#healthiest popcorn
timothy1234 · 9 months
baby food
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What to Feed Your Baby at 9 Months Old as Their First Food Baby's First Food at One Month-It's that time of year once more when you need to start planning what your 9-month-old will consume. There are so many meals and snacks to pick from, from breakfast to night. Which one, nevertheless, is ideal for your child?
A newborn begins to explore their environment and attempt new things when they can feed themselves. It's crucial to provide children a variety of foods as they learn about nutrition and how to digest food so they may develop healthy eating habits. read more
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kohlicobrandsukltd · 2 months
Healthiest Microwave Popcorn
Step into the world of EAZY POP – where deliciousness meets simplicity! Kohlico Brands UK Ltd. proudly presents EAZY POP, the healthiest microwave popcorn on the block. With its long-standing reputation as the oldest popcorn brand in the UK market, EAZY POP has been satisfying taste buds and bringing joy to snack time for generations. Made with care and dedication right here in the UK, EAZY POP supports local British manufacturing, ensuring that every bag you enjoy contributes to the thriving British economy.
But what sets EAZY POP apart isn't just its history or its British roots – it's also about what's inside. EAZY POP is more than just a tasty snack; it's a wholesome choice for health-conscious snackers. Say goodbye to snacks loaded with unhealthy additives and hello to a guilt-free option that's packed with goodness. With EAZY POP, you can indulge in the satisfying crunch and mouthwatering flavor without any of the guilt, making it the perfect choice for families, students, and anyone looking to snack smarter.
And the best part? EAZY POP makes snacking a breeze! No need to spend hours in the kitchen or follow complicated recipes – simply pop a bag in the microwave, and within minutes, you'll be enjoying a piping hot bowl of freshly popped popcorn. It's convenient, it's delicious, and it's ready whenever you are. Whether you're settling in for a movie night with the family, hosting a gathering with friends, or simply craving a tasty snack, EAZY POP is there to make every moment a little more enjoyable.
So, what are you waiting for? Join the EAZY POP revolution and discover a new way to snack. With its unbeatable combination of flavor, simplicity, and wholesomeness, EAZY POP is sure to become your go-to snack choice for any occasion. Try it today and experience the joy of popping perfection with every bite!
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florencewellch · 7 months
Can't wait to have lunch tomorrow 😭
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magicmalcolm · 8 months
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A crossover that makes perfect sense and yet still deeply disturbs me.
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kohlico · 2 years
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stay-tiny-ville · 5 months
Han Jisung
Summary ~ Delulu thoughts of baby gurl Han Jisung and why the hell can’t men like this exist where I am (Or just my head going wild with dating head cannons of Han Jisung)
A.N. - I have heard your pleas for more Stray Kids before I move on to Ateez and I come to deliver DONT WORRY BABIES I HAVE 14 DRAFTS
A.N. 2 - I haven’t really checked word counts my brain just kinda goes on and on so if ones are longer than others I deeply apologize 🧎🏻‍♀️
A.N. 3 - also I’m genuinely confused if I can actually consider them head cannons if these are kind of mainly blurbs in each (if you can’t tell idk how to classify these)
Dawg, dude, sweetheart, baby, babe, angel are names he’d call you
Def the best friend boyfriend
That’s probably how you got together was from being best friends because he’d probably be too anxious to get with someone he had feelings for that he didn’t know on a deep level
You two are on top of each other at all times
Like laying on top of each other when one is already laying down
Full weight where the other can’t breathe
Or laying full body weight on them while they are doing stuff out and about
One only gets out of bed/off the couch if the other carries them
You’ve seen the nonexistent legendary baby photos
If you like to wear baggy or big clothes he would wear your clothes and you would wear his and all of a sudden you both have one giant closet with double the clothes
Would def watch marathons of movies with you when they should be watched
Like nightmare before before Christmas, horror movies, and Charlie Brown Halloween movies around fall
Star Wars runs in May
And def the classic Christmas movies such as Harry Potter, the Santa Claus movies, and even the original and classic stop motion movies
Year without a Santa Claus is the best
I imagine on one of your rare coinciding days off you don’t go out, no matter how long it had been since you had, instead this was the superior alternative
