#generally everyone in her grade is pretty cool with her its mostly new students and underclassmen who get nervous around her
freaky-flawless · 2 years
would you perhaps want to draw Operetta? :o
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Yes I would!
I'm not even gonna attempt to make her scaritage make sense. I do like @sassmaster-artjay 's headcanon that she's part siren tho!
I wanted to give her a more realistic looking birthmark, and her wearing shades makes a whole lot more sens to me than the half mask thing. (I don't own an Operetta doll so I'm not even sure how it stays on her face) A pair of shades feels a bit more in character, and rebellious, plus she gets to match her beastie.
Personality wise, she's basically the same as she was in Friday Night Fright's. She's definitely one of those ghouls that everyone else is pretty intimidated by, you definitely want to get on her good side as she responds harshly to any perceived disrespect, even from teachers. She actually gets detention quite often for mouthing back to MH staff, and whenever she gets caught skipping class to go to the catacombs. As such she spends a lot of time around Johnny Spirit.
If anyone asks either of them if they're dating they'd both deny it, but neither of them are ever seen dating other people, and always end up accompanying each other to school events, such as dances.
Anyone close to her know she's actually pretty chill and just looking for a good time. She's actually a bit of a thrill seeker, which is the biggest reason she joined the SKRM team.
She's bisexual, and her beasties are are Deuce and Holt, and the three of them are in a band together (and are rivals to the Fierce Rockers)
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destressjournal · 3 years
DCOM Rankings #84: Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure
So when going into this movie, I figured it would be a cutesy, little girl-type movie, direct-to-video sequel that’s just something for the kiddies to watch, and just not very good quality. You know the type I’m talking about (Cinderella 2 I’m looking at you, basically most of the Disney direct to video sequels, but also direct to video kids movies in general)
Long story short, my hunch about this movie was totally correct....but objectively it was a good movie anyway.
It took me awhile to finish it because the story doesn’t really grab me personally, but I cannot deny that the movie had excellent pacing, great characters, one of the most popular Disney channel characters of all time as the lead, and the logic all pretty much makes sense, except for a few understandable things.
So let’s get into it!
First the flaws:
- because this is a direct-to-video sequel type movie, I’m gonna be a little bit nicer to it because I had different expectations going in. Though I thought the idea of having the dogs audition for the role in the show instead of the owners was a little weird. And having them fall in love was kind of a useless plot line. They didnt have to do that in my opinion. I feel like that is such a tropey thing.
- and this is just my personal opinion and not so much a flaw, the entire premise of the movie could have been at least little more mature. I felt that this was all dumbed down for the little kiddies. Like, the HSM series I feel like really spoke to pre-teens and teenagers and was slightly more mature. This movie feels like an episode of my little pony (but an episode of the good series, I will say). But yeah I had more enjoyment watching HSM 1 and 2 than this movie.
-Just a quick comment on the logic. I guess with her money she could afford anything in NYC but the film student?? Those apartments look huge still, even if they’re studios with the bathtub literally in the kitchen.
-and that’s another thing, the film student may be hot, but I felt like the movie had a missed opportunity to focus more on him as a character and their relationship. I don’t even remember his name! But it seems like all he does is admire her and want to follow her around and tell her how great she is while being a genuinely nice guy. Like, sharpay, are you gonna ask about him at any point? Relationships are a two way street, and I feel like the film student is being taken advantage of. But whatever, if he doesn’t mind not being the center of things and she loves it, maybe they’re great together.
-Lastly, the villain was just a little ridiculous at the end, like they really had to spell it out that she was the bad guy right before they revealed her to everyone. Idk, I guess it bugs me when villains start out subtle and then by the end they are so theatrically evil that it’s hard to believe them. And I’m mostly saying this for live action movies where the villains are just regular people and not like “super villains”, those are where I love to watch them be theatrical. But I guess this is a movie about Broadway so I’ll give it a tiny pass.
Okay done with the flaws, let’s go to the good stuff!
- yes while the premise of the movie is not exactly my cup of tea, this movie is really well executed and was still a relatively easy watch! The logic was mostly really sound, and the pacing was near excellent! Everything seemed to flow into the next thing and character choices and motivations are really logical. I was honestly pleasantly surprised by the whole thing. For a girly cheap direct-to-video sequel, this is some of the best you’re gonna get.
-Sharpay really did deserve her own movie and I’m so glad she had the spotlight for once, and it was really cool to see her character grow when she gets a taste of her own medicine while also getting a new backbone. It’s so satisfying! She’s not like other Disney channel antagonists, she’s really enjoyable to watch and there’s a lot more to her than just being a mustache twisting villain. She just wants to be a Broadway star and you kinda need to have a backbone if you want to compete in that world. She’s driven, full of confidence, and turns heads whenever she walks in a room. But she’s not evil.
- the guy main character is so hot...I wish I remembered his name....but he was the cinnamon roll none of us deserved. But I did think that he and sharpay had a decent amount of chemistry. More than many of the DCOM’s I watched recently thats for sure.
-I didn’t really mind that this movie wasn’t a full musical because I think it would have been overkill. I did like the songs that were in the movie, except maybe for the beginning song, it just needed more omph!
This review isn’t going to be super long. But I was sure I would hate this movie and I ended up really liking the execution of it. People knew what they were doing when they made this movie, they’re like “don’t fuck this character up” and they literally did the opposite. I love sharpay even more because of this movie. Her eventual breakdown is understandable AND necessary for her to grow and it’s just beautiful to watch. Like I said, it’s told in the context of a little girl movie, and the script and direction probably had something to do with that, which was a turn-off for me. But honestly I would recommend this to any fan of the HSM series if they haven’t seen it yet. If nothing else, its a really cute movie with cute dogs in it. And a hot boy. Need I say more?
I’m gonna give this an A- NOT BECAUSE I HATE IT, but personally I don’t see myself watching this again, yet I can’t deny how objectively good it is. It’s going to the top of my A- list for sure. I think an A- is still a really good grade considering I was so ready to give this a B or C. Don’t let my dislike for certain parts of the movie keep you from wanting to see it.
Okay, the next movie is our 3rd? Animated DCOM! I can’t wait for this one because I know I’m pretty much already gonna love it. This is definitely the last one I’ve seen all the way through, so it will be a bittersweet review. See you then!
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redrobin-detective · 4 years
Random Quirkless Pro Hero Deku facts
- Pro Hero Izuku has a lot of weaponry on him at all times but he’s personally a big fan of knives. He’s usually got at least 5 or 6 on him at all times in all different sizes. He likes them because they’re multi-use, intimidating and, in the hands of a skilled wielder (like Izuku definitely is) can end fights without permanent damage. His favorite knife is the one he stole off of Stain to Iida’s dismay but its just a really good knife okay, Tenya, nothing personal.
-  Todoroki is rescue hero working at Froppy’s agency in Nara (kind of the middle of nowhere). He doesn’t really get involved in the big villain battles unless he’s caught up in them, does no marketing for himself, rarely takes interviews, does his best to just be another hero... and yet he’s #20 in the charts. He is the highest ranked rescue hero who goes out of his way to avoid the spotlight and he doesn’t know why he’s so highly ranked. This is because he doesn’t understand the overwhelming power of THIRSTY fans.
- Izuku and Katsuki have a very special relationship. They read each other so well, are a well-oiled, scarily efficient team in battle. Outside of that, they’re disasters. Due to past experiences with ‘friendly spars’ that have gotten out of control they need a minimum of 2 babysitters pro heroes to spot them and be in a qualified facility before they go at it (which they don’t always do). Most every time they meet up they’ve got to rough house a bit to everyone’s horror. Bakugou will get loud and indignant if you call them friends but then rant for 30 minutes on why Deku is one of the best damn heroes he’s ever known. 
- Speaking of which, on an operations level Izuku and Katsuki are much better separated than partnered. Kiri much more approachable and adds a sense of balance to Bakugou which is why he’s #1 not long after Izuku leaves. Izuku/Katsuki together were terrifying but a little bit too chaotic? They egged each other on where Kiri calms Bakugou down and Izuku forced to be “in charge” (as composed to constantly competing with Bakugou) of others also makes him less reckless. They’re still a brutally efficient combo but they’ve both agreed that separation really helped them grow.
- Gran Torino went senile not long after Izuku graduated Yuuei having fulfilled his promise to both Nana and Toshi and couldn’t fight any more. Izuku took care of him the best he can and put the old hero up in a luxurious old age home, he visited once a week watching more and more of his mentor slip away. He died when Izuku was still working at Two Hero with Bakugou and it was one of his incentives for leaving the agency and forming One For All. 
- Shinsou ended up in the Hero course during their second year, but he went to 1B. Still maintained a good relationship with Izuku and the 1C gang. After graduation, he was surprised when Yaoyorozu offered him a position at her agency. He works there mainly in intelligence gathering, interrogation and general agency management. He still does field work but not nearly to the extent of other heroes.
- Shinsou and Izuku are the lowest ranked in their grade, Shinsou being in the 90s while Izuku is in the high 70s. Izuku will never let his friend forget that he, quirkless and hated by the system, is higher ranked than Shinsou. Its really because Shinsou is kind of a reclusive hero only known because he works at such a prestigious agency. If and when Shinsou decides to make an effort at his popularity it’s all over for Izuku. Until then, Izuku will lord it over him. 
- As for the 1C gang, Patrick moved back to America right after graduation. He’s doing odds and ends, still trying to figure out what he wants to do. Does frequent calls/visits to Japan to visit his high school friends. Korudo did end up working his father’s company but on his own terms, donates a lot to Izuku’s AFO foundation. Izuku probably sees Taketsu the most, she’s a quirk lawyer and works with Izuku professionally in terms of quirk advocacy and advancement. 
- Hero Names: Bakugou - Kacchan, Todoroki - stays as Shouto, Aoyoma - Lumiere, Shinsou - Hypnos
- As soon as he graduated, Izuku moved into All Might’s old apartment because he couldn’t stand to sell it. He left it almost identical only converting the back study and pretty much living out of boxes the first few years. He’s very, very slowly taking down All Might’s things and putting up his own but each change involves a lot of struggle and crying, but it feels like healing. In addition, Toshi was able to change his will before dying so Izuku inherited an insane amount of money from All Might’s estate. He couldn’t spend it all in his lifetime if he tried. He mostly keeps it away but donates a lot of it to AFO and other charities. 
- Deku is a fan favorite as far submissive ships go. In every fan pairing he’s put in (and there are some wild one out there) he is the delicate, submissive quirkless partner. When asked on it, 1A just comments “have you ever actually seen Deku??” still the trope persists. Popular fan pairings are Bakudeku, Shoudeku, Iideku and Uradeku.
- The Class has varying ways of referring to one another, most of them feel comfortable calling each other by their first names but almost all continue to call Iida by his surname (except Ochako and Izuku when he’s feeling annoyed/sappy). Izuku and Katsuki have a whole language of names within the names they call each other, all you should know is that if you hear Izuku say “Bakugou” or Katsuki “Izu-chan” you better run like hell.
- Midoriya Hisashi was officially killed halfway through Izuku’s Third Year in a villian attack at his office in America. Inko was distraught but Izuku really couldn’t bring himself to mourn a man he never knew (and was already exhausted still grieving for All Might). Inko and Izuku got a sizable payout from it, ensuring Inko will be able to live comfortably for the rest of her life. Izuku never touched the money, relying first on All Might’s money then his own when he had to. ((Most people know I’m pretty ham for DFO so let me say this, on paper “Midoriya Hisashi” was killed it’s up to you if someone else is still around) 
- While OFA doesn’t have any permanent staff, it does have heroes who frequently work there. It started this way because Izuku couldn’t get any heroes to permanently attach and kept it up once he realized the versatility it gave him. Shouto and Uravity usually do at least one or two stints a year. Pretty much all of the unattached heroes of 1A have worked with Deku multiple times (even a few attached, Ingenium surprising everyone by leaving his agency for a month to work with his old friend). Lemillion does it when his schedule allows and a few veteran heroes like Present Mic and Cementoss have done work there as well. And while Number One Kacchan hasn’t officially worked at One For All, he and Red Riot partner do enough inter-agency work that they kind of have. 
- Over the years OFA acquired the respect of many heroes but there’s still assholes who refuse to take orders from a quirkless man. Now officially Deku has no problems with those who do not wish to work with him, it’s well within their rights. However, he’ll usually slyly make it known that people have turned down offers from him or spoke against him. And suddenly those bigoted heroes find they’re getting less support from those connected to Deku (a number that grows bigger by the year). There are less team-ups, less chance of being voted for hero titles, more whispers about how a hero being quirkist in this age is so old-fashioned and not cool. The heroes are like ??? how the hell did this happen while Deku sits there and smiles, not having lifted a finger. He’s a kind man but a vindictive one for sure.
- Izuku named his foundation after All For One, the villain who terrorized Japan and ultimately killed All Might, purely out of spite. While Izuku never confronted him in this universe, he knows the villain is still out there. The AFO Foundation took a name that was once feared and turned it into something that could bring people hope. He wanted to tell all the wannabe criminals who would recognize the name that Izuku knows and he’s not afraid. Also he still considers it his duty as AM’s successor to stop him so the Foundation is two middle fingers up to AFO as a challenge. 
- Rikimaru-shishou (Izuku and later Shinsou’s martial arts teacher in TLWA) has mostly retired from teaching, only taking a few students here and there. Izuku still keeps in contact when possible, meeting up for a friendly spar when he can squeeze it in. Most of the students Daiki takes these days are kids Izuku recommends with puppy dog eyes. 
-Mirio and Izuku end up developing a pretty good relationship. It starts when Izuku tries to intern with Nighteye in his first year and it’s pretty ugly. Nighteye refuses to take him but some, not all, of the Izuku/OFA/Mirio situation comes out. Mirio is very disturbed that his mentor was grooming him to be All Might 2 and kind of separates from Sir and takes Izuku’s side. Really excited by Deku’s vision for a better hero society and they have a big/lil brother relationship. Is super okay when Izuku takes the SoP title from him, like Izuku not bothered with rankings but he knows how important it is to his bro.
- So good news first, Mirio and Tamaki are long term partners and adopt a little girl, Koharu, who has a ‘villainous’ quirk and was abandoned by her family. Mirio being on paternity leave is one of the factors that allows Izuku to take the SoP away from him. So uh bad news, Eri was never recovered during TLWA version of the Overhaul arc. Don’t ask me exact details cause I don’t know lol but Izuku wasn’t really involved and Overhaul and few of his men managed to flee Japan with Eri and haven’t been found since. Mirio and Tamaki both took the loss to heart which is why they wanted to try and pay back that mistake. They’re both great dads though.
- Due to being so outrageously busy during their first year as Pros, Bakugou forgot to maintain a regular haircut schedule so it started to grow out. Izuku and some others commented that the longer hair looked good on him. It got to the point where it was getting in the way so he ties it back in a little tail that looks like a little explosion. That, and his permanent facial scruff, make him a very attractive hero but his personality still leaves a lot to be desired.
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arks-self-ship · 4 years
I’ve mentioned before I cannot stop thinking about Nighty cause my brain is like “holy fuck we’ve been together roughly 6 years” so here’s a rough timeline of us
Please note this is our world life, and is very different from my real life and my experiences have been different. Some pieces have changed over the years to fit who I am (especially with my transition). Some details will vary on occasion but Nighty is the only one who I have an actual guideline for us
(Huge lore dump below)
2014- first meet, I was new to the institute and wasn’t really good at fighting and had trouble making friends with everyone. Kurt asked for my help setting up a prank on Jean cause I happened to be walking by and we started talking and found out we shared an interest in games and listened to a lot of the same music. Ended up being good friends and I started hanging out with him and kitty quite a bit, but wasn’t real close with the rest of the team because of how shy I was. Already knew I was a guy and had hormone blockers and a binder, my uniform had a compressor which was a lot safer and ended up wearing that under my clothes sometimes instead. Wasn’t yet ready to cut my hair to short yet. Depression had started before I even joined the team and was dealing with a  lot of personal stuff. The professor had helped me change my name legally before even joining which was nice
2015- Starting opening up to the team and getting closer with everyone and made some friends at school who were Kurt’s friends but didn’t really have any friends of my own yet. Was getting a lot better at fighting and getting a handle on my powers, and discovered I could use emotional energy to create real bursts later in the year. Started getting really into my art around this time too. Kurt was apparently starting to question his sexuality too but tried not to think about it. Came out to Kurt that I was trans at this point, later in the year told Kitty too. 
Around the middle of the year Kurt kissed me for the first time, we had just been hanging out in my room laying on my bed talking honestly about ourselves and having a nice conversation about our lives. I was caught off guard and didn’t kiss back and he panicked and teleported away. It was a couple days before we really had a chance to be alone and I kissed him back finally, and we ended up talking for a long time about what this meant for us. We ended up being like “We’re still best friends, but now there’s some new stuff to that”, and Kurt wasn’t ready to come out yet so we dated secretly and only Kitty knew. Kurt identified as Bi for a time while he sorted out his feelings but ended up realizing he was just gay late in the year. I was still ace but knew i was bi-romantic
2016- The Professor was really helpful and said he would help pay for any transitioning I wanted to do, as long as I did my best on the team and in school. Ended up telling the rest of the team one by one that I was trans, not everyone really got it but they were supportive and nice about it. Really started to get better at my powers and finally cut my hair real short and had a mohawk for a bit until I settled for an undercut later in the year. Made some friend’s of my own who tended to be the “scary kids” but were actually super chill and played a lot of video games. Ended up getting top surgery as soon as I could.
Same year mutantkind got exposed to the world and I had trouble going back to school with that going on and my depression hit hard, but Kurt was there to help. My new friends thought it was super cool I had powers tho and were a nice support system
Early in the year we had accidentally gotten caught kissing by Toad, who I ended up making him swear to secrecy under the threat of beating the shit out of him. Turns out, he was gay too! So as long as he didn’t tell anyone about us we wouldn’t tell anyone about him, but we ended up on pretty decent terms with him later on. Later though R/ogue borrowed Kurt’s powers in a fight and learned we were dating, but she also promised not to tell anyone. We were also pretty sure Logan, the professor and Jean all knew but weren’t sure (they did)
2017- Pretty chill year, until towards the end where me and Kurt got caught kissing at school by a kid we didn’t know and the news spread through the school really fast. It was really rough on him, but I ended up bringing him into my new non-mutant friend group cause they were mostly queer too. The team learning about it was… awkward to say the least but they we’re pretty chill about it. Because of this Kurt ended up coming out to his parents when he went home for Christmas that year right before he came back. It was rough at first and they didn’t really get it but were the awkward kind of supportive. I mean their kid was already blue and teleported, being gay wasn’t that shocking.
Me and Kurt had gotten really serious around this time, and were talking about our future together, but we were avoiding talking about college because we were scared we’d want to go separate places and long distance was really scary
2018- Senior year was rough for both of us, my grades were doing terribly and the depression didn’t help and everyone knowing about us being together and being mutants was really not helping. If we didn’t have each other I don’t think we could have made it through it, and I probably would have dropped out. I barely graduated but only because Jean helped tutor me and secretly some of my friends did some of the work for me so I could focus on things that were more of a priority. Graduating was so nice, but I suffered severe burnout that summer, and did nothing almost the entire time. Kurt also got an upgraded holowatch at this time that didn’t constantly break on him and was way more durable. I also figured out how to make the emotional energy take shape, easiest things are simple objects and its usually weapons (Swords, bats, bow, ect)
A couple things with our relationship did happen though, that Christmas I went to go meet Kurt’s family. They were super nice, but really awkward and it was nice to get away for a bit. While we were there we ended up finally talking about college and our plans. I knew I wanted to learn psychology and Kurt still wasn’t sure of his plans, but we ended up deciding to do the community college to get our general classes done first and that would buy us more time to figure things out.
