#i spoke to him to which he didn't react then i checked his breathing and pulse
l0velylecter · 1 year
I'd like to request headcanons for our lovely cod men. 💖 How would they react when they were out and about running errands or something and they saw a woman they thought was so pretty they couldn't stop starring? This happened to me at the library once and it makes me feel vain to think about it so I shouldn't but it was quite an ego boost and it gives me butterflies. 🤭
— the cod : mw ii men + staring at you because you’re too beautiful  characters : simon ‘ghost’ riley, john ‘soap’ mactavish, alejandro vargas, captain john price, phillip graves, kyle ‘gaz’ garrick, rodolfo parra fandom : call of duty modern warfare ii tags : f!reader, headcanons, drabble, cute request from anon, love at first sight kind of vibe, very cheesy  rating :  g for general , sfw!
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01 | In an instant, his head would go blank, all thoughts out of the window. Gaz would stand across you in stunned silence, mouth slightly parted as you ask him again with a smile what he'd like to order while the people at the back of the line tapped their feet and checked their watches. He'd spew a random order, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as you wrote down his name on the cup. In the end, he'd return to the car with a frappe that was way too sweet for his taste. He didn't mind though, the little heart by the end of his name and the string of numbers written underneath it enough to bring out his sweet tooth. ( Price and Laswell would ask him where their orders were, snapping him out of the trance. )
02 | Soap doesn't mind being approached by dogs when they're with their owners. If anything, it makes him happy — which is why he's made it a habit to bring dog treats in his pocket whenever he's out on a walk. A clever pupper must've noticed because he's suddenly dashing towards him: tail wagging and barking playfully. Just as Soap wondered aloud where his owner was, you ran toward him, out of breath and profusely apologizing. He didn't catch a word, staring at you as a grin crept up against his face. And when he spoke, he stumbled over his words for a bit, a faint blush creeping up his neck. Despite trying to keep his cool and calm, he eventually cracked and admitted — " sorry, it's not every day I get to see a lass as bonnie as you." Giddy that he got your number, he didn't notice the lamppost ahead, still looking back at you from time to time. You asked him if he was alright, and he assured you he was fine, even if Soap realized that he's been walking in the wrong direction and was now in a completely different neighborhood.
03 | An earthquake could rock the stadium, and Price would still keep his eyes glued to the game. Laswell once said nothing could distract him from a football game until you sat across the man, unaware that Price just did a double take. The moment he realized he had missed the goal, he cursed under his breath: still unable to look away from how you clapped and cheered. And when you caught him, eyes locking together, he'd give you a smirk, flustering you with his confidence instead. Gaz and Laswell by the other side, giving each other a look, both rolling their eyes and smiling. He ends up striking up a conversation with you during half-time, and Gaz is secretly taking notes judging how you went to sit next to the captain. 04 | It's not a surprise for Alejandro to be stopped by the locals of the market whenever he goes out to run errands. A group of tías and tios would crowd him with a mouthful of questions, mostly thanking him for his service before meddling with his love life. It didn't bother him, even if it caused him to go home an hour later most of the time. Granted, it might get him in trouble because when you're constantly under the watchful gaze of people, it's hard not to get called out for staring yourself. When a voice snitched on him for watching you stand by the fruit stall, all eyes turned to him, including yours. He'd freeze and give a shy smile, trying to pretend he's been staring at the sky for a bit. They'd laugh, you'd laugh, and he'd silently cringe at himself. Even flustered, Alejandro is still charming, offering to pay for your groceries and honestly admitting that you were so beautiful he couldn't look away. There were a few stutters and a thin dust of red across his cheeks. He offers to carry your stuff to your car despite the heat of the noontime, grinning here and then.  05 | Rodolfo was a mess when you walked up to him and asked for directions. Granted, he had been staring at you before that, hoping that the sunglasses hid the way he's been watching you try to figure out the map in your hands. Rodolfo felt like a creep, but he couldn't help it: you looked stunning under the sun, cheeks red from the heat. So when you were walking in his direction, he started looking around for a place to hide, but it was just him, the wired gates behind him, and a tree too thin to cover him. It took him everything in his willpower not to stumble over his words, pushing down a smile. So when you told him playfully that you knew he'd been staring, it was all it took for him to hide his face behind a hand, too ashamed to look at you as you laughed. You told him it was cute and gave him your number, and Rodolfo had to spend thirty minutes behind the steering wheel to steady his hands before actually driving back to base. 06 | Once the shock wore off, Graves made a beeline for you — ignoring whoever had been talking to him to walk in your direction, hands in his pockets to feign ignorance. It would have been comical if the bastard wasn't actually charming, confident, and somewhat smug; Graves reminded you of a peacock preening his feathers. Even after you brush him off, you still sometimes catch him staring at you from across the room, eyes blue and electric as they follow your every move: shamelessly checking you out.  07 | A heartbeat passed where he just stood and watched you, expression barely readable behind his mask and tactical gear. And under the silhouette, surrounded by the chaos of men shouting orders and the helicopter taking off, it was even harder to tell what he was thinking. Yet for a fraction of a second, his eyes would widen, the initial suspicion wearing off to make way for something akin to awe. Yet that was as close as you'll ever get to seeing him off his balance. But you still feel it, the invisible hair on the back of your neck pricking up whenever he's in the room, knowing that his eyes followed and so did his footsteps: never too far away in case you'd ever need his help. In a strange yet not unwelcomed turn of events where Simon became rather protective in guarding a rescued civilian, Laswell tells you it's because you're beautiful. You find that hard to believe ( even if everyone but you know it's the closest thing to Ghost flustered by first sight.)
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a/n : hi anon ! sorry for the long response it’s been a hectic week, it’s also my first time writing after nearly a week and half now so sorry if i’m a bit rusty !! i hope you enjoyed this, i really had fun writing this request, what an interesting prompt ! and lucky you to have that interaction in the library hehe <3  → i believe graves likes to pretend he’s the rizzmaster, but it’s actually price. also gaz wants to learn how to have rizz and everyone assumes ghost has rizz but he doesn’t that much. ( simon is the equivalent of staring at your crush for longer than 3 seconds and thinking that they’ll notice.)  
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Tease-Sam Kiszka
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Warnings: Explicit sexual content, mature themes, smoking, oral sex (male and fem receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, language, MINORS DNI.
A/N: Okay. This is my first Sammy fic, so be kind. 🥺 I think Sam is such a sub, so I tried my best at making him one. I hope you all enjoy it.
Your jaw clenched as you reached for your glass. Your eyes burning into the back of his head. He had to feel your gaze scorching him. He was choosing to ignore it. Ignore you. You watched as he fluttered around the pool table, following the petite blonde with fake tits, like a lost puppy dog.
