#fnaf world roleplay
piningpercussionist · 6 months
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"I need some air. The stupidity in here is making me feel faint."
Kim Pine RP and general Scott Pilgrim fandom blog; Asks always open (unless they get flooded, I suppose)
["Current" Event: GAME OVER! RESTART...?]
(Currently answering asks outside of the event and at a staggered rate; apologies for delays.)
Blog should be running on central time, I think, but I sleep at weird hours anyway.
Generally asking that you just be decent people, or make your asks exaggerated/obviously part of the bit you're building if you're going a certain direction. If I catch even a whiff of genuine bigotry, though, you're out pal.
NSFW asks tentatively allowed (until someone is a freak about it) [I need to clarify now that I mean this within the rp context: I will field nonRP NSFW asks without complaint. Stop. Bothering. The. Minors.]
Generally fine running separate continuities for Kim, you just need to specify, otherwise I'm working with my current amalgam of canon Kim stuff + blog canon (like anon shenanigans and stuff) (Bonus points if you can name our tag for me)
Theoretical fine with ship interactions, especially gay ones, but DO NOT ENGAGE ME IN THIS MANNER IF YOU ARE A MINOR! Thank you!
Characters I'm not interested in fielding ship content for: Lucas Lee, Hollie Hawkes*, Jason Kim*, basically any evil ex (aside from Roxie,,, maybe Patel,,,) Julie (...?)
Probably more but I don't expect it to be an issue, really- I don't think I've seen blogs for many of these or other characters
*nothing beyond acknowledging canon for Jason, theoretical cool with Hollie actually, it'd just need to be in a specific font, like some of the ones I am fine with but haven't specified- notably, with an understanding that as I write Kim, she could have feelings for Hollie, but after Jason has no interest in pursuing that (so for SPTO or pre-Jason stuff, specify and I'll consider!)
Reserved Anons/Sign-Offs:
✨️ Sparkles Anon
🐢 Turtle Anon
🐇 Bunny Anon
Crush Guy
⭐️ Anon
Minion King
🧸 Anon
🧠🪱 Anon
💠 Anon
🥚 Anon
🛼 Ramona ["super cool girl anon"] (Flowerspowers)
💥🎶🥁 Noel Welsh (drummer-boywelsh)
In Character tag(s):
Hi, welcome to the blog! When addressing me, just call me Pine; if you want to call me Pine in a RP ask, just note that somehow so I understand. I am 23, so please keep this in mind when interacting! My ooc tags are ooc, txt, and art (which I post my art under, obviously, so it may feature RP stuff.) OOC is sort of the catch-all?
I have an AO3 where you can see what fics I'm working on/have written.
Here's various versions of the media and how Hinged I am about them (answer: not very)
Movie: Least favorite Scott/iteration in general; fuck does it have some good lines though. Damnit. (I really do like a lot of aspects of it, but it IS my least favorite.)
Comics: 2 rereads down, favorite version; currently collecting panels for those with requests or questions relative to them (Starting 6 soon)
Show: Watched twice in full, halfway through a third run! (And set to collect Kim screencaps from episode 3!) Contender for favorite version, but has a lot of flaws, I will admit. (Also, begging for a "They Dated" extended cut from someone, please- I'd draw something for you maybe--)
Game: Very fun actually! Didn't know I could be good at this type of game; I have notes on most of the item stats for anyone that needs them- gonna start labeling every instance of the named NPCs eventually
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FNaF Fandom in Jan. 2016 Forum
plz join it'll be funny
yes this is based on WayneRadioTVs Sonic Forum Simulator
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thfya234 · 1 year
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Yup. I made another one with them. I just like this dynamic, not gonna lie.
(Bonnie is from Invisible Davis Studios and Tangle is from Fnaf World)
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List of muses (Main): William Afton (Springtrap), Henry Emily, Glamrock Freddy, Michael Afton, Funtime Foxy, Foxy, Mr.Hippo, Toy Freddy, Phone Guy, Funtime Chica, Happy Frog, Nedd Bear, Nightmare, Rockstar Bonnie, Rockstar Foxy, Withered Bonnie, Nightmare Freddy, Roxanne Wolf.
Ofc, I muse the whole FNAF 1 cast differently then the Withered Animatronics and do my own interpretation of Glamrock Bonnie.
List of secondary requestable muses: Elizabeth Afton (Circus Baby) (Scrap Baby), Ballora, Deedee, Mangle, The Puppet, Music Man, Nightmare Fredbear, Fredbear, Nightmarionne, Orville Elephant, Pigpatch, Rockstar Chica, Rockstar Freddy, Withered Chica, Lefty
Dayshift at Freddy’s Muses: Dave Miller
Oc Muses:
Do note: I do not roleplay any romantic pairings with the animatronic characters. They are possessed by children, keep this in mind before interaction.
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hanasnx · 3 months
diff anon but what fandoms did you meet your close moots through? i don’t know if that counts as indy lore
that counts! more under the cut. i wanted to talk about all my mutuals
@its-clockwork-princess one of my best, oldest, and dearest friends. years and years of friendship, roleplay, fanfiction, writing. every time i see a duo on screen or in any media my first thought is always her and my second thought is always “us.” we went through a thousand different fandoms and i can’t remember our first but we definitely bonded heavily over fandoms like marvel, dc, and fnaf at the very early stages of our friendship. her dad was actually dating my mom for a long time, which gave us plenty of time together. literally cant even summarize everything we’ve gone through together, everything we’ve built, seriously been friends for a decade and i plan on staying that way for the rest of my life. i cant imagine my life without her, how bleak and colorless it would’ve been. i’m honored to know such a generous and kind person, and someone who helped shape me into who i am today. a love truly unconditional.
@ohgodmyeyes loved his takes on anakin, thought he was so real and so down to earth even though he could stand to be more egotistical considering how talented he is. i think about a certain post he made about anakin -> vader's dick literally once a day. i'm not even exaggerating at all when i say it was my roman empire. in just that small amount of time i was taught his quiet confidence, his exquisite way with words, and his unapologetic thought process. i maintain a distance from him because i'm playing the long game and from what i've seen on his personal posts i feel like he might be overwhelmed if i come on too strong, as i often do. but that doesn't stop me from grinning every time i see him in my notifs and i get to think, "this message was approved by ohgodmyeyes." very proudly.
@somuchfrstardust we talked in the comment section of anakin edits on tiktok i feel like and then i was like "hey wanna be friends" and we haven't talked in a while but that's totally cool, that's just how i am. i still consider them my friend i think they're a rly cool person.
@banakinbabygirl was one of the first anakin/hayden blogs i followed, i love how they write smut. it's a very emotional way of writing, very heavy on the descriptions and realistic reactions that drew me in and kept me there.
@starmanskywalker is one of my favorite writers in general. anything on her masterlist is an instant recommendation from me, instant like, instant reblog, instant indy review. i'm such a jealous person in general but the way i feel about alanis' writing is beyond jealousy. it's admiration, it's fondness, it's awe. i don’t feel envious i feel fulfilled. i was very proud to become her mutual, her friend, be on a first name basis with her, and write fanfiction with her. we have a collab we've been working on for a while but because we're both so busy and it's such a big project it takes a lot of time and a lot of love, but i'm still so excited for the day it's finished and can be published.