Maybe it was even a special occasion like an anniversary or birthday or even just an accomplishment but you spend the day on the couch
The beginning of the day consisted of the classics you had to get out of the way like the Studio Ghibli movies I know everyone agrees on him loving so much or just things that recently released you had been dying to getting around to watching
After a collection of movies was watched you would break for food
Most of it consisted of not the healthiest stuff a man in his field should be consuming in such quantities
Like pop tarts in the morning, hot pockets for lunch, macaroni for dinner
Just a lot of processed things but man were you two adorable and just having a fun day so who can be mad at you
As the day slowly got darker, Hannie built a nest of blankets he nestled around him, but there wasn’t a blanket on top of him
But that’s where you come in
You lay between his legs, head on his stomach, turned to wach intently the movie that played
one of his hands holding yours while the other ran along your head
As the movie pulled to a close you turned to rest your chin on his stomach, his own dark, large, quokka eyes bore into your own
His hand falls from your head to your cheek and he held it gently
His gaze softening as much as humanly possible as his eyes closed the more he smiled at you his gorgeous smile
You felt your heartbeat quicken
No matter how many years you had known this man, through childhood or not, no matter how old you were, you were just a teenager madly in love
You were lost in your adoration for this beautiful creature and you think he could tell since he giggled before he untangled from you and stood, pulling you up by your hands
He mumbled “come on” with a smile as he pulled you to the kitchen for snacks
You knew the drill at this point in the night
He got the bowl ready while you had put the bag into the microwave/started heating it on the stove
Obviously he got the quicker job and by the time you sat back and waited he was already waiting and leaning against the kitchen island behind you
You turned around and barely took a step before his gentle hands grabbed ahold of your forearm and coaxed you into his arms
His arms securely wrapped around your shoulders and thus pressed your head into his shoulder and neck
Your own arms wrapping around his tiny waist
The only noise was the hum of the microwave/hiss of the popcorn on the stove as you relaxed into who you called your home
After making your way back to the couch for what would be the last movie of the night with the snacks, you once again found yourself attached at the hip to your boy
This time you were tucked into his side, head on his shoulder while you two laid
you lasted all but 40 minutes of the two hour film before your eyes fluttered
It didn’t help that his hand was on your waist and was softly brushing at the open skin and made you feel safe
He watched you as you lost the fight to your eyes and brushed strands of hair from your face
(If you’re a heavy sleeper) he gathers you into his arms and heads to the bedroom, leaving behind the snacks and blankets to be cleaned up tomorrow
(If you aren’t a heavy sleeper) he moves all items off of you (phones, popcorn bowl) and falls asleep to the sight of you in his arms
Han deserves so much love and I love love baby girl Hannie
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crayonboxcolors607 · 2 months
There are days when Steve wakes up and he hates his body. Looks in the mirror, disgusted, at the scars across his torso and neck, the stretch marks on his stomach and hips. How his thighs rub up against each other when he walks, how they expand when he sits down. Pulls meanly at the chub that’s accumulated at his tummy and chest. 
After the upside down, after everything, Steve gained weight.
Eddie says it’s because he wasn’t constantly in fight-or-flight mode anymore, and his body was finally able to relax.
Robin says it’s because he was destined to have a bit of a dad bod, that it was just the ruling of the universe.
He still works out though. He’s in great shape too. Goes on a few-mile-long run every morning. lifts three times a week. The only thing he’d strongly refused was dieting.
Steve remembers how his mother would come home from her trips with his father, her cheeks gaunt and pale even through her makeup. Her thin frame hidden by a ridiculously expensive shawl.
How she used to sit him down and force him to separate “good foods” from “bad foods”.
How there were never any sweets in the house.
Back when Steve was young enough to need a nanny while his parents were away, he would beg and plead with her to just let him try one piece of candy. One lick of a lollipop. The closest he ever got was three dark chocolate baking chips.
Afterward, when he was left alone, when he was responsible for feeding himself and getting groceries, he would stand in the produce section for fifteen minutes, his mother's voice ringing in his head. 
The first time he went to a movie and bought himself a soda and popcorn, he had to leave halfway through to cry.
