#i fully burst out laughing at 'i love wolves because they love deeply'
horror-aesthete · 10 months
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
NMJ is used to taking care of everyone else. He's not used to being taken care of. After getting injured or sick or a qi divination or something, his loved ones all come together to take care of him. He learns more people care deeply about him than he realized.
And if you can include a scene with someone bathing him or washing his hair, I would be ecstatic.
“- and no excuses!” Nie Huaisang’s voice was a little shrill, but under the circumstances, Nie Mingjue didn’t entirely feel like he could object.
After all, all the yelling, shrill or otherwise, was a sign that Nie Huaisang was sincerely worried about him, something Nie Mingjue usually did his best not to doubt. His little brother was self-absorbed and carefree, just the way he’d vowed he’d let him be years before when Nie Huaisang had been little more than a child. So even if Nie Huaisang’s behavior annoyed him or worried him, which it often did, even if it seized up his heart to think about what might happen when he was gone, when there would be no one to take care of his brother for him, it still pleased him beyond measure to see his brother grow up happy.
So what if it meant taking on some extra burdens, meant doing that little bit more to conceal his hardships and portray himself as the unshakable older brother Nie Huaisang saw him as? So what if his brother’s complaints sometimes acted as thorns hooked deep in his heart, itching under his skin, making him wonder does he really think of me that way and have I gone too far this time, maybe he hates me now and all that?
Nie Huaisang was yelling at him again, voice painfully shrill and piercing, but for Nie Mingjue, to hear his brother worried for him and not from him made for a nice change.
Anyway, he himself had probably been just as shrill, when it had been his father that –
It wasn’t that bad, he reminded himself. Baxia was as strong a presence in his mind as ever, their bond uninterrupted. It only looked bad from the outside.
It looked – pretty bad from the outside.
Nie Mingjue tried to smile at Nie Huaisang, but for some reason that just seemed to make things worse: Nie Huaisang’s eyes filled up with tears at once and the scowl on his face deepened. “I’m serious, da-ge! Really serious. I’ll take care of everything, you won’t need to worry about anything at all – for real, this time – and in return, you’re staying put until the doctors say you’re better.”
Nie Mingjue nodded obediently.
Nie Huaisang burst into tears and fled the room before Nie Mingjue could even offer him a hug.
Watching his little brother run, Nie Mingjue sighed and turned his gaze towards his (usually) reliable head disciple standing guard in the corner of the room, trying to ask with his gaze what in the world he was doing wrong, but Nie Zonghui’s eyes were red like a bad attack of spring fever and he wouldn’t even look at him.
It was not, in Nie Mingjue’s view, a very effective way to guard him. Not that he needed guarding – maybe if he’d had no choice but to return injured to Jinlin Tower, that pit of vipers and nest of foxes, but despite the gravity of his wounds they’d still managed to make it as far as this little outpost in disputed territory. Even if it was a stretch, they could put soldiers here and call it justified as being land under the command of Qinghe Nie…though possibly Jin Guangshan would try to find some way to use them doing that to his advantage.
And Nie Mingjue wasn’t exactly up for another war at the moment.
He wasn’t up for anything.
“Stop thinking of politics,” Nie Zonghui said, and his voice was hoarse as if he’d been swallowing sobs. Nie Mingjue wondered how he’d guessed. “I always can tell because your nose wrinkles whenever you think too hard about it…ah, A-Jue, you scared us.”
Scared his half-generation uncle enough to revert back to using childhood nicknames, apparently.
Nie Mingjue wished he could say something to comfort him.
Well, if he were wishing for things, forget wishing that he hadn’t been struck temporarily mute, he might as well go the full way and wish that the terrible creature he’d been fighting – a demon of especially vicious character, and so unexpectedly near to Lanling, too! – hadn’t taken advantage of the weakness he still suffered from, after the Nightless City, to attack his saber rather than himself.
Might as well wish, too, that he’d never been captured in Yangquan in the first place. That he’d never been beaten or tortured, that he’d never had a hundred Wen feet kicking at his saber in some pale shadow their sect leader, attempting to break him as their sect leader had broken his father.
How he had felt when the demon’s blow had fallen straight onto his blade and she had cracked –
Baxia was fine. He could feel her.
(He remembered his father shouting for someone to bring him his saber, long gone, and wondered –)
Baxia was fine.
He’d examined her a thousand times and couldn’t see any true damage – the physical damage was artificially induced, located at the far end; for a regular saber, it wouldn’t be anything to think twice about, a bit of hammering in the forge and it would be as if it had never happened, with no lingering weakness. It was only if her spirit had been harmed, or the bond between them, that his own spirit would be injured, his mind affected, and that hadn’t happened. He’d checked, was checking, time and time again. She was fine.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t tell anybody that.
When the blade had cracked, he’d reacted on instinct in a fit of panic, sending all of his qi immediately to his bond with Baxia, desperately and frantically trying to ensure that his soul wasn’t torn out of his hands the way his father’s had been, that gruesome descent into madness and frothing aimless rage. The demon had sensed his distraction and gone for his throat with its claws, and then the rest of the Nie sect that had come on the night-hunt with him had descended upon it like howling wolves, throwing everything they’d brought with them at it.
Not a good night-hunting strategy (what if the demon hadn’t been alone? what if it was huddled together with other creatures of resentful energy the way they usually were, and using up their arsenal on it left them vulnerable? what if they encountered something on the way back?), but admittedly very effective.
The demon had been utterly vanquished – and really, all the admonishments not to think of politics aside, it was very unusual for such a thing to be lurking around in the environs of another Great Sect like that, especially when that sect had invited its guests to casually night-hunt to entertain themselves – and now they were here.
Or rather, he was here, lying in bed with needles stuck in him like a porcupine, drinking bowl after bowl of medicine as his brother frantically hovered over him. And Nie Mingjue was yielding to it all without complaint even when it was really annoying (he’d never been a very good patient) because he understood, having once been there in Nie Huaisang’s place when his father had been in his, except all his complaisance seemed to be only making Nie Huaisang even more upset.
Baxia grumbled in his mind, having apparently realized that they weren’t going night-hunting again until she was fully repaired and all the worry-warts around him satisfied, and he comforted her with his own misery at the idea: stuck in bed, not allowed to train, not allowed to hunt –
He’d tried to mime the idea of doing some correspondence, since much of it was in fact urgent and he couldn’t even imagine how much of the endless work of being sect leader would pile up in the event of an elongated absence, and Nie Huaisang had thrown a fit, and also several teacups.
Apparently he wasn’t even allowed to do that.
Nie Mingjue sighed and sank back into the bed, briefly putting on an exaggerated pout that made Nie Zonghui laugh a little, the sound wet in his throat. But then, once he’d turned away and followed Nie Huaisang out the door, Nie Mingjue’s pout faded into a resigned sigh.
A little while later, he heard familiar voices at the door.
“ – came as soon as I could, of course,” Jin Guangyao was saying, sounding a little – amused? Long-suffering? What a strange emotion for him to openly display, given the circumstances. Even if he was enjoying someone’s misfortune, and Nie Mingjue knew that his sworn brother often did, he would normally be more tactful about expressing it. “Your missive wasn’t very clear about what the issue was, Huaisang.”
Well, that would explain it. If it was Nie Huaisang, being called to assist with a disaster might mean anything from the dramatic breaking of a fan to the even more dramatic prospect of being forced to actually do some work for once in his life. It very rarely referred to actual disaster.
There was the muffled sound of sobbing – it turned Nie Mingjue’s stomach to hear Nie Huaisang like that, but the last day or so had shown him that there was nothing he could do about it – and then some quiet discussion, too low to hear without trying, and Nie Mingjue had gotten some very stern lectures on how much he was not to try anything for a while.
The murmuring continued for a little, and then – “What?!”
A moment later, Jin Guangyao rushed into Nie Mingjue’s room, usual smile still frozen on his face and his eyes a little wider than usual. It was a refreshingly subdued reaction, Nie Mingjue thought: none of the wide-eyed teary eyes or drooped shoulders that usually accompanied Jin Guangyao’s demonstrations of upset feelings, the pity-me scenes that felt so staged now that Nie Mingjue knew what an able actor Jin Guangyao was.
This time, though, he seemed almost sincere.
Jin Guangyao stopped a few steps into the room, staring at where Nie Mingjue was lying, expression still frozen for a moment, and then the ice melted and the artifice returned, a look of sorrow and sympathy – look at how bad you’ve made me feel by being hurt like that – that made Nie Mingjue want to sigh. He’d been happier, their relationship better, before he’d gotten to peek under the mask Jin Guangyao wore, but it hadn’t been the truth, and he always preferred a hard truth over a soft lie.
“Oh, da-ge,” Jin Guangyao murmured. “Da-ge, poor da-ge…how are you feeling?”
Nie Mingjue said nothing, of course, and Jin Guangyao frowned.
“He can’t talk,” Nie Huaisang said, having followed him into the room. “His throat was nearly ripped out –”
For fuck’s sake, it was a scratch.
“– and he was almost entirely drained of his qi. I could barely feel his heartbeat when I arrived! And he hasn’t been acting like himself, either! I don’t know, I just – I don’t remember what it was like, la – last – last time –”
The tears were starting again, and Nie Mingjue tried to raise a hand to reach out to Nie Huaisang, wanting to comfort him, but something about the gesture made Nie Huaisang sob even harder and even Jin Guangyao looked a little taken aback, even a little stricken. Maybe it was the amount of effort it took for him to lift his hand, the way he had to stop and start the movement? The way his fingers trembled with the effort it took to keep it up in the air?
(His father hadn’t been like this at all. Maybe Nie Huaisang had been too young, Nie Zonghui too distant, but Nie Mingjue remembered it as if it were yesterday – there hadn’t been weakness, not like this. His father had been in a coma for three days and nights, and then he’d woken up. He’d seemed fine at first, not weak at all beyond the usual sluggishness that followed after a period of unconsciousness, and then he’d asked for his saber – and kept asking, no matter how many times they tried to explain –)
Baxia was fine.
The weakness was his own.
It wasn’t like that.
“How can I help?” Jin Guangyao asked. “Sect business –”
“I need someone to watch over him,” Nie Huaisang interrupted, wiping his eyes. “Someone who knows him well. He’s not…his reactions are all wrong. He goes into these dazes sometimes, doesn’t respond, and even when he seems present, he’s flinching at things that aren’t there or being nice and I just…I really can’t tell how much he’s really here or how much of it is reacting on, I don’t know, some sort of childhood instinct. So it has to be someone familiar with his habits, his likes and dislikes.”
Jin Guangyao was blinking rapidly. “And – me? You want me to...I was his deputy, yes, but – surely you or someone else in the Nie sect would be more appropriate?”
“Sect Leader Nie has always respected the differences between rank,” Nie Zonghui volunteered, voice low. “It would hurt his pride to be seen in such an undignified state by someone who wasn’t family.”
The blinking stopped, Jin Guangyao’s rapid thinking abruptly (and visibly) hitting a wall. “I’m – I’m not family.”
“You’re his sworn brother, aren’t you? That’s almost the same as being brothers, which makes you family,” Nie Huaisang said practically. “I’ve written to er-ge, too –”
He’d what?!
“Anyway, I know how good you are at managing things, but it wouldn’t really be appropriate for you to be involved in Nie sect business, would it? It might put you in an awkward situation, having to negotiate against your father.” Nie Huaisang gave Jin Guangyao another hug. “You just focus on taking care of da-ge, all right? I don’t want – if anyone found out, they could –”
He was going to start crying again, Nie Mingjue thought miserably, and wondered if people could die of dehydration by means of tears.
“Nothing will happen to your brother while he’s in my hands,” Jin Guangyao said, and Nie Mingjue even believed him. If there was one thing Jin Guangyao hated, it was being blamed for anything – even if he wanted Nie Mingjue dead, which Nie Mingjue was sure he did sometimes, he would never let it happen while he was the responsible party. Which was why it was something of a surprise that he was allowing himself to be made responsible. “It’ll be all right, Huaisang. You have to believe that.”
Nie Huaisang sniffed and finally wiped away his tears. “You’ll see what I mean soon enough,” he said ominously, and stalked out with Nie Zonghui a few steps behind, shooting Jin Guangyao an apologetic look as they left.
Nie Mingjue couldn’t tell if he agreed or disagreed with Nie Huaisang’s words.
“I hope da-ge doesn’t mind my forwardness in agreeing to help him,” Jin Guangyao said, coming closer to the bed to look down at him, his expression simpering and fake as it always was these days.
As much as that falsity annoyed him, how could Nie Mingjue mind? He knew, as Jin Guangyao did not, what his brother was afraid of; anything that could ease his brother’s mind, if only for a moment, was good.
(Why would Jin Guangyao agree to be the one responsible for him? A demon of such strength shouldn’t have been anywhere near Lanling. And this little outpost was nothing, unguarded, vulnerable; they didn’t have any defenses if Jin Guangshan decided to do something against them here, and yet Jin Guangyao willingly agreed –)
He couldn’t tell Jin Guangyao that he appreciated what he was doing and knew how hard it was, how much of a burden it was, so he reached out and caught his sleeve, tugging it lightly, and tried to smile at him.
It wasn’t any more successful than when he’d tried it on Nie Huaisang – less tears, but it made Jin Guangyao frown in a way that looked actually sincere, as if Nie Mingjue had done something incorrect – so he tugged on his sleeve again, like a child, until Jin Guangyao instinctively lifted his hand to stop him. Nie Mingjue exerted himself, caught it, and drew the words for an apology on his sworn brother’s palm.
My fault, he thought at Jin Guangyao, hoping that he’d understand. I’ve troubled you.
My fault.
It was his weakness. His family’s, his father’s, his own – why should others pay for it, the way he’d paid for his father’s? All he’d ever wanted was to keep them from having to go through that type of suffering.
Jin Guangyao’s hand was trembling, he suddenly noticed, and opened eyes that had slid shut with temporary exhaustion to look at Jin Guangyao again.
His sworn brother’s face had gone ashen, his lips pressed together tightly as if something was upsetting him.
“Da-ge?” he said, strangely hesitant, but Nie Mingjue didn’t understand what he was trying to ask him and was too tired to really try. He squeezed Jin Guangyao’s hand again and released him, letting his hand fall down to the bed.
He checked once again on Baxia.
She was fine. She was right there, their bond as strong as ever.
(“Where is my saber?” his father asked, rubbing his face. “Pass Jiwei to me, A-Jue, will you?”)
He shivered.
Opened his eyes.
The room had been reorganized, he noticed, and the light was different, although not too much – had he fallen asleep? He must have.
Well, he was still healing. It was normal.
“Da-ge!” Jin Guangyao was still there, too. “Can you hear me now?”
Nie Mingjue nodded.
“Good,” Jin Guangyao said, and seemed to even mean it. “Is there anything I can get for you?”
My saber, Nie Mingjue thought, and started shivering again, the room suddenly gone terribly cold even though he was under two layers of blankets already.
Baxia was fine. She was only out of his sight because they were fixing her – it was a small thing, nothing to a normal saber, easily repaired. It was only taking so long because they would have to find a good forge and bring over a smith familiar with spiritual weapons.
Baxia was fine.
He wouldn’t ask for her. He wouldn’t.
“– leader Nie! Look at me – can you hear me? Sect Leader Nie, Meng Yao has a question for you –”
Nie Mingjue turned his head with some difficulty and blinked at Jin Guangyao, who looked relieved. He’d used his old name for some reason, maybe to get Nie Mingjue’s attention, and even that much was a bit of a surprise. Jin Guangyao hated his old name, would prefer to pretend it had never existed, and this was the first time Nie Mingjue had heard it from his lips since the ceremony in which he’d received the new one.
“Good,” Jin Guangyao murmured, seeing him. “Good – yes, da-ge. You’re back. Good. Look at me.”
Nie Mingjue tried to mouth the word ‘question’ at him, but it felt like it was impossible to communicate properly. The lack of language frustrated him immensely, even if the usual anger that was always so quick to leap to his side at the first instance of such frustration didn’t come, too buried beneath the fear.
Luckily, Jin Guangyao was quick and smart and after a few moments seemed to understand. “Oh, ah, the question? Yes. That. Ah...I wanted to know if there was something you wanted.”
My saber.
Nie Mingjue shivered.
Baxia was fine.
“I rearranged the room to your preferences –” He had, too. Even the light fell differently. “– but I’m not sure what else I can get for you that you might need or enjoy.”
Nie Mingjue considered trying to ask for correspondence again, something to do that would be useful, but quickly realized the futility of that.  Still, he didn’t really do anything else, other than work; he’d long ago given up all his old hobbies in favor of his duties, being sect leader and training himself for war and eventually war itself, and even he didn’t remember what they were anymore.
“As da-ge knows, he has always been a mystery to me,” Jin Guangyao added, a little bit of self-depreciating humor in his words. That old joke between them (had it been a joke?), about how Meng Yao would constantly be trying to figure out what Nie Mingjue liked so that he could serve him better and Nie Mingjue constantly being disinterested in every vice he tried to present him with…after everything, Nie Mingjue had started to wonder if it hadn’t been a joke at all, if Meng Yao had been truly frustrated by the fact that he couldn’t find any chink in his armor, a weakness he could exploit to hold over his head.
He was so weak now, though, and yet Jin Guangyao made the same joke.
Was there anything, really, for him to do? Jin Guangyao must be terribly bored, forced to be a babysitter for a man who couldn’t even speak to convey his wishes, and wouldn’t –
Actually, now what he thought about it, there was something.
Nie Mingjue lifted his fingers and twisted them into the hand sign they’d used during the Sunshot Campaign to mean ‘break camp’.
Jin Guangyao stared at him blankly.
He made the sign again, hoping to convey meaning. There wasn’t anything in the room he could point to, and he’d never been especially talented at pantomime, yet surely Jin Guangyao with his quick mind would be able to puzzle it out – every time he made that sign, they would stop moving, set up the tents, and the first thing he’d want, every time it was possible, was –
“A bath?” Jin Guangyao asked, and Nie Mingjue nodded in relief. “I’ll order one set up right away. Anything else?”
Nie Mingjue pointed to the pile of his clothing that was now neatly folded up on a nearby table – and much reduced, by the look of it. Not a surprise. The always-efficient Jin Guangyao would have sent the worst pieces, the ones that had been cut off his body by the doctors, away to be retailored.
Jin Guangyao frowned at it. “You want to get dressed? No…to get ready to receive visitors?”
Nie Mingjue nodded.
“Why? Who are you expecting?”
After some contemplation, Nie Mingjue held up two fingers.
Jin Guangyao blinked.
Sighing, Nie Mingjue pointed at himself – one finger – and at Jin Guangyao – three fingers – and then held up two again.
“…you want to get bathed and dressed before er-ge arrives?”
It was so good to have someone by his side that understood him. Losing his trust in Meng Yao’s character had always been the worst part of that entire experience, the realization that the person he’d thought was a friend had never existed but had instead been deliberately manufactured to match his tastes, but losing the help of such a competent deputy hadn’t been great, either.
“Da-ge, are you sure?”
Nie Mingjue nodded. He couldn’t let Lan Xichen see him like this – the Nie and Lan sects had always been closer allies than they’d been with the others, and they’d been friends since childhood. While not physically present, Lan Xichen had seen some glimpses of what Nie Mingjue had gone through when his father had been dying, and again right after he’d died.
He’d been the one to whom Nie Huaisang had revealed that one letter that Nie Mingjue had thought he’d burned, the one that he hadn’t actually intended on ever using, the one that laid out what he’d say if he were to say goodbye – it had only been theoretical, a way to get out frustration. He would never have been so selfish as to let the awful burden that had fallen on his shoulders fall in turn on Nie Huaisang.
But Lan Xichen hadn’t really believed him back then, when he’d explained that he didn’t mean it, that he didn’t have any plans to do anything that would make such a goodbye necessary. He’d worried himself sick over him back then.
He’d worry now.
Nie Mingjue knew Lan Xichen loved him, he did, even if sometimes recently he felt that Lan Xichen might take him a little for granted. Lan Xichen loved him, so Lan Xichen would worry about him, but Lan Xichen also expressed his worries through trying to fix things.
He didn’t want to have to deal with that right now. There was nothing that needed to be fixed – Baxia was fine, he was fine, it was just a matter of healing for him and a bit of reforging for her.
It was fine.
“Da-ge, the bath is ready.”