You took a sip of the cool liquid, hoping to extinguish the fire burning deep in your stomach. You knew why he was doing this. The dark little part of him he only let you see, wanted you seething and green with envy. You watched as the game of pool came to an end. Sam leaned a hip on the table, facing the nameless blonde, and you. You stared at him as you noticed his eyes glued to her chest. Your heart pounded as he flicked his eyes up, past her, landing on yours, a cocky smirk planted on his face. Then his attention was back on her.
That's it. You were going to drag him out of this bar by his luscious locks and teach him a lesson. Your hands gripped the table, preparing for your attack, but you were stopped by a light tap on the wrist. You turned your head to Josh, who was seated next to you.
"Everything okay?" He raised an eyebrow, unaware of the game being played by you and Sam.
You cleared your throat, easing back into the booth. You scanned the faces of everyone at the table. Jake gave you a knowing smile like he knew what the darkness in your eyes meant, like he had been there before. Danny's puppy dog eyes were filled with questions.
"Yeah. Yeah, everything is good." You took a deep breath and painted on your best smile.
The boys continued their conversations about the band, the tour, and all things Greta. You stayed focused on them and ignored Sammy's childish antics. For the most part. You kept him as a blur in your peripheral, noticing how his head seemed to be turned towards you more often.
"I was absolutely killing it in pool tonight. Did ya see?" Sam turned his head to you before looking back at the road.
He had been non-stop talking since you got in the car. You hadn't gotten a word in, not that you had anything to say. Your mind was buzzing with all the possibilities of punishment you could inflict once you were home. Your eyes were focused on the road. You decided to let Sam drive home, which only happened every so often. He was a passenger princess in every sense of the phrase.
"That blonde was pretty cute. Sara."
You could feel the scummy smile he had on his face after he spoke. Your jaw clenched, but you forbid yourself from reacting further. You pulled an almost full pack of cigarettes from the passenger side pocket, slipping one out. You rolled the window down and lit it with the lighter from the same location. You inhaled deeply and then exhaled a stream of smoke out the window.
You were not a regular smoker. You smoked when you drank, and when you were extremely cross. Right now, you didn't know which reason was the source of your craving. Sam held his pointer and middle fingers to you, signaling he wanted a drag. You took another puff, then tossed it out the window. He mumbled something under his breath as he turned into the driveway.
You made your way out of the car, taking your time to check your belongings. You didn't want to expose your excitement. You sauntered to the front door behind Sam and waited as he fumbled with the key. You noticed his hands shaking slightly despite his cool demeanor. He knew he was in trouble.
He finally opened the door, letting you walk in first. You hung your purse on one of the hooks hanging in the foyer. You turned to Sam. His eyes were on you as he slipped his shoes off. You smiled and slowly closed the space between you. Your fingers lightly feathered over the exposed skin peeking behind his half buttoned shirt. He let out a shakey breath, watching you with caution.
"Why so nervous, Sam?" You looked up at him with furrowed brows. "Are you worried you did something wrong?" You reached a hand up, stroking his cheek.
He licked his lips as he moved his hands to grab your waist. Before he could make contact, you grabbed a fist full of his hair, pulling down sharply until he was on his knees in front of you, hissing at your grasp. You leaned down to his eye level.
"You think it's cute to make me look like a fool, Sammy?" You asked. Your tone no different than asking someone for the time.
His mouth hung open while his eyes focused on your lips. You reased his hair from your fist. You stood up and placed the sole of your high-heeled shoe on his chest.
"Take it off." You looked down at him with a raised brow.
His eyes traced up your leg to the edge of your skirt. He could see the hot pink thong hugging your cunt. He swallowed hard before moving his hands to the thick strap around your ankle.
"I'm sorry." He spoke in a hushed tone. He slipped your foot from your shoe, kissing the top of it.
You sat it on the ground and replaced it with your other foot. "Quiet." You answered back sternly. His mouth opened to speak. You dug your heel into his chest with light pressure, warning him to keep it to himself. He took the hint and finished his work, removing your shoe.
"Go kneel in front of the couch. I'll be there shortly." He stood up and moved eagerly past you. You noted the impression of his hard cock though his pants as he went by.
You made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a wine glass and a bottle of your favorite sweet white wine. You poured yourself a glass and took a slow sip. You knew Sam would be antsy. Rubbing his moist palms on his slacks, trying to peek his head around the corner to see if you were coming. You wanted him to sweat. You smirked, taking another sip before heading to the living room.
He was sitting on his knees, his back to you, facing the couch just like you had asked. You padded your way to him, raking your fingernails through his sleek locks.
"Look at you sitting so pretty for me, Sammy. You're such a good boy when you listen." He took a sharp inhale at your praises.
You moved into the small gap between him and the couch and sat down. You placed a foot on either side of his legs and let your knees fall apart while you relaxed back into the cushions. He started hungrily at your center.
"Can I touch you, baby? Please?" He looked up with longing eyes, his fingers twitching.
You ran your pointer finger around the edge of your glass, watching as it indented the skin.
"Hmm. I don't know. Do you feel like you've earned it?" You looked down at him, tilting your head to the side in question.
You watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. His eyes fluttered closed as he cleared his throat.
"I said I was sorry. I shouldn't have talked to that girl." His eyes opened, deep and sorrowful.
"Oh, Sammy." You leaned forward, grabbing his chin and pulling him to you until your lips were almost touching. "You're not sorry. But you're gonna be."
You smiled as you leaned back, taking a sip of your wine before sitting it on the end table. You traced your fingers down your sides until you got to the hem of your dress. You curled your fingers under it and pulled up slowly. Sam's eyes followed your movements, licking his lips in anticipation. You lifted your hips, pulling your dress over your ass and stopping once your lower half was exposed. You heard the soft groan he let out as he gazed at your heat through the lace of your panties.
"You're gonna lick my pussy until I decide you're sorry. Got it?" You spread your legs a little wider and slipped a finger into the side of your panties, pulling them to the side. He leaned in, breathing you in deeply.
"Yes, ma'am. I got it." His eyes locked on yours as he stuck out his tongue, running it from your entrance to your clit.
You moaned softly, letting your head fall back. He swirled his tongue around your swollen clit before taking it between his lips, sucking gently. You looked down at him, your chest rising and falling quickly. His eyes were closed, lost in pleasing you. Your fingers locked into his hair and tugged. His eyes opened and found yours.
"Fuck, Sam. You're so pretty between my legs." You breathed out.
He pulled away from you, his lips puffy and pink from sucking you.
"Touch me, Sammy," you whined softly, releasing your grasp on his hair.
He eagerly slid his hands up your legs to your inner thighs. He leaned down and placed light kisses to your skin, letting his slender fingers find your heat. He rested his cheek on the top of your thigh as he slipped through your folds, rubbing slow circles on your bud. Your hips bucked into his touch, silently signaling your want for more. He moved his hand from you and parted his lips, bringing his glistening fingers to them. You let out an involuntary gasp as you watched his tongue coat his fingers in his saliva.
