#i love writing this instead of crying like i rly want to now :)
nonranghaes · 1 month
heads up! slight vent fic. comfort for reader crying.
vernon wraps an arm around you when you start to cry, and it's easy enough to pull you closer to his side. he pauses the movie the two of you were watching as a way to distract you, and turns to you. "we can talk about it, if you want?"
you've buried your face into your hands, shoulders shaking as you cry. "it's stupid."
"it's not," he says, voice softer. "not if you're upset. c'mon," he reaches up, fingers curling around one of your hands to pull it back. just enough that he can see your face now. "if you don't want to, then say that, okay?"
you don't say anything. he lets go of your hand, and you just turn away--but you do lean fully into his side, just to feel his warmth against your body. you don't have to say that you saw pictures on instagram of your friends living it up on the trip you were quietly uninvited from. you don't have to tell vernon again that you lied to everyone else and said something "suddenly came up" so you had to focus on that instead, just to let the other person save face.
"it's okay to be hurt, you know." vernon traces his fingers over your arm, just holding you as you fight back further tears with another hard swallow. "i think you have to let yourself be hurt if you wanna heal."
"easier said than done." you press your lips together. "no one wants to feel that way."
he cuddles closer to you. "yeah, but... i dunno. if you never let yourself feel that way freely, then can you really get through it? it's fine if you need to cry." he leans over to kiss the side of your neck, just a chaste peck to remind you that you aren't alone now. "so?"
with a heavy sigh, you turn. you're not facing him, but toward the television, as you rest against him still. "i'll cry if i need to. i think the moment's passed, to be honest."
he doesn't believe you. not when your voice wavers a little bit. but he just wraps an arm around you, letting you snuggle in. "just let me know what you need from me, alright?" he kisses the side of your head. "it's okay. i've got you, alright?"
and he does. even when you start to cry a few minutes later, he holds you through it, just to lovingly shelter you as you push through this storm of emotions. he's got you.
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jinnie-ret · 2 months
silent cry
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seo changbin x female!reader
genre: descriptive angst that turns into sickeningly sweet fluff at the end
content warnings: depressive tendencies implied, dependency
word count: 1.2k
summary: she hid her thoughts and struggles to not burden her boyfriend, but he catches her in tears
requested: 🕷️anon
this may have veered off slightly off of what the original request was but I hope you still enjoy! I loved writing this one, feel rly proud of it :)
It was a hard thing to navigate sometimes, emotions. Often she felt as if something was wrong with her. Why couldn't she embrace and confront those sadder, darker feelings, when the love of her life was someone who championed every little thing she did?
Changbin was smart, intuitive, and incredibly aware of how those around him felt. His empathy, pureness and generosity was something many couldn't comprehend, so it was no surprise he had many idol friends. The level of extraordinary observation he carried only increased tenfold when he was with her.
But being without him, it was a different story. To be without him, cast a darkness over the sun that was coming out of hiding, and bringing warmth to her days. To be without him, was to snuggle up into bed, alone, and wrap herself tightly in crumpled blankets to try and imagine his arms encompassing her safely as she entered a dreamlike state. To be without him, was a nightmare that rattled her bones as cries wracked through her body in the early hours of the morning.
To be without him, was to live a life where she couldn't be.
Some may say it's dramatic. How could someone solely depend on another so much that they felt as if they had lost a part of them when they were not together? The answer wasn't simple. Anyone could have their own interpretation of the situation, but what really mattered was the way that their souls had intertwined and formed a love so strong and unbreakable.
That love would stretch a lot of the time. The distance that existed when she was apart from Changbin taunted her, tugging her heart towards where it belonged. Yes, maybe her heart didn't belong in a Stray Kids fanmeeting, or a tour around the world, but it was meant to be with him. Changbin knew it too. He just didn't know the extent of how bad things were getting because his partner had mastered the skill of presenting a facade through texts, video calls... you name it.
There were other things going on in her life, there always were, and he had helped her understand what was happening and how she could healthily support herself. She was struggling to wrap her brain around everything however, when she didn't have her lifeline next to her. Instead, she was holed up in their shared bedroom, aimlessly scrolling through her phone in attempt to divert and distract her mind. So much so, that when Changbin had arrived home early to surprise her, she didn't really believe it.
Perhaps it was a fever dream?
"Hey honey," Changbin cooed gently as he entered the dark room, weakly lit by the brightness of her phone and the dying bulb of the salt lamp they had. Damn, he needed to replace that soon. There were other things he needed to worry over first though.
She didn't respond. Her spiraling that had occured with his absence was clear to see. Curtains and blinds shut. Dirty dishes. Clothes strewn across the floor where, hey, at least she had been able to change into something different.
"Jagi?" Changbin whispered lightly, now crouched down next to her by the bed as he knelt on the floor, not quite touching her yet as he didn't want to overwhelm her. He was good like that, knowing exactly how she worked.
Again, no response. In truth, she felt that tug on her heart and knew he was there, but something within her, like a subconscious turning of cogs, fueled a robotic motion of continuing to fixate onto her phone.
"I'm here now," Changbin whispered, thick fingers delicately smoothing across her knee as he waited patiently for her to be ready.
And just like that, her phone was now beside her as she gazed ahead of her, no eye contact made yet but the twitches of her thumbs without nothing to hold, and the way her lips pursed together to stop anything from escaping her gave away some telltale signs to Changbin that she really had been going through it.
"That's it, I'm here," Changbin's deep, husky voice unleashed the floodgates as tears streamed down her face, chest stuttering with it's normal rhythm as she refused to let any sobs echo between the walls. His hands connected with hers, squeezing gently.
"I hate how much I miss you," she attempted to whisper, but with the lump in her throat rising the turmoil she had been facing revealed itself.
"Oh honey," Changbin felt himself tearing up but he calmed himself in order to remain stable for her. That's just what he was. A reliable pillar for her weight to rest against as he pulled her against him, joining her in bed and cradling her tenderly.
"I don't know why-" she cried, hands resting at his lower back and she desperately clutched onto him, squeezing the soft fabric of his black hoodie to tell herself he was here. She was safe. She was ok. And with him, all of the stress would alleviate and float away. With him, the fogginess that clouded her judgement would leave. With him, her silent cries that were cruelly locked away, could be unleashed and heard.
"I've got you, it's ok, I'm with you, and I'm here now, ok?" Changbin's lips pressed a kiss into her hairline, as he relished this moment of having her with him too.
"I wish I wasn't like this. I just... I need you. Always. Some days it's just harder," she sniffled, bravely shifting into his arms to climb over the walls she had built around her and finally stare into his eyes. The very ones that made her putty.
"Those days will get better. When you let go, when you can let everything out, it feels better, right?" Changbin rested his head against her, searching, scanning for anything she'd try to hide. He found comfort that there were no signs of caged thoughts being left unsaid.
"It does. You're right. You always are," she nodded ever so slightly, as not to break this close intimacy she was receiving, what she had craved for these past two weeks.
"Mm, aren't you lucky?" Changbin smirked but without any trace of joking or performative arrogance.
"I am, I'm so lucky. Sometimes it doesn't feel real that you're here with me, because I can't even comprehend that, like... That I'm with you," she said with utmost sincerity lacing her words.
"Aigoo, this is why I like to hear what's on your mind. My honey is so good with her words," Changbin chuckled, nuzzling his nose against hers, smiling brightly when he heard a giggle that came straight after his.
"I'm not," she protested, looking down.
"No, don't do that, I need your pretty eyes in my sights," he tilted her head up.
"Gonna cost you," she joked. There it was, the warmth was back. The light was back, despite the cave like lighting in the room. He could so easily bring out that side of her, and help her to forget about her struggles and simply exist around him, being her true authentic self. He helped her to be.
"Yah! I shouldn't have to pay!"
