rbtlvr · 9 months
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so um... @rottmnt-week couldn't pick one fave au so i tried to narrow it down a bit (which. was still VERY hard) to just the main aus that are currently living in my brain rent free
2al by @intotheelliwoods / cas au by @somerandomdudelmao / imbi by @dandylovesturtles / miles to go before i sleep by @bottledovercast
+ individual images under the
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bunny-rambles · 1 year
Hey there, hope u dont forget that you're a wonderful beautiful smart adorable person.
I mean, how could u when ur lucky enough to see such a person on a daily basis in your mirror, right?
But enough of me telling all this obvious things, csn I please ask u something?
If not interested, thats perfectly fine. Thats just me being my random self and torturing my favorite writers/artist with my silly questions.
How do u think, which colours will suit Rubedo the most?
Sorry if its too random, but, ah- why not try and ask, right?I feel like im repeating myself-
Im personaly think that green and grey would match him quite well if they would take a part in his design.
(I hc him having green eyes instead of red, thats why)
Thats all, have a nice life, bun. And keep being your-awesome-self, 'key?
sorry for this being super late, tbh this one got buried under notifs and it’s the first time I’ve seen this (or if I saw it before I completely forgot about it)
first of all, thank you for your very sweet words <33
second - hm, well, I always saw silver to be a very fitting colour. since albedo is gold, I think ig would be thematically accurate for ruby to be the ‘silver’ of the two, so maybe instead of the golden decorative metal pieces albedo has, instead they’d be a different shape and in silver on ruby’s outfit.
Another colour I associated him with is red, for obvious reasons, both from the fact he’s closely linked with durins heart and because of the crimson agate in drsgonspine, not to mention the nickname I gave him is also a red precious jewel. His name, Rubedo, quite literally means the reddening
Now, I’ve heard Rubedo is actually called Dorian, and although I love the fact it relates to Dorian’s portrait, I’m still clinging to the ruby agenda, it’s just such a precious name and I think it’s fitting <33
green eyes instead of blue though is something I agree with - maybe not bright green but subtle, like a deep turquoise compared to albedos aquamarine ones
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How the beginning of a manga broke me
a few weeks ago, just before the beginning of the exam period, i was exploring apps like tachiyomi and websites like TMO in order to find something entertaining to read in order to ease the anxiety that the thoyght of the exams provoked, to my surprise, i found a manga from the autor of kaguya-sama love is war, wichalthough i liked the first time i saw the anime, didnt stick with me and just saw it as an ocasional watch when i really dont have anything else to do.
but the opinion i had about aka akasaka completely changed after i read the first few chapters of today´s subject, oshi no ko.( i just started it, im not up to date on the current things in the manga but i think the story starts so well it is worth talking about).
at the start of our story we are met with a doctor called Amemiya Gorou, who took a liking to a particular group of idols called b-komashi, and to its main idol Ai Hoshino, thanks to a cancer patient he onded with, she was called sarina and sadly passed away before the events of the series, as we keep reading the first chapter gorou sees a news article about Ai taking a break from her career, as he reads the news article, he is interrupted by the arrival of a new patient, a pregnant 16 year old girl with an older guy who acts as her guardian, while readieng the patient´s history it seems oddly familiar to him, as the girl takes of the cap she was wearing it is revealed that the girl is in fact Ai Hoshino, after monitoring the pregnancy and noticing they were twins and everything seeming all right, our soon to be protagonist (trust me you will get in a few moments why i say this) Gorou and Ai have a talk on the roof of the hospital, being the main theme of this conversation the future of ai´s career and how idols lie and shine even withouth hope, gorou even referring to himself as a hopeless slave.
after a while, on the date the twins were set to be born, everything seems fine, gorou goes for a brief night walk, when a misterious gay with a hoodie asks him if he is the doctor in charge of Hoshino Ai, goru, surprised as this is supposed to be a secret, after a brief talk and a getaway of the man, pursues him in order to ask him where did he get this information, only to be hit by the man on the back of his head and day in an instant, but surprisingly, he was not in heaven or hel, nor in any kind of afterlife, after having a brief flashback about sarina, and a conversation they had about being born as the son of an idol, with the contacts and appearence to be a star, he is reborn as one of the twins that ai gave birth, the other twin being a female, now revorn as aquamarine hoshino alongside ruby hoshinom who he discovers also is a reincarnated person who kept all her memories,(us, the reader find out almost immediately that ruby is the reincarnation of sarina but aquamarine/gorou does not) lives a happy life alongside his new family, or thats what it seems until years later, one fateful day, a similar figure to the one that killed gorou appears in the secret apartment where ai and her kids are liveng and stabs  in the stomach, witouth no one who could help her the killer make sa escapeas the twins cry holding their dying mother, it is revealed that although, the killer is just a random guy who got the information from the twins dad, it is the twins dad the one behind gorou´s and ai´s murders and aquamarine swears he is going to make him pay.
i just read until here but with this beginnign i spent several days thinking about it and just wondering if life really is that easy to lose, and how even hopeless people can help to make shine the world of others, also i have heard wonderful things about this manga´s depiction of the idol industry and how the twins plqan to rise in it, im planing to continue reading this now that the semester is over and i really hope it keeps up to the expectatives
Samuel Farías
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lupismaris · 3 years
sorry you’re feeling so crappy 😔 i hope you feel better soon!!
if you’re feeling up to it, maybe silverflinthamiltons on a lake or beach vacation?
SILVERFLINTHAM LAKESIDE HOLIDAY PART 1 with a surprise! and another segment to follow because this is them arriving to the lake!
(this got long so most of it will be under the cut.)
It was summer.
Summer meant blistering asphalt and bags of trash stewing on the curb each morning. Hazy sunlight blinding the street, dark cavernous pockets of shade where the temperature seemed to drop ten degrees, but the air stayed stale and suffocating all the same. It meant too many people and too much noise and parties in the park that never seemed to end, one just replacing another in an endless cycle of hedonism, and bottles of chilled wine and cheap beer sweating on the fountain walls. It meant long dinners and longer lunches, ice cream trucks and Italian ice carts on opposite corners of the street carrying on an old world rivalry. It meant golds and blues and lush greens wherever your eyes happened to fall, be it on a back alley garden or storefront window display.
Silver loved summer.
He loved the warmth and the sprawling picnics and the baring of skin and the feral energy of a child free from school amplified to suit a city of millions and the heady summer storms that shook the glittering skyline in a kind of holy cleanse. He loved the summer fruits and the sweet aperitifs and the old school white linen shirts and open fire hydrants flooding the streets and the neon lights reflecting in the puddles left behind, still evaporating in the hot night, giving the whole world an ethereal glow.
Though he had to admit it was always better spent on a beach with a frosted drink and not a goddamn thing to do. But, if a beach couldn’t be procured, a big, cool, well air conditioned house that was paid for by someone else was an excellent alternative. His sister’s condo in Chelsea for instance was an excellent place to waste away a summer on parties and sun bathing and a private pool that no one else seemed to have the time to use. He had spent several summers with Max that way, even once the Rangers had become part of the picture, if Silver was on the east coast for the summer, he would drop in and waste away a while.
Now though, it looked like summers were going to be spent in Brooklyn, in the big cool townhouse that Thomas had paid for, with the truly miraculously internal air con that was always kept at a balmy 65 degrees from May to October, and with very little to do outside of whatever suited his fancy on any given day. Oh and sex, a lot of sex. This would be the first summer in a very long time where he could not only allow himself a libido, but he could also satiate it.
Silver was thoroughly content with the new circumstances.
He was less content however, with how the summer months, or maybe just the summer months in the city, seemed to bring out the worst in people as frequently as it did the best.
Flint, for example, did not handle summers as well as Silver did. In part it was due to the heat and the sun and the weird smells coming off the steamy side walks, and Silver understood Flint’s frustration with all that, he truly did. But summer also meant more tourists and more people going out for a good time, more people starting brawls in bars and fights in the street and parties spilling over from one bar to the next, or worse packs of bigots making the rounds and harassing whomever they find, everything the working class service folks of the city dreaded- in short, Flint’s stress levels seemed to just rise with the temperature. And considering an average day in July might easily crack 100, Silver was starting to get a tad worried.
“Is it like this every summer?” Silver had asked one Friday morning in June.
The kitchen was soft with the morning sunlight, Thomas in his silk night shirt and robe as he perused the menu for the cafe on the corner, Silver fixing them each an espresso.
“To a point yes. You know how James is about control,” Thomas said with a fond smile, “when he’s at his best he can combat every threat to his sovereignty without so much as flinching. But the summer gets to him, makes him a bit of a wolf in a cage, so to speak.”
“Was he worse in Manhattan?” the buildings sometimes reminded Silver of a cell block, the slivers of sunlight cutting through as hot as cattle prods.
“Much. Hal has tried talking him into not working as much in the summer, but you know how he is, can’t be told anything once he’s got his mind made up. Not to mention he’s never been good at simply existing. There always has to be purpose in it, work to be done, fields to plow and what not.”
Silver huffed a laugh and brought Thomas’ espresso over, feeling a sense of warmth at the notion that he and Thomas were able to share this, to share flint and all his eccentricities.
“I’m sure a man as clever as you thought of some way to keep his blood pressure down, hm?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. Thomas took the espresso cup without looking away from the menu. He set it aside and pulled Silver in, kissing him sweetly in thanks. Ah, that was also a nice thing to share with Thomas, Silver reminded himself.
“Oh I came up with a few ideas, pet. How about we order breakfast, and I’ll tell you about them.”
By Friday, the three of them were packed into Flint’s old Range Rover heading upstate for two weeks of holiday bliss. It had taken multiple phone calls to Gates to make sure the bar would in fact be alright while Flint was gone and to make sure he barred Flint from being within a dozen yards of The Walrus once it closed on Thursday night. It had also taken coaxing, convincing, bartering, and eventually outright bribery with sex to get Flint to stop scowling about the idea of being away from his “ship” for longer than a weekend. There had been other phone calls as well, placed by Thomas in the early hours of the morning when he thought he was the only one awake. When asked about them he just waved the questions away with a mild, “oh just a little extra surprise for James thats all” and Silver did his best to trust him.
It was a five hour drive from the house in Brooklyn to the house on Lake Cayuga that Thomas had purchased during his recovery, to he and Flint would have a quiet place to heal and make up for lost time without the strain of the city grating on them. Silver had never been upstate, his various clients had always preferred houses in the Hamptons, but from the photos it was a cozy little cottage style house right on the shore, a couple bedrooms, an airy kitchen, lush garden, and a private pier that stretched out into the lake. There was also apparently a boat, a little hybrid sailboat of polished wood and deep blue paint, the name Ariel written in careful golden script. Silver wanted to ask whether Flint had bought it or built it, because he was the kind of high strung man to just build a boat from scratch instead of buying one or scheduling extra therapy. But the scowl on his face as they tucked the suitcases into the trunk told him it wasn’t worth the teasing. Not yet anyway.
Flint insisted on driving the whole five hours himself, scowling silently behind the wheel as he drove them through miles of lush farmland, leaving Thomas and Silver to chat about what they might do once they get settled in. There was plenty of hiking, though Thomas was worried the gorges might be tricky for Silver’s regular prosthetic, ample water falls and countless parks to explore. Lots of quaint small towns with seafood shacks and local fare and more wineries than even Thomas knew what to do with. And of course, most importantly, there was the lake.
Flint kept his silence till the last hour of the ride, the scowl firmly set on his jaw. Silver and Thomas had switched seats so Thomas could stretch out and nap in the back seats, leaving Silver to try and coax a smile out of his partner. Not that he had to do much. As the car climbed yet another rolling hill, Silver watched the horizon, his hand in Flint’s, trying to figure out whether the deep blue streak that had suddenly appeared was a dark patch of sky.
It wasn’t, for the record.
Silver frowned and turned to Flint, planning to ask if it was the lake and exactly how big was said lake- but the question died well before he could even open his mouth.
