#forgive the sarcasm at the end lmao!
skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
Tysm for the tags @monacobasedgirldad @schumigrace @fernandoalonzoo sry im a bit late getting to this lol
Are you named after anyone?
My great great grandmother(I think??), though she was named Katarzyna, and I was born Catherine, but go by Catie obviously(this lowkey annoys my mom lmao, especially bcs if I were to have a nickname, it was supposed to be Cate.)
When was the last time you cried?
Today, over classical music. I think I cry at least once a day 😭 I am very emotional
Do you have kids?
Nope :)
What sports did you play/have you played?
I played soccer when I was a kid. Also does marching band count?
Do you use sarcasm?
All the fucking time, literally constantly. And also we sarcastically bully each other in my family, so I have to pull myself back from accidentally insulting people 😭
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmmm, I feel like ive done this tag game before bcs I remember writing this exact answer. But usually I notice if someone is a good conversationalist or not. Like do they like to lead the convo, do they like to listen to the other people, do they talk too much, too little, are they awkward about it? It's just very interesting to me, bcs I think that kinda thing really does instantly show you if you're going to be compatible with a person(as a friend or more etc.) Cause I talk a lot a lot, and I think it's difficult to get along w people who are untalkative but also people who talk an equal amnt if not more djkfkglg.
What is your eye color?
Just brown!
Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies definitely. I mean im not opposed to a happy ending obviously, but that's not really what im always looking for in a movie, I guess? Rn I'm trying to think of my top movies, and man, not a lot of them have happy endings 😭 But I literally just watched two horror movies the past wknd so! Even though they make me paranoid
Any talents?
I think I could go on a rant about anything if you gave me a bit of time. I really think I can just talk endlessly. Is that a skill? Or is it just annoying..? But yeah I'm not sure, but I think I'm pretty good at absorbing information and being able to go on and on about it.
Where were you born?
America rahhh 🦅🦅 I like my state a lot even though I feel like all my peers keep saying "ugh I don't want to be in [insert state] anymore" Smh how dare you
What are your hobbies?
Mostly drawing! I draw both F1 fanart(pretty much all selfmade AUs tho) and ocs. I like writing lore and worldbuilding and meta, but not really writing itself. I like reading fic and watching movies as well. And I think one of the main things I do these days tbh is read about history and keep up with politics. I get more and more involved with it as the days go by, but unlike drawing, I don't really have an outlet for it sigh sigh. So that's why a lot of AUs involve history and random other things, bcs its fun to involve my interests with each other!
Do you have any pets?
Yes I do! Two cats and two dogs. The cats are named Jin and Frank. Jin is basically me in cat form, he's so anxious 😭 and Frank is like my brother, he's such a little bastard who loves to hiss all the time. My dogs are named Maisie and Ruby. Maisie is a menace to society, but she is also the most beautiful dog ever, so I forgive her. Her name makes me laugh bcs she's named after this book character, Maisie Dobbs right? So her name tag says Maisie Doggs
How tall are you?
Around 5'4
Favorite subject at school?
Politics >:) But I'm pretty interested in philosophy as well rn. Unfortunately my love for foreign languages has been slipping in the semester or so, bcs my professors on that side kinda suck. So I've been putting more energy into my other major, and now all I can talk about is history, politics and philosophy, etc etc. It's just a lot of fun and very interesting to me!
Dream job?
Man, sometimes I wish I could just be a student forever, I just want to keep learning all about the world and other things. But I'd like a job that's not too static, something that pushes me out into the world a bit, maybe smth in the government or like a non-profit idk yet!
Ahhhh I'm doing this a bit late so I'm not sure who's done it yet, I feel like mostly everyone has :,) I tag anyone who's interested, like seriously I'd love to see people's answers who I haven't yet!!
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miguelswifey04 · 11 months
toxic! miguel x toxic! reader
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summary: your relationship with miguel was toxic, one where you’d feed off of each other’s energies and are bound by the confines of toxicity-leaving you trapped and hurt. are you going to blame miguel, yourself, or both?
warnings: nsfw, toxic relationship, mentions of infidelity, (don’t say i didn’t warn you if you don’t like this LMAO)
“oops!…i did it again!” your voice dripped in sarcasm with a smug expression. you’ve done it again, you played with miguel’s heart. and you couldn’t care less. you didn’t give a flying fuck. man fuck him, he’d play with yours whenever he’d give his attention to other women when you weren’t around. so, why couldn’t you do it without it being a problem? why couldn’t you find the strength in yourself to leave him? a toxic man who doesn’t care about you and is only with you because you always give in so easily.
miguel’s heart twinged in jealousy—he couldn’t let you go. he hated the fact that you could find a man—a man better than him. he didn’t want you to leave him. no, he needed you to be by his side no matter how he treated you. you were too good for him but he liked the fact you were too good for him. he needed a woman like you to be his side to compliment him—to fuck with and be pushed aside. it was an endless cycle. a toxic one and you knew it too, but you lived for the feeling of hurting him and always one upping him. you had to be better than him and hurt him better than he hurt you. “no bitch could ever be me!” you sneered at him as you pointed an accusing finger against his chest. miguel took your harsh words from one ear and disposing it with his other as he rolled his eyes at every word that came out of those plush lips of yours. he stared at those pretty brownish tinted lips of yours and how that tight dress accentuated your curves so perfectly he wanted to take you right there and then. he really didn’t care but he’d feigned. he pretend he was sorry—he’d get on his knees and beg for your forgiveness. he’d grip onto your thighs looking up at you as he pretended to be fucking sorry. god was he so fucking pathetic and you loved how pathetic he looked. “please, baby, please forgive me…i-i promise to do better.” that was one instance and it had become repeated. you hated how he would pretend to be sorry but you accepted those apologies. he’d stand up on his feet and wrap you in his strong burly arms. you couldn’t lie but being wrapped in his arms made you feel wanted, and maybe loved. but, you knew it was fake.
you would go behind miguel’s back and entertain men who were probably ten times better than miguel would ever be. you did it because it gave you the satisfaction and excitement that you needed. you relished in the fact that you could hurt miguel back. yet, you still couldn’t leave miguel. you were too attached to him. you were the pathetic one because you couldn’t find the courage to pack your stuff and leave him. you knew you deserved a better man. anyone understands that it’s always hard to leave a relationship to someone you’re attached to. you were confined and bound by miguel’s mistakes.
but there was instances where miguel made you feel as if you were on top of the world. the way he’d spoil you with materialistic things and gave you the princess treatment that you’ve craved would sometimes make you forget of the bad things miguel had done. he’s take you out on dates and at the end of each date he’d bury his face in between your legs giving you mind-blowing orgasms. you loved the feeling of how he fit perfectly inside of you just the mere thought made you weak in the knees. you wondered if a man could ever make you feel as good as him. you would even think to yourself that probably the only reason you stuck by him was because of the sex. no, it was the trauma bond you shared with him. you were tied down by his invisible ropes. the cursed ropes that seemed to rope you in into miguel’s troubled life.
a/n: hmmm ouch….
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Alright so as far as introductions go, I guess I should probably make one before I get too far into this.
My name's Leonardo, and you can call me any version of that that you want (Leo, Leon, Leonard, Nardo[my favorite], either way, it's all the same to me.) My pronouns are He/Him. I am an artist, author, animator, and a DEDICATED CLAWCODE ENTHUSIST (Hence the name)
I am also VERY autistic and don't get tone a lot, so tone tags are very important to me, especially when there's joking or sarcasm involved.
I know the Spiderverse Fandom isn't particularly alive (SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP) but I will try to post often, even if it's just a shitpost here and there. I really want to help feed into the ClawCode brain rot since the content for these two is SEVERELY FUCKING LACKING. So. If you have requests for things, I will probably end up doing them! My asks are always open, and I'd love to hear from anybody. I don't have any friends that love them the way that I do 😔😔
I have not had Tumblr before! Which is a little insane, so I'm new to all of this and learning how everything works. Please forgive me if I don't know the proper etiquette on this app lmao. My friend has been guiding me through all of this and told me to make an About Me post, so that's what I'm doing.
Here are some tags that will frequent my posts!
Yapping Hour - Will either be used for headcanons, or short stories/ideas/other ClawCode related crap. It's just going to be a general tag that will probably go on most of my posts from here on out.
Slur Gallery - Will be of the art I post of them, be it ship art or other :3 because everybody deserves a gallery of slurs to look at. AND JUST LOOK AT THEM!
Earworm - Is the tag I'll use when there's music involved, like songs that remind me of them (and the heavy analysis that goes with it **COMING SOON**), or animatics that I'm working on, or just anything that has to do with a song. Edits, artworks, the whole shebang.
Talkaholic - This will ALSO be used for mini stories/facfics, but more often than the yapping hour. So if you wanna read my writing of them that's what you can find it under.
Offline - will be under posts like these, where it isn't directly related to anything, just random blocks of text or other art that I feel like posting.
Oil And Water - THIS tag will be about the fanfic I am currently (excruciatingly slowly) writing! It doesn't have a happy ending and is meant to be a HEAVY angst story, like hurt/no comfort or very little comfort. I have one chapter out currently but will be working on more soon (and will make a separate post about it! But I will link it here as well. MOTIVATE ME TO WRITE IT /HJ)
Prowler Party - Is what I'll put on ALL of my posts as an extra way to help find me if one so desires d=(^o^)=b
OOC - On the chance that I might make something intentionally out of character, I will put this beneath it. I know a lot of people don't like mischaracterization, or incorrect portrayal of a character, but sometimes it's really fun to write, so I will be including that was well.
I think that's all that I can think of right now (I'm running off of an hour and 40 minutes sleep), but things may change or be edited in the future. But for now, I'll be signing off.
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kingfisherprince · 10 months
tagged by @ruudnotto, thank you!
Are you named after anyone? no, but i do have an annoyingly common indian name, like. there were seven people in my first standard class (in india) who had the same name. real fun
When was the last time you cried? me, i am a crier. probably like, yesterday. wish i was joking
Do you have kids? nope.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? sometimes? i used to a lot, but i also have trouble interpreting it sometimes, so.
What sports do you play/have played? oh brother, you assume i play any sports,,, i played tennis when i was like 6. and since i was the best in my class, i quit while i was ahead :P
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? hair, mostly.
Scary movies or happy endings? eh, either or. not a huge fan of like. gore, it's just annoying. but i love a good eerie horror. happy endings are nice, as long as there's sad middles. but in movies, both are fine.
Any special talent? a mystic ability to be forgetful lmao i am the most absentminded person alive
Where were you born? california, oddly enough in the same hospital as my friend who i met many years later, in a different state
What are your hobbies? writing, digital art, reading, more reading, watching assorted sports, and ... yeah that's it.
Do you have any pets? um, kind of? i have 2/7ths custody of a friend's dog, but of my own, not exactly.
How tall are you? 5'9" or like 175cm, so pretty average. forgive me if that conversion is wrong, and trust the first number
Favorite subject in school? english because literary analysis! and then, i guess, my programming classes were pretty awesome.
Dream job? writer, still hoping to get there! or indie game dev is okay as well
tagging @melxncholyman @bluespring864 @soronya @rafasbiscuits and @renaulonso if any of y'all want to do it!
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the-punforgiven · 1 year
It's me tag
was tagged by @catfacedvampire It's been ages since someone last tagged me in one of these lmao
- Are you named after anyone?
No, apparently my name was a fairly last-minute affair when I was born and my mother took one look at me and realized I'd make a terrible Wolfgang
2. - When was the last time you cried?
December 18th, 2022. I wouldn't remember were it not for Discord timestamps lmao I had accidentally double-dosed on my antidepressants and was weeping tears of love and joy over the fucking Claymore being in Elden Ring while I was mid-shift at work
Interesting day, that was
3. - Do you have kids?