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kailee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist @crabrangoongirl25 @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @minholing @lilmisssona @astraysimp @lixie-phoria
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vampsickle · 1 year
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i missed you. ☆ ( anime ) dante
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☆ tags - literally 0 plot, it’s semi - soft?, pretend this is like christmas themed lol. afab!reader but i don’t use fem pronouns, dante is MESSY. cunnilingus, oral.
☆ wc - 961
☆ a/n - i’m so SLOW atm im sorry yall! this was fun 2 write, but tbh i don’t rly like it lol😭 ik i can do better so next time it’ll be better i promise!
☆ synopsis - the holidays are stressful, but now that you’re back home with Dante, he shows you just how much he missed you.
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It’d been so stressful these past few weeks, you’d been visiting family, and using up your entire paycheck to buy gifts. At that time you hadn’t even spoken to Dante, who was busy with other things.. You truly did miss him. Of course, seeing family was nice, but all you wanted was for him to hold you again. In just a day, you’d get to go back, and run into his warm embrace.
Later into the evening, you’ve said your goodbyes, and hurried back to Devil May Cry. You nearly slipped on snow and ice while rushing to the door, quickly composing yourself, and slowly pushing it open. It was warm. Really warm. But your stomach is doing flips when your eyes meet that familiar figure. Dante. He’s leaning back on that ancient chair of his, not wearing his usual crimson coat, instead he’s only in that black turtleneck that hugs his chest quite nicely. 
His silky white hair has fallen over his closed eyes, chest slowly rising and falling, legs firmly planted on his desk. You smile to yourself, quietly shutting the door, and approaching him. But Dante’s been awake this whole time, of course. Just waiting for you to get closer. You’re leaning over him, he looks so peaceful that you’d feel bad ‘waking’ him up. His eyes flutter open, white eyelashes look like snowflakes, and he slowly caresses your cheek with a gloved hand.
“Sorry— Did I.. Wake you up?”
“No. I’ve been awake the whole time, actually.”
He says it so casually that it makes you blink a few times, before snorting softly and pushing yourself away from him. But Dante’s already behind you, wrapping his large arms around you, sighing into the back of your head. Your body instinctively relaxes in his touch, exhaling quietly, as Dante inhales your scent. 
“I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
“Really? How much did you miss me?”
Dante pulls back, very slowly, that it makes you shiver. You’ve noticed that over these past few years he’s grown a bit more serious, nothing like his fun-loving, jokester self he was. But you didn’t mind. Truly, he’s still finding himself— his place in the world. Your thoughts are interrupted as Dante flops down onto the couch, swinging his legs up onto it, making himself comfy. 
“Come sit on my face and I’ll show you how much I missed you.”
He’s grinning, meeting your eyes with an intense gaze, the tent in his pants very apparent. You blush, shying away from his stare, but you’re already walking towards him. With all the stress and pressure you went through, you had barely thought about sex or your own pleasure, just on how to make the others around you happy. But when you’re with Dante, you feel happy, he makes you feel so good— not just physically, of course. The both of you complete each other. He could never say that- he doesn’t know how to. He shows you through his actions, and he always means it.
You shimmy out of your jeans, quickly tugging your shirt over your head, giving Dante something to watch. And he is watching. So intently, his nails digging into the couch cushion so hard that it may rip. God— This is what he had been waiting for. Weeks without you felt like an eternity to him.
“Hurry,” Dante mutters, his eyebrow twitching, lips quivering with need. You understand, quietly humming, as you step out of your underwear. You hear the way his breath shakes.
Now you’re moving on top of him, feeling suddenly shy, hovering over his face. He tuts, gripping your thighs, squeezing the fat of them, and pulling you down onto his face. He wants you to suffocate him. Dying with his face between your legs, well, that wouldn’t be so bad.
You try to adjust yourself but his bruising grip makes that difficult, and a soft yelp escapes you when that familiar muscle rubs against your folds. He’s so eager, lapping away at your heat, drinking your juices. Dante moans against you, the vibrations making you shudder, and you grip his snow white hair, pulling hard. He grunts at the feeling, his thighs squeezing together, attempting to soothe his erection. 
He’s always been so messy, and that’s fine— you want him to make a mess of you. Even when drool and your arousal coat his chin, Dante doesn’t care. His tongue plunges inside of you, as far in as it can go, as he continues to suck and lick.
“Dante—! Fuck! I’m-“
He tries to say something in response but his words come out muffled, and your thighs are squeezing around his head, meanwhile his head is spinning. It’s all you, you, you. Even when he’s the one eating you out, he’s so close to cumming as well, your taste overwhelming him. Jerking off while thinking of you isn’t enough. It never is. Toys aren’t enough. Nothing is. 
You’re crying out his name, and he won’t let up, not until you’re satisfied. That feeling of euphoria washes over you and you’re practically sobbing now, cumming all over his face. Dante laps up all of your cum, cleaning you with his tongue, and you whimper weakly in response to his actions.
Finally, once you’ve tried to push him away enough times, he lets you go. Your legs feel like jelly, but you’re able to get off of him, and he gasps quietly. 
“That good enough for you?”
Even though your legs are trembling so bad you feel like a new born calf, you still find the strength to rub his clothed erection, which makes Dante groan and mutter a string of curses under his breath.
“Definitely.. Now can I show you how much I missed you?”
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me As Tumblr #21
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MC: My best friend just called me to ask what color he should wear to prom and I was like “umm?? Idk??” And he goes “well we have to match, so like what color is ur outfit?” But he never asked me to go so I was kinda confused so I told him “hey, yeah since when are we going to prom??” And the line goes silent for a bit and he very quietly whispers “shit I forgot to ask you.”
Leviathan: If you think about it the whole process of singing the birthday song and cutting the cake is extremely satanic
Leviathan: No but seriously imagine it this way
A small gathering of people huddle around an object on fire, chanting ritualistically a repetitive song in unison until the fire is blown out and a knife is stabbed into the object
Solomon: You must be fun at parties
Mammon: Do you ever eat something and think “man I don’t even want this”
But then you just keep eating it
Raphael: Are you living or are you just jumping around from one obsession to the other to run away from yourself
Belphegor: What are you the coping mechanism police or something
Asmodeus: One time my brother was being stupid so I said
“Well you can’t spell stupid without u”
And he got really angry and shouted
And I just stared at him for a rly long time
Diavolo: How do we even decide what our favorite colors are, are our brains just like “I like green because yeah”
Luke: “Oh you sing? Are you a good singer? SING SOMETHING FOR ME RIGHT NOW!”
Leviathan: “Do you draw? You do? DRAW ME”
Like no
Asmodeus: “You act? CRY FOR ME RIGHT NOW”
Satan: “You speak that language!? Say something in it!”
Belphegor: “You murder? KILL ME RIGHT NOW!”
Lucifer: The last one seems more doable
Satan: So, today a girl in my class asked what the word procrastination mean and I said ‘can I explain that later?’ And my teacher laughed for like five minutes and when he stopped the girl whispered ‘I don’t get it’
Solomon: Someday in the distant future humans will once again be capable of hearing the phrase “what is love” without also feeling the primal urge to respond “baby don’t hurt me”
Asmodeus: So at that point, people will say “baby don’t hurt me” …no more?
