#free family portrait studio
redlegumes · 6 months
Dec 2nd: Came Back Wrong
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles
prompt: Came Back Wrong | AO3: link | wc: 750 | rating: T | cw: none | tags: Steve Harrington has bad parents, found family, Christmas cards, holiday cards, return to sender
Summary: A holiday card marked 'return to sender' and Eddie remind Steve who his family is.
“Looks like one of the cards came back to us babe,” Eddie said, flipping through bills. He handed Steve the battered blue envelope that Steve instantly recognized from their Christmas cards that year.
Steve looked at the neat block lettering the recipient had used to print the words ‘return to sender' above the address, and quickly noticed that the envelope was… altered. It was obvious to Steve that it'd gone through more wear than regular transport could have created.
“Stevie?” Eddie stopped looking through their other mail and set it on the kitchen counter before walking up to Steve. He ran his hands up and down Steve's arms, and began to stare daggers at the offending piece of mail in Steve's hand. “You're a little frozen there. What's wrong?”
Steve cleared his throat to speak, but his own voice still felt a little far away. “It's ‘return to sender,’ but it came back wrong.” 
cont. after the cut
“Uh, looks like a letter sweetheart,” Eddie said. His brow furrowed and Steve caught sight of one eyebrow raising slowly. “Which address was it?”
“Yeah, it- it's just a card,” Steve mumbled, his hands clenched the envelope a little tighter. “It was addressed to my parents.”
Eddie softly asked, “can I see?” Steve didn't respond, or fight when Eddie gently tugged it free from his grip. Instead Steve pictured exactly what was in the envelope. A secular, ‘happy holidays’ card with a blanket sort of sentiment on the front. He and Eddie weren't particularly religious, but they enjoyed the holiday season all the same. The cards they’d chosen that year were blank inside and Steve had spent a long time, not just building a list of recipients but on the letters he wrote out in each one.
The best part of the cards that year were the mall portraits Steve and Eddie ordered. They were in matching red long johns with a Christmas themed background. They even managed to get Lucifer (their three year old tortoise shell cat) and Bird (their mystery mutt) posed with them. Wearing bows. Wrangling the pets into the J.C. Penny photo studio alone had been a feat. Steve normally still chuckled even thinking about it, and Eddie's embellished tale of the event had already come up at multiple holiday parties.
He wondered if the photo would still be inside.
“Ah, I see what you mean now.” Eddie had a grimace on his face as his dexterous fingers turned the envelope over and ran along the top edge. 
Someone had opened the card, and not in an unintentional way. There was no evidence that someone ripped it open, assuming it was a card for them before realizing the mistake and sending it back through the post. No, the envelope had been carefully slit across the top, something one might be able to do with a very sharp letter opener. Steve pictured such a letter opener in detail: being lifted from a wooden, velvet lined box on a desk, the blade sharp, handle heavy, real silver throughout kept free of tarnish.
Eddie practically growled as his nail picked at the single piece of scotch tape that had re-sealed the top edge. “Assholes.” He pulled it off and took out the card, glancing briefly at the careful script Steve had written inside before plucking out their photo. Eddie marched to the fridge where he moved a large souvenir magnet from their California trip to secure it to the front door, centered over the other holiday cards already collaged over the appliance. He hooked Steve’s fingers when he walked back, heading directly to their small home’s fireplace. “We can always use more kindling,” he said, kneeling to nestle the card and envelope between the logs already placed there to light later that day.
Steve nodded, and Eddie took his face in his hands. His calloused grasp was steady, and Steve let himself become absorbed in the hot chocolate brown gaze holding his own. “You made lovely cards this year and our family photo is in the hands of everyone we care about this year. Everyone who loves us sent us cards too.” He kissed Steve’s nose, and sighed. "Are you going to be okay, knowing there was one that came back wrong?”
“I will be,” Steve replied, kissing Eddie on the lips. The kiss was sweet, but Steve also basked in the knowledge he’d built a loving family. One that chose him in return. One that proved, time and time again, what right looked like.
2023 RedLegumes Steddiemas 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 SteddieHolidayDrabbles 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10
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Ari swing bats again and I am here for it
"She needs a doctor-"
"No," Bruce said pouring himself a drink, "She doesn't."
"Alfred," Bruce said heavily, "No, she doesn't." You'd done a good job covering your tracks. Paying in cash, having an untraceable car and a burner identity. Using an assumed name from so far back in your family tree no one would think to look there- Unless you knew how much time you spent tracking down the original owners of portraits and so forth. And Bruce only knew that because you'd made an off hand comment about some of the artwork in the manor being forged or stolen. But, Bruce had kept loose tabs on you.
You'd left in... a state. You were scared. You were confused. And you were hurt. He'd hurt you. And regardless of what Alfred thought of your mental clarity, no one made safe choices in those conditions.
And loose tabs were enough for him to put the pieces together.
He didn't blame you. Not a bit. You weren't ready. You thought your husband was a monster. You didn't want to. You had to. The way an animal needed to free themselves from a trap.
"I- oh dear." Alfred sank into a chair and exhaled sharply, hearing what wasn't being said.
"I don't need a lecture-"
"Far from it," Alfred agreed. "Are you-"
"I'm hardly in a position to dictate her choices," Bruce said, not sure what he felt. The words coming out of your mouth had sounded... terrifying. But somewhere in his mind, he couldn't help but wonder. If he had been kinder. If he had been... better. But then- if he had been better, you wouldn't have been so tempted. The scene at the Museum would have never played out. And instead of being catatonic in your studio you'd be happily decorating a nursery- Or at least pretending to be happy. Like you pretended at the engagement party. At the wedding. For the press. For everyone but Batman.
"That isn't what I asked," Alfred said interrupting his thoughts.
"It's for the best," Bruce said finally. "Even if it is a horrible way for her to get control of something."
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bagelb0nes · 15 days
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more creechur farmer???? (it doesn’t have to be a drawing, just lore or anything like that works, i absolutely love the idea and art!!!!)
Omg hahaha i didn't expect this many people to like my lame ass farmer (i love my child 🫶). Tbh i haven’t pieced out everything about em myself and i'm just making doodles/illustrations of em and putting them together, especially in the cryptid department. But i can tell you some of the more basic stuff and maybe some of the cryptid things that I think are not gonna change…?
Anyways here are some of the writting stuff:
The farmer can speak but just doesn't cause it, well they don't want to. They do occasionally when they feel like it or when it's necessary. Otherwise they just use a notepad or sign language. 
Tends to be quite curious, like borderline dumb curious. Went inside a water cave once because they thought there might be treasures inside of it. Got dragged out by their older cousin.
Silent fucker, doesn't make any sound usually when walking to places unless they are carrying something heavy. 
Got quite strong after moving to the farm, the farmwork and construction helped them build more strength. 
Falls asleep easily in uncomfortable places. Idk why the guy is just weird.
The farmer has a family back in Zuzu city and some relatives near the valley, like a couple towns away( more lore I guess? There is so much haha). I have actually made a family tree for em but it's mostly sketching and the portraits are quite old so I will need to update it at some point. 
The farmer's family consists of one sister and two moms. The farmer and the sister are not adopted. 
Baby farmers' first words were bark. 
They are only close to one of their mom’s, their sister keeps them at arm's length (no idea why) and their mother is quite strict.
The farmer is in their mid 20’s and did not go to university, the guy took one lecture and dropped out. Instead they took some courses and job hopped until they landed in Joja. They worked there for only 3 years. 
Used to volunteer in the animal shelter, quite fond of animals. Sometimes they thought they could understand them.
Very minimalist when it comes to stuff like clothes, food and activity. They keep a certain amount of clothes since they don't find it necessary to have more than what they can use. If they do get new clothes it is usually because the old ones are destroyed. 
Used to live in a tiny apartment (I mean TINY, I will make a sketch of the old apartment if i remember.) somewhat resembled a studio apartment but less picturesque. But they liked it, felt cosy to them. 