No. Don't really plan to either, not on my budget, and given I was crying over a sword in a videogame barely a month ago I don't think I'm mentally fit for one either lmao
4. - Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. - What's the first thing you notice about people?
Usually either their hair or clothes tbh, I'm faceblind as shit lmao
6. - What's your eye colour?
Idk either brown or green, depending on the light
7. - Scary movies or happy endings?
Idk honestly I love the horror genre but my tastes are so insane, weird, and specific that I also don't love a huge chunk of the horror genre and would prefer like, literally anything else Also I'm just a sucker for characters being happy, so sue me I like that things can work out alright as long as the story preceding it isn't boring lmao
8. - Any special talents?
I'm surprisingly good at playing music on like, small things that play notes that it isn't super expected to actually play music on, like how I used to be able to play the tetris theme on my mother's old cell phone keypad when I was like 12, or how I can play Unwelcome by Arsis on the Warframe Shawzin now
I used to be able to play the intro to Through The Fire And The Flames on Big Band's trumpet in Skullgirls back when I played that, but it's been a while and I'm pretty certain all my muscle memory for that game's long gone lmao
9. - Where were you born?
That weird little dirt orb that sometimes shows up between Venus and Mars
10. What are your hobbies?
Art, making stupid little tunes in Beepbox.co, fighting my friends with swords (highly recommend), Whatever you call the Fromsoftware Souls Game Brainrot that possesses you and makes you do co-op forever, loving it deeply and never tiring of it @mutuals I am begging you to play Elden Ring with me PLEASE Making music with instruments and my voice outside of Beepbox.co (though admittedly I've been having more fun goofing off with Beepbox lately lmao)
11. Have you any pets?
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12. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I don't play sports, but I have an interest in fencing, though idk how well I'd play with not only a light whippy sword (I'm a longsword kinda person at heart) as well as having a sword restricted to only one hand (again, I'm a longsword kinda person at heart)
13. How tall are you?
idk like 6'3 I think? (Don't let my sister lie to you, she keeps telling everyone I'm 6'4 and I can't make her stop)
14. Favourite subject in school?
I barely remember school at all tbh but the student councilor also ran a creative writing class that was rad as hell, though I don't remember more than like three things that happened in it over the two years I was taking it lmao I also remember liking art class, but I was so bad with rules I'm kinda surprised I passed lmao, I just doodled whatever the fuck every day and the teacher was just like "Yeah sure, this'll do" and passed me lmao
15. Dream job?
Tbh Daisuke Ishiwatari is already living my ideal career path and I haven't thought of anything else I really want to do yet
That's a lie I just like, really deeply want to be in a shitty metal band made up of friends that tours in a van who doesn't sound all that great but you can tell is just pouring their fucking hearts out up there and so you kinda forgive them because the performance is just so raw even if the technical skill isn't great and there may be some issues with the faulty electronics and at least one of them hasn't changed their strings in like four years but they sound good they love what they do and they're easy to headbang too so like, what more do you need, really?
Idk who to tag but like, if you wanna do this, feel free to do it and just like, say I tagged you in it, I won't tell
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batboybisexualism · 3 months
got tagged by @neonstatic 🖤💚🖤!!
1. Are you named after anyone? half after my mom's mom and half after laurence olivier's daughter lmao
2. When was the last time you cried? probably on the phone with my stupid top surgery office last week when the surgical coordinator or w/e was telling me they were postponing my surgery and treating me like a big dumb baby for not knowing every single thing about how their office works
3. Do you have kids? naur 🖤
4. What sports do you play/have you played? if you mean played on a team outside of gym class, then I played soccer/football for a hot minute in third grade or something because my friends all did it and I wanted to be like them until I realized playing soccer sucks :) apart from that I played volleyball a bunch of times at theatre camp because they inexplicably have a cast volleyball tournament...NOT proper theatre kid husbandry!!!
5. Do you use sarcasm? ew no why would I do that /s
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone? really depends on the person and how we meet
7. Eye color? that weird thing where nobody knows if they're grey or green or blue...pick a struggle, eyeballs 😭
8. Scary movies or happy endings? they're not mutually exclusive so this is hard to answer lol...horror and comedy are my favorite genres and I don't really mind what kind of ending they have if they're done well
9. Any talents? pretty good at visual art in general (mostly drawing, collage, and miniature sculpting), baking and cooking, very good at balancing when I'm putting in maximum effort and can do tons of things while balancing things on my head (when I'm just walking around and not thinking about it I fall over a lot lmao), also I've gotten pretty good at whistling
10. Where were you born? st. vincent's hospital in nyc (rip it's fucking condos now)
11. Hobbies? sourdough, general baking and cooking, yoga, dressing up in weird clothes, practicing makeup, film analysis (watching fucked up movies while stoned and going "woagh"), talking to myself
12. Any pets? two beautiful dogs named Scout and Baxter they are my everything <3
13. Height? 5'11" / 180-ish cm
14. Favorite school subject? art or science most likely, but it depended heavily on the teacher
15. Dream job? tbh my dream job is House Husband but I'd also like to be a drag performer/youtuber (forgive me for this sin I just like talking about things)
as always I'm too nervous to tag people but if you want to do it you can tag me and say I tagged you! <3333
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petrichoraline · 5 months
Northanger abbey!! I adore Cathrine, she's so fun and her intuition is on point, it's just that her imagination is a bit wild but then again she's young so she'd get better at placing her feelings eventually... My favorite thing about henry is his house lol from what I remember nice house surrounded by trees and dogs, away from everyone what's not to love, also he knows about fabrics and colors and novels so... He's funny so I can for give the obnoxiousness and he's responsible which is a trait austen loves in her leading men. I love how austen allows her heroines to be loud and wrong and still give them a happy ending, they have their flaws but they don't have to pay for them, they learn and correct and apologize. Sorry for ranting lol
the timing of this message couldn't be more perfect, i picked up my book and read for about an hour, got on here and i've been scrolling just thinking "gotta get back to it, gotta get back to ittt" 😂 so I'll be doing that once I answer (they're on their way to the abbey with catherine for the first time rn, exciting for both her and me lol)
I am so impressed with how smart she actually is because I was under the impression she might be too gullible. she, however, though a bit too good-natured and thinking the best of people at all times, knows what she likes and what she doesn't. she doesn't get swayed by the compliments of a guy she's decided sucks big time (unlike belle who turns her head in the direction of anyone willing to show her even a bit of attention)(im a bit more of an isabella than a catherine in that regard but we're working on it shh); catherine can be stubborn, she has a backbone, a strong moral compass (reminds me of fanny a bit) and she learns from her mistakes. follows her morals while still worrying about bringing pain upon her loved ones that she has to oppose - the thorpes and james trying to stop her from running and explaining herself to miss tinley after john lied without her permission?? oh I was boiling, the fact she stood her ground till the very end made me so happy and appreciative of her as a heroine and her worrying about their regard towards her afterwards made her that much more likeable, she's just so sweet and considerate even when met with the worst behaviour. sure, she can be too trusting and trying to resolve conflicts in an honest and direct way which is just not how things work in the world she's becoming a part of but she is a girl turning into a young woman. as far as I'm concerned, any mistakes she makes, I forgive.
"my favorite thing about henry is his house" what a valid take lmao i am yet to read a description of the abbey but henry so far is giving me mixed feelings, I checked the ages and they're 17 and 25? so I feel like I'm getting a bit of a condescending attitude from him? but I might be wrong. it would be natural, though, as catherine is a teenager and his brain is supposedly fully developed, that her more childish view of things would call for amused reactions on his side. I don't know, so far really my focus is on "where and how are things going to get messy" because in this book quite a lot of the time nothing is truly really..happening? hahah and I was promised drama from jane austen herself in the first chapters:
"It is now expedient to give some description of Mrs. Allen, that the reader may be able to judge, in what manner her actions will hereafter tend to promote the general distress of the work, and how she will, probably, contribute to reduce poor Catherine to all the desperate wretchedness of which a last volume is capable- whether by her imprudence, vulgarity, or jealousy - whether by intercepting her letters, ruining her character, or turning her out of doors."
I started this book quite a while ago but this has stuck with me and maybe I am misunderstanding and she is actually not going to do these things (I love all the sarcasm but sometimes I have trouble catching it cause, well, non-native english speaker) or I am supposed to be on the lookout the whole time lol but in any case I EXPECT ACTION. PLEASE. it's such a short novel, why are there boring parts 😔
responsible really seems to be the most desirable trait in an austen man but I get it and honestly it's a good thing to consider in dating nowadays as well 🤷‍♀️ as for Henry's other qualities, I forgot he understands fabrics!! thank you for reminding me. that guy has so much sensitivity about him so why must he be such a lil gremlin at times 😂
i agree with you completely <3 austen's heroines are just women being women and i love that though they share some noble qualities they're all easy to distinguish from each other (considering some plotlines are quite similar.) catherine might be, so far, the one most after my own heart out of all the girls.
I may update on how I feel about all of the characters and the story so I'll try to tag in case you're interested in my ranting 😊 would love to hear from you again, it's so exciting receiving a message about this, you have no idea, I usually only discuss shows so my liveblogging of reading the novel actually reaching someone and prompting an ask is such a delight, thank you so much for sending a message and a long one at that 🥰💓
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undeific · 4 years
i promise it’s not that deep, or why you’re wrong about self-inserts: an essay by your friendly neighborhood chaotic neutral
So, self-inserts. A hot topic, apparently. In 2020. Perhaps it’s due to a dashboard full of young, possibly underage writers (which is not a bad thing! embrace your creativity!), but this is a discussion I believed we had matured past. Since it has been floating around, though, here is my take, and the take a great deal of circles have embraced in the past 6-7 years or so. 
There’s always been a self-insert problem in the community — not necessarily self-inserts themselves, but rather the response to them. It’s no secret that these characters are commonly regarded with disdain and always have been: they’re viewed as the most self-indulgent form of character, the least creative, and the worst-written, having been made solely for the purpose of connecting with canons and living out one’s own Mary Sue-adjacent fantasies. To some extent, these generalizations make sense and line up with a reality we are all very familiar with; after all, these assumptions must come from somewhere, and there would be few canon-portraying writers among us who could say they’ve absolutely never been met with an uncomfortable situation brought on by an overeager self-insert. In 2013, the worst crime a roleplayer could possibly commit was create a character like this, and would result in what was considered, and many times was, a well-deserved blacklisting from entire fan spaces and writing circles. A self-insert was, after all, created with no integrity and only had bad intentions. 
We all know the self-insert girl — and yes, she is a girl, of course. Her dialogue is clichéd, her plots are threadbare and consist primarily of smut and romance, her backstory is tragic and attention-seeking. She often has the same name as her creator and her faceclaim is self-flattering. She seeks out canons and attractive original characters of the male persuasion, persistent in her attempts to reach out, hoping to begin shipping with her victim — or victims — of choice. She is a being purely of self-gratification and wish-fulfillment. She is, in a word, embarrassing. We do not like her. She is told on the rule pages she does not read that she will be blocked, banned, and ultimately mocked by those who have seen her floating about. She is “politely” insulted and threatened for crimes she has yet to commit, and chased from the platform as quickly, cruelly, and efficiently as possible. Yet she always comes back in one form or another, like a cockroach.  
These characters still exist, of course. They were never a myth. I am familiar with them, as are you, and everyone else who has dipped their toes into the writing pool. But they are an exaggerated breed these days, and often used to perpetuate elitism in spaces where it is entirely unnecessary. The shadow of the stereotypical self-insert’s reputation has been cast over original characters as a whole, specifically female characters, and has created an unwelcoming environment prone to cliques and harassment. A character outside an established canon is suspect. A woman outside an established canon — and sometimes even within — is eyed suspiciously, hypercritically, before being thrown a generous bone by a “lower-tier” roleplayer who will determine whether or not she’s worthy of attention.
