#hinted leo valdez x reader
mydearlybeloathed · 11 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the eight get together for first time since Y/N's funeral, and it's a cause for some serious looks into their future.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: allusions to leo x fem!reader, heroes of olympus x fem!reader
𝐚/𝐧: omg you're so right it is like the eternals AND THANKS SM 🥰
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Christmas Eve hadn’t ever been so crowded, and honestly, Sally was a bit overwhelmed. Nevertheless, she'd never wish it any other way; her son was happy, and his wife was happy, so she was happy.
Besides, she wasn't stuck to the kitchen all alone. Estella and Paul were right at her side, and so were her grandchildren, Margot and Zoe.
Well, Margot and Zoe were fighting more than helping, spreading puffs of flour into the air with every punch and chokehold they threw out.
Sally let out a breath to calm herself as she very nearly dropped the tray of casserole due to their chase around the kitchen. Paul, who had gained a sense for Sally's temper, looked up form across the room and noticed the furrow of her brow as she squeezed her eyes shut.
"Girls," he snapped, snatching the rolling pin from Zoe and grabbing Margot by the back of her hoodie. "Please, take it outside."
Zoe, ever the oldest, nodded and dragged her sister out into the front yard. Hopefully, thought Paul, there wouldn't be a Christmas trip to the ER.
Further into the house, away from the stress of the kitchen, laughter rang throughout the house.
In the living room, sat around the hearth, were the eight Heroes of Olympus.
Hazel sat on the edge of the couch, every once in a while looking toward the kitchen she'd been thrown out of. Sally insisted she didn't need any more help, but Hazel couldn't help but feel the need to.
Annabeth and Percy sat on the rug, criss crossed and side by side as they thanked Hestia no arguments had yet to break out. It seemed things were finally getting back to how they used to be; that is, good.
On the couch, right next to Hazel, was Frank. There was a polite enough distance between them, but every once in while they'd lock eyes and smile. The conversation between them wasn't what they'd like it to be, but slowly, they felt the ice slowly begin to melt. Both were hoping for a second chance, but neither knew how to ask for it.
"You're still doing quests, right?" Hazel asked him.
He rubbed at the back of his neck. "Not really quests. A search party, more like. Searching for more demigods."
Her head tilted as she turned to face him. "How are you finding them?"
"Luck, mostly," he said. "It's just me and Lavinia right now. We're following monster patterns for the most part, as well as just going to Olympus and asking... well, asking for a roster."
Hazel laughed behind her hand. "A roster? For all the people they've, erm, been with?"
Nodding, Frank chuckled too. "It's effective."
On the other end sat Y/N and Leo, the latter completely captured by whatever the son of Hephestus said. His hands were quick as he worked with several gears and pieces of metal, not realizing as his friend got closer to his shoulder to watch what he was doing.
When he was done, he held up a tiny model dragon, which he handed to her before going on about all that had happened since last they talked, which had been some months ago, upon her crashing her own funeral.
Y/N grinned down at the dragon, setting it on her knee as she propped her arm on the back of the couch and rested her head there, eyes finding Leo's profile again as she hung on every word he said.
"What happened to Calypso," she asked in a moment of pause. She'd been wondering that for some time, even before her "death." She'd been on good terms with everyone during their decade of disagreement and had spoken to Leo every few years or so, and eventually, Calypso stopped showing up to their lunch get-togethers.
Y/N never had the nerve to bring her up, mostly because she didn't want to come off... the wrong type of way about it.
Leo blinked, not expecting that, and shifted to face her. "Oh. Uhm, we didn't work out." His lopsided grin turned melancholy. "Took me three years to figure that out."
"I'm sorry," she said, and she meant it. He'd been so happy with Calypso, and as much as that was hard to swallow, she wasn't about to put an end to that.
"Eh," Leo shrugged, noticing how her face had fallen. "It's fine. We're good now. Better as friends, I think."
The pair fell silent at that particular choice of words, an echo of a past they'd rather not bring up in their heads.
It hadn't been so long ago, to them at least, when they were sixteen, and better as friends had put some kind of impassable bridge between the close friends.
For some reason, they both reflected, sharing a brief glance, that bridge wasn't so impassable anymore.
On the soft armchair across from them were Piper and Shel. Piper had her legs thrown over Shel's, her upper body leaned against the side of the chair as she talked with Jason, who lay on his back on the floor. To her surprise, Shel and Jason got along really well.
"So you can fly?" Shel asked, a brow raised as she looked between her girlfriend and the son of Jupiter.
Jason sat up and nodded. "Yep."
Shel scoffed. "I don't believe you."
Piper and Jason shared a look, mischief in their eyes. "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah," she answered, shaking her head. "Just cause you're a demigod or whatever doesn't mean the laws of gravity don't apply to you."
"Well, they do still." Jason shifted so he was sitting right in front of Shel. "It doesn't work like that, really. I just bend the wind to lift me up."
"There's no way you're a fuckin' airbender, dude."
"There is a way, and I'll prove it--"
Annabeth's eyes shut as she sighed to keep her patience. Meanwhile, Percy nudged her and wondered aloud. "How come they never call for me when they're angry?"
Ignoring her husband, Annabeth looked up as her daughters ran one after the other into the living room. Margot shoved Zoe aside to get there first, sending her older sister spiraling into the wall.
Zoe jumped back up with a grunt, just in time to catch her mother's stern glare and shape up real quick.
Margot pointed at her sister and shouted, "Zoe punched me! For real punched me. In the eye!"
"Was it aggravated?"
He raised his hands in defense. "It's a valid question."
Annabeth pinched the bridge of her nose, though a little grin was fighting its way onto her lips. "Zoe, do not deck your sister in the face."
"Margot," Annabeth warned. "Do not do anything garnering a deck in the face."
The sisters glared at each other before they said in unison, "Yes, Ma'am" and ran back outside, this time with their Aunt Stella marching after them, slouching and frustrated at being sent to be their babysitter by her mother.
Annabeth sighed and leaned into her husband's side, feeling his laughter in his chest before she heard it. He rubbed at her shoulders. "We haven't decided whose genetics trumped the others yet."
"It's obvious," Y/N said, looking up from the little toy dragon in her lap.
The parents shared a look before Annabeth asked, "Really?"
Y/N nodded. "Yeah. Margot may look just like Sally, but she's all Annie's sass and smarts. And Zoe's a tiny little Percy, except maybe a bit more self-aware."
Percy scoffed, nearly offended, as Annabeth chuckled. Y/N leaned back, reclining into the soft couch, and let her exhaustion get the better of her as she confessed, "I can't wait till I have kids someday."
An instant later, her cheeks were rosy as she sat straight up, glaring at Hazel's little snicker. "I mean, not mine, obviously."
Leo's brows quirked as he turned to face her entirely on the couch. "Why obviously?"
She realized then she'd actually never told anyone. "Oh, uhm," she stammered. "I... uh, I learned a while back I can't. Something in my DNA. I dunno..."
Suddenly, her little slip up wasn't so funny. Piper shifted so she was sitting up, beside Shel on the armchair. "Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry."
Y/N was quick to shake my hands in dismissal, a tiny grin on her face. "No, don't be. I have other options, if I ever get a life and move out of the Big House."
Annabeth tilted her head at that, her hand still in Percy's. "But you love being a counselor?"
"I do! Don't get me wrong," she said, starting to laugh a little awkwardly now that everyone was looking at her. "I just... I wish I hadn't clung to Camp like I had, you know? I shoulda gone to New Rome and gone to college with you guys instead of settling for never getting passed tenth grade."
Now it was Frank that turned to face her. "Y/N, you know it's not too late, right? NRU has GED programs."
Percy nodded. "And then you can apply. I'm sure Reyna and Jason would give you a recommendation or something."
"Definitely," said Jason.
Though the prospect of it was exciting, she ducked her chin and sank deeper into the cushions. "But... guys. I'm bordering on twenty-five..."
Before anyone could say anything else, reassure her it wasn't too late, the man beside her blurted, "I'll do it with you."
Everyone's heads darted in Leo's direction. Leo was smart. Insanely smart. But he'd made it clear school just wasn't for him. He was well enough off, and had a good job working at a garage not too far from the Waystation. He had no need to go back to school.
"What?" Y/N voiced the thought whirling around the room.
He just shrugged. "I've been thinking about it for a while, to be honest."
"You're not just saying that?" Y/N asked. "Cause I-I don't need you to do that for me, Leo. I know how difficult it was for you."
"I'm serious," he insisted. "Fixing motorcycles and cars is fun and all, but there's only so many oil changes a man can do before he has an existential crisis."
He wanted to be an engineer. He'd always wanted to be engineer, really, but it always felt so far away. He'd felt alone, but Y/N was there, and she also wanted more out of life. She too had regrets, probably some regrets they shared, and he wasn't just letting that go.
So he shrugged again, offering her his signature smirk, and raised his fist up to her. "What'dya say? Back to school?"
Y/N probably stared at his fist long enough to make it weird, before her eyes snapped up to meet his, and a smile spread from cheek to cheek. "Okay."
She fist bumped him, letting out a loud laugh as Piper whooped and started a round of applause that soon had the living room nearly too loud to handle.
It was still going on when Sally and Paul entered the room, the mother ripping an oven mitt off her hand and crossing her arms whilst her husband snickered under his breath. He cast her a look and wondered, "Did we miss something?"
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heartss4val · 10 months
— general dating hc's
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pairing: percy jackson, annabeth chase, leo valdez, piper mclean, hazel levesque, jason grace, frank zhang (respectively) x gn!reader
word count: 3.0k part two
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percy jackson
• underwater kisses!! all the time!! being a son of poseidon has its benefits. the whole experience is just magical fr. it's like being in a whole different world, where nothing else matters except for the two of you. the sensation of your lips touching, your bodies intertwined, and the sound of your breathing mixing with the water is simply unforgettable. the way your hands hold onto each other, the way your eyes lock, and the way your heart beats as one, it's a feeling that can't be replicated anywhere else.
• percy 100% teaches you how to skate. the first chance he gets, he'll lead you onto the smooth, concrete surface of the skate park with the intent of teaching you!!
he patiently guides you, holding your hands and rolling you along while walking beside you. he teaches you how to shift your weight, how to balance, and how to stop. and every time you stumble, he makes a huge show of catching you in his arms LMAO. like, it's not that serious, percy.
whenever he's skating alone, he can't help but think of you. :(( the way your hair sways in the wind, the sound of your laughter, and the warmth of your hand in his. he would often skate in circles, lost in thought, imagining you by his side. <33 (all the other skaters think he looks like a fool, but he doesn't care.)
• now don't tell me you two do not have matching jewelry, because you DO. he learns a lot about your style and preferences, (he knows if you look better in gold or silver) and the pretty necklaces and stuff are just a bonus!!
he wears a necklace with several charms all the time, since it was a gift from you! some of the charms include an ocean charm and a tiny silver skateboard that dangles from the delicate chain. whenever he misses you, he would reach up and touch the necklace, feeling the smooth metal under his fingers, and smile. <33
• whenever you explain things to percy, he nods his head in agreement, but you notice his gaze flickering towards your lips ever so often. you don't know what he's thinking, but his expression provides a pretty obvious hint as to what may be on his mind.
• growing up as a child of one of the big three can certainly take its toll on anyone, even percy. after a long day of training and preventing new campers from capsizing the canoes while racing with the naiads, all he wants is to melt into your embrace.
he sneaks into your cabin with you as soon as possible, laying down on your bed, a deep sigh escaping his lips and he stretches his neck from side to side, relishing in the brief moment of peace. his arms are outstretched, inviting you to join him, as he longs for the comfort and safety of your embrace.
it's clear that being in your presence has a calming effect on him, reassuring him that everything is going to be alright. <33
annabeth chase
• annabeth has a penchant for discovering new things to learn and become deeply invested in, and she talks to you about her newest interests all the time. when you take the time to listen to her ramblings about her current passions, she gets so excited!!
sometimes, you spend hours in the library researching the concepts and terminology she speaks of, just so that you can engage in a meaningful conversation with her instead of just nodding along. the effort is well worth it to see her reaction; the way her face lights up as she smiles, leaning in to give you a big kiss on the cheek as a reward!!
• but sometimes annabeth rambles way too much. like, wayyyy too much. i'm talking hours on end. while her voice is soothing and you enjoy lying in her arms while she speaks, it can be a lot at times.
and annabeth only stops talking when she's finished gushing. unless you kiss her first.
although she tries to act like your affection doesn't work on her, complaining with phrases like, "why did you do that," or "you didn't let me finish." but her tone clearly softens. her eyes crinkling at the corners, and soon enough her facade breaks and she can no longer hold back a smile. <33
• you guys still use pinky promises. it doesn't matter if she personally thinks it's trivial, she does it for your sake because she values your belief in it. and if anyone dares to make fun of it, she'd be glaring daggers at them the entire day. if looks could kill, they'd be dead.
(and after you two interlock pinkies she kisses the palm of your hand to seal the deal.)
• annabeth isn't big on PDA, but she definitely steals kisses when people aren't looking.
• annabeth love, love, LOVES reading to you!! especially when there's nobody around and it's just the two of you, your head on her lap as she reads aloud about the wonders of Richardsonian Romanesque style architecture... whatever that is. (but she makes it sound interesting so you don't care.)
• overall 10/10, what a queen.
leo valdez
• he's your portable heater fr. leo keeps you warm by holding you close. it's particularly convenient when you're nestled on his lap or resting against his chest.
• this man can COOK. he mainly cooks food from his heritage because it's a way for him to connect to his roots, but if you ask him to make a particular dish for you, he'll do it, no questions asked. it's a common sight to catch a glimpse of him in the kitchen, diligently chopping ingredients and following the recipe to your favorite dish, getting himself completely covered in smoke and steam by the end of the process, but the result is always delicious so neither of you care.
he'll often call you into the kitchen to taste-test his newest recipe, shoving the dish in your face and urging you to try it like, "here babe, taste it!!" with the brightest smile as he eagerly waits for your feedback. he values your opinions a lot!
• him calling you petnames in spanish >>> omg. among his favorites are "mi amor" (my love), "cariño" (darling), and "corazón" (sweetheart). he usually rotates between those three and it never fails to bring a blush to your cheeks because like, hello??? how could it not??? he's always quick to notice your reaction and can't resist teasing you, playful remarks leaving his lips like, "a little flustered now are we, mi amor?" 🙏🙏🙏
• no matter how long you've been together, leo still flirts with you like it's the first time he's seen you. he'll brace himself against the nearest doorframe and unleash the cheesiest pick-up line known to mankind. despite their predictability, you play along. the game ends when he asks you on a "first date."
• leo spends a lot of time tinkering in his workshop, so whenever boredom sets in, (or if he's just thinking of you) he likes to put his creativity to use by making various small creations with you on his mind. these items range from keychains, to mini jewelry boxes, and even small flowers carved out of metal scraps. (you now have enough to make a bouquet.) your nightstand and shelves are absolutely littered with his handiwork, and you take pride in owning each one of them. <33
• leo's the type of guy that twirls you around while hugging. there's something incredibly spontaneous and thrilling about the experience — just when you think he's only reaching for your hand, he suddenly lifts you off the ground and spins you around, generating a moment of pure joy before gently setting you down once again, and leaning back in for a normal hug.