Nie Mingjue pulled himself back out of trying to check on his bond with Baxia again to find that it was, steaming and hot; the servants must have moved it in while he wasn’t paying attention and then departed again. He tried to pull himself up to sit, but Jin Guangyao pressed down on his shoulder with surprising strength.
“Let me help you, da-ge,” he said, and Nie Mingjue graciously didn’t call him out on how much he was clearly enjoying himself. It was nice to think that part of that enjoyment was in helping him, as opposed to merely being in a position of power, but it was so hard to tell with Jin Guangyao – he wasn’t even sure the man himself knew which it was.
Shakily, with Jin Guangyao’s assistance, he sat up, and put his feet on the ground, only to have to wait while Jin Guangyao fussed around removing the acupuncture needles that had been left behind, murmuring something about having gotten the doctors’ approval. After that was done, Jin Guangyao helped him painstakingly totter over to the bathtub – his sworn brother might have only mediocre cultivation, but he was still stronger than Nie Mingjue was now, with his qi depleted and his battered body little more than dead weight. Nie Mingjue was as dependent on him as a small child on their parent. Once there, he helped brace him against the wall, helped remove his inner robes, and finally, blissfully, helped him slide into the bathtub.
“Da-ge has so many scars,” Jin Guangyao said, and Nie Mingjue looked at him.
Jin Guangyao was studying him with a strange expression on his face. He hadn’t allowed him to assist him with bathing before, Nie Mingjue recalled; he had been trying to maintain a divide between personal servants and military hierarchy, and Jin Guangyao – Meng Yao, then – had been a guest disciple, not a servant. Even when there were no personal servants to be had and Jin Guangyao had offered, Nie Mingjue had refused, not wanting his deputy to feel as though he were being looked down upon.
Still, it wasn’t as though the man hadn’t seen his bare chest before – there had been times on campaign when a bath hadn’t been possible, only a quick dip in the river to wash off the blood, and Jin Guangyao had even helped stitch him up a few times when an enemy’s blade had struck true and the doctors were busy elsewhere – so Nie Mingjue wasn’t sure what was drawing his interest this time.
Normally, he would have asked.
Normally, he would have gotten angry at the presumption, less because of the violation of social norms than because he was embarrassed, and when he was embarrassed he got angry. That was his temperament, the way he’d been raised, always defaulting to anger instead of other, less comfortable emotions, and he’d tried very hard to avoid passing along those habits to Nie Huaisang. He hoped one day to see Nie Huaisang teaching children of his own with new habits, different habits – for his little brother to scold him for being a bad example to the younger generation, for him to have a reason to try harder to be better.
He couldn’t ask now, and there was no point in being angry. Or embarrassed, for that matter.
Jin Guangyao’s hand came to his shoulder, and then slid down to his chest, the pressure of his fingers light and barely present. There was nothing sexual or threatening in the gesture, simply curiosity.
“So many new scars,” Jin Guangyao murmured, and Nie Mingjue looked down at his chest: raised red lines all over, old injuries scabbed over and scarred and healing. His cultivation was at such a high level that even scars eventually faded away, but many of these were too new. The marks of a knife, a sword, a whip, the remnants of blunt weapons that hit so many times that they pierced skin, even the indentation of human nails driven in deep…
The worst of it was his left side, right above his ribs, where the knife marks were precise and orderly, triangles of flesh cut like fletching; he had made a habit of not looking at himself there, yet that was where Jin Guangyao’s fingers went.
“How did this happen, da-ge?” he asked, staring, his gaze unnervingly intent. “Who tried to skin you alive?”
Nie Mingjue didn’t understand the question. He pointed at Jin Guangyao.
“What?” Jin Guangyao asked, not understanding. “Do you want me to get you something?”
Nie Mingjue shook his head. He pointed again, this time at his side at the place he preferred not to think about, and then once again at Jin Guangyao himself.
Jin Guangyao stared back at him, blank for a moment until he understood, and then he visibly flinched. “Me?” he said, his voice rising an octave. “No, I didn’t –”
It hadn’t been him directly, no, but the person who had done it had been his student – had boasted about being trained by Wen Ruohan’s chief torturer, the inventor of all those terrible machines that they’d heard rumors of, some of which they’d brought out to show him through intimate demonstration – the sick feeling in Nie Mingjue’s stomach when he’d found Meng Yao standing above him, smiling, and realized that the person that had been spoken of was him…
It might as well have been him that did it.
“I hadn’t realized,” Jin Guangyao said. His fingers had fallen to the edge of the tub, holding on until his knuckles were white. Anger, Nie Mingjue thought with the experience of a connoisseur, but he didn’t understand why it would make Jin Guangyao angry. “They shouldn’t have touched you. They weren’t allowed –”
Nie Mingjue didn’t especially want to hear any more of Jin Guangyao’s excuses – there were always excuses, he’d found, and it wasn’t as if he hadn’t forgiven him for it already, or did Jin Guangyao think that he’d sworn brotherhood for nothing? – so he closed his eyes and let himself sink down into the water until it was over his head.
It was peaceful under the water, disconnected from the rest of the world. He didn’t have to think about Jin Guangyao ordering his torture and then covering it up, or maybe even ordering them not to do it but not keeping close enough watch to prevent it; he didn’t have to think about all the people that Jin Guangyao couldn’t use, the ones that didn’t get the benefit of such an order.
He didn’t have to think about all those feet kicking his Baxia like she was a dog they wanted to put down, or Meng Yao holding her in his hands and asking him how many slaps he thought it would take until she shattered the way Jiwei had shattered, or the invitation to go night-hunting at Lanling that led him straight to a demon that knew exactly where to strike –
Baxia was fine, he reminded himself. Fine.
Hands abruptly appeared in front of his eyes, bursting into the underwater scene in a frenzy of bubbles, catching him around the shoulders and pulling him up into the air to see Jin Guangyao’s white face and hear him shouting, “Are you mad, staying under for so long?! You’re not a fish; you can’t breathe water!”
Nie Mingjue blinked at him.
“You’re no Jiang sect child of the river,” Jin Guangyao scolded. “What’s wrong with you? Do you not want to live anymore?”
(“Stop stalling and get me my saber!” his father roared, his hand lashing out too quick for Nie Mingjue to avoid, the full-force blow sending him staggering and breaking something inside of him in more ways than just the physical. “Do you not want to live anymore?”)
Nie Mingjue missed the water already.
Jin Guangyao’s fingers tightened on his shoulders. “You’re not allowed to go, da-ge,” he said. “Not when I just realized that I want to keep you around.”
Nie Mingjue shook his head, realizing that Jin Guangyao had misunderstood his silence. It wasn’t that he wanted to die, he wouldn’t do that to Nie Huaisang, but that sometimes he didn’t know if he would be able to stay.
Baxia was fine – wasn’t she?
“Just don’t move, all right?” Jin Guangyao huffed, and settled down behind him. He found some soap and began scrubbing at Nie Mingjue’s skin as if he were a piece of laundry, although he didn’t use enough pressure for it to actually hurt. The repetitive movements were soothing, lulling him to relax – especially when Jin Guangyao, grumbling something about stress, jabbed him repeatedly in certain acupoints to force his muscles to release stored-up tension – and after a little while Jin Guangyao stopped being so rough.
“Huaisang was right,” he said after a while, having shifted over to running his fingers through Nie Mingjue’s hair as if he were a child, carefully detangling each knot he encountered. “You really are acting far too nice. Shouldn’t you be scolding me for overstepping?”
Nie Mingjue shook his head lightly, careful not to jostle Jin Guangyao’s hand.
“No? Then something else, surely. Where’s your anger, da-ge?”
Nie Mingjue looked down at his hands, his saber hand instinctively curling up to grasp a hilt that was no longer there. It looked wrong to see them like this, empty.
(“Where is my saber?” his father cried out. “My saber – my saber!”)
He wasn’t his father.
That he would die of a qi deviation, die young, years before his time – this he had accepted. But he would not die the way his father died, angry, lashing out at all the ones he loved most, not if he could do anything about it.
Maybe in the future, when he lost himself fully, he would become a resentful ghost in human flesh, a raging monster fit only for slaughtering – if his thoughts themselves had already begun to lie to him, to drip poison into his ears and into his heart, if despite everything Baxia was actually gone and he was already dead and he just hadn’t realized it yet –
For as long as he could manage, Nie Mingjue wouldn’t let himself be angry.
Did he still doubt Jin Guangyao? Yes, of course. But what good would it do to suspect him now? If he tried to accuse him, even he wouldn’t believe his own testimony.
(“- they say your father died of rage –”)
“Come on, then,” Jin Guangyao said, coaxing him like a child, and his hands as he helped him out of the bath were almost gentle. “I’ve got you some new robes. I’ll help you into them.”
Nie Mingjue caught his hand.
“Da-ge? Do you want something?”
My saber. Where is my saber?
He shook his head and let Jin Guangyao help him back to the bed. He sat heavily there and stared at his hands as Jin Guangyao wrapped him in a new set of robes – his own, he thought, but he couldn’t tell if it was the extra set he’d brought with him to Lanling or if it’d been brought from the Unclean Realm.
Was there enough time for someone to come from the Unclean Realm? They had smiths there, and forges –
Where is my saber?
He stared at himself in the mirror, Jin Guangyao lingering behind him, and closed his eyes.
Like all cultivators, especially good cultivators, Nie Mingjue had a very good understanding of his spiritual energy, the way his qi moved through his meridians and settled in his dantian. He felt it every time he cultivated. His spiritual energy was drained dry right now, but if he really pushed and strained himself, he could squeeze up a small droplet of qi and guide it through the whole cultivation sequence. He could watch it carefully, wait for it to hit the place where he connected with Baxia – where he could feel her, echoing back at him. Intact.
She was fine.
She was.
She had to be.
Nie Mingjue felt someone start to braid his hair and frowned a little: perfect memory or not, he didn’t think Jin Guangyao knew the right braids. There were very subtle nuances to the ones he wore, significant ones; copying another version of his own hairstyle might be making a grievous error. He’d been wearing war-braids almost the entire time they’d known each other, after all…
He opened his eyes.
It wasn’t Jin Guangyao behind him.
“Welcome back, da-ge,” Lan Xichen said. His eyes were red around the edges, as if he’d been crying, or trying very hard to keep from doing so. “How are you feeling?”
Empty, lost, afraid – oh, Xichen, I’m so very afraid –
“Huaisang said to tell you that if you don’t stop doing whatever it is that’s keeping your qi drained, he’ll lock your spiritual energy away,” Lan Xichen said after a few moments, when it became clear that Nie Mingjue wasn’t going to respond. “And I have to say, I agree with him.”
Nie Mingjue lowered his head, feeling guilty. He shouldn’t be causing them any more worry than they already had – Nie Huaisang’s eyes were never empty of tears, and it was all his fault.
“You need your spiritual energy to recover if you want to heal,” Lan Xichen said. His hands did not falter as he made the braids – the right ones, too, a sect leader at peace who was in temporary retreat due to ill health. “And you will heal, da-ge. We’ll do everything that we can to help you.”
Nie Mingjue’s shoulders slumped. That was a familiar refrain by now, and his eyes drifted down in the mirror in front of him to look at Liebing, tucked away in Lan Xichen’s belt as always – Lan Xichen would want him to meditate while he played, no doubt. As far as Nie Mingjue knew, there was no guqin here for him to play Clarity, but there were other songs available.
“I’ve asked Wangji if he would play something calming for you, if you think it would help, but I won’t force you,” Lan Xichen said, and Nie Mingjue raised his eyes to meet his in the mirror, surprised. His old friend tried to smile but didn’t quite succeed. “I’m not entirely up to doing it myself, I’m afraid. Liebing requires perfect control of breath, and I’m…”
He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them once more.
“Do you know how much I’d miss you, da-ge?” he asked, voice low. “How much emptier my life would be without knowing that you were there? And not just me – all of us.”  
Nie Mingjue didn’t know what to say.
“There’s Huaisang, of course, but you know that. Your sect, your family…even A-Yao has been unusually upset about the idea of something more happening to you, he was engaging Nie Zonghui in a conversation about the defenses in place here in the event someone tried something last I saw. Wangji dropped everything to come rushing here when I wrote to him, and – you’ll never believe this – Wei Wuxian himself followed him here, asking about your health.”
Wei Wuxian? Here, so close to Lanling? That was a terrible idea.
“He’s being careful,” Lan Xichen assured him. “He went with Wangji and Jiang Wanyin to examine the site of the night-hunt – they’re saying it’s suspicious that a demon of that power managed to end up this close to Lanling, especially undetected, with you going in without any warning and the demon targeting you in such a specific way.”
It was suspicious. Also, Jiang Wanyin was here?
“I don’t know how he found out, he just showed up here,” Lan Xichen said. “I think Nie Huaisang might have written to him? Either way, he wanted to help.”
Nie Mingjue’s brow wrinkled.
“If you’re wondering why, it’s because he respects and admires you,” Lan Xichen said. “You helped him so much during the war; he wants to repay you…everyone does. You’ve done so much for all of us.”
Nie Mingjue shrugged. He really hadn’t – he’d only done what he’d need to, nothing more.
“You mean so much to all of us,” Lan Xichen murmured, finishing the braids and putting his hands on Nie Mingjue’s shoulders. “Oh, da-ge. Please hold on for us.”
(He thought of how his father looked at the end, gurgling on his own blood, red seeping out of his eyes and ears and nose as well and looking almost relieved to be going – relieved that his endless nightmare would finally come to an end, that he could rest at last in his grave…)
Nie Mingjue nodded and ducked his head to hide the tears brimming in his own eyes.
He’d stop checking, he promised silently. Baxia was fine, he thought, or maybe she wasn’t, but he hadn’t yet lost his mind, hadn’t yet started lashing out, and all those he loved were here by his side, ready to support him and help him however they could, if they could.
He would need to have faith.
He was still afraid, terribly afraid, but – he would, he could, rely on others to help support him, when he couldn’t support himself.
They wouldn’t let his anger eat him alive, and so he couldn’t let his fear do the same.
Nie Mingjue raised his hand and covered one of Lan Xichen’s with it.
He licked his lips, swallowed.
Forcing himself to speak felt like trying to break the Lan silencing spell, but he had to do it.
“Xichen,” he croaked, voice barely audible. “…Baxia?”
Where is my saber?
Lan Xichen’s hands tightened on his shoulders.
“Repaired,” his friend promised him. “Reforged by the finest spiritual smith in Qinghe. Huaisang is on his way to bring her to you now.”
Nie Mingue smiled.
A shichen later, Nie Huaisang pressed Baxia’s hilt into his hand, expression worried, all of them worried, all of them staring at him to see what would happen as he held his saber and carefully pressed some little, tiny part of the spiritual energy he’d been saving up into her.
Baxia sang out her song, bright and clear and unblemished, full of righteousness and rage.
Nie Mingjue closed his eyes and wept in relief.
She was fine.
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blog-sliverofjade · 4 years
Of Doms & Subs 19: The End is Just the Beginning
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Pairing: Angus Hopper x OFC
Summary:  What’s a submissive female to do when she fights her nature and goes on the run as a Lone wolf to avoid being assimilated into a pack?
Word count: 2213
Of Doms & Subs Master List
Ellie anticipated a panic attack.  It had been some time since she’d been underneath a man, and she expected to feel trapped as she had so often with Will.  Maybe it was because there wasn’t much difference in their sizes but was more likely due to the fact that he was the polar opposite of Will.  Unlike her ex-husband, he’d shown his teeth from the very beginning.  Was that only four days ago?  Her wolf didn’t care; she’d found their mate.  She let herself settle into that easy bliss and release her human hang-ups, if only for a little while.
Mickayla had warned her that her sex drive would crank up to 11, but no warning in the world could have prepared her for this.  A few minutes of a semi-naked make out session and her body felt wound to the breaking point.  Heat washed over her like waves lapping at a shore.  Excitement, wonder, and love burst inside her, deliciously sharpened by a hint of fear.  The kind of adrenaline charged fear she felt when free climbing, knowing that no anchor kept her from falling.  Only she wanted to dive off the precipice she teetered on and fly.
She disentangled her leg from his to cradle him between her thighs.  Even through their underwear and his pants, he undoubtedly felt how damp her panties were.  Though she was too far gone to feel embarrassed.  A button on his shirt scraped against a nipple and her breath caught.  Angus released her mouth and she nearly whined at the loss.  The usual sternness dominating his features had melted away and he appeared vulnerable for the first time, soft even.  His thumb brushed over her swollen bottom lip.  She caught his wrist to press a kiss to his palm, which made him smile.
Cupping the side of her neck, Angus turned his attention to her breasts, heaving as she panted.  The white mounds moulded easily to his hand even as they overfilled it; he lowered his head to a pert nipple that was practically sitting up and begging for attention.  She jerked towards him as if a jolt of electricity shot through her.  He licked and laved the rosy bud to a stiff peak and then moved to the next one.
When she settled again, he slipped a hand between her legs and brushed her clit.  Her back bowed at the light touch.  When did she become so sensitive?  Was it the werewolf thing?  Or was it because it’d been so long?  He dipped a finger into her slick petals.  Oh God, she was dripping.  Her hips tried to follow him on the withdrawal.  The need painted across her face resembled a grimace of pain.  He stilled and pulled back to look at her.
“Are you all right, mo cridhe?”  The hand on her neck moved to stroke her hair.
“Yes!” cried Ellie, squirming around his finger.
“Are you certain?  We can stop.”  Angus began to withdraw, but she gripped his wrist with supernatural strength, keeping him within her walls.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing,” she panted.
“Oh?  What am I doing?”  The hunger on his face was at complete odds with his innocent tone.
“You’re trying to give me an out,” she scowled.
“Well then, while we’re on the subject,” his dark eyes were lit with his sly humour that she was learning how to read, “Do you want this?  Because I swear to God I’ll not stop until your legs are quivering and the neighbours are very well aware of my name, to say nothing of the pack.”  She bit her lip, torn between arousal and mortification.  His finger shifted ever so slightly and either she’d closed her eyes or her vision had short-circuited due to the pleasure from the minute movement.
“If you stop, I will bite you,” she hissed, glaring up at him.
“That’s hardly a deterrent.”  The gleam in his bottomless eyes filled her mind’s eye with flashes of fangs and entwined bodies that had her tossing her head back, exposing her throat.  He nipped at the velvety flesh and she thrashed under the overwhelming pleasure that washed through her, whining softly.  He smiled into her pulse point and added another digit, crooking them and beginning to pump in and out.  The knot low in her belly wound tighter and tighter.  She gasped when he hit one spot in particular.
“Ah, there we are,” he whispered in a voice like dark chocolate and velvet.  Rocking on his hand, she gripped one of his shoulders like it was a lifeline, nails digging into his skin through the shirt.
Her silken walls fluttered around his fingers and her mewls grew louder.  He and his wolf were one in their smugness.  Her reactions made him wonder if her ex had ever seen to her satisfaction.  The thought that he would be the one to give her such pleasure had him grinning ferally.
“Tha gaol agam ort, m'eudail.”  Long ago, he’d taught himself to use his voice like a tool: he could crack it like a whip or light fires in people’s hearts.  Or he could intimately caress someone.  She’d seemed particularly affected by it, especially when she first submitted to him.  The carpet still smelled like her.  “Cum for me, a leanbh.”
There was no need to draw upon his dominance, even if he was willing to use it in bedroom games.  He curved his fingers again and she bowed off the bed with a scream that only died out when she ran out of breath, but her orgasm continued, drawn out by his deft hand.  Blunt fingernails dug into his thigh.  Though they would heal in moments, he purred internally at the possessiveness of it.  In turn, he bit the juncture of her neck and shoulder, almost breaking the skin, but not quite.  He laved at the small hurt as she came down, his strokes slowing.
Sitting up, Angus drank in her ample curves, her arms flung around her head, and unbuttoned his shirt.  She drew one leg up so she could turn and ogled him in kind from a better angle.  He stood and reached for his belt; white teeth nibbled a slick, pink lip.  The way she watched him, as if in need, was a seduction unto itself.  A faint clink of the pants falling to the floor and he was nude before her.
Werewolves quickly learned to shed any discomfort they had with nudity, but pink still spread across Ellie’s face, slackened in awe.  He smiled with certain amount of male satisfaction in knowing that she was with him because she wanted to be, and not because she wanted to jump the hierarchy.  Knowing that she worried about the pack and for him, even challenging his arguments, filled him with a pride and admiration.
“Hmm, I’m not terribly familiar with the mating habits of wolves.”  Her voice was husky from screaming and hunger.  “But how long are we supposed to stare at each other?”