He smirked as he brought them down to your entrance, teasing you before slipping them in at a leisurely pace. He watched as you sucked him in. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, making it shine. He curled upwards once he was down to his second knuckle. You reached a hand down, grabbing his wrist and digging your nails into his skin delicately. Your eyes closed as you arched your back off the couch.
He pumped in and out of you, setting a steady pace, the thumb of his other hand rubbing your throbbing clit.
"Yes, Sam. Don't stop," you moaned out, letting your head fall back.
"Yeah? Does that feel good, mommy?" He asked just above a whisper.
You clenched around him as the words left his mouth. He had never called you mommy before, and you felt like you should be ashamed of how much it turned you on, but you weren't. You squeezed his wrist firmly as you tried to push him out of you.
"Come here." Your voiced cracked as you tried to keep your dominant persona present.
He stood up and leaned over you. He placed his wet fingers to your lips, and you graciously accepted them in. He watched with lidded eyes and a slack jaw as you swirled your tongue around them. He removed his fingers then placed his hands on either side of your head, the back of the couch supporting his weight as he leaned further into you. His lips pressed into yours with a fiery need. He took your bottom lip between his teeth and bit down. You let out a breathy moan as your pussy clenched around nothing.
You reached your hands out to his chest, fingers fumbling with the few closed buttons on his shirt. He smiled against your lips, clearly amused at how desperate you seemed for him. He straightened and shrugged his shirt off his shoulders, letting it drift to the floor.
"Pants too," you instructed, gaining some composure.
You watched the muscles in his hands flex under the skin as he undid the button and fly of his pants. He let them fall to the ground, running a hand through his hair as he stepped out of them. You stood from the couch, taking a step so you were inches from his face. Your eyes scanning over his beautiful features as your hands ran up his sides.
"Sit down." You took a side step, unblocking his path to the couch.
He raised an eyebrow before moving to sit. He leaned back with his arms stretched out on the back of the couch, his legs spread. You stood in front of him, slipping your fingers under the hem of your dress, slowly pulling it up over your head.
His eyes watched you as you slid your bra straps down your shoulders and unhooked it from behind, letting it fall to the ground. His tongue glided over his plush lips, his hard cock straining against the fabric of his underwear.
"You're so fucking sexy." His head shaking in disbelief as he spoke.
You smiled, pushing your panties down your legs, moving between his legs as you stepped out of them. You sank to your knees in front of him, your hands sliding up his thighs to the waistband of his boxers. He groaned when your fingers found their way in, pulling him free from his confinement. You kissed the tip of his warm cock, already leaking with pre-cum and throbbing in your hand.
"Looks like someone is eager." You winked before parting your lips, taking him into your mouth.
His head snapped back while his hands found your hair. "Oh god," he moaned out in relief.
You swallowed him down until he hit the back of your throat. He hissed and yanked your hair at the root, causing you to moan against him. The vibrations making him whimper. You bobbed up and down on him until his moans grew louder and closer together. You popped off of him, wiping the corners of your mouth. He whined in protest, his eyes begging for more.
"You don't get to cum yet, silly. You have to take care of mama first." You straddled him while you spoke, the tip of his cock resting on your clit.
You rocked your hips over him slowly. His eyes narrowed, and his mouth hung open. You leaned into him, kissing his lips while you reached between your legs, wrapping your fingers around his cock. You pushed it into your entrance, making you both sigh into each other's mouths.
You leaned back and placed your hands on his knees, giving him full view of him sliding in and out of you. You moved your hips up and down on him slowly. He slid a hand up your chest and wrapped loosely around the side of your neck.
"Jesus, y/n. You feel. So. Fucking. Good." His eyebrows scrunched together while he bit down on his bottom lip.
His kept his eyes on the space where you connected, soft whines escaping him. You leaned your head back, focusing on keeping a steady pace and the delicious feeling of him filling you up. You panted and moaned for him. His cock always felt like it was made for you. You fit perfectly together, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
You felt his thumb rubbing circles over your clit. You lifted your head, looking down to where his fingers were, then up to him. A light sheen of sweat was shining on his forehead. His eyes, dark and full of lust, burned into yours.
"Oh fuck, Sammy. Right there, don't stop." You breathed, your hips moving up and down on him faster as the fire ignited in your core.
You clenched around him, a sinfully whiney moan escaping him. You smirked, pleased with the way you were making him come undone.
"You think your little slut would fuck you this good?" You asked, sitting up and digging your fingers into his shoulders.
You felt his cock twitch inside of you as you stilled in his lap. Your lips found his neck, leaving slow, sloppy, wet kisses to his jaw. His hands found your hips, squeezing firmly.
"Tell me, Sam. Would she?" Your teeth grazed against his cheek as his chest heaved against yours.
He swallowed hard and took a trembling breath before answering. "No. No one can make me feel as good as you do." He wiggled his hips, trying desperately to get you to move on him.
"Good boy," you hummed in his ear before lifting up and dropping down on his cock again.
He gasped, throwing his head back. You wrapped an arm around his neck, using your free hand to grab his chin, tilting his head back up.
"Look at me,” you whispered.
His eyes locked on yours as you panted and moaned, the wet, slapping noises as you bounced on him added fuel to the fire burning inside of you. He was so fucking pretty. You traced over his face, taking him in. His blushed cheeks, his tongue darting out every so often wetting his plush lips, the adoration swimming in his eyes.
"You're so good to me. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve your pussy. This delicious, velvet-soft pussy. Fuck, baby." He clenched his jaw as he snaked his arms around your waist. He held you down as he lifted his hips and fucked into you.
His words and sudden action made you explode. "Fuck, Sam. I'm coming. Fuck!" You squealed as the fire spread through every inch of you.
"That's right. Cum on this cock, sweetheart. Yes!" He pounded you through your orgasm until he was shaking. You knew he wasn't far behind.
"Fill me up, baby. Need it so bad. Please, Sammy." You whimpered, giving him your best doe eyes and pouty lips.
He thrusted a few times before he grunted, his eyes squeezing shut. His mouth hung open, moaning your name while he pumped you full of his warmth. You rested your forehead on his, both of you trying to catch your breath. After a few moments, he leaned into you, his lips connecting with yours. He kissed you so tenderly that you could have cried.
"I love you, angel." He whispered, pulling back and tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
You felt a tear roll down your cheek, his finger swiping it away as you smiled. "I love you too, Sam."
"I know." He kissed your cheek and pulled you against him, squeezing you tight.
You rested your head on his shoulder as your hearts beat in unison against each other. You were one in the same. He was yours, and you were his. You sniffled, lifting your head.
"Take a bath with me?" You asked, running your hand though his hair.
He nodded, helping you off of him. He padded off to the bathroom to start the bath while you went to the kitchen, grabbing the bottle of wine and two glasses.
You laid against his chest in the warm, bubbly water. Soft music flowed from the small speaker on the bathroom counter as you talked and laughed with him, looking forward to snuggling up with him in bed and drifting into a dream-filled sleep.