Has actually quite a lot of friends even though they never tried to socialise, the guy is often described as “magnetic”. They do have a couple close friends and usually talk to them in their free time. 
Likes pickles as a snack and collects bear related stuff. On their weekends they would go to the animal sanctuary to look at bears and eat cucumbers.
HA, this bitch cant pull. They do attract but they can't pull, horrible at socialising, just awful. 
As said before even though they absolutely suck ASS at socializing, something about them is magnetic to people. But those people are usually kept at an arm 's distance, since the farmer knows that they don't seem to really have an interest in em.
Has had a couple relationships before, mostly stiff and boring ones since they never desired anyone to THAT extent. But if they do fall they fall hard. 
Their closest relationship right now in the valley is Linus, The wizard and Evelyn. They are trying really hard to befriend others but don't know how to properly approach it besides just giving them gifts and doing tasks for them. 
Does in fact have a thing for Shane. Poor guy is going through it. 
The farmer does have avian genes from the non grandpa side of the family.
The grandpa had “relations” with a forest guardian. By relations i mean that Gramps and the forest guardian become friends after Gramps comes across the secret woods and FG was like “hey i think you are cool and a good candidate as a future holder of the valley” and gramps was like “nice” and then he gave them some hair, skin and sweat. FG mixes it and after a year the farmer's mom and other siblings are born. 
They are kind of a “fae” I guess but i don't know if they qualify as they do have some of the traits but not all?
 When the green rain happens it  causes them to forcefully transmute into their more avian form. They have no control over it, since it's a new thing to them. Their wings are usually as big if not bigger than them and they get a tail. The change is mostly painless as for the most part its natural materials around them that helps them shape it. Besides the fur and feathers that shit is coming out of them.
The aftermath of the transmutation it's usually a lot of shedding and getting their instincts in check since when it happens their senses get heightened.  
Shane has seen them in the midst of a tranz when walking back from the mines, it was one of the first times the farmer started noticing the weird stuff going on with them.
Oh yeah, they do have fangs or something similar to it, they occasionally puncture their tongue so they are unable to speak for a certain amount of time.
That's all i have so far X0
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enchanting-whim · 3 days
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Welcome to the Shipping Views!
Explore a vibrant hub where creativity and community converge. At Shipping Views, you can indulge in a multitude of experiences designed to inspire and delight.
Boho Whimsy: Step into our Boho Whimsy Bar, an eclectic and serene space where free-spirited decor meets a lively atmosphere. Enjoy handcrafted cocktails, artisanal beers, and a selection of fine wines in a setting adorned with bohemian charm. Perfect for unwinding and socializing with friends.
Concert Area: Immerse yourself in live music at our Concert Area, where local and touring artists perform a variety of genres. From indie bands to soulful acoustic sets, there's always something to set your spirit soaring.
SimPixel Studio: Capture your favorite moments at SimPixel Studio. Whether it's a solo portrait, a family snapshot, or a fun group photo with friends, our studio brings a touch of magic to real-life memories.
The Artful Cup (Under cut): Unleash your inner artist at the Artful Cup, where painting meets the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Join our guided painting sessions led by experienced artists while sipping on your favorite brew.
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laxmiree · 7 months
[CN] MLQC's Lucien Binding Knot Date English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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She told me that a person's life is too short. In the blink of an eye, it's five years, and then another blink, it's ten years.
That's how she and her husband lived their lives, bickering and muddling through, and they ended up spending their whole lifetime together.
Looking back, the bumps in the road and trivial matters along the way don't hold much significance compared to being able to harmoniously live together for a lifetime.
Translation under the cut~
[Notes from Lux: Here's the CN video link if anyone want to follow along his Voice Acting. VERY recommended to re-read S1 chapter 9 and his Chinese Wedding SP Bound By Love/A Love Not in Vain because this date specifically references these two stories. AND perhaps Sacred Mountain Date regarding his belief in God(s)]
[Part 1]
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Lucien: Today is Saturday. Didn't we agree not to work?
Lucien places a bowl of freshly washed blueberries on the coffee table and casually feeds me a few. I sit on the sofa, engrossed in the documents on my laptop.
MC: Kiki has sorted the photography registration form; I need to quickly finish reviewing it so that I can contact them earlier.
Recently, our company launched a charity project called "Taking Family Portraits for One Hundred Elderly People." After the announcement was made, we received dozens of registration forms in just two days.
MC: By the way, Lucien, if any professors from Loveland University are interested in this project, you can invite them as well.
MC: We've rented the best photography studio, and the photographers are top-notch, so you can rest assured about the photo quality.
Lucien: With so many people applying, I think we should try to avoid giving slots to people we know, right?
MC: Don't worry. Even though we're promoting it as a hundred people externally, we've discussed it internally and will try to accommodate as many as possible.
MC: We're willing to help strangers, let alone the people we know.
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Lucien: In that case... I do have an idea.
Lucien points to the peace knot hanging on my wall- a knot that Grandma Wen taught me to weave, and it still hangs on one side of Lucien's bookshelf.
MC: Are you talking about Grandma Wen?
Grandma Wen is an elderly person who lives alone. Lucien and I have a close relationship with her. We've learned how to weave knots from her and even borrowed wedding attire. So, we visit her whenever we have free time.
She is also very hospitable to us, always arranging snacks for us to enjoy. She also advises us young people not to focus only on work but to remember to take care of ourselves.
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MC: Actually, I did consider inviting her at first, but Grandma Wen's husband has already passed away, and having her take a family portrait alone might be a bit…
Lucien: Are you worried that it might make her uncomfortable?
Seeing me nod, Lucien leans back on the sofa, tilts his head, and smiles slightly.
Lucien: [chuckles] I think she won't mind at all.
Lucien: How about we ask her? One never knows.
After a lengthy discussion, we decided to call Grandma Wen. I carefully choose my words and extend the invitation, but Grandma Wen laughs heartily and readily accepts.
We finalize the shooting schedule. Lucien and I will pick her up together when the time comes.
However, Grandma Wen suggests she'd like to bring her cat, Baby, along for the photoshoot.
[Part 2]
On the agreed-upon morning, we arrive punctually at Grandma Wen's doorstep. While Lucien parks the car, I take the initiative to go and knock on the door.
The black-and-white spotted little cat lies under the eaves, rolling around playfully and occasionally pawing at something in the air, looking quite content.
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MC: Baby~ Come here kitty for a hug~
But the little kitty pays no attention to me, completely engrossed in rolling on the ground. It rolls several times and ends up a meter away from me.
Lucien: (gently calls the kitty) Baby, come here.
Just as Lucien approaches, Baby suddenly gets up, takes two steps, and runs to Lucien's feet. It raises its paw and paw at the cuff of Lucien's pants, meowing incessantly.
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MC: That's quite a contrast in treatment!
MC: Although I've played with it plenty of times before, it still prefers you. That's unfair!
Lucien lowers his gaze and sighs at the cat.
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Lucien: [chuckles] You see, I didn't do anything, but she's angry just because you like me more.
Lucien: If you could talk, I'm sure you'd also think this is even more unfair to me, right?
Lucien crouches down and strokes the cat's head, using his fingers to rub its cheek gently.
Lucien: Please remember to be a little more coquettish with her later. Otherwise, I'll be in a tough spot.
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MC: ...Hmph, you're not in a tough spot at all!
Lucien can't resist laughing and takes out a sealed bag of cat treats from his pocket, feeding them to Baby.
Lucien: Baby is actually relatively easy to please. Just give it some treats a few more times, and it will be circling around you.
Grandma Wen: MC, you're here…
I turn around and see that Grandma Wen is already standing at the door.
MC: Grandma! You look so beautiful today!
Grandma Wen is wearing a short jacket with a standing collar and a diagonal button today. It's evident at a glance that the craftsmanship is exquisite.
The satin fabric is smooth and lustrous, while the embroidery is lifelike with intricate stitching.
Grandma Wen sheepishly waves her hand.