• he's so whipped for you it's not even funny.
piper mclean
• piper hates being categorized as a typical child of aphrodite due to the expectations and assumptions that come with the title, especially given the reputation of some of her siblings. she's always quick to reassure you that she won't break your heart and that her love for you is truly genuine.
• piper has a soft spot for when you play with her hair; running your fingers through her choppy locks and especially when you braid it. when you gently scratch her scalp while brushing your nails through her hair, she gets lost in her own little world.
• piper isn't afraid to show you off if you're okay with it. like she's in a beautiful, loving relationship, why wouldn't she?? also she's a hand swinger FR. 🙏🙏🙏
• you guys have matching bracelets!! nothing fancy, just a bunch of multi-colored beads on a string, but she loves them so much. sometimes you dedicate dates to making these bracelets just because it's one of her favorite pastimes.
she has one with your name written on the beads, a couple with the titles of the albums you listen to together, as well as ones with your preferred color schemes. just anything to remind her of you. <33
her collection is so big that they now stack up to her arms. maybe it's becoming a problem.
• while piper doesn't like flaunting her wealth, if she sees that you have your eye on something she'll immediately buy it for you. no questions asked. you don't even need to say anything.
maybe you'll bring it up ONCE, not even asking her to buy it, just mentioning you were saving up for a particular item, and the next day it's on your bed with a note from her. when you ask her she'll just be like, "weren't you talking about it?"
• while piper is pretty self-conscious about her singing, she'll do it if you ask her to because she trusts you. if you're having trouble sleeping, she'll lay your head in her lap and sing a short melody, and it works every time. once you drift off, she’ll place a tender kiss on your forehead, (or multiple) and express how much you mean to her, because she can't be this sentimental when you're awake.
she's so in love omg.
hazel levesque
• she's the absolute sweetest girlfriend you could ever ask for! her sweet and loving nature is simply amazing and her love for you knows no bounds. she goes above and beyond to make you feel appreciated and loved in every way possible.
• she definitely loves to go horse-back riding with you. the sensation of the wind blowing through your hair, the warm sun kissing your skin, and the gentle sound of the horse's hooves rhythmically hitting the ground beneath you — it all feels like pure magic, especially since hazel is sharing the moment with you!
• over time, hazel got more comfortable with kisses. the first time you two shared a kiss, she timidly brushed her lips against yours before rapidly withdrawing, her hands instinctively covering her face in embarrassment.
but as time went by and your relationship progressed, she soon began to relax and gain confidence, especially with you relaxing and guiding her through every step of the way. <33
PDA isn't really her thing, but when the two of you are in private, she WILL shower you with kisses on various parts of your body, including your forehead, cheeks, neck, lips, and anywhere else she can reach. i feel like she'd especially love kissing your nose. it's quite endearing to watch her stand on her toes to give you a sweet smooch if you're tall, or simply grab your face and plant a gentle kiss on your nose if you're shorter.
• hazel is doing her best to learn about your interests, but like many things in the today's world, it's a learning process for her. but your help makes her feel more at ease in this modern world. there is still a lot that hazel doesn't fully comprehend, so she values the historical insights you share with her.
• hazel's love languages are acts of service and gift giving. she loves the way your eyes light up when she pampers you. she's also so patient when she helps you with your sword-fighting!! she goes the extra mile to help you master any technique, training with you for hours on end just to see your smile. she patiently guides you through each step, offering advice and encouragement along the way. her joy comes from your progress and happiness.
• okay this is a small thing but she always lets you have the last bite!! whether you're dining out or sharing popcorn at the movies, hazel is always mindful of ensuring that you get the last bite/handful. <33
she's so cute omg.
jason grace
• i think most of us know how touch starved this man is, but he slowly eases into romantic gestures. after a long day of praetor duties, all he wants to do is melt in your arms as you whisper sweet nothings to him.
jason loovvees resting his forehead against yours. it just brings him a sense of comfort and solace, really just your presence itself makes him feel safe. <33
• jason grows to love hand-holding! it starts off with just linking pinkies, but progresses when you take his calloused palms into yours. from the second you two intertwine hands, he's hooked.
he doesn't really know how to initiate hand-holding, so he often makes excuses like, "here, let's compare hand sizes." or "aren't you cold? let me warm up your hands for you." and proceeds to take both of your hands in his without waiting for a response because he just can't ask upfront. :(( (don't worry, he gets over it as the relationship progresses.) his GRIP on your hand is so noticeable LMAO. it's like he's afraid you'll disappear if he lets go.
he most definitely places kisses on your hand. 🙏🙏🙏 i'm talking regency era jane austen style kisses to your fingertips or palm, looking away with a visible blush. <33
• hear me out, considering his expertise in combat, this man has gotta have some beefy arms okayyy?? like, it's hard not to stare at them. and once he rolls up his sleeves, it's all over FR.
he does it without thinking at first, whether it's tidying up his cabin, strategizing battle plans, or sometimes just mindlessly sighing and rolling up his sleeves when something's on his mind. but he starts to notice how your gaze lingers on his forearms a little too long to be considered "normal", and once he figures it all out, he's having a whole field day with it.
basically, he makes a point to show off his arms around you whenever he could. it drives you crazy, and guess what? he's well aware of it. you know this given that he'll occasionally flash one of his rare jason grace smiles, which later transitions into a grin with a slightly raised lip. 🙏🙏🙏
• he's such a gentleman fr. even little things like holding open doors for you even if it means waiting a few extra moments, offering his sweater when you're cold without hesitation, or fixing up a plate for you during dinner, he's always trying to make life a little easier for you. <33
frank zhang
• frank gives the best bear hugs! (both literally and figuratively.) in the early stages of a relationship, he may come across as a bit awkward. not because he doesn't want to initiate anything, but rather because he's a bit unsure of himself. he takes his time to get to know you and build trust before stepping up his game and expressing his love in more obvious ways. as time passes, he becomes more comfortable and eases into the relationship at a sweet and slow pace, making sure to respect your boundaries and wishes. :((
he loves holding you and making you feel loved, so cuddles aren't uncommon. he takes care to express his affection in a way that makes you feels comfortable and appreciated!! he's always asking you, "do you feel alright?" or "is this fine?" because what may be okay one day might not be okay the next.
typically, he prefers to be the big spoon, but he's is also happy being the little spoon, because he believes that vulnerability and intimacy go both ways in a relationship!!
• frank has the ability to shapeshift into tons of different animals, and he uses this to his advantage while cuddling with you!! imagine waking up to find a cuddly koala bear clinging onto you protectively one day, and then the next day, holding a sweet and adorable tea-cup sized labrador puppy in your hands. the cuddling possibilities are endless!!
• your decision to date frank despite any challenges along the way has had such an impact on his self-esteem. like, seriously!! every word of praise you offer him is treasured, and he adores being around you; in fact, he flourishes in your presence. your encouragement has really made a difference in his life. <33
• he love, love, LOVES holding your hand!! he seems to find every opportunity to intertwine his fingers with yours, and in moments of stress or anxiety, he'll often tap or lightly pull on your hand as if seeking reassurance because your touch brings him a sense of comfort and safety.
• considering that frank's height ranges from 6'3-6'6, you're probably shorter than him. and yeah, he definitely utilizes his height advantage around you.
he loves by approaching you from behind and embracing you, regardless of your own height, and another plus is that he can easily lean down for a kiss!!
his height is particularly convenient around high shelves or objects that may be out of your reach. his height also provides a sense of protection and security for you because he can easily shield you from any harm that may come your way!
overall, 10/10 would date again.
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i wanted to keep this fic relatively short but omg i could not fit everything i wanted in one post. part 2 maybe??
i love writing hc's because they're a lot more casual but my next post will probably be a regular oneshot. :))
xx, val.
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Property of Leo Valdez
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content: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader warning: major references to sexual stuff (like integral part of the story, folks), language, aged up for obvious reasons probs like 19-20 ish, author's note: i know for a fact I didn't completely come up with this concept myself. I saw a headcanon a few months ago that mentioned this idea and then i wrote it into a full fic bc i loved it so much. and I have since lost it, which is more than a little disappointing bc i would love to give credit where credit is due. if any of yall run into it, lemme know and i'll give them credit. anyways, i figured we could use a full fic in after all those hcs!! this was just collecting dust in my drafts so let's full send this baby.
leo and y/n weren’t really ones to follow the rules. it goes all the way back to their time on the argo ii. after coach hedge was gone and buford the table was put in charge, y/n had started to have really intense nightmares. like, wake-the-whole-ship-up-with-screams intense nightmares. she stopped sleeping in hopes of avoiding it. one night, she had been talking to leo, where she promptly passed out against his shoulder. it was the first peaceful night she’d had in a long time, they both knew that. so, y/n started spending her nights in leo’s room. it only took a little bit of rigging of buford to leave them alone. easy enough of a task for leo. it was a habit they couldn’t seem to break, slowly being unable to sleep without the other being in the same room.
it worked out just fine on the argo ii, but back at camp half-blood was different. chiron had noticed the closeness between the two and sat them down, reminding them of curfews and how campers of the opposite sex weren’t allowed in other cabins. he was basically letting them know he had his eyes on them. it scared the couple off for less than a week.
it started with them sleeping in bunker nine, figuring it to be a loophole. then, following a late night on the beach, y/n begged leo to spend the night with her in the poseidon cabin. he couldn’t say no to her puppy eyes, but he was slightly worried he was gonna drown on his own spit the whole night. they typically tried to avoid the hephaestus cabin whenever they could, too many of leo’s siblings around at all times. still, there were times in which percy wouldn’t let leo into the poseidon cabin, earning him a pillow to the back of his head from y/n. which is why they still frequented bunker nine, just like tonight. leo and y/n walked back to the poseidon cabin, only to be beaten by percy and annabeth, causing percy to guard the door with a small frown.
“sorry, coves, but we got here first,” he mused, to which y/n stuck her tongue out at the younger boy.
“i still hold seniority,” y/n whined, leaning into leo’s side as she crossed her arms.
“yeah, by like a few months,” percy argued back, rolling his eyes.
“so what?! that still counts!” y/n insisted, glaring at the younger boy.
“come on, coves, we’ll go,” leo interjected before the two actually started fighting, giving the girl a warm smile. she huffed, turning around to head to bunker nine before stopping right before percy closed the door. she bounded up the few steps, wrapping her arms around him in a quick hug.
“sleep well, dude,” she said, in hopes of clearing the air. she knew they weren’t actually fighting but she didn’t like going to bed with even a hint of a fight.
“you too,” he replied, giving her a squeeze and smile before heading into their cabin. y/n quickly caught up to leo, wrapping her hands around his arm as they snuck their way into the woods towards bunker nine.
it wasn’t too long of a walk, the time flying as they quietly laughed among themselves, enjoying the night so far. leo pushed the door open, gesturing for her to walk through in front of him. y/n patted his chest as she passed, heading towards the dorm area that was off the side of the main garage area. y/n was pulling her hair out of the braid it had been in all day, her hair naturally laying against her camp half-blood shirt. leo smiled at this, catching up and wrapping his hands around her waist from the back, laying his hands flat against her stomach and pressing his lips against her neck.
“what are you doing, valdez?” y/n breathed out, her breath hitching slightly as he gently sucked against her pulse point. she could feel the smirk of his lips against her skin, causing her smile to widen as well.
“hopefully? you,” he replied and y/n laughed, leaning back against him, allowing his hips to meet with her lower back. a groan left his lips at this action and y/n smirked before pulling away from his loose grip, putting an extra sway into her hips, just to piss him off.
“w-where are you going, cariño? Get back here,” leo argued, eyes snapping open as he followed after the girl. she turned a blind corner and he followed, just in time to catch her tugging her shirt off. she looked over her shoulder at him, walking backwards towards the bed in just her bra and denim shorts.
“what? did the repair boy lose his cool?” she mocked, tilting her head at him. leo shook his head, taking quick steps towards her and settling his hands against her waist, pulling her hips against his with a smirk.
“no, no. but, i’m gonna make you wish i had lost my cool,” he muttered in response, moving a hand up to cup the girl’s breast through her lace bra. a moan gets caught in her throat, y/n throwing her head back. he smirked, pulling her closer and planting kisses against her skin.
“leo,” she breathed out, a huff following as the boy unbuttoned her shorts and pulled the zipper down tantalizingly slowly. she shoved her hands under his shirt, running them over his lower abdomen, slowly lifting the shirt as her hands went higher. leo laughed lightly at her, pulling away from her marked skin as he grabbed the shirt and pulled it the rest of the way off, flinging it somewhere into the room. once the shirt was off, she smashed her lips against his, earning a shocked noise from the boy.
“y/n, gods,” he all but groaned, leaning forwards as she leaned back before they plopped down onto the bed. y/n laughed, looking up at leo as she breathed in heavily. he was using his arms to keep himself from completely putting his body weight on her.
“you look so good under me, baby,” leo whispered and y/n smiled up at him, gently setting a hand against his cheek.
“i gotta admit, the view’s pretty good from down here, too,” she replied back, leo breathing out a laugh before closing the distance between them once more. this ended a few hours later, the pair a tangled mess of limbs under the covers, leo’s body curled around y/n’s. the next morning, leo was jolted awake by a loud banging in the bunker, the boy hazily looking out the door leading to the room, being met by festus, who puffed smoke out of his metallic nostrils. leo huffed, sitting up and glaring over at the metal dragon, but ensuring that y/n was completely covered.
“festus, dude, keep the noise down. didn’t get much sleep last night,” leo yawned, glaring over at the dragon before glancing at the nearby alarm clock, instantly waking up as he saw the time.
“shit. y/n, honey, you gotta wake up,” leo muttered, gently but also rapidly trying to wake the sleeping girl. y/n tried to ignore him, attempting to nuzzle into the sheets. normally, leo’d just let her sleep in but he couldn’t today. he took another panicked glance at the clock before reaching onto the bedside time and grabbing the water bottle he kept there for safety reasons. just in case y/n ever got hurt in the bunker, he’d have a way to make it go away. he unscrewed the cap before dumping it on her, the girl shooting up with a gasp before glaring over at him.
“leonidas samuel valdez! you’re dead to me!” she screamed, flicking the water that she could off onto him.
“yeah, you can thank me when you’re not late to training with the hermes cabin,” leo barked back, jumping out of the bed and tugging on a pair of jeans. y/n leaned over, looking at the clock before her face went pale.
“shit.” “that’s what i said. Get dressed,” leo stated, throwing her an orange shirt before he scrambled to a wardrobe and pulled out a shirt for himself, rapidly doing the buttons.
“no, like, i’m gonna be in serious shit, leo. fuck me,” y/n whined, pulling the shirt on and pushing the neckline off to one side as it was baggy before reaching for a pair of shorts that she left a few weeks ago, refusing to put the ones from last night on.
“already did, baby, that’s how we got here,” leo muttered back, earning him a smack to the back of his head as she ran past, tugging on her shoes as she went.
“ow!” he called after her, grabbing his belt and resting it against his waist as he glared after her, the girl flipping her hair so she could put it in a high ponytail.
“you earned that one, hot head,” she bit out, tying her hair up and making to sprint out the door before turning back and giving the boy a rushed kiss against his lips.
