#i hate people as a mass. i do like people individually. i make an effort to care
get-more-bald · 4 months
the thing is that I'm constantly in a fandom mood to distract myself from everything. but when I fall out of that mood I just think I'm worthless for not having a personality beyond chronically online idiot.
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ayz0 · 9 months
i posted this on twitter and then blacked out and wrote the lore in the comments so people have some context for the video lol. enjoy if u read i spose!
this is summarizing Ren & Ayzo's history and points to Ren's wishes that were granted by the Devil. each time they make these deals Ren is shackled more and more to Ayzo's will, but they also gain more power through it Ren is a comet that gained sentience, and his original form is the big fox looking thing. After landing on Earth they observed humans and other life, and after many years they became overwhelmingly lonely and sad.
Ayzo feeds on emotions, and felt this great sadness, pursuing it to the source and meeting Ren for the first time. Ayzo, being the spawn of Death, has the ability to gauge another's lifespan. It realized that this was the first other immortal it had come across, and was overjoyed, immediately wanting to stay by this creature's side and help them.
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Ren's first wish was for a human form, as he had observed humanity and longed for companionship, community, to have others around him, to feel wanted. Ayzo granted the wish, creating a humanoid body for Ren. After spending years amongst humans, however, Ren misses the freedom of his old form. His second wish is to be able to shift from his new form to his old one at will, like Ayzo can. It grants this wish, too - being a shapeshifter itself, it shares this power to Ren, forming a second wrist shackle on them.
I'm still writing the next bit, but many more years later, Ren is trapped by modern humans, because of a bunch of plot reasons I won't go into, but it's a scientific facility they get stuck in. After countless experimentation and witnessing what cruelty humans will do to others, Ren develops a deep hatred for humanity. Rage brings Ayzo back to Ren eventually, and Ren makes a third wish. For the power to kill the humans in that building en masse. This grants Ren a large, powerful, corrupt version to replace their weaker original body. Unfortunately, when in this form, Ren is singleminded with blood rage and wants nothing but violence.
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Ren does manage to kill many, many people in that facility (those who didn't manage to escape or hide successfully) and passes out from exertion afterward. When they wake up later on, it turns out Ayzo has finally decided Ren is now a very entertaining individual to stick around, and has Ren live with them, as there's nowhere else he could really go, and as an escaped prisoner of the facility, Ren is now being hunted by mages/bounty hunters contracted by that company (it is a scientific facility, but was military-funded)
Because of the constant proximity and spending time together, plus Ayzo's tendency to have feelings hit it like a train, it catches feelings for its old acquaintance. It treated Ren the same as any other human contract before, but now grew more sweet on him as time went on. Ayzo is reminded of Ren's immortal lifespan, and decides to let itself give into the little crush.
Over time, eventually Ayzo realizes it loves Ren, but along with this Ayzo becomes terrified of losing Ren in any way, and tightens control over him in an effort to "keep" him.
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This is further complicated by the two of them having a history of casual sex and intimacy with each other. Ren is aroace, but enjoys the actual activity and everything involved, and Ayzo is just down for literally anything and anyone. So they found it pretty convenient.
Eventually, Ayzo confesses it's love for Ren, but Ren rejects this for several reasons. The biggest one being the fact that Ayzo literally owns them, and can potentially make Ren do things he doesn't want to, all at Ayzo's whims. Ren hates not being in control of his body.
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Ren, seeing that he has a potential foothold for some small amount of power between them, begins to scathingly request to be let go and gives constant reminders to Ayzo that they own him, letting it know exactly how he feels on the matter, especially in regards to his autonomy.
There is more story to tell that I have got solidified (and it is juicyyy and dramatic as hell) but this is around the point where the video ends so I'll leave it here for now
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furryprovocateur · 2 months
i'm already seeing people argue "well guys james somerton MIGHT have committed suicide. or maybe he's just doing it for attention/sympathy like he always has". right because posting a suicide note on your private twitter fits that criteria. moreover why would he need MORE attention after being basically villain of the day for the past 2 months. the sympathy angle i can kind of get but then that concedes that he's been going through such backlash that a fake suicide attempt has been seen as a viable option.
and like yes, i have continually said that the dude should pay reparations to his victims and atone for his actions rather than just vanish figuratively or literally. i simultaneously don't think that him committing suicide is helpful to literally anyone, whether it be the aggrieved parties who will cease having any chance at getting compensated for their stolen work, the people who've contributed to the reveal of plagiarism (who've repeatedly said harassment campaigns are the literal opposite of what they want), or even those doing the harassing. very soon if james did in fact kill himself we're going to see a mass hand-washing of responsibility by people going "well, i just wanted to hold him accountable, i didn't think he would actually hurt himself!" or "i was leaving hate comments in the name of the victims! i never told him to kill himself!" and things of that nature. hell, i can't even deny that i did make a joke about being dropped on my head like he was in one of my recent videos.
i've been talking about this for the past day or so; i apologize to people who follow me who are tired of me ringing this bell over and over. it's just extremely disheartening and frankly scary to see relatively rational and moral people suddenly get cyber rabies and decide that praxis and social justice can now be defined as tearing down bad actors to the point of isolation, ruination, and even suicide, rather than focusing those efforts on the systems that have allowed these individuals to prosper. it's the righteous anger problem. the scariest thing about losing a war is when the losing army comes home. we've been taught and trained to misdirect our anger by these same systems, often with profit incentives. and we've now started to find reasons to justify that misdirection after the fact. i don't think james somerton should've avoided all critique and obviously some anger + backlash is understandable as a knee-jerk response. but things going this extreme is not only destructive, it's also normalized now. i don't grant grace for his actions nor do i think i am in the position to appraise the morality of his character. what i can say is that these harassment campaigns service nobody and make us pawns of the broader systems that oppress us.
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kendrixtermina · 5 months
De-Rationalization & De-Politization of Palestinian Resistance
Notice how in mainstream media you almost never hear WHY the resistance attack happened. You just hear generic stuff about how they're "muslim extremists" or "want to kill all jews", but never their own stated reasons & demands.
Now you might think that the palestinian resistance went too far in their Methods - certainly, several hundred innocents were killed & while they made an effort not to make it harder than necessary on the hostages, being kidnapped is traumatizing by itself - the leaked convos with Netanyahu show that some captives definitely suffered..
But their basic demands as stated by themselves (that you are never told about by much of the media) are:
stop occupying us
release mistreated prisoners held on spurious charges
don't heckle people who want to pray in Al-Aqsa (this being what started this "round" of fighting)
This is all stuff that Israel should do ANYWAY. These are all things human rights orgs and/or the UN have been calling for for YEARS.
And seeing as nothing happened despite human rights orgs complaining, is it so strange ppl decided to take it in their own hands? Especially after we've seen how little political will there is to use any leverage to restrain Israel.
