the silhouette of characters whose entire lower body is made up of condensation. The nimbus, aka clouds that are more solid than you'd think, are just cool and it makes sense to include a character that uses them in the first batch of Air types.
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LR here is not a god despite his design, as Storm Titans are just the species that occupy the Cloud Kingdom he came from. His lore states that he was a Hometown Celebrity and was celebrated with praise and statues in his image. However, he found this life unsatisfactory and was immediately intrigued when Spyro visited the kingdom and told his own tales of adventure. LR was hooked on the stories and followed Spyro to seek Eon's audience in the hopes of becoming a Skylander as well.
He's another character that's fallen to the wayside, only getting a few scant appearances in the several spin-off books for the games. Even his second figure was just a new sculpt that doesn't change anything besides how many bolts he has.
Oddly enough the Complete Collection book I use as a secondary reference has an entirely different backstory, stating that Lightning casually blasted away Kaos when the little guy tried to take over a sporting event. This impressed Eon enough to get Rod recruited.
I do like the small detail that he can be distracted with his own reflection.
Motto: "One Strike and You're Out." A good Motto, not only does it tie into his power set, but it also incorporates a brag since in baseball it takes Three strikes before you're out.
2/5 Chompies out of Five. I can't really justify giving him anymore, since compared to other Skylanders he's rather forgettable. That doesn't mean he isn't a necessary representation of his monster archetype. He avoids a 1 thanks to Pretty Privilege.
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Genuinely wondered if the read more was necessary.
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proxylynn · 6 months
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[I found my kryptonite. I'm so used to doing simi-realistic style drawings that cartoony stuff is please break my fingers hard. So when it came to designing a Sona/OC for this show's universe, I tried to mimic the more detailed look of the higher-ups in Hell's hierarchy. Which helps because this Lynsie is what I'd refer to as a primordial beast. Let me break the lore down so this makes some sense.]
We all know how the "in the beginning" part of life goes, at least the basic version we see in modern bibles. But there's more to it than God made light, then dark, then world, and then man. God made many things in the span of six days (took a break on day 7 like a boss).
On the sixth day of creation, before man was made, God made the first beasts which each ruled over a part of the Earth. The first among them was the Leviathan, a primordial creature that swam within the oceans of chaos and was tamed by God to then roam within the depths of the Earth's waters, lording over the creatures of the sea. The second was the Behemoth, who lorded over the earth and its creatures and the third was the Ziz, who lorded over the skies and its creatures. These beasts were created as representations of the Earth's majesty and to express the dominant power of nature over man and are the only three beasts that Adam and Eve have no lordship over.
Yet Lynsie predates the three. An all powerful dragon that lorded over land, sky, and sea. Realizing this was way too OP, God cast the great dragon to the depths that would be Hell. God then made the three as one beast lording over all was a tad silly for a starter project, splitting the attributes up into three made way more sense.
However, after the War in Heaven, the very fundamental nature of creation itself shifted dramatically and among these disturbances was the animal kingdom turning against one another for the sake of survival as well against their former masters that being Adam and Eve. This also affected the three primordial beasts; Behemoth, Ziz, and the Leviathan itself. The effect caused them to turn against one another thereby spurning the three layers of what makes up the Earth as well as those that dwell within them into chaos. As a result, God was forced to separate these three mighty beasts lest they caused untold natural destruction upon the planet and its inhabitants.
It likely didn't help that during this great war, Lucifer had located the banished dragon and recruited it, setting it free to join the rebellion. The Great Red Dragon, lashed out for being abandoned by its maker right as its life began, and with a swipe of its massive tail it knocked "a third of the sun… a third of the moon, and a third of the stars" out of the sky and flung them to the earth. These were angels of varying types (Lucifer as God's favorite being the Sun) and the dragon saw this as only fair, if it could be made and thrown away, then the lord should know pain on a similar degree by taking the favored children made to live in Heaven with God.
When the war was over, many were now cast down into the pit of the dammed, the beasts included. With Lucifer now in power over the fallen, mostly because he still possessed very strong angelic power which holds sway over the now demonic power of his contemporaries, he used the dragon to sway the beasts to help in reforming their eternal prison into a world of their own. Hell's geography is divided into the Seven Rings. Each ring possesses its own unique atmosphere, such as the Pride Ring possessing a permanently red sky, and the Lust Ring which has a blue sky. For their aid, the beasts were granted new roles and lordships as the hierarchy of Hell was being established. It's a crude form of hierarchy defined by power, with Lucifer being King of all Hell. Behemoth and Ziz sought nothing more than humble existences, choosing to take lord titles but no grand duties while remaining in eternal servitude. Leviathan, for its envious nature, took up what it's siblings passed down, becoming not just a lord but a Prince as the Deadly Sin of Envy, giving it rein over the abyssal sea of the Ring of Envy. The dragon for its part, took lordship and sought a governing seat at Lucifer's side, which was granted in the form of the dragon being used to keep all of Hell in line when the chaotic stability of power is being threatened.