If any desire for wish-fulfillment is detected or perceived, she’s dropped quickly, often with no warning. 
There is a strange idea that permeates throughout roleplaying culture that wish-fulfillment writing is done in bad faith. This is flawed logic in many ways. Roleplaying is not a job. It is not an inaccessible artform. If you engage in this form of entertainment, you are getting something out of it. You are stepping outside of yourself and becoming someone else, and you are enjoying it; you are, in other words, engaging in a form of wish-fulfillment, though perhaps not with the sticky connotations you are familiar with when contemplating the term. This very idea goes against the rhetoric that has been built up by the community, however — self-indulgence is taboo, roleplay is serious business, and only those worthy and “quality” shall partake and be given attention. (It has even been taken to the rather sad extent that if one does not keep up with aesthetic-based trends, they are met with passive disinterest if not outright disdain. But that is another essay entirely.) If you seek wish-fulfillment, you are not welcome. If you are a self-insert, you are not welcome. If your character shares too many traits with yourself, you are obviously seeking wish-fulfillment, and probably a self-insert to boot, so you are not welcome. 
There are layers to this. People do not want to associate with these leper characters, and so they create strict rules to be adhered to — and that makes sense, as everyone is entitled to their own pleasurable experience, and their own guidelines. But these rules become meaningless in the shuffle, placed on carefully-crafted Google Documents to do nothing other than promote elitism and limit creativity, whether that is the intention or not. If you like a character, but find out it shares the same name and birthday with its creator despite little else in common, what do you do? If this character does not seem interested in pushing a ship onto you in your interactions, are they still breaking your rules? If a character was created with its writer as the base, though they do not behave in the stereotypical way that makes self-inserts unbearable, why is it so important? What do the origins of a character have to do with its current iteration? Why, if it does not have a negative impact on interactions, does it matter if a character is a self-insert or not? At the risk of sounding like a dusty academic, the bard once wrote, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” What, aside from preconceived ideas, does a character’s self-insert status have to do with anything? 
“Discomfort” is the word primarily used when discussing these characters negatively, and many hoops are jumped through to justify why this discomfort is felt if there is no concrete reason, no offense committed. If one is willing to dissect another’s character, but not one’s own reasons for their own discomfort when confronted with the simple, low-impact reality that this character exists, some self-reflection is warranted. Even more so if this character is, as far as you have seen, well-written, fleshed out, and interesting, with the only “downside” being that it is, in fact, a self-insert. 
To write well, one must understand the character they are working with. Divorcing oneself entirely from the characters they write will only work to their detriment. All creations, all characters, must contain a piece of the writer within them to some degree; that is the only way a piece of fiction will function — but if that is against the rules, we cannot write. We cannot engage in any sort of believable storytelling. Self-inserts are, at their core, only the most exaggerated form of original character. 
This, of course, is capable of leading to problems; one of the greatest issues here is the possibility of the lines between fantasy and reality getting blurred. This has happened to me when dealing with self-inserts, as well as other original characters and even canons. It is distressingly common, one of the most unpleasant situations to arise in roleplay spaces. However, if it is your assumption that the lines of fantasy and reality will be blurred purely because a character has self-insert origins, that likely says much more about your own grasp on reality rather than the self-insert’s. It is and always has been important that proper distinctions and boundaries are maintained, no matter who the writer or character are. During heavy or dark threads, writers will often be found shooting jokes back and forth in the tags to put each other at ease, and people give out their handles on instant messaging platforms to ensure easier, more efficient communication out of character. If this is done efficiently, any issues that arise are handled in a stable, mature way, and the problems that lend themselves to roleplaying become ever rarer. 
Self-inserts are like any other character, they just have a label with nasty connotations and an unfortunate history and stereotype attached. There should be no thorny questions here, only whether or not the character interests you personally. If the very term is a dealbreaker for you, you are taking yourself, and this, too seriously — and missing out on some fascinating storytelling in the process. 
That being said, the character I portray owns a knife and I own a knife, so I am practically a self-insert myself. I guess I’m gonna be blocked! 
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
Are you still doing the fluff alphabet? If so, could you do Levi?? Thank you 😘
Absolutely! Fluff alphabet masterlist is here
School may be crashing and burning but at least I’ve got time to write :) lmao
I wrote this at 3 AM and I refuse to edit, so enjoy <3
Fluff Alphabet: Levi
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
I honestly don’t think the activity matters to him. He likes to stay home a lot because it’s easier, and because he feels more comfortable somewhere private. Big fancy dates aren’t super common because he views expensive romantic dinners and such as a cliche that he’s too old and mature for, but if it’s something his s/o would be excited about, he’d be secretly excited to indulge sometimes. He’d also probably enjoy museums and art galleries. But again, for the most part, he just wants to spend time with them, it doesn’t matter where.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Levi’s definitely not an appearance-oriented person. Don’t get me wrong, he thinks his s/o is stunning, and he makes sure they know it. But that’s not what he admires about them, their connection is so much deeper than that. He genuinely sees them for who they are and not what they look like, which is why they’re just so beautiful to him, if that makes sense. 
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He probably panicked the first time he saw his s/o struggling. He’s not the most in tune with his emotions, so he especially doesn’t know how to help others with this kind of thing. But I feel like his protective instincts would kick in and he would actually be really comforting. Most likely, he’d just sit by his s/o’s side silently and make his presence known until they were feeling well enough to talk. At which point he hears them out and offers some advice, of course with the perfect amount of sarcasm and shit jokes to cheer them up a bit. And he’d probably ask them later what they would prefer he do in that situation if it happens again, which of course he would remember in the future.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
This is a point of internal conflict for Levi, for sure. After everything he’s been through, again, he’s become pretty emotionally closed off. He can’t really depend on anything or anyone staying in his life for too long because they never have. So it would really take a while before Levi can really start to picture his future with his s/o. Even then, he would feel a bit guilty for allowing himself to indulge in those dreams. But at the end of the day, he just dreams about some sort of stability with his s/o some day. He doesn’t really care about the details, he just wants to know that they’re going to be together, and that they can develop some kind of routine and stability that he never really had in the past.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It’s definitely equal. Levi shares any decision-making with his s/o, and he’d definitely prefer that they do the same, just because that makes their partnership stronger. Because they are very much a team.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Levi does tend to have a bit of a temper, but it’s not something that he would ever want to bring into his relationship. He doesn’t let either of them fight over something petty just because it’s not worth it. And with a more serious disagreement, he’d try hard to start a genuine discussion about it. Things happen, though, so they obviously get in fights sometimes. Levi can be kind of rude when he gets really frustrated, which is why he tries to avoid it. But he’d never actually say something to hurt his s/o, even when they’re both upset. Usually, even the rare argument calms down enough to be settled rationally.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is so incredibly grateful for his s/o; he sees and appreciates everything they do for him, and he makes sure it’s known. Explicitly saying something like that makes him a bit uncomfortable, so he finds other ways to silently show his gratitude. He makes sure his s/o’s favorite mug is always clean, and he makes them his favorite blend of tea whenever he sees that they’re stressed out. Just little things that he does to make sure they know he’s thinking about them.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
There are pretty much no secrets in the relationship. The past is a little complicated; there are a few stories that Levi probably will never be able to share (or at least, it will take a very long time), and his s/o is more than entitled to keep secrets about their past that they just cannot share. But other than that, it’s an open book. Levi wouldn’t see any reason to lie about most things, unless it’s about keeping his s/o safe, and it would make him really uncomfortable to know that his s/o keeps secrets. Not that there are no boundaries, it’s just that he wouldn’t want to pour his heart out and be vulnerable just to find out that the other person doesn’t trust him as much.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I think Levi’s s/o probably helps him a lot, actually. He’s been emotionally closed off for a long time, and being in a relationship with trust and a deep connection would help him to open up a bit and be more vulnerable. He also just lets himself be a bit happier and more optimistic with his s/o, so his life is just a bit easier in general.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He’d never admit it out loud, but he actually does get pretty jealous. It’s mostly just self esteem issues, not a lack of trust at all. He trusts them more than enough to know that they’re not going to secretly abandon him, so of course he’d never make a big deal out of it (although I think it goes without saying that if someone is hitting on his s/o or something in public and they look remotely uncomfortable, he would go absolutely batshit) But, still, sometimes he can’t help feeling sometimes like he’s not enough for them. He tries to hide it, but it’s pretty obvious that he’s sulking when he’s upset, so his s/o would most likely spot it immediately. And all he would really need is a gentle reminder that he IS enough for them.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Alright I’m conflicted on this one. I’m just gonna say it, his first kiss with his s/o was kind of just not that great. He wouldn’t DARE not ask for proper consent, HOWEVER he ended up asking like three times just to make sure it was alright, which made it a teensy bit awkward. Once he finally gave in, he just gave them the teensiest little kiss and that was it for like two weeks. He’s not really great with physical touch so it takes a while for him to get comfortable. His s/o would probably have to take over from there or else they’d never kiss again, but once he gets comfortable, he does fine.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It’s during something incredibly mundane, probably just a car drive or a regular movie night. He’s going about his day when he realizes he loves them, and he’ll be damned if he’s gonna stew on that knowledge for another two weeks just because he’s too nervous. So in the middle of a movie or just like halfway home from the store, he just blurts out “hey, I love you”. It’s completely by surprise, but it’s not like it’s particularly early or far into the relationship, so it makes sense. From then on, he wouldn’t be the type of person to say it all the time (I mean, come on, his s/o should know by now, it’d just be stupid). But he also wouldn’t hold himself back from saying it when he’s feeling particularly grateful for his s/o one day. And hearing them say it back would definitely make him blush just the slightest bit every time.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Levi would be absolutely terrified to get married. BUT that’s not to say that he wouldn’t want to. It would take some considering, sure, but especially if it’s something he knows his s/o wants, he’s all in. He’d probably propose in a similar way to how he first said he loves them, except at least just a bit more planned out. It wouldn’t be a cliche grand proposal with doves and rose petals and champagne, that would drive him crazy. Most likely, he surprises them with a homemade dinner, sets the table with candles, and hands them the ring. He’d put on a confident face, but he’s panicking for sure. He’s not really a marriage-y person, so he’s not going to be buying those matching couple towels that have like “mr ackerman” and his s/o’s name on them, and he’s most definitely not giving in to those cheesy weird nicknames (”hubby” makes him glare so hard). But he would love the perceived sense of stability, commitment, and routine that go along with marriage.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Just their name, for the most part. Maybe “love” or “sweetheart”, but he always says that most nicknames are just too cliche. I mean, only lovestruck 20 year olds call each other “babe”, and that is most certainly not their relationship. But, honestly he wouldn’t mind if his s/o gave him one of those cheesy names... not that he’d ever let on to that, of course, but if they happen to figure it out one day... he wouldn’t be mad. Mostly he just loves to hear his name in their voice, so they call each other by their names. 