2019- Took a gap year together and ended up traveling together across the country in a van. It was a great way to de-stress from everything and finally get a break from being superheroes too. The whole thing brought us a lot closer and Kurt tried to propose at one point while we were traveling, I ended up saying no but in a more of a “Not yet” kind of way, because of how young we are. We talked about it, and agreed we would get engaged when we were a bit older but we kept the rings as promise rings for that one day when we would try that again. We also ended up getting our hair streaks not long before we went back to the institute as a surprise for everyone, plus we thought it was cute.
Please note that the continuity of if there is a virus in this AU shifts based on what I’m feeling for the day cause sometimes I wanna daydream about going out 😔
2020- oh my god this year has been crazy, we started college together and finally being able to be out has been so nice. Or it was until ya know… we got hit with a plague (yup we have that here too) and have mostly been doing classes online which is a shame. We were both looking forward to campus life and being locked in the institute all the time is a nightmare, especially with all the new students that we’ve been roped into helping teach… But hey, hopefully things will be getting better soon!
2020 revised- This year has been wild, there’s so many new kids at the institute now! The professor keeps roping us in to help teach. Being back on the team though is super nice! Although we do have a new member, Laura, who Logan just apparently brought out of nowhere even tho she was the girl who attacked us a couple years back? She’s kinda odd but she’s trying her best (I think…). College has been interesting, some of my friends ended up moving away but some stayed in town which it’s been nice having classes with them.
Some things have stayed the same in both versions tho!
Kurt’s birth mom (M//ystique) has finally been working to turn over a new leaf. She’s definitely not a good guy but she’s not working with the bad guys anymore? Which i guess is progress?? She’s been trying to reconnect with Kurt and R/ogue, it’s been slow cause R/ogue doesn’t want anything to do with her really but Kurt’s talked to her a few times and they’ve gotten lunch a couple times. I guess after the apocalypse thing it kinda made her think about things, and then Kurt and me being gone for so long kinda made her really reconsider things.
It seems most of the brotherhood is still in town tho, which has caused some problems and they have a couple new members too which has been… a problem. M//agneto has been laying low though, which has been nice so the brotherhood hasn’t done anything to bad.
Being back at the school is kinda nice though, I missed being around my friends and luckily the school has had renovations and expansions so there’s more rooms and the senior/core team rooms have their own bathrooms! Which, holy shit is so nice…
Who knows what the future holds for us, but as long as we’re together I know we’ll be fine
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thegeneralsnotebook · 4 years
Adventures in Deckbuilding #170: Fluttershy, Growing Confidence (Yellow/Blue/Orange Aggro) [Core]
Fluttershy, Growing Confidence
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Playing It Cool
Sideboarding Strategy:
Against Yellow: out Yona, Mullet-Dash Against Purple Midrange: out Friends Are Always There, 1x Mullet-Dash, Formation Flying Against Control: out Treading Water, 2x Rainbow Generator
This new Fluttershy is a really interesting Mane to build for, while at the same time falling squarely into the category of Manes that I dread rolling every time that they come up in this series. As I’ve said every time that Vinyl showed up for a Harmony deck (thankfully now finished all three), popular Manes are hard because I like to try going off the beaten path and showcase something different. As I’ve said every time that Solar Sister showed up in the past (also thankfully now finished), Manes that are very good at one particular thing are hard because it’s difficult to look past their one thing and find a workable strategy outside of their normal wheelhouse.
For Fluttershy this is especially difficult. Not only has she seen significant experimentation from the wider community, and not only is she very good at this particular style of playing a lot of Dilemmas, but she also has two other very good Yellow Manes to be compared against. One cannot simply build a generic Yellow deck and throw her in at the helm. There has to be a good answer to the question of why we use this Mane over Nurturing Nature or Thorax.
The answer, as everyone else already knows, lies in Dilemmas. We can effectively view her text as reducing the cost of our Dilemmas by one, and giving them a card draw to go with it. This has been exploited previously in the form of quasi-combo lists that play lots of Dilemmas all at once and score a pile of points with them. So in building this deck, I had to put quite a few Dilemmas in, but I needed to do something different with them.
As held in the deck’s name, the solution was to play it cool. Rather than burning all of the Dilemmas at once in a big mega-turn, this deck wants to reach a mid-game where every turn we play a Dilemma, move Fluttershy to it, preferably via Day Shift, have a DFO, and reset. In theory, all of our other Friends are at our Problem, held in place by a Treading Water and protected by a Seedling Stakeout. In a way it’s similar to what I tried last week with Nova, only this time rather than playing it slower with Purple, I decided to play it faster with Blue, which also offered its own selection of fine Dilemmas to choose from.
Our utility is pretty good, par for the course in Yellow, with seven anti-Troublemaker cards, leaving off the Dilemmas, and six anti-Resource cards.  Indeed, one of the nice things about playing with Blue is that I think it lets us change up our playstyle a bit as needed. In most opposing matchups, I expect Blue’s contribution to be mainly backstops that help us regain momentum when we need it. So we have cards that hit hard for the crucial faceoffs and turns that will need extra efficiency.
Quite separately though, you’ll notice that versus control I intend to totally board out the Treading Waters, normally a key card that the deck is built around. The theory is that there probably won’t be a whole lot of Problem faceoffs in matches versus control anyway, and there’s a much greater chance of our setup getting disrupted. So instead in that case I intend to play the deck like a relatively standard Yellow-Blue aggro, only keeping a little Orange for the protection from Grogar. And in those circumstances these Blue cards should do well, for all of the same reasons that they would above.
I took a somewhat divergent step this week by building my Problem deck early on in the process. Not a very noteworthy point, I think, as this was mostly due to this being an easy Problem deck to build. Owing to the somewhat small card pool, Problem decks aren’t that hard to make in Core as it stands, and for these two colours it’s nothing different. What was most important was that Fluttershy with a Staff could confront all of the Dilemmas on her own, while most of our Friends are free to sit at our Problem. The two that can’t, Meadowbrook and Mullet-Dash, will only be played situationally anyway.
One of the reasons I often don’t get a whole lot of practice with my decks is that often enough I only need to wait a week before I’ve got something new to be excited to try. I wasn’t particularly enthused about trying a new direction with this Mane as I started, but this deck flew together quite quickly as I worked, and it feels solid. Ah, well. One more for the queue.
Happy to be off of Yellow for the next little while, I look around to find myself… with no colour at all. Or perhaps with all of them. Next week is Student Six, A Grade Above!
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We’ll Carry On - Chapter Thirty Three
We’ll Carry On Tag
General Content Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit Sanders, Substance Abuse, Abandonment, Minor Character Death, Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociation, Bullying, Homophobia
June 26th, 2003
Emile was standing in front of Remy’s new coffee shop with an extreme sense of pride. They had barely been open a month and business was booming enough that they had gotten an article in the local paper. The reporter was taking pictures and asking Remy questions, which he readily answered. But Emile’s heart was hammering in his chest. “Hey, Rem, I have a question for you,” he said.
“Babe, you know all of this already, I talked it over with you,” Remy said.
“Not that kind of question,” Emile said. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a ring box, and got down on one knee. “Do I have to say the words? Because I realized I could never make a romantic speech for you, so I decided to cut to the chase.”
Remy’s face broke out into a grin as Emile opened the ring box. “Of course I’ll marry you, Emile!” he laughed. He reached into his own pocket and pulled out a ring box of his own. “Great minds, huh?”
Emile laughed, stood, and kissed Remy deeply, which the reporter happily took pictures of, congratulating them on the engagement as well as the success of the store.
September 2nd, 2019
Emile watched as the kids all clambored around the dinner table, talking animatedly about how their first days of school had gone. He placed the last plate on the table and clapped his hands. “Ami and I would love to hear your stories, just one at a time, please.”
When everyone looked at each other, Logan cleared his throat. “I suppose I can go first,” he said. “I met all my teachers today. My ASL teacher is the same, but otherwise I’d only seen my other teachers in the halls or occasionally in clubs I would visit with my other friends. Jack was happy to see me, as were my other friends.”
“And did you see any of your friends, Roman?” Emile asked.
“I mean, I wouldn’t call the people I hung out in seventh grade with friends. They were the only people who would talk to me, and they weren’t very nice about it,” Roman explained, scratching his neck. “But there’s a few cool kids in my English class. One of them is writing novel-length stories in her free time. She said there was this thing in November...NaNo something, which she was gonna try. She would be writing fifty thousand words in a month! I couldn’t believe it!
“And then there was this guy in math class who saw me, sat down right next to me, and introduced himself as ‘Chad from High School Musical.’ He was funny and said that he’d like to be my friend just because he’d never had anyone laugh at his jokes like I had.”
Logan nodded approvingly. “Sounds like you’re making new friends already.”
“Yeah! It’s not as hard in the beginning of the year!” Roman exclaimed. “In the middle it’s difficult, but when you’re meeting a bunch of new people in your grade anyway, it’s easier to make friends.”
Remy cleared his throat and said, “So, Patton and Virgil, how was your first day in the third grade?”
“It was good!” Patton said. “Virgil and I got put in the same class again, which was nice! And our teacher seems really cool! He drew a giant wave on the white board just because he could and because he didn’t want summer to be over.”
Virgil nodded. “He also saw that I read Goosebumps and recommended a few books that he has on the shelves around the room that I might like. He’s pretty cool. Although I think the best part of the class was when Rick wound up being in our same class and when he tried to yell at me and call me names, Mister Prince shut him up by simply saying that if he had a problem with gay people, then he had a problem with Mister Prince himself, and he was more than welcome to throw those insults his way instead of mine.”
Patton’s eyes lit up. “You should have seen him, Dad! He didn’t raise his voice, and he didn’t glare, he just calmly stood there and told Rick that he was insulting every gay person when he insulted Virgil, and that included Mister Prince! It was amazing!”
Emile smiled. “I’m glad you have a teacher who stands up for his students,” he said. “Dee, what about you?”
Dee cleared his throat a couple times and fiddled with his new bat pendant that Emile and Remy had given him this morning. “Good,” he mumbled. “Lucy was in my class, and the translator they assigned me was okay, too. She talked to both Lucy and I a lot when we had free time.”
“And you weren’t lost when the teacher started to talk about different things like reading and math?” Remy asked.
Dee shook his head. “It was almost too easy,” he signed. “Once I figured out how to read I could learn stuff on my own, and I learned a lot of what the teacher talked about.”
Emile and Remy shared a look. Emile felt a little shocked, but Remy’s face was filled with pride and a look that vaguely said, I told you so!
“That’s great, Dee,” Emile said. “You might get put in some of the advanced groups.”
“I like learning,” Dee signed. “Most of the other kids don’t, but I found it interesting, and so does Lucy.”
“Something tells me you and Lucy are going to be really good friends this year,” Remy said, smiling. “And that’s good. You work better when you have friends to help you.”
Logan murmured his agreement. “I don’t know what I would have done in middle school without Jack. Suddenly we were taking seven different classes every day and we had to figure out where every last one of them was with little to no help. Jack willingly wandered the halls with me trying to figure out where everything was,” he said.
Roman laughed. “I can almost picture it! A baby Logan wandering the halls, cheeks bright red from embarrassment at not being able to read the school map correctly, and Jack right next to you, holding your wrist in a vice as he guides you through the crowd to the right classroom. How close am I?”
Logan glared and Roman laughed harder. “Pretty close, then?” he teased.
“Whatever,” Logan said, voice cracking. “It’s not like you’ve never gotten lost before.”
“Maybe so, but at least I can read the maps people give me,” Roman laughed. “I had no problems finding my classes today once they gave me a map of the hallways.”
Logan stuck his tongue out before going back to his food. Roman just continued to laugh under his breath. Patton tilted his head to the side and he asked, “What’s high school like?”
Roman shook his head. “No clue. Probably better than middle school, though.”
“Definitely better than middle school for me,” Remy said. “Your mileage may very, but I doubt you’ll miss middle school.”
“I certainly don’t,” Logan said. “High school is pretty nice. Sure, you have to go to all your classes every day and you get a lot of homework, but you also get new friends, and a bunch of different clubs to try and enjoy. It can get a bit boring, though. The Honors classes are challenging for most people, but I found that I got bored pretty quickly.”
“Which would be why we enrolled you in AP classes,” Emile said. “And you never complained about your summer homework for them being boring.”
“We read Ender’s Game, which was a pretty interesting book,” Logan said with a shrug. “And we had to write an essay on thought-provoking topics I had never really considered before, and use sources to back up our opinions, which isn’t new, but the way they handled it made it more of a challenge. And AP Calculus? That’s a real challenge, but in a good way.”
“You’ll never be bored,” Remy said with a grin.
“Oh, no, I imagine I’ll get bored doing twenty variations of the same questions that we went over how to solve in class. But I’ll be bored because it’s monotonous, not because it isn’t intellectually stimulating,” Logan said. “I can be bored doing the same thing over and over, even if I have to focus to solve the problem. It just means it’s harder to focus and solve that problem, and it takes longer to finish the homework.”
“We’ll have to figure out how to entertain you while you do the monotonous work, then,” Remy said. “Provided, of course, you get bored. Because I find that when you focus, you rarely complain about being bored, because your mind has less time to wander.”
Logan shrugged. “I get bored in the same amount of time. But because I’m focusing on the problem, I don’t have the wherewithal to complain that I’m bored in the hopes that I get out of work.”
Roman shook his head. “That makes no sense. But I support you, I guess. Honors courses are sometimes fun, but mostly just a lot more work for no good reason.”
“Blech,” Patton said. “I don’t want more work! Why would you get more work dumped on you just for being smart? Why not just make the work harder instead of longer?”
“They do make the work harder,” Logan said.
“Well that’s even worse!” Patton exclaimed. “Because you get harder work and more work, which makes the extra time you have to work doubly long!”
“I...that’s not...how...that...works...doubly long isn’t a valid form of measurement...?” Logan stammered.
Roman laughed. “You short-circuited him! For what it’s worth, I agree that the honors kids shouldn’t have more work and harder work. Make it one or the other.”
Patton nodded solemnly. “It just seems unfair otherwise.”
Dee waved his hands and signed, “What are Honors courses, really?”
“Torture in its purest form,” Roman said with a smirk.
“Roman, no informing the others that something you don’t like is torture,” Remy said. “We don’t want them dreading school just yet.”
“So, save it for winter break is what I’m hearing,” Roman said.
Remy sighed. “If that’s what gets you to stop talking about it now, then sure.”
“But what are they?” Dee signed, insistent.
Virgil turned to look at Dee. “You know how in school they have different groups for the different kids, one for the kids who need extra help, one for the kids who are super smart, and then one for those in between?”
Dee nodded.
“Honors courses are the groups of super smart kids all in one class, so they don’t have to take turns with the teacher,” Virgil said.
“They can also be boring, and lots of work,” Logan added. “But Virgil’s summary is correct.”
“So you’re the smartest of the super smart kids?” Dee asked, hands moving in a blur. “If you’re in classes that are above the honors ones?”
Logan shrugged. “I don’t know about the smartest,” he said. “But there are fewer people in AP classes because they are more challenging than honors. If I’m the smartest out of my classmates I’d be shocked. Some of them are exceptionally bright.”
“So are you,” Emile pointed out. “Don’t sell yourself short.”
Logan shrugged noncommittally, and Emile wanted to argue the point further, but Remy put his free hand on Emile’s, a silent message to drop the conversation, at least for a little bit. “So I’m taking it that the first day of school was a success,” Remy said. “Logan, Roman, do you have any plans for clubs?”
Logan offered a small smile. “They’re doing emergency elections for the Gay-Straight Alliance at school, since the people who were president and vice president last year either graduated or transferred. I’m running for vice, Jack’s running for president. So we’re planning our campaign and seeing if we can get some educational flyers up around the school about gender and sexuality if we win.”
“There’s talk of the middle school doing a play or a musical this year, but everyone thinks it’s more likely to be a play,” Roman said with a shrug. “I want to try out, see if I like being on the stage as much as I like watching people up there. You know, before high school comes around and the auditions are super early in the year.”
“Why can’t we have fun clubs like that?” Patton asked with a whine.
Vanellope walked into the room, apparently looking for a little extra food after her own dinner. As Remy got up to give her something to keep her occupied and away from Dee, who was most likely to give her food, Emile said, “You can in middle school. In elementary school, it's hard, especially since most of the kids are young enough that they need to be looked after most of the time, and a lot of the staff have enough on their plates.”
“Middle school is forever away, though,” Virgil sighed.
Emile chuckled and shook his head. “It may feel like that, Virge, but I guarantee that it’ll fly by and you’ll be looking for clubs you like in no time.”
“Yeah. You’ll find somewhere you belong,” Remy said, walking back into the room. “I’m sure of it.”
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x0401x · 5 years
Yuukei Roadshow Reports and Highlights
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Compilation of info found on Twitter and Privatter. Many thanks to ayara-resara for indicating them all!
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Me: Jin-san, in your mind, what kind of adult will Kisaragi Shintarou become in the future...? Jin: Ah~! Kisaragi Shintarou, huh; he is who he is~. I’m thinking of writing songs concerning him from now on too. I’m currently 28, and if I think about him at around this age... I guess he’d probably be a teacher or something like it.
“Jin-san, what do you think Momo-chan will be in the future?” Jin-san: Let’s see... *thinks a little* An actress, I guess. “‘An actress’?” *thought process stops* Jin-san: She might also go... overseas. (Memory is faint here.) “Ooh.” Jin-san: I want to write these stories about the future next time. (At last.) “Thank you very much!”
My hands were shaking during Jin-san’s autograph session. Hella.
Although it was a commemorative autograph section for the release of MekaRelo, I’d wanted to tell him no matter what that I get strength from listening to Otsukimi Recital when I have to lighten up... So, I told him this, but I accidentally ended up babbling that Hibiya and Momo’s interactions were the most interesting to me and that I liked them a lot. And then Jin-san said, “I like them too! What will happen to them from now on?? I’m really curious!” as if to dig into it.
Of course I knew that he liked Hibiya and Momo’s combo, but the “What will happen to them from now on?” has been echoing in my brain the entire time... I had a bunch of other things to say, like, “The songs of Momo’s friends are also the best” and, “I’d been listening to Mekakucity Days/Records/Reload a~~ll the time coming the way here”, but my attention was drawn too hard by Jin’s words, so I couldn’t do it...
Started with an explosive crossfade.
The host was the woman in charge of KADOKAWA’s Mekakucity Talkers (she’s a beauty).
Jin entered the stage slurping the Shissou Word-themed drink like, “I’d wanted to eat the pancakes but they sold out before I got to it.”
He had his first impression of VOCALOID with “Melt”.
The origin of his conceptualization of “stories told through music” stemmed from Kinniku Shoujo Tai and The Who.
He had planned on the narrative even before Jinzou Enemy, and while gathering up the pattern usage of “a story that ~ the eyes”, the first one he came up with was the one that “locks the eyes”.
One sentence of the initial concept that remained in his PC was: “Medusa does not come out of her house.” (original text)
KagePro is a “curse from his 19-year-old self” because his period of training was long.
He struggles with the consistency of the plot, like, “This and that don’t connect!” and, “That’s my old self~”.
During the innitialization of his PC, he interpreted the “name registration” wrong and accidentally named his PC “Frederica”.
*PC falls down the stairs during moving* Jin: FREDERICAAAAAA!!!!!
He had the ending of the story decided from the beginning.
Due to this, he couldn’t introduce new characters even though he’d always wanted to.
He’s been writing the sequel while thinking that if it turns out impossible to publish, then so be it.
Host: Are you going to make them reincarnate in a parallel world? Jin: That would be a spin-off... like, “Kagerou Quest” or something.
What hides beneath Ayano’s gentleness was something he’d come up with since the initial stages. (He didn’t mention it on Twitter or the like, though.)
[In regards of a question about “becoming an adult”] Jin: Until joining (Edword) Records, I had been in the position of Big Bro, but now I’m a full-fledged Uncle.