@xstarkillerx is so much more than a person i met on the internet. truly one of my best friends, and i can’t imagine not having him in my life. there’s so much i can say that i have actually already said on this blog before. donnie has a way with seeing the world i just love to hear about. i’ll ask his opinions and experiences on everything simply to hear what he, specifically, has to say about it. when we have conversations inhibitions are left at the door for the both of us instead of just me. i feel skinless, muscle-less, body-less with donnie. an entity obsessed with him on discord as we write novels to each other, sonnets about how we view the world and its fictions. donnie is my bread and butter, and i’m so glad i found him and stalked him and forced him to be my friend and now he’s reliant on me just like i want.
@weixuldo such a sweet person and very understanding of me and my boundaries. i first found wei’s blog through their fanart of darth vader which i loved so much i sent every single one of their posts to my best friend who i mentioned at the beginning of this post. i still go back to look at those works every so often to brush up on my love for them. such a talented artist i’m very happy i’m worthy of a follow back, and that we enjoy each other’s content.
@mcondance i met through hobie brown back in june 2022. i loved how they kept luring me to their page by mentioning me and my hobie works they kept reading, i swear they were using my vanity as bait and it worked. they are, genuinely, so fucking funny. i only have friends that are funny don’t get me wrong, but there’s something about jupie that when i’m talking about them to other people, that person is like “omg jupie is so funny.” like. jupie just transcends my sense of humor to other people’s. they’re funny to the masses. i’m very bad at texting, but jupie is a person i try to reach out to so they know i’m virtually loving on them. they like the attention. another writer i’m so pleased to be mutuals with when they’re so skilled at the part of writing i always feel like i’m most wooden at. the side of smut writing that takes feeling and sensation and even an edge of genuine horniness, jupie is so good at translating that onto a page.
@murdrdocs is another mutual i gained from the height of the hobie brown era and i believe i saw her content through jupie’s page. now we don’t get to talk too much but that doesn’t mean i don’t think she’s not a super cool person. i don’t read much, but the things i do get to read specifically on icarus’ page make me very proud to be her mutual. not only is she an accomplished and gorgeous writer, but her blog designs are always envy-inducing. she shifts her aesthetics so seamlessly—even tho i know how changing a theme can be draining and time-consuming—and it’s always easy on the eyes. her navigation is especially creative and i’ll never forget her newspaper clipping themed announcement for last kinktober.
@princessbrunette another writer i’m constantly in awe of. i met her through her anakin works, and invited myself onto her kinktober taglist when she was still a relatively new blog that’s how much i was instantly attracted to her work. her style is so distinct and so refined, i can overlook non canon work because hers is just that good. she’s also very funny, and has a gifted silver tongue. i’m always impressed with how she’s able to paint a picture in her pieces using nothing but the most concise and visualizing words. it’s not often that i watch something because a friend watched it, but i watched obx for her so i could still enjoy her work that’s how much i love it. our universes we create in our dms are so special to me.
@empiresheir was someone i met through their anakin one-shot about order 66 which i’ve reblogged several times and it’ll never be enough. it was such a good piece i gave live updates to my best friend who was reading it too. i sent those screenshots to her orc cos she deserved to know what i had to say. she was also an essential help when i was writing my kinktober project, kind enough to read my pieces and give me line by line feedback just like i like so i wouldn’t go crazy from lack of attention on pieces i couldn’t post til october. not only another talented and powerful writer (capable of dropping my jaw at how insanely good she is at wording things), but such a sweet person to talk to. and though she’s not active in the fandom anymore i think of her fondly and i hope she’s having such a good time with baldur’s gate.
@darthvvder had a collection of anakin drabbles that i found on wattpad of all places and i was amazed at what i read. thoroughly impressed by the physical reactions her works were eliciting in me. got me to care about smut tropes i hadn’t cared about before simply bcos she was so good at writing them. i posted about a line that gripped me and she commented that it was her, i followed and the rest is history.
@jarebare99 is my boyfriend :) he gets an honorary mention. i wrote him an entire book of poetry and my thoughts on him so he can read that if he’s feeling left out from everyone getting paragraphs. i met him in irl not through a fandom but idc.
@ddejavvu was someone i’d see in my notifications including my inbox every so often and she was very recognizable. i really can’t remember how us being mutuals happened? i’d like to say i somehow discovered she wrote and wrote well and once i began noticing i consistently liked her content then i followed and lo and behold she was following me too. mei is very respectful of my space and i like that she texts me without expecting an answer back bcos i like to read her updates and don’t always know what to say. i have some of her inbox messages i gatekeep and i go back and read them every so often and think about how diabolical it would be if i answered them and floored the world, but i have yet to be ready to share the genius.
@anakincentric technically through anakin. even though we don’t talk much bcos both of us have really similar no-contact ways that doesn’t mean i don’t think she’s real sweet. i like when she pops in, drops a banger, and then peaces out. like a disney cameo appearance.
@harrisonbrainrot i wanna say han/indiana. i feel like i was already following his blog because i got to read some of his stuff when i was in a han mood and was like, “yea, this guy gets it.” and then when we reconnected in the comments of someone else’s post, i told him i was a big fan which was true, and then wham bam thank you ma’am mutuals. i have no idea if he knew who i was before or if he was following me, but he’s cool asf. not only is he hot and chill, he’s also really kind with me about not texting. a very generous soul who let me use his crunchyroll to watch jjk out of the goodness of his heart, which i am kissing him for. one of the rare writer’s on here who’s unapologetic in the shit they say, which i always admire and prioritize in who i choose to follow. love his han characterization, so when he’s reblogged a han work of mine, i believe it’s been christened by the harrison ford pope.
@anitheus tagging this blog bcos it’s what i followed first but i also follow her other account @silxani because i love her art style. i love how she draws anakin every time. her spider-sam fanart, and her nsfw anakin works are my favorite, as well as the fanart she made of us for my birthday. gorgeous art style i could look at all day, and i like her personality when we text.
@ivysangel i wanna say it was dc comics but i can’t remember the character, might’ve been jason todd. she came for the dc, and stayed for the other stuff including my general tomfoolery. she flatters me with kind words about how i’ve influenced her, which always makes me soft. we have a lot in common, which is always so much fun to compare, and i love that she watched batman beyond when i recommended it even though i wasn’t expecting her to a) do it and b) love it. she’s aware and respectful of my boundaries when it comes to sharing my ideas which i appreciate, and i love seeing her in my inbox. we haven’t had enough time together for me to nail down everything i like about her, but i will.
@loveliestlovelygirl eloise caught me by surprise bcos it’s not often i get instantly hooked, or at least it hasn’t been that way for a while. i haven’t been in an anakin mood for a while, but i still reblog her works instantly so i can get to it later because i know i’ll like it even though i haven’t read it. idk much about her, but her theme makes me bonkers jealous. it’s so beautiful. like her chapter HTML for her fallen angel au makes me drool.