“You’re going to have to learn to watch that mouth,” he rumbled and slunk across the bed with eyes that glowed wolf.
“Oh?”  The shape of said mouth as she formed the sound made him wonder if she would manage such arch coyness if that same mouth was wrapped around his cock.  In reply, he sank his teeth into her bottom lip, lapping at the crimson beads that welled up.
“You bit me.”  If she was trying for indignation, her tone was far too breathy to be effective.
“You threatened to bite me first.”  His shrug was met with bright laughter.  She spread her thighs in welcome and he settled into the cradle of her hips, which pressed up against him when his length fell against her crease, brushing her clit.  Panting, she threw her head back with a low moan.
Looking into her caramel apple coloured eyes when she could focus again, he pressed into her wet heat.  Impatient, she wrapped her legs around his hips and squeezed him deeper into her channel.  He resisted and chuckled at her frustrated pout.
“This is our first time together,” he smiled, propping himself up on one elbow and stroking her cheek with the backs of his fingers.  “There’ll be plenty of time for animalism in the second round.”
“S-second round?” she blinked.
“Supernatural stamina means a refractory period of minutes.”  He took advantage of her open mouth to caress her tongue with his, pushing deeper into her until he was fully sheathed.  She snaked her arms around his neck and writhed under him, trying to coax him into moving faster.
Ellie rolled her hips, savouring the perfect fit as if they were made for each other, returning his kiss with interest only to pull away with a gasp as he moved again.  He rocked into her aching core, kneaded the meat of a thigh curled around him, and the way he licked his lips was downright indecent.
Their slow, smooth rhythm soon had her squirming with bliss; Angus watched with a face slack in awe and lust, an expression which she no doubt mirrored.  Yet he maintained a firm grip on his self-control and she wanted to snap the leash.  Clenching around him as tightly as she could, she dug her feet into his marbled ass for leverage to drive herself up his shaft.  He snarled at her impatience.  Once, she would have shrank from the aggression; instead, she did it again and arched her head back to flaunt the line of her throat.  The way he’d reacted whenever her neck was vulnerable hadn’t gone unnoticed.
With a roar, he sank his teeth into her sensitive flesh and slammed into her, the bed thumped into the wall in time with the snap of his hips.  The knot in her lower belly snapped and she came with a scream, gouging furrows in his corded back.  He didn’t let up, pounding into her quivering pussy, forcing her to climax again and again until it all blended into one.  Only after she was a trembling wreck did he delved as deeply as he could, pulsing as he filled her to overflowing, their combined fluids painting her folds.
They lay there for awhile to catch their breath, still connected, foreheads pressed together.  She shook occasionally, her inner walls fluttering around him.
“I think I love you,” whispered Ellie.
“You’re still capable of thought?  Then I haven’t done my job properly,” he smirked.  She laughed throatily; he kissed the bite mark, which was already fading.  “If you change your mind and want to leave, I’m not sure I’m strong enough to watch you walk away.”
It wasn’t a flowery speech, or a grand declaration of his affection.  He all but admitted weakness.  To her.  A wolf who’d been told since her Making that she would never have any power in their world.  And an Alpha had placed himself in her hands.  That knowledge stole her breath, her thought, and most of all, her heart.
The next day, Angus mobilized Ian, Jim, Mickayla, and Shane to pack up her little apartment.  They picked up her brother, Peter, from Vancouver (Washington, not British Columbia) to help.  He’d volunteered even after she’d confessed that she turned furry every full moon.
“She’s been through hell.”  Peter’s growl was worthy of a werewolf, unaware that she overheard through the open window as she packed.  Apparently, not all of their attributes were public knowledge otherwise he would have lowered his voice.  “If you hurt her, I will pump you full of silver.”
Ellie peered down into the packing lot where they were supposed to be loading the SUV.  Her brother loomed over Angus, using his larger size in a blatant attempt at intimidation.  Angus nodded solemnly, and she had to stifle a laugh.  Her Alpha could eat him for breakfast.  Literally.
Later, she thanked him profusely for not murdering her brother for his temerity.  He said something about “not disciplining foolhardy pups” for trying to protect their family, but he accepted her gratitude with fervour.
Her meager belongings looked shabby in Angus’s- their- condo, even with her new, albeit small, wardrobe.  Yet he didn’t bat an eye at her tablet with the cracked corner, or her ancient   laptop, instead placing them next to his own shiny devices to charge.  Nor did he hesitate to place her dog-eared novels next to his first editions.  He returned her keys and her lime green jalopy received a place of honour next to his Tesla.
The following days passed in a whirlwind and before she knew it she was standing in a conference room of sorts in the pack’s warehouse.  Framed by a skylight, the luminous face of the full moon watched from above while she ritually consumed his flesh and was bound to the pack.
While they prepared to shift, several members handed cash over to Mickayla.  Ellie arched a brow in her direction.
“They thought you’d mate our fearless leader tonight,” she shrugged and forked over a portion of the winnings, which disappeared into a back pocket.
“There’s no need to rush.”  Ellie’s smile lit up her face as Angus came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her.  “We have forever ahead of us.”
Tha gaol agam ort, m'eudail - I love you
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miraclejune · 5 years
HERO’S SOUP: Chapter 10 (Special)
-Woojin’s Daily Life
Waking up to muffled screams and laughter was an everyday routine for Woojin, more like it was his alarm clock. The same scene every day, although different members change ‘roles’. Will he ever get tired of Jisung screaming while running around the house, Seungmin experimenting on Hyunjin just for the hell of it, Minho admiring himself non-stop in front of the whole-body mirror, Changbin and Felix singing loudly and out-of-tune while dancing like idiots? No. Not really. He would actually be worried if he woke up with the whole mansion being quiet as a mouse. That’s when he can tell something is wrong.
Woojin would sit up from his bed, staring blankly at the door, breaking into a smile as he heard Jisung singing on top of his lungs. Pushing himself out of bed, he would stretch his asleep muscles, fixing his clothes right after.
The wolves would simmer down a bit, sensing the alpha was awake. But eventually they would go back to their rowdy selves. With quiet steps, Woojin descends from his room, walking straight to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. He would gulp down the whole bottle before crushing the container and recycling it.
“Where’s Felix?” Woojin looked around the living room, sensing the missing fox. “He went out for a while,” Seungmin replied, not batting an eye at the alpha. Woojin was used to Seungmin by now, he was a bit ill-tempered, but he knows the witch doesn’t mean any harm, plus he has a soft spot for Jeongin. “Any reason at all?” He sat beside Hyunjin, putting a hand on his beta’s thigh. “He said he needed inspiration for writing lyrics.” Seungmin continued, shrugging his shoulders, closing his eyes to practice a spell. Hyunjin leans on Woojin’s shoulder, cuddling the alpha. Woojin smiles, Hyunjin was always so warm it made him feel at home.
“Why are you guys still here? Don’t you have to work?” Woojin turns his head towards the small whiteboard on the wall near the kitchen, reading clearly the schedules of every member of the house. “Jisung? Changbin?”
Jisung and Changbin whose eyes are glued to the tv screen, aggressive button smashing on the controllers on their hands, paused the game. Both looking at the alpha. “We finished up everything yesterday to free up some time today.” Jisung nods, agreeing to what Changbin said. Woojin cocks an eyebrow at them. Jisung speaks up, not needing a word from the alpha. “It’s been a tiring week, and Changbin’s gonna go find a place for his shop.”
Woojin nods, running a hand through his soft locks. Feeling two pairs of eyes on his face, Woojin turns his head, nodding his head at the two wolves. They were waiting for his approval so they could go back on the game they’re clearly losing. Cute. He smiles softly, putting an arm around Hyunjin who was now stuck to his side like a koala. “How ‘bout my Jinnie~ do you have work today?” feeling the wolf shake his head, Woojin hums. “I checked your schedule last night, looks like you’re free today too.” again he felt Hyunjin shake his head, but now up and down.
He chuckles deeply, eyes finding Seungmin, the witch who has been transformed. Hair ash white and eyes are a deep shade of violet. “My only class is at 3pm, I’ll be home by 10pm. Don’t wait for me please.” but Woojin ignored his request. He would always wait for Seungmin to come home, on the first night the witch threw a hex at him, he dodged it but the sofa was turned into a rabbit (which they now keep). Seungmin was startled, of course, he got home at around 3am because of council work, dead tired entering the house and seeing a whole ass man magically appearing in front of him (he just didn’t notice the alpha because he was exhausted as hell). Who wouldn’t be shocked?
“Okay.” Seungmin knew his last words were given dirt by Woojin, so he went back to his summoning.
After spending time with the boys in the living room, he would walk to the kitchen and start cooking breakfast for the hungry kids. He wasn’t the best cook; they usually order takeout if they’re lazy but Woojin still tries his best to give the boys a not-so-healthy but full-of-love meal. “Boys, breakfast.” In a blink of an eye, the remaining people in the house gather around the dining table. The bickering never stops. “Where’s Chan?” Hyunjin asks before shoving a spoonful of scrambled eggs down his throat. “He left at around 4am.” Woojin recalls being jerked out of his slumber as he feels Chan’s presence vanishing. The vampire materializes in front of him, “Germany.” and with that Chan was gone.
“I really don’t know how you understand that old dude.” Changbin stated. Jisung who was looking at Changbin beside him nods before locking eyes with the alpha. “Chan is so vague.” Woojin grins. “You guys know Chan, he’s like that.”
“Wait, what does he mean by Germany?” Seungmin, who was itching to ask about it finally spoke. “He went to Germany to buy some antiques for his shop.” Minho replied. Seungmin was overwhelmed by how much the non-human beings around him knew the vampire. Even more than him. “He’ll be back tomorrow.” Woojin reassures them.
After breakfast, he would leave the dishes to Minho and Jisung. Usually Changbin does the dishes but something came up and he had to meet the real estate manager early. Jisung will catch up once he’s done. “I’ll be leaving for the cafe.” with half-assed goodbyes, Woojin drives out of the garage into the bumpy road. He turns on the radio, humming unconsciously along with whatever song comes up.
“Good Morning.” He greets the staff with his usual toothy smile, turning his head towards the customers and giving them a smile. “Good Morning to you guys also.” Johnny walks up to the boss, putting a hand around his shoulder as he teases him. “Boss is so handsome kya~” Woojin giggles, shoving the taller one away from him. “Idiot.”
“Where’s Jungwoo?” Woojin walks around the counter, checking the machines and pastries along the way. “He’s in the back, fetching some whipped cream.” Woojin opened the cabinet for all the whipped cream cans, it was empty. He then proceeds to the computer they use for stocks and sales. “I already ordered what we need, boss.”
“Wasn’t gonna ask that because I already know you did.” Johnny grins at Woojin’s words, he turns to his heel and disappears inside the kitchen. Woojin proceeds to stand beside Jaehyun who was minding the counter, after handing the customer the buzzer (used for when the order is done) he turns to the boss. “Hey.”
“You alright?” Jaehyun smiles sadly, he knows he can’t hide anything from Woojin. With a sigh, he crosses his arms, looking at Woojin through his lashes. “My mom wants me to go back to the States,” the bell chimes as a customer walks out into the busy street. Jaehyun relaxes upon seeing Woojin’s reassuring smile. “She said she found a job for me there; the benefits were great, and they would provide my housing-”
“Then why are you hesitating?”
“I’m not. I just don’t want to go back.” Woojin felt Jaehyun’s searing stare in his own eyes. The guy was telling the truth. Woojin puts a hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder, “Whatever you want to do. I will support you, okay?”
Woojin genuinely does. He supported Jaehyun ever since they met. The trainee life weighed on him too much, but Woojin was always there to cheer him up, to keep him going. Even Johnny was thankful for the alpha, even though none of the staff knew about his real identity.
“I know you will. Thanks, man.”
“Johnny, tell the boys I left early. I ordered some pizza so be sure to give them their share!” pulling on his trench coat, Woojin bid his last goodbye before circling his car. Opening the door to the driver's seat, one particular person standing in the corner caught his eye. His long stature leaning against the wall, soft light brown locks falling perfectly right above his eyes. Those dark orbs snapped at Woojin’s direction making contact with the alpha’s. With a smirk, he threw his cigarette on the pavement, crushing it with his black dress shoes. At this moment, Woojin noticed the guy’s overall look.
His face was perfectly framed by the black turtleneck underneath his black overcoat. His skinny-fit black jeans look like they’re about to burst because of his muscular thighs. 
The air around them became suffocating, you can feel the extreme aura radiating from both men. Their eyes are not blinking at all. Woojin turns, body fully facing the man. With simultaneous steps they fell into each other’s arms, laughing almost maniacally. “Where the fuck have you been, you dumbass!” Woojin pulls away, locking his arm around Yuta’s neck, caging him in his armpit. With his extra hand, he roughly ruffles the man’s hair, both laughing in glee.
“Hey! Come on man! I spent an hour fixing my hair.” Yuta struggles on pulling Woojin’s muscular arm around his neck, he wasn’t suffocating at all, but seeing the blatant stares coming from strangers walking by, plus the customers coming in and out of the cafe, he had, by all means, to be embarrassed. However, knowing Woojin, he can never win against the man. Woojin was obviously ten-fold stronger than him. “Woojin, you do know I’m older than you.”
“The elder acknowledged me first.” with a smug look on his face, Woojin lets go of Yuta. “Really? You’re still bringing that up? Fuck you.” keys jingling in the air, out of reflex, Yuta caught it right in time. The frown on his face grew much darker. “You drive. Let’s go back to the mansion. You disappeared suddenly last week; the boys were worried.” Yuta snickered, puffing out air from his cheeks as he eyes Woojin walking towards the shotgun seat.
“Why are you like this?” the car door shut twice, both pulling on their seatbelts securely. With a chuckle, Woojin shifted comfortably on his seat as Yuta pulled out the driveway. “What do you mean?”
Sneering, Yuta slowly puts pressure on the brake with his foot, yanking the e-brake as the car stops. He glanced at the rear-view mirror, fixing his hair before turning to Woojin. The glare from the stoplight shining on both their faces. “You’re always bringing that up in every conversation we have.” Woojin only chuckled. “You’re really different.” Yuta releases the e-brake, drawing his eyes back on the road. He could feel Woojin’s curious gaze on his side profile. “You’re still the same idiot as before. But somehow, you’ve changed.”
“The boy who used to be so arrogant and mean, using his father’s position as leverage to look down on the other cubs and wolves. Carelessly causing trouble for the elderly just for the heck of it. Never relying on friends, because he says they’re all the same, they would all just leave him once they benefit from him. Only befriending him because he was the leader’s son.”
Woojin looked out the window, as much as he wanted to ignore the words Yuta was saying. He just couldn’t help but look back at his past. He was really quite an asshole back then. He only brought trouble for his family, not that they don’t mind. They were disappointed in him but had no other choice but to let every bad deed he did go through. He was the only heir, the only son. It was the only way for him not to rebel and completely run off from the pack. “Even after your whole pack got attacked,” Yuta was a distant relative, his family descended from Japan and they still reside there. Woojin sighed heavily, the blaring horns coming from cars behind him were all muffled by Yuta’s words.
“You still remained the same. Father and mother really thought that incident would change you,” Yuta parked the car in front of the mansion, turning off the engine as he glanced at Woojin. “But decades later, after we met in Japan. You changed drastically.” turning his head, Woojin’s eyes met Yuta’s. They stared at each other, as if they were trying to find answers in each other’s eyes. “What changed you? Who changed you? Hyunjin?” Yuta was partly true, Hyunjin did change him. Being the alpha, he had to protect Hyunjin, even if he wasn’t the beta.
But it wasn’t just Hyunjin.
Yuta knew. He knew right from the start who it was. “Woojin! You’re back early! Oh, is that Yuta?”
“Can you not shout for just one second, Jisung.”
“Well sorry. Minho. I’m not a cold ass bitch like you.”
“Yuta? Yuta’s back!”
“Dum dum, he was just here a week ago.”
“Changbin, I hate you.”
“I hate myself too, Hwang.”
“Where’s Seungmin and Felix?”
“They went to fetch Jeongin from school.”
“Oh! Jeongin’s coming over!! Yay!”
With one last fleeting smile, Woojin turned his back on Yuta. Walking briskly towards his family.
Yuta smiled in defeat, shoving his hands inside his pockets. Mumbling underneath the wind, “It wasn’t just one person.”
—Changbin and Jisung’s Daily Life (⅔ of that spicy sauce)
“Jisung, wake up. We need to go.”
“Five more minutes, Binnie.” sighing heavily Changbin sat on the edge of the bed. Five minutes ago, he was in Jisung’s current position. Sleeping soundly and not wanting to be bothered in his room, but apparently the alarm went off and he had responsibilities. Jisung groans, moving his lifeless body onto Changbin’s lap. With light and soft strokes, Changbin’s hand runs through Jisung’s fluffy locks. Out of all the boys, Jisung has the softest and fluffiest hair. Minho would come in second. He glances down at Jisung fondly, it’s been a while since the incident happened. Although Jisung seemed to be back to his normal state, Changbin can’t help but worry. Jisung is his best friend, they were both found and aided by Woojin and Hyunjin from different circumstances but both of them were scarred heavily, physically and mentally.
Ever since then, they were inseparable. And to add the fact that they both enjoy music; it made their fondness for each other grow deeper. It made them understand and express each other much clearer than before.
As much as he wants to lie back down on his own bed, or better yet cuddle with Jisung. Like he said, Changbin had responsibilities, and Jisung was part of it. The songs won’t write, compose and produce themselves. Changbin always thought of asking Seungmin if he had any spells that would work that way, but he was too afraid to ask. And Chan would probably tell him it was just a lame excuse to slack off and not do any actual work. “Ji. We have to work.” It took him 10 minutes to push Jisung out of his bed, dragging the wolf towards the bathroom to wash up.
Entering the living room, he was welcomed by Woojin who seemed surprised enough not to see them in their usual state. “We got home by 5am, I’m tired but otherwise okay. Ji had it rough yesterday. The artists won’t cooperate well and demand a lot of changes,” he sat down on the dining table, ushering a brief ‘thank you’ to Hyunjin who handed him a plateful. “You know Ji has a bad temper, and that shit stresses him the fuck out. I offered to help since I’m only handling the computer. But-“
“Knowing that dumbass, he wanted to do his task on his own.” Seungmin appeared beside him, pulling a chair on his side. Changbin handed him a glass of juice. “Thanks.” he nodded at the witch before proceeding to eat. Jisung comes down from his room after a while. Changbin waited for him to finish his meal and then they left in haste.
“Please tell me we’re not working with the same people as yesterday?” Jisung whined, taking a sip on his iced coffee as they sped across the city. The car came to a halt, Changbin glanced at the stoplight before turning to Jisung. “It’s just until today, Ji. Please just bear with it.” With his big eyes, Jisung stared at Changbin’s side profile as the man started driving again. Changbin didn’t say he hated it. But he knew for sure that the wolf was just as annoyed as him.
Changbin never really showed he was struggling. He never once complained even though he was having a hard time, he just stood there smiling. Even comforting the people who had it way better than him. Changbin may look dark and mysterious, but he’s a big softie. He always looked unapproachable and cold, but he’s actually the opposite. He always says he likes ‘dark’ but that’s only his preference in music.
Changbin cares and loves each and every one of the members equally. No questions asked.
“We finish it up early today, then we can go get some pasta. How about that?”
“Are you gonna pay?”
“Even if I say you pay or we split the bill, I always end up paying.”
“Because you’re older.”
“Only on our human birth certificates.”
“You love me.”
“No.” Changbin closes the car door, even though Jisung can be an annoying bitch, he still stops in front of their building, waiting for the younger one to come out. Joining him, they enter the place. Greeting the guard as they clamor in the lift. “Are they there already?” Changbin fished out his phone. “Nah, their manager said they’d be here around lunch.” Jisung heaves a sigh of relief, they had plenty of time to work on some stuff without someone yelling at their ears, feeling like they know everything about producing. Noticing a much larger hand grasp his own, Jisung looks up, his frown turning into a cheeky smile as he sees Changbin’s worried face. “I’m okay, Binnie. It’s just until today, like you said.” Changbin nods, knowing Jisung was telling the truth so he wouldn’t worry much.
Upon entering the studio, they get to work almost instantly. No words were exchanged as they set-up the equipment, making sure everything works perfectly. As Jisung and Changbin sat down in front of the computer, they turned into working mode. There was no fun and friendly aura between them. They conversed and acted professionally. “Come in.” twirling a pen in his hand, Jisung responded to the soft knock on their door. Both boys are not batting an eye on the clients. Jisung stands up and ushers them in, he didn’t have much of a choice either.