The scowl was gone, dropped from Flint’s face and replaced by the softest look of wonder Silver had ever seen on the man, the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, making his mustache twitch. It was as if something had hooked its line into Flint’s chest and was slowly reeling him in, his whole body sitting straighter, the tension in his shoulders bleeding out until he was leaning into the steering wheel. His hand even held tighter to Silver’s, an unconscious need to keep himself tethered maybe, or to keep Silver close.
“Is that the lake?” Silver managed to ask with a soft smile of his own.
“Yeah. We’ll be at the cabin in half an hour.”
They got there in twenty minutes, not that anyone was actually counting.
The lake stretched out before them, a sea of deep blues and aquamarines, glittering with the hot late June sunlight that danced across it’s surface. It’s shores were patched with wildflowers and thick thatches of wood, little clusters of cabins and boat houses, who’s owners were out skipping across the surface like dragon flies on their small boats and kayaks. The afternoon air was hazy and sweet, the whole scene a postcard from the mythical summers of memory that everyone aspired to, bird song and the low hum of the radio escorting them along the final stretch of route 90. Flint pulled them down a narrow side road, passing a few comfortably sized homes with ample space between them, until they reached the dead end of the street, and the little cottage Silver had seen in the photos, with the shadow of the pier dark across the water, and the Ariel waiting like a loyal dog in her berth.
“Oh good,” Thomas said with a yawn, finally pulling himself back into a sitting position and stretching, as Flint pulled the car into the drive alongside what looked like a rental car. “I was starting to think we were lost.”
Silver looked back at him, ready to tease about old men and naps, but Thomas was looking down at his phone, his fingers quickly switching on the stop watch. “Thomas what-”
The range rover lurched to a sudden stop as Flint hit the brakes and Silver had to cling to the seat to keep himself upright. Thomas seemed completely unfazed, draped across the back seat in his half buttoned linen shirt and designer sunglasses, watching with an air of fond expectation as Flint threw on the parking brake and booked it from the car, leaving the engine running.
“What the fuck is he doing?” Silver asked.
Thomas laughed and reached around the driver’s seat to shut the car off. “Exactly what I expected him to do, though I’ll admit I expected him to at least properly stop the car first.”
“What? Thomas- oh my god he’s going in the lake?” Silver asked, watching as Flint cleared the back fence and striped off his shirt, leaving it on the lawn as he kept moving towards the pier. His boots, socks, and jeans followed, barely breaking his quick stride to strip them off.
“Last time it took him a whole ten minutes to get into the water,” Thomas said, helping Silver, who was too busy staring in shock at the sight of his stern and stoic partner racing across the back patio like a child, from the car. “He might clear five minutes this time.”
A few more quick strides and Flint dove from the end of the pier, breaking the surface of the lake with a thunderous sound and disappearing into the blue.
“He’s in the lake,” Silver said.
Thomas hooked their arms together, the two of them walking leisurely across the lawn. “Every visit, the first thing he does is go to the water. It’s even more dramatic when it’s the ocean, maybe I’ll book us a house on the coast next month.”
“More dramatic than stripping down to his boxers in the back yard?” he asked.
The back lawn of the house was a mix of a large patio and and a short green, with a fire pit and a grill, a small dining table and some cozy chairs, and what silver hoped was a hot tub. A woman was stretched out on one of the long beach chairs in a deep green bikini, her dark hair cut short and a magazine across her lap, though she was watching the water, where Flint had just resurfaced for a moment before diving again.
“Miranda?” Silver called, aware that Thomas was beaming behind him but not at all surprised to see his ex wife. That explained the phone calls, and the rental car out front.
“I believe our husband is in the lake my dears,” Miranda called with a laugh, getting up to come greet them. “God he’s like a little boy at a swimming hole.”
“I’d ask how you got here but that seems almost silly,” Silver said, letting her pull him into a tight hug. They had taken to each other from the first, which had left Thomas and Flint a little uneasy. Miranda’s humor matched his, her wit sharp and familiar, and Silver had learned very quickly why Flint and Thomas were both still in love with her. He wasn’t far from it himself.
“Thomas called, said James needed an intervention,” She said, letting him go to kiss Thomas hello and hug him tight. “I’m on break from teaching this summer and the fall concert season hasn’t started yet, could I come out and join you for a couple weeks? Which was a silly question, I was buying a ticket the moment he suggested it.”
Thomas kissed the top of her head, smiling brightly. “I had hoped you might be his surprise before he jumped in the lake, I’m sorry my dear.”
Silver watched them, feeling a bit dizzy. They were were a perfect pair, Miranda dark and elegant under Thomas’ arm, the cool dusk sky to Thomas’ golden hour sun.
“Don’t be, I’ll go down to him, maybe join him in the water for a bit.” She kissed his cheek, then Silver’s. “There’s some snacks laid out in the kitchen and dinner will be delivered in a couple hours, why don’t you get the bags inside and then come join us. Maybe we can even take Ariel out before dinner.”
“Oh now there’s an idea,” Thomas agreed, moving to go back and fetch the bags from the car. “Tell our husband we’ll join you in a moment. If you can manage to get him up for air.”
Miranda laughed, a bright sunny sound that always reminded Silver of how she played piano, and made her way down to the pier. He watched as she sat down on the edge of the pier, as the surface of the water broke and Flint emerged, staring up at her in shock. Silver heard her laughing, saw her reach out and watched as Flint reached up and pulled her into the lake with a joyful shout of her name. They were lost for a moment to the water, kicking up waves as Flint held her tight and danced them around, clumsy and free. Behind him Silver could hear Thomas laughing, felt his hand as it came to rest warm and sure on his lower back, pulling him in close, as he said something about wishing they’d gotten that on film.
For Silver, it was one of those moments where suddenly he remembered what all those old love songs were written about. He understood it.
And it was finally his.
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Hi could i pleace get a matchup with someone from Mystic Messenger,
Im bi but i was never with a Girl/Woman in a relationship,and i slightly prefer mans.
Im 5'7(169cm-170cm),just turned 23 for a few days,from Germany,pear shaped figure with curves(i hate my legs i think they too chubby)i have a extremely small waist ,long curly/wavy(they can't decide😅) gold blonde hair (usaly i wear it in a bun) and aquamarine eyes(sometimes they more green and sometimes more blue,it depents on how i feel or i don't know😅),i have dimples and wear glasses.
Well i look like the Drawing, i hope thats ok,that i send it.
Infp-t,Im open minded(my friends say they can always be themself around me) caring and very nice(sometimes to nice that i get hurt) i always try to help someone and be always there for someone,insecure,usaly im calm but i can be hilarious,forgiving,stubborn,im very muddle-headed(but not stupit i have an IQ from 135)and very clumsy,im humorous,i know how i get what i want,i can be very quick-witted sometimes and everyone is surprised,i hate to hurt people(in any way)but if someone hurt my family/friends im like a beast and can be kind of scary and suprisingly strong.But I'm not really defending myself. If i know someone really good and feel comfortable with the person i can be kind of a tease or sessy but not in a mean way.Sometimes i'm to honest and just say what i think but my friends/family know that i never mean what i say in a mean way and i don't even notice that it could be misunderstood.Im very loyal.I am sometimes very emotional but can also come across as very emotionless sometimes even if I am not. I can good empathize with other people's feelings if I want to. Sometimes I often complain about my physical health like an old woman but everyone thinks that is funny, but as soon as I feel really bad I don't want anyone to worry, but you can tell by the fact that I would be very cuddled that i dont feeling well.Im lazy sometimes.
I hate(or im scared of) crowds,heights, the darkness, clowns and grasshopers and to be somethere i never be there alone,im not te biggest fan of sports.My sense of direction is as good as that of a potato. I hate if something is unfair or someone ignoring me.
I like to draw (Anime or i try realistic)to listening to music sometimes i forget myself if i draw and sing or dance. Im not the best at singing but im good at dancing(but just free dances).i can play the piano and can draw,i love roses,i like trampolin jumping and to listening to music,to swim,movies/Games,im shy about skinships at first but i like them,to sleep or daydream,star gazing,i have a big fantasy,to read english,to learn languages,i like dogs i have one a crazy bishon frise girl named Elli,
My wish is to have many childrens and to get Marry(to finally find someone who loves me for who I am and doesn't lie to me and is loyal and of course likes my Son and my Son Him/her too), i have already a 1  1/2 years old Son named Fynn but his father was an idiot.I also hope that People like my Drawings.
Im also slithly "scared"of doing something wrong and try to do everything right,and ask often questions to make sure.
I hope i did nothing wrong or forgot something, and thank you very much in advance😊
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You're empathetic. You're charged. You're steadfast. You're hopeful. Even if the world kicks you and puts you down, you keep trying to do something to make sense of it. It shows a lot about your character that you want to get through everything you've been through so that you can live a life that's happy and worth seeing. You have hesitance sometimes in your heart whenever you feel like you've gotten too deep into something, and while it's okay to be wary of trust in others, sometimes you have to be willing to take the leap if you want to see your dreams come to fruition. You have passion, don't let anything get to you when you stride towards your goals. With that in mind, your match is definitely someone who can empathize with anything you've got.
It's a toss between Zen and Jumin, but in the end, Jumin edges him out just a bit. This has to do with the fact that you're slow-paced, and you prefer to do things in your way. You have a quiet way of hliving your life and you don't like being thrust into something that's loud or overwhelming. You want to be who you are without thinking about eyes on your back. You want to comfortably stay in the penthouse by Jumin's side and frankly, he's content with that. He understands that he is a visible figure, but he enjoys down time. He prefers being with the ones that he loves. Coming home after a long day is a dream for this man. He would smile broadly knowing that you're waiting for him to return. He's always wanted that... to come home and know that he is finally with someone who sees his heart and more than a wallet.
He adores your son, treats him as his own, and never once makes him feel like he doesn't belong. He knows what it feels like to bounce between unease around step-parents and he'd never do anything to make another child feel how he felt inside. All and all, you can trust in Jumin to take care of your heart and listen to you talk for hours as you come out of your shell.
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iwaqchan-archive · 4 years
8 - seductive kiss with dabi, fem!reader? if you want to make it a lil nsfw, just like handsy touching but, if not thats okay!!
-author's note: oh boy this got long, i hope i did not disappoint you, considering your stuff is usually downright sinful, and otherwordly and this is just....awkward; at best, but hopefully you can still find some joy from it^^
(also pls ignore the fact that i chose a kiss prompt list for this event while having absolutely no idea how to properly write kiss scenes)
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Your hand was slowly travelling up the inside of his shirt, brushing against his toned stomach, and coming to a halt on his chest. His hands were busying themselves with the zip on your dress, slowly, almost painfully so, pulling it down, before he slid the thin straps down your shoulders, making the garment pool at your ankles. A shiver ran down your spine, as the cold air hit your newly exposed skin, riddling it with goosebumps, all the while staring wide eyed at your lover. His hair was a mess, more so than usual, from your fingers tugging at his strands, harshly pulling while his mouth sucked marks into your delicate flesh.
He looked absolutely ravishing. With quiet, almost cautious steps, he walked forward until there were only a couple centimetres of space between your bodies, slowly he snaked his arms around your waist. And with a swift tug, he crashed his lips onto yours. His lips were so soft against yours as he kept a steady rhythm. One of his hands sneakily wandered from your waist upwards, trailing up your sides, tickling you slightly in the process, before it came to an abrupt stop just under the swell of your breast. He kept it right there, never touching, just teasing, while his other hand unabashedly groped your ass.
You felt the tip of his tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and for a split second you debated wether you should deny him the access, and take over the lead yourself, but you knew he would never allow it. So, obediently you parted your lips slightly, just enough for his tongue to enter, and with a small smile, he did just that. His tongue touched yours, quick and electric and delicious, never rough. Instead he wanted to feel every inch of you, wanted to know every part of you inside and out.