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ღ Howdy Pillar x Reader ღ
My 57 request! Hope you like!
Howdy Pillar, the only shopkeeper in the entire neighborhood, who with his kind and friendly manner attracted you in an intense way. Who wouldn't admit that this man was cute?
Since you've moved into the neighborhood, you've felt so welcome around everyone! Everyone was so kind and sweet… but you had to admit, you had more eyes for a certain green four-armed man. Howdy.
Howdy was just… so nice to you! He would always be willing to give you an extra apple or two for your apple pies, like: "On the house, because you're one of my favorites!" as he would say, not that the merchandise is worth any money, with you being able to get the so merchandise with a few jokes… but it was still sweet of him to do something like that right?
But then, recently you were seriously thinking about how to confess… Love could be so complicated! how should you do it?
With a romantic dinner? The idea sounded cool- but you didn't necessarily have the guts for it yet- Dinner at your place? You and Howdy alone by candlelight? Omg- You blush just thinking about-
With a song? No- Definitely not- Although it was a cute and attractive idea, you also didn't know if you could sing it without blushing in front of Howdy- You would probably stutter the whole song honestly-
Hm… how about a simple card saying your feelings? Yes! This could work! Would you try to at least stay in front of him without running around like a scared mouse- Yeah, that sounds good enough…
So then, with the idea in mind, you picked up some [color] paper, starting to write down your loving feelings for Howdy, how they were for you something like you were constantly on sweet clouds, as cliche as that was.
With the card ready, you knew it was time! Checking your clock to see it was four o'clock in the afternoon. Perfect!
With courage taking your body, you left your house with the card, quickly heading to Howdy’s Place, opening the door slowly being greeted by the soft sound of the bell, and there he was.. behind the counter giving you a sweet smile, as always… you squeezed the card lightly in your hands.
" Oh! Good afternoon (Y/n)! How are you today? " Howdy spoke with a happy tone, greeting you with his usual sweet smile, which made you take a deep breath, returning the smile.
" Good afternoon Howdy.. I'm fine! " You spoke quickly, moving closer to the counter to be closer to him.
" That's good to hear dear! So, how can I help you today? Maybe a bag of [favorite sweets] and some apples? " Howdy asked with a soft smile, leaning on the counter as he rested his head on one of his hands.
" W-well that would be great! But that's not why I'm here… you see Howdy… this is for you " You spoke in a slow nervous tone, slowly placing the card on the counter, pushing it towards him. The Pillar reacted to this with an expression of confusion for a second, but ended up taking the card anyway.
You felt yourself shudder on your feet, feeling a tightness in your chest as you held your breath, just watching Howdy's surprise expression, with him having a slightly open mouth in surprise in addition to slightly flushed cheeks. God! You wanted to run to your home and never leave again-
'' (Y/n)? '' Howdy called your name softly, touching your shoulder lightly bringing you out of your thoughts.
'' Y-yes? '' You asked in a low stammering tone, rubbing your hands together feeling nervous from the man's gaze.
'' I'm sorry..but I can't accept your feelings..not yet dear '' Howdy said in a sad tone, looking into your eyes with guilty. You felt a pain in your chest, soon followed by small tears forming in your eyes.
'' A-ah.. I-I'm so sorry Howdy.. I-I- '' You started to speak in a panic tearful tone, which was soon interrupted by a soft kiss on your forehead, followed by Howdy's hands wiping your tears carefully.
'' I just said, not yet silly.. I just want to get to know you better first! '' Howdy said giving you a worried little sweet smile, which you sniffed returning the smile.
'' Sorry about that..I just- never felt like this before.. '' You apologized in a soft tone, leaning on Howdy's hands, which he gave you a small chuckle caressing your face.
'' No problem! After all... you are one of my favorites! '' Howdy said giving you a sweet smile.
If anyone requests maybe I'll do part 2 of this. Who knows.
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
enough pt. 2
s. sallow x slytherin!f!reader
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summary: continuation to another blurb by yours truly. are they called blurbs or drabbles? imagine's? one shots? help me out here young people. anyway, i saw a tiktok of an angsty monologue done by ai seb and i need everyone to hurt the way it hurt me.
words: 1.4k
warnings: angst, pining, fluff, begging, kissing, minors dni as always pls. not edited!
ib: alentiahart on tiktok
despite his better judgement, ominis found himself checking the undercroft for his best friend. he knew of what happened, knew he needed to distance himself from sebastian, but he needed to make sure he wasn't a danger to himself or anyone else first. a part of him also couldn't believe what happened. he needed to hear it from his friend himself.
a series of mechanical clicks sounded from the secret entrance to the undercroft as he approached it. a familiar sense of dread came over him, like the feeling he had when in the catacombs with you and sebastian. nevertheless, he carried on into the dimly-lit hideout, listening for any sign of sebastian.
"sebastian? can we talk?" he was met with a rigid silence. he concentrated for a moment, listening intently.
"i know you're in here, sebastian. i just want to know that you're alright." he felt pathetic pleading him. why did he care so much after he's committed such atrocities? ominis couldn't give you a precise answer, but he knew it was due it part to the sentimental value of their relationship. they'd been best friends through everything. sebastian stood up for him time and time again when a sour-mouthed gryffindor had the nerve to taunt him, and was constantly aware for him, helping him with whatever he needed. however, he also knew that those things hardly mattered anymore.
finally giving in, sebastian sighed and stepped through the shadows near the far end of the room.
"i never wanted this to happen, ominis." he was quiet for a moment, trying to decide how he wanted to react. he took a deep breath before answering.
"i know." sebastian felt an instant wave of relief wash over him. you had decided you wanted nothing to do with him, which he understood, but all he wanted was to be heard.
"not just with solomon...but with y/n." the boy sulked over to the leather couch and let himself fall into it. ominis followed close behind, joining him on the arm rest of the opposite side. he didn't realize it in the moment, but he had instinctively left your spot open.
"you know, when i first met her--" he chuckled, shaking his head a bit. "she was so confident in her magic, every single cast, every movement was effortless...i was dumbstuck." ominis was lost on where sebastian was taking this, but he listened anyway.
"i remember everything about that day. i remember how she wore her hair, how she answered every question correctly and spoke so confidently. i remember when our eyes met for the first time." his gaze was growing more distant with every detail he relayed, wrapped up in the images in his mind.
"and then she absolutely obliterated me in front of the entire class." ominis tried to hold back a chuckle, but he couldn't hide his shoulders from shaking with amusement. sebastian noticed and joined in, relieving some pressure form the atmosphere in the room. the laughter quickly died out, however, and they were left defenseless with their thoughts again.
"that's when i knew i wanted more...so much more. i wanted all of her." ominis could tell he was beginning to lose his composure, his voice quivering as he spoke.
"what are you saying, sebastian?" his brow arched inquisitively. normally ominis is an observational person. how could he have missed it?