I believe strongly that you can only judge individuals by what they can influence, so I will not ever call the death or kidnapping of random israeli civilians 'glorious' or 'deserved' or indulge in 'nobody is innocent' talk cause that's a convevient simplification to get rid of cognitive dissonance. War is always ugly, innocents always get caught up, that's why it should only be the last resort.
However, he who makes peaceful reform impossible makes violent uprising inevitable. It's not a question of moralizing, it's cause & effect, human nature. You may drive out nature with the pitchfork but it always stubbornly returns. Humans don't like to be slaves. No amount of moralizing or repression will change this.
So when I see how the media isn't telling us why they are doing this & instead telling us that they're just irrational extremists or pointing to some long disavowed document from the 80s when they were first founded & more extreme, I see how denying the opponent's rationality obscures a correct understanding of the situation.
The deaths of Israeli civilians shouldn't have happened. But how could they realistically have been prevented? If you don't see Palestinians as rational, and think they're just killing for killing's sake, you may think the answer is more repression.
But if you acknowledge the other side's rationality, you realize that violence is dangerous to the one doing it as well. Aside from hardcore ideologues, most people would not choose violence if they had other options.
But Israel has systematically cut those off: Peaceful protesters are shot, activists get arrested, strikes & boycotts are met with slander & lawfare, diplomacy is met with intransigence...
If you see Palestinians as having reason & not being any more likely to use violence than anyone else, the blame is obviously with those who cut off all peaceful means! (and besides did a piss poor job guarding their own citizens, pulling the army to the west bank & shooting at their own ppl)
There is this saying in my country that when someone's being sanctimonious they have "rented morality for themselves" (leaving only immorality for the opponent) but what we're seeing here, much more, is ppl acting like they rented rationality for themselves.
Hence all this propaganda to portray them as an irrational horse doing gratuitous mass rape/executions instead of a competent army that, while not perfect, looks way more disciplined & sophisticated than the Israelis RN.
And of course, if they "just hate us cause they hate us", that makes it easier to justify draconic measures because there is no cause that be fixed.
Because they're scared that if ppl heard their reasoning & demands, they would maybe agree with their goals if not their methods.
Notice also that it's the same de-rationalizing as you would see with an abuser: The girlfriend just bitches cause she's a bitch, the children just contradict cause they want to contradict... not because their feelings are hurt because of abuse.
I think thinking & reason are just as fundamental to humanity as feeling & sensitivity, & that to portray them as unthinking is just as awful as to deny ppl's suffering or humanity in an emotional sense.
And yes, there's an obvious parallel to how post 9/11 they stressed the attackers' religion (encouraging persecution of muslims worlwide) to detract from their political goals. They were angry about american meddling in the cold war. Again this isn't justifying their deeds, this is just cause & effect. But then what did they do? Yet more meddling & destabilizing. The most counterproductive possible thing. & in the end they got Bin Laden with spy cameras and a swat team. The war did nothing to catch him. He wasn't even in Afghanistan.
Like even if we grant for argument's sake that Hamas are unambiguous baddies, you would, idk, get the USA to use leverage to make Qatar extradite their leaders and put them on trial, or catch them with police, not mass murder civilians.
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The way you hate on Genevieve for wearing what you think is expensive clothing/accessories is comedy. If you were wealthy would you continue buying poorly made, child labor sweatshop, Shein clothing?
BTW clothing is cheaper (taking inflation into account) than it has ever been in history. The fact that there are jeans mass produced for under $40 is bad, actually, and indicates horrendous labor practices.
The way you anons pop off and think you’ve really done something is also comedy.
The thing is, I’ve actually said some very similar things on this blog. (BTW the underlined words are tags to posts.) I don’t focus on the price of her clothes and in fact I’ve bypassed a few of those types of asks in my inbox. She’s a rich lady who will do rich lady things like buy expensive brands and travel more often than most.
The problem is the inconsistent messages. I’ve outlined several examples in this post that you either didn’t read or in which you missed the point. Gen wants to seem “relatable” and give easy lil tips to others about how to live more green and yet she’s not really demonstrating the same lifestyle. It’s almost as if the whole point of Towwn is to “off-set” her own carbon footprint by ensuring that others do better. The $200 jeans might be sustainably sourced but at that point she’s passing the buck onto people who most likely aren’t doing half as well as she is financially.
If she, Towwn, or any other sustainability effort wanted to be taken seriously, they would instead focus on standing against large corporations. So much research in recent years has said that these individual efforts won’t make enough green changes to counterbalance the waste being pumped into the environment by the systems above us. But Gen will never say anything about that because that doesn’t come with ad partnerships, discount codes, and kickbacks. It doesn’t sell. Don’t believe me? When pressed to explain what she’s actually standing for…she can’t do it and instead relies on centrist statements that don’t mean anything.
I do appreciate you bringing up ethical business practices since your girl partnered with Amazon. Again, here we have a wannabe influencer talking out of both sides of her mouth: promoting sustainability while also promoting consumerism through a company with a well documented history of being anything but sustainable.
I think one of the few times I brought up the price of her clothes was when one of her stans outed her for wearing $485 cut-offs (shown below being donned in the chicken coop of all places) when she could have just made her own…like she suggested that others do. If you can’t see the problem with that, then that’s on you.
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particularj · 1 year
Although still not independently confirmed, many outlets are looking into it and signs from the past two weeks point to this direction. 15,000 have been arrested, and the legislature has reportedly signed a letter supporting death sentences for all of them. The first execution took place Sunday, and the judiciary has handed down at least one death sentence. It is estimated at least 200 have been killed through various means during the 8+ weeks of protest and the government’s oppressive response.
I hope that this is the Iranian government’s own death warrant.
The death penalty for peaceful protest, or even protest that destroys government or public property (which belongs to THE PEOPLE), is unconscionable. This is the Iranian government drawing a line, making it clear they intend to quash all dissent and to chill any protest, no matter how minor, no matter the reason.
A government like that loses all legitimacy, because what does it intend to represent? What society does it intend to raise? What role is it beyond self-service?
It hasn’t happened. Yet. It could. Or it could not.
What is concerning is the broad range of power the government has in determining the fates of these protestors, and their continued efforts to crack down on those who dare challenge the regime.
To be clear: we should be speaking out against ALL governments who do this. China, THE UNITED STATES, and many others have been consistently repressive toward protestors, especially any minorities, often engaging in extra-judicial violence and murder.
This is not an anti-Iranian space / blog. I do not support hate or “Orientalist” (using Edward Said’s definition) speech or politics. The people of Iran deserve our support, just as all freedom-seeking peoples deserve it as they face oppression from governments and global systems.
And, let’s not forget that this current regime / system of government was brought into power by popular revolution in 1979…after the US instigated a coup in the 1950s to secure a puppet ally in the Cold War.
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mr-up-on-a-downer · 2 years
Bold of you to assume I actually keep track of the distinct and individual edgy weirdos on this site instead of mentally lumping them together in a nigh-undifferentiated mass of vitriol and unwashed socks.