The hand that used to reside by your breasts, already made it's way to your back, opening your bra with a quick, almost expert movement, letting the thin material drop to the floor beside your discarded dress. Your hands had long made their way back to his unruly locks, going back to their previous task, yet again pulling at the strands harshly, just how you knew he liked it. Moans echoed throughout the room, as you two stumbled towards your bed, hastily ridding each other further of your clothing.
Suddenly, his hands planted themselves on the back of your thighs, lifting you with so much ease before he proceeded to drop you onto the bed quite unceremoniously. Wide eyed, and with heavy breaths you stared at the man before you, as the tension in the room seemed to grow even thicker. Swiftly, and before you could even fully comprehend it, he was on top of you.
Dabi's piercing aquamarine eyes looked at you with so much adoration, as his fingers danced all the way down to the inside of your thighs. Slowly, oh so slowly they made their way to where you needed them most, grazing your folds with the pat of his forefinger, softly rubbing, making sure to gather enough wetness on it before he entered you. Your head flew back against the pillow, as a long, sinful moan escaped your kiss swollen lips.
A devious smirk made it's way onto his handsome face, as he added another finger, curling them in just the right angle, something that had a shudder run down your body. He buried his face in the valley of your breasts, making sure to leave a trail of kisses down your body, not leaving one inch of skin untouched, as his lips finally closed around your most sensitive bundle of nerves.
And with that, he took your breath away.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆ 。゚・ ───
500 follower event
@quirkless-fics thank you so much for helping me out a bit, i hope you weren't too fed up with my helpless ass^^ you are a gem and i love you bunches!! 💕
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suf-lives-rent-free · 3 years
Everything below is just my opinion; I am in no way trying to say that how I feel about this is the one correct take or whatever.
I know a lot of people like this episode and what happens in it, but I don’t.  I totally understand that some people just don’t want to see any negativity, period, but negativity is not inherently bad or wrong.
Negative opinions, even about something you enjoy, can be valid too - regardless of whether you happen to agree with them or not.
Also I get very salty near the end of this, and that might be entertaining to people who stan this episode?
I am aware that a lot of people – the majority, I’m pretty sure – think that the episode is a masterpiece. And on some level, I see where they’re coming from with that assessment.
The episode is boarded beautifully, the backgrounds – especially during the training montage – are stunning as always.  The music is fantastic, and the performances are great too.  In these respects, Fragments is a stand-out episode; I agree.
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(Like look at this.  Gorgeous.)
However, something that’s bothered me since I saw the episode is the writers’ decision to write it into the story that Steven shatters Jasper.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: I just don’t get it.  I’m purposefully misinterpreting the story to say it’s bad.  Steven brings her back to life; and it’s not like he meant to do it in the first place.  I just don’t have the capacity to understand the sublime nature of the show’s storytelling.  I’m an SU crit and all I want to do is make the real fans feel about themselves for liking it.
Uhhhh... no.  Nah.  That ain’t it chief.
It’s true; I am not a writer.  I’m just a passive consumer of media.  However, I do not agree with the viewpoint that in order to properly understand or critique a thing you need to have the expertise and/or experience in order to make something similar.
For example, if I were to put something I drew when I was 10 years old next to something I drew yesterday, it shouldn’t take a person who has had an education in fine art to tell you that the latter drawing is better-looking than the former.
That’s how I approach media consumption and criticism; when I criticise a writing decision, I am doing so as a consumer.  I’m not saying I could write it better, or even that my opinion is objectively correct and the writer is wrong or bad.  I’m just saying that I didn’t like a thing.  Which, I would hope, is allowed?
Okay, defensive hedging over, back to the point; I don’t like that they had Steven shatter Jasper.
[I get markedly saltier from this point on, fyi]
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Full admission of bias here: one of the things I really cherish about the original show is how they wrote Steven’s character; he’s a boy with interests that don’t rigidly conform to gender stereotypes.  He likes ‘boyish’ things and ‘girly’ things, and that’s okay; thats just him.  In cartoons when I was growing up, characters like Steven would be the butt of jokes about being ‘girly’ or thinly-veiled homophobia.  I find him very relatable, and I want to acknowledge that yes, that is probably a significant part of why I have such an issue with this episode’s twist.
I am not trying to say that he’s a perfect baby angel or whatever; Steven regularly gets frustrated and angry. He does some pretty manipulative and dickish things to people around him (stop trying to make Larsadie happen, Steven. It’s not going to happen).  He is a flawed character who fucks up sometimes. And he’s not 100% peaceful either; he acts violently when he defends himself against corrupted Gems and Homeworld Gems (and Crystal Gems on occasion *cough*Bismuth*cough*).  
However, he has a pacifistic temperament; whenever it’s possible, he prefers that problems be solved without needless violence or hurt.  And I like that; in most media, it’s rare to have a male protagonist who wants to solve their problems without jumping straight to punching things.
When he accidentally frees Centipeedle, he convinces the Gems to step off and allow him to try and rehabilitate her peacefully; he even notices that the Gems’ weapons are a trigger for her, and make them put them away.  He frees Lapis against the Gems’ wishes because he recognizes that keeping her prisoner is wrong, and when she steals the ocean, he talks it out and heals her so she can leave Earth peacefully.
He tries to aid Jasper when she starts corrupting, fixes Eyeball’s gemstone when she’s cracked and tries talking Bismuth down when she attacks him with the breaking point.  In all of these situations, his words and help are ignored or rejected; he’s forced to resort to violence.  And it traumatises him.  
We get an entire episode dedicated to the fact that he’s been struggling with processing these awful things that happened.
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Even in Future, Steven shows hesitation about engaging in unncecessary violence; he gives into Jasper’s goading for a fight after what’s implied to be dozens of failed tries at making her come to Little Homeschool, and he spends an entire episode trying to keep Lapis from squashing the two rogue Lapis Lazulis. 
The only time he hops into a fight willingly is after Eyeball and Aquamarine hold Greg hostage, and even then they pose a clear threat to his and Greg’s safety and have made it clear that they want to hurt him emotionally and physically.  Even at that, he stops and switches tactics to talking them down as soon as they lose their focus and start bickering with each other.
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(I mean, he fails.  But it’s the thought that counts.)
I personally find it really jarring that the writers found it appropriate to write it into the series that this same character – over the course of three (3) days – goes from disliking mindless violence for mindless violence’s sake to happily engaging in the destruction of plants and animals* and has done a total 180 on his willingness to spar with Jasper, to the point that he instigates their rematch.
*(You best believe plenty of small mammals and birds – y’know, like the nest Steven saved in the first episode – died as he and Jasper felled tree after tree, not to mention all of those displaced by the destruction of their habitats, and the potential loss of food sources from some of those trees.)
You’re telling me that it’s a reasonable character beat for this boy to gleefully laugh like an anime supervillain at his sudden new-found joy in fighting, then pin Jasper in place, taunt her for helping him get so strong, and hit her so hard that she breaks into pieces and dies?
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You’re telling me that that’s an in-character thing for Steven Quartz Diamond Cutie-Pie DeMayo Universe do to another character?
(And yes I am purposefully dancing around talking about the mental health stuff because if I did that I’d have to go on a whole other tangent about Growing Pains and fuck I just don’t feel like it right now lmao)
Going back to Mindful Education, another big thing we see Steven struggle with is the idea that his mother shattered Pink Diamond.  This knowledge sits heavily with him; it makes him sympathetic to the Diamonds, even under the circumstances in which he sees them (escaping from the Human Zoo, and being on trial for said murder). 
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He sees their grief, and he feels awful.  He questions who Rose Quartz even was.  He knows, based on what Garnet said, that Rose had to do it; there was no other way to free Earth.  But he still feels awful seeing the pain that Pink’s loss has caused Blue and Yellow Diamond.
In Steven Universe, shattering is clearly equated with execution/death multiple times.  When Pearl and Garnet fret over the crack in Amethyst’s gemstone worsening.  When Blue Diamond threatens to break Ruby.  When Bismuth introduces the breaking point, and Steven recoils at the sight of what it does.  If you want to take the fact that Gem shards are sentient and desperate to become whole again into account, you could even argue that it’s a fate worse than death. This particular act of violence is treated very, very seriously.
When we find out that Rose shattered Pink Diamond, there is a season and a half long arc unpacking the implications and consequences of this one action, and how this knowledge forever alters Steven’s mental image of his mother.  And she didn’t even kill anyone.  It was a lie!
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In Steven Universe Future, Steven shatters Jasper 4 episodes before the end of the series.  And it’s only brought up twice; once for a big *gasp* moment during his breakdown in Everything’s Fine, and in I Am My Monster by Pearl, when she has to fill-in Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot.  Notably, it is never discussed around or by Jasper.  Y’know.  The person who actually died.
No indication of how (or even if) what Steven did is affecting his own self-image after his initial breakdown, how Jasper feels about what she went through beyond falling back into the Era 1 and 2 mindset.  No inkling of how the knowledge that Steven killed somebody has affected how anyone in his life thinks or feels about him; when Pearl brings it up in I Am My Monster, she seems to not even really believe it’s true.
If there are any consequences or talks about this incident, they’re skipped over between I Am My Monster and The Future, and we’re expected to assume that Steven and his therapist are dealing with it, I guess?
And yes.  It was an accident.  He did bring her back to life.  But it still happened.  If you hit someone over the head and they stop breathing, just because the paramedics are able to resusitate and stabilize them afterwards doesn’t mean you never hit them.
But here, it’s shoved aside because dwelling on it would take far too much time, and risks framing Steven in an unsympathetic way when he’s meant to be on the cusp of a breakdown.
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It just feels like careless writing to me.  They really, really wanted their big action scene with Steven and Jasper, but didn’t think (or maybe weren’t interested in thinking) about the seriousness or consequences of what Steven shattering someone would entail.
In my opinion, Steven shattering Jasper is one of the cheapest, laziest things they could have ever done with his character (and hers, for that matter).  To me, the entire thing feels entirely out of character.  It’s pure shock value; nothing more.
So yeah.  That particular writing decision just does not work for me.  And if you disagree... well that’s fine?  It’s fine.  We can agree to disagree?  I’ve read a lot of defense/praise for this episode, and honestly even after processing all of those opinions and all the time my thoughts about this plotline have been stewing in my brain, I still feel the same way.
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weaselsmuses-aa · 4 years
hey human hcs again because fuck it its revamp time
Ft: My muses && Some others that i just happen to have hcs for.
My muses + oc’s in collab w friends.
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Age: 16
Grade: Sophomore
Born in South Korea
Became something of a musical sensation back home, and is famous for her music mixing.
Became independent at 15, moved to the states a year later with the desire to see what America was like, hollywood in particular.
Lives in an apartment with Saphir, her senior classmate and good friend.
Pastel vibes
Sassy vibes (Much more sassy than gem topaz :o)
MomTM friend. She mediates and keeps the peace. Also will give great life advice.
Judges silently, but says nothing if she has nothing nice to say. (But she’ll think it.)
Currently has a job as a DJ at a local skating rink where her friends hang out. Gets them free food and games..
Hoping to make it big in the US so she can stay after she graduates.
Parents living overseas and helping pay for her life and schooling in the states.
She spends summers in Korea where she visits her family and tours, records music.
Part of the art club and spends a lot of time in the music rooms. She isn’t in Choir, Band or Orchestra, but is in music theory and guitar. Has a LOT of friends in all those programs.
Swiss (birth name: Sage)
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Age: 16-17
Grade: Sophomore.
Swiss was born in Switzerland, but has also lived in South Korea for 5 years (where she met Topaz), London for 2, and now the US where she started high school.
Lives with her Father who is from Switzerland, her mom who was born in the UK, and her baby sister Kyanite
Class goofball and classic slacker but somehow still passes and knows the material.
‘ Whoops, I forgot my homework again’ type
Dye’d her hair blue at 14, pierced both her nose, lips, and several places in her ear. 
Depressed and tired. Brings rockstar energy’s to class a lot.
Punk Rock vibes, but wears her uniform rather well. Her messenger bag is tricked out with a lot of music festival patches and pins though.