"don't get me wrong, i will cherish our friendship forever, truly. she always dropped everything to help me and now i see how i took her for granted. she gave me kindness in a time of need and i used her for every last drop of it. i knew that it wasn't all for anne, but for me, too." sebastian didn't have to say it outright for his friend to understand. that was all the confirmation he needed.
"does she know any of this?" ominis was met with silence for a moment while he struggled to find an answer.
"maybe. no? i don't know." the boy let his head fall into his hands. everything was so complicated now.
"then i think you know what you have to do." ominis pulled himself off the arm of the couch and started towards the exit. "i have to say i'm not very fond of you at the moment. but if anyone didn't deserve to be hurt in this, it's her. she's been crying for days. if you can fix it, i might be able to forgive you." sebastian blinked away tears, trying his very best to be tough in front of his friend.
"okay...okay," he agreed. ominis left with a nod, leaving the boy alone with his thoughts. there was only one place she could be.
every since the incident, sebastian was as straight as an arrow. he was on time to every class, turned in every assignment, and stayed clear of any sort of trouble. he talked to fellow students other than his two best friends in order to avoid raising suspicion, but it was all an act. inside, he was terrified and alone. he felt no different as he scanned the slytherin common room for the familiar sight of you. when he found no sign of you, it was onward to the dorms. he avoided detection as he took the girls' stairs instead of his own and advanced down the hallway until he found your door. it was closed, so he put his ear up to the door. not hearing much, he knocked cautiously on the door.
"y/n?" as he expected, nothing.
"y/n, i don't know if you're in there, but..." he cursed himself as he found tears pooling in his eyes despite his best efforts. "i'm sorry. i was wrong before. can you open the door so we can talk?"
on the other side of the wooden door, you found yourself drawn to his voice. you rested your hand on the splintered door, wishing it was his chest.
"y/n...i understand that maybe we've lost our chance, but if it's worth anything, i feel awful for the way i've treated you. i know most of the time i spend every minute pretending that i don't care, but i do. i care for you so much, y/n..." you heard a dull thud as he let his head fall to the barrier between the two of you. you inched closer to the doorknob. god, were you really about to let him in again? it was your turn to curse as your nimble fingertips brushed the cold metal, still contemplating, almost as if you were waiting for him to say the magic words to get you to swoon into him again.
"i have more than care for you..." there it was. he had said the one thing that tugged at your heartstrings in just the right way. you prayed to merlin that this wasn't some sick trick and you weren't mistaking ingenuine words for fact. in the blink of an eye, your door was wide open, and he was towering over you once again, his eyes tried and swollen. he looked shocked to see you, realizing you'd actually heard his profession.
"say it." he blinked, almost taken aback. "enough with the sonnets. i need you to say it." he suppressed a smile, meeting your gaze as a knowing smile shown through anyway. he slowly dropped one knee, then the other, keeping his eyes locked on yours the entire way down. his hands rose to grip your hips, pulling you closer to him. his hands then took yours, pulling them together.
"y/n...i love you with every fiber of my being." he brought your knuckles to his plush lips, kissing them as his eyes worshiped you. "i swear that for the rest of my days, i will never hurt you. i will never break another rule, i'll never go out looking for trouble, and i'll never look at anyone else ever again." he kissed your wrists again. "please make me yours...and please be mine, y/n."
you had to admit, seeing sebastian sallow on his knees, begging for forgiveness, and giving you butterfly-soft kisses was making you weak in more ways than one.
"that's better." a smirk cracked through your serious expression, making him chuckle against your soft hands as he held them close. he kissed them once more before straightening his back to look down at you again.
"i'm so sorry, my love." he brushed the stray hairs out of your face and gently tilted your jaw to see your face better.
"i know. i am too."
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bird-slayer-brainrot · 4 months
Bright Lights and Resolutions - Ineffable Husbands 30s New York
1/14 Lancaster Street, New York City, was almost exactly what Aziraphale had been imaging when he had exchanged a years salary for the slip of paper in a bar three weeks ago.
It may have taken a bit of time for Aziraphale to work up the courage to come here, but in the great span of it it really wasn't that long. They had, after all, spent whole centuries apart without so much as a letter.
But never like this.
Still, he was here. Face to face. Face to door, rather. Aziraphale raised his fist to knock. Then, he lowered it. It was a bar. Knocking was weird.
Aziraphale stepped into the dimly lit speakeasy and saw Crowley almost immediately. It wasn't crowded, which seemed unusual for a Saturday. Perhaps they were closing. No, Aziraphale checked his timepiece. It was ten pm.
Crowley was at the counter. Aziraphale's breath almost caught in his throat when he saw him (it had been a while, that's why he was here.) The shock of seeing the demon certainly wasn't helped by his attire. Aziraphale stepped hesitantly up to the counter and watched as Crowley stacked glasses on a shelf. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing an expanse of pale skin (and a splattering of moles, if one were paying attention, that Aziraphale would now permanently etch into his memory, 
He also had just seen Aziraphale, and his expression was not one of joy.
They were both silent for a moment. No joyous reunion. Then, Crowley spoke.
"May I help you?"
And while Aziraphale may have consider that Crowley would react with less than enthusiasm to Aziraphale's first appearance in, well, decades, he still didn't have to like it.
"Wine, please. Red." Aziraphale cleared his throat. "And to talk."
Crowley made a face, and that really wasn't all too comforting. Without saying anything, he turned away from the angel. Aziraphale watched as he poured him a glass of what he assumed was the house red, as well as a decent serving of whiskey. He passed the wine to Aziraphale directly, and then walked around the counter. He made a small gesture with his head for Aziraphale to follow, and Aziraphale obliged.
"What do you want, Aziraphale?"
Crowley had slumped into an armchair near the fireplace. Aziraphale sat opposite him on the worn, red sofa. The distant buzz of traffic and the crackle of the dying fire in the heath were the only sounds to be heard for several moments. 
Aziraphale hated the glasses he wore. If he considered the human expression that ‘eyes are the window to the soul’ then Crowley’s sunglasses were black out curtains. His expression, too, was unreadable. Aziraphale hated this. He hated all of this.
"Well." Aziraphale said. It was as good a place as any to start. It seemed also a great place to stop. Crowley watched him.
"I just-" the words stuck like glue in Aziraphale's throat. He wanted to say them, of course he did. Aziraphale wanted to tell Crowley
how it had taken him four months to track him down and that he was sorry they'd argued. He didn't - couldn't - explain the regret after the anger. How, more than anything, he wanted to reach out. March up to Crowley's door. Demand to be heard.
No. Instead, he said "I miss you."
Crowley said nothing for a moment. A long moment. He finished his drink in one gulp, and sat the glass on the table.
"Okay." he said.
Aziraphale nodded slowly. One word responses weren't a good sign, coming from Crowley, or anyone, really.
"So, what brings you to New York?"
Aziraphale looked at him then. There was no humor in Crowley's statement, and Aziraphale was genuinely unsure of how to respond to this.
