#hello america
defleppardgifs · 11 months
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rustbeltjessie · 9 months
I’ve known I’m bi for like, three years now, and I’m out to some people, but not all. Not Amelia and Ashley, for instance. It’s not that I’ve been hiding it, it’s just…     They’ve known each other since early childhood, whereas they’ve only known me for five years. They’re a couple years older than I am, and they treat me…not like I’m a baby, but like a kid sister. and I haven’t tried very hard to correct that. There’s a lot of stuff they don’t know about me. I’ve mentioned some of my crushes—on boys—to them, but only in passing. We don’t even have much in common. They’re kind of hippies. I’ve long been the alterna-teen of the trio, and in the past year I’ve started to lean more towards the punk rock end of that. You know: hair dyed funny colors, combat boots and studded jewelry, patches sewn on all my hooded sweatshirts. And they were a bit freaked out by my transformation. Especially Amelia, who said: “I’m afraid you’re gonna get all angry and mean, now.” To which I replied: “I’ve been angry. For years! But I’ve never been mean, have I?”     We’re friends of proximity. We live within walking distance of each other’s houses. We like to go down to Lake Michigan, get stoned; climb around on the rocks, try not to fall in, stay clear of the poison ivy and the wild critters, watch the moon rise. Then we go back to Amelia’s house because usually her mom’s not home, and we get more stoned; cook a frozen pizza, try not to set the kitchen on fire like we did that one time; watch a dumb movie.     But now I’m gonna have to come out to them. I mean I guess I don’t have to, but it seems preferable to the other option of continuing to let Ashley make wild speculations about me.
When I manage to stop laughing long enough to catch my breath, I tell Amelia: “Fine, fine. Okay. Ashley’s half-right. I’m bi.”     (Six months or so later, when Chasing Amy is finally out on VHS and I rent it from Blockbuster, I wish I’d seen it sooner. Then, instead of saying: “I’m bi,” I could’ve said: “I’m an experimental girl, for Christ’s sake!”)     Thank god, Amelia doesn’t say anything like: “Ugh, gross, you’re not gonna hit on me, are you?!” She only says: “Oh, that’s cool.” And then we move on to talking about other stuff. I know she’ll tell Ashley next time they talk, and hopefully now Ashley will stop diagnosing me with various sexualities and -phobias.
—Jessie Lynn McMains, from “A Map from Point A to Point B” (Hello America Lit, August 2023)
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heavymetal · 1 year
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43 years ago this month, Def Leppard's HELLO AMERICA was released as a single! 🥂
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sushirolles · 1 year
Told yall i was gonna edit this picture..
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bookmaven · 2 years
A Selection of books by J.G. Ballard. 1980s paperback reprint editions from Grafton. Cover art by James Marsh.
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celestica-1988 · 8 months
Ma il sogno rimaneva, un giorno egli sarebbe entrato nella Casa Bianca, sedendo in quell'ufficio che aveva ripulito, allora senza rendersene conto, per sé stesso. Sarebbe arrivato alla propria celebrazione a bordo di uno di quei velivoli di cristallo, per essere il primo presidente a prestare giuramento sull'ala. I vecchi sogni erano morti, Manson e Topolino e Marilyn Monroe appartenevano a un'America del passato, a quella città, capitale del gioco d'azzardo, che stava per essere vaporizzata a cinquanta miglia da lì. Era tempo per nuovi sogni, degni di un vero futuro, i sogni del primo dei Presidenti degli Alianti del Sole.
-Hello America, J. G. Ballard
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feluka · 2 months
calling someone (and palestinians no less!!!!!!) fixating on US politics for matters outside the US 'american-centric'... buddy it will be heaven on earth whenever US politics stop affecting matters outside the US. also where the fuck have you been
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let's hear it for america's suitehearts!!! 🎠🎪⭐️
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heartshapedcaskett · 9 months
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Bladen County ♡
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lemonerix · 2 months
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If the world was to end today, then I'd spend it with you, by the sea. We'll welcome the end with splashes of sea water, cackling at the absurdity of it all. Eventually, the last thing I'd see would be your sunburnt smile, the last thing I'd taste would be the salt on your skin, the last thing I'd hear would be your laughter, and the last thing I'd feel would be love.
Happy Valentine's day 💘
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defleppardgifs · 1 year
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vampiricfunghi · 9 months
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gooeyringtown · 5 months
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this gloria with this barbie uuuhhmmmm???????
liv sees my vision @hellsfireclub barbiegloria rival ceos‼️⁉️
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celestica-1988 · 8 months
Si rese conto che il tempo stava abbandonando Las Vegas come l'eco morente di un'ultima musica di un vecchio grammofono. Dopo i sogni e le fantasie che lo avevano irretito sino a fargli compiere la grande avventura di attraversare l'America, tornava adesso di nuovo il giovane clandestino, fraternamente consolato da questa efficiente professoressa, la donna che un tempo egli aveva pensato di fare la propria first lady. Ma era felice di vedere di nuovo Steiner, di assumere il ruolo di vice di quell'esperto navigatore, pur sapendo che il capitano nutriva poche speranze di riuscire a portarli in salvo. Allo stesso tempo, sentiva una strana lealtà verso Manson, nonostante il conto alla rovescia del Titan sulla rampa di lancio in un punto imprecisato della giungla.
-Hello America, J. G. Ballard
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hws-lceland · 10 months
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I should have done these sooner you guys beat me to all the good ideas!
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cioccolatodorima · 1 year
Spy and burgers
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