Her and Topaz both are those kids that have earbuds and beats headphones on all the time. She gets in trouble for listening to rock in class. Or talking.
Has a band, and is the main drummer and back up vocalist.  The band was her idea, but she gives her friends a lot of freedom. Since drumming is her passion she doesn’t mind not being the lead vocalist.
Crushing on / Dating the richest girl in the school (Aquamarine ‘Marie’)
Doesn’t have a job, but thinking about getting a part time one at the record shop near her house.
Oversleeps A LOT. IS late to class a lot. Usually her detentions are from tardiness (or saying some smart ass comment to be funny and getting in trouble for it)
Very protective of her little sister, and gets along well with her in private, despite pretending that she irritates her.
No after school activities for her thanks. That stuffs lame. (Though she does wander in and hang out with the game club sometimes)
Kyanite (Ky)
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Age: 14-15
Grade: 8th
One of the pretty MeanTM girls in middle school. Rather high on the social pecking order due to being an upperclassmen and being a cutie with an attitude.
Fashion sense a mix between soft grunge, a touch of punk and more flowing feminine outfits, or neat and prim /professional outfits. Whatever she decides, she likes to look good.
Very talented at doing her make up and nails, tends to have a lot of requests from other girls her age for help in that dept.
Looks up to her sister a lot more than she lets on. Lowkey wants to be involved in a lot of what she does after school. (She even begged her parents to let her dye her hair blue as well right after Swiss did (She was 12 at the time))
Love’s shopping and collecting outfits and cute little butterfly themed things for her room.
While she’s in the ‘popular’ circle of girls in her grade, shes not particularly stuck up when it comes to other kids. She can be mean, but its usually to just as entitled kids. She’s rather tame and even friendly with less popular kids in her grade. She’s very comfortable around them and enjoys not being put on a pedestal all the time
Romance obsessed. (Duh)
Wishes she could get a piercing and a tattoo like her sissy, but her parents only let her pierce her ears. 
A’s in most of her classes, but struggles in History. It’s a snoozefest to her.
Currently in band and debate team. (She plays flute)
Takes FOR-E-VER to get ready to leave the house. (Hey, its not ALWAYS swiss’s fault shes’ late.)
Best friends in school are Livie and Bebe.
Spends a lot of time after school for Band practice, Debate team activities, or supporting her bestie Bebe in her cheer practice.
Really likes sneaking in the upperclassmen building. No one’s cute in her grade :/ (according to her)
Likes to fake being sick so she can go home early. way too often.
ft some of my other... (albiet co-op) oc’s / and aquamarine cus i can
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Age: 14-15
Grade: 8th
Met Kyanite in 6th grade and they instantly hit it off well.
Bubble gum pink hair, and really likes fashion. Always obsessed with wearing the cutest combo of clothes she can come up with.
Really sweet and bubbly on the surface, but she isn’t called a bubblegum bitch for nothing. She knows shes popular and will often trick the vulnerable into believing they have social status only to humiliate them when she sees fit.
A little bit bitchier than Ky. Not that she wants to be mean actively, she just kind of ......is how we say.....spoiled brat.
As long as her best friend cares about someone she does too.
When she actually does accept you, shes a very sweet and almost loyal to the point of irritation.
Crushing on Kyanite, kissed her at a party and has kind of never got over it.
Serial dater. Literally she has a new sweetie every week. its tiring.
Junior Varsity Cheer Team and Drama club are her life.
When she’s not doing those things, she’s spending her time in her Juniors bowling team. They go to tourney during summer.
Parents aren’t filthy rich but they are not hurting for money in any shape or form. Shes always got whatever she wanted.
Loves getting gifts, and will almost try and bug people into sending her stuff to homeroom during holidays. Either because she wants STUFF or for her own popularity.
Might be kind of bitchy but really does feel bad and get upset if people point that out about her. I wouldn’t say she /wants/ to be a bad person. her parents never told her no and nor how to not be self centered.
Very talkative and upbeat. Wants to inspire her friends and lift them up.
On the other end, is a big gossip and bad about spreading rumors and stirring up drama with people she isn’t a fan of.
Show her a cute animal and she’ll sob. I mean the whole 9 yards.
 Marie  . (Aquamarine.)
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Age: 17-18
Grade: 12th
Born and raised in London for the majority of her life.  She’s also lived in France for 3 years during an abroad program her parents sent her to where she met one of her closest friends (Astrid)
Her parents are filthy stinkin rich and own a foreign luxurious fashion company and a luxury car company.
Livie is her baby sister and she often tries to pretend like thats not the case. (She loves her guys i swear)
Stuck up, bratty, and just an overall bitch. She RELISHES in it. Marie KNOWS shes mean, popular and has power and she’s proud.
“you can’t sit with me, you can’t talk to me, you aren’t good enough to even know me.”
Her desire for power has her gunning for valedictorian (cue her and satoshit fighting to the death), and she’s currently the president of student government. Thats right. She’s deciding school functions and your future you little peasant fucks.
Will shove her riches and status down your THROAT oh my goooodddd
Throws HUGE parties when her parents are out of town, uses it as a tool to make the popular kids/upperclassmen love her even more and show the ‘losers’ where their place is.
Always has to look THE best in the school, and will probably murder anyone who threatens to take her places as prom queen (i kid i kid.........maybe)
Hangs out with Astrid and Mae when they’re in town.
Has a type that does not fall in line with her image (coughcough Swiss cough) and will do a LOT to keep in a secret. But....listen....she also can’t hide it well. Like...not even a little. She gay.
She’s always seen with her posse of popular girls and her two primary school friends the topazes. They’re just the schools huge UNITS of lesbian quarterbacks, their fists as big as your face, they wont squash you, promise. (look at marie wrong once bitch.)
Will die of embarrassment of her sister livie. Unfortunately is responsible for her in a lot of ways. Driving her back and forth from school, taking her to school functions and much more. (She loves her....double pinky swear) But she claims they aren’t related. (no one believes this hoe) That don’t mean she wont DESPERATELY try to pawn her off for the day. Babysitter? Butler? Anyone? SOMEONE?
Will absolutely use Livie as a means to hang out with Swiss via playdates. Oh yeah, she knows their baby sisters are besties. It’s free real estate.
Has expressed to Swiss that she wishes they could trade sisters. ( I swear marie loves livie deep down in this essay I will----)
In a wealth measuring contest with Satoshit 24/7
Is CONSTANTLY going on overseas trips. She will never stop bragging about it.
Consumed mostly by Student Government and Theatre.
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imaginedisish · 5 years
Take On Me (Otis Milburn x Reader) (Sex Education)
A/N: THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE OMG. OKAY UMMMM THANK YOU FOR 300 FOLLOWERS. I KINDA CRIED BECAUSE YOU’RE ALL SO AMAZING. ANYWAY...here’s some smut :) hehehehe! This was SUPER requested. The title is based on the Aha song of the same name. My friends tell me I look like the girl who dances to this song in that vine...so if you ever wanna know what I look like, I kinda look like her??? ANYWAY... I hope you alllll enjoy :) Thank you for all the love and support <3 xxxxx (oh and Colin Ritman smut is up next LOL BYE)
Summary: You and Otis decide that it’s time to take things to the next step in your relationship....for the first time...SMUT!
Warnings: SMUT. SMUT. SMUT. language...fluff...yeppers. 
Word Count: 2,124
Also...I made a part two that I’ll link here!
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You walk down the road, your hand in his, giggling, talking about anything and everything that comes to your mind. Your yellow sundress sways in the wind, a smile plastered across your face.
“I mean you’re lying if you say you wouldn’t kill to go back to 1979 and see Joy Division live!” Otis says, his ocean eyes glowing in the moonlight. You stare into them, drowning wave after wave. 
“Well sure, but what about Lou and Bowie?” You say back, arching a brow in Otis’s direction. He nods, agreeing. “You rather see Joy Division, don’t you?” You ask, laughing a bit. You knew when Otis was holding something back from you. You could see it in his eyes, or simply in the way he held himself. He gets fidgety and restless. 
“O-okay w-well m-maybe. Yes. I’d rather see Joy Division,” Otis says finally, an apologetic smile spreading across his face. 
He was too cute to even care that he disagreed with you. “Oh well,” You say, pausing, throwing your hands up in surrender. “I guess I just have better taste than you.” You giggle loudly. 
“Guess I’ll just have to accept that my girlfriend is far cooler than I ever will be,” Otis says back, throwing his hands up to meet yours, grabbing them softly. He plants a kiss on your forehead, and you hum with pleasure. It was little moments like these that made your heart sing, no matter how innocent or small. 
You two continuing walking, your hand still in his. Otis had been your boyfriend for about two months, but you and he had been friends for much longer. Everything seemed so perfect, except for one thing. 
It wasn’t necessarily taboo in your relationship, you and Otis had talked about it before, but, you were a virgin, and so was he. Obviously, there was no problem with that. But you had both gotten to the point where you genuinely wanted each other. Otis was over his intimacy issues, thanks to you, and you felt like you were ready to take your relationship to the next step. 
You see Otis’s house up a head, the massive, red, Queen Anne style home still vibrant in the dark of night. A few lights are still on inside the house, but it was likely that Otis’s mother had gone to bed. It was late. Stars hang carefully in the night sky, dancing over a round, full moon. The trees sway in the crisp summer wind. Otis stops for a second, taking both your hands in his. 
“Do you want to, m-maybe, c-come inside?” Otis asks nervously, biting his lip. You can’t help but smile. 
“Yeah, yeah I’d like that,” You say, pulling him along the path as you walk forward. He stumbles a bit, tripping over his own feet as he catches up with you. Eventually you two approach the front door. 
Otis puts a finger to his lips, cautioning you to be quiet. You nod your head in response. Otis slowly opens the door, trying to make as little noise as possible. The door creeks loudly, and Otis’s turquoise eyes fling open widely, filling with anxiety. You let out a small giggle, covering your mouth immediately after, trying to suppress your laughter. Normally, sneaking around was “sexy”, but not with Otis. He was so adorable, so cute. 
“Now that’s not fair. My sneaking skills are quite good, ya know,” Otis whispers, a smirk plastered on his face. You smile, shaking your head in disbelief. Then, Otis grabs your hand, pulling you swiftly into the dimly light house. He shuts the door behind you, and guides you up the stairs and into his room. 
You somehow successfully reach Otis’s room without banging into anything, or worse, waking his mother up. He closes the door to his room, and slides the brass lock into place. 
Your eyes gloss over his room. His bed sat in the center of the attic like space, the walls covered in different band posters. You spot a giant Joy Division poster next to his bed, and a The Stranglers poster right next to that. 
On the other side of the room was a bookcase, holding Otis’s extensive collection of records and books. You walk over to the case, scanning to see which records he had. Not to your surprise, the boy had everything from Arcade Fire, to Arctic Monkeys, to the Beatles, to Nirvana.  
The room screamed Otis. It was a perfect personification of his personality, and you loved it. 
Otis smiles at you softly, grabbing your hand again, and walking you over to the bed. He sits down on the edge of the twin mattress, and you sit down next to him. Otis looks deeply into your eyes, his aquamarine gaze filling your stomach with excitement. Your heart flutters in your chest. 
“I know that we’ve been talking a lot about…” Otis trails off. He swallows harshly, his Adam’s apple bopping in his throat. “W-well about sex. If you don’t feel comfortable with this I completely unders-,” 
You cut him off before he can finish his sentence. “I want this, Otis. I really do.”
“A-are you sure?” He asks, arching a brow. 
“Yes, I’m positive.”
Without any hesitation, Otis’s hands come up to cup your cheeks, and he pulls you into a hungry kiss. His tongue brushes against your top lip, asking for permission to enter. You part your lips slightly, as his tongue dances across your teeth, intertwining with your tongue every now and then. You pull apart for a second, trying to catch your breath. 
Otis breathes deeply as his hand brushes against your inner thigh, his eyes refusing to leave yours. You melt under his touch. He slowly moves higher, searching your eyes for permission. You nod your head eagerly in response. 
