#he been asking your homegirls about you
nashvillethotchicken · 2 months
Lestat trying to fuck Louis in 1910
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mvth3r · 2 months
thinking about late night conversations over card games in alexandria…
cw: 18+ MDNI, p-in-v sex, alcohol consumption
a/n: quick drabble that took over my brain while i was procrastinating on my paper for class, oops!
finding alexandria and joining the community was a real blessing, even with how tumultuous the group’s early days had been.
not because it was an impenetrable fortress, or because their worries had completely disappeared, no.
alexandria allowed them to slow down, and work their bodies out of the constant fight or flight they’d grown accustomed to on the road. now, well settled and strengthening the community every day, they were able to partake in some old world joys.
every now and then, after all the kids, including a begrudging carl, had gone to bed and all the day’s duties were finished, the grown folks would pull out a couple old bottles of wine to share and a deck of cards that someone had discovered in the kitchen’s junk drawer.
it was a stress reliever, you thought, to be sitting around the table with your people, sipping on something red and smooth and telling jokes and stories over an easy game of spades. mostly, it reminded you of your college days, cracking open cheap beers with your homegirls after a hard week of coursework, especially when the alcohol started to kick in and mouths started running.
like tonight.
you and rosita were hitting the wine a little hard, both of you having been gone the last few days on a run that hadn't panned out to be worth the trouble. you were two glasses deep to rosita's three while everyone else was still nursing their first.
the cards had been dealt over and over by this point, with the losing team leaving the table for the next pair to have a turn. you and michonne were currently duking it out with rick and carol, who were unfortunately wiping the floor with you.
you tossed a card to the center, watching rick swipe up the pile shortly after, and met his smirk with a teasing glare, "you been countin' cards or something?"
rick laughed, chocolate curls bouncing as he shook his head, "this ain’t blackjack."
"or poker," carol added, sharp eyes shining with mirth as she looked over her hand, "don't pout."
before you could snark back at the older woman, rosita was strolling over to the table to lean down beside you, her cup making a dull thunk as she placed it on the wooden table.
you looked at her curiously, a fond smile curling your lips, "yeah? what's up, rose?"
"welllll..." she began, dragging out the word for dramatics, "i wanted to ask you something, and you have to be honest!"
tara was making her way over to the table behind her, a blush apparent on her cheeks as she hissed, "i didn't actually mean-"
rosita barreled on, ignoring her, "tara and i have been wondering... you and daryl have been together for a while right?"
the mention of his name caught daryl's attention from where he'd been leaning against the kitchen island, talking to morgan. he looked over at you and rosita with an eyebrow raised.
you mirrored his look of confusion, raising your glass to take a sip of wine as you nodded slowly.
rick, michonne, and carol were also tuned into the conversation at this point, their cards discarded face down onto the table in front of them.
rosita smiled at you wickedly, lowering her voice in a fake attempt at whispering, "we were wondering if the sex was good."
everyone started talking at once, tara being the loudest, nearly shouting, "she! she was wondering, not we!"
your head fell forward into your hands, groaning. you could hear maggie and glenn laughing from the other side of the room while rick chuckled into his glass.
a blush heated your skin as the teasing started. michonne was goading you for an answer, leaning into the antics along with carol, who had put on a fake disgusted look despite the barely restrained laughter making her lips twitch.
“go on,” rosita urged, giggling right next to you, “we wanna know!”
you looked over at daryl, shocked to find him not only looking back at you, but also fighting a smile of his own. his hand rubbed over his goatee to hide it, but you saw right through him.
he was enjoying this. what a bastard.
you were sure you couldn’t get any warmer in the cheeks, and you shook your head in disbelief.
“this is so ridiculous,” you muttered, reaching for the cards you had set down earlier, but rick’s hand came down before you could grab them.
“rick, seriously?” you questioned, shooting him a dirty look.
all he did was smile indulgently, hand still pressing your cards firmly to the table. it was a testament to the good mood of the evening that rick was also willing to participate in this madness.
“out with it!” maggie crowed, “she isn’t the only one wondering!”
at that, carol finally lost her cool, trying and failing to muffle her chuckles with her palm.
michonne shot you a wink across the table, “don’t be embarrassed, we’re all adults here.”
“oh my god,” you muttered, raising your hands to cover your eyes and cheeks in exasperation, “it’s fine! the sex is just fine.”
rosita nodded with a strangely serious expression, “thank you for that information.”
you swatted at her with a groan as she headed away, back to the living room with tara.
rick finally released your cards and you gathered them back up swiftly, eyes trained on them as you tried to get back into the game, “you’re all the worst.”
a few more laughs floated across the table as you all settled back into the game.
glancing over at daryl, you felt your face grow warm all over again. you had expected to see neutrality, or maybe even a little discomfort. it’s not like you and daryl having sex was a secret, you just didn’t know how he felt about it being broadcasted.
but instead, all you could see was humor. whether at the situation or you, you couldn’t tell, but you were sure you’d find out soon enough.
“jus’ fine, huh?” daryl voice was sex rough in your ear, and so close that you could feel the puffs of his breath, “the sex is jus’ fine?”
he thrusted into you lazily, your hips slotting against each others over and over. you hands slid over his clothed chest, trying to urge him to move faster. the pace was maddening, you needed more.
once the card games had wrapped up and everyone turned in, daryl had led you right down to his room and stripped our clothes off at the threshold. you knew it was about your earlier comments, but you also knew he wasn't upset, not really. he was just poking fun in his own way.
now though, you were convinced he was punishing you.
daryl wasn’t even naked like you were, having only unzipped his jeans and slid them down an inch or two to free himself.
you were tucked underneath his larger form, arms and legs both coming up to wrap around him. you didn't have an answer for him, you didn't know what to say.
his lips dragged over your jaw, and you could feel the curve of his smile, "didn't think you was a liar. why you ain't tell 'em the truth?"
his next thrust was rougher, nailing against your g-spot perfectly, sending your head back as you moaned.
your brain was fuzzy, only thinking about how good you felt, and how you needed more.
"answer me, girl," daryl grunted teasingly, "you ain't wanna tell 'em how good i fuck you?"
you shook your head, words coming out breathy as you spoke, "no, i just didn't know what to say, daryl, please!"
he hummed appreciatively, "you ain't wanna tell 'em how you beg for my cock?"
you whimpered helplessly, eyes closing.
daryl chuckled quietly, "that's alright. next time you will, won't ya?"
before you could answer, he was speeding up again, his thrusts knocking the breath out of your lungs. your hands came up to his hair, tugging on it in your delirium. you could feel your orgasm building in your gut already, but you weren't surprised given the edging you'd already endured.
daryl could feel your walls clenching around his cock like a vice, a ragged moan falling from his throat.
he leaned down closer to you, mouth beside your ear again as he whispered, "yeah, you will."
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lingeriae · 10 months
I've been up thinkin about bartender! armin... warning - smutttt (minors dni), backshots, mentions alcohol, cursing,reader is BLACK and a female, not proofread!
Bartender! Armin who you meet when your homegirls decide to drag you out of your house, wearing his tight black uniform that fits him in all the right places.
Bartender! Armin who's immediately drawn to you, tongue coming out to lick his pink pouty lips as they take you in, curling as your eyes linger on his forearms when he leans aross the counter to "hear you better".
Bartender! Armin who mutters a "coming right up, pretty girl." as he moves away, the way you flutter you lashes at him after not going unnoticed by him.
Bartender! Armin who keeps his eyes on you all night, your pretty face had him mesmorized just as much as his had you. He watched the way you sway your hips to the beat of the music, and the way you grind your ass against your friend who cheered you on, he imagined that instead of them being behind you it was him.
Bartender! Armin who you make eye-contact with as a particular song comes on. Whining your waist against your friend, making sure to do it slowly so he can take in the way your body moves you smile at the blush on his cheeks and the way his eyes seem to darken under the lights.
Bartender! Armin who watches as you walk up to the bar, re-adjusting his pants as he moves to take your order only for you to ask him when his shift is over with a pretty pout on your two toned lips and a sparkle in your eyes.
Bartender! Armin who has you spread out on the backseat of his car, his hips moving in out of you at a fast pace and his dick hiting you in all the right places as he pushes your legs up to fuck you harder.
His gold chain glistening against his chest as he moves, he almost looks god-like above you. Low lidded blue eyes looking down on you, with his pink lips parted moving down to kiss you and tell you how pretty you look underneath him, his pretty face scrunches up as the grip your pussy has on him tightens and he hisses out 'shit' gripping your thighs harder, your sure you'll see a mark later
Bartender!Armin who turns you over so quickly, you almost get whiplash by how fast he moved you, your now face down with your ass up a moan falling from your lips as he grips your hip and pushes down on your lower back, making you arch your pretty ass on him. Licking his lips at the way your pretty brown skin glistened with sweat and the way your ass moved as he fucks you, he brings a hand down to squeeze at the flesh grinning at the way you squeal. He continues fucking you until you cum, repeatedly hitting your g-spot even after you cum until he comes down from his high.
Bartender!Armin uses wet wipes he keeps in his car for "emergencies" to wipe you off before helping you into your dress, asking for your address so he can take you home.
Bartender!Armin who watches how your ass moves in the dress as you walk out of the car, a smirk on his lips at how funny you were walking. You're walking away before turning back and asking for his phone number, giving him a breathtaking smile as he types it in your phone.
Bartender! Armin who gets cussed out by jean for leaving unannounced but pays no attention to him as he smiles at the notfication on his phone.
1 (888) ********
Thanks for the ride, mind giving me me another some othertime, maybe? 🤕
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supernovafics · 5 months
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k words
summary: in which it was a drunkenly suggested idea that actually didn’t sound too bad, and it was somehow easy to turn your friendship into something a little different. the hardest part should be keeping it a secret, but instead, it’s making sure that things don’t change more than they already have
warnings: explicit language, friends with benefits, sexual tension, implied smut, a lil angst 
author’s note: first time writing for eddie (finally!) this is slightly based off the song “homegirl” by king princess. specifically the line “we’re friends at the party, i’ll give you my body at home.” more eddie stuff coming soon? eventually? maybe..?
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
From the beginning, you both had the same understanding of what this was.
Two friends having fun every once in a while. Two friends doing things that two people who were just friends wouldn’t do with one another. Two friends that wanted something completely and utterly not serious because they both had just gotten out of shitty relationships and weren’t in the right headspace to commit to anything. 
You and Eddie agreed on it all. 
And you two also agreed that you could never tell your friends about what you were doing. 
You could only imagine the concerned and confused looks that would’ve been shared amongst them all if you and Eddie sat them down and told them about what had been happening for the past five months. Steve would think it was kinda weird and so random. Robin would say the same thing and also add that you two being each other’s rebounds would only mess things up within the friend group in the long run. Nancy would go on and on about how this was not the way that you two should’ve been coping with your respective break ups, etc, etc. 
Neither of you wanted to hear any of it, so with hushed whispers and the linking of pinkies in the middle of the night— moments after you two had drunkenly made out in the bathroom of The Hideout and were debating on whether or not you should move things to the back of Eddie’s van that was parked right outside— this quickly became the best kept secret. 
During group hangouts and other social situations, you and Eddie were just friends— nothing more, nothing less— but when you were alone, it was different. 
In a way it was fucked up, and on some level you both could recognize that. Falling into each other’s beds most nights was definitely not a good way to cope and deal with everything, just like Nancy would’ve told you both, but so far it was working perfectly fine. And how easy and okay it all was— how it somehow never felt weird or wrong to flip that switch and change your friendship into what it now was— only sometimes confused you. 
And just for a moment, as you and Eddie sat in his van outside of Steve’s house, you were hit with that confused feeling that also slightly surprised you. It was fleeting, as quick as it came it was washed away, and then it was forgotten. 
“Come on,” You mumbled against his lips before fully pulling away. “We need to go inside before they think we got into a tragic car crash while going to get this fucking ice.” 
“One more minute,” Was all Eddie said in response as his lips found your neck. 
You savored the feeling for a second before your hands came up to his chest to softly push him away. “Nope, no way. Do not give me a hickey right now, Munson.”
He only laughed and you simply rolled your eyes at the sound as you opened the door and stepped out of his van. You headed to the back and Eddie followed suit, opening the doors so that you two could grab the ice that you’d been tasked with getting forty minutes earlier. You picked up one and he grabbed the other two, and then you pushed the doors back shut with your free hand. 
“How you getting home tonight?” Eddie asked you. You knew what his question really meant— Are we going home together?
“Not sure yet. Might stay with Robin since it’s her birthday and she said she’s probably gonna just spend the night here. Or I’ll drive with Nance,” You answered, shoulders lifting in a small shrug. 
Neither of those things would end up happening, you knew that you’d probably be leaving here with Eddie in a few hours. But it was nice to tease him right then, push his buttons a bit. 
He only smiled at you, easily reading through the bullshit laced within your words, and was completely okay with playing along. “Okay, got it. I guess I don’t have to worry about bringing you home.” 
“Guess not.”
You two were already standing in front of Steve’s front door, but you simply held Eddie’s gaze for a few beats longer, the smallest smile playing on your lips, before you pushed the door open and the teasing conversation immediately became drowned out by the music. 
Steve waved you both over to the kitchen. “Finally, you’re back.” 
“There was some traffic,” Eddie told him and Steve surprisingly didn’t question the excuse— even though there being traffic in Hawkins was an insanely far-fetched statement to make. 
You handed the bag of ice in your hand over to Steve, which he put in the freezer and then he and Eddie poured the others in the coolers that sat on top of his kitchen island that had beers and sodas in them. 
You were about to walk away— see if you could find Robin, maybe wish her happy birthday for the third time tonight— but Steve slung an arm around you before you could. “I need you to be my beer pong partner.”
“Y’know, Steven, I don’t think it can really be considered as a partnership if I’m the one doing all of the work to make us win,” You said, but still let him drag you to the table littered with red solo cups anyway. 
Two rounds of beer pong later, both of which you and Steve— mainly you— won, you were slightly tipsy. Definitely nowhere near drunk enough to do the karaoke that was set up in the living room, like Robin, Vickie, and Nancy. Although you did enjoy their very theatrical and soulful performance of Somebody to Love by Queen. 
However, you were just the right amount of tipsy to smile when you spotted Eddie through the throngs of people, smoking weed on the couch and talking to Gareth. A part of you wanted to walk over and settle yourself in his lap, but thank God your thinking was still somewhat logical and you reminded yourself that you couldn’t do that. 
Instead, you settled for sitting on the arm of the couch and feet resting on the dark cushion, close enough to Eddie but not so much that it would raise a thousand alarm bells by your friends if they saw you two right then. He looked up at you for a brief second, giving you a small smile that practically melted your insides, and you were the one who had to pull your eyes away from his first. 
A silent conversation played out in a matter of seconds— he held the joint out toward you in offering, not even breaking the conversation with Gareth as he did so, and you grabbed it, taking a long drag before handing it back to him. 
You were only half-paying attention to what they were talking about, some new horror movie that you hadn’t gotten around to seeing yet. All you could really focus on was Eddie moving a bit and leaning against your legs. 
It wasn’t something that was entirely un-innocent— you could’ve easily pictured Robin or Steve or Nancy doing the same thing— but coming from Eddie it nearly drove you insane, and you had a feeling that he knew that. It was always the simplest of touches that made you essentially fold for him, when he’d place a hand on your knee whenever you were in the passenger seat of his van or when his hand would find the small of your back whenever you were at The Hideout and surrounded by way too many people. 
And it was especially easy to fold when you weren’t fully sober.  
You looked down at him and noticed the smirk on his face and you had to hold back your eye roll. If he was going to tease you, you were willing to do the same back. 
You abruptly got up from the couch. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” 
You didn’t wait for his response before you started walking away, but you hoped that he picked up on the request that was hidden beneath your words. 
The first floor bathroom was luckily empty and you flicked on the light as you closed the door behind you and faced the mirror above the sink. You were only looking at yourself for a brief second before the door opened and you turned around to face Eddie. 
The same fucking smirk was on his face as he pushed the door closed and locked it behind him and then immediately reached out for you. “C’mere.”
“Mm-mm.” You shook your head as you stepped back away from him. “I just wanted to talk.”
He let out a small laugh at that. “Okay, yeah, let’s talk.”
You leaned back against the sink and looked up at him. “So, what was that movie you and Gareth were talking about?”
He stepped closer to you, closing a bit of the small distance between you two. “A dumb horror movie.”