@psuedosis newest mutual. her reaction towards me made me instantly endeared, and i loved her jet works. some zuko pieces as well! hit at the right time bcos i just finished atla animated. very excited to get to know her more.
boom. indy lore and extensive thoughts on tumblr mutuals.
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itsmergb · 6 months
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What if MXES had a physical body?
Idea was inspired by an ongoing roleplay plotline in the FNAF server; RUIN never happened, but the Mimic managed to escape from containment regardless, and is now free to explore the world. It is an absolute necessity that the Mimic is found and either captured or destroyed, but there is only one being capable of doing this - the Mimic Expungement Endpoint Security programme.
The trouble with this comes in the fact MXES has an incredibly dense heuristic matrix density (file size) to be able to do everything it needs to do in the Pizzaplex systems, which means no run-of-the-mill AI card will do the trick. This is why a custom body is necessary - a custom body enormous enough to fit all the information of MXES' prior server. A human comes up to around its shoulder.
MXES is still incapable of verbal speech; otherwise, the Mimic would be able to copy it and trick its allies. Instead, it usually communicates with trusted staff via direct messaging systems on their phones, or with rudimentary sign language when in Chassis form.
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and it's a fanwork?
Yeah? I guess?
It's a fanwork/content farm/ drama soap opera channel...
Where Sun and Moon are Vtubers who play videogames. All the actrs are really talented.
They're just Roleplaying the characters at end of the world scenarios and they also play and react to things. I've been watching the channel since it's inception.
It's always a mixed bag of tackling serious emotional trauma.... and also shooing catnap from poppy playtime off their front porch.
It's a weird thing. But I am cringe and like weird things. I'm not explaining it well.
There is really extensive lore about the entire channel. Since it's been doing RP and gameplay stuff for about three years now.
@twinanimatronics has a master document that details all their lore.
I would call it, "A fanfiction as a Show." it's really hard to explain to people why I like it so much. I've been following back when they just had three terrible videos on their channel. like those early videos aren't good, but I was facinated with Vtubers at the time... and VTubers of the Fnaf characters Sun and Moon was such a novel concept... but like... Reed and Davis (the actors) really made the characters and lore and stories they want to tell their own. I can't believe they upload every day. It's awesome
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feretra · 6 months
ETA: It was brought to my attention by a few very lovely folks that I wasn’t entirely clear about a key point in this post. So before you go any further, allow me to eliminate any confusion about that: I only became aware of Sam’s behaviour after terminating my friendship with her. Much of this comes from deep dives into tags and from google, based on the usernames provided in her previous callout. If you have any other questions or experiences with Sam, you are welcome to reach out to me.
I wasn’t going to do this. It’s the holiday season, and I have limited energy stores, but if I am going to be stalked and gaslit to this extent solely for putting up a boundary? I may as well get a swing in. Because this is what I’m dealing with, and have dealt with, when I simply tried to part on amicable terms:
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The person behind this behavior is breadandbloodybutter — otherwise known as Gig, otherwise known as Samantha — and they have years of extremely dubious behaviour, but they tend to delete their accounts and remake them often so that much of it gets expunged from tumblr and doesn’t follow them. But if you dig deep enough into the archives, you can find hints of what was there.
Sam enjoys writing as or with villains, which is not intrinsically a problem in and of itself. The actual problem? Is that Sam writes writes some extremely questionable roleplay content that should be trigger warned at absolute minimum because it is full of noncon, dubcon, graphic torture, multiple forms of abuse, grooming, murder, cannibalism, and other deeply concerning topics. She has even cosplayed as a murdered kid. There were some hints that I could not fully corroborate — because like I said, so much of her past history is repeatedly deleted that it exists in fragments — but there are implications that some of these topics may have been written with minors. Given the fandoms Sam is in besides Baldur’s Gate tend to be skewed towards a teen to young adult demographic (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, FNAF, Stephen King’s It, Yugioh, Dragonball), that is not surprising.
But weren’t you and Sam friends? We were. Until Sam used one of her many accounts to share posts about how crushing tracheas under a boot heel and fucking people with loaded guns was sexy (I cannot believe I just typed this out, oof.) As an Indigenous person who has survived extreme violence towards my person that has nearly taken my life, and having seen how it has generationally impacted the people around me, I decided to use this incident as an opportunity to inform everyone who follows me that I did not want to see that sort of violent fetishization on my dash. They can totally post it — especially if you have characters into wackass shit — but please make sure it is tagged adequately and liberally so that people who have gone through similar traumas and know their limits don’t run the risk of being triggered randomly on a Tuesday at 1pm when they’re just trying to enjoy their day.
Sam reached out to me and tagged her posts and I thought we had solved this. Apparently we hadn’t, because Sam was running her mouth not only to other people about this, but on her personal where she was making herself a victim. While missing the point and also telling way too much on herself, because I never once said she was a shitty person. What I was talking about, is how posts like those do not exist in a vacuum. If you can have the privilege to say “oh, this is entirely fictional,” then you live in a world where your body has not become sexualized or a vehicle for violence solely by existing. This is what was being said to me:
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And this is what was going on where she thought I couldn’t see it:
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( This is now deleted, but it was followed up with similar posts reblogged from other people about how it is okay to engage with problematic topics in media, etc. Which is completely missing the forest for the trees. A nice accompaniment to… )
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This post, made yesterday, came a whole three minutes after I finally broke my silence and pointed out that befriending racists who explicitly hated us was an even worse look than whatever it was that was preceding it. Because guess what Sam has done now. But that’s jumping ahead a bit, I think. Because I did give Sam another chance for a few weeks after that debacle. She just completely blew it within a couple weeks to once again write some pretty questionable content. Because hey, posting untagged torture porn is fun, right? And then joking about it?
So @laceratiio and myself both tried to part ways with Sam. Quietly. We even gave her our reasons for why. Sam even seemed fine with this. I don’t have Mirza’s on hand, but here’s mine, for the sake of transparency.
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( I’m leaving the topmost part of this clipped off because it details my trauma and I’ll spare yall that without your consent. That’s not what you’re here for. )
Cue, uh, Sam stalking the shit out of @laceratiio and I for the last few days? Just relentlessly. Which apparently is not a new thing, according to the Sam Archives, if it’s anything to go by:
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I have roughly forty plus images I have saved in my folder of receipts about Sam at this point. They range from her not understanding how she is manipulating the people around her:
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To straight up joking about noncon with the implication being about minors:
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And a lot of wanting to be the victim in any given situation, even though she is the one antagonizing people who are just wanting to be left alone —
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Is this meant to be a callout? I don’t know. I don’t know what the fuck this is. I just see a lot of red fucking flags about someone I once called a friend because they hid a lot about themselves and I think I want to warn people, honestly. That’s what I think this is. If I have to otherwise lose my sanity over the course of this goddamn weekend.
Reblog if you want. It’s up to you.