“sorry. i had fun last night and while this sucks, i wouldn’t trade last night for anything,” she told him, offering a quick smile before moving to leave.
“me too. but, uh, y/n?” leo called, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck.
“what?” she asked, hopping as she tied the laces on one shoe. “put your hair down. you have, uh, a few…” leo trailed off, gesturing to his own neck in reference. y/n groaned, pointing back at the boy with one hand while the other pulled her hair down.
“back on the naughty list, valdez,” she shouted, sprinting out of the bunker before leo could stop her again. and he truly did try, noticing his fatal mistake as the girl spun around. it wasn’t her shirt he’d thrown to her, but rather one of the extras he kept around for himself. he mainly kept it as a throw away shirt to wear while he worked, something he didn’t mind rubbing grease all over. it was old and well loved, which is why the neckline was so saggy. and proudly printed on the back in his handwriting were the words ‘property of leo valdez.’ initially meant as a way to keep his grabby siblings away from his shirts, but now its meaning made leo’s heart soar and cringe at the same time. man, he was in for a big lecture when she noticed.
“sorry i’m late, just caught up doing stuff,” y/n huffed as she ran into the archery area, quickly picking up a bow and quiver of arrows. she spun around and squinted her eyes at the hermes kids before zeroing in on the stoll brothers. she jutted her hip out and gave them a pointed look.
“what?” “does ‘stuff’ go by the name of leo?” connor asked, causing the rest of the hermes kids to burst into laughter. that was quickly interrupted by an arrow grazing the boy’s shirt, ripping a clean hole next to his ribs. connor looked up, mouth dropped and eyes wide as he was met with y/n, still holding her bow towards him, a new arrow notched.
“wanna try again?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at the boy. connor swallowed thickly before shaking his head. y/n lowered her bow, rolling her eyes.
“thank you. now, let’s get started, yeah? unless anyone has any last smartass comments they’d like to share with the class?” y/n dug in, crossing her arms, scouring the crowd for a moment before allowing a smile to grace her lips as she clapped her hands together, “Great! now, who wants to learn how i hit connors shirt without hitting him?”
the hermes kids were quick to learn and the lesson finished fast, leaving y/n to clean up. she was unsticking the arrows from the hay bales and thought back on the hermes kids. she figured maybe the shirt had grease on it or something that she couldn’t see. y/n began making her way towards her cabin in hopes of changing into a new shirt when she ran into percy, who immediately did a double take upon seeing his sister's shirt.
“you’re joking,” percy bit out in shock, staring at his sister with a rage she had never seen directed at her before. y/n jumped at his voice, pressing a hand to her chest.
“what?! why so much attitude, this is literally the first time i’ve seen you today-” y/n argued, pushing her hair out of her face while she tried to catch her breath.
“nope. nope. let’s go, y/n, now,” percy insisted, grabbing the girl by her shirt and dragging her towards the forge. he was muttering curses under his breath and y/n was so confused, trying to get him to let go of the shirt.
“percy?! what the hades! let go-” y/n shouted as he finally let go, the girl stumbling to stay up right as they were at the doors to the forge, catching the attention of all the hephestus kids in there. leo turned his head too, before wincing at the sight before him.
“this better be a fucking joke, valdez. start laughing or i start stabbing,” percy growled and leo held his hands out, trying to sooth percy.
“look, i thought it was her shirt! i didn’t know which one it was, i’ve got so many of those damn shirts! it was honestly an accident. come on, percy,” leo insisted, taking small steps away as percy walked forwards. y/n’s brows furrowed more as she looked down at the shirt, not seeing anything wrong with it.
“you let my sister walk around with that shit on her back!? i’m gonna kill you,” percy argued, pointing back at y/n, who’s head tilted. leo shrunk even more, swallowing thickly.
“she still doesn’t know?” he asked, his voice pitchy. percy then spun around to his sister too, eyes wide.
“what- wait a second-” y/n huffed before taking one of the nearby shields and setting it up, using the metal as a sort of mirror. the two watched her read it and she looked back at leo with a gaze he couldn’t quite read. then, she burst into laughter, tears quickly pooling in her eyes as she clutched her stomach. percy and leo shared a glance, equally confused.
“uh, baby? you’re-…you’re not mad?” leo questioned, tilting his head at her. y/n wiped away some of her tears, still trying to catch her breath.
“no, i am,” she replied, still giggling a bit, “but- i almost made connor stoll look like a pincushion over this shirt.”
“so you’re fine with that being advertised?” percy asked, crossing his arms with a frown. y/n was finally calming down and she rolled her eyes at him, still smiling though.
“i mean, the shirt’s not wrong,” she shrugged, patting his shoulder as she walked past. she then poked a finger into leo’s chest, now frowning at him.
“though, if you ever let me walk out in this shirt again, i’m throwing you in the lake. Got it?” “yes, ma’am.” “damn straight. now, i’ve got to go change then get lunch. i’ll see ya boys,” y/n said, pressing a kiss to leo’s cheek before walking off. once she was far enough away, percy smacked leo’s chest, causing the boy to keel over.
“what was that for??” “dunno. i’ll tell you when i find a reason,” percy shrugged, walking away.
the day carried on. leo was quick to find y/n before lunch, pressing kisses after kisses to her cheek as an apology. y/n eventually pushed him off with a laugh as they walked into the dining pavilion. they got their plates together but parted ways since they had to sit with their cabins. y/n pulled her hair back, eyeing the honey on her sandwich since she didn’t want it in her hair. percy started speaking as she sat down, yet to look at her though.
“so, i was thinking maybe we should do a movie night-” he stopped as he looked up, his eyes catching on the hickeys that littered his sisters neck, his eyes twitching. the neck of her shirt was cut off, allowing it to slip off her shoulder and her hair was tied back, allowing him to see all of them. y/n looked up as he stopped speaking before following his gaze. her eyes widened and she jumped out of her seat.
“percy-” “three,” he started, calmly wiping his hands and pushing his seat back. y/n yelps before moving towards the hephestus table, quickly gaining leo and everyone else’s attention too.
“we’ve got to go. now! move it, fire boy!” y/n insisted, grabbing hold of his arm and tugging him up.
“what-” leo argued, letting her drag him though.
“two,” percy continued, pulling his pen out of his pocket, inspecting it like he had all the time in the world. leo’s eyes widened as they landed on y/n’s neck then twisted back to percy.
“yeah, running’s a good idea. Go, Go, Go!” he agreed, quickly taking the girl with him.
“one,” percy muttered before jumping up and chasing after the couple.
“i’m gonna kill you! it’s gonna be painful! you’re gonna wish you never met her!” he yelled after them.
“never!” leo shouted back with a laugh, dragging the girl behind him.
author's note cont. : for once in my life, i have nothing more to say. the yapper has been silenced. you guys are free fr
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crownofgildedlilies · 2 months
oh, don't let your sunshine burn me!
in which: a son of hephaestus discovers a problem he can't solve. mainly, a daughter apollo who doesn't realize just how much her smiles hurt him.
pairing: leo valdez x daughter of apollo!reader
warnings: not proof read, slight cursing (otherwise, n/a)
tropes: friends to lovers, fluff, pining
word count: 3k
notes: my inaugural fic post on this blog. how special. plz enjoy. feedback is much appreciated.
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Leo Valdez was going to lose his mind.
Or maybe a limb. Maybe that would get your attention. He wasn't going to pretend that he wasn't that desperate for you to turn your focus to him.
Stupid Garrett from stupid Ares. Why did he have to go and nearly get his head chopped off by Clarisse while sparring, stealing his thunder?
He should have done more than let his finger slip while hammering away in bunker nine. An exciting injury would have earned the most prized reward of your attention, for sure.
"Are you sure she's too busy?" Leo asked Will for probably four times too many to be considered casual. The blond only rolled his eyes and shoved an icepack into Leo's chest, nearly knocking him back a step, snapping him from his far too obvious admiring of you.
Even from across the infirmary, three hours into your shift, you stole the wind from his lungs. He was convinced you were a favorite of Apollo's, what with the way you glowed and lit up every room you were in.
Which is how he ended up in his current predicament. Absolutely desperate for any hint of your sunshine smile sent in his direction.
"Positive. Now, get out." Will confirmed, checking things off on his clipboard. Leo figured he was probably recording basic information like the patient—himself—had all his limbs, both eyes, ten fingers, and was practically drooling at his half-sister. Leo darted another glance across the room to you, still diligently assessing moronic Garrett from Ares who had been brain dead enough to accept Clarisse's offer of sparring.
Why were you blushing so much?
Something awful and too familiar twisted in his stomach, and all Leo could hear was Piper's voice telling him that he better make his move on you soon, because you were too sweet and too pretty to remain single much longer.
"When's her break again?" Leo asked, ignoring the way Will tipped his head back and closed his eyes, like he was praying for the strength to not hit his patient while under his care.
"And you can't ask her yourself because...?" Will prompted, dragging out the final word and forcing Leo to snap his attention towards the son of Apollo, his jaw practically open in shock.
"Because then she'll know I'm totally into her!" Leo whisper-shouted, waving his hands around as if to emphasize his point.
"You come in here everyday with a new injury asking for her to fix you up." Will pointed out, voice flat. "If she hasn't figured it out yet, I'm not sure she will. You should probably just be direct and ask her out."
Leo narrowed his eyes at Will, but on a rare miracle, he was at a loss for words. Maybe Will had a point. Leo was never exactly good at being subtle about his many, many, crushes, and if you hadn't realized he was hopelessly in love with you yet, then maybe he was safe from feeling the sting of your rejection.
"You're not going to talk to her, are you?" Will sighed, tilting his head slightly as he studied Leo, who, despite having already been given the magic remedy of an ice pack, remained perched on the side of a cot used as a medic's bed.
Leo shook his head side-to-side so quickly Will was a blur of blond hair and orange t-shirt in front of him.
"No can do." Leo said solemnly. "She's miles out of my league. Not even I'm stupid enough to think I have a shot with her."
"Well, at least Garrett isn't as oblivious as you," Will shrugged, shooting Leo a pointed look he didn't understand. The ugly feeling was back in Leo's stomach as he darted his attention towards you and the gods-damned son of Ares.
You were laughing, and Leo wasn't the cause.
Jealousy flared up in him.
You, on the other hand, were completely ignorant to the conversation occurring on the opposite side of the infirmary, far too engrossed in charismatic Garrett from Ares who was retelling the story of how Clarisse had knocked him on his ass and sent him to get bandaged up.
For a child of the war god, he was surprisingly graceful in his defeat.
"Next time, at least bring a shield with you." You smiled at Garrett, checking off the final few items on your clipboard. No major injuries towards his limbs, nor his ten fingers, neither of his eyes had been affected, and he was able to hold a proper conversation with you. "Otherwise I've got nothing else for you. Just an order to take the rest of the day easy."
"I can manage that," Garrett relented, which, for a demigod, was a pretty big ask. Taking it easy was never really an option when one of your parents was a god or goddess. "Hey, any particular reason Valdez is looking at me like he's going to send one of his inventions after me?"
Your heart skipped a beat, but you forced yourself to act casual as you turned around slightly, finding that Leo had in fact found his way into the infirmary and in fact was staring at Garrett like he might make a good snack for Festus.
You had been starting to worry, thinking that maybe he wasn't going to show up that day.
"Dunno," You shrugged, ducking your face into your clipboard so you didn't have to look at Leo, or Garrett, or Will—who was sending you a look that was both pointed and annoyed at the same time. "But you're set to go."
"Perfect," Garrett jumped off of the examination bed, acting like he hadn't been carried in by two of his half-brothers, a sly grin on his face. "You sure that's not jealousy on Valdez's face?"
"What? Why would Leo be jealous?" You were ashamed to admit you stumbled over your words, your face turning a vibrant shade of red, as you considered the implication of Garrett's words. That Leo might have been into you, enough that just the sight of you talking to Garrett might have been enough to turn his mood sour. "We're just friends."
"Sure," Garrett grinned wickedly, the kind of grin only children of Ares could ever create. The kind that told he totally didn't believe her rushed dismissal of his words. "All I want is an invitation to the wedding. Talk to you later!"
Garrett darted off before you could swat at him with your clipboard, your face flushed with embarrassment. Gods, were you really that obvious in your crush on Leo?
Sure, he came into the infirmary just about every day you were working, with some minor injury or another for you to tend to. And maybe you took a little longer to heal him than you did when Percy or the Stolls came in, were a little sweeter, but were you so transparent that even Garrett from Ares knew what you felt?
"For the love of all the gods and goddesses, would you please just go talk to him?" Will grumbled, borderline exhausted, as he appeared at your side. You jumped, nearly lost in thought, and narrowed your sunshine stare at your half-brother. "He won't leave until he gets the chance to brag to you about his latest made-up injury."
You didn't have to ask who Will was talking about. Leo was still watching you from across the room, rather impatiently. He'd managed to find a few loose bolts and washers and was currently inventing something you couldn't comprehend while he stared very pointedly at the ground by your feet, having averted his stare the moment you darted yours in his direction.
"Shut up," You mumbled to Will, but regardless you dashed off across the room with what felt like permission to engage in your favorite part of the day.
You had received Apollo's gifts of healing, not his poetic words. And every day you cursed that fact, because never could you put into words just how much being around Leo Valdez made you feel centered within yourself. It was like his very personality gave you permission to the version of you that was nearly lost to time and circumstance and the tragedy of being a Greek hero.
"What's the problem today?" You grinned, the smile your half-siblings claimed shined brightest in the camp plastered on your face almost of its own accord as you stood before Leo.
"My hand, Doc." He sighed, playing along and holding up his left hand while the right shoved the ice pack Will had already given him behind his back. You snorted a laugh, and Leo's grin broke out from the solemn facade he had attempted. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to work again if you don't help me."
"Well there's only one solution," You nodded, pretending to read something off of your clipboard—which was still filled out with Garrett's information.
"Anything you recommend is good with me," Leo leaned closer, trying to read over the edge of your clipboard, which you quickly tugged close to your body.
"Right, I've got it." You grinned, dropping your face closer to his, almost like your heart was in control of your body instead of your mind. Leo nodded, and you would have sworn you saw his gaze shoot to your lips for the briefest of seconds. "Amputation. Mr. Valdez, I'm afraid we're going to have to take your hand off."
"But, that's my pretty hand!" Leo protested, playing into your joke quickly. You couldn't even pretend to hide your smile, laughter falling past your lips just as easily as breathing.
"Then I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do for you." You shook your head, grinning widely at Leo, who was—for a guy with ADHD as severe as him—giving you his full attention. "You're free to go. I'll see you and your pretty hand at the bonfire tonight."
"Glad to hear you agree that my hand is pretty." Leo slid off of the examination bed with a grin that had you flushing and looking over the contents of your clipboard simply for something to do with your eyes. "See you later, Doc."
Waving, you sent Leo off.
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Over the course of the following week, Leo had found himself at the infirmary—during your shifts only—six more times.
Three smashed fingers from equipment you knew for a fact he knew how to handle properly. One cut to his arm from a piece of scrap metal. A paper cut.
On Thursday, he came in complaining of a serious burn.
"Doc, you'll never believe it. My whole arm caught on fire."
Will hadn't let him into the infirmary, claiming that Leo needed a better lie than that to come visit, since everyone already knew he was fireproof.