His hand then makes its way closer to you core, and you whimper in anticipation. Otis slowly pushes your flowing yellow dress up. 
“I know I already asked but I just want to-,”
You cut him off again. “Otis, I want you.” He nods, pushing your dress up farther. His hand slides up your thigh again, reaching towards your heat. His thumb begins to brush against your clit over your panties, getting faster each second. 
A muffled moan escapes your lips. Otis smirks, and stops. You send a disapproving frown in his direction, but to your delight, Otis slowly begins to pull at the hem of your panties. He takes his time as he gets down on the floor, and slips them off your legs. 
You decide it’s time to turn the tables a bit. Your hand reaches across Otis’s thigh as he sits back up on the bed. You begin to palm him through his jeans. 
“F-fuck,” Otis groans loudly. You quickly put a single finger up to his lips, signaling for him to be quiet. His mother is most likely just down the hall, you think to yourself. 
Otis nods, and you continue to palm his shaft through his blue jeans, his erection growing. You slowly unzip his pants, undo his belt and pull down his jeans. You reach down to continue palming him, but he grabs your hand before you can do anything else.
“No. My turn to make you feel good,” Otis says, pushing you down on the bed. You’re shocked at Otis’s sudden confidence, but pleased nonetheless. He pulls your yellow sundress over your head, revealing your lacy bra underneath. 
“My god you're gorgeous.” Heat rises to your cheeks. 
Otis’s hand travels across your chest, down your stomach, finally resting on your heat. He begins to play with your clit again, circling the spot slowly with his thumb. 
“O-otis,” You call out, your eyes falling shut, a fire beginning to burn in the pit of your stomach. 
“Do you like that?” Otis asks, rubbing faster now. You open your eyes, nodding your head up and down eagerly. 
“Y-yes,” You mutter. You had touched yourself before, but this felt so much different. It felt amazing. Suddenly, you feel Otis’s finger slide over your wet opening. He looks to you for permission once again. “Y-yes please.” He does as you say, sliding a finger into your opening. 
“Tell me what feels good, and what doesn’t,” Otis says, his eyes wide with concern. 
“H-holy shit,” You cry out, pleasure washing over you. Otis shushes you politely, a smirk stretching across his face. “Th-this f-feels r-really g-good.”
The feeling of Otis’s finger filling you up, and his thumb toying with your clit begins to become overwhelming. You were seconds away from coming, and you knew it. 
“O-otis, I think I’m going t-to,” You stutter as Otis picks up his pace, inserting another finger, the sensation itself practically sending you over the edge. He thrusts become even faster. In, out, in out, in out.  
“Shuuuush, let go love,” Otis coos. Your walls flutter around his fingers. 
“F-fuck! Otis!” You shout, coming around his fingers. Otis lessens his pace, and pulls out of you. “M-my god that was a-amazing.” You laugh, pulling Otis closer to you. “I want you, Otis. I need you.” Otis’s jaw drops. He quickly reaches over to the nightstand next to him, grabbing a condom from the drawer. He unwraps the packaging, slowly slipping the condom over his hard cock.
You hurriedly pull off his shirt, kissing him passionately at any chance you get. You yank down Otis’s boxers, revealing his hard member. Otis takes his erected cock into his hand, looking to your eyes one more time for permission. You nod your head in response as he lines himself up with your entrance. 
Suddenly, Otis’s cock fills pushes through your folds and inside of you. 
“Oh sh-shit,” Otis mutters, burying his head in your neck, and then pushing himself up again. 
“H-holy f-fuck,” You cry out, tears rushing to your eyes. You knew it would feel different than fingering yourself, or how Otis had just fingered you, but this was different than what you expected. It hurt, but just for a second. After some time, the pain began to subside. Otis waits a minute, making sure you’ve adjusted to his size. 
“A-are you alright?” Otis asks, brushing your cheek with his hand. 
“Y-yes,” You mutter. 
“Are you sure. We can stop if you don’t want to go any further,” Otis says, his voice kind and reassuring. 
“No, I want this. I want you,” You say back to him, passion in your eyes. Otis nods, and begins to thrust in and out of you gently. The pain erases itself, and is replaced by total and utter pleasure. “F-fuck Otis.”
“(Y/N),” Otis hums as he quickens his pace. His cock was hard. It felt so good. “M-my g-god you’re so f-fucking wet,” Otis coos. His words alone could make you come. 
Otis’s hand reaches down to your clit, and he begins to toy with it again. You dig your fingernails into his back, practically ready to scream in pleasure as he draws circles at your heat. Otis begins to lose his rhythm, his thrusts becoming extremely sloppy.
“I’m, I’m g-going to c-come,” Otis cries out shakily as a fire pools in your lower abdomen. 
“M-me too,” You breath heavily. Your walls tighten around Otis’s pulsating cock. “Otis!” You cry out, coming around him. 
“Oh-oh fuck,” Otis moans, letting go, thrusting deeply into you one last time.
Otis pulls out of your opening, crashing down on the bed, next to you. You lay there for some time, not saying anything, just enjoying each other’s company.
“That was…” You trail off. “Absolutely perfect.” You turn on your side to face Otis. He’s beaming with joy. He reaches a hand to your face, pushing the hair out of your eyes. 
“Yeah, just like you,” He smirks, wrapping his arms around you and pulling the covers over you two. 
“I love you, Otis,” You whisper into his ear. 
“I love you, (Y/N),” Otis murmurs. Your eyes flutter closed, and open again, becoming heavy with sleep. You press your face into Otis’s chest, pressing kisses there. 
“You know you aren’t just some guy in the corner, right? You’re special. You’re so fucking special,” You say, looking up to him. His diamond eyes meet your gaze. 
“And you know you’re more important and more beautiful than every star in the galaxy, right?” You smile against his chest, pressing a kiss on his collarbone. 
You really did love that boy, far more than words could ever say.  
Far more than anything else. 
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Self Ship week Day 3 (What was your first date?)
Self indulgent fic Jotaro x Lyss
I sat in my kitchen with a cup of tea and a small breakfast I had made. I did eventually get some sleep, but not enough for me to function so early in the morning.
When I woke up, I had checked my phone right away in case I had gotten any messages from Jotaro, but there was none. Just the last one he sent was saying he'll let me know when to meet him for dinner.
I can't help think about later. So many scenarios run through my head from good to bad in a matter of seconds. The best way this date could go, is that I have a really great time. The worst way, I would probably end up dead in a ditch somewhere. Who knows.
Each time my phone goes off, I think it's the mysterious man who, I'll admit, has caught my attention somehow. But its just my friends, asking if I wanted to hang out tonight.
I'm not sure if I should tell them about the date or not. They know I'm an introvert and is shy when it comes to talking to new people, so telling them I'm going on a date with a stranger that I met at the library would bring suspicion, but also questions I cannot answer.
I think I'm going to stay home tonight. Thanks though. I reply. I hate lying to them, but it's the best way to avoid an unwanted conversation.
The day dragged on and still no text from Jotaro; it was going on to 4 pm. The longer I wait, the more tense I grow and want to just hide away in my room with a book. Maybe he forgot? What if he decided not to have the date anymore?
New message. Its Jotaro.
I roll my eyes and reply. Hello.
Are you still interested in dinner?
Well, seeing its almost dinner time, I could probably eat.
I place my hand on my face. Is he playing some sort of game or is he literally like this? I want to tell him he's not very social, but then, I'm not one to talk. If I can avoid talking to people, I would. So maybe he's like me.
When will you be ready? He asks. I can pick you up in an hour.
An hour?! I look at myself- nothing to be proud of. I text back that I can be ready at 5:30; I would need some time to pick an outfit and straighten my hair. I also tell him to meet me at the grocery store parking lot by my house- my paranoid ass didn't want him to know where I lived.
I don't have a lot of dress clothes, since I don't really do social outings, so I put on my cleanest pair of jeans and the cutest shirt that could pass for a date. He didn't tell me where we were going, so I really hope he's not taking me anywhere where my outfit is unacceptable. I kept my hair down and straight, one side tucked behind my ear. I think I looked okay. Better than I did at the library the other day.
Grabbing the essentials I needed for going out, I lock my door and walk to the parking lot.
Jotaro was there before me- I wonder how long he was waiting. He stood next to what I assumed was his vehicle; I guess it had to be big, it would be kind of funny to see that large man in a smaller car. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets.
My heart beated faster the closer I got to him. I forgot how much taller he was compared to me. I also took in other features he had that I didn't notice before. A sharp jawline, short dark curls that could be seen from the back of his white hat (interesting, I wonder how it stays on?) and what caught my full attention was the aquamarine eyes he looked at me with.
"H-Hey." I said with pink cheeks, giving a small wave. His eyes scanned me up and down before he greeted me back.
He opened the passenger door for me and I got in. After closing my door, he went over to his side and sat behind the wheel. "So, where are we going?" I ask.
"I don't know. Figured we walk around downtown and see what comes up."
"Y-You're not going to...kill me, are you?"
Jotaro gave me a side glance. "Why would you think that?"
I'm embarrassed. My brain and my mouth never work at the same time and I always say the wrong things at the wrong time. "I'm sorry. I just... You're hard to read and I am extremely nervous. I've never been on a date in a long time and I'm really shy and don't know how to act in social situations." I hide my face behind my hands.
"I apologize if I gave off a bad vibe. But I can assure you that I am not going to kill you."
That made me feel better?
During the drive into the downtown area, we quietly conversed. I found out he has a major in marine biology, which I think is pretty cool. He was born in Japan and speaks really good English. Also, I hadn't noticed the deepness of his voice, it was pretty sexy.
We walked side by side through the streets of downtown. The sun was already almost out of sight, it made the lights illuminate all around us. We went into a small diner to eat, it didn't have a lot of people inside, which I was happy about. I was having a really nice time, even if both of us were a little quiet.
"So, what do you do?" Jotaro asked me as I finished a bite of my dessert.
"Oh, nothing special. I just work in retail." I look away, he had a much better profession than I did.
"What were you working on in the library?"
"Oh, thats my story. Its nothing, really. Its really just a hobby."
"You're a writer?"
I shrug. I didn't think of myself as a "writer", I just wrote for fun and it was a great outlet for my depression. I saw Jotaro eye my dessert, he looked like he wanted some. I smiled and push the plate and an extra fork to him. "I can't eat this all by myself. Have some."
He pulled the cap of his hat over his eyes- was he hiding a blush? Grabbing the fork, he slowly took a piece and ate it. Watching him do this was kind of cute.
After dinner, we found ourselves on a path next to the river. The sound of the water flowing and splashing against the rocks on the shore was peaceful. I looked up at Jotaro beside me. He was staring forward while we walked, hands in his pockets.
We continued forward for a silent ten minutes before he said anything to me. "I glad you contacted me..."
"Huh?" I blink. He was glad?
"When I hadn't heard from you in a few days, I figured you just threw my number away. Then you messaged me. I was...excited."
I try and suppress my smile, but its not working, my eyes give me away so I turn my face to the side. "I'm glad I texted you, too. To be honest, I thought you were a little rude back at the library and almost didn't message you at all."
"I get that a lot. So what made you decide to text me?"
"I'm not sure. I kinda felt this...pull that told me to give you a chance. And...the smile you gave me before you left, it played in my mind. You have a nice smile, did you know that?" I could tell Jotaro blushed this time when he shielded his face with his hat. "But I do have a question for you. Why did you give me your number? You said I was annoying and that you only helped me so I would stop making noise as I jumped for the book."
"You were annoying."
I scowl at him.
"But... I couldn't let you keep struggling the way you were, so I walked over to help."
"You said that you were looking for a book in the same isle..."
He turned away again. "I had been watching you from my table for a while. You were so focused on your writing, I could tell you were enjoying yourself. When you got up to get the book, I followed you. Seeing you jump up to the higher shelf to retrieve it, I found a reason to speak to you."
I place my hands on the side of my face; the coolness is nice. This is all too much for me to process.