Diavolo: Beautiful set up, perfect follow-through. Great teamwork everybody
Mammon: So on the bus this morning we stop at a red light and this lady gets off then goes about a half block down and then we saw her freeze and run after the bus
Mephistopheles: I love the use of the word entire as in she could’ve just left the leg of the baby but no she left the entire baby
Belphegor: Have you ever finished a test in 30 minutes and no one else was even close to being done
I’m either really smart or I fucked up entirely
Thirteen: Nailed it or failed it
MC: There are rowdy troublemakers in the alley behind my apartment I’m gonna open my window and scream at them
MC: I screamed at them
I didn’t scream any specific words I just kinda screeched and it got silent but then I heard one of them say ‘what the hell was that, fucking Satan?’ and I just screamed again and let me tell you this is a good way to get rid of people
Satan: Well done
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prometheanglory · 1 year
I LIVE LAUGH LOVE FOR THE BEEFY ASKS FOR ETERNITY AND ALWAYS and ty for ur service of offering a 2 parter grins so evilly (and i apologize for the length bc im wordy and vinh requires words… it makes for an unwise combination for word count) this actually took me months on-and-off to write since…. july 1st oh my god
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
IT DEPENDS ON WHERE SHE IS? if she’s back at home: prefers to dress conservatively, tho she does adorn herself with a lot more flashy jewelry. her color palette is more broad, but she sticks to cream-colored dresses if she has to go out in public (her chitons are quite varied. they swing between unremarkable or notably contemporary) (reason being: her mother manages a chunk of her wardrobe). she prefers to wear her himation/veil higher up (or have it cover her completely) namely for modesty’s sake — but she feels obligated to lower it when in the company of her higher-ranking relatives, since they are a prouder crowd who prefer a more prideful look to her. while she may not put heightened emphasis on trends, looking presentable and appropriate is critical to her.
off the mountain, vinh still upholds a lot of her classiness + modesty but now prioritizes looking more put-together and formal… from a modern lens! fond of darker colors, and seldom wears anything that doesnt cover her neck or her arms in public. her go-to outfits tend to avoid pants. pants feel weird to her. they reveal + hug everything way too much. and while she’s coming around to being comfortable with showing some legs, she’s still a far cry from going anywhere without tights or pantyhose. jewelry from vinh here is much more sparse + simple, like a string of pearls or a thin golden necklace. she doesn’t like to look ostentatious without clear reason. a long skirt with a long sleeved shirt will do the job fine.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
THE PROMETHEAN TORCH. THE FORGE OF HEPHAESTUS. FIRE. HEARTH FIRE. DUTY AND OBLIGATION… originally i was just looking 4 a convenient excuse for why her hair is on fire but then it kinda just spiraled from there. so she went from loose self insert to full-fledged oc.
i think the first thing i decided about vinh was her number-two status? ik i always bring up her weird case of generosity/duty/etc but when i first drafted her up, she was always kinda meant to be tailing idia… or well, just always bringing up the rear for someone else (originally, this aspect of her personality was much pronounced within her dynamic w leona) despite her qualifications(*) to take charge — she has never had any genuine interest in moving beyond her position, and embraces it as a supporting role. promethean fire is a tool to greatness babie!!!
**qualifications can be defined as numerous things. some may look to her status and prestige; others may look to her academic and physical performance. it is also possible to look towards her focused and cool personality.
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
she didn’t rly have much of a childhood :,) such is the fate of being the eldest daughter, but that doesn't mean she didn't have any adolescent experiences! i'd say one of her most vivid memories as a child were around her days as her grandfather's protégé. instead of eating mud and frolicking with her parents, she'd spend her days tailing him and studying to develop her magical skills. her grandpa wanted to understand where exactly her limits were with her magical prowess though, so what started as a simple lesson turned into an impromptu magic brawl.
the intent was to just go until vinh called it off, but vinh's always been a high-achieving people-pleaser. implying that 'she couldn't take it' didn't rly end up happening. the only thing that ended up stopping her grandpa from whacking around a pseudo-preteen with lightning bolts for 30 more minutes, was the fact that vinh's mom showed up and forced them both to stop (via her unique magic) bc that's the only way she could've done it without aggravating the issue further.
this incident was what gave vinh her closest brush to what over-extended use of her unique magic could entail, because of her rapid mana depletion also ended up depleting her temperature immunity. meaning that vinh was actually burning herself pretty severely without the safety barrier of her excess mana.
as all concerned mothers would, mamaphrodite was pretty pissed that her own grandfather would be so inappropriate with a girl who is many centuries his junior and barely has her leg out the door in experience. the only reason why vinh would continue her education under him + the head temple (until her eventual promotion to the head temple's hiereiai) would be due to vinh's own request (read: begging and insistence) to overlook this and let her stay.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
she has a very very very poor alcohol tolerance — one shot does more than just get her tipsy. most people wouldn’t be able to tell she’s drunk tho. she’s the type of drunk who doesn’t really get aggressive or excited. she’s just very… compliant. almost-entirely silent. her inhibitions flew out the window and it left nothing behind but low ambitions. its hard to spot because shes not exactly super chatty and rebellious. being stone-faced and doing people weird favors isn’t even out of character for her… but the extent to which she’ll agree is the key to figuring it out.
want her to follow you? sit in this spot and not move a muscle? blow something up? clean your bathroom? get in the kitchen and make you sandwich? brush your teeth (why would you ask her to do that)? she’ll do everything to a T as asked. until she sobers up, at least (which… may take a while. depending on how much she drank.)
anyway, it goes without saying that vinh does not like being drunk. it is a lesson well-learned in her family that neither she nor her dad are meant to drink, but it’s only vinh who listens to that lesson and abstains from drinking.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don’t want to show other people?
she doesn’t like to show strong emotions to anothers. it’s not that she goes out of her way to present herself as cold, it’s coincidence that vinh’s idea of being mild-mannered means being very muted and distant.
strong reactions spurred on by anything (negative or positive) is improper and unnecessary, even outright uncomfortable. this notion extends to ‘intimate’ or ‘vulnerable’ feelings as well. it’s not right for her to be seen prone or viewed as ‘in-need’. vinh prefers that her thoughts, feelings, and biases stay strictly with her unless otherwise prompted (or that these feeling somehow act to the benefit or desire of others).
the point she makes pointedly clear is she prefers to be seen as a pillar and a service, rather than a person.
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
truth comes first — she does not believe in love at first sight applies to her, and this rhetoric can be similarly applied to how she feels about true love. it probably exists. it definitely exists. but it’s not real enough to be a rule, so it’s not really relevant. love = attraction but attraction ≠ love. she doesn’t want to disappoint anybody with a promise of love when it wasnt love they were seeking. the eyes are often hungrier than the stomach, so to speak.
in a relationship, i think she’s always subconsciously looking for maturity and understanding, or at least some semblance of reassurance of her value...? but more accurately, i think she looks more towards the explicit lack of said-criteria. not all at once and definitely not to an extreme ofc, but it's just easier for her to stomach mediocrity. as starved as she may be for connections, she’s kind of backed herself into a corner of being equally repulsed by it. so. this works out decently(*) for her. she doesn’t mind bearing the brunt of the emotional and manual labor you’d expect from a relationship, even if she never is quite there emotionally.
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
absolutely a morning person, but she’s Also simultaneously a night owl. she doesn’t really have much of a choice, seeing as her body doesn’t need sleep very often. aside from the usual morning hygiene routine, vinh's first priority in the morning is definitely just a random assortment of tasks ranging from waking up, freshening up, finishing up last-minute assignments… it’s usually busy, but she sees it as tame.
outside of that, her morning duties also include delivering any documents to whoever requested them, waking up/setting out uniforms for other students (largely contained to ignihyde — and only if they asked her, but there’ve been other instances). she also brings breakfast back from the shops or the cafeteria if people ask for it… it’s mainly idia who’s made a habit of this service, bc nobody else uses it as frequently as he does.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
i think it’d be best explained as ‘for the betterment of others’ that she’d do something dangerous!
though an endangered loved one could (would) have her up on her feet immediately, to say that the decision to leap into the fray comes ‘easily’ to her is never true. of course, she’ll do it — who else could? to the extent that she can? she extends this service outwards towards the public if she deems the threat large enough to require her attention or has otherwise been brought to her.
you could take this magnetism to danger as a testament to what she’s always seeking (the ability to be of use/be valuable/be capable/etc). the other answer you scrape from this though, is that vinh’s sense for accomplished duty comes from a place of being mutilated in some way.
👑 - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
to be entirely honest, she doesn’t want to be remembered. or at least, she doesn’t want her name or face or… really any facet of her to be connected to it? she knows thats a bit impossible, her status and her goals don’t align enough for such a thing. it’s just wishful and moody thinking.
if she has to be remembered, she’d like for it to not gloss over the unsavory aspects of how she ever came to be. people are free to remember her actions or what she did, whether it helped them or harmed them. she doesn’t want to be an untouchable exemplar because she managed to help some people. it is nothing but the right thing to do, the natural thing to do, and it does not need an audience.