Leo came back fifteen minutes later with a second paper cut. Will took his break an hour early, claiming he needed to for his sanity.
But then you didn't so much as catch a glimpse of Leo for four straight days.
You felt more than a little pathetic, jumping every time the door to the infirmary opened, hoping against hope that it would be the curly haired son of Hephaestus you so adored.
On the afternoon of the fifth day, the door opened and you couldn't stop the way your body instinctively twisted around from where you words repacking first aide kits that were left in various locations around camp.
But it wasn't Leo standing at the door, but Piper.
You weren't the closest with her, but you were friendly. So you didn't think she was there for you, at first, until you saw her talking to your half-sister Stella and pointing towards you.
"Hey," Piper's voice had an edge of seriousness to it that snagged your attention, halting your efforts of resupplying. "I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you."
"Okay...?" You trailed off, not sure what she could have needed from you.
"Would you be willing to talk to Leo for me? He's in Bunker Nine, convinced he's going to make some big breakthrough on whatever machine he's currently working on." Piper explained and you nodded slowly, not seeing the problem. From your conversations with Leo, he always seemed to be in the middle of some big breakthrough. "He hadn't come out in four days. It's not healthy."
You frowned, trying to recall the last time you'd seen Leo at any of the meals. And when your mind came up blank, you settled on your answer to Piper's request.
"I'll talk to him."
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You had never been to Bunker Nine.
As much as you talked to Leo, pretty much everyday, it was always in yours and shared spaces. The infirmary, mainly, but every once in a while at the dining pavilion or at the camp bonfires.
But you could barely focus on any one thing in the bunker. Half-finished projects littered the space, along with countless tools, scraps, and blueprints tacked haphazardly against walls and bulletin boards.
Since it was nearly dinner, the bunker had cleared out of all but one of its occupants. Perched over a table, working so diligently he didn't hear you approach, was none other than Leo Valdez.
Without thinking of the consequences, you dropped the canvas bag you had brought with you on his worktable, startling him so much he jumped in surprise and nearly sent his latest project clattering to the floor.
"Gods!" He shouted, wide eyed and hand pressed to his chest as if he could physically calm his racing heart. You couldn't help the way you grinned, a little lopsided, wholly endeared by him. "Sorry, were you trying to kill me? Because, if so, mission almost accomplished!"
"Actually, the opposite." With a confidence you didn't really possess, you leaned against the worktable next to him and started pulling tinfoil wrapped sandwiches out of the bag. "Everyone's convinced I'm your appointed caretaker, since you don't seem to do it yourself."
Leo had the good sense to seem chastised by the glare you sent him following your words. It wasn't like he could deny it, anyways. How many times had he ended up on your patient list?
"Did Jason put you up to this?"
"Piper," You confirmed, pushing a wrapped sandwich across the table towards him. Next out of the bag was a metal bowl, the bottom slightly charred and filled with paper scraps and twigs. "Light this for me, will you, please?"
"Well, when you ask so nicely," Leo grinned, a ball of flame forming in his palm and igniting the twigs in the bowl. Without needing to be told, Leo unwrapped his sandwich and ripped off a chunk to throw into the flames.
You copied his actions. And if you made a wordless prayer to Aphrodite to ask for a little assistance, that was no one's business but your own.
"I've..." You hesitated, darting a glance to Leo before focusing on your sandwich, biting down your declaration that you've missed him in the infirmary. He had already started eating, only further proof that he had been skipping meals while holed up in the bunker. "How come you're always getting hurt, Mr. Clumsy? I thought children of Hephaestus are supposed to be good in the forges."
You would have sworn you saw Leo blush, but your attention quickly darted away from him the moment he lifted his eyes to yours.
"You sure you wanna know the truth?" Leo asked his voice a kind of serious that was almost out of character for him. You nodded, slowly, and forced yourself to meet his eye. "I've been getting hurt on purpose."
"Leo Valdez!"
"Wait, let me finish!" Leo held up his hands to defend himself from your words and your glare, the healer in your absolutely hated the fact that Leo would have done anything to intentionally cause himself harm. "I did it because I got an excuse to see you."
"What?" For a child of Apollo, you sure didn't have a way with words. Distantly, you cursed the fact that you were a gifted healer and not a poet, because you knew what Leo's words meant and yet you couldn't get your own to function. "Wait—"
"I know this sounds stupid," Leo dragged a hand through the dark, disheveled curls atop his head. "But Will wouldn't let me in to see you if I wasn't hurt! So I... maybe... lied, a little bit."
You frowned, in thought. Thinking back, you couldn't remember Leo ever actually being hurt beyond the occasional cut or scrap. You'd always been so caught up in him and his visits to notice.
"I swear I'm not weird. I just really like you." Leo winced, no doubt taking your silence in a bad way.
And you weren't one of Apollo's poetically gifted children, so you simply pressed your lips against his and hoped he got the message.
It was a short kiss, a good first kiss, you noted with no small satisfaction. Your lips tingled and your fingertips were buzzing—and Leo looked like he had just won the lottery.
"You're sweet," You smiled, a thousand watt one that maybe Leo adored as much as your half-siblings did, and nudged his sandwich closer to him. "But you're banned from the infirmary unless you're actively dying. And for real!"
Leo paused, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head, trying to create a scenario that would get him past the barrier of your totally official and absolutely within rules ban.
"I can make that happen,"
"No, you can't," You tried to shoot him a discouraging look, but your smile was far too wide to deal any real damage. "Or else I'll go to tonight's bonfire with someone else."
"Nope!" He shook his head quickly, hair bouncing with the movement and expression light with an impish grin. "You kissed me, Doc. You're stuck with me, now."
You smiled, silently deciding you wouldn't mind being stuck with him.
"That's what I thought."
Leaning over to press a second kiss to the corner of his lips, you pretended not to notice the sparks dancing in his curls.
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turquoisenintendo64 · 2 months
New Year’s Day !
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in which: leo valdez has always been pathetically in love with you, and he finally confesses on a porch at a frat party
fratboy!leo valdez x daughter of athena!reader
warnings: language, use of y/n
a/n: english is not my first language, so sorry if there’s any typos!! :)
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂
leo was sitting on the couch, holding a half-empty paper cup in his hand, observing all the people at the party. his friends, people he didn’t even know, and people he had seen two or three times in college and greeted with a head nod. but you weren’t there. or at least he hadn’t seen you yet.
his best friend, jason, flopped onto the couch.
“why are you here alone?” he asked.
“this party sucks,”
“you haven’t seen y/n, huh?”
leo looked at jason. he had lipstick marks on his cheeks and neck.
“someone had a good time,” leo said, pointing to jason’s face.
“shut up.”
leo sighed and looked at the front again. everyone was dancing to the music, happy, joyful. some holding onto someone’s waist, some not. some kissing someone, some not. some probably fucking someone on the rooms upstairs, some not.
“she said she’d be here,”
“maybe she is,” jason reassured, “but you haven’t seen her yet.”
“the house is not that big,” he chuckled.
“piper said she’s here.”
“maybe she left.”
“for the gods’ sakes leo,” jason hid his face in his palms. “go search the girl, you are not doing anything sitting here.”
jason got up and walked towards piper again. leo took a sip out of his cup. he drummed with his fingers in his left thigh.
he was waiting for you. waiting for a text, a call. something. waiting for you to suddenly sit down next to him and tell him (at last) you love him.
you two met at camp. chiron told you to show him around and you got closer after that. you were always together.
leo saw his phone screen lit up. it was a text. from you.
“porch :)”, it read. he smiled and got up.
jason winked at him from the distance, and something told leo jason already knew you were outside.
he opened the door slowly, and saw you facing away. he approached you, quietly.
“so…” you faced him, “good evening.”
“good evening.” he leaned against the fence, like you, by your side. “i thought you wouldn’t come.”
“and miss percy doing karaoke drunk? hell no.” leo laughed. “also, it’s new year’s eve. i wasn’t going to rot in my room the whole night, evidently.”
the chill air of the night brushed through your hair. leo was low-key staring at you, but could he help it?
you fell into a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s presence. you rested your head on leo’s shoulder, feeling his body warmth.
you could hear the before loud music now faint, the only sound that mattered to you being leo’s calm breathing. he could hear his own heartbeat going faster, and prayed to his father you couldn’t feel it.
“i heard you were going out with a boy,” he said. you looked at him. “what was his name… lucas?”
you laughed, “luke. no, no, i’m not going out with him, we’re just friends. maybe just study buddies.”
then something crossed your mind.
“are you going out with someone?”
you mentally prayed to your mother that he wasn’t.
ever since camp, you’ve had a crush on leo. when late at night you helped him with summer homework. when you reassured him after a bad nightmare. when he forced you to help him with his inventions. when your lives were so miserable you didn’t have time to think about feelings. and now, that your lives were remotely normal and you did have time to think about relationships, it would suck to know some other girl was faster than you.
“no”, he said, and you breathed out even though you didn’t know you were holding it, “i’m not dating anyone.”
“would you like to?” you asked, hoping for him to take the hint.
you heard cheering inside the house, clapping and the music got louder. you checked the time in your phone. 0:00, January 1st.
“happy new year leo,” you smiled sweetly at him, his eyes darted from your eyes to your lips.
“happy new year. and i would love to,” he said. “to date someone. well… not someone, you. i want to date y…”
you cut him off by kissing him. he hesitated a few seconds, but then he kissed you back, placing his hands in your waist. you placed yours in his neck, gently touching his curls.
you felt his smile on the kiss. you imagined your first kiss differently, but this was perfect.
now, you didn’t have to save the world. to risk your lives everyday. so you could dedicate entirely to love each other properly.
on the distance, you heard everyone shouting.
“to new beginnings!”
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frickingnerd · 1 year
leo valdez dating a daughter of aphrodite, who keeps getting hit on
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pairing: leo valdez x daughter of aphrodite!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship, hints of jealousy, kissing
a/n: i'm having a huge leo brainrot rn, so i had to write something for my boy <3 i wuv him so much >.<
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leo is quite the flirt! but as soon as you two start dating, he stops flirting with other girls
because– of course he does! it's the right thing to do. he's taken now and you are the only girl he loves
but the fact that you two are dating doesn't seem to stop other guys from hitting on you
everytime leo isn't around, guys take it as an invitation to flirt with you
and you always turn them down, but some of them are very persistent
by now, leo has learned to come to your aid everytime he sees a guy talking to you that isn't one of your friends
he'll call out your name from afar as he's jogging towards you, a big grin on his lips
if the guy doesn't leave upon seeing him, leo will wrap an arm around your waist and stare at him for a moment
"who's that, babe~?" he'll give them a nasty look while eyeing them up and down
you tell leo the truth, that he's another guy who's trying to get a date with you
"sorry man, but she's taken. by me~!" he'll pull you even closer to him and press a kiss on your cheek
if he's feeling really confident, he'll even kiss you on the lips
usually the guys understand by then and leave the two of you alone
over time, there are less and less campers that are trying to make a move on you, as they finally understand that you are serious about dating leo
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kristenwell · 4 months
My Muse – Leo Valdez x Male!Apollo!Reader
(finals are over at last, Dobby is free 😭)
Part 2
Y/N looked at the sketch in his hands. As the son of the arts god he was naturally a very skilled artist. Lately only one person has been able to inspire him to draw: Leo Valdez.
The son of Hephaestus has managed to steal his heart even if he wasn’t the usual go-to crush for most people. Leo was short, scrawny, flirty and had an unusual sense of humor. Y/N couldn’t help but fall for the little rascal anyway.
The son of Apollo slowly finished his sketch of him. The drawing depicted him smiling with a hint of blush.
Just a few days ago his brother, Will Solace, caught him in the act. There was only so much privacy you can get while in your cabin.
Y/N felt a presence behind his shoulder but before he could close his sketchbook his older brother shoved his face in the drawing.
„I knew you have a crush on Leo but I had no idea it was this bad.“ Will shook his head and chuckled.
The younger male slammed his sketchbook shut with an embarassed look on his face. He pushed Will’s face away from his personal space.
„Would you stop grinning? I don’t like him like that, we’re just friends nothing more.“ He was aware that lying to him was futile. First, he’s a bad liar and second, the two brothers are way too close and both of them knew something was up.
Will raised his eyebrow and took a seat next to him.
„You should confess to him, you know? It’s really tiring watching you two simp for each other when you think no one’s looking. Give him the drawings, it would be romantic.“ He suggests.
„Uh, yeah and have him thinking I’m some sort of creep? Forget it.“ Y/N made his way over to his desktop and sighed. His brother was right, but confessing your feelings to your friend is easier said than done.
„I think he’s aware of that.“ Will let out a laugh. „but seriously, everyone knows you’re into each other besides you two.“
He noticed his little brother’s lack of answer.
„You’ll figure it out, bro, one way or another.“
Y/N shuddered at the memory, the last thing he needed was his nosy siblings‘ love advice (he loves them to death), if he wanted it he would’ve gone to the Aphrodite cabin.
He got up from his seat and started heading toward his cabin before a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.
„Yo, wait up!“
He turned around just in time to see a certain short latino running his way. Leo stopped infront of him with a grin.
„Just the person I was looking for.“ He was slightly out of breath, seems he ran for a while before he reached him. His curly hair was messy and his clothes and face were stained with oil and dirt which fortunately failed to cover his pretty features.
„Looking for me? What do you need , Leo?“  Y/N observed the shorter male before him momentarily.
„I wanted to tell you that I’ve already fixed your bow that Will brought last night.“
„Did he now?“ The son of Apollo turned around to meet his brother’s devilish smirk. He had the audacity to smile innocently too. „of course he did.“
Y/N turned back to Leo and smiled at him awkwardly.
„Thank you, I don’t know what would I do without you.“ He chuckled nervously , he tried to think of something else to say but his brain was fried from Leo’s presence alone. So naturally he failed to catch his reply.
„-over to Bunker 9 when you’re finished, okay?“ He sent him a cute little smile.
Before Y/N could ask him he was already on his way to the Bunker.
In the evening
Leo was sitting at his table, his latest project has really been straining him. A sudden noise disrupted his concentration.
He turned around just in time to see a slip of paper near his door. He got up and approached it, picking it up. He examined the paper and turned it around: a very detailed portait of him.
Leo could feel his face heating up and a smile crept on his face. He went back to his table as he folded the drawing carefully.
Neither he nor Y/N were aware that they were now a part of a certain friend group’s plan to make them both confess.
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cabinofimagines · 11 months
Happy (birth)day
This is my first writing since I wrote my school deadlines and I hope it doesn't suck entirely. Also!! Happy Birthday Danny (and Jason Grace of course!) Specific request I allowed is also by Danny :) Pairing: Platonic Jason, Piper, and more! Romantic Leo Valdez x reader :) Request: Can I request camp shenanigans where Jason and reader have their birthdays on the same week (like me and Jason!) So Piper and Leo throw us a surprise party in the bunker? Obvsly Leo and reader are dating 🥺 but you can choose whether Piper is just there for platonic support to her besties or of it's still Jasper era Warnings: none! Word count: 2.2k -Asja
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You were suspicious already when, as you had breakfast, Leo did not greet you excitedly. Even worse, you did not see your boyfriend at the Hephaestus table at all. He wouldn’t have forgotten about your and Jason’s birthday’s, right? Leo must be planning something, and as you didn’t manage to spot Piper, who arrived at camp a few days ago, you figured they must have made a plan together. Your suspicions were correct, as when you met with Jason to ask him if he had any ideas, you both were approached by Harley. 