"What?" he said. Crowley was still looking at him. He raised an eyeborw.
"I said, "What brings you to New York." Doesn't seem your deal." with a gesture, Crowley refilled his whiskey. Aziraphale quickly darted his head around the room, only to find it was quite empty now. The other patrons must have left without them noticing. Aziraphale briefly wondered if that was a coincidence.
"I came to see you." Aziraphale stated. The shock was all too evident on his voice, he noticed, since Crowley seemed to sit up a little straighter after that."
"Oh." was the demon's response. "Why didn't you just send a letter?"
Because Aziraphale had wanted to see him in person. He gave Crowley a look.
"Look," Aziraphale sighed. His wine glass was empty now. He didn't feel better. "I wanted to apologise about what happened at St. John's. I may have overreacted. I am sorry."
Surprisingly, he had managed to make his way through the whole sentence without stumbling. When he looked up (he hadn't even noticed he wasn't looking at Crowley until now) the demon's eyes were fixed on his face. He had removed his sunglasses at some point. A small grin spread across his face.
"Fine." he said, the smile falling almost as soon as it had appeared. "Want another drink?"
Aziraphale nodded.
“So, you run a bar now?”
“A hobby. Little rebellion against the prohibition.”
“Ahh.” Aziraphale nodded. He had drunk more than he had planned on, and so, seemingly, had Crowley. His head was pleasantly empty. The earlier conversation had taken the heavy weight off of Aziraphale's chest. And being around Crowley was so nice...
"I really..." Aziraphale stifled a laugh. Crowley had been saying something but Aziraphale had not been paying attention. "I really missed you so much."
And maybe he was very drunk (he was) but the way Crowley smiled then was so brilliant and so beautiful. Aziraphale wanted him to always smile like that.
"Missed you too." Crowley replied in a rare show of emotion. Aziraphale laughed, and when Crowley asked why, Aziraphale told him.
It was just so nice to be hear again. Together again. It was nicer than anything.
Aziraphale had relocated at a point in the evening to the sofa Crowley was on. They were sitting close enough that their knees had touched, but neither jumped away. When Aziraphale rested his head on Crowley's shoulder, neither of them had questioned it. Crowley stretched an arm around Aziraphale's back, and Aziraphale leaned in to the touch without question. They were quiet.
"This is nice." Aziraphale said after a while. "Seeing you is nice, Crowley."
Crowley groaned, and Aziraphale shifted. Had he said the wrong thing? The alarms in Aziraphale's brains started blaring. Crowley spoke.
"Don't go being sappy on me now, angel." he veered around Aziraphale's words. And Aziraphale knew he was teasing. But he couldn't stop looking at Crowley now.
Crowley. His Crowley. He had missed him. So much. But he was here now. All red hair and long limbs. Aziraphale suddenly had the urge to hold him.
And Crowley was watching him. Really watching him. It was unbearable in its fondness. Aziraphale wanted to kiss him. He did.
He kissed him.
And Crowley was kissing him back. His lips were soft. He smelt like cigarettes and tasted like whisky and Aziraphale wanted to bathe in it and it was all lovely,
They broke apart, looking at each other.
"I missed you." Aziraphale said again. Crowley just smiled.
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ramsayxme · 6 months
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Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Chapter Seven / AO3 Link
TW - pregnancy, death, gaslighting, possible rape, oral sex, violence, murder, ramsay bolton.
Chapter Eight: A Hunt
Married life with Ramsay was a pendulum, swinging back and forth from abusive to nurturing. He would still leave you for days at a time, right as you thought he had outgrown that treatment. He was still a mystery to you but it simply drew you in even more, curious to study and obey him. It had already been a few months of being Lady Bolton and you were learning the ways of your new life. You had servants who would do anything you said. You hadn't spoke to Reek since your wedding day, although you've seen him meekly scurrying around behind your husband quite frequently. You had missed your menstrual cycle and had checked with Maester Wolken who let you know that he was nearly certain you were in the early stages of pregnancy. You hadn't informed Ramsay quite yet.
Today, your body woke up before your mind. You were still half asleep when you heard heavy breathing and Ramsay spit, followed by wet noises. You blinked your eyes open to see him on top of you, and suddenly you felt pressure between your legs. You were lying on your back and you looked down to see Ramsay's cock nudging at your entrance, his eyes already staring into yours. You gently mewled as Ramsay's saliva-coated erection slid into you. His face was unshaven, a small beard growing on his strong jawline. He was clearly freshly awake, his eyes still had sleep lingering on them. He slowly allowed his cock to slide in and out of you, your mind still floating between reality and sleep. "Good morning." Ramsay whispered as he leaned forward to kiss your lips. You smiled into his kiss as he slid his hands down to your hips, slightly raising them so he could fit snuggly inside you.
"Good morning, my love." You groaned, shifting up on your elbows. You weren't showing the pregnancy yet, your body still thin. You watched your lower abdomen rise when Ramsay's cock was fully inside you, and fall again when he pulled out. He rest his hand on your stomach as he felt the movement you were just noticing, his erection pressing the inside of you. He pressed down on your stomach which prompted you to react without thinking. "Be careful!" You shrieked, shoving his hand off of your abdomen. Ramsay stared at you, offended at your sudden movement.
Ramsay's eyebrows raised and his head tilted as he waited for an explanation for your outburst. You knew it was time to tell him. "Sorry, its just...you wouldn't want to hurt your child." You rested your hand on your stomach and looked up at him, waiting for a reaction. His jaw slacked for a moment, his lips parted as he exhaled a small chuckle before grinning. "You're pregnant?" He asked, his cock still inside you. You nodded. "Maester Wolken confirmed it. I am not far along, but he said I am definitely pregnant." Ramsay leaned down to give you a passionate, love filled kiss.
"This calls for a celebration." He whispered into your mouth. "After I am finished with you this morning, I have a hunt I must go on, but we will go on it together. Nothing makes me happier than going on a hunt." He smiled as he continued to slowly fuck you, each gentle stroke inside you coaxing out a small whimper from your lips. He made love to you slowly until you both orgasmed from the gentle friction. This was the first time Ramsay had not been violent during sex with you and you didn't want to admit it, but you enjoyed the vicious sex more. Ramsay could tell, as your orgasm wasn't as strong as usual. He let out a hum as he realized, and snickered as he pulled his cock out of you. "My wife is such a naughty girl." He shook his head as he pulled his clothes on.
Ramsay walked towards your clothing stash and brought you a leather and hide dress. "Get dressed, we have a long day ahead of us, my love!" Ramsay barked as he tied his own leather vest on and secured his belts and the brown satchel that held his arrows. He brought a spare bow which you assumed was going to be yours. Once Ramsay was decorated in all of his hunting gear, he led you down to the stables where he helped you mount one of the largest and strongest horses. He had a pack of his obedient dogs behind him, eager to run. You were familiar with all the horses since you spent so much free time brushing them, so you gently greeted the horse with some nose pats. Ramsay mounted behind you, and directed the horse to take you both south, directly into the woods you had once attempted to flee into. The dogs followed with their excited snarling.