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
The token stoic expression Levi keeps in public isn’t going away just because he’s in love. To an outside eye, absolutely nothing is different. But even in public, his s/o can probably tell. Maybe it’s something about the way his eyes are just slightly warmer, slightly brighter. Maybe it’s because he’s just the slightest bit more willing to talk and hold a conversation when they’re by his side. But when they’re alone, he finally lets down that stone expression, and he’s like a whole different person. It doesn’t happen often, but on days where he’s just absolutely lovestruck, he walks around his house smiling, holding his s/o’s hand, maybe even curling up on the sofa together to nap. On those days, he just kind of lets himself be happy. 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Levi’s definitely not a fan of PDA. The relationship isn’t a secret by any means, but he’s also not broadcasting it for the entire world to see. The people close to him know, and that’s plenty. He doesn’t like PDA partly because it’s too vulnerable, but also just because it’s kind of gross and unnecessary to him.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
This man has the best memory of anyone you’ll ever meet. It’s honestly a bit unsettling, but he remembers everything his s/o says, and he’ll find a way to bring it up like months later. Sometimes it’s as simple as remembering their favorite food and bringing it to them when they’re stressed out. But it could even be so crazy as them saying in a random conversation in July that they hate when mashed potatoes aren’t totally mashed, and boom, at Thanksgiving that year, they find him mashing the potatoes a little extra just to make sure. (Don’t ask how I came up with that example, my brain is weird.) His mind is a steel trap, and he uses it to his advantage.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Cliche romance irritates him so much, he avoids it at all costs, so he’s mostly creative in that sense. He has an eye for picking out ways to make his s/o happy, and even though he doesn’t consider himself particularly romantic, he actually really is.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Absolutely! Levi wants nothing more than to help his s/o achieve whatever they’re working towards, and he’s completely supportive. Anything he can do, any help or emotional support he can offer them, he’s more than willing. 
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I don’t think he’s AGAINST trying new things, but he really just prefers a routine. Again, it makes him happy to have that connection of stability with his s/o, and he feels so much more comfortable knowing he can depend on that.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He’s very empathetic. He might struggle sometimes with understanding, just because it’s not very likely that he and his s/o have had similar experiences in life, but he knows them like the back of his hand. What he lacks in immediate understanding, he makes up for in conversations about any issues and an ability to read their expressions really really well.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Honestly, if Levi is in a long term relationship with someone, they’re one of the most important parts of his life. He doesn’t make superficial connections, and he especially doesn’t open up to people he doesn’t care deeply about, so it’s safe to say that he values his s/o greatly. 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He buys his s/o flowers once a week. It’s just a little tradition that makes him happy, and he likes seeing that it makes his s/o happy, so he’s kept it going. If they don’t like flowers, then maybe it’s a little trinket they collect, or a cookie from their favorite bakery. But regardless, he hasn’t missed a week since they’ve been together, it’s really important to him.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He’s not necessarily an overly affectionate person. There are occasional days where it really just hits him how lucky he is, and he just wants to hold his s/o for a while and not go do anything that day. But for the most part, he’s not clingy in any means, and his s/o would have to initiate most cuddling. He’ll let them know if he’s really not in the mood, but he usually doesn’t mind (because let’s face it he’s a teensy bit touch starved). But yeah, he shows his affection in different ways for the most part.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
It’s not really an issue for him. He’s always been an independent person, so even after he lets himself trust that his s/o isn’t leaving him, he’s not going to be that level of dependent on their presence. He probably would have to fill up his schedule a bit more, though, just so he didn’t have too much down time to get all sad and miss them. He’d also probably clean everything in his sight to calm down until they return.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s zealous for sure, he isn’t about to let go of a relationship that means this much to him just because he wasn’t willing to put in the work. He’d do as much as he could to make it work. 
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what do you think of aang's comments in "the southern raiders" and what they meant to katara? I watched that episode recently with my sister who dislikes atla, and assessed similar things to what certain people of the fandom are saying: "aang didn't understand her", "aang was pushing his beliefs onto her", "it didn't seem like he knew her", etc. she was more fair than those people of course because she did say it was realistic that he'd be so worried since she recognizes that he does love her.
Honestly those arguments are all,, tired. They’re outdated. They’re boring. They’re wrong. They’re a result of a fundamental misunderstanding of A:TLA canon. This isn’t to say that those who genuinely, truly believe these arguments are terrible people (obviously not lmao), but somewhere along the line they had a seed planted in their mind that posits them to have inherent dislike for Aang. And honestly? I just feel sorry for them, because not understanding and appreciating Aang means their A:TLA experience really can’t be that great. But I digress!
“aang didn’t understand her”
Oh, what’s the post? Right - “Fandom once again forgets that Aang is the sole survivor of genocide.” Aang understands better than anyone else what Katara is going through*. There is a direct parallel between Aang finding Gyatso’s skeleton and Katara finding Kya’s body. I’m not going to sit here and argue which was more traumatizing (literally can’t stand when people do that) because you can’t quantify grief like that, but it cannot be denied that Aang has experienced something incredibly similar to what Katara has gone through: the loss of a close parental figure followed by finding said parent’s corpse. Not only that, but Aang and Katara both share a unique sense of helplessness intertwined with their grief regarding their parental figures’ deaths. For Katara, there are the questions of:
- what if I wasn’t a waterbender
- what if I had run a little faster
- what if I had fought against Yon Rha back then
All leading to “Could I have saved her?” For Aang, there are the questions of:
- what if I wasn’t the Avatar
- what if I hadn’t run away
- what if I had stayed to fight the Fire Nation back then
All leading to “Could I have saved him?” Both of them feel incredibly guilty on a personal level about the death of their parental figures, thus blaming themselves. Katara tries to push it off onto Zuko/the Fire Nation and Aang tries to suppress it entirely, but ultimately it is revealed how closely they hold responsibility to their chests. For Aang, it comes out in “The Storm.” For Katara, it comes out in “The Southern Raiders.” So, bullshit that Aang doesn’t understand Katara! He understands her grief better than anyone.
Also, many, many people have gone into this before, but Aang’s example of Appa being stolen was not callous/rude/etc. Appa was the last living piece of his culture. Appa is not “just a pet.” People who insist so are the actual ones being callous, not Aang. And, as Aang himself says, “How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out what happened to my people?” Aang has experienced more hurt at the hands of the Fire Nation than anyone. There’s a great meta here that delves into Aang’s experiences as the sole survivor of genocide. I don’t understand how someone could acknowledge all that Aang has lost (read: he has lost everything) and then argue that he doesn’t understand Katara’s pain. Like, what? Do you have no sense of empathy?
But most importantly, from Katara herself: “Thanks for understanding, Aang.” She says this after her initial dismissal of him. So take it from the source, my friend - Katara believed Aang understood her. Who are we to argue?
*The only exception perhaps being Sokka, since Kya was indeed his mother, too, but it is worth noting that Sokka did not have the same experience of seeing Kya’s dead body or feeling the intense self-blame that Katara did.
“aang was pushing his beliefs onto her”
It is SO funny how those SAME people have NO problem with everyone in the Gaang telling Aang to kill Ozai the finale! Y’know, when they were disregarding the pacifistic beliefs of his people in exchange for emphasizing their, ahem, more aggressive ones? SO funny! I’m laughing SO hard right now!
Heavy sarcasm, in case it wasn’t obvious. They’re hypocrites and they know it.
But, more importantly, Aang was not pushing his beliefs onto her? At all?? Tell me where in the episode Aang:
- refused to let Katara go after Yon Rha
- told Katara what she was doing was wrong
- told Katara that HE was right and that SHE needed to listen to HIM
Here’s the thing: none of that ever happened! Not only does Aang accept that Katara needs to go (see: “I wasn’t planning to [stop you]. This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man.”), but he allows her to take Appa on her journey. Appa, the last living piece of his culture. Aang has incredible trust in Katara, and his choice to send Appa with her (essentially sending a piece of himself with her) demonstrates this fact clearly. That should end the discussion point blank, but I guess I’ll break down the lines people seem to have issues with:
1) “It’s okay, because I forgive you. [Pauses.] That give you any ideas?”
Honestly, the criticism this line gets is laughable to me. People use it to argue that Aang was being disrespectful to Katara’s feelings and?? I hate to break it to them, but you HAVE to look at the context a line is in if you’re going to judge it. That is Analysis 101: Context is Everything. This moment is used to break tension. That type of scenario is an entire literary trope, okay? A:TLA did not invent it! Shakespeare literally did it in Romeo and Juliet when he had Peter argue with musicians about something stupid after Juliet’s “death.” The whole point is to break tension before more serious scenes. In R&J, it is before the lovers kill themselves, and in A:TLA, it is before Katara leaves with Zuko to confront Yon Rha. That’s why there’s another moment just like it at the end of that scene! Y’know, Sokka asking to borrow Momo for no reason? It breaks tension! It’s a moment of respite before weighty scenes! It’s incredibly common in every form of media! This is what no Humanities classes did to some of y’all, I swear to God. So yeah, Aang was not disrespecting Katara’s feelings with this. It’s just a tension-breaker. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for those who devoutly believed it was a sign of Aang being a Horrible Person. You were wrong, ain’t no big thing, go drink some water and stay hydrated okay darlings?
2) “I don’t think so. I think it’s about getting revenge.”
Um, a major point of “The Southern Raiders” is that Aang was right about Katara’s initial drive to face Yon Rha? It was a quest for revenge? Katara literally bloodbends, an ability she was forced to learn and essentially feels cursed to bear? Also, nowhere here does Aang tell Katara she was a horrible person for feeling angry and wanting revenge. He simply brings her attention to the reality that what she’s currently seeking is revenge. He’s worried about her. She’s his best friend! He loves her! He doesn’t want her to kill Yon Rha because he knows that for Katara to have blood on her hands from a revenge quest would hurt her tremendously. (As a matter of fact, the audience knows - or should know - this, too.) So, sorry that Aang expresses concern for her? Apparently not wanting your best friend to murder someone is forcing your beliefs onto them? Damn. Y’all are harsh these days.
3) “The monks used to say that revenge is like a two-headed rat viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you’re being poisoned yourself.” // “Katara, you do have a choice: forgiveness.” // “No, it’s not. It's easy to do nothing, but it’s hard to forgive.” // “But when you do, please don’t choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him.”
I put all the forgiveness quotes together since people tend to complain about them as a whole. But like,, I really don’t see how this is Aang forcing his beliefs onto her? He asks her to choose forgiveness. And just speaking plainly: on an emotional level, it is better for someone to forgive than to murder. Killing someone is not easy, even if you hate that person with every bone in your body, and it will mentally scar whomever does it. Y’all know this! It’s obvious! I shouldn’t have to say it! But Aang knows this, too, and thus he doesn’t want to see Katara kill Yon Rha and perhaps kill a part of herself in the process. Katara is not a killer. I’m not arguing about whether she could have or even if she wanted to, because you know what, she admits she was tempted, but Katara is not a killer. An FMA quote is very fitting here:
“Your hands weren’t meant to kill. They were meant to give life.”
Why should Katara have to live with a man’s murder on her conscience, especially when his death would be a result of fruitless revenge? The answer is simple: she shouldn’t, and Aang doesn’t want her to. Katara is a warrior. A healer. A leader. A friend. But not a killer.
Anyways. Back to my point: Aang is not forcing his beliefs onto her here. He’s offering her another option, the option she ends up choosing, albeit she extends forgiveness to Zuko instead. And Prince Holier-Than-Thou (jk love you Zuzu) acknowledges it himself: “You [Aang] were right about what Katara needed.” Aang didn’t force anything on Katara here. He reminded her of her choices, he reminded her about the consequences of revenge, and he reminded her about the value of forgiveness. Never once did he tell her she had to forgive Yon Rha or else. And when it came down to it, he stepped aside, and he let her go, because he knew this was a journey she needed to take. So… He actually did the exact opposite of forcing his beliefs onto her! He respected her feelings and let her make her own decision! Seriously, how many pairs of anti-Aang goggles do people have to wear to genuinely believe otherwise??