Plus, like I said, it's not that they probably don't deserve hate. If people choose to put in the bare minimum effort of "plug this quote into google to find the post it came from" to get around my pixelation, then whatever discourse ensues is on their own head. It's just that I have rules about that sort of thing, less for other people's sake and more for mine.
believe it or not catgirlforeskin is like the closest I have to an archenemy on this stupid website so I found it funny they would say some shit like this especially since every now and again they like to hop on something I said to just try and like, insult me? I think they’re still mad about the time I got drunk and said she couldn’t take me in fisticuffs over a dumbass pic they posted. I don’t know I don’t have the same reservations you do.
Also your pixilation wasn’t that good since I could make enough out to read the name of the blog. L for you
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isthilll · 6 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
@jxstnn thanks for tagging me i love questions💙
coke or pepsi: no preference
disney or dreamworks: fuck these companies but how to train your dragon is one of my all time favourite movies
coffee or tea: tea forever
books or movies: movies. I wish I read more but I need to work on my attention span for that
windows or mac: who cares both bad
dc or marvel: again fuck these companies but I love spiderman and wolverine
x-box or playstation: I have an xbox
dragon age or mass effect: dragon age
night owl or early riser: night owl despite the fact that I looooove mornings, I always miss them
cards or chess: C A R D S ! ! ! love cards I fuckin suck at chess. uses too much working memory
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla probably
vans or converse: I only wear boots
lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: sigh. adaar to fulfill my futile dream of being tall
fluff or angst: neither tbh
beach or forest: beach in cloudy/rainy weather, forest in sunny weather
dogs or cats: depends on the individual. I love an animal who will nap with me all day but some dogs are too energetic and some cats are too independent
clear skies or rain: rain :)
cooking or eating out: COOKING. restaurants are unpleasant places
spicy food or mild food: spicy
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: I'm already forever a little too cold so I’m used to that
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: SHAPESHIFTING
animation or live action: depends on the context but I like way more live action media than animated
paragon or renegade: idk I’ve played like 4 hours tops of mass effect
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: lol both bad but I’ll hate ironman eternally for personal reasons
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy probably
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: “you can do whatever you want forever”
youtube or netflix: youtube I guess. I don’t really use streaming services
harry potter or percy jackson: I like percy more anyway but I’m also trans so it’s a double win for percy
when do you feel accomplished: idk if I ever really do. I live a very low-effort life working retail and staying in my normal parents’ houses and I don’t do anything that’s all that impressive. I suppose I do feel accomplished when people like me
star wars or star trek: I think I’m about equal on both. they’re alright
paperback books or hardcover books: I don’t read books often enough to have a preference
to live in a world without literature or without music? depends on how you define literature. if we’d just be lacking some forms of published writing, I’d rather music still be around
who was the last person to make you laugh? my friend :)
city or countryside? countryside, but only because I don’t get to see it often. if I was there all the time I think I’d miss the city too
favorite chips? chicken and tomato flavour
pants or dresses? BIG PANTS 4EVER
libraries or museums? libraries are more important admittedly but I visit museums more frequently
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven 100%
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks that are just spare scraps of paper
dream job? idk jobs just seem like they suck perpetually, especially as someone with very little drive or interests or energy. I have fantasies of working on a small farm but I’m too physically weak for that atm
(added question) What gives you comfort? being around animals, going for walks, napping with friends
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thirst2 · 11 months
Wait, your really a queer feminist catholic? I was 90% convinced your bio was ironic, it's up there with transgender nazis in terms of contradictory beliefs 💀
The catholic church really is a long time enemy of mine, so it'd be cool if you killed yourself, committing a mass shooting at a church would be optimal. You could even delete your tumblr account and never talk to anyone again, which is effectively death for my purposes.
I do like to be creative. You are a stranger to me and I don't know what would work on you, so why don't you tell me about yourself? How did you come to have such contradictory beliefs? Do you really not know about the atrocities committed by your church over the last 1000+ years? Why does god let people like me live in relative peace and happiness? What kinds of things bother your greatly?
I achieved my life's goal at a young age so basically my reason to live is to have lots of fun. I have plenty of free time, but not enough to be making a new account for every random tumblr I want to harass. I'm fine with being an anon coward. The more people on this site hype up the cowardice and patheticness of anon hate senders, what does that say about the people that get so affected by them?
Wait, your really a queer feminist catholic?
Truly; in the flesh (well, the text).
The world is vast and varied, young one.
The catholic church really is a long time enemy of mine,
That's pretty impressive, considering that the Catholic church – like any institution – is made of of many individuals over many years (centuries, even).
While I can understand having had bad experiences with Catholicism (it does tend to be a large group), that sympathy sort of peters (forgive the pun) out when you start attacking laypeople who may, very well, be allies to your goals; and, if you don't have goals that are constructive but just destructive, you're not actually building a hospitable world or community.
I do like to be creative. You are a stranger to me and I don't know what would work on you, so why don't you tell me about yourself?
Why? You came to me; I wasn't bothering anyone. I was just bumbling along on Tumblr.com; you decided to up and tell me to kill myself out of the blue (sorry; more puns…).
Why does god let people like me live in relative peace and happiness?
Why not? I think there's not enough peace and happiness, quite frankly.
I achieved my life's goal at a young age so basically my reason to live is to have lots of fun.
And wishing death on others is fun, for you? I…that's so sad, my friend.
The more people on this site hype up the cowardice and patheticness of anon hate senders, what does that say about the people that get so affected by them?
That they're normal? The desire to be unharassed is an admirable one; the entitlement of the harasser is of better question.
Anyway, this isn't very productive; I may respond to future messages from you but I likely won't be putting much effort into them. You, clearly, are just meaning to be, well, mean and that's just not a productive use of my (or anyone's) time. There's enough of that, already, in the world. I hope you come to realize how this kind of behavior is not caring or serving towards others. I'd wish you to find peace but you've already assured me you're quite content so I hope you find the will to sow that content in others, as well.
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This could Occur To You... Dating Errors To Keep away from
Keep in thoughts, sugar daddy dating is more transactional than romantic. If two or more lights stay on in direction of the tip of the present then the man chooses simply two women he wants to search out out extra about. Asian women and white males are seen as probably the most desirable mates. דירות דיסקרטיות ברמת גן So, no two individuals are exactly the same-even two introverts won't be precisely the same. There are two varieties of testing know-how: detectors that record radioactivity, known as beta counters, and accelerator mass spectrometers. I just like the workaholic types. But who exactly did you want whenever you have been a teenager? I'd reasonably be with someone who does not love me enough. Only 9 % of ladies and a pair of p.c of men met someone in a bar or club. Men and women have a tendency to do this in equal measure, but the observe ends in plenty of unanswered messages. Education for males is all the time fascinating; for ladies an undergraduate diploma is desirable, whereas a postgraduate diploma decreases desirability. The researchers additionally found that folks used completely different communication strategies with individuals of various ranges of desirability. The researchers analyzed information gleaned from a free (unnamed) online dating service used widely in four major U.S.