Grandma Wen: These are old clothes I haven't worn in seven or eight years. It's rare that I've taken them out.
MC: Old clothes? I can't tell. They look just like new…
MC: Is the embroidery on the hem here the Lotus Pond? Each lotus is transitioned with several colors... It's really beautiful!
MC: Did you embroider this yourself, Grandma?
Grandma Wen touches the hem, smoothing the embroidered threads of the lotus leaves.
Grandma Wen: My husband made this for me when he was still alive.
Grandma Wen: From pattern drafting to embroidery, he did every step himself, insisting that his craftsmanship was better than mine.
Grandma Wen: These embroideries used to be even more beautiful, but unfortunately, the thread colors have faded over time.
MC: I can't tell that the thread colors have faded. I think it looks incredibly beautiful.
MC: Your complexion looks great today. When it's time for the photo shoot, we'll have a hairstylist do your hair. We must create a hairstyle that compliments this dress perfectly.
Lucien walks over carrying a cat carrier and lets Grandma Wen check Baby's condition.
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Lucien: I used some cat treats to coax it into the carrier, and it didn't make any fuss and was very well-behaved.
Grandma Wen: Baby~ Baby, today we're going out for a photoshoot. After we get in the car, you must be good and not cause any trouble for your brothers and sisters, okay?
Grandma Wen claps her hands toward the cat inside the carrier, and Baby starts to scratch the carrier, about to meow. But Lucien offers a cat treat, and it immediately quiets down.
I give Lucien a thumbs up - only he can do it.
Lucien: How about you sit in the back with Grandma Wen later? If Baby wants to come out, you can feed it some cat treats.
MC: Mm, no problem~
Grandma Wen: Is it time to leave? Let me grab a few things.
Grandma Wen goes back inside and returns with a Chángshān covered in a dustproof cover. I have a vague idea of who the owner of this robe might be.
Grandma Wen: I made this Chángshān for my husband when I was young. It was his favorite outfit. I'll bring it along for the photoshoot. So, it's as if he's also accompanying me.
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Lucien takes a half step forward, probably thinking that the gown in the bag is not light and wanting to help Grandma Wen get it into the car. However, when he catches my gaze, he takes a step back.
Lucien: Let's get in the car, Grandma.
Lucien opens both car doors, assists Grandma Wen into the car, helps her fasten the seatbelt, and then checks that the cat carrier on my lap is secure before closing the car doors.
[Part 3]
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After arriving at the photography studio, the makeup artist has to apply makeup and do the hair for Grandma Wen.
I'm worried that Grandma Wen might hesitate to communicate her needs with the makeup artist, so I am constantly accompanying her, talking to her, and helping her with her makeup.
Lucien is responsible for taking care of Baby, who starts running around as soon as they enter the photography studio.
Grandma Wen: When we first found Baby in the wild, it was only as big as the palm of a human hand. I made a nest for it with a towel, and it slept under the dining table.
Grandma Wen: In the blink of an eye, it has grown so big.
Grandma Wen: When it was little, it wasn't this mischievous. It used to lie in the corner every day obediently and didn't let anyone approach. As soon as someone got close, it would run away.
Grandma Wen: Now, it plays with birds, teases dogs, and does all sorts of daring things. There's nothing it's afraid to do.
Grandma Wen gently squeezes my hand and says.
Grandma Wen: You should go outside and take a look. It's not easy for Professor Lucien to keep an eye on Baby all by himself. There are machines everywhere here. Don't let that smelly cat cause any trouble for you.
I nod and walk out of the makeup room.
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In the living room of the photography studio, there is a bright lounge area. Lucien is holding a cat teaser toy, playing with Baby as it pounces back and forth on the sofa.
MC: You even brought a cat teaser wand?
Lucien: Not just that, I also have a cat jingle bell ball and a laser pointer in the trunk.
Lucien: I consulted my colleagues who have pets, and they said that if you want your pets to behave well for photos, you need to let them play for a good hour beforehand.
Lucien: Once they get tired from playing, they can cooperate more.
I walk over and sit down on the sofa, gently petting Baby's head. It doesn't resist and tilts its head up, allowing me to scratch its chin.
Lucien finds a moment to rest and casually picks up a book from the bookshelf, leaning back on the sofa.
MC: (smiles) It seems like this method is working. It's already behaving quite well now.
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Lucien: It's probably just temporarily tired from playing. After a short rest, it will be jumping around again.
Lucien: After all, it's the most mischievous kitten I've ever seen.
Lucien gently taps the top of the Baby's head, and the kitten raises its front paw, quickly grabbing his finger.
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Lucien: It climbs trees, catches birds, and even fights with stray cats... When it's full of energy, there's no stopping it.
I recall not too long ago when Baby went missing again. When we found it, it was in the middle of a fight with a stray cat outside, and its face was scratched up.
We were afraid that Grandma Wen would worry if she saw its condition, so we didn't return it directly. Instead, we told her that we were taking it to the hospital for a check-up and would bring it back once it recovered.
MC: (smiles softly) Do you remember what you said the last time we took Baby to the hospital?
Lucien: Hm?
MC: You said that despite its many escapades, Grandma Wen never considered keeping it indoors and always let it go out to play.
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Lucien: I remember, if it were up to me, I wouldn't let this little cat run wild everywhere.
I pick up the cat teaser toy and start playing with the little cat, swinging it on and off.
MC: As soon as we mentioned taking a family photo, Grandma Wen immediately thought of bringing the cat along.
MC: It's clear that in Grandma Wen's heart, it's her most important family member.
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MC: That's how it is among family members. No matter how worried or concerned we are, we still want the other person to be happy and do what they want to do.
Lucien: ….Our Great Producer has something to say and found a good way to start the conversation.
Noticing that I had a hidden agenda, Lucien had already guessed what it was.
Lucien: Grandma Wen already told you, didn't she?
MC: Right before the makeup session, Grandma Wen pulled me aside in a corner to talk.
MC: She said that you've been to the Matchmaker's Temple alone several times before and also visited her along the way.
I sigh meaningfully.
MC: Professor Lucien, have you encountered a problem that materialism* can't solve?
[T/N: Materialism in this context is more of a philosophical belief that only physical matter exists and that everything can be explained through the physical world and natural laws.]
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Lucien leans back leisurely on the sofa, wearing only a light smile.
Baby rolls over under his palm, purring contentedly.
Lucien: Gods don't solve problems. I'm a researcher, and I still have to uphold certain principles.
Lucien: But when it comes to matters of the heart, it's just too complicated... variables abound, and there's no optimal solution.
Lucien: So, I often wonder if a certain little fool occasionally worries about me or gets angry for me. Is it because I haven't done well enough?
He lifts the corner of his eyebrows, seeming not to be troubled by this matter, just candidly sharing his feelings.
The unbridled sunlight streams through the curtains, illuminating the tenderness in his eyes with exceptional clarity.
Lucien: Questions without answers are better left to metaphysics.
Lucien: Even if the problem doesn't get solved, you can still find some comfort in it to some extent.
As Lucien speaks, he no longer plays with Baby. The cat feels neglected and keeps nudging Lucien's palm with its head.
I stroke its fluffy head and realize that it's been a very long time since the first time I saw this cat with Lucien in the wheat field.
Some things probably don't have answers in either science or metaphysics; the experiences of life are what will eventually reveal the truth.
MC: Lucien, do you know what Grandma Wen just said to me?
Lucien: Tell me.
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MC: She told me that a person's life is too short. In the blink of an eye, it's five years, and then another blink, it's ten years.
MC: That's how she and her husband lived their lives, bickering and muddling through, and they ended up spending their whole lifetime together.
MC: Looking back, the bumps in the road and trivial matters along the way don't hold much significance compared to being able to harmoniously live together for a lifetime.
Lucien straightens up, seeing that there's no one around, and then suddenly leans down to place a kiss on my forehead.
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The warm sunshine reflects in his eyes as he looks at me. He smiles a little and casually picks up the kitty, holding it in his arms as if nothing happened.