Since he’s an adult, he has to pay taxes. He’s been somehow making ends meet with the money that everyone bought the CD with.
[In regards of a question by an Asahiner from the audience about My Funny Weekend] The cheerful verses like the one that goes, “move forward” were said by Hiyori.
The Asahiner who had been waiting all this time for a Hiyori song is overcome with emotion.
The reason why there wasn’t a Hiyori song from the start is that, “If I had included her, everyone’s worries would have been relatively...”
Jin-san: Hiyori-sama.
He has the image of the adult Mekakushi-dan.
It seems Kido will be a caretaker in an orphanage.
When he talked about that image to Sidu-san, the MV’s adult!Kido was suddenly brought up. Jin: Did you turn her into an adult already? Sidu: Should I not have done that?
Hibiya will be an archeologist, and since the Medusa is said to have her roots abroad, he might do a research on that.
Even in Jin-san’s own mind, there are many interpretations: “So and so will get married”, “No, it’ll be so and so”. “The one Shintarou will marry is Haruka!” *audience acclaims*
Jin-san will write the interpretation of the winner of his peerless inner fight.
Haruka is main heroine.
Rather than saying that the albums go from 1st and 2nd to the 3rd, it’s more like the 1st and 2nd are an omnimbus and the 3rd is a backside.
What he depicted with Imaginary Reload was the strength of Mary, who isn’t there just to be protected.
The top was reached by drawing out the 274BPM Konoha~
Remind Blue has parts of Summer Time Record that he hadn’t been able to write about.
It was supposed to be Shintarou’s song, but the lyrics turned out as something that applies to everyone. (Seto has his own Remind Blue and it might be that Kano thinks the same things.)
As a result of Jin-san’s definition of friends, which is “we think alike even without saying anything”, it ended up becoming a song about the whole Mekakushi-dan.
From Jin-san’s childhood experiences, fireworks = summer’s end (an element also used in the novels).
Therefore, the English version of “Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni” is “Fireworks in the Summer End”.
Shissou Word “She’s bad with words, and I’m the same as her, so I made that into a song.”
Additional Memory A song about regret. Jin-san’s grandfather passed away, and for a while upon coming to Tokyo, he hadn’t been able to see him at all. After the funeral, Jin-san found a file with cutouts of himself from magazines that his grandfather had kindly gathered up. He regretted not having been able to convey anything to him.
Lost Day Hour A song about friends. There was a time during middle school in which he found himself unable to go to school. “If you don’t go once, you become less and less able to.” Back then, he encountered wonderful music. A-kun (provisory nickname), who told him that he also liked said music, came around and the two of them formed a band together. Jin became able to attend high school. He didn’t know what a friend was until then, but he thought, “I guess he’s my friend”.
Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni A song with the image of summertime fireworks. “Tokachi District holds the second largest fireworks festival of the country. I wonder what being second place is like. Just what are they fighting on this? (laughs)” It’s like the scenery of Gin no Saji; a place with that kind of feeling to it.
Remind Blue “Summer is hot and I don’t like it, but it has its charm. I wonder if I was properly able to make that end of summer into a song.”
As always, he drank a lot of water. Actually, in addition to the four bottles that were put there, he also brought a lot of water with him.
As he talked about each song, he would play them with his accoustic guitar.
“Such an honestly pretty library. So many books. It’s my first time singing in a place like this, so I’d been wondering if I wouldn’t get chased out if someone like me suddenly showed up and started singing. (laugh)”
By the way, he was indeed wearing a jersey... lol.
He was super cool when he was singing, but during the time of exiting the stage, he made his way out unsteadily while bowing, so he gave off a feeling of ordinary Nii-chan and it was heartwarming.
He’s good at singing. (my childish reaction)
His manner of speech was extremely gentle, and though I really enjoy the excitement of live concerts and the like, that calm atmosphere and his kind way of performing and talking had me going, “Aah, this totally goes well with Jin-san. It totally goes super well with him. Play-and-talk live concerts are the best...”
There were 100 people with regular tickets, lots of others were standing behind them, the costumers of the nearby Starbucks were all looking too, and many people also stood watching in rows at the second floor’s corridors.
The venue was a Jin World.
I’d been reflecting on the meaning of him doing a library live, and I think it’s something amazing. At the end of it, a staff member asked something by requesting people to raise their hands, and turns out that there were mostly middle and high scholars attending. It felt like there were also grade scholars and college students. Is there any other rock musician who would open an event at a middle school or a public library? Well, there might be, but that’s still incredible...
We were told that we couldn’t enter the venue unless we had a regular ticket, that it was okay to enter because it was a public space, that we couldn’t get autographs, that we actually could get them even without the ticket, and, hum, get your information... together... (tiny voice)
He talked a lot more about the songs, but it’s not coming to me... aah.
In one sentence, it was awesome.
The moderator this time was the editor of Mekakucity Talkers, and her hairstyle was kind of similar to Azami-san’s.The song order of the rendition was “Shissou Word”, “Additional Memory”, “Lost Day Hour”, “My Funny Weekend” and “Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni”... but! Guess what: Jin-san said, “I wanna play them after all” and additionally performed the first part of “Imaginary Reload” and all of “Remind Blue”!! Jin-san’s hopping as he played was cute.
The general course of events was that a teaser movie soon played, then the host came on-stage and called Jin-san over, Jin-san showed up slurping a Shissou Word drink, choked while drinking it, and then performed Shissou Word. After that, it was announced that there would be a lottery and some of the prizes were Jin-san’s personal belongings.
The first corner was “Jin-san Talks About Kagerou Project”. It was a talk about why he started making KagePro. With the trigger being that the band he had in high school broke up, he decided to make stuff on his own, and he started creating a story first from the fact that “There are many depictions of ‘eyes that do ○○’, huh!” or something of the sort.
“Locking eyes” ➡ “Medusa” ➡ “This is it!!” ➡ “A Medusa who doesn’t want to lock eyes with anyone won’t come out of her house!” - with this trend, it seems the first thing he planned out was Kuusou Forest.
Apparently, the stories of the novel and manga progressed with him deciding their ending first, and he indeed wants to write the next novel. If he ends up unable to publish it, he’ll write it like, “whatever” and turn it into a book anyway, and he talked about writing something like “Kagerou Quest”, lol.
After he finished performing Additional Memory, he stated that he “couldn’t mention it on Twitter”, but he had wanted to say that “Ayano isn’t just a gentle girl”. From then on, we had a questions-and-answers corner.
Q.: What was the moment in which you thought, “I’ve become an adult”? A.: That’s a theme I want to write about in the next novel. I thought, “I’ve turned into an adult, huh” when I was making Lost Day Hour and suddenly felt like calling my friends. Also, when I started paying taxes.
From someone who’s been an Asahiner for 7 years: I want to know the reason why you made My Funny Weekend. A.: I’d wanted to use Hiyori, but I couldn’t until now. Hiyori is strong, so if I’d used her before, she would make everyone else’s worries dim. It feels like Hiyori made me write the parts that go, “being greedier is just fine”. I’m not the one who came up with them.
From a person who used to stan Shintarou and started stanning Ayano after Additional Memory: Please tell us the reason why you gave Ayano that moment in AddiMemo. A.: It’s the one song in MekaRelo in which someone is dying alone. Sorry for going, “I’m sorry” right after singing, “It’ll surely be an even better day!”. This is actually a story that I wished I had included in the manga.
Q.: I would like to know about the Mekakushi-dan of the early stages. A.: There are parts of the way the loops work that I haven’t written yet. There’s a possibility that, epending on the loop, the characters of the first Mekakushi-dan might show up (like the female Konoha).
Q.: I would like to know about the Mekakushi-dan of the early stages. A.: There are parts of the way the loops work that I haven’t written yet. There’s a possibility that, epending on the loop, the characters of the first Mekakushi-dan might show up (like the female Konoha).
Q.: Will you write the story of the characters turning into adults? A.: I’ve already thought out what kind of jobs each will have and who will be married to who. There are many stories in the minds of everyone, but I want to write something like, “This kind of future also exists”. For example, Kido taking over the orphanage and Hibiya becoming an archeologist to investigate the Medusa abroad. But whenever I try to make so and so get married, another side of me cuts it off like, “Wait a minute... the one who will marry Shintarou is Haruka, right?”, so whoever wins this unique armed struggle tournament inside my brain will be the one to write.
~About MekaRelo~
He had wanted to make songs regarding what he couldn’t write in the novel.
Imaginary Reload: it’s about the girl who had been waiting to be rescued in Kuusou Forest going off to fight on her own will, and doesn’t just wait to be saved. It’s 274 BPM, so it’s the fastest song?
Shissou Word: it’s based on the fear that Jin-san experienced when he was a child from continuously being asked, “Why can’t you do such a normal thing?” and from wondering, “What is ‘normal’ even?”
My Funny Weekend: it’s the song that feels the most final episode-like to him.
Additional Memory: a song that he thought he “had to write”. It’s the saddest one.
Lost Day Hour: the song that had him thinking, “I have to make this” back when he was writing volume 6.
Remind Blue: a song that made him think, “This is the last summer song”. It’s a song packed with the things he didn’t manage to write about in SumReco. It has the image of Shintarou, but there are parts about Haruka, about Seto and about Kano, so it’s kind of a song with no definite protagonist. Makes one think about not forgetting summer.
Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni: since the fireworks festival that he once watched in his hometown is his image of the end of summer, so he had wanted to make a story that ended with people watching fireworks, but he was indecisive, because “the last battle happens in the basement of a school, what do I do~” (said originally with a northern accent). He didn’t want to let summer end, but if it didn’t end, it would be weird and unpleasant.
After this talk, Jin-san was about to play My Funny Weekend, but realized that the Shissou Word drink he was having had disappeared without him noticing and was like, “Where’s my Never-Lost Word!?”. He drank water instead, sulking.
“I might make a mistake, sorry!” ➡ *makes a mistake during the hook* ➡ “There were no mistakes, right!?”
Then, we had the big lottery. Sadly, although I had a number in hands, I wasn’t able to get Medusa, the amplifier that Jin-san used when making Imaginary Reload. Sad.
And so, we had the last song, Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni. Jin-san played while saying, “I wanna do collaboration drinks again~”
Everyone frantically lined up to pay their checks and buy goods, but then Jin-san suddenly came back, said, “I wanna do this after all!” and played Imaginary Reload and Remind Blue while drenched in sweat. “Why is it that I’m sweating so much even though I’m playing while seated?”
And then it really was the end... however, people quickly queued to get autographs as if racing to board the last train. While stiffly shuddering, I also got autographs on my CDs and MekaTalk, then handed a letter to him.
I was happy to get a “Ah! It’s a folded paper crane!” reaction from him, but I was nervous for real, so I turned into the typical figure of a useless otaku. When he was signing, I told him, “I won’t be able to go to tomorrow’s autograph session, so I’m happy to be getting it now.” and he replied, “I’ll hold lots of other events after this one! So when the time comes, please! Do attend them!!”
I’ll go.
I arrived at the venue a bit too early, and when I was waiting for the opening, the staff people and Jin-san passed by me like it was nothing...! He was giving off a civilian-like aura. He boarded the elevator crammed with staff members as if having fun, and when the door was closing, he waved a little at us.
During Jin-san’s play-and-talk live, there was a questions corner and Jin-san discussed about the compositions. He had always wanted to try creating collaboration drinks based off the songs, so it seems he talked it over with the personnel like, “Shissou Word is this kind of song” and, “This color will do~” and, “Could you make this thing float? Is it impossible?” in order to have them made. The band BACKHORN, which Jin-san likes, had been doing these kinds of collaboration drinks, so he had wanted to try his hand at it no matter what.
There were also two types of pancakes that had the image of song compositions, RED and BLUE, and just when Jin-san thought of eating them too, he was told by someone from the staff, “There are only five left” and went, “Incredible” www... They were mad popular, so there was a lot of people eating them.
When Jin-san entered the stage, he brought with him a Shissou Word-themed glass and was drinking it like, “Yummy”.
He’d said on Twitter that he wanted to do something like explaining about the compositions of the songs, so he tweeted about it just a little, but he hadn’t been able to tweet at all after that, apparently because he had been practicing for the live and doing all sorts of things in the meantime. It seems that, since Jin-san was late to tweet about it, he decided to do it properly if he had the chance to tweet later. Is what he said. That he wanted to “explain a little about the song compositions tonight~”.
First track was Shissou Word. At the applause that rose naturally from the audience, Jin-san bashfully said, “thank you” in-between the lyrics. The motif behind Shissou Word was Jin-san’s experience with being asked, “Why can’t you do normal things?” Even though normal things are easy to do for other people, they’re difficult for him... that’s what the song says.
He looked happy when he asked a girl sitting at the far right of the first row, “What are you drinking?” It seems that this person was having the Additional Memory drink (it was red).
Second track was Additional Memory. The song goes like, “Ayano has a so-called gentle girl image, but she also bears these kinds of feelings”. I sensed that listening to the hook with Jin-san’s live voice made it resonate even more sharply in my heart. A shout of her emotions... is what it felt like, I guess?
Jin-san also said something along the lines of, “It’s great being able to expand my range of expression by not just using VOCALOIDs but singing with my own voice too~”.
It seems Jin-san spent a period in truancy during his childhood, and what gave him energy back then was music and books. At any rate, by the looks of it, that had been a truancy amongst truancies.
He’d wanted to form a band in high school, but the bassist quit, so he quickly became spineless about it. It appears that when he was like, “What do I do?”, a senpai of his recommended VOCALOID to him. He came to admire songs with high levels of story settings, similar to the ones from Kinniku Shoujo Tai, and started wanting to create something like an album that would turn into a story – that was the beginning of KagePro.
He said, “It’s interesting that there are lots of phrases about things you can do with your eyes.” Like, “Averting one’s eyes is Hikikomori-ish, concealing one’s eyes means that kind of stuff.” (“That kind of stuff”, you say!? This is just the kind of specific term I wanted~)
It seems that the plot of back then is still in his computer. “The Medusa is a shut-in”, and things like that.
Jin-san is still burdened with the curse from when he was 19 years old www
He also talked about how his computer fell from the second floor when he was moving www and about he wound up naming it Frederica www
Q&A corner. It was a corner where he received questions from people that he’d randomly point at after they raised their hands. The contents of all questions were amazing...
Someone who’d been an Asahiner for over 7 years said something along the lines of being really happy that there was a song about Hiyori-chan, and Jin-san commented that Hiyori-chan is a character with an extremely firm notion of self, so he had wanted to release it sooner but it seems he hadn’t been able to. That’s because, back when the Mekakushi-dan members were still fretting and saying stuff like “oh, my dirty”, if Hiyori-chan had been there with her “Move forward! There’s no mistake that tomorrow will be a much more wonderful day~”, she would cut them off with a single stroke.
It seems she’ll have a lot of screen time from now on. And it looks like rather than Jin-san writing the part of the lyrics that goes “being greedy is just fine”, it felt more like Hiyori-chan was “making him write it”. Hiyori-chan is awesome.
Someone asked Jin-san, “At what time do you think you became an adult?” and he answered that, in the past, he would think of himself as an Onii-chan when looking at children, but now he thinks he’s an Oji-san. That he was paying taxes, laying out a path and keeping it clean www. He said he “ended up becoming an adult when creating Lost Day Hour”; he could see his friends everyday when he was a child, but it seems there’s no such thing after growing up, and he’d find himself thinking, “I wanna give my friends a call”.
Imaginary Reload is 274BPM, and apparently that’s the most in all songs he’s made so far. Incredible. By the way, the maximum for BPM is 300.
It seems Jin-san also likes Remind Blue. Even though he had said, “I’ll make this one and then I won’t write songs about summer anymore!”, he made Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni right after that www. His 28th summer song...
Questioner: Even though I’d never budged from Shintarou until now, I ended up coming to like Ayano-chan the most after listening to Additional Memory. Jin-san: It seems a derby happened there. Is this a horse race or what www
Additional Memory is a bit of an unique song even for MekaRelo. He said, “I’m sorry... for bringing about a song that falls down with a hard thud immediately after saying that ‘tomorrow will be an even more wonderful day~’ with My Funny Weekend.” Like, “She dies all by herself...” He also said that what he was going to discuss from that point on were spoilers.
Shintarou’s snake is... The snakes exchange the abilities for lives... Then, lives are their,,,...???
He was like, “Please don’t spread this on Twitter and the like~”.
Remind Blue. This song was supposed to be Shintarou-san’s, but the figures of everyone overlapped in it, and it feels like each of them is being nostalgic in their own spot. The lyrics go, “together with the me of yesterday”, so Kano-kun and Seto-kun were also in it... is what Jin-san said. The way of talking is masculine. So it felt like it turned into everyone’s Remind Blue. Jin-san did say that, to him, friends are people who think the same.
Jin-san had Saiyuki-san draw the manga extra from MekaRelo A, and it seems it went like this: “Is it all right this way?” “It is.” “Is Kido-san okay like that?” “She’s exactly like that.” “The Kido-san that Saiyuki-san draws is really cool!” Jin-san said with great admiration.
Speaking of which, it seems that there’s already a conception of the Mekakushi-dan as adults in Jin-san’s mind and he’s decided things such as, “This person will be like that” and “Their occupation will be this”.
Kido-san will run an orphanage; taking over the will of that orphanage is very much like her. Hibiya-kun will be an archeologist. There are legends about Medusa all over the world, so he’ll be researching that.
He talked about how an adult Kido-san appeared in the MV of Shissou Word after he commissioned it to Sidu-san... something like that. It looks like he’s thinking along the lines of... “this person and this person will get married” as well. But Jin-san also said, “Shintarou’s wife will be Haruka-san (laughs)”. Apparently, these Jin-san’s are on a peerless inner fight inside him, and the Jin-san who wins will have his scenario come to life.
Haruka-san is KagePro’s main heroine www
Jin-san asked the audience, “Do you want to see the children of the Mekakushi-dan?” (I do.) “I wanna write novels,” he said. He was like, “I wanna introduce new characters!”
A parallel universe (one of those that are trendy nowadays?) called “Kagerou Quest” might happen www
Alternatively, it might be set in outer space, and it’ll be like a Martian version of the Mekakushi-dan fighting? Something along those lines? (Martian Mekaushi-dan!?!?)
There was a break of about 10 minutes. In that meantime, we lined up for the sale of goods, ate pancakes, etc...
The latter half of the live started.
My Funny Weeked. Jin-san seems to think that this one is the most last episode-like song. He said something like, “It’s my first time playing it live, so if I make any mistakes, pretend you didn’t notice~” and began playing. There was clapping from the audience seats as if to cheer on him, and he stopped playing right before the hook for an instant, but soon resumed it. After he finished singing, he asked, “See, there were no mistakes, right~?” (lol)
During the play-and-talk part, Jin-san drank water because he was out of options, since he had left the Shissou Word drink that he was having at the beginning somewhere, but he heard someone say from the seats, “The Never-Lost Word has been lost” and replied with, “You say some clever things www”.
Jin-san mentioned that he “was bad at conversing”, but I enjoyed his talk.
Big lotery. I ordered food and drinks and received an application coupon with the second item. The prizes were a set of guitar picks, a set of can badges, a volume of Mekakucity Talkers, a poster of MekaRelo (with Jin-san’s signature), a set of ticket holders and cards that came with the novels as appendix, which Jin-san claimed to have turned his house upside-down in order to bring over, and Jin-san’s own CDs (of Mekakucity~) and guitar effector (he apparently recorded Imaginary Reload with it, and its name is Medusa too). To the people who were sorted, congratulations~!
It seems Jin-san has only told about a part of KagePro until now, and he hasn’t yet talked about the extent of the loops.
When he was a child, he used to think, “I don’t want the new semester to start. It’d be good if summer didn’t end.” but an endless summer is somewhat disturbing, just like the two people living together in the last volume... of the novel.
Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni. It seems the last chapter of KagePro closed with fireworks. That’s because, in the past, when Jin-san lived in Hokkaidou, there was a huge fireworks festival, and he thought back then, “Summer is over, huh”. He was like, “But how will I bring up fireworks when the story led up to the school’s underground, a place that has nothing to do with it!?” (lol)
From a wing of the stage, Jin-san got his face out and peeked through (?) from within the curtains with a glance. He’s kinda cute despite being an adult man...
It seems he was being considerate towards us and saying, “It’s late into the night and there are people here who have to go home...” He then played Imaginary Reload (but just the short version of it). And in the end, he was like, “I do want to do it after all!” He sang Remind Blue.
He bid his goodbyes with waving hands~!
Jin-san, you’ve granted me really fun and good memories tonight. You’re indeed by yourself when you’re making music and writing novels... you’ve also gone through hard times. Tonight was super enjoyable, and even though it was a play-and-talk live, you up and said that you were sweating bullets www
“Please let me perform live again,” he said to us.
It was a tremendously fun night. Good job, and thank you very much.
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Red Ninja Babe Headcanons
Since Tumblr flagged the original post since I had lots of nsfw gifs in it, I’m just reposting this because I still love this red baby of mine.
Warning: Probably lots of spelling mistakes and errors cuz I’m a lazy dumbass that doesn’t like to proofread
Tsūrunaka Hattatsu:
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General info:
Name: Hattatsu Tsūrunaka (Hattatsu meaning growth or enlargement and the Tsūru for his last name meaning tool)
Age: 17
Birthday: July 28
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5’10
Weight: 201Lb
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Prussian Blue
School: Seijin Academy
Class: Second Year, class 5
Alignment: Hero
Physical description: Average height, muscular body, serious features, square/chiseled jaw, an ‘X’ scar on his left cheek, thick eyebrows, wide eyes, slender nose. He looks generally handsome but can come off as rather intimating and scary. He has that cool, dangerous, and mysterious look about him though that is not how he really is.
Quirk (as said on the wikia): “Gigantification Quirk: The main strength of this Quirk is that it allows the user to increase the speed, strength, and size of the things the user touches, This can be used on bolts and Nails, Also seems the user can increase the speed to bring forth powerful momentum to increase the power of the user’s attacks, while the sudden increase in size can increase physical strength and destructive range of the weapons.This Quirk is very versatile As the user can customize the ammo to specific situations like using Tungsten against fire Quirk users. It is unknown if this Quirk is restricted to inanimate objects.”
Likes: curry buns, fluffy things, dogs
Dislikes: Dry weather, pickled fish, failing
Current concern: “I want to make my mother breakfast in bed for her birthday but I have no idea what to make.”
He as born on July 28 in a hospital in Osaka, Japan and was given the name of Hattatsu Tsūrunaka (first-last Name).
He was an awfully quiet baby, mostly observing his surroundings and people, wanting to soak up as much information as he could with his wide eyes. He was awfully observant as a babe and picked up on a of things even at such a young age. It made him look rather serious and angry to say the least but it honestly added onto his his cuteness.
Plus!! He had super chubby cheeks and the sweetest little frowny eyebrows. His mother has a lot of photos of him with his little angry expression on his face and she can’t help but gush at them from time to time.
However, despite his angry or serious expression, Hattatsu was an incredibly easy baby to deal with, never putting up too much of a fuss with anything and was usually okay with people holding him and wanting to be close to him. He was a rather chubby baby so everyone wanted to kiss and hug him, and usually most babies are fussy or whine for their parents, but he rather enjoyed getting to meet so many new people and would even smile when people showed him affection.
His mom also dressed him up in a lot of bear onesies when he was a babe. He has a least four different types of Bear onesies in different colors, but her favorite was the brown one. She would mainly have him wear them during Christmas and would let him walk and play around in them until he was tired of wearing them.
He was really attached to his mother as both a baby and a toddler because she was really all that he had since his father died a short time after he was born. He would often cling to her leg or hold her hand wherever they went, always keeping a lookout in case some scary man tried to talk to his mother. He would also (try, mind you) to cook for his mother in the mornings to surprise her, but would usually end up making a mess or burning something, resulting in lots of tears and apologies from Hattatsu, but his mother couldn’t stay mad at him for long.
The day Hattatsu got his quirk was a bit of a wild day. He was in the park with his mother and dog, happily throwing around a ball when playing fetch with their dog. When it was Hattatsu’s turn to throw the ball, he sneezed mid throw which somehow activated his quirk and made the tennis ball grow at least 50 times it size. Both his mother and dog and everyone around them were extremely shocked and surprised at what they had just seen, but their shock turned into awe soon and claps went around for Hattatsu to congratulate him on finally getting his quirk and for the force it seemed to have.
After that day, He started practicing on his quirk more, using smaller objects and making them bigger. It took a lot of energy from him but he was a real strong kid and would train himself for hours to be able to both make the object big, and keep it that way for a while, soon moving up to making multiple objects bigger and holding their form.
It wasn’t until he was in middle school when he realized just what else he could do with his quirk. Not only could he enlarge an object by a great amount but he could also increase the speed and the destructive force of that object.
And true to how he was as a baby, Hattatsu grew up to be rather serious and took lots of his classes and training seriously. He had a strict regimen that he followed everyday to keep himself and his quirk in peak condition. He wants to be the best he can be in order to make both his mother and late father proud.
With this in mind, he didn’t get to make many friends and only really greeted people if he walked by them and said his goodbyes after school before going home.
And contrary to how he may look, he isn’t interested in becoming a hero for the fame and glory, but he’s in it for the money.
Much like Ochaco, he wants to be a hero to earn enough money to support his mother. He believes that after everything she has done and sacrificed for him, the least he could do is give her the majority of his earnings to make her life easier. He and his mother sometimes get into arguments about it, but he is determined to help his mother in any way he can.
With all that in mind, Hattatsu  immersed himself in his training and studying to hone his skills to use his quirk efficiently and get noticed by some top schools. He kept all his grades up and made sure to get perfect scores on all his physical exams and training.
When he got into Seijin Academy, he and his mother were extremely happy and excited that he had gotten into a rather good school. The school was known for its discipline and intense courses and was known to have birthed many great Pros so it was just perfect for Hattatsu.
With that being said, Hattatsu made sure to be even more rigid with his schooling. He easily became the top student in his class, always passing his homework, schoolwork, and exams with flying colors. There has never been a time where he has gotten less than an A- on anything.
However, he isn’t a jerk about it. He rarely boasts about his grades and actually helps his fellow students a lot with their school work when t comes to subjects they are weak in.
Like Momo, he holds lots of study/homework sessions at his house (since he is an off campus student) every Saturday. He lets students from any and all classes come to his house for a full day, spending an hour or so on different topics before giving them a little quiz to do to see if what he had been tutoring them on has really payed off.
In doing this, Hattatsu was able to make a lot more friends. People were pretty surprised that he was so open and talkative despite his serious outlook and they often describe him as being rather blunt but in a humorous way.
His closest friends are the Yellow Ninja Twin babes, Ezra (the one with his left eye covered) and Dezna (the one with his right eye covered), the Green Ninja Babe, Hanzo and their group name is called the Seijin 4.
He is dubbed the “Dad” of the Seijin 4 because he is always nurturing and protecting his friends with everything he has. He always gets them out of trouble or funks they may be in, always lending them a helping hand when he knows they need one.
And just like fathers, his jokes are usually dad jokes that he makes unironically. It’s just how his humor is. Sometimes he’ll say a dad joke and his friend will burst out in laughter and he’s just very confused as to why they’re laughing so hard.
When he is being funny though and wants to crack a joke, his jokes are usually lengthy but boy do they make you weak. They’re so skillfully told and thoughtout and they will bring you to your knees in a fit of laughter.
He is usually modest but can point out someone else’s faults/weakness. He doesn’t do it on purpose, but sometimes he can’t help but point out someone’s weakness/fault when in combat or when he is trying to correct them if they come to him for help.
He can also be a bit of a jerk because he is pretty blunt from time to time. He doesn’t see the point in withholding the truth and will always say what is on his mind, although he will apologize if he has realized he has hurt someone
Respects women 100%. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to help any woman in need. If they need something from the top shelf, he’ll get it for them. If he is approaching a door with a woman behind him, you bet he opens the door and steps aside to let her in first. If he’s at the lunch table and one of his friends that’s a girl comes to sit down, he will offer up his seat or help her push in her seat. And lord, if he ever sees a girl crying you can bet he will drop everything he is doing to help her out. He will be her shoulder to cry on or let her vent all her frustrations to him, giving her advice where need be and if she asks for it.
However, Hattatsu is actually shy around girls most of the time too. I think it’s pretty safe to say that Hattatsu — well, the Seijin 4 in general — is a heartthrob and he often gets love letters and confessions from different girls and even boys and he just gets so flustered. Each time he gets one his face outmatches the color of roses and tomatoes by a landslide. Even the tips of his ears and neck turn a deep scarlet color with each and every love confession he receives.
Around boys, he’s just very stiff and nods. He really doesn’t know what to do when guys confess to him. He knows girls are a lot more soft and fragile than men are and knows how to deal with them, but he is completely clueless on what to do when guys confess.
Hattatsu is also rather talented. He has a lot of hidden talents that not even his mother knows about. A few of his many hidden talents are that he can balance anything perfectly, he knows lots of random facts on any topic, and he can make himself cry on command.
He can speak four languages (Japanese, Korean, English, and French) and is learning German and Italian currently.
He can speak a little too fast at times too, and it really messes up his sentences and he gets slightly embarrassed about it. When he rolls over his words because he’s speaking too fast, he stops himself, takes in a deep breath before starting his sentence over.
He also slips into German sometimes when he’s excited or angry or experiencing any type of intense emotion. He gets a little embarrassed about that too, but he gets over it a lot faster since people are usually amazed by it.
He works out on a daily basis without fail. From the time school is out until 6pm he is in the gym, cranking iron until his shirt is sweat soaked. He wants to be able to mold and strengthen his body so he can create and later perfect his ultimate move which involves him carrying an object he has made bigger. His muscles are huge and his chest has been chiseled by Apollo himself and his abs could great even the hardest of diamonds. Dude looks good.
But… he is a little self conscious about his body, mainly his nipples because they’re a very pink and he feels like they stand out too much.
He actually wears a fundoshi unironically. He just thinks they suit him a lot better and they keep everything protected. However, he does wear boxers when he is at home.
He’ll never let anyone find out but his mom buys all of his underwear for him. You didn’t hear this from me.
His eyesight is slightly poor. He can’t really see things that are far away so he has to wear contacts when he’s at school or during training/combat. However, when he is at home, he wears prescription glasses. His mother thinks that his glasses suit him and he looks a lot like his father with them on.
The biggest dog lover out there! If there is a dog anywhere near him, he will rush right over to the dogs owner and ask if he can pet it. You know that one video where the guy is petting a cat and he says “it takes a pet like no problem”? That’s Hattatsu with dogs.
He likes fluffy pillows bye
When he was younger, he didn’t really know much about cooking and would often burn foods, but he’s gotten a lot better and has perfected many dishes. Everyone that tries his food loves it and he will often do requests that his friends have and bring it to school for them. He is also a really good baker and will bake for his friends (mostly his mother) quite often.
His taste in music goes from hard core punk rock to classical scores.
He rolls his “R”s a lot. Either when he’s speaking a different language or when he’s worried and scared.
He has the patience of a God which adds onto his Dad role. He has a few baby cousins and they love him so much. They often want him to play with them and ask him a whole bunch of questions and not once does he ever get annoyed or snap at them. He just lets them ask questions after question and he answers them without issue!
In general he is just very good with kids and loves playing with him. He wants to have a big family and be able to play with them often.
He has a stuffed bear named Hano-Chan since he was a kid and he is not afraid to let people see it. Hano-Chan has been his favorite thing forever and he will not be embarrassed if someone asks him about it. However, if anything ever happens to sweet Hano-chan, he would flip out. The Bear was a gift from his father and he’d be damned if anything happened to it.
He puts a lot of focus into his hair without realizing it. When he’s not in his uniform, he likes to style his hair in a spiky and unkempt look that really suits him. There are points of hair all around his head with some loose strands falling in front of his face. He buys a lot of gel and conditioning products and has several different types of combs that he uses to style his hair.
He actually does a lot of self care and hygienic things. He likes to keep himself fresh and smelling good because he doesn’t want to stain everything he touches with the smell of sweat. He showers twice a day and uses Bulgari soap to give him that manly smell. He also uses unscented shampoo because he doesn’t want to have clashing scents on him. He makes sure his nails and teeth are always clean and makes sure not to touch his face too much to avoid acne.
He also does a lot of the House chores and lets his mother rest whenever he gets the chance. Things like laundry, gardening, washing the dishes, feeding and washing the dog, and other general House cleaning duties are all the things he does in his free time to help take the burden off his mother’s shoulders.
He can play the piano really well. He started learning when he was younger and was pretty good at it then, but now he is even better. He plays a lot for his mother when she is reading or when she is feeling down.
He is such a sweet boyfriend. Like I said, he is a complete gentleman and really only ever wants what is best for you. He will go to the ends of the earth for you if it means your happiness.
He opens doors for you, pushes in your chair, gets you random flowers every other day, makes you lunch, anything that puts a smile on your face.
He is a little nervous when it comes to physical affection. He doesn’t exactly know where he should and shouldn’t touch and he doesn’t want to overstep any boundaries you may have by touching you somewhere you don’t like. He always asks before he touches or holds you, wanting to make sure it’s okay with you first.
However, if you’re the one that wants to be close and physically affectionate, he’ll let you do so without issue. You can just come up to him randomly and wrap your arms and legs around him and he’ll just accept it, setting downs whatever he may have had in his hands and holding you to him until you’ve had your fill.
He loves holding your hand and kissing your forehead though. He thinks it’s one of the most innocent and intimate gestures of affection there are and he just lives for it. His favorite times to hold your hand are when you’re walking together or cuddling. It just makes him so warm inside because he just wants to be connected and close to you at all times.
He is the type of boyfriend to not really understand a lot of girl things, but tries his best. If you send him out for tampons/pads, chances are he might get the wrong brand/size but he tried his best and he’s really sorry about it so you can’t even be mad at him. And please don’t ask him about makeup because he knows absolutely nothing about it. One day you asked him to buy you a beauty blender and he bought a literal blender and said “I don’t know how this is going to help but here it is. Please mind the blades when you use it, babe”
During the winter you shall never be cold because he offers many if not all of his hoodies and sweatshirts to you to wear. Your closet is ¾ your clothes and ¼ Hattatsu’s hoodies/sweatshirts. He just doesn’t want you to get sick and his clothes are just big and trap a lot of heat in them and he wants you to have em… and it may also be because he really likes seeing you in his clothes. His hoodies reach to your knees and your arms can barely poke out of the arms and he just thinks it’s adorable.
He will always let you sleep on him if you need it. All you have to do is ask and he will bring you onto his lap, your chest against his with your arms and legs wrapped around him and your head in the crook of his neck. He’ll even take of the shirt he is wearing to drape it around you as a form of blanket because like I said, baby doesn’t want you to be cold or get sick.
Hattatsu will almost always go along with any date plan you have as long as it doesn’t involve anything too dangerous. If you want to go smirking at the beach, he’s game but sets up a lot of precautions. If you want to go to a movie, sure thing, but just let him pay for everything. If you want to go to a cafe, he’s totally down, but let him get the food and pay for your drinks at the very least.
Speaking of dates, the ones he plans are always so… amazing and whimsical. Like on your first date, he took you for an evening picnic with food that he and his mother made together. He would have secured a park bench for you both and dressed it in a nice table cloth and even brought some mason jar fairy lights to help illuminate the table for when it got darker. The food and the scenery and the time of Day was just so perfect. You swear you were in like some fairy forest eating food made of wild fresh herbs, spices, and fruits.
However, your favorite date with him (which is something you guys do quite often now) is when he took you in his truck to a large field of grass and flowers. There, he had let you frolic in the grass and flowers whilst he took pictures of you and soon set up a photo timer system so that he could join you and still capture more moments. Afterwards, he told you he had another part to your date and asked that you stay in the front of the truck whilst he bustled about behind it. Eventually he came to get you and showed you what he had been doing and it was breathtaking. He had laid the bed of the truck with a thick duvet and on it lay his computer, some popcorn, chocolate, flowers, and some more fairy light fixtures and pillows. On his computer was a downloaded version of your favorite movie. You both watched the movie and eat happily, laying together on the bed of the truck before stargazing once the movie was over.
You can’t tell me that he doesn’t have a WIP scrapbooks he’s been working on since your second date. It had pictures of both you and him together, doing different things with smiles on your faces and cute little filters on some of the pictures as well. As time goes on, I’m sure he would have at least three scrapbooks made, one for you and him both, one for you that he keeps himself, and for him that he’s given to you.
He calls you the cutest nicknames ever: “Sweetpea, love muffin, gumdrop, sweetie, love, pumpkin, joy, bright eyes, babe/baby, sweet cheeks, angle cakes.” And the best thing about these names is that he doesn’t do so to be sickeningly sweet, he just genuinely likes those names for you. He’ll even say them in different languages sometimes as well. Also, he really likes for you to call him sweet nicknames as well, but his all time favorite is “Bear”. When you call him that his knees go weak and his heart thrums against his chest like the wings of a hummingbird.
Speaking of languages, he likes to speak to you in the ones he knows fluently. He does so when he’s being really sweet and affectionate or when he wants you to learn the language along with him.
He gets rather jealous sometimes. He trusts you completely, but he doesn’t trust other people. You’re a huge catch, you’re perfect and beautiful and anyone with any type of sense would want to be with you, so when someone talks you up and tries to flirt with you, he just… boils where he stands and glares at the person flirting with you before going over and getting between the two of you.
And don’t get me started on how protective he is of you. If there is any kind of inconvenience or danger near you, you are behind him so that he can take the full force of any attack. He doesn’t know what he would do if you were the one to get hurt. He will carry you if your hurt or if there is a puddle on the floor and he will most definitely sacrifice his life for you too.
You guys have sleepover saturdays too. You you dress up in animal themed onesies (him in a Brown Bear onesie and you in a puppy onesie) and you both camp out on his couch and watch movies and shows and talk to one another well into the night before getting to bed, cuddled up against one another.
He is the most understanding boyfriend ever. It might be a little angering just how understanding he is but he just doesn’t want any conflict between you two. Fights are a rarity and if one ever does arise between you both, he will do everything he can to understand your side of your argument and bring it to a mutual close before it escalates to anything.
He hardly ever cries but every time you wear a dress the tears just flow down his cheeks before he even knows what’s happening. You just look so beautiful and pure and it takes the breath from his lungs.
He will also cry during moments in which you two are both peaceful and close. Like it’ll be the middle of the night and you two are in his kitchen, your feet on top of his as you both dance. He’ll break out in silent tears because he’s just so happy to be in a situation like this with you.
He texts you quite a lot. He just loves to keep in contact with you, checking up on you throughout the day, sending you wholesome love memes, and pictures of himself to you. Actually that’s something he does very often. It’ll be during random times of the day when you get a picture message of Hattatsu, smiling into the camera with a caption that says “Hey, starshine. How’re you doing today? I’m about to go to the gym but I’ll chat with you later. I hope you’ve had enough water and food today. Let me know if you want me to come over.” You have to save all of his pictures because they’re honestly just so cute and handsome and you swoon at each one.
Hattatsu is also the type of boyfriend that likes to video call when you guys are a distance away. Say you’re on vacation in whatever country and he’s stuck in Japan, he’ll set up times in which you both can video chat and talk to each other about how your vacations are going or anything you feel like talking about.