The further south you rode, the more greenery appeared. You still needed leather to stay warm, but the snow had melted and the trees were lush with leaves. It had been so long since you saw nature that was alive, it almost made you tear up. The ground was soaked from the melted snow, moss crawling up every surface. Ramsay tied up your horse and helped you dismount, your feet sinking into the wet earth with a subtle squish. The dogs were panting at Ramsay's feet, begging their master to put them to work. You took in deep breaths as you felt the earth breathing with you in the form of vines, bugs, and birds. Ramsay smiled as he watched you look around. "Sometimes I too forget there is a world that isn't covered in snow." He smiled, putting his fingers on your chin and pulling your face close so he could place a kiss on your cheek.
Ramsay pulled a small piece of fabric from his pocket and let the dogs sniff it. "Find him!" He commanded as the dogs split into different directions, noses to the ground and teeth bared. You realized you weren't hunting game, but a person. "My Lord, who are we trying to find?" You asked, grabbing the spare bow from Ramsay's back. He turned around and grinned at you. "Reek." You felt a pinch of sadness in your gut, knowing that you were about to hunt someone who you knew. "He decided he would try to stab one of my men...one of our men." Ramsay began. "He failed, of course! But, I can't keep my plaything around if he acts this way. He was released into these woods just moments before we arrived, he doesn't yet know we are here."
Ramsay laughed wickedly as he heard dogs sounding off in the distance. "I spoke too soon! Sounds like he might be figuring it out right now." Ramsay grabbed your hand and started to run, pulling you behind him. You weren't sure if running around the woods was the best option for a pregnant woman, but it didn't seem like you had much of a choice. You ran with Ramsay as he began shouting out for Reek. His free hand was cupped around his mouth as he yelled. "Reek! Oh, Reek! Where are you, bastard?" Your lungs filled with fresh air as you ran behind Ramsay, the green trees turning into smears in your vision. You felt free.
"If you make it out of the woods, you win!" Ramsay yelled with one hand still cupped next to his mouth and one gripping your hand tightly. "He won't." He quietly assured you, pulling you to run faster with him. The dogs were gathered near a stream, snarling like a pack of wild direwolves. "There you are!" Ramsay laughed manically, pointing down to Reek. "Good girls! Down girls, down!" He sang to the dogs. Reek was hiding near the stream, soaking and soggy. His hair was wet and matted to his face while his clothes hung off his malnourished body. "Please, M'Lord!" He shouted, the loudest you'd ever heard him speak.
You felt energy surge through you. You wanted to impress Ramsay. You wanted him to be proud of you, you wanted him to praise you. You reached into the pouch on Ramsay's back and pulled out a single arrow. You nocked it on your bow and drew it back, aiming it at Reek's leg. Reek panicked at the sight and tried to scurry away. You let loose, the arrow whizzing through the air before piercing the back of his thigh. Ramsay laughed loudly and turned to you. "Well done!" His eyes sparkled with delight at the sight of you lowering the bow to the ground, your focus staying on Reek. "Don't try to run!" You hollered.
Ramsay's eyes widened with lust as he watched you command the creature. "If you try to get up again, I'll put an arrow straight through your neck!" You exclaimed. Reek was shaking and sobbing, his hand grasping his leg desperately. Ramsay took a step closer to you and draped his arm over your shoulders. "Good girl. Let the hounds take it from here, they deserve a reward for finding him." You nodded, your eyes glued to Reek. The dogs were still surrounding him, patiently waiting for a command. Ramsay grinned as he watched you. Your nostrils were flaring with anger. Reek never did anything to you, but you did have built up anger with nowhere to go, and Reek seemed like a reasonable target.
"Rip him! Rip him!" Ramsay shouted and the dogs instantly pounced forward with their jaws open, taking large bites out of Reek's flesh. His screaming was loud and echoed throughout the otherwise peaceful forest. You didn't look away, not even for a moment. Ramsay's hand reached out to yours as you both stood there, watching the frail creature get devoured by the hounds. Crimson blood was staining the green shrubs and polluting the stream, causing it to run dark. Ramsay snickered as Reek's cries were killed. "A fine shot, love. I wasn't sure you had it in you!" Ramsay smiled, his hand finding your shoulder and gently rubbing it. You still hadn't broken your gaze from Reek's body, your jaw was clenched painfully tight, eyes filling with tears.
Ramsay tugged at your arm when he noticed your locked gaze, your eyes finally breaking away from Reek. Ramsay turned you, pulling you into his chest. You felt your breath shaking as it reflected off his leather onto your face. "There, there." He soothed you. "You did the right thing. It's not your fault he tried to hurt one of our men. He knew he would be punished. I am proud of you." His hand took yours and his thumb rubbed across your knuckles lovingly. He pulled your hand up to his lips and kissed the back, holding it to his cheek. "You did such a wonderful job."
You smiled, happy to make Ramsay proud. You leaned forward to kiss him, his tongue immediately finding yours. He dropped his bow to his side as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. You reached your hand down and felt his pants bulging with an erection. You chuckled. “My Lord, you..." Ramsay rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes. Violence arouses me, you know this, My Lady." He pulled you close again, squeezing your wrist so you dropped your bow as well. He unlaced his pants and pulled his hard cock out, standing up and eager to be touched.
You wrapped your hand around his shaft, leaning forward to make out with him while you touched him. His warm tongue slithered into your mouth, his hands on your shoulder-blades as he kept you close. Your hand worked at him, stroking his cock. You held your hand up and spit into it before bringing it back down, sliding over the head. Ramsay's eyebrows raised slightly at this, a small sigh escaping his lips. You stroked him until his knees were quivering. He pushed you off of him suddenly as he leaned over and picked up his bow. He quickly nocked an arrow from his pouch and drew it back, aiming it straight at your face.
You froze with fear, dropping to your knees. Ramsay kept the arrow drawn at you, inches away from your forehead. Your life was entirely in his hands. You were speechless as you suddenly were flooded with the familiar feeling in your gut. You knew it was a likely a game, but the death staring at you between your eyes in the form of an arrowhead was not something you were expecting. Ramsay pushed his hips forward, his teeth grinding together as he drew the arrow even tighter, his eyes sinking past your soul. You took his cock in your mouth and quickly began sucking him. He groaned, his grip on the arrow becoming slack as he closed his eyes. You focused on his pleasure, his orgasm was seemingly the only thing that would keep you alive at this moment.
Finally, your jaw was beginning to ache and he came hard, filling your mouth and groaning loudly. You swallowed and looked up at him, the drawn arrow now pulled tightly in his hand. You winced as he loosened, the arrow flying through the air next to your head as it buried itself in the dirt behind you. You exhaled sharply, realizing your life was safe for now. Ramsay smiled as he tucked his wet cock back into his trousers. "Well! That was unexpected, wasn't it?" He held his hand out to help you stand. You stood in front of your husband, still unsure of what to say. The only thing that squeaked out was, "What if you killed me?"