Lucien: Grandma Wen is right.
[Part 4]
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After the lighting technician adjusts the lighting, Lucien and I stand in the corner of the photography studio.
Grandma Wen sits on the mahogany bench, spreading her husband's Chángshān flat across her lap. The photographer holds Baby and places it on the Chángshān.
The naturally mischievous cat is being incredibly well-behaved at this moment. No matter how the photographer handles it, it's willing to cooperate and even knows how to look at the camera.
Photographer: Grandma, please reach out your hand and gently touch the cat's head—yes, that's right, just a natural touch will do.
Photographer: This cat is so well-behaved, cooperative and calm.
Grandma Wen: Good Baby, I'll make you some fish to eat when we get back tonight.
Photographer: Grandma, let's maintain this pose and take two more shots.
Lucien gazes at the scene before him, momentarily lost in thought.
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Lucien: From the first time we entered her house, I noticed that there were no photos of her and her husband displayed in her home.
Lucien: Upon careful inquiry, I discovered that they had indeed never taken any photos together.
Lucien: ...Two people spending a lifetime together is something worth commemorating. They should have had a photo together.
After he says that, he turns his head slightly and whispers in my ear.
Lucien: Thanks to the producer's help, at least Grandma Wen has a family portrait now, regardless of the circumstances.
For a moment, I'm unsure of what to say.
He's truly humble for someone who has doubted his understanding of love.
After the shoot, Lucien and I accompanied Grandma Wen back the same way we came.
Grandma Wen: Stay for dinner. You two don't be so polite…
Grandma Wen: I feel bad that both of you have been busy all day. Having a meal together is no big deal, just a few extra pairs of chopsticks.
We don't want her to have to deal with cooking after a long day of photoshoots, so we politely decline.
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Lucien: Grandma, it's still early. MC and I plan to visit the Matchmaker Temple, so we won't stay.
Lucien: You've had a long day today. Remember to rest well.
MC: Yes, Grandma. After the photos are developed, I'll bring them to you right away. We'll have the meal you promised then.
Grandma Wen didn't insist on keeping us any longer, but she promised that the next time we visit, we must stay for a meal. We quickly nodded in agreement.
On the way to the Matchmaker Temple, the sun gradually sets, casting a beautiful array of evening colors between the trees and stone steps. It's hard for anyone walking through this scenery not to feel relaxed.
MC: It's quite rare for this place to be this peaceful.
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Lucien: Festivals have yet to happen recently, so there are very few tourists. The Matchmaker God can take a break too.
MC: With no incense burning at the Matchmaker Temple, does it mean that everyone hasn't been facing relationship difficulties? It seems like a good thing, doesn't it?
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Lucien: (shushes and whispers) Shhh... with a troubling view like that, you might upset the Matchmaker God. Be careful not to displease him.
I can't help but laugh at his teasing, and I also find his words reasonable. I quickly pull Lucien to pay respects to the Matchmaker and offer incense.
I hope that the Matchmaker is understanding and doesn't take my words to heart.
After offering incense and making a donation, Lucien and I found a couple of chairs inside the temple and sat down. We plan to watch the sunset for a while and leave when the temple closes.
The faint scent of sandalwood here blends with the natural aroma of the forest, creating a tranquil and enduring atmosphere that instantly soothes the heart. I lean closer to Lucien and ask softly.
MC: Lucien, what wishes did you make when you came here alone before? Have any of them come true?
Lucien bends slightly, brushing away a cluster of dandelion seeds that accidentally caught onto his shirt cuff. He then leisurely curves his lips into a smile.
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Lucien: I don't even remember the specific wishes I made anymore.
Lucien: They were probably just about small things, like planning to meet up but then having something come up at the research institute, causing me to break the appointment.
Lucien: Another example is when I promise to sleep well, but then accidentally stay up for a few nights and get caught by you.
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Lucien: (laughs softly)....
Lucien: Now that I think about it, they were indeed all trivial matters, and you've always been very understanding.
Lucien lifts his gaze, meeting my eyes.
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Lucien: Although we quickly forget these minor disagreements.
Lucien: But occasionally, I do pay attention to these little disagreements that fill our lives. After all, even the smallest things have their own meaning.
I can't help but let my lips curl up slowly, and Lucien lifts his chin, revealing a somewhat helpless expression.
Lucien: It's evident that the Great Producer is very pleased with my introspection.
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MC: …..Pfft, not exactly 'very'.
MC: I'm just marveling at how Professor Lucien sets such astonishingly high standards for himself.
MC: It seems like I don't reflect on my actions much when I make you angry... But from today on, I'll try to change that.
Lucien: [chuckles] It's okay.
Lucien changes the topic, and a smile spreads in his eyes.
Lucien: Now that I think about it, these little bumps and trivial matters aren't really that important.
He takes a knot from his pocket and hands it to me. The way the knot is tied resembles the peace knot that Grandma Wen had taught me before, but the weaving method seems more intricate.
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Lucien: This is a knot that Grandma Wen taught me to weave as a special thank you for us.
Lucien: She also said that the name of this knot is yí shì yíjiā (宜室宜家).
Lucien: Today, it seems like I have a clearer understanding of the meaning of this word.
[T/N: 宜室宜家 is a Chinese idiom that means "live harmoniously; make a harmonious and orderly home." It is often used as a congratulatory message on a wedding. The idiom comes from a line in the poem "Tao Yao" in the Book of Songs, which reads, "之子于归,宜其室家" (the son is returning home, where he should live harmoniously with his wife and make a harmonious and orderly home). And it fits with the date theme of living harmoniously together for a lifetime despite all the small bumps🥺.]
Suddenly, my heart feels soft, and I take a small step closer to Lucien's shoulder. I pick up my phone and open the front camera.
I put both of us in the frame.
The setting sun casts a gentle glow behind us, and the breeze is light, creating a tranquil and beautiful atmosphere.
MC: The sunset today looks beautiful. Let's take a photo together.
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MC: 3, 2, 1–
My trailing voice fades away in the warm breath as Lucien lowers his head and kisses me.
[Bonus Call - "Family Portrait"]
Lucien: Hello, it's me. I have some good news to tell you.
MC: What is it?
Lucien: Didn't you put Grandma Wen's family portrait photo on the company's public social media account?
MC: Um... Grandma Wen said it was okay, so I posted it. What's the matter?
Lucien: A professor from the university recognized Grandma Wen's clothes and said he had seen the person in the photo before, right at the West Moon Street intersection.
Lucien: This professor was a photography enthusiast when he was younger, and at the time, he noticed Grandma Wen's well-dressed appearance and couldn't resist taking a photo.
Lucien: Later on, he always wanted to give the photo to Grandma Wen, but he went to West Moon Street a few times and never encountered them again.
MC: "Them?"
Lucien: Mm, that's the good news I wanted to share. The photo the professor took is a picture of Grandma Wen and her husband.
MC: That's quite a coincidence!
Lucien: There's an even greater coincidence.
Lucien: I just got my hands on this photo, and in it, Grandma Wen is holding a tiny kitten the size of her palm.
MC: Is it Baby?
Lucien: Judging by its patterns, it seems so.
Lucien: Although the photo is quite old, I've contacted a professional photo restoration expert, and if all goes well, it should be restored within about a week.
MC: So, we can bring this photo to Grandma Wen next weekend?
Lucien: Exactly. They're real family portraits, and I hope it can truly make up for her regrets.
MC: ...It's really amazing, it feels like there's something guiding us in all of this.
Lucien: Who knows, maybe it really is.
Lucien: Let's go together to get the photo restored later. I know you're eager to see it as soon as possible.
MC: Um—I'll finish up what I'm doing, and then I'll come find you right away!
[Lux's Short Rambles]
I didn't expect this date to be this good huhu. It's far better than last pet date where it feels like a plot that got way longer than it should 😂. It's also nice to see old NPCs getting mentioned again. The story of Grandma Wen with her husband is touching.