He brings you food a lot. He knows all your favorite restaurants and food vendors and is aware of all the snacks and foods you favor more. You’ll be chilling at home or in your dorm room and suddenly hear a knock on your door and it’s just Hattatsu with bags of chocolate, chicken nuggets, fries, milkshakes, and a few cookies. He just likes to know you’re eating and even if it’s not the healthiest foods, he’s just comforted that it makes you happy and that you appreciate what he does for you.
He actually also invites you to a lot of dinners at his house with his mom. All three of you would be in the kitchen cooking and talking and having a good old time together before sitting at the table to eat everything.
To be honest, even though he is a bit of a health nut, he won’t ever push you to eat healthy and work out like he does unless you want to and ask him yourself. If you do want to lose weight or get in shape and you come to him for advice and help, he will gladly do so, but he won’t ever put too much pressure on you or be annoying with his motivation.
Working out with him is actually a lot of fun because he listens to music that really gets your blood pumping and makes you want to move.
He becomes like a mother hen when you get sick, doting on your every need and doing whatever he can to make you feel better and get you back to your full health. At school, he’ll go to all of your classes and ask your friends and teachers for all the notes you’re missing and when he finally gets to you at home in bed, he’s making you soup, reading your notes for you, changing the towel on your head and making sure you’re the perfect temperature.
NSFW Headcanons Below: 
Home boy has a big dick, okay? 6 inches of uncircumcised and pure power and boy is it thick. He has a lot of noticeable and very sensitive veins on his cock and it drives him completely crazy when you run your tongue on them. His head is blunt and wide but you’re thankful for it because if his head was any smaller, it would hurt a lot to get his shaft in you because that thin is thick!!!! His cock has a lot of darker pink tones, kind of making it look as though it should belong to an older man but it really suits him.
He doesn’t have much pubic hair and usually shaves it down. He thinks that it gets in the way and adds drag to his movements. However, when he goes through periods in which he doesn’t shave, his pubic hair gets really thick and coarse and he even has a little happy trail.
Okay, so Hattatsu has no experience at all. Sweetie doesn’t even know what a vagina looks like, I shit you not. He grew up his entire life never having seen a single vagina but when he does see one he is pleasantly surprised.
However, he has taken some Family Life classes so he knows how sex works, but he’s just… very embarrassed about it.
He doesn’t masturebate often either. Dude is practically a saint. He gets horny quite a lot but he just can’t bring himself to touch himself most of the time, especially when his mother is in the house.
When he does masturbate though, he likes to take his time, Giving his shaft slow, long strokes that has him gasping for air every time his fist reaches to the tip of his cock and squeezes.
Boy does he love playing with his balls. They’re extremely sensitive and are always so full. He has to bite down on his pillow or hand or anything he can reach to stifle his moans because it just feels so damn good.
Also… he cums a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like the first time he ever came, he was extremely panicked because he had made such a huge mess. There was a huge stain on his bed and a mess of his cum on his shirt and legs. He nearly had a heart attack and his mother was very confused when she saw him washing his sheets so early in the morning.
He prefers masturbating in the shower, leaning against the wall and jerking himself off as the hot water beats down on his body. But when he masturbates on his bed, he likes to do so on his hands and knees, using one hand to hold him up as the other jerks himself off. He makes sure to keep a towel or something to catch everything once he reaches orgasm though.
When it comes to actual sex, he’s very awkward and makes a lot of mistakes the first couple of times.
When he first sees you naked, he’s a bit stunned and just doesn’t know what to say,  so for a while he’s just staring at you with his mouth gaping open and his hardon bobbing in satisfaction at the sight before him. It made you extremely nervous and self conscious so eventually you just called things off because you couldn’t take it. He made sure to apologize and explain himself though.
When it came to attempt number two of having sex, he let you take the majority of the lead, letting you instruct him as to where he could put his hands, where and how you liked to be touched, and basically just how to properly please you without being too awkward.
But man… man oh man, is this boy just in awe of your body. You’re just so beautiful to him and he can’t help but stop and stare at your body below or above him.
He eventually becomes a lot more used to your body and how everything works and turns into a very sensual and gentle lover. All his actions are full of love and are light but leave such an intense and intimate burn on your skin. Sex with him will always have you gasping and moaning and clutching him close because a moment without his touch would just be too unbearable.
He is a huge titty man. It doesn’t matter what size your boobs are, he just loves how cute and round they look and will always want to touch and hold them (with your permission). He won’t really say it out loud, but you’ll be sure to pick up on just how much he likes your breasts because he pays a lot of attention to them, always marveling at them, gliding his rough fingers along your nipples and in between them. And if the way he sucks on them isn’t a dead giveaway too, then I don’t know what else is.
When he sucks on your nipples, he does so calmly, slowly, letting his mouth encase the hard bud and giving it long sucks that draws the best moans from you. However, he gives off a few moans himself too because he’s just so pleased by the way they feel and taste in his mouth.
At first, he is pretty vanilla too. He didn’t think kinks were necessary for sex, but he would comply with whatever you want to do as long as it isn’t too extreme. But after you showed him some kinks and different things, he found that he started liking them.
Things like spanking, praise, nipple play, and orgasm denial really excite him. It’s never anything too heavy, but whenever he does it he feels himself growing closer and closer to his release.
He also really like having music playing in the background. Things that are slow or warpy or have really intense beats really get him into the mood of things. Some examples of songs he’d bang to are Never Be Like You by Flume, Champagne and Sunshine by Tarro, and Quick Music Doodles by Two Feet.
He has really sensitive nipples. They’re a bright pink and sensitive and there is hardly ever a time when they aren’t hard and perky. If you play with hem or even do so much as graze your fingers over when when having sex, he’ll melt.
Hickies are another thing he really enjoys, mainly receiving. He likes that you want to mark him as yours, to let everyone know that he is taken and that no one else can have him. He will wear his hickies or any other sex induced mark you give him with pride (just as long as his mama doesn’t see em)
He really likes the missionary position or any position that lets him see your face. He wants sex to be an intimate and close experience between the both of you and doing it in the missionary position is perfect for that. Other positions would be like spooning, you on top, or with his legs crossed and you on top.
Hattatsu is kind of bad at giving oral but he tries his best. He’s just awfully sloppy and doesn’t know how to multitask down there, but if you guide and help him a bit, he can get the job done nicely.
He won’t ever say it lest he sound like some pervert, but he really loves receiving head and cumming on your chest. He knows he cums a lot and that it will be kind of gross but he just… really wants to do it. If you ever allow him to and continue to allow him to, he will enjoy it so much.
His moans are so deep and low but he doesn’t do it very often. He’ll let out those sexy moans every so often and you’ll want to do everything in your power to have him make more of that sweet sexy noise.
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hcrcwitz · 5 years
last but not least! please HMU or LIKE THIS to plot again, i luv u all for stickin w me in this trying time.
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❝   constance wu.  cisfemale.  she/her.   ❞   ━    𝕝𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨  welcomes  heather zhao  with  open  arms.  the  thirty-five  year  old  botanist has  been  living  here  for  fifteen years,  give  or  take.  on  a  good  day,  they  seem  the  vehement  &  eccentric  type,  but  their  deceitful  &  capricious  tendencies  shine  through  when  there  are  no  taxis  into  the  city. 
heather was also a freak as a child. why??? bc i find freaky children to be very relatable ok. im incapable of writing a character w a normal childhood.
born in raised in toronto, her was was a dentist & her mom stayed home to watch her & her 2 siblings!!! she’s the middle child and u can TELL
she was a science kid!!! like....u know the kind w all those little science kids to like grow ur own crystals and blow shit up and whatever. thought lighting stuff on fire was cool. 
she was fairly popular in school!!! although most definitely a trouble maker. top of her class, student council president, yearbook editor, track star, valedictorian, her plate was FULL. and yet.....the little shit was always in detention
everything was just so BORING, which is why she chose to keep herself busy and do so many things. there was never one place she fit in, always bouncing around trying new things and befriending new ppl. 
she graduated early and ended up getting hella scholarship money & she went off to uni to study dentistry just like her dad
her uni roommate was..........a horrible influence on her. well, they were bad influences on each other tbqh because heather wasn’t exactly a good egg to begin with LMAO. 
they definitely focused more on their social lives than their grades, but heather still did p well in school.
heather decided pretty quickly that she did NOT want to be a dentist and eventually, after her and her roommate decided it would be a great idea to grow pot plants in their dorm closet, switched her major to botany instead and the bitch was a whiz! casually growing & selling closet pot to fund their horrible spending habits
she got engaged to her college bf on a whim & she moved to lakeview w him & they got married as soon as she finished her degree. needless to say it definitely did NOT last. she stayed married to him while she finished her masters and then the two called it quits, but she stayed in town. 
a few years later she ended up pregnant w her first child shortly after she finished her doctorate!!! she’d only been dating her boyfriend for a few months at the time but of course......being the impulsive gal she is, they got married!!!! they ended up having another child before they inevitably split up. they currently share custody and they’re on v good terms!!!! there rly are no hard feelings, things just didnt work out for them romantically but they’re still v good friends!!
she got engaged again at some point but never quite made it to her third marriage, which is fine by her. she’ll probably be married another 3 times before she dies but who cares!!!!! weddings are fun. when will she learn her lesson???????? we may never know
anyway, now she out here doing plant things and being a Cool mom. she mostly does a lot of environmental research w her job but also......she runs a grow op on the low, pls don’t tell the police. she’s making bank for the future of her CHILDREN.
she rly is a whackadoodle y’all
she is Loud. generally a cheerful person but she can flip flop so quick it’s SCARY. blames her lack of sleep but she’s always been like this.
indecisive as hell, moody, generally just........a little bit psycho. 
kind of has her head in the clouds???? 
kind of wants to fight everyone she meets.
she rly still is that little trouble maker she used to be and has only smartened up a LITTLE bit since becoming a mom LMAO. 
likes to to reckless things to feel alive. still thinks everything is boring, which is probably why she’s being risky af with her fuckin grow op???
she’s like nancy botwin but actually a Good mom LOL.
a bit of a creative type! never really had the chance to explore that side of her growing up but she’s fully exploring it now that she has kids. makes their halloween costumes and now she’s 10000% a pinterest mom.
she’s Out there. marches to the beat of her own drum, doesnt care what the other bitch pta moms think. she’ll FIGHT THEM!!!! karen better watch her damn back sis
some extra lil bits bc i Gotta
her two kids are ava (8) and miles (6) and she loves them more than absolutely anything in the entire world ofc!!! they are her angels............if u let her she will show u a million photos of them and brag abt them forever.
wine mom??? we don’t know her. heather is a VODKA mom 10000%.
her ex has the kids on weekends so........that is her time to SHINE sis!!! she rly loves to go out and dance and she slays karaoke. 
she rly likes cooking and she thinks she’s AMAZING but.....anyone else will tell u that she is horrible. 
but she’s rly into healthy eating & her and her kids have a garden and they grow their own veggies & shit its a wholesome family activity 
honestly she rly is a kid at heart!!!!
always stressed out but still crackin jokes
she’s smart but still bad at most things??? bad at cooking, bad at driving, bad at time management, but good at helping her kids out on their school projects and REALLY good at planning the best sleepovers
honestly the best way to sum her up is just..........she’s nice but she wants to fight u 
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keenerparkerstark · 5 years
All I see is green (4/?)
Ship: Harley Keener/Peter Parker
Summary: Peter Parker feels on top of the world! Getting good grades in high school, spending time with Tony Stark (!!!) on his weekends, and at night, he roams the city as the hero known as Spider-Man! Everything changes when a new student shows up at Midtown who seems determined to take it all away from him.
AO3 | FF.net
Harley watched as threatening clouds rolled in overhead, the side of his head pressed against the cold side window. He wonders, over his head deep into his own teenage angst, whether the weather would continue to accurate reflect his mood all day, and sighed as the first rain drops started to splash onto the windshield.
“Am I going to have to pick you up after school, kid?” Harley could tell Happy was experimenting with how much reluctance he could passively make known to the teen, without outright saying it.
“Uh, probably,” he replied honestly, not sure how else he would be finding his way back to the compound.
“Alright,” Happy sighed, “that sounds like it might be no. Just text me if you change your mind.” Harley simply nodded, not feeling up for giving an outright response. He wished he could have stayed home today, but Tony was quite insistent that he faced the music. “Peter is not upset with you,” he had pressed, but did not elaborate on why he knew this so certainly. On the one hand, he hoped nothing more than to encounter Peter as soon as possible today, so he could apologise and ask to start over. On the other hand… Peter had plenty of reason to hate him, and Harley wasn’t sure if he would be up for a confrontation like that.
“Hey, Happy?” The man simply grunted in response, which Harley took as a sign that he was listening.
“Do you know Peter Parker?” Squinted eyes flickered in his direction, before immediately turning back to the road ahead.
“Yeah, annoying little boy. Why do you ask?”
“I- I just,” Harley swallowed, “I said some pretty mean things to him. I mean, I didn’t know him, but… Yeah, I said some awful stuff, and I don’t really know how to talk to him about it, you know?” Happy’s eyes flickered over again, although this time including a sceptically raised eyebrow.
“Trust me, kid,” he spoke as he turned back to the windshield. “There is no way to get rid of that Parker boy, and God knows I’ve tried. You could probably punch him in the face and he would apologise for getting in the way of your fist. Just say you’re sorry and give him some attention, and he’ll be all over you. He’s like a puppy that way.” Is this also the case if you publically falsely accuse him in front of all his classmates, and then humiliate and bully him all day, Harley wanted to say, guilt sitting heavy in his abdomen.
“Hmm,” he, ever so eloquently, chose to say instead. He turned back to look outside, and noticed that they were pulling up on Midtown’s parking lot. He grabbed his backpack from where he had put it between his legs, and unbuckled his seatbelt. He paused, with his hand on the door handle, and looked towards Happy. Fear and anticipation were rolling around his stomach, fighting a battle for dominance until they finally settled as a feeling of general anxiety.
“Do you really think-”
“Kid, can you save the heart-to-hearts for Tony? I have better things to do.” Harley deflated and turned away, opening the car door. Just as he was about to close it, he heard Happy mutter something about “driving those kids himself”, and decided he didn’t really like Tony’s former bodyguard very much.
Although he had been nervous to go into school yesterday, it seemed to pale in comparison to what he felt now as he looked up at the looming building towering over his head. He clenched and unclenched his hands, feeling his finger nails dig into the palms of his hands as he stood, contemplating what his day would look like. A sudden hand on his shoulder aggressively shook him out of his stupor.
“Hey, Harles! Good to see you, man. How are you doing today?” Flash stood next to him, uncovering his shockingly white teeth in his characteristic grin. Harley turned to him, trying to remember the (one of many) speeches he had prepared as he was lying wide awake in bed last night.
“Good morning, Flash. Listen, I really need to talk to you. It’s about Peter.” Flash’s grin fell, and turned into a confused frown in record time.
“Why do you need to talk about Penis Parker? Did he do something?”
“No, no, I just-” He was cut off by the first warning bell that rang across the school grounds, and Flash started walking away.
“Sorry, dude, but we have P.E. first period and we have to go now if we want to be on time,” he explained as he rushed towards the school, followed suit by Harley. “Just tell me at lunch.” Harley sighed but chased Flash, deep in thought. He knew that Flash’s behaviour towards Peter was horrible: it was straight-up bullying, even. Yet he couldn’t shake the feeling that Flash was really a likable person. He had shown Harley nothing but genuine kindness and he seemed like a funny guy. And honestly, Harley would be the biggest hypocrite on Earth to blame him for acting out against Peter because he thought he was lying. He hoped that, by telling Flash the truth about what happened he could get him to be nicer to Peter as well.
They quickly changed in the mostly empty changing rooms as soon as they arrived at the sports hall, and rushed inside the hall, where the majority of their classmates were already waiting for class to start. Harley’s eyes skimmed the crowd until he saw Peter, sat curled up on the bench on the very left, his head turned towards his friend, who was enthusiastically telling him about something, gesturing wildly. He looked tired, but wore a tired smile at his friend’s antics nonetheless. Flash dragged him over to the right side, just as the teacher entered the hall, and class started.
All day, Harley had been trying to get Flash and Peter alone for long enough to talk to them, but Peter seemed to (and rightfully so, of course) avoid him like the plague, and Flash was constantly surrounded by his friends. Although Harley did not necessarily dislike the other boys, he felt that talking to Flash about their mistake in front of his friend might be humiliating for him, and ruining two persons’ reputations by public humiliation in two days didn’t seem like the kind of track record he’d want to be aiming for at his new school.
Eventually, as he was taking his books out of his bag for his final class of the day, Flash leaned over and asked: “Hey, do you want to hang out after school? We can go to my place, if you want.”
Harley thought about Tony, and how upset he had seemed that morning, no matter how hard he had tried to hide it. He thought about Happy, who did not do justice to his name, and seemed highly reluctant to pick him up from school. He thought about Flash, who’s presence around him seemed to scare away students who came looking to mess with the ‘new kid’. The decision came easy.
“Yeah, sure, sounds great!” He quickly whipped out his phone and sent a text of dismissal to Happy, before turning to smile at Flash, who was grinning back at him.
Flash’s car was really cool. Granted, it was his father’s car, as he had admitted as soon as Harley stopped ranting about its beauty and luxury, but it didn’t make it any less impressive to the other boy. The car took off with surprising speed as Flash turned onto the road, and Harley couldn’t help but grin at the butterflies that appeared in his stomach as a result. Meanwhile, Flash was chatting nonstop.
“… she was quite pretty, as well, but just didn’t understand that that isn’t how customer service works, you know? So, I was explaining this calmly to her as I was driving her to Homecoming, when all of a sudden Spider-Man appeared on the hood of my car!” At the mention of the infamous Queens vigilante, Harley’s attention snapped back to the other’s words.
“Woah, Spider-Man?” Flash nodded with a shit-eating grin, obviously enjoying Harley’s engagement in his story.
“Yeah, dude, Spider-Man! He had just saved my life a couple weeks earlier when I almost died in the elevator in the Washington Monument.”
“You were in there?! I saw it on the news!”
“Yeah, it was really scary, but Spider-Man helped us out. It was a little weird, because Spider-Man usually only helps out in Queens, you know? And suddenly he was in DC, saving my ass. That’s like, what? Four hours from NYC? A little out of his usual range, you know?” Harley vaguely remember Spider-Man fighting in a German airport with Tony a while back, but chose not to mention it, instead nodding along to Flash’s story.
“Can you keep a secret?” Harley almost wanted to laugh at the childlike question, but knew better, considering the other teen was sharing a story of when his life was in serious danger. He nodded again.
“I think Spider-Man is in love with me.” At that, Harley’s head snapped up and he stared at Flash, his eyes wide, and a smile forming on his face.
“What?” he asked incredulously. “No offence, dude, but why do you think Spider-Man is in love with you?” Flash laughed, a blush forming on his face as he visibly grew embarrassed.
“I don’t know, man, I just… the coincidence of him constantly showing up where I am… I don’t know, maybe he’s not in love, maybe it’s just a crush, but…” He sighed. “What are the chances of him just picking my car out of everyone who was on the road in New York City that night, you know?”
“Pretty slim,” Harley agreed, humouring Flash’s thoughts.
“I mean, it’s not like I have a crush on him, or anything,” Flash hastily added, glancing towards Harley. “I’m not… you know, I don’t do that stuff, but I just… I’m sorry, it’s a weird thing to have told you. Forget I said anything.”
“No, dude, it’s fine, don’t worry about it,” Harley quickly assured him, his heart thundering in his chest as he took a deep breath. “I’m gay. It’s no big deal.” Flash glanced at him again, but his gaze lingered slightly, before turning back to the road.
“Oh…” he muttered. “Oh, that’s cool, dude, that’s perfectly fine.” Harley couldn’t suppress his smile just as Flash pulled up to a big house in the New York suburbs, putting a code into the gate leading to a seemingly endless driveway to open it.