“Big bro Leo told me to deliver this,” he handed you a small device, saluted, and ran off. “Thanks…?” you said, looking at his disappearing figure. Jason carefully took the device off your hands. “He must be planning something,” Jason examined the device closely, “I’m guessing with Piper as she wasn’t at breakfast either,” he sighed, “I just hope they didn’t entirely skip breakfast.” “I am sure they had something to eat, Leo loves food after all.” You noticed something on the device and quickly grabbed it, “Is this a button…?” you pressed it, and almost dropped the device as a small, hologram Leo came out. 
“Sure hope the timer works on this thing, right Pipes?” Leo laughed, before stepping away and holding his hands behind his back, as if they were bound together. Off camera you could hear Piper laugh. “Would be awkward if it didn’t,” her voice sounded, “otherwise the whole ruse might fall through. 3.. 2.. 1.. go!”
“Ah! I’ve been captured!” Leo looked around frantically, “I’m not sure where I am but I sure hope this lil thing will get out-” he coughed as he cowered, “Please, whoever finds this- I need help-” Leo pretended to think and shook his head, “All I remember is this name- Nona and something about a vault?” he looked straight into the camera, “please find me, and bring all your friends! I can’t die on my lover’s and my best friend's birthdays. It would ruin their lives! Please-” A loud rumble sounded from somewhere behind the camera, and Leo looked up before loudly exclaiming “FUCK” as the hologram stopped. 
“Nona?” you asked and Jason laughed. “It’s a Latin prefix for nine, he’s in Bunker 9,” he explained. “Leo’s a nerd,” you said affectionately, “Well, let’s round up all our friends before Leo fakes his death again.” 
Unsurprisingly, all your friends were really easy to find. As in, most of them were already talking, not suspiciously at all, in a circle, right outside the dining hall. Even more not suspicious behavior was when Jason and you approached them Percy very loudly went, “Hey guys! I sure hope Leo is okay, ah-” Annabeth elbowed him. “Happy birthdays!” she smiled, “Anything fun planned?” 
“Funny that you mention Leo, Percy,” you sighed, pretending to be worried “seems like he’s in a bit of a pickle right now.” “(Y/n), we both know he’s come out of worse situations,” Jason said next to you, and he put a hand on your shoulder, “The things he said was so cryptic, I think it’s for the best if we just let him figure it out on his own.” 
“Oh?” Nico feigned interest, “I love cryptic hints, what are they?” You could see Will hide a smile as he looked at his lover. 
“Something about a Nona-” you gasped, “Wait, Jason! Do you think it’s an ex?” Jason huffed, to conceal his laugh. “Maybe, or it’s Latin for nine, but Leo doesn’t know much Latin so that’s unlikely.” Jason sighed, “I’m sorry (Y/n), I guess we’ll have to travel around the U.S. to find Leo.” 
“Perhaps a monster is forcing him to learn Latin,” you looked at Jason, “and we both know how that changes people,”  “What do you mean, ‘how Latin changes people’?” Jason hit your arm. “They get all serious, Jason,” you gave him a look of pity, “and for Leo that might be deadly.” 
Jason gave your statement a moment of thought before nodding sadly. “Who wants to hold a funeral?” he asked, “That way from this year on we can celebrate three things on this day.” 
“How about we hold the funeral in Bunker 9?” Annabeth suggested, “It’s a place he loved most.” Before you could react, Nico started walking away. “I’m getting a coffin, be right back.” 
“Where will he get a coffin from?” Percy muttered and Will smiled. “He still has some left over from refurbishing cabin 13.” 
“Why?” Percy whispered, not expecting an answer. 
As your little progression moved closer to Bunker 9, you had trouble keeping it all together. Nico had six skeletons carry an empty coffin up front. Meg and Grover caught up to you with a bunch of flowers, all potted, which each person carried one of. Except for Jason, who was carrying a torch to light the pyre with that was yet to be built. 
The entire Hephaustus cabin was following you, holding up their banner, and Harley excitedly kept running around. Of course, you were certain everyone was aware that this was all a joke, especially when Chiron stopped you to ask what was happening and you simply went; “Oh, Leo got killed by Latin,” 
Chiron was confused, but did not ask further questions about the funeral progression. In the end, it made sense as Leo probably got permission to do something in Bunker 9. As you approached the bunker, you noticed that the door was opened, and as the skeletons with the coffin entered first you only heard a muffled “SUPRISE!” from inside. As you entered, most of the progression gave up the pretense, but Jason and you had a goal. So, fully ignoring Leo, Piper, and all the other people that were in the bunker, you both stepped onto the nearest empty table. You noticed Leo standing on the front row, but quickly looked away. 
“Today,” Jason’s voice boomed over the crowd, which was being rowdy, “we lost our dear friend Leonidas Valdez,” The crowd was silent except-
“HEY! I am not dead!” Leo’s said loudly. “Sometimes-” you sniffed, “I can still hear his voice. Gone too soon, rest in peace my love.” 
“What the fuck happened-” Leo exclaimed. 
“If I understand correctly,” Everyone suddenly looked at the entrance, seeing Chiron standing there, “You became Latin, a dead language.” Chiron’s scrutinizing gaze went over the party, “But as you seem rather alive, I think instead you shall be having stable duty for the next month, starting tomorrow, as you did not request to hold a party.” 
“Aw man,” Leo sighed, “Can we at least hold it now?” he looked with a hopeful gaze to Chiron who sighed. “As long as I do not perceive anything more to do with this activity. Happy Birthday (Y/n), Jason,” and he galloped away. 
Jason and you burst out laughing, as Leo pouted at you two. After you calmed down, you slowly made your way off the table. 
“Your timer didn’t work,” you said as you softly gave your boyfriend his device, and a kiss on the cheek. He fidgeted with the device for a little bit before he sighed. “So you made it more dramatic?” he asked, after which he sighed, “I love you. Happy Birthday, my love.” he smiled, “Oh, and (Y/n) of course-” 
“Hey!” you gasped and Jason laughed. “Love you too, Leo.” he said as he put his hand on Leo’s head, petting him “Pisada Carinosa” he muttered. 
“That’s it I am finding Nona and dating her-” you turned around, only to be met with Piper. “You could date me if you’re done with Leo.” she smiled and you grinned, before hugging her. “I just might,” you joked as you let her go. Leo quickly grabbed your hand, and pulled you towards him and pressed a kiss on your lips. “Nuhuh- you are not getting rid of me that easily corazoncito,” 
After a while, Piper said it was time for the main activity of the day. She led everyone into a “room” that was hidden behind curtains. As you walked in, you saw a gigantic screen and piles of pillows on the floor. 
She instructed everyone to sit down, as Leo and her handed out buckets of popcorn and other snacks. You sat next to Jason, who was holding a letter. 
“What’s that?” you asked, and Jason looked up. “Thalia couldn’t make it to camp, but she left a letter.” He showed you a picture of her and Reyna, standing at the Grand Canyon, “it’s weird how that’s where it started,” he smiled sadly, “how far we’ve all come since meeting each other.” “Hug?” you asked and he nodded. 
Engulfed in your presence, Jason began to relax. Certainly, losing his memories was hard and he often doubted whether he deserved Leo and Piper as friends, or if they even wanted to be his friend. But nowadays, he couldn’t be more certain that what he had was his. You, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Bobby, his sister Thalia. All these friendly faces, that mean so much to him. He thanked the gods for his spot in both camps, and for allowing him to be happy and alive. As he let you go again, he had to blink away his tears. 
“Thanks,” he whispered, and he leaned back against the pillows. Shortly after, the big screen started playing. Before the movie even got to its proper beginning, Leo squeezed himself between you and Jason, leaning mostly on Jason. Piper sat on your other side, and cuddled up on your shoulder, as you leaned a bit against Leo. 
The Barbie opening sequence started playing, to great delight of the people in the room. 
“How?” you whispered, “This movie has barely been out for a week-” “My dad pulled some strings,” Piper smiled, “got us a private release.” “That’s awesome.” you grabbed her hand, and looked her in the eye, “Piper I love you-” she laughed. “Anything for my friends.” 
After the movie was done, Leo asked the real question. 
“So who are the Barbie and Ken of Camp Half-Blood?” Out of nowhere he got out prisoner signs, one with Barbie on it and one with Ken on it. 
“Jason is Ken, right?” Piper stated, “I mean look at him, it’s like he’s made for the ‘beach’ job description-” unanimous sounds of agreement came from the crowd, and Leo gave Jason the Ken sign. 
“I fully agree.” Leo said, before he got interrupted by the laughter of Nico.
“Sorry-” the son of Hades wheezed, “Will’s pouty because he thinks Piper used charmspeak to convince people Jason is Ken-” Nico grinned as his boyfriend tried to forcefully shut him up by smothering him.
“Barbie is a doctor though,” you grinned, “I think Will makes a perfect Barbie.” 
“Oh! I was going to suggest our local Barbie, Pip-” before Leo could finish the sentence Piper harshly stepped on his toe, before ripping the Barbie sign out of his hands. 
“And our local Barbie!” she grinned evily, “Will Solace!” she handed the son of Apollo his sign, and he hesitantly accepted it, and he stood up. 
“Well, as I am Barbie I guess I will go to my Ken now. I hate you for this Di Angelo,” Will walked towards Jason, and sat down next to him, slightly awkwardly. As you looked at Nico, you saw that the smile of sheer delight had not yet left his face, “Love you too, Barbie.” he called from across the room, eliciting some laughter from the audience. 
As the party was slowly calming down, you had a moment of calm with your friends. Leo was softly holding you from behind, as you were conversing with Piper and Jason. 
“Thanks for organizing this guys,” you said looking at Piper and Leo. 
“It’s nothing,” Piper smiled, “I’m happy we got this many people here in the end.” 
“Yeah, you’re welcome! Too bad I have stable duty now though.” Leo looked sulky. “I might try to talk him out of it,” Piper said, “After all, your birthday is in like two days too.” 
“That’s true, hey Jason,” you turned your gaze to the son of Jupiter. “Yes?” he returned your gaze. “Wanna fake our deaths for Leo’s birthday party.” “Of course,” Jason grinned. 
“Please don’t” Leo pleaded. “I’ll help!” Piper smiled. After a second of silence, everyone broke out in laughter. 
It was indeed a happy (birth)day.
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fr-ogii · 2 years
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leo valdez
x gn!reader; poc friendly
artist: viria on tumblr. they’re no longer active so i can’t reach out to them about this, but if they have a post up about not using their art, please let me know about it :)
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-> he is such a simp for you, as one would expect. he’s awkward with his love life (as we saw with calypso). he would never actually believe that he would have a chance with you and no matter how much he tries to pretend like it’s just a joke whenever he professes his undying love for you, it hurts him more than he knows it should whenever you roll your eyes at his antics.
-> at a certain point he won’t even try to pretend like he isn’t down bad for you. he’s just begging for you to finally notice.
-> if it progresses even farther then that and you still can’t take a hint and continue to be ridiculously oblivious, he will confess to you at every possible opportunity.
-> he’ll make you tiny creations whenever he’s bored
-> he’ll also make you anything that he thinks could make your life easier. might even program something into his archimedes sphere designed just for you.
-> as clueless as he may be, he always knows how to make his friends feel better. well.. not always, but most of the time. and if he doesn’t know how to do that or if his attempts don’t work, he’ll try and find someone who he knows will help.
-> if you meet him at the right time, he might take you on the dragon festus. hopefully he likes you. seeing how much leo likes you though, i don’t think that would be a problem.
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fbfh · 1 year
light up the dark [VIII] - Leo Valdez x reader
wc: 4.9k
genre: smut, slice of life, a little action
pairing: Leo Valdez x goth gf!child of eros!reader
warnings: grinding, oral (reader recieving), denial is not just a river in egypt, fingering, penetrative sex, pressing on stomach (we really need a word for that), Leo is a chronic overthinker, reader gets cut up by wind in a dream, soft Leo, morning after makeouts, getting caught, the gang's all here/demisquad interactions, Jason is stressing, cozy found family morning, monster attack, protective Leo, hiding from monsters, reader dissociates a little bc it's sudden
summary: Leo makes good on his promise to tire you out, really help you sleep good that night. You're going to need all the rest you can get, because the rest of his friends show up the next morning, and drama and trouble follow as they always do.
song rec: we are broken - paramore, warmth of you - planning for burial, the warmth - fat night, the sound of going round in circles - amelie london cast, warmth - bastille
@yesv01 @magcon7280 @avashaye @perseajohnson @afidiofobia @thatmultifandomloser @yelenabel0vaswife @almostjollypizza @fictionalcomforts  @lizziebitch33  @jacksondeeznuts @girlfriendwhoseawitch @urmum-xoxo @Asunnyhunny @dustyinkpages @cowboylikekelsey @legramilis @youkissedareaderinthedark @mrscarolscaramoucheplease @cosmiq-cloud @anything-forourmoony  @i-dont-remember-a-lot  @chasingpj @1dpjohoohp @mystic-writings   @babiesimagines @dreamerball @demirunner @if-only-i-was-fictional @inthehoneymoonwithconnorrk800 @kiara7777
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“You know, it seems like you can’t sleep a lot,” Leo says, breath fanning warm over your face as his hands slip under your top. There’s a hint of a smirk present as he speaks. Before you can let out some sarcastic remark in response, he grinds his hard cock against you just right, and the only thing you can let out is a sigh. He chuckles lightly, moving in to kiss you again, and murmuring against your lips in a low voice. 
“I guess I’ll just have to tire you out.” 
He pulls off your shirt, rocking his hips against yours rhythmically. The hardening bulge in his sweatpants nudges against your clit just right, and it sends a shiver through you. He squeezes your waist, running his hands over your chest. His hands are warm as they squeeze your tits, playing with your hardened nipples. His hands are warm, his lips are warm, everything about him is so warm, and exactly what you need. ‘Warmth.’ you emphasize mentally. Even his bed is warm - warmer than yours at least. 
You push your tongue into his mouth, already craving more of him. God, he tastes really good. You find yourself enjoying his mouth against yours much more than you expected to. You just need to fuck him a few more times, you reason, get it out of your system. Once the thrill wears off, you’ll be totally over him and back to normal. As you’re thinking this, he lets out a quiet moan into your mouth, and you feel your cunt grow hotter as you gush arousal into your black panties. He presses kisses down your neck as your hands tangle in his hair. It’s really soft. You don’t know how you didn’t notice how soft it is before now. 
His hair slips out of your hand as he moves down, pressing kisses down your stomach, which erupts into butterflies. He takes his time, worshiping your body, really using the opportunity to tease you, get you all warmed up for him. He squeezes your thighs, opening them up a little more for him so he can press a kiss against your burning mound. Your stomach flips at the sensation. It’s not the first time someone’s gone down on you, so you don’t know why you’re reacting so much to him, why you’re so sensitive to his every touch. It’s like all your nerves are electric. It’s just unexpected, you justify. You didn’t think he had any desire to go down on you, but he sure seems to want to now. 