The theme of spending a lifetime together, despite how short life is, never fails got my heart clenched. And I love how this date highlights what a sensitive person Lucien is (in a good way, well, most of the time). He doesn't mind her getting angry at him because he knows that she does it because she cares about him. But he also genuinely fears that she might not be happy; so he goes to the Matchmaker's Temple alone and cares about these small conflicts, believing that they also have meaning :". But in the end, such trivial things and bumps on the road don't matter compared to being able to live their whole lives together, so rather than getting caught up in minor conflicts or trivial matters along the way it's better to priotize living together harmoniously for a lifetime.
He also noticed the smallest things, like how Grandma Wen and her husband never had their photo taken together since the very first time he and MC met Grandma Wen back in S1 Chapter 9. To quote MC, for someone who claimed he doesn't understand what love is, he's truly humble; perhaps back then, he already understands what love is in his heart by loving MC.
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heartgirl2020 · 2 months
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In the words of Paul Frees, the voice behind the famous and unseen Ghost Host, “Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted room actually stretching? Or is it your imagination — hmm?”
In early November of 2023, my family and I traveled to Orlando to spend the week at Disney World (albeit with one of those days being spent at Universal Studios, which ended up being just as enjoyable), and it became one of our most memorable vacations for all the right reasons. Aside from finally riding the Tower of Terror, one of the best but most terrifying rides I’ve ever been on, I also returned to my all-time favorite attraction, The Haunted Mansion. When I was halfway through the ride, I got the idea to combine two of my many favorite things, those being the Haunted Mansion’s Stretching Room portraits and the Papa Louie games.
That brings us to today, in which, after many months of waiting, I finally present the sequel to the WIP I posted a while back. I’m delighted with the final result, especially since I’ve fixated on this idea for so long. It might be a bit messy or wrinkled in some spots because I wanted to show that these were older portraits in dire need of restoration.
With that said, I hope you enjoy it! 😊💜
*All characters involved belong to their respective creators*
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scotianostra · 9 days
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On 17th May 1870 David Octavius Hill, the painter and pioneering Scottish photographer, died.
Hill was one of several pioneering photographers Scotland produced during the 19th century. If you follow my posts you have definitely seen lots of his pictures.
David Octavius Hill was born in Perth, the son of a book publisher. He was educated at Perth Academy and the School of Design in Edinburgh. Hill was an acceptable landscape painter and illustrator (illustrating some novels for Sir Walter Scott). Always involved in the art world, he helped organize the Royal Academy of Scotland and served as secretary from its inception until his death. He was a respected artist in his time, but not one that would be recognized today had he not become involved with Robert Adamson.
David Octavius Hill was present in 1843 at the meeting of the Church of Scotland and witnessed the succession of 457 ministers to reassemble as the Free Church of Scotland. Hill was so moved he pledged to paint a portrait of all 457 ministers together. Sir David Brewster, who had studied for the clergy of the Church of Scotland was also at the meeting. He suggested the use of the Calotype as a sketching tool.
Adamson, who had opened his studio at Rock House just weeks before, entered into a joint venture with Hill to photograph all 457 men of the new Free Church of Scotland. The subjects were posed outside. One set was designed to appear indoors but was actually outdoors with furniture and drapery against a wall of the building.
David Octavius Hill’s 12 ft-wide Disruption Painting, widely thought to be the first time a painter based his work on photographs. The work, which was begun in 1843 and took 23 years to complete, includes everyone involved in signing the agreement that set up the Free Church of Scotland in the 19th century.
Hill and Adamson mainly made Calotype documentary portraits that beautifully speak of their time. They photographed not only the churchmen, but also a variety of subjects: landscapes, architecture, friends and family. Their environmental portraits were among the earliest recorded, utilizing the new medium of photography. They worked together on their project for four and a half years, until Adamson’s early death in 1848.
After Adamson’s premature death at age 27, Hill temporarily abandoned photography and returned to painting. Hill became a member of the Photographic Society of Scotland in 1856 and ran a studio with Alexander McGlashan from 1861 to 1862 publishing Some Contributions Towards the Use of Photography as an Art. Hill sold the remnants of his studio with Adamson in 1869. The property on Calton Hill is now holiday accommodation.
Hill is buried in Dean Cemetery, Edinburgh - one of the finest Victorian cemeteries in Scotland. He is portrayed in a bust sculpted by his second wife, Amelia, who is buried alongside him.
Pics are mainly of Hill, with several pieces of his artwork.
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underaverageheight · 1 year
Love (4/8)
HHJ x fem!reader
Fluff, established relationship Warning(s): None but like Hyunjin lovingly talking crap about Han and his "cousin" Slightly proofread
Feel free to reblog and like with feedback, comments are great but I won't be able to respond since this is a sub-blog
"Daddyyyy! Look what I drew!" Little Eun-Byeol ran up to her father waving a piece of paper. "Here."
"What is it?"
"It's us. That's you, me and Mommy at the studio!" With shining eyes, she raced to her mother, explaining her hand drawn family portrait.
"Isn't our Eun-Byeol such a great artist? She gets it from you, Hyun." Standing behind your husband, you smiled lovingly.
"You know she gets her looks from you, my love," Hyunjin stood up, embracing both his daughter and wife. "Wanna go out today?"
"Yayyy! Can we go to the zoo? Please, I wanna see the birds and the squirrels!"
"I'm not sure how you learned about Ji's cousin but sure, Star," Hyunjin stifled a laugh, dodging a light swipe from you.
"Hwang Hyunjin!" You fake gasped. "Eun-Byeol, your father can be so mean to his friends, I ought to tell Uncle Jisung and make him apologize, right?" Eun-Byeol laughed, nodding her head. She pulled Hyunjin's phone from his pocket and found Jisung's contact.
"Uncle Ji! It's me! Eun-Byeol!" Laughter could be heard on the other side of the call.
"Hi Eun-Byeol! Is your mom or dad around?"
"Yeah, but Daddy was being mean. He said your cousin lives in the zoo."
Thumping and cackling was all you could hear. You could picture it, Jisung laughing and pounding on his couch, chair, wherever he was and laughing til he couldn't breathe. "M- wheeze- My what? My cousin? pfft-"
You shook your head, laughing a bit as you took the phone out of your daughter's hand. "Hey Ji, Eun-Byeol wanted to see some squirrels at the zoo," you giggled. "I told him he should apologize," Turning to face your husband, you found him and Eun-Byeol dancing and chanting.
"Go Quokka, go Quokka..."
"I'll call you back, Ji" You ran up behind your daughter and picked her up. "You are just like your father," Kissing your daughter and husband, you held them close.
"And I love that."
A/N: I've never had so much fun writing a blurb that went off the idea I originally wanted, lowkey love this..."Thumping and cackling was all you could hear." wrote this because of the "Your Eyes" MV and that one time in Chan's room (i forgot why)
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amethystamanda · 3 months
Family Member Trait
This is a very simple trait to track your legacy families. It is inherited from parent to child and all it does it give them a trait called Family Member so that you will know which sims your sim is related to after you've lost track, or just to have it there. There is no added effect from being near family--your sims can have a close or difficult relationship without this trait affecting your story.
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For your founder (or any sim you're applying it to manually), you can find the Family Member reward trait in the reward store for 100 Satisfaction Points, or you can cheat it on to them (for example, by using MCCC > MC CAS, or you can turn on testing cheats and use the cheat 'traits.equip_trait amethyst_lilac:family_member_reward_trait_basic').
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Then, when they have biological children, they will inherit the trait. From Owen down to baby Tabitha.
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If you use Show/Search Sim Info (updated by Frankk https://frankkmods.com/#/mods/show-sim-info), you can search all sims in the world to find your family.
The trait is Base Game Compatible and has no custom strings, so it should already be translated to all languages.
To have the trait appear in the reward store or be inheritable, you NEED Lot51's Core Library (https://lot51.cc/core). Otherwise you will need to cheat the trait on, and it will be cosmetic only (no inheritance). But if you want to use it for that, feel free.