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darkrpfinder · 7 days
Eh…Hi! Apologies if I didn't phrase this well—I'm not great at this whole post/message thing. But hey, if you're interested, shoot me a DM!
The names Bandage (or Bandy!), I’m 20! I’m sort of looking for long-term fun RP's! But also new fun friends to hang out with! People I can headcanon and rp with!
In terms of roleplay style, I prefer a semi-lit to lit approach, typically writing around 1-3 paragraphs or more if the inspiration strikes. But that doesn’t mean you have to! My response time can vary, so I'm totally cool if my RP partner takes their time too! Sometimes I’m a dummy and forget to respond haha!
About me!
- I’m a furry so expect a heckton of furry/furry-themed ocs haha!
- I can attempt to adapt to any RP length If that's something you're into then great!
- Respond quickly to most RPs. {though note i am a scatterbrain so if i forget! Don’t be afraid to judge me!}
- I love to hc a lot!
- SFW or NSFW RPs are fine with me. For NSFW I prefer MxM haha
Note if we DO do NSFW, most of my ocs are gay and bottoms :D
Here are my kinks
Creampie, spanking, Fingering, groping, rimming, bulge play, Toys (vibrators), cock worship, petplay, Ownership, Somnophilia (being fucked in my sleep), ass play, public play, DILF's, exhibitionism, clothes ripping, secret, small dom, big sub, biting chest. Rough sex. Breeding. and wet sounds or cum squirting Size Difference, Face sitting. Oil. Excessive cum, butt growth, leaving a mess and using the bum as a pillow!
Limits are toilet talk, gore, feet, incest, armpits, and humility
Fandoms I like and don't mind rping are
Animal Crossing
Ever After High
Dark Deception
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Here are my characters for you to take a gander at.
Here's kinda what I'm looking for what I'm seeking in terms of roleplays/headcanons:
I'm all about that world-building and fantasy vibes, creating unique and immersive settings.
I'm open to both NSFW and SFW scenarios—variety is the spice of life! We can mix it up or focus on one, or even just keep it to headcanons.
I love the idea of our characters and stories evolving beyond our initial concepts, letting them grow and change organically. Let's see where the journey takes us!
I like to talk about our OCs a lot.
If ya can’t RP! No biggie! I don’t mind HCing and coming up with funny little scenarios or what iff ideas
I do ask you’re at least 18 plus in terms of NSFW!
Here's what I'm looking for in potential RP partners:
I do ask you’re at least 18 plus in terms of NSFW!
Let's be more than just RP buddies; let's be friends outside the character realm too!
Bonus points if you're into drawing or appreciating art—though not a must, I totally dig it!
Got a real passion for OCs? We're gonna get along just great!
IF YA INTRESTED! Either comment here or message me
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rozex21 · 7 months
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!! ABOUT ME !!
-My fav color is dark blue
-Three Days Grace fan
-Set It Off fan
-headcanons maker
-I love alternative universes
-making stories
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BBU (Billie Bust Up)
STH (Sonic The Hedgehog)
PR (Pumpkin Reports) (Dead fandom-)
RM (Rayman)
PVZ (Plants vs Zombies)
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!! RULES !!
Please be patient, because I might have hard time and I don't think I would post
Please be kind in this blog
This blog respects LGBTQ+
This blog accept FNAF, murder drones, Untertale, BATIM and Splatoon fans
This blog doesn't support and/or accept NSFW
Please don't spam
This blog may have content warnings!!
This blog doesn't doing roleplay
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Alt blogs!!
RP blogs!!
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goat-guy-tm · 2 months
Out of all characters in mcd, I'd say the one that changed the most for my rewrote would have to be garroth. Name change that I gave him aside, there is a lot I did to him.
>hey so, writting this after I finished this post, idk how many words is in this but I think it's over 3k maybe, I spent three days writing this, it's so much longer than I expected, but um if you want a sudden deep dive and entire life story of my rewrite Garroth, HERE IT FUCKING IS!!
I will also let you know, because some ppl will probably be confused about it; Claire was a character in Jess's FNAF roleplay series, she was Aphmau's sister and I am SO UPSET that she was not carried into mys, albeit her and Aphmau had a strained yet still close relationship, she should have been there. So, I include her in ever rewrite I do, including my mys one. But yeah, when you see her mentioned that's why and who she is ♡
Garroth was never happy in Ok'hasis. He never would have been. His whole life he stood there, staring at that damn statue.
A man, standing tall, clad in armor that made him seem so much bigger than he was. Sword, shethed into the stone beneath him, helmet in one hand, other rested on the hilt of the sword.
Esmund Ro'Meave.
Eveyone, Irene-damn everyone told him day in and day out that Garroth was his spitting image. His passion, his looks, his strength. When rumors of Divine Reincarnations murmured through Ru'aun, Garroth was put at the center of it. He was related to one by blood, he looked like him perfectly, so why wouldn't he be?
Garroth wanted nothing to do with that man. A self proclaimed hero, no matter the horrid things he did, the pain he left behind him to carve a path for the Divine in a world they weren't welcome. Were HE wasn't welcome.
Every day his father would drag him around the castle, day in day out, history lessons, fighting lessons, etiquette lessons, never a break.
That statue made him sick. Esmund, stood proud and tall in the court yard, one replica sitting in Ok'hasis's center. No where he went he was haunted by him. It was mocking him. HE was mocking him.
It took weeks of convincing, but eventually Jeffory had agreeded to help him do it, help him fake his death. The guard gained nothing from it. If anything he was putting his own life in more danger than he would ever know.
The first thing he did when he escaped was cut his hair. He couldn't stand it anymore. The bullshit Ok'hasian tradition of 'perfect' hair. His father's had been to the floor, his mother's close. The cute had been uneven, he had nicked himself a little, but the freedom he felt, the weight he felt lift from his chest when he gazed in the river, he nearly cried.
He ran. He knew the guard academy was always open to 'run aways'. Just give them a name and they'd let you in.
Garroth Ro'Meave didn't exist anymore.
Lucian Ciro was the newest trainee in the Ru'aunian Guard Academy.
The years passed like nothing. Finally he felt more than he had in so long. When he graduated, Lucian joined a band of travlers, acting as a guard for them for a while until they had been approached by an old woman one day. She had silver hair, and wore a purple headcovering.
She spoke with a wisdom Lucian only wished to ever know. She asked him for his services. To help her travel across Ru'aun as she was carrying a very important relic of sorts on her person and needed a personal guard.
It would have been dumb to say no, so of course Lucian joined her. The woman, Hyria quickly made her intentions known. She told him she knew who he was. The Lucian Ciro was never a Ru'aunian man, that Garroth Ro'Meave never died that day. Lucian had asked her what she intended to do with that information. She told him nothing, she had no reason to share it with anyone, but he deserved to know that someone understood, that someone knew his story.