He pushes his tongue against you, nudging your folds apart slightly through the thin fabric. His fingers grip your hips and thighs, squeezing them and moving up and down idly. He continues making out with your cunt over your panties that are dripping with an enticing mixture of your arousal and his spit. He doesn’t know how much of that wetness is from you and how much is from him, but he doesn’t care. He finds himself drooling into you, against your twitching clit and soft pudgy cunt as he pushes your panties deeper into your folds with his tongue, desperate to taste you, as you find your legs already starting to shake. 
You're already close, a few more licks and sucks, a few more kisses… you don't know the last time someone got you to cum so fast that it's embarrassing, but you're not actually that embarrassed. Maybe it's just Leo’s whole energy, the way he can make anyone feel this comfortable around him. Maybe it’s his sweet smile that sends warmth through you whenever you see it. The same smile that’s now smirking against your folds as you finally climax, panting and humping his face as your hips spasm uncontrollably. He looks happy, but not satisfied. 
He finally tugs off your panties, and you open up your legs for him to climb on top of you and push himself inside. Instead, he trails his fingers through your puffy folds. He traces around your drooling, fluttering hole, and latches his lips back onto your clit, this time with nothing between you. It almost feels more intense than your previous orgasm, and you let out a panting, shuddering moan. 
“Oh my god…” you choke out, feeling him lick your raw bundle of nerves. He revels in the feeling of you twitching against his tongue. As he finally, finally pushes his fingers inside you, you’re so desperate, so ready for him that you practically suck them inside. He smirks again, letting out a soft, breathy chuckle against your clit that has you gripping the sheets. You let out a sharp gasp at the feeling, which only serves to make him smirk harder. He begins to curl his fingers against your gummy walls, touching you in all the right places to make your head spin. 
A strange sort of vulnerability starts to come over you. You want him to keep touching you, want him to make you cum like that again, want him to tell you how good you’re doing. You want him… you want him… Your heart starts pounding as you lose your train of thought, not sure how to end the sentence. He chuckles lightly, loving how responsive you are to him and his touch. 
“Yeah?” he murmurs against your cunt while his fingers speed up and focus on one spot, eliciting a beautiful moan from you. “You like that?” 
The realization of how much you really do like it, how much you like… you can feel yourself starting to fold, to melt under his touch, and it’s startling. It’s an unfamiliar feeling and makes you nervous, so you do what you always do. You let out a breathy laugh and look down at him with the bedroom eyes that rival any other. 
“Are you gonna fuck me, or what?” you ask, cranking up the seductive tone to your voice. He looks up at you while your heart pounds, and you give him a playful, challenging look. He lets out another breathy laugh, then finally climbs on top of you. He grabs the back of your thighs and pulls you down so you’re face to face with him, and wraps your legs around his waist. His face is so close to yours and for one still, perfect moment, you can feel his warm breath fanning over your face as your hearts beat in perfect time with each other. 
“...Okay.” he murmurs, closing the gap between you. He pushes his tongue into your mouth, and you taste yourself on his lips. You fumble for his nightstand, pulling a condom out of thin air. You open it up, and reach down to slide it on him, pumping his cock a few times. It feels so good in your hand, pulsing under your touch with every jerk and squeeze, and you can’t wait to have it inside you again. He shudders and moans into your mouth when you trace your finger over the tip. You like that, getting a reaction out of him. He bites your lip playfully in response, a warning to play fair. 
He reaches down, taking hold of his cock and lining it up with your entrance. He starts to push in slowly, easing his way in, when you pull him closer with your legs. He can feel you sucking him in deeper and deeper, hungry for him, and takes that as his cue to bottom out. When he does, when he’s nestled all the way inside you, nudging up against your cervix, you feel that deep satisfaction seep through you, all the way into your bones. It starts to fill up that hollow part of your chest with warmth as he ruts into you, deep and fulfilling. The head of his cock kisses your cervix with every thrust, and even you can’t deny it’s a strangely intimate feeling. 
His face is close to yours, you can feel it from how warm his pants are as he settles into a rhythm. Your hands are on his shoulders, and you throw your head back at the feeling you’ve been craving. One of his hands moves to the back of your neck, guiding you to look at him. As your eyes lock on his, pretty and dark, with full eyelashes and a playful, sincere edge to them, you realize how hypnotic they are to look at. No words are exchanged, but there’s a silent understanding shared, a sort of closeness you’ve never known before that makes everything feel so much more intense. His hand makes your neck feel tingly and electric, and you suddenly wonder what it would feel like if he wrapped his pretty fingers around your throat. You clench even tighter around him at the thought, and he rests his forehead against yours, breathless at the sensation. 
“F-fuck,” he chokes out, looking at you through half lidded eyes. You consider asking him for a moment, but before you can, his other hand comes down to press on your stomach. The added intensity brings you even closer, and it only takes a few more thrusts, a few more rubs against that spot inside you and nudges against your cervix before you’re clenching around him like a vice, moaning like a whore, shaking as you cum harder than you have in a long time. The way you squeeze his cock has him not far behind. 
His thrusts become sloppy as he pumps into you, grinding against your overstimulated pussy. He pants harder, planting messy kisses below your ear, and you can hear every delicious sound he makes as he finally empties his load inside you. You can feel the condom balloon up, feel his cum squishing around his cock as you throb around him. He presses lazy kisses and nips to your neck and ear as you both come down from this high. He doesn’t want to pull out, not when you’re so warm and inviting, not when you love having him inside you as much as he loves being inside you. 
When he reluctantly does, he leaves for a minute before coming back to get the both of you cleaned up. In those brief minutes when you’re lying there, you wish he hadn’t left. What’s even stranger is you can still feel a little bit of that residual warmth you always feel around him. It’s not like things have been in the past, where you feel cold and back to normal as soon as it’s over. Something’s different with Leo, something is lingering. You’re not sure what it is or why it’s only happening now with him, but you keep finding yourself wanting more of it. 
Once you’ve both gotten cleaned up, before you can leave and slink back off to your room, you feel Leo’s strong arms wrap around you. 
“Not so fast,” he chuckles as he pulls you close to his chest. You let out a dramatic sigh like your heart’s not racing at his touch. You try to make it seem like you’re staying reluctantly, even insisting this to yourself, but you find yourself melting into his touch, accepting your place in his arms a little faster each time. 
“You did so good…” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your hairline. He peppers more kisses across your face until you smile. You tuck your face into his chest, and he thinks you look so sweet when you get all shy like this. You could suck his soul out through his dick without batting an eyelash but a little kiss on the tip of your nose is what makes you flustered. He smiles fondly at you, loving to see this softer, more vulnerable side of you. He rubs your back and traces little shapes and patterns into your skin. His touch is so relaxing that you find yourself dozing off in minutes. His bed is so soft. It feels broken in, lived in, and you wish you never had to leave. You don’t stand a chance of sneaking away, because this time, you’re the one that falls asleep first. He’s so warm and he smells so good, his touch is so soothing that you’re out like a light before you know it. 
Leo can’t sleep after all that. His mind won’t be quiet. He tries to, counting ceiling tiles and mentally going over how to build his favorite projects while he’s tangled up next to you. He tries to focus on your soft little puffs of breath against his skin, and starts thinking about how shy and vulnerable you get with him. It’s obvious, he thinks, how much you like him. The veil you’re putting up is so thin that you both have to know what’s really going on. He’s not going to call you out on it, not until you’re ready, but he knows the time when you’ll finally cave, finally admit everything you’ve been denying is getting closer. He realizes there will be a time when you can be together without playing so many games, you’ll just be able to be with each other. 
It’s really cute, too, the way you obviously like him a lot even if you pretend you don’t. He likes that you keep coming back to him, and he likes that you stand your ground, especially when it comes to him, like you did in the kitchen. His thoughts take a sharp turn over to Calypso - more specifically, that he hasn’t thought of her since he went into the kitchen yesterday. A few weeks ago a fight like that would have wrecked him, but he’s spent all night thinking about you. It’s the fastest he’s bounced back from something like that with her, and he’s not nearly as upset as he would be any other time. He would analyze this further, but he’s dozing off before he can. 
In your dream, you’re in a snowy landscape. It’s a blinding, dismal white in every direction, with sharp winds that chill you to the bone. They slice through your clothes into your skin, leaving huge gashes in your flesh. Something’s glowing underneath your skin, coming from inside your bones. Instead of bleeding, the gashes in your skin fill up with ice, cold and sharp. Even though you’re alone, you feel a large hand touch your back, right between your shoulder blades. When it pulls away, it leaves behind a painful itchy burn. You feel bones grinding against each other, and something sharp starts to poke out as whatever’s there struggles against your skin to get out. The wind starts to slice against you, this time making two even, vertical gashes on your back, one just inside each shoulder blade.  
You wake up suddenly, cozy and warm and cuddled into Leo’s chest, just like you’d gone to sleep. It’s quiet. Peaceful. You don’t move, trying to ground yourself after that dream that you’re already trying to forget. The pain in your back slowly begins to subside as you take in your surroundings. The first thing you notice is how warm you are, bundled under Leo’s soft duvet, with his face inches from yours. He looks cute when he’s asleep, and you bite back a smile. Birds chirp outside his window, sunlight streaming into the room. Everything is quiet. There’s no danger, nothing’s wrong, you remind yourself. It was just a dream. 
Your eyes land on the clock on his bedside table next. It’s still pretty early and you’re sure everyone’s probably sleeping in, but you don’t want to cut anything too close. You manage to slip out of his grasp, and as your feet hit the floor, you realize even his floorboards aren’t as cold as yours. You start to pull your clothes on, tugging on your pajama pants, then clipping the back of your bralette shut. Your back is turned, so you don’t notice him waking up in spite of how quiet you’re being. He watches you silently for a minute, still blissed out from last night, from the way you touched him and let him touch you. 
“Going so soon?” 
You turn around at the sound of his voice, rough with sleep, and bite back a smile. You hold up your top. 
“I have to,” you reply coolly, “the last thing we need is people getting suspicious.” 
Your usage of the word we doesn't go unnoticed by him, and he props himself up to look at you better. 
"Co-conspiring," he starts with another one of those playful little smirks that makes your knees weak, "my favorite kind of foreplay."
You walk closer to him without realizing it, standing just close enough for him to pull you in for another lingering kiss. With his hand on your chin, he guides your lips to his. You both know it's not enough, one kiss never is, and soon he's pushing his tongue past your lips. It's so hard to fight the temptation of your desires, resist the urge to throw yourself in his arms and fall right back into bed with him. The way he’s kissing you, you know he feels the same. Everything about him is pulling you in, every kiss and touch says c'mon, we have time for one more round. Don't you want me to do that thing you like? Don’t you want me to touch you again? You giggle against his lips as he keeps pulling you back for kiss after kiss, making your attempts at getting dressed futile. His hands are all over you, slipping under your pajama pants to squeeze your ass. You tangle your hands in his hair, so close to folding. You’re so lost in each other’s touch the rest of the world seems to fall away. 
“Hey Leo, Percy said- OH HORSEFEATHERS!”
You pull away to see Hazel standing in the doorway, one hand now covering her eyes. Oh fuck, you think, and one look at Leo tells you he’s thinking the same thing. 
“Hazel,” Leo starts carefully.
“Whatever you think happened-” You start, your words overlapping with his. 
“We didn’t do anything, okay?”
“I was just on my way out.” You say, gesturing towards the doorway she’s still standing in. She sputters some more, cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the scandalous scene she walked in on. Leo nods towards the door, and when you slip past her, she can’t meet your eye. As you skitter back to your room, you hear him talking to her through the ajar door. 
“...Really like her.” Hazel says something you can’t make out and Leo continues. “We’re going to tell the others, just not yet. Please, Hazel, can you just keep this between us for a little while?”
Your cheeks flush at his words. He likes you. He really likes you. You shove the thought away, finally sobering up from his intoxicating touch. Instead, you pinch the bridge of your nose, wallowing in disbelief that this is actually happening. You continue spiraling, wondering what the hell is going to come of this as you freshen up and get dressed. Normally you’d get some coffee or something first, but going downstairs and facing all Leo’s friends whose names you barely remember sounds like more of a hell than whatever caffeine withdrawals you’re going through right now. All you want right now is to avoid this whole situation as much as possible. And, if you’re being honest, some coffee. 
When you finally do steel your nerves and go downstairs, you’re met with way more people than you expected. Three or so more new people seemed to appear overnight, but before you can panic, Leo catches your eye and ushers you into the kitchen with everyone else. He introduces you to the new new people - Percy, Annabeth, and Will, and you pray you’ll be able to remember their names as he recounts little stories of their camp shenanigans. You greet them with a curt smile, then walk past them to finally make some coffee. You leave towards the pantry to get sugar, and hear Leo talking to his friends. 
“She’s a little… shy.” He says. 
“Prickly.” Jason finishes at the same time, drawing a chuckle from someone. 
Leo tells you about everyone while you make your coffee, explaining all the stories of how they met and the most iconic stuff they did before he came to camp, and some highlights they’ve all pulled off since then. In the middle of his second to last story, the door opens and a big burly dark haired guy walks in. Everyone greets him (apparently his name is Frank), and Leo has that smile on his face that means he’s holding back some joke or clever quip, and you wonder in the back of your mind what it is. 
Frank hugs Hazel right off the bat, a big tight lingering bear hug, before he lets go to greet everyone else properly. He glances over at Hazel a few more times, and when there’s a lull, he leans closer to her. 
“You okay?” he asks softly. You don’t quite hear her response, something about talking after breakfast, but it sends knots to your stomach. You can’t blame her, this is a sucky thing to keep a secret, especially with how upset she seems. On the other hand, you’re sure being introduced to Leo’s friends as the scary girl he’s sucking and fucking every ten minutes isn’t going to make  a good first impression. And with Calypso here too, you’re sure it would be nothing less than explosive. What you really need is a solution. 
As you sit down and sip your coffee while everyone around you makes and starts to eat their breakfast, passing out cokes and soda, you try to figure out what the hell you’re going to do. The conversation lulls a little, and it’s quiet for a few moments. 
“Wow, it is a beautiful morning!” Jason says suddenly, a forced chipperness to his voice, “Who wants toast? I’m making toast!” 
You look over at him, about to ask if he hit his head, but Piper jumps in with a chipper - albeit, less manic - tone that mirrors his. 
“Yeah, toast sounds great!” she nods, looking around and sending looks to her friends, “Right guys?”
A few people agree, and the chatter picks back up a little. Jason looks relieved. He told Piper about everything long before she got here, so she knows how worried he is about everyone getting along. There was so much awkwardness on the Argo II at first, and they worked so hard to overcome it and really bond as a group. The last thing he wants is for there to be more awkwardness that results in everyone back at ground zero. He knows there has to be an easier way to get you acclimated to being around them, and Piper promised she’d help mitigate any tension as much as she could, make sure everyone gets along. 
Piper stares at you for a second, something you’re used to because of your style. Her gaze flicks over to Leo for a second, and a look of realization flashes through her eyes, bringing an almost imperceptible smile to her face. It’s gone as soon as it appears, and you think you must have imagined it. Your train of thought is quickly pulled back to Hazel, who’s biting her nails instead of drinking her tea. She’s a ticking time bomb, one look shared between you and Leo confirms you’re both well aware of this. Piper disguises another smile by sipping her monster. 