Changbin silently observed how Jisung’s face contorted into a somewhat casual smile. He almost scoffed because Jisung doesn’t know how to do that. The wolf was annoyed. Changbin could hear his thoughts and none of them were positive. As the clients settled in, they began demanding some changes again. Asking Jisung if this or that was possible. And Jisung responded with much gusto. Changbin grinned. No matter how rude and arrogant the people they work with are, Jisung really loves music. When he starts talking about music-related stuff, you can’t help but stop and stare in awe. ‘He’s a genius.’ Chan once said. And he was right. Jisung is an amazing person. His past may be dark and cruel but that never affected his passion for music. Not even one bit.
As their eyes found each other, both boys broke into a small smile. Turning back to what they have been doing, Changbin rearranging pieces on the computer and Jisung hearing out the concerns of the artists.
“Let’s make music!”
—Minho and Felix’s Daily Life (Dance idiots, I mean, prodigies)
“Lix, are you coming with me tonight?”
“Yeah. I kinda miss it.”
“Sure. Let’s get ready then.”
Dusk fell upon the mansion. The orange gradient looked like a painting as Felix stared outside, waiting for Minho to pull up beside him. “Get in you idiot.” Felix pouted. Minho always ruined the mood. “You’re such a bitch.” he ranted, as he slid in the shotgun seat, Minho flashes him a smirk. “Thanks, I know. Now put on your seatbelt.” he did what he was told. Minho might come out as bossy (well he is), but he just lowkey cares for his friends’ safety. “Aren’t we a bit too early?”
Felix glances at Minho, ah. This man’s side profile will always be so fucking amazing. “Let’s stop by Changbin and Jisung’s building. They might have a vacant dance room we can use for rehearsal.” Felix smiled, responding with a deep ‘yeah’.
Minho is just usually at home or hanging out with the boys at their workplaces. Busking was just some sort of a hobby for him, he wanted to try it and he did. He then got hooked by the feeling of performing in front of others. Sure, scouts came up here and there, but he was just content with what he was doing. Being an idol is on a whole different level. He lowkey hates it because he might not have enough time to spend with his new family, and when he says ‘spending time’ it means he just teases and annoys every member on a daily basis. Especially Jisung. They’re always seen sticking to each other like glue at the mansion. Jisung was always fun to tease according to Minho. The wolf gets mad, and when Jisung gets annoyed, he looks so adorable. Making Minho tease him more.
Felix on the other hand was getting busy. Like now, he gets invited by Minho to go busking. They were originally partners in crime. Felix moved to Seoul with Chan a bit earlier than Minho. They met the same day as Minho came from Japan with Chan. And they just decided to get an apartment somewhere in Seoul and live together. The only past time they had was visiting Chan at the shop and well, busking. But after moving in with the rest of the pack, Felix has gotten busier. He mostly works with Jisung and Changbin at the studio. Offering all the help he can. Writing songs and sometimes producing music. The two wolves helped him a lot and he was forever grateful for everyone in the mansion for treating him like family.
Arriving safely at the building, Minho proceeds on hitting the button to Changbin and Jisung’s studio. Drawing back his hand inside his pocket as he stares at their reflection on the elevator door. “You alright, Lix?” Felix nods, profusely wiping the sweat pooling on his palms. “I’m just giddy because it's been a while since I last performed with you.” Minho chuckles, putting an arm around Felix’s broad shoulders. He pulls the fox closer to him, tickling his sides. “Me too.”
They both got off their floor, sauntering towards the door to the studio. As they opened it, they were both welcomed by Changbin and Jisung sitting in front of the computer. Jisung whips his head back, and smiles. He stands up, placing a hand on Changbin’s shoulder. The wolf looks up at Jisung and then looks back at the two additional people. “Let’s take 5, okay?” holding up an okay sign with his free hand, Jisung opened the door to the recording booth. Ushering the artist to the sofa on the left side of the studio, along with their managers and staff. “What brings you guys here?” Felix and Minho sat on the small love couch beside the computer, almost instantly clinging onto one another. The artist who was just recording a few moments ago can’t help but stare at the additional eye candy. Changbin and Jisung were already overwhelmingly attractive. but the two flower boys had rendered her speechless, even the female staff that was with her. Jisung notices the meaningful gaze at their position, he lets out a soft chuckle. Sending the girls into a frenzy. “Do you know any vacant dance rooms?” Minho knows his effect, but Felix was a little bit similar to Hyunjin. He was naïve. “Told ya.” Jisung smiles at Changbin’s remarks. “Yeah, I can call the owner. You boys go ahead and practice. Geez, if you always come and practice here then why don’t you just go and rent the place.” Jisung scratches his head, crossing his arms in disappointment afterwards.
Minho and Felix excitedly spring up from their seats, tackling the two wolves with hugs and kisses. “Alright alright! Now go!” shoving them out the studio, Jisung shouts one last favor before the two vanish into the elevator. “Don’t forget to clean—And they’re gone.”
Changbin giggles, pulling Jisung back to his side. “They clean up, Ji.”
“I know.”
“Lix, your arm is not straight enough.”
“Like this?”
“No no. Here-“ Felix’s tense muscles relax underneath Minho’s touch. He had been nervous and stiff because it has been a while since they last danced together. Minho notices Felix’s awkwardness and decides to take a 10-minute break so the fox could loosen up. “How’s the song you’ve been writing?” Minho smiles as Felix’s expression turns from guilt into excitement. “Oh yeah! I brought it with me! Can you check it out?” he nods and chuckles at Felix who stood up almost instantly, dashing towards his bag on the corner.
Felix always wanted to be a songwriter. And being praised and acknowledged by the music geniuses, naming Changbin, Jisung and Chan, it meant the world to the fox. He was actually really good. His songs were full of meaning and some of them were from his personal experiences. The sole reason why Changbin and Jisung gladly accepted him as part of the production team.
As they talk about the song for a while, Minho stands up and turns on the music. They finished creating the choreography right before the break and it was time to practice it along with the music.
Both of their playful expressions vanish. Focusing on their reflections on the mirrored walls. Their eyes were full of passion and concentration, as the room was filled with a familiar tune. All at once their bodies fell in sync with each other.
Much more like Jisung and Changbin, Music, to them, was like turning back the clock, traveling and returning to a previous life full of agony, joy and sadness. They embraced the music and in turn the music took control. Both found themselves in a different world. A world of mystery. Mysteries they would love to discover.
Their movements flowed with a dazzling grace that took away the breath of every person in their soon-to-be street audience. Both boys could feel their soul become one with the music. Unleashing their emotions into the dance. They needed this as badly as they needed to breathe. The music came to a halt, the room was soon filled with heavy pants from Felix and Minho. “You’re still amazing as ever, Minho.” Felix fell on the floor, Minho followed suit, falling on top of Felix’s sweaty body. Minho chuckled loudly, his voice echoing around the four walls of the room, sending vibrations onto Felix’s figure. “I can say the same thing, Lix.”
“I wish Hyunjin was here.” Minho sits up, pulling Felix. “Yeah, it would be amazing if he performs with us.” They chat for a while before returning to practicing their dance.
—Hyunjin’s Daily Life (Jack of all trades Hyunjin)
One last click of the camera and Hyunjin relaxes on the bar stool. Three people run up to him at the same time, fixing up his makeup and outfit. He smiles at them, making the three of them blush. Gullible idiot. “Hyunjin? How about we take a break so we can proceed to a different setting?” Hyunjin beams at the camera man and the rest of the staff, bowing in the process. “Okay!” The staff guides him towards the dressing room, offering him some drinks and snacks. He declines politely, fetching his phone inside his backpack.
“Your manager is not here?” the make up artists ask. Hyunjin nods and pouts. “He just left me here hmp.” she giggles, moving her hands skillfully unto Hyunjin’s face. The stylist comes in and shows him the next set of clothes. Hyunjin changes into them and walks out of the waiting room, his eyes grew wide at the new set. Tons of flowers decorated the set, and in the center was a king-like chair. “This set is so pretty!'' He can’t help but admire the vivid shades of flowers around the place, and the cameraman asks him to sit on the chair. And once he did, everyone in the studio grew quiet and stared in awe at the King sitting on his throne.
Being the gullible handsome idiot he is, Hyunjin smiles prettily. Reaching out his hand, Hyunjin places one of the flowers in between his fingers, his face cornering in to smell the scent. With eyes closed, his side profile was majestic. And it was definitely the perfect shot. No cues were issued at all, the cameraman proceeds on taking the shots, shaking his head in disbelief on how amazing the model is.
“Thank you for your hard work!” closing the car door, Hyunjin gives the staff who sent him off, one last fleeting glass before Woojin pulls into the highway. “Was the shoot fun?” Hyunjin beams and begins to tell his fun day to Woojin, which the alpha gladly listens to. He always does. Hyunjin has this very puppy-like look on his face when talking about how exciting his day went by, and Woojin was never sick of it. “Do I have another schedule for today?”
Woojin hums in response. “So there is?” Hyunjin breaks into a fit of whine. “I’m tired~” Woojin grins, taking a right turn. “Eh? Where are we going?”
“How about we stretch some muscles?” With a small smile on his face, Woojin pulls up in front of a dance studio, leaving the dumbfounded Hyunjin to process what he just said. “YAY!” with a light chuckle, Woojin pushes the door open. allowing the overly excited Hyunjin to come in. Woojin already booked a room, he knew Hyunjin would be stressed out from work and the wolf had a long day ahead of him. It was his duty as Hyunjin’s manager to take care of the boy.
According to the brands Hyunjin had worked with, he was definitely perfect. With his honey-dripping looks, his long stature, his physique, the boy was beyond perfect. And to add the fact that he was an amazing dancer? The complete package. Seungmin on the other hand had one rude thing to add ‘He was an utter and complete idiot’ no one in the mansion spoke a word after Seungmin said it. Not even Jeongin. Hyunjin is an utter and complete idiot. Not that it was a flaw, weirdly enough it added him a bit of charm. When the ladies think that he doesn’t really notice their looks, they fall harder for the guy.
But it was not all rainbows and bright lights for Hyunjin. Whenever they moved from one country to another, the friends he made on the way made him feel like he only had the looks. Especially when he went to Korea. Scouts were always swarming around him on a daily basis, some of them even came from big companies. He did refuse every single one of the offers, but that was not the case in the first few weeks in Seoul. He had accepted one of the auditions. Hyunjin woke up early and prepared for his audition. He had a dance piece, a song, and a rap prepared.
“He’s so handsome.”
“Companies only look for good faces these days.”
“I bet he doesn’t have any talent.”
“Well, he could only be in a group for the eye candy.”
Those words coming from his fellow auditionees dawned on him. Because their words were true. He did not have any talent at all. He cannot sing or dance or rap. They were right, he was just another pretty face. That’s why he quit even before they got to contract signing.
You would think that he gave up and just let those words bring him down. You would think that he just quit and accepted his fate. But no, Hyunjin wanted to prove them wrong. He wanted to prove to everyone in that audition room that he was not just a visual. He started practicing dancing, he learned rapping on his own but Changbin and Jisung guided him all the way. And now both wolves acknowledged his talent, even saying they would surpass both of them.
Hyunjin may be a big softie, always clinging to his members, always teasing them. But he was as hard-working as the next guy. His heart is pure.
Woojin stares in awe as Hyunjin’s face turns into something mesmerizing as he dances. The sweat glistened down his face and neck, the way his body moves fluidly along the music. He was definitely a sight to see and Woojin can’t help but say…
“You’re amazing, Hyunjin.”
—Seungmin’s Daily Life (Witch photographer with Puppy Visuals)
To be honest, Seungmin’s life before the mansion was plain and boring. He would wake up, get ready for school. And once inside the campus, he had to deal with council work and at the same time his classes.  By the end of the day, his social battery will be more than drained, he will stop by at Chan’s shop. Not that he helps out there, he just sits and nags the vampire all day.
But everything changed when the fire nation attacked, JOKE.
Everything changed when he met Jeongin. His world suddenly grew way larger than before. Seungmin had a hard time adjusting to it, but everyone helped him to do so. He was lowkey in denial at first, but he really was thankful for the pack.
“For the last time, Hwang. I don’t want to move in with you guys.” Seungmin rolls his eyes at Hyunjin. The wolf was all over his face as soon as he entered the mansion, he held the urge to punch the wolf on his gut because he knew he would be the only one in pain. Seungmin snaps his fingers and Hyunjin’s vision goes blurry, and when he regains his sight, the witch is no longer in front of him. Turning to his heel, Hyunjin dashes across the hall, right in time to jump Seungmin.
But he fell on the floor instead, face first. Rubbing his injured nose, Hyunjin whines. Plopping down beside Changbin who cooed the poor wolf. “Yeah, why don’t you want to move in? We have plenty of room here.” Before Jisung can finish his statement, Chan cuts him off.
“It’s no use, Ji. Seungmin’s not the type of person to live with other people. Especially you rowdy bunch.” a unison of ‘Hey’ was said before Woojin entered the living room. His usual smile plastered on his face. “What do you guys mean? Seungmin’s moving here today.”
The room went still and silent. 6 pairs of heads turn towards Woojin’s position. Seungmin snorts, failing to hold back his laughter. A few moments later, he burst into a fit of cackles, slapping his thigh as he let out all his pent-up emotions. “You should see the look on your pathetic faces!” Seungmin found himself trapped in an embrace with different members trying to get a hold of him as he laughed. “You’re such a jerk!” Felix whined, lightly slapping Seungmin’s arm. “I don’t know why I’m friends with you, to be honest.” Chan shakes his head; he was the only one who didn’t jump on Seungmin. Well, Woojin on the other hand was chuckling silently on the side.
“Did you bring your stuff?” Woojin asks. Seungmin nodded, the boys removed themselves from Seungmin, fixing each other’s clothes. All eyes lock onto Seungmin magically producing a miniature briefcase. “What the hell is that?” Minho moved in closer to take a look at the small bag. His teeth protruding from his lips, ‘that’s actually really cute’ Seungmin thought. “It’s my stuff.” with a twirl of his finger, the mini case grew into a regular sized one.
“You may be an asshole, but your magic is amazing.”
“Thank you, giggles.” Seungmin responds proudly, opening the briefcase.
“You’re welco—HOLD UP WHAT THE HELL”
Hyunjin bolts upright from his seat, almost shoving his face near Seungmin’s busy hands. “Is that a trolley—WOOJIN HE’S WRENCHING A WHOLE ASS TROLLEY FROM HIS BRIEFCASE---” Jisung cannot believe his eyes, Hyunjin’s reaction was exactly what he’s feeling right now. How is that even possible? Seungmin laughs, “You dumdum. I'm a witch.”
For the past 2 hours, Seungmin has been pulling out his stuff and equipment from the briefcase. The rest got used to it as time passed by but Hyunjin is still going on about how Seungmin pulls out a cabinet full of books. “Can I fit? Can I? Can I?” pushing Hyunjin’s overly-excited face from his face, Seungmin closes the briefcase right after he pulls out the last spell book. He snaps his fingers and the briefcase vanishes. Leaving Hyunjin pouting. “You can. But you’re just gonna fall into a complete and infinite oblivion, floating around lifelessly as you dwell deep on your inhumane thoughts.”
“Seungmin, stop scaring the poor pup.” Chan warns, rubbing his hand against Hyunjin who threw himself at him. “What a big baby.” Hyunjin made faces at Seungmin but cowered against Chan’s chest when the witch pulled out the briefcase once again. As the witch playfully approaches him, he detaches himself from Chan and starts sprinting out the backyard. Looking back to see if the witch was after him, he trips on his own foot, falling on the grass.
Hyunjin groans and flips himself, his eyes grew wide and face grew paler, Seungmin was just a few inches away from him, a grin etched on the witch’s face. His eyes falter onto the witch’s hand where he sees the briefcase wide open. Normally the inside of it would look like any other box but it was pitch black, almost like a void sucking him in.
The rest of the pack let Seungmin have his fun, but Woojin had to step in once half of Hyunjin’s body disappeared inside the briefcase. With tears in his eyes, Hyunjin wobbled, Changbin supported the disheveled wolf with his weight. He tried hard not to laugh. “You’re such a fucking dick.”
The briefcase disappears once again from Seungmin’s hand as he turns to face the poor wolf. He laughs maniacally and shakes his head. “And you said you’re the beta?”
The rest of the day consisted of Seungmin fixing up his stuff. Woojin had already decorated his room, actually, Changbin stepped in line to manage everything. The last time Woojin helped with the interior design, it looked like a teen’s room going through an emo phase. “We’ll have the basement cleaned up by next week. I contacted Ria and she said she’ll be here by Monday.” Seungmin nods, placing the last piece of shirt neatly on top of his clothing. He closes the cabinet door and walks out the closet with Woojin on his trail. He just agreed with whatever Woojin told him, not that he had a choice. The alpha insisted on doing so.
But before he could close the closet door, some figures pop out of nowhere, dashing inside the closet. “Wow. These are really dandy clothing you got here, Seungs.” Hyunjin carelessly opens one of the cabinets and rummages through Seungmin’s coats and long sleeves. “You even ironed them out before hiding them.”
“I always thought you had an adorable sense of fashion.” Jisung chimes in, pulling his hoodie over his head to wear one of Seungmin’s coats. Changbin, who was busy going through Seungmin’s shoes, turns around and points at Jisung, all the same time laughing at the wolf. “Ji! Haha! You look so small in Seungs coat omg.” Jisung pouts as hastily takes off the coat and throws it at Changbin’s face. “Then how about you try it!”
“I’m too buff for this.” Changbin snickers, proudly rolling up his sleeves and flexing in front of the boys. “Minho and I have been going to the gym,” the idiot mentioned was now standing beside the other idiot. He rolls up his sleeves and does an X symbol with Changbin’s arm. “Yep. You know you have to be fit to attract some ladies.”
“Hey! I have abs!” Felix pulls up his shirt and flexes his abdomen. Jisung felt challenged, so he pulled up his shirt to show his pack. “Me too.”
“My thighs are thick.” Hyunjin adds, placing his foot onto the chair in the center of the closet, flexing his thighs as he makes a handsome face.
Seungmin sighs, turning to Woojin and Chan who were watching the boys with fatherly gazes and smiles. “You deal with this bullshit every day?”
“Hey. You have dealt with it too ever since you met them.” Seungmin sighs once more at Chan’s remarks. The vampire was correct, he does handle this nonsense every day. “But,” gazing back at Woojin, the alpha gives him a toothy smile. “You like it, don’t you?”
He avoids Woojin’s eyes and crosses his arms against his chest. Chan smiles, he has known Seungmin for a long time now. The witch was a bit of a bitch and was always so full of himself. But other than that, he was a caring person. He hates violence. Hates humans being hurt.
He may come out blunt and arrogant, but in reality, Seungmin is a nice person. Once you get to know him. Chan rarely saw the witch smile, like the genuine type of smile. But these days, he could see it more often. Often than normal.
“No, I don’t.” Seungmin turns to his heel, trying his best to hide the smile on his face. ‘I love you idiots.’ Even if it was just a murmur, the rest of the boys knew Seungmin meant well.
“PILE UP ON THE BED!” with Jisung’s annoying voice, Woojin pulls Seungmin, shoving him onto the bed. “NO! I JUST FIXED THE SHEET—OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE! YOU BASTARDS WILL PAY FOR THIS!”
Hyunjin’s distant scream can be heard. “NO! NOT THE BRIEFCASE!”
14 notes · View notes
noona-clock · 6 years
That’s All 🐺 - Part 2
Genre: High School & Werewolf!AU/Fluff
Pairing: Jisoo x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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You assumed your jaw had dropped earlier when you believed Jisoo was on his deathbed. But, apparently, it hadn’t. Because it dropped now.
“I -- I’m sorry, what?” you stammered, your voice just barely hanging by a thread.
“So, my mom’s family is full of werewolves. She said my great-great-great-great-great-great… great… great? I don’t remember, but it was a lot of greats - grandfather got attacked by a wolf on some mountain, and then during the next full moon, he turned into one. I had no idea it worked like this, but apparently, it was passed down to his daughter. The thing is, it doesn’t start until you turn eighteen.”
“And... your birthday was just last month,” you whispered, though you were surprised you could even get your lips to move let alone actually say something.
“Exactly,” Jisoo answered with a nod. “And that awesome field trip you want me to go on? During the --”
“Full moon.”