It DOES apply to science babies.
It does NOT apply to pre-existing children, children made in CAS, adopted children, or relationships created in any other way then birth or science baby, but you can manually add the traits to them in live mode.
Download: Patreon link (free): https://www.patreon.com/posts/family-member-98435560
The only cc used in the screenshots is Kijiko's eyelashes (various versions) and Lin Natural Nails (https://linsims.tumblr.com/post/670270790994935808/hello-simblr-they-had-been-broken-by-the-last)
Poses (first pic only) are a mix of [ROSELIPA] I GOT LOVE (https://www.patreon.com/posts/roselipa-i-got-79047876), Seated Poses 3 - Pose Pack by StarrySimsie (https://www.patreon.com/posts/94912888), and Family Portrait Collection: I by onyxsims (https://onyxsims.tumblr.com/post/157964977438/family-portrait-collection-i-updated-3317). Thanks to:
The RivRel mod (long broken now) for giving me the original idea, even though it wasn't quite what I wanted.
Lot51's TDesc Builder and to Sims 4 Studio, which I used to make the trait.
Waffle on discord for helping me get the last piece I couldn't figure out on my own.
Updates and Info:
Cleared for use with game versions 1.105.297.
March 15, 2024: Thanks to recent changes to Lot51's Core Library, the requirement for Mal22's Trait Tracker Injector has been removed. Now requires Lot51's Core Library only. Also now in a zip. Make sure to update Core Library and to unzip the folder! (You should have amethyst_Family Reward Trait.package in your mods folder, not the zip)
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ragewithinthestorm · 3 months
closed for @agoldenlily
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It had been a long day in the studio, in the time since he'd settled on land and opened his studio, he'd began doing annual gallery shows to free up space for more paintings. He didn't need the money himself due to his family wealth, so instead he undersold his paintings and the money went to orphanages, animal shelters, medical facilities that worked with the less fortunate and elderly care homes, just like he did with any money he made from painting people who wanted portraits done. But being physically disabled himself it was hard to be on his feet this much, he had sold most of the paintings and was looking forward to finishing for the day so he could rest.
He was taking a breather as the day was winding down, leaning against a wall, using his cane to take weight off his leg as much as possible, not many knew he was missing a leg as he kept his prosthetic hidden in public. "Papa, a new lady came in," a small voice spoke up from the snack table, his daughter was happily eating the treats, unlike Kid her prosthetic arm was on full display, it was state of the art and clearly he'd spend good money on the seven year old.
"Welcome," he moved from the wall to greet his new guest, she was certainly in there for the first time as he was sure he would recognise someone so, beautiful. "I don't believe I've seen you before, I'm Karol and this is Sophia," he said glancing over to his daughter briefly as he made his way to the new woman, limping as he walked with his cane, family ring shining on his cane hand, Sophia had the family symbol integrated into her prosthetic arm.
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nzbookwyrm · 4 months
“Was it a government action, or did they do it themselves because of pressure?”
This is inevitably among our first questions when news breaks that any expressive work (a book, film, news story, blog post etc.) has been censored or suppressed by the company or group trusted with it (a publisher, a film studio, a newspaper, an awards organization etc.)
This is not a direct analysis of the current 2023 Chengdu Hugo Awards controversy. But since I am a scholar in the middle of writing a book about patterns in the history of how censorship operates, I want to put at the service of those thinking about the situation this zoomed-out portrait of a few important features of how censorship tends to work, drawn from my examination of examples from dozens of countries and over many centuries. The conclusions here are helpful for understanding this situation, but equally applicable to thinking about when school libraries bow to book ban pressures, how controversies impact book publishing in the USA and around the world, and historical cases: from the Inquisition, to censorious union-busting in 1950s New Zealand, to the US Comics Code Authority, to universities censoruing student newspapers, etc.
Think about how many man-hours it takes to search thousands of homes one-by-one to confiscate and destroy a particular book, versus how cheap and easy it is to have a showy book burning or arrest of an author which scares thousands of families into destroying the book if they have it. Will the show trial or book burning scare people into destroying every copy? No, a few will keep it, even treasure it more because of its precious scarcity, but the number who do is no larger than the number whose copies would’ve been missed by the ever-imperfect process of the search, and the cost in manpower is 1/1000th of the cost of the search, freeing up resources for other action.
For this reason, censorship systems want to be visible. They don’t tend to invisibly and perniciously hide their traces, they tend to advertise it: in big printed letters, blacked-out passages, or a brightly-colored screen. Even when a blocked website redirects you to ERROR: THIS WEBSITE IS BLOCKED, that is a deliberate choice—very different from, for example, the period in which Amazon’s website invisibly redirected searches away from Hachette titles to non-Hachette books. The Inquisition, USSR, movie ratings board, comics code authority, all such regimes could have done their work invisibly too, but instead they tend to prefer to advertise their presence, because that causes the most self-censorship ripple impact. (Amazon’s goal was not to be feared and seen as a censor, but to hurt Hachette financially, hence its very atypical tactics.)
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guinevereblom · 4 months
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Jeanna Bauck (Swedish painter) 1840 - 1926
Den danska Konstnärinnan Bertha Wegmann målande ett Porträtt (The Danish Artist Bertha Wegmann Painting a Portrait), 1889
oil on canvas
Jeanna Bauck has depicted her close friend and colleague Bertha Wegmann while working on a portrait of Peter Dethlefsen, a Danish physician. It is an epoch-making painting capturing a woman artist in her professional role during concentrated work in her own studio. Bauck and Wegmann met in Munich in the 1870s. They lived for many years in an intimate private and professional partnership and painted several friendship images of each other.
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Catalogue Note National Museum
This is an epoch-making image from 1889, when women artists and writers had a major influence on the cultural life of the period. They managed to change both the view, of the role of the artist and that of middle-class family life.
Here Jeanna Bauck has chosen to depict a female artist in the middle of the creative process. She portrays Bertha Wegmann fully absorbed in her work at the easel, in their shared studio and home in Munich. Wegmann, who was to become one of Denmark’s foremost portraitists, later painted Jeanna Bauck in their studio in Paris in 1881. In that painting, she managed to combine the free, independent woman of the time, “The New Woman”, with the refinement of middle-class femininity. Around this period, artists painted countless portraits of their friends and colleagues, but it was only the women who portrayed each other in their professional role. The will to create art is acknowledged as being paternal within a patriarchy, and as long as patriarchal societies’ are considered “natural”, it is “unnatural” and “unfeminine” for a woman to be an artist.
In the 19th century a hierarchical division between public and private space was established and which still exists today. In modernist art history, the home is therefore described as a timeless zone; the so-called women’s sphere is regarded as a static stage in relation to the narrative of modernity taking place in the public space of a dynamic city. At the time, since middle-class women were not able to move freely in the streets, women artists had to depict modernity from differing social spaces than their male colleagues. One can therefore in their images see which “spaces” were open for their portrayals. Paintings by Nordic female artists show that they literally did not move beyond the studio: it was both their home and place of work. A social space associated with professional life and thereby with the public realm. In their portraits’, the studio represents at once a space of endless possibilities, but also the absolute limit of their world. They chose not to paint the modern city outside, in contrast to the female artists of the avant-garde, who had to depict modernity from balconies and theatre boxes.
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Jeanna Bauck was a Swedish portrait painter and landscape artist. She moved to Germany in 1863, studying in Dresden and Düsseldorf before settling in Munich. In the 1870s, Bauck made several study and sketching tours to the Tyrol, Switzerland and Venice. In 1880, she travelled to Paris, together with Danish artist Bertha Wegmann, with whom she shared a studio. Bauck succeeded in entering the Paris Salon that same year. In a series of groundbreaking portraits of one another, specifically in their professional role’s, Bauck and Wegmann managed to change the view of women artists in what was then seen as a traditionally male occupation. Bauck soon returned to Munich and founded a school for female artists. She exhibited in Sweden on several occasions, including at the Royal Academy exhibitions of 1866, 1868 and 1877, and the exhibition of Swedish female artists in 1911.