As people continue to make breakfast and conversation, chatting while they eat, some of the uncomfortable energy fades away, instead replaced by the hectic cacophony of ten or so people all getting various breakfast foods ready. You expect to hate it, but as every minute passes, you realize you don’t. It’s actually kind of nice, almost comforting in a strange way. There’s a cozy, kinetic energy you’re more fond of than you expected to be. You start to settle in, chuckling at Leo’s jokes and watching Percy and Jason roast each other while you drink your coffee. There’s a little part in the back of your mind that thinks you could get used to this. You’ve been alone for long enough, you can tolerate other people for a little while, at least. 
Right as that feeling starts to sink in, something cold grips you, sending a sickening chill down your spine. Your stomach sinks, smile dropping as your head turns, looking for the source of… whatever it is. You look around the room, then back at the window. You seem to be the only one to notice that the curtains are moving in the wind somehow, even though the window is closed. You immediately look over to Leo, locking eyes as he starts to notice something feels weird too. The temperature drops a few degrees, and a hush falls over the room as everyone else realizes that something is wrong. There’s a rattling noise from the front door and Percy’s brow furrows. 
Before he can say anything, the windows explode, glass shards flying everywhere, as two storm spirits burst in, dragging a cold snowy breeze with them. Everyone launches into action - everyone except Leo. He looks over at you, realizing in a split second that you have zero battle experience, you don’t even have a weapon. But he can summon fire like it’s nothing. He grabs you, ushering you quickly out of the room and away from the fight, a blur of bronze and gold, bodies flying across the room and storm spirits howling. He drags you into the laundry room down the hall, slamming the door shut. You watch him closely as he walks over to the sink, cupping some water in his hands and spilling it on the floor in front of the door.
He moves you in the space between the dryer and the wall, crouching in front of you as you sink to the floor. He pulls you close to him with one arm, watching the water on the floor closely as you tuck your head into the crook of his neck. You try futilely to control your breathing as the fight rages on down the hall. You’re not really processing what’s happening, he doesn’t expect you to until this is over. He keeps close watch of that water he splashed on the floor. If it starts to freeze over, he’ll know they’re close and can flame broil those bastards until they’re puddles too. There’s a loud crash, and you let out a noise. He covers your mouth with his hand, shushing you gently. He rubs his free hand over your arm, and you find the gesture comforting as he holds you tight in his arms. 
You wait with baited breath until it gets quiet. You look at him, more than ready to leave your hiding spot, but he shakes his head no. Not yet. You trust him, waiting a few more minutes until footsteps approach. Dread pools in your stomach at the sound, and your mind races, imagining the worst. Your terror is short lived as Percy opens the door, roughed up with a cut on his cheek. He nods at Leo, indicating that it’s safe.
“We got ‘em.” He states, and in your hazy stupor following Leo into the living room where the others wait, you notice that Percy has a really strong New York accent. A fresh wave of fear overtakes you for a moment as you look around, making sure everyone’s okay. There only seem to be minor injuries, some cuts and scrapes and bruises, most of which Will is patching up, and you feel yourself coming down from that huge spike of shock and terror. Jason sits in the middle of the couch, iris messaging Chiron. Leo still has his hand on your back, and he pokes his head around the corner, looking through the open doors toward the kitchen. He tries not to slip completely into engineering brain and focus entirely on the broken windows and busted tables, specifically on how he’s going to fix them. Before he does, he manages to snap his attention back to the conversation his friends are having with Chiron. 
“I might have an idea of where this is headed.” Chiron says, “For now I urge you to stay together and stay safe. Make sure you’re all bonding as friends, and as a team, in case of any more unforeseen attacks.” 
“I can cast a protection spell on the house,” Hazel says, thinking about some of the spells she’s been learning recently, “it would make it almost impossible for anyone to get in.” 
Chiron nods.
“I think that would be wise.” He looks around at them, determined to help them figure out what’s going on. “Alright, I’ll be back the moment I have more information for you, children.” 
Everyone says loud goodbyes, and the image vanishes. It’s quiet again as everyone processes all the events of this morning. You breathe steadily, mentally running over the sequence of events, trying to make sense of it. It’s a comfortable silence, and you know everyone else is doing the same thing. Jason stands up suddenly, clapping his hands loudly. 
“Alright!” He says, looking around at his friends, “Who wants to play some Monopoly?” 
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annawrites444 · 2 months
Hey! So I saw you were doing matchups and GODS I couldn’t help myself, I’ve always wanted to try one so… here’s a “few” things about myself:
I like to think of myself as a daughter of Hades or Hecate (yes, I’m a female this is NOT a typo), not sure which since I have traits that could branch from either one. I’m said to be loyal, HEAVILY sarcastic, rude yet kind, creative, playful, something about forgetful(?), and impulsive af. There’s just something about doing something first the moment it comes to your brain than thinking about it that just works. I mean, as Leo said, “thinking tends to disrupt the flow of thinking less.” (Wait, what do you mean that isn’t it? Well… close enough). I’ll always be out there making jabs and annoying my friends on the daily, but also showing my concern and affections if they’re not okay. No matter if they’re just sick or tired. I listen to them whenever there’s something going on, and always try to give advice if I could. Even if I’m not the best (horrible) at it.
Can you tell that I love my family- I mean friends? I’m not gonna lie, I’m willing to take a whole punch to the kidneys or bullet to the chest just for them. I’m not sure if I’m exaggerating or not, but, I don’t know, I just feel like I would take series of Ls just for them.
Is that weird? Yeah, it probably is…
Anyway! What else is there to say… oh!
I love swimming, learning about Greek mythology, listening to music (like musicals), and vibing all around. There’s nothing better than just chilling around (preferably in bed) after another tedious day of life and it’s… life. It just hits RIGHT. But I HATE insects, especially flies. If I see those stupid, fat, spindly-legged ass creatures then I’m running away with my tail between my legs. I don’t know why those scare me in particular, but they do. It’s weird.
But, that should be it! I’m sorry if it’s too long, just take one look and tell me to shorten it if you want. I’m willing to adjust if needed. Have a good day 😊
(Oh yeah, before I forget, I would like to be paired up with a male character and I’m underage (16) so… yeah!)
Matchup! Daughter of Hecate Reader X Leo Valdez
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PJO/ HOO universe
(Blurb) Oh Gods. They were everywhere. Those stupid giant mosquitos that never seemed to catch a hint. You were armed with a flyswatter, in a fighting position, on top of your bunk and swatting aimlessly in the air. You were NOT going to back down this time. You forgot a few things occasionally, but you weren’t prepared for forgetting to shut your cabin door behind you before going to eat breakfast. You yelped out in fear as a ginormous mosquito flew inches away from your face. So this is how I die, you thought, annoyed at your previous forgetfulness. You spent a good 20 minutes up there fighting the urge to scream. You siblings were already out and about the camp and were nowhere near to help you. You had made a very handy fly repellent and bug spray but it was sitting on the potions-work table on the opposite side of the cabin. Stealth Mission Kill Flies: GO you decided to pull a mission impossible and jump your way over to the table before they closed in on you. You positioned yourself, ready to jump onto the other bunk a few feet away. 3…2….1..JUMP, you leapt up into the air and face planted onto the other top bunk. Thank the Gods. “YES” You yelled out, excited to finally be one step closer to your goal. You readied yourself for another leap of faith, only to hear a stifled laugh, before you looked over in horror At Leo Valdez, who had just witnessed that whole thing. “Oh…heyy Leo, I can explain-” you flushed with embarrassment. “No need, I think I know what’s going on.” Leo walked over to the bunk you were currently towering over. He looked up at you with an amused smirk across his face. You had a hard time trying to fake annoyance, rather than succumbing to the blush now covering your cheeks. As if on cue, a swarm of big ass mosquitos darted toward you swarming across your head and getting in your face. You yelled out swatting in every direction and didn’t notice how unbalanced you were. You got most of them, except for one, as you reached out to swat him you lost your balance on the edge of the bunk and fell off the top. You braced yourself, expecting to hit the hard wooden floors, when much to your surprise you felt two arms wrapped around you and your head leaning against a shoulder. Oh GODS, Leo had caught you from your fall. You sat there for a second before coming to your senses and jumping out of his grasp. “I’m so so sorry, Leo.” you began to apologize “I swear I’ll be more-” you covered your face with your hands, “No-No problem,”He shook his head, face red as a tomato “it’s all good, Just didn’t expect you to fall for me so early in the morning” He gave you a winning grin before walking over to the bug spray and warding off your unwanted intruders. “I just stopped by to see if you wanted to head down to the lake together to meet up with Piper and Jason?” he held out his hand to you. You rolled your eyes at his cheesy line before debating your plans for the day, “I guess as long as long as we don’t miss training later” You grabbed his hand, fingers interlocked and bit your lip to hide your growing smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it” he led the way out of the dark cabin and into the daylight outside. My hero, you thought. But you'd never tell him that....
Mission Impossible theme…/j 
Actually though “Bewitched” by Laufey just gives me soft, in love feels. Which I think is kinda perfect for a witchy camper :) Also the lyrics really resonate with the blurb I wrote and what I picture your relationship to feel like, “You wrote me a note cast a spell on my Heart”. 
You and Leo are chaotic energy X 2 honestly X10. Like non stop banter at Camp, on the Argo II, everywhere you guys go it’s like a contest to see who gets the final say. There 100% is a chalkboard somewhere on board with a tally of arguments/ conversations won (you’re in the lead with about 27, Leo has 22). 
While you’re both funny people to be around, you are able to find this sensitivity with certain topics and especially with Leo and his trauma surrounding his mom’s death, you always try your hardest to comfort him, even if you don’t know exactly what to say. He appreciates every moment of it, and you kinda just hold him in your arms as he vents to you.
Lake dates are totally a thing, whether it’s just you two, or  with the whole prophecy of 7 in tow you guys make it a habit to go on swims and walks along the shore of the lake every night to take a break from the tiring life of a demigod child of prophecy. 
Leo admires the fire you have within you, to stand up for others, and to speak your mind, he knows you to be the most loyal person at camp. You’re like the big sister for all the little kids, I imagine you especially doting on the demigod kids who are children of minor gods and that end up getting overlooked at times. You’re their advocate and Leo is just HEART EYES. 
After coming back from that final battle with Gaia, you needed a few days to process everything and to be alone, away from other people. Leo was more than happy to calm down your normal schedules and spend a few days on your bunk talking, reading, or just napping in peace and quiet. 
Thank you for your requests and thank you so much for your patience Anon!!
hope you like it :))
-love, Anna <3
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hiii i love your fics so much!!❤️ could you pls make a leo x reader (doesn’t matter what godly parents you can do whatever :) ) and they get into a fight but make up in the end🙏 take your time i hope you’re having a great day!
✮⋆˙ miscommunication is key; leo valdez x reader argument blurb
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content: leo valdez x reader argument blurb warning: cursing and minor angst but fluff and comfort to save the day. author's note: this ones kinda all over the place and the spanish is in fact google translate bc im a lazy mfer.
"no, no, c'mon, we're gonna talk about this," you all but begged, following leo as he stomped through bunker nine, grumbling under his breath and pretending to ignore you to the best of his abilities.
"talk about what?" bit out leo, glaring at you without a joking undertones that he usually used, "i thought there was nothing to talk about."
"you're shutting me out, leo, and it's not productive to this conversation. i, like an hour ago, was not under the impression there was anything to talk about. clearly, i was wrong, but now that i offer to talk, what, it's too late? because i didn't pick up instantly on the fact you were mad with me?" you rambled, stopping and crossing you arms, traces of confusion littering your features. and leo rolled his eyes and turned away, wanting to be mad but knowing he couldn't be if he saw you looking at him like that.
"not mad with you. made at you. big difference," argued leo, shaking his head slightly in frustration.
"do not talk semantics to me, right now of all times. leo...i don't know how else to tell you this, but he's just a friend. so what if i've known him for three years? it shouldn't change anything-"
"what changes is the fact that you just so happened to exclude that part when you were telling me about him. you hid it and you lied," leo cut in, pointing over at you, accusatorily. you sighed, taking a few breaths to not add anger to the fire that was this conversation.
"please, leo, don't call me a liar. it's not fair, at all. and, if i accidently forgot to mention that i've known him for so many years, i take accountability for that, really i do. but some of this is on you too. if you didn't get so mad-"
"y si no fueras tan puta a veces," leo muttered under his breath before stilling, realizing his own words after they'd left his mouth, "wait-"
"go to hell, valdez. gods, i don't even know why i try to have these conversations with you. come find me when you grow the fuck up and remove your head from your ass," you bit out, taking slow steps backwards, forcing him to look into your tear filled eyes.
a few hours later, you were laying in a patch of grass that the demeter kids liked to overgrow. if you didn't know better, you wouldn't be able to see if anyone was in the grass. but leo did know better. gently wading his way through the grass, he stopped a few feet away from your spot, sitting down and tucking his legs under himself. there was silence for a few minutes and leo was slightly worried you had no idea he was there. or that you didn't want him there anymore.
"did you remove your head from your ass?" you asked, softly, and leo could hear the hint of a smile in your voice, which he was more than grateful for, though he felt undeserving.
"something like that," he muttered back, his fingers tapping some anxious rhythm against his thigh.
"good. now, do you want to try that conversation over again? this time, no rude ass spanish?" you offered, this time sitting up, your head just barely visible over the swishing grass.
"this time, i'll listen," leo added, nodding his head solidly. it earned him a smile, a smile that told him he was already forgiven. a smile that oozed of the love she felt for him.
a smile that was reserved for him and him alone.