We returned to the car and drove back to the parking lot where he picked up. "Which one is your vehicle?" He asked as he drove past the few cars left in the lot.
"Oh, I didn't drive here. I walked from my house, I can just walk back."
"Where is your house?"
"Just a few blocks from here. I'll be fine, I've done it many times before."
Jotaro shook his head. "Its late and dark. I would feel better if I knew you were home safe."
I smirk. I have a strange feeling that if I insisted on walking home by myself, he would follow me in his car to make sure I was inside. That or murder me, my mind still had that thought on the backburner. "Okay. It's that way." I give him directions and he parks in front of my house. I sit for an awkward moment, wringing my hands together- I'm not sure what to say. "Th-Thank you, for the evening. I had a really good time."
"You're welcome. So did I."
We flick our eyes at one another, neither of us knowing what to do.
"I'll...see you around some time?" Could my voice sound anymore shakey?
The same smile I seen at the library crept onto his face, making my heart flutter. "I would like that." He said.
Giving him my own smile, I open the car door and leave the vehicle. Just before I walk into my house, I turn to look at him one last time. He waved goodbye, so I did too and closed my front door.
I took a deep breath as I leaned with my back against the door. What did I get myself into? Hopefully something exciting. I could feel deep inside that I wanted to get to know him better.
Getting ready to go to bed, I lay down and smile. Jotaro was charming in his own ways; quiet and reserved. I liked it and couldn't wait to see him again.
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yanjunmyworld · 6 years
When This Story Ends
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Pairing: Yanjun x OC
Gif: linyanjun8
Genre: fluff, supernatural
A/N: i was inspired after watching the 2018 little mermaid movie. Its such a good new take on the story if you havent seen it you should check it out! I hope you like this story! Dont forget to leave some feedback ^^.
The bustling crowds paraded through the old market of Tianzifang, looking for whatever unique presents they could take home to their lovers and families. Little did anyone know that down one of the alleyways laid hidden the famous Iqyi dance studio. Famous for its rigourous training and producing only the most dedicated of dancers. The class consisted oh 9 boys and 2 girls; which is where we find our lead male.
The harsh beats pounded through the speakers, as the young taiwanese boy practiced last weeks choreography. Yanjun always made sure to arrive atleast 20 minutes early to recap every piece they learnt. He worked hard to get into this academy and wasn't going to waste a single second of it. He always knew he wanted to perform and share his passion with the world. To hopefully inspire others to follow their dreams like him someday and this was going to be his first stepping stone. Despite this being the main reason for his early arrival, there was another situation which also made his early practices seem the best possible solution. Y/N was the only other person to always be early to class. She was the object of his desires. He loved to watch as her body so effortlessly and gracefully balanced out the moves she was performing. How she would get the cutest of smiles whilst dancing, revealing her two faint hidden dimples. Y/N and yanjun had always had a good chemistry together. They were always eachothers partners and constantly flirting with bad pick up lines. So much so, that the others always tried to set up ways to make them kiss or something to move their relationship along. However for the past 6 months no matter how much they flirted, she would always denie his request for a date and have a different excuse prepared. This frustrated the young male. He has always been a smooth talker and never void of a womans attention but no one compared to her. She was his perfect match and he would do anything to try and make her see just how much he cared for her.
One day, another class mate Zhengting suggested he follow the girl after class to see where she goes. That way he wouldn't have to listen to Yanjuns conspiracy theories anymore. So thats exactly what he did. He followed her to Shanghai rail station onto the express train for Jinshan. He stood in the carriage next to hers leaving just enough space for him to see her and still be hidden. To conceal his identity even more he put on a black snap back and face mask. As he adjusted the brace straps and smoothed down his white shirt. He watched as she smiled looking down at her phone, her bright sparkling doe eyes lighting up as she tries to follow along to the choreography shes watching. Cute he thinks. He recalled her mentioning something about living in Jinshan, when it dawned on him that she was most likely going home. Great. Now I'm gonna look like those weird creepy stalkers thanks to Zhengting. if she catches me, I'm done for. He thought.
50 minutes later they arrived at the small seaside town. Various market stalls lined up against the seashore, selling a variety of meat and fish as well as grills to cook them on. The town wasn't particularly busy, most likely due to the autumn weather settling in.
He followed her down the sandy beach as she gazed at the rippling turquoise water. Her lighting up,exactlt the same as when she was dancing. As he followed her, he noticed them arriving at a smaller more secluded part of the beach, with a small alcove to the side. He watched as she dug up a small seashell box and placed her phone, money and travel card inside; before re-burying it. What a strange thing to do. He thought. However things kept getting stranger. He noticed the female starting to strip off her clothes which brought a light pink blush to his face. No matter how much his brain was telling him to look, he adverted his eyes out of the respect he had for her. It was only once he heard a splash that he looked back to find her gone. He couldnt even see any ripples in the water. How could she just dissappear. That's when his thoughts kicked into overdrive. His first instinct was that she was drowning and so he quickly stripped off and rushed into the water to look for her. Once again finding no sign of life anywhere. That was until he heard a faint melodical voice and a light splashing. He started to walk as quietly as he could further into the ocean not caring that the water was now up to his hips.
Thats when he saw it. A aquamarine tail gently bobbing up and down against the current; as a young girl perched her elbows up on a rock. The more he stared the more he knew he recgonised that small face and bright brown eyes all too well. It was Y/N but with a tail. The young taiwanese male rubbed his eyes causing them to sting slightly from the sea water to make sure he wasnt seeing things. His mind couldn't comprehend what he was seeing to be true. Mermaids aren't real. He thought. He watched as she sorrowfully sang to herself as if the whole weight of the world was on her shoulders. Which was a 180 degree change from the happy go lucky gurl he knew.
"It's so enchanting,I'm trapped and drowning here for everyone to see.
They didn't notice.
How far away i am from everyone and everything.
Silly to have gambled with my heart out on the line
I guess thats just the way it goes. But I'm holding on
I know a day will come when i can be myself again.
And i hope someone will love me.
When this story ends."
Without thinking Yanjun rushed forward screaming out.
He body jumped fro. the startle of his voice and as her eyes locked with his, they opened wide before she quickly dive into the ocean and swam away.
Since that day y/n had stopped comming to class. Naturally all the boys teased him saying he scared her off with his stalker antics. Which was sort of true but if only they knew. After a full week of absences Yanjun couldn't take it anymore. Everyday his head ran with thoughts and theories and how much he missed her; how he needed answers and he needed them now. Otherwise he would believe he really had gone insane. He decided from that point to go to the beach every single day in hopes of catching her once again. Atlas every day ended up in failure. On the 7th day, just as Yanjun was about to go home, he had the strongest urge to stay until nightfall. So he waited aimlessly staring at the ocean hoping for even a glimpse of her.
Finally he saw a glint of her aquamarine tail again. He made his way out into the ocean to see her perched up on the same rock as before. He stealthily made his way around another rock so he was close enough but still hidden in order to not scare her again.
"Y/N! please don't run away, i just want to talk... I'll even stay hidden so you don't have to see me." He pleaded.
"You do realise i know you have been there the whole time right." She sighed.
"What! I thought i was being an ultimate ninja."
He peered his face out from behind the rock only to discover no sight of her again. That was until he felt a splash of water trickling down his back, followed by a faint giggle.
"No,this is called being a ninja."
How he had missed her laughter. He turned around to look at her and studied every detail. How her long black wet hair shone under the moonlight. How she flashed the soft dimple smile towards him, earning his dimpled smile in return.
"I missed you y/n. Why don't you come to class anymore? Why did you run away? How are you a mermaid? I mean not that your not a hot mermaid but i always thought they were fairytales." He rambled on.
"Slow down Yanjun. I suppose i should answer every question, seeing as you havent left this entire week."
"You knew?"
"So you was just torturing me!" He laughed.
"Yes and no... I...I was scared"
Her voice trailed off as she sat herself uppn the rock bobbing her tail up and down and gestured for Yanjun to sit beside her. So he wouldn't catch a cold.
"I haven't been comming because i was scared what you thought of me. Scared that you had told everyone and that they would outcast me... i haven't exactly had the best luck with humans who found out."
"You don't know how insane I've been going without you! I even have to partner up with Justin and you know how unfocused he is!!! If i told people, they would assume I'm crazy." He laughed
"You might just be crazy Junnie."
She laughed poking his cheek. Yanjun then wrapoed his arms around her and pulled her down into his chest; gently stroking her damp hair and placing a soft kiss upon her head. Resulting in a small pink blush appearing on her cheeks.
"I would never hurt you y/n... you're too important to me."
"Don't you find this weird or disgusting?" She pointed to her tail.
"Nothing about you could ever be disgusting." He smiled.
She the wrapped her own arms around his waist, smiling as she listened to the soft beating of his heart. This was a new experiance for y/n and she was loving every bit of it.
"Tell me everything y/n...please." He pouted as he continued stroking her hair.
"Well...I've always been a mermaid. But one day i saw a group called Nex7 performing on the beach and i was so captivated by their dance style. I had always wanted to dance. The way human bodies could move like that on two legs was beautiful to me. Especially when i could see couples dancing together. There were so many wonders to the human realm that i wanted to be like you people... we have a legend in our species. That a mermaid princess made a deal to become a human for the sake of her love and if she failed she would return to being a mermaid forever. No one knows the ending of the story, so i went to our king and begged for my own chance. The king hates humans...but he's not heartless so we made a deal."
"What kind of deal?"
Yanjun's voice was very concerned by this point. What had she gotten herself into. Was it dangerous? Was the king actually evil? Is he gonna have to run a boat through somebody like in the disney movie? The possabilities were endless.
"I have 1 year... to pursue my dreams of dancing and finding love but i can only be on land for 4 hours before turning back... should I fail or fall for someone who is not my true love... i will be forced to remain a mermaid forever and never have the chance to become human again..." Her voice trailed off.
"So that's why you can't go on a date with me."
"It's not that i don't want too... but i physically can't."
"How long has it been?"
"11 months... my time is running out"
she sighed before diving into the ocean again, letting the salty water cover up her tears again befire resurfacing.
"How do you know if its true love or not if you dont try y/n."
Yanjuns deep brown eyes gazed into her own with such a pleading look, that she couldn't help but feel sadder. She liked Yanjun she really did, but if he wasn't her true love she couldn't take that risk.
"I dont know... one time a seer told me that we will have a instant connection and he has the blood of the ocean within him."
"Just give me a chance, I've been flirting with you long enough" he laughed. "I promise i won't kiss you or anything and i will come to the beach every day so we can date like this."
He smiled jumping off the rock and taking a hold of her hands.
"One chance y/n. Thats all I'm asking for."
She thought about it hard as she observed the young male. How his height towered over her but wasn't intimidating. That soft look he had in his eyes,whenever he looked at her and how they would sparkle when he was dancing. The way his dimples revealed themselves to her and how esoecially breath taking he was at the moment. With his short black hair a watery mess and small water droplets trickling down his abs. Her time would soon run out and she had to make a choice.
"Well even if you aren't my true love,with such little time it looks like im gonna be a mermaid anyway... so I will give you the chance Lin Yanjun." She smiled.
A small grin appeared on his face as he pulled her into his chest again. The heat between them made the cold nights ocean feel like a pin prick. He kept the promise of comming everyday with her after class so they could have their dates. No matter how many times Yanjun wanted them to skip classes so they could go on a real date, Y/n always denied him. She knew his passion for dancing was just as strong as her own and she couldn't let him waste his time on her. Especially if time did run out she knew her dreams would carry on through him.
They'd have picnics at the beach that Yanjun would spend hours preparing, thanks to Zhangjing teaching him how to cook. They'd slow dance on the sand and she would show him all her favourite spots and hiding places so he could always find her. Yanjun always wanted to steal kisses from her but it took all his energy to stop himself out of respect for their promise. The more time he spent with her the more he fell. The way she would sing him a different song every night. How she would gift him rare seashells or other treasures she'd stumble upon. He marked down every single date so he could remember what they had done and how long they had left. But as time went on he found himself not caring if she stayed a mermaid,he would find a way for them to be together.