It was hard to ignore the feeling of his hands coming up to your waist, but you still did so anyway and you didn’t push him away. “Okay, so I shouldn’t go see it?”
Eddie only shook his head no in response. He started slowly rubbing your sides, his warm touch practically burning a hole in the dark high-waisted jeans you were wearing. 
“Do you have any recommendations?” You asked as your arms came up to loosely circle his neck. “I wanna watch something I haven’t seen before.” 
He didn’t answer your question that time around and instead leaned in to kiss you. But, you turned your head at the last second and he groaned into your neck, which only made you smile. 
“We can watch any movie you want right now if you let me take you home,” He mumbled, lips humming against your neck. 
“I have a feeling that we wouldn’t be watching the movie if that happened,” You said and held back your laughter at the second groan he let out. “And besides, we can’t leave yet. The cake hasn’t been cut and we haven’t even sung happy birthday. Don’t you remember how birthday parties work, Munson?”
“Your pretty face is making it really hard to remember anything, sweetheart,” He told you, pulling away and a hand came up to stroke your cheek. The cool feeling of the rings on his fingers brushing your skin was a nice contrast to the burn of your cheeks. 
Things had been changing recently, a shift that neither of you wanted to acknowledge just yet; maybe because it was hard to tell what exactly was changing. And so, things kept continuing as it was.
You shook your head a little and let out a small laugh. “Always such a charmer.”
That time when he leaned in to slot his lips against yours, you didn’t turn your head away. 
“Only for you,” He playfully whispered against your lips. 
He pulled back before either of you could even think about making the kiss deeper and he looked at you so sweetly. You suddenly wished that the light was off and it was dark right then so that you didn’t have to see his face. 
That confused feeling was back, and you finally understood what it meant. It hit you so abruptly and harshly, it almost felt like you were finally being shaken awake to what was so obvious. You liked him— more than just a friend, more than you ever let yourself think before. And you almost instantaneously came to the conclusion that this, the way you were feeling, was entirely one-sided.  
When this first started, it was because both of you were essentially embracing that old saying of “if you wanna get over someone, get under someone else,” and it worked for you. And it wasn’t just the sex, it was the half-awake pillow talk moments after and listening to music in his van as you two sat outside your house when he was dropping you off that meant the most to you, that helped you actually get over your ex and his shittiness. But, you didn’t think that it was the same way for Eddie. 
He loved his ex, anyone with two eyes could see that. And he still loved her, more so than he let on, and that felt like something only you could see. The longing look on his face whenever he talked about her to you, the nostalgic smile he’d get whenever he mentioned something good about how they used to be. It was obvious how he still felt. 
And just like that, the spell that you’d been cast under in this moment was broken. 
You let out the smallest sigh and detangled yourself from him, letting your arms fall to your sides. 
He looked at you, confused. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Maybe everything. “I’m gonna get some water.” 
You were pulling yourself out of his grasp and brushing past him toward the door, but Eddie’s hand found yours before you could twist the lock. 
Reluctantly, you met his eyes and his voice was soft as he spoke. “You can tell me anything, remember?” 
A few minutes ago that felt entirely true, now you weren’t so sure, but you still nodded anyway. “I know.” 
“So, what happened in the last thirty seconds?” 
A part of you wanted to say it. A part of you wanted to be honest with him. 
But, you couldn’t. 
Because you were convinced of what the outcome would be if you did— you could already imagine the sad and pitying look that would cross his face and essentially say it all. If you told the truth in this moment, it would fuck up your friendship and it would fuck up what you two had turned your friendship into. Therefore, you came to the quick decision that you could bury it all down for however long you needed to so that you didn’t mess anything up.
You bypassed Eddie’s question and instead closed the newfound space between you two, pushing yourself up on your toes and pressing your lips against his. The kiss was different this time around, it was no longer soft and teasing. It was deeper, more needy and desperate, and Eddie reciprocated in a matter of seconds. He turned you both around so that you were pressed up against the sink again and he immediately lifted you onto it, barely detaching from your lips in the process. 
If the circumstances were different, you would’ve fully let him do whatever he wanted to do to you in this bathroom. But, things wouldn’t go farther than this in here; not in Steve’s house, not with your friends just down the hall.
When you pulled away to catch your breath, your lips brushed against his ear as you spoke. “I want you to take me home tonight.”
The smile Eddie gave you made your heart constrict in your chest. It almost made you want to blurt out how you were feeling right then because maybe just maybe he actually did feel the same. 
But, of course, you didn’t say anything. You had another secret to keep and you would force yourself to be entirely okay with that.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
let me know ur thoughts<333
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Erik x Valencia
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Part One.
What am I going to do? I’m pregnant and it’s my freshman year. I don’t know if I should keep the baby or not. Any advice?
-Florida A&M
My stupid boyfriend cheated on me so I fucked his homeboy. Now both of them are fighting over me 🤭
I think my roommate has a thing for me. I’m not gay, but I’ve caught myself staring at his dick a few times. This shit is confusing me. I don’t like dick I like pussy!
-Morehouse College
My girlfriend wants me to eat her butt. She keeps begging me to do it. Who on here ever ate ass before? I need some advice because gahdamn she won’t leave a nigga alone.
-Morgan State
I already know what yall gonna say but I don’t give a fuck. My homegirl keep telling me about how her man is cheating on her. He’s cheating with me. I’m the side chick. The D is just too good. At this point I’m already too far gone. Judge me if you want I don’t care 🤷🏿‍♀️
-Clark Atlanta University
I had a train ran on me the other night. No, they didn’t fuck me. They ate me 😩 and it was a bunch of Omegas! Since they like to show their tongue so much I wanted to see which one of them could make me cum the hardest 😘
-Howard University
-I wish to remain anonymous. I’m not as experienced in the sex department and I am 21 years old. I want to hook up with someone here. Maybe I have unrealistic expectations, but I want it to be with someone I’ve been eyeing around campus. He doesn’t know I exist, but he’s so beautiful. If I could just have one chance with him…
-Texas Southern
“I did it.”
Valencia shut her MacBook Pro and fell back against her bed within her dorm room. Across from her sat her roommate, Brielle. They’d been roommates since freshman year.
“It was an anonymous submission, right? Nothing to worry about.” Brielle replied while looking over her notes for her A&P lab practical.
“I know, but what if someone figures it out?—
Her phone buzzed next to her thigh again.
“Jesus…he keeps fucking calling me.”
Brielle chuckles, “His ego is bruised. He probably wants to make sure you don’t say anything about it.”
“It’s been a week. He needs to let the shit go.”
Valencia ends the call for the eighth time that rainy evening. She’s already angry with herself for even allowing that man to have his way with her body. It was the worst experience. Worse than her first time.
“Head was trash, dick was trash…”
“So, I guess it isn’t all true that Que’s are great in bed, huh?” Brielle jokes.
“It’s definitely not true. I just wish it was with him.”
Valencia grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. Brielle simply laughed at her antics.
“Isn’t he a Que too?” Brielle questions.
“He is. Maybe he’ll be the exception.”
Valencia slowly removed the pillow from her face and blinked her eyes up at the ceiling. Butterflies formed in her belly just thinking about him.
“He’s so damn fine, Brie. Like, why couldn’t it be him that had all of this instead of Isaiah?!”
“Who is this again? Girl, you know my attention span is fucked up.” Brielle replied with a laugh.
“His name is Erik. He’s getting his doctorate.”
“Hm,” Brielle highlighted a section in her textbook orange, “How old is he?”
“I don’t know, like…thirties maybe?”
“Since when do you like them older?” Brielle asked with a shocked tone of voice.
“Since now! He’s too fine, Brie. And he’s really smart. Like a genius. He has so many accomplishments. A sexy nerd.”
“He sounds like he’s out of your league—”
“He’s also a TA—”
Brielle’s eyes went wide.
“A TA? Girl…don’t do it.”
Valencia had to admit that Brielle was right.
“It’ll never happen anyway. That man walks past me everyday like he doesn’t see me. I’ll just crush from afar at this point I don’t even know why I sent that fucking message.”
Valencia pouted in bed. Silence filled the room as she laid there staring at the television. Brielle was completely absorbed into her notes to care. Valencia could be doing some schoolwork herself, but the thought of her anonymous ask kept circulating in her mind.
Valencia sat up on her elbow and reached for her laptop again. Brielle cut her brown eyes at her and smirked playfully. Valencia checked the blog and noticed one note. Clicking on it, it was just a like. Her submission is nothing compared to the other wild confessions.
“There he goes again,” Brielle motioned with her eyes at Valencia’s phone, “Do you want me to cuss his ass out? Block that nigga!”
Valencia grabbed her phone and proceeded to block him.
“You know I have Chemistry with that limp dick fucker, right?” Brielle said.
“Just ignore him, Brie. He’ll be alright.”
“He keeps harassing you!”
Valencia sat her laptop on their shared desk. She shut off her lamp light snd slipped beneath the sheets. She had an early class tomorrow and needed to ease her mind into slumber.
“Goodnight, Brie. Don’t stay up too late.” Valencia said.
“I’ll try. You know I’m a night owl.” Brielle grumbled.
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The rain seemed to flow into the following afternoon. Valencia ran as fast as she could back to her dorm after the boring lecture she had to endure. A fellow student held the door for her and she made it inside although she was drenched from head to toe. She smoothed wet braids from her face and adjusted her cropped T-shirt. The brisk air of the building caused goosebumps to form along her sepia skin. She could even feel her teeth chattering.
Removing her heavy school bag from her shoulder, Valencia took long strides towards the elevators. She waited impatiently while rubbing her wet arms to try and warm up. She silently cursed herself for not bringing her umbrella. The sunny morning and clear sky deceived her. She stared down at her black and white Adidas Campus 00s for two seconds before the elevator doors opened. Valencia took a step forward and just then a deep timbre sent a shiver up her spine.
“Going up?”
Valencia was halfway into the elevator when her chocolate orbs fell upon the one person she wasn’t expecting to see in her dorm building.
Valencia may have met her match with Erik Stevens.
“Yes,” She stepped to the side so that he could enter.
“Thank you.”
Valencia scooted towards the corner of the elevator.
“Which floor?”
“Bet, that’s where I’m going.”
He has a dorm on the sixth floor? She thought.
She focused on him like she was studying a passage out of one of her textbooks. First, her eyes took in the style of his hair. He kept the sides and back tapered but the rest was beautifully loc’d and braided back. His eyes were shielded with gold-rimmed glasses that complimented his face and made him like artsy. She trailed her gaze down his neck to his broad shoulders. He wore a cream-colored hoodie and khaki cargo pants. On his feet were a pair of boots and in his firm grip was a dripping wet umbrella.
“After you.”
Valencia picked herself up and slipped past him since he was holding the door for her. She could smell his cologne and it was her new favorite smell.
“Thank you.” She said.
She instantly felt warm and fuzzy. He had this effect on her she hadn’t felt in a long while truly. Not even for that lackluster lay she had a week ago. Isaiah who?
Valencia walked into a crowded lounge area with a confused look on her face. She spotted Brielle near the window sitting on a lounger. She was chatting with a few of their mutual girl friends. The grey clouds outside began to allow the sun to peek through. She walked over to them and dropped her bag to the floor.
“Cindy, Skai…”
Cindy jutted out her petite hip and smiled with her braces in greeting. Skai raised her hand and fluttered her fingers covered in various gold rings. Skai was playing in Brielle’s ginger-colored coily hair as she typed away on her tablet.
“Why is everybody sitting here in the lounge?” Valencia questioned.
“Rumor has it, Rochelle isn’t our RA anymore.” Skai revealed.
Valencia furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes.
The chatter amongst everyone died down to a pregnant pause. Everyone looked towards Erik. Valencia caught his eye briefly and she could feel herself squirming from that small interaction alone.
“My name is Erik. I’m sure some of you have seen your emails, and for those that haven’t, I’m here to fill you in. Rochelle had a personal emergency and she will not continue as your RA for the final months of this semester. I will take over that position from here on out.”
Whispers circulated around the room. Erik stood there with his back straight, arms folded, and poker-faced.
Elusive nature.
Valencia turned her gaze towards Brielle. Her friend gave her a mischievous smirk. Valencia suppressed a laugh and threw her hands in the air dismissively.
“I will be staying on this floor for the remainder of the semester to keep an eye on things and act as a guide. I know a lot about TSU and I’m more than happy to help. Does anyone have any questions for me?”
Erik scanned the room through his glasses intently, similar to a drill sergeant. For some reason, his presence evoked a feeling of obedience.
A quiet Alpha.
“Well, that’s all I have to say for now,” Erik clapped his hands together in finality, “You can resume studying or whatever it is you were doing. Matt, right?”
Erik pointed to a freshman sitting at a desk. Matt was tall and lanky with designer braids in his hair and dressed like he was ready for a runway. A lot of designer. Definitely attention seeking.
“Yeah. How you know me?”
“I’m a Que Dog. You still interested, right?”
Something in Matt shifted. He stood taller and raised his chin with confidence.
“Absolutely.” Matt replied with excitement.
“Your probationary period starts tonight. You got a lot of work to do.”
Valencia could sense the nervousness in Matt.
“I’m ready.” Matt replied.
“We’ll see.”
Erik walked past Matt and towards the elevators. Valencia watched him leave and when he’d finally gone she let out a shaky breath.
“I don’t think I’m going to enjoy a man being our RA,” Cindy said with obvious disdain.
“Same,” Skai stood up and pulled her tight denim skirt down over her rotund backside and generous thighs.
“Valencia is going to keep me up playing DJ hero every night since her crush is our new RA.”
Valencia glared at Brielle.
“You have a crush on him?!” Cindy questioned with a surprised expression.
“What happened to Isaiah?” Skai asked.
“Isaiah was a disappointment. He talked a big game after that party and when we went back to his room he pretty much did the opposite of what he said he was gonna do.” Valencia recalled with frustration.
“I’M GoNnA MAke YoU CuM,” Brielle mocked.
“I’Mma GiVe YoU THIs DiCk AnD HaVE YOu BeGGiNG FoR MorE.” Valencia said
“oh my fucking GOD,” Cindy giggled, “It was that horrible?”
“Cindy, horrible isn’t even the word. If I could find a word to describe how awful it was I would. Can’t eat pussy for shit, constantly tried to stick it in my ass because he couldn’t find my pussy, has a big dick but can’t fuck, kept asking me if I liked it, it was terrible.”
“I’m so sorry for you, sis,” Skai shook her head, “I really thought he was going to knock the Sonic rings out that coochie.”
“Maybe he was drunk?” Cindy said
“He wasn’t. He had a little bit of weed, that’s it.”
Valencia reached for her bag and stood up to leave.
“Let me go study, I’ll catch up with ya’ll later.”
“Sure you don’t wanna come out with us for drinks tonight?” Brielle asked with a smile.
“I have to train. I have a swim meet coming up.”
“Fine! Maybe Saturday!”
Valencia put a thumb up as she walked away towards her dorm room.
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Thirty notes.
Girl if you don’t approach this man!
Who is it? I wanna know 👀
If he hasn’t taken the hint by now he don’t want you.
Valencia’s heart sank to the pit of her stomach. Most of the replies were nothing but discouraging. She wished she could take back her anonymous submission. Sitting at their shared desk in an oversized yellow Nike hoodie and her braided hair in a messy bun, she clicked on a tab on her MacBook to continue reading about Erik’s accomplishments at TSU. He’s an alumni receiving his doctorate in Computer Hardware Engineering. Summa cum laude. Pledge President. Star Football player. Leading place in various academic clubs and competitions. Tutor in multiple complex subjects such as quantum physics, chemistry, mathematics, and philosophy. Fluent in languages such as French, Spanish, Chinese, Latin, and signing.
Overly intellectual.
Valencia could go on and on about how perfect Erik seemed to be. She was infatuated past the point of no return. Far gone. The sexist fucking nerd she’d ever known. But still, it was just a reminder that he wouldn’t be concerned with a twenty-one-year-old chick with no experience and nowhere near as much maturity as him. He probably wanted a sophisticated woman. confident, in charge, and calm. A lot of experience and knowledge about the world and about culture, art, and literature. Someone who can quote Aristotle.
Oh? He was in the Military? That explains a lot.
Valencia clicked out of the tab and back to the HBCU Confessions blog. As she scrolled the page, she wondered to herself who could have created it? She’d heard whispers around campus about how the infamous blog became active again after some years.