A KFC representative instructed Polygon the game can be accessible without spending a dime on Steam on Sept. Unfortunately, Lili did not give any clues as to what their costume can be. Unfortunately, this additional effort often did not pay off. I would hate it, I wish to be the person to pay for every thing. But today, we wish to supply a new perspective as to how and why relationships flip sour, and that's resulting from dating pet peeves! Due to these apps we can make associates with people living in far corners of the nation. Living in L.A., by now it is best to know at the least ONE one that has hooked up with somebody sort of form of famous. Sunny Anderson’s previous boyfriends: She has been in not less than one relationship. So remember, pet peeves aren't just concerning the little issues that annoy you in a relationship. Dianne’s relationship remained a mystery for quite a while. “The strategy of talking with someone, planning to satisfy with them after which assembly them - it’s a lot of time and work,” says Guiser. Our concierge workers will guide you and walk you through our easy course of.
Marshall Williams shall be 33 years old in 156 days. To see my old friends. For example, individuals can opt-in to share photos posted on Facebook or Instagram to their Dating profile, or add Instagram followers to Dating’s Secret Crush characteristic, which allows for indicating crushes among Facebook buddies - and as of Thursday, Instagram followers - to see if the emotions are mutual. It can be exhausting to let a stranger know you’re not interested face-to-face, not to mention by way of an app. By the top of this quiz, we'll know exactly who you had the hots for and who had it for you in return. Were you one in all the many kids who had the hots for a cheerleader or a jock? Honestly, neither one is that important. I'd break their heart first. Everytime she smiles at you, your coronary heart skips a beat. Nope, and I do not plan on it. Nope, however I'm open to the concept. Meet in the middle and minimize your associate some slack each time it is reasonable to take action.
In response to eHarmony, 63 % of married couples met their partner through a buddy whereas 20 % met someone on-line. Did you discover somebody who piqued your curiosity? They've the energy of character to conquer hardship, find joy in the midst of adversity, and are greater than worthy of receiving and reciprocating love. Let's face it: Whether it was during high school, faculty, adulthood or all of the above, we've all been there with regards to discovering ourselves within the midst of a foul date. Food trucks converge on Kennedy’s The Grand Central each third Thursday, and there are drinks (supplied by Pourhouse) and stay music. The occasions are lively and fascinating. Have you ever been out for dinner with couples who're both on the left or right? Even in probably the most polite places of work, gossip spreads quick, notably juicy items about interoffice couples. Reddit customers use it to find actions, mates, parties, hookups, and even long-time period relationships. So let's discover out what your largest pet peeve is with this dating quiz! How would you describe your superb "type" of person to exit with?
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estherxp · 1 year
How Could We Understand Digital Citizenship Well
Digital citizenship is the capacity to use digital technology ethically and safely, as well as to participate in society both online and in-person (Fran, 2021). In other words, the constantly evolving standards of proper, conscientious, and educated technology use are known as "digital citizenship."(Ribble, 2017) If I were to explain it, my understanding of the concept is that if people want to have "digital citizenship," they need to lead and help others have positive experiences with digital, be responsible for their own behavior online, and engage in online activities in a proper and respectful way.
Second, perhaps some people may confuse the concepts of digital citizenship and digital literacy. In my opinion, they are actually two completely different things. First, for the former, I have already given the corresponding definition in the previous paragraph; while for the latter, the ability to communicate and obtain information in a culture where digital technologies like internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices are used more frequently is referred to as digital literacy (Western Sydney University, 2020) In other words, I think the former covers a bit more broadly. According to some sources, there are already courses on digital citizenship, which include digital drama, cyberbullying and hate speech, media balance and well-being, and news and media literacy (Ottesen, 2018). It is easy to see that the concept of digital literacy that I mentioned above is actually included in digital citizenship. In other words, these two concepts belong to an inclusive relationship rather than an independent juxtaposition. They are similar in that they both mention the importance of the ability to recognize false information; but they are different in that digital citizenship has a broader scope, which involves ethics, respect, and many comprehensive skills in the online environment, including the ability to recognize false information; while digital literacy focuses on digital literacy focuses on "information" and does not cover as many areas.
I feel that for adult learners like me, I have a certain responsibility to reinforce others' knowledge of digital citizenship. What I need to do is to help kids build that awareness and make them realize that it is very important. As a 20-year-old adult, my perceptions of the world and my own perceptions are largely set and mature, meaning that I am capable of speaking respectfully online, discerning the truth of information, and enhancing the Internet experience of others through friendly interaction. However, because children are not yet cognitively mature, they are the ones who need adults like me to guide them. Educators can provide curriculum in schools, and educators can play a leading role and then give children more of a right to explore. For example, educators could teach children how to set up accounts and then educators themselves could follow each child's account and correct any problems that arise. Educators can post positive content on their accounts so that learners can see and be influenced by the positive content. For individuals, I think it is important for people to be respectful of what others say. It's very common to disagree; everyone should learn to respect other people's ideas. If we don't like it, we can choose to ignore it instead of choosing to attack others with words. Not only that, when we see some unfriendly remarks, we can make a kind reminder or report them to the platform. The same is true for false information; we have to inform the unknown masses that the information is false, thus stopping the continued spread of bad facts. Trying to build a harmonious network environment requires the joint efforts of every network user, not by any one individual.
Fran. (2021, November 24). What is Digital Citizenship?: The Basics for Teachers. FutureLearn. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/what-is-digital-citizenship-teacher-guide#What_is_digital_citizenship
Ottesen, J. (2018, October 29). Digital Citizenship Curriculum helps students become responsible tech users. edWeb. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://home.edweb.net/curriculum-helps-students-become-responsible-tech-users/
Ribble, M. (2017). Nine elements. Digital Citizenship. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://www.digitalcitizenship.net/nine-elements.html
Western Sydney University. (2020). what is Digital Literacy? Western Sydney University. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/studysmart/home/study_skills_guides/digital_literacy/what_is_digital_literacy
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danielan2 · 2 years
Social media Freaks chapter 9
     Chapter 9, Conclusion: a social media revolution, from the book Social Media Freaks by Dustin Kidd, reflects the authors' optimistic view on technology and networks while also reflecting his pessimistic look on corporate ownership of social media networks. In this chapter, the author goes over the dangers of social media, quotes from Scott Heron and Audre Lorde, and the connection between art, inequality, and social change. This last chapter summed up all of the author's thoughts on social media. It's surprising how much effort and thought goes into making and using social media accounts.