The levels of this hierarchy are broken up from top-to-bottom as follows:
Lucifer Morningstar - The King of Hell
The Seven Deadly Sins - Lucifer/Pride, Satan/Wrath, Beelzebub/Gluttony, Mammon/Greed, Asmodeus/Lust, Leviathan/Envy, and Belphegor/Sloth
The Ars Goetia - Prince Stolas and other demons with royal status
Overlords - Demons/Sinners who wield considerable power/influence in the Pride Ring
Sinners - The damned souls of deceased humans
Hellborns - Succubi, Incubi, Baphomets, Possessors, Loan Sharks, hybrids, and other unknown demon classes of Hell
Imps and Hellhounds - The bottom of Hell's society
In time, Lucifer would take a wife in the form of Lilith, the first human woman who left Adam because he was an utter douchebag and wouldn't treat her as an equal despite the pair being made at the same time by the same earth. The King and Queen would go on to bare a daughter, Charlie. With Lucifer often busy with Kingly duties (such as dealing with the forces of Heaven and Adam's Exorcists) and Lilith working in being a mother while also preform her concerts, Charlie came to know the dragon as her great auntie as the beast helped the royals in parenting. As Charlie aged, the dragon saw how the Princess was strong yet naive to the dangers around her and proposed an idea to her parents. This resulted in Lucifer creating the goat-dragons Razzle and Dazzle to be his daughter's body gaurds, modeling them to resemble the dragon when in her demonic form but also being plush-like in adorablity. In this light, the dragon sees them as her kids, instilling loyalty to the Morningstar family into them and teaching them how to protect the girl...though the pair seem to take after their creator as they are goofy mischievous pranksters with a flare for music.
In the current timeline, while Lucifer deals with Charlie and her sinner rehabilitation hotel during an approaching sinner extermination event, the great dragon is tasked with managing the order of the Seven Rings which is being slightly destabilized by a failed assassination attempt on the Ars Goetia Prince Stolas and the long time secret that wasn't really a secret to anyone of Asmodeus (the embodiment of Lust) being in a wholesome loving relationship with an Imp coming to public light which has sparked outcry within the more traditional/asshole noble houses in the rings. And then there's Mammon, which is a constant headache for her to deal with no matter what as his greed has him tapping into resources in all rings which throws whole economic systems out of whack.
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emblematicemblazer · 8 months
World building and theories of Engage
Alfred and Alfred the Great
Alfred, The Crowned Prince of Firene, has a real life inspiration, the Anglo-Saxon king Alfred the Great (849-899). Alfred the Great is probably best known for successfully defending his kingdom, Wessex, from Viking attacks. The surrounding kingdoms of Northumbria, East Anglia and Mercia had fallen and the odds were stacked against him, Alfred the Great and his father King Aethelred, were driven back into the heart of their kingdom and had to employ guerrilla tactics.
Alfred has similar claims to fame, with the help of the Divine Dragon he successfully defends his kingdom from attacks by the corrupted and Elusian forces. 
There are other similarities between the two kings. When Alfred the Great was a young boy, he went on a pilgrimage with his father to Rome. This visit inspired a view of kingship based on religious morals and values. Alfred visited the Divine Dragon as a boy as well. These visits helped Alfred form a close friendship with the Divine Dragon. 
Alfred the Great was a champion of education and taught himself Latin so he could translate important texts into English. He also set up schools to educate all young men. He also made military reforms which included: a rota systems fields were not neglected, fortified towns which formed the basis of the English system of boroughs and shires and strengthened the navy with the aid of foreign skilled craftspeople. To restore faith in the economy he increased the silver content in coins and created a new design, he introduced a fairer tax system, and introduced written laws. Alfred the Great was a reformer who improved his people's quality of life.
Alfred the Great had a condition with symptoms similar to Crohn's disease. He often went through periods of great pain and sickness, especially after grand feasts. He died early, (early 50s), but still managed to marry and raise an heir. Alfred has a similar condition and dies early because of it. His dislike of spicy food and strong tasting food could be because they make him unwell. There is no mention of Celine becoming Queen so I imagine that Alfred also married and had an heir. 
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mcsm1-1-mistakes · 1 year
Fallen Kingdom Banners FINISHED
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Well that didn’t take long. LOL! There weren’t as many banners and maps as I thought there were...
Like my Ultimate Minecraft: Story Mode Banner Set that I posted a few months back, this is an accompanying version for the Captain Sparklez "Fallen Kingdom" music video series. This room contains the most relevant maps, banners, and hieroglyphics that were featured in those videos. They are on display next to buttons that will give you the exact map needed. There's a button to give yourself invisible item frames so you can take advantage of transparencies. And a structure block file is included so you can import this into your own map easily. To get the maps into your world all you have to do is copy/paste the map files into your world's data folder and use the buttons to give them to you. Or you can use the following command (incrementing the map numbers as needed) to give them to yourself:
/give @p minecraft:filled_map{map:5503}
I take no credit in the design of the artworks themselves, I am merely providing the ability to import them into your world. Some of the maps (such as the master and student painting) are designed to be placed inbetween 2 blocks instead of on the block, because that's how they were presented in the music video.
You can download the banners/maps here.
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