As she scrolled, an instant message icon popped up. She shifted her hips in her seat and leaned in to click on the message. It was probably some old man asking if she wanted to be their sugar baby or a bot. Valencia’s dark brown eyes scanned the message.
It was the blog. HBCU Confessions. The owner.
-Hello ❤️
Why would they message her?
-I read your submission. Probably the most innocent out of them all.
Valencia didn’t know how to take that. Was it an issue?
-Unfortunately for you, I don’t have THAT MUCH excitement in my life lol
-Nothing wrong with that. It prompted me to message you personally.
-It was that interesting? Lol
-I’d like to understand and see if I could give you some advice.
-Thank you! I’d actually love some advice. 🥰
-Perfect. What makes it an unrealistic expectation? Because I can tell you now, I doubt it is.
-He’s on a different level than me. He’s also older than me. Idk I just get this vibe that he wouldn’t be interested.
Valencia grabbed her hot pink Stanley cup to take a sip of water.
-How much older? I know you’re 21.
-All I know is that he’s in his 30s.
-I’m still not seeing where it’s unrealistic. Have you tried anything at all? A smile? Anything?
-No. I’ve been too shy to.
-Shy or afraid of rejection?
-You gotta break out of that.
-Do you know for sure if he’s single?
-I’ve seen him around campus with this professor sometimes for lunch but that’s it. I’m not sure if they are dating or just friends lol
-What school are you attending again?
-Texas Southern
-Really? 👀
Valencia made a face at her laptop screen. Did they know something she didn’t?
-Is there something I should know?
-I think I may know who you’re talking about. He’s not available from what I know…
So, this person attended TSU as well? Makes sense now why they singled out her confession.
-Who am I talking about then? 😌
-He’s 33 by the way.
Valencia’s shoulders slumped.
-This still doesn’t confirm that we’re talking about the same person.
-He’s a Nupe, right?
-No. he’s a Que. lol
-You sure? He’s about 6’0, teaches chemistry, spends time with that one English Literature professor…
Valencia considered their description of Erik but she was sure he said that he was a Que Dog earlier. And he’s a TA for quantum physics not chemistry. The only similarity is the English Lit teacher. Professor Boyd.
-I don’t think we’re talking about the same person. Send me a picture.
Valencia waited two minutes before a picture popped up in their chat.
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-His name is James Parham.
-He’s cute but that’s not my crush 😂
-Well then I have no idea who you’re talking about lol.
Valencia waited. She stood up from her seat at the desk to grab her phone from the charger. Checking her notifications, she received a text from Brielle an hour ago. Valencia opened the text thread and there was a video. She pressed play and it was a lot of motion to keep the phone steady until the video zoomed into a table far off in the corner. Valencia squinted her eyes and recognition washed over her face.
He was sitting alone in a booth with a drink in his hand, bobbing his head to the music.
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-Is it him?
-😌 ohhh so Erik?
-He’s definitely single.
-Make a move before it’s too late.
-what do you suggest I do? Can you give me some advice please?
-Erik is introverted and often mistaken for being timid. He is indeed an Omega and takes pride in that. You can find him around campus reading a book or working out. He’s a homebody for sure. Sometimes you may catch him out and about. He’s a chill dude with this mysterious aura about him. That’s what I’ve gathered from just seeing him around campus.
-I would start off by playing into his interests. He likes to read so find out what books he likes. From what I know he’s big on poetry. He likes to run around campus at 6 am. Need help tutoring? See if he’s offering some study hours for that. Start there and see where it goes.
-This is really good advice! It’s very subtle and a perfect way to get his attention without being too obvious. Thank you! ❤️
-You’re welcome love 💗 I’m here if you need anything. Feel free to chat with me.
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Intent listener…
“I really don’t know what to do about it, Erik…”
Andrea, Erik’s friend from college and English Literature professor at TSU walked alongside him in the early afternoon the following day.
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“He’s so confusing half the damn time, I can’t even tell if he’s into me or not.”
Erik had both hands in the pockets of his slacks. Today was his day to assistant teach quantum physics. He really wasn’t up for it because he’d been up so late in the dorms trying to settle a sneaky party. Apparently, Rochelle allowed them to party and have drinks which is against the rules and grounds for expulsion. He just walked and listened. Out of his friend group, he’s the one they go to to vent because he doesn’t disrupt them, and he gives great advice.
“How long have we known James, Drea? That nigga can’t express himself for shit. Just know, he’s feelin’ you. He’s always had a thing for you.” Erik replied.
Andrea took a sip of her super green smoothie.
“Well, I’m not gonna wait around for him to speak up. What is he so afraid of?”
Erik turned his gaze onto Andrea through his gold-rimmed glasses.
“We’ve been friends for about ten years, Drea. Maybe he’s afraid that if things don’t work out with you two romantically, it’ll mess up the bond you both had as friends.”
Andrea mulled over Erik’s words. They settled in front of the school fountain and sat down on a bench facing it.
“You have a point. We’re going to a spoken word tonight. We’ll see how it goes.”
“Spoken word, huh? Wow…I haven’t done one of those in forever.” Erik replied with a smirk.
“Coming back to Texas is nostalgic, ain’t it?” Andrea said with a giggle.
“It is—”
“Oh! Guess what?”
Andrea leaned into Erik with a playful look in her eyes. Erik narrowed his eyes at her in response.
“Are you gonna guess?” Andrea pestered.
“Aight, You’re finally gonna write that book you’ve been talking about all these years.”
“No! I changed my mind about the book,” Andrea rolls her eyes, “the blog…”
Erik’s eyebrows shot up.
“Yep. It’s been so long I had to see what was going on with it.”
Erik chuckled, “Nah. You’re back on there? Drea,” Erik shook his head, “You’re a professor now! What if somebody finds out?”
“Who’s gonna find out, Erik? We never revealed ourselves when we used it. Nobody knows what school we went to or who we were. Well…I think I may have slipped up last night…”
“What the hell did you do, Drea?”
Erik surveyed his surroundings to make sure they were safe to talk about this.
“I got the sweetest confession from a student here and I just had to message them.” Andrea said.
“Okay, what did they say?”
“So, they pretty much confessed to having a crush on someone here and being afraid to approach them…”
“Who?” Erik said impatiently.
Andrea laughed at Erik’s expression. He furrowed his brows and looked at her like she was talking gibberish.
“…Did they say who they were?” Erik asked.
His interest was peeked.
“No. All I know is she’s twenty-one, very shy, feels as if she has no chance in hell with you.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Erik fussed.
“Because I thought you’d want to know! You need some action in your life, Erik. When was the last time you had sex?”
“Aye, don’t worry about it, girl,” Erik playfully shoved Andrea, “I’m just saying, what am I supposed to do with this information? Like…I don’t even know how the girl looks.”
“You will eventually. I gave her some advice. She may pop up today…”
Erik couldn’t deny that he was intrigued. Could be fun to see how things play out.
“Okay, okay…the log in still the same?”
Andrea smirked, “Still the same. You remember?”
“Yeah…it was my idea, wasn’t it?” Erik smart-mouthed.
“Alright, smart ass.”
Andrea checked the time on her Apple Watch.
“Let me head back to my office. When does your class start?”
“In an hour. I’m gonna head over to the library and do a bit of grading to kill some time.”
Andrea and Erik stood up at the same time. Andrea opened her arms to accept a hug from Erik. She squeezed her old friend and then kissed his cheek.
“Aight, Daka, I’ll catch you later.”
“Have a good class, Drea.”
They parted ways and headed in opposite directions.
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Valencia felt cute today.
She did her makeup for once. She dressed in a body con black dress that enhanced her curves. She wore her favorite Carolina Herrera perfume. Anything to get his attention.
On her way to the library after her philosophy class, Valencia entered the library with a grace that turned heads. She took the elevators to the third level of the library, her stomach doing flips because of how nervous she was. She exited onto the third level and walked further into the silent area until she was near the windows that overlooked the campus.
Valencia took a seat and proceeded to retrieve her MacBook, and textbook. She wanted to format her notes with bullet points and colors while the information was still fresh on her mind. It was Friday evening and she didn’t want to spend her weekend catching up on school work. Her cafe noir eyes would look up to see if her crush had shown up yet.
After some time, her attention veered back to the HBCU Confessions blog. She was excited to see that there was a new message from the blog.
-Any luck today?
Valencia typed.
-No 😪
Erik strolled over to a desk diagonal to Valencia. He quickly took his laptop and other work out of his bag. It was the last thing on his mind after what Andrea told him. He opened his laptop and found his way back to Tumblr. Being back sparked memories of mischief and lust. Erik started this blog for laughs and he honestly didn’t expect it to transform into what it is today. What started out as a blog strictly for TSU, expanded to other colleges unexpectedly. So many scandalous things go down at college and it sucked that our people didn’t really have their own way of connecting across HBCUs. So, Erik started the blog for fun, and it quickly evolved.
He’d known secrets about people across colleges. It didn’t matter if you were the dean, a professor, a student, or a coach, your deepest darkest thoughts and feelings were exposed for everyone to see with the option of remaining anonymous. Erik witnessed breakups and hookups. It was a guilty pleasure of his, like watching hentai. Erik had many guilty pleasures. Who didn’t?
He successfully logged back in and found himself staring at hundreds of notifications. The only thing he was concerned with was whoever this anonymous person was that had a crush on him. It’s been a while since he’d been with a woman. Being in the military as an engineer was a busy job. He worked a lot and on top of that he moved around from state to state. Hardly any time to settle down or date. He did date a few women, but it was all a dead end.
Erik found what he was looking for.
ebonygoddess1990s_-No 😪
Erik read the entire thread and couldn’t help but chuckle quietly. He was tickled by Andrea’s advice to his secret admirer. She knew him like she knew her classic literature. He was indeed laidback, quiet, nerdy, and ambitious. The more he read the messages, the more he wanted to find out who this woman was. He decided to respond to their message. Why not? It would be fun to play along. Just like the old days.
-Where are you right now?
Meanwhile, Valencia’s head shot up at her MacBook when she heard the ping of a new message. She read the message.
-Where are you right now?
-Library ☺️
-Usually he’s there around this time.
Valencia looked up and she was staring at him sitting at a table diagonally from her table. He didn’t know that she was eyeing him down since he was focused on his laptop. He wore a pair of slim fit paisley and gray pants with a white button down shirt and brown loafers.
-He’s here now 😳
Erik sat up straighter and his eyes locked with Valencia’s. She quickly averted her gaze to her laptop, tucking her braids behind her left ear. Erik took his time admiring Valencia. His eyes started at her feet. She wore a pair of black gladiator sandals with silver spikes on them. She had red painted toes and smooth, brown legs. His onyx eyes ascended further up her body, over the curve of her hip, the hourglass shape of her waist, her toned arms, ample cleavage, neatly braided hair, and then finally her beautiful face.
He really really liked the shape of her lips. Large and wide set with a plump, pouty appearance and equally full on the top and bottom. He’d seen plenty of beautiful women every day, but whoever this girl was, she was the most beautiful. It was her rich, brown skin. Her pretty doe eyes. That body. Erik was certain that she’s his secret admirer, but he needed to be sure. Excitement brewed in him as he typed a response.
-You should say hi. Get his attention.
-I’m nervous 😭
-Don’t be. Just go for it. How else will you know if he’s interested?
-I dare you to give him a flirty wave with a seductive smile. 😏
Valencia’s eyes went round with surprise. That was bold. Bolder than she initially planned to be. She cleared her throat and turned in her seat. Crossing one leg over the other, Valencia flipped her braids so that it gave her a messy look and then she made her eyes look sleepy and hypnotic like Dorothy Dandridge. She took a deep breath in and focused her gaze on Erik steadily. After five seconds, he looked up and did a double take. Valencia raised a small hand and waved at him slowly while her lips were formed in a smile.
Erik simply smirked at her and raked his eyes up and down her frame. That’s all. He just smirked at her and then he dropped his gaze back to his laptop. Valencia gripped the back of her chair to try and calm her racing heart. That slight interaction had her bewitched. He smirked at her and he checked her out. She wanted to jump up and down.
-How did it go?
-He smiled at me and then he looked me up and down. 😭 clearly he likes what he sees!
Erik nibbled on his bottom lip to control the urge to smile with all of his teeth. This was so much fun. The most fun he’d had an a long time. It was good to be back.
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Erik packed his things so that he could be on his way to the class he needed to assist. As he was getting ready to leave, he felt his phone vibrating with an incoming call. He plucked his cell from his pocket and brought it to his ear. His eyes connected with Valencia’s briefly before turning away.
“Hello? Hey…I was headed there now—really? You sure? Okay…no, no…it’s all good. Uh…I’ll just finish grading everything and drop it off later? Perfect. Alright…see you next Friday…”
Erik ended the call. Fuck it. He didn’t want to assist that class today anyway now that something and someone had his attention more. He stole a glance at her and she was reading from a philosophy textbook. He knew philosophy well. So well that he tutored for it. Erik had an idea. He took his seat again and brought his laptop back out. He opened it to the messages and began typing away.
-That’s a good thing 😌 What’s he doing now?
-He was going to leave but changed his mind. I wonder why. Hmmm…maybe he can’t get enough of me lol
-maybe 🤔 lol. What are you doing now? Are you studying?
-I am. It’s philosophy. It’s so boring but I have to do it.
-Philosophy, huh? He actually tutors philosophy.
Valencia giggled to herself and shook her head.
-Why am I not surprised. He’s so smart 😍
Erik licked his lips. She was infatuated with his intellect. He liked that.
-You want another dare?
Valencia looked heavenward. Erik peeked over at her.
-Okay. What do you dare?
Valencia’s eyes veered from her laptop to Erik again.
-I dare you to ask him to be your tutor.
Valencia exhaled louder than she’d expected to. She brought a hand to her belly to calm the butterflies. That actually wouldn’t be a bad idea. She just needed to calm her nerves. Valencia counted down from ten in her head and stood up from her seat. She paused with her fingertips against her philosophy textbook before lifting it from the table. She pressed it against her, beneath her cleavage, hugging it with both arms like those school girls from teen dramas.
She started making her way towards him slowly. Erik didn’t look away from his laptop until she was standing next to him. Being that close to him, his features more prominent, Valencia couldn’t find the words to speak. Erik looked up at her through his glasses and gave her a friendly smile before recognition washed over his face.
“Hi.” Erik said.
Valencia shifted her focus on the empty seat at the table. She took a moment to gather herself before scooting out the chair and making herself comfortable.
“Weren’t you in the elevator the other day?” Erik said.
“Yeah…yeah that was me,” Valencia smiles.
Erik nodded his head, “You look different.”
She wasn’t as dolled up and she was soaked from head to toe.
“I didn’t look very flattering,” Valencia released a dry chuckle, growing more bashful the more his eyes were on her.
“No, what I mean is…you’re not all wet.”
Valencia blinked at Erik. Heat crept up her face. The way he said wet…
Erik’s eyes fell to the book that pushed her titties up.
“Philosophy. What’s your major?”
“Psychology.” Valencia replied.
“It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop…”
He sounded those words out so smooth like he was serenading her. Valencia furrowed her brows at Erik’s response. Her full lips parted invitingly.
“…What?” She questions.
“Confucius. Confucianism? the importance of having a good moral character?”
Valencia sat her textbook down and giggled.
“Right, right…I had a brain fart.”
Erik laughed.
“Uhm…do you tutor?”
Valencia leaned in, unknowingly exposing her cleavage more. Erik fought the urge to look, focusing his penetrating gaze on her face.
He adjusted his glasses very studiously, “I do actually.”
“That’s perfect actually,” Valencia folds her arms against the table, “I could use a tutor. You seem to be well versed in the subject.”
Valencia looked at Erik expectantly with those doe eyes and honestly she could have whatever she wanted if she kept staring at him like that.
“Are you asking me?” Erik quirked a brow.
Valencia folded her hands and pouted her bottom lip. It was adorable.
“Are you free after five?” Erik inquired.
“I am, actually. Tonight I have plans with friends but I can meet at five.”
“Alright,” Erik shut his laptop, “We can study in the lounge at the dorms. Wait…”
Erik touched Valencia’s arm, stopping her from standing. The hairs on her arm stood up like a jolt of electricity coursed through her.
“I didn’t catch your name…”
“Oh…sorry. Valencia.”
“Nice to formally meet you, Miss Valencia. I’m Erik.”
“I remember.”