This chapter starts off by explaining how the movie The Social Network reflects social media's-controlled narrative. The author explains that the movie really shows how privileged individuals tend to be at the center of everything. He points out that anyone who doesn't fit into the privileged categories such as class privilege, white privilege, and male privilege they don't seem to be as important to the movie. This, I think, is reflected in all forms of media.
From what I got from reading about the dangers of social media, his interpretation is that social media tends to have a lot of negative people who are quick to attack those with opposing opinions from them. These negative people tend to be identified as "trolls" on social media. I don't typically post on social media, so I don't have any personal experience with negative commentators. That being said, I do explore social media platforms like Instagram a lot. Whenever I find something I like, I usually look through the comment section of the posts to see how other people reacted. Sometimes I do stumble upon negative comments about the post, and those tend to stir up other hateful comments, whether that be of the post or of the initial comment. People can get pretty nasty with each other on social media for the littlest things. Social media can be a great way to engage with other people, but it can also be a very toxic environment.
Dustin Kidd goes on to incorporate his thoughts on Gil Scott Heron's phrase, "the revolution will not be televised." This phrase came from a song where Scott Heron expresses his satirical view of commercial mass media. The song basically implies if the media can be used to sell superficial things to us, why can't it be used to express revolutionary thoughts in the same way. Dustin Kidd explains that the message in the song can apply to social media as well.
The other phrase Dustin Kidd brings up throughout the book, especially in chapter nine, is "the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house." With this phrase, I think it is discussing the oppression black women were dealing with at the time. Audre Lorde spoke these words at a conference in the 70s. I think the point of the phrase was to say that oppression can not be dealt with if you are using the "tools" that society is using to oppress. Kidd expresses how this metaphor can be applied to social media. He states that social media can be a great platform for social change but not if it is still being controlled by those who fall under that privileged umbrella.
So what I got from this chapter is the structure of social media needs to change if we want social media to be a place where people can really spark change. I think it's saying like the people behind these huge platforms need to change their ways and really strive to promote inclusivity that way, people won't have to deal with negativity. (KIDD 219-229)
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nansheonearth · 2 years
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The words of Chelsea Mitchell:
"They used to call me 'the fastest girl in Connecticut.' But I couldn’t outrun an injustice.
For four years, I competed as a high school runner and made it to the state championships every one of those years. But in my junior year, I lost four of the state titles I earned to males who identified as females.
They give awards based on who wins—typically the person with the strongest muscles, the greatest lung power, the fastest speed—not based on how a person identifies. At the end of the race, it’s about biology, not gender identity. And no amount of testosterone suppression can change a male’s innate physical advantages, like bone structure and muscle mass.
And fast as I am, I can’t outrun those advantages. Or the injustice that protects them.
For saying that out loud, I’ve been branded by some as a sore loser and a hater. But what I object to has nothing to do with hate.
Female athletes like me make a ton of sacrifices to compete—working tirelessly to shave fractions of seconds off our personal times and giving up what many would consider the "normal" teenage life by watching what we eat, skipping parties for practice, going to bed early to get up early and practice yet again. It becomes almost like a career. And we do all this while working hard to earn scholarship opportunities with preferred colleges and universities.
It’s all worth it to us because we know we stand a chance at victory against our fellow female athletes—but not against those who aren’t biologically female. It’s demoralizing to see all that effort and sacrifice as futile, where we are punished for a biological reality we can’t do anything about.
And that’s what’s been happening on high school and college campuses across America for the last several years. With the permission of coaches and administrators, as well as those in leadership at the National Collegiate Athletic Association, some male athletes have been pushing their way onto women’s sports teams and playing fields. With their physical advantages, they’ve been taking the positions, the wins, and the opportunities so many women and girls have worked so hard—often their entire life—to obtain.
When women protest this—objecting to seeing the rewards for all our hard work go to competitors with a biological edge we can’t hope to overcome—we’re accused of hatred and bigotry. But the issue is fairness. And the people who should be protecting us and defending our rights are letting us down, time after time.
Last fall, it was the International Olympic Committee, making way for male-bodied athletes to more freely compete in women’s sports. This month, it’s the NCAA, offering a complex and confusing list of directives that basically pass the baton to the governing bodies of individual sports. But then USA Track & Field, for example, points to the IOC policy, which points to other national and international bodies. The baton just keeps getting passed round and round and round.
Everyone in leadership seems to want someone else to take responsibility. Many of them are understandably scared that a minority of loud activists are going to take aim at their sport, their school, or them personally. So, they’re throwing female athletes under the bus, hoping we will eventually be quiet and all the commotion will eventually go away.
If it does, women’s sports will become a thing of the past.
There’s no way athletic administrators in every sport can’t see this. If biological males move into women’s competition, they will dominate whatever contests they enter. Eventually, nearly all the titles, all the scholarships, and all the opportunities to compete, earn scholarships and endorsements, and one day maybe even coach will go to the ones with the anatomical edge.
That’s just biological reality, and the leaders of sport are deliberately turning a blind eye to it.
Under Title IX, they have a legal obligation to protect female athletes from this unfairness, but—just like the Connecticut Association of Schools, which I and other girls sued through our attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom—they’re not doing it. And that must mean that the dreams of women, the opportunities for women, the rights of women just don’t matter. On the playing field, or under the law.
Which means there’s a lot more at stake here than a footrace. Or a swimming event. Or an Olympic title. This is about what we think of women in America. This is about what’s safe and fair.
And that’s a responsibility our athletic administrators can’t outrun."
#NCAA #women #men #biology #fairness #fairsports #slipperyslope
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wisdomrays · 3 years
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Are Muslims Guilty of Imperialism?
This charge continues to be leveled against the Muslim world. I would like to counter it by asking the following questions:
Given the existing circumstances of 1,400 years ago, how would any one living in Makka or Madina go about exploiting his own clan and tribe? If the supposedly exploited lands and people were those of the Hijaz, which were poor, unfruitful, and barren, who would have wished to invade or exploit them? It is ludicrous to level the charge of imperialist colonialism against the most noble-minded Muslims, who risked their lives to spread the message of Islam; who spent the greater part of their lives far from their children, families, homes, and native lands fighting armies ten or twenty times their size; and who felt deeply grieved when they did not die on the battlefield and join the earlier martyrs for Islam. We ask ourselves what worldly gain they obtained in return for such struggle, deprivation, and sacrifice!
Those who invaded, occupied, and exploited others with the worst intentions (and results) of imperialism are power-hungry individuals or nations. To mention a few: Alexander the "Great" and Napoleon, the Roman empire and Nazi Germany, the Mongol armies unleashed by Genghis Khan and the colonizing armies unleashed by western Europe, Russian dictatorship (whether czarist or communist) and the American empire (whether "manifest destiny" or "making the world safe for democracy"). Wherever such conquests came and went, they corrupted the morality of the conquerors and the conquered, causing chaos, conflict, tears, bloodshed, and devastation. Today their heirs, like bold thieves who bluff property owners to conceal their theft of that very property, turn to besmirching Islam, its Prophet, and his Companions.