After days on fhe road, Hyria told him she was a witch, a witch heavy beyond his years. That she had lived amongst the divine themselves. Lucian didn't believe her at first. She told him she had asked for him specifically to protect her through Ru'aun, that she knew he was meant to be someone important to Ru'aun history. That like her, his soul was closely tied to the Divine, yet not in the way he thought it was.
The Sacred Woods had scared him at first. Now a days Lucian could find his way through them blindfolded. Hyria had shown him the relic. That of Esmund the Divine King. She told him it was about that time. That the new reincarnation of Esmund come about.
A wave of relief had washed over Lucian in that moment. He wasn't that man, he wasn't what everyone egged him to be.
It was a clearing, Lucian would come to know this clearing well.
There were already some people there, gathered in some kind of semi circle.
A mountian of a man, long hair, body and face covered by a long cloak, wolf ears poking through the opening of it. A werewolf no doubt, Lucian had hear folk stories of them, but had never met on in the flesh, or, well, fur.
The man had two women with him, at least the first time Lucian had met them it was two, at some point it became three, he couldn't recall when it changed.
One was shorter, she had black hair and was dressed well. How he recalled many wives of lords dressed, but almost, more humble? There was something about her that was warm, and simple in the best ways.
Then there was the mifwa, with lavander hair and olive green eyes. She scared Lucian a little. She held herself quite strong, claws at the ready almost the whole time.
The third woman was a werewolf as well. She didn't seem too out of place, save for her starkingly contrasting clothing, all in blacks and reds.
He would learn this was Aaron Lucaine, decendent of Drae'lic (Shad), the Divine Destroyer, and the woman accompanying him were his wives.
There was a woman around Lucian's age. Her hair was like fire, billowing behind her even when it seemed there was no wind around them. Red eyes that stab right through him, but she smiled at him so nicely. Lucinda, Hyria's daughter, and a reincarnation of Menphina the Divine Protector.
An erie man who's hair and skin were white as snow, unnaturally so. Eyes a piercing green with large, purple and black horns sprouting from his head. His fingers were tipped with claws, his hands having a balck gradient to them, while his face was noteably covered by ever changing blobs of purple hued black staining. Travis Valkrum, decendent of Enki the Divine Keeper, and son to a demon. Apparently the man wanted little to do with the other's and the divine, but he had a ancestor to please.
And finally, a man who seemed, while not the tallest amongst all of them, something was off about how tall he was. Like he wasn't properly proportioned, his arms seemed to be too long, or maybe his torso. Half his body was covered in this large scaring that was completely black. Like a void. His eye on that side was burned shut, but it seemed like something below the eyelid was glowing. He was leaned against a tree, seemingly asleep somehow. Modzilla. A very, strange name for a man Lucian would think, but Hyria would simple joke that Modzilla was from very far away, a realm not of their own.
He would come to learn this ritual of sorts needed all the divine relics present, thus why those who possesed one had to be there.
Because of this, there became small treaties of peace between the people of Travis' group, Falcon Claw, the Witches of Ru'aun and what Modzilla refered to as 'Realm Hoppers'. Later, this treaty would extend to Phoenix Drop.
That night would change Lucian's life forever, in the best of ways. While Hyria infirmed him a divine could come from a relic at any age, for some reason Esmund's emerged as a baby, shocking almost all of those around the circle. Lucian was, astonished to say the least. Hyria told them she had assumptions as why the relic would chose to start from scratch, and to that Modzilla had simply scoffed out a laugh, Travis stating that Enki would find great amusment in this.
Lucian though, was stuck in amazment at the small child Hyria held. He had know of children born from magic, that it was something only very skilled witches were capable of, and those who wanted a magic born child had to pay a heafty amount for one. It was nearly a taboo, so of course this little one amazed him.
Hyria held him out, almost in offering, asking who wanted to take up the job of raising this one. Everyone was silent, looking down at the child nervously.
Aaron said they already had a child, but didn't want to be overwhelmed with a relic baby while trying to already raise a toddler.
Modzilla said he was busy with his research and own son, which Lucian would later learn was just a carbon clone of Modzilla.
Lucinda just laughed at her mother when Hyria, albeit jokingly, held the baby out to her.
Travis said it wouldn't be a great idea the raise another divine right in front of Enki himself. Unbeknownst to Lucian at the time, Enki in a way was still alive. Set in some kind of permenant stasis sleep on he Enki Warrior Tribe island, somewhere deep in the island and away from the usual common folk.
When Hyria sighed and was about to accept the idea of having to raise another little divine, Lucian spoke up, fumbling through his words but saying he could do it, or well, help. Hyria smiled at him, gebtly holding out the baby and handing it to him.
Lucian took him, unexperienced as he was, and looked down at the little one. He had a mop of these dull yet deep red curls, they already looked unruly.
He looked at Hyria, nervous but almost giddy in a way. He asked what the kid would be named and Hyria said he could name him whatever he wanted. Lucian asked if he wouldn't just be named Esmund, and Hyria laughed, asking if anyone in this circle was just named after their divine ancestor, and everyone seemed to take a humor to that.
Lucian thought for a moment, before nodding and looking down at the baby.
"Zenix. It was the name of a late friend of mine from the guard academy."
"Zenix, a nice name." Hyria said, taking a extra head covering from the bag Lucian wore, and wrapping the bab in it before handing him back to Lucian.
After that night, Lucian stuck with Hyria and Lucinda while they returned to the two's home just outside of Pikoro Village. He stayed there for a few years, slowly raising Zenix as he grew and acting as a guard for the two witches. In return, Hyria started teaching him magics. It started when Zenix, the rambunctious two year old he was, running around the cabin when he learned how to walk, had fallen over a table and got a good gnash on his leg from it. It started with simple healing magics, Hyria showing him how to on Zenix when the toddler got small injuries.
When Zenix was 7, Lucian decided it was time for them to leave. Lord Luke of Pikoro, on one of his many visits into the Sacred Forest, had informed them of a new town being established just across the coast of Bright Port that was looking for more prople, especially guards. Of course Hyria got defensive, asking her husband if he was trying to steal her guard from her, and Lord Luke joked that he would never, but he couldn't imagine Lucian was simply happy staying cooped in this cabin with a young child.
While he was upset to leave, Lucian promised both Zenix and Hyria that they would be back, they would visit when possible and Hyria would be more than welcome to visit them. Hyria told he'd have to come back at some point, since there was still one more relic to wake, and he would need to bring Zenix.
After their goodbyes, Lucian and Zenix set out for this little town. If he thought raising a 7 year old was tough, travling with one was worse. Lucian had done his fair share of travling, but Zenix made it more interesting, and stressful to say the least. Lucian had lost count of how many wild critters the child had picked up and begged his father to take with them.
Phoenix Drop was, small to say the least. Lord Malik welcomed them with open arms, and was even estatic when Lucian inquired about guard positions.
Years went by easy and calm for the most part. Lord Malik had announced his wife Matilda was pregnant and it was a whole celebration amongst the village.
The joy in the village was cut short only days later, as the village was attacked by a band of Shadow Knights. Lord Malik was slaughtered in the town center, Lady Matilda running away with the help of a few villagers by Lucian's orders.
