#finished the first game of AA this last week actually! loved it!
o0kawaii0o · 1 month
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Ace Attorney x Hades
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corvarrow · 5 months
2023 Wrap up and 2024 Goals
So I have been keeping track of what books I've read and what games I've played each year, for many years now. It's actually been really fun and interesting to look back and see what I ended up with, and it helps when I have to reference when I last looked at something :D So! I'm gonna put my Book/Games list year and combine it with any goals for 2024
Things I've read since Jan 2023
The Written by Ben Galley
Ariel by Steven R Boyette (read most)
STNG: Grounded by David Bischoff
Ascendant by Michael R Miller
STNG: A Call to Darkness by Michael Jan Friedman
STNG: Metamorphosis by Jean Lorrah
Denver Moon: The Minds of Mars by Warren Hammond and Joshua Viola
Masters of Doom by David Kushner
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans
The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler
The Tiger and the Wolf by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
This Gilded Abyss by Rebecca Thorne
Witch Hat Atelier 1-11 and Witch Hat Atelier Kitchen
All That Glitters by Loren K Jones
Comments: This is an example of like...I don't even remember reading some of these items. The STNG books (picked up from a library sale) were unexpectedly decent, I believe those were ones actually written by the show's screenwriters, so they read almost exactly like regular episodes. Also, I include manga (and some visual novels) on these lists because of the large quantities of reading ~ as such, WHA was probably my favorite read this year. The art is so gorgeous and the artistic struggles really resonates with me. My favorite non-manga waaas :Ta hmm, probably This Gilded Abyss, though I did not like the ending that much. Its fine if a book is going to be a series but I think that books should be able to be read as a one-off. I guess what I'm saying is make sure the ending is reasonably satisfying for THAT book, even if you want to set up for the next one. For example I'm well aware that ADSOM is a series however it's written with a satisfying ending that I can treat as Just One Book. Which I'm going to do. (Hopefully this all makes sense)
Currently Reading: Well my first book of the 2024 list is Heaven Official's Blessing 1, since its been on my shelf for a while ~ I'm already halfway through and just couldn't finish it before the new year. I see there's a ton in this series so IDK if I'll get through it all, but I do like it more (so far) over the other series by the same author
2024 Book Goals: I have a lot of unread ebooks so I'd like to start getting through those this year, as well as a couple paperback books on my shelf that have been there for years.
2023 Video Games:
Baba is You
Cats Organized Neatly
Resident Evil: Village
Ghost Song
Salamander County Public Television
Cassette Beasts
The Mortuary Assistant
Vampire Survivors
Cult of the Lamb
Milo and the Magpies
Pizza Tower
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (DNF)
Celeste (again)
Super Mario RPG remake
The Darkside Detective
The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark
Comments: Honorable mention is MyHouse.wad ~ I haven't played classic DOOM in so long and didn't want to learn how to mod it to play this, but I watched videos obsessively for several weeks when it came out. Its super cool. The Mortuary Assistant I found....strangely relaxing, I'm pretty sure this was not the common experience LOL. TGAAC made me kinda mad, I love AA but I COULD NOT with this one. I got 3 cases in, the pace was absolutely glacial and I did not like any of the side characters so I wasn't enjoying it. Oh well. My favorite game was probably either RE:V or collectively the two Darkside Detective games I just played.
Currently Playing: I just started Super Mario Wonder yesterday after getting it for Christmas. It's cute! I haven't played any mainline Mario games in like 10 years. Seriously the last ones were like Super Luigi Bros and Mario Maker 1 (and even then I think these are spinoffs 🤣)
2024 Game Goals: I have several games in my backlog that I would consider "Large RPGs", such as BG3, and I'd like to get through at least one of them. They're really daunting because of the time commitment required to finish. I'm currently working on some stupid grindy stuff in FFXIV so hopefully (lol) I will just take a break afterwards and can work on one of them.
Other 2024 Goals/Art Goals
Yeah I don't like to go too wild with goals anymore. 2023 was just a hot mess year in terms of my day job, for the entire year, and my brain got pretty scrambled. I couldn't think of any silly goal this year (I did "all Ghibli Movies" in a past year for example), so I'm gonna say:
Finish at least 1 sketchbook
Do/Post more finished pieces
Finish a piece of art I've had sitting on my desk since June 2022
I did a big consolidation of art supplies at the end of the year so hopefully I won't be so daunted by what to use in general. The ink challenge I did was very helpful getting a little bit of motivation back. I also have this piece of art that's been sitting unfinished on my desk for a year and a half and I really need to finish it, LOL. I think what happened is the lineart is pretty complicated - once I finished transferring it to a nice sheet of paper I got overwhelmed with the idea of 'ruining' it and put it aside. I really need to get it done though, however it turns out, and move on, as I think the lingering thought is blocking all other pieces.
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
Favorite color: blue <3. I especially love certain shades of light blue paired with dark browns.
Currently reading: Dracula Daily, Edgar Allen Poe Daily for the days I don't get that, Shamela by Henry Fielding (just finished Pamela and the annotations mentioning the parody got me curious), and The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft (first time reading any Lovecraft, but it seemed fitting in a summer full of classic horror/gothic novels for me)
Last song: Wild Blue Yonder + Welly Boots by The Amazing Devil (went from one to the other while answering these)
Last series: I watched some of Cutthroat Kitchen the other week. For actual ongoing stories, I think the last show I watched an episode of was What We Do In The Shadows, though that's been a few weeks as well.
Last movie: Earlier this summer I finally got around to watching Casablanca, and am extremely glad I did so!
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet and savory. I'm not good with spices.
Currently working on: I started an AA fic about Phoenix not dying, which I then stalled on after hurting my hand/getting a cold/being really busy with work. Hoping to resume that before anything else, but this question is always a shrug for me. I usually write oneshots in a single go/over like two or three days, and anything that takes me longer has a very uncertain fate and can be picked up/put down many times at random.
tagged by: @rhymingteelookatme (thanks for the tag, these games are fun. Also -
tagging: @czigonas @fairytalepsuedonym @kaitou-cure-prism12 @meri47 @the--mother--ship @cthulhu-macula @medusasbf @ellikim @justlookingtoast (thank you those of you who've played the fic title game with me - and it's nice to meet those of you who are new followers, thanks for that)
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airsoftaction · 5 months
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la-jolie-mln-posts · 11 months
Caring for a child with addiction
One woman’s story on finding joy.
Moyra’s Story
Moyra and I met at a business dinner held last year at La Jolie MLN. It was a well-attended event, and each woman got the chance to give a bit of her background and talk about her business. It’s the way relationships are made, and the mix of talent was impressive.
A year later, our mutual friend Daisy Malek-Shadid, owner of La Jolie MLN, put us in touch so that I could interview Moyra for this story. It turns out we have something in common. I have 40 years of sobriety in AA, and Moyra has been playing a key role in her daughter’s fight with an eating disorder.
First a little background.
A retired nurse, Moyra has been working for the past 23 years as a wellness ambassador for Shaklee Corporation, a leading name in natural nutritional supplements. “I chose Shaklee,” she told me “because, although I wanted to work in the health industry, most supplements are unregulated and market themselves as “all natural’, although that is often not the case. Shaklee is different. They do clinical trials on every product they offer. And they have a chain of custody that goes all the way from raw materials to finished products. Shaklee is the one company that can - and does - make the claim ‘We are beyond organic.’”
How did you come to face addiction?
“Throughout the last 22 years, we’ve had four children; three boys and a girl. At 16 our daughter developed an eating disorder. It was a huge threat to us as a family; she would cycle in and out of treatment centers, and frankly, we didn’t know if she was going to live. As a mom with a long career in healthcare, it seems like a cruel irony. Why was this happening to us?
The statistics on eating disorders are frightening:
The most common age of onset is 12 to 25
Anorexia and bulimia affect about 2-3 percent of all women
Individuals who fall victim to these diseases tend to be perfectionistic, sensitive to criticism, and self-doubting
50 to 75% of patients eventually recover
Coping with an eating disorder
For Moyra, coping with her daughter’s condition ultimately demanded that she set boundaries. “That,” said Moyra “meant taking care of myself…actually putting myself first for a change.”
Moyra loved being a mom. “We had a schedule on the pantry door that listed all the games and swim meets, but when my daughter was overtaken by her addition, it absorbed my whole being. I was in a world of hurt. Friends said ‘You need to do something for yourself.’” And when I did that, it helped my daughter too.”
Dancing for joy
I decided to take ballroom dance lessons. It was something I watched on TV, and I loved the grace and fun of it. So, I thought why not? Lessons became a couple-of-times-a-week thing that soon turned into competitions. Very recently, I did a dance competition that was a combination of tango and cha-cha. My daughter came to watch, and when I got home, she said, “Mom, you’re killing it; you’re out there smiling and shaking your hips…I could feel the joy. I’m so proud of you.”
Moyra added, “Here’s something I learned. Boundaries let us set a living example of going for a full life. Over the years I’ve grown. As my daughter began to recover, she wrote me letters saying that as I found joy, it was an inspiration to her. I know now that there was nothing I could do until she was ready to help herself.”
Seeking help
Dancing brought me joy, but I used Al Anon, a 12-Step program to help me understand addiction and embrace a set of tools. I learned:
Get off the roller coaster; it’s your daughter’s experience
Learn all you can about eating disorders
Get a therapist for your daughter and one for yourself. This is essential to break the toxic codependency
My daughter is doing well today. She lives one day at a time, has the support of a great therapist, and works her own program.
As a result of everything I’ve learned, I started a podcast called “Your Journey to Joy.” I believe it’s there everyone. Sometimes it’s the joy of dance, a good therapist, and learning how to let go. I also found great recovery in journaling. I recommend this to anyone on the journey to recovery. For me it was a life saver.
Get a copy of Moyra’s “Journal To Joy” at La Jolie MLN.
La Jolie MLN: ”It’s our mission to give young ladies the lessons all of you can share with us. So, let’s share our experiences, strength and stories.
I cordially invite you to join a cohort of empowered women. Please send your stories to [email protected]
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happyendingsong · 2 years
im tabling at dcc in like three and a half weeks -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- which will be a ton of fun once im there but dear god im out of practice
i need to figure out what to prioritise making in the next while, and be very positive affirmations voice I AM CAPABLE OF FINISHING A PIECE OF ART AND IT WILL BE FUN REEMBRACING THE FULL ARTISTIC PROCESS about it
some ideas i have areeee:
twewy print, neku shiki beat and josh all piggybacking on each other
twewy badges/keychains which would be fun but ive no idea if they'd sell </3 maybe i should just test the waters with the print this time round and see what happens. maybe it'd be smarter using the neo twewy gang but like i have zero interest LOL.
kh sora print i started ages ago when he got announced for smash that i never finished
monster high print, im not sure what though, kind of thinking about dressing them up like 80s horror final girls or smth but im not sure how to translate that properly
bratz print, general y2k fashion shite
ff7 print, the gang in 90s fits hanging out with cats, styled like an old school adoption/psa poster?
ff7 badges/keychains?
kh sorikai print, the three of them getting healed at a save point
ygo print, mai and her harpie ladies. ive had this one on my vision board for yearsssss i just need to sit down and do it 💆‍♀️
mp100 print, the cast all wearing themed raincoats w umbrellas
mp100 badges? keychains?
kh sora print, him in the 100 acre wood
jennifer's body as a goosebumps cover
fnaf print, gachapon with all the animatronics in lil capsules (i made fnaf badges before but they never really sold that well, but i feel like the new game brought a lot of people back/made people really nostalgic for the series as a whole/now the kids who grew up with fnaf have disposable income to buy shit at cons?? idk um. lol)
eah print, lil cutesy cartoon versions of the gorls all hanging out on a big fairytale book. but i think eah is pushing it, i should see if the mh print has any takers before committing to eah.
advtime finn print or finn and jake, i SHOULD have another thing since all my advtime stuff is from like 2013 or smth. would LOVE to have more advtime on the table, i just need to think of smth 😔
could be a complete sellout and just do owl house because i know it'd sell..... i won't but i could.
same w she ra
same w ace attorney? though it'd be less sellouty because i do actually like aa, and i think aa stuff does REALLY well here
MAYBE sdr2? would have to rack my brain pretty hard but it could be a good shout
aw maybe i could finish my wwe 4hw print from years ago? i think it WOULDVE sold when i first started it in like 2019 but im not sure about now :/ although i think ott are actually putting on a little show at dcc this year so maybe doing a wrestling print makes a fair bit of sense. but i feel like if any nerds at a comic con are buying wrestling prints, they're gonna be aew fans. and idk if aew has any women id care enough about to make up a whole print for.....
kh girls print
the sims bella goth print
atla print, the gaang hanging out with turtle ducks or azula's girl squad
i also want to make a lil art zine of my life drawing bits from last year, i think that'd be cute :)
fart cunt faggy dyke cock pussy porn, hopefully this doesn't show up in tags
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 4
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
Warning: honestly probably not the best ive written... sorry
It’s been almost a week since you told Bucky you needed space. You have barely come out of your room, because you didn’t want to see him, and especially her. You wonder if this is really the end of your relationship. You are grateful that he has given you space, and according to Nat, he hasn’t gone near Dot. Dot has been spending a lot of time down in the lab with Tony. Wanting to learn about technology. Good luck to her.
Over the last few days you have been waking up to soft knocking on your door. You go to open the door and find a single red rose with no note. You figure it is Bucky, and while it makes your heart flutter, you force yourself to leave in on your dresser. As you walk down to the kitchen to eat breakfast you see Nat sitting at the counter.
“Morning, Nat,” you say quietly.
She smiles softly at you, “Morning. How are you feeling?” she asks.
You shrug as you continue making your coffee and grab your fixings for cereal. When you turn around you see Bucky sleepily walk into the kitchen. You look at the bags under his eyes and he stops short and stares at you. You feel your heart break when you know that he doesn’t sleep well without you. 
“Morning, Doll,” he says, completely ignoring Nat’s existence.
“Good morning Bucky,” you say. You decide to take your breakfast to go and shuffle around him as he walks further into the room. You stop and turn to look at him again, “Thank you for the roses. They are beautiful, “ you say before leaving.
Bucky sighs heavily when you leave and looks at Nat. “God I hope this works. I can’t live like this much longer, Nat. I miss her so goddamn much,” he says as he puts his face in his hands. 
“Barnes man up. This will work. She commented on the roses. She is hurt and doesn’t trust you, which you can’t blame her for. But the fact that she thanked you, tells me that she appreciates you putting in the effort. It’s time to do this. Let her know that you are serious about making her a priority. Now I bought everything. You go get ready and I will get her there, okay?” She says.
Bucky nods and heads out of the kitchen to get ready. He hopes that this will work. He is hoping that if anything it will show you how much he loves you and how much he wants to be with you. But he would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous that you will reject him also. But Nat seems to think this will work, so we will see.
You are sitting on your bed, watching Netflix when there is a knock on your door. You call for them to enter and see Nat walk through the door. She walks over and sits on your bed.
“Hey honey, how are you holding up?” she asks as she sits.
You shrug, hugging yourself. “I-I miss him. But I’m still mad at him. But I want to talk to him. But I’m scared that it will end,” you say.
Nat pulls you into a hug, “Honey, I promise he has been moping in his room all week. I don’t think he has gone near her once. Steve has been watching over her, and she has been spending a lot of time in the lab, which is weird, but whatever. He told her he was done and he meant it. Talk to him,” she says.
You can’t help the tears, “Has be been... okay?” you ask.
“He misses you. He wants to make it up to you. Are you ready to hear him out, and have a conversation with him?” Nat asked.
You sigh and think about whether or not you are ready. You look at her and node slowly, causing her to smile. “Good. I was hoping that would be your answer. Now get up and put...” she ran to the bedroom door and grabs a box from the hallway she left there, bringing it back to the bed. “This on. I’ll meet you in the garage in 1 hour,” she says before leaving. You open the box and gasp.
When Nat pulls up to the edge of Central Park, you look at her in question. She nods telling you to go ahead. You get out of the car and start walking down the path. As you get closer to the clearing, you hear light music. You continue walking and finally enter the clearing where you recognize you had your first date with Bucky. You look around and see roses everywhere and candles, along with music.
Finally your eyes meet Bucky, who is standing in the middle of open space. He is wearing a navy blue suit, that matches your navy blue dress that Nat gave you. He has shaved his beard to some light scruff, that makes you swoon. His hair is cut short, and looks so soft. You see he is nervous as he waits for you to make a move.