He nodded again, his lips pressed together in annoyance.
You sat there for a good... minute (and a minute is a long time when you’re just sitting in someone’s car) simply staring at him, blinking occasionally and trying to process what he’d just said.
“So...” you began, drawing out the word so you could finish forming your thoughts into actual speech. “You’re... a... werewolf.”
“Yes,” he replied.
“You... actually... turn... into a wolf.”
“During the full moon.”
“But... you didn’t... get attacked by one.”
“Thank God, because if you’d gotten bit by a goddamn wolf without telling me, I would be pissed at you!” you cried, reaching out to punch his arm as hard as you could.
“Hey!” Jisoo grabbed his arm where you’d just hit him, his brow furrowed deeply. But then his expression changed, his eyebrows now raising instead of furrowing. “No, okay, I did deserve that. But, if you think about it, I really didn’t go that long without telling you.”
“But why didn’t you tell me as soon as you found out?” you asked, hearing that you’d failed to keep your annoyance out of your voice.
“Because! It’s not just something you can casually tell someone!”
“But, Jisoo! I’m your best friend! How long have we known each other?! We have been through so much together. Including when I dated You-Know-Who last year. I was practically a werewolf then,” you reminded him.
Unfortunately, you’d made a regrettable choice to date someone during your Junior year you’d rather not talk (or even think) about. It had been the kind of relationship where you’d turned into someone almost completely different. Back then, you’d been pretty surly and hurtful, but somehow, Jisoo had stuck with you.
He’d actually been the one to convince you the relationship had to end, and for that, you would be forever thankful.
“You were not,” Jisoo chuckled, rolling his eyes. “You were young and impressionable.”
“It was last year.”
“When you’re a teenager, a year makes a big difference.”
“Oh, so now that you’re a werewolf, you’re all wise and shit?” you retorted with a quirked eyebrow.
Jisoo stared at you dumbly. But not because he was dumb. Because you were dumb. “That... makes no sense.”
“Does it hurt?” you asked to effectively change the subject. “When you change?”
Jisoo let out a soft sigh, sitting back in his seat and fishing his keys out of his pocket. “Not really... It’s over pretty quickly.”
“Are you aware when you’re... in... wolf form or whatever? Like, do you know what’s going on? Do you know you’re you? Or are you totally and completely a wolf? Like, could I go with you and not get attacked?”
“This is why I didn’t want to tell you,” he scoffed, turning on his car and starting to pull out of the parking spot. “Why do you always ask so many questions?”
“It’s not why, my friend. It’s why not?”
A somewhat awkward silence filled the car for a few seconds, but then Jisoo simply burst out laughing and began shaking his head.
“I’m mostly aware,” he answered. “It’s not like I’m just a straight-up human in a wolf body. It’s kind of like... 70/30.”
“Seventy percent human, thirty percent wolf?”
“Yeah, pretty much. But I still wouldn’t want you to come with me.”
“What?!” you cried. “Why not?!”
“Because! You don’t need to!”
“But --”
“Not yet, okay?”
You narrowed your eyes slightly, reaching back to grab your seatbelt as Jisoo reached the exit of the school parking lot. “Not yet... So I can eventually?”
Jisoo let out a rather loud, long sigh. But he still said, “Maybe. Are you hungry?”
“Of course,” you replied immediately. And you determined not to bring up the wolf thing for the rest of the drive because, obviously, Jisoo wanted to change the subject.
You kept opening your mouth to speak over the course of the next ten minutes or so - however long it took for Jisoo to journey to his favorite burger place - but everything you thought of to talk about... had to do with his new life change.
“So, what are you going to tell Marisa?” Marisa was a girl in your Calculus class who had been fawning and chasing after Jisoo since last school year. Jisoo had never fully rejected or turned her down (which you had never agreed with, but whatever. Teenaged boys are stupid, and we’ll leave it at that), and you figured he would want to now... Unless she liked wolves, of course.
“Y’know, I still don’t see why you can’t go on the field trip. You can just be... a werewolf in London.” And even though you snickered to yourself when you thought it, you still didn’t say it.
“Hey, now both of us can say we go through torture once a month and turn into someone completely different.” Jisoo had certainly made annoying comments about your monthly visitor before, but... it seemed too soon to start taking your revenge. (You’d give it another month or two.)
“Let’s just get through a meal in public without talking about it, and then you can say all your witty remarks and ask all your weird questions when we get to my house - okay?” Jisoo murmured as he pulled into the parking lot of the diner.
He knew you far too well. Sometimes, it was actually a little scary.
“Okay, deal,” you chuckled shamefully.
Once the two of you went inside and ordered your burgers, you found it was easier to talk about more normal topics of conversation - like school and your favorite TV show you forced Jisoo to watch so you could talk about it and your guesses for who would throw the biggest Halloween party.
When Jisoo actually started eating, though, you had to talk around his huge bites and heavy sighs of satisfaction. But you were more than used to that by now, so it’s not like it bothered you.
The second you got back into Jisoo’s car, you finally spoke aloud the one thought from earlier which had stuck around and was now itching to leave your lips: “Y’know, I still don’t see why you can’t go on the field trip. You can just be... a werewolf in London,” you said with a smirk.
“Oh, my god,” Jisoo murmured as he stuck his keys in the ignition. “How long have you been wanting to say that?”
“Since earlier when I couldn’t think of anything else to talk about so I was just being awkwardly silent.”
“You literally have the worst taste in music.”
“I do not!” You reached over and pinched his arm, a smile pulling at your lips when he let out a cry of exaggerated pain.
“That hurt!”
You hit him again, letting out a shriek when he grabbed your hand and started to twist your arm - not aggressively, of course. The two of you always play fought like this. Even when you were little (and actually the same height), you would tackle him to the ground and “fight” each other.
He let your hand go when you threatened to bite him, and then you found yourself saying something you definitely shouldn’t have.
“Well, I guess I should be more scared of you biting me now, huh?”
Jisoo’s smile immediately fell, and he got eerily silent as he began to drive back to his house.
...Good one, you.
“I -- I’m sorry,” you murmured. “I didn’t mean it --”
“You did mean it. Because it’s true.”
The way he said those words... it felt like someone had just touched your heart with ice. Like you were Anna, and he was Elsa, and he’d just used his magical powers to freeze your heart, and now your hair was going to turn white, and you would need an act of true love to --
Okay, stop getting carried away. There is a real issue here.
“Yeah, but you would never do that,” you replied, hoping not too much time had passed since he’d spoken. “Not to me.”
“How do you know?”
“Because you said you’re mostly aware of what you’re doing,” you reminded him. “You’re not fully a wolf, you have some control. And, besides, you said you won’t let me be there when you change, so there’s no chance at all you’ll bite me.”
“Exactly why I don’t want you around. It doesn’t matter if I’m mostly aware. I’m still dangerous, and that’s why you can never --”
“But you said ‘maybe’!”
“Well, I’m changing my mind!”
“But --”
“It’s too dangerous, Y/N!” he yelled. “You don’t know anything, so just stop!”
And while your first instinct was to yell right back at him, you managed to press your lips together and stay silent. You weren’t sure how, but you could tell Jisoo wasn’t yelling because he was angry.
He was yelling because he was scared.
So you let him drive the rest of the way in silence, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. You actually thought he might even drive you home, so you let out an invisible sigh when he turned into his neighborhood.
After parking in his driveway, he made quick work of unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of his car - slamming the door closed behind him, of course.
You followed him inside at a safe distance, hearing his mom greet him when he entered the kitchen. But he simply walked past with no reply, and you shot his mom a guilty look as he stormed upstairs to his room.
When you heard his bedroom door closely loudly, you let out a sigh and leaned against the kitchen counter. “He... told me,” you said softly.
“Why is he upset?” she asked as she opened the fridge to get dinner started.
“I’m... not that sure, but I think he’s... I don’t want to say scared but...”
“He’s scared,” his mom confirmed. “Go talk to him.”
“If I try to, he won’t listen.”
“But you’re the one --”
“I know. But he’s not scared of losing me.”
Your brow furrowed immediately, and you almost asked what the heck she was talking about. Scared of losing -- who was he scared of losing?
“Go on,” his mom urged again. 
“...Okay,” you relented hesitantly. And before you turned to leave, you thought you should tell her, “We just had burgers, by the way. So, you don’t have to make dinner for... Well, for me, I guess.”
Because Jisoo would probably be hungry again by the time she’d finished.
She simply nodded before practically pushing you toward the stairs.
“Okay, okay, I’m going,” you whispered.
You quietly tiptoed up the stairs, holding your breath as you reached the hallway and continued on to Jisoo’s room.
After knocking gently, you grabbed hold of the doorknob and creaked it open, sticking your head in.
Jisoo was sitting on the edge of his bed, his back to you and his shoulders hunched. You were waiting for him to snap at you, but he stayed silent, even as you stepped inside and closed the door behind you.
“Okay, when was the last time you did laundry?” you teased as you stepped over dirty t-shirts and jeans on his floor.
Thankfully, you heard a soft chuckle come from your sullen friend. And as you perched next to him on the edge of the bed, he glanced over at you.
“Mom said she won’t do it for me anymore now that I’m technically an adult,” he muttered.
“Well, she’s right. If you were my son, you would’ve been doing your own laundry years ago.”
“Thank God I’m not your son, then.”
You leaned over and nudged his side with your shoulder, rolling your eyes good-naturedly.
And then, after a few moments of more silence, Jisoo took a breath. “I’m sorry I yelled at you,” he mumbled, shame tinging his voice.
“It’s okay,” you assured him as you cautiously reached your hand out to rest on his back. You’d almost forgotten how warm his body temperature had become, and you just now realized it was because of the wolf thing. “I shouldn’t have made that joke, it wasn’t funny.”
“I’m just...” Jisoo gulped, turning his head away from you. And when he continued speaking, his voice was strained. “I’m... scared.”
“Of course, you are,” you agreed. “Why wouldn’t you be? This is... I mean, it’s major. And... yeah, it’s really scary.”
Jisoo simply let his head droop, bringing one hand up to rub the bridge of his nose (and secretly wipe away his tears).
You rubbed his back, wanting desperately to wrap your arms around him... but you weren’t sure if that’s what he needed right now. And you would definitely have to take your jacket off before you did otherwise you would start sweating immediately.
Jisoo had been by your side through a few rough times over the years, and he’d always hugged you as you’d cried. But that was different. Somehow.
“Are you just scared because you’re... a werewolf?” you asked quietly.
He didn’t answer for a few moments, but then he inhaled sharply and sat up straight. He turned to look at you, his eyes bleary and his cheeks blotchy. You’d never seen him like this, and you hated it. Hated it.
“I’m scared I’m going to lose you.”
Your first instinct was to laugh because you were so... shocked. And startled. And surprised.
“What?” you asked dumbly. “Why -- what do you --”
“That’s why I didn’t tell you at first. Why I was... avoiding you and being distant.”
You shook your head quickly, finally able to gather your thoughts and speak properly. “Jisoo, why would you lose me? That makes no sense. We’ve been friends for so long, you know I would never --”
“Yeah, but what if I really do bite you? It probably won’t happen, but it could.”
...Oh. So that’s what was really scaring him.
“Listen, if you don’t want me to ever be there when you change... I won’t. I’ll do whatever you want me to do. Because I’m your best friend, and I -- don’t use this against me later or I will kill you -- I love you. I’m here for you, no matter what.”
Your brow was furrowed deeply as you gazed over at Jisoo, your heart trembling as you waited for him to respond. He was simply returning your gaze right now, and you really couldn’t tell was what going on in his head. Usually, he was pretty transparent, and you could figure out what he was thinking in less than a second. But right now, you had no idea.
And then, all of a sudden, Jisoo had wrapped his arms around you and enveloped you in probably the warmest, tightest hug you’d ever received - definitely the warmest, emotionally and physically.
He buried his face in your neck as you slid your own arms around his broad shoulders.
“Thank you,” he mumbled, his breath almost as hot on your skin as his actual hug. “I love you, too. And I will also kill you if you use that against me later.”
A soft chuckle escaped your lips, and you squeezed your best friend a little tighter. “So we’re even, then. We both love each other, and nobody else will ever know. And... nobody else will know about the wolf thing, either. I swear on my life I won’t tell anyone.”
You waited for Jisoo to let go and pull away, but... even after almost two minutes, he hadn’t. So you simply kept on hugging him despite the fact you had started to sweat.
But you had to admit. It felt really, really good, sweat and all. I mean, you wouldn’t admit that out loud, but you would at least admit it to yourself. In your head.
When he finally did pull away, his forehead was wrinkled as he looked at you with slight... was that annoyance?
“You’re going to have to swear on something else,” he said solemnly. “Your life isn’t worth enough for me to take you seriously.”
You immediately shoved him back onto his bed, crying out in disgust as he began to laugh heartily at his own joke.
Apparently, things were back to normal now.
Part 3
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #387
“Salt Talk, Godmorgan, EAlex Portal Practice”
[Deer] Is down in the kitchen, stirring a cup of steaming coffee-
[Yaunfen] Comes downstairs- Hi mom! - They're carrying a bubbling pail of clear liquid.
[Waffles] Saunters down as well and busks on the side of the table.
[Deer] - Why hello to you too, and just what are you up to today, hm?
[Yaunfen] smiles warmly-  I made a soda fountain. So I came down to water the ferns with some of it.
[Deer] - That's a good idea, do you have anything else planned?
[Yaunfen] I dunno. Probably more fighting with Fru... - they trail off a little- But it's making some nice muscles! I can punch trees just as good as Steve!
[Deer] - Just be careful, don't get yourself killed, that's not something I ever want you to experience...
[Yaunfen] Their hair fluffs a bit, reminding her of Doc- I hope not! But I know you'll watch over me either way.
[Deer] - Always
[Yaunfen] Mom... am I ever going to be able to fly? Even Liz can kinda do it.
[Deer] - I don't know sweety, I mean, if you can become super heavy...  Maybe you can become super light too?
[Yaunfen] Brow furrows a little- Maybe... If you see Mix please tell me. I still need a scabber for Fru.
[Deer] - A scabber?
[Yaunfen] Something like that. It's some kind of magick bug.
[Deer] - Alright then.  And if you want to practice trying to be lighter, why don't you practice in the wither arena, just so you have a roof to stop you from going too high
[Yaunfen] Okay mom. - They dump some of the bubbly liquid on the ferns and there's a burst of fruity smells as the plant puffs bigger and healthier under the tending.
[Waffles] Sneaks a leaf off of a fern and drags it under the table.
[Deer] Looks down at her coffee and notices it's started to get cold- Oh darn
[Yaunfen] Aw. Just put it on top of the furnace. It'll get warm again. - They give her a little hug. - I'm gonna go play.
[Deer] - Alright, have fun- She goes and places her cup on top of the furnace
-There's a bit of noise from downstairs and TLOT fastwalks up from the gold room-
[TLOT] Ugh! I hate that thing. I know it makes him happy but cripes... my ears...
-The sound is Steve playing his digeridoo much farther down in the bowels of the house-
[Deer] Laughs a little- Everyone has things that annoys their lover to no end
[TLOT] Hops onto a stool in front of the counter, his fingers brushing on a lemon hanging heavy from a short branch of the semi-potted tree. - He hates my cheese, so I guess it's fair.
[Deer] - True- Deer sits next to TLOT, her mind distracted just enough for TLOT to pick up the buzzing from it
[TLOT] You seem to be full of thoughts today. But I won't intrude if you don't feel like talking. - He takes his helmet off and sets it on the counter before fluffing his messy hair and facing her.
[Deer] - No, it's alright, it's mostly just a bad feeling
[TLOT] Considering that you're part of just about everything here, that is troubling.
[Deer] - Doc has mentioned that there's a couple more major updates ready, but...  I don't know, I just feel like it might be a bad idea...
[TLOT] Are you worried about physics mistakes? Or something worse...? That one that stuck everyone in their alternate shapes was pretty bad.
[Deer] - I don't know, I feel like it might have more to do with me, as in, all of me- She gestures around them
[TLOT] Unfortunately I don't have any talent for seeing the future. But I do trust your instincts. What's the alternative though? Just stop going forward?
[Deer] - It would break Doc's heart...
[TLOT] Everyone likes new things don't they? The world just keeps getting more complicated. I'm just glad we're not a high res-server like Cp's old home. I'd protest if it ever went that far.
[Deer] - Yeah...  Hopefully I'm just overthinking all of this- She goes to grab her reheated coffee
[TLOT] I heard there's going to be visible fish...
[Deer] - Hera will love that
[TLOT] I think I will too. I love making little things. - He turns over a hand and accidently goes forward in his hotbar-
-There's a chirp and the cricket escapes from his inventory. It pops up into the lemon tree and squeaks out the song of healing as loud as it can-
[TLOT] Darn it. I guess you aren't the only restless one.
[Deer] - No I'm not, can you feel the tension Lie's giving off?
[TLOT] She's worried about Aether. I don't think that will stop anytime soon.
[Porygon] Is woken by the cricket and falls out of the small tree onto the counter. It scoots back and forth and makes an annoyed statick noise at the bug-
[TLOT] New pet?
[Deer] - Yeah, Doc traded the goomy for it.  And I think it's more than just Aether TLOT
[TLOT] -sighs- The wolves too...
[Deer] - TLOT...  Did you not feel that their sex was interrupted?
[TLOT] Blushes slightly- Well I wasn't going to air that laundry unless someone else mentioned it!
[Deer] - Did you hear why it was interrupted?
[TLOT] I did not. But I saw Cp and Notch log out and then Cp have to go back out again later.
[Deer] Grins- Aether learned to set herself on fire
[TLOT] OH NETHER. Well she's certainly Cp's kid!
[Deer] - Scared the shit out of Notch
[TLOT] I believe it. Babies get upset so easily.
[Porygon] Pokes their wedge-like beak into Deerheart's mug and there's a tiny slurping sound.
[Deer] - Porygon!
[Porygon] Jumps as much as it's treadlike feet will allow- beep???
[Deer] - I don't think you need any coffee
[Porygon] Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzurp.
[TLOT] Smiles- Sometimes we all need a little pick-me-up. Did you hear Alexsezia is making a little progress with Grinny?
[Deer] - She is?  That's great!  How did she manage that?
[TLOT] Good food and a cold floor. Grinny has been sleeping on her bed. Alexsezia likes cats and she's just as relentless as Doc when it comes to reaching out to someone who's hurting. - his gaze is a bit abstracted- I think her patience will pay off eventually.
[Deer] - That's good.  If the payoff is anything like CP's, then it will be worth it
[TLOT] I think he'll always hate Doc, but he might mellow if he has at least one human friend.
[Deer] - True.  Although I am glad things are quiet for the most part right now
[TLOT] How are you holding up with Slender here anyway? I heard he gave Doc a smack for concealing his mom and one for Cp for hiding the baby.
[Deer] - I've adjusted for the most part, I think any fluctuations that come from him are because of Splender
[TLOT] Yeah, I heard about their dad. I'm not scared persay, but I am... concerned.
[Porygon] Wheels over and sits on Deerheart's hand-
[Deer] - Their dad does sound terrifying, but I think that will be a fight that takes place outside of our cozy little server
[TLOT] Now I feel guilty... I just can't stomach the thought of going... out there. I can barely stand being high-res. It makes me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack.
[Deer] - You could always step it up, little by little if you wanted.  And Porygon?  You are heavy...
[TLOT] Looks very unsure- maybe...
[Porygon] Happy noises-
[TLOT] I've been thinking about that picture again... it's really haunting me.
[Deer] - Do you want to see if Yaunfen found any more?
[TLOT] I don't know. I just wish... maybe it's better if I don't know. Poor Zaya. I feel like she was just a friend, but no one deserves to die just to hurt someone else.
[Deer] - Your seed may hold more answers, and it has been awhile since you visited...
[TLOT] I do need to check on them. I'm just glad we haven't had to deal with Nessie in a while at least.
[Deer] Laughs a little- Besides, they haven't had anything to celebrate in awhile, and a new god may cause a party for days on end
[TLOT] That will be a cause to celebrate in Kore, and a kick in the pants for all the artists who delight in making statues of everything.
[Deer] - I wonder what they'd make Aether goddess of?
[TLOT] I'm not sure. Maybe just a certain star, or some aspect of the world.