While trying to calm and distribute the panicking villagers, a band of Shadow Knights had kidnapped Zenix, holding as some kind of ransome while demanding they be given Lady Matilda. When Lucian refused, the shadows killed Zenix, without a second thought. Lucian isn't proud of that night, but anyone who was there and saw what happened don't blame him.
All he had seen was red, and made a near massacre of the small army of Shadow Knights himself.
Lucian sat there, holding his son's body and he wept. He apologized, he prayed, he BEGGED, he did everything he could to plead with the powers abobe to bring his boy back. He was only 10, he was dreaming of joing the junior guard courses Dale had started. He told everyone in the village how he wanted to be jist like his dad.
The first time Lucian had ever been to the Nether was not a fun one. He had gone through a broken man, slaughtering and Shadow Knight that had stood in his path. He had heard some of them brag of how proud their lord was that they managed to snag a divine as a new sacrifices.
He searched that whole palace, leaving not a room unturned for his son. When he eventually found Zenix and a few other unlucky souls of those from Phoenix Drop who he couldn't have saved, he let them all out. He held Zenix the whole time, the young boy not letting his father go for a second.
Getting used to being Shadow Knights was, tough for Zenix and the others. Phoenix Drop became one of the only towns openly letting refugee Shadow Knights seek peace from the Nether.
When the time came to demolish Malik's house, it was a somber day. Lucian had Brendon and Dale assisting him, as Zenix was still recovering from his Nether-caused wounds. Breaking into the basement was not difficult, he had found a key burried by the roots of a young tree. What he found down there though astonished him.
Mailk's desk held a few journls and books, but next to it rested a perch of sorts, similar to the ones the falconry in Ok'hasis had, but atop the perch was not a falcon or owl, or any bird kept by anyone, but instead it was an elegant phoenix. Firey feathers emiting their own light, weakly chirping at Lucian as he approached it. He held his hand out nervously, and the bird rubbed against it. It was warm, but it didn't burn like Lucian thought it might. It was weak, no doubt from being stuck in a basement for weeks if not months at this point.
While it made little to no noise, it seemed to be talking to Lucian directly, a voice he couldn't describe speaking in his mind. It told him of it's agreement with Malik, asking where he was, which Lucian somberly informed the creature that he had been executed by a band of Shadow Knights. The bird said it made sense now why it was becoming weak. When one who made a pact with a phoenic, traversing to another realm breaks the pact, thus Malik's death and quick sacrifices into the Nether broke the tie the two had. The phoenix than began to basically beg Lucian to make one with it. Statong that without on the phoenix would not be able to stay in this realm, that it needed the anchor of a mortal to stay. Lucian asked what he would have to do in return for the phoenix, and the creatue told him that he simply needed to be a good man, to care for it and those around him and give it this tie to the realm.
The few years after the raid on Pjoenix Drop, Lucian stepped up from head guard to lord, quickly overachieving in his position and promise to the people of Phoenix Drop. Going to those anual lord councils was something else. Having to face his father for the first time in nearly 20 years almost made him sick. One the bright side, the man never seemed to recongnize him.
Meeting Laurence for the first time felt like a magical moment for him. His second year as lord, he met the man at the year's annual council. Being the Lord of Meteli's son, Laurence was invited to attend. When Lucian asked why he hadn't met him the year prior, Laurence said he simply hadn't wanted to come, but he was glad he did this year if he got to meet Lucian. Their relationship got pretty intense from there. While they only got to meet during lord meetings, they quickly took a liking to each other, sneaking away at times to be together. Not that it was forbidden or anything, but Laurence always said he'd be embarassed if his sister caught him messing around with the lord of another village. Plus it would start some rumors if others learned a lord's son was getting into it with another lord.
The summons from Hyria came just a few years later, Garroth was 31, Zenix was 15, and they were headed into the Sacred Forest with the special announcment that Irene's relic was finally ready. This was special to everyone. Irene was THE deal.
Everyone gave the same pleasantries, many of them fawning and cooing over the now teen Zenix as many had only seen him as a baby. Lily in particular, Aaron's first wife, took quite an adoration to him, giving him a long hug. Lucian cringed, knowing she had taken it quite rough when her own son had died.
The procedure happened just like Zenix's, yet, there was something strange about Irene's relic. The last time Lucian had seen it, it was albeit smaller than he had expected, but now it was fractured into three pieces. Hyria stated that that morning it had seemingly split on it's own, and she had no clue why.
When the relic formed into what they all assumed would be someone, it instead took three different forms, which shocked them all, more than a baby Zenix had.
All three of them were adults, yet one seemed older than the other two.
A woman with brown hair that looked almost greying with how dull it was, a shorter woman with jet black hair, and a man slightly taller than the second but shorter than the first with black hair as well but sporting a pair of wolf ears atop his head. All three wore these flowy white clothing, which Hyria would say was similar to what Irene would usually wear.
For a moment they all seemed unconscious, until they slowly woke up, dazed and confused by their sorroundings. Hyria walked up to the shorter woman, gently placing a headcovering around her hair and gingerly tieing it, muttering how Irene always seems to surprise her.
The shorter woman touched the cloth around her hair, seeming to accept it pretty easily. Hyria grimiced at the taller woman, saying sorry to her, that she didn't think there would be three of them and thus she didn't have another covering. The taller woman didn't seem to mind, but did nervously mess with her hair a little.
Hyria turned to the werewolf one, smiling at him, stating how he surprised her the most though.
The three nervously introduced themselves, already seeming to have names unlike Zenix. Hyria would later tell Lucian that it made sense since Zenix was a newborn, vs these three who were already fully grown adults.
The taller one was Claire, the werewolf was Ein and the shortest one was Aphmau, which Lucinda pointed out was a very strange name, which got her a jab in the side from her mother.
While Hyria thought of simply releasing them wherever they may please, the three instead decided on another divine to go with, at least for a small amount of time. Hyria told everyone the three would most likely not remember this, as none of the other divine did.
Claire opted with going with Travis, stating she didn't inted to stay with him long, she just felt in her heart that going to Gal'Ruk would help her get somewhere else she was meant to be.
Ein asked Aaron if he could tag along until they come across a dock, also saying he felt he needed to be somewhere else as well. Aaron and his wives reluctantly agreeded. Maybe Ein going with the only other werewolves was a good idea.
Aphmau though, seemed lost, looking at the other divine nervously. Her eyes lingered on Modzilla for a moment, but the man shook his head, glaring at her. So instead, Lucian cleared his throat and smiled at her. He offered for her to stay in Phoenix Drop for the time being, until she figured out what she wanted, or more so, needed to do.
Aphmau agreeded, and they all dispersed. Zenix took to talking her ear off almost immediately, saying it was nice to have another divine around, and saying how coold hid dad was and how much she would love Phoenix Drop.
In his bones, Lucian felt the phoenix flutter about. The voice in his head taking a happy tone to it, twlling him it was good to have Irene back. Under his breath, he whispered that Aphmau is not Irene, only part of what the goddess used to be in her mortal days. The phoenix didn't seem to care, just happy to have it's first mortal somewhat back.