“it didn't seem like he knew her”
Ohhhhhh my God this is SO close to one of the actual points of the episode! So close!! It’s not that Aang didn’t know her; it’s that Katara wasn’t acting like herself. I’ve talked about it before here and here, but Katara was incredibly consumed by her emotions in “The Southern Raiders.” It’s why she ignores Zuko the entire time before they leave on Appa! It’s why she makes that callous comment to Sokka about their mother that we know she never would have made normally! She is drowning in grief about her mother’s absence, guilt regarding her mother’s death, and anger about Zuko (she still does not trust him, and yet he can lead her to her mother’s killer; I don’t know about y’all, but that is really freaking difficult to reconcile). So when Aang compares her to Jet, it’s not a far-off description. She is acting like Jet, because she’s consumed by grief and hurt and anger and she’s not acting like herself. It is instrumental, too, that Katara isn’t acting like herself, because it makes her decision not to pursue revenge and instead offer a second third chance to Zuko even more profound. “I’m proud of you,” Aang tells her, and damn! The audience is, too! I was incredibly proud of her for finding her way out of what can be a bottomless spiral for some people. So again, it wasn’t that Aang didn’t know her. It was that Katara wasn’t acting like herself (I guess meaning… no one knew her?).
In conclusion, literally all of these anti-Aang arguments regarding TSR are exhausting and so easily disprovable. The fact that they somehow manage to live on is evidence that people just want excuses to hate Aang, plain and simple. Like, it’s so easy to just say you don’t vibe with his character? You don’t have to pull BS excuses to “justify” it? I don’t vibe with Ty Lee as much as I do other characters (although I have recently grown much more fond of her; bless the Renaissance for more Mailee content, even if some of it is just a Zukka byproduct), but y’all don’t see me twisting her sacrifice in “Boiling Rock” to make it seem like it was selfish or something (mostly because, spoiler alert, it wasn’t). Like, you can say Aang isn’t your favorite and move on instead of using the same boring rhetoric over and over and over that just makes it look like you lack critical thinking. :/
TL;DR - Aang’s comments to Katara in “The Southern Raiders” came from a place of concern. A place of wisdom. A place of love. And honestly? I think Katara realizes this, and she’s grateful to him all the more for it.
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sweeterthansammy · 3 years
Listed below are angst, fluff, smut, and some random/general prompts so please specify which genre(s) you would like me to write. Some of these prompts were found on Pinterest, but the majority of them are mine, as well as @babyboy-cody​ ‘s. Also, please, please, please ask me before using this prompt list, seeing as not all belong to me.
“I never loved you!”
“Just leave.”
“You did this to yourself.”
“Get out of my fucking life!”
“There was no other way.”
“When were you going to tell me.”
“Get away from me.”
“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!”
“I’m fine - stop asking.”
“I’m done trying to help you.”
“Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
“You’re just a piece of shit who cares about no one!”
“When are you gonna learn to stop lying?”
“Are you happy now? This makes you really fucking happy, doesn’t it?”
“You said you’d always be there for me...how come you weren’t there when I fucking needed you?”
“Is this how little you think of me?”
“Just pack your shit and go. It’s the least you can do after all the pain you’ve caused me.”
“I’m never gonna love you, get that through your head.”
“Why do you hate me so much?”
“I don’t need you and I most certainly do not need this.”
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“Thanks for nothing.”
“I can’t forgive you.”
“Why can’t you love me back?”
“What did I ever do to you?”/“What have I ever done to you?”
“Can’t you see that I’m trying?”
“Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.”
“I’m tired of this.”
“You’re breaking me.”
“No, I understand. Go. Leave. They always leave, it’s fine.”/”Just leave like the rest of them do.”
“You never loved me, have you?”
“What makes you think that I truly care about you or any of this?”
“Can you please be happy for me for five minutes?”
“Walk out that fucking door and we’re over.”
“I’m giving you to the count of ten. If you don’t come after me, we’re through.” (Beck and Jade vibes lmao)
“You can’t win if someone has nothing to lose.”
“Don’t come running back to me when you find your little heart broken again. Got it?”
“I’m not your goddamn babysitter.”
“All I want to do is forget. Forget that I ever met you, forget that I ever fell in love with you, forget how easy it is to get addicted to you. I just want to forget you as a whole.”
“You will never be anything.”
“You have to choose.”
“I miss your smile, your laugh, your eyes. I just...I miss you.”
“Don’t you remember?”
“I never want to see you again.”
“I can never look at you the same after that.”
“You were my everything.”
“You keep doing this and I-I carry on like we’re fine!”
“We’re not okay, stop telling yourself that we are!”
“You did this to me.”
“I’ve never hated a person any more than I do you.”
“I think I’m falling in love with you.”
“Shhh, it was just a bad dream. It’s okay, baby.”
“I’m here for you.”
“Your lips are so soft, I could kiss ‘em all day.”
“‘Us’...I like the sound of that.”
“You’re my sunshine, my world...I want to be with you for an eternity.”
“Am I your wallpaper?” “You weren’t supposed to see that!”
“Stay with me, please.”
“Maybe we should be more than friends.”
“I know you want me just as much as I want you.”
“My heart beats for nothing except you.”
“I couldn’t have asked for anything greater than you.”
“I don’t care if I don’t sleep tonight as long as I’m with you.”
“It just breaks my heart to see how mean people are towards you.”
“You want to try that again, asshole? That’s my boyfriend/girlfriend you’re messing with.”
“I would do anything it takes to make you feel happy and safe, I don’t care the cost.”
“I don’t care what anyone says about me, you...us.”
“I love you with all of my heart.”
“I’m never gonna let you go, don’t worry.”
“Go to sleep, you haven’t got any rest in the past few days.”
“Cuddle me?”
“Could you hold my hand?”
“You’re not leaving without giving me a hug first.”
“You’re so warm - share it with me!”
“Mom/Dad, please don’t tell him/her what I said about him/her.”
“Isn’t that my sweater?” “No, it’s our sweater.”
“I’m having your child.”
“I hate you.” “Oh, you love me.”
“Aw, did I make you blush, darling?”
“My friends get annoyed as to how much I talk about you sometimes.”
“It’s fine if you’re busy...but, would you want to get lunch with me? Even brunch is fine...of course, if you aren’t busy.”
“Have you gone soft on me?”
“Stop smiling at me. I can’t keep stuttering and messing up my sentences.”
“It’s like our hands were made to fit each other’s.”
“Lemme kiss your booboo.”
“‘S too early, can you stay in bed a little longer?!”
“Are you done yet? I’m bored out of my mind?” “C’mere, you can sit on my lap ‘til I’m done working.”
“After everything that we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
“We were meant for each other.”
“I’ve been excited to see you all day.”
“Can I at least shut the door before you decide to pounce on me the moment I come home?”
“Kiss me again, like you mean it.”
“Are you my secret admirer, the one that’s been sending me all the flowers and notes?”
“Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we’d end up together.”
“You make me happy.”
“You’re more than that.”
“I’ve lost everything, I’d be stupid enough to lose you.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“What I am craving a nice, sloppy kiss. You think you can get me that?”
“You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.”
(Prompts that are bolded belong to @babyboy-cody​ - their prompt list is amazing 🥲✋)
“When the world comes crashing down, who’s ready to party?”
“I hope you die out there.”
“I love sarcasm. It’s like punching people in the face, but with words.”
“Just remember, if we get in trouble, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.”
“Life is not a fairytale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you’re drunk.”
“I’m shy at first, but I do the stupidest things when I get comfortable with someone.”
“Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With a chair.”
“Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree. A tree is a plant. Therefore, chocolate is a salad.”
“That’s a horrible idea…let’s do it.”
“If you ran like your mouth, you’d be in good shape.”
“If you ran like your mouth, you’d be in good shape.”
“Everything is funny as long as it’s happening to someone else.”
“You know how you can smack something to get it to work? I wish I can do that to people.”
“I drink to forget, but I always remember.”
“You can roll it into a tightwad and shove your dick into it.”
“I am the type of person that will sit in the bathroom and cry, but then walk out like nothing ever happened.”
“Technically, I'm single. But my heart is taken by someone I can't have.”
“I look like I shouldn’t even be standing next to you.”
“Better to have an enemy that slaps you in the face than a friend who stabs you in the back.”
“I thought you were dead.”
“Wakey, wakey, sunshine.”
“Fucking dweeb.”
“Hit me with your best shot.”
“You’re pissing me off again.”
“I’ve been waiting to kick your ass all week.”
“If you do that again, I’m going to throw you out the fucking window.”
“Don’t touch that!”
“How did you do so much damage?” “Well after I dropped it the first time-” “You dropped it more than once?” “I panicked!”
“You’re an idiot, I’m an idiot. We’re the CEOs of Club Idiot.”
“The world is going to end in seconds.” “Then I’d like to spend the last moment on Earth kissing you.”
“Bite me.”
“Keep running that pretty little mouth of yours, it won’t get you anywhere.”
“Prove it.”
“Bite your lip one more time and I won’t hesitate to bend you over that [surface] and fuck you silly.”
“Do it then.”
“Oh, just fuck me would you?”
“Yell at me again and I’ll give you a justifiable reason to scream.”
“Fuck me like it’s your last day on Earth.”
“You want to keep going or you want me to start railing you?”
“Keep up that little attitude of yours and let’s see where it gets you.”
“Make me.”
“Let the neighbors know my name, baby.”
“Am I fucking you too good?”
“Stupid little cunt, you can’t even form proper words.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“Show me how you play with yourself.”
“Wait on the bed for me like the good little boy/girl you are.”
“Does he/she make you feel as good as I do?”
“You taste so sweet, baby.”
“Whose [body part] is this?”
“Let me finish this and I promise to go down on you ‘til you cry.”
“If you make me stop what I’m doing, I’ll have your legs wobbling for the next week.”
“You make a sound and it’s game over, got it, pup?”
“The only way you’re getting off is with my [body part], don’t even think about anything else.”
“Were you just masturbating?” “I- uh- no?”
“Lemme help you with that, baby.”
“I haven’t touched you yet and you’re soaked.”
“All of this for me?”
“You like my hand around your neck, don’t you.”
“Such a nasty little slut.”
“Always down for anything, huh baby?”
“One more time - what’s the safeword?” “[Safeword].”
“Shut your mouth, would you?”
“Stop whining and take it.”
“Keep those pretty eyes open for me.”
“I’m gonna mess you up, my love.”
“I’m sure we can put those pretty lips to better use.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“You belong to me.”
“This is all mine.”
“You’re so cute - begging like that would get you out of this.”
“Hold. Still.”
“Beg for me, baby.”
“Aw, repping [person] now, are you?”
“Let me take care of you.”
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costellos · 4 years
a/n: I was listening to more Dua Lipa and I thought to myself “wow Mista would like a lot of these songs” and it just. spiraled from there lmao. these are headcanons that I’ve referenced in previous works, plus some new ones. I also wanted an excuse to talk about 90′s / y2k stuff so..... here are some miscellaneous headcanons about ya fav boys!
tw: mentions of Giorno and Fugo’s backstory
❥ ┋ ❝ random bucci gang headcanons!
bruno bucciarati.
the most fashionable out of the group. he’s not afraid to try daring fabrics and clashing patterns. although he dresses like a Gucci model, Bucciarati hates luxury brand name clothes. it’s such a gross display of wealth. and as someone who grew up in a lower-middle class home, he doesn’t understand why anyone would spend more than 100 euros on a shirt.
Bucciarati doesn’t like sleeping in. he feels like he’s wasted too much of the day if he wakes up past 10 AM. as a result, he tends to wake up somewhere around 5 AM every morning. part of it is out of habit as a fisherman’s son, part of it is being a workaholic. he spends his morning completing paperwork, but if there isn’t any to do, he’ll take a walk around Naples.
he’s the biggest movie fiend behind Mista. although there are some serious films that he really likes, such as Reservoir Dogs, dumb action movies are his guilty pleasure. Water World and Judge Dredd are so fucking awful yet he can’t help but love them.
leone abbacchio.
he’s the one everyone goes to when they need a disguise. Abbacchio knows exactly how to contour your face so that you’re barely recognizable. likewise, he’s really keen on how certain people dress. he can put together an outfit perfect for a masquerade party or infiltrating a construction zone.