Before they knew it,it was their last day together. Luckily it fell on the day of the annual beach festival. Various attractions and market stalls were set up on the beach and he finally convinced y/n to sacrifice their dance class so they could spend their last day properly. They walked up amd down the different stalls, y/n getting more excited each time as she had always wanted to attend one of these events. Yanjun made sure to buy never ending supplies of ice cream and candy floss as they ran up and down the beach playing. Dancing along to the smooth beats of the music playing. Y/n had always wanted to ride a ferris wheel and luckily enough one was there lit up by the multicoloured lights against the night sky.
As they headed towards the que,Yanjun noticed a fortune teller gesturing to him. He sent y/n ahead using the excuse that he needed the bathroom before heading towards the young male. The mysterious man was dressed head to toe in a red and black theme with his short black hair slicked back. He had a innocent smile upon his face as he gestured for Yanjun to sit down.
"I got a strong urge when i saw you to read your future."
"And you are?"
"I'm the great Fan Chengcheng. 100% accuracy, never failed." He giggled. "Now give me your hand."
"So i can read your palm idiot. The cosmic spirits are urging me to do it and if i dont they will never shut up."
Reluctantly Yanjun gave him his hand and the young male started to study it.
"You're a very interesting person, i see great fortune in your future... but theres something unique about your blood and the spirit inside you."
"Go on."
Yanjun made his way quickly back to the queue to discover y/n nearly at the front. She hit him gently for taking his time.
"If you were gonna poop,you could of said. Everyone kept looking at me pitifully like i was a loner."she pouted
"I wasn't! I got distracted by a seller and just about escaped! As long as no one hit on you that's all that matters."
Time passed quickly and they were already at the top of the ferris wheel. Y/N was fascinated by the view and how small the town appeared from the height. Her attention was so distracted it was like Yanjun wasn't even there. So he got up and sat himself next to her, pulling her into his chest again.
"Yanjun!!! I wanna see!"
"Let's just stay like this a bit...please."
Y/n smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist listening to his heart beat again.
"I'm going to miss hearing this..." she sighed.
"This heart only beats for you,so without you it's non existant."
"Even if i have to become a merman or something, I'll never leave you and I'll never love another person."
"You cant do that for me.... your hopes and dreams are worth so much more than this fantasy of us and you deserve so much love."
"I would give up my world for you y/n. I love you"
"I...i love you too Yanjun"
He took ahold of her hand and rushed them over to her spot as time was quickly running out. As she jumped into the ocean turning back into a mermaid, he glanced down at his watch. 2 minutes left.
" Yanjun... thank you for everything." She struggled to hold back the tears. "You are truly the most beautiful human I've ever met inside and out. my world has changed for the better because of you. I never thought i could find love, after the way the men in this world treated me. But i realise now, I love nothing more in my life than you."
"I told you from the day we met, that you were my angel that fell from heaven. I meant every word. I love you and only you. I will mever love anyone ever again. I will find a way for us y/n. So never forget me."
"I could never forget you Lin Yanjun."
Just as the last couple of seconds to midnight passed away, she pulled his neck down and placed her soft pink lips against his. Yanjun gently biting her bottom lip begging for for entrance as their tongues greeted eachother passionately and then she was gone.
"I haven't finished the story yet son." He laughed.
"I believe daddy!" The youngest smiled gripping her teddy bear tight.
"Do you want to know what the fortune teller told him that day?."
"YES" they both screamed."
“He said you have the blood and spirit of a mermaid inside of you.”
Both kids looked at each other with eyes and mouths wide open.
“That means it’s time for bed.” 
A young woman walked into the room, her white dress flowing as she walked towards the two young kids and tucked them both into their beds, placing a soft kiss upon their heads.
“Mum, we want to know the end of the story!” The eldest whined.
“You’ll find out the rest, when this story ends.” 
She sang slightly before giggling and turning on the night light for the children. The young man turned off the lights as he took a hold of his wife’s hand and walked out of their kids room closing the door.
“Yanjun we promised we wouldn’t tell them until they are older!”
“What’s the harm in them thinking it’s a fairytale for now. A beautiful romantic fairytale. It did me no harm!” he stuck out his tongue at her.
“That reminds me. You never told me Cheng Cheng said you have mermaid blood within you. Or that you met that sly Fan Cheng Cheng at all!” 
She crossed her arms over her chest, looking towards him dissapprovingly.
“If I had told you, then our last moment wouldn’t of been as romantic...plus how was i meant to know he was the seer you met in the ocean, he was human!”
He laughed as he placed a kiss upon her lips.
“You ass! I really thought I was going to lose you then and you knew all along. Do you know how much courage it took for me to kiss you!”
“Not as much courage is needed now though.”
He winked and smiled picking her up bridal style carrying her to the bed in their bedroom and placing her gently down upon it. before placing another kiss on her forehead.
“Who would of known my grandfathers stories about a mermaid and a human were true all along.” He laughed
A/N I hope you liked it. The song she sings comes from the sound track of the little mermaid 2018 movie and is called when this story ends! Which is where i got the name of this fic from too haha.  In regards to fated blood i’m taking a short break from it until i can work out properly where things are going with that, but i will have many more smaller fics in between that time.
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k9cat · 6 years
To Hold A Name 2/4
WC: 1049
Summary: Being pieces of a whole was always interesting, you were all the same, but also completely different. And the differences were not always visible like if you needed glasses or always wore the same colour. Each Side finds something completely unique that belongs to only them, their name.   A little origin story mixed with a dash of character analysis and some head canon world build. Light, cute, and usually fluffy.
Patton | Roman | Logan | Virgil    Ao3: Here  Stedlers Masterpost
THAN Taglist: @fandersfic-roman @im-so-infinitesimal @bunny222
Creativity knew things.
He didn’t know how he knew them, he just did and it wasn’t his place to think about stuff like that, that was for… something else. He didn’t have the words for it yet, but he knew it, somehow.
He knew the other one was like him, but also different, and that the two of them did things for Him and that was important. He did all the day dreaming, thinking about hopes and dreams and making stuff, while the other one gave lots of warm hugs, bright smiles and giggly laughter. It was great, but not perfect, somehow, he knew something was missing. Morality, that was the other, didn’t seem to think so, so he left it alone.
He also knew things changed. Sometimes they were very quick changes, like new things popping up around the mindscape, like the tree that sprouted up in the living room yet was gone the next day. But sometimes they changed slowly, he was pretty sure it took a month for a staircase to grow that was near his door, he didn’t really count the days though, and it still wasn’t finished, but it has taken forever so far. He knew he could change things too. His room was really good at that, changing even when he wasn’t thinking about it. He was still learning and getting the hang of making things, so he didn’t blame the room for changing on him when he couldn’t control that either. He kind of liked when the room changed on him though. It provided a new adventure and play for him to explore and run around in, learning what he could do to make it dramatic, to make it adventurous, to make dreams fun and entertain Him while He sleeps.
Tonight, was different when he stepped into his room for the dreams. He usually sat on his bed and waited for the room to change around him. Drifting thoughts wandering around influencing the shifting landscape of dreams. It was that in-between place of awake and not awake Thomas had before completely falling asleep and the dreamland was cemented in what ever fantastical combination it currently was in. Right now, though, the scape was still shifting, and he knew Thomas had completely fallen asleep, so this was new. He did not know about this. He stood up on his bed, the squishy mattress and soft blankets made for some not so stable footing, but he managed, and looked into what he could call a sky.  
It was dark, but not completely black since it had shifting colours in it, deep blues, rich purples, vibrant reds, all speckled with shining points of white and yellow. It was a night sky, a galaxy. Space, where things floated around and aliens hid behind asteroids. He felt himself lift off his bed, looking down from where he was floating away from, he found his bed sitting on stardust. This was a space dream. Yet it didn’t feel like a dream as he floated away from the only thing he knew. The shining points grew larger as he floated towards them, and the sparking points became shapes-ish. They weren’t full shapes, more like formless blobs of play-dough ready to be shaped. He knew where he was again.
He was in subconscious, or at least a part of it, maybe above it actually from the way the dark mass below him pulled like a black hole, wanting to suck everything back inside. But it didn’t, because he belonged out here with Morality and Thomas and they had fun. Subconscious was where strange things came from, like the shapeless shapes, and it was to be left unexplored, even for an adventurer like him, he knew when to leave the unknown alone.
One shapeless blob drifted close enough to touch, he reached out and grazed the edge. The dull yellow morphed into a crown and he was delighted. It looked like a crown for royalty. He smiled and grabbed the hat and placed it upon his head.
He continued to float, and when the blobs came close enough, he touched them. One turned into a chair, another a bunch of paper that scattered in some unfelt wind. One turned into a stuffed animal that was in a shape of a puppy, it drifted past too quick for him to grab for Morality, he would have to try and recreate it for him. This was fun, but there was something missing. He knew there was something missing. He looked around the floating space with all the shapes, and spotted something that wasn’t quite like the others, but still the same. Instead of white or dull yellow, it was a vibrant and shining gold, and instead of floating around aimlessly like the others, it seemed to have a direct course, right to him.
He knew it was special, he didn’t know how he knew that, but he did. He knew that it was for him in this void of being a part of a whole, and that it was only for him to hold. He knew that it was coming to him, and that he was going to it. It came closer, just as shapeless and formless as all the other blobs, and he reached out to touch the shimmering gold.
The gold shifted, forming a beautiful sword, balanced and sturdy, worthy of a knight, a prince. He looked upon the hilt where rubies, amethyst, sapphire and aquamarine were inlayed, and found a name engraved among the pretty swirling shining gold.
Roman, his name.
A name which was his.
He smiled, it felt right, a prince that had a crown and held a sword, Prince Roman. He liked that, and he knew what he was to dream of every night.
The space shifted around him again, his room formed for a second before dissolving into a field full of wildflowers. The wind softly drifted by carrying the fragrant sent of the forest and he heard the call of bird song. In the distance, there was a grand castle framed by mountains, and he knew that this land was waiting for a prince to explore it.
A new quest, fit for a prince. Holding his sword, Roman went and explored.