They smiled at each other. Erik stood up, placing his laptop in his bag. Valencia took her time retrieving her textbook, unsure of what else to say.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye for now—”
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The last person she’d hope to run into. He looked irritated with her as he approached them. Valencia fixed her face into a look of frustration and Erik noticed straight away. The tension between them was palpable.
“What it do, shawty? You avoiding me?”
Valencia looked between Erik and Isaiah. Isaiah loomed closer, draping his arm around her shoulder. Valencia rolled her eyes.
“What can I do for you, Isaiah?” Valencia quipped.
“Did you block me?”
“I did—”
“For what? Didn’t we have a good time?”
Valencia pursed her lips and shut her eyes.
“Isaiah, don’t make me embarrass you…”
Truthfully, she was the one embarrassed at the moment. Erik’s eyebrows ticked up and the corner of his mouth twitched. Isaiah cut his eyes at Erik, sizing him up initially before he recognized him.
“Oh, shit what’s poppin’, Poet?”
Isaiah raised his hand to dab Erik. Erik slowly brought his hand forward and their palms collided with a loud smack and a firm grip. Erik released his hand and watched as Isaiah discreetly flexed his fingers.
“Don’t mind us, just tryna see why my girl mad at me.”
Isaiah clearly couldn’t read the room.
“I’m not your girl, Isaiah.”
Valencia lifted his arm from around her and turned to leave. She threw Erik a furtive glance before retreating quickly.
He was in a library after all.
Isaiah was ready to chase her down but Erik yoked him up by his backpack to stop him.
“Gahdamn, Bro,” Isaiah fixed his bag.
“She’s not interested, One Pump Chump.”
“Fuck you and that nickname. That was one fucking time. I was drunk.”
“Yeahhhh and I’m sure the same happened with Valencia?”
Isaiah glared dangerously at Erik.
“If it didn’t happen that way, it shouldn’t matter, right?”
Erik slapped Isaiah on the back and proceeded to walk away.
“I’ll catch you later, little bruh.”
Erik threw up a hook and twisted his tongue before descending the stairs with a laugh.
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349 notes · View notes
littlemissayu · 6 months
“YOU SPOKE!!” – Their kids first words (Night Raven 3rd Years-Malleus & Lilia)
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A/n: Yes I ‘m well aware I haven’t updated/posted my other oc request from my event, even though it ended over a month ago BUT it’s getting done and I will try to finish as fast as I can. I ‘m just posting this because it’s been delayed forever and I need something to get my writing juices going.
If you see me mention gender it’s based off of my Twst boys as Parents series that you can find here!!
Warnings: FEM! Reader, pregnancy,domestic fluff, babies(ofc), google translate translations, I’m only doing their first kids/first set of kids
pairing(s):3rd Years x fem!Reader(separate/romantic)
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Yummy/Delicious- Hears you say it everytime Trey makes a really good baked treat(aka all the time). Now I know delicious is probably a hard word for a baby to say which is why I also have ‘yummy’. They say it for the first time after Trey gives them a small part of a macaroon. You could just see how Trey’s eyes lit up when he heard his little one speak for the first time!!
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Smile!!/Cheese!!- The two of you (mostly Cater) always say these phrases to your kids, so it’s no surprise when their first words are smile and cheese. With the family album(that I 100% believe Cater would start making once you get pregnant). When Cater heard his babies speak for the very first time he got super sentimental and excited calling you over(if you weren’t already there)
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Papa!- Now this is solely based on my personal headcanon that Leona’s first kid would be a girl and a total Daddy’s girl. Always with him, even though you carried her for 9 MONTHS, homegirl got evicted from the womb and wanted to follow around papa. I also believe this happened as he was getting something and turned his back to her so she tried to get his attention. His ears immediately shoot up and his eyes open wide. He instantly picks up his cub and rushes over to you to tell you what your daughter just said. But dw, her next word ended up being mama. Is so proud of his little girl~
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Pretty!- You’re always saying this to your husband so she eventually just picks up on it. Also hears other people saying it about either you or Vil; not to mention you and Vil do occasionally call her “pretty girl”. So she’s just surrounded by the word so it's no shocker when it’s her first word. Vil just beamed at his daughter, truly feeling the sentiment. His little girl, his pride and joy has spoken for the first time BUTTTT sadly he wasn’t there to witness it. So all that happened when he came back from work. He almost left early after you told him over the phone. But he could be more proud of his kleiner engel.
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Up!!- Now this is because this little Hunt loves being picked up, especially when her father is flying on his broom. They love the feeling of being high up and flying through the sky with her father. Rook is always open to giving his petit oiseau what they ask. When his little one said their first words he couldn’t help but outburst with joy. He couldn’t stop praising them for speaking, then when you came in or called out to him/your child, he began praising you for giving this wonderful child.
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Play!!/Uh oh- Now 2 things to establish, 1. Ik “uh oh isn’t a word” but I’m just gonna have to count it and I will explain why 2. Why are there 2 different words, well if you read this fic here!!, you’ll learn that I believe Idia has twin boys therefore I wrote 2 different words. Now onto my explanation; for ‘play’ it just makes sense, sitting on his dad’s lap watching him play games that say and display the word ‘play’ on the title screen ofc that would be his kid’s first word it just makes sense. Now for your other twin boy this was his first “word” because whenever Idia gets frustrated on the game at a certain point he hears you say “uh oh”, meaning “Dad’s about to burst”. They also have learnt(bc they're a very smart child) that they can use this for other times when something is about to go wrong so they do say it when something might go wrong. Idia seemed nonchalant at first place but then a smile grew on Idia’s face from his adorable talking twins.<3
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Heartsabyul Masterlist
Savanaclaw Masterlist
Pomefiore Masterlist
Ignihyde Masterlist
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doitforbangchan · 4 months
thoughts on: I.N's going through a sex ban! Poor baby, homegirl must be really strong to stand for her words, and no down her panties 🥴
My 2 cents on it: it's not breaking if the down parts are clothed 😜
got me droooooliinnnnngggggg
I know you asked for my thoughts but I just had to write a lil something about this. Hope you enjoy!!
Please, Baby - Jeongin
Pairing: I.N x reader (afab)
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Warnings: Fem!reader, smut (no penetrative sex), cursing, ass slapping (like once), mild switch! I.N, mild switch!reader, begging
MDNI 18+
He had been blowing up your phone all day. Over and over again, texts, voice messages, and videos of him begging you to lift the sex ban you placed on him. It had been days since you last touched him, or let him touch you for that matter.
This was all Jeongins fault though. It was his fault you weren't fucking him. He just had to feel like a big man and tell the other members about your sex life. He had been practically bragging to them about all the kinky shit you do for him. You never would have known he was spewing all your dirty secrets if it wasn't for Jisung, who couldn't look you in the eyes the last time you met up with Jeongin and the boys. When you later questioned Jeongin about Hans behavior towards you , he sheepishly admitted what he had said to them.
Since he liked to talk about your sex life so much, you would give him nothing to say. Thus here you were, on your way home from work, having had to turn off your phone for a moment of peace from your begging boyfriend. You were not looking forward to having to deal with his whining in person. Don't get it twisted, you loved sex with him. For him being so young and not very experienced, he sure knew how to please you. You can't reward bad behavior though.
Making your way to the door of your shared apartment you barely even got the key in the hole before the door was being ripped open and you were being yanked into your boyfriend. He pulled you inside, almost slamming the door behind you.
Jeongin had his hands all over you, murmuring about how 'mean' you were to have left him here " I missed you baby. Been so lonely here without you. Without feeling you around me."
You gave an annoyed sigh and removed yourself from within his arms, lightly pushing him off of you. " You didn't miss me, you missed my cunt since you haven't gotten off in a few days."
He looked at you mock hurt, "No baby that's not true! I mean, it is true I miss your pussy but I missed you more!" At the mention of your vagina his eyes lowered to it and let his eyes linger for a moment before coming back to your eyes.
You could see right through him, he was struggling bad. He had been sending you videos and pictures of himself touching himself, but unable to get off since it wasn't to your touch. He still had a boner you could see through his grey sweats. The pair he wears when he wants to turn you on, because he knows he looks too good in that pair.
"If that's true, Innie, then why don't we spend some time together. We can make dinner?" You asked expectantly, acting like he was having no effect on you, when in reality you were just as desperate as him. Stay strong, y/n.
His eyes gave you one more scan before replying slowly, " Sure baby, we can make dinner together." He allowed you to set your stuff down before following you into the kitchen.
You were cutting vegetables when you felt him come up behind you. You gave him a light warning, "Innie..."
"Please, Baby. Please. Let me make you feel good." He was begging you. It almost made you give in.
You set the knife down and gripped the counter in front of you. "No, Innie, you cant fuck me right now."
Jeongins gripped your hips almost harshly. He slowly started to roll his hips into your ass from behind. " Fine. I don't need to fuck you to get what I want. You better hold on to the counter."
From there he was like a rabid dog in heat, using one of his hands to bend you over the counter, the other hand jutting your ass out further for him. He picked up the pace of his grinding on you, hips rutting against you so quickly and forcefully you barely had any time to comprehend what was happening.
You could feel just how hard he was through both layers of your clothes. He needed this. His dominate side was starting to show now. He used one hand to grope your tits, moaning into your ear when he makes contact with them. "mmmm baby, so so soft for me." He bit the side of your ear.
"Innie" You let out a small moan, even through all the layers he still felt so good on your ass.
Your sounds encouraged him to pick up the pace. Now full on humping you for his pleasure.
"Oh now you want it baby? Where was this attitude earlier when I was begging you? Hmmm I don't think so. This isn't about you anymore." You could tell he was close to cumming in his pants, the friction rubbing his cock deliciously. His words made you moan even louder.
His grunting got louder and it only took another few humps before he was spilling into his sweats with a loud "Fuck!" Jeongin gave you a few more thrusts before he pulled his body away from yours with a slap to your ass, breathing heavy.
He laid a kiss to the back of your head and turned to walk down the hall.
" I'll be right back, baby, then we can finish making dinner together."
You wished you just gave into him, then it could have been you taking his cum instead of his sweats.
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m0chisenpai · 1 year
Hi I saw this tiktok
And I immediately thought of prowler! Miles x fem reader
If your taking requests I would be really grateful if you considered this ❤️
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Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
42!Miles Morales x black!fem!!reader
YO so I have been wondering how would the earth 42 version of the spidergirl!reader I have already and I feel like this just confirmed she needs to be THAT girl
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You were his type. You could hold your own down Miles knew that much when he witnessed you beating the brakes off a girl down the street for coming at one of your friends. The way you casually laid the girl out and fixed your hair, took your bag from your friends and continued on your way. Boy was SPRUNG and his friends clown him bout it for DAYS
Guys came and went in your life. They never lingered and you liked it that way. You never let them set you up. You were always five steps ahead. Were quick to cut them off before things got messy, and you grew bored easily.
This however, caught Miles completely off guard when he flashed you that lazy smile and cooed at you in the middle of calculus asking if you could tutor him after school to which you replied “do I look like I know what I’m doing?” And turned your pretty ass back around
The guys who COULD survive you and live to tell the tale all mentioned one similar thing in common: your temper and your stubborn behavior and Miles could attest to both when before school he watched as you sat on the curb refusing to get in homeboys car because of a text message that you saw on his phone that lie cracked and chipped just a few feet from you
You played the game easily with boys. They played checkers while you were playing chess but sometimes you wondered if there was anyone out there, even as much as you enjoyed plucking boy hearts like Valentine’s Day candy hearts, something soft and sweet deep down in that heart of yours yearned to be loved
When Miles asked you what was up with you during fifth block calc you said the ceiling and told him to kindly fuck off once again. Next class he continued to speak with you like that conversation never happened. The cycle continued for a good two weeks, Miles attempting that pretty boy charm and you brushing him away like he was a fly on the wall
He liked a little challenge, a little bark AND bite and not because he wanted to conquer you oh no, he loved your fire and he wanted to stoke your fire in you. He wanted to pour the gasoline a top of it and watch you burn bright and beautiful
Miles stood outside of your locker that you opened up and he caught when you intended for it to crack him in his nose. "Morales, I'm not one of your bitches. If you think you can play me like one, respectfully fuck off."
And he raised a brow and tilted his head, "you not a bitch that's for sure. And I never said you was one. I know you smart, I know how you play and get down. So like I’m gon ask you again, what is up with you Y/N?"
Silence. but the corner of your brown lined lips turns up slightly and you suppose you'll entertain Morales.
You and Miles were THAT couple, one second ya’ll were friends and the next thing he’s checking on you between classes, waiting outside of school to walk you home, and chopping it with your homegirls who gush and rave about he wasn’t like the last bum you were talking to
No one can pinpoint when it happened, one second you were apart next thing you were Morales’ girl and he was L/N’s man
Miles never liked getting caught up with females, it never ended good and his ‘part time job’ always got in the way of relationships but things with you were different
You didn’t press Miles on why he wasn’t responding late at night, never chided him for handling his business, and you damn sure didn’t care when he talked to other females. Miles wonders why the world hid such a rare Godsend from him because you gave him little to NO headaches when it came to petty matters he dealt with
When he introduces you to Mama Rio she falls in love with you and Miles nearly cackles at how soft his mom makes you, she grills you on her son and tells you that if her boy messes up or does anything wrong to let her know IMMEDIATELY and you and his uncle are on good terms and he tells you the same thing his sister in law said
Just as much as Miles spoils you, you return the favor
He cashapps you for a fresh set? You send your baby something back to get a fresh line up and touch his braids up. You’ve got dozens of his barber pics and videos saved and he’s got your fresh sets and hair saved in his phone as well
Ya’ll got matching kicks I don’t care if it’s corny ya’ll do and you kindly told the bitch drooling over your man at the store the shoes while she was checking ya’ll out it was gonna take more than fluttering them patchy little minks at your man to get his attention
It takes some time till you expose a softer bit of you, a more gentle part. You lost your father, and thats why it pains you to see Mr.Morales whenever he is by, but Miles’ father sees a daughter in you and is so sweet on you it melts your heart
As much as he loved how you can hold yours down, it takes time and patience to chip past that hyper independence you’ve built. Your walls were built on hurt and pain and Miles knew not to force his way in, but you could be so stubborn headed. The first night the two of you really went at it was after you’d gone over Miles’ apartment and attempted to call an Uber back home at 2am.
“I know you fucking lying” Miles’ voice broke the silence from falling asleep during a Netflix marathon. As soon as he felt you lift your head from his chest his eyes snapped open “a dónde vas mami?” Any other night that raspy post sleep tone would have you weak in the knees and right back in his arms, but not tonight.
“Miles I don’t got no bag to spend the night and I need my stuff” Miles rolls his eyes and reaches to grab your hand to stop you from putting your slides back on.
“Y/N be for real its two in the damn morning you not going home.” You know instantly he’s not playing, you were rarely called by your first name.
“Miles I’m not staying here, I don’t got my tooth brush, face wipes, nothing now let me go” you snatch your hand and now Miles is sitting up completely.
“Who you talking to like that?”
“You and what?” You raise both brows at him. But his face stays neutral. He sucks on his teeth then he’s looking up at you, but its in a way that makes you freeze from hitting request ride.
“I’m not letting my girl go home this late, before you started running your mouth I was bout to tell you, you left your bag here with your stuff and I got you a skill scarf already. You done with the attitude now? I’m tired and need you in my arms sleep so I can sleep.”
Miles can rarely recall what shock looks like on your face. But he fights the urge to yank his phone of the charger so he can capture the way you sit your phone next to his and pull your hoodie off to leave yourself in your tank.
“You ain’t have to get all domestic” you grumble as you sit on the bed and pull your slides and socks off.
“I know baby, my bad. M’ just tired” he mumbles and you feel his hand slide up your back and trail your spine down. You can’t help but take in how tired he does look, how tonight was his one of many rare nights off from work. And so you lean forward and press a kiss to his lips, slow and steady.
“I’m gonna shower real quick love” you whisper against his lips when he finally releases you. And you watch as his eyes slowly droop shut and his arm slides off of you. His breathing slows back down and once he’s asleep you’re walking toward toward the closet picking the duffle up reaching deep inside till you feel the silk of your clothes. Black and red and large white eyes glare at you, reminding you that you have work tonight.
Yiu want to feel bad for putting MIles to sleep, but his peaceful snores are more than enough to take the twang off as you slide the mask over your face ready to set off where you originally meant.
“Black Widow, what’s taking you so long?”
“Sorry sir, ready for tonight’s target.”