Harley ended up spending hours at Flash’s mansion (honestly, it was way too big to call a house. ‘Castle’ would have been more fitting), and couldn’t deny having endless fun. They played Mario Kart and talking about Spider-Man, and school, and college, and family. Harley even ended up telling him about Jason. He was about to tell Flash about Tony, about meeting Iron Man, and being taken in by him years later, but then it hit him. What if Flash would think he was lying too? After such a vulnerable, yet fun afternoon, he didn’t want to risk losing his friend to a misunderstanding like that. He would tell him, eventually, by showing him his home at the Avengers Compound, but in that moment, he chose to keep it to himself, and by doing so, also neglected to tell Flash about Peter’s situation.
“Are you sure you’re okay getting home?” Flash asked as he leaned against the gate that he was dropped Harley off at. “It’s really no problem to drive you-”
“No, don’t worry about it,” Harley quickly responded. “I’ll walk to the closest bus stop and travel home by public transport.” In reality, he had asked Tony to pick him up from there, but Flash really didn’t need to know that. The latter nodded, and grinned at him.
“Get home safe, dude,” he said, as he walked away, waving his hand at the boy as he closed the gate behind him. Harley set off, his StarkPhone in hand as he manoeuvred his way through the winding street of suburban New York. The bus stop was supposed to only be a block away, and although his phone insistently told him to go straight ahead and turn left at the end, simply observation told him that the alley to his right would take him straight to the stop. He shrugged, and ducked into the alley, quickly making his way towards the light at the end, trying to shake the unreasonable anxiety that rose in his stomach.
“Slow your stroll, asshole, unless you want some extra holes in that body of yours.” Right… Not that unreasonable, then.
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thegempage · 6 years
Tell us about the setting for the au!
h o l y s h i t thank you anon!!!
okay, okay, so a lil warning bcus this might get text-heavy: the reason this au is so precious to me is bcus it takes place entirely within a universe i have been slowly creating since i was in the third grade. this also means sometimes nobody knows what the fuck i’m talking about. therefore, i will explain if it’s smth i know i made up
but thank you so much omg!!! i’mma throw this under a cut -- it’s pretty long
so the basis for the au is, again, my own personal universe. it... doesn’t have a name, but i’m not gonna get into the deep, deep parts, just what’s relevant to the storyline(s) i have
most of what i’m calling the Main Story (just sort of when everyone’s together + cool shit will ideally go down) takes place on an island (in a loose sense -- it’s kind of like Iceland or Greenland where they’re huge but not a continent) called Silver Sands. Silver Sands is named after, you guessed it, the silver sand that lines its beaches, all of which comes from eroded weapons of old and dead gods and monsters. it’s rumored some of Fate’s old loom (Fate being the Mother of All and the oldest living god) forms the heart of the island. Silver Sands, being such a hotspot of magical and divine energy, naturally attracts magic users and creatures as well as those dedicated to the gods!! at first it was only magic beings, then magic beasts, then spirits, and so on
over time, more and more people were attracted to the islands. it’s location and energy allow for several biomes to erupt and thrive, going inwards from the beaches to form deserts, grasslands, sprawling forests, even a big swamp that covers the western side rumored to have an entrance to hell in it!! (it does have an entrance to hell in it; a death god stands guard bcus no you don’t need to go to Hell the Lord Hell is busy). people immigrated over time, mingling with the existing magic creatures and spirits. lucretia’s a younger spirit, but she actually got to watch the tail end of that go down.
and when the populations started booming, some people went, “Hey, you know what we could do here? Teach.” so they did! There are five main schools in Silver Sands: the four cardinal schools and Central Academy, which if you’ve seen my other posts I usually just call “Central” (there’s actually more to the name than “Central Academy” but I forget what it is off the top of my head)
Central is where a large chunk of the story kicks off since Barry lives/studies/teaches there, Merle is a preacher who also gives lectures, Davenport is an advanced professor and researcher, and Lucretia is buddy-buddy with the Headmistress (haven’t decided how buddy-buddy lol). Central is like a city that calls itself a single school, with countless buildings, resources, parks, temples, apartments, houses, and attractions littered around the area, with the main building (which is huge just on its own -- think like, the White House except a skyscraper or four all kinda clustered together) which is built right over the heart of the island. it’s got... a shit ton of stuff in it. it’s the academic center, so it’s mostly classrooms, labs, teacher offices, smaller shrines, and resources (libraries, practice rooms, etc) but there’s other stuff scattered about. some people say an old dragon family has their hoard stashed somewhere inside.
Central in general is considered the greatest magic school in the world, which is supported by the fact that many stay there even after “finishing” their education in order to continue their studies further (Barry did this -- he advanced pretty quickly and mostly stays there to have a safe place to practice his new magic ideas and teach students about his ideas despite not letting them hire him) (too much paperwork). the Headmistress is a proud advocate for furthering magical study and a demigod who literally does not have to worry about money (it comes easy when ur gma’s the Mother of All and your mom is her oldest daughter) so she just... pays for all of it. she’s spoken with barry directly, probably, when he was arguing with the council to have the study of necromancy unbanned and low-class uses of it made legal again (she was with him lol)
the au uses Central as the main base and explores outwards from there, to places like Lucretia’s forest, the reaper realm, p o s s i b l y the nahvudan homeland (which is where ango’s from!), etc.
the reaper realm is the second most important area since that’s where kravitz lives and where taako + lup hang out a lot, but if i’ll hold off on describing all of that unless i get another ask : P there’s also the faerie realms, which are all pockets connected by magic tunnels, but that’s another can of worms i’ll get into with prompting or when i talk/write about lup + taako’s backstory
time-wise, bcus i just remembered time is part of setting too, it mirrors a sort of... not-quite-modern time in the mortal world -- things like smartphones exist, but it’s not necessarily real world 2018 even in the mortal realm (yep, there’s some mirroring/coexisting realm stuff going on pffft). the “mainland” (where Silver Sands is, as opposed to the Sky Cities, Hell, reaper realm, etc) has access to or versions of most technology we have, albeit differently powered.
the reaper realm actually has quite a bit too, now that i think about it, though it’s not consistent throughout the realm bcus of the way reapers tend to bring the technology of their time period in and adapt it to suit their needs. like, one reaper named rosalina is content with flip phones and e-readers, bcus she reads a lot and only needs to be occasionally contacted, despite being from the 1700′s, but evan tends to stay up-to-date despite being from the earlier 14th century originally bcus she has to keep up with a lot
(she makes old people using technology jokes a lot to mess with the younger reapers)
aaannnddd that’s a text heavy post holy shit. i hope this was a good introduction!! feel free to ask further questions and questions about anything else!!
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themeltedheadaches · 6 years
ALL THE ASKS DO IT unless ur too busy #collegelife love u ❤❤❤❤
LOVE U BOO never too busy for u (also using this to procrastinate on my french composition so)
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
i eat my cereal………………….dry…………..
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
YES that’s literally my life now. i love it but also my nose was running today all the way to get coffee in downtown. i was in THREE LAYERS it is not even DECEMBER
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
answered! :)
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
if i’m going to be a bitch and just get plain coffee, i’m gonna get it black bc otherwise i’ll just have a white mocha or a cappuccino or something (the ppl at the campus coffeeshop know who i am. they know my order. “one sin-ful latte coming up!” thank u for fueling my Addition.) i take my tea with milk and sugar if it’s black tea ((earl gray)) or with honey if it’s green tea. if it’s white tea i’ll sometimes have it with sugar, and if it’s something like peppermint or lavender or chamomile i’ll just have it plain. IM A PICKY BITCH
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
i used to be! but now i like it. 
6: do you keep plants?
YES pls pray for them
7: do you name your plants?
answered! :)
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
poetry! i like to watercolor too, actually, though i left them at home :(
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
YES i miss my car bc that’s when i would have Prime Time to sing and hum to myself or along to whatever song i live for at the moment. (i’m into a musical rn and i can’t yell the lyrics out i’m so ANnoyed Always)
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
i have fucking countless at home……. at college there are quite a few too! as in: “hypothetically, vodka?,” “fuckinG,,,WHAT,” “[blow twice] [slurp sound] [tongue click] noice.,” “SHPEAKERSH OHN!,” “over there! like, over there? over there. over there?,” “just going to go kick some nutria,” and of course, the classic, “same, but jewish.” 
12: what’s your favorite planet?
URANUS actually tho it’s uranus. i had to do my planet project on it in the 4th grade and i gave my brother AND mother silent treatment for two days bc they laughed at its name. i’m very protective
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
i saw my favorite puppy on campus again today!! he’s grown so much!! also my poetry professor’s wife had a successful surgery! #GoMeredith 
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
SO MESSY………………….listen. @michelle i’ve seen ur room, and i would just accept that that is how we live now and it’s fine. it would also be aesthetic as fuck tho tbh. full of yarn and animal fur. and books. and junk food #RIFP
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
if saturn’s rings were a meter long, they would be 10000 times thinner than a razorblade! what the fuckkkkkkkkkkk
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
UHHHHH fucking;;;;;;;;what how am i supposed to #represent my italian fmaily with this DISGUSTING question,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, jk i fuckig love risotto, just ur basic bitch peas and cheese risotto and i’ll cry. also?? gnocchi!! holy shiiiiiiiit. 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
my hair has such good color i’d actually rather shave it all off than dye it :/
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
HHHHHHHH yesterday. LITERALLY yesterday. there was a french club meeting that served cheese and bread! so i took my Good Friend WIliam (who is not in french, unlike me), and we walk into the room, and i say “helLO!” bc that’s good manners, when you’re going to just get food and leave, and it’s dead silent. i get food and leave. william has told everyone in our entire hall twice.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
i’m so biased……….but……..brown………..
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
my brown leather one! it’s actually super fake leather and i got it from target!! but it’s cute and small and somehow fits everything i need to put in it, including 3 beers and my wallet and 2 phones last weekend. i’ve had for 4 years now 
22: are you a morning person?
yes! i like waking up early actually 
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
go on youtube and waste time, or walk around campus/downtown with friends, or shop!
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
my cousin’s RV
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
my brown leather boots! wow there’s a trend here lmao. actually i’ve had two pairs of these bc my first was falling apart?? i used them first in a cosplay……in the 7th grade………..(i was matt from death note and to this day i’m STILL not fucking ashamed, i had the wig and goggles and everything.) i love them and wear them all the time, they’re so comfy and warm and stylish and i feel like a hacker badass everytime i wear them. still to this day.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
bubblegum gives me hives i do Not enjoy it :(
28: sunrise or sunset?
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
one of my friends down the hall will call things/ppl “cute as pie” completely genuinely!! i love her!!
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
oh yeah
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
i fucking love them thanks end of story. wearing them makes me feel cozy and put together and also atm my dorm floor is Disgusting. i sleep with them when it’s cold and my feet are dry! i have so many fun socks it’s great. i love them. socks are highly underrated.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
my friend and i were driving around evERYWHRE basically, we went from pasadena/san marino to like. hollywood all the way to beverly hills and back and it was wonderful, we stopped 3 times to chase stray cats, take shitty pictures, go to iHop, and almost died several times bc hE SNAPS AND DRIVES at NIGHT on LA FREEWAYS
33: what’s your fave pastry?
croissants, followed by scones, followed by coffeecake 
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
bunny the stuffed bunny! she’s pretty large, like as long as my torso! she’s white fabric with colored fluffy bits and very floppy, loose ears. she has green button eyes that i had my grandma sew on bc otherwise she actually scared me a bit when i was a kid, but i loved her anyway bc my great-grandmother sewed her for me in the first place. bunny still lives on my bed at home! 
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
YES! i ddon’t use them very often though bc i feel like i should save them for something. rip me
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
stromae hands down
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
clean….i’m so lazy tho
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
sudden loud noises, being startled, being touched physically when i don’t expect it, someone making assumptions about me, being dismissed, being told what i want or what i’m going to do, borrowing something of mine w/o telling me, being interrupted 
39: what color do you wear the most?
HONESTLY black bc i’m an emo bitch
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
one i’ve been wearing a lot is the fork ring i got from the portland saturday market! it’s literally the tines of a vintage fork separated from the part you hold, sanded down so it’s round, and looped into a ring shape. i fidget with it a lot and it reminds me of my mom and step-dad, bc i got it when i was with them. i wear it mostly everyday tbh
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
new american best friend by olivia gatwood in general, or thick as thieves by megan whalen turner when i re-read it out loud to my mom on the ride up to college
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
yeeeeeeS i have several! the bistro, which is on campus: it’s so comfortable, it has couches everywhere and board games and so many books and zines and the walls are half chalkboard so there’s always art or snark everywhere. the music is super eclectic (it was lorde yesterday, today when i went in it was old-school 90s rap), plus it’s student run so the coffee and pastries and food are SO GOOD. the archive, which is downtown, is really boujee as fuck but it’s SO COOL. it’s so fucking aesthetic, with brown leather stools and uncomfortable booths and vintage books and stuff everywhere. for half the day, it’s a coffeeshop, and after 7, it becomes a bar. then back home, of course, coffee bean and tea leaf is the classic
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
half my hall when we went star tripping at the start of the year!
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
honestly the last time it was genuine was probably around…….january? i was in so much emotional pain and grief, but i was surrounded by family who loved me and were in that same pain and were so happy i was with them to help and be there with them. i wasn’t serene per say, or at peace, but there was this equilibrium….
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
my RA told me this one this morning: did you hear about the explosion in the cheese factory in france this morning? de-brie everywhere! 
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
spiders, YES
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i do…………………….. it was the soundtrack to romeo et juliette (2010)
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
everything; stickers, pressed flowers, rocks, receipts 
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
the easiest one is when i think of my roommate, davey the dog’s barking cover of “do the hustle”
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
no, yes, no, no, it was okay
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
chugged an an entire pitcher of water to prove i could, three times
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
genuineness! vulnerability! eye contact! fidgeting!
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
made me feel PUMPED, and of course i did
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
i am both
59: what’s your favorite myth?
uHHHHHHHHHH i love the myth of beowulf actually bc i had to do a project on it once, i have a soft spot for it, i love all myths tho wtf
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
YES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, recently some of my favorites are the entirety of a montage of a dream deferred by langston hughes, “totem sonnets” by sherman alexie, “on earth we’re briefly gorgeous” by ocean vuong, “one art” by elizabeth bishop
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
stupid gifts are nonexistent :/
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
yes lmao…….i kinda leave them be but i don’t like it if i let someone borrow them and they trash them uGH
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
Pitch Black
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
morning glories, lavender, baby’s breath!
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
very good, thankfully, bc i am in oregon
68: what’s winter like where you live?
in LA, it’s cold and sweet and late and breathless and i adore it
69: what are your favorite board games?
jenga, clue, ??
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
peppermint for mornings, earl gray for evenings!
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
yes, sadly
73: what are some of your worst habits?
biting the skin around my fingers, bouncing my knees incessantly, procrastinating on my french compositions……
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
well there’s this amazing person who i met in freshman year german…….;)
75: tell us about your pets!
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
yes :(
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
pink of course
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
i am the true hateclub: i don’t react. do not give them power. they Feed off of your Hatred
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
get me flowers, surprise me with chocolate, come up to me and compliment me on my writing, etc!!
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
at home my walls are a soft orangey-peach, which is picked bc i love it. here, my walls are very very white, which i did not pick, but am neutral towards.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
circuit-board chips busted open
82: are/were you good in school?
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
yes! a minimalistic double-delight rose for my great-grandmother, “love ya!” in my grandpa’s handwriting, maybe a nutshell with a crown over it (for the “king of infinite space” bit in hamllet), possibly “soyez réaliste, demandez l’impossible!” (be realistic, demand the impossible!) from the french student revolution in the 60s
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
somewhat, def hawkeye or the young avengers bc i’m basic :/
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
the only one i’ve rlly ever listened to is fucking danger days, so i worship them obviously
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
i think ppl should make their own agendas :/ however, i have deeply loved secondhand lions, up, moonlight, the grand budapest hotel, and other basic bitch things
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
impressionism!! aaaaaaa!!! also just shove me in front of abstract art and i’ll fall for it!!! 
89: are you close to your parents?
so so so so close to my mom and step-dad, on okay terms with my dad
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
listen to me. I LOVE SEATTLE. art! fish market! weird side streets! mean street art! bitchy coffee!! neon everywhere!! a big fuckin needle in the sky!
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
ITALY THIS SUMMER IM SO EXCITED i’m gonna meet all my mom’s friends from her semester abroad that she’s kept, i’m gonna see what she saw when she was my age, i’m gonna see where my dad’s family is from maybe if we go south???, i’m gonna see all the places and things she used to tell me about to get me to dream big and want to see the world and experience what’s out there!! aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
depends on the pasta
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
down bc i’m fucking lazy and also inept when it comes to doing things with hair
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
my friend across the hall from me, who is now 19 years of bitchiness!
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
stay in, study, maybe go to a kickback tho
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
lol i put them off until my computer ceases to function altogether 
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
zodiac obviously
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
fucking…….summer?? i did!
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
“feelings” by hayley kiyoko, “vacation town” by the front bottoms, “february” by beach bunny, “hard feelings/loveless” by lorde, “moon river” by henri mancini, “let me in” by flor, “a million miles away” by the plimsoles, “girls like me” by bonnie hayes, “love my way” by the psychedelic furs, the entire legend of zelda soundtrack, “place, je passe” from the mozart l’opera rock soundtrack, etc etc
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liepcrd · 7 years
world building: aesthetic au
( that’s right heathens, instead of doing actual replies im going to talk about this cozy little setting for a minute. buckle up and get ur d batteries, it’s time to take a trip back. )
@truthfullyideal​ ( cause u were interested; heckin buckle up m80 )
First things first, a lot of this stuff may be subject to change, I’ve had a few ideas of where to take it (mostly technology wise) because it’s supposed to be reminding of a time never experienced (im 19 give me a break) or reminiscent of the ‘good old days’, but also having phones and stuff would be cool? So that’s not really concrete but for this we’ll just assume that it is. 
The “Aesthetic AU”, as I’m calling it, takes place in a small, slow town called Lanolin Heights (which is located in the region of Hoenn). It’s got a school system, one (1) main grocery store and one strip mall with slow, municipal businesses. The main store is like a Walmart in that it sells general things, but smaller. For specific items, one would have to go up to the city, a nice forty-five minute drive up the highway. Needless to say, a lot of the teens are forced to hang out at the local pizza joint, (one of the only standalone businesses aside from what I just listed) at their houses or in the woods. Local law enforcement is pretty slack and knows just about everyone by name. If they don’t know someone, they usually know their relatives.
The schools are the Elementary and High School, Elementary serving as both Primary grades (K-5) and Middle grades (6-8) ((based on american school systems)). The High School houses grades 9-12, in which students either move or commute to the college in the next city over, Rustboro. While the overall Elementary School atmosphere is welcoming and inviting, the High School is super cliquey. Everyone has their own group, which may seem good on the surface: the jocks have a group, the popular girls, cheer squad, even the smart kids and outcasts have a clique. But if you don’t fit in any of those cliques, you’re often left high and dry. The kids in the school system have known each other and grown up with one another for the most part, so they’re not very welcoming to outsiders unless you fit into a clique or can conform to fitting in. Luckily the cliques themselves are pretty good, once you get into one of them.
For fun, the kids usually stay in their houses with groups or hang out at the local pizza joint, Rockwell’s Pizza. The joint has a jukebox with the latest hits, good food for a price teenagers can afford and the owner, much like the law enforcement, knows just about everyone. On the weekends and before exams, you’ll find the place packed with teens and young adults alike. Along with the standalone pizza joint, there’s a small VHS store and worn-down bowling alley. Lane 13 is always broken, there always seems to be a flickering light, the two arcade games have a 50/50 chance of stealing your quarters, but the fries and soda are legendary so no one really cares. The VHS store never seems to have the new releases until a month after they’ve already hit the theaters, but they have good quality tapes and never seem to run out of movie snacks, which keeps the people appeased. Every once and awhile, the store has a small amount of movie merchandise. This usually sells out very rapidly, but the plus side is that they usually forget they even have it in the first place so it’s usually vintage merch by the time someone bothers to clean out the store room. A good steal if you happen to get lucky.