The first time he had real candy, he almost had a panic attack.
It took him way too long to reteach himself about food, how to remember that food is food and food is fuel. That he should be listening to his body and eating what he wants when he’s hungry.
And here’s the thing. Steve knows that he’s the healthiest he’s ever been. Sees it in Mrs. Henderson’s eyes when he drops Dustin off, how he no longer hears her fussing about him being too skinny.
In Joyce’s smile when he gets up for seconds of his own cooking.
In Hopper and Wayne’s approving ‘dad nods’ when they all sit down over meat from the grill.
So on those days, when Steve wakes up and doesn’t feel like he’s right, he tries to remember that instead.
How Robin curled up against him one movie night, pausing before stating decisively, “You’re softer now dingus. It’s nice. Gives me the best pillow.”
How El will give him hugs that are tight tight tight and tell him he looks like a teddy bear she used to have.
How Eddie will absolutely worship him.
If that man could die beneath Steve, he would. Is far too obsessed with the way Steve’s ass moves.
They’ll get home from hanging out with the Party and Eddie won’t wait a single second before shoving Steve against the wall, mouthing at his neck.
How he pushes Steve onto the bed against his stomach, his face rubbing against the sheets as he braces his hands on Steve’s thighs in a way that causes bruises. Fucks his tongue into him, slow and sinful, telling him, “Go on sweetheart. That’s it, just like that. Doin’ so good for me.”  How Eddie moans like Steve is ambrosia from the gods and Eddie can do nothing but lap at their fountain.
How afterward, after steady thrusts and cries of each others’ names and the cooling of dried come, Eddie will cradle Steve close to his chest. Will whisper, “Love you so much, sweetheart. You’re it for me.” How he’ll sing him Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears, because as much as he preaches about hating the conformist bullshit and the top forty hits, he loves to see his boy happy, wiggling in Eddie’s arms as he sings Steve’s favorite song.
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
To be fair, ‘Two can’t judge his multiversal counterparts too much. He doesn’t exactly have the healthiest eating habits himself lol
Lakota: Did you have anything for dinner?
Mewtwo: I ate half a bag of popcorn
Lakota:....That doesn't count as dinner. Was that all you had today?
Mewtwo: .....Um-
Lakota: Go eat something! >:0
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ducking-quack · 2 years
Polycule with Obey Me characters
Part 2/?
Asmodeus X Solomon X MC
Aka the hottest people in Devildom, y’all giving folks whiplash as y’all walk by
Honestly just some besties who realized y’all had more in-depth feelings for each other
Though the studying sessions get quite intimate especially when Solomon is teaching you how to use your magic to enhance Asmodeus abilities
There isn’t a moment that you all are apart for long, unless you and Solomon go back to the human realm without Asmodeus
However be ready to have your phone absolutely blasted by texts and calls by Asmodeus wanting to see you and Solomon, constantly having to group face time
The moments you all do spend together is bliss and fun, either staying home and relaxing together or going out
Asmodeus does make you and Solomon join him in doing skincare, either while watching movies or sitting in his room chatting as he stylize both of your hair and paint your nails
Solomon often suggests cooking you two a romantic dinner, which you two refuse suggesting to eat out
Most of the dates being planned by Asmodeus and of course he has to make sure all of you are wearing matching outfits or staying within the color scheme
Though there are times where individually you all have your low moments or sometimes together you all experience a down moment
Asmodeus prepares somethings for self care
You get the snacks and popcorn ready
Solomon chooses the movie you all watch or what board game
All of you cuddling together, switching position or just simply holding hands with each other
Sometimes you all talk it out, making sure everyone feels heard, give advice, get comforted or whatever else they need to help them through it
Just imagining all the mini trips and vacations you all take together and how Asmodeus posts all the pictures and videos on social media with a caption that makes everyone in the three worlds jealous
Probably the most attentive and healthiest relationship, especially since it isn’t built on wanting to be intimate constantly or being lustful since Asmodeus ability doesn’t work on either Solomon or you
Though I imagine there would be some trouble on paradise
perhaps whenever Solomon and you have to leave to the human world and Asmodeus being upset and trying to get you two to stay a little longer by refusing to talk to either of you until you both comfort him
Maybe Solomon and you were too busy studying up on spells and potions to pay any mind to Asmodeus
Somehow Solomon’s cooking mysteriously disappeared
You lost your favorite shirt/jacket to find out Solomon and Asmodeus took them
Someone borrowed one of Solomon’s potions
Whatever it is, you all manage to solve it or pardon each other from it
Though of course I have to add angst because where’s the fun in a happy ending
Laying in bed, your body too tired to move as you’re bundled up in blankets and cushioned, you look up at the handsome faces of your partners. Asmodeus soothingly humming as he paints your nails, your hands wrinkled and fragile at your old age though Asmodeus doesn’t mind as he gently blows on them. Solomon glancing up from his book and smiling at you two.