Abbacchio is actually quite paternal around the younger members like Narancia and Fugo. kind of like an asshole older brother. he’ll tell them not to do fuckshit, but won’t stop them if they won’t listen. likewise, he’s there to offer an ear if they need it (even if he’s not the best at comforting).
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again!! Abbacchio is a really good cook. his nonna taught him everything he knows. she’s since passed, so he cooks as a way to feel closer to her and provide for the team. although he likes healthy dishes the most, he tends to make fatty savory foods since that’s what the team likes.
giorno giovanna.
he’s always the last to get jokes. sometimes Fugo will have to explain it to him, but most of the time Giorno will just laugh along with the group to feel included. it’s only recently that he’s been able to let his guard down (especially considering his home life). even if he doesn’t understand the joke, he’s just happy to see everyone smiling.
he’s the first to offer praise to his teammates. despite his stoic exterior, Giorno wants everyone to feel included in what they do. some take it as sarcasm due to his blunt way of speaking, yet he means everything that he says.
Giorno has a sweet tooth, especially for chocolate treats. chocolate pudding may be one of his favorite foods, but he’s fond of anything he can get his hands on. and it doesn’t matter of it’s dark (though dark is his favorite), milk, or white — he likes ‘em all. he just hates Hershey’s chocolate. the way it just disintegrates on your tongue... eugh.
guido mista.
surprisingly, Mista’s the most religious out of the group. he’s not the typical God-fearing Catholic, though he was raised in that household. he'll mumble a small prayer before a particularly dangerous mission, but he stopped going to Mass after joining Passione. he doesn’t feel like it’s his place as a mobster to go.
he’s the biggest pop culture fiend in the group. he loves celebrity gossip, reading movie trivia, and catching up on the latest buzz around the newest episode of 90210. he doesn’t really care about the genre or celebrity, he likes learning about everything. (just don’t bring up that time he bawled at Titanic’s ending. it’s a sore subject.)
on that note, Mista loves to read. he prefers tabloids, but he’ll read whatever helps to pass time between missions. he likes crime noir fiction the most, followed by thrillers. if he’s going to read a book, he wants to be enthralled by it.
narancia ghirga.
while Mista’s the champion of movie / tv and celebrity knowledge, Narancia excels at music trivia. he can go on and on about Tupac and Biggie’s rivalry if you’ll let him. he’s best at hip hop history, but he’s knowledgeable on most genres (he’s not a fan of classical or country).
because of his interest in hip hop, Narancia’s trying to get more into poetry. Fugo’s having him read Shel Silverstein as an introduction. so far Narancia thinks a lot of it is boring, but there are a few that he enjoys. the poem Masks hit him a little too hard.
despite his lack of academic knowledge, Narancia is the most socially-aware out of the group. he’s really in tune with what the others are feeling. he can tell when someone is pretending to be okay with ease. while some may say that it’s a result of growing up the streets, he’s always been like this. he’s just an empathetic guy.
pannacotta fugo.
Fugo’s way of dressing is heavily inspired by Bucciarati. Fugo respects him a lot, so he tries to emulate him whenever he can. he was actually quite self-conscious of his swiss cheese suit. yet Bucciarati told him to try one thing that scares him every day and... it just stuck. 
he goes by his last name because there are too many negative memories associated with his first. he can still remember his mother cooing “my little strawberry” at him. he’ll never forgive either of his parents, so using his last name helps him move on from his past.
Mista frequently pesters Fugo to trade books with him, though Fugo isn’t too keen on it... mostly because he thinks Mista’s taste is trash he’s not interested in whatever Mista’s reading. Fugo’s more of a classics guy. that changed when the gunslinger let him borrow Wiseguy (the inspiration for Goodfellas). Fugo trusts him a little bit more now. just a little.
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paceyjoeys · 2 years
joey potter-witter ;)))
favorite thing about them: i'm sorry but EVERYTHING, i love her she's my baby and i love everything about her. her witty personality, her sarcasm, her badass moments, her intelligence, her art. joey's so powerful and strong and kind and good and tell me to stop or i'll never will
least favorite thing about them: there's nothing i don't like about her. well, maybe the fact that she always forgives d*wson but lmao that's it, again i'm sorry
favorite line: this is a long one "i'd like to tell today's youth that no matter where life takes you, big cities, small towns, you'll inevitably come across small minds. People who think that they're better than you are. People who think that material things, or being pretty or popular automatically makes you a worth while human being. I'd like to tell today's youth that none of these things matter unless you have strength of character, integrity, sense of pride, and if you're lucky enough to have any of these things... don't ever sell them. Don't ever sell out. So when you meet a person for the first time, please don't judge them by their station on life, because, who knows, that person just might end up being your best friend. Thank you"
brOTP: joey x jen and joey x jack
OTP: i mean... do you even need to ask? joey x pacey always and forever
nOTP: joey x d*wson
random headcanon: she's married. to pacey. they have two kids, one girl and one boy. she teaches them both how to paint while working on her own art pieces. she gets to travel sometimes and takes her family with her because they're everything she loves in live. honestly my headcanon is that joey is so in love with pacey and theire beautiful babies that she can't be away from them
unpopular opinion: i don't think this is unpopular, but i wish she'd been closer to jen and andie as well. i think strong female friendships was something that was missed from that show
song i associate with them: for some reason, i don't wanna be by gavin degraw
favorite picture of them: i'm in love with this look so that's it
send me one character and i'll answer!
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clair-void-ance · 4 years
Richard Hayden Fluff Alphabet
 Pairing: Richard Hayden x Reader
Word Count: Roughly 3,180 words
Author’s note: Hey! This is definitely something I didn’t expect to write lmao. I haven’t been in a writing mood lately, but after getting into David Spade again I knew I had to throw something together. Good news though! That means that I’m finally motivated to work on my other WIP’s! So expect those requests to be finished soon :)) Your girl threw this together pretty fast ngl, so hopefully it doesn’t suck lmaoo
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
If there is anything that Richard loves to do, it’s activities that leans more on the physical side. As much as he loves academic pursuits, he can get tired of trying to maintain the persona of ‘the bookworm/nerd.’ When it comes to activities he enjoys doing with you, it really just depends on what type of person you are. If it’s physical, his go to activities include fixing up vintage cars, dancing, cycling, painting, and whatever else you enjoy doing. If it’s more mental, then he enjoys laying back, reading, doing crafts, or learning something new with you.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
If their is one thing that Richard admires about you physically, it’s your hair and eyes. Being a person interested in astrology, Richard knows that the eyes and hair can tell a lot about a person’s personality and self. And your’s show a person with a breathtaking personality. 
And something that he really loves about you is your ability to be accepting, creative, passionate, and unabashedly yourself. You never failed to accept all parts of him, whether they were good or bad. And when you figured out the situation with this hair, you never once faltered on your love and acceptance for him. Which he appreciates more than you know. 
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Richard has definitely been at some low points in his life. Whether it be with his career, personality, or looks, he's been through it all. So if there's something be knows well, it's definitely a person in dire need of love and support.
When you're feeling down Richard focuses on the main thing you need at the moment. As much as he wants to listen and be supportive, he first has to deal with your body's needs. Having an anxiety attack? Do some breathing exercises, ground yourself, and take a bite of a lemon. Chest pain and irritable stomach from holding in all your negative emotions? Take a second to dance, cry, and release the negative thoughts. Then, when all that is said and done, he'll sit down with you and figure out the best way to solve your problems.
D reams -  How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Being a small town, settle down type, Richard has always seen you two having a small wedding with all your loved ones followed by having a few children. Although he never really planned to find 'the one,' you turned his life around and showed him that he is good and secure enough to finally start living the life he always wanted. And now that he knows you'll love him forever (hair or no hair), he's confident in the quiet life you'll soon live.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or are they rather passive?
As much as he wants to be dominant and feel in control in the relationship, we all know his scrawny ass could never 😔. And we all know he would love to have someone dominate him. That being said, he loves the challenge that comes with both of you fighting for dominance. But he’s more than willing to calm down and allow you to take control more often than not. 
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How is their fighting?
Being the prick he is, especially with his mars in aries, it will definitely take Richard a while to calm down and discuss arguments with your. While fighting, he is vicious and acts like a wounded animal. None of it is really intentional, he just gets too heated too fast and gets caught up in his emotions. That, added to an inability to express his emotions properly at the moment he feels them, makes him a bit difficult in fights. 
That being said, once he calms down and feels the guilt of his actions he immediately comes back to you and spews out an apology. If your fight was especially bad, he’ll end up setting up a nice dinner for both of you and let out a heartfelt apology. He loves you with everything he has in him, but he’s still dealing with processing and expressing a variety of feelings (plus he’s a man lmao).  
G ratitude - How grateful are they they in general? Are they aware of what there s/o is doing for them?
With his string of luck and life choices, Richard is very grateful for all of the good things he has in his life; especially you. He understands first hand how fast life can turn sour, so he doesn’t take a second of his life for granted once he meets you. 
He knows how much effort you’ve put into y’alls relationship and is aware of how much of impact you’ve had on his life and personality. And for everything that you do, he is deeply appreciative. And he tries to return that energy back to you 100% every day you two are together. 
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
After you figured out his secret about his hair, he knew that he could trust you with everything else. The only thing that he keeps to himself really are secrets that deal with surprises for you. Besides that, he shares relatively everything that concerns him.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
In a way, you both change different aspects of each other; while Richard makes you more sarcastic and ambitious, you make Richard more laid back and wholesome. But when you mix, there seems to be a harmonious balance of the perfect personality. 
Furthermore, you help each other work through personal trauma and make sure that the other isn’t falling into a bought of negative emotions. That strengthens your relationship while also making you both better versions of yourself. 
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Being the sarcastic prick and insecure person he is, Richard is definitely someone who gets jealous easily. To him, you could have anyone you wanted; someone with hair, a better build, and definitely with a better personality. And when he sees you with a man that possess all of those things, he tends to get pretty jealous. 
But he never takes that out on you. He knows that you would never cheat on him or avoid communicating your intentions. When a situation like this comes up, he usually takes a moment to contemplate his insecurities, stews in it for while, then brings it up to you. When that’s all said and done though, you both usually curl up and remind each other how much you both love and appreciate each other. 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like? + 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Overall, Richard is actually a pretty decent kisser. He moves in just the right ways and knows how to avoid being excessive. Additionally, with the love that he puts behind every kiss, he makes you feel loved and appreciated with every languid motion. 
The first kiss you two shared was after a company party when you took him home to watch a movie. You both got bored of waiting around and doing nothing at the party, so you left to do something more fun together. After sitting on the opposite ends of your couch, you both started to slowly inch closer and closer to each other. By the time you both started cuddling together, he felt as though the time was perfect to lean in and risk it all. 
And when he gripped your chin, pulled you in, and placed a slow kiss to your lips, you both knew that you wanted to turn this official. 
That being said, he still wanted your consent on if things would truly turn official or not. After letting out a whispered confession of love to you, you both thought it wise to discuss your newly developed relationship. 
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? 
Getting married is a definite for Richard. He doesn’t care what kind of wedding it is or when it happens, he just wants everybody to know that you’re his and that he’s yours. 
Not one to be overly dramatic or public about an important moment, Richard proposes to you while you two are on a camping trip together in the mountains. You had both just woken up and began drinking your coffee on a log by one of the lookouts. With the rising sun hitting your eyes an hair in all the right points, he knew that he had to propose; it was the perfect moment. Not even his nerves could prevent him from doing it.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
With this man’s wit and sarcasm, he never fails to have new and creative nicknames for you. Usually though, your nicknames depend on the type of mood he’s feelilng.