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The Man with the Sea in his gaze
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Elendil x reader
This got so long! Hope it is good as well.
Imagine Elendil’s ship finding the remains of a shipwreck after a violent storm and, holding for deal life on a board, you, the only survivor.
In shock, wet as the evening rain, chilled to the bone and still unable to understand you have been saved, you are pulled on board. Surrounded by strange men in blue whose eyes hold curiosity and mistrust, you look all around you, and then something heavy and warm falls on your shoulders, and a deep but musical voice reaches your ears.
“Sssh… you are safe now, I promise; you have nothing to fear from the Sea Guard of Numenor. What is your name, mistress?”
This is how you meet captain Elendil, the owner of the deep blue cape that is now covering your shoulders and back, warming you. He’s not smiling, since he wants to mantain a serious demeanour in front of his men, but there is warmth and kindness in his eyes, whose blue is deeper and brighter than the Sea the ship is sailing through, and that have the power to calm and comfort you.
Having learnt that Armenelos was the destination of your journey, Elendil accompanies you to the city. In an audience with the Queen Regeant, you introduce yourself as a painter hailing from another kingdom, hoping to build a new life and a successful career as an artist in Numenor.
Tar-Miriel allows you to stay. For a period you are completely dependent on the Queen’s generosity, since you have literally lost everything you own in the shipwreck, but a portrait of Miriel you had painted and humbly offered her in gratitude attracts the attention of a few art lovers residing at court, word gets around, and almost in the blink of an eye members of the kingdom’s richest and most prominent families insist to commission or buy one of your works.
Six months later you have established yourself as one of Armenelos’ most respected artists, and you live comfortably and peacefully in the city.
Your studio is in the same street as Elendil’s house - which you already knew when you rented it. As a consequence, your path crosses his almost every day; you would recognize his figure -tall, dressed in blue, movements as deliberate and graceful as those of the rippling waves on the surface of the Sea- everywhere, as well as his smile, polite and respectful, but somehow deeper than it looks, like there is a secret or a private joke only the two of you share.
He can see your lighted windows from his, and one night you have kept working until late, he enters the studio. “A woman should not walk alone at night, not even in a city as safe as Armenelos” he tells you, his arms folded and a smile dancing on his lips “I was wondering if you would allow me to escort you home?”
Sitting on a stool in front of an half-finished canvas, you answer with a smile of your own. “I appreciate the offer, captain, but as you know I live as well as work here, in the back”.
Obviously his presence there is not due to an oversight, far from it. “Really? How foolish of me to forget. In that case, maybe you’ll be interested in a walk? I think you will find the harbour lovely at this time, maybe even a worthy subject for one of your paintings”
You don’t need to tell him there is nowhere you wouldn’t go, even the most unpleasant of places, if that grants you the possibility to enjoy his company, and the sensation of his blue eyes, and his smile, on your person.
You enjoy a long walk together, your hand resting on his arm, his long stride -he is so tall!- slowing to match yours. In the end he walks you back home, and from that day on you start to grow closer. You visit each other at home and at work, you sit next to each other at festivals and public banquets, and spend your free time together.
Nothing openly romantic happens between the two of you, not a kiss, not a declaration of intent,  and part of you wouldn’t mind to go on living like this forever: you appreciate Elendil’s calm presence, his wit, his sincere interest in everything you do. He has been the first friend you have made in Numenor, and you would sooner break your own hand -the one you paint with- rather than losing him.
The other part, instead, fears that if you don’t kiss this man, or at least tell him you have fallen in love with him, within the end of the season, you will end up jumping from the highest tower of Armenelos to end your misery. You’ve always been taught starting a courtship is men’s prerogative, but your mother cannot see you now, right?
Two days later, Elendil is at your studio, sipping wine from a chalice while he watches you painting -something you have always preferred to do in solitude, without an audience or company of any kind, but unsurprisingly he’s the exception- and after a while he moves to observe another canvas, leaning against a wall while the paint dries, and you take advantage of his distraction to slip something inside his satchel.
The next day, Elendil is back at the studio, but he has to wait a bit since you are speaking with a client; you feel his blue eyes on you while you discuss a new commission and explain how long it will take you to complete it, his eyes that make you feel more conscious of your body that ever, and restless, and weak and powerful at the same time.
In the end you are alone, and “I believe this belongs to you” he says, and he offers you your sketchbook, the one you had hidden in his satchel and whose every single page is covered by drawings of him. Elendil standing in the harbor, his hair tousled by the wind; Elendil smiling as he speaks to his son; Elendil with a raised arm while he gives orders to the cadets; Elendil sitting, a pensive smile on his face, as he listens to the ministrels’ music in Armenelos’ square...
Some of the drawings are complete, refined and ready to be eventually reproduced on canvas; some are little more than sketches, drawn in a hurry while he wasn’t looking or in the privacy of your home, to give you respite from thoughts that were making you lose your mind. Some are better than others, or more similar, but all are done with the same tenderness and affection -the same love- that you feel for the subject of all those portraits.
You were pretty proud of your little plan, but now your cheeks are burning, and you can’t even meet Elendil’s eyes. Those darn eyes! Of all the men you could have fallen in love with, why did you chose the one with the Sea in his gaze?
“I hope you’re not angry if I went through your things... and if I spent so much time drawing you. I realize now it could seem... unsettling...”
“And it is?”
“Of course not! At least, it is not meant to be, on my part. I only... well, find myself very interested in you, Elendil, and not only as an inspiration for a painting. I am not good at expressing my feelings, if not through my art, and...”
You don’t know how to end the sentence, but thank Varda you don’t need to; strong arms close around your waist until you’re nestled against his body, and Elendil is smiling at you. “I’m touched; and... flattered” he says “And you did all of these drawings from memory”.
“Most of them, yes. Most artists have good memory"
“Impressive. But believe me, I ask nothing better than to spend my time next to you, to pose... or to do any other thing. I just want to be with you”
His soft smile and adoring eyes are more telling and sweeter than any declaration. He whispers your name, and the sketchbook lies forgotten on a nearby stool while his mouth descends on yours, kissing you as you both have wished to do for months...
You get married two years later, and in the years that follow Elendil poses for a number of sketches and drawings, including the ones that you need to practice nude painting...
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And I’m tagging @grinkitty and @starlady66 Thank you so much for requesting! 
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awlimagines · 10 months
Part One: Where do they take you for a date away from the valley?
Gordy asked if you would like to visit a gallery with him in his hometown. They were putting up a new exhibit, and he was interested in seeing it. Gordy shook his head no and explained he wouldn’t be in this showing. His art lately was too large to transport and house at the gallery they were visiting. Though you were disappointed not to see more of his work, you’d love to go. 
You needed to identify the theme of the exhibit. Everything was widely different from everything else. One was watercolors of a beautiful garden followed by an abstract self-portrait. Gordy stood silent, arms crossed, closely observing each piece. He seemed to understand the thread connecting the pieces. It was your first big date beyond Forget-Me-Not Valley, and you wanted to impress Gordy by knowing something about art. You felt you were going cross-eyed when high shrieks startled you. Two kids from seemingly nowhere clung to each of Gordy’s legs, both talking nonstop up at him. 
“Andrew! Emma! What have I told you about- Gordy, you made it!” a woman who belonged on a runway came from around the corner. Her white smile was blinding as she embraced Gordy in a huge hug. You stood to the side, fidgeting and fighting a rush of jealousy. “Oh! Is this?”
Gordy sharply nodded to the woman before introducing you to his sister, nephew, and niece. Their family was large and scattered, so she decided to host everyone’s art together in her gallery as a family exhibit. Your face fell at the realization everyone’s art was there except his. His sister quickly caught on and led to the kid’s section. Gordy refused to send anything in, claiming he had artist’s block. So, she used his first sculpture as a kid. Gordy blushed and tried to navigate you away from the skewed mess as you and his sister gushed over it.