You can’t help but smile, yet something deep within you can’t stand to look at either of them. They still look the same as the first day you met them.
They’re both still youthful looking and radiant while you’re too weak to move in your old age. Could they really love you even like this? They treat you as their partner and love you as such but do they still think of you as the person you used to be?
Their faces haven’t changed a bit, but yours has. You’re wrinkled and old. Where has your life gone?
Did you really think you could spend all eternity with them?
Your breathing quickens as tears well up in your eyes from panic and fear.
You’re old, yet they still look the same. They will continue living on as you die. Will they remember you in another hundred years?
Asmodeus and Solomon attempt to calm you down but you only hear a faint ringing as your breathing goes erratic and you clutch your pounding heart.
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vox-ex · 2 years
little boxes
Supercorptober Day 29 “bonfire"
thanks to kmsdraws for the prompts
Kara and Lena share s’mores and feelings on the roof of her apartment.
"You know we are breaking like so many laws right now. I am pretty sure like every existing fire code says no to lighting fires on the roof of your apartment building."
Kara says as she paces a little nervously back and forth.
"That's why I have you," Lena chuckles, "you're like my own personal fire starter and extinguisher in one. Plus, who is going to arrest you."
"Alex says I'm not allowed to start fires unless it's for national security purposes."
Lena places her arms across her chest and raises her eyebrow suspiciously.
"I literally watched you heat up a bag of popcorn yesterday with your heat vision."
"Yeah, but did it catch fire this time?"
"This time? There's a story there, isn't there?"
Kara huffs out a quick breath.
"Listen popcorn is scary and unpredictable and heat-vision was hard to control when I first got here."
"Well, I just need you to help me burn a couple of things. It's not like we are going to start a bonfire up here or anything, I promise."
"Okay, but you have to post bail and explain it to Alex if anything happens."
Lena sticks out her hand for her to shake.
"So, what exactly are we burning?"
Kara rubs her hands together in front of her.
Lena pulls the lid off of the box she had carried up with them to the roof. Inside Kara recognized Lex's journals, but there were also other papers and pictures that she knew only really held meaning to Lena.
"I have been made aware recently that containing all of my feelings into small boxes might not be the healthiest thing. But I thought I might start with getting rid of some of my physical boxes first."
Lena looks up at Kara with a small smile, but there is a sadness in her eyes that is hard to hide.
Together they build a small fire in the metal bin they had brought up, filling it with bits of newspaper and wood scraps. Lena watches for a moment before turning away and leaving Kara to poke at the little bed of embers. She starts to pull out the journals one by one before setting them on top of each other. Some other things join the pile, too, cracked frames with old photos of a younger Lena, a few envelopes torn at the corners, a stack of letters held together to a rubber band. When they've all been laid out, she stands up, the cardboard box in her hand finally empty.
Kara watches her for a moment before stepping over and joining her.
"This is a good thing, right? I mean, it's not like any of this means anything anymore."
And she hates the way Lena's voice cracks, hates the the little bit of fear and all of the pain that Lena still has to carry even with them gone.
"I think you're the only one who gets to decide that, Kara says softly."
Lena nods and picks up one of Lex's journals before moving closer to the fire. She takes one last look, flipping through the pages one more time and running her finger over the ink, hesitating for one more second before finally throwing it in. And even though she stands still for the whole time it takes that first journal to become nothing of what it once was, Kara can see the moment when Lena lets go.