“Hi Bucky,” you say. 
He sighs and gives you a small smile, “Hi baby. I’m glad you came,” he says as he steps up to you with another rose in his hand.
He hands it to you, which causes you to smile, “Well Nat didn’t exactly give me much of a choice,” you say.
He laughs, “Yea, she has been helping me set up all of this. I’m so glad you are here. I-I wanted to... I... Baby, I can’t even find the words to apologize for being such an ass. But I’m done. I told Dot she had to deal with things herself. I told her that you were the one I want. And, I haven’t seen her since. I know that it will take a lot more than a date and begging to get you to forgive me, but I hope that we can recreate our first date because I fell in love with you that night. Not that I am expecting anything, but I owed you, and--”
You cut Bucky off with you lips slotting on his. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you impossibly close. “Bucky, I’m ready to talk. I’m ready to fix this. I’ve missed you. I love you so much, and the fact that you are doing all of this, means so much to me. This isn’t going to fix everything, but I’m ready to talk,” you say.
Bucky leads you to the table and you both sit and talk about the situation. You talk about your fears and how you felt when Dot arrived. You expressed how his actions affected you, and Bucky took everything in stride. When you finally finished going through everything, Bucky then told you how the last thing he wanted was to hurt you. He felt that he owed it Dot, because he knows how scary it is to wake up in a different time. And while he used to have love for Dot, the moment he met you and started to date you, Dot no longer held his heart. Only you. 
He told you that he will never put anything ahead of you or your relationship again. After you both agreed you will move back into your room, but Bucky still has a lot of things to make up for. You then danced the night away under the stars. You both eventually make your way back to your shared apartment. Bucky surprised you with new lingerie, the same pair he ruined that night. You got a redo of that date night, and this time, Bucky made sure you had several more orgasms, before finishing himself. No interruptions, no ex’s, just the two of you reclaiming your love on each other.
Dot had been trying to figure out what she could do to split you and Bucky up for good. She knew you would be pathetic and fall for his charms again, just like all the girls from back in the day. She had to step up her game in this century though, and who better to learn from then one of the smartest men who happen to live in the compound also.
She started to spend time with Tony to learn the ins and outs of technology in the 21st century. He also taught Dot how utilize FRIDAY. showed her all the fun and cool thing that no one cared to know. Dot made sure she seemed completely excited and interested, which helped Tony’s ego and gave her more information. Eventually Dot figured out something that she could use. 
She smiled when she saw both you and Bucky going into shared apartment after your date. While she hated the idea of you and Bucky together, she knew that she could use her new knowledge against you. And now was the perfect time to put that in motion.
Chapter 3 / Chapter 5
Not 100% how I feel about this chapter. I felt like it was getting too long so I cut it, but maybe I shouldn’t have. So I’m sorry if it’s not as good. But DRAMA ALERT!! What is Dot going to do? Feedback is appreciated!
Permanent Taglist:  @hailmary-yramliah @tuiccim @comedictragedy @cap-n-stuff @thefridgeismybestie @swiftmind @aleaisntcreative @lookiamtrying @pinknerdpanda @morganclaire4 @iamvalentinaconstanza @verygraphicink @im-squished @joannie95 @peace-love-hobbitness @connie326 @amandamdiehl @harrysthiccthighss @its-izzys @roserose26 @rebekahdawkins @elegantobservationstudentsblog @broco8 @shinykoalacat @white-wolf1940 @jessyballet
Story Taglist: @afuckingshituniverse @wintrfld @cherries-and-berries @ilovemarvelanne1 @lilli2411 @minty-fiction @peakywitch @blue-mostacho @r0bbieshapiro @uncreativezx @sarahjoestewy-blog
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cloud9in · 3 years
You’re the only one who’s writing poppy x mc fics sooo, i have a request “ bea is a bad girl (like in a gang) in high school and also went jail couple of times for getting in trouble in high school senior year poppy was new transfer student and after 2 months bea join back school and met poppy bea and they just click yk like a connection slowly they started dating and in school everyone was shocked to see bea in a relationship ( bad girl and new girl) poppy is always worried about bea and few days before graduation bea got hurt really bad and poppy gives bea 2 options that she has to choose between her or her this (gang).. bea didn’t say anything to her so poppy left, after 2/3 years they met in college bea was a different person but so does poppy they become enemies (no one knows why they hate each other) one day they were arguing and poppy shout at her and says why you're back and bea put her hand on her cheek and smile and say i am here to win you back because i love you 😬
Promises (Poppy x MC)
Part 1/?
Can i just say I'm absolutely invested in this plot? You've got me hooked on my own story, as hectic as my life is, this is enjoyable to write. I hope you like it as well @iamsimpforpoppy
Word count: 1.8k (i got carried away)
“You know what to do Jackson, same old shit.”
“Yeah but it feels like a movie every damn time”, Bea responds confidently as she unbuckles her seatbelt. She sports a black mask with a yellow bandana, a vivacious color worn by only the Southside Spades, a notorious street gang who were known for robbery, and occasional blood.
Bea found herself wrapped up in the world of gangs when she turned sixteen. But before that the brunette would assist in transporting goods, also known as hardcore drugs. There was plenty enough to go around so Bea could indulge in any she wanted. Drugs didn’t give her the high she craved though, instead it was the thrilling game of cat and mouse with the cops.
Every now and then she’d get thrown in the slammer overnight. But this particular evening earns her one year in the NY State Penitentiary. See, the cops never gathered significant evidence to build a case against her, even though she was well aware of Detective Steinhelm who had some sick obsession with her. Following her everywhere, until Bea confronted her directly after noticing the same black sedan parked a street down from her house.
But she played the game right, and nothing ever led back to her. Until now.
“Where’s the money Bradley? I feel like I’ve been kissing your ass all week, the boss needs it now.”
A skinny blonde boy who looks like he had better days grunts in annoyance, “You’ll get your money...I’m just a little short right now.”
“Time’s up Ken doll, you know Carter will have your head for this.”
“Maybe he doesn’t have to know. Maybe this can be between us…”, Bradley strides carefully towards the blonde, a disturbing grin on his face which screams junkie. “Back the hell up now.”
Bea pulled her knife out with ease and pointed it towards him. She didn’t plan on actually using it. Murder was way out her budget for a simple money pickup but she knew that it would scare the boy easily. Except he kicked the blade out of her hold which prompted it to screech across the concrete before coming to a stop. Before Bea could think her fists reacted as she intercepted a punch that aimed straight for her jaw. She twists Bradley’s arm and he falls on his knees in pain. With his back to her, she kicks him down until he’s flat on his stomach.
“What is it exactly that you plan on doing now Bradley?” The blonde boy struggles under Bea’s foot but manages to reach around and slash at her ankle with a surprise shiv. Bea yelps in pain before kicking his head, rendering him unconscious.
“Stupid idiot. Had to make this harder than it should’ve been.”
Bea eventually finds the stash of money hidden under his mattress, an amateur hiding place at best. She congratulated herself for another job accomplished (kinda) and headed home. What the seventeen year old didn’t expect was the repulsive sound of a siren filling her ears as she stepped out onto her driveway. Her blood rushed to her head when she spotted Detective Steinhelm among the police officers surrounding her and retorts, “oh come on. I thought I told them about you harassing me. What do you want? Back here to strip search me again?”
The older woman only watches the blonde in eerie silence before smiling and gesturing to a police officer. “Beatriz Jackson you have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can be used against you in a court of law-”
“What the actual fuck!” Bea yanks her arms out of the officers reach which initiates a struggle for dominance. This was nothing new to her, but it still felt sickening. Like she was some pet.
“You have the right to have a lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire.” Detective Steinhelm finishes speaking and approaches the still scuffling blonde, “if you keep resisting I will tase you myself.”
Bea bites back the urge to headbutt the old hag right in her stupid face but she didn’t need any extra charges, for whatever the hell it was she was being charged for.
“Tell me why the fuck I am being arrested and I’ll calm down.”
That’s when Bea notices a familiar (bruised up) face from earlier. His smirk was enough to eat at her skin and she felt burning hot rage.
“Your blood was found at the scene of Mr. Denbroughs assault. You are being arrested in the case of second degree assault with intent to hurt someone with a deadly weapon.”
Bea only got one year in prison due to her kickass lawyer Ina Kingsley who played the minor card at every opportunity given. She also pointed out the fact that the knife wasn’t bloodstained, and Bradley never had any stab wounds so there is no proof the weapon was ever used against him. And it technically wasn’t. Good thing she didn’t bring a gun instead.
She did miss her 18th birthday though. And a few months of her senior year. But that’s what summer classes were for right?
All eyes were on the blonde when she returned, and whispers spread throughout the school about a certain new girl. Bea paid no mind to the fingers that pointed in her direction but the newcomer did manage to catch her attention, and pretty quick at that.
“Hey Jackson, how was solitary confinement?”
“I heard they make you use the bathroom right through the tiny food slot.”
Bea rolls her eyes and pelts a piece of not-so-fresh bread right at Ford’s head. The other people at the table join in on the laughter and Bea shakes her head and smiles, “it was Juvie you dumbass, and they made us sit in a circle together every Thursday like we were in an AA meeting.
“That’s jail for babies, goldilocks here wouldn’t last a minute in a real prison”, Carter joins them at the table with a cocky smirk, yet his eyes soften when landing on Bea. She shares a similar look with him knowing they’ll have a real conversation later. Because they definitely didn’t get to have that when Bea was getting dragged away to the police station in cuffs, and every event after that.
“It’s our girl’s first day out, we have to celebrate. And it’s not like she’s on probation...right Bea?”
“I do have a curfew, and I’m on juvenile probation so…when we partying?” The crew laughs as Bea shrugs. Her mother will deal with it. Zoey scoots in next to the blonde and wraps her arm around her shoulder in a side hug. “So glad to have you back Bea, and we are not risking you breaking parole so let’s just go to a sport’s bar tonight.”
Bea nods her head in agreement as the first warning bell goes off and everyone starts to clean up. Zoey taps on her arm and points towards one of the farther tables where a lone figure sits, wiping her hands with a napkin. All Bea saw were blonde tresses until she turned and they made brief eye contact.
“She’s the new girl, Poppy Min Sinclair. Rumor is she’s got a rich white daddy. You should totally invite her to the party.”
“And why would I do that?”
Zoey squints her eyes and leans in closer, her hands under chin in thought, “she seems like the broody type, you two would click.” She laughs at Bea’s comical expression but the blonde can’t bother to look in her direction, she’s way too wrapped up in what little the stranger a few tables away had to offer. She would sit on that thought, Bea was not one to shy away from anything.
The two became friends quicker than anyone could think.
One day after school, Poppy’s car wouldn’t start. It just didn’t comply. You would think she’d be poised and call her mechanic to come fix it, but instead the blonde slumped against the driver’s side window and let out a visibly frustrated, high-pitched yelp. Bea watched her pace around the car and even...kick?...the front bumper with her heels in efforts to wake it up.
“You know I may be wrong but I think that only makes it worse..” She approaches the helpless blonde with a small grin. Poppy’s persistence amazed her though, she’s never seen anyone determined to beat a car up. An expensive one at that.
“I hope you have some idea how to fix it, unless you’re here to waste my time and ask me on a date.”
Okay that definitely threw Bea on a whim. She lets out a sharp laugh and bites her lips in amusement. She strolls towards the front of her car, holding Poppy’s gaze the whole way. She liked that the blonde didn’t avert her eyes. “And if I did? We couldn’t take your car of course, it’s obviously impaired.”
Poppy smiles and turns to look at Bea properly. She checks out every inch of her with no visible shame. An assessment so to say, and she likes what she sees.
“It’s your lucky day Poppy, I happen to know a thing or three about cars, and I desperately want to get this thing working so we can go on that date.” She winks playfully but god does she mean it. Bea silently prayed that the blonde wouldn’t take it the wrong way, but she knew she won when Poppy didn't protest, instead getting comfortable under some shade and holding her hand out, “the stage is all yours Jackson.”
“So what you’re trying to tell me is that I can’t jump over this obvious not-so-protected fence?”
“Judging by the sign right next to it that says...oh wow who would’ve thought, “DO NOT ENTER”, I don’t think so”, Poppy deadpans. It didn’t phase Bea of course because she was already halfway up the fence when the blonde turned away from the sign. The girl had a point to prove, maybe not a valid one, but still a point.
Poppy pinches her eyebrows in exasperation before looking back up to a nonchalant Bea swinging her legs from the top of the fence. She winks down at the blonde, “join me?”
Poppy didn’t expect to be climbing fences with a charismatic girl who had the same color hair as her when she moved schools, but she found herself embracing every moment of it. Although the trip up there was a struggle and some.
“I swear to god there’s a wire in my ass.”
“You’re being dramatic.”
“And we’re both going to end up in the hospital. Get. me. Down.”
Bea tries to hold in her laughter the whole way down but lets it loose when she sees Poppy still up there, partly hovering in the air. “Pops...I’ll catch you, don't worry. Climb down slowly.” She doesn’t. But Bea had her feet planted and ready because any moment with the sassy blonde was unpredictable.  And she loved it. Especially because she had Poppy engulfed in her arms and they were so close their noses touched.
Bea promised herself she’d kiss the girl next time.
“You’re...in a gang?”
Bea felt a clasp of cold air enter her lungs as she stared ahead. It wasn’t like she could hide it from Poppy. She has a reputation, and word has gotten around about the two getting close. This was just like that one time at the end of sophomore year where Bea met Kelly Hall, a beautiful girl with golden rimmed glasses. Unfortunately she only could imagine what could’ve been after whispers ended up right on the doorstep of Kelly’s parents, and she suddenly changed her number, and switched out of every class she had with Bea.
The blonde didn’t want to entertain the thought of Poppy doing the same, but this was a lifestyle she chose.
“I mean...how?”
Bea sighs and turns to look at her, “I fell into the wrong crowd. Or maybe it’s the right one because I never found a true home until I met them. They’re family, I wouldn’t expect you to get it though and I understand if you want to distance-”
“I of all people know what it’s like to not fit in Jackson. You’ve found people who make you feel safe. Maybe I don’t agree with the troubles that come with being in a gang but I don’t know the whole story.”
“Do you want to?”
Poppy wraps her arms around Bea’s and lays her head on her shoulder, “I want to know that you won’t get yourself hurt but I know that’s nearly impossible.”
Bea exhales slowly, not knowing what to say. She knew that this would upset Poppy but her acceptance meant more. She didn’t know what this would mean for the two of them, if there was a “them”, but she felt more encouraged to share more of her other life with the blonde.
“Just promise me one thing Jackson.”
Poppy’s voice comes out softer than expected, and Bea ingests every emotion that comes with it, “Promise me you won’t ever put yourself in a position where you have to choose between me or the gang.”
Bea finds her hand in the space where their thighs touched and latches onto it like a lifebuoy,
“I promise.”
“I just remembered something Poppy.”
“What, that you have half a brain cell? I thought that was established Jackson.”
Bea launches a pillow that (purposely) misses Poppy’s head by an inch. If she actually hit her and frizzed up her locks then she’d never hear, or see..or walk again.
“I’m being serious. I just remembered this too, we never went on that car date we talked about.”
Poppy squints her eyes in confusion, but was fully aware of what Bea was referring to. “You mean the first time we met?”
The blonde smiles to herself as she replayed that day in her head over and over again. She couldn’t decide if Bea’s openly flirty behavior is what drew her in or if it was her ability to fix any of her possessions with ease. And for free.
Bea pulls Poppy up by her hands until her back is against the lockers. Another perfect opportunity for the blonde to make do of that promise she made to herself, but something told her to wait just a bit longer. “So what do you say? Poppy Min Sinclair, will you go on a date with me?”
Poppy rolls her eyes playfully, pulling Bea in closer by the collar of her letterman, “now who’s being dramatic?”
“I didn’t hear a no”
“I think you know what the answer is.”
That night Zoey helped Bea prep for her first date with the girl that she could say she was almost in love with. The taller girl brushed some dust off of Bea’s jacket and planted her hands on her shoulders, “remember Jackson, give her the ride of her life. And I mean that in every way possible.”
Thanks Zoe.
Bea watched Poppy drive up in front of her house and something inside her mind couldn’t deny the pang her heart let out when she saw Poppy smile the way she did.