And who were you to leave the streets to what men? You don’t think so.
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janeyseymour · 5 months
As per your request! I just copied and pasted it from my comment!!
Also. Love your stories. Love it when you post them. They’re just always so short!! I’m so greedy! I always want more!! I’m always full of ideas so if you need any just ask. (I feel like you don’t need them though you do so well writing!) I’m far to ADHD to actually write any of them so happy for you to create the magic lol
They randomly meet a few weeks/months later in a coffee shop and sit down and chat… or she just happens to Bert her bestie Ava at the school hoping to get a glimpse of her!!
I dunno. You’re the artist! As long as it’s happy and smooshy!! 🥰
Thank you for your sweet, sweet words! As requested, here is part 2! I definitely didn't follow the prompt at all, but this is what I came up with, and I hope it's okay!
Enchanted- pt 2
Part 1
WC: ~2.4k
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You went to text Ava the next day after meeting Melissa, but you just couldn’t find the courage. So here you are, still just sitting at your desk job, thinking about her. Your mind is filled with what she could be doing right now- actually you know what she’s doing: it’s 11 am on a Monday morning. She’s at school, probably teaching her second graders. You sit there for another half an hour before it’s finally time for your lunch break, and you take the walk down to the Wawa around the corner like you usually do. 
Melissa opens up her Tupperware container, only to let out a loud groan at the odor that comes out of it.
“What the hell is that smell?” Ava scrunches her nose up as she walks in.
“I knew it was a risk bringing this today,” the redhead grumbles as she dumps the contents out into the trash can. “But I thought I could get another day out of it.”
“Damn, girl,” the principal laughs. “That sucks. Wawa lunch for you, I guess.”
“Anyone want anything?” the second grade teacher asks as she slings her bag over her shoulder. Jacob goes to say something, but he’s cut off by Melissa loudly announcing, “Alright, if no one wants anything, I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”
She storms her way down to the convenience store- the same convenience store that you’re currently standing in. She sees you as soon as she walks in.
You’re not nearly as dressed up as you were the other night when she saw you, and you look to be in deep concentration as you decide what you want for lunch that day. She chuckles as she watches your furrow your brows deeper than she ever thought possible. She’s absolutely enamored.
“For Christ’s sake, Y/N,” you chastise yourself quietly. “Just pick something.”
She stands behind you and laughs softly. “You know, you can’t go wrong with their quesadillas.”
You nearly jump three feet in the air. You weren’t expecting anybody to come up behind you, and you certainly weren’t ready for the woman that has been occupying your thoughts to be there.
“Oh my…” you take a deep breath as you look at her. She looks… wow. Your cheeks instantly heat up. “Hey, Melissa.”
“Hey, hun,” she chuckles. “You forget lunch today too?”
You don’t really want to admit this, but you aren’t about to lie. “I usually take a walk down here everyday for lunch.”
“Like clock work,” you tell her, as you still mull over what to get for lunch. “It’s so bad most of the employees here know me by name.”
As if on cue, one of the workers there looks up and gives you a grin. “Hey, Y/N! The usual today?”
“Usual?” Melissa smirks.
“Aw, yeah!” the employee grins. “Homegirl comes in everyday!”
“Damn, you weren’t kidding’,” the redhead mutters, smirk still written on her face. She hip checks you lightly, effectively making you move over. She hits a few buttons, and then looks at you expectantly. You just stand there, not quite sure what you’re supposed to do.
“Oi,” the woman rolls her eyes. “Put in your order before I order for you.”
“Oh, no,” you stumble out. “I- I couldn’t ask you to pay for my-”
“You didn’t ask, I’m just doin’ it. And I ain’t gonna hear any arguments,” she tells you sternly.
“Melissa, I-”
“Hey, kid!” the teacher calls to the employee that greeted you. “What’s her order?”
He rattles it off as Melissa taps through the different screens, and you give him a look of betrayal. She prints off the ticket, wanders over to the drinks and grabs a raspberry tea before heading for the register.
“Melissa, you really don’t have to,” you try again.
She’s already handing the ticket over to the man behind the counter and pulling her card out of her wallet though.
“At least let me give you cash… or Venmo?”
“Absolutely not,” she rolls her eyes. The two of you stand and wait for them to make your meals, and when she hands in the printed paper and gets your food, she hands it to you with a smile. “Enchanted.”
With a hair toss, she makes her way out. The entire walk back to your office, you grin. She bought you lunch. She said, ‘enchanted’ again. Then, you mentally kick yourself because you didn’t ask her out, you didn’t ask for her number, you didn’t tell her you would get the next meal, you didn’t even reply with that one word that seems to be your thing now.
You eat your usual order from Wawa, and there’s something about it… it just tastes so much better.
As Melissa struts back into the school, she has that confident smile on her face.
“Damn, what happened to you in that Wawa, girl?” Ava laughs as she watches the redhead settle back into her seat and take a bite of her hoagie.
“Oh, nothin’,” the redhead shrugs. “Just saw a friend there.”
The next day, Melissa doesn’t come into school with a container full of her own cooking like she usually does. She doesn’t even enter the staff room when lunchtime rolls around. Instead, she grabs her bag and heads down the street to hopefully run into you again at the Wawa. 
You’re standing there again, ordering your meal, although you look a little frustrated today. She doesn’t know that your frustration is because you had been standing there for ten minutes, hoping she would come in. You had just admitted defeat and decided to order when she waltzed in.
“Rough day?” the redhead saunters over and asks you.
Your eyes go wide, and the mental fog is lifted when you hear her voice and smell her perfume. “Hey.”
“Rough day?” she repeats.
You shake your head. “Just a little tired,” you tell her as you move to the side so she can put in her order. “I can’t focus on anything at work.”
She taps away on the screen, ordering hers and then also yours. 
You swallow hard. “You remember my order?”
“Course I do,” she shrugs. She hits the button to print the ticket, but as she goes to grab it, you take it first. You make your way over to the drink stations, grab a diet coke, and gesture for her to get her own drink. She grabs a raspberry tea again and then follows you to the register. As you go to hand your card over, a gentle hand slaps your card out of your hand and to the ground. She’s standing there with a smirk as she goes to hand her own card over.
“Aye, Schemmenti,” you playfully growl as you bend over to pick your card up. “It’s my turn to buy.”
“Nah, I got this one,” she chuckles. She also goes to hand her card over, but you smack it out of her hand and throw your card at the employee- a man who is used to seeing you come in and actually checked the two of you out yesterday.
“It’s her turn,” the man shrugs with a cheeky smile as he takes your card, although he does slightly cower at Melissa’s glare. Then the redhead turns to you and immediately turns softer.
“Thank you,” she places a gentle hand on your shoulder. “But I got next one.”
“Alright, alright,” you laugh as the two of you head over to the counter to wait for your meals.
“So, you forgot your lunch again?” you ask her.
“Yeah,” she sighs. “Had it out on the counter and left it.” It’s a complete and total lie. She knew she had to test fate to see you again.
The two of you chat while they get your order together, and once again, she’s bidding you a goodbye with a gentle, ‘enchanted’. This time, you get to say it back, and your smiles and blushes are quite similar to each other. 
This continues for the next few weeks, until one day she doesn’t show up at the Wawa like she usually does. Your day sucks. And you’re supposed to meet with Ava after the school day to go get your nails done. You know she’s going to be onto you when you show up in a bad mood.
“Damn girl,” she rolls her eyes and raises a brow. “What’s got your panties in a twist?”
“Nothin’,” you roll your eyes back. “Let’s just get our nails done and gossip.”
“You know I’m always down for that shit,” she laughs.
The two of you talk for a while as the ladies do your nails before it the conversation turns to your love life.
“Well, who is it this week?” your best friend asks you.
“No one,” you sigh.
“Well no wonder you’re in a bitch mood- you need to get some!”
“Girl, you make me sound like I’m with someone new every weekend, and you know for a fact that I am very much not like that,” you roll your eyes.
“You have to have your eye on someone,” the principal says. “Otherwise you would be out at the bar looking for someone!”
You mull over telling her, and before you know it, the words are spilling out of your mouth, “Well, I do have my eye on one person, but it’ll never happen, so…”
“Ooh, girl! You got tea! Spill it!”
“It’s really not a big deal,” you tell her, hoping she doesn’t pry. Of course she does, it’s Ava, so you have to go about describing Melissa without Ava being able to catch on.
“She’s a little older than us, she’s tough on the outside but has a soft spot for me,” you tell her. “Easy on the eyes, smart as a whip.”
“Girl, why didn’t you tell me you were practically dating someone?! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re describing Schemmenti."
“I’m not,” you roll your eyes. “I really just see M- this woman when we run into each other at Wawa.”
“What’s her name?” the principal wiggles her eyebrows, all too interested in your love life.
“Enough about my love life,” you shut her down. “Anything interesting happen at school today?”
“I had to cover Schemmenti’s classes today,” Ava tells you. “Woman sounded awful today when she was calling out.”
It clicks in your head that that’s why she wasn’t there to meet you at the Wawa like she usually did, and it isn’t like she has your number to let you know she wasn’t going to meet you. You instantly feel a bit of relief that she didn’t just decide not to come- but you feel bad that she isn’t feeling well.
“Oh?” you try to hide how you actually feel about it. “Is she alright?”
“Nasty cough,” your best friend tells you. “But she assured me she’d be back tomorrow… Red never calls out, so I knew she was feeling pretty shitty.”
“That sucks,” you sigh softly. “Hopefully she’s back tomorrow.”
“So you can ‘run into her at Wawa’?” your best friend blind sides you with her casual remark.
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say quickly, hoping to cover yourself.
“Oh, please,” she waves the hand that isn’t being painted right now. “I saw the eyes the two of you were giving each other at the fundraiser, and Melissa has been going to Wawa everyday since the one day her lunch went bad. I know she’s going to the same Wawa you go to everyday, and she always comes back in a better mood. I put it together about a week in. And you just confirmed it.”
“I did not.”
“Girl, remember, I’ve known you since we were five. I know when you’re lying. Listen, she’s your type, your hers. I say go for it.”
“Maybe I will… if she’s feeling better and at school tomorrow.”
“If I know Schemmenti, she will be,” Ava rolls her eyes. “She might be half asleep, and an absolute bitch tomorrow, but she’ll be there.”
Melissa looks like hell as she drags herself into the Wawa, but to you she still looks gorgeous as ever. When she spots you, her eyes light up.
“The usual?” she asks you as the two of you head to the ordering stations. Her voice is barely there.
“Mel, you should be home resting,” you tell her pointedly.
“I’m fine,” she grumbles. “Besides, I can’t miss. The kids have important tests coming up, and-” she interrupts herself to cough. It sounds awful.
You lay a gentle hand on her shoulder and rub it soothingly. Once she’s finished coughing, she sighs. 
“Soup instead of your usual hoagie?” you ask her, already pressing buttons to order her a chicken noodle soup.
She looks defeated but nods. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
You insist on paying, telling her to let herself be taken care of. She begrudgingly listens, mumbling about how she’s a Philly girl and she can handle herself. You roll your eyes, but you assure her that she’s still a tough Philly girl- that it’s okay to lean on someone else. As the two of you are standing there, she coughs a few times. Again, you lay a gentle hand on her shoulder. When she’s finally done coughing, she quite literally leans into your body just slightly.
“Sorry I ditched ya yesterday,” she wheezes out. “I couldn’t drag myself out of bed.”
“No need to apologize,” you assure her. “I’m glad you were home getting some rest.”
“I just kept wishing I had a way to tell you,” she mutters.
“Well, why don’t I just give you my number, so if that happens again… or you want to get something besides Wawa with me, we can text?” you shoot your shot with the woman.
“That sounds… enchanting,” she smiles softly. “When I’m feeling better, I’ll make us dinner? I’m one hell of a cook.”
“I’d be enchanted,” you tell her warmly.
As the two of you separate, you get a text from her. Enchanted.
By the time the end of the work day is over, Ava has texted you too. Bitchhh! I’m assuming you shot your shot. Red came back into the school practically dancing.
Yeah. You’re just starting this chapter of life- that one night was truly enchanting, and it really was the very first page. 
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judeyswife · 4 months
not what i’m looking for. — jude bellingham x reader. II
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genre : angst
word count : 928
note : hii lovies, this is official part two of the series not what im looking for !!! (part one) please let me know of what yall think in the comments! there will be a part 3 guys so don't worry, but it'll probs be a wrap up for this mini series since i want to get started on some other fics too + made a few format changes and writing from author's pov this time -- but thats it! enjoyyy! requests box always open !!
‏‏‎ ‎ ———————————————————-‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎
"i'm sorry"
it's horrendous how fast people switch up. or i'd say men, in this case. it's been roughly about six months since that conversation had happened. it was honestly one of the worst days in your whole life. i mean, yeah you'll get through it. but why? every once in a while you think about what did she have that you didn't.
but this is a topic that hasn't been brought up in about a month. and a certain individual isn't mentioned anymore in your life thank the lord.
you have gone to a beach house near where you live with a few of your best friends, layla, jess, and liv. yall needed this vacation after months of torture. or studying.
they've been with you since day one. truthfully you'd say who needs a relationship when you have your homegirls?
"Y/N, come here right fucking now." -- layla screamed from our room in the house.
you could literally think she had been getting murdered with the way she was screaming honestly.
"oh my god what!"
"whats his name posted a fucking video of missing someone LOOK."
who? jude.
you sit next to her curiously taking her phone from her hands in order for you to take a look at the tiktok she was trying to show you.
( for the sake of the story, jude has tiktok xoxo )
you were shocked. who genuinely who would've though that he'd actually miss us? it didn't even sound right thinking about it.
"maybe it's about her layla" you shrugged getting up to grab your water bottle from her desk.
"are you stupid girl, he's obviously thinking about you, i mean look at his caption." - 'didn't think a situationship could hurt more than an actual relationship' don't be a fool y/n"
liv and jess had entered the room a few minutes ago listening to the conversation making liv enter the conversation.
"ain't no way he has the nerve to do that bullshit on social media"
you stood there listening to them diss jude for about 5 minutes straight. but your lost in your thoughts. i mean, why would he ever miss something he supposedly never had? it's genuinely so draining and confusing.
"guys just drop it, its whatever. lets just go hang out at the hot tub, i really fucking need it"
your friends just looked at one another not saying a single word. they knew better. not to make you sound like a maniac or anything, but they knew how you were with bottling up your feelings. jude was a sensitive topic for you. they didn't want to be the cause of ruining your vacation over some dumb tiktok captions. they simply agreed with you and started getting changed to go out the the hot tub.
it had been a few hours since you last seen your phone and you're now inside getting ready to have dinner with the girls and settling down. so you took these few moments, unlocked your phone and checked out what you had missed.
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you furrowed your eyebrows trying to figure out who this number could possibly belong to. since you and layla are sharing a room for the trip, she was getting ready at her vanity and noticed your confused expression.
"y/n what's up?" -- asking you meanwhile putting a face mask on.
"i don't know, this random number just texted me with my name i'm just hella confused"
"that's weird. ask who it is obviously"
you nodded listening to what she had advised you to do.
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you had this conversation silently without saying a word to layla about who this "mystery person" was. mainly because you wanted to fight your own battles. i mean you basically already had jess and liv involved. not that your mad at them or anything, you know they want what's best for you. clearly they're on team jude. those girls.
"who was it?" layla said getting up from her chair to grab her phone from the charger near her bed. "no one important, they got the wrong number and person" you honestly don't know how she believed you. you hate to admit but you were feeling jittery after having that conversation with jude after so long. even if it was barely a conversation.
you hated that you needed to lie to layla, but you truly believed it was honestly for the best. when you and jude were talking, they knew every single detail about the relationship you had with jude. and by they i mean your friends and his friends. always involved. one of the main issues why miscommunication was lacking horribly in your relationship. so that's why you want a new beginning. not just to "lie" to your friends but to feel the sense of control in your life. even if tomorrow was the last conversation you had with jude, you wanted to keep the moment to yourself.
without saying a word to anyone, you and jude had been chatting it up all night. just a catch up with each other. you guys went from telling every detail of your day to each other, to not saying a single word for months to each other. it felt nice being able to slowly regain that comfort you once had when you guys would text or facetime all night long.
you were honestly praying for the best in tomorrow's conversation, you had no idea what it could lead up to.
but the overthinking was done on your pillow all night long, plus his texts of course.