Lucian felt that the next stage of his life would be interesting, and by hell would he be correct.
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fnaftalexreader · 2 months
Current lore can be found in his Doc or on my main blog @glitterdragonthegreatprotector
Currently accepting headcanon requests for my devils, angels, Humanity, and the Endodorians. I'm willing to do NSFW headcanons, but they will be tagged accordingly. I don't care what you request, as long as I can worldbuild.
Technically these "headcanons" are straight up canon, since this AU is my creation.
If I'm up for it, I'll maybe even write mini reader x character fics if anyone is interested.
If I don't get to your request, beat me over the head on my main blog, bc this is my 49th side blog- (yes I counted, I have 50 blogs total, as of current- bite me.)
No pedophilia/MAP stuff. That should be a given. Incest is a no go too
Do not spam me on this blog. If i don't see your request, it will get buried. Spam me on my main, or hit my DM if I don't see your request.
Don't be afraid to ask for tags. Fnaftale is EXTREMELY dark, so some headcanons might not be for the faint of heart (especially with all the angst I beat the demons over the head with.) If I write something unsettling, and don't tag it properly, I would appreciate it if you tell me.
Put a year with your request. There are many eras in my AU, as the timeline stretches for billions of years (I'm masochistic when it comes to world building, apparently.) If you don't give me a year, I will give headcanons for whatever era i feel like in the moment.
Currently taking requests for:
Endodorians! These are any fnaf animatronics 1-ffps, along with nightguards. If you do not specify the endodorian, I will give you a general headcanon for their species as a whole. (If you want headcanons for a nonspecific character, tell me species and job.) There are 4 eras for the Endodorians that will effect headcanons.
The entertainment era (1970s to 2021)
Underground era (2022 to 12021 early)
Era of grief (late 12021 to 12026)
Era of the Endodorian Empire (12041 throughout the rest of the timeline)
Demons! They have more of their lore written on my lore doc, so if you're interested in learning more about them, check it out! It's not finished (yet), so you may get more lore from here than there. I'll do headcanons for whatever demons have their lore sheet filled out and random demons (specify their sin/s if they are a hellborn, or if they're a sinner or a fallen angel. This will affect the headcanons.) Will probably mainly do the 7 main devils + Lilith. Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Asmodeus, and Mammon are up for headcanon requests. Like with the Endodorians, they have Eras that will affect the headcanons. Will not put years 'cause FUCK immortality, you can look at the timeline in the doc if you want specific years.
Before the Fall
Time in Hell
After Ascension
Angels! They currently have pretty much no written lore yet, and their names are on my main blog in art posts. I'm most likely to write for Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Sandalphon/Angela Dervana, Metatron, Ariel, Haniel, Azrael, and Chamuel. But that's only because these are the angels I know off the top of my head. If you request an angel from my art I have not mentioned, I will gladly write for them too. (I will also take requests for Jesus and Jehovah, as yes. They are cannon and important. If you feel as unhinged as me, you can request any Bible characters as well. I am just as surprised as you are that the Bible is canon-)
Before heaven's schism
Bible times
Modern times
Era of freedom
Any groups not on here, mentioned, or implied in canon can be requested. Like humanity, or the mananites. The groups listed as of now are just one ones I'll mainly focus on.
Crossover headcanons are HEAVILY welcomed. I love writing crossovers.
If headcanons aren't enough, @ask-underfazverse is for direct questions to my characters, or roleplay.
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amphiptere-art · 4 months
I just want to apologize to the general following. Whether you are a mutual or follower. ADHD sporadic hyperfocus is a lovely goddamn thing.
So yes, I technically stopped watching Tsams for my own health. And although I said I wasn't leaving the fandom. Without the daily uploads to keep my brain on it. It unfortunately fades.
For your little knowledge. I have something called hyperfixation. Where I will focus on a little thing a lot. This combined with my lovely ADHD. Means that that hyperfocus shifts near constantly. Without something to keep me grounded to a specific topic. There is a very high likelihood that I will move on to the next one.
Which is unfortunately happening.
The silky star cluster is still on my brain. But a lot of my other AUs aren't. A combined fact of just people not having anything to ask about them, and me not being able to come up with scenarios. Which is unfortunately causing my brain to try and latch on with anything that it can define as current and fun. This is unfortunately hurting my focus on the sulky star cluster.
If perhaps I had more of my ask blogs getting stuff, or even just a general bigger audience on the silky star cluster. Perhaps I could focus on it better. But as of right now. Well. It's not there.
What is on the forefront of my mind is Dim. Hollow Knight, And perhaps iron lung and alien worlds. Only one of these is connected to the FNAF fandom. And none of them are connected to tsams.
I am desperately attempting to focus back on Tsams. But with no roleplay asks to answer, and no role plays of my own to ask. There is nothing but the sulky star cluster keeping me attached. Which is unfortunately not a lot.
It's 4 grumpy eclipses and a single bear grumping around. There isn't really a story or narrative. It's a collection of snippets. There's a reason I don't talk about it outside of roleplay or ask scenarios. Because it's literally just a collection of scenarios.
I don't want to lose this fandom. I still love the fandom. But I cannot deny that I am fighting my instincts to just try and hold on. My sporadic hyperfocus just isn't working with me. There's no new or fun scenarios to think of. There's no responses to complete, and the sulky star cluster is only being really entertained by one person. Plus the burnout is high with the sulky star cluster. Talking for five characters that ramble?? I can only get through like maybe one or five asks before I just want to sit down and stop thinking about it. Plus the fact that I'm trying to force myself to draw and slow down.
I'm trying my guys. I am trying so hard to focus on what all of you are entertained by. That Tsams community. But I'm struggling all right.
In a desperate attempt I'm going to try and latch on to Dim and DCA centered AUs and characters. It's not exactly Tsams, But it's probably the closest I'm going to get. Characters like Blue Moon and runaway Eclipse Of course interact with these characters on The daily. That's the whole point of the RBB adventures of the cube. It's a place where you can ask those characters while still interacting on a level with Tsams. But no one's put asks into those in months. And I feel like asking for asks is intrusive.
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𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚣𝚋𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜! 🐻
𝚆𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗'𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎, 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚒𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚐 🧹
We have been waiting for someone like you to come around, come join the party! 🎉
We got great folks and activities here.🎈
🎨Share your fantastic art
🎤Talk bout your favorite things
🎭Even roleplay with others in this shared world
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Hello World!
I'm Austin! recently, I found a collection of old boxes in a warehouse.
I think it's full of shit from this old Rainforest Cafe type of place- I don't know. I think it was called "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria"...?
Anyhow, the contents inside are in surprisingly good condition! Hopefully I can find out how to restore this stuff, it's pretty neat.
I don't have a VCR or any of that, but I'll find a way.
This is a FNaF Roleplay blog. The character, Austin, is 21 M (He/Him). When speaking to me, the man behind the blog, please use markers that let me know that! such as (this), [this], or {this}.