Bea took control of the driving and told Poppy to recline her seat and enjoy the ride, with her seatbelt on of course. Safe sacrifices. They cruised through an empty highway blasting Poppy’s spotify playlist named “Rich Bitch Songs” because that was their ideal perfect date. It’s amazing that the two could even come to an agreement, but here we are.
She watched the beautiful blonde sing her lungs out and couldn’t help but mirror her joy, taking her hands off the steering wheel. The pump of adrenaline prompts a new excitement in the air and Poppy wraps Bea into a secure hug, her hair flying wildly with the wind. Bea slows the car down but the rapid beating of her heart made it seem they were going 100 miles per second.
“I feel so alive Jackson.”
Bea stared at the girl in the passenger seat with a look that could only be described as love.
“You make me feel alive.”
Poppy kept talking and Bea found a way to focus on both the road and the blonde next to her. Because when you truly enjoy something, you’ll find a way to keep experiencing it. And Bea enjoyed hearing Poppy’s voice, she loved everything about her.
“I feel like kissing you.”
“Then what’s stopping you?”
“...Nothing. I should’ve done this a long time ago.”
They kiss when Bea pulls over.  A hot feeling consumes them like fire when their tongues collide and Bea plants her hands around Poppy’s hips, pushing her back into her seat until she’s on top. The windows easily start to fog up in reaction to the heat, and not once did they take their hands off each other.
Promise 1/2 kept
End Note: This chapter was to build their relationship, more angst incoming. BIG THANKS to @somewillwin for letting me use Jackson <3333
Taglist: @samanthadalton @somewillwin @clowneryme @baexpoppy @poppysmc @doey-eyes8 @veenast @straightlikewetspaghetti @phoennixxsblog @a-ghost-girl
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jake-marshall · 3 years
TGAAC: Adventures thoughts
So I finished game 1 last Saturday, and took a brief break from continuing so I could write a fic centered around it (won’t mention what character because ~Spoilers~), and will now continue on to game 2 starting today (albeit, I did start a little of game 2 last week but was so burned out from having marathoned Case 5, I didn’t really vibe with it so I’ll probably just start over).  Here are my, as well as my wife @morpheusdreamt ‘s (who watched parts with me) thoughts on the DGS/TGAAC 1, under the cut.  LOTS OF SPOILERS INCLUDED!  READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
The Adventure of the Great Departure - discounting the fact that it’s the first case and therefore also a super-hand-holdy tutorial, I felt this was one of the stronger first cases in the whole series.  I really enjoyed Jezaill and Hosonaga, and just Kazuma and Ryuunosuke’s dynamic as a whole, even though I knew what was coming.  My complaint about this case was that it felt way too long for a first case - which, I mean, I get in hindsight because of needing to include the right amount of development between Kazuma and Ryuunosuke to make Kazuma’s death effective and to make it more believable that Ryuunosuke takes over as the main lawyer.   But also, it wasn’t satisfying to out Jezaill as the murder (even though I know she has a role in the second game) and then come to find out she probably won’t be punished for it. This lack of satisfaction became a sort of prevailing theme for me throughout the game. The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band - again, another tutorial case that felt way too long.  I’m pretty sure I was drinking the whole time I played this case, with Sholmes being the one to drive me to do it.  As with the first case, the characters stood out for me way more than the case itself. My favorite part of this was watching the bond form between Ryuunosuke and Susato.  As much as I also like Nikolina, I found this case overall to be fairly forgettable. The Adventure of the Runaway Room  - first of all, I haven’t replayed this since completing the game (and therefor completing case 5) but I feel it’s almost necessary to do so to fully grasp this case?  Which is, after having completed the game, something I really like about this case in particular.   I thought McGilded was a fantastic character (and not just because of his resemblence to Handsome Jack :p), and I knew we’d meet Gina and Van Zieks in this case, but I was still thrilled to have it happen.   Upon first playthrough, this case was like the others, extremely frustrating in the sense that I wasn’t really getting anywhere?  That the plot wasn’t going anywhere?  I mean, at least for me, I really had no clue as to how involved McGilded was in Mr. Mason’s death, so kudos to the writers in keeping me guessing.   Overall, this felt like a filler case until you get to the end and realize, oh shit.  It’s not, is it?  And then I wished I would’ve paid more attention to some details, so it’s definitely worth a replay. The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro - But no, this is the filler case!  And I know some of the characters show up in the 2nd game, but oof.  There was very little I enjoyed about this case on an individual level, and I’m not one to get super salty about ~this is problematic~ but the consistent inclusion of joking about domestic violence made me uncomfortable.   Soseki was a fun character, but the Garridebs and Beates felt over-the-top, and, again, the fact that the attack was actually an accident just made this case feel like, ??? It made me wary of starting the 5th case.  I felt, there’s nowhere I’m going to come away from the game liking it more than “just alright”. The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story -  Let me start by just saying that this is one of my favorite cases in the entire series. So the only things I knew about this case going in was that Gina was the defendant and that Ashley was the killer, but I didn’t know anything regarding motive or his background, or Gina’s whole ordeal with McGilded. Both of their arcs spoke me to quite profoundly.  I thought Gina’s development and her fears and insecurities surrounding trust were so relateable, her self-loathing and resignation to never having anything in life go her way just because of her class.  Of her needing to look out for herself because no one else will, at least not without wanting anything in return.   Like dude, I was crying when she finally accepted Ryuunosuke’s offer to defend her. I don’t really see it brought up (and maybe I just haven’t looked hard enough) about how heavily it contrasts with Ashley’s story, of them both coming from a poor background and both clearly suffering from abandonment issues and how it’s molded them and their perspective on the world and the people in it.  I thought Ashley was so compelling, even though he starts off as a sort of caricature (which I gather was the intention).   His absolute contempt towards McGilded (and clearly at himself, by the end) was so palpable for me, and left me thinking about him and the case for days after completing it. I liked too, that for as many AA cases where the killer will be like “I’m so much ~smarter than you~”, Ashley actually does a pretty good job of backing it up, that it’s more show than tell (his making the deal with Gregson and the fact that what broke most of his testimony was the Skulkins and not things he himself said)  as it tends to be the other way around. I still want to know what went down in the bus between his dad and McGilded.  I have this terrible feeling that Mason went there to tell McGilded to leave his son alone and that he wouldn’t sell the disk.  Which would make it all worse, lol but I’m fine with that. Unless Gina undergoes some sort of terrible devolvement in the 2nd game, I can safely say that she and Ashley have become Top 10 all time AA characters for me, and that’s saying something considering how long and how deeply I’ve loved my faves from the original games. Anyway, getting back on point to the actual games and not just meta on the characters, I liked the pace that Case 5 progressed at, and how it had some expected twists and turns (like Sholmes’s appearance) that weren’t made any less enjoyable by being predictable.  And I didn’t find it terribly difficult but it was still outrageously fun (minus the stereoscope mechanic which I know is just a fucky misfortune given the game was originally designed to incorporate 3DS functions, which are obsolete on the Switch).  I just thought that Case 5 felt like everything that was right in the original series, both gameplay wise and story/character wise. Despite the fact that it hangs on a massive cliffhanger -__-  But luckily i don’t have to wait two years to play the 2nd game, lol. Maybe my opinion of this game will change after I play the 2nd game, but overall my feelings are that it’s enjoyable enough and if you like Ace Attorney, and you’re more invested in the main characters/their development you’ll like it/probably even love it.  For me, the fifth case and it tying together with the third case, specifically the affects it had Ryuu, Van Zieks, and Gina makes the rest of the game worth playing, but the rest of the cases are not as individually satisfying as many of the other cases in the AA series.   I would still recommend this, however, based on how eager it’s made me to want to play the second game opposed to just feeling like I went through all that for nothing (which is sort of my experience when I replay AJ or DD now, not that I still don’t love them).
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sweetchup · 4 years
A Helping Hand 2: A Check Up
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Type: Shalnark x reader
Au?: Savior Au
Word Count: 6,500 (Holy Cannoli!)
Warnings: Hospital, Medicine, Cursing, sexual innuendos, mentions sexual assault, Angry Irish lady and Shalnark being a shark.
Author Note: Ahh I’m so glad I finally got this done. Actually when I woke up the morning after I got half way, I check the polls only to find out Family 2 had totally surpassed Helping Hand 😨 (which was way in the lead the night before). I guess Family 2 is next haha😋. Also I hope @lvndrhwis​ and @meromelodi​ enjoy because you two have been waiting for a part 2 for a while 💕💕💕.
<—(Pt.1) / (Pt.3)—>
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“Doctor (l/n), oh there you are. Patient 104 and 122 is in need of a check up today in order to determine if they are allowed to be discharged.”
“Okay. Let’s see.” Your hand quickly grabs the paperwork from the nurse. You skim the paper quickly before giving it back to him, “Yes I’ll get that done sometime after I check the files of patient 66.”
The bright bleach white walls burn your eyes as you finally make your way into the intensive care’s central office. You’ve mentioned countless times to management that they need to get dimmer light bulbs in here, but they just don’t seem to want to listen to you. Stupid higher ups.
But that didn’t exactly matter right now, you could deal with that problem later. Ever so sluggishly, due to lack of caffeine and sleep, you walk over to one of the many metal file cabinets decorating the room. The freezing cold surface of the metal gives you goosebumps as you skim your hand down its surface. After passing two drawers you find the one you were looking for, named “R-W”, and open it up.
“Let’s see… Shalnark Ryuseih’s progress report, where did I put it?” You mutter under your breath, your diligent and quick fingers skimming back and forth between the many files trying to find it. Occasionally you pull a file out, only to put it back when you realize it’s not the one you were looking for. Where in the world is that file? It definitely shouldn’t be hard to find, not that many people have first and last names that either start with R-W. Actually you shouldn’t say that, there are some pretty unusual names out there. Like, Shooter, Slayer, Twinkle, Zi … wow... names can be pretty much anything nowadays.
“Ah!” Finally you had found the file, it had just been tucked into the wrong place. Opening up the yellow thick file paper, the first thing you see is the newest report given from PT and rehab sector. Reading it, you can’t help but allow a small smile to force its way onto your face.
You’ve been incredibly busy lately which has led you to not having much time to stop by on Shalnark. The only times being to make sure he falls asleep and to bring him food and meds since he doesn’t trust anyone else but you with those things. You had truly felt sad not being able to hang out with the smiley dorky man. Though, at the same time, a tiny bit of you on the inside was relieved not spending as much time with a sadistic mass murder.
But, all in all, you were just glad that even in your absence he has been making good progress. Shal had even recently moved to being able to walk around with crutches, a huge step forward for him (pun intended), and being able to messily begin to write the alphabet. You actually should go see him right now to tell him how pleased you were before checking on other patients.
That idea was soon lost though as the central office door was busted open, breaking your train of thought.
“Ah! (Y/n). There you are!”
Looking up from the file, you see Mal, the Front Desk women of the Intensive Care unit, and… a man you don’t recognize?
“Jeremiah, This is Doctor (L/n). (Y/n), this is Jeremiah. He has been transferred here from Abagail Union Hospital, Two cities away.”
The brunette male flashes you a charming smile as Mal introduces him, which you return with a small one of your own. In a welcoming gesture, you stick out your hand and you two share a quick hand shake; giving quick hello’s.
As your hand retracts you couldn’t help but feel…. off? Everything seemed okay but you couldn’t help but feel as if something was off, like as if the room changed somehow. It felt oddly familiar like you should know what it was… right? But, what exactly was off?
“I’m sure you remember this (y/n), but Jeremiah has never been a part of an intensive care unit before so management was hoping you could show him the ropes.”
Ah… That’s what it was, you had forgotten that management dropped another chore for you to do. They must be out for your throat or something.
“Of course!” You give Mal a wave as she leaves the room and Jeremiah in your hands. You quickly turn away from the man and put away Shalnark’s paperwork. Though, you can’t help but don’t want to put the file away, it was as if your hand was physically fighting against you letting it go. You let out a sigh and a small frown. Sorry Shal, I promise I’ll visit you tomorrow. Finally, your hand lets you put the file away after making that promise. But you still can’t help but feel as if you are physically hurt by your action.
You hear an awkward cough behind you and you turn back around.
“Sorry about that. Now let’s get you started right?” You say as enthusiastic as you can muster. You still are low on sleep and Caffeine after all.
“Yes of course, Doctor (l/n).”
“Please, just call me (y/n). It makes me feel old when people refer to me as Doctor.”
Jeremiah lets out a chuckle. “Okay, (y/n). Lead the way then, I’m glad you’re the one showing me the ropes”
Though, even with the cheerful small talk you have with Jeremiah as you two exit the room, you can’t help but hope you haven’t forgotten anything else.
Afterall,.... that strange feeling hasn’t left yet.
“So, then…. hahaha….my sister said, ‘Fuck you I’m gonna do whatever I want’.” Suzanne explains to Jez and you as the three of you walk down the long and busy corridor. Small bits of chatter and talk from other people bouncing off the walls through the hallway
The two ladies let out a giggle as you end up almost choking on your drink. “Oh god. I swear everyone should know it’s common knowledge that whenever someone says that, nothing ever turns out well.” You explain letting out a sigh at the end.
“I know right!”
“Yep and that’s exactly what ends up happening next.”
“Oh god What happened?”
“Right after she finished her sentence. She ends up falling off the curve and landing face first into a huge muddy puddle. Like I’m talking huge.”
Jez lets out a gasp while you break out into a huge chuckle. “In her new satin dress?!” Jez says stunned.
“Yep! It was expensive too.”
“Well, it serves her right for— Oh crap.” You cut yourself off as you suddenly remember something. You quickly check your watch and begin to back step your path. It was time to bring Shalnark his food and meds. He would get so pissed if you forgot or was late. “I’m sorry I forgot to do something, I'll be right back.”
You finally turn around, almost bumping into someone as well, and begin to sprint down the corridor towards the lunch room. You can hear Suzanne and Jez let out a laugh.
“Don’t keep us waiting (y/n)! You-know-who is going to be sitting with us for lunch!”
“Yep and it would hurt if you miss out on him. Especially with how close you have gotten to him in the last two weeks.”
“I have not!” You shout back while turning around to glare at them; earning strange looks from doctors, nurses and patients around you as you do so. Their stares and whispers cause your cheeks to flare up in embarrassment and you let out a squeaky apology as you go back to scurrying to the lunch room. All the while you hear Jaz and Suzanne laughing getting louder and louder. Curse those two.
You haven’t gotten that close to Jeremiah. Sure, you’ve been helping him out every day since he joined the team two weeks ago. Along with the fact you practically spent every minute of your work day with him… okay, maybe they were correct. Maybe you and Jeremiah have gotten a little close but you didn’t feel anything for him, right?
You picture Jeremiah in your head. Yep.... just as you thought. Nothing.
Though at the same time…
As you thought about or are with Shalnark. There was this feeling; something ever so strange. It wasn’t in just one place either, it reached from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and fingers. First, it usually starts with your face feeling hot and, if you are able to see yourself, your cheeks are a light red flush shade. Then you can feel those... those butterflies? Yes, butterflies, in your stomach along with an ever so faster heartbeat. On top of that there were also other things that happened depending on the situation. The tingly feeling in your fingers when they accidentally brush his. The ghosting feeling of his hand prints and arms along your body the next day after he held you the night before. And finally, the one that drives you insane, when your eyes just lock onto his lips while he’s going on and on about whatever electronic or game thing he’s been interested in recently and you just feel that desperate need to just lean over and kiss him.
All of sudden you come out of your thoughts and realize you are standing right in front of Lara, the head worker of the canteen. She’s giving you a weird look and holding her hand up in your face. It seemed like she had been trying to get your attention for quite a bit.
“Are you okay, Lass? Your face is as red as Santa’s big red ass. Ya’ better not be driving any sickness or crazy mutating bullshitting disease into my canteen. Ya’ hear me!?”
“A-aa. I-I’m not sick, don't worry. I was just… Just lost in my thoughts, you know?” You scramble your hands around to help explain. How embarrassing… Shalnark is your patient and you are his doctor. It's part of your job that you keep a professional relationship with him,a hospital isn’t the place to fall in love. Plus what are you thinking having such feelings for a man that has ruined the lives of so many others.
Your explanation about why your face was red didn’t help though as you see Lara, being the cheeky leprechaun looking woman she is, flashing you a mischievous smile.