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spamgyu · 4 months
If Mingyu’s get Oc’s flu? Will she take care of him? 👀
At this point, homegirl can admit her feelings xD
admit her feelings?? this is a slow burn babes. im going to make everyone suffer /laughs in evil/
JK.... but uh............. alright here's cute oc x mingyu crumbs
COLLEGE!Mingyu drabble – flus (again) and piggies
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no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable
[College!Mingyu Masterlist]
It's been days since she last seen him.
Not that she missed him. Definitely not that. No.
But she did have to admit that the absence of his presence, more importantly his pestering voice... was very evident.
At first, when she had first showed up back at their dorm building after spending nearly a week recovering from the nasty flu she had gotten from her roommate, she didn't pay any mind that Mingyu didn't seem to be lingering by her room.
He usually came by when she went away for a few days, ready to yap her ear off about all the things he had managed to get into whilst she was gone.
Maybe he was busy at the time.
But one day turned into three and there was still no sight of him. Not in the hallways, not in the library – hell, not even on campus.
And it wasn't like he was easy to miss – he towered over all his friends... and almost anyone around him. She can pick him out from a crowd within milliseconds.
Because he's tall.
Not because her eyes are searching for him. Definitely not that either.
Walking down to the end of the hall, Y/n lightly knocked on the wooden door.
"Come in."
Popping her head in, Y/n was ready to crack a joke about her life being much quieter since he hasn't been around; but instead the smile on her face fell.
He wasn't his typical chirpy self.
She was fully expecting him to greet her loudly the second he caught sight of her. Instead, he was under his covers – eyes sunken in, nose red from all the tissues he had use to get rid of his congestion.
"Oh my god, did I get you sick?" She gasped, walking over to his bedside – placing her hand on his forehead. Y/n instantly frowned, feeling the contrast of his body temperature to hers.
Mingyu slowly nodded, reaching into the half empty tissue box on his nightstand to blow his nose.
"I'm so sorry, dude."
"S'all good." He coughed into his elbow.
"I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."
Mingyu cracked a smile. "You missed me, huh?"
"Eh, a little." She shrugged.
The smile on his lips grew larger. "You missed me!?"
"Let's not get too crazy now." Y/n laughed softly, motioning for him to move his legs – taking a seat in the now available space at the foot of his bed. "Didn't realize how quiet my life was when you're not around. The silence was almost deafening."
"That wasn't supposed to be cute."
"I'll take it.'' He smiled.
"You craving anything?" She asked, scrolling through her phone.
"I meant food," Y/n flashed him her screen that was opened up to the food delivery app. "Least I could do is get you dinner."
"Are you trying to woo me, Y/n?" He teased.
Typically, she would be rolling her eyes at him. But somehow, the action never came – simply letting out another laugh instead.
He was definitely growing on her.
"I'm trying to make up for getting you sick."
"Make it up by hanging out with me this weekend."
The two had yet to actually do anything outside of their school campuses – mostly because they were far too busy with their own friend groups, studies, and lives. Mingyu had made a handful of attempts to make plans with her, but all were sadly declined due to prior commitments and plans.
He found the perfect opportunity.
"You're literally a walking virus right now."
"Okay, next weekend."
"I'll pay." He added.
"Are you trying to woo me, Mingyu?" Y/n narrowed her eyes, asking playfully.
"Are you being woo'd?" Mingyu matched her tone.
Mingyu had gotten accustomed to her no's and waving off all and any attempts of flirting, he couldn't help but be taken back by the sudden change of answer – blinking quickly as he tried to process the word that had left her lips.
"Do you not want me to be?" She asked slowly.
"No I do, just– you never played along before."
Y/n shrugged. "You're sick, I'll give in this one time."
"Will you also give in to possibly spending the rest of your day keeping me company?"
He was pushing his luck, but considering she was being far more pleasant than her usual playful catty attitude – he was going to push all the luck he could find.
"Only if you let me order you food."
Mingyu handed her one of the pillows next to him. "Make yourself comfortable."
Kicking off her Uggs, Y/n happily extended her leg out in front of her as she went back to ordering the promised meal – not bothering to scold Mingyu as he began playing with the loose threads at the hem of her sweatpants.
"I got you Pho."
"Sounds good." He hummed, sinking deeper into the mattress.
Y/n took this as a sign to settle in as well, taking the pillow he had given her and placing it behind her back. "Did you miss all your classes this week?"
"Yeah. I did some wor– Your toes are cold!" He cried once her feet made contact with his upper arm, moving away from her.
Wiggling her toes, Y/n let out a loud laugh. "These piggies?"
"Gross!" Mingyu laughed, pushing them away.
"Gross? I thought you liked me!"
She was joking. She didn't know if he actually did have feelings for her – it had been such a long running joke, what was the harm of playing along?
"I thought so too!"
He was joking as well. He found it cute.
He found every part of her cute.
From the way her nose scrunched when she laughed, to the way she always painted her toes orange because she claimed it looked like little Cheetos. Mingyu was completely and utterly in love with the girl.
He watched as she settled down from the laughter, humming as she scrolled through her phone – completely unfazed by his gaze.
Oh he was down so bad.
"Hey," He tapped her leg, catching her attention. "I do– I– hm... I was joking."
"I do."
"What?" Tilting her head to the side.
God, she was adorable.
"Never mind." He shook his head. He'll have to try another time – when he wasn't sick and able put together an actual, coherent sentence. "Wake me up when the food gets here, yeah?"
"Sleep tight, piggy."
"Are you calling me a toe?"
"A cute toe."
"A toe." He deadpanned.
"A cute toe!" She pushed.
Mingyu chuckled, knowing that there was no winning.
It wasn't like he cared anyways.
She could tell him that he looked like a chewed gum stuck on the bottom of her shoe, and he would take it.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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saintslewis · 1 year
❝ in the end ❞
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x black fem! driver reader
summary: two childhood best friends that the world absolutely fell in love with but are they ever going to fall in love with each other?
warnings: swearing, cussing, reader age description
saint’s notes: another indirect request from the lovely @bbymelsworld about the knight in mercedes armour, lewis! i hope you everyone enjoys this and sorry for typos!
taglist: @thisismeracing
social media au.
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liked by lewishamilton, zendaya and 8,738,938 others
yourusername thank you Bahrain, until next time 🩷
view comments
user i need the both of them in a way that is concerning to feminism
user ayo????
user how the fuck are you 36 and you better tell me all your secrets
yourusername i have a youth fountain in my backyard, srry 😣
user what i wanna know is how you kept this friendship for 20 YEARS?!
icebox we absolutely loved making your matching grillz! we can’t wait for the next visit ❤️
landonorris thanks for the overtake on the track, mum🫶🏽
yourusername you’re very welcome, son 🥰
yourfriend cuteeeee 😋
liked by yourusername
lewishamilton now why is that picture on here?
yourusername bc you were so excited to talk about dinosaurs to someone other than me
lewishamilton is that why you took my credit card? 😭
yourusername thank you for my new wigs btw 🤭🫶🏽
lewishamilton did you at least get a pink one like i’ve been waiting for?
yourusername and platinum blonde
lewishamilton all is forgiven, sweetie
user do they know that they’re in love or?
user i’m just waiting for the soft launch tbh
fan that’s at least half a million on her wrist lol
mercedesamgf1 we’re super proud of you! 🥳
liked by yourusername
fan girl, you hidin these archives of Lew to yourself???
yourusername they gotta be used at the right time so basically, yes ❤️
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liked by f1, georgerussell63 and 3,838,919 others
lewishamilton :) ❤️
view comments
user oh that’s not-
fan i love you but please be so fucking fr
neymarjr congrats bro! 🫵🏽❤️
user ofc you would know a thing or two about this, loser
user isn’t she that one influencer who started some shit on a sponsored trip because the person paired with her was black?
user are you starting shit or are you being serious?
user so serious, i remember seeing this trend on tiktok
hisgirlfriend ❤️
liked by lewishamilton
user so he’s not even going to reply to her damn comment? 😭
user it’s bc these two aren’t meant to be 😭
user why are people being so mean in the comments? let him live
fan this is upsetting me and my homegirls DEEPLY
fan #lewisandyn4eva
fan #lewisandyn4eva
fan #lewisandyn4eva
badgalriri #lewisandyn4eva
user RIHANNA?!
ynfan ik y/n’s heart is so broken, they were endgame
ynfan lewis better watch his back fr
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liked by arianagrande, sza and 5,828,829 others
yourusername time to myself + a little treat for myself
view comments
lilymhe HELLO????
yourusername hi Lily 😋
user ‘a little treat’ and it’s a g wagon, oh to be y/n 😫
champagnepapi i needa learn the basics of f1
yourusername LMFAOOOOO
fan omg he didn’t even like the picture, what have we come to?
fan the heartbreak we’re having
charles_leclerc hey y/n, wanna go to a museum?
yourusername do you think they have a cry room there?
centralcee woah
michaelbjordan 😫
prada 🥰🤍
carlossaniz55 mi madre says hi
yourusername hi Mama Sainz 😋
user not Drake literally reposting this and putting the ring emoji????
user he delulu just like us omg
sza i would quit my job for you if you asked
yourusername SZA NO DON’T
beyonce ❤️
“Lewis Hamilton has broken up with influencer girlfriend, sources say.”
three months later
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liked by pierregasly, pharrell and 9,252,739 others
yourusername you’ve been hiding in plain sight then appeared, oh i know 🤍
view comments
lewishamilton i love you so much, my princess ❤️
yourusername i love you and btw i left you some stir fry for when you get back ❤️
landonorris WEDDING WHEN
lewishamilton we actually eloped last month but we’re planning the official wedding :)
user how are they married after two months?? that’s so short
user they’ve literally been best friends for 20+ years…
cleosol so grateful to be part of the proposal, love you two
liked by yourusername
user now THIS is friends to lovers done perfectly
user Lewis and Y/n, did you two get podium because you two just got married? 🤨
lewishamilton yes.
yourusername yes and because we’re amazing drivers
pharrell congratulations you two! 🤍
marsaimartin MY PARENTS Y’ALL
landonorris actually, they’re my parents 🫤
marsaimartin did they ever pick you up from school?
landonorris yourusername pls confirm this????
yourusername 🫣
lewishamilton • 44 min
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614 notes · View notes
zepskies · 5 months
Being Human – Part 1
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Pairing: Alec McDowell x F. Reader
Summary: Your life made sense before Alec slipped his way in. He unravels your threads without even trying. He frustrates you as easily as he weasels back into your good graces. But you soon realize that this man is worth the challenge.
AN: This is technically my first Dark Angel story, since I wrote Part 1 of this before "Bullseye." It will be four parts. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter Summary: You’ve managed to keep things playful and friendly with Alec so far, despite his flirtatious nature. But when he asks you for a favor that goes painfully awry, the transgenic has to figure out something that wasn’t in his training: how to apologize. [Set during 2.06]
Word Count: 5,000
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Tension, angst, spiciness, implied smut.
💜 Series Masterlist
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Part 1: Training Day
As sad as it is, this is probably your favorite place in the world.
Crash is as divey as a dive bar can get. And yet, it still boasts the strongest, cheapest drinks in Seattle. The music is decent, and the company is good. At least tonight it is, because you’ve met up with Max, Original Cindy, and Sketchy after a long day of slinging packages.
The only problem?
The newest member of Jam Pony, slinking up from the corner of your eye and easing into the seat next to you at the bar.
You turn an expectant gaze to Alec McDowell and his flirtatious green eyes. They take in your jeans and halter top with an obvious perusal. 
“Can I help you?” you ask dryly.
“No, no. It’s what I can do for you,” he replies. You’re about to roll your eyes when he adds, “Let me buy you a beer. Or whatever you’re drinking.”
Just then, the bartender slides you the beer you’ve already ordered. You thank him and give Alec a smile.
“Got it covered, thanks,” you reply, sipping the froth off your drink.
Alec sighs and crosses his arms. “When are you gonna stop putting the freeze on me?”
“When I’m not part of your internal checklist of Breasts on Legs,” you retort. Glancing around the bar, you note three other girls you’ve already seen him shoot his shot with tonight.
Alec scoffs and holds his chest.
“That’s hurtful,” he claims. “It really is.”
But he shifts toward you in his seat, cutting off your smile. Your face warms at his proximity.
Damn, he smells good, you think.
“Besides,” he says, “I always save the best for last.”
His smile makes your heart beat faster, though you eye him wryly. He opens his smartass mouth to say something else, but you get a reprieve when Original Cindy slides into the seat on your other side. She tosses you a wink.
It gives you just enough confidence to smirk in Alec’s face.
“Keep trying. Maybe someday I’ll lose my mind,” you say, with a teasing raise of brows.
Alec is still amused as he shakes his head. “You’re unbelievable. Insulting, yet, still somehow endearing.”
“Don’t wanna get clowned, don’t act like a clown,” you tell him sweetly. 
“I know that’s right,” Cindy quips. She orders a Cosmo to upgrade her beer. She must’ve won a bet tonight, if she was able to score enough cash for liquor.
“Hilarious,” Alec says. He pouts a little. “Hey, I’m not some mongrel on the loose. I’m just looking for some honest companionship.”
“Honest?” you laugh. “Now that’s hilarious.”
He gives you a fake laugh, but he watches you go when you slip away from him to join Max and Sketchy in the back room by the pool table. Alec’s smile fades a little.
Cindy raises a brow at him, along with a tan finger.
“No,” she says. “You actually crushin’ on homegirl? For real?”
Alec glances at her. “Where’d you get that idea?”
She gives him a flat look.
“Should I burn some sage?” she asks.
Alec shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
“Come on. I think Max is calling us over.”
When the two of them venture over to where you and Max are playing a game of pool, Alec’s cocky smile is back. His eyes catch yours when he sits down at a nearby table. Your lips curve while you lean on your pool cue.
For the past few weeks, this is how it’s always been with you and Alec. Push and pull. A sort of caustic flirtation that you can’t in good conscience take seriously. But to his credit, he always tries.
And he seems to always mean it. 
You’ll never admit it, but it’s getting harder and harder for you to resist the pull of him. He’s clearly a guy who doesn’t do attachments, and you have a bad habit of getting attached. Your life is hard enough without adding a dash of heartbreak into the mix.
So Max helps you sharpen your skills at this game while you finish your beer. And…maybe you “unintentionally” tease Alec a little with the curve of your ass when you’re bent over the table, lining up a shot.
In fairness, you’re a bit tipsy.
You spend the rest of the night drinking two more beers and laughing and losing the game—first to Max, then to Alec, and finally to Sketchy. By then, you know it’s time to cut your losses.
You haul your backpack onto your shoulder and start to head out of the bar. But who should slip into your way than Alec freakin’ McDowell?
“Hey, I’ve got a quick question for you,” he says.
You sigh. “Alec, the usual sniping was fun, but I’m tired and I want to go home.”
He stops you with a touch on your arm. He seems slightly more serious.
“It’s a favor,” he says, pulling out a small rectangular package wrapped in plain brown paper. You look down at it in confusion.
“I saw on the work chart that you’re scheduled to go over to Sector 4 tomorrow,” he says. “Would you mind delivering this for me?”
Your brows raise at him. He raises $20 in front of your face.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” he smiles.
You take the $20 and the package, though you’re still a little uncertain.
“What’s in it?”
Alec leans in close to your ear. “I’ll give you an extra $10 if you don’t ask.”
His voice washes over you and makes your skin prickle. You’re blushing, but your eyes narrow at him further.
“Make it $20,” you counter.
He scoffs. Though after a moment…he coughs up the extra cash.
“The most expensive damn delivery I’ve never made,” he mutters.
You have to crane your neck a bit, as he stands over a head taller than you, but you smile up at him brightly.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” you say.
For him, maybe the expense was worth it to get that smile.
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You pull up on your bike to what you think is the right address. You don’t usually come to this side of town, even in Sector 4.
It feels a bit like a shanty town and a meat packing district all at once—complete with dodgy-looking street vendors and unmarked vans loading and unloading cargo behind them. 
“Can I help you, little girl?”
You stifle a gasp as your path is suddenly obstructed. A black man and his two white friends have crowded around your bike, but they don’t look normal. Various metal spikes and prods protrude from their faces, neck, and body, but they’re not your typical piercings. The metal is fused into their skin.
Oh shit, you think, as your heartrate picks up. Steelheads.
“I’m just making a delivery,” you tell them. Your eyes dart to your surroundings, trying to catch anyone’s gaze for a little help.