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👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
to be entirely honest, she doesn’t want to be remembered. or at least, she doesn’t want her name or face or… really any facet of her to be connected to it? she knows thats a bit impossible, her status and her goals don’t align enough for such a thing. it’s just wishful and moody thinking
if she has to be remembered, she’d like for it to not gloss over the unsavory aspects of how she ever came to be. people are free to remember her actions or what she did, whether it helped them or harmed them. she doesn’t want to be an untouchable exemplar because she managed to help some people. it is nothing but the right thing to do, the natural thing to do, and it does not need an audience.
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celestie0 · 3 months
IT’S CELESTIEFAN3000 i have to say i like tumblr way more than ao3 so i’ll be using this to comment from now on 😋 But i would like to personally thank you for writing chapter 9, your author voice is genuinely so appealing and HONESTLY you could pass off as a literal professional author if I didn’t know this was fanfiction!
Now for the uglier feelings: (please ignore typos or other mistakes i wrote a lot. I am very normal about kickoff, obviously)
I SOBBED LIKE A BABY MIDWAY AND BECAME A CRYING SOUND EFFECT AT THE END OK OK OKAYYYYYYY 😭😭💫💫 I’m still dizzy and lightheaded from the effect ur writing gives me (THIS IS A GOOD THING) it’s so addicting i need more😭‼️ UGHHHH the way you build that exact RIGHT amount of comfort to compensate for the suffering you’ve but us through but still managed to EDGE US AT THE END . I WISH YOU WEREN’T SO GOOD AT THIS FANFICTION THING, BECAUSE DAMN! 😭😭😭😭
The scenes were so fucking beautiful, I love the peaceful atmosphere that rain gives and how you were able to contrast that as an escape from that horrible loud and noisy bar to just a horrible man!!!!! You really know how to direct scenes and i can not express in words how much they mean to me 🥹🥹😭😭😭
I feel like I’ve overused the crying face emoji too much in my ask BUT I ACTUALLY MEAN IT HERE EVERY TIME I can fill an entire glass up of my tears that kickoff caused me to shed alone 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Everything was just great vegetables, this chapter will definitely be haunting me while I sleep but it ended with an amazing scenario to build off of and dream about RIGHT?☺️ Anyway, my last words here are that I admire how you’ve been working on this project for around a couple months now nonstop, but the quality has not dropped and has instead improved despite it getting really tiring the more you carry on with it! Maybe that’s just how I feel about finishing what I’ve started LMAO but it’s so impressive every time I see someone able to pull that off, I’ve seen some fics succumb to the tragedy of “i-just-want-to-get-this-over-with-because-the-concept-no-longer-interests-me-anymore”-ness 😔 BUT WITH KICKOFF! I’m so happy that the author is as passionate about the characters and plot in their fanfiction as I am, and hard work really does pay off! (for the reader, hard work is waiting 3 weeks for a new fic— but the read’s always better the longer you wait 😉)
My ADHD really came out here I deeply apologize but my ACTUAL final words are: I wish I had a bf like gojo, Oh My God You Are A Legend Ellie, You are most deserving person of meeting Gojo Satoru FIRST if he ever comes to life, it is 1am haha so i’m sleeping now ☺️🤍 Celestiefan300 out!
thank you sm for the compliments on the writinf omg i rly feel comin into my own now n finding my voice as i continue to write more so seeing u say that esp as a long term reader is just ssooo dhddldfk 🥺💕 brb gonna cry
PLS IM SO SORRY FOR THE SAD EMOTIONSS aaa yes the baby steps to build their relationship has been……baby stepping indeed LOL but it was so nice to write the scene at rhe end where gojo comforts her 😭💕 so excited to write lovey dovey gojo now
OMG STOPPP w the nice words i will literally eat u for breakfast🧍🏻‍♀️the contrast w the soothing rain & hectic bar scene 😭 u pointing that out just made me soooo freaking happyy and wahh im so glad the scenes resonate w you :””) <33
awhh thanks darling im so happy kickoff has ur continued interest and AW to hear its improving means sm to me 🥺💕 im so passionate ab it, it has been so cathartic to write, and although its also hard to write sometimes bc of the personal aspects, it’s so joyous to me and i look forward to seeing it thru to the end w the same amt of passion. HAHAHA its hard work to read tho damn 😮‍💨 ur not wrong!! and also yes i too will be daydreaming of what happens next 🤣
my final words: i love u sm, YOU deserve a satoru (but i will gladly have him too if u say so🙈), so blessed to have u as a reader, and please get some good sleep my love <33
eeeeeee 🫶🏼💕
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spxllcxstxr · 2 years
Your Last Time Seeing Your Twin, Regulus Black, Before He Dies • Headcanon
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Hey! I love your Reggie HCs, can i request where the reader is Reggie's twin and they were in a big fight about something (up to u) and when she was about to apologize to him kreacher gave her a letter from reggie b4 he dies CAN U PLS MAKE IT RLY ANGSTY I WANNA CRY SO BAD IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THE EXACT SAME I LOVE UR WRITINGS MWAH❤️‍🔥 — anon
Warnings: dark mark and Voldemort mentions, Regulus becomes a deatheater, mostly canon compliant I believe?
A.N: gn!reader, though Kreacher refers to you as Master Black simply because to me thats more gn than Mistress, but like of course you can change that! It’s the only thing that is gendered
You just wanted your brother safe
The two of you finally graduated from your seventh year at Hogwarts and you just wanted him to come with you, to be safe from the brewing war
Sirius had already joined the Order along with his friends, and while Regulus already bore the Dark Mark, he still had time to run and switch sides
That left you in the middle
You wanted to go with Sirius and join the Order, fight against Voldemort and his death eaters
But could you abandon your twin?
So you begged him to escape with you
You packed your bags when your mother and father were gone, and you confronted him
“Regulus, I’m begging you,” there’s tears in your eyes, shaking as you watch him stand stiffly arms length away from you. “It’s time for us to leave, it’s better this way”
“(Y/n), I’ve already got the mark—“
“Fuck the mark, reg! No one will care—“
“I’ll be called a spy! Ostracized! They won’t trust me!” He’s yelling, babbling really, trying to make you understand. His slate grey eyes connect with yours. “(Y/n), it is better this way—“
“It’s suicide, regulus. You don’t believe in the Dark Lord’s ideas, you never have, so why are you doing this?” Your heart beats wildly, hands trembling
“I’ve got a plan!”
You scoff, hands clenched into fists
The two of you are silent for what feels like forever
Clocks tick, portraits cough, Kreacher somewhere far off polishes the silverware, listening to your every word
“Please…” Your voice breaks and you can tell regulus wants to right then and there make it all better by conceding
But he doesn’t
“Mother and father will be home soon, (Y/n). You should go,” Regulus stiffens, back straight, eyes showing almost no emotion.
“Not without you”
“They’ll do us both in when they see you with your bags and after Kreacher tells them everything,” He swallows. “I can keep you safe but you have to leave. Now,”
With one last look and no actual final goodbye, you disapparate out of your childhood home and instead wind up at Potter’s place
You’re in hysterics when forced to tell Sirius why your twin wasn’t there with you
You didn’t know about Regulus’ death until years afterward
Your eldest brother was rotting in Azkaban, your friends either dead or in hiding 
You thought that with the Dark Lord gone you might be able to see Regulus again, fight for his innocence, do anything for your twin
But your childhood home is empty
long empty 
Everything is covered in dust and silent, none of your relative portraits are making a sound
12 Grimmauld Place is more eerie than usual somehow 
“Regulus? Kreacher? Anybody here?”