There’s a single gas station that has stupid delicious glass bottled soda and has a plethora of 40s, 50s and 60s memorabilia on the walls. Old timers often spend a lot of time talking to the cashier which can be a pain, but teenagers in the High School are known to be easily hired here as the owners are elderly so there’s usually one cashier line with two elderly people chatting and one with a super busy, hectic teenager trying to get to every customer in line. The gas station is a good place to hang out with old people, for the history enthusiasts they can often be found here striking up a conversation with some of the town ‘elders’.
Beside the pizza joint and the gas station there is an old, abandoned strip mall. There’s development signs up advertising the creation of a mall here, but it’s been up for so long it’s starting to fade. The parking lot is cracked and the stores look dilapidated. The parking lot is a popular place for new drivers to practice, daring drivers to do some donuts in the winter, or teens just walking its length back and forth while chatting. Sometimes you can find a casual soccer game hosted here, and even rarer than that, a flea market will set up shop, or even a small, watered down carnival. If the schools have some sort of event, such as a bake sale, weather permitting they will have it here due to the abundance of space. Rockwell appreciates the business they bring, though he has no trouble paying his bills without the influx.
Along with Rockwell’s, the other sole restaurant is a diner setting. ‘Lanolin’s Diner’, it’s named. Elders will tell you that the owner’s wife was named Lanolin, who was named after the town. The owners have long since died, but the diner still remains a popular spot. The diner has a friendly atmosphere like Rockwell’s, but like the gas station it’s more retro-esq. Good burgers, good milkshakes and great coffee for the ever studious exam taker. They also possess a jukebox, but it is older than the one found at Rockwell’s and has little to no modern tunes.
Not in the main ‘hustle and bustle’, (which should be used loosely) but not quite out of town limits either, there is a rock quarry. They were going to use the rocks and gravel here for something-- no one can ever agree on what-- but whatever project it was got scrapped and the place is supposed to be shut off from the public. That doesn’t stop most people, teens in particular, from going there to hang out. It’s also a popular spot for young trainers to test their skills and battle (as is the empty parking lot). Geodude can be found here, and if you’re lucky, you may even find a Graveler. The quarry isn’t checked up on by law enforcement-- they all know what goes on down there anyway. It’s blocked off by a sad little chain that is easily walked over, but if they truly need to block it off they will have barricades. This has happened before, particularly during dangerous storms that could flood it.
Somewhat close to the quarry is a small antique shop. It’s only ever open on Tuesdays, which makes school kids wonder what actually is sold there, but the kids known for skipping class often come here (or, at least go once or twice) and browse during the open hours. The reason it’s only open once during a week is because the owner, a little old lady, goes out the other six days and acquires her unique goods. She also makes some damn good cookies, which is by far her best seller. No one else works here but her and she is guarded by a large Arcanine, if anyone thinks they can get past her with some nonsense.
Along the highway, if you’re approaching Lanolin Heights you will be able to see a water tower with faded letters that say, in cursive, ‘Lanolin Heights’. Some abandoned and boarded up houses and, what appear to have been businesses along the country routes that go through and close to Lanolin Heights suggests that this place used to be busier than it currently is. However with the addition of Rustboro, it would seem most people left Lanolin and went there. A lot of the elders could tell you that statement is true, some of them even having been some of the people who left when Rustboro was established.
Because it is a small town, the students and even the adults get really excited over their school sports teams, which are oddly good. The rallies are always booming with life and for the time the event goes on, all other worries seem dropped and left behind. It’s common for adults no longer in school to come to them still if they can, for the food is delicious but the nostalgia they hold for most is even sweeter than the funnel cake. Usually the community comes together as a whole to donate money to rallies and games, as well as clean up the mess once it’s all said and done. Pokemon help with this as well.
As Rustboro has a gym, there are classes in the schools dedicated to Pokemon battling, type match-ups and status aliments (basically, a basic trainer’s school course) but nothing goes into too many specifics. Most kids find out from adults or elders what they need to do in battles, or by trial and error. Once every two months, Professor Birch will visit the town and hand out starter Pokemon to eligible children. Usually these children are the ones who’ve done good in school, but he always brings a few extras to hand out to some other children as he believes they all deserve a chance to raise one of the starters of Hoenn.
And that’s about it! The most important landmarks in Lanolin Heights. Later on I’ll make a post explaining Katherine and what she does in this small town, but for now this will have to do. As I said before, this is open for anyone to take part in, it’s just a fun little “slice of life AU” for peeps. Set in the 80s-90s? Something like that.
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serahne · 7 years
we are the collision of stars, a sublime chaos
Summary : Most of the time, Hinata isn’t really sure why he does what he does. He didn’t want to become the ‘SHSL Councelor’ for Hope’s Peak Gazette, neither did he want to guide the new student through his first days of school. He sure didn’t ask for this student to be his soulmate.
Yes, most of time, Hinata would like to shake off everyone’s expectations of him and to put Hope’s Peak Academy on fire.But he doesn’t, because it feels like he would disappear in a puff of smoke with it. He isn’t made of anything but expectations, after all.
Rating : Teen and Up Audiences
Characters : Hajime Hinata, Natsumi Kuzuryuu, Nagito Komaeda, Chiaki Nanami, Mikan Tsumiki.
Find it on ao3 ( chapter 2 )
          Dear Ultimate Counselor,  
     I can’t stand it anymore ! I’m so in love with this girl who is in my class ! Her hair are bright as the sun, and I could drown myself in her eyes. I’m trying my best to please her, by inviting her to the most expensive restaurant in town, or to take her turn at the cleaning of our classroom, but no luck until now. She is a pure princess, and I want to convince her I could be his prince, but even waiting for her every morning so I can pretend to be there by luck doesn’t seem to work, she comes at school in a limo !  
     She also told me that she wanted to meet her soulmate before starting any romantic relationship. But I saw her wrist, and it won’t happen before two years ! I’m a healthy boy with urges, I can’t wait that long !  
     What can I do to make her realize that I’m the one for her ?  
     Dear Desperate heart,  
     If she really told you that she didn’t want to enter a relationship before meeting her soulmate, then there is nothing you can do about it beside respecting her choice, even if it’s not yours. Try to talk to her, to know what she likes and to become her friend, for she is probably more than the ‘princess’ than you see.  
     With everything that you are doing, it’s impossible that she didn’t pick on your affection for her. The only thing left is to confess, and to accept her answer, even if it’s a negative one.  
     Also you may want to stop waiting for her at home, or she’ll call the police on you one day or another.  
     The Ultimate Conselor  
   If there is one place in Hope’s Peak that Hinata really likes, it is the library. It’s probably because the Reserve Course Students are supposed to study a lot to keep up with the fast pace of their classes, but the library in their building is larger, and has more books at disposal than the one in the main building - Hinata knows that because the library in the main building is very close to Mrs. Yukizome’s office, and anytime he goes to see her he can’t help but  peek, watching the beautiful but mostly empty room, where he isn’t allowed to put a foot in.
 Early in the morning, it’s even better, for most of the students choose to stay at home to sleep some more instead of coming at school to study for the upcoming test - an undeniable truth about the Reserve Course is that there is    always a upcoming test to prepare and that you should feel guilty whenever you are wasting your time on something else. The atmosphere is more relaxed during the morning, and the only people here, in peace with themselves since they did the Right Thing by coming here, don’t have the frantic, almost desperate behaviour that can be found at the end of the day.
 Hinata lazily runs his pencil on the sheet of paper he has been working for the last twenty minutes. Nanami’s homeworks aren’t hard, one could say they are ridiculously easy when compared to the headaches-inducing work he had to do during the holidays. It’s a well-known fact that the students from the Main Course need time to practice their talents, and that they can’t be crushed under the work load the way Hinata and Natsumi are most of the time. So yes, he thinks, checking quickly that he found the right answer for the second question, he did...
 He rolls his eyes when he feels something very light hits his forehead, and decides to ignore it altogether, hoping that the person in front of him will stop being so childish.
 He focuses on the next question : it’s geometry, which is very easy for Hinata. He likes geometry alright. He likes everything about maths, in general, even if it sounds boring, with the exception of statistics, maybe. There is just something      fair     about maths : you either find the right answer or you don’t, and there is no biased judgement or subjectivity. The teacher barely matters when it comes to grading a maths paper, and Hinata always aces the tests.
 … That’s definitely something he will never say out loud. Too embarrassing.
     Chtonk    .
 The projectile that has been thrown his way misses him and hits the person      behind him, but the guy doesn’t react.  As far as Hinata can tell, he is dozing off. The paper ball - because that’s what Natsumi has been attacking him with for the entire time they have been in the library, paper balls- ends up on the floor, next to a bunch of others balls.  He thinks that maybe he should say something before the librarian decides that him not doing anything to stop her friend from vandalizing the area means he is just as guilty as she is.
 “Natsumi” he says, flatly, still looking at Nanami’s homeworks.
 He doesn’t even know why he tries such weak approach with her. That’s the problem with people who have been raised by yakuzas : if you don’t throw a knife at them first, they probably won’t be impressed by anything you have to say.
Chtonk. Right on the forehead, and with more strength than during her previous attacks. Wonderful.
 “Will you stop it ?” he asks, and raises his head toward her this time.
 Natsumi is crumpling another piece of paper in her fist, and glaring at Hinata. It’s actually pretty intimidating - more than when Fuyuhiko does the same thing. Maybe because Natsumi’s eyelashes are so long.
 Or maybe she is just that good when it comes to giving icy stares to people.
 “You are a  fricking slave” she spits, and throws the ball at him - it hits him in the middle of the chest, this time.
 Hinata sighs, trying to play it cool, because if he starts to get angry they are going to get kicked out of the library, and he doesn’t want to end his work sitting in the middle of a corridor, thank you very much.
 “I’m not. You don’t even know what you are talking about.”
 “You sure are !” the other whispers furiously. “I can’t believe it’s the first day of school and she already convinced you to do her homeworks !”
 “It’s not being a slave, Natsumi” Hinata replies “It’s being a good friend, something that you should try sometimes. I would certainly like that.”
 Natsumi frowns, and for almost a whole minute he can focus on his work again, and starts to solve the problem in his mind. He knows the blond-haired girl hasn’t given up, of course, not just after a few words from Hinata. And indeed…
 “Do you know who you remind me of ?” she says, and there is an unmistakable malice in her voice. “Do you ?”
 “Probably someone you have a lot of respect for ?” he mumbles.
 “      Sato    ” she says, without showing any sign that she heard him. “You are just like Sato, running behind your amazing friend the Ultimate like a little puppy waving its tail. It’s disgusting.”
 “You are probably the only girl who thinks puppies are disgusting, you know ?” Hinata notices, not bothering to give a real answer.
 Natsumi and Sato has been at each other’s throat since forever, as far as he can tell, but despite everything his friend told him about Sato, he doesn’t think ill of her. She is just doing her thing, as he is doing his. And he thinks that if everyone followed his lead, the world would be a better place.
 Natsumi snorts. She has her arms crossed in front of her chest, and while one of her textbook is open in front of her, she doesn’t seem interested in reading it.
 “Are you eating with them today ?”
 “Yes” Hinata replies, “And you are welcome to join us. Nanami and Sonia told me they would be happy to have you.”
 Well, that’s not exactly true, but he knows them enough to know that they would be delighted to share their meal with Natsumi. Or that they, at least, wouldn’t care. And while Hinata is really glad that to be an honorary guest at the Ultimates’ table, he would feel more at-ease with her friend by her side.
 Of course, Natsumi looks at him as if he just suggested that she undresses and starts dancing on a table right now.
 “Do you think I really need these girls’ permission to sit at my      brother’s table     ?” she laughs, a little too loud for the guy behind her is apparently awake now, and is glaring at her. “Yeah, no thank you Hinata, and says Hi to Sato for me, alright ?”
 “Whatever” Hinata sighs. “Why do I even try ?”
 His friend doesn’t have the time to answer, for a shadow is cast upon their table. This shadow has the shape of an human being and belongs to the librarian, Mrs. Serizawa. And Hinata and Natsumi both shrink when they catch her murderous glare.
 “Can I ask you what exactly you are doing here ?” she says, and her eyes travel to the pile of paper balls that fell on the floor. “What do you think this library is for ?”
 “Uh” Hinata tries, quick enough to send his foot in Natsumi’s tibia to cut off whatever she is about to say “Sorry, we are going to clean up everything.”
 “I hope so” replies Mrs. Serizawa, furious. “And then you’ll be nice to get out of here. I don’t want to see you for the rest of the day, am I making myself clear ? You should be happy I’m too nice to report you on your first day of school.”
 Natsumi holds her tongue, Mrs Serizawa goes back to her desk to check out a student’s book with a little more strength than necessary, and Hinata does his best to get rid of the trash littered around them in a few seconds. Then they are out of the library, and he realizes that he is going to have to finish Nanami’s homework while sitting on the stairs, on in the hallways, and great. Wonderful first day.
 Natsumi isn’t looking at him, but her cheeks are a little red, and he understands that, maybe, she isn’t really proud of having them kicked out of the library. She extends her hand toward him and says :
 “Come on, let me see.”
 He blinks, confused by the sudden change in behaviour.
 “See ?” he asks.
 “Her homeworks. I’ll help you, okay ? I’m better than you at maths, anyway.”
 That’s not true, Hinata thinks, but he isn’t about to strike her down when she is waving the white flag. Offering her a grateful smile, he gives her the second exercise and they both find a very-uncomfortable-and-very-cold corner in the hallway where they won’t be disturbed by the potentially wandering teachers.
 “You better not tell me again that I’m not being a good friend” Natsumi says with a smile, while her pen runs across the paper she is holding.
 It’s funny because even though he is better than her at maths, even though he knows that Natsumi can’t stand Nanami for ridiculous reasons, even though she can be a snake sometimes, he doesn’t even suspect that she could be sabotaging the homeworks she is working on. Because that’s just not how Natsumi is.
 “I will never forget this amazing bonding moment” he teases her, checking once again the answers to an equation  “this is the day I know our friendship will last forever.”
 “Very funny.” She says, unamused. “You’re free at 4, right ? Want to hang out somewhere before I have to work on my hellish lessons of piano ?”
 He is about to say sure, why not, when he remembers that has something to do after class.
 “Sorry, Natsumi. I don’t know why but there was a mix-up with my… uh, administrative papers I guess ? They lost my I.D card, apparently ? Not sure how it’s possible but that happened.”
 His friend shrugs.
 “Damn, you’re so unlucky today. I can’t say that I’m surprised about it, they really treat us like shit here. You can bet no one from the Main Course ever got their I.D stolen.”
 “It wasn’t stolen” he corrected her. “They just lost it.”
 “Sure, same difference.”
 She clearly doesn’t want to continue their discussion, and Hinata is both glad that she didn’t see through his lie and guilty that he had to lie her at all.
 But that can’t be helped. It's for the good cause, after all.
 If there is only place in Hope’s Peak Academy that Hinata really hates, it’s the cafeteria. It’s the huge, bright, noisy room where everyone except the teachers and the staff have to visit five days a week to eat half-cooked food and drink hard water. Technically, being in the Main Course or the Reserve Course doesn’t make a big difference : the meals are different, sure, but bad all the same.
 The almost-equality is just on paper, though, because…
 “Ha, Hinata !” Teruteru calls him as soon as he sits on a chair, between Nanami ( who somehow manages to eat with one hand while playing with the other, and during one of the most stupid second of his life, he almost wants to take the fork from her hand and feeds her himself ) and Koizumi. On the other side of Koizumi, Sato is talking to her.
 “Hinata” Teruteru repeats, almost desperate. “I’m absolutely sorry ! I didn’t know our Dear Class President had asked you to join us today, so I didn’t cook you anything.”
 Everyone - except him and Sato - is indeed eating something that isn’t on today’s menu. Whatever is in their plates looks like a mix of meat and onions, with the usual rice as a side dish. And it smells like heaven.
 “It’s fine, Teruteru, I… uh… don’t really like onions anyway” he smiles.
 For a moment, he thinks that the Ultimate Cook is about the tear him apart for not proclaiming his love for onions, but he probably accepts that Hinata is a simple Reserve Course Student without taste buds, and just nods solemnly.
 “It’s my own personal recipe of beef stifado he says to no one in particular. Mama and I are trying some greek recipes right now, and I’m thinking about adding some of them on the menu. Don’t hesitate to give me your feedbacks, everyone. I’m certain that this is the best thing that your tongue ever tasted -  though there is a part of me that could just enchant you just as much and   …
 Hinata is grateful to Saionji for hitting Teruteru. Hard.
 For a few minutes, the conversation goes by without Hinata being able to say anything - they mostly talk about their teachers, and what they did during the holidays, and it’s all tropical islands and foreign countries, and Hinata is a little light-headed for he never left the Kantoregion, except this one time during a school trip to Osaka when he was in middle school.
 Then Kazuichi howls at him from the other side of the table.
 “Hey, Hinata ! I missed Naegi this morning and the Third Years don’t get their break when we do. Is he still all about that Detective chick in his class ?”
 “Uh” Hinata says “I think so, yeah.”
 Actually, Hinata hasn’t seen Naegi in weeks. They are neighbours ( well,      almos, there's that old lady who lives in the small house between them, but that’s a detail ) and used to play together back in elementary school. Naegi is the kind of person who gets along with pretty much everyone, so he gets along with Hinata too, but they aren’t friends : they just talk from time to time when they happen to leave their house at the same time, and they are definitely      not    close enough for Hinata to get curious about Naegi’s love life.
 But then Naegi is an Ultimate, and he will never deny that Hinata and him are friends, so what’s wrong with pretending that he is slightly more included into the Main Course’s group than he really is, right ?
 “I thought so” The pink-haired boy replies, slightly disapproving. “No offense, I know you’re bros and all, but sometimes you need to know when to move on, you know ? This girl is colder than my baby’s engine when we didn’t have fun in weeks.”
 Hinata thinks that Kazuichi could be a little more popular with girls if he didn’t talk about his car as if he is in love with it or something. And also that he is probably the last one who is allowed to tell someone to ‘move on’ from the girl they are into, considering that he saw all of his always-more-desperate tentatives to seduce Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess.
 But he bites his tongue and turns toward Nanami, who is so focused on her game that the rest of her body is frozen in mid-movement, her fork threatening to let the piece of food it’s holding fall on her skirt. He slowly directs her arm toward the table and she mumbles a ‘thanks’ in return, though he isn’t sure she understood exactly what happened.
 “Hey, by the way, do you know why Tsumiki isn’t here ? I didn’t think she was the kind to miss the first day of school.” He says, trying to pretend he is just making conversation.
 “... she is sick,” the gamer says. “She’ll be back the day after tomorrow, I think.”
 No one at the table seems concerned - Hinata is, but then again he is the only one who      knows     about Tsumiki - so he doesn’t have any other choice but to shrug it off as if it is nothing and that this topic of conversation is over. Or, he tries, but Saionji, who, he regrets, couldn’t be sick too on this beautiful day, jumps on the occasion to torture him a little.
 “Why do you care ?” She giggles. “Do you have a crush on the ugly Tsumiki ? Is that the taste of the Reserve Course Students, because      urk    .”
 She pretends to throw up into her plate before bursting into laughter.
 “No, I was just wondering.” Hinata replies, flatly.
 He knows that talking back and vehemently denying will only dig his own grave when it comes to Saionji, and since she is wrong, and that he and Tsumiki barely knows each others (  except he actually does know her in a way, but it’s not like Saionji can know that ), he has the advantage anyway.