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Leo Valdez x reader sketching you
Leo was sitting in the sand under the welcoming shadow of a pine tree that happened to grow near the beach shore. Its size indicated that it must have been a pretty old one. Leo had a sketchbook on his lap and a bunch of soft pencils right next to him. His slendy fingers slowly caressed the cover of the sketchbook.         He was new to the whole "drawing/sketching" business, but hazel insisted his hands had talent and with a little practice he would eventually end up drawing magnificently. Leo knew that he was good at blueprints however they had little in common with sketches and art.          He shrugged and opened the block, grabbed one soft pencil and started incarnate the views that unfolded in front of his own eyes. The only thing that kept him company at that midday of summer was the loving chilly summer breeze that ran around , playing with the leaves of trees like a little careless kid and the aquamarine sea that let its waves hug the shore motherly and sighed as the waves receded back.            Leo was so focused on what he was doing he didn't notice you were peaking behind his back, slowly observing his drawings. Your (e/c) orbs were eyeing the sketches with admiration. "Nice drawings Leo" you admitted forgetting completely that he wasn't aware of your presence. He vaulted scared by the person behind him that suddenly interrupted the silence.      He turned to face you with a face full of terror. "Omg...(y/n) you startled me" he murmured his soul leaving his body. You giggled lightly, earning a glare from Leo. "I've never been described as startling, I guess i live to surprise!" You joked with a smirk spreading across your face.        "Leo...something is missing from your drawings though" you muttered. "Oh okay, so first you are scaring the life out of me and now you are criticizing my work? Why don't you just kick me in the face next time?" He scolded. You were caught out of guard at first but then immediately burst out laughing and then you leaned in and pecked his cheek.          Only then did you realise you had actually kissed your crush and a complex mixture of reds appeared on your face. Leo wasn't going any better. His cheeks had flushed with heat. "Leo...you k-know what is missing?" You asked him. He shook his head. "Me." You simply replied. He stared at you for some seconds and then cracked a shy smile. "I would love to draw you" he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.        You then immediately stood up and sat opposite of him, posing in a way that made you comfortable. Leo gazed at you for a moment and then caught up with reality and started sketching. Sketching your (h/l)(h/c) hair, your dreamy (e/c) eyes that made him want to melt everytime they held his gaze, sketching you in particularly made him want to just let the earth take him in its depths right then and there. He didn't know he was smiling to himself while capturing you beautiful figure in the neat pages of his block.           "Finished!" He announced proudly. You instantly rushed to his side to see what he had accomplished. You felt your heart grow wings and try to leave your chest. This was the most flattering way anyone had ever captured you. You blinked a few times to get over the surprise and then you finally stuttered a sentence. "O- oh my gods Leo...you...that is mesmerising". Your eyes could not leave the sketch. Leo ran his fingers through his curly hair. "Oh, well it's nothing much" he humbly responded.          "Leo, stop being so humble! You illustrated the (y/n) glamour perfectly" you said with a smug. He laughed. You laughed. You both laughed as you fell down, laying there, clutching your stomachs from the laughter.      Suddenly Leo turned to face you. His face had a soft hint of seriousness in it. It was the first time you'd seen him this way. There was a moment of silence, you were both dazed by each other's presence. Then it happened. What you had waited for years to happen. What you had dreamt millions of times. It was as if it had escaped your fantasy and embodied itself in reality. Leo leaned in and locked his lips with yours.          Butterflies swirled around in your stomach in a massive chaos, your heart was beating too loud and fast for your preference. He broke the kiss and stared at you sadly. "I'm sorry (y/n)...I know it's a mistake...it just felt so right... I don't want to ruin our friendship" he mumbled uncontrollably. "No Leo...it's not a mistake unless you want it to be." You whispered enough for him to hear. He didn't answer. "Do you want it to be?" You asked. "Do you want it to be?" He repeated emphasizing on the word 'you'. "No" you replied laconically. "Me neither" he confessed.          You let a relieved sigh escape your lips. "Then kiss me again you idiot" you muttered and you captured his lips hungrily. He responded with the same passion and desire. All this time you felt that you were deprived of his touch, only now did you realise how much you craved it. Leo wanted you all for him. Only you and him. He didn't need anyone else at that very moment. He needed you for his sanity and stability. You completed each other. How had he lived all these years without this?           You both laid there, affectionately complimenting each other and gazing in each other's eyes while offering kisses here and there. That was the dream.
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halfbloodglader · 7 years
Maybe Always Means Yes (Leo Valdez)
Leo Valdez x Reader - 1,295 words
Request; A Leo x Reader where Y/N and Leo are overbearingly bored on the Argo, they run into some trouble amidst said boredom, eventually leading to Leo confessing by accident. 
Y/N and Leo lay sprawled out on the floor in the hall of the Argo II. Everyone else was in the mess hall talking about ‘important things’ which Leo and Y/N never seemed to be allowed to. Understandably, because they just goofed off the whole time. 
“Im. So. Bored.” Leo grumbled hitting his head repeatedly against the floor. Life was pretty boring on the Argo, especially seeing as how the Stolls weren’t here to play pranks with them. 
“Mhmmm-“ Y/N sounded back in agreement. “Jenga?” She asked to which Leo just responded by shaking his head side to side violently. Just as she was about to give up, Leo shot up and looked to her with a smirk on his face. 
“I’ve got a plan!” He exclaimed. “It might get us both killed. But, hey, even if it does, it’ll be a story the Stoll’s won’t even believe. Sound good?” 
Y/N jumped to her feet. “¡Claro que si!” 
After some careful planning and a few prayers to the gods, Y/N and Leo stood up on the railing of the Argo, struggling to steady themselves as the wind whipped past. 
“Hey everyone!” Leo hollered out. “Get up here!” He added a slight hint of urgency in his voice and surely enough, everyone came out onto the deck of the Argo, their eyes going wide and mouths falling agape. 
“GET DOWN!” Annabeth screamed, and before anyone could reach out to the pair, they leapt off of the side of the Argo and disappeared below. Percy was the first to reach the edge of the ship, peering over fretfully, searching for any sign of his sister. 
“Wha-What the hell?! Was this Gaea?” He looked back to his friends for some sort of answers but they were all trembling with the same fear, unable to muster an answer as to why they’d just jump off.
Before any of their hearts exploded out of sheer shock, Festus rocketed over the ship, making the wind around him rumble as he flew overhead. Y/N and Leo looked down to their friends and let out playful hollers as they flew over once more before landing. 
“You two are so dead!!!!” Annabeth screamed with a force Ares wouldn’t even want to reckon with. 
“Literally or metaphorically?” Leo snickered and Annabeth glared at him, smoke bursting from her ears. 
“Very literal, repair boy. Very literal.” 
Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper and Nico were a mix of emotions, the boys laughed and the girls were sighing with relief. But Percy and Annabeth were furious, as always. Just as Leo slipped off of Festus, Annabeth grabbed him by the ear and pulled him alongside her. Percy firmly grabbed his sisters arm and hauled her along also. When Annabeth turned, Percy looked down to his sister with a smirk and winked. Y/N stifled a laugh. Percy always did this, act like he was angry to get along with Annabeth but deep down he thought it was pretty good.
“Oh c’mon. It was just a prank! This place is so boring!” Leo complained and whimpered as Annabeth dragged him down the hall. 
“Don’t even start with excuses, Valdez!!” She barked and Leo snickered. The small boy was thrown into Y/N’s room and soon after, so was Y/N, the door being slammed behind them. The girl stepped back, but tripped over Leo’s feet. A loud cry came from the boy as she tumbled atop him and awkwardly tried to get up, only to fall back down on him again. 
“Nice to see you too.” He muttered and Y/N laughed as she finally clambered off of him. She flicked on the dim light in the room and flopped down onto the bed. “Now we are sentenced to wither away in boredom in the confines of this room.”
Per usual, Leo began to rummage through the girls things, searching for something interesting. He found an orange and held it up to his ear. 
“You do realize those are to be eaten, right?” She looked to her friend with a new found disbelief, something she was sure couldn’t happen. 
“Sure.” He tossed it at her and shuffled around some more. 
“OOOh! What’s this?” He straightened up with excitement and flipped open a book. 
“H-Hey! NO!” She snapped at him but he warded her off with a flame igniting in his hand. “Why didn’t you tell me you could draw so well? I could’ve used your help with blueprints!” He whined, looking at her with sad eyes, trying to amplify his hurt. 
“Because I knew you’d snoop!” She tried to see over his shoulders to see what he was looking at but he kept blocking her.
Suddenly, he whipped around with the book held up to his nose. Y/N didn’t even have to see his mouth to know he was grinning mischievously. 
“Yea. It’s Festus. So what?” Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to grab the book from him. 
“This is from that night we took him out for a test run. Those two people are us.” He pointed to the small figures which were barely visible atop the dragon as it coast along the skyline. 
“Well n-“ She started but Leo shushed her. 
“I’ve gotta admit though, I don’t remember sitting that close to you…” He smirked and Y/N tried to snatch the book from him again. She raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips in aggravation. Leo snickered and tore the page from her book, folding it carefully and putting it in his pocket. 
“Stop stealing my stuff, Leo.” She muttered.
Leo scoffed. “No! It’s payback! You stole my heart, I steal something of yours.” He closed the book and held it close to him. 
“What?” She tilted her head to the side and his stomach dropped. 
“What?” He quipped back as if he hadn’t said anything to begin with. Y/N looked to him with an unconvinced glare. “Ahaha- umh… haha.” He threw the book down nervously and ran to the door. 
“Percy!!! Let me out. NOW PLEASE! I MESSED UP!” He banged the wood and laughter erupted from the mess hall. They all knew what he’d done. Everyone but Y/N seemed to know about Leo’s infatuation with the girl. 
“Sorry, repair boy!” Annabeth yelled out amidst the laugher.
Leo turned back to the girl who still stood awkwardly. Her body stiffened with confusion. “Welp… I guess you know now. Ahaha. I did not plan for this.” He rubbed the back of his neck, the skin he touched sparking. Y/N rocked back and fourth on her heels and darted her eyes around the room. After a moment of silence, she shrugged her shoulders. 
“Please just say something. This is too embracing - even for me. Do you at least feel the same way?” He pleaded. Y/N’s smile rose and she stifled a laugh. 
“Maybe I do… maybe I don’t.” She picked up her book and grinned playfully. Leo’s face dropped in annoyance and strode towards her, picking her up and throwing her to the bed. He jumped on the bed himself and laid on his stomach, shoulder to shoulder with her. Luckily for Leo, he and Y/N had made slight alterations to their normal vocabulary to have slightly different meanings. In his stupor, he watched as the girl opened up her book and began to redraw the sketch of festus which he’d stolen. After a while, he leaned his head against hers, pushing his nose into her cheek. 
“Good thing maybe always means yes.” He smiled into her cheek and she kept sketching away. Maybe the Argo wasn’t so boring and lonely after all.
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
A Good Scare (Leo Valdez xF!Reader)
A/N: I took longer bc I’m playing among us with my friends sorry lmao Anyway feel free to leave me more spooky requests!! -Danny
Words: 1,220
Request: Can I request a Leo x fem!reader where she decorates Bunker 9 like a haunted house to scare the bejeeses out of him?? Super fluffy and cute and while he is scared at first, he also ends up scaring her and ends with a kiss? Pretty please and thank you! Happy spooky season!
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Halloween was a special time for you, mostly because you can be as batshit crazy as you want and people won’t judge you. It’s all about the intention, really, considering your life is already a horror story, at least you can make fun of the silly stories the mortals create to pass the time.
This year though, you’re celebrating with a purpose: Scare your boyfriend.
He told you stories about how he’d dress up and mess with the other kids at foster care (nothing too wild, just pure innocent pranks) and even though he wasn’t a big fan of going door to door asking for candy -mostly because monsters would usually ruin the experience- he was a huge fan of old horror movies. The classics, you may call them.
So of course, what says classic more than a haunted house?
You got tons of help, not only because the place is too huge to cover on your own, but because you discovered most of the campers were quite fond of the festivities. Maybe it had to do with the fact that being demigods in camp, Christmas wasn’t really a big deal, so Halloween was one thing you could celebrate without upsetting the Gods, (and trust me, they get upset easily).
When you finished the decorations you couldn’t help but feel proud, everything looked terrifying, in a good-bad way. The plan was to wait until Leo showed up, and once there Festus would jump out from a massive pile of fake bones, throwing fire onto the air.
You were giddy the whole day, hinting Leo about having a surprise for him back in bunker nine. He seemed excited too, thinking that maybe it had to do with a new set of tools or a surprise dinner date. Those were great.
He wasn’t disappointed when he discovered that wasn’t the truth. Instead, he looked around with his mouth agape, a glint of excitement reaching his gaze.
“Y/N, this looks so cool!”
“I know!” You exclaimed proudly. “I got tons of help, in exchange we’ll be hosting a party here tomorrow, so you better prepare a good costume.”
“That sounds like a win-win situation,” He grinned. “Can I look around?”
You smirked, trying to remain calm as if that wasn’t exactly what you’d been expecting to hear.
You guided him through the main area, the work tables had been pushed to the side with the exception of a few that would be used the next day to put food and drinks, and some other that had fake corpses on them.
“What’s that?” He pointed to the pile of fake bones.
“Oh, nothing,” You shrugged. “Bunch of props that we couldn’t place elsewhere, maybe tomorrow I’ll put them away.”
“I mean, they kinda look cool here,” Leo walked up to them, examining the pile. “We could grab a few and place them outside the big house– Oh! We could put some outside Hades’ cabin! Bet Nico will love that,” He laughed.
“Bet Nico will love to kick your ass if you do it,” You chuckled.
When Leo bent down to pick up a fake skeleton, Festus erupted from the pile in its own glory, he even added a few dramatic growls and screeches as he shot up fire like a maniac.
Leo let out a terrified scream, he fell on his butt and squirmed away from the pile, the top of his head and his shoulders burst into flames too.
You doubled in laughter, having to support yourself on the table next to you and wishing you could’ve filmed his reaction for later.
“Well done, Festus!” You exclaimed in joy, Festus let out a puff of smoke through his nostrils like a satisfied puppy.
“Wasn’t funny!” Leo exclaimed from his place on the floor, patting the flames on his shoulder so his shirt wouldn’t get all ruined. “I can’t believe you agreed to this, Festus– I’m the one who feeds you, man!”
Festus let out something close to a purr, shaking in a way that looked like laughter.
“Don’t be mad at him, I bribed him,” You stepped closer, still giggling. “Lots of tasty hot sauce and promised to take him out for a ride next weekend.”
You offered your hand to hand and Leo took it with a scowl. He stood up -discretely trying to rub his butt so it would stop hurting- and the tiniest hint of a smile appeared on his face.
“It was a good one, I’ll admit that.”
“Thank you, I’m quite proud,” You beamed.
Leo grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer for a moment, kissing your lips lovingly.
“So, that party,” He smirked. “Any fun plans in mind?”
“The cups are over there!” You told your friends as they entered the bunker, looking around with the same shocked expression Leo had the day before. “And the food is on the next table, have fun!”
The party was a huge success, and the costumes were extremely creative and fun to see, you didn’t make a contest out of it because you thought it would take all the fun away, besides, the younger kids couldn’t match the skills of the oldest, so it was only fair that this first Halloween party would remain entertaining and fun for everyone.
You liked the sound of that, having a party every year could be fun, especially when everything in your life was always changing, something as carefree as a party that would happen every year felt like the right kind of constant.
Leo wasn’t around, but you assumed he was somewhere making sure the guests were happy, after all, he was the life of all parties.
“Hey, Y/N!” Piper called out to you. “Where’s the bathroom?”
“This way!” You guided her to the first hall on the left, three doors deep into the poorly lit space you found the door. “Here…”
You opened the door abruptly, a bloody figured jumped out of the shower, a fake chainsaw being thrown at your face.
You let out a squeal, backtracking and pressing against the door.
Piper cackled behind you, Leo took off the mask, tears of laughter falling down his cheeks as he leaned on the sink, throwing the chainsaw to the floor.
“Gods, I think you just defeated Pan for the most panicky screech ever,” Piper snorted.
“I’d say I can’t believe you teamed up to scare me, but I do believe it,” You frowned. “You guys suck.”
“You mean to say that we succeeded with high marks,” Leo smirked. “C’mon, admit it was a great scare!”
A smile threatened to break your grumpy attitude, you crossed your arms and bit your lip.
“Where did you get the fake blood?”
“It’s cough syrup!” He exclaimed happily, “I’ll be stinking like a drugstore for the rest of the night.”
You laughed at that, shaking your head.
“Okay, it was a great prank,” You pulled him towards you and kissed the tip of his nose. “Can we go back to the party now?”
Leo stared at you with an adoration that kinda looked creepy with his clothes drenched in fake blood.
“You’re really lucky to have a girlfriend that like me that loves to get scared, you know?”
Leo laughed, kissing the top of your head.
“I know.”
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