The rest follows.
The whole pile consumed by flames until all that's left are a few ashes floating up into the air. Bit by bit, everything gone until the last thing there is to burn is the box Lena had carried it all up in. And then even that is gone too. They both stand there for a while, watching as the fire burns itself down to a small glowing coal.
And finally, when it's done, Kara reaches out and takes Lena's hand.
"Do you think it would be appropriate to make s'mores now?"
Lena looks at her for a beat before she smiles, the first real smile Kara has seen all day.
"I think it wouldn't be not not appropriate."
Kara grins back at her.
Kara lifts Lena's hand up, kissing her palm gently before letting it go and quickly shuffling over to the other side of the roof where she had left another smaller box.
"I also brought hot chocolate, she says as she comes back and holds out a thermos."
Lena takes the thermos and mugs from the box as Kara pushes two small crates over against the wall for them to sit on.
She pours them each a cup of chocolate and hands one to Kara with a grateful smile.
"Thank you."
Kara pauses, her mug raised halfway to her mouth and smiles back at her.
"Of course."
Lena takes a deep breath and then a sip of hot chocolate, letting the warmth fill her chest as she watches Kara making them s'mores. It feels good. It feels normal. Whatever that means. Though she supposes her normal is significantly skewed. But it feels like she thinks like it should. Like she always hoped it could. For her. For Kara. For the two of them together.
Kara glances up at her, a small marshmallow stuck to the corner of her mouth.
Lena takes a deep breath and looks up at the stars just visible beyond the city lights.
"We're going to be okay, right?"
She feels Kara shift closer and slides a hand over onto her knee, letting their bodies touch at every angle they can.
"Yeah, yeah, we are."
Lena nods and takes another sip of her hot chocolate, settling back against the wall and leaning her head on Kara's shoulder.
Finds herself surprised when she actually believes it.
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absentia-if · 1 year
What are M’s favourite foods?
Hmm… M eats the healthiest out of the ROs, barring N, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t like to indulge every once in a while. For a healthier option a simple salad with their mother’s homemade salad dressing is absolutely something they adore. They also love popcorn and would live off it for days if it were possible. They also absolutely adore stroganoff. Or fruit, they love fruit too.
They’d never turn the MC down if you’d like to try something new— if they didn’t feel like eating then they wouldn’t, but they’ll always try something at least once (depending on what it is).
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
I missed Joel and Beautiful! Thank you for continuing to share their lives with us!
Now hear me out! Why do I see them adopting a dog from a shelter down the line. Just a scruffy little guy to complete their family. In my head they’re always going on walks and hikes when they have some free time and a dog would just be chefs kiss! Watching their silly movies and the dog just chilling next to them on the couch!
OMG Bestie!! YES, I love this!
Since Beautiful and Joel live in Austin, they're going to adopt from Austin Pets Alive. A friend of mine used to work there and they do some great work! If you're looking to make a donation to an animal charity (or live in the Austin area and are looking to adopt like Beautiful and Joel) here's a link. Read more about Joel and Beautiful's dog below the cut 😊
Beautiful talks him into going to the shelter just to look because there's an adoption event and omg puppies! But then there's a scruffy looking dog who is clearly not the healthiest and no one else is paying attention to him and Joel sees him first and pulls Beautiful away from fawning over a floppy golden retriever puppy to look at this... who knows what kind of mutt.
She IMMEDIATELY melts for this dog who rolls on his back and wriggles on the ground. "Joel, look at this sweet little baby! Aww poor little guy, I think he's sick... we should find out what's wrong..."
And there's part of Joel that says "no, we shouldn't, we're just here to see cute animals not adopt one, we both work, we want to travel, a dog is a lot of work" but this scruffy dog looks up at him with these HUGE eyes and he's just like "Yeah, alright, lemme find someone..." and leaves her alone with the dog - which he knows has made it so they're taking him home, Beautiful is attached now.