You start looking around the house, going into each room
When you finally find Kreacher in the study, staring intently at the Black Family Tapestry 
You almost feel sorry for the house elf
You would’ve if he wasn’t brainwashed by your delightful mother at this point
“Master Black, he said you would be back, but I believed you would be too traitorous to show your face around here again...”
“Where is he, Kreacher? Where is my brother?”
“Master Regulus...he-he perished before the Dark Lord’s ultimate demise”
He fiddles with a letter in one of his hands as the wind gets knocked out of you
You’re forced to sit down, heart breaking, you start to feel cold 
“In the event of your return, he wanted me to hand you this”
Kreacher hands you the letter before slinking off, though you’re sure he’s close by, it’s obvious he doesn’t trust you
Though you don’t trust him either
The letter is crinkled and the seal has already been broken
If you’re reading this, that means I’m dead, and it also means that we never reconciled after that nasty fight years ago. I’m sorry. (Y/n), I am so deeply sorry for all the pain I must’ve caused you over all these years. The heartbreak I suffered after seeing you leave this blasted place was immense, and I am sure it was just as bad as your own. I hope that my motive in joining the Deatheaters will come to light, since I cannot reveal it here in this letter.
I hope you have a great and fulfilling life, my dear twin. I hope you get to do things mother and father never let us do and that you and Sirius can be a real family. It’s a pity I cannot be a part of that reality.
I’ll miss you, (Y/n). Tell Sirius I’m sorry.
You keep this letter with you, basically just holding it close to your chest
You lost your twin, and honestly you don’t think you’ll ever recover from it
How would you?
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whoslai · 1 year
Helloooo I’m back!! I finally had time to read the new chapters of “Off the Menu” and lets j say I am v frustrated 🙂 can’t help but feel the same uneasiness that yn has expressed about heeseung like he j gives off a weird vibe and it’s uncomfy T T not talking abt ur wiring Becuz ur wiring his absolutely AMAZING that ur able to make me feel this way. Heeseung was def with someone when yn drove over cuz usually ppl would be touched but he was so oddly mad 😭😭
Yn has been nothing but understanding and yet he still says she’s asking for too much T T like is wanting to feel loved by someone u love too much 💀💀and again I do not believe heeseung has absolutely no time throughout the day, i work at a restaurant too and I have time to be on my phone and the whole bullshit abt him not texting a lot until he’s home is stupid too like if u rly cared abt yn u would text her. Like when u truly care abt someone ur willing to change and its not like she’s asking for too much T T
And our girl yn sigh, Idek what to say. I can’t even blame her cuz this is her first time and it seems she likes him more than he likes her and when u like someone that much plus the level of manipulation heeseung is doing she can’t help but be caught in this cycle. Heeseung’s truly been driving her in circles like always promising more always promising that he wants to take it further but instead it j gets worse and worse :(( I am so so mad and frustrated lol everytime heeseung is mentioned I wanna cry 🥲
The fact that he works with lots of girls isn’t even the problem like sire u might not be able to change that the problem is that he lacks the ability to give yn security and make her trust him
Honestly I was hoping she’d get with Jake and make heeseung realize that he doesn’t want her with anyone else but yn was loyal and I respect her for that j didn’t know if heeseung deserved it being the way he is 👀
Now I’m not been confident that heeseung removed Hana cuz it’s so easy to refollow and unblock like I’m so scared for yn 😭😭not ready for her to be hurt ✋🏻
I have so much to say but idk how to get it down in words💀this just how good ur writing is 😭😭if heeseung doesn’t start having his character development soon yn should break it off like girl doesn’t deserve to be treated like this 💔💔
Anyways love u girl can’t wait for the update 😚
(Intensely looking at cute heeseung rn so I stay sane😭)
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OH MY GODDDDD this message literally just made my ENTIRE year 😣😣❤️❤️ thank you so so so so much for your kind words, omg, you mean the world to me. tears are falling from my eyes rn 😓😓😓
i love your interpretation of everything, you have an amazing mind. hopefully some good things happen between the both of them or else they’re both doomed 💔
i had so much fun reading this, you don’t even understandddd. got me giggling and kicking my feet reading this 😭😭 if you want, you can totally message me the rest of your thoughts, i would absolutely love to hear about it. you’ve got my mind goin.
love you smmmm and thank you for reading, you just gave me so much motivation 🙁❤️
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sapphicblight · 1 year
3, 13, 41, 49 and 50 please? Love your writing and would love to know more 💖💖💖
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
insecurity is a big one i’d say. it’s one of my favorite topics to read about in fics too so naturally it made its way into my writing. we’re not gonna look too deeply into how that relates to my own insecurities and journey into learning to love myself, shhhh. crying is also a theme too, because i want my characters to suffer but i also want them to be able to let it out, give them that release shdjfg
as for smut specific details, crying is once again a thing?? ok sure 😅 and overstimulation too, even in the v first smut i ever wrote (your body’s a tether), though the first time i properly went in on that was for eat bathe (make) love where the entire second and third chapter pete is just overstimulated to hell and back. sorry buddy sdbhf
also — im still learning how to write bdsm and kinda chickened out of realllly exploring it for my past fics, so i just kinda stuck to choking and spanking for most of my vp sex scenes, and in the case of intrinsically i actually kind of regret that (the spanking especially, in hindsight i just don’t think it fits the tone and what the characters would do / need right then) 
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
ooooh shit i actually rly need to think about this one. idk does abo count? shdnjfk i used to read it sort of almost accidentally, not really realizing what i was getting into with that till much later, back when i used to read a lot of sterek fanfiction (and some destiel too). very occasionally an author will do a lot of legwork with worldbuilding and sell me on it for that fic specifically, but in general i havent been into abo or mpreg themes (not counting a ftm trans character in that — the thing i dislike reading is mpreg that can’t occur irl) for a few years now.
i also used to be more into aus that had nothing to do w canon, like high school aus and (for stuff like merlin) modern aus, which is funny bc i wrote a college au and am now writing a historical au w luna, but i never said i wasn’t a hypocrite hdnjgh — but yeah nowadays i almost exclusively read canon-compliant, canon-divergent, or post-canon fics. i came here for these characters in this setting usually, so then that’s what i seek more of 🤷‍♀️
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
oooh there are MANY. there are some authors whose writing styles have my brain zooming with envy but mostly just so much appreciation and enjoyment. some of my very favorites tend to be angsty fics, and angst is just my go to vibe and genre to read, so while i have many favorites that are more happy or humorous, i'm going to specifically shout out two of the angstiest pete-centric ones that made my chest ache with emotion as i read them: milk teeth by constitutiondumpstat; and only the heart knows. by evashougouki (i still havent gotten around to their recent 20k words pete fic nothing. that i just know is going to break me so good. i rly need to get on that asap but consider this a pre-emptive shoutout to that for probably changing my brain chemistry once i read it as well)
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it! 
ohoho well for snippets of the prohibition au i recommend checking luna’s twitter or tumblr, she’s posted a few already! 
so instead i’ll post a slightly redacted snippet from the 4th chapter of my mobwife au (‘ultraviolet disguise’, a canon-divergent au where pete never got recruited as bodyguard but ends up caught up in mafia bullshit anyway when he starts dating a mafia don named ‘hwan’ who vegas has been trying to take down for a while now)
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50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about! 
hmmmm. i think i’ll take this opportunity to grab question 48 (What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?) and plug @lu-sn’s discotheque rouge which just got a second chapter that makes me want to live inside her specific brand of post-canon vegaspete 💕 
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hyunverse · 1 year
oooo that sounds fun!! what’d you make ?? :)) idk how you manage to live w 7 ppl i’d lose my mind lollll
ME TOO !!! he’s everywhere 😭. ik what’s up w hyunjins pcs always being pricey, it’s so annoying. YES I WAS SHOCKED AT FIRST literally squealing and then i was like nearly crying. bc he has dark blue hair and is doing his little peace sign w his little pout :((((( how could you not :((((
THE BACK DIMPLESSS YESSSS, so sexy. jeongins hands ,,,, sigh. so long and slender and pretty i just 💔. i think i hear the word hands and just instantly become delusional, it’s like i’m in a trance 🤭. AND HANS WAIST GAHHHHH i want to grab it. he has such a cute belly button too 😭 oddly specific but it is true. they all have cute ones from what we’ve seen tbh
ohhh yes i get that, that’s rly awesome you study it tho !! it’s fun to learn new languages even when it’s challenging and then it’s rly rewarding when you can have convos w ppl based on their language. i love interactions like that they make me happy
ITS GOING SO GOOD, thank you for asking love <33 i’m gonna post it tmrw night and i’m rly exciteddddd. i was telling kana how i’m excited to be able to send you guys pics now too, i want to show off my cats hehe. OOOO OT8 HCSSS THATS SO EXCITINGGGGG. i cant wait to read them 😋. u better be sleeping rn 😠😠😠😠 as much as u can bc u have no classes 😠😠😠 (this is my new fave emoji bc it looks like leebit hehe)
- 🐈‍⬛ cuddles much needed today thank u bae🫂🫂🫂 ily kisses 4 u
made ramen with poached eggs!! my comfort food forever. aaa yeah at first it sounds hectic, i mean eight girls living in a house together feels so chaotic right 😭 but it turned out to be nice!! we have four rooms, so each room consists of two people!! i got lucky with considerate and responsible housemates, tbh. they know when they can be loud, and when they need to be quiet. it feels like i have seven sisters lol. tbh if they weren’t considerate, i think i’d lose my mind too </3
dark blue minho <333 i also love purple minho. i love all of minho tbh live laugh love minho case 145 i love minho!!!
CUTE BELLY BUTTON LMAO IM SO?5?5?5 GASPIGN FOT AIR I CANT RBSHAJS thats so random and i love it 🤝 giving me hyunjin belly button piercing in play with fire IT GOT ME ILL!!! ILL, I TELL YOU!!
i do like learning languages, i just get bored halfway </3 like i’ll want to learn another language instead </3 it’s absolutely horrid, i fr need to stop and focus on one. i literally gave up on spanish after a month LOL. i know a little sign language though!! and to read and write in arabic.
AS I AM REPLYING TO THIS, I SEE UVE MADE A REVEAL HEHRHEHFHS gonna check out the work rn!!!! im so excited!!
stop it does look like a leebit T_T that’s so cute ‘m gonna start abusing that emoji now 😠😠😠 talking abt skzoo im gonna buy jiniret and puppy.m soon ^__^ gonna sew them clothes, i am beyond excited zzz
more kisses and cuddles for u!!! mwa!!
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I know there are lots of WC books, boy do I know. But put your most faves of the series and rate them - shipping-shiggy.
oh fuck this is HARD
hmmmmmm...... im gonna do this in categories i think, putting under the cut bc this could get long
alright i'll start with super editions, since theyre the most cut and dry i think
crookedstar's promise, it's super good, very emotional, i love crookedstar
tallstar's revenge, very gay, love it
this one's kinda difficult bc i havent read most of the older ones in a long time, so i think my answer would probably change once i've reread them, so... tentatively, im gonna say crowfeather's trial, for the sole reason that i have been a crowfeather fan since i was 10
ok next up im gonna do it by arc, and then after that i'll pick my faves out of those faves
for the prophecies begin:
into the wild, ofc
rising storm
i think a dangerous path and the darkest hour are tied here
honestly, the first arc in general is just rly solid, probably the best in the series (altho not my favorite arc)
now for the new prophecy... disclaimer, i havent read these books in at least 6 years, and i dont remember hardly anything so im going off wiki summaries lmao
starlight (windclan civil war my beloved, oh if only you were better fleshed out and expanded on)
sunset (good bramblehawk content lmao)
power of three time
eclipse!! when i was a kid i reread this book over and over bc i thought the battle in the tunnels was just SO fucking cool, and yknow what? i was right
dark river
the sight
omen of the stars
the last hope for the sheer impact it had on me as a kid (also i still cry over firestar's death lmao)
night whispers
the forgotten warrior
dawn of the clans, my favorite arc!
the first battle, it has my favorite line in the series and is just. so good.
a forest divided
path of stars
a vision of shadows
SHATTERED SKY this is in my top 5 of all time, i LOVE how fucking dark it is, i can't get enough, i want more warriors books that are this level of fucked
thunder and shadow
the apprentice's quest
honestly this arc... kinda sucks lmao, it has some high points but overall... nah
the broken code! this is probably my 2nd or 3rd fave arc, i rly liked it
lost stars, incredibly strong start to an arc
the silent thaw, was not bored for even a single page reading this one, which is very rare for warriors
darkness within bc of how dark it is, even in comparison to the rest of this arc; like, that scene where the sisters are trying to summon bramblestar's ghost but instead it's a bunch of ghost cats screaming in agony?? fucking awesome
aaand i can't rly rate the current arc since theres only one book out dnfgdjkfh but i really loved river, i think this arc is gonna be pretty good!
soooo overall rankings! we have:
shattered sky, i could read it again and again, i swear
the first battle
into the wild
and just for funsies here are some of my least favorite books, not rly categorized bc im getting tired of typing<3
yellowfang's secret, leopardstar's honor, squirrelflight's hope, the sun trail (seriously fuck this book), outcast (every time the erins write a traveling book i die a little more inside), the fourth apprentice, river of fire, and the place of no stars
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mizugucci · 2 years
omg heyyyyy 🎵 <3 if you’re still doing them 🥰🥰
hello hello!!! of course anything for you <3
position: ahh probably a dancer!! and a rapper with a few lines, but not much. regarding creation, you are in charge of creating the gfx for teasers and schedules for each comeback and you're also known as the 'lover' of the group bc you just have so much love for all your members. you're in the middle age wise, but you're the #1 supporter of ALL members
group name: NOL!NES (read as the two words 'no lines' and refers to how your group arent boxed in by lines and you have the freedom, ability, and creativity to do whatever you want -- your group is 100% fully member-created (with a little help ofc!). besides scheduling/major filming/money stuff, your group does everything: writing songs, lyrics, choreographs, film editing, social media posting/marketing, creating teasers/gfx, etc. you have 15 members, which is why you're able to do so much -- and also why as a running joke, your group name NOL!NES refers to the amount each member gets (NO LINES) bc of the amount of members lmfao
concept: this is an interesting one bc im not rly sure how it could correlate as an actual concept, but ill try my best. the idea that comes to mind is 'maturing for the better'. its about growing up and leaving behind old hate and being oppositional (for example, remember hating the color pink bc it was too girly? oops now we've grown up and love the color pink <3 or rmbr when we did the opposite of everything our parents said bc we were that age? yeah well now we know how hard they worked) its about becoming the best person you can be. this is reflected in the lyrics of each song but also in the mv, and each comeback is a new lesson (for ex. the parent one is probably the first comeback)
debut song: ooooooo very bright and colorful! the lyrics ofc reflect the concept, but its also full of funk and bright happy singing. theres not much rap, and if it is, its kind of like a back-and-forth teasing rap between 2 rappers (see: pentagon's round 1 or 2). the music video is all about the idea of 'not being like other [girls]' where over the course of the mv, all of your members realize each other arent so bad -- and you become friends. a group of 15. a family!!!!!! A FOUND FAMILY
fun fact: FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS!!! yes i saw that post but also bc this is smth your group would do! like svt, every year renew it -- but instead of changing the ring/jewelry, you add a charm to reflect the past year onto your bracelet. you get your first charm at debut and literally all of you cry LOL not surprising! over the years, you add charms and the weight of being an idol gets heavier, both literally and metaphorically, but it feels more meaningful somehow
send me a 🎵 and ill create a kpop group with you in it, based on you and/or your blog!
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relicarios-de-dor · 5 months
I think it's important to say that I lived in a time when Tumblr was a no man's land, that being said, if for some reason you want to poke around in my more archaic posts, you'll see some really bizarre things. following….
I'm a woman, a chaos, born in the 90s, pansexual, currently in a long-term relationship with another woman. I'm a neurodivergent person, chronically d3pre5sed, anx1ous, b0rd3r, b1p0l4r, with unspecified t.a - explaining: I had a no eating period and when happened i puk3d; then I had a very compulsive period and so it has been; su1c1d@l (but medicat3d nowadays), a cvutt3r (now I get tattoos ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯), and I recently discovered that i can say "religious tr4uma"✨ instead os explainig why i don't like religion/church people. ps: I'm not talking about faith.
This year I graduate as a psychologist! lol ⁠ (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;) I love my profession but it scares me so much… anyway〈("≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠).
Before medication I felt more creative, I used to write and draw more easily; I like art therapy, I miss the liberating feeling. I still draw from time to time but nothing original and I rarely write - this year I'm going to try to do it again little by little.
I have 2 dogs and one is very old, she held me to cry when I needed it, she knew exactly when I wasn't well and she didn't let me go… I rly don't deserve this 4-legged angel.
I like dorama, kpop (annyeonghaseyo Stay imnida!)+, yuri/yaoi ⁠(͡⁠°⁠ₒ ͡⁠°⁠), talk abt sexuality and kinkies ⁠(͡⁠°⁠ₒ ͡⁠°⁠); YES, PLS ASK ME ABT PSYCHOLOGY, I'LL LOVE TALKING ABT IT!!!, I love rambling abt random questions of existence, criticizing patriarchy, male chauvinism, sexism, white men and Karens embarassing themselves just cuz it's free, anyway…
If you read all of this, identified yourself in some way and followed me… pls PLEASE feel free to come and talk - it will take me a while to answer you cuz I'll panic, but I'll answer! promise! (◍⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠◍ ⁠)❤
So making clear: I am NOT pro an4/m1a, sh, any other things related to the mental health conditions I mentioned above (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠). The things that are written here are personal vents.
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drewsaturday · 2 years
finished reading evelyn h*go and i have mixed feelings so i'm just going to dump them here. not gonna be super positive so don't read if you're like, against people criticizing the things you like lmao.
i wanted to love it but i genuinely did not understand the appeal of celia; what evelyn saw in her, what she saw in evelyn, beyond just the general attraction that was described, is a mystery to me. i feel like we did not get a sense of celia as a character so i honestly did not care when she died
a lot of characters felt two-dimensional because we are hearing about them through evelyn's lens, but also i think the writing just isn't good lol
i DID cry when harry died tho. they had my favorite type of relationship honestly, just an overall A++ qpr. i wanted to know so much more about him.
i also cried when connor died
i just... don't understand why i cared more about like, little things like connor's dynamic with celia's brother than the Ultra Showstopping F/F Romance of the Century
i like that evelyn is awful and kind of "corrupted" monique by teaching her to get what she wants in life
i liked the twist okay about why she chose monique, monique's dad and everything. i honestly didn't care much for monique; i feel like, although i do appreciate the format of the book, monique didn't need to be there almost. her presence provides an interesting look into the casualties of evelyn's life and another layer of interpreting evelyn instead of knowing evelyn at her core, which is the whole issue evelyn faces with her own presence. but i also... didn't care a ton about her.
the writing was light which i always appreciate as someone who struggles with reading, but it was also just... really TOO simple? super super cliche similes and metaphors, sometimes sentences like "i love the smell of shampoo" that... i don't need to know that? what does that even mean ajl;dsljfldjfk. idk, it's honestly fine i guess, but it does make me wonder why this book is heralded as such a masterpiece when... you can totally like it and still acknowledge it's not Great
more on celia, she was genuinely so fucking stupid. i feel like a lot of her issues stem from wanting to be with evelyn fully without evelyn having to be with men on the side, more so than wanting to be out and proud with her /in the fucking FIFTIES/. but also! she! really pushed for that! oh my god! you and ev are both superstars holy shit. i know WELL down the line she admitted relief to the measures evelyn took to protect them, but... "we should go protest with the stonewall riots :D" BESTIE NO YOU ARE A CLOSETED SUPERSTAR ABOUT TO PUT YOUR WHOLE BEARD POLYCULE AT RISK
AND THEN FINALLY SHE'S THE ONE WHO HAS ACTUAL SENSE WHEN EVELYN COMES AROUND IN THE 80S TO WANTING TO BE OPENLY WITH HER. "hey evelyn they'll take your daughter away, you know that right?" and evelyn's just like "i'm done caring" LIKE?????? HELLO????? if i actually understood the appeal of celia maybe i would be able to understand that approach, or if evelyn had been shown to be a distant mother rather than captivated by her kid, i could understand it. ultimately i'm sure she didn't... totally MEAN it beyond in that moment... but EVELYN why does celia have to be the one to tell you the risks now
their attitudes about being outed just felt unrealistic at times, basically. i know they are rich and feel on top of the world but... you'd think they would understand the legal and social ramifications better
i also wanted more historical immersion honestly like... it's something i have to look more into, but i feel like there should have been more euphemisms and such for terms like lesbian used more often than the word lesbian itself
on the flipside of that, some aspects felt too modern with how sexuality was spoken about and handled but i don't rly wanna get into that too much. evelyn's clarity on labels makes sense for being someone obsessed with the truth but sometimes things felt... out of place. idk.
lastly i think a lot of the emotional pull that was done well was how we span evelyn's entire life and we get this great contrast of everyone being alive and having fun and on top of the world, only to get smacked in the face with their tombstones or the emptiness of their absence. that was good. like this line somewhere about connor sitting at the table with evelyn as an adult, and its the same table they'd sit at when she was a baby with harry celia and john.
anyway not a bad book it just does not live up to the hype. it's a kinda trashy YA romance read and that's fine, it doesn't have to be a masterpiece. it excels at being what it is. it just... isn't a queer romance of the century literary masterpiece, which is what i expected based on how people spoke about it.
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anxietywithinme · 2 years
i miss u right now so instead of texting you again im just going to write something here but damn it i rly miss you and everytime i come across a video of us or read thru our old dms i want to cry bcus ive never felt so comfortable or so much for someone the way i do u even after everything and we have both hurt eachother i cant help it i love u so much but i think i broke u idk who you are now and you confuse me sometimes i dont recognize who u are anymore but most of the time u are actually right but sometimes u arent like when we got lost on shrooms that traumatized me and i resent u a little for that among other things. idk if i will ever be able to love u the same but i still love u so much now. i want u to succeed with me i hope whatever ur doing rn ur working hard and im supporting u from a distance hoping that we’ll find a way back to eachother but as time passes i lose hope in that especially with no communication. tell me to forget u if thats what ur truly doing right now bcus im holding onto that little bit of hope and last time we were supposed to go on a date so maybe u rly do love me too. then again it was going to a club so who knows. i want to spoil the guck out of u but i want to be spoiled back and i want our love to be able to be articulated thru words better with the physical touch and everything else. u say its just lust and it is partially that but more. our souls r connected maybe u r my twin flame. it hurt me when u didnt say that song reminded u of me but then again u wouldnt know thats the response i was looking for but still. it hurt and i wondered who u were thinking about. i thought u loved me but i dont know. maybe i hurt u too much but i didnt know better at the time but it also wasnt by intentions but also did what i saw fit at the time in that situation. i couldnt simply let me fall for u that i couldnt handle yet it would ruin me i wasnt looking for love necessarily either im not sure what i wss looking for though.. just something. a life in a new city but then i found u. anyways, we’ll work things out.
0 notes
baekhvuns · 2 years
Queen of spoilers we wouldn't mind you telling us everything about Bodyguard, we'll still read it anyway, just saying 👀
Omg I forgot about Lu Han, what is he even up to right now? I watched some of the early episodes, especially the ones with my lady Dilraba, but Yuqi, Xukun and [redacted] had some cute and funny moments together, so I liked watching them.
It's a song with Beomgyu, Soobin and Taehyun I was shook too, only proves I'm bad at distinguishing their vocals 😬 I know Yeonjun's, Beomgyu's and Soobin's sometimes. Ahhhh taste, Ghosting is so nice MORE DREAM POP IN KPOP PLEASE!
Omg fave songs??? I have so many bestie, especially for bgs, so maybe I'll list some of the ggs, well I love The Boys and Gee (I used to like Gee ironically but I think I legit love it lol) by SNSD, Fire by 2ne1, Nobody by Wonder Girls, BEG Abracadabra (shout out to Seonghwa now give us a full cover baby) - the classics. I have so many 2nd gen gg fave tracks I can't remember honestly, back in the day I used to listen to girl groups mostly. But the ones I play the most are: GI-dle OMG, Lion, Hwaa, Twice Cry For Me, Espresso, Last Waltz, Can't Stop Me, Mamamoo Hip, Pristin V Get It and Pristin Black Widow, Stayc So Bad, Apink Dumhdurum, Weki Meki Cool, CLC's Hobgoblin and Helicopter, Exid DDD, Itzy Not Shy, Wannabe and Loco, 4Minute Crazy, Nature Girls, Dreamcatcher Boca and Scream, Purple Kiss Zombie and Ponzona, Everglow La Di Da, Dun Dun, First, Pirate... and many many more. Btw do you know Pixy? My girls served another creepy and witchy come back 🥰 And shout out to Sunmi's Gashina and Heroine, some of my fave kpop songs ever <3333
Turmeric milk noooo... but like warm milk?! 🤚🏻 I've heard of it, but nooooo, same with milk and honey.
Well I don't know I'm not gonna write the AU myself 😭
YEAH just stare at all the products and give up, exactly. Not sure if I would go for any specific hairstyle, I just need some of the hair goneeee. My hair is wavy and all over the place so it's a bit difficult to have a nice haircut without styling it </3
My god two helpless simps, I would like to see it, especially the way Y/N warms up to Seonghwa against her will.
I wanted to send you the second tweet LITERALLY ME AS A FANSITE idydjudjdndnsjs it's like the camera person showing Seonghwa's crotch during Wonderland - focusing on the priorities I see
Hehe first thing I saw in the morning
Also 😭😭😭😭 he's so aiqyqhwgshhahshs
Us at a fan sign I'm sure
I started watching mew Hwang In Yeop drama, he's out of high school but romancing his professor instead and I'm... conflicted, love noona romance but 🥴 it's called Why Her? - DV 💖
hi hello!! bestie i answered this ask fully but it logged me out 😭😭
Queen of spoilers we wouldn't mind you telling us everything about Bodyguard, we'll still read it anyway, just saying 👀
Omg I forgot about Lu Han, what is he even up to right now? I watched some of the early episodes, especially the ones with my lady Dilraba, but Yuqi, Xukun and [redacted] had some cute and funny moments together, so I liked watching them.
luhan’s so pretty i miss his presence 😭😭😭😭 ,, i think hes more focused on acting now but still does music on the side like his earlier songs were chefs kisses like medals and catch me when i fall t E A R S,,,, OH MY GOD DILRABAAAAA I USED TO SHIP HIM AND HER JVCJC THEY HAD SUCH NICE CHEMISTRY omg xukun’s so hot,, he reminds me of this enhyphen (???) member sunghoon- omg did u watch the chinese ver of wanna one where lay judged?? RLY ONE OF THE BEST BGS 
It's a song with Beomgyu, Soobin and Taehyun I was shook too, only proves I'm bad at distinguishing their vocals 😬 I know Yeonjun's, Beomgyu's and Soobin's sometimes. Ahhhh taste, Ghosting is so nice MORE DREAM POP IN KPOP PLEASE!
YESS MORE DREAM POP IDK WHY GROUPDS DONT DO THEM OFTEN ITS A RLY UNDERRATED GENRE 😭😭😭😭 like they do it sometimes but when they do its an ultimate classic so good, currently writing a petition for groups to do this more,, ateez better holding them on gunpoint 
Omg fave songs??? I have so many bestie, especially for bgs, so maybe I'll list some of the ggs, well I love The Boys and Gee (I used to like Gee ironically but I think I legit love it lol) by SNSD, Fire by 2ne1, Nobody by Wonder Girls, BEG Abracadabra (shout out to Seonghwa now give us a full cover baby) - the classics. I have so many 2nd gen gg fave tracks I can't remember honestly, back in the day I used to listen to girl groups mostly. But the ones I play the most are: GI-dle OMG, Lion, Hwaa, Twice Cry For Me, Espresso, Last Waltz, Can't Stop Me, Mamamoo Hip, Pristin V Get It and Pristin Black Widow, Stayc So Bad, Apink Dumhdurum, Weki Meki Cool, CLC's Hobgoblin and Helicopter, Exid DDD, Itzy Not Shy, Wannabe and Loco, 4Minute Crazy, Nature Girls, Dreamcatcher Boca and Scream, Purple Kiss Zombie and Ponzona, Everglow La Di Da, Dun Dun, First, Pirate... and many many more. Btw do you know Pixy? My girls served another creepy and witchy come back 🥰 And shout out to Sunmi's Gashina and Heroine, some of my fave kpop songs ever <3333
BESTIEEEE THE BOYS IS SOOO GOOD I USED TO WATCH EVERY GROUP COVER IT ON REPEAT,,, PLSS PRISTINS GET IT >>>>>>> what a taste bestie immaculate taste BRO EVERGLOWS DUNDUN ALBUM IS SO GOOD??? NO LIE IS SO GOOD & PLAYER >>>>> i know pixy!! warched them while waiitng for ateez to get on their inkigayo stuff and THEIR PRESENCE IS TRULY CAPTIVATING THO IDK MOST THEIR SONGS 😭😭😭😭 heroine >>> gashina,,, heroine is such a nostalgic sound i wish she did more songs like that 😭😭😭😭 
Turmeric milk noooo... but like warm milk?! 🤚🏻 I've heard of it, but nooooo, same with milk and honey.
MILK AND HONEY????// 😭😭😭😭 turmeric milk is disgusting esp bc it got flakes in it too -100% never rec
Well I don't know I'm not gonna write the AU myself 😭
IN THE DREAMS !!! manifesting it for u <3
YEAH just stare at all the products and give up, exactly. Not sure if I would go for any specific hairstyle, I just need some of the hair goneeee. My hair is wavy and all over the place so it's a bit difficult to have a nice haircut without styling it </3
YEAHHHH 😭😭😭😭 nAURRRRR THAT MUST BE HARD TO DEAL WITH,, i once went for a haircut, idk what she did but she rly slimmed my hair and its never grown back to its original self,, my mom still curses the hairstyler to this day fbsdb
My god two helpless simps, I would like to see it, especially the way Y/N warms up to Seonghwa against her will.
EXACTLYYYY HELPLESS SIMPS 😭😭😭😭 yn would ABSOLUTELY HATE WARMING UP TO HIM 😭😭😭😭 and he,,,, he might like it <3333 
I wanted to send you the second tweet LITERALLY ME AS A FANSITE idydjudjdndnsjs it's like the camera person showing Seonghwa's crotch during Wonderland - focusing on the priorities I see
Hehe first thing I saw in the morning
Also 😭😭😭😭 he's so aiqyqhwgshhahshs
Us at a fan sign I'm sure
1000% WE BOTH GET DIFF COLOURED ONES AND MIX AND MATCH AND BOOM FANSIGN 😭😭😭😭 no but i hope atinys do it 😭😭😭😭
I started watching mew Hwang In Yeop drama, he's out of high school but romancing his professor instead and I'm... conflicted, love noona romance but 🥴 it's called Why Her? - DV 💖
BESTIE I SAW THIS aND IS IT GOOD???? my brother watches it and its all he can talk about 😭😭😭😭 HEY NOONA ROMANCE BUT TEACHER???? j-jail???
bestie two quizzes,,, one ,,,, two 
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