True Muslims have never sought to exploit others. Nor have they let others do so where Muslim government had jurisdiction. At a time when Muslim armies were running from triumph to triumph, Caliph 'Umar said: "What befits me is to live at the level of the poorest Muslims," and he really did so. As he took only a few olives a day for his own sustenance, who was he exploiting?
After one battle, when a Muslim was asked to take the belongings of an enemy soldier whom he had fought and killed, he said: "I did not participate in the battle to take spoils." Pointing to his throat, he continued: "What I seek is an arrow here and to fall as a martyr." (His wish was granted.) While burning with the desire for martyrdom, who was he exploiting?
In another battle, a Muslim soldier fought and killed a leading enemy who had killed many Muslims. The Muslim commander saw him pass by his dead enemy. The commander went to the head of the dead soldier and asked who had killed him. The Muslim did not want to reply, but the commander called him back in the name of God. The Muslim felt himself obliged to do so, but concealed his face with a piece of cloth. The following conversation took place:
-Did you kill him for the sake of God?
-All right. But take this 1,000 dinar piece.
-But I did it for the sake of God!
-What is your name?
-What is my name to you? Perhaps you will tell this to everyone and cause me to lose the reward for this in the afterlife.
How could such people exploit others and establish colonies all over the world? To speak frankly, those who hate Islam and Muslims are blind to the historical truth of how Islam spread.
Let's look at what exploitation and imperialism are. Imperialism or colonization is a system of rule by which a rich and a powerful country controls other countries, their trade and policies, to enrich itself and gain more power at the other's expense. There are many kinds of exploitation. In today's world, they may take the following forms:
• Absolute sovereignty by dispossessing indigenous people in order to establish the invader's direct rule and sovereignty. Examples are western Europe's conquest of North and South America, as well as Australia and New Zealand, as well as the Zionists' conquest of Palestine.
• Military occupation so that the invaders can control the conquered nation's land and resources. One example is British colonial rule in India.
• Open or secret interference and intervention in a country's internal and foreign affairs, economy, and defense. Examples are those Third World countries who are manipulated and controlled by various developed countries.
• The transfer of intellectuals, which is currently the most common and dangerous type of imperialism. Young, intelligent, and gifted people of the countries to be exploited are chosen, given stipends, and educated abroad. There they are introduced to and made members of different groups. When they return to their country, they are given influential administrative and other posts so that they can influence their country's destiny. When native or foreign people linked to exploiters abroad are placed in crucial positions in the state mechanism, the country is conquered from inside. This immensely successful technique has enabled Western imperialists to achieve many of their goals smoothly and without overtly rousing the enmity of the people they wish to subjugate. Today, the Muslim world is caught in this trap and thus continues to suffer exploitation and abuse.
Whatever kind of imperialism they are subjected to, countries suffer a number of consequences:
• Various methods of assimilation alienate people from their own values, culture, and history. As a result, they suffer crises of identity and purpose, do not know their own past, and cannot freely imagine their own future.
• Any enthusiasm, effort, and zeal to support and develop their country is quenched. Industry is rendered dependent upon the (former) imperial masters, science and knowledge are not allowed to become productive and primary, and imitation is established firmly so that freedom of study and new research will gain no foothold.
• People remain in limbo, totally dependent upon foreigners. They are silenced and deluded by such empty phrases as progress, Westernization, civilization, and the like.
• All state institutions are penetrated by foreign aid, which is in reality no more than massive financial and cultural debt. Imports, exports, and development are wholly controlled by or conducted according to the exploiter's interests.
• While no effort is spared to keep the masses in poverty, the ruling classes become used to extravagant spending and luxury. The resulting communal dissatisfaction causes people to fight with each other, making them even more vulnerable to outside influence and intervention.
• Mental and spiritual activity is stifled, and so educational institutions tend to imitate foreign ways, ideas, and subjects. Industry is reduced to assembling prefabricated parts. The army tends to become a dumping ground for imperialist countries, for its purchases of expensive hardware ensure the continued well-being of the latter's industries.
We wonder if it is really rational to liken the Islamic conquest to imperialism, which brought disastrous consequences wherever it went.
The victory of Muslim armies never caused a great exodus of people from their homes and countries, nor has it prevented people from working by putting chains on their hands and feet. Muslims left the indigenous people free to follow their own way and beliefs, and protected them in exactly the same way it protected Muslims. Muslim governors and rulers were loved and respected for their justice and integrity. Equality, peace, and security were established between different communities.
If it had been otherwise, would the Christians of Damascus have gathered in their church and prayed for a Muslim victory against Christian Byzantium, which was seeking to regain control of the city? If Muslims had not been so respectful of non-Muslims' rights, could they have maintained security for centuries in a state so vast that it took more than 6 months to travel from one end to another?
One cannot help but admire those Muslim rulers and the dynamic energy that made them so, when we compare them to present-day rulers. Despite every modern means of transportation, telecommunications, and military back-up, they cannot maintain peace and security in even a small area of land.
Today, many scholars and intellectuals who realize the value of Islam's dynamics, which brought about Islam's global sovereignty and which will form the basis of our eternal existence in the Hereafter, expressly tell us that Muslims should reconsider and regain them. While conquering lands, the Muslims also were conquering their inhabitants' hearts. They were received with love, respect, and obedience. No people who accepted Islam ever complained that they were culturally prevented or ruined by the arrival of Muslims. The contrast with the reality of Christian Europe's conquests is stark and obvious.
Early Muslims evaluated the potential of knowledge and art in the conquered lands. They prepared and provided every opportunity for local scholars and scientists to pursue their work. Regardless of their religion, Muslims held the people in high regard and honored them in the community. They never did what the descendants of the British colonialists in America did to the American Indians or in Australia to the Aborigines, the French to the Algerians, or the Dutch to the Indonesians. On the contrary, they treated the conquered people as if they were from their own people and religion, as if they were brothers and sisters.
Caliph 'Umar once told a Coptic Egyptian who had been beaten by a Makkan noble to beat him just as he had been beaten. When 'Umar heard that 'Amr ibn al-'As had hurt the feelings of a native Egyptian, he rebuked him: "Human beings were born free. Why do you enslave them?" As he went to receive the keys to Masjid al-Aqsa, 'Umar visited and talked to priests in different churches in Palestine. Once he was in a church when it was time to pray. The priest repeatedly asked him to pray inside the church, but 'Umar refused, saying: "You may be harassed by other Christians later on because you let me pray in the church." He left the church's premises and prayed outside on the ground.
These are but a few examples to indicate how Muslims were sensitive, tolerant, just, and humane toward other people. Such an attitude of genuine tolerance has not been reached by any other people or society.
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bustedbernie · 3 years
You can't actually think that the average person is as much to blame for climate change as billionaires who erase years of progress with their own personal space race. Right? Tell me how me using paper straws or freezing in the winter/roasting in the summer is going to counter a CEO ordering a forest cut down a day.