Sarcastic? My sweet turtle dove. Affectionate? Sweetheart. Playful? Sugar/Angel Face.
It just depends :)
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When in love, Richard can act like a wistful and love-struck romantic. From afar, Richard can be seen sending you longing and affectionate looks. Furthermore, when you two are near each other, people pick up the way he always drifts really close to you and continuously reaches towards your hand.
While he has a tendency to act aloof and uncaring, Richard does make it a priority to tell you how much he loves you (as well as how radiant you look to him) at least twice a day. He never wants you to feel as though he doesn’t think you are anything less than deserving of all the love you can handle. Even if you two fight, he always puts aside his pride and remembers to tell you that he loves you. 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
When it comes to PDA at the beginning of you two’s relationship, Richard wasn’t too much of a fan. He was still stuck in the mindset that he had a reputation to uphold; he couldn’t be seen being soft and mushy, he had to be suave and respectable. But as you guys’ relationship progresses he begins to appreciate showing you love no matter the situation. 
If you were to ask one of his coworkers on how he’s changed since being with you, they would definitely point out the fact that he has softened up considerably. He doesn’t care too much about his ‘reputation’ as much since he only focuses on showing you affection during the moments where it fits. By the time you two create a well-rounded relationship, he begins to casually brag about you and how you are the most fantastic significant other anyone could meet. It gets a little annoying, but people find it endearing do a certain extent. (it’s still Richard we’re talking about here lmao)
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship
He understands astrology and a few other personalty based aspects of people, so he acknowledges all of your quirks down to a ‘T.’ He knows your communication style, love language, argument method, preferences, etc. just by a birth date and a few other factors. 
That being said, he also knows what things are particularly difficult to you, which helps when you aren’t able to communicate how you’re feeling on most occasions. (He has yet to learn how to solve his own problems with this quirk though)
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Once Richard knows that you love and support him unconditionally, he becomes the sappiest, most romantic person you’ve ever met. Although he has his cliché moments, Richard is usually creative with his methods on making you happy or keeping your relationship interesting. Most of which have to do with the office where you two work *wink* *wink*
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Being a man of high ambition and deep respect, Richard would love to help you reach your goals; no matter how big they seem. Especially if you are the same way with him. 
He knows how much success and respect can mean to a person, so he will do anything to help you achieve the things you want. One aspect that he likes most about you guys’ relationship, is that you both constantly work towards bettering each other. He believes that you were both meant for great things. And if you associate great things with living off-grid and become self-sustainable, then he’ll help you achieve that. 
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Richard appreciates a sense of routine in his life and relationship- especially when it comes to his well-being. But this is mainly linked to his underlying trauma from childhood and career. Not that he’ll ever admit this though, he’s got a reputation to maintain.
He’s never really been given the opportunity to feel free enough to be himself and act childish. It was always, ‘act too mature and professional’ or ‘be cold, distant, and ambitious.’ When you came along though, he finally felt secure enough to open up and be himself. Which, of course, led to trying new things in your relationship. He’s down to try anything if it makes you happy; cause when you’re happy, he’s happy. 
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Deep down, Richard is not the most empathetic person. He’s had to rely on himself for almost his entire life, so being able to read and cater to another person isn’t the easiest for him. Reading social cues on the other hand, is. That being said, his love for you runs deep and he’s willing to just about anything to make you happy. He’ll take notice of the little things you like and the gestures you’ve come to appreciate, and repeats those. 
Additionally, he understands that you aren’t responsible for his healing. He knows that he is responsible for a huge majority of it, so he takes note of your empathetic nature and uses it to heal not only himself, but you as well. 
When that’s all said and done, Richard comes to learn a lot about both of you and shocks all of his associates with how close you two have become over the years. 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Richard values your relationship as much as he values air. Which definitely says something. The man doesn’t care that much about anything when it comes down to it (publicly that is), but he does care for you. And his is willing to quit his job, move across the globe, or do anything you wish just so that he can make you happy for even a second.
After he met you, nothing really mattered as much as you guys’ relationship. To him, those things were put on the back burner and wait. As Charles Aznavour sang, “Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears; And make them all my souvenirs; For where she goes I've got to be. The meaning of my life is she.”
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon
Richard has actually always wanted to have a child. Since he never had a father present in his life and repressed his inner child, he has always wanted to prove that he was better than his parents. That being said, he’d love to have a little girl over a son. Mainly because he knows she will bring out the softer side in him.
All in all, he just wants to nurture and care for a child that he knows will grow up to have a stunning personality and life. 
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
At heart, Richard is a man with a deep, passionate, and affectionate nature. He loves being close to you and enjoys laying back and spending some personal time together. He loves all sorts of kisses he receives from you. Whether they be short and sweet or long and languid, he loves them all. 
When it comes to the long and languid ones though, he loves to do them while you’re cuddling together. 
Is it because he knows it’ll lead to something more? Maybe....but he’ll never admit that. 
Plus, sometimes he just like being held so he knows he’s cared for.
Y earning - How do they cope when they're missing their partner?
Let's be honest, Richard can become a bit of a prick when you're not around. Since you both work together, everyone notices the day's where you’re absent; cause his toxic energy goes through the roof. Although he isn't insufferable, he definitely reverts back to his sarcastic and aggressive method of communicating and acting. But he can't really help it; (his mars is in scorpio 🙄 jk jk lmao) he doesn't have someone around to treat him right y'know? When he's alone though, he tends to get a bit melancholic and revert to sitting around and waiting for you. It isn't his proudest moment in life, but he’s trying to get used to the fact that you might not always be there. With that in mind, he copes the best way he knows how: by occupying his mind. Which is usually by working on his cars or cycling.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
Similar to his career and the things he aspires to do in life, you are something that Richard will go great lengths for. Although Richard knows when to quit, committing to a task is something that isn’t unfamiliar to him. He will work night and day to please you and keep you happy. 
Need him to take the day off to help you with a task or take care of you? Done with no hesitation. Need more emotional support because of recent events? He’ll drop everything in seconds. To him, nothing is worth ruining the relationship you two have worked so hard for. 
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dweetwise · 4 years
Headcannons about Ace interacting with other survivors in the realm? Thanks!!
[yess trash husband! these all got weirdly wholesome sksksk just let me have this ok]
there are too many survivors lmao this is so long
Ace & other survivors headcanons
In general Ace is a friendly guy, trying his best to stay on good terms with all the survivors and avoid drama. He’ll joke, tease and flirt to keep things lighthearted in camp. 
He’s a lot more perceptive than he seems, and what initially seems to be an ill-timed quip or a joke in poor taste is often well thought out to lighten the mood and shift the attention away from an argument or tension between the others.
Dwight was the first survivor to make him feel part of the group when he initially arrived in the realm. Where the others saw a shady man twice their age lacking any sort of tact, Dwight saw a potential ally just trying to cope with a shitty situation.
Ever since, Ace has made it his mission to act as Dwight’s #1 cheerleader. When the other gets wrapped up in his own head, Ace will offer cheesy compliments until Dwight can’t help but laugh at his antics, forgetting his insecurities at least momentarily.
Ace likes Dwight well enough despite their completely different personalities, but mostly recognizes how important it is to keep their leader’s spirits high.
Meg is a bit of a loudmouth and Ace likes that she gives as good as she gets. He’ll often tease her and she’ll insult him in return, the others not understanding why the two are grinning like idiots while seemingly arguing.
When Meg has a bad day, she’ll sometimes just flop down next to Ace and sag against him without a word. He knows not to say anything and just lets her rest against him, maybe shows her a neat card trick if she looks like she needs a distraction.
Meg pointedly never talks about any father figure in her life, only her mother, so Ace is happy to fill in for any paternal affection she needs. He’s not sure he deserves the trust she's placed in him, but tries his best nonetheless.
Ace thinks Claudette hates him at first, since the girl rarely laughs at his jokes, sometimes even interrupting to defend the person he’s bantering with. It takes him a while to realize that Claudette just has trouble reading his tone, tending to take his words at face value.
He makes a conscious effort to be more genuine with her, and actually ends up opening up more to her than any of the others because he can’t hide behind wit and sarcasm.
Even though he loves being the life of the party, when he needs a breather he seeks out one-on-one time with Claudette and listens for hours while she talks about plants or her family in her soothing voice.
Jake is an ongoing project for him. Ace has caught glimpses of Jake’s wonderfully dark sense of humor and is determined to see more of what’s behind the stoic exterior.
So Ace pushes more than any of the others, teasing and joking even when it’s clear Jake wants to be left alone. Usually he gets an annoyed grunt or an eye roll for his efforts. Sometimes, he gets punched. But every once in a while, particularly when nobody else is around, he’ll get a small smirk and an amazingly witty quip in return.
So he keeps pestering Jake, hoping that one day the other will be comfortable enough to let his guard down around him and the rest of the survivors.
Nea is a huge brat and is Ace’s favorite partner is trials, as she’s always up for doing dumb shit with him and doesn’t care if he gets distracted and loots a chest or five.
In camp, she’s like an annoying little sister, constantly getting up in his business, calling out his cheating in card games and booing at his less than stellar jokes.
Ace is her go-to confidant for her girl troubles. She always pretends to be annoyed at his shitty advice and the cringy pick-up lines he suggests she use, but she’s grateful to have someone to talk to who never judges.
Laurie doesn’t approve of Ace’s previous lifestyle, not to mention some of the impulsive decisions he makes in trials, and she’s not afraid of letting him know. He doesn’t mind being lectured by her and will be the first to admit she’s leagues more mature than he is despite her young age.
She pretends to hate his jokes but still catches her smiling when she thinks he doesn’t see. Though he learned the hard way that she’s not receptive to flirty comments when she wrangled his arm back for calling her “sweetheart”.
She has cried on his shoulder multiple times, especially after trials against her brother. Ace thinks it’s because he’s open to a fault compared to her reserved nature, and she knows he won’t push her away or make a big deal out of it. Afterwards, she’ll be embarrassed and threaten violence if he tells the others, and he’ll go back to cracking jokes.
In many ways, Bill is Ace’s polar opposite; he’s serious, grumpy and sarcastic compared to Ace’s lighthearted and over-the-top demeanor.
They make a good comedy duo, with Bill being a reluctant participant most of the time. Still, the other has yet to actually ignore his goading, taking every chance to try to knock Ace down a peg.
Bill’s true colors shine through in bad trials, when he’ll ask Ace to help him save their younger friends, trusting his skill and moral code at least momentarily. After all, there’s a certain kind of solidarity that only comes from bleeding out next to each other on the ground after having successfully bullied the killer away from their teammates.
Some of the others dislike Feng and how selfish she is in trials, but Ace has a soft spot for her and her erratic behavior, quick to jump in and defuse situations where the others are ganging up on her.
Feng eventually recognizes Ace as her equal and not a “pleb” like she sees most of the others. She’ll even almost look happy to see him if they spawn together in a trial, before pestering him until he hands her his item.
Feng’s competitive nature sometimes makes her take out her frustration on the others in a gamer rage. Ace often intentionally makes himself an easy target by teasing her, not minding being her verbal punching bag as he knows it’s all bark and no bite and it helps her de-stress.
Ace finds David’s complete lack of filter and dirty humor amusing. The two have the most bizarre banter, egging each other on with gags that consist of 90 % of obscenities and that cause some of the others to cover their ears in second hand embarrassment.
Ace likes that David doesn’t take himself too seriously, and often uses the Brit as the butt of a joke, knowing the other won’t mind and will most likely be the one to laugh the hardest.