But in big cities like this, everyone knows to keep their eyes down.
Don’t look, don’t tell. Don’t get any trouble.
“I think you might be lost, love,” says one of the other men. He’s British, by the sound of his accent, and is the taller of the two. His skin is pale, though there’s a red ring under his eyes that suggests drugs, or whatever else these three are injecting into themselves.
“Uhh, yeah. I must be. I’ll just go,” you nod, and you start to back up. The ringleader Brit clamps a bony hand on your bike to stop you. He grabs the scrap of paper Alec gave you, which holds the address for your intended delivery.
The Steelhead examines it lazily, before his gaze flicks back up to yours.
“Well, well. I stand corrected,” he says. He gestures to the small package in your hands. “What’s in it?”
You shrug and try to play off your ignorance. Because the truth is, you have no idea.
“It’s not my job to know,” you reply.
“Ah, but you see, it’s our business to know,” the Brit says, leaning in towards you. You lean back with pursed lips.
“This is our little piece of paradise,” says the shortest one. His lips are damn near purple.
“We’re what you call…territorial,” says the leader. He grabs you off your bike while the first man takes the package from you.
“Hey, I don’t want any trouble,” you say, though you hate the way your voice shakes. “I can just go—”
“Oh, we’ll let you go, little mouse. You’re gonna give a message back to sender,” the Brit says. “But first, a reminder.”
He shoves you back into the nearest wall. It’s solid brick that stuns a gasp out of you. He presses in on you, grabbing your face and dragging a sharp, unnaturally long nail against your cheek, biting into the skin.
It’s painful enough to make you whimper as you feel wetness drip down to your neck. His friends laugh at your discomfort, at your fear. You’re too frozen to reach for the pepper spray in your pocket…
“What’s going on here?” another man asks. Out of the corner of your eye you spot a black uniform. For the first time in your life, you’re grateful to see a cop.
The Steelhead releases you, and the three of them are subtle in the way they back off from you.
“Nothing here, officer,” the leader says. Though he gives you a smirk. “Just accepting a delivery.”
You let them keep the package and pretend that a signature has made it onto your clipboard. You climb back onto your bike and you leave Sector 4 without looking back. All the while, your arms shake and you wipe at the blur of tears in your eyes.
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When you get back to the Jam Pony base of operations (a warehouse that feels like a basement), you park your bike out front and head inside.
Your legs still feel precarious. And even though the blood is dry against the cut on your cheek, you know you need to clean and disinfect it at some point.
Of course, you have to run into Alec and Sketchy, who are palling around without a care in the world.
That all stops when they turn to look at you. Their mirth dies on their faces. Alec’s gaze runs over you and stops at your cheek. You dab at your face, tentative and self-conscious. You know you must look like hell. Of course, they can’t let you just go to your locker in peace.
“Jeez, what the hell happened to you?” Sketchy asks.
You shake your head. “Fell into a bush.”
You drag Alec aside by his arm, giving him a warning look that further lets him know you’re lying. He follows you without complaint over to the lockers, where you two have the semblance of privacy. Before he can ask you what really happened, you snap at him.
“What the hell was in that package?” you ask. “Drugs? A weapon? Some other contraband? Do you know what could’ve happened to me if I’d gotten caught with that shit? Do you know what almost…”
Tears burgeon in your eyes all over again, and you have to take a deep, shaky breath. 
Alec’s brows furrow in what might actually be concern. He grasps your arm, gentle but firm. 
“Hey, tell me what happened,” he says.
Unconsciously, his grip on your arm makes the memory flash in your mind: of that pale, greasy man grabbing you and pinning you against the wall.
You shrug out of Alec’s hold more harshly than you meant to. It makes him raise a placating hand, as his eyes widen a fraction.
“A gaggle of Steelheads,” you say. You breathe tremulously, blinking past your tears. “I was lucky…anyway. Next time you want to ask me for a favor? Don’t.”
 You brush past Alec to get to your locker. There you grab the rest of your things and head out, though it’s quite a few hours before closing time. Nothing gets by Normal, who stops you at the reception desk.
“Hey, hey, Missy! Where the hell’re you going?” he asks. “Get back here. I’ve got packages that need homes.”
“I’m taking some much needed PTO,” you quip.
“You don’t have PTO. It’s not that kind of business,” Normal says.
“Then bite me,” you snap. “How’s that?”
Most of the room stills into quiet shock. You feel the weight of their gazes, your coworkers and friends, including Normal’s slackened face.
You’re normally not one to talk back. You accept your assignments without question, not wanting to cause undue trouble for yourself. Like everyone else here, you need your job, and you have nothing to fall back on.
But it’s enough, and you’re thoroughly done with today.
Your saving grace is that it’s plain to see how shaken up you are, even when you leave. Alec approaches the receptionist desk with Sketchy, drumming his hand on the counter absently. 
“What the hell crawled up her keister?” Normal remarks. “She’s lucky I’m short staffed right now, or she’d be in the can.”
Despite his strong talk, he resumes collecting paperwork and organizing files to distract himself from how much you’d taken him aback.
Alec frowns.
“She uh, had to deal with some Steelheads,” he offers, and hesitates. “...What the hell’s a Steelhead?”
“Yeah, you know, they’re into implants and biotech stuff,” Sketchy explains.
“She would know better than to hang out with those low lives,” Normal interjects. “They’re amped off their gourds on hormones and who knows what else.”
Alec processes that with a deepening frown. He decides to head out onto his next “delivery.”
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He makes it to Sector 4 on his bike within an hour, but he still envies Max’s motorcycle. When he racks up enough cash, he’s definitely scoring a faster ride.
For now, he pulls up near the address he sent you to earlier. He never should’ve given you his drugs to sell, especially when he clearly doesn’t know this city well enough yet.
Poor reconnaissance, Alec, he thinks. Sloppy.
Though when did he start to think of himself as Alec and not by his designation, 494?
He’s soon taken out of his musings when he sees a gaggle of three men outside a cargo van. Each of them is uglier than the last, with metal spikes, among other things sticking out from their bodies. Steelheads. They’ve got to be.
These are the guys who harassed you.
“Excuse me, gentlemen,” Alec says, climbing off his bike. The men turn to the newcomer with suspicious frowns.
“I’m looking for three fugly Steelheads that hassled a friend of mine this morning,” he says.
One is tall, pale and wiry, and he opens his arms wide. “Well, you found ‘em.”
He has a British accent. The sight of him alone grates on Alec, though all he shows is calm confidence. He teases the short one, who seems to be missing an arm. Apparently he’s “pre-op,” set to get a new cyber arm made of Japanese steel.
Fucking wackos, Alec thinks. Manticore could learn a thing or two from these guys about mutilation.
“Here’s the thing, fellas,” Alec says. “My friend was carrying a package that didn’t belong to her. It belonged to me. You guys took it, and I need to get it back.”
The first man scoffs. “There seems to be a breakdown in communication, doesn’t it?”
He approaches Alec, hands on his hips, with his two cronies behind him. Alec can already smell their stench from where he stands. He doesn’t need them to get any closer.
“Maybe your little bitch didn’t relay our message,” he says, pushing his luck.
Alec’s smile sharpens; a deadly warning in and of itself.
“Nobody around here sells Andy but us,” says another of them.
Androxtamine. Alec didn’t care to be a drug dealer. It was just a means to an end in order to pay Max back for her help a little while back. Now, his buyer is pissed that he didn’t get his damn drugs, and Alec is out $500.
He tries to explain that calmly to this group of weirdos, but the leader is just so damn cocky.
“What’s a puff like you need with $500 anyway, eh?” he asks.
Alec’s smirk deepens. He mimics the guy’s accent and replies, “Actually, I need it for a ride on your mum.”
Well, the Steelheads don’t take too kindly to that. They try their best, Alec will hand it to them. But his genetics and training make the resulting “fight” no more than child’s play. He takes his frustrations out of their asses.
He can’t help being slightly more brutal than necessary when he remembers the fear lingering behind your eyes. The bloody cut on your cheek. The way it could’ve been so much worse…
And it would’ve been your fault. Alec’s lips press into a line.
Logan Cale, Max’s rich non-boyfriend and secret “Eyes Only” vigilante, calls Alec halfway through his venting session to, surprisingly, ask for his help.
Alec agrees, because it’s mainly for Max. A creature has been killing cops in Seattle. Unfortunately, the description of a “man-dog” sounds way too much like Joshua, their fellow transgenic in hiding.
It also means Alec has to spend most of his afternoon in a musty sewer.
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The job ends up being a bitch and a half, even when Max finally shows up to help out. The true culprit ends up being Joshua’s brother, Isaac, who Joshua is forced to stop before he kills any more policemen who remind him of Manticore’s abusive guards.
The gentle Joshua ends up having to take out his own brother. Something that’s both familiar, and foreign to Alec. (But he’s sure it’s not so foreign to Max.)
It’s a harrowing scene, and a touch too emotional for Alec’s comfort. He leaves Max to tend to Joshua in the aftermath and catches a ride home with Logan. Somehow though, as bone tired and grimy as he feels, Alec can’t feel right about going home just yet.
Something is niggling in the back of his mind, forcing him to hand Logan a scrap of paper that holds your address. (Alec might’ve snuck into Normal’s office before he left for the day to find out where you lived on your employee file.)
“Hey, can you stop at this address?” Alec asks.
Logan glances at the piece of paper and nods. He then looks over at Alec. They aren’t friends, but Logan is perceptive enough to know that something’s weighing on his passenger.
“Everything okay?” Logan asks.
“There’s something I have to do,” Alec supplies.
When they eventually arrive to what seems like an abandoned building, Logan looks over at Alec.
“Good luck,” he offers.
Alec nods gratefully. They aren’t friends, but he supposes Logan’s not so bad, even if he is a slave to Max’s supposed charms.
Alec gets out of the car and head inside the building. It’s old and dirty, and he really can’t believe you live like this. It lacks security and basic hygiene. If he wanted to, he could kick straight through your door with half of his strength.
Instead, he knocks.
A few moments later, he hears your feet padding cautiously to the door.
“Who is it?” you ask. Your voice is familiar and pleasant to his ears, if nervous.
“It’s me, Alec,” he replies.
It takes a second of your hesitation, but you unlock the door and open it.
He eyes your tank-top and shorts, the thin bra, your damp hair, the smell of your shampoo assaulting his heightened senses. 
But the jagged red line across your cheek draws his attention, along with the confusion in your eyes, and the wooden spoon in your hand. Was that supposed to be your weapon of choice? 
“What’re you doing here?” you ask. “How’d you even know where I live?”
“Ah, I told Normal I wanted to check on you. Make sure you weren’t going AWOL on the job tomorrow,” Alec says with a teasing smile.
You look a bit skeptical, but you let him in when he asks if he can. He smells whatever you’re cooking, spots the metal pot of pasta sauce simmering on the janky-looking stove, and his mouth starts to water. He’s starving, now that he thinks about it.
He then focuses on taking in the rest of the apartment…and it doesn’t take him long. This place is a shoebox.
At least it’s clean, as much as the peeling drywall can be.
“Why’re you here then?” you ask. Alec turns to see you have a hand on your hip. You’re staring at him like he’s a puzzle you’re trying to figure out.
You set down the wooden spoon on the counter and face him. Alec’s tempted to brush a stray strand of hair out of your eyes, but he keeps his arms down to his sides instead.
“About what happened today,” he says. “Those guys aren’t going to be a problem for you again.”
You tilt your head at him.
“What’d you do?” you ask with furrowed brows. “Something shy of legal?”
Alec starts to smile. “Maybe.”
You hmph in response. “Can’t say I’m surprised.”
Alec barely resists rolling his eyes, though he knows he deserves that. Once again, he takes in your apartment. It’s cozy, he supposes, if small.
“You live alone?” he asks. “No roommate? Boyfriend?”
“I don’t see how it’s any of your business,” you say dryly. “But no. To both.” 
That satisfies him, and yet there’s a little churn in his gut. This place is questionable at best. Doesn’t exactly boast decent security. He’s not too worried about the Steelheads trying to find you, but after the past few months outside of Manticore, he realizes how rough it’s become for humanity after the Pulse, especially for a woman alone.
“You could use a doorman around here,” he remarks. 
You scoff in amusement. “Yeah, well. It may not be the Ritz, but as long as the heater doesn’t crap out on me, it’s a decent day.” 
Alec doesn’t know what the Ritz is, but it sounds nicer than this dump. 
You catch the silent look of judgment on his face, making you frown and cross your arms.
“I can take care of myself just fine, okay, Dad?”
Alec frowns and gestures to your face. “Yeah. Right. You’re little miss Fight Club.”
That sparks your temper. You glare up at him with a defiant tilt to your chin.
“This,” you point to your marred cheek, “wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you. I’m not an idiot. I don’t put myself in stupid situations, except for that one time I ignored my better judgment to help you!”
Alec glowers back at you, but he knows he doesn’t have a good defense. You take a step into his orbit and tap a finger into his chest.
“And by the way,” you add. Your voice cracks like a whip. “Whoever taught you how to apologize did a bang up job!”
By the end of your little rant, you’re breathing deeply, and Alec is barely holding onto his own temper. What cuts through it all are the frustrated tears brimming in your eyes.
He sighs internally.
They didn’t exactly cover this in training, he thinks, but he supposes that's just…Being Human 101.
All too soon, your anger dims into defensiveness. You withdraw from him and gesture to the door.
“Now if you don’t mind, please get out of my shithole apartment so I can finish cooking in peace,” you gripe.
“Wait, wait,” Alec implores, when you try to lead him out. He lets you back him up a step or two, just to seem human, but now he digs his heels in. He looks down at you with true regret. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. His hand finds your unmarred cheek, caressing softly. His thumb swipes across your skin. “I am. I shouldn't have asked you to make that delivery. I'm sorry you got hurt.”
You stare up at him, breathing labored, and making your breasts just barely brush his sternum. Your eyes search his just as much as he is yours.  
He isn’t actually sure who moves first, him or you. But when his lips meet yours, it feels like electricity under his skin. It’s magnets that are meant to connect—it’s his arms wrapping around your waist like steel bands and you grabbing his face, sinking your fingers into his sandy brown hair.
It’s teeth clicking and tongues warring as he backs you up to the kitchen counter, and he hefts you up there by your hips.
You squeal in surprise, making Alec chuckle before he swallows your sounds with his mouth.
You start to push his jacket off his shoulders, and he helps you, letting the rest of it slide right off, followed by his shirt and your tank top. His hands smooth up your bare thighs and his thumbs dip in between, squeezing near the apex of your thighs and making you tremble against his chest. Warmth pools in your core even from that simple touch.
“W-Wait,” you whisper. 
It makes Alec pause. His muscles tense. Has he read you wrong? 
He searches your face for a sign of discomfort. If you don’t want this, it’ll be…hard, at this point (for more reasons than one). But if he has to, he’ll let you go.
He’s relieved when you only twist away for a moment to turn off the stove. You return to him with a smile as your hands come to rest on his chest. You bite your lower lip. 
“Shall we continue?” he teases. 
His thumb encourages you to let go of your lip. He takes your chin between his fingers and guides you back to him.
The next kiss burns with a slower passion. One that consumes you enough to hook your arms around his neck and your legs around his hips. 
He grins against your lips and lifts you again, this time holding you firmly against him. You make another sound of surprise, but you don’t let that stop you from delving deeper into his kiss. 
He carries you into the bedroom and slams the rickety door.
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Afterwards, the two of you lay together on the wrong side of your bed. 
Alec lies on his stomach and you on your back. The night had gotten such that you stopped caring which side you typically put your pillow on. Your hair is fanned out on the mattress in many tangles he took pride in creating.
A shitty show plays on your small TV, but Alec is watching with rapt attention. 
He’s kind of cute about it actually, you think. Like he’s never seen a soap opera before. 
“Ooh, that one’s my favorite,” you point backwards. “It’s about a sexy doctor, obviously.”
“Right, because I’m sure doctors always have this much sex with their patients,” Alec quips. 
You snort and shake your head. You stare at the side of his face for a moment, rather than the TV. 
The back of his hand rubs against your shoulder, earning your attention. 
“What’re you thinking?” he asks. He’s still looking at the screen.
“That I’m even hungrier now, but I don’t feel like getting up,” you admit with a giggle. He laughs.
“I wouldn’t mind some chow,” he says. 