[Deer] - I can't wait to see what other powers she may develop
[TLOT] Stares off for a long moment, his fingers absently stroking the raised edges of the jagged scar on his wrist. - I know I don't say it often, and I know you understand probably more deeply then any of us... but... - he turns to her fully, his starry eyes all the brighter for being removed from the usual shadow of his helm. - Thank you Deerheart. Thank you for coming out of your matrix to play with us all. I saw one of my best friends come back from the brink, drawn by the warmpth of your love. Even with all my powers, I don't think I could have achieved that one simple thing. You'll always have my gratitude and my blade to defend you if needed. - He gives her a slow radiation of his feelings and the room itself seems to warm with it.
[Porygon] Looks around in confusion- Beep?
[Cricket] Cheeps happily.
[Deer] Smiles- Thank you TLOT, that really means a lot to me.  It may have taken a long time to figure out what I really was and wasn't, but it has been worth it.  I don't think I would be happy either if I had remained on the side lines either
[TLOT] Nods- And whatever is troubling you, you can always bring to me as well.
[Deer] - I know, whether it be glitches, NOTCH's, or block changes, I know you will help
[Godmorgan] Stumbles towards the office in a sleepy fashion, they'd been up late working at home and realized they'd forgotten some things at the office.  They punch in the code for the door and then make a beeline for the coffee machine-
[Dofta] Watches him go past with a look of concern- Are you drunk Godmorgan???
[Godmorgan] - No, just very tired, I forgot some stuff here a couple days ago
[Dofta] How was the con?
[Godmorgan] - Long, I don't know what Jeb was thinking scheduling us for SIX panels
[Dofta] Snickers- He was thinking it wasn't him that was going.
[Godmorgan] - I'll kill him if he does it again- Pours themselves a cup of coffee- So what have I missed here?
[Dofta] Bites her lip- Umm... we got the problems fixed with the Phantoms, oh and Yster has a new boyfriend.
[Godmorgan] - Really?  How long is this one going to last?  And that was a fast fix on the phantoms...
[Dofta] Well umm, we borrowed a code monkey, an old friend of Markus's... And I think this guy is the one. He's a weird gothy Doctor with a British accent. Just her style.
[Godmorgan] - And an old friend of Markus's?  Which one?  I thought all of the ones that could code ended up working here at one point or another?
[Dofta] Is being both a terrible liar and evasive in tone. - He's a real ball of fire. Doesn't like working for other people. It was strictly a favor.
[Godmorgan] Suspicious look- Ooookay, speaking of Markus though, I need to talk to him soon
[Dofta] Is something wrong?
[Godmorgan] - No, I just need permission to use his avatar.  Jeb and I were having a discussion about doing a fan contest for one of the new pieces of merch and undoubtedly people will use his avatar for it
[Dofta] Do we really want to possibly draw attention to the NOTCH AI's by bringing that image up offically again?
[Godmorgan] - Well it's not like there isn't attention on the brine ones, and that's without any official merch for them  People are going to use Markus's avatar because of how important he is to this company.  You've seen how many animations he's in
[Dofta] Yeah... I know. Everyone likes to have good guys and bad guys to cheer or boo, and Jeb's avatar is too complicated in comparision. The Herobrine's get attention because Internet. People like a good creepy campfire story.
[Godmorgan] - Exactly, and they usually use Markus as the counterpart.  Although, I have seen a few animators pull off Jeb's avatar... Where is his highness anyways?
[Dofta] Jeb? Tinkering with the mainframe, or just asleep with his head on the desk. I'd have to walk in there to find out for sure.
[Godmorgan] - I'll go check
[Jeb] Is sitting at the desk in from of the mainframe with his head braced up on both hands, and dozing lightly. The screen is showing a complex pattern of position markers of brines and NOTCH AI's.
[Godmorgan] Leans on the door frame- Having fun?
[Jeb] Snrk! Uhhh. Oh! hello Godmorgan. Didn't expect you back so soon.
[Godmorgan] - Left some stuff here on accident, figured I may as well work from here today.  Checking on the AI's?
[Jeb] Yeah... this one just got moved to a new space and it's kind of interesting. There's a Herobrine and a NOTCH and a crapton of players. Both seem peaceful and there's no way the players haven't noticed them.
[Godmorgan] Looks at the codes- That's a big server, what's that little one next to it?
[Jeb] Looks- Just a private server. Looks like there's only a few registered players. Someone's personal sandbox I'm sure.
[Godmorgan] - Are you sure?  Something about that code seems a little odd...
[Jeb] Slightly nervous- Odd? It seems normal to me.
[Godmorgan] Shakes their head- I may just be too tired.  I'm gonna go grab that stuff from my office, there's a few things I want to go over with you
[Jeb] Oh dear... do we have to do it now?
[Godmorgan] - You set me up with six panels at the last convention
[Jeb] Yeeeeesss???
[Godmorgan] - You're going over the merch stuff with me and you're going to suffer with me
[Jeb] Slumps defeated- Can't I just sign off on everything and you do it?
[Godmorgan] - No
[Jeb] Playful- I thought I was in charge around here?
[Godmorgan] - I will make it so you can't log into your computer
[Jeb] You're mean.
[Godmorgan] - Let's go
[EAlex] Is up way too early for Licht's day off and there's the tiniest wisp of a smoky smell coming from the kitchen.
[Licht] Groans as she wakes up and rolls over- What are you doing?
[EAlex] calls back- Breakfast?
[Licht] Groans and gets up, going to the kitchen to see what the damage is-
[EAlex] Has placed a furnace in the middle of the room and is warming her hands in front of it while it cooks. There's a distinct smell of steak and there are two fixed baked potatoes on plates on the table- Good morning!
[Licht] - You do realize that's not necessary
[EAlex] Confused look- But you eat? I've seen you do it.
[Licht] - Yes, but I don't need a furnace to cook, I've got a stove, oven, microwave, and a toaster
[EAlex] But... I don't know how to use those very well... - She takes out two perfectly cooked steaks and the good smell wafts around the kitchen.
[Licht] Sighs, just so long as you clean up...
[EAlex] Okay! Eat up then. Do you have anything planned for today?
[Licht] - Some grocery shopping, but that's it
[EAlex] I was wondering.... if we could go to the server today...? I still need help with my portals.
[Licht] - Uh, sure, I'll text Doc.  But let's eat first
-le little bit of time passes-
[Doc] Has gone to Alexsezia's house to check on Grinny.
[Alexsezia] Hey. I was wondering when you'd come by.
[Doc] Well I didn't want to intrude. I brought you potion ingredients as a show of thanks and reparations in case he's destroyed a bunch of your stuff.
[Alexsezia] Takes the small chest- Thank you. Come in please.
[Grinny] Is sleeping on the bed-
[Doc] Walks into the main room-
[Alexsezia] He's probably in my room. He's kinda claimed that space.
[Doc] Well there's a bed and I imagine its easy to keep the other cats out... - Xe peeks into the doorway.
[Grinny] Is dead to the world in a patch of sunlight-
[Doc] Awwwwwww. - they snap a quick picture. - I won't bother him then, I have a few errands to do anyway. At least he's relaxed.
[Grinny] Is mostly in a ball, partially turned onto his back-
[Doc] Sneaks out. - That's a keeper.
[Alexsezia] Do you want some cheese? Just normal cheese.
[Doc] Sure, why not?
[Alexsezia] I'll make you a little half trunk.
[Doc] That gives me an idea anyway. - Xe takes the box and bids her farewell before setting off down the coast on foot. They stop in the garden to pluck some fruit and take a few things from a trunk near the back door before heading for Splender's house-
[Splender] Is heading towards town with Ringleader-
[Doc] Calls out softly from the shore, not wanting to be a pest. - Anybody home?
[Slender] Sighs in irritation and heads for the doorway- Yes?
[Doc] Is holding the trunk like a kid with one textbook facing down a principal - Am I inturrupting something?
[Slender] - No, is there something you need?- He teleports to the shore, a ripple of glitches following him as he does so
[Doc] No, just checking in. - They hold up the box. - Alexsezia made some cheese, so I brought you some, as well as bread and cheeries from my garden. It's a nice afternoon to just be outside.
[Slender] - Although the offer is appreciated, it is not necessary
[Doc] shrugs- No, it's not nessesary. It's just nice.
[Slender] - Very well- He takes the chest in a tendril- Is that all?
[Doc] I guess. Though there is one thing- They smile mischeivously- Just a screenshot, took it before I came over- They marry the shot to a random bit of paper and hold up the picture of Grinny snoozing blissfully in the sunbeam. - He seems to be making friends with TLOT's Alex; Alexsezia. I don't know about you, but it made me smile.
[Slender] - He's always been fond of sunny spots
[Doc] Most cats are. Give my best to your little bro and mom.
[Slender] - I will pass the message along when he returns from feeding
[Doc] Nods and jumps a bit as their carrot buzzes. They pull it out and hold it up- Hello?
[Licht] - Hey, EAlex is ready to come back
[Doc] Okay. Where are you?
[Licht] - My place
[Doc] Focuses and makes an opening into Licht's tv.
[EAlex] Steps through and reaches back for Licht-
[Licht] Sighs and follows-
[Doc] Closes the hole- Hi again-
[EAlex] See's Slender and freezes in terror- Ho-oo-ol-y shiiit.....
[Slender] Has a bit of a disapproving air about him-
[EAlex] obvious terror-
[Doc] Hey... are you okay? EAlex?
[Slender] Teleports back over to Splender's house, once again glitching the area-
[Licht] Is somewhat regretting not having brought her gun-
[EAlex] Shivers at the glitching -
[Doc] Pats her arm. - He's got a lot on his mind. That's all. Come with me please. - Xe leads them back up into the garden.
[EAlex] Why do I get the feeling that... person? could erase my existence way too easily?
[Doc] Grimaces- Because it's probably true....
[Licht] - I think I've seen that figure online...
[Doc] He's called Slenderman, and his reputation is not exaggerated.
[EAlex] Why is he here???
[Licht] - I'd like to know that as well...
[Doc] Well... it's complicated.... His little brother is super nice, and is here most of the time anyway, and I kinda helped summon his mom, so she's here too.
[EAlex] all eyeballs- Are you out of your freaking mind????
[Doc] I'd like to think I'm not.
[Licht] - Why would you do that?
[Doc] Because her husband is a much more unreasonable and murderous monster then her oldest son Slender. And people abusing their wives really makes me pissed off. Also she'd been estranged from her kids for a super long time because of her husband, the Wicker Man.
[Licht] - Well, I have to agree with you on the abusive husband part...
[EAlex] Yeah, nobody deserves that. It's still crazy though.
[Doc] Shrugs- I've actually spoken to the spirit of Insanity. Driving her out of the creepypastas has been a goal of mine for quite some time. Cp is my oldest case.
[Licht] - Insanity?
[Doc] Yeah, she sucks. She's like a minor goddess, likes to posess people and make them do horrible things without a flicker of conscience. She protects those she takes from Death, but she's still using them.
[Licht] - I see...
[EAlex] Shudders - What a horrible thought. I don't want anyone messing with my head.
[Doc] I feel the same. I have enough problems without fighting my own thoughts for control.
[Licht] - Anyways, EAlex, you had some things you wanted to talk to Doc about?
[EAlex] I was hoping for some help with the portal making thing?
[Doc] Ah... I'm not sure I'm the best person to help you... but we saw how Cp does it. Let's ask BEN this time. And if he's no help, I'll be your last resort.
[EAlex] BEN?
[Doc] Is typing in the chat asking him to come over if he isn't busy.
[BEN] - What?
[Doc] chat- Any chance you feel like helping a noob make her first portals?
[BEN] - Do I have to?
[Doc] Well no, but I would appreciate it. Tell you what, I'll give you some really good pot if you help out.
[BEN] - Can it wait a little? Hyrule and I are playing a game...
[Doc] Sure. That will give me some time to get my part of the deal.
-A few little clouds are gathering overhead and a few drops of rain patter down-
[Doc] Let's go inside anyway.
[EAlex] Looks up and lets the rain fall on her face a little before following- It's calming...
[Licht] - Rain irritates me, it can wash away evidence...
[Doc] Holds the door - Not much to wash away here, just the occasional stray pixel.
[EAlex] I like the sound.
[Licht] Gets inside-
-Gir bellies up to the fence and gives a slightly dusty snort. -
[Doc] Gives them an affectionate pat. - The room below this one is decently dry. Hopefully that will be good enough for BEN.
[Licht] - Is it difficult to learn how to make these portals?
[Doc] Yes. I mean you're literally breaking a hole between two planes of existence. I still have difficulty in my humanoid shape. It's easier to just be a giant dragon and throw my whole body forward headfirst to breech the wall.
[EAlex] Oh dear.
[Licht] - So what's the most basic portal?  Going between games?
[Doc] That is a lot easier. If you cross the server firewall you'll be in the void.
[EAlex] The void? That sounds ominious.
[Doc] It kinda is, it's cold and dark and easy to get lost.
[Licht] - That space you took me through?
[Doc] Yes. Once you get good at navigating you can get into any game, also onto different parts of the internet and come out of any electronic thing with a lens or a screen.
[EAlex] Whoah.... no wonder Cp acts like he does. He'd be near impossible to hide from.
[Licht] - And how many here can get out?
[Doc] Do you mean how many here can get out without help or how many are acclimated to exist irl period?
[Licht] - Can get out without assisstance
[Doc] Lets see... BEN taught Cp, he taught me and Lie, and there are some digital creepypastas from the Pokemon games that come and go. Strangled Red, Lost Silver and Glitchy.
[Licht] - So it's a very select group
[Doc] Not everyone wants to go irl, or are dedicated enough to learn to cross the barrier without help. My mate Deerheart, my child Yaunfen, Cp's generals Winston and Endrea and her son Ashe, and Markus of course and Flux. They can all go out too. It doesn't agree with everyone. TLOT hates even being on a higher res server. It literally makes him ill. Even I try to stay away from mirrors or look at my body too much out there, I get lost in the detail and it makes me self-concious and a bit unsettled.
[EAlex] The hightened senses are a bit overwhelming...
[Licht] - Well if this is going to take awhile, perhaps you should send me back out there
[Doc] What were you planning on doing today?
[Licht] - I have some grocery shopping to do
[Doc] Smiles - Anything in particular? You're free to raid the kitchen.
[Licht] - Just a supply replenish, out of peppers and some other things
[Doc] Makes a face- Ye gods... you like those things?
[Licht] - Yes?  They're not bad at all
[Doc] Incredulous look - Not bad??? It hurt so much I used the kill command on myself to make the pain stop!
[EAlex] Why would anyone eat something that painful on purpose???
[Licht] - EAlex, you ate peppers that one night that I made the pasta!  Only some peppers are hot
[EAlex] Oh... yeah those were pretty good.
[Doc] Maybe we're not talking about the same thing? Like variations in cheese maybe? -They make a small circle with their fingers - The one I had was bright red and about this big.
[EAlex] That's tiny....
[Licht] - Yeah bell peppers are bigger and have almost no spice
[Doc] That sounds much more edible. Cp basically gave me the ghost peppers as a mean joke. I'd never had anything spicy before.
[Licht] - I see, well, perhaps next time you should try the bell veriaty
[Doc] I'll happily trade you something if you bring me an example. I can copy things.
[Licht] - I'll just get you some while shopping
[Doc] Thank you.
[EAlex] Is watching Licht with a small smile. - I don't want to eat up your day off Licht... if you need some time, it's okay.
[BEN] - Yeah I'm not coming over
[Doc] -chat- It's only sprinkling a little. I can tp you and we'll stay inside.
[Licht] - Is the rain a problem?
[Doc] Sighs- He's a hydrophobic. It's a really awkward phobia.
[EAlex] Yuck... doesn't he get smelly?
[Doc] Yes.
[Licht] - I don't wish to smell that
[Doc] Then I'll let you out. But his mate does shame him into bathing when it gets really bad.
[Licht] - Thank you
[Doc] Takes a step back and charges forward a little like a headbanger in a mosh pit, the air crackles as the portal shatters open under the impact.
[EAlex] Be safe Licht.
[Licht] - I will- She goes through
[Doc] Closes it behind her and looks at EAlex - You look like someone with a lot on their mind.
[EAlex] sighs- I like her. She's pretty oblivious.
[Doc] That is rough... but these things can take a lot of time. Just be patient and see how it plays out.
[BEN] - So yeah, can we reschedule this thing?
[Doc] -chat- If I get Deerheart to stop the rain, will you come over?
[BEN] - Eh, I mean, there's other stuff I could do...
[Doc] Is sending a chat to Deerheart to please stop the rain for now- Come on. You should bring Hyrule over.
[BEN] Groans in chat-
[Deer] Turns the rain off-
[Doc] Is the tp preferable? I've got your weed.
[BEN] - Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
[Doc] Pulls a very stinky plume of tiny flowers out of a trunk and sticks it in a little clay pot to keep it upright on the edge of the tub.
[EAlex] That is rank!
[Doc] He loves it though. - Xe tps BEN to hir-
[BEN] Sniffs the air and humms at the smell of the pot-
[EAlex] Is trying not to make a face. -
[Doc] EAlex, this is BEN, he's the first one to be able to be digital and real. that we know of at least.
[EAlex] Charmed...
[Doc] She just needs help making portals.
[BEN] - Portals?  Well how much do you already know?
[EAlex] I can get between electronics if there's a cord plugged in? And I managed to get off a phone and out into here.
[Doc] She was living on the wallpaper space of a cellphone for at least a week.
[BEN] - Well then we have our work cut out
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
In love with The Wolverine
First time posting a “x reader” on Tumblr...Sorry for any mistakes, I’m French...And hope you’ll enjoy blahblahblah.
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Logan runs as fast as he can. As far as he can remember, he never ran that fast, that long. His heart beats loudly in his chest, and he's sure it's going to burst out of his body within minutes. 
His legs ache, he has been running for quite a while now..
But he doesn't care. He's got to save her. He HAS to save her, no matter what.
He curses at himself for slowing down, exhausted, but he doesn't stop. He wishes he could be faster, hoping that he won't arrive too late. He knew this would happen one day, he knew it. 
And yet he stayed with you, putting your life in danger, too much of a coward to leave the one he considered the love of his life. And now, he was probably going to loose you...
He accelerated once more, running as fast as he could.
Today marked the 7th anniversary of you teaching at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters, and fun coincidence, also your twenty sixth birthday, and your friends prepared a rather big party for you. It was suppose to be a surprise, but Kitty let it out by mistake over breakfast a few days ago. 
She was casually talking with her boyfriend, Piotr, when she asked what he was going to wear for (Y/N)'s party...not realizing you were just next to her sipping on a nice warm cup of coffee. When she did realized however, she apologized profusely, and made you and Piotr swear you wouldn't say anything to Logan. You had smiled gently to her, and swore. 
You liked the kid, you weren't going to throw Logan's wrath on her. Apparently, him and your best friends Ororo and Kurt were preparing this party since a long time, and would be extremely disappointed if you knew before the d-day...
Logan threatened every one that knew about it to shut the Hell up, promising a lot of pain if anyone let it slip out. And Logan was a serious man when he threatened people. There was no doubt that he would make whoever betrayed the secret regret of having done so...
So you didn't say anything. And you watched with a bit of amusement in your eyes as your friends kept preparing everything. 
To be honest, you had your doubt, as your boyfriend Logan was acting a bit strange, nervous around you. You thought it was very cute how it was because he was afraid to get caught. But you didn't say anything, because it really was cute. 
Logan wasn't the kind of man to show a lot of affection publicly. 
More often than not, when it was just the two of you, his hands would caress softly your bare skin, or he would wrap his arms around you, kissing you tenderly. People would be surprised to know that The Wolverine actually loved cuddling, especially after a good sex session, and every sex session between the two of you was good...
But when there was others around, he would be distant, occasionally glancing or winking at you, stealing kisses when no one was watching, and then returning to his cold behavior as soon as others' eyes were on you. 
To him, his intimate interactions with you, even if it was just holding hands, were suppose to stay behind closed doors. 
The only time he showed he was deeply in love with you was when another man was flirting with you, then, he'd get all grumpy and clingy.
You didn't mind at all, you weren't really much into PDA yourself...but it did surprised you a lot when you realized that he was actually planning a birthday party for you. 
It meant he had to say out loud that he cared enough for you enough to throw you a surprise party. It meant he had to ask help from others, which he wasn't doing often. In your eyes, it meant he really did love you. 
Hell, he even asked Scott bloody Summers to help, and it was well known he couldn't stand him ! 
So for a few days, you acted like you didn't see your friends getting flustered when you surprised them with a bunch of party balloons, or making cakes in one of the mansion's kitchen. 