Ramsay shook his head as if you just said something shocking. "I wouldn't do that. Why, you're pregnant with my heir! I simply wanted to do something exciting. It was exciting, don't you agree?" You nodded as your eyes filled with tears once again. The all familiar pinch bubbled in your stomach for the second time as your husband reached out and hugged you. Fear. You hadn’t felt fear in a while but as Ramsay's grip tightened on you, the fear was snuffed out to nothing but smoke. You inhaled deeply, smelling his scent which was something you had come to long for. You heard the dogs finishing the last bits of Reek, licking their chops and growling over the last hunks of meat that remained. You allowed your eyes to flutter shut as you slipped into his grasp once again, falling in love with your abuser as you had done over and over, many times before.
Chapter Nine
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Hands-on in the classroom
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Wednesday characters nor do I claim to own them.
Warnings: Established slight love/hate relationship. Public Fingering (f receiving).
As the two dim-witted and overdramatised teens walked down the hall, Ajax noticed you rolling your eyes as soon as you both passed each other. He smirked and decided to do something. He knew it would annoy you.
As the teacher begins to lecture, Ajax begins to take notes as well, occasionally sneaking in quick glances at you to see if you're paying attention. If you weren't, he had a whole arsenal of sassy words to say, but he kept them to himself because they were pretty rude. In the back of his mind, he wondered if he should try to slowly get closer to her. One day, he'd ask for notes and slowly build the relationship up from there. Or he could ask you to study out of class and see where that leads. He was not sure yet.
Ajax smirked at you as he looked down at you as he moved closer and slowly placed his hand on your thigh, his smile almost threatening. He had definitely seen you lick your lower lip, and he could practically feel steam coming out of his ears when you said the words that were just about the last thing he wanted to hear from her. "Don't start something you can't finish." He only smirked more before whispering back at you. "Oh, you adorable little brat, I'll continue because I do think I have you hooked." He said with a smug tone, knowing you'd only tease him, which would add fuel to the fire he'd be starting with you. If you could make him mad and then give him attitude, he could do the same thing back at you, and he knew that he definitely had just done that.
Ajax smirked as you once again pretended to act all innocent and pretend to write notes once more. He was having fun with this now. He was going to do what he wanted, no matter what you said, and he was going to make you feel the consequences of being so bratty. Ajax knew exactly what he was gonna do when you reacted to his words and even noticed you simply let his hand slide up higher on your thigh as his fingertips brushed against your school uniform in between your thighs, and he smirked when you asked what he thought that this will teach you. Then, after a few moments of thinking about what he was going to say in response to you, he gave a short sigh and then quietly spoke.
"That you should pay attention in class!" Ajax scolded, but his voice sounded anything but serious. He was enjoying this too much to stop now, and the professor was probably not going to be checking on his students anytime soon, smiling wide and mischievous. "Or else you might get in trouble, and you're always such a good girl no matter how much of a brat you are huh". Letting his words come out as a question even though you both understood it was a statement, continuing to tease you as he let his fingertips slip past your panties a little grinning to himself feeling how wet you were getting which only boosted his ego since you always claimed to not like him but didn't even attempt to stop him from touching you.
Looking forward and acting as natural as possible while he only glanced at you from his peripheral vision, slowly pushing a finger into your pussy watching and listening closely for any reaction you would give off but smiled to himself hearing your breathing pick up a little and watched as your eyes close and leaned into his touch more. His fingers moved steadily within you, his rhythm gentle but precise. He had never had to be quiet before wondering how long you could act like you had it all together even if it seemed like your body was ready to let loose and relase all over his fingers.
Using his free hand to lean his head against just to hide his smug grin as he used three fingers to be knuckle deep inside of you and listened to you let out quiet gasps or shaky breaths, looking over as he felt your tight grip on his school jacket then leaned in closer next to your ear as his lowered voice spoke roughly in your ear "are you gonna be good and cum all over my fingers baby? Go ahead, let go. " He said. Picking up the pace and started to move his fingers faster inside of you, it was a simple statement, but it was enough for him. Ajax sped up and brought you to a climax. Once your reaction was at its peak, he stopped. He was not a monster - he wouldn't leave her hanging.
"There you go, princess." He praised, giving her a small kiss. He knew that his actions would probably get him in trouble, especially if the teacher caught on to what was going on under the desk. But it was worth it. He hoped that it was worth it to you as well. Ajax looked down at her, a twinkle in his eyes. She was so cute when she was all flushed and exhausted like this. It was almost a shame that people would see her like this in a few minutes. Almost. But first...
"Are you going to be a good girl for me?" Ajax asked her, almost like an owner training their pet. It was adorable. His hand found its way to her neck, his thumb running across her jaw. "Tell me you're going to be good for me," he added. A command more than a request.
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nctsjiho · 1 year
Going Home
cw: strong language, mentions of blood and injury, <10k words || era: December 18, 2022
❀ Sometimes it takes a while to realise who your actual family are, and sometimes you realise it when it's just too late
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Chapter I:
“Last night there was a reported hit and run in the outskirts of Seoul in the direction of Incheon. The hit vehicle crashed into two other cars, causing a massive crash. Thankfully only one person was heavily injured, the four other victims: a mother with her daughter and two young males, were only lightly injured.
“The crash that occurred at the beginning of a bridge caused major damage to the infrastructure of the bridge. Police have closed off that bridge and authorities are clearing the scene. The perpetrator who caused the crash has not yet been found.
“All traffic heading towards Incheon Airport has been safely redirected. Those who planned on travelling out via this bridge are hereby warned to head out to the airport earlier to assure a timely arrival.”
“Wow, that’s insane,” Haechan reacted in a breathy tone after hearing the news. “To think those people were probably heading out on holiday and now they have to spend time at the hospital.”
Taeyong nodded with a tight-lipped hum, he patted the youngest on his shoulder before sitting down next to him. “I hope they’re all well.”
It was cold in the practice room. The thermostat had only been turned on when the first of the members arrived for their dance practice session. Something about the air in the room today didn't sit right. Maybe it was the frosty weather outside, the equally uncomfortable temperature inside or the exhaustion the members were feeling with their packed schedule, but the mood really wasn’t feeling right at that moment.
“Where are the others?” The leader looked from Haechan to Taeil, who both shrugged their shoulders, yet before Taeil could vocalise his unknowing, the door of the practice room swung open.
“I’m sorry we’re late!” Mark heaved and stumbled into the room.
Taeil chuckled a bit at the younger man’s frantic exterior. “Don’t tell me you actually ran up here.” It wasn’t even a question, more like a statement out of incredulity which had Taeil hardly suppressing a laugh.
“We were in the car,” Johnny said as he pushed past Mark. Jungwoo and Jaehyun followed him shortly. “Did you hear the news about the hit and run? