#i kid you not i had NO idea it was a reference
ihatetaxes99 · 2 days
Alrighty, fun theory time: What if Neito Monoma was actually brain-damaged?
I swear, this isn't a joke post, this is a genuine headcanon/theory I like to consider that possibly explains the... Sharp shift in his behaviour. Of course, it obviously isn't actually canon, I don't think anyone would believe that for a second, but it's an idea I like to ruminate upon. That said, time to elaborate:
It's no secret that when the character of Neito Monoma was introduced during the Sports Festival story arc of the Boku No Hero manga, he was rather different from his later portrayals.
Unless I'm forgetting something, this was the first proper panel introducing Monoma in the series:
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As you can see, there were some... Changes later on down the line:
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Anyone can tell that something happened here. Anyone who has a basic knowledge of the manga is aware that this second image is not an outlier. Monoma has been consistently portrayed as arrogant, over-the-top and borderline mentally unwell. There's clearly something wrong with this boy, this isn't just a kid being energetic.
Monoma in his initial appearance was clearly a bit underhanded, yes. He was a schemer, a trickster, almost like the heroes' version of Mr. Compress (I had to fit a reference to my G in there somehow) in how he relies on subterfuge and deception over raw strength; None of this translates to the psychopathic brat he became as early as the Training Camp arc. The question is, what happened to cause this? I mean, yeah, there are a few pretty good guesses as to why his personality was retconned out-of-universe (I've always taken an interest in the theory that his insanity was turned up to make Kendo's behaviour towards him seem more justified, somehow, and have her come off as less unlikeable, though there is also the popular theory that Bakugo's popularity had a hand in things as well, which I won't get into here), but that's boring. I am an Autist, and what I want is an in-universe explanation to use as my personal headcanon.
And so, we come to this delightful little panel:
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Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) refers to a form of brain injury brought about by physical trauma or other damage caused sometime after birth, as opposed to genetic brain damage. As listed by the Scottish Acquired Brain Injury Network, symptoms of ABI can include:
Reduced motivation.
Reduced ability to initiate activity.
Reduced motivation.
Reduced empathy.
Emotional Lability
Reduced impulse control (i.e. reduced ability to control expression of emotions and behaviour).
Aggressive behaviour.
Impaired judgement.
Socially inappropriate behaviour.
Sexually disinhibited behaviour.
Reduced insight/awareness of the consequences of brain injury and its impact.
Obviously, not all of these symptoms are relevant to Monoma's case, but some - such as emotional lability, reduced impulse control, agitation, aggressive behaviour, impaired judgement and socially inappropriate behaviour - sound very familiar.
In short, it's proven that physical trauma to the head can very much influence and alter a person's personality, resulting in instability. And as we can see from the image, Bakugo very nearly blew Monoma's head off during the climax of the chariot battle. The way that his head snaps back is clearly indicative of receiving some sort of sharp blow.
And that is where the basis of my theory is formed. Neito Monoma starts out his UA career as a somewhat ambitious and devious, but intelligent and well put-together kid. Then, during the Sports Festival, he receives a severe blow to the head from Bakugo. Given the nature of UA's training regiment, it's even possible that he would sustain more injuries off-panel between the end of the Festival and his next appearance at the Training Camp, possibly even developing the situation into Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. And that's not even considering all of the times Kendo has been seen striking him hard enough to knock him out cold. We're also well aware of how lax UA is in regards to their medical care, with a kiss from Recovery Girl and a few days' rest typically being seen as the best way to deal with incidents. In this environment, Monoma's head trauma would go on to manifest itself in more and more personality defects, transforming him over time as his intellectual capabilities were diminished and his aggressive and socially unaware behaviour grew more and more pronounced. It puts a tragic spin on what is essentially a mishandled joke character, holding the lens to UA's negligent behaviour that the manga barely touched in any real depth.
Of course, as I said, obviously none of this is the case. Monoma was rewritten to be a joke after the Sports Festival and that is the long and short of it. There isn't really anything deeper going on there, not intentionally at least. But I like to dream. And I've really grown rather fond of this little headcanon.
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wpdarlingpan · 3 days
Could we get something with Yandere ouat Peter? Preferably gender-neutral or nb reader.
An idea I had is maybe Hook has a kid, so the character would have grown up in Neverland. I think maybe a platonic Yandere Peter would be v interesting, where he maybe tries to interact with reader as a ‘cool older brother’ sort of figure, despite the fact that reader very much knows exactly who he is and that he’s dangerous. Romantic would be fine too though!
Thank you so much for the request! I apologize it took so long and I have not written in a while so I hope it's okay!
I loved this idea so I had to see how it'll play out. I did the platonic version and although I did use Y/N and made them gender-neutral, I wrote they were 17 for the story's sake. I often have Peter refer to them as a child because in his mind he feels the need to take care of and protect them.
I am considering a part two if people like this idea enough, maybe taking place when the Storybrooke residents arrive.
Warning: Yandere Behavior
Word Count: 2886
The Love Of A Brother
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The day Killian Jones, otherwise known by his more colorful moniker Hook, came to Neverland was a day he would never forget.
He had many men aboard, each desiring to never grow old until they wished. They all had been warned about the dangers that lurk within the water and upon the soil of Neverland but the idea of dying from old age was a more terrifying feat to them.
However, one person had little choice in the matter, as they were still somewhat forced to come to Neverland.
Captain Hook's kid, Y/N.
After the day Mila died it was up to him to become a single parent. Overall he was rather good at it. Always telling stories so that they would be able to sleep at night or sitting by their bedside when they had gotten a cold. But, no matter how much love they held for each other, Killian could not stop going after the man who killed his wife and the mother of his child.
Y/N was 17 the day they had arrived in Neverland and would remain so until the day they left.
This was not a decision Hook made lightly. Bringing the person he cared for more than anyone into the hellish landscape wasn't something he'd wish on his worst enemy (other than Rumpelstiltskin) but the idea of leaving them with no idea when he would return hurt even more.
So he created the rules.
Do not leave the boat without permission.
Do not ever interact with Peter Pan or his shadow.
Avoid the Lost Boys.
"Who is Peter Pan?" They asked their father as the Jolly Roger settled after coming through the portal to Neverland.
"A bloody demon." He responded looking at the dark island as it neared.
Hook began telling the stories that he knew. Even sharing how he had met Peter Pan in the first place. Albeit leaving out what happened to his brother as he blamed himself as well as Pan for the tragedy.
Pan knew he was arriving on the island. Hook riskily contacted him through his shadow to come to a truce before being allowed to arrive on the island.
But there was a little thing Hook had forgotten to mention.
His child.
He had hoped that if none of the inhabitants of the island knew their relation, with Peter assuming they were deckhands or something, they wouldn't be targeted if Peter got bored or wanted to play a game.
But the resemblance was noticeable from the first meeting.
As the boat docked onto shore to make an initial supply run, Hook kept Y/N close. Half of the crew, including the two of them, walked carefully through the jungle, avoiding every thorn they came across.
But the real danger was just up ahead. After all, Peter Pan wouldn't be a polite host if he didn't welcome his guests.
The second the pirates entered a clearing they were surrounded by the sound of rustles as the leaves moved around the edge of the clearing and a figure appeared about 20 feet ahead on the other end.
Hook froze, he knew he should have expected him to show himself this early, but a part of him had hoped he wouldn't, not yet at least.
Y/N held onto their bow and arrows tightly as they observed the boy up ahead who looked just a little older than them. Judging by the way he held the spotlight, they had to assume this was Peter Pan.
"Look what we have here, I didn't expect to see you on the island this quickly. I mean after what had happened last time you were here, the idea of returning so willingly was unexpected, Captain." Peter spoke as he neared the group, the Lost Boys forming a circle around them to prevent anyone from running.
Peter inspected the group as they each held some form of weapon. Be it a dagger, sword, or even one with a bow and arrow.
He neared the one with the bow and arrow, the idea of figuring out what else made them so different lingered in his mind. Peter stood closely in front of them, studying their appearance and the subtle yet noticeable looks towards the direction of Hook.
This is when something had clicked.
His brain was no longer assessing the group as a whole or messing with the Captain. His thoughts were reserved for only them. The way they were trying to hide their shaking hands and the way they held onto the bow tighter the closer he got. The shine of their eyes as they looked at him almost like a frightened deer.
He could recognize a scared child anywhere and this time he didn't want it to be his fault. It was like an instinct of protection filled his black heart. Their fearful yet innocent gaze was embedded into his soul. Someone like this simply couldn't live with harsh pirates.
He reached a hand out towards them but Hook stepped in the way. His gaze was harsh yet Peter could easily detect the fear hidden in them. For himself or the child, he wasn't sure.
Peter smirked at Captain Hook as he realized why they had looked so familiar now seeing the similarities in their features and hair color. He had been to distracted by the odd feeling of protection and familiarity to even acknowledge the finding.
"You have a child? My you got busy after leaving last time." He teased as he glanced around the man to see them standing there, their gaze locked onto the ground.
"Stay away from them or so help me you will have wished-" Hook began to say before Peter cut him off.
"You'll do what? Let me remind you, you're here because I allow it. You eat the island's food only because I allow it. You only live because I have use for you yet." He threatened motioning his hand for the Lost Boys to run away.
Y/N took a sigh of relief as the group dispersed but their worry would still remain until Peter was out of their sight. The ideas of the horrors they were told, all of which could happen to them just by being in his presence, filled their anxious mind.
Peter stared at Hook seriously before sending a look and a playful wink toward Y/N, hoping to make them less afraid.
"I'll see you soon." He commented staring directly into their eyes before disappearing.
Apparently soon meant a few days.
It first began when Y/N was laying on deck, watching the stars when someone appeared next to them and laid down on the spare part of the blanket.
“The stars are beautiful aren’t they?” He spoke as if lying on the ground next to them wasn’t an unusual occurrence.
Y/N was silent, trying to hide the fact they were afraid. The unknowing was terrible, the idea that their father was fast asleep, probably passed out from exhaustion at that, was nerve-wracking as they could not call for help.
“You don’t need to be afraid of me.” Pan said genuinely, staring at the side of their face as he admired their courage to hide their fear.
“Why wouldn’t I be? You have a reputation you know. I’m sure you could get rid of me in a heartbeat.” Y/N was nervous now, it audibly showed through the small stutter that sounded in their sentence.
“That doesn’t mean I want to… Do you know why I’ve brought all these boys to the island?”
“Because they’re lost?”
“Because no one deserves to feel alone.”
Peter Pan believed that because Y/N was an only child who spent their whole life traveling the seas, that they had to be lonely. They are constantly moving and never staying in one place, let alone with people their age.
Then their father, he’s a pirate with a drinking problem who is so obsessed with revenge that even though he is protective and loves his child, Peter couldn’t tell you which the man valued more.
Revenge or love?
If Peter were to take her right now, he could be their older brother. Someone who takes care of their little sibling in the face of everything like heartbreak, anxiety, everything that would make them feel anything other than happiness.
Y/N would be his sibling. He’d be their only brother.
Being an older brother to Y/N sounded perfect to him.
Their next encounter was when they had been sitting on the edge of the beach as the Jolly Roger was anchored nearby.
Y/N's father had allowed them to hang out along the shore alone.
The captain and crewmates were planning on staying on the edge of the jungle that was Neverland. He had figured they would be okay for a couple hours and that he could hear if they needed anything.
He knew the dangers that posed leaving them there alone but he thought they would be cornered again the second they entered the tree line so there really wasn’t anywhere ‘safe’ at the moment.
That’s how he rationalized it at least.
But when Peter saw them sitting alone on the shore, the mermaids moving closer by the second, he saw Hook as irresponsible and unfit to care for Y/N.
He quickly approached them, the sight of him causing the mermaids to swim away quickly, realizing that was not someone they wanted to lure in.
“Y/N.” Peter said as he approached, sitting in the sand next to them.
“What are you doing?” They spoke questioningly “I thought you would be bothering my father and his crew.”
“Is that what he counted on. Me leaving you alone as they frolicked or whatever they are doing in the jungle? Is that why he left you here defenseless?” He replied getting more confident that Killian wasn’t fit to take care of Y/N.
“I don’t like what you’re accusing him of.” Y/N replied, glaring at Pan in front of them but if anything it was adorable.
He raised his hands jokingly as if he actually felt threatened by them.
“I’m just saying, he knows the dangers of this island. If it’s not me, it’s the lost boys, then the Dreamshade, and as you almost realized, the mermaids.” Peter counted off making Y/N realize what the subtle splashing noise they heard was. “He shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“I’m 17. I can take care of myself for a few hours.” They argued, much like if they were telling their older sibling they didn’t need to be babysat.
“Sure you can. But you don’t need to when I’m here.”
From then on he would appear randomly whenever he knew Y/N was alone.
When they weren’t, he was silently protecting them from the shadows.
If we’re sketching in their room? He’d sit next to them silently, allowing them to focus. Meanwhile he was busy admiring their skills even if it was a simple picture of the sky.
They volunteered to go look for some more supplies on the island?
They mysteriously got separated from the group for a few hours.
He took them saying ‘I can take care of myself for a few hours’ rather literally. In those few hours, they got an entire tour of the main points of the island.
Even the camp.
Peter had them sit on his designated chair, introducing Y/N as their little sibling. Each of the boys came up to them and introducing themselves enthusiastically as the proposed all the fun games they could play if they were to stay.
Even when Y/N emphasized greatly that they couldn’t.
Each and every time.
When their birthday came around Peter gifted them a necklace, his initials were on the inside, to protect them from anyone who finds their way to the island.
Although he made sure to use his magic to conceal the necklace from the eyes of Hook.
Not that he cared about what the man thought, after all nothing would keep him from his little sibling.
The day Peter had been preparing for came sooner than expected.
Hook had discovered a way to kill the dark one and his need for the island was gone. Meaning it was time to return back to the enchanted forest.
The crew had begun preparing to return back to the forest. Packing up their supplies and strapping down anything they had on deck to prepare for traveling through the portal.
Y/N was packing up anything loose in their room. They had mostly finished other than having to pack the rest of their art supplies.
“So you were just going to leave and not tell your older brother? I'm offended” Peter spoke appearing in their room and sitting on their bed.
In their deal, he had allowed Hook to leave once he had found a way to accomplish his goal.
That was before he had met Y/N.
“I was never going to say in Neverland. I was always going to leave. I don’t know what you were expecting.” Y/N spoke harshly trying to push him away.
They had to admit, after all this time spent with Peter, that it was hard to view him as some irredeemable demon. He comforted them when they had nightmares of their mother’s death, protected them from the mermaids, did their favorite activities with them (even if he was not really invited), and seemed to love them.
Peter knew they were just trying to protect themself from the pain of leaving so they lashed out. He could tell they were saddened at the thought of leaving him. This made him feel warm inside.
Y/N assumed they’d be fine once leaving Neverland, they would have to forget about Peter Pan and their life would go back to normal, well as normal as it gets.
Suddenly they heard approaching footsteps.
“Y/N? Are you ready to go? We are about to enter the portal now.” Killian called through the closed door, his eagerness to leave the island covering the fact that there was a muffled sound as he spoke. Hook was ecstatic, his time for revenge had come. His head was in the clouds as he ran over his plan over and over again. Causing him to not even think to just poke his head in to check on his child, just of the idea that the portal was closing any minute
The muffled noise was Peter whispering that he would not let Hook leave if they said anything other than that they were ready.
Y/N knew if they weren’t allowed to leave, their father would be devastated.
“Yes father, I’m ready!” They called back and the two listened as the man’s footsteps grew farther and farther away.
“You can’t leave Y/N. You’re my little sibling, I have to take care of you.” He spoke manipulatively the second Hook was out of distance.
“I have to. If it’s up to me, I’ll never leave my father. He raised me, he loves me! He will take care of me better than you ever can.” Y/N retorted, frustrated at the situation. Why wouldn't Peter just go away? They knew they cared for him, even just a little bit. But their father was very important to them. Even if he had been a little distracted while searching for revenge, they didn't feel his love any less.
A loving father or a over protective, self-proclaimed brother.
They knew which had meant more. They had made their choice, one they couldn't vocalize as Peter softly blew poppy dust into their face, causing them to pass out instantly.
“Then it isn’t up to you.” as he spoke “This is for your own good. I love you Y/N and I know you love me. You are better off at my side.”
He picked them up bridal style as he and Y/N disappeared off the boat and reappeared in the camp. All of their stuff appears on the ground off to the side of them.
"Welcome to your new home, Y/N"
Hook had gone to Y/N’s cabin to check on them, the portal closing behind him as they could see the Enchanted Forest off in the distance.
He was eager to see his child, wanting to celebrate the idea of finally being able to avenge his wife and their mother. Hook knocked and didn’t hear an answer assuming they had been disoriented or hurt by the portal, he opened the door quickly.
But, he was met with an empty room and no Y/N.
He looked around for any signs frantically before he spotted a letter on the bed.
You were always too focused on the idea of revenge that you neglected what was in front of you. You never deserved Y/N and you never will. Each time you left them alone, I was there. I comforted them, I protected them, and I loved them. Each thing is something you couldn't do while you searched for something you did not even know existed. Y/N will be better off without you.
I always wondered if you'd choose revenge over love.
I guess I have my answer.
Their brother,
Peter Pan
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iamumbra195 · 20 hours
If the Graveyard kids were demigods, which Greek god would they be the child of? (Riodanverse AU)
For Ashlyn, I believe she would just be another of Apollo's kids, keeping to herself most of the time. Nobody really paid her any mind because out of the dozens of Apollo kids, there wasn't anything particularly remarkable about her. She wasn't the Head Counsellor or anything. She liked it that way. Ashlyn discovered she was a demigod when she was young and spent two full years at the camp to fully prepare for living as a demigod in the mortal world before becoming a summer-only kid. Her sensitivity to sound is one of the strange abilities she inherited but isn't fully able to control, which is why she wears enchanted earplugs that keep sounds at a more tolerable level. Beyond that, she was a pretty average Apollo kid. She was good at the basics like Archery and Music but not beyond that of a normal Apollo kid. The only thing that really stood out was her dancing. It was her special interest, incorporating it into her daily life as a demi-god as often as she could. Her fighting style was based on ballet in canon and she preferred fighting with her legs over her hands--even going as far as putting a weapon in her shoes so she could still use her legs to attack. So she is an average demigod overall. Until one day she discovers that she was one of the few to inherit Apollo's nosokinesis, the ability to create and control diseases (like her ability to open rifts and trap people in them in canon). There's also the fact that her name literally means 'dream' or 'vision', so considering the fact that Apollo is literally the god of prophecy, I think being a child of Apollo fits her very well.
For Logan, I feel that for a long time, he would just be another unclaimed kid. He didn't know anything about his real parents and his grandparents were always super cagey about it until he was older and got attacked by a monster and they finally took him to the camp. He still doesn't know who his biological mother was. Then one day after being pushed too far by bullies, he snapped just like in canon, and was claimed by Ares, the god of war. Much to his and Barron's (another child of Ares) dismay because what the fuck do you mean this dickhead is my half-brother?! He had initially believed that his parent was related to his love for space and astronomy or maybe even his intelligence and love for math but Ares?!
For Aiden, I think being a child of Hermes suits him best. I've done some tests and got answers like Ares or the Big Three, which I don't think those really fit him. But for some reason, I like the idea that he has the favour of/is a legacy of Hades or Hecate from his dad's side while being completely unaware of it until much later (the unexplained connection his dad has to Maverick). Children of Hermes tend to be more hyperactive than other demigods and are often referred to as a jack of all trades and I think those things really suit Aiden. When he was younger, his parents sent him to camp year round in hopes that it would help him and he came back with dyed blond hair, red eye contacts and a reckless streak a mile wide.
For Ben, I believe that this kid is and always will be a child of Apollo. His deep love and talent for singing and music, his rage and hurt at having this taken away from him. His knack for medicine despite only having experience through taking care of Aiden. He only discovered he was a demigod after his voice was destroyed so he never learned that he could heal people with his voice/singing until one of the others, maybe Taylor, were fatally injured and he had no supplies to save them so as one last attempt to comfort them, he breaks his years of silence and sings for them. To his complete astonishment, they started healing and were able to stay alive long enough to get the medical help they needed. He felt pressued to sing and use his voice after that because it could heal people but Aiden or one of the others nipped that in the bud and told him he didn't have to do anything he didn't want to. The idea of him also having premonitions when something bad is going to happen is cool, especially if it's the reason why he ends up catching little details the others fail to notice (a little nod to Canvas Ben for being so goddamn observant). His relationship with Aiden is also cute because children of Apollo and children of Hermes tend to get along, although not all of them do (Aiden and Ashlyn lol).
For Taylor and Tyler, I believe the twins would be children of Hephaestus. In some cultures, identical twins are treated as one entity/soul that was separated into two people and the same could be said about the Hernandez twins in this AU. Although they are different people with different interests and goals, that is how they are perceived as mortals. On the divine side of things, however, they are seen as a single soul split into two. That's why their connection goes far beyond that of regular mortal twins. Their abilities also reflect this. Taylor is a brilliant craftswoman and has a way with technology that separates her from the rest. She's also extremely fire-resistant, which proves to be useful considering her brother has the ability to manipulate fire. Tyler, on the other hand, has the basic skills needed to be a mechanic due to growing up with Taylor but it isn't instinctive in the same it is for Taylor. He is one of the few children of Hephaestus to have pyrokinesis, something he had to learn to master on his own because there wasn't anyone to teach him. They complete each other.
Although Aiden and Ashlyn spent a year or two in the camp, their paths never crossed and they were just another faceless person in the crowd of campers until they officially met when Ben and Aiden began to go to her high school in her sophomore year. Aiden clocked her as a demigod as soon as they met at the bus and was excited to meet another one of them outside of camp. He was also curious to know if she figured out what she was yet and if not, he could protect her from monsters and lead her to camp! Ashlyn recognized both Aiden and Ben as demigods but preferred to avoid mixing her mortal life with her mythological one so she avoided Aiden's needling to the best of her ability. When Ben finally told Aiden that she was another child of Apollo at camp, Aiden doubled down on the pestering which irritated Ashlyn beyond belief. Unfortunately for her, this wasn't the last she was going to see of him.
Mid-way through the first semester, Ashlyn received a prophecy from the Oracle stating that she and five others were to go on a quest. It was a shock to her and everyone in the camp because she was pretty unremarkable yet she was the one that had to go on the quest? It was ridiculously vague beyond the fact that she specifically had to go to Savannah with a group of five others. So she had to pick five other members for her team.
Nearly everyone tried to volunteer and because Ashlyn didn't particularly care who went along, names were drawn out of a bowl. With her luck, Aiden and Ben's names were both drawn out of the bowl, along with the Hernandez twins and Logan. She wasn't particularly happy with those chosen but she supposed it could be worse. Especially when she considered the fact she could've been going with him.
Barron was throwing a fit about how an unclaimed coward like Logan couldn't have possibly been picked but Tyler told him that no one would even want to go on a quest with him considering the only thing he cared about was glory and honour for himself.
And so, the six of them packed their things and started their journey to Savannah, Georgia where it all went to hell.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 days
hiii I was wondering if I could request a sorry boys x reader? (Totally understand if not tho! Just Tommy, ranboo, Charlie, and Philza (: )
but the reader is like a streamer who just does art streams? I like to think of it as crumb-like streams? Anyway, the reader also has an idea for a possible indie show or comic or whatever they wanna make one day and they sometimes draw or animated stuff for that?
(also do you mind if I be the ⚠️ anon?)
oooo yeah of course! ; and welcome to the hotel ⚠️! love the reference haha ; anyways thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; again, apologizing for how short this is
SORRY BOYS ; auti-artistic
summary ; youre an art streamer chilling with the sorry boys
warnings ; language
word count ; 504
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You were currently live with Tommy and Phil at your sides, watching you draw. You usually streamed when you were working out the blocks for your upcoming comic, wanting to get some outside opinions from friends and chat as you worked.
Charlie and Ranboo's voices hung in your head over the Discord call, where you'd repeat their words to Tommy and Phil as they talked. Those two were streaming some weird simulation game, so you were listening to them babble with your volume on 10 as you worked, more so listening to Phil and Tommy. The blondes were giving you suggestions, compliments, and were talking about some movie they'd recently watched together.
You place your pen back down on the iPad screen, coloring in the blocks as you worked. You had numerous amounts of pallettes to make sure all the colors were correct, plus it made life easier in the long run.
"No, no, no!" Tommy waves his finger dangerously close in front of Phil's face, "That movie sucked. The dad can kiss my ass!"
"The dad was trying to save his kids, Tom!"
"By shooting their mum?!"
You slowly look up at your webcam, your jaw slightly agape, eyebrows furrowed. You listen as they both blabber on and on, talking about whatever plot there was to this random apocolypse movie that they'd seen.
"What are you talking about...?" You finally ask, looking slightly back and up at Tommy.
"Explaining to Phil about how he's wrong!"
"Okay, pal"
You turn back down to your iPad, continuing to color in the boxes as you had been. You flinch and push yourself back in your desk, hearing Charlie and Ranboo both scream into your ears.
"Jesus fuck, why are you screaming?!" You exclaim, bringing your mic closer to you to become louder.
"No, that was your fault!"
You look over at chat, seeing some users explaining why you just got jumpscared with screams. Tommy and Phil had quieted down, looking at chat as well.
"No way you got that scared over a game." You deadpan at your webcam, knowing one of them had your stream up.
"Don't give me that look!" Charlie exclaims, "These ghosts are fucking scary, Y/n!"
"That's not my problem." You joke before deafening. The Discord ping rings in your ears before you're greeted by silence.
Tommy blinks before looking down at you. "So, like, what happened?"
"Some ghost scared them." You shrug, twirling your digital pencil in your fingers.
You glance at chat, seeing Charlie's green username and VIP star tag pop up. "tell ranboo to stop sumging them HLP ME"
You slowly nod, seeing that he was clearly typing in a rush. "Have fun with that, my guy"
Tommy chuckles, "Is he that desperate?"
"Guess so" Phil shrugs, "What are they even playing? I thought they were playing some stupid simulator game"
"No idea" You shrug, "But that gives me an idea for this comic-"
"Here we go again"
"Tommy, be supportive"
"I am supportive, I'm a fifth gay!"
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panlight · 2 days
Not including "Olympic" or any of the last names among the members, do you have any other ideas that could serve as a title for the Cullen coven? It just seems odd how the vampire clans are referred to by either their leader's name (James, Sancar, Hilda, etc) or geography (Egypt, Denali or the Amazons). I honestly doubt the Irish coven isn't a family unit, and maybe the Egyptians have developed a somewhat similar layout. Denali doesn't make sense considering the mixed background of all of the members (Russian, Spanish, North American, French if you include Laurent too). I don't think "North American" fits the Cullens either since they've resided in places outside the US (not 100% certain though). I'm curious, what could be titles for each coven?
My sense is that these names would develop organically over time, sort of like how surnames developed in Europe. "Oh that's Tom the baker," eventually becomes Tom Baker, "Tom who lives on the hill," becomes Tom Hill, etc. So I think in that way naming them after their founder or their location makes sense. "Siobhan and her coven in Ireland = Irish Coven" "the nomadic coven Hilda founded" = Hilda's Coven.
So I don't really know what other names might be used. I guess they could be something like "the Golden Coven" from their eyes or "The Vegetarian Coven", but the Denali could be that too. Perhaps the Denali were grandmothered in as "The Succubus Coven" and the new members just have to sort of deal with that name even though Carmen, Eleazar and Garrett never fit that description, which lets the Cullens claim the Gold/Veggie mantel.
Other reasons I Don't Care For the term 'Olympic Coven?' It's not their land, it's Quileute land, Makah land, etc. Claiming "Olympic Coven" for them adds insult to injury on that front. Also it erases the entire history of the coven before this point. I know in an out-of-universe sense they only came into existence when Bella entered their lives, but Carlisle's been around for 350+ years and the coven had existed for almost 90ish years before the events of the story. I know it's Bella's story, but this isn't Bella's Coven. She didn't found it, it didn't come into existence in Forks, and Carlisle was already well-known before the events of BD; that's how he was able to gather all the witnesses.
And it seems SM herself dropped the idea after the Vampire Index (which to me sort of read as a joke anyway? Didn't Jacob have a line like "someone needs to provide an index so I can remember all the bloodsuckers' names!" and then "see Vampire Index").
The Yellow Eyes, St. Carlisle and his disciples, that weird coven that starves themselves, Carlisle and his gifted followers, 'that one vampire who has a job and house and wife and kids, lololol", etc this all makes more sense to me than "The Olympic Coven." I guess the most poetic might be like "The Golden Ones" or something, but I imagine to other vampires it's less "golden" and more "sickly yellow."
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watcheraurora · 3 days
Princesses and Family
Finally had an idea for a continuation of "The Ranchers unintentionally adopted a kid" AU 3.1k words
(Part 1)(Part 2)
Tango paused on his way up the path to the front door of the ranch house, scrunching his brows. "Uh... hi Gem," he greeted loudly.
Gem waved from the balcony of his and Jimmy's bedroom above the covered front porch. "Hi Tango!" she greeted.
"What are you doing here? Not that it's not good to see you. I just wasn't expecting it."
"Oh I came to show Jimmy a new way to braid Skye's hair for flying," Gem said, showing off the single braid wrapping around her head like a crown or halo.
"I see. So why are you on the balcony alone, then?" Tango's pointy ear flicked almost in sync with Gem's pointy ear as a breeze made the wheat field roll with waves like the sea.
Gem glanced through the small window into the master bedroom. "Oh I'm the princess," she said with a perky, bright smile. "Skye is rescuing me from the dragon."
"The dragon?"
At that moment, Jimmy cried out from inside the house. Tango bolted inside, dropping the bag of supplies he'd brought back from town on the front path and throwing the door open with magic before he even reached it.
Jimmy was sprawled on the kitchen floor, his enormous yellow wings taking up most of the floorspace and his hair flopped back, one arm draped over part of his wing. His knees were bent with his feet on the floor. There was a wooden sword caught between his arm and his side.
Skye was standing beside his knees in an old leather armor chestplate that was waaay too big on her, and dyed purple. One hand raised triumphantly and wings spread wide. There was a small yellow feather tucked into the plait of the white braid ringing her head just over her ear.
Both of their eyes turned, wide, to Tango at the sound of the door flying open.
"Oh hi Tango," Jimmy greeted first, lifting his head a bit.
"Gem said something about a dragon," Tango said.
"It's Jimmy's turn to be the dragon! And then he gets to be the knight, and I get to be the princess, and Gem gets to be the dragon!" Skye explained, a little out of breath but beaming. She leaned forward, holding a hand up to her mouth so Jimmy "couldn't hear" what she was going to say. "I think Gem likes being the dragon the best."
"She's certainly got the fierceness for it," Tango agreed. He set a hand on his heart. It was racing. "I thought you were being attacked. I heard Jimmy shout."
Jimmy smiled. "I'm nothing if not committed to my role. Including the death scenes. If I was actually hurt, you'd feel it."
Right. The SoulBond. Tango forgot about it sometimes.
"I like being the princess because Gem and Jimmy actually swordfight," Skye said matter-of-factly. "But I think Gem goes easy on him because he's not actually very good."
Jimmy's jaw dropped open, playfully offended. Tango tried not to snicker. Truthfully, they both were abysmal in combat.
"I think your princess is waiting on her knight to rescue her," Jimmy said softly to Skye.
Who gasped. She whirled and ran toward the stairs, rushing up them.
Jimmy chuckled and got to his feet, folding his wings in and dusting them off.
"Having fun while I was gone?" Tango asked, smirking.
"We, er... kinda got carried away," Jimmy said, ruffling and fluffing his feathers to reorder them after lying on the floor. "Gem and Skye were talking while I braided Skye's hair and it turned into playing Knight-Princess-Dragon."
Tango chuckled. "Glad you had fun." He went outside and retrieved the supplies he'd left on the path, bringing them inside. Skye was "escorting" a very-hunched-over Gem down the stairs. "Hey ladies," Tango said.
"Hi," Gem replied.
"Sir Tango, you need to refer to the princess as Your Highness," Skye corrected, smiling.
Tango flung his arms out and bowed deeply. "Sincerest apologies, Knight Skye."
"No, no, no," Skye said, her wings puffing up as she pulled off the leather chestplate. "I rescued Gem, so now I'm Princess Skye." She beamed when Jimmy chuckled. She pulled his yellow feather out of her braid behind her ear and tucked it into the plait at the top of her head like the point of a tiara.
"Ohhh. My sincerest apologies, Princess Skye," Tango said. He took the supplies into the kitchen and dropped the bag on the counter, beginning to unpack them.