Think you're being obtuse lol. That post isn't about the damage the rich do alone. It's about how leftists are using that harm to refuse their own accountability and their own ability to make small changes and in doing so, they are giving up their collective power to make larger changes. Experts have made it clear that it's not just about "billionaires," so you can shut up with that.
The crisis is going to demand LARGE changes from all of us - and yes, some of those changes are going to be uncomfortable. Set your thermostat at 80 in the summer and at 60 in the winter. Bodies adjust and those temperatures are safe for most everyone. In many climates, AC isn't necessary for more than 3 weeks of the year. Including where i live in the Southwest.
Stop using straws altogether and get rid of disposable items at restaurants - it's not hard. And if you're not the few who may need a plastic straw, then stop hiding behind them to avoid your own ability to change. Take the bus, and plan where you live so that you can. Live in a smaller space. Get a bike. Eat less meat and keep red-meat to an absolute minimum. And yes, vote and advocate for people who can make real change and regulations at the top to make changes for US easier to do in our daily lives while also multiplying the impact.
but don't forget that these corporations function toward demand - and they do listen - and they do know change is coming and preparing for it. If you can afford to, start using the power you do have, and you DO HAVE it, and stop hiding behind some convenient wall so that you can think you're exempt from making any changes in your own life - assuming you actually care about the climate crisis at all and aren't just using it to channel pure anger at an "other" (this case the rich or the billionaire class).
Anger is a secondary emotion and I think the way it is discharged, including in your ask, is not helpful to you or the crisis. You're just discharging blame. Accountability is a two-way street, and if you actually do make changes, you will be living YOUR values, which is valuable and it does matter. If the paper straw makes you feel more aligned with your values (and it does make a difference, no matter how small), then that is a good thing.
What you've done with this post is what they love to see. They don't actually care that you or I think they're evil, shortsighted, or whatever. Because you hiding behind that is just allowing yourself to remove yourself from the system (which can't be done btw) and enables you to keep buying the products made by the evil billionaires. It's funny how that works, isn't it? Saying it's all the fault of the billionaires while changing nothing you are doing is what they love to see.
why is it that you all talk about how each individual can create a massive collective action leading to a revolution or whatever, but you don't see how that is true, if not even MORE true, on this subject? Critical Mass bike rides have politically made it possible for cities to invest in more bike infra. Using reusable jars and containers on bulk items at your local coop reduces plastic individually, and also demonstrates a market for less plastic packaging. You might still need to buy certain things in plastic, but the more you buy available in other packaging helps enable even more. Even Target is now selling deodorant tubes made of paper and toothpast sold in aluminium tubes. I get bulk shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, soap, and cleaning products at my Coop (I in fact now have a plastic free bathroom and nearly plastic free kitchen!).
And like i said, i know my impact is marginal, but it is still an impact. On a personal level, the impacts benefit my mental health, they align with my values, and I find my life more enjoyable. I have a small apartment, but can take the bus or bike everywhere, and I have become more and more a part of a community that shares those values and lifestyles which is enriching. So yes, billionaires are doing a lot of damage, but we live in a society and all play a part. We can work toward holding them accountable and making those changes at the same time we make changes at home. But i have very little respect for people who think they can't make any change or who discharge all their responsibilities on others.
In my 15+ years advocating this way, we have accomplished a rapid transit project in my city that has massively improved public transport in the core, made plastic free options possible at several local Coops and shops, increased commuter bus service from the suburbs, created a commuter rail, grown our bike lane and cycle track network by many, many miles(more than doubling our number of bike commuters),invested in community bike maintenance classes and FREE bikes for low-income or unemployed folks and folks experiencing homelessness, banned plastic one-use bags, have gotten our city and state to use more water capture and permeable concrete in construction, and are helping support a large wind and solar industry (things our region should be especially good at). So idk, If we can make these changes in a sprawling, desert city in the middle of nowhere, then I'm sure there are changes you can start taking part in and advocating for in your city, too. You do have power, and when you put that power to work with other like-minded people, it can be game changing.
But i was recently in Philadelphia talking to someone who had a similar view. They lived 3 blocks from the subway and worked next to a stop, but said "the subway isn't a good option for me" and insinuated they thought it was gross (it's old but perfectly fine and I thought wonderful). They drove to the shop despite living walking distance from a super market. They channeled a lot of the same attitude that I see in your ask. Obviously this person is unique, but I have found a lot of folks with this attitude have similar low-hanging fruit that they are just refusing to take because it would require a modicum of effort. Hate to tell ya, but you've been lied to if you think we can solve this crisis without you evaluating making some changes.
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blacksunscorpio · 3 years
I have a stellium (Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) in Capricorn in the 11th house and I cannot for the life of me find any reliable resources on what this means, particularly in terms of the 11th house. I'd be grateful for any help.
Planets in the 11th House The 11th House
is Ruled by Aquarius/Uranus. It is a Succedent house which indicates the themes are purpose and stabilization [or lack thereof].  This house is ruling the area of group associations, network, community, friends/peers, philanthropy, & humanitarianism. When your planets fall in this house, it indicates the Planet in particular will play out themes regarding related to Aquarian/Uranian archetypes. A native with this placement in particular can often have a “mass appeal”. There can often be a “detached disposition as well. For more insight:
Sun in the 11th
A dynamic placement. Natives with this luminary can have immense social [Uranus] influence. They in particular operate in a society based manner. They feel driven to navigate social networks. They typically seek to make a change in the world. Driven to leadership positions, this native may head up Civic lab duties or general charity/philanthropy work. Typically this placement gifts natives with good public speaking skills-they excel in politics as well. No. 42 Bill Clinton, No. 44 Barack Obama, Margaret Thatcher, Britains “Iron lady”, etc are a few examples of eleventh-house Solarians. On a smaller scale, eleventh-house suns are the first to organize clubs in school, or as adults to lead or join an organization designed for social change.
Moon in the 11th
Finds “comfort” in groups. If they wish to communicate a message, there is a level of deep caring involved. These natives often use the moon's emotional nature to express their views artistically. They can often gain  trust in people. They are able to lea and enact social change by gaining said trust. There can be this “therapy” theme among groups they are associated with. The moon's caring nature has an equal but opposite need to be cared for in return. The give and take involved in social networking is comfortable terrain for eleventh-house moons. Oprah Winfrey, MLK, Bruce Lee, Winston Churchill, & John Lennon are among a few Lunar 11th house natives. 