You were surprised when Daryl asked you to visit the city with him but agreed. You didn’t expect something typical or even really a date when Daryl invited you. The university’s campus was the last place you thought to go. Daryl had made it quite clear before and after installing his seed maker on your farm exactly what his thoughts were of the professors here. Things soon became clear as Daryl burst into Dr. Alexander’s office, brandishing papers. You awkwardly stood to the side as Daryl explained his seed maker had more accuracy than their shoddy theft of his invention. He gestured towards you, saying that the results of the machine you used consistently produced multiple seeds per crop inserted. You listened to their argument on what type of results were accurate and about the theft of ideas until campus security escorted Daryl and you out.
You followed behind Daryl as he stalked away, muttering under his breath about his next plans on avenging his seed maker. You bumped into him when he suddenly stopped on the sidewalk. Daryl raised an eyebrow at your apology before waving the matter away. It wasn’t of much concern beyond his heart pounding in his chest though he couldn’t tell you that. Instead, Daryl gestured toward the building and asked if this would be something you were interested in. You enthusiastically responded when you saw the painting studio sign offering follow-along workshops. You soon learned inside that Daryl had no talents for drawing and was easily frustrated when he didn’t immediately excel. Daryl spent more of the workshop focused on your smiles and teasing as you worked on your painting and most of his. He was glad the research he did for this activity was accurate.
She asked if you would help to deliver some relics from the dig site to a museum in another town. Flora apologizes that work overtook one of your first dates. She promised it wouldn’t take long, and she had planned other things for the day. True to her word, the exchange did not take long, and the museum allowed you both free entrance afterward. Flora led you from one exhibit to another.
In most cases, she provided much more detail than the small signs at each exhibition. Flora also pointed out each piece that she had a part in collecting. You felt like your head would explode from all the information as you finished walking through everything. Flora teased about giving a pop quiz later to make sure you listened. 
Upon exiting the museum, Flora led you to a person selling fruit and baked goods outside. Flora led you across the cobbled street to a large park. You wandered the winding path snacking and talking. There were a lot of activities happening in the park. The two of you paused for some musicians before watching a play. Flora apologized for the boring day as you ventured back home. She enjoyed simple things like this but knew they weren’t for everyone. You told her you had a ton of fun! Flora smiled as you told her what you learned from the day and asked questions you didn’t have time for earlier.
You felt like you were the only one arranging dates for you and Nami. Which was fine, and you enjoyed showing her all the activities you loved. Nami asked what was wrong when you were out of it on a horseback riding excursion you planned. You were honest and commented you worried about only doing what you wanted together. You wanted to know the things she loved as well. Nami nodded in acknowledgment before asking you to be patient. It would take her a bit to sort through what would be best since it varied from place to place. A few weeks later, Nami asked you to visit the city with her. 
In the city, Nami led you to an area you’d never been before. The long brick building seemed out of place around the tall industrial buildings and warehouses. Nami led you into the gloom of the building to see flickering screens. Every inch of the arcade had every type of game you could think of. Nami started with you on pinball before shifting to other games. You had to beg but convinced Nami to play at least one round of a dancing game with you. She led you over to the fighting games. Nami looked bored as she easily beat you over and over. Exasperated, you asked how she was so good. Nami explained that before leaving home to travel, she spent her days at the arcade to avoid going home. After a while, she learned the mechanics and best combinations for characters. Nami said she enjoys arcades and would like to come again with you before showing mercy and giving you tips on playing better.
Rock pointed out you’ve been working nonstop since you arrived. That’s all of the spring and summer, aren’t you tired? You should take a break, and since he’s such a nice guy, Rock took the time and made plans for the two of you. Your brows furrowed as you tried to ask what kind of plans. Rock would only smile and for you to be ready early tomorrow morning when he came to pick you up. You spent the night tossing and turning. Rock made plans, planned to be awake before noon, and his secrecy scared you about what might be in store for your day.  
Sure enough, Rock was at your door by nine with a yawn. You listened to him gripe about the time as he led from town. The blonde seemed drained until the carnival appeared on the outskirts of a larger town. Rock eagerly pulled you to the ticket line, telling you to purchase the full access option. Once past the gates, he led you to every ride having the time of your life. You struggled to regain your equilibrium after the Gravitron when Rock switched gears. He led you to stalls containing all sorts of foods. Once you’ve had your fill, Rock convinced you to play the booth games. He practically begged you to win him a massive bear. Rock finished your date with cotton candy on the Ferris wheel. He complained about preferring to have waited to do this with the fireworks at least sunset. Rock knows you’re worried about returning to check on your animals for the evening. He makes sure to soak in your praise for such a great day on the way home. 
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msfbgraves · 4 months
((Terry always wants family portraits taken when Daniel is heavily pregnant)) Details like this always makes me smile because it’s just SO like Terry to be like this. The man is Extra no matter the ‘verse, and always deeply possessive. Of course he wants to show off what he’s done to Daniel—“Look at MY Omega, I, TERRY SILVER, got him like this, isn’t he gorgeous? YES he IS!!” Poor Daniel, putting up with this when he’s probably tired and squishy and not feeling his best. Bless. I was wondering, when you’re free, if you could write something about their first photoshoot (Daniel very pregnant with Sam).
"But I don't look nice!"
Terry strokes his hand through his mate's locks, shiny as ever, over his chest (the tiniest hint of a cup, something Daniel is intrigued by, the normally so bony little sweetheart) down the slightest widening of hips, squeezing the fuller little bottom, before he cradles his mate's belly, where he can feel his pup - HIS pup - move under his palms.
Danny won't look like this long, all the girls assure Terry, it's simply his mate already working to give life, to devote himself even more fully to Terry and his legacy. Of course it is Daniel's, too - but to see Terry's essence transforming him further with every passing minute, it's intoxicating.
Knowing the boy begged for it, too.
Danny gives him a look. "Are you even listening?"
"Hmmm." He kisses his bitemark, a little more pronounced each day. "Look gorgeous."
"I need to rest up!"
Terry tickles him. "Oh, poo. You're all over the place if you want to, I saw you yesterday."
He pouts. "Puppy is very wriggly, it tires them out."
"Was that why you were striking poses, too?"
He sniffs, offended. "You're mean."
He laughs. "You're adorable."
The car is pulling up to the studio, but Daniel still looks less than willing. "Pup's very calm today, Terry. I get excited, puppy gets excited, I won't get a second of quiet the whole afternoon."
"Come here." He pulls him into his lap. "Listen. I need you both to snuggle up to me, OK? Don't worry about the camera. Think that'll calm puppy down again?"
His eyes crinkle. "OK. Just this once though!"
"Yes baby." He kisses his cheek. "Just this once."
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aerynnyx · 11 months
Hi and welcome to my Tumblr!!
Aeryn Nyx is my main avatar in the Final Fantasy XIV MMORPG. She's also the pseudonym I use for the art I create and post.
Feel free to use the Ask Me Anything button above and I will try to respond to everything.
I enjoy drawing stylized portraits of fictional characters from various fandoms, primarily FFXIV. I participate in in-game art parties in FFXIV, so if you see me there, please come say hello and make yourself known. I like to draw my social media followers' OCs whenever I have the time.
I mainly work in Procreate on an iPad Pro, and am gradually learning Clip Studio Paint using a Wacom Cintiq 22.
All the art I post here is tagged #aeryn nyx art for easier viewing. Any art (including screenshots and fiction) created by others, I will try to tag as #aeryn nyx by others
I take commissions primarily via Vgen at the moment.
I will sometimes post in-game pictures of Aeryn from FFXIV, which will be tagged as #aeryn nyx gpose for easier viewing.
I try to keep my carrd up to date with links to most of my other socials.
I post occasional videos on YouTube, mostly speedpaints of my drawing process.
Thanks for stopping by! ♥
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