This blog is set in the games universe and takes place in the present (2023-2024), which means the Pizzaplex hasn't been created yet.
basic DNI criteria
NSFW Blogs
Anti Mspec Gays/Lesbians
I'll write more later
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queensquidly14 · 4 months
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YO! I'm Squidly14! It's a pleasure to meet ya! I make digital, traditional and sometimes I'll make 3D if I'm feeling it! My art is usually shit quality most of the time...Mainly cuz I'm still using that damned Paint3D cuz I haven't found an art app that works for me, But sometimes my art looks pretty good, So Yeah! Thanks for reading and I hope my you like what the future holds for me and my art!
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(ART BY @chickes0up) Love you honey <3
Lore time! Hey! I'm Squidly! I'm an Inkling! Which, if you don't somehow know what that is, I'm a cross between a humanoid being and squid! My homeland is in Inkopolis! But as I got older I decided to go on my own adventure! On my journey, I came across what looked to be a digital pen and drawing pad, But turns out...You could create a whole UNIVERSE with it! and I thought to myself..."Hmmm...I've always wanted to be a person who would look after my loved ones and friends...and I COULD make my OCs become a reality!" and so I did, I created what I called "Begalinių galimybių pasaulis" which means "World of infinite possibilities" But I just shorten it to "Pasaulis" for easiness....But...As time went on...I noticed things changing about me physically...My hair...It was lush, full, wavy...normal hair, and I could no longer transform into my squid form...I panicked, So I quickly traveled back Inkopolis, But before I noticed it....Once I got back, My body was back to the way it was...So I just assumed it was me adapting...I eventually found social media! You're all quite nice! funny, weird...kinda cringe...and sometimes just downright bone chilling...But I'll manage! Anyway...That's probably all I have to say about myself...If you...wanna be apart of Pasaulis, come ask me! I'm always happy to see if I can help you! (Also I'm not sharing my IRL age, I AM OVER 17, but my online sona is somewhere between early 20s to early 40s)
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Lmao both made by me KEKW
Diehard Dawko Follower
Avid Astralspiff Viewer
Pretty Pezzy Spectator
Esteemed ElasticDroid Enjoyer
Behaved BigPuffer Beholder
Persistent PointCrow Onlooker
Funny Filian Fan
Chill Chibidoki Witness
Cool Caseoh_ Consumer
Cute Kwite Listener
Spectacular Special Edd Gawker
Jealous JSchlatt Observer
Illusive IronMouse Watcher
Jokester Jimmyhere Testifier
Zesty Zentreya Bystander
Lovable Lolathon Looker-on
Preppy Penguinz0 Deponent
Messy Matt Rose Seer
Beautiful Blaire White Attendant
~~~ FANDOMS I'M IN ~~~
- Bendy and The Ink Machine/ Bendy and The Dark Revival
- Phighting!
- Hazbin Hotel
- Helluva Boss
- Friday Night Funkin'
- Disney
- Backrooms
- Lethal Company
- Team Fortress 2
- Dark Deception
- Geometry Dash
- KinitoPET
~~~ DA RULES ~~~
I Love roleplaying! I'm fine with anything as long as you're okay with too! I'll do NSFW, SFW, Head canons, Special AUs, Just nothing that's creepy or morally wrong!
ANY discrimination towards someone's religion, sexual orientation, identity, race, Controversial topics, etc will NOT BE TOLERATED ON MY PAGE
DO NOT use tone tags around me, I'm fucking TIRED of that shit, I can handle shit, and if you don't like/can't handle it, grow up
My page is meant for anyone who wants to escape and have fun! don't ruin it :)
DO NOT come here asking for me to be a sugar baby, I am HAPPILY TAKEN, and don't need LOSERS to make me happy, money is temporary, but TRUE LOVE is forever!
Constructive criticism towards my art is fine, just don't be a dickhead about it and/or outright hate on my art
Swearing is fine, I personally don't give a shit, just remember to tone it down when needed and obviously no slurs or offensive language
absolutely NO TRACING, COPY & PASTING OR STEALING my art! fanart is fine and all (I will make a fanart tag for it soon, but stealing or tracing my art, character design, saying you made the character, etc will force my hand and report you for stealing
I have an opinion too! So I will USE IT and TALK MY SHIT! If you don't like it, sucks to suck! just unfollow/block me, I don't care, If you try to change my opinions/beliefs.
NO NSFW of my characters unless you get EXPLICIT permission from me and the character isn't underage (You freaks)
I will draw NSFW FOR FRIENDS ONLY! and it will never be publicly posted it will it DM'ed to you directly, unless you want it posted publicly (With mature filter on ofc)
I also do "Ask me anything" of my OCs! I'll make a list of the main ones soon but you'll MOST LIKELY see my OCs just randomly posted on here! (Just no NSFW if the characters a minor)
----DNI LIST----
Under 15 (I can't control what you see but I don't want you looking at my content, It's not straight up CORN, but there will be artistic nudity, pretty suggestive themes, vulgar swearing, etc)
Art "Fixers" (Let's face it, you're pretty fucked up to think you're doing ANY good)
NSFW exclusive accounts (You be wearing Victoria's Secret when your pussy ain't even a secret)
Proshipper (You're actually just a pedophile don't deny it you FUCKING MONSTER)
Vtuber Hater (I like Vtubers, and want to be one)
Anti-Furry (I have furry friends, also they're not that bad as people say they are)
Anti-Fujoshi/Fudanshi (I am a half Fujoshi)
DSMP stans/fans (You're cringe)
South Park stans/fans (You're annoying as FUCK)
MLP Stans/bronies/fans (You ruined my childhood)
My Hero Academia stans/fans (You're VERY cringe, Sorry but your fandom is trash)
Bluey stans/fans (You're kinda weird, I get it, but also wtf)
DDLC Fans/stans (Bro what???)
You believe Zodiacs actually mean something (Booo)
Therians/Fictionkins/Kins (I was groomed twice by therians/kins, and I can't emotionally handle it right now, I need time to heal, It takes a while, Please forgive me, But I don't HATE you, I just don't know who to trust, I but I respect you!)
Age-Regressors (Specifically the ones who aren't using it for evil *pedophilia to be exact*)
Racists (Oviously)
Antisemitic (Kinda cringe ngl, isn't that just nazism?)
Homophobic (I'm Bi oviously)
Transphobic (Dude it should be obvious, don't be a dick, let people be who they want but also don't talk about it too much I do get uncomfortable if it's shoved in my face)
"Degenerates" (Pedophiles, Zoophiles etc)
Race swapper (Idgaf what race you swap It's still bad in my eyes)
Identity Swapper (Like swapping sexuality, gender identity etc)
If you believe your "Head canons" are actually canon (Bro 💀Separate canon from fanon)
EXTREME activist for ANYTHING (Idgaf your not helping your cause by screaming in other people faces)
Talk about any of the wars (I'm sorry but I can't mentally deal with that right now, it's too draining, just let the innocent people live, that's all I'm saying, alright?)
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