Joel comes back with the shelter volunteer who has the dog's paperwork. His name is Curtis - already meant to be, Beautiful thinks - and he's only been there three days, they're still working on getting him healthy. He's got a laundry list of problems at the moment - fleas, mange, ear infections, heart worm - but they're working on getting him well. Though they think it would be even better if he could go home with loving parents 👀
Beautiful just looks up at Joel from her place on the ground beside Curtis, damn near pouting while she scratches this dog, and Joel just sighs and goes "Alright, well, is there some food and stuff we can buy to bring home or do we need to stop at the store, too?"
Once Curtis gets well, though, he ends up being just a beautiful dog, with a glossy coat and full of happy wags all the time. Beautiful talks her boss into letting her bring him to work a few days a week and he becomes a happy office dog, wiggling around and greeting her team every day. They take him camping and hiking and start planning trips based around where has good dog beaches to take Curtis to or what wineries allow dogs on their patios so they can do their lil wine tastings while he chews on a bone. He loves to curl up on the couch between them when watching movies, his head on Beautiful's lap and his tail draped across Joel's legs. He steals popcorn kernels that fall out of the bowl and he gets jealous if his parents try to snuggle and he's not in the middle of them. He loves to swim in the pool in the summer and Sarah is his favorite person. She brings him the pup cups from the coffee shop on the corner by her apartment whenever she comes over and he will drop everything he's doing as soon as he hears Sarah. "He's got good taste," Joel says, resigned to the fact that neither you nor him are your dog's favorite.
Yes, they definitely get a dog and he's their whole baby 😭
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agerestorybits · 2 years
 Warnings- Food, bickering.
 Teen regressor Virgil
 Little Regressor, Remus, Roman, Patton, Janus, and Logan. 
A sleepover in an IKEA seemed like a weird idea. But when they thought about it, and having the imagination to make anything they wanted. Having tiny themed bed areas all close together in a large area with easy access to each other but also having their own room to move around? It sounded pretty good.
So Logan had a bunk over a desk space room, and Patton had a round bed with animals and a play mat. Remus and Roman shared a bunk bed in a castle shaped area. Virgil had a top bunk with a rope net shaped like a spider web to climb up to it. Janus had a canopy bed with thick curtains that were tied up at the moment. Everyone was running around between each other's spaces.
In the middle of the bedrooms there was a camping area set up with a picnic table with a mircowave and a fake fire. They normally use real fire when they all have a sleepover while big, but this time was for being little and since all of them except Virgil were under ten, having an open flame wasn’t the best idea.
Virgil being the oldest In teen space was microwaving the snacks, Popcorn, Pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, and Mac n cheese. Maybe not the healthiest meal but Virgil was in charge of the food so He would be making what he wanted. Besides, everyone else was going to enjoy the food too. So there really wasn't a problem.
Patton was helping Janus pick out a stuffed animal to sleep with from the large pile that he had next to his bed. Janus being on the younger toddler almost baby side, He had a black and gold paci firmly in his mouth and was watching Patton present different stuffed animals for Janus to inspect.
"A bear? no. That doesn't fit. Snake? no you need arm so it can hug you back." Patton said sorting through the plushies. Janus looked over at a stuffed bee and grabbed it hugging it to his chest. It was fuzzy and soft and black and gold! He made a humming noise as he made the bee 'fly'.. "OH that is cute too!"
Roman and Remus were arguing over who got to sleep on the top bunk. "I should be on the top cuz You got to last time!" Roman huffed as they both sat on the top bunk, the railing looking like stone walls of a castle.
"Well I should sleep up here and you sleep on the bottom cuz you roll out of bed all the time!" Remus pointed out.
"I do not! 'Sides, there is a rail! I can't roll out!" Roman argued.
"I bet you could anyway. You would roll so much you feel out and onto the floor and we would wake up to you crying." Remus said.
"I wouldn't cry! And I won't fall out!" Roman huffed crossing his arms. He did fall out of bed a lot and cry when it happened. "I should be on top with the railing cuz then I CAN'T roll off and the bottom doesn't have rails!"
"I thought you said you weren't gonna roll off!" Remus pointed out.
"I won't with the railing!" Roman argued back.
"Yes you will!"
"No I won't!"
They continued their back and forth as Logan made his way over to the picnic bench and sat down watching Virgil microwave the pizza rolls and play with Tarot cards while he did so.