 He just needs to be sure to never give her any blackmail material, ever. Should be easy enough.
 The next fifteen minutes are pleasant enough : Sonia talks about the upcoming party a lot, and seems so happy about it that she accepts a not-very-subtle date from Kazuichi at the theater, and the mechanist lights up like a Christmas tree after that. Owari and Nidai tell jokes and bad puns, and almost fight in the middle of the cafeteria, but it’s all fun and game. Nanami thanks him for her homework, and the smile she gives him disconnect Hinata’s brain for a few seconds.
 Then the ring goes off, and the Ultimates hurries back to class, and Hinata is left alone at the table.
 Well, almost alone.
 Two chairs from him, Sato refuses to look at him and goes back to eat the disgusting food from the cafeteria. It’s probably cold by now, he thinks, but she chews methodically, gulping down what’s in her plate as fast as possible. Then she stands up and hesitantly turns her head toward him.
 “See you in class, Hinata.” She says, so low he barely hears her.
 He nods and then she is gone, and it’s the only words they exchange during the whole day.
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atlanxic · 7 years
ok so i actually have an extensive arc-v/zexal crossover university au that i’ve talked a lot about on my private twitter and on discord but i think it’s time to put it all on tumblr. i wanted to make this all one post but i actually feel like it’s too much for that? so here’s part one of..... five or so?
yuuto, shun, and ruri lived in the same apartment complex as children, theyve known each other literally forever.
in middle school, yuuto & shun both discover hardcore/punk music and spend a couple years being kind of awkward and terrible about it until high school hits and they kind of level out. ruri teases them a lot for liking that awful racket but eventually she gets into it too, mostly because her and shun are kind of inseparable for quite some time. the three of them go to the local shitty music venue just about every weekend. for the first year or so ruri insists shes going to keep them out of trouble but like i said, she gets more into the music after a while.
shun and yuuto both mosh, shun probably more frequently than yuuto. they show up to school with bruises pretty often and rumours are started that they get in fights a lot or that theyre involved in a gang. there are also rumours that theyre dating, which dont go over very well, and result in them getting in actual fist fights a couple times. they try dating for like... 3 months in grade 7, and then decide that its weird and they work better as friends.
yuuto wears his hair in a mohawk for about a year before switching to the spiky mess we know and love. towards the end of middle school, they meet kaito at a prog-rock concert, all four of them pressed against the front rails together kaito and yuuto hit it off immediately, and exchange phone numbers after the show. shun is immensely suspicious. they text a lot, and then they start hanging out, and then they start going out. shun threatens to beat kaito up, kaito is fine with it, yuuto is not. etc.
meanwhile, ruri and sayaka meet in class. it doesn't even occur to shun to be suspicious of her until he catches them making out. he yells about it, sayaka is understandably frightened. ruri tells him off for scaring her girlfriend. she stays angry at him for longer than she has before. he eventually gives in and apologizes to both of them, but in a kind of dickish way.
yuuto and kaito break up towards the beginning of 11th grade. neither of them are upset about it, they stay friends. it was mostly because kaito felt like he needed to focus more on school, now that he's getting into college prep-level courses. yuuto cries about it once, and it takes several hours to convince shun that violence would be neither appropriate nor helpful.
all four of them move to a different city for college. sayaka goes to school in the town they grew up in. her and ruri stay in touch, but after half a year they decide that the long distance thing isn't working out for them. they still hang out when ruri and shun go back for the holidays, and its fairly bittersweet.
yuuto shun & ruri dont realize that kaito is going to the same school as them until all four of them are present at a queer alliance meet & greet. shun glares at him across the room for a while before yuuto notices he's there and goes over to say hello like a decent person. yuuto and kaito immediately hit it off again. theyre both kind of "fuck you grew into yourself really well im Gay."
immm gonna say that in first year, yuuto & shun live in the dorms together. they eventually decide the res life is not for them but. apartment hunting when youre like 18 and moving out for the first time is a bit much, so dorms it is.
anyway, shun catches yuuto and kaito making out in their shared dormroom like 3 fucking days after the meet and greet. kaito's expression is one of fear and conveys that he knows full well that shun is 2 seconds from beating him up. yuuto is kinda pissed off about it. yuuto and shun have a long conversation that night about how protective shun is. they fall asleep in each other's arms.
kaito avoids them for a little while, but the next time they see him, shun makes a genuine apology. yuuto and kaito start dating again a few weeks later. ruri is surprised and delighted about it. ruri ends up dormed with rin in first year.
they get along reasonably well, but they dont get close until rin accidentally lets slip that she's gay, and then ruri is like "oh thank god, me too." the context is probably: that yuugo visits them like basically every other day, and is Really Obviously In Love with rin, and rin's affectionate with him, so ruri just kind of assumes theyre dating. and at one point is like, do you want me to go somewhere else so you guys can make out, i could hang out with my brother tonight its nbd. yuugo blushes bright red and is like aaaaa its not like that, like, exactly like he does in canon. and rin's like “lmao im gay. i mean. what.”
ruri probably ids as pan? but anyway, shes like "ohhhh cool me too.” they both kind of stare at each other while this new info sinks in, and then yuugo says something and the moment is broken.
this is still a bit before yuugo's gay crisis
[later, during yuugo's gay crisis about yuuya] [rin] yuugo you had a crush on a boy in /middle school/ [yuugo] no i didnt i had a crush on you [rin] you used to complain to me about how hot he was like every lunch break [yuugo] that doesn't mean anything? [rin] obviously it does? how are you only realizing this now
ruri discovers that rin's been wanting to go to queer alliance meetings but has been too shy about it, so she drags her along. and someone mistakes them for yuzu and selena. idk who it would be..... sawatari maybe?
sawatari is like, Flaming Gay, a legitimate twink despite iding as bi.
anyway theyre like, thats not us, youre mistaken, and sawatari, instead of fucking off, is like, "holy fuck you have to meet them, you look so much the same it's eery." sawatari drags them through the party for like 20 minutes before actually finding yuzu and selena, and he's like "look i told you."
and all four of them are kind of like "holy fuck???" they get a selfie together, its not very good because the lighting is terrible, and they spend the rest of the evening hanging out.
yuzu and selena had a class together and hit it off immediately, theyre already dating. theyre a bit surprised to learn that ruri and rin /aren't/ dating. rin blushes at the suggestion and gets raised eyebrows all around. the four of them become fast friends and start getting lunch together and studying together on a regular basis.
ruri and rin meet yuuya through them, and because yuuya is friends with Everyone, they become friends as well. which sets the stage for yuuya and yuugo meeting, and yuugo's consequent gay crisis.
shun, ruri, and yuuto as pakistani immigrants, they arrived when they were very very young but they get a lot of shit for it anyway, especially ruri, who wears a hijab.
i figure the commons would be mostly latinx/mixed. so like, yuugo, rin, and shinji are all latinx. i rlly like the concept of black crow with a bleached-orange hi-top fade and subtle freckles. yuuya, yuzu, and gongenzaka can pprrobably be white? dennis could be ethnically jewish & light-skinned. fusion dimension crew are mostly japanese, so sora, yuuri, and selena. i.. am not really sure about reiji? following the theme i guess white/japanese mixed. tsukikage is japenese & immigrated like within his memory rather than a few generations back, he's bilingual. jack is latino and white-passing.
i like the concept of shun as a veterinary student, partly because i think he'd follow his interest in birds if things hadn't gone horribly wrong and partly because i find the idea of this edgy asshole in scrubs really funny. yuuto takes social work and ends up with crow as a teacher. yuuya, dennis, sawatari, and sora are all drama majors. yuuri is in botany. reiji is a law major, as well as being on the debate team and the student council. he never fuckign sleeps. shun also joins the debate team, and they do Not get along, but since debate team is the yelling hobby anyway, thats fine. yuzu is in the music program. selena is in poli-sci. yuugo stays in engineering. i dont, know about the rest of everyone.
conceptually, this is a north-eastern reasonably liberal college town, featuring two colleges and a trade school. one college is for the arc v kids, the other one will eventually be populated with zexal kids when i get to know them. kaito starts in zexal school and transfers at the beginning of second year. everyone is in first year rn except reiji and tsukikage, who are in second year, and also are dorming together, and also are gay.
so now that thats all set up!! back to the plot!!
ruri and rin meeting yuzu and selena happens a couple weeks after ruri and sayaka break up. selena hears about it and is like, hey if you need a rebound i can hook you up with someone, and ruri is like. "i feel like itd be disrespectful to date someone else before im over sayaka, ill stay single for a while." she never actually completely gets over sayaka, but she does eventually get enough emotional distance to move on. every time she goes home for the holidays they have awkward not-quite-gay moments.
much like in sfu, sawatari is loaded and hosts house parties whenever his father is away on business trips.
once the 4 girls are hanging out on a regular basis, they all sort of get to know each other's orbital boys. like rin and ruri get introduced to yuuya and get to know sawatari better. yuuya's goal is to be friends with absolutely everyone, and they make good progress on it.
yuzu and selena get to meet yuugo. yuugo is starry-eyed at all four of them, but alas, they are all too gay for him. at one point selena slaps him in the face and he spends like the next two weeks thinking about it lmao
likewise, they all get to meet shun. shun immediately decides that he is going to protect all of them. rin finds it kind of cute, yuzu finds it kind of weird, selena is outright offended about it. they get along a lot better with yuuto, since yuuto is just, easier to get along with. he joins their lunch dates once in a while, as does yuuya.
selena and yuuri met in their high school gsa and relentlessly gossip about everyone they meet. selena introduces yuuri to the rest of the girls exactly once, it does not go well. probably kye gives them all backhanded compliments. shun hears about this from ruri later and decides that yuuri is his enemy.
the first time yuuya and yuugo meet, its because the girls have invited both of them to lunch. yuuya introduces themself with a firm handshake and a wink. yuuya flirts a bit throughout the meal, as they tend to do. yuzu tells yuugo after the fact like, "dont mind them, theyre always like that." yuugo tries not to think about it much.
the second time they meet is at one of sawatari's giant house parties. yuuya, being slightly inebriated, is even more flirtacious than usual. yuugo gets it into his head that this is some kind of challenge, and refuses to back down from yuuyas advances until theyre in a closet together and yuuyas hand is up his shirt.
the next gay he visits rin to have a gay crisis. ruri politely sees herself out so they can talk.
i want to say shun is having a similar crisis about having come very close to having a one night stand with reiji. not because it was gay but because he hates the guy.
rin is exasperated but understanding, she rubs yuugo's back and calls him a pathetic baby while he whines. by the end of their conversation, yuugo has accepted that he's bi, and additionally, that making out is Great and he should do more of it. rin is slightly worried and gives him a safe sex talk, he yells and covers his ears during the entire thing.
meanwhile, shun is like "i fucking hate that guy why was it so satisfying to bite him" and ruri is like "bro i love you but thats way tmi, please do not tell me about your sadistic hatesex kink or whatever the fuck it is youre trying to convey." yuuto, also present, is like "i cant believe you made out with that asshole, and you still have the nerve to get angry at basically anyone i kiss for no fucking reason." shun swears up and down that it will not happen again, and also says that he has already apologized several times for being possessive about both of them, please let him live it down.
(it absolutely does happen again.)
(the second time they actually do go all the way, it is the best sex of shun's life, and he's upset about it.)
[yuuto voice] you have a Problem, why cant you date someone decent and have vanilla sex like the rest of us
rin slowly develops a huge crush on ruri. when she tells yuugo about it, hes like "yeah she's really pretty i completely understand."
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staticdecay-blog · 7 years
Post 3 - Reasonably Certain
Have you ever noticed how tall a flag pole at school really is? Looking up from its bottom, when you sit at it, it can make you feel similar to how the cosmos does: small and finite. It seems to reach forever, and sitting at its base, watching the autumn sky turn shades of orange and fade to dark, I might have wondered if any tongues were ever stuck to this pole on some ridiculous childhood bet or dare......
My spine crushed up against the shining metal giant, my head crushed in to my knees and I watered any secret flowers in the ground with tears. I didn't want to be here. It felt like hours had passed, actually it felt like years had passed and that is because hours actually HAD passed, which brought the tide of the student body from the cleared cafeteria of the local high school to the courtyard waiting area, where parents had already been waiting to pick up their shining little stars.
Eventually I heard a car slow down, and stop in front of me. I didn't have to look up to know it was my families car...just as any person can learn the sound of their own car, you pick out the little nuances in its sputters, squels, and clunks......or maybe you only do that when you are one of the only families with a car manifesting those discernible and audible traits......
I didnt want to look up, I didn't want to get up. As much as I hated facing the student body and the torment they brought to me, I hated facing my mother even more because I knew I broke her heart. I was one of her greatest joys but to everybody else besides my father and maybe brother, I was nothing but a joke and punchline......I didn't want to have the conversation, I didn't want to be right, and I didn't want to compete in a crying contest......
It was 1994, October and I was 13, going on 14 years old. I was in 9th grade which had just started the prior month, but for me it was the same as 8th grade, which was the same as 7th grade, which was the same as 6th grade: that is I got punched everyday, shoved, spit on, and called faggot at least 100 times...everyday.
There was a girl that had transferred to our school and her name was Kayla. She had wonderfully wavy auburn hair that fell to just below her shoulders, and a pale face with soft features, and lips thatdefy description. I remember her laugh, hearing it in the hallways or classrooms. She was beautiful to me, and to most people, and she gave off an air of innocence, like she would not harm anything.
Kayla had no trouble adjusting to this new school system and was already, in the less than 2 months she had been there, surrounded with friends who were both boys and girls.
Now, there is a neccessity I find, for somebody faced with atrocity to put themselves in a fantasy world in order to process and make it through the harsh reality they face. Kayla was my fantasy in those times. Not sexually, I had not reached that point yet. This fantasy centered solely around the idea that she would be different, that she would NOT call me a faggot, or point at me and sneer, and laugh with her friends. I fantasized that she would talk to her friends and make them relent the torture they put me through. And most of all, I fantasized that Kayla would actually talk to ME, and that we would be friends forever.
There was a homecoming dance approaching and though 9th grade dances, I am told decades later, dont mean anything, to the 9th grader version of me it meant a lot of things. It meant dread, and it marked perhaps the first time my delusional and wanton love propelled some fantasy, which put me in harms way.
I suppose it didn't help that my mother forced me to go.
It's not that she was malicious, she was not. Quite the contrary. My mom believed in attrition, and she came from a pretty moral, catholic polish upbringing. Turn the other cheek was a big concept for her. I remember her telling me how I could not let those kids see that I was being bothered by them, that if I just acted like nothing was wrong, and I let it roll off me, that it would pass eventually.
I would find later in life that this tactic does have its place, in fact it can be both a miracle and a nuclear bomb to somebody. During this time in my life though it was nothing but emaciating......hindsight is bitch but its always 20/20......
I fought as hard as I could to not go to this dance because I knew what awaited me beyond the assault of "you never know if you dont try" that I was being subjected to, and would fire off like a machine gun in the trench warfare that would be my life. There are some things that are reasonably certain: that the sun is going to rise for the rest of the days I am alive and that you are alive; that someday I am going to die and so will you; that pizza is universally great (except the cardboard-like pizzaposter they served in school lunches...that was nasty....though again, hindsight...) and that the kid who had been getting beaten and called faggot everyday of his life for the last three or so years and had zero friends or social skills, was going to be anything BUT the laghing stock and joke of this school dance.
Maybe not guaranteed, but most definitely reasonably certain.
Parents are always correct and I was on my way to the dance. I remember the shirt I wore, it was this long sleeve button up, with metal snap buttons. It was a blue/grey and it had a colorful stripe pattern that was not obnoxious, but certainly was not setting the paris runways ablaze either. I thought it was cool and I liked it.
In the car I started to escape in to my fantasy world, where Kayla would notice me, that THIS would be the night. I got a lot crammed in to this fantasy in the 10 minutes it took to deposit me in front of the entrance to the school.
After getting out of the car with the information that my mother would be back in about 3 hours, I looked at the entrance to the school, which resembled exactly how the house in Night of the Demons looks when the characters first arrive for the party. It looked overwhelming, scary, and unwelcoming.
The sidewalk was wide and was poured with that really white cement, and it would narrow to where the doors gave entrance to the main hallway of the high school. As you would walk up this sidewalk, the cafeteria was on the left, and before I even started walking I could see the crystal ball, the lights, the decorations, and the numerous girls and boys.
The dread I felt to walk up that sidewalk, and expose myself to the student body was immeasurable. Imagine a sniper who has wounded you, but you have taken refuge behind good cover. However, you know to go anywhere, you have to leave said cover, and you know that is certain death. That is pretty close, I imagine, to how I felt in this moment.
I warred with myself to move my feet, and slowly I watched them take one step, then another. I somehow picked my eyes up, looked in, and scanned the place. I would try so hard to project the thought and energy that I was cool, that I was worth knowing. This projection would get smothered and obliterated as soon as my presence became known. I would nod at somebody, smile, and say "whats up?" like we were buddies, nd I would get a response that insinuated that I wanted to suck their dick, and then laughter from the person and any of their friends.
Though numerically speaking, in terms of feet and inches or meters, it was shorter than the walk up the sidewalk, It was an even longer walk across the cafeteria/dance floor to where I would try to stand and blend in and wait for a girl to ask me to dance. I got myself a cup of orange drink and stood among the other boys.
The first remark I heard was from a kid who told his friend to not stand with his back toward me because I would try to fuck him. The friend turned around laughed, and told me "back up faggot."
More similar comments  came my way until I was standing in the corner by myself, looking mostly at the ground and having already gave up on the orange drink. I looked up at some point and I saw Kayla across the cafeteria, she was with a few people. I longed so badly to talk with her, for her to just notice me....to dance with me.
I saw one of her friends look at me, laugh, then the other friends looked at me, at which point I cast my gaze back to my generic brand pump sneaker. I dont know if Kayla laughed at me or not, or if she even looked at me. In my mind I was not even worth her looking at to mock.
I could not hold on to the fantasy, and I felt it slip away with each beat of the song that was playing. Kids had started dancing with each other and before everyone was paired up, I received a shower of some ice which had been thrown my way by an upper classman. There were a few girls who did not have dance partners, but I was not worthy because to dance with me, to even talk to me, would have gotten them thrown from their social circle. So instead they snickered, laughed, occasionally gazed at me while doing so.
Again...not certain they were talking or joking about me...but reasonably certain.
Before the song was over, I made an even more awkward walk back across the cafeteria to the door. More than one person remarked about having to watch out for the faggot, protect their date from the faggot. In a surprise turn of events, there was not nearly as much physical pushing or tripping as I expected.
I walked out the door, back in to the hallway, and then back outside and tp the flag pole.
I collapsed under it and though the sky was mostly clear in its dusk, a rain flooded down my face. Just like any storm it came in waves over the next couple of hours. I would cry myself out then just sit, feeling the rapidly cooling and darkening air, and then I would have another wave of tears, sobs, and heavy breathing.
The fantasy crept back in, that Kayla would come out and see how much I was hurting, how I was alone. She would put her hand on mine, and her arm would entwine through mine and we would watch the burning sky. She would dry the tears and be the rainbow that came after the rains.
Shortly after the fantasy started it dissolved in to replaying the loop of the last 20-30 minutes, and wondering when my mom would get there. I tried to break up the loop by projecting my thoughts to my mom, hoping she would hear them and come to the rescue. Just like Kayla however, they never reached her, and I waited under that flag pole for about 2 hours.
Unlike Kayla, my mother eventually came and before any words were spoken in the car, I knew her regret. I saw it on her face, I felt her painful energy. I don't think we spoke much on the ride home. There was not much to say, but anybody who would have seen us, or would have been in the car, even near an opened window of it, would have felt that heavy energy of sorrow pour from that car, like a fog in those old science fiction and horror films I escaped to.
I can say that with pretty reasonable certainty.
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