Gem snatched Skye around the waist with a playful, "Gotcha!" and ran up the stairs.
Skye squealed and laughed. "Jimmy help! I'm being kidnapped by a dragon!" she screamed.
"I'll save you, Your Highness!" Jimmy called, picking up the wooden sword Skye had "stabbed" him with and running for the stairs. But Gem came thundering down them with a dramatic roar, her Elytra now equipped and fluttering with her movements. She picked up another wooden sword and together they ran for the front door while Tango watched. Once they were out on the path through the wheat field, they started swordfighting, the wooden blades clacking together. They left the front door open, and Tango could hear Skye cheering on, well, Gem. Even though she was probably supposed to be cheering on Knight Jimmy.
Tango laughed and went back to unpacking. Once everything was put away, he went outside and leaned against one of the support pillars for the porch to watch, folding his arms and grinning.
To Jimmy's credit, he was better with a sword than Tango was.
Tango quirked a finger, tugging on one of Gem's curly plaits with a little magic.
"What the—?!"
Tango did the same to the little bit of hair on the back of Jimmy's head that always stuck straight up from the whorl of his hair.
Amusement flooded down their SoulBond from Tango, who was trying not to snicker.
"Tango! Stop messin'!" Jimmy protested.
"What?!" Gem demanded. "Tango! No cheating!"
"There's no cheating here!" Tango retorted. "I mess equally."
Gem shot him a glare over her shoulder and briefly the phrase If looks could kill passed through Tango's mind. Tango briefly gestured for her to turn around. She did in time to block Jimmy's swing, not even really looking.
Yeah. She was good with a sword. Something Tango had noticed was that she never really went for critical hit points. She just relentlessly pursued her trajectory, never giving an opponent the opportunity to fight back, until she won.
Which was better than what Tango could do.
He couldn't see Skye. The balcony was built into the porch roof. But he could hear her wings flapping as she cheered on Gem and called for Sir Jimmy to save her in equal measure. Tango smiled.
He hadn't wanted kids, when he and Jimmy committed to one another after discovering their SoulBond. He had never seen himself as much of a caretaker. He'd lose his own head if it wasn't attached to his shoulders—how could he expect to take good care of a child if he could barely take care of himself?
But that changed when Jimmy rescued Skye. She had slotted into their life like she was always meant to be there. Neither Jimmy nor Tango could imagine not taking care of her. They weren't perfect, but their best was usually enough. She was happier now, healthy, and learning to fly. She was moving past the grief of losing her parents and the trauma of being kept in a cage at a pillager outpost. She filled their lives with sunshine and they loved her as their own.
Jimmy eventually drove Gem into the path in front of the house, pretending to slay the dragon. Then ran inside to go rescue Skye, who squealed in excitement while Tango and Gem chuckled outside.
Tango liked his life. But he liked it even more with this little family in it.
"So I ran into Cleo in the market today," Tango said, winding some of Jimmy's hair around his fingers while they laid in bed.
"Yeah? How are they?"
"Good. We chatted for a bit. I mentioned that we've taken in an orphaned Avian girl. And that she's about six. And..." Tango bit his lower lip and hesitated.
Jimmy's eyes opened, meeting Tango's gaze. "And?" he prompted.
"Cleo offered to teach her. You know Cleo used to be a schoolteacher, right? Before the whole... zombie thing?"
"I think I knew that?"
"And there's really no other education around here. There aren't really any other children. I told Cleo that I'd talk to you about it, but that was probably a good idea."
"So... what? We take Skye to Cleo's every day?"
"It's better than her just sitting inside every day once harvest is over," Tango said. "When winter hits, she'll be really bored. But we can fly with her to and from, drop her off at Cleo's for at least a couple hours. Even if it's just one or two to start with. She does need to learn. I don't... can she even read?"
"A little," Jimmy said. "She reads labels at the market when I take her. But she could stand to learn more. And she'll be better at maths than me in about two weeks."
Tango tried not to laugh too loud. "That's not true."
"No. No it is. I'm so bad at maths. I ran into Cub at the market one time talking to Scar and they were doing some sort of calculation about groceries and I felt nauseated just listenin' to them." Jimmy was definitely exaggerating for the sake of effect, and Tango snickered.
"If you say so."
"So are we going to tell Cleo 'yes'?"
Tango yawned, covering his mouth to hide his sharp teeth, and nodded. "I think so. I think, ultimately, it would be good for Skye."
"I agree," Jimmy said. Tango went back to playing gently with Jimmy's hair. Jimmy's eyes fluttered closed again. He nuzzled a little into Tango's hand. Tango smiled and kissed his nose. Jimmy giggled softly. "Goodnight, Tango."
"G'night, Jimmy."
Jimmy was asleep within minutes.
Tango tried to follow Jimmy's sleep pattern. He really did. But, as an Avian, Jimmy really embodied the Early Bird concept. Tango just... didn't. He liked the darkness. His mind seemed to work better in the late hours of the night. He'd rather go to bed deep into the night and wake up late in the morning. Usually, Jimmy let him.
And recently, in the last six months, Jimmy always took care of Skye in the mornings while Tango kept sleeping. In the month-and-a-half since Skye's first flight, their routine had altered a little. Jimmy would slip out of bed and into Skye's room, gently wake her, and they'd go for a flight. She was nearly ready to fly on her own, and her wings were getting stronger. Then when they returned, they would have breakfast and get started on ranch chores. Skye didn't have to work out in the fields or with the animals all day. She would do an hour or two, then go inside and play.
And sometimes she'd already be at playtime by the time Tango woke up.
A bit after Jimmy finally fell asleep, Tango slipped out of bed. His Blaze Rods flared into being around his head and he used them to glide over to the door, down the hall, and down the stairs. He reached through the narrow gap between two double chests and pressed a button. Moved to its new location so Skye didn't accidentally press it.
Pistons retracted and revealed a staircase to the basement in the kitchen floor. Tango hurried down them and into his redstone workshop.
In Tango's opinion, redstone was not, inherently, dangerous. Handling the dust could be. If it floated up into the air. You didn't want to inhale it. But he didn't want Skye down here in case something fell and crushed her, more than anything. Hence he'd hidden the entrance.
He slipped a book and quill out of a chest and flipped it open to where he'd left the quill. People around town liked to request redstone devices. Tango liked making them, and it brought in a few extra diamonds on the side. He knew Etho and Impulse did the same, but the townsfolk knew Tango's particular type of redstone. He was the one asked for the whacky contraptions. The silly ones. Impulse and Etho could make the efficient, effective ones. Tango got to make toys a lot. And he loved it.
He got to work on a project request. It was nearly done, and he'd been fiddling with it for a week. He was eager to deliver it.
As he tinkered, his mind wandered a little. To Skye. Wearing Jimmy's feather in her hair. He had some of Jimmy's feathers himself. He usually kept the small one on a bracelet chain somewhere safe, only wearing it when it felt important that he display his commitment to Jimmy. He was too scared of burning it to ash otherwise. The other feathers of Jimmy's were scattered around his workshop as quills for writing. Sure they had a lot of chickens on the ranch, but why use those when Jimmy's feathers were so much sturdier and he shed them all about once a year? Most of them were properly disposed of, but Tango always kept a few—with Jimmy's permission—to turn into quills.
The fact that Jimmy had placed one of his shortest feathers—typically from near his spine—in her braid meant something. Tango wasn't overly familiar with Avian culture, but he knew enough to know that exchanging feathers was a big deal. Jimmy gave Tango a feather he'd plucked specifically for Tango the first time. As a sign of commitment and love. The one Tango had on a bracelet chain.
Jimmy gave Skye one of his feathers for her hair as a show of family.
Tango leaned back in his chair, taking a short break to stretch his spine. His Blaze Rods burned into existence, spinning around his head. One of them an inch shorter than the other ones. No one had ever noticed but Jimmy.
Tango had given Jimmy a small portion of that Blaze Rod as his own sign of commitment and love. Jimmy had it on a leather necklace cord. Tango had used magic to seal its fire deep within so it wouldn't burn anything—especially Jimmy.
He reached up and caught the shorter one, bringing it down in front of him. It hovered just over his hand, rotating slightly. The end that had been broken off was only slightly slanted, compared to the near-perfect perpendicular of the unbroken end. He hadn't cut it perfectly, but he'd shaved the jagged edge fairly well.
If he used all his Blaze Rods, he always spawned more. He just hadn't used many since he'd given that piece to Jimmy. And hadn't needed enough at once to use this one.
If he cut another inch off this one... it would start being noticeably shorter than the other whole ones around his head.
Was that really a bad thing?
He reached for his axe and went to the crafting table.
"Psst! Skye!" Tango whispered as he slowly opened her door, knocking gently with one knuckle. She shuffled in bed. "Psst!"
One eye peeled open, deep blue and dark in the light from Tango's hair. "Wh... wha's goin' on?" she asked, voice slurred with sleep. The weak light of dawn was peeking past the pink flower banners that had been added to her windows as curtains.
"I have a little present for you."
Her other eye opened. "A present?"
She sat up in bed. "What is it?" She'd left her crown braid in, and the flyaways that had escaped it were a messy mad-scientist halo of white around her head.
Tango crept into her room. "You know how Jimmy gave you a feather for your hair?" He perched on the edge of her bed. She nodded. "Do you know what that means?"
"My mama used to put her feathers in my hair, and mine in hers when they fell out."
"That's right. For people with feathers, exchanging them is telling them you love them." He lifted his arm to show her Jimmy's yellow feather, preserved by magic to not get too brittle, dangling off a gold chain. "Jimmy gave me one because he loves me. And he gave you one because he loves you." He smoothed down some of her flyaways. "Have you noticed the necklace Jimmy wears?"
"The brown one with the little orange... yellow thing on it?"
"Yeah, princess." Tango's Blaze Rods reappeared, orbiting his head. "Like these." He looked up at them.
"You use those to fly." It wasn't a question. Skye had noticed that he only ever really displayed his Rods when he flew. He couldn't fly without them, and he didn't want to burn anything with them accidentally.
"That's right. I gave Jimmy a small piece of one of these to show him I love him." The shorter one stopped in front of his head. He flicked it so it spun, and then caught it to stop the spinning, bringing it down in front of him to show her.
"Why is that one so short?" Skye's eyes flicked to the other Blaze Rods, noting their lengths.
"Because I chopped a little bit off either end."
"Did it hurt?"
"No, sweetheart. They can't feel pain. Nothing about them can hurt me." Tango smiled and let the shorter one take its place back in alignment with the others bobbing as they rotated.
He pulled the leather out of the pocket of his jumpsuit. "This is for you. To show you I love you."
Skye took it carefully. "It's a necklace like Jimmy's!"
"Mmhmm. Because you're part of our family, so you get something from both of us to show it."
"I... I am?"
"Of course."
Skye smiled and gave him a hug. "Thank you, Tango."
"You're welcome kiddo."
"So... you stayed up all night," Jimmy said.
"Mmhmm," Tango said quietly, tiredly.
"And Skye has a necklace like mine."
"I'm guessing you stayed up to make it?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
Jimmy kissed the side of Tango's head. "I'm glad. Go take a nap. I'll wake you up later."
"Don't have to tell me twice."
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atwas-gaming · 3 months
Playing thru Adventure 2 for the first time, and noticed something...
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(Screencap of this video.)
Jus' sayin'.
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iisabelinski · 1 year
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I’m happy to present you with a brand new episode of ✨PRACTICAL SPACE FASHION✨ starring Mara Jade. 
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gert-the-disaster · 22 days
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*dombummel intensifies*
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
Baihe, dear, what do You think of your first training session? And Your new mentor, they are not the best but they aren't the worst, right? :D
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Asks Start 💙💜🩷
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moreaugriffins · 3 months
yknow what i'd love to see more of in Ghostbusters?
the og Ghostbusters having little mentor moments for the new Ghostbusters
Loved that Ray was along for the ride in Frozen Empire, he wanted to get stuck back in, and he wanted to help Pheobe and Podcast with the mystery
but it would've been great if just occasionally Ray (or Peter, or Winston, though they weren't interacting with the new guys on a personal level much) just dropped a couple of tips he'd learnt from his time, or just helpful anecdotes from back in the day - the kind that you're confused by at the moment but later make you go "oh shit, that's why they told me"
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sweetandglovelyart · 6 months
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Knightfall in Dream Land - Page 4
Meta Knight shares what it was like to grow up being raised by Nightmare.