Or rather he was sorting them out as he waited for the food to cook, like some magic game of solitaire. Logan watched as Virgil set aside the "Major" Cards, the ones with words on them and weren't like the four suits of the "minor". "Can I look at those?" Logan asked pointing to extra cards.
Virgil handed him the tarot cards as he found them, Logan spreading them out and looking at them. The cards were purple with pictures of people and creatures. Logan found the world, sun, moon, and star cards and set them aside as his own little galaxy of cards. Virgil smiled as he watched Logan trace the outline of the pictures.
Virgil pulled out the pizza rolls and set them to cool before pulling out the tray that had everyone's cups and filling them with punch. "I'm eating." Virgil yelled instead of food was ready. If he said that the food was ready everyone would just wander over eventually, if he said he was eating-
"Let me have some!" Remus yelled climbing down the ladder before Roman could making him yell and both of them race to get over there. Patton let Janus hold his hand as they made their way over. Janus sitting down next to Virgil and happily taking his sippy cup of punch. Bee still firmly hugged to his chest with one arm.
Virgil set up everyone's paper plates and handed it to them as they sat down. Remus and Roman on either side of Logan. Patton on Virgil's other side. "Why you got your cards out?" Patton asked.
"Are you gonna read my future?" Roman asked excited.
"It's gonna be you sleeping on the bottom bunk." Remus said in a sing song voice. Roman throw a chicken nuggets at him. Logan carefully moved the cards he had away from the twins so they didn't get them messy.
"Do wr have napkins?" Logan asked. "Janus is eating the Mac n cheese with his hands. " Janus had let his paci fall, hanging by the clip and was eating his Mac n cheese with his fingers. He giggled as he saw the exasperated face Virgil made when he saw him.
"Yeah there are napkins." Virgil said, Patton grabbed the paper napkins and handed some to Virgil before giving the rest to Logan.
Other than the food toss between the twins and Janus trying to squirm away from getting clean, supper went smoothly. And they all settled down to watch a movie before bed. They ended up watch Tarzan before Virgil said it was pjs time.
Virgil helped Janus get in his pjs and then got in his own. Logan and Patton managed fine. Remus and Roman got distracted fighting over the top bunk and Virgil had to walk over to get them to stop. "Alright! Since you two can't pick I will." Virgil pointed between the two of them, muttering under his breath. "Caught a tiger by the toe, My anxiety can not handle this." He ended up pointing at Remus. "ok Remus gets top bunk."
"WHAT?" Roman yelled.
"Yes! I got it!" Remus said sticking his tongue out at Roman before going to get changed.
Roman looked at Virgil betrayed. "That's not fair! Ree got to be on top last time!"
"Well then maybe you shouldn't try to start a food fight next time." Virgil said firmly. Roman huffed before stomping off to get changed. Virgil rolled his eyes. He was on his way to step up a board game before they went to sleep and saw Logan already in bed.
"What's going on?" He asked. Logan wiggled deeper under his covers, eyes already sliding closed.
"m sleepy. good night." Logan said making Virgil laughed under his breath at just how blunt Logan was when he got tired.
"Sleep well." Virgil said pressing a kiss to Logan's forehead before going to set up the board game further away from Logan's spot so they wouldn't disturb him. Logan peeked out at Virgil as he left before ducking fulling under the blankets and using the glow from his phone to look at his "galaxy tarot cards" some more.
Candy land was tense, Janus was dozing off leaning into Virgil's side, Remus and Roman weren't talking to each other and Patton was laying his chin on his puppy squish mellow and seemed to be almost drifting off to sleep too. Virgil was glad when the game ended with Patton winning and they could all go to sleep. He carried Janus to his bed and tucked him in with his bee plush. Paci in his mouth and he snuggled up in his blankets.
Virgil spent ten minutes piling stuffed animals around Patton after he was laying down. Surrounded by plushies, "Night night vee vee." Patton said before sleepily giggling.
"Night night Pat pat." Virgil said back watching his eyes already slid closed.
Remus and Roman were alright in bed, Roman pouting on the bottom bunk as Remus was worrying his lip on the top. "Hey, you guys ok?" Virgil asked softly.