Mercury in the 11th
Quick silver running the show in the 11th/working with Uranus indicates a native quick witted, rational, talkative and generally light on their feet in social settings. They thrive here, especially with communication involved. They can chat up a storm and gain the attention of crowds. This is often difficult for many but not for someone with this planet living in the 11th. They have an advantage actually.  Mercury loves to socialize and can be very chatty. They tend to keep conversations broad and non-personal which compliments the eleventh house's focus on social and group dealings. Debating over social issues is their forte but they can be detached as well. If harshly aspected, it can make someone a bit fanatical over social issues. However, Mercury here can keep track of facts and figures and keep their information accurate. They can also come up with original though processes and ideas on how the “collective” can operate at a higher frequency. They are the out of the box/original thinkers who come up with all kinds of new ideas and inventions. Social intercourse is very important to them.
Venus in the 11th
Powerful magnet placement. This native loves charming and associating with groups/friends/and peers. This is the person you want to host you when you’re visiting from out of town or just having some sort of housewarming. They are an agreeable, friendly, kind and gregarious individual that enjoys company. Nothing is too extravagant or too much for their associates and/or friends. They have an instinct for putting guests at ease, exercise tact in catering to their diverse needs, and delight in bringing congenial people together. You’ll often find this person is attracted to liberal movements and gravitates to art geared towards change or revolution. They enjoy theater, shows, concerts- anywhere there is a collective group of people loving on each other. The type of person who would have been a shoe-in at Woodstock. Etiquette is highly involved when dealing with groups. They are the ones who seek diplomacy among others. The type of person who tends to be the mediator between friends. Great effort is made to always consider the social consequences of actions and statements.
Mars in the 11th
Can indicate conflict or greatness. Because Mars is ruler of the first house, the native is pre-programmed in a way to be more “I” centered. Therefore, this attitude can class with the group oriented energy of the 11th house. If the Mars native is leading the group, they feel satisfied.  However, too many “group” projects or god-forbid, following the orders of social institutions can make Mars liable to get frustrated, and if pushed to the limit, erupt.  They can be a disruptive force because their independence can broil issues with cooperatives/peers. They can often be the center of controversies because of this. On the other hands, when harnessed or significantly well aspected, they can be demagogues or champions of the under-dog.  They should take care to follow standard rules though, because paying fines and in general, dealing with other punishments society inflicts due to rule-breaking [Uranus/Rebellion  & Mars/ War]  can be more common than the 11th House Martian may be comfortable with.
Jupiter in the 11th
Tis placement makes a native gifted with the power to beneficially influence the collective/friends/coworkers and peers. They will usually have ideas that inspire others. This makes them the perfect types to spearhead or lead out group events, projects, movements, and teachings. The great “socializer” who can often find success through networking. They will “know everyone”. It’s very common for these people to be quite popular. They’ll typically have a friendly and outgoing persona and may even have many friends outside of their native country. Jupiter's success [regardless of house] lies largely in its ability to roll with the punches things and keep a light, global outlook [Jupiter equals expansion]. In the eleventh house, this laidback style puts them far ahead of most people by not getting entangled in the drama of any particular person and instead focusing on the dynamic of the group. Charisma and confidence, live here, making them excellent in leadership positions. 
Saturn in the 11th
This placement is actually well-placed believe it or not. Why? Because of Saturn’s ancient relationship with Aquarius. It was actually the ruler before Uranus was discovered. A native with Saturn in the 11th is likely to be discriminating in their choice of associates/friends/colleagues, etc. Because of Saturn’s association with time, and longevity, the relationships that they do form will usually be long term and enduring. Not unheard of for them to associate with people older than them or groups that have a more austere vibe. Law and order are things they appreciate. If “age” isn’t a factor, they can often come across as distinguished intellectually or more Mature to their social group/peers/community. They can often perform more of the serious work and duties in organizations. However because rules are often broken or not adhered to in social groups, Saturn here can often be frustrated. So, Institutions like school and corporations where there is [traditionally] a good amount of structure makes Saturn more comfortable. If they are not IN said institution they will create it [Uranus/Innovation].
Uranus in the 11th
Uranus is in its ultimate bag placed here in the 11th. This planet rules this house. As a result, this native can be extremely friendly, but this disposition walks hand in hand with not wanting to become too attached to others. So they thrive in “acquaintance” like environments/relationships. The Uranian rebellious streak can rear its head as well and this native can often see frequent and/or sudden changes in their social circles, organizations, & communities. They hate complacency and are attracted to forward-thinking and out of the box, thinking associates. They hate to conform. They make even opt out of doing something/buying something/going somewhere if “everyone is doing it”.  Uranus placed here doesn't feel threatened by differences and believes their acceptance makes them superior to those who are unaccepting [you’ll usually see this with harder aspects involved]. They need to take care not to be too zealous in their quest for social change or they could risk leading others in the wrong direction.
Neptune in the 11th
A native with Neptune placed in the 11th will tend to be attracted to artistic, “boho” and quirky associates. Friends may often be Neptunian types. I.e dreamers, spacey, a tendencies towards idealistic thinking, or spiritual and inspirational. At the worst, they can attract friends who are disloyal, deceptive, or people with substance issues. Friendships can be murky here so they need to be sure to pay extra attention to whom they associate with. They also need to take care not to get swept up in group movements at the risk that they can be mislead easily–they can find it difficult to determine where their individuality ends and the group begins. However, they are the ones who want to heal the group. To find ways of inspiring and leading in creative and artistic ways.
Pluto in the 11th
Natives with The Lord of transformation living in the 11th often are drawn to radical social reform tend to be acutely aware of the power dynamics in groups, friendships and societal institutions. There is a deep obsession with these themes when placed in this house. Often when these natives step into a group setting, they immediately sense the power structure or others easily sense power with them. It can be unnerving to some. They need to take care not to think to deeply about what friends, associates, co-workers or peers think of them. Frankly, everyone is going to have an opinion and they will make themselves crazy obsessing over what others think. They may have difficulty trusting others/institutions/ or general “group-think”. They want to know the ins-and outs of why people do things. They can have a tendency to keep their guard up against the idea of someone exploiting them or by being exploited by the power of groups or organizations. To the point where they may downright avoid group situations as a whole. However when someone in their social circle passes the “trust test” they are very devoted.
Honorary Mention: 11th House Stelliums
When one has a convergence of planetary energy from 3 or more planets [a stellium] in the 11th, this indicates a native who may be “everyone’s best friend”.  They can be quite popular, take part in many groups or organizations, etc. They’ll often be the most social of the zodiac. They will often try to cater to their peers and society. They’re always wanting to help. They need to take care not to become “people pleasers” as a result. They think about the big picture and enjoy subjects that allow them to interact with groups/friends/peers. You may find people with this particular stellia  involved in protests, or working simply working to make significant changes in their communities. I want to mention, 11th house is where one can experience both inclusion as well as exclusion. Often simultaneously. They need to make sure they don’t set themselves up to be scapegoated. However, they often find their tribe at some point. Oddballs or people who are considered “strange”, “unusual”, “crackpots” which are all synonyms for “geniuses” ;). A stellium here may very well indicate 11th house dealings are integral to that person’s life. This is especially significant if the north node is placed among the stellium. 
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