If David gets in one of his moods, pent up after a trial and looking for a brawl, Ace is one of the few who can snap him out of it with one of their tasteless jokes. Sometimes the joke falls flat and he gets punched or wrestled to the ground instead, but hey, at least David’s not sulking any more.
Ace goes easy on Quentin at first, because the boy looks so tired and seems like he’s struggling with the realm. Quentin eventually notices the special treatment and starts giving him shit for it. Ace goes full force with the banter and Quentin is more than happy to dish it back, displaying a delightfully quick wit and dry sense of humor.
He still recognizes that Quentin might have an aversion to older men so he keeps a healthy distance between them, consciously resisting his natural inclination for playful shoves or flirty jokes.
Proud member of the Protect Quentin / Kick Freddy’s Ass squad. He wishes he could do more for Quentin, but hey, at least he can make the sleepy boy crack a few jokes at Ace’s expense.
His relationship with Tapp is tense at first; as conman and cop, they have a lot of prejudices against each other.
Tapp eventually drops the antagonism, recognizing the real threat in the killers and realizing the benefits of teamwork. That includes accepting petty criminals like himself and Nea.
They’re not the best of friends by any means, but it’s kind of nice to play cards with the man and be able to chat with someone his own age. Ace doesn’t even cheat in their games, and in return gets to hear about some of Tapp’s more colorful cases as a detective.
Ace values Kate a lot in their group; she’s hearty, genuine and he’s never seen her angry. She radiates charisma in a way that’s completely different to his own, and Ace feels like he can relax and drop the “entertainer” act when she′s around.
He’s not actually close to her personally, as they don’t have much more in common than being the token happy person by the campfire. Still, they have a silent understanding of one another.
Ace will sometimes call her obnoxious pet names like honey, sweetheart and pumpkin, and she’ll just laugh in her melodious voice and shoot back a “yes, darlin’?”.
Adam is well-read and sophisticated to a point where Ace feels a little bit intimidated. Adam will frown at some of his jokes and correct him, and Ace will feel dumb.
Ace starts having his guard up around the other, until Adam seems to notice and makes a conscious effort to befriend him, confessing that he’s just a little awkward and never meant to be rude.
Ace is always quick to forgive and forget and goes back to joking full force, also making an effort to ask the other about some useless trivia every now and then because it makes Adam’s face light up.
Jeff is just so chill even Ace feels himself mellow out in his company. They have pretty much nothing in common but Jeff always chuckles at his jokes and has some pretty good one-liners of his own.
He’ll sometimes just sit with Jeff and talk about anything and everything, appreciating the other’s interesting worldview that’s so different to his own. It always feels kind of like he’s just out having a beer with a bro.
Jeff is the one Ace is most comfortable with asking advice from, because the man never judges and his advice often offers a whole new perspective.
Jane and Ace butt heads a lot. She doesn’t like some of his more questionable jokes and won’t hesitate to call him out. In return, he’ll claim she just needs to lighten up.
Eventually this dynamic becomes a joke of its own, with the others commenting on how “mom and dad are arguing again”.
Hoo boy. These two are so much alike and it usually ends in disaster. Will bully killers together and get facecamped while the other is slugged next to the hook.
Ash is more of an adrenaline junkie than him, and Ace actually starts finding himself being the voice of reason that tries to talk Ash out of sucker punching the killer.
Ash is somehow also even more of an attention whore than Ace, so when the man is telling a crazy story to the rest of the camp, Ace is content to quietly slip away from the commotion and go chill with Claudette or Jeff.
Nancy is one of the smartest people Ace has ever met and he loves how flustered she gets whenever he tells her as much.
He’s happy to let her take the lead in trials, as she, like Dwight, seems to be a natural leader. She’s always surprised by his acceptance of her as an equal or even superior, and he can tell she’s had trouble with being taken seriously in the past.
That being said, he can’t resist messing with her every now and then, cracking jokes and trying to get her to loosen up and realize that the fate of the world does not rest on her shoulders.
Ace sees a lot of himself in Steve; the goofiness, the troublemaking, and the cockiness that sometimes verges on arrogance.
He goes along with Steve’s dumb ideas in trials, feeling decades younger every time the teen eggs him on to have flashlight lightshows or make farting sounds with the gauze rolls instead of doing the objective.
When Steve inevitably gets caught trying to pull a dumb stunt, Ace will be the one to save his ass while giving him shit for it, all in good nature.
Yui is a badass if he’s ever seen one. They’ve pulled off so many end-game rescues together that should have been impossible, but with her determination and his luck they always seem to defeat the odds.
In camp, Yui is a wiseass and they give each other so much shit for the smallest of things. Yui is painfully blunt and thrives on good banter, and Ace is happy to indulge her.
Yui has a filthy mouth that will give David a run for his money and has even managed to make Ace blush and gape on a couple of occasions.
Zarina is not amused by Ace’s flirting and flamboyance. Zarina values actions, not words, and somehow seems to sense all the empty promises Ace has made in his past.
Each time he’s about to engage her in conversation is predated by one of her eye rolls or exaggerated sighs. He starts greeting her with the same gestures to mess with her, annoying her further.
Nevertheless, when push comes to shove, she’s there to pick him up off the ground at the expense of her own health state and reluctantly compliments him for running the killer for three gens.
Cheryl keeps surprising Ace, her shy demeanor hiding a dry sense of humor and a rebellious streak.
She plays along with his banter without missing a beat, throwing in some jokes at his expense for good measure, causing Nea and Yui to basically insta-adopt her as one of their own and bond over his shitty sense of humor.
sorry there’s only 2 for jane and cheryl!  i’ve done a hc with ace&jane before and i still don’t have a good grasp on cheryl/heather’s character ;w;
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sodrippy · 4 years
How I feel about this character
WHAT can i say about jiang cheng grfjcvndc like you know i love him so so so fucking much hes just. god his capacity for love and forgiveness? absolutely unparalleled!!
its bonkers to me that he loves SO unconditionally, that he is always second best (and KEENLY aware of this fact) and STILL loves and idolizes wwx so much anyway and never ever holds any resentment towards him (until the yanli thing and even then he says ‘you said you could control it’ like. god.)
the different ways his parents were disappointed in him left him just begging after any scrap of affection he could get and it breaks my fucking heart like. you are so much better and more than your parents reflective expectations of you man lets hang out and ill teach you how to hate them so it doesnt hurt anymore frhdjcxnfdhbcxn
but really just he loved his siblings with ALL his heart even when he was on the outside looking in sometimes, it didnt matter to him as long as they were together and safe and happy....
i guess people who are incredible and evolved and have never experienced anger dont get him (yes this is sarcasm. like. what is wrong w u lol) but the entire flashback portrayal of jiang cheng is SO heartbreaking bc he really does start out so young and soft and unsure, always looking to his siblings for his cues, and he is just shattered over and over and OVER again and how can you blame him for reverting to the parts of himself that are strong and sturdy and protect him, especially when he’s been conditioned so terribly by his mother to think that’s the only Good part of him? like?????
i just love him SO much and he deserves SO much fucking better rip to everyone else but im writing him exactly that 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
ok shipping questions are always weird but my otp is jiang cheng/therapy<3
but also must admit jiang cheng and huaisang have the funniest fruitiest dynamic, i can vibe w that bc theres so much comedy potential in pairing up two ex-frat bros u know
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
is this just like. who i think they should hang out with or what? in any case, yunmeng trio 10 out of 10 times babe, they deserved to have the lives they planned and promised, plus i think jiang cheng and zixuan becoming reluctant friends after becoming brothers is fun to think about 
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
unfortunately and apparently just loving jiang cheng is an unpopular opinion which is dumb as all fuck like. wake up and get some taste you cowards.
okay so this isnt like, be all and end all and i do think itd be sweet for them to have a reconciliation and reunion BUT one of my probably unpopular opinions is that if wwx left in the finale, he should kind of stay gone.
jiang cheng will ALWAYS always show up for wwx, he did even when he hated wwx, and after finding out the truth it goes double. 
and wwx doesn’t mean to ofc but the way their codependency works, it always always leaves jiang cheng battered and bruised and its not fair. 
this is definitely VERY coloured by my own similar issues and personality so like whatever fhcxnfdscxbhn but i just think jiang cheng deserves to live his life finally outside of the ghost of his brother u know
the way wwx flits in and out of his life on a whim whenever it suits him is just truly so unfair and unhealthy and jiang cheng doesnt need it! thats all im saying!!
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon: 
OKAY. so fucking much lmao. he really deserved SO much fucking more and the way he’s treated in the present timeline is kind of a travesty. 
yes i realize this says ‘one thing’ no i dont care<3 
he’s left at the end of the series with literally NOTHING. he just keeps fucking losing and losing and LOSING even beyond the point where he thought he had nothing left to lose like. can you fucking imagine?? 
personally i think (correctly) that he should have been the chief cultivator. lan zhan is busy being gay in the mountains like. THAT’S the guy you want running shit? the guy who doesn’t like or even attempt to get along with any of the other leaders and who lives a six hour ski-lift ride away with a walkie talkie radio instead of a cellphone?
jiang cheng is a proven and capable leader, actually gives a fuck about what’s going on, and his whole life was built in order to be that good and  strong leader. he lost literally every single thing he loved in this world and this one thing is all he has left. he should have been the chief cultivator no im not taking any third party thoughts on this. im right<3
THE most heinous crime in the series was they didn’t allow him even one fucking moment of being gentle and kind with jin ling. like??? jin ling is his only fucking relative and youre trying to tell me that jiang cheng, who’s heart is so full it bleeds through his chest, did not pour every ounce of love and affection he had for his sister onto his nephew? fuck off lol
this isnt to say jiang cheng should be super kind and doting all the time bc no, thats silly, hes very much a cranky yelling asian parent who says ‘ill break your legs’ as much as my dad does BUT with actual love this time. 
but like say when jin ling is having a FULL public breakdown on the pier right, jiang cheng doesnt even soften then? really? hes not gonna give any kind of serious comfort to his CRYING teenaged nephew? seriously? okay.
anyway. read my canon divergence fic Or Else. no literally read it im putting a leetle snippet of it under the cut- its jiang cheng scolding six year old jin ling and its the paternal dynamic we SHOULD have gotten and were HORRIBLY DENIED 
but before that,  send me a character!
“Jin Rulan! Come back here this instant!” 
Huaisang smiles to see the little figure stop and turn to stick his tongue out at the sect leader. Sect Leader Jiang chokes on air at his nephew’s audacity for a moment, recovering quickly and striding towards him with purpose, face twisted in anger. Jin Rulan laughs and skips backwards, and Huaisang takes an involuntary step forward as he sees exactly where this is going. The little boy stumbles as he lands a foot wrong on the stone, and goes crashing down. Huaisang winces in sympathy. The other sect leader in the courtyard is not as understanding. He reaches him just as the boy has decided that yes, this does hurt, and bursts into loud tears, but still Sect Leader Jiang stands over him, glaring. 
“Serves you right! This is what happens when you don’t listen! You’re lucky I don’t give you a real reason to cry!” 
Huaisang winces again and stops himself from drifting any closer. Jiang Cheng lets out a huff of air and crouches down. He puts a gentle hand on the boy’s face, and this instantly halves his crying. Jiang Cheng’s face is still scrunched up, brows furrowed, but now it looks closer to concern than anger. 
“Come on,” he grouses, hoisting Jin Rulan up and onto his hip. The boy immediately tucks his face into Jiang Cheng’s shoulder, hands clasped around his neck. Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes and exhales sharply in annoyance, but his mouth quirks up in the beginnings of a stifled smile anyway. Huaisang watches as he walks away, rubbing small soothing circles on Jin Rulan’s back and swaying just enough to be reminiscent of the swing of a lullaby. 
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