"yes!" They both answered at the same time. "Night." Roman said rolling over so his back was to Virgil. Virgil frowned before looking over at Remus. Remus shrugged, "Good night vee."
"Stinky dreams." Virgil said, happy that it made Remus smile a bit. He went to his bed, climbing up the net and settling in his nest of blankets and pillows. His sleeping area was placed so he would be able to see everyone else easily. It was at the perfect height for him to feel safe from any under the bed monsters and see that everyone else was safe too.
Virgil grabbed his headphones and started watching some YouTube videos on his phone. 8 in the evening might be the littles bed time, but Virgil wasn't sleeping till at least 10.
In the morning Janus woke up no longer little and before anyone else got up. Patton had managed to knock almost all of his plushies off the bed, his limbs sprawled out. Logan was hugging cards to his chest, sound asleep peacefully. Virgil still had his headphones on and was sleeping with one foot hanging off the side of his bed. Roman and Remus were both asleep in the bottom bunk. half laying on each other.
Janus started a pot of coffee as he waited for everyone to wake. Watching as Roman woke up and yelped before shoving Remus out of the bunk, causing Remus to startle awake before laughing and hitting Roman with a pillow. Patton woke up and dragged himself over for a cup of coffee.
Logan woke up and got coffee next, the tarot cards placed on the table with the others. He said nothing about it so Janus didn't either. Patton was too sleepily to notice. Virgil woke up last and jolted upright and scanned the area before he relaxed and removed his headphones.
Janus smiled into his mug.
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kohliconoodles · 1 year
Eazy Pop is the most selling popcorn brand in the United Kingdom. Eazy Pop is available in different falvours namely: sweet and salted, Healthiest Microwave Popcorn, butter, caramel, chilli and salted flavour popcorns. enhance your movie time experience with our range of microwave popcorns. For business enquiry reach out to us on [email protected] or visit our website kohlico.com
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the-ship-maker-2 · 2 years
I see you have written (wonderful) hcs for my characters so I am now just going to pester you myself: head cannons of Julius's Canon relationship with drocell? <3
Julius the dressmaker x Drocell the living doll HCs
-the cutest couple ever
-honestly the healthiest relationship he's ever been in
-lots of cuddles
-movie nights are a must
-their favorites are corpse bride and Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street
-i hc that Julius really loves popcorn.
-modern movies confuse him
-they have really good communication with each other or sometimes they'll communicate by facial expressions.
-so very madly in love with each other this ship sails strong
-sometimes they'll have quiet days together where it's just silence and they do their own thing and enjoy being in each other's company.
I hope you like these and feel free to ask again!
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ufuckingpastry · 2 years
Idk if this brings comfort to anyone else, but I wanna share an anecdote and also the best advice my mom's ever given.
If you're hungry, eat.
If you're hungry and you have the food to feed yourself, eat. If you have the ability to access food and you're hungry, eat.
I've got a wonk eating schedule due to my adhd, and hunger is a trigger to making my adhd worse, so eating when I'm hungry is more beneficial than any arbitrary rules society has tried to force on me.
My mom snacks all the fucking time. She buys chips that she loves to eat, as well as popcorn, granola bars, crunchy veggies, whatever. She's not a 'health nut', but she eats the things she likes while also trying to be the healthiest she can be. I've never heard her say "oh I feel so bad for snacking today, this was such a bad thing". If she says anything like that, tbh, it's usually because she's eaten far too much food, like during holidays or dinners with rich food, and she's in physical pain for eating too much.
I'm not here to tell you that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" I'm not here to say "only eat if it's allowed in your diet plan!" If there's medical reasons you're on whatever diet, ok. Ignore this post. It's not for you.
It's for people like me who get hungry during the day and don't want to feel guilty for snacking to satisfy that hunger. If you need a way to control your snacking, take a lesson from my mom and put the snack in a bowl and limit yourself to that much.
All food turns into some kind of nutrition for your body. All food turns into chemicals and anything useful to your body is absorbed. Anything not useful to your body gets passed on and removed. Trust your body and the things it does for you automatically.
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