Solo Roman tag list  
@thats-so-crash @ffsas-side-account @yonnie-boy @notveryglittery @Sander-sides-shambles  @cashmeredragon @bubblegum-borb @the-feels-are-coming@starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer @neko-ereri @hanramz-the-fander @callboxkat @faacethefacts @karmicmayhem @anachronistic-cat @reba-andthesides @AskolotlQuestions @dreamsshadowwashere @katatles-the-fish @sassy-in-glasses @elvishfrenchassassin @ocotopushugs @goodonebadgirl @kirsten-the-freak @haikyuupaladin @thisisshien  @someshinningideas @angeliclogan @poundland-twoface @i-will-physically-fight-you @nightlovechild  @siriuswhiskers @anastasialestina @ace-v-p-d @radioactivebread @theshipqueenarrives @allthemetalsoftherainbow @dudlebuggs @cinquefoilelove @rptheturk @roman-is-a-gay @ono-its-ryane @evilmuffin @trashypansexual @idiotauthor @roman-is-a-dramatic-prince @vulnerablevirgil @confinesofpersonalknowledge @candiukas @patchworkofstars @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @muontsy2 @katesattic @spacenerrrd @purplepatton @toujours-fidele @planetsanders @divinemammal @anonymouseandkeyboard @logan-exe @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @justmyshitandmoreshit
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sunfish999 · 5 years
if y’all ever wanted to know anything about me... i tried
Tumblr media
hm I’m bored (i say this as i should be doing geometry homework
1. read: probably the paladin prophecy, or the finisher (just books i’ve read like 500 times, idk about understanding but--) watch: the vampire diaries? (idk i watched the entire series in 7th grade wygonnad) or aquamarine movie? listen to: XYLO, LUME, more specifically Need Nothing by Verite 
2. bro i have no idea who they are actually but I’ve seen like 2 fanfic writers who write exactly like me and seem to think exactly like me i love that. also a reg writer? uh probably mark frost? i aspire to write like f scott fitzgerald but it never gonna happen hun (cos i wanna major in physics not literature lmao)
3. holy fuck lets pick like 3 fandoms, aight? uh first lets go w my hero academia? tokoyami ofc? next... percy jackson bich-- nico LMAO no maybe bianca? hm HARRY POTTER -- ginny prolly although i dont want to date harry (oops) The maze runner? tommy actually ;; naruto? fucKINH ROCK LEE BABE uhhhsdfhh star wars is anakin and voltron is lance (or pidge actually) i should stop buuuut yeao ok
4. i think my name is fine but i aint gonna share it here (also kinda wish my nickname was charly though thats all im gonna say ALSO yes laurel is a faux name yes 
5. human being because i do nothing. lol but yes i think that who i am as a person should be based off my actions, for it is how i act that shows other people who i am, not ‘who i am inside’ dont make fucking excuses for your actions people 
6. yea i believe in 1 god and i was raised as a catholic christian but i am accepting of all religions and views
7. i mean kinda??? idk im very polish and so i eat lotta polish food (gr8 stuff right there) but im just american so yea 
8. muscial artists, well bitch i only started actively listening to lots of music (aka spotify) like last year but i listened to ari grande when i was young ofc but i dont rlly feel connected to her. maybe like, adele? probably her yea 
9. yes i am a visual artist (preferred medium is watercolor) i looooove singing although i suck so i just do it for fun, i played the french horn for 2 years (also suck so not really lol) um i also write for fun and im good at writing informative essays (my school is big in the english program lol) i was also in 3 plays but i dislike theatre so no. also i like clothes i am a fashion artist wow
10. tf? idk? i have like 3 mottos: “if you want something done right, do it yourself” “the answer to existence is not why we are here, but how we affected others during our time here” “jack at all trades, master at none, better than a master at one “ “you don’t have to speak to be present” “consider how hard it is to change yourself and realize what little chance you have in trying to change others” “do the scary thing first, and get scared afterwards” “the very fact that you're actively looking for ways to become kinder, and attempting to understand your flaws and change them for the better is fair proof that you as a person, are kind.” OK YEA MAYBE I HAVE A CREED SO WHAT 
11. ideal day lol art, reading, and binge watching tv in bed while eating. otherwise spending the day meditating in a forest in spring where its warm but not too warm and just not speaking the entire day 
12. both. i have 3 cats and 2 dogs. love all of them dearly though i’d consider myself a human puppy vs a human kitty (im not a furry calm tf down)
13. outdoors, if you mean nature. if you just mean social activity, then indoors 
14. as i said before, i like singing even though i suck, in grade school i learned the ukelele, piano, and french horn. i remember none of that now 
15. influential books my ass. LETS GO: 1. into the wild (krakauer) 2. Fahrenheit 451 (cant remember author name but its fucking iconic and a classic and it made me think) 3. just gonna go an put harry potter because that shit changed my life 4. the hobbit? idk, iconic 5. i wanna read more literature-y books soon but whatever, i feel like i should say the great gatsby but honestly with writing my essay and everything i just dont give a shit anymore
16. ok i feel like if my parents werent as strict when i was younger id have less depression and be less stressed but then i would also care less about my grades and being kind and i like that about myself sooooo 
17. lol this is EXACTLY me guys because its fucking anonymous as hell because i know none of you (except for like 2 mutuals but ive never met them irl but they’re cool) i dont trust my friends. or family, for that matter
18. my patronus is a wolf thanks for asking; and my power animal: symbolizes instinct, intelligence, and an appetite for freedom. embody personal power and balance between self-control and animal instincts. a guide to inspire you to live more freely
19. im a gryffindor, i took the pottermore test twice and got it both times, also, i took it doing the opposite and got slytherin, so i aint them (but i love slytherin sooo)
20. fuck are you serious? honestly hogwarts would be awesome as hell but probably middle earth because it still got the magic but it gorgeous as hell 
21. yea i’d probably say i love easily since i like barely talk to my crushes and yet i think i really really like them because GODDAMN 
22. school. daydreaming. eating. phone. drawing. 
23. i feel like once i move out for college i’d like em a heck of a lot more, so probably like at least once a month? when i’m older? like at least once every 2 months? i love my extended fam though
24. oh fuck my friend from school and i fucking liked chinchillas when we were little, we always text each other the same thing at the same time, i always know what shes thinking and what the basis for her actions is. shes the bff that doesnt always act like it all the time 
25. fuck yes 
26. pansexual and PROUD but still in the closet except for the whole internet and 3 friends 
27. ok honestly i feel like i dress kinda like a basic girl just more minimalistic and modest but i kinda totally want the gays to recognize me and also i fucking want those patterned polos because hell to the yes. and also i want bangs but i do sports and i feel like id look ugly because everyone says they would (waiting til college, naturally) otherwise love my freckles and real dark eyes
28. honestly, probably like a 2-3. i don’t care SO much about what people think, but i’m fucking annoyed by really dumb things super easily. i’m just really good at hiding it so no one ever knows 
29. why music wtf OK: 1. need nothing - verite, 2. lover like me - off bloom 3. strapped - FOOL 
30. why the FUCK all my quotes are in my creed bitch lemme search :
“growing up is giving up” 
thanks for listening to my TED ED talk aaaaand i hope you know me a bit better and i hope i didn’t accidentally give away too much info and someone will come kill me ok BYE 
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alluratron · 7 years
85 question game rules: answer these 85 statements and tag twenty people
 tagged by @steambend 
the last 
drink: coffee
phone call: my dad 
text message: actual text “can i come over now?” but i use whatsapp or messenger more 
song you listened to: uhhh i was listening to 5h’s new album
time you cried: honestly cant remember its rare 
dated someone twice: i went on one date with this girl 2 years ago and thats the extent of my dating history
kissed someone and regretted it: oh god idk if we kissed (i mean probs) but in like april i went out with my football team and the next day i got a text from some rando that identified himself as “the oyinbo prince that got your number last night” (oyinbo is nigerian slang for white) rip me
been cheated on: never 
lost someone special: two years ago
been depressed: few months ago
gotten drunk and thrown up: i dont throw up when drunk only when badly hungover. last time was in june. 
three favourite colours: all shades of purple/ burgundy/ yellow 
in the last year have you made new friends: yeah
fallen out of love: nope 
laughed until you cried: yep 
found out someone was talking about you: nope 
met someone who changed you: no 
found out who your friends are: i mean i guess i rediscovered the strength of some friendships 
kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
in general how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? majority of them but sometimes i add them when drunk and im like who tf
do you have any pets? i used to have a dog but she died a few years back :(
do you want to change your name? no 
what did you do for your last birthday? got drunk went out
what time did you wake up? ehh like 7 
what were you doing at midnight last night? tungle
name something you can’t wait for: honestly i really want vlds4 to reignite my love for the show
when was the last time you saw your mum: she went out like 3 hours ago lol 
what are you listening to right now? nothing 
have you ever talked to a person named tom? yeah 
something that is getting on your nerves: more ppl wanting someone (coughcough) to replace shiro as permanent black paladin (someone was really out here saying they hope keith unlocks more black lion features than shiro did miss me with that shit fam shiro bonded with black within two (2) episodes more than keith did in 7 ANYWAY IGNORE THE SALT)
most visited website: tumblr 
hair colour: purple usually, brown rn 
long or short hair: long usually, short rn lol 
do you have a crush on someone? ehhhhhhh theres this dude at uni and weve kinda been flirting for 3 years but nothings happened but like i wouldnt be opposed to a date i guess
what do you like about yourself? im honest
piercings: two in each ear and a nose ring 
blood type: honestly no idea 
nickname: al 
relationship status: single
zodiac: libra 
pronouns: she/her 
tv show(s): a:tla, vld i guess, orphan black, skam before s4 (im sorry s4 was a mess)
tattoos: one on me finger
right or left handed: left 
surgery: wisdom teeth
sport: football or zumba
vacation: i went to santorini last year
 pair of trainers: nike airs
more general 
eating: im not currently?
drinking: also not currently…
i’m about to: find some food 
waiting for: going back to uni
want: allura to go back to being leader/fake shiro theory to be true and real shiro comes back to the black lion/keith is part altean(or polluxian whatever just make him romelle’s kid) and is related to acxa/shallura get together in canon
get married: i’m not fussed 
career: engineer 
which is better? 
hugs or kisses: hugs 
lips or eyes: lips
shorter or taller: taller
 older or younger: older 
nice arms or nice stomach: arms
hookup or relationship: either i guess. depends on the person
troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant i guess? idk im not really hesitant but i dont go looking for trouble
have you ever 
kissed a stranger: ya  
drank hard liquor: ya 
lose glasses/contact lenses: lol YA
turned someone down: i was gonna say no but i remembered i turned down my best friend in summer camp when i was 10 LOL he was cool about it tho
sex on the first date: does it count if there was no date
had your heart broken: um…platonically moreso than romantically if that makes sense 
been arrested: not my black ass
cried when someone died: yes 
fallen for a friend: mhm 
do you believe in 
yourself: right now yeah 
miracles: yes 
love at first sight: attraction my guy not love 
santa claus: nope 
kiss on the first date: if the date went well why not 
angels: yes 
eye colour: brown 
favourite movie: probs like. moonrise kingdom. or aquamarine. idk fam lol
tagging: @the-allura-shirogane @allurahimesama @littlespacestars @katiiesbishop and anyone else who wants to pls feel free
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groundramon · 7 years
Lion 4 actually ties up the plot about Steven fearing his “magical destiny” really, really well.  It doesnt address the Crystal Gems’ standards that they put on him, because the Crystal Gems weren’t there, but Greg seems to convince him that Rose really had no ulterior motive for giving birth to him.  I hope/assume the Crystal Gems’ expectations will be addressed in an episode eventually because that’s been a major conflict of Steven for seasons now, but besides that? Lion 4 is actually a really nicely paced half-resolution to a plot point that has lasted since the first season.  It didnt clean up everything, but it cleaned up enough, and was emotional while doing that.
What I dont understand, though, is why Steven is still saying he has to clean up after Rose’s mess in the Wanted arc and the Steven Bomb before it.  Like...why didn’t you wait to air Lion 4 until after the Wanted arc?  Its absolutely a filler episode (just because its character development doesnt mean it advances the plot) and could go basically anywhere in the series.  And Lars and the Crystal Gems literally arent in it so?? even if the offcolors live in the temple, or Lars because more of a main character, it wouldnt have affected the episode at all.  As long as Greg and Steven look the same, this could literally happen anywhere in the series.  Did Steven just...block out everything his dad said after the end of the episode?  I mean, believe me, as someone with self esteem issues, I get that you tend to ignore the nice/comforting things people say to you and end up in your own self-deprecating spiral again.  But YOU SHOULD SAY THATS WHAT HES DOING IF THATS WHAT HES DOING.  But the better option would be to just leave Lion 4 until after the Wanted arc, where its not the literal reason he let himself get captured.  If you absolutely had to air it before the Wanted arc, you couldve like...removed the part about Steven feeling like he needed to clean up after his mom from the Wanted arc.  Like, I like that Steven felt like he HAD to do it, but him wanting to protect everyone else could’ve been just as valid of a reason.  He didnt have to feel guilty for something he never did in order to go with Aquamarine; it would’ve been completely in-character for him to sacrifice himself, and hell I think he’d be able to come up with the plan to lie to protect everyone else.  Like, the guilt and the desire to protect others worked together to motivate him to go with Aquamarine, but the simple desire to protect others wouldve worked too.  The arc mightve been a little less compelling, which is why I suggested just airing Lion 4 later into the series first (not to mention, he literally just gets over it right before the Steven Bomb before the Wanted arc, so...idk it doesnt feel like he should be confident enough to say “it wasnt me” but he also wouldnt be saying that, it just wouldnt be such a strong motivation for him, idk man), but it would hardly make a difference overall.
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