You roll onto your stomach, taking some of the sheets with you when your knee slides over, resting against his naked lower back. You lean your chin on his shoulder as your hand travels across his back. 
“Is that your way of inviting yourself over for dinner?” you ask. 
He looks over at you then. He’s grinning, but his eyes are a touch softer, you think.
“If you don’t mind me crashing,” he says.
You shake your head and sift your fingers through his hair. Your gaze drifts down the back of his neck and catches on a strange mark. It’s a barcode, you realize, touching it lightly with two fingers. 
“What’s this? A prison tat?” you tease. 
He chuckles humorlessly. “Sort of.”
Your amusement fades, but your soft fingers along the back of his neck elicit a small shiver out of him. Your touch is gentle. He isn’t used to gentle, and it makes goosebumps spread across his skin. He feels your lips press a kiss to his shoulder next, and he turns his head to look at you. 
Beautiful, he thinks, taking in your face again, and the hint of cleavage down the sheets covering you, hiding the familiar curves he had all too much fun exploring.
“You gonna tell me the story?” you ask. “Or save it for a rainy day?”
Alec lets out a sigh through his nose. “Let’s pencil that one under the ‘Rainy’ column.”
You nod in agreement and bite your lip. These days, everyone has a story they’re not proud of. Even something that keeps them up at night. You don’t press Alec for his.
He’s grateful for that. He leans in and kisses you, nice and slow.
From the beginning, he noticed you. Your tenacity. Your quiet confidence. How you’re always willing to help your friends, and how you’ve never taken any of his shit, even if he knew part of you had been contemplating his suggestive offers. That spark always kept him coming back for more…and somehow, it became more.
In the back of his mind, this scares him a little. Being with you feels dangerous in a way that feels both familiar and foreign, but it’s too late. He’s been hooked by the pull of you. It’s a craving he can’t help but try and fill. Hopefully, not just tonight.  
“You said something about food?” he grins.
You smile and lean in again, until you’re mere inches from his lips. 
“Hmm, impromptu dinner date?” you offer. Alec laughs quietly and nods.
“We kinda went about this backwards,” you say, “but if you like spaghetti and plain sauce, I’m your girl.”
He smirks at that, and thumbs at your chin.
“Then you’re my girl.”
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AN: And there's Part 1! It's only my second time writing Alec, so I hope he feels in character. Let me know what you think of this little series so far. 😘💜
There's much more in store over the next three parts, and the next one tackles perhaps my favorite episode (2.11), even if it's the most gutting.
Next Time:
“All right, that’s enough outta you,” Alec says, and he claims you with a more demanding kiss. His fingers sink into your hair tightly.  
But you press your hand to his cheek, making him pause for a moment. The amusement fades from his eyes the longer he stares into yours. You’re not teasing or joking anymore. 
You kiss him then with meaning. With tenderness. 
You don’t know how it makes that coil of guilt grip him like a vice.
Keep Reading: PART 2
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syrupgirl · 1 year
this is a request lol but i havent seen really anything on the ATWOW characters and a chubby!human reader. like would they like her belly? would they like how “squishy” she is? what are your thoughts on this:)❤️
a/n: wasn’t sure if I should interpret this as a full fic request or just my thoughts so i mixed the two and turned in more of a hc direction! I also tried to keep this written in a way that could be perceived as either romantic or platonic (Tuk is most definitely platonic tho) :p
The beautiful bodies we are in -assorted ATWOW characters
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As a general rule of thumb, I think all of the characters would be a lil curious, as all Na’vi we have seen have been quite slender. But I truthfully can’t see anyone of them being anything but generally indifferent towards readers body type :)
Jake wouldn’t bat an eyelid.
๑༄ ‧₊˚Like I said, I can’t see anyone being feeling any type of negative way about a reader’s body and that applies to Jake, too. If, for whatever reason, you were insecure about your body because of your weight or size, he would comfort you the best he could.
Has you in high regard because she believes you’re absolutely stunning
๑༄ ‧₊˚Don’t ask me where this came from, but I just think Neytiri would find you absolutely gorgeous. Not in the ‘awwww so adorable like a puppy’ way but ‘Oh my goodness you are ethereal’
Fascinated but then just treats you like he would anyone else :)
๑༄ ‧₊˚ Depending on whether you grew up with the Sully’s (like Spider) or you met them later in life, they would have different ‘first impressions’ when it comes to your body type! Growing up with them from a young child, he would probably just know that human bodies behave differently to Na’vi bodies and that’s normal. If you were introduced when he was a bit older, he might ask a few questions, like, is there a reason for it? but after you explained that it is just how your body is for no particular reason, he would just say okay! and happily move on with his day
Small, silent, fascination to respect and love
๑༄ ‧₊˚My homegirl Kiri, hard to get a read on her tbh. Again, NOTHING negative. EVER. She might ask if it is an evolutionary thing for humans? To which you would answer no, not really, just how my body grows and she would understand that and stop the questioning. Would hate to make you uncomfortable in any way or make you feel alienated or estranged so probably doesn’t comment on your body much after that or at all.
Possibly less…restrictive with his questions but not less respectful in the end
๑༄ ‧₊˚He probably runs the risk of asking an innocent question in a direct way that is really fkn rude like ‘why do you look like that?’ when what he really means is ‘hey, why is your body different than mine? that’s interesting’ If he could see you took offence, he would immediately apologise and try to formulate his question better. Much like his mother, I think he adores you and your body to no end. I also feel like he would say ‘there’s more of you to love’ and would like to be touching you all the time. Likes to lay on your tumtum and talk to you
she’s just a babyyyy my babbyyyy
๑༄ ‧₊˚ Whether or not you were around since she was small(er) or not, I don’t think she would have any types of feelings since she’s so liddle. Maybe a frequent series of hugs now and then and a you’re so warm and soft muttered into your stomach while she’s smushed there but that’s just normal for her.
This man…I love this man and he loves you
๑༄ ‧₊˚Like Neytiri, you would be his deity. Maybe it’s me projecting how I want to be worshipped by this blue alien but good golly miss molly. He loves every little bit of you and just wants to hug and squeeze you all the time. I have to stop before I gush over him too much (also yes, it would be hard to take this in a platonic sense even tho i said i would try to keep it neutral 💀)
I don’t have a good grasp on m’lady Ronal
๑༄ ‧₊˚She is just a skeptical lady, you could probably catch her looking at you out of the corner of your eye and she doesn’t even bother looking away once you’ve caught her. Her interest about your body isn’t based on anything negative ofc just complete fascination.
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a/n: while writing this, I tried to not alienate the reader because of their size as I know that just isn’t on. I truly hope I didn’t cross any lines <3 If you would like this same concept with a specific character, feel free to send in a request :p
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walrus150915 · 4 days
Happy pride, Nimona fandom :3
I gotcha some sketches! Gotta place them in different parts of the post so that you read everything
It's not just drawings I got HEADCANONS for you too!
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Off topic but I love Nimona's design SO MUCH it's so AMAZING TO DRAW AGHHH
⚧Nimona LGBTQ+ specific headcanons of mine🏳‍🌈
• I've made a conclusion that if queer flags exist in Nimona universe, as well as gay drag bars (so was confirmed in the artbook), then labels DO exist. As well as good old homophobia??? I suppose????
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• Nimona doesn't have a specific label because she thinks they are sorta restrictive. Also she just doesn't need one lol, if somebody asked her about her gender she'd say "Nimona"
• She'd wear the heck out of a "protect trans kids" shirt she bought no she ain't feeding into the capitalist machine she stole it
• There was something between Nimona and Gloreth but Nimona can't exactly say what for sure. Not exactly romantic but not strictly platonic. Homegirl had that toxic doomed kindergarten yuri going on😭
• Nimona doesn't look for romantic relationships. She explains it as "romance is for sappy dumb-dumbs" but in reality she just doesn't want to date and romantically love somebody who'll. Eventually die and leave her all by herself again yk (oh this got angsty real fast)
• Maybe one day Ballister tried to help her find her label (because he still tries to put things in boxes) and she just waved it off
Speaking of Ballister
• My man is transgender. Do I even have to explain. Read one of those posts that explain his transness better LMAO
• He started his medical transition as a teenager and had to fit right in not to disrupt the Institute's function. If he's a man then he has to transition QUICKLY so that others don't notice
• Because of that he's a transmedicalist and probably an enbyphobe at the start of the movie, thinking only one type of valid transness exists, and it's the one that is very binary and restrictive
• At the end he realizes the wrong of his ways and works on the internalized transphobia
• He came to terms with his homosexuality a bit easier. "It's always been boys" yk the drill
A couple of words about his boy lol
• Ambrosius is a painfully cisgender gay man. I genuinely apologize to all Transbrosius believers but he gives off STRONG cis vibes can't have a character with this surname dickless
• He's a trans ally but his opinions on trans issues were like. Very closed-minded. He supported but didn't entirely understand. Of course it changed as he went through ✨character development✨
• He was fully supportive of Ballister on his trans journey. Reassured him when Ballister felt like he wasn't enough, tried to make his boyfriend as secure as possible, loving every part of him
There should be a bunch of rather suggestive headcanons but this isn't that type of post LOL
No but think about Ambrosius kissing down Ballister's body and across his chest scars. This is my ultimate dream as a trans man
• Ambrosius also rocks a "protect trans kids" shirt that's for SURE
• He came to terms with his queerness as a teenager and had a whole crisis about it. As a Goldenloin he had the expectations of ✨continuing Gloreth's bloodline✨ thrown at him back in childhood so he sorta internalized that. Then boom, my boy is g a y and oh how gay he is!
• Click here to read about my headcanons on goldenheart when they had only started falling in love :D
• Ambrosius made inoffensive jokes about Ballister's transness. Like yk those goofy puns like "baby you put men in MENstruation", "omg does this make your parents transparent". Ballister smiled at them and rolled his eyes but also silently appreciated his bf's support, although expressed so stupidly
• He also made sure Ballister took proper care of his body because you know Ballister would not bind safely, being a dumb teen
Anyway yeah gay people
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Unpopular opinion but we as a fandom should start drawing Bal with a disability queer pride flag
Side characters headcanons, anyone? XD
• Diego came out as nonbinary after the events of the movie. He got that he/they swag going on
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• Also Ballister was his queer awakening FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. He had the stupidest, most childish celebrity crush on Bal. Maybe Bal formed Diego's type in men fjfhhx I like to think Diego got a boyfriend whose attitude is similar to Bal's
• Remember those news anchors? (they are so underrated omg) Well Nate Knight has a husband and Alanzapam Davis is a bi queen🙏
• Speaking of queens. Valerin is a straight ally💪💪 I imagine her being quite iconic on the Kingdom's queer side of the internet. They call her "mother" and stuff aajjaj
• the Director is homophobic, need I say more? So is Todd but I actually imagine him being a type of guy to reject his queerness
Haha mailman *winks at yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt*
• Todd had NO idea Ballister was trans. NONE
• The Kingdom has pride events!! Ambrosius and Ballister were very happy and excited to attend those as an official couple once they were out :}
• Nimona attended them every year, ofc she had to hide her true nature but it was fun for her to march along! And it was even more fun when everyone accepted her!!
Anyway yeah this was very fun to make!! Happy pride y'all, lmk what you think ;D
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iwanty0uu · 10 months
“𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑃𝑢𝑚 𝑃𝑢𝑚 𝑁𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑠 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟“~𝓁ℯ𝓁ℯ ✧˚ · . ✧˚ · . ✧˚ · .
Your voice startled the ticket man at coney island who reluctantly pulled his hand back from the hole in the booth connecting him to the outside world. “FINE “ She said grabbing the man’s hand out of the small hole, ripping the tickets out of his hand, quickly shuffling in your purse for his cash you smiled apologetically and skipped over to Sasha. “Hoe you get so angry when you scared you can hold my hand baby” you teased as she tightened the laces on her shoes and purse. “ Nah i’m not scared. Momma ain’t raise no bitch” her voice cracked which had you in tears. Time flew by and it was already your turn on the amusement park’s ride. The air was hot and muggy, the thick summer heat hung over the whole park, you knew your edges would sweat out so you braided your hair into beaded cain rows the night before.
Your dark blue biker shorts reacher a little above you’re knee to prevent your thighs sticking to the chair of the rides, the simple white tank top you had on showed a small but modest amount of cleavage and your small juicy couture backpack rested in front of you. Couldn’t risk it getting snatched up, but other than that, your whole outfit was made for outdoor activities. It had been nine months since you had met Connie and it had been the most interesting nine months that you have had in a while. Connie was known by everyone, your parents loved him, since your aunts were younger and closer to you, they all told you to get with him before someone “thief your man”, which always made you laugh, but it was your intention. He was too hood to leave unsupervised
Of course you liked him but you wanted to make sure that you weren’t thinkin with your clit. And actually, it felt like meeting him was fate. Your parents met him accidentally, your Father was an occasional stoner, and his weed-guy’s nephew so happened to be Connie, and thats when you learned he was a hustler which didn’t bother you. Money is money and a job is a job.
The line to the ‘Slingshot’ ride was short, and you warned your homegirl Sasha that you would kill her if she ran off the ride and left you on there alone. The workers strapped you in securely while Sasha threatened them. “I swear if one of you fuckers forget a lock or some shit im suing you when i die.” Her pink acrylic waved in the faced of the workers as they laughed. “Sash stop talking to him like that before he kill us on purpose” You cackled next to her as the camera in-front of you both began to record.”
You heard laughter from the crew behind you, “Are you ready?” asked a man in a Luna Park uniform shirt, “Wait I didn’t clip one of yall in I think it’s the Brunette-“ He finished “ BITCH WH-“ Sasha couldn’t get her words out because the sling shot literally knocked the wind out of her,arms flailing in the air, her hair slipping out of its pony tail now becoming a thick brown mess. She suddenly awoke screaming and panicked, holding onto your brown arm, nails digging into your skin. If she couldn’t tell, you were having an episode of your own. “GET ME THE FUCK OFF THIS SHIT” you cried.. literally, tears streaming down your face, you felt the breath so suddenly leave your lungs causing you to gasp for air, which was infinite considering the height you two currently desperate to come down from.
The ball like ride began to bounce slowly, easing it’s way to the ground. Sasha regained her full consciousness and laughed uncontrollably, “ NAHH THAT WAS SO FUN “ looking over her shoulder, she heard sobbing “IwantMyMommaaa” you huffed pouting, slobber flying out of your mouth and snot out of your nostrils. You were quickly released off the ride as the line of people pointed and stared at your dramatics. “Now look who FUCKIN CRYING” Sasha giggled, retrieving the video from the front desk. You kneeled on the floor, squatting while holding your knees. “Bumper Carts” you said as you got yourself together, slowly standing. “but first i want to *sniffle* clean myself up”, trying to act casual was out of the question now, but it didn’t matter because you still enjoyed yourself. “Girl i don’t wanna hear shit you fainted as soon as we went up”
The night was young and lively, Jean, Eren, Armin ,Ony and Mikasa went home in Eren’s car since they all lived in the same dorm alliance. You went back with Connie who drove, hanging his hand out the window while his long tatted fingers loosely held a blunt. Serenity and Sasha were in the back seat sleeping, and you sat in the front seat like the passenger princess you were. You got chilly with the windows down so Connie offered you his hoodie. Feet resting on dash, converse on the floor, Connie broke the almost silent car ride,lowering Summer Walker’s ‘Body’ so you could hear him. “ Y/n ima drop the girls home, i got sum planned for us.. just you n me, so pack a spendin-da-night back for like two days or so. “Two days ? Boyyy you tryna get fucked? “ you joked “ I’ll pack for three”.
An unseen smile grew on his face, and it was because Connie had only touched you one time. Ever. He never slept with you, never fingered you, only ever kissed you, and part of it was his fault. He did really want to be with you but often times his ex’s would come back in his life trying to compete with you, and it turned you off hella, but he did end up proving that he was serious about you ,and wanted a future with you.
About thirty minutes passed and you were now headed up to Connie’s apartment. It was always clean, so full but so empty, he spent most of his time in your dorm and only got the apartment to make his deals easier, and everyone would link up there for kickbacks. The keys jingled as they were disgarded on the counter, lights off, room dimly lit by Connie’s phone light. For some reason, he wouldn’t let you turn on the actual lights. “Boy you just dragged my ass into a wall both of us cant fit through your door frame” you said laughing at your own comment. You weren’t sure of the surprise but knowing Connie, you knew it was gonna be adorable.
+*:ꔫ:*﹤ ﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
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