“Lost in your thoughts, eh? What type of thoughts are we talking about here~ Doctor (l/n)~.”
“N-no not those thoughts la—“
“Oh really? I swear I saw your face get a little bit more red just now~” Lara teases, poking a freezing cold finger to your burning cheeks. You quickly slap her finger away and attempt to explain.
“I-It’s because I’m embarr—“
“Ah. Ah. Ahhh~ I know a liar when I see one.” Lara leans over the counter and puts a hand to block the side of her mouth as if she’s sharing a super duper big secret with you. “Was it about Mr. BDE?”
“Mr. BDE?” BDE? What does BDE stand for.. is this another tiktik trend I don’t know about? I swear I told Lara a thousand times I’m never joining that cult like app.
“She's talking about the male patient you always come with or without to grab food for. The blonde one.”
Startled by the sudden new voice, you turn around to see Clara, another canteen worker, with her usual emotionless face watching you two converse.
“Well I guessed that. I was just confused about—“
“Well it should be hard to guess now! Especially now that you’ve been spending so much time with…” Lara let’s out an exaggerated gag and you only roll your eyes. You look towards Clara for help and thankfully she decides to be kind enough by grabbing you some food. “Ugh... Mr. SDE”
“M-Mr. SDE?” What is with these weird nicknames Sara is dishing out?
“She’s talking about the new doctor Jeremiah.” Clara shouts over to you two. You spare a glance over and see that she’s filling the tray full of Shalnark’s most liked foods. Even being nice enough to add a birthday cake flavored pudding cup. You aren’t sure exactly why but Shalnark is obsessed with birthday cake flavored foods. Though at the same time it makes sense, only the worst of the worst and monsters like birthday cake flavor.
“Well I have to spend time with Jeremiah. It’s my job to help—“
“How dare you (y/n)!” You look back over to Sara to see her sulking in the corner. What in the world? “I can’t believe ya’ betrayed your one true husbando like that.”
“WILL YOU STOP CUTTING ME OFF!?” you shout at the top of your lungs, about to go over and clobber Sara on top of the head. Though you are stopped by the fact that Clara has brought you Shalnark’s food. “Thank you, Clara. This is much appreciated unlike something else.”
You give one last glare at Sara, causing her to scramble away to the kitchen. Finally you can just leave and begin the long peaceful walk to Shalnark’s room.
“Ah wait. (Y/n)” Clara calls out as she remembers something.
Clara leans over and whispers something in your ear. You feel your face heat up and you start to shake with anger.
It was peaceful in Shalnark’s room, the only noise being the clicking noise of the keys on his laptop as he was coding something. Though that is soon disturbed as a sudden knock comes at his door.
“Come in.” Shalnark calls, not even bothering to look up to see who is coming in. The door opens with a soft whoosh and Shalnark suddenly surrounded by the aroma of warm cooked food. His stomach growls as a reaction and he hadn’t even realized that he was practically starving up until now. How long had he been messing around with his computer? 2 hours? No that wasn’t right.
Checking the clock in the corner of his computer screen he realizes it’s been more than 9 hours since he’s started.
Hearing the clicking noise of the door shut up, which snaps him out of his thinking, he looks up to see you are there. Though, he can’t clearly see you as you are faced away from him as you closed the door shut.
“Why hello there Doctor~. What do—“ His singsong tone is stopped as you finally turn around; giving him a good look at you. “oh wow (y/n) what happened to you?”
“O-oh it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“Huh? But it looks like you got in a fight somehow.” Shalnark muses, his bright green eyes observing you closer as you make your way to his bedside. It seemed pretty obvious to him you had gotten into some sort of complication, especially with your unusually wrinkled clothes, a light sweat glistening your skin and the messy state of your hair.
“Oh no, not at all. It’s just been a busy day that’s all. So I haven’t had the chance to constantly keep myself neat.” You lie as you sit in the chair next to the bedside, not wanting to exactly explain to Shalnark why you had to chase Sara around the canteen with a rolling pin in hand. As you place the tray of warm food on Shalnark’s lap, you feel a ghost-like touch on the skin of your face.
You flinch away at the strange feeling, but a sturdy hand grabs the back of your neck that stops you from moving any further.
“Sit still (y/n).” Shalnark says. You look towards his face as he flashes you a wide smile and reaches with his other hand to your hair. You normally would stop Shalnark from touching you like this unless absolutely needed but decided it wouldn’t hurt to allow him this time.
Honestly, for a man that was considered by so many as a demon or the devil himself, he looked like a true saint in this moment while he was concentrating on fixing your hair. From his sunny hair shining like pure gold strands to his delicate soft pale skin looking like sculpted marble, He truly looked like something not of this world. It also didn’t help that the sunlight from the afternoon sun bounced off his features giving him an ethereal glow. “There you go. Oh wait...”
Your snap out of your daze as you feel shalnark put something in your hair. Suddenly, the ever so soft scent of a sweet, possibly vanilla or candy-like, scent fills your senses. Shakily, and almost hesitantly, you reach up a hand to feel what was put in your hair.
“Ah ah ahh. You’ll knock it out of place if you do that.” Shalnark teases as his hand stops yours from touching the item. He gives you an extra cheeky smile as he cheekily interlocks his fingers with yours.
“O-oh sorry.” You mumble shyly out. Crap, you feel your face begin to burn up. In a quick decision to try and save yourself, you turn your head away from him to act as if you are grabbing some medicine to add to his food. Thankfully, you soon feel your blush dial down quickly and you grab the right pill bottle to pop the right dosage into his food.
Turning around and mixing the medication in, you finally turn your attention back to Shalnark. You confusingly blink a couple of times at him. What in the world?
“Shal…. Are you catching flies with your mouth or something?” You say as you continue to look at Shalnark. You were extremely confused at why his mouth was slightly opened.
Shalnark raises an eyebrow at your comment but his happy mood doesn’t seem to be faltered in any way. “How rude (y/n)! I’m your patient shouldn't you be helping me eat?”
“Exactly what are you trying to get at?”
“I thought you were smarter than this (y/n).” Shal says in pout, “I’m telling you to feed me.”
“Not happening.” You deadpanned causing the blonde man to pout even more in front of you.
“Awww but why not?!”
“You have two perfectly good arms, Shalnark. I…” You trail off at the end as you lock eyes with Shalnark. You recognize that glint in his eyes. Oh great you had made the mistake of letting your guard down, exactly why did you compare him to a saint before?
“Huh? Doctor that isn’t very nice of you. I struggle even writing my name but you think I’m ready to try something as tough and painful as attempting to hold a weighted spoon. I find that cruel and it would be such a shame if—“
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. ‘It would be such a shame if unfair treatment and unkindly behavior gets reported to management.’” You recite the rest of his words. Afterall, this isn’t the first time Shalnark has attempted to be manipulative in getting special rights from you or other staff. You especially wanted to strangle him the time he went too far. Also known as the time he really dug into a poor nurse in training when she wouldn’t give him rights to his electronics. The poor girl ended up running out of the hospital bawling and never showing up again.
“Soooo….. you’ll help me?” Shalnark says in a sickly sweet tone, as if he didn’t just threaten you.
“Yes, yes. I’ll feed you, you Manipulative asshole” You answered, monotoned, all the while grabbing the tray from off his lap and getting a spoonful of the lunch food.
“Oh? Are we using big girl words now, Doctor?” Shalnark teases. You aren’t looking at his face but you bet you could practically hear his smile growing by the second.
“Yes I am.” You take the filled spoon and put it to his lips, “Open up.”
You feel your hand begin to shake. Not from holding it up but from your increasing anger. Shalnark's smile had just grown more as he continued to keep his mouth shut and refuse to open it. You could even swear you could hear the petty asshole internally making fun of you.
“Say ah?”
Nope. That didn’t work as he continued to refuse to open up.
“P-P-Please open up?” You say out, trying your hardest to not lose your cool.
Jesus Christ. You were just about ready to chuck this lunch tray in Shalnark’s stupid handsome face. But you knew that would only mean Shalnark had won. Afterall, you too could play this game.
Even if it didn’t look like it, you could tell Shalnark got confused as you suddenly placed the tray down on the table next to you.
“Shal.” You say, catching his attention. The blonde hair man could feel himself suddenly struggle to breath as you softly place a hand on his shoulder and lightly lean your top half against his. With the close proximity of you two he could even smell the faint scent of what was believed to be the shampoo you use.
Shalnark let out a loud gulp as he attempted to calm down his racing heartbeat. He watches for what feel like hours as you bat your eyes at him and make eye contact. “Open up, pretty please.”
Finally, with mild hesitation, Shalnark opens his mouth, giving you the opportunity to feed him. Hahaha, suits him right. You win~
You give him a couple spoonfuls like that before what you are doing finally hits you. You desperately and quickly back away. You are supposed to be professional. He’s your patient. Not someone you can flirt with or your boyfriend. A patient.
Your actions today have crossed a line. You don’t even deserve to call yourself a Doctor if you act this way while on duty.
“I apologize. That was extremely unprofessional of me.” You say embarrassed; unable to meet his gaze.
Shalnark feels as if his heart is clogged up in his throat as he watches you. He’s never felt this feeling before. He’s actually never felt any of this domesticated stuff before. From the nice feeling of being safe and loved in your arms that sometimes makes him want to cry tears of joy to the bubbly feeling in his stomach when he hears your ever so pretty laugh fill up the room. This was all so strange to him. Yet he can’t stop himself from wanting more of it; more of you. He truly is a very greedy man.
Ever so carefully he reaches a hand out in an attempt to grab yours. His fingertips were just about to ghost your skin as he finally spoke.
“(Y/—“ The door suddenly bursts open, cutting off whatever shalnark was about to say and causes him to quickly retract his hand. “(Y/n)! There you are.”
Looking to the door you see Jeremiah standing there, somewhat leaning on the doorway. “Oh…, are you busy right now?”
“A-ah I’m just about finished up. I just needed to help give Mr. Ryuseih his food and meds.” You explain, giving Jeremiah a small smile. Thank goodness he hadn’t walked in any earlier.
“Oh really? You need help?” You watch as Jeremiah walks closer to you. He goes right next to you, practically almost touching you, and grabs the tray on the table. “Ah it’s already been partially eaten? Does this patient not want to eat?”
“No. I was just offering to help feeding him to help him sinc—”
“Well that’s not needed. Mr. Ryuseih has perfectly good capability over his hands and arms so he can feed himself.” Jeremiah explains. Placing the plate on Shalnark’s lap. “Plus it’s your lunch break right now and as a doctor of the intensive care unit it’s important you eat.”
“Yes but, it’s also my duty to help patients. Shalnark—”
“You mean Mr. Ryuseih.” Jeremiah says; cutting you off.
“Huh? What do—“
“(Y/n),... I’m going to tell you this because I care about you as a fellow doctor and a friend. There’s been some rumors popping up around the office about yours and Mr. Ryuseih’s.... relationship.” Jeremiah explains, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. You can practically hear your heart pounding out of your chest at this point. “Relationships between staff and patients don’t go against our contract and are allowed but…, as you know, they are regarded as highly inappropriate. So, if management does get a wind of these rumors it could have some consequences.”
“But-t it’s not like that. I’m just making sure that Shal—“ Jeremiah cuts you off as he places a hand on your shoulder.
“(Y/n), for both your sake and along with your patient,” Jeremiah gestures to Shalnark, who is unusually not smiling like usual. “I would suggest dialing down on the friendly… interactions. You know?”
“I-I—“ You feel dread and this pressure just all around as you struggle to form your thoughts into coherent sentences.
“It’s for the best, (y—“ “I would suggest that you quit cutting her off.”
Both of you are surprised as Shalnark suddenly speaks. You are extra stunned as you have never heard Shalnark speak in such a serious tone before.
“I said ‘quit cutting her off.’”
There’s a long pause before Jeremiah lets out a sigh. “You are right. I apologize for being so rude (y/n), I only meant to help you. Not to make you feel bad.”
Jeremiah gives you a pat on the back and a small smile. “I’ll be taking my leave. I hope this doesn’t deteriorate our friendship in any way.”
You do want to forgive Jeremiah since it seems like his intentions were to be helpful. But, from stress and shock at everything being told, you can’t speak. It is even starting to feel hard to breath in here. What’s going on?
“Calm down.”
Suddenly, a soothing voice enters your ringing ears and you are being pulled down into a safe embrace. Originally it felt nice but now you slowly begin to realize who it is holding you.
“S-s-shal-l-l. N...o…” You struggle to even get out the simplest of words, not even considering the struggle it is to even attempt to move.
“(Y/n) he’s gone. No one is here but you and I. Don’t worry about that. You need to calm down.”
As Shalnark says that, you realize the cotton shirt beneath your face is damp. You were crying. Maybe even full on bawling and you hadn’t even realized it. Were you going through some sort of panic attack? Or possibly a state of shock? You didn’t even know.
Suddenly, the sweet sound of whistling fills the room. You feel yourself unintentionally focusing on the soft tune. Then, ever so slowly, after a little bit of time you can feel yourself relaxing and slowly coming back to the world around you.
Shalnark ever so softly puts one of his hands on your back. Running his fingers in careful, almost methodically, circles and shapes. He really wanted to strangle that guy. No, he wanted that asshole to feel the pain of hell and back. But, what was with that feeling?
Something was off about the room when the guy entered. Yet, Shalnark just couldn’t put his finger on exactly what it was.  
That’s what was pissing him off the most.
“Mr. Ryuseih.” A nurse calls but Shalnark can’t hear her. He’s too far into his own thoughts, trying to figure out what in the world was that strange feeling yesterday afternoon.
Was it just the mood of the room? No, it affected (y/n) and I too much to be just the ‘mood of the room’.
“Mr. Ryuseih.”
Was it just tense aura?... No, that isn’t it either. I would be able to tell right away. Along with that, when he was left alone with me later to help with my crutches I didn’t feel that feeling again… It has to be something to do with (y/n). But, what exactly?
“Mr. Ryuseih!”
“Huh?” Shalnark snaps out of his thoughts as he realizes a nurse is on the side of his bed holding a pair of crutches.
“It’s time for morning PT and I’m here to make sure you whippersnapper make your way there safely. We better get going unless you want to be late, mister.” The nurse scolds, shaking her finger.
“Oh. Apologies.” Shalnark says, grabbing the crutches from her. “Let’s get going.”
Now… where was I. So I had just figured out it had a connection with (y/n). But what? Revenge? No, (y/n) hasn’t let a patient die under her care yet and all major surgeries are mostly by high class surgeons so she wouldn’t be involved if someone did end up dying without her knowledge.
Could it be me? Something to do with me? No, he had plenty of opportunities to end me especially with the weak state I am in now. Espec—
A scream rings down the hallway causing everyone to look over. Everyone was curious about what had caused the scream but no one was as curious as Shalnark. Especially when he felt that all too familiar feeling. What had Jeremiah done?
Wait a minute…
Shalnark eyes widen as he finally is able to see the scene. A nurse was huddled on the ground while a man stood in the doorway. It wasn’t Jeremiah causing that feeling. It was someone else. But how and why?
“Viv! What happened?” A doctor shouts, coming to the nurse’s aid.
“H-h-h-he” The nurse stutters out, struggling to make a coherent sentence. The next words made Shalnark’s stomach drop. “He molested me. He put his hand up my-y…”
A gasp resounds around the hallway and the bodyguard swoop in to grab the man for questioning.
“How awful… Hey! Mr. Ryuseih where are you going?!” The elderly nurse shouts, now realizing shalnark was making his way as fast he can, with crutches, down the opposite way of the hallway. The way that was in the direction of the Intensive Care Unit.
All the while Shalnark was cursing himself out. How could he be so stupid and have forgotten? It was the Nen basics. Bloodlust is based on someone’s intentions to harm another person. That strange feeling all along was Jeremiah’s bloodlust. Jeremiah’s intention to assault (y/n). Intentions which changed the usual feeling of harmful aura.
Shalnark finally makes his way to the front desk and slams his hand down, startling Mal who was cleaning her glasses.
“Where’s doctor (l/n)? I need her immediately!”
Putting on her glasses, she looks up at Shalnark. “D-Doctor (l/n) had to leave early today.”
“Huh!? How come?”
“She wasn’t feeling well. It seemed like she had drank some bad milk in her coffee.”
“Bad milk?—“ “Hey blondie! What’s up with ya’?” A loud voice cuts Shalnark off.
Shalnark angrily turned around to see…. a leprechaun like women?
“My good friend (Y/n) will be back tomorrow. No need to cause a ruckus. Ya’ can tell her whatever you want tomorrow~~” She says, placing a hand on his shoulder. Shalnark cringes. He could tell she must be an enhancer with such a strong grip. Wait, a moment…did she just call (y/n) a friend?
A lightbulb goes off in Shalnark’s head.
“You don’t understand. I can’t wait for tomorrow!”
“Hmm? How come?”
Shalnark leans over and whispers in the lady’s ear.
“Oh hell nAH! Mal!” The lady screeches, startling the poor women again, “Where’s that Donkey Ass Doctor?!”
“D-D-Donkey Ass Doctor…?” Mal recites, confused.
“She means Jeremiah.” A monotone voice calls from behind Shalnark. Swiveling his head around he sees a blank face woman. She bows at Shalnark, “I apologize for Lara. I’m Clara, her Co-worker.”
“Clara you don’t understand! (Y/n) is in danger! She’s—” Lara shouts.
“Calm down and explain, Lara. You babbling isn’t getting us anywhere.” Clara coldly says causing Lara to freeze. Carefully, due to her being careful not to piss Clara off, Lara softly whispers what’s going on in Clara’s ear. Suddenly, Clara turns her ice cold gaze to Mal, “Where. Is. Jeremiah?”
Poor Mal. She’s already having to start off the day with a bad morning.
“J-J-Jeremiah is helping (y/n) going home.” Everyone's heart dropped.
“What?!” Lara barked out.
“I-I-It’s because H-he felt bad because he’s technically the one that made her coffee-e which got her sick. T-they just left a couple of minutes ago-o, they should be making their way to the parking garage.
The puzzle piece finally clicked in Shalnark’s head. This was likely not Jeremiah’s first time doing this. So probably the reason he transferred here was to get away from suspicion from a previous assault case. When he got here he decided to have (y/n) as his next victim and was trying to get close with her. But, he couldn’t do that with me. (Y/n) spent her breakfast, lunch, and dinner breaks with me and, based on what’s going on, he was unable to use his usual method of drugging his victims’ food or drink.
But, because of what happened yesterday, she decided to spend breakfast away from me. Giving him his opportunity.
“Mal, call security! (Y/n) is in danger. Let’s go blondie!!”
“O-okay!” Mal says, quickly pumping in security’s number into the telephone.
Shalnark snaps out his thoughts as Lara pushes him into a wheelchair.
“Hold on tight!!” She shouts, grabbing the handles and pushing Shalnark through the exit doors of the intensive care unit.
Lara with Clara in tow rush down as fast as they can down the hallway. Shalnark held tightly onto the arm rests of the wheelchair, afraid for his life, as Lara was barking for people to get out the way.
“Crap,” Lara suddenly mutters. Stopping dead in her tracks as they reach the humongous parking garage, “Hey Clara! How are we going to find them in the parking garage?!”
“Use En idiot. We can split up to make it faster so you go to the right side of the parking lot while I go to the left side. Just try to find (y/n)’s or Jeremiah’s aura.” Clara says, quickly running off to the left entrance.
“O~ K~”
Shalnark can’t help but bite his lip in frustration. He felt totally useless in this situation. Sure, he could use En to help find (y/n) but he still hasn’t gotten his special ability back and was also physically weak. He was practically utterly dead weight if Jeremiah put up a fight.
“Ughhh nothing on the first floor!” Lara groans in frustration.
2nd floor…
Come on (y/n) where are you?
The last and 5th floor…. nothing… They were too late. Shalnark looks to the ground in defeat and anger.
“Lara!!” Shalnark looks up at the sudden loud call.
Looking off in the distance from where he heard the call, he sees that Clara had found Jeremiah and was struggling to keep him pinned to the ground. Lara quickly runs over to aid Clara, leaving Shalnark alone.
Slightly struggling, Shalnark is able to slowly wheel himself over to Jeremiah and the black car he’s being pinned outside of. Deciding to look through the windows, his eyes scan the inside of the car and he holds his breath as he is finally able to see you. Only to release it when he realizes you are, thankfully, perfectly fine and just asleep. It looked like they had just gotten there in the nick of time.
Thank goodness...
“Why the hell are ya’ here?” Lara shouts, catching the attention of people in the hallway as she begins to shake you around.
“L-l-Lara calm dowwwn” You say between breaths, you feel as if your breath has been knocked out of you. Literally. It also didn’t help that the hallway around you was getting more and more hard to make out as you get more and more dizzy.
Lara pauses as she hears Clara's cold tone. Quickly she pulls her hands off of you and scurries backwards. “And you.”
You freeze as Clara turns her ice piercing gaze to you. Oh, crap crap crap.
“You should be at home resting. You literally were so close to getting assaulted yesterday. You shouldn’t be working after a day like that. You need time off.”
“Well actually Management ordered me to take two to three weeks off with pay. So I’m not here to work.” You explain, rubbing the back of your neck due to the pressure of Clara’s gaze.
“I don’t buy that. You—“ “Wait, hold up Clara. She might actually be telling us the truth.” Lara says, cutting off Clara and also pointing at your clothes. You blush lightly as they examine your outfit.
“You dressed pretty nicely today, (y/n). How come?”
“Y-yeah. Well I wanted to give this to you two in appreciation of my gratitude.” You mumble, slightly embarrassed. Opening up your big hobo bag, you hand an item to each of them.
“Strawberry ShortCake!” “CCCCAAAAROOT CAKE!” Lara and Clara shout together in excitement. Practically drooling as they examine their gifts. You swear your friends followed their stomachs more than their brains sometimes, though, at the same time, it makes sense since they work in the canteen.
Clara gives you a little bow. “Thank you (y/n). But you didn’t really have to get us anything.”
“Yeah (y/n)!! I mean you are such a sweetheart to give us gifts! But ya’ didn’t have to, we were just doing what friends do.” Lara bawls, giving you a bone breaking hug.
“Careful Lara, you’ll break the other cake she has.”
“Other cake?”
Lara sneakily looks into your bag to see that there was indeed another cake in the bag. The cheeky leprechaun girl looks up and gives you a smirk. “Oh ho ho~ looks like (y/n) is also going to say thanks to Mr. Prince Charming.”
“Shut up Lara.” You groan, pulling your bag away from her clutches. You turn away from the two and begin to walk down the hallway to Shalnark’s room. “I-I have to go. Enjoy your cake you two.”
Your face turns a bright red as you feel a hard slap to your behind. “And I’m sure Shalnark will enjoy your cake as well~~”
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Unprofessional-Brock Rumlow x Reader (Part 2)
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(GIF credit to @wintersthighs)
Tags: @nekoannie-chan @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight
Requested by anonymous: 'Hello! Can I please ask for a part 2 of unprofessional? I really love that one'
Summary: (Y/N) prepares herself for her training with Rumlow, but as they spar, he gets her to rethink if she even wants to be in a relationship after what she's been through.
Part 1
Characters: Brock Rumlow x Reader (made up characters are included)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
(Y/F/C)=Your favourite colour
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, sexual tension, slight violence, fluff
"So I hear that Agent Rumlow is giving you a personal training session?" Director Fury said as we finished going through the agenda for that day.
"Sir?" I could feel my cheeks heating up.
"I had no idea you wanted to improve your physical skills."
"I'm sorry sir, should I have asked for your permission first?"
"No, I just find it strange." he had a smirk on his face.
"Why is that?"
"You're pretty much trained in the field of attacks and defending yourself, so you feel unqualified?"
"No, Agent Rumlow offered me some training. He pointed out that I wasn't aas sharp as I could be after witnessing yesterday's...incident."
"And he said that to you straight after the incident?"
I nodded.
He chuckled."He is a brave man."
My face dropped at his sarcasm, he was enjoying this. He dismissed me, and I returned to my office. I tried to focus on my work, but I couldn't; there were so many spelling mistakes, almost every five seconds, and I was becoming tired of myself doing it over and over again. I knew what was wrong. Brock was on my mind, that man who was so handsome that it should have been illegal. I recalled back to the times where I saw him come back from an intense mission, his face covered in bruising, stitches still fresh with specks of stained blood, but he somehow looked radiant; I would wince when I saw it, just like I would when catching a glimpse of a football game, all those gorgeous men being battered, what a waste.
"Hey," Yasmin, my friend and colleague, knocked on my door,"you having a late lunch today?"
"Hm?" my head darted up.
"You didn't join us today, we tried texting you."
"Oh, sorry. I've been catching up on work. I had lunch at my desk."
"I'm in need of a coffee break, you wanna join?"
I glanced at the clock."Actually Yasmin, I'm afraid I have a prior engagement."
"A prior engagement?"
"Come in and close the door."
She knew I was going to tell her some sort of gossip, and she excitedly shut the door, almost skipping towards the chair opposite my desk.
I couldn't help but laugh at her expression as she waited for me to speak."OK, so you know what happened yesterday?"
"You putting that bitch in her place, yes, I vividly remember the enjoyment."
"Well, Agent Brock Rumlow-"
"Leader of the S.T.R.I.K.E team and only the hardest man to get in the entirety of S.H.I.E.L.D, yes."
I rolled my eyes at her."That man has offered me a one on one training session at three."
Her eyes widened, mouth dropping open in shock."Are you serious?!"
I nodded.
"Well, what have you brought to wear?"
"Oh, nothing much, just the skimpiest, shortest dress I have with a plunging neckline for my cleavage, and my stripper heels."
"Oh, shut up! Come on, have you brought your cute (Y/F/C) two piece, gym set?"
"...Of course I did."
Yasmin punched both arms in the air."Yes! Oh my god it's happening. What did I say? What did I say?!"
"Yasmin, you're getting way too excited. I bet he literally just wants to train me. Brock wouldn't go out with a secretary."
"Uh, I'm sorry but a secretary is one of the most sexiest positions out there...and I'm not talking about actual sex, just the fact that men like it-"
"Oh my god stop!" I laughed."I'm not getting my hopes up anyway."
"Oh come on," Yasmin moaned,"he wouldn't have offered this for no reason. He is always busy."
"OK I have to get ready now." I stood, hoping she caught the hint.
She understood."You are definitely getting lunch with me tomorrow, and joining me on all my coffee breaks to tell me everything!"
I laughed as she squealed."I promise I will, as long as I can still walk."
She gasped.
"That wasn't supposed to be sexual!"
Heading to the women's locker room, I changed out of my work clothes, spending way too long looking at myself in the mirror. Should I have a high ponytail or a low one? Which one framed my face better?
"What are you doing?" I mumbled to myself.
What if he really did want to just train me? And what if I was putting in way too much effort? I could walk into the gym and make an idiot of myself, Brock could end up just laughing at me. As I made my way to the gym, I was more and more nervous. He wasn't there yet, but I felt like he was about to jump out at any point.
Once again, I caught my reflection in the surrounding mirrors, turning around to check the back of my body, sticking out my arse slightly.
"You look great, stop worrying." Brock startled me as he swaggered in, wearing a tighter top than usual.
I didn't reply, too embarrassed to even think about an answer.
"You sure you're ready for this?" he smirked.
"You're not going to go easy on me, are you?" I smiled, clasping my hands together so I wouldn't fidget.
"Of course not. But I think you can take it."
He started with a warm up, and I followed, nothing was said but I was grateful for that. I desperately tried to concentrate on myself, but who wouldn't take the risk to watch an insanely fit man working out beside you.
He swiftly grabbed a pair of boxing gloves, explaining how I should properly punch as he put them on me. As we stood in front of the punching bag, I did as I was instructed, blocking out Brock and imagining Victoria's face in front of me. It was evident who I wa thinking about, because Brock stopped me.
"I must say, that's much better than yesterday." Brock said.
"Well, yesterday was a bit more of an impulse." I admitted as I took off the gloves, grabbing a towel and wiping off the sweat.
"True. Your form isn't as bad as I thought it was."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"It was meant to be."
I was surprisingly happy to be slightly red from the workout, a good way to cover up my blushing.
"It's not like your enemies tell you they're about to attack," I pointed out,"it could be at any moment."
He suddenly grabbed my arm and twisted it back behind me."How right you are."
I quickly reacted and kicked his knee in, making him bend slightly. This made it easy for me to flip backwards over his shoulder, kicking him to the ground. As he grabbed my ankle, I straddled him as to not fall onto my back; however, he was too fast for me, and kicked his legs up so flipped over him, landing harshly on my back. There was no time to groan though, as his fist came flying towards me and I blocked it. Both of us managed to get back onto our feet throwing punch after punch, attacking in all corners. But knowing that Brock was much more skilled, he was able to take me down, landing flat on my back again. I tapped his arm as we took a breath, sensing he also wanted this to end.
"That was quite impressive." he panted.
I breathlessly laughed."Thank you. God, I haven't had this much adrenaline since...well actually yesterday."
"You're not as rusty as I thought."
"I'm surprised too. It's been ages since I was actually in the field." I took another deep breath, finally feeling my heart beat slow down."Can I ask you something?"
He stood up, holding his hand out to me. I took it, still surprised by his strength as he easily hauled me to my feet.
He answered my as he grabbed us two water bottles."Go ahead."
"Why did you offer this session? Really?"
He scoffed."You'll just laugh at me."
I took a swig of water, confused by his statement."So it wasn't just to improve my technique?"
"None of us have much of a social life outside of work, right?"
"Right." I dragged out the word.
"So where's the time for personal life? Like...dating?"
How did he seem so confident yet so shy?
"Uh, y-yeah. I suppose we don't."
"I'm fucking useless at this shit." he chuckled to himself.
"Brock," I boldly took a step closer,"of you wanted to ask me out, I would have agreed."
"So this wasn't the best tactic to ask you out?" he joked.
"I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it. Come on then, when are you free this week?"
"Actually, I have the weekend off."
"Perfect. I'm sure I can swap my schedules around. Get one of the interns to take over."
"You think Fury is gonna let you do that?"
"I'm secretly his favourite...or at least I think I am. And I haven't had asked for a weekend off in ages."
"It's not something we really do."
Without discussing it, we both headed out of the gym, side by side.
"No, but I'm going to. If the world is ending, they can call the Avengers, we'll be busy."
One of his eyebrows cocked up."If it's the end of the world we really will be busy."
I humorously scoffed at his statement, though didn't reject it. I leaned against the wall next to the locker room door."You really are a brave man."
"You better get this weekend off." he demanded as he started walking backwards, keeping eye contact with me.
"Don't you worry your little head agent." I confidently winked, disappearing into the locker room.
As the door shut, I sprinted to my locker, fumbling with the lock before pulling my bag out of it. I desperately tried to find my phone, almost screaming with joy when I grabbed it. I couldn't unlock it fast enough, quickly pulling up my texts as my fingers tapped away at the screen.
To Yasmin:
You are never going to believe what's happened! Actually you will. But I need you to come to mine and help me pick an outfit...and lingerie xx
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 16th, Monday 15:39
The phone landed somewhere to his left on the bed, when he had let it fall from his hands. Though he badly  had wanted to throw it against the wall.
Unfocused Jens tried to calm himself. He knew he overreacted, that it wasn’t actually something bad, that it wasn’t meant to attack him. He wished just that his body would understand this too.
Instead his lungs felt a little too tight to allow him to breath freely. His room was too bright, so he pressed the heels of his hands to his closed eyes.
Fingers then grabbed his shoulder.
That was Lucas.
Right. The boy next to him was almost about to leave. Just after they finished this online class. Which remined him that he probably should have listened to that instead of chatting away on his phone with the broerrrs.
„Did something happen?“ The fingers moved to cup his face and turn it, causing his eyes to fall free from the self induced pressure. He blinked his eyes open, trying to look at Lucas, who appeared to be puzzled, but not less worried. „Is there something I can do to help?“
„No, I’m just frustrated.“ That was a lie. Or was it? He definitely felt some sort of frustration, but he was sure it was more directed at himself and not at any of his friends.
„Okay.“ Lucas didn’t believe him, but didn’t say anything else, instead he his thumb began to slowly brush over his cheek. Jens was glad. That’s what he told himself. Aa a part of him wanted Lucas to ask him further. To question it. Even though Jens wasn’t sure if his answers would be honest. So perhaps frustration was the right word in the end.
„Moyo and Aaron are just assholes, saying stupid stuff about me having to go grocery shopping and Robbe hasn’t replied for an hour to defend me.“ Said out loud, it actually sounded childish and dumb. He felt incredibly stupid right now. God, what Lucas must think of him right now, getting worked up over some stupid comments.
For a moment there was only the sound of their teachers voice from the speakers filling the room.
„What did they say?“ Lucas looked at him, still being serious. He wasn’t laughing at Jens as the older boy had expected somehow.
„Nothing bad really. Just why I always have to do so much and have no time for them and our group any longer. Asking if they are no longer important to me. Bullshit like that. We spend basically all saturday playing games together. And Moyo often has to take care of the household and his little brother too. So why does he have to bitch about me? Bullshit.“ Jens groaned. He knew that it was unfair to compare them, like his friend had done in chat. That it was different. 
Yes Moyo had a lot of responibilities at home too. And he fullfilled those diligently. But usually just a couple days a week, not for months straight. And Jens wouldn’t even be in the position if he just simply told them. He was at fault he realised. He probably should apologise for texting them to fuck off and leave him the fuck alone. His exact words from five minutes ago.
He still was angry, so perhaps he could do that a bit later, when he wasn’t so damn emotional.
„That sucks.“ Lucas said, looking a bit at loss for how to handle the situation, Jens couldn’t blame him for that. Obviously he didn’t know the broerrs all that well yet and it did come a bit out of nowhere.
So Jens tried to smile, it had already been enough help, that Lucas had been around and listened to him. Jens actually felt already a bit better. Eating up feelings definitely never was a good idea, he had seen Robbe succumb to that last year. And now he proved them to be not better. 
Why was it so much easier to handle stuff as an outsider looking in and not vice versa?
„Do you want me to call and cancel the appointment with the caretaker? Because I would have to leave in like five to ten minutes otherwise.“ Lucas asked, pressing a kiss to Jens’s temple, brushing through his hair, before he leaned back and closed his laptop. Class was over, it was announced over chat. Lucas never took his eyes off of Jens though.
„Nah, I’m good. Otherwise I’ll call you later and complain for hours how fucked my life is. And you are not allowed to hang up until I say so.“ Jens slowly found his usual self again, smirking at Lucas, who nodded and smiled back.
„Deal!“ The boy proclaimed and then they both got up from his bed, Lucas to collect all his things, he had somehow managed to strew about the whole room, and Jens to put his schoolwork back on his desk. He would go grocery shopping first and do his homework later. Truth be told, later meant obviously not today or when the clock was running towards midnight.
„So I’ll see you on wednesday then?“
Jens almost was about to agree, when his eyes fell on the calender by his desk, the one he rarely used. Only to write his mothers appointments in, because they were important and he didn’t allow himself to forget about them. He couldn’t.
„Thursday?“ He replied therefore, daring to look at Lucas, who was busy packing his things. The younger boy sighed a little sad, but returned a smile at Jens nonetheless.
„Sure.“ He said briefly. Too brief?
„My mother has an appointment, that I accompany her to. I promised her. Sorry. It wasn’t on my mind til now.“ Jens felt the need to explain, unsure if Lucas would be dissapointed otherwise. Obviously he wouldn’t have been, as he looked over to Jens, before he got up and went to meet him at the desk. His arms wrapping around Jens’s middle.
„It is okay if you have other things planed, Jens. I do too, like with today or my own mom. So stop worrying. I can see it on your face. And I don’t want a wrinkly boyfriend, because he frowns all the time. Okay?“
Jens nodded, all his troubles shrinking away as he was being kissed by Lucas. He was so lucky to have this boy, who seemed to understand so easily. With Jana, Jens was sure, they would have fought every day. That made him notice something else.
„Did you just call me boyfriend?“ Jens asked, leaning back to see Lucas eyes go wide, as realisation hit him.
„I...yes?“ He tried cautiously, smiling awkwardly, as his cheeks blushed a faint red. „I mean. I don’t plan on seeing anyone else.“
„Me neither.“ Jens let the other boy know. „But it’s all a bit fast, isn’t it?“
Lucas shrugged.
„What isn’t with us?“
That was indeed a fair point the dutch boy made. And Jens was sure, that in his heart and mind they already were the first time they kissed, though never outspoken. They still didn’t know each other that long.
„My boyfriend then.“ Jens said, the world feeling odd on his tounge. Boyfriend. Who would have thought? Definitely not him. Weirder even, he loved the sound of it immensly. He could say it again and again. On repeat.
„Boyfriend.“ Lucas agreed, giggling softly as he let the word escape his lips and fill the air between them.
„Alright, you can go now.“ Jens declared, nodding towards the packed bag of Lucas next to the bed.
„Very lovely of you.“ Lucas joked, absolutely not offended in the slightest. They kissed again. And maybe one more time, before they broke out of their embrace.
„I guess I can finally start to be my worst around you.“
„So just the usual, huh?“ Lucas said, eyebrow raised, leaving Jens speechless. This boy always had something to hit back with. Always some last word to shut him up. So he simply followed Lucas out of his room and downstairs, giving him the victory.
They stood in the doorway of the entrance, Lucas dressed and ready to go, and yet both of them busy kissing lazily, enjoying their little intimicy.
„See you on thursday then?“ Jens whispered against Lucas’s lips, partly as a reminder for himself, pulling the boy’s closer. If it was even possible, but Lucas hadn’t yet stopped breathing, so perhaps it was still fine.
„Mhm.“ Lucas assured him wordlessly, pecking to more kisses to Lucas, smiling happily away.
„Alright, my beloved boyfriend, Mr. Van der Heijden, off you go.“ Jens tried to put some authority into his voice, ready to let go of Lucas, who, only clung stronger to him in return. Making them both laugh.
„I love when you do that.“ Lucas said quietly, looking away, as he did.
„Call me by my last name. I don’t know, makes me happy and maybe a little excited.“ The dutch boy said, his confidence not yet back as his eyes searched for Jens’s again. 
Now that was something Jens hadn’t expected. He just started using it to make light of a situation, to get them back to the real world and do whatever they actually should be doing. Apparently it did had a different effect on Lucas.
„Dully noted.“ Jens said, his eyebrows raised mischievously. He could definitely make use of that. He snorted at how quick Lucas was to step out of his arms and open the door. It looked a bit like fleeing, if not his giggling betrayed him to let Jens believe Lucas was okay. So he let the boy leave.
„See you thursday. Can’t wait.“ Lucas shouted over his shoulder, walking up to the street.
„Me neither, Mr. Van der Heijden!“ Jens yelled after him, laughing as he watched his boyfriend trip over his own feet, trying to keep balance. It earned him a very agressive middlefinger before the door fell shut. 
The incident with his friends, not even an hour ago, completely forgotten.
__ __ __
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
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rivalsforlife · 4 years
O, S, U?
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
Almost always with the characters... lots of times there’s the “hey I want to see this character interaction” or “I want to explore this aspect of this character” and then the plot kind of evolves from there. I find I’m better at writing stronger stories when I start with the characters and what specifically about them I want to explore and then go from there. Like out of my fics, Deep Dark Secrets was “I want more Iris and Miles interacting and contrasting their relationships with Phoenix.” The Catch-Up Game was “I’m not satisfied with my Phoenix characterization in some of my other fics so I really want to get a chance to dive deep into him and write him in a satisfying way”. Even out of the more plot-heavy fics I tend to go for characters-first, because A False Start was “I wonder what a trainwreck it would be if Phoenix and Miles interacted as Feenie and Bratworth” (it was a trainwreck, and figuring out the plotty bits made me suffer so much.) 
Some of my other fics (like a lot of my narumitsu week 2019 fics) I don’t feel as strongly about as a writer, because they were driven more on “how can I make this prompt work” rather than “this is a cool thing I can do with characters!” Whereas with The Catch-Up Game, I started with the “let’s dig into Phoenix a bit” and then played around with the prompts to get the how to do it, but the core of the fic, the character stuff, I had in my mind from the start -- and that plus more room to work with one long fic instead of seven disconnected ones meant I could accomplish more and am thus much more satisfied with it than last year’s works.
... I mean especially with fanfic you don’t need a big elaborate plot. Fanfic is very often about the characters. But I think for whatever you write it’s not really good to see plot vs characters as a dichotomy. Plots will be plots, but they should be structured so that the characters grow and don’t remain static. (... looking at you, aai.) Similarly, characters and their choices should drive the plot -- what tends to bug me in writing sometimes is if it’s obvious the plot is only there because that’s what they need the plot to be, not because the characters will actually make those decisions if they were real people not being controlled by the invisible writing hand. (... soj, looking at you.)
A bit of a cop-out answer haha. But usually I start with characters; I haven’t written a genuine mystery casefic yet because every time I go “ooh plot!” I get caught up in how to make the plot work and the characters end up weak and/or I get bored before finishing it.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I’m really weird with tropes honestly, I don’t think about them a lot...? I love Found Family tropes. I love Friendships Where It Is Really Just Friendships No Romance Involved. But those aren’t really fandom-specific things, I don’t really think much about like... coffee shop aus or “there was only one bed” or fake dating or things like that. 
I do really like it when people play around with tropes, though, I find that’s interesting. I guess my problem with tropes is that sometimes they get too predictable, but subverting the tropes makes things more interesting.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
oh no this is going to be embarrassing haha. I never know how to talk to or about people. ... so I’m not going to tag them and will hope they won’t read this because I’m bad at this but I will link to their ao3s! In no particular order:
JJsADragon - I think The Miraculous Disappearance of Phoenix Wright was one of the fics I was following along with when I first was reading fic in the fandom, as it was getting released, and every day I saw an update I was so excited. She’s got the characterization of so many characters done so well, it’s incredible.
The_Eclectic_Bookworm - I’ve only read their AA fics but they write for other fandoms too, if you’re interested in those! Their fics are great for cheering me up, they’re hilarious but can tackle the serious stuff if necessary. Their fics are light and lots of them are at a really good reading size for me to sit down and enjoy.
canolacrush - haaaaaa did you think I would shut up about Out of Order, a sweet and hilarious fic. No I will not. read it and delight.
There are definitely more where I see their name in the recents section of ao3 and immediately go “oooooh yes” but these are the first three I thought of!
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andrea-lyn · 5 years
anything with alex jealous of past Michael/male oc, maybe an old hook-up returns to roswell and alex is suddenly wearing his tightest shirts and skinniest jeans?
For months, the Wild Pony had been a dangerous place for Alex to set foot in. He might walk in and see Michael making out with Maria, or Michael tugging on the long-haired bartender’s ponytail to yank him in for a kiss, or a tourist from a passing town who happened to find their way into Michael’s lap. In those months post-Max, Michael really took to the whole ‘no encores’ with aplomb.
Maybe Maria would have been different, if she’d let it happen, but as soon as she’d cottoned onto Michael’s game, she opted out.
So it’s safe to be back, tentatively, because Maria’s put Michael on a one-night only restriction, with the provision that he isn’t allowed to pick up anyone new. “He’s going to give himself an STD,” she says, aggressively polishing the glasses. “I can’t believe you’re telling me you still love him,”
Alex shrugs, because it’s not something he can help.
He and Maria had talked it out over a bottle of tequila and it had ended with her resolute promise to respect Alex’s feelings, even if Michael didn’t seem to even understand what a feeling was, those days. She hadn’t been willing to let Michael use her and since Alex is in the same boat, it leaves them fast friends once more, sitting at the bar of the Pony and watching Michael wander in for his weekly allotted time at the bar.
“DeLuca. Manes.”
Alex tries not to let that sting, but he did go radio silent when he’d figured out that in the wake of Max’s death, Michael was trying to burn himself to the ground. He’s not going to walk away any longer, but he’s also not planning to step in with the fire extinguisher.
He has his own healing to do.
“Guerin,” Maria replies evenly. “Guy over there in the corner has been asking after you. I thought I told you no hookups,” she says sharply, gesturing to the hot guy in the booth, wearing a biker jacket and a pair of jeans that are so tight, Alex feels the sympathetic hurt.
Alex had noticed him when he’d walked in because he’d been checking him out, but Alex doesn’t really give random people much attention, not when he’s still trying to figure out his move with Michael to both let him know that he’s still interested, but that he also needs Michael to work on his bullshit.
Michael glances to the booth and raises a brow. “Shit,” he exhales. “I didn’t know he was back in town.”
Alex and Maria exchange a confused look as Michael ignores ordering a drink to go say hello to whoever the old friend is. They look close, which Alex is trying not to pay too much attention to.
He knows Maria will hold on to her rule about no hookups, but that doesn’t help when it looks like Michael is all buddy-buddy with the guy, leaning into his touch. They might not be looking to hook up tonight, but Alex has the feeling that they definitely have in the past.
Alex forces himself to turn back around, reminding himself that it’s none of his business who Michael used to sleep with or who he’s sleeping with now. If Michael doesn’t want to date or do anything, Alex doesn’t get to insist otherwise. It’s not his turn to make demands.
Maria offers him a sympathetic look and a warning nod, which is all he gets before Michael’s at the bar with his friend at his side.
“This is Murphy,” Michael introduces him, clapping him on his back. “He and I worked on Foster Ranch two summers ago,” he says, letting his eyes slide over Murphy’s chest, pushing a long exhalation out past his cheeks. Alex’s jealousy is starting to spike off the charts, because he thought he was the only one who made Michael react like that. “We had a great summer, didn’t we?”
“Definitely great,” Murphy agrees, voice low. “You working the ranches this year?”
“Nah, got a new gig at the junkyard…”
Alex tunes them out and drinks, noticing how Michael doesn’t introduce either him or Maria to Murphy, which means that he must have already told them. “Well,” Murphy says, voice low, “You should stumble out to the ranch sometime. Maybe we can get into some of that old trouble.”
Alex clears his throat, pushing off his stool.
“You don’t have to go…”
“No, I’m good,” Alex says firmly. “Just taking a bathroom break,” he says, because he wouldn’t leave Maria here alone to deal with this either, even if she had been fairly clear about how Michael’s downward spiral had done a good job shattering any deeper feelings she’d been starting to develop for him.
Apparently, the truth of Michael’s life and his antics are enough to sway any sane person away from him. It’s a shame that Alex lost that ability ten years ago when he’d first fallen in love.
He spends half an hour collecting himself before he heads back out to the bar, ignoring Michael and Murphy at the pool table. There’s a shot of whiskey waiting for him and a mirroring one in Maria’s hand. “Here’s to our bad taste. I wish it wouldn’t linger in your mouth so long,” she says. “I met this great new guy through Liz,” she says. “Maybe she could hook you up?”
Alex shakes his head, a disappointed look on his face. “I’m still in love with him,” he admits. “For better or worse.”
Hearing the drunken slurs of Michael’s speech behind him, it’s definitely been for worse these days.
The next week, Alex knows he should go anywhere other than the Pony on Michael’s night, but that feels weirdly like losing. He can hear Kyle’s voice in his head telling him that it’s not a war, but it sure as hell feels like one. There’s no guarantee that Murphy will be there tonight and he still isn’t in control of what Michael wants to do.
He suspects the last thing he’s going to do is drop everything and come beg for Alex to give them a chance, but none of that matters.
Even if nothing is going to happen, he’s not going to passively sit there and let Murphy get all of Michael’s attention. He takes care that night when he dresses, putting on the pair of skinny jeans that he knows flatters his ass best, along with a long-sleeved shirt that stretches against his shoulderblades when he shifts. He adds just a hint of eyeliner to the lids of his eyes, runs gel into his hair, and puts on a pair of combat boots along with his leather jacket.
He looks good. He knows he looks good.
Alex isn’t even sure why he’s doing it, because it’s not like Michael had been making out with Murphy in that booth. There had just been the implication that something had happened in the past, but Alex knows how Michael looks at people that he wants and it hadn’t been hard to see.
He takes one last look in the mirror even though he knows he looks good, then he heads for the Pony.
Maria gives him a knowing look, rolling her eyes. “I’d say that you’re addicted, but here I am instead of sending out my bartender,” she says, with a hopeless shrug. “I, however, am not wearing my very best. Can you even sit in those?”
“We’re going to find out,” Alex says, inching down onto a stool because he’s not sure if they’re going to end up splitting at the seams. Maria brings them both beers and they get to gossip, trying to avoid Michael’s name even though they both know why Alex is dressed up like that.
For pride, for himself, for whatever reason he wants to say, he wants Michael looking at him.
Unfortunately, as the hours pass, it doesn’t seem like he’s coming. “Maybe he discovered AA,” Maria suggests.
“Or someone else’s bed,” Alex replies miserably, turning on the stool to get up, wishing that Michael didn’t keep spiraling like this. What he’s not expecting to see is Murphy standing in the door of the Wild Pony, a wary look on his face. Alex nods to get Maria’s attention. “What’s he doing here?”
Actually, the question he wants to know is ‘what’s he doing here without Michael?’
“Alex Manes?” Murphy asks, walking over to him.
“Michael’s outside,” Murphy says, looking him over with a soft huff. “Okay, I get why he’s still sitting in his truck.”
Alex exchanges a confused look with Maria. This whole thing is weird, because Michael’s ex-something is currently looking for him and Alex has absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on. “Sorry, what the hell is happening?”
“Michael’s outside in his truck. I caught him on my way in, he said to come talk to Alex Manes, see if he’d go outside and talk to him there.”
Alex gives Maria a wary look, not sure what’s happening. He’s not sure he likes it either, because this kind of sounds like the start of him being kidnapped, but what’s the alternative? He just ignores it? He finishes his beer and gestures to his seat to give to Murphy, who seems all too happy to sit down and flirt with Maria (and his friend, traitor, pushes Alex to go see what’s wrong, occupying Murphy with conversation).
He wanders outside to see Michael parked in the corner. If he thinks about it, he kind of thinks he’d been parked there when Alex had turned up, even.
Walking over, he leans his forearms on Michael’s rolled-down window, raising both his eyebrows. “I was summoned?”
“Yeah. Fuck,” Michael hisses. “It’s even better up close.”
His brows creep up even higher, which he didn’t think they could do. Alex gives him a speculative look and wonders how much Michael’s had to drink or whether he’s been hitting the acetone too hard. He sighs and leans forward on his forearms, giving Michael a wary look. “What the hell is going on?”
“I know,” Michael starts, his voice low and rough, “I know I’ve been kind of shitty lately.”
“Slutty or shitty?”
“Come the fuck on, you’re gonna get pissed at me for sleeping with people? I’m not with anyone,” Michael protests and Alex holds up his hands to allow it to slide because Michael’s right, it’s not like anyone is dating. “So, I’ve been shitty lately and drinking too much and yeah, maybe I’ve been a little free and loose with the sex, but then Murph comes back to town and you turn up tonight looking like that…”
Alex feels his heart clench in his chest. Maybe it’s because he can hear the turmoil in Michael’s voice.
“Do you wanna go for a ride?”
“We can’t just pretend things are fine because I wore one decent pair of jeans?” Alex protests quietly, even though every ounce of him wants this. Why else would he dress up like this, if not for this specific end goal?
Michael shrugs, looking sad and pathetic. “I know,” he admits. “Murphy told me I needed to get my head out of my ass, that I had people who cared about me, as friends.” Alex knows he cares a whole lot more, but he lets Michael speak. “So, I’m saying let’s go for a ride and talk. Tomorrow, maybe you can wear that really soft black sweater and we can talk. And the day after that,” Michael says, reaching for his cowboy hat to set it on the dash, “you could wear anything you want and we can talk then, too.”
Alex’s smile softens and he nods, gesturing to the passenger seat. “That seat taken?��
“Only by you.”
So Alex, despite all his better senses, gets in. They do talk. What’s more surprising is that they only talk, but it’s good. It’s clear Michael is still wildly fucked up, but that’s okay too. Alex isn’t exactly a shining paragon of mental health these days either.
They talk. They go for more rides and they keep talking.
It’s not three nights later. It’s not three weeks later. It’s three months later when they go for a ride, but at the end of it, Alex decides to wear nothing at all when they get back to the cabin. From the look on Michael’s face when he wanders inside and sees Alex laid on the bed in the moonlight, he feels fairly confident that Murphy over at the dairy isn’t going to be getting any attention this season.
That’s more than fine for Alex, who’s coming around to the ‘better’ part of ‘for better or worse’ these days.
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softeddiek · 5 years
so @aryaofoldstones answered this ask awhile ago about gendrya’s favorite fast food place and, as a Sonic fan, i loved their answer (tags included) and ended up writing about some of it??
so modern gendrya first date au 
read on ao3 
i’ve got a hunger, twisting my stomach into knots 
Arya is standing in front of her full-length mirror tugging at the bottom of her shirt when, out of the corner of her eye, she sees Bran wheeling himself into her doorway.
“Sansa’s going to call and order us some pizza. Want your usual?” he grins, thinking she’ll request her own box of sausage and mushroom that nobody else will eat. But not tonight.
“No, I’m going out for dinner actually, but thanks,” she answers, turning her head back toward her reflection.
She can still feel his eyes on her and hears the confusion in his voice when he asks, “Out? Like, with someone else?”
“Just with Gendry.”
She’s turning toward her bedside table, reaching for her phone to see if he’s texted her to let her know he’s here, when she realizes she hasn’t heard the telltale sound of Bran’s wheelchair rolling away on the hardwood floors of the hallway.
“So, like on a date?”  
She whips her head around to see a shit-eating grin on Bran’s face. “You and Gendry are going on a date,” he states this time, pleased to have figured it out. Or to think he’s figured it out, because even if Bran would likely be cool about this sort of thing, no way in hell is she going to let him blabber on about her and Gendry and dates to their siblings.
And yeah so, maybe the past few weeks all she’s really had to go off of was the way things between her and Gendry had started to feel…different, but when she’d agreed to grab dinner with him tonight—something they did frequently—he had actually looked her in the eyes and said “Great, it’s a date then.” So really, it was a date. But again, Bran couldn’t know that.
“A date?” she scoffs, “Very funny Bran, I don’t know how you came up with that. Gendry and I go out for food all of the time.”
“Yeah but this is different. I can just tell.”
“Oh please,” she says, rolling her eyes, “don’t even start with that intuition shit again. We’re just going out for food. Like we always do.” If the raised eyebrow he gives her says anything, it’s that he sees right through her. “Sonic,” she blurts out. “We’re going to get Sonic. Now tell me that’s somewhere you go on a date.” That should do it.
“Arya,” he starts, a quizzical look forming on his face, “you guys love Sonic.”
She can feel the heat creeping up her cheeks and is preparing to defend herself by trashing her favorite drive-in when she hears the front door opening, accompanied by voices carrying up to her bedroom.
Deciding to use this as her out, she turns back around quickly to pocket her phone and slips into a pair of shoes lying at the foot of her bed.
“Bye Bran enjoy the pizza,” she says, edging around where he still sits in her doorway. She takes the stairs down two at a time, coming to an abrupt stop at the foot of them when she sees Gendry in her living room. Gendry in her living room having a conversation with Rickon.
Despite having been friends with Gendry for years, she can count the number of times he’d been inside of her house on one hand. At first, there hadn’t been a reason for them to hang out at her house. She’d met him and their other friends, Lommy and Hot Pie, in the park downtown a few blocks from her school. She’d asked to join them on the basketball court where they were messing around with a ball. Lommy and Hot Pie hadn’t been too thrilled to let a girl join them, but after some terse words from both herself and Gendry, they relented. After that, it had just become sort of a routine to meet up with them at the park after school each day.
Eventually though, Lommy moved away and Hot Pie had had to start helping out in his parents’ bakery after school, so it was usually just Gendry she’d meet up with when he wasn’t trying to pick up shifts at his new job. When she finally started attending the high school he went to along with Sansa and Jon, he’d been surprised to find out she was a Stark. (How it took that long to find out her last name, she didn’t know.)
He continued acting strange around her for a few weeks until one day when Jon was away visiting his sick uncle Aemon and Arya had no way of getting home after school. Sansa usually got a ride from her friend Margaery, but she wasn’t in the mood to ride with them, so she went to Gendry. He’d reluctantly agreed to drive her home in his beat-up old pickup. With plenty to tell him about her first few weeks of high school, things between them seemed to have gone back to normal as they talked on the ride there. Until they reached her house.
She’d invited him inside to play some video games, not picking up on the wary looks he was shooting her as she all but dragged him through the door. As he stood in their front living room, taking in the ostentatious furniture her mother had it decorated with at the time, his brow had begun to furrow, and a frown formed on his face.
“I gotta get going, actually. My mom’s expecting me home.” He turned quickly to rush out the door, ignoring Arya’s shouts behind him until she’d caught up just as he was reaching for the driver’s side door, grabbing onto his arm to turn him around.
“What’s going on, why are you leaving?” she’d asked.
“I already told you,” he’d said, eyes looking at everything but her, “I’m expected home soon.”
“No, you aren’t,” she chanced. “So why are you being a dick Gendry?”
He looked up at her with a scowl. “I’m not—”
“Yeah, you are, so just tell me why so we can move past it because you’ve been weird for weeks now.”
He looked at her for a minute, face betraying nothing, until finally, seeing she wouldn’t leave it alone, his resolve broke. Sighing, he’d said, “You’re rich, Arya. Like, really rich.”
“Technically, my parents are rich--.” She stopped at the look on Gendry’s face that seemed to say, ‘Are you serious?’ “Okay, my family is rich. So what?”
“So, you’re rich and practically live in a mansion. My mom and I live in a run-down, one-bedroom apartment. I just don’t get why we’d be friends is all.”
She’d tried not to let the hurt show on her face, but at his guilty look she’d known she hadn’t succeeded. “We’re friends because we like hanging out together,” she’d supplied. “I don’t care about that kind of thing; I never have, and you should know that seeing as we’ve been best friends for years.”
After a bit more cajoling on Arya’s part, he’d relented and gone back inside with her, but she noticed his discomfort the rest of the afternoon. She had thrown out the occasional casual invitation to come over the last few years, but she could only be shrugged off so many times before she stopped asking.
And it’s not like he has a phobia of her house or anything. Once Jon had graduated with his AA and transferred down to King’s Landing to finish his Bachelors, Gendry had taken to picking her up after school. They’d usually grab some food to take back to the shop while he worked the last couple hours of his shift, and then he’d drive her home. He rarely ever came inside though.
But now, here he was, perched on the edge of the couch having a conversation with Rickon. Or, listening to Rickon.
“And the Direwolves drafted Margaery’s brother, Loras, from Storm’s End two years ago because he led them to the Final Four, but he tore his ACL in his second game with us and sat out basically his whole rookie season and just hasn’t been the same since he came back. Arya thinks we should put him in some kind of trade package and send him to the Riverlands, but I think that’s just because she didn’t like him when Margaery introduced them.”
Gendry’s head is nodding as Rickon speaks, but she knows he has no clue what Rickon’s talking about. They may have met on a basketball court, but Gendry was too big and clumsy to seriously play, and he never had the time to watch professional games with her.
“I don’t like Loras because he thinks he’s the next Arthur Dayne,” she pipes up, moving from her spot at the bottom of the stairs to stand behind the couch they’re sitting on, “but he has none of the defensive skill and his handles are trash.” Gendry is grinning up at her now. “You’re right though, he did piss me off the first time we met,” she adds.
“Hey Arya. You ready to go?” Gendry asks, still smiling.
“Go? Where are you guys going, Sansa’s ordering pizza and Bran and I were going to play Smash,” Rickon interjects, a small frown on his lips.  
“They’re going to get Sonic instead,” Bran’s voice calls out across the room from the bottom of his wheelchair ramp.
Gendry glances over at Arya confused, while she and Bran hold each other’s stares.
“Oh, can you guys pick me up that new Red Bull slushie they have? I’ve been wanting to try it, but Mom won’t let me,” Rickon pleads.
Arya glances at Gendry out of the corner of her eye before fumbling for a response. “Umm, actually Rickon, I don’t think—”
“Hey Rick, I forgot to tell Sansa you want cheese bread, and she’s placing the order right now,” Bran interrupts, saving her from the mess he made.
“Oh shit,” her brother exclaims, jumping up off the couch and darting into the kitchen.
Bran starts following him, only looking back at Arya’s icy glare once to call out, “Have fun guys!”
Gendry, now off the couch and standing at her side, is rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, keys in the other. “I’m guessing Bran knows about our…us?”
He hadn’t used the word date and not quite wanting to ask for clarification—especially when her siblings are still in the other room and she knows, just knows, that if Sansa were to come and see them, she’d know exactly what was going on—she just nods her affirmation.
“Let’s get going,” she says, heading for the door.
His truck is sitting in their circular driveway, parked in the spot it usually is when he drops her off. She’s reaching for the door handle, but he beats her to it, his arm reaching out in front of her, chest lightly brushing her back. She lets him open it for her and slides into the cab of the truck. When she looks over as he’s shutting the door, she sees a blush spreading across his cheeks.
Okay, this is definitely a date. One hundred percent a date. As much as she had made fun of Sansa for combing over magazines for relationship advice over the years, she’d still listened to some of the things she went on about. And in this moment, she can hear her sister’s voice saying, “A gentlemen always opens doors for a lady, Arya. It’s just proper date etiquette.” She always thought that was dumb—because yeah, it’s nice and polite, but she doesn’t want anyone to open a door for her just because she’s a girl—and Gendry doesn’t just regularly open doors for her.
“Thanks,” she mumbles out.
He’s slid into his side of the cab and taken a deep breath when he looks over at her and says, “So. Sonic?” She can hear the confusion in his voice. They hadn’t really discussed it before, only agreed to get dinner, but if that’s how Bran’s going to spin it to her family, they might as well. And besides, Bran was right, they do frequently pick it up to take it back to the shop with them, they’ve just never actually pulled in to eat because that would be so, well, date-like.
“Yeah, I mean. That works. I could really go for a slushie right now.”
He cracks a smile at that. “Can’t you always?” She grins back at him as he starts his truck, slowly pulling out of the driveway.
Sonic is only about a fifteen-minute ride from her house, closer to Gendry’s side of town, but now, only a few minutes in, the silence is beginning to become oppressive. His fingers are tapping on the steering wheel, whether to an imaginary beat or out of nerves, she isn’t sure. She reaches forward to turn on the radio, messing with the dial until it lands on a station she enjoys, and he tolerates. She hums along to the radio under her breath for a little while and, from the corner of her eye, can see the tension slowly start to seep out of his shoulders.
Gendry’s never been much of a talker. His surly looks and generally shy personality tend to put people off, and that’s just how he likes it. Arya on the other hand loves talking to people, always has. Her parents’ friends had taken to calling her Arya Underfoot as a child because at their big fancy holiday parties she could always be found darting around the room, catching snippets of conversations, before taking off to see whatever else caught her fancy.
But just because Gendry didn’t love holding long, drawn-out conversations, that didn’t mean he’d been exempt from holding them with Arya. And, seemingly quickly, he became comfortable with that. So, this was just weird. Just because this could now be classified as a date and not just the two of them hanging out, didn’t mean there was a reason for either one of them to be this nervous, right? One of them needed to speak.
“How was Tobho’s today?” Good, that’s a safe question. Gendry loves talking about the auto shop he works at and she knows he had a heavy workload today, even going so far as to seeing if she could get Sansa, who was home from school for the weekend, to pick her up after classes.
He looks over at her then—for the first time since they pulled away from her house—and the relief she sees on his face is practically palpable.
“Great actually. You know how I said that old rich guy, Lannister, was being an ass about me working on his car, had all these stupid ‘rules’ and stuff?” She nods her head with a scowl, thinking about the family her Uncle Robert had married into. “Well apparently he actually thought I did a good job on his car and gave me a decent tip. I mean,” he scoffs, “not like it’s much to him. With a car like that, the man probably shits gold.”
He continues talking about his day and all of the technical aspects of what he worked on, with Arya only slightly struggling to keep up—she has spent most afternoons after school at the shop for a few years now, after all—and the rest of the ride flies by.
As they pull into Sonic, they’re busy laughing about that time Arya was sitting inside a car at the shop and accidentally blew on the horn, not knowing that his coworker, Lem, was working on it. She surprised him so badly that he jumped up and nearly broke his nose on the hood.
When her laughter dies down, she notices only a handful of the drive-in spots are taken and a few people are sitting at the tables outside. He pulls into an open space near the middle.
“Do you know what you want,” he asks, looking over at her.
“Umm…a large watermelon slushie with Nerds and some fries.”
Face scrunched up and laughing, Gendry says, “A slushie with Nerds? That’s so gross Arry.” She sticks her tongue out as him as he leans forward out of his window to press the button to order.
A vaguely familiar voice crackles out of the speaker, asking to take their order. “Yeah, can I get a large watermelon slushie, with Nerds,” he pauses, looking over at her for dramatic effect, “a large order of fries, a bacon double cheeseburger, a corndog, a large Coke, and umm, some onion rings, and an order of chili cheese tots?”
He’s fumbling for his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans and listening to the voice rattle the order off back to him, not noticing the incredulous look she’s shooting him.
“What?” he questions, when he finally looks over.
“I’m sorry, is Hot Pie in the bed of the tuck and you just forgot to tell me?”
“I missed lunch,” he grumbles out. “And besides, I told you I got a big tip today. Might as well spend it on something, right?”
“Gendry, I can pay for my half, you don’t have to—”
“Arya,” he cuts her off, giving her a familiar look, one that says, ‘Don’t argue’. They usually alternate paying for food that they pick up and she knows for a fact that he paid for their McDonald’s the other day. But she knows how self-conscious he gets about money. As much as she doesn’t want him to have to spend his hard-earned tip on their food, she knows that talking about it anymore will only make him crabby. Besides, this is a date, right? Dates are allowed to want to pay for each other’s food.
“Fine, but I’ll get it next time.”
“Sure,” he says around a smile, knowing she doesn’t just mean the next time they hang out at the shop. “Next time.”
They grin at each other for a minute, the air around them silent but for the sound of the radio outside playing some song that she can vaguely identify as being sung by Bruce Springsteen and the occasional sound of roller skates on the asphalt. As goofy as she knows her smile is and as much as she would normally call this moment a cliché, she can’t find it in herself to care, what with the feeling of Gendry’s blue eyes on her and knowing that she’s the reason for his wide grin.
“So,” he begins, “how was school today?”
“Pretty good actually,” she starts, thinking on it. “I found out I got an A on my Braavosi test. Mr. Terys said that when I go to college, I should take a Pentoshi class for my foreign language credit since they’re pretty similar. And then, in drama, Ms. Sand announced that we’re going to be doing Antigone for our spring show, which I personally think is way too much for us to handle but she loves her tragedies.”
“Is she the one that was dating the chemistry teacher a few years back?”
“Mr. Martell, yeah. I think they’re off-again right now,” she muses, “she’s been having us perform lots of sad monologues in class.”
“So, are you going to audition?”
“Oh yeah. There aren’t a lot of speaking roles or female roles, but Ms. Sand always gives preference to seniors for leads, so I think I have a pretty good shot.”
He’s opening his mouth to say something when they both spot someone on a pair of roller skates in the rearview mirror headed their way. When they pull to a stop by Gendry’s rolled down window, greeting them with their order and the total, Arya realizes why she recognized the voice on the speaker.
“…and one large Coke,” she finishes off, taking payment from Gendry. It’s when she looks up to begin handing them their order that she notices Arya in the passenger seat. “Arya, hi!” she says, complete with a friendly smile.
“Hey Brea. I didn’t know you worked here.”
“Yeah, the waters are too cold right now for me to stay busy working with Dad, so I applied here for some extra cash.” Arya nods at this, vaguely remembering Brea’s dad being involved in deep sea fishing or something like that. “Who’s this?” she asks, giving Gendry an appreciative look.
“Gendry,” he grunts out, more focused on the food they have yet to be given than the sly glance she’s sending Arya.
“Oh, so you’re Gendry?” She lets out a giggle that gets his attention. Arya narrows her eyes at Brea, confused. She’s mentioned Gendry to Brea in passing, he’s her best friend, how could she not? But she hadn’t said anything that would warrant the giggle and the knowing look Brea now wears.
“Yeah,” he draws out suspiciously, looking between the two girls. “Think we can get our food now?”
“Of course!” She begins handing Gendry the outrageous amount of food—a bemused expression forming as she realizes that all of this seems to be for them—while he sets it down in some pseudo-picnic style on the stretch of seat in between them.
“See you around Arya,” she says after collecting the money, skating away with ease.
Gendry thrusts her slushie into her outstretched hand. Arya expects him to ask about Brea, but when she’s done poking her straw into her drink and looks at him, he’s already shoveling onion rings and a few of her fries into his mouth while one-handedly trying to pull his burger out of the slip of foil.
“You know,” she starts, “the meat’s already dead Gendry. I don’t think your burger is going to be running away anytime soon.”
He gives a dry laugh and sends a deadpan look her way, where she’s smirking around her straw. “Don’t know how you drink those things.” He nods toward her. “They sound toxic, pure sugar,” he says loftily, nose pointing in the air.
“Oh please, don’t act like you didn’t only stop ordering them because you always get a major brain freeze.”
He pouts at that for a minute before biting enthusiastically into his burger. After swallowing his bite and taking a large gulp of his Coke he says, “Do you know what night your play will open? I wanna make sure I let Tobho know in advance I’ll be needing to leave work early that day.” Gendry’s boss often has him stay later in the spring, when daylight is easier to come by. Opening night is bound to be on a Friday, and while Gendry always come to see her performances at some point during their run, she doesn’t want him missing out on work opportunities because of it.
“Oh no,” she says quickly, “you can just go on the weekend or something, I don’t want you missing work because of me. Besides, I might not even get a part.”
He chews thoughtfully on his corndog for a moment. “But if you don’t, you’ll still be doing tech, right?”
“Yeah, probably.”
“Then I’ll be there opening night. Wouldn’t miss it.”
“Okay,” she says, ducking her head to hide her small smile, under the pretense of trying to drink her slushie.
Their conversation moves onto other topics—Gendry’s coworker, Harmon, who’d just been fired; a new scone recipe that Hot Pie had been using them as taste-testing guinea pigs for; the new single from that terrible alt-rock band, The Brotherhood, that Gendry likes. Before she knows it, Arya’s reaching for her slushie again, only to be met with the sound of her straw sucking up air. Eyebrows furrowing, she looks at the stretch of seat between them only to see that Gendry’s managed to finish all of his food.
He has a hand rubbing the back of his neck and is looking at the clock on the dash that says they’ve been parked for at least an hour and a half. “Guess we’ve been here a little while, huh?” It’s really not all that late for a Friday night, but she knows her parents will be getting home from their night out soon and she’s not ready to have a conversation about her and Gendry with her mother just yet. Or her father.
“Yeah, I probably need to get back soon,” she reluctantly replies.
“Yeah of course.” He gathers up the wrappers and trash littering the seat (and really, it’s an awful lot) along with Arya’s empty slushie cup and hops out to toss it all in the trash can.
Buckling up, she starts thinking about how the night had gone. Things had definitely been flirty, but that had been happening more and more lately. Really it hadn’t been any different than any other time they’d hung out. But did that just mean that they were comfortable around each other or had this not actually ended up being a date? Going to Sonic wasn’t exactly out of the ordinary for them, so what if, by suggesting they go there, he thought that she didn’t think this was a date? By the time he’s made the short walk back to the truck, Arya’s head is swimming.
“Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” she chokes out, a strained smile on her face. He gives her a quizzical look and, sensing his confusion, she attempts to make it more genuine. It seems to work because his eyes only linger on her for a second longer before he starts to back out.
Luckily for her, Gendry’s chosen the drive home to vent about his mom’s newest boyfriend, which requires little response on her part.
“And he’s just so boring, you know? He’s always trying to talk to me about golf, as if I’ve ever golfed in my life. Oh, and don’t even getting me started on how often I’ve caught them making out on the couch—my couch! The one I slept on the whole time I lived there—”
Oh shit. All of a sudden it’s no longer Gendry’s diatribe she’s hearing, but her sister’s high pitched, fourteen year old voice as she reads, “And at the end of the date, a gentleman will walk a lady to her door and, should the date have gone well and she seem receptive, give her a chaste kiss on the lips.” While Arya is sure she said something snarky at the time about the magazine being shit, even she knows that people usually kiss at the end of dates. And while she’s certainly been thinking about kissing Gendry (a lot), thinking about it and actually being in a situation where she can, are two totally different things.
Wanting to steer clear of this train of thought, she decides to jump into Gendry’s rant before he gives himself an ulcer. “But she really likes him, right?”
He stops his sentence short. “Well, yeah, but she’s liked all of the other guys too, and you know how those all turned out.” While Arya wouldn’t categorize Ms. Waters as a serial dater, Gendry is right in saying that the past few men she’s dated haven’t had the winningest personalities.  
“Didn’t you say he had a steady job though? Something in an office with a salary?”
He hesitates. “Yeah. But he just seems…like he’s trying too hard.”
“Better to try too hard than to not try at all, right? Maybe you should give this one a chance. I’m not saying don’t be cautious, especially with how a lot of the last guys turned out. But she’s an adult and she’ll want you to trust her judgement. And it won’t do her any good if she thinks you already don’t like this guy right away.”
He lets out a heavy sigh. “I guess you’re right, I should at least try.” There’s a brief silence before he starts again. “And maybe,” he pauses, sending her a sly, sideways glance “you could teach me a little about golf?”
“Wait, what? I don’t know anything about golf.”
“Then Bran was lying when he said your mother sent you and him to some fancy golf summer camp when you were kids?” he asks.
Her face is heating up furiously. “How long have you known about that?”
He shrugs. “Awhile now. I’ve been waiting for the opportune time to bring it up.”
He’s laughing at the scowl on her face, managing to get her to crack a smile, when they pull into her driveway. When the truck is in park, they both sit in their seats, hesitating. She’s scrambling for something to say, but he saves her when he quickly jumps out and jogs around to her side of the truck, opening up the door.
Suddenly nervous again, all she can manage is a mumbled thanks as she trails alongside him to her front door. They stop on her stoop.
This is it. The moment of truth. Only he’s just standing there, staring at her, his face looking a bit washed out under the harsh porch light.
“Are you alright Gendry? You’re looking a bit queasy. Few too many onion rings?” She jokes. He lets out a small chuckle with her, tentative smile on his face.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just wanted to say umm,” he clears his throat, “I had a good time tonight. With you. I mean, I always have a good time with you. Hanging out. But a date is a bit more than hanging out, isn’t it? I mean, it felt like hanging out though. Which is good. That is good, isn’t it? God, I’m shit at this.” He rushes this all out, shaking his head when he’s finished, and Arya honestly doesn’t think she’s ever heard him this tongue-tied and nervous before. She’s trying not to let a laugh slip out, what with how distressed he looks, when it hits her that he finally called this a date again. And that’s all she needed.
If anyone were to ask her later, she would definitely deny that she ever had any doubts that this was a date. And how could she have? She and Gendry just worked, of course they would end up dating. She would, however, agree that she had broken the cardinal rule in Sansa’s teen magazines and initiated their first kiss. And it was anything but chaste.
Gendry’s hands have managed to wander to her hips, holding her flush against him, her left hand has found itself tangled in his hair while her right is pressed against his chest. As he slips his tongue in between her lips, brushing it against hers, all she can think of is how she was completely right that kissing Gendry and thinking about kissing Gendry are two totally different things—actually doing it is way better.
They break apart for air, both smiling breathlessly at each other, when they hear footsteps approaching the other side of the door. She takes a step back from Gendry while his hands drop from her waist immediately.
When the door opens, Rickon is standing in front of them, eyes narrowed in suspicion. After staring at them for a moment, “Did you guys get my slushie?”
“They were all out of uh, Red Bull,” Gendry lies.
He stares at them a moment longer, eyes shifting between them both as if ready to call them out on the lie, before his face relaxes.
“Alright. Well we ordered a lot of extra pizza incase you guys were both still hungry.” The idea of Gendry still being hungry almost makes her laugh. “You coming in Gendry?”
He glances over at Arya, as if silently communicating with her that he agrees that they’d be grilled by Sansa and have to deal with Bran sneaking little jokes about them into conversation, and says, “Thanks Rickon, but I ate a lot actually.” Then, turning towards Arya, looking significantly less apprehensive than before they kissed, “I’ll see you Monday?”
“Of course. I’ll text you.” She’ll have to remember to bring up the door opening thing.
He moves forward, as if to give her one last kiss goodbye, before realizing their audience. Playing it off with a quick squeeze to her arm, he gives her and Rickon a nod and a goodnight before walking back to his truck.
She watches him start his truck and pull out, feeling Rickon’s gaze on her neck. She sighs heavily, already knowing he’s figured it out, and turns around.
“So, you and Gendry huh?” He looks curious, less smug than she’d expected.  
“Yes,” she answers, no hesitation.
He nods thoughtfully for a second. “Tell you what. You get me my slushie next time you’re out, and I’ll tell Sansa and Mom that Gendry just dropped you off like usual if they ask. Deal?”
She cracks a smile. “Deal.”
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
buonasera my sugarplum! 🌺🌟💗 i hope you are well darling! it's lovely to be back this evening!! after all, the perfect end to my nights always seem to be writing you while i lounge with my cats,, sometimes sipping on something nice,, tonight i actually have some limoncello with me hehe, only a small amount of course! after all, i don't wanna end up accidentally getting tipsy again~ 😖 (though to be fair, it was my older brother's fault last time hehehe) (1/7)
"i'm so happy to hear that you have the same taste in AA characters as i do!! (even if i haven't gotten that far yet) i was doing some more looking around to pull me farther down the rabbit hole,, and i think i'm gonna start watching the anime by the end of the week! ahhh, i really can't wait to watch it, along with more of our show ✨😉 (2/7)
today was long, as i spent most of it helping out in the neighbor's garden,, but it was fun!! i had to water and check the progress of different crops, and harvest anything that was ready! i also had to check on the bunnies of course,, i went alone this time so it took a lot of strength to get the big food bag out 😅 (3/7)
i got to pick lots of vegetables to feed them too!! one of the bunnies, who i named torrone, ate a carrot right out of my hand,, and at one point, all of them came to sit with me~!! two even layed in my lap,, i was overjoyed! my mom couldn't believe it when i told her hehehe 🐰 (4/7)
ooh, and i was sitting outside with some tea for a few hours today, when i saw a baby frog hop over to me! he hopped onto my leg, and i carefully picked him up in a napkin to be safe,, he was so cute!! the little thing was barely the size of my fingertip, but he was very curious and ended up sitting with me for two whole hours! i named him mojito since he was a bright green, hopefully i'll see him again! (5/7)
the rest of my day was spent cooking dinner, trying to avoid random flirts online, and going shopping for liquors and liqueurs,, mamma likes to bring me with her to pick out new things (but mostly to advise her on what wines she should buy hehe) my parents both seemed exhausted by the evening, so i used it as an excuse to fix up some amaretto sours with some leftover mixers... they must've liked it enough to allow me a glass of whatever i wanted 😖❤ (6/7)
awaaaa,, all of this rambling tires me out,, but i'm really happy that you all don't mind it as much as others do,, oh my, they always tell me that i need to shut up ahaha 😂 oh goodness, it's quite late now though, so i think that's all for tonight! so goodnight cuore mio, sweet dreams!! i hope you wake up smiling in the morning 💞💞💞 - hugs from the other half of the planet, your waifu 💌✨💖💕💋🌹 ps: let's add me fixing up drinks for you to the bucket list of things to do 😘💓 (7/7)"
U have no idea (once again) how thrilled i am that u got into aa and d e a d a s s everyone loves edgeworth and franziska so really big brain taste👁️ but my advice would be to not watch the anime till u finish the og trilogy (a.k.a the first 3 games) since it basically spoils everything xhdhshs but tbh the anime isnt amazing and has lots of bruh moments animation wise yet i still love it lmao esp of the voice acting....both the dub and sub slap royally (edgeworth's dub voice doe😳😤) AND OUR S E C R E T SHOW MAN AM I EQUALLY AS THRILLED FOR U TO DISCOVER MORE OF THAT TOO
N E W A Y S i have to say im fully convinced that ur some sort of earth/nature/growth/nurture goddess in disguise bc animals flopping to u further proves it ksksks never in my life was i able to like hold onto a frog for hours u have magical powers dear😳😳😳😳 u could prob command and entire army of bunnies, frogs, cats and many more if u so desired-
Also whoever told u to shut up will get the stabby cuz i aint havin none of that bs 🗿🔪 this also applies to the random flirts trynna start bs (btw i totally forgot to answer one of quinn's asks that said there was another one on instagram? Coming @ u so im gonna address it here: WII GATHERIN THE CLOWN ARMY ONCE AGAIN SISTERS👀🔪👀🔪👀🔪)
On another note, i'd totally try out ur drinks bc cocktails are a big passion of mine (then again who doesnt love em) and even more so if ur the one who made them a h a
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