#Kirby#Kirby fanart#my art#comic#Meta Knight#Nightmare#sorry this page took me so long to finish I’ve been really busy with grad school stuff and was at a conference last month#but it’s finally here and page five shouldn’t take me as long to finish as this page did#the comic is mostly centered around the game lore and not the anime lore but I did borrow a little bit from the anime#this might be a dumb question but do any other Kirby fans have voice headcanons for the characters?#by voice headcanons I mean what do you think they’d sound like if they had voiced dialogue#for Meta Knight and Dedede I think they’d just sound like they do in the anime since those voices are so iconic lol#I know that Nightmare also speaks in the anime but I don’t really like his anime voice#I’m showing that I’m a Trekkie with this lmao but my voice headcanon for Nightmare is that he’d sound like Ricardo Montalban#Montalban died in 2009 but he was famous for playing Khan in Star Trek he was so good in that villain role#but that was in the 1960s and 1980s so if you aren’t a Star Trek fan you might not be familiar with him#he also plays the grandpa in Spy Kids though and I think he was also in Kim Possible#I actually see a lot of parallels between Kirby and Star Trek lol but maybe that’s just me and no one else sees it#I’m developing an idea for a Susie redemption arc comic that I want to draw when I finish Knightfall in Dream Land#and if I do eventually draw it it’s going to be very heavily influenced by Star Trek/there will be lots of Star Trek references in it#Planet Robobot as a game basically is just a Star Trek episode lmao it has the same plot as every Borg episode from Star Trek#so I think referencing Star Trek in a comic centered around Susie would make sense
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laugtherhyena · 4 months
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3:23AM, time to post Hatamori fankid and retreat back into my hiding hole
#this is what i was referring to in my last post#sometimes ideas will just pop into my head and i will be unable to resist the urge#i missed sprite editing. it had been a while since i last made a person's sprite#anyways her name is Akira and I haven't decided if it's Akira Tomori or Akira Hatano yet#i like both of their surnames a bunch#thinking of her from a scenario where Ayame and Kizuna survive the kg and get together a while afterwards#Akira is adopted. obviously. Her biological parents died in the tragedy she was adopted at around 4-6 years old#doesn't remember how her bio parents where because she was like? 1-2 years old when they died?#being with them in whatever happened that led to their deaths she may have some form of memory problem from the accident(?)#Akira is pretty forgetful and slow on the uptakes. but it's nothing too worrisome#she doesn't actually care that she can't remember her bio parents because the family she has now is much more important to her#she takes more after Kizuna especially in tems of personality (tho definitely not as bad as she used to be in Dra if you know what i mean)#put them in a room together and they will gossip and talk about random shit for hours#she loves Ayame too! they just don't talk a much? Akira used to follow her everywhere when she was a kid but now that she grew up#Ayame being the awkward-ish person she is struggles a bit on how to talk/interact with her#they work out together sometimes and Ayame will always volunteer to listen to Akira play some new song she's writing#and give her opinions on it#as you can see she is a musician. aspiring rockstar specifically#this came to her as a way to vent about the tragedy and all that mess sorta#may ramble more some other time i am getting sleepy#dra#danganronpa another#fankid#hatamori#sprite edit#edit#hyena scribbles#Akira Tomori Hatano
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anotherpapercut · 9 months
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#submission#I actually have seen this meme because someone sent it to my supervisor at some point and she showed it to all of us ajdbkajs#working with a bunch of gay autistic math nerds fucking rules lmfao y'all have no idea#one of my bosses is super into sci fi and is also a math teacher and puts star trek and firefly and buffy and hitchhikers guide etc etc#references in EVERYTHING he makes. I took a math class from him once and all of the test questions were about some fuckin show#whenever he runs meetings he asks us questions based on star trek usually. recently in a meeting he asked us to choose the best captain#I'm one of only like 3 people who watches all of this shit so I looove going to meetings when he runs them#bc he'll ask some fuckin question like who's the best star trek captain. and the 3 of us who knows what's going on will just start arguing#while everyone else looks around like what the fuck is going on right now (this one always gets the newbies)#my ALL TIME favorite Jake moment tho was when I was there one night and there were no students so we were all just hanging out#and Jake walks out of his office and he looks kind of annoyed. and he's a big dude like super tall and broad and loud as hell#so I can hear him like mumbling shit all annoyed and I'm like hey Jake what's up? you doin ok?#and he sighed and was like no. the schools internet filter started blocking my FAVORITE board game forum#and now when I have a thought I can't just look it up to see if anyone's said anything about it. and that's like ALL I do. it's so annoying#and I was like Jake maybe that's why they blocked it akddjkansbdjsdbebs#god I love that dude. and this barely mentions my other supervisor who is autistic and pansexual and married to a woman#and both of them foster several kids. Jake has like 10 fuckin kids or smth bc he was fostering a couple of kids and then he got married#and she already had children and then they had a baby together. idk he's got like a whole baseball team they're very cute
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henryhas2moms · 2 years
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swan mills memes 🌸 insp. 1 / 2
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sourtoasterstrudel · 1 year
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I’ve been on a magical girl kick recently so i wanted to share these slightly older madoka magica au doodles I made. I’d love to draw more magical girls in the future because i have way too many ideas related to them.
This is technically also a genderbent au but it was required. Anyways i want to share my notes on the au
Kylie was approached about becoming a magical girl while her little sister was in the hospital, so her wish caused her to become more of a protector magical girl, with less focus on the strength of her weapons and more on the amount of them. She’s definitely the most agile of the girls, being able to fire a ton of daggers at enemies (similar to mami’s power but with knives? I dunno). She’s been doing this the second longest out of the group next to kelly. For a special ability thing I think she’d have some sort of like— anti gravity boots that let her walk on walls and shit
As for Stella, she’s the newest magical girl in town and I think she’d be the most naive of the group, especially surrounding how much power she has (I mean her wish was for her dad to disappear because she was angry with him, which she now regrets so making her be the most oblivious to how godlike some of their abilities are makes sense). Her weapon is bulky and not exactly the best for a beginner. Kylie tries to help out when she can but for the most part Stella just needs to figure out her fighting style by herself
Erica is of course still a selfish monster, which I had a lot of fun symbolizing in her soul gem (as I mention In the drawing it resembles a grief seed even in its regular form. Since the witches are the ‘corrupt’ versions of a magical girl I think Erica already starting off with that darkness in her makes sense). She has a fair amount of armour on her compared to the other girls, despite the fact magical girls can’t exactly get hurt, which I think kinda shows her self-centred nature. She knew Kylie before they became magical girls, and they were actually quite friendly, until Kylie got her abilities and Erica became envious. I think that when Erica becomes a witch, unlike the other magical girls, she’d have full control. It’d be like her final form instead of being a dark form (I think that that’s how her wish would be fulfilled. Her witch form is how she can be the most powerful magical girl). Dunno I thought far too into her design
Lastly Kelly. She signed her contract at 12, wishing for her family to be rich as an attempt at making her parents kinder. It fails but at least her and her siblings have nice things now (right?). Even in her magical girl form she keeps her more thrifty diy style she adopted as a kid, hanging grief seeds off of her coat as decoration. She’s not the strongest of the group by any means but she is the one with the most experience which constantly benefits her. She has a special ability she calls her ‘second life’, which was a result of her wish. It essentially allows her to kill and clone her body as like— a defence mechanism (I don’t know if that makes sense). Her witch form, Midas, is a representation of her greed and hopes that money would fix all of her problems.
I would add more but this is getting really long so if you read through all of this, I’m proud of you : )
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