You acted like you didn't notice Logan glaring at kids asking about the birthday decorations stuffed in various closet around the place. 
You even acted like you didn't see him hurriedly hiding a wrapped box behind him. 
You had such a hard time not laughing at some very obvious things, but you cared too much about all of your friends to ruin their surprise. 
************ On the anniversary day, you stayed a bit in your classroom to grade some paper to leave time for your friends to fully prepare. And when you walked in the main hall, well decorated with colorful balloons and a gigantic banners saying : "Happy birthday (Y/N)", you acted completely surprised. 
You thought you actually deserved an oscar for your performance, very convincing in your opinion. 
You hugged everyone, and when you came to Logan, he truly surprised you by pulling you into a passionate kiss. In front of everyone. 
There was a moment of silence, they were all so shocked at this display of affection...But they quickly got over it, howling like wolves, clapping and laughing. Logan grumbled, but he couldn't hide the wide smile on his face.
-Look what you did to me (Y/N), I've become a cheesy fucker...
He said, pecking your lips quickly before taking you to the cake table to blow off your candles. You smiled at him, thinking this moment was probably one of your happiest ever.
-I quite like your cheesy fucker side old man.
You said with a wink. 
He groaned a bit and gestured for you to blow on your goddamned candles. 
You did, your wish as cheesy and sappy as Logan, wishing you'd always have your friends around you. And you'd spent your life with a certain Wolverine. 
Everyone clapped, the music started and as you forced Logan on the dance floor you whispered in his ear, a mischievous grin on your face.
-Candles won't be the last thing I blow tonight.
You pressed a little further into his body, and it took everything in him not to moan loudly. 
Satisfied with his response, you rubbed your thigh on his crotch quickly, an innocent look on your face. 
He looked at you with hungry eyes, and a promise that you won't get off that easily after what you just pulled. His hand went to the small of your back and, burying his head into your neck, he just let the music direct his feet, and swinged around with you. 
The party was perfect. Students were allowed to stay for a while before curfew and all going to their bed...But the teachers, your friends, stayed and drunk and danced too much. 
You, being the Queen of the party, received all the attention...Usually, you would have hated it, being quite reserved and such, but tonight, you were too drunk to care. Lots of pictures that would never be seen by anyone else but you guys were taken. 
The only ones that weren't drunk were Professor Xavier, who didn't really enjoy alcohol and was always worried what he would do with his powers if he actually got drunk, and Logan, whose healing factor simply didn't allowed him to be drunk for very long. 
When the party ended late at night, you were beyond tipsy. 
Logan gave you a piggy back ride back to your shared room because you couldn't stand straight.
 He kicked your door opened, and threw you on the bed. As he started to remove your clothes so that you'd sleep comfortably, definitely forgetting any prospect of sex given the fact that you were too drunk, you stopped him, a look of concerned in your eyes.
-I'm sorry dude, but...even though you're extremely hot, I have a boyfriend.
He chuckled lightly, and ignored you, taking off your shirt. You stood up quickly, almost loosing balance.
-Not but for real, I've got the perfect man. I'm not going to cheat on...Oh hey Logan, how long have you been here ?
Laughing frankly this time, he stood up and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
-I'm going to remove your clothes, and I'm going to...
-Fuck me raw ?
-...No. Very tempting, but no, I don't really fancy you throwing up on me while we're doing it, and given the fact that you look paler by the minute...
You pouted. It was the cutest thing he ever saw (even though he was fighting his arousal). 
-But Lo', I want you. It's my birthday. You should...
-It's not your birthday anymore, past midnight. 
-But don't you want to...
-There's a lot of things I wanna do to you. But when you're conscious enough to remember it. 
-I do remember I promised a blowjob...
-Yeah well, next time. Now let me help you get to bed and shut up.
You were suddenly feeling very tired, and you let him removed the rest of your clothes and put you in bed. 
He forced you to take two aspirins and to drink a big glass of water, knowing it would help soothed your next morning hangover. And then he slid in the bed as well, letting you snuggle against him, a smile on his lips. 
His surprised was perfect...
He woke up early in the morning, not feeling your presence next to him. He was a suspicious man by nature, and got worried instantly.
-(Y/N) ? Babe ? Are you in the bathroom ?
No answer. He sat up in the bed, and that's when he saw a note that chilled his blood.
"Tic toc tic toc Hurry up to the forrest next to the mansion, Tic toc tic toc Let's be honest, she's probably dead by now... Yours truly,
Victor C."
The smell of his arch enemy was filling the forest, and he cursed himself for not smelling it before. He was pretty sure Sabertooth had been around for a while, as he always plan things when he wants to take his grudge out on Logan. 
It didn't took him long to find him, out of breath, he stopped in front of Victor Creed. 
You were sitting on the floor, your beautiful (H/L) (H/C) wrapped violently in Sabertooth's left hand. 
Gagged. Tied up. Completely naked. Your eyes were full of fear, and the mere sight of you like this made his gut wrenched in distress, fear, anger, and despair.
-You know, it IS kinda gettin' old to kill your lovers. Maybe you should just like...stop having one ?
Logan didn't answer. 
He knew he shouldn't have let you get close. But the first time he saw you, he instantly fell in love with you, and he tried so hard pushing you away...you were the most stubborn woman he ever met. You didn’t let him. 
-Let her go Creed. 
-I think not. I think...I'm going to...
Logan's heart stopped. Sabertooth was running a talon slowly on your throat.
-But before, I want you to know that it's definitely all your fault. You know people around you die, and yet, you keep letting people in your life. You're the monster...well, maybe I'm a bit too, but it's because you don't wanna learn your damn lesson. You. Can't. Be. Happy. You asshole.
Logan's jaw clenched. The worst thing was he knew he was right. If he couldn't save you, your blood was going to be on his hand.
His brain worked at a thousand miles per hour, trying to figure out a way to save you. 
He couldn't loose you. He never loved one like you. He thought he would never get over Jean, and yet, you entered his life and made all his past romance seems like little teenage infatuations...He loved you so much it hurt. 
He couldn't loose you.
-I also want you to know that I'm not going to kill just one person tonight.
Logan flinched. What the Hell was he talking about?
-I'm not going to let you kill her Creed, or anyone else.
A deep chuckle escaped Victor's mouth.
-I don't think you're in a position to act tough Wolvy. And your idiocy will always amaze me.
Sabertooth crouched next to you. 
You could feel his breath on your neck. His right hand stayed in your hair, while the one that was at your neck slowly went down on your stomach.
-I take it you don't know.
Logan froze. 
It wasn't possible, was it ?
Seeing your eyes, he knew you didn't know either. 
It was true that you didn't had your period for over a month, but you didn't had any bump...Did you ? He cannot remember your belly feeling bigger than before last time he touched you, last time he laid with you...
-Pathetic. Your look. Confused, scared. She's with child, and since it's your girl, I expect it's yours.
Silence. Logan's claws slowly unsheathed.
-Oh, you're not letting me finish my villain's speech then...Well, alright.
Faster than Logan could react, one of Sabertooth's sharp as a razor nail went to your throat and...
The scream the Wolverine let out was inhuman. He couldn't loose you...he couldn't...
He woke up in your shared bed, soaked in his own sweat, with you groaning next to him.
-Could you have a nightmare another day ? Like, when I don't have a hell of a hangover ? Man I'm going to throw up...sorry...
It takes him a few seconds to realize that it was all a dream. 
That you were there, next to him. Real. Alive. 
He dragged you to himself and hugged you tight, making you gag a little.
-Ok, but I'm going to throw up on you babe...
You wriggle out of his grasp and run to the bathroom. 
He follows you, drawing soothing pattern on your back while you throw your guts up in the toilet. 
He can't help the smile creeping on his face. 
You're alright. You're here. 
You mis-interpret his grin and with a pout, you go back to bed.
-You know, everyone do not have a stupid healing factor. Some of us gotta deal with their bad decisions, and go through terrible hungovers.
He smiles softly at you, and with a huff you turn away from him, trying to go back to sleep and ignoring the siring migraine you suffer from. 
As he stares at your back, his hand slowly crawl over your stomach...just to make sure. 
You might be hungover, but you still got your wits. You whip around to him and with a small laugh you say :
-Are you checking if I'm pregnant ?
He doesn't answer and looks away.
-Wait...you are ? For real ?
You burst out laughing.
-You know I can't right ? You might spill in me every time, but I take the pills, so you know...dead seeds.
He can't stop the smile on his face at your bold way of phrasing things.
-Also, if I knew I was pregnant, I would never have drunk that much. Besides, I know...I know what you went through with your own kids...I...I don't really think you want...babies.
You carefully say, knowing the subject to be one of discord. 
Logan kept everything bad to himself...But sometimes, he would truly tells you how he feels, and it would always fill your heart with sadness, knowing how much he suffered. 
He told you the story of how one of his son, Daken, tricked him into killing his other (known) children...but soon after he said that, he decided that the subject was taboo, and never spoke of it again. You had wanted to bring the subject of having kids before, but never dared because of that.
-...Do you want babies ?
He asked rather seriously. 
You blushed a bit. You thought about it a lot. You loved Logan. He loved you. You had been together for years. You wanted to spent your life with him...and yes, you wanted kids of your own one day...
You stayed silent.
-Well, do you ?
He insisted. Turning away from him once again, you whisper :
-If I say yes are you gonna bolt ? Leave like you often do, but this time, never come back ? 
He doesn’t answer, his intense eyes fixed on you.
-Yes. Not now. One day. I do...really much.
If he didn't had enhanced hearing, he would never have heard you because you spoke so lowly. 
An awkward silence ensued. 
The conversation miraculously healed you from your hungover, and now, you wished nothing but for it to come back again, so that you had something else to focus on. 
He finally broke the heavy silence installed between you two.
-I do too. Or rather, I want your babies. I mean, I want babies...with you.
You turned back to him, stunned.
-I...I love you (Y/N). So much it hurt. So much I can't even imagine a life without you. So much I'm declaring my love to you right now, in the most cheesy way ever. I love you. With all my heart, with all my being. And I want to built a life with you. I want to raise a child with you. Built a house for you. A normal life. As normal as it can get with us...I want to...I want you. Always.
He laid his hand on your stomach again.
-Not now. But one day. I never thought I could dare to even dream about a child I could raise. About...someone like you. And I'm scared shitless that something would happen to you one day. Or to our kid. But I can't walk away, because it would kill me. I need you. And I might be a coward for...
-Shush you big stupid ass...You won't loose me. You know I can defend myself. I'd like to see fucking Sabertooth try to get me, I'll fry him. I will. And...I love you too much to let you go. And if you do go for that, I swear I'll find you and make you suffer, James Howlett. Because no one ever told me what you just said, and fuck, it makes me feel to good to let it go.
He pulled you to his chest, squeezing you tightly against it.
-Even if I should, I couldn't leave you. Like I said, it'd kill me. And oh my god I sound cheesy as fuck. 
-Haha, well, like I said...I like your cheesy side.
You reach over to kiss him, but he stopps you.
-You gotta brush your teeth before kissing me missy, it smells awfully like vomit.
You hit lightly his chest and laugh. You did as he told though, because you really wanted to kiss him...and because you did promise a blowjob and rough sex. And you always kept your promises.
You gently caressed your belly bump, as Logan was resting his head in your laps. You never been so happy in your life. It was only the beginning...
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easkyrah · 7 years
Elorcan Werewolf AU part 6
It was so damn hard to not write Lorcan instead of Lory and vice versa. You know you’re tired when you write cock instead of cook.
“Just like our eyes, our hearts have a way of adjusting to the dark”
Elorcan Werewolf Part 6
Lory didn’t come back. No matter how many times she left raw meat out in the woods or called his name. No one responded to the have-you-seen-this-dog posters she dutifully taped on tree trunks, listing rewards she’d scour from her trust funds. The animal control couldn’t find him, and found no traces of a large-sized dog or wolf in the woods. There was no sighting in the inner cities either.
Lory was gone without a trace, as if he were a ghostly whisper whose secret existence only Elide knew.
Elide mourned him, and even held a funeral for him, placing all his collars in formation around a patch of grass he often frequented, moodily staring into the forest as if cursing the restraints on his body.
Only the pink collar was gone, leaving a foul aftertaste in her mouth: never had before Elain so despised a color, and demonstrated her pettiness by refusing to wear anything of that hue.
On her third night of eating rocky road ice cream and staring blearily at her papers, Manon and Aelin burst through her door without warning. Elide popped off the the chair, hand snaking out to reach for a spare dagger. Seeing it was only her Alpha and Beta, she placed a hand over her heart and managed a glare at them.
The frown had easily been swept away as she took in her friends’ appearances. In Manon’s arms, a grocery bag of chocolate covered strawberries winked at her. In Aelin’s own hands, shopping bags of dresses and short skirts filled the very top to bottom.
“I can’t have my favorite healer down.” Aelin breezed through her living room, pulling aside her curtains and tossing all her tissues into the waste bin. After a heartbeat and cocking her head, she amended, “Well maybe Sorscha as well.”
“We have this day all to ourselves,” added Manon. “The Thirteen are in command for twenty four hours.” She stalked through the threshold, inspecting her cottage, and noting the lack of pictures adorning her tables and walls.
Elide reached for a strawberry, but Manon slapped her wrist and ushered her to her bedroom. Her friends tutted in distaste at the simple designs; Aelin nearly threw a fit when she saw her gray-lined bedroom.
“How can you live like this?” Aelin tugged her fire-gold strands of hair, surveying Elide’s simplistic room. Elide watched as Aelin tear through her dresser, clucking her tongue with an almost revulsion reserved for her utmost disappointment. Manon, however, sniffed the air, and flocked to the window, her spine stiff.
Elide played with the hem of her shirt. She’d also stared out that window, wondering where Lory had gone, and why he decided to not return, to abandon her. She had offered him a steady hearth and affection, pieces of her heart, and glimpses into her past.
Emptiness tugged at the corner of her heart. She didn’t need glamour when she had Lory’s presence. There was a soothing quality to his presence that didn’t need to speak volumes from the human tongue. The mere steady and silent exposure to an animal with no ill intent towards her, in which he’d lick her palm and twitch those ears, stare at her, as if she were the only human in the world—
Aelin flopped onto Elide’s bed in defeat. “The only option I see is getting laid.” She tapped her chin in thought. “Shopping and eating won’t cut it. You need physical contact.”
Elide shook her head, and stood next to Manon. The Beta’s eyes fixed on the path of grass where the collars sat in heart formation, mocking Lory’s absence. She imagined Lory curled up on the grassy plains, his hind legs bent in restlessness, and those dark, dark eyes following her shape as she did her yoga exercises, watching the Sun gallantly spiral into the vast sky.
Her heart warmed as she studied the two females in her room. One herself blazed with fierce mortality and sheer determination, the other a honed icicle and ironstone. They were two sides of the same coin, and if Elide wished, she could flip them into the air at her command.
Manon surreptitiously sniffed the air again. “Dog,” she hissed.
Elide nodded in confirmation. She’d always thought herself a cat lady, but there was something different about Lory other than his moodiness and his steely demeanor that seemed to simply see more than she did. The way his eyes would flicker with deeper intellect, and the powerful muscles rippling across his back as he stalked around her house as if he owned every inch. The way that nose would twitch in aversion when another male neared her, and a deep growl would thunder from the base of his throat—
It was almost as if her were her guardian angel. Her watchdog.
Elide pinched her arm. Dear Hellas, she really was hung over a dog, an animal that most likely found another warm home with another owner who would treat him with care every second—
Why was she so damned jealous?
Aelin joined them at the windowpane, and laid a hand against Manon. “Speak,” she ordered, and Elide recognized the Alpha command, one she rarely used.
“If my senses aren’t deceiving me, just a mere dog wasn’t here.”
“Your senses don’t lie.” Aelin crossed her arms. “What is it?”
“I detect a Lycan. Not a full-blooded one, mind you, but a wisp of a male that has Lycan blood running through his veins.”
Elide’s veins turned to ash. “No,” she said.
Wolf, Nox had said, and she’d dismissed him. What did a human know about dogs and wolves?
“Lory’s just a wolf. Or a large dog,” she blurted, and leaned back as Manon towered over her.
Aelin dragged Elide to her bed as Manon flipped her white-ash hair over a shoulder. “Tell us about this Lory,” she hummed.
Elide decided she did not like the glint in Manon’s eyes.
Lorcan was in deep shit. Deep, unrelenting shit. He had returned to the cadre, his bones cracking in protest, hair tousled and grim coating the exposed inches of skin, and sweat running down his neck in rivulets. He could feel his wolf thrashing inside of him, craving any type of release that didn’t involve a dead body, but utter dominance.
His wolf needed to claim his lovely, sweet, vixen of a mate, and Lorcan had forbade that.
His wolf needed to at least dominate a female, a poor attempt to loosen the edge of feralness that chipped away at him. Only his mate could fully quell him, but his mate did not want anything to do with him. A part of him disagreed, that the rules of nature and raw hand of fate had paired them together, but if his pure mate did not want him, then he would not object.
Because he was bound by blood and the fallen. Could his mate look past the hands that had snapped the necks of even the children? Could his mate accept his dark-woven future and calling for bleak death? Could his mate tolerate his penchant for starkness, the life of a spartan?
Fenrhys let out a low chuckle as Lorcan stalked through the entrance, his body shuddering in pain. His wolf was a monster inside of him, and it took his entire willpower to turn away the demands of intimacy. He would not touch another female unless his mate permitted him.
His wolf cursed Lorcan’s decision, roaring in protest. Both savage and pathetic, every Lycan’s wolf side needed a gentle hand in their life, and over the years, that softness expressed itself in watching submission, and Lycans resorting to casual sex.
It was another reason for his mate to hate him, he supposed. He could sense the innocence radiating from his mate, and while that made him and his wolf beyond ecstatic, a small part of him had wished that mate wouldn’t be so pure—so that he could also have a reason to hate her.
And in the hatred, they could find themselves back to each other, easier. Pain was the easiest emotion to deal with, the easiest feeling to manipulate. Words and the heart intertwined so deeply, all he could do is lie and break a strong psychological mindset.
But disgust had to be earned. Something had to go a little wrong, a little awry. A stone had to be overturned to reveal the dirt underneath rather than the smooth, cool surface. His history was no secret, his path as a warrior, as the cadre’s gamma, or first general. The tales of his executions and interrogations were no sight for his mate, a young girl who delighted in clean, savory truths. His rock had been tossed into the swamps to rot and he had emerged as the victor. Unscathed, but internally scarred.
He was not the male for her, and he cursed the Moon Goddess for this pairing. He had waited eons for the notion of love, and had waited for another broken soul who had wrecked havoc upon others—so they could share this pain in empathy. But the hand of nature had given him someone who could mend him, and that was something Lorcan knew he didn’t deserve. He could break his mate’s neck without so much as a blink, and ruin that soft skin and fill it with scars and blemishes. He could crush her with a single blow, and this precious, delicate creature that was Elide Lochan deserved more in life than a murderer.
Fenrhys laughed under his breath, watching Lorcan make way to his room. “She’s got you more whipped than Maeve.”
Maeve, their past Alpha Queen who had haunted his nightmares still. 
Now the only nightmare consisted of his mate’s rejection.
He could feel the ebbing of his darkness receding with his wolf’s ferality. Soon his own body would fade away into a weak waste of flesh if he and his wolf did not see eye to eye. If a Lycan’s human and wolf side did not live in harmony, the body would fail, and Lorcan had never once imagined himself in this scenario. The things his mate caused him without knowing—Elide Lochan would be his downfall.
He could only snap his teeth at Fenrhys and stagger towards his room, promising to wring the Fenrhy’s neck later.
His wolf called for Elide; to be simply near her would be enough to quell him for a week—months even.
But Lorcan refused to run the risk of claiming her outright. It was the rare case that his wolf overtook his body completely, pouring his intentions and will into every muscle and tendon. And the mere mention of his mate was enough for him cross the line into where the true feral lurked.
It was dangerous. He was dangerous. His mate made him more dangerous. He had no control of these matters of pure emotion coursing down him, making each step unbearable. His wolf demanded release and claiming and binding, and Lorcan slammed down on his will just as hard.
He had slaughtered armies. He would not allow the picture of his mate be his undoing. But that was her purpose, perhaps. To bring a Lycan to his knees. It would not be the first time in history such scheme had been done, and with all the misery Lorcan had caused, he wouldn’t expect anything less.
But sweet, sweet Elide—he didn’t believe she could harm a fly. She’d guide the insects that dared to breach her house out. She cooed and soothed. She was his angel. She was soft and gentle. She was everything he wasn’t.
“Lorcan,” Gavriel said.
He realized that he’d been leaning against a marble column, his entire posture tense.
“I’ll call Essar,” was all Gavriel said, before he disappeared down the hallway. A tang of gratitude swept down Lorcan that his friend did not help him limp back towards his room full of darkness.
Even Essar, the doe-eyed female, would not bother him there.
No one would bother a killer in his natural habitat.
His wolf was angered, and Lorcan did not bother to acknowledge the walls that were crumbling around him. He did not want Essar. He did not want a female who believed to see more in him, and wanted to change him. He did not want a casual fuck.
He wanted Elide Lochan.
And he would endure this pain of his body wasting away if it meant he could finally stay true to her. It was his penance, and he supposed he should thank the Moon Goddess for this chance.
“Bullshit.” Manon had walked back to the window, staring at the collars. “Although the scent is there, I refuse to believe that a male who is older than me and has killed more than me and seen more betrayals than me—will wear those pieces willing. And pink, much less.”
Aelin flung a hand over her heart. “You know, the names Lory and Lorcan are too similar too ignore. But the fact that a Lycan would willingly degrade himself for his mate—” Her Alpha let out a bitter, low chuckle.
Elide trembled, wrapping a blanket around herself. “Lory’s not Lorcan, Manon. Aelin, please.” She pleaded with them. “My mate doesn’t love me anymore than those girls he’s touched.”
She refused to believe this. Yet it explained so much, of why she was pining over a creature of the forest. It explained the comfort a four-legged creature could provide more than Aelin and Manon combined could bring her. It explained why she could trust him with stories of Morath, and why she needed to be around him constantly, checking up on him as much as he checked up on her. The way Lory looked at her—no animal would carry such tenderness in those eyes that had usually stared at everything in such solemn misery.
“You know, Rowan really has to pick up his game.” Aelin shook her head. “I’ve never seen him in wolf form, much less having a collar wrapped around that pretty neck. And we’re talking about a male who has probably has Death bowing to him. Pink, Elide? What were you thinking? That’s probably what scared him off.”
Elide bit her lip. “Did I mention that he ran off on a full moon?”
Manon’s head whipped around. She cocked her head in a way that was surely predatory, those eyes calculating. “You did not feel him cheating in anyway?”
She shook her head. “None. The mate bond doesn’t lie, and he’s actually kept...it...to himself.”
Aelin nodded to herself with grim certainty. “I really need to find a new mate.”
Manon clapped her hands. “Great. We have a female who doesn’t trust her male, and a male who’s pining after his female with one foot in the grave.” Her head swiveled towards Aelin. “Would Rowan tell you if Lorcan decided to visit Elide on a whim?”
The Alpha tossed her hands up in the air. “I think males blame females for bipolar syndrome because they displayed the traits in the first place. Who knows? One moment he’s sucking up to me, the next he’s the coldest floating piece of ice in Antarctica.”
Manon crossed over the room, her eyes dark. “Enough. I’ve done with you both fawning over your mates—” she dismissed Aelin with a bold flick of her nails, and turned towards Elide “—another reason we have come here is because we are holding a ball, and I think it would do you well to come. Leave your studies and moping for another day. Live one night, and see who you were before you met your mate.” She briefly glanced at Aelin. “And you as well.”
Aelin let out a harsh laugh and fell onto the bed. “Stars above. What have we come to, Elide?”
Elide cradled her pillow, imagining it as Lory. “Love. It does the worst to us. Doesn’t it?”
Aelin chose to move up the ball’s date by a week, so the Pack House was a flurry of commotion, silk and lace flying through the hallways. Perfumes and delicacies crammed in every corner, bouquets of every kind of flower floating in the breeze and fluttering around the curtains, which had been elegantly thrown open to allow the rays of sun and night pour into the sweeping ballroom. The crystal chandelier had been polished, with gold ornaments and statues gleaming at every facet. Soft streams of music swept away the blinding lights, the pleasantries of kisses and hugs exchanged as servants poured in, arms full of arrays of all kinds.
Aelin had called in every favor, demanding an all-out production. Ancient wine and bottles of drinks beyond Elide’s knowledge were brought out and displayed. Trinkling windpipes and glistening harps of all sizes were situated on pedestals, a grand piano arcing the center. Layers of cakes were seized into the kitchen, and a flurry of cooks flooded the hallways, arms full of batter and butter.
Elide watched, captivated by all the commotion. Until she saw a flower girl and a servant boy exchanging a sloppy, but passionate kiss in the gardens. When they pulled away, still in each other’s embraces, their faces were flushed red, but happy nonetheless.
Elide turned away.
The cadre had been invited. To not would have been a public insult and as good as a declaration of war. Aelin had flourished her arms out, declaring that shit was mostly to go down, and ordered an extra shift of guards to loiter in the hallways, and blend among the shadows. Elide had fled to her old room in anticipation, wondering how she’d confront Lorcan.
Thank you for protecting me as a wolf? Not putting up a fuss for wearing the collars? Watching me dress and shower? Did you get tired of my body—is that why you left?
As the sun set, and the moon rose, Elide couldn’t help the trepidation that pumped through every vein. It didn’t matter if Lorcan showed up with another girl or two notched up in his arms. She just had to see him.
The first trickle of guests streamed in, Aelin and Manon greeting each arrival with a curt nod and quick smile in customary tradition. Elide had smoothed the soft fabric of her skirts down, twirling a strand string of black around her finger.
She wanted Lorcan to know that she wasn’t afraid of death. She was a werewolf, and she also had bled from silver, had been held hostage in the Morath pack. She knew death and death knew her. Elide had often found herself on the brink of death, poison and morphine pumping through every vein of her scrawny body. The scars on her ankle was a reminder of the memories, locked up. The lashes of the whip were no stranger to her, and the stinging had always been her silent friend. The cold loneliness that had swept through her as she had crawled because her ankle had failed her, her Uncle—Alpha—Vernon failing her in worse ways. Morath had taught her that family was not blood. Family was trust, and trust was earned. She had learned that the world was not her oyster.
The world was clever and cruel, but it was also colorful, and if she could chose to live it so that she could be content not any seeking revenge, then she could rise above the pain. She would not Morath break her.
Because one day she would bring Morath down.
Elide didn’t believe that monsters were born. Monsters were cultivated and grown from the vices of humanity, something the Were were not exempt from either. And as Elide looked down at the crowds of entering people, she had an inkling of a feeling that Lorcan would not come. And as the clock chimed away minutes that transformed to hours, she knew her suspicions were right.
She didn’t think one individual, much less a male, could affect her this way. Manon had been wrong when she’d said that mates were a bedtime story. A mate was a thorn in her side, and she cursed the mate bond as a shrapnel of pain digging into her mind, a throbbing that beat louder with each breath. Something was off, and the mate bond flared between her, pulsing in her head. She could feel a gentle caressing down her side, and an almost frenzied despair flashing down.
Aelin was instantly at her side, half-carrying and half-guiding her to the infirmary. She pressed a palm against her forehead, and Elide moaned in pain.
“She’s burning up,” Aelin whispered to someone, who slammed a dagger into the table in frustration. Manon.
“Is he cheating on you?” Manon demanded, her voice near guttural. Her tapping of her nails against the steel table drove Elide further to an edge. There was something wrong—not by fault, but by nature. There was a wedge cleaving between her mate, but not between them. A struggle between man and wolf, a fight that always ended in bloodshed.
The Prince Rowan Whitethorn burst through the door, his face ashen. He further paled as Manon whipped out her favorite blade, Wind Cleaver, that promised death. Aelin merely sat at the foot of the bed in which Elide laid, sweat pouring down her forehead. She tried to bow, but Aelin was having none of it, using her Alpha command to order Elide to sit and rest.
“How dare you,” Aelin snarled, turning to her mate with livid anger. “Have the audacity to not show up, and flaunt yourself in now?”
Rowan shook his head, and slowly lifted his palms into the air. Elide could have sworn his Adam’s apple bobbed. “This is beyond me.” His eyes cut to Elide, and Manon loose a low growl. “Your mate is dying. Fading away.”
Elide managed to leap off the bed before her ankle collapsed and gave out on her. Aelin wrapped an arm around her shoulder, Manon pacing around Rowan, shielding her from the first threat that was the Prince of Lycans.
“Explain,” Manon commanded, her voice a thin blade of viciousness.
Rowan sighed, a sound that spoke ancient volumes. “Lorcan’s wolf is not taking Elide’s absence well...and believes she’s rejecting him. The fact that Lorcan refuses to lay with a female even for—” Rowan’s face turned to stare at the wall with shame stitched across his eyes “—a means to satiate his wolf’s side—it’s causing his own wolf to reject him. He won’t survive the night if this keeps up.”
Aelin tucked Elide closer to her chest. “I won’t allow her to go near that monster,” she nearly spat out, and glared daggers at her mate, who lifted a brow. “I won’t put one of my pack members in danger.”
Rowan stared at Aelin, an unfathomable look sketched across his face. Something like cold fury spun in those eyes. “Lycans would rather die than hurt their mate.”
The Alpha of the Fireheart pack looked like she wanted to very much disagree, but surprisingly, it was Manon who said, “I think it’s Elide’s decision.”
Elide thought back to her time with Lory, and how he’d so easily seeped happiness into her life. How he’d press his wet nose against her knees and stare up at her, resting his snout on her lap. The way he had made her laugh and made sure she’d eaten every last bite, and encouraged her to go for runs in the woods. He had made her smile. Made her appreciate life. Made her experience joy.
She thought back to the nights when he’d lick away her tears, and lay closer to her side, snuggling against her.
Elide lifted her head, even as she felt searing pain in her neck, and said, “Take me to my mate.”
“I’m going to hold another ball,” Aelin announced to no one in particular as they piled into a black SUV that screamed wealth. “Maybe a masquerade.”
Manon filled the silence by sharpening her nails.
Rowan pulled the car up to a sprawling mansion with silver gates. As they walked across the pristine, cut lawn, Elide marvelled at the honey droplets of morning dew that still drooped from the leaves, the moonlight illuminating the beauty of the greenery that was contained just in the lawn.
The entrance had no door, and Elide supposed it was fitting when it would be suicide to enter the home of the Lycans. Marbled pillars and glass panels filled her vision.
Rowan stalked down the hallways until he faced a door that was halfway open. The last door in the hallway.
Rowan frowned, slightly sniffing the air. “I think—”
Elide willed herself to hold her head high as she slipped through the door.
She didn’t expect to be engulfed in darkness, save for a burning candle lighting the room into a soft, orange glow. She didn’t think that the room would be immaculate, and no dust nor blood would stain the floor. She somewhat expected the lines of swords and daggers hooked onto the walls.
She didn’t expect the outline of women on top of the large male, sprawled across dark sheets. She didn’t expect the guilt written in the eyes of her mate as his head snapped towards her, and his arm to be wrapped around the other female’s hips. She expected the flicker of surprise in that granite-hewn face. She didn’t expect the tang of arousal that permeated the too-clean room, and the beautiful doe-eyed female on Lorcan’s lap to seem strangely sad, her hair cascading down across Lorcan’s bare chest.
Elide took one look at the embrace of her mate and the other female before she fled the room, her own wolf also turning cold and slamming down a wall not even Aelin or Manon could penetrate.
She ignored the howl that shattered the air as she felt her bones shift and crack. She ignored the image of the other female’s legs locked around her mate’s waist. She ignored the voice telling her to go back, to return to her mate.
She embraced the other voice that told her to seek rejection, revenge. The one that saw that doe-eyed female with soft curves with hands around the corded muscle of the Lycan that should have been hers. 
When white paws hit the ground, Elide Lochan felt herself bolt forward, away from her mate. And she did not look back as a series of howls and tearing pierced the dark night.
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zerablackwell · 4 years
Chapter 3: Seeing a Ghost
Opening her eyes, she was sitting in a clearing in front of her mother. Unlike Zera, Marnie's purple hair fell in curls framing her face, her blue eyes ironically shining with life. Marnie cupped Zera's face, giving her a warm smile. "Ça va Colombe?"
"Fine Mother, but I do have questions..."
Marnie smiled and nodded, patting the spot beside her, "Of course Colombe." Zera giggled lightly and moved to sit next to her mother who began to braid her hair. "First...tell me, darling. How have you been? How has your father been treating you? Not too harshly I hope."
"No Maman, he just hasn't been too forthcoming with answers I'd like. Per usual..." Zera pouted and her mother giggled.
"Your father is a stubborn man; it takes time to peel back the layers for him to open up. Be patient...it is a virtue after all."
Zera scoffed, "When have you known me to virtuous Maman?"
"Come now Colombe, things would be much easier for you. If only you were a bit less like your father." Marnie reached over to push Zera's hair out of her face and back into the braid.
Zera looked at their surroundings, they sat on a beach looking out at a beautiful sunset. "I'll be honest, we just can't see the beauty in things like you do Mother..."
At this, Marnie was silent for a long moment, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you..."
Zera gave a weak laugh, "You can't be blamed for being dead. There was never anything you could have done."
Marnie gently kissed the crown of her daughter's head, lingering for a moment before finishing off the braid. "I wish you weren't so pessimistic...you get it from your father."
"There are many things I get from him." Zera pointed out as she turned to face her mother who had a sad smile on her face.
"That there are, but I love you both even if you two drive me crazy." Marnie giggled softly, cupping her daughter's face as she stared at her eyes. "You two always push each other too far, if only I was beside you both..."
"You are Maman," Zera's gaze softened as she looked at her mother. "You are always with us, in my heart and with Father's. At least I think he has one."
Marnie laughed as she embraced her tightly, hiding her head in Zera's hair, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment. "I am so blessed to have such an amazing family..."
Zera smiled up at Marnie and shook her head, "Father's lucky he was able to love you. I'm lucky to have been able to meet you, even if it's like this." Zera leaned against her, then looked up at the starry sky. "You really like sunsets, don't you?"
Marnie giggled and nodded, "Yes I do, they're beautiful. What's the word used now? Cliché? I know it's a cliché, but just look at the view."
The two stared at the starlit sky and smiled at its loveliness, Zera would be lying if she didn't admit the stars were calming. "It is beautiful...Father did a good job with this place."
"Your father knows me well." There was a longing in her eyes, a distant look on her face as she stared off into the colorful sky. "Colombe?"
"Yes, Mother?"
"Even though I'm not around. Promise to help keep your father on the right path. I'm not fully around, and half the time he forgets that I'm real. He doesn't always listen to me." Zera looked at her, "I shouldn't be asking this of you, but he really doesn't have anyone else...he won't listen to Elijah. Especially not to Aviana, the poor thing."
Zera looked curiously towards Marnie, "What do you mean by that?"
Marnie frowned, "I'm sorry Colombe... Aviana is someone who your father took in. It was a request I convinced him to fulfill. She's unfortunately always been pushed to the side by Azazel, despite my efforts."
"Her family gave her up?"
At this, Marnie paused and tilted her head from side to side thoughtfully, "Yes, the family did have moments where they were cruel."
Zera nodded, biting her lip before asking, "You have met Aviana's family, but what about Father's? Did he ever talk about them?"
"I actually did meet some of his family, not everyone though."
"Then what were they like?"
Marnie hummed softly for a moment, "Well, his mother was a very kind woman, Seth was funny, but I never met his father. His mother thought it for the best until a later date, which never came."
"Why is that?"
"Our union was never to be blessed, my parents long deceased and many of the archangels did not approve. He wanted to elope, but I insisted that we stay. He had duties to his family, and I was not going to be the reason he ran from it all." Marnie explained as she gently ran a hand through Zera's hair, pulling her in for a hug. "I hold no ill will towards them, they are a traditional bunch. Humans and angels were never even thought of to come together in such a manner."
Zera shook her head, "You never cease to surprise me, mother."
"Why is that Colombe?"
"Your kindness knows no bounds; Father is petty even if he won't admit it. Then there's you, always forgiving towards others." She explained, looking up at her mother who smiled.
"That is why your father and I matched so well; I was always able to reign him in. Even now that he pretends to be some wild beast, he has me chirping in his ear to bring him back down." Marnie replied.
"Do you know what Heaven is like?"
There was a long silence, "No, I don't. I remain by your father's side, I always have."
"Do you ever want to go to Heaven?"
Marnie hesitated before answering, "No...No I would rather be here, with you and your father."
Zera frowned deeply, "I never pegged you as a liar Maman."
"I love your father Colombe...I just wish that things would be easier, for all of our sakes..." Marnie sighed, closing her eyes. Zera shook her head, taking her mother's hand in both of her own. "You don't need to be exposed to all this..."
"We cannot change the past, what is done is done Maman." Zera looked up at her, offering a reassuring smile, despite heavy air lingering between them. "I love you Maman..."
"Et je t'aime aussi ma petite Colombe. » She smiled sadly, pulling her daughter in for a hug. She hummed a soft melody that easing the tension that hung between them, Zera could feel herself practically melt into her Mother's hold.
"Do you know if Father ever mentioned someone named Madeline?"
Marnie tensed up at this, her face written with a deep sadness that instantly caused her eyes to well up with tears. She covered mouth, muffling a sob as she slowly shook her head. "I'm... I'm sorry. I..." She choked out before burying her face in her hands.
Zera completely caught off guard from this sudden change in her mother's demeanor. "Mother? What's wrong?" She gripped Marnie's shoulders who immediately pulled away. Their surroundings began to blur and fade to black as Zera continued to cry out to her distraught mother began to say something she couldn't hear.
Zera awoke with a start, she looked around frantically seeing Ace clearly upset by the sudden and rude awakening. Shakily, she pulled Ace into a tight hug and let out a deep breath. After calming her nerves, she got up and checked the time. "3 a.m., of course."
Ace then hopped off the bed and vanished in a burst of flames mid-air. She pouted, "Fine then, leave." Zera got out of bed and put on a silk mauve robe. She left her room and walked down the stairs, making her way to the kitchen and opened the fridge.
"Grabbing a midnight snack?" Aviana opened her piercing jade eyes, slit irises larger than usual.
Zera looked up from the fridge to find her friend sitting on the counter with one leg over the other. "Mhmm... I couldn't really sleep, then I began to feel a bit peckish."
"I thought you were spending time with your Mother?" Aviana tilted her head curiously.
The younger nodded and closed the fridge, looking to Aviana. "Yes, but Ace decided to wake me up before he left, I love him but not his habits."
Aviana's lips twitched in annoyance at the mention of Ace, Zera pouted slightly. "So, Ace went hunting then?"
"I believe so, otherwise I will not be letting him into my room for a week."
Aviana got down from the counter and untied her ponytail, "You don't have school, tomorrow right?"
"You are correct."
"Then let's watch some TV. We could watch a movie to pass the rest of the night." Aviana suggested as she began to braid her hair, smiling down at Zera.
"Only if you let me ask you a couple of questions."
The brunette eyed her curiously, "Okay, I'll bite. Can I ask what prompted interrogation?"
Zera giggled, "I was talking with Mother, she mentioned a bit of your family. Did you happen to know or ever meet them?"
Aviana finished braiding her hair as they made their way to the living room, "No. I haven't met my family, but that's not uncommon among us. You are more of a special case in that area, Zera."
"Demons don't normally know their parents? They're family history?"
Aviana shook her head as she took her seat on the coffee table, "When demons are young, they are essentially thrown to the wolves. Some rare cases, higher ranking demons will keep their young close without actually hindering their growth."
Zera grabbed the control and started searching for a movie, "What do you mean by hindering?"
"It is believed when you are too involved with a baby's growth, it's believed that they will be weaker. Bloodline really matters very little to our kind, but you are an exception." Aviana elaborated, Zera looked over to her friend. "Your father and your mother had a union that is rare."
"Because of the different races?"
"The only bloodlines that matter are those of the original families, such as Lucifer and those within his close circle." Aviana elaborated.
"Much like the humans back in the 1900s, no?"
"Exactly so. However, not to the same extent. Demons ridicule but do not behave so violently, it's seen more like a waste of time." Aviana replied as she stretched her arms upward. Zera nodded and leaned against Aviana as they settled down in front of the TV.
"If I come to you for answers regarding anything my father is hiding from me, can I count on you to help me?"
A long pause before Aviana responded in barely a whisper, "I cannot promise that..."
Zera was hurt and disappointed, but she expected it. "Father takes you for granted Aviana." They passed the night in silence, watching the movie marathon playing on the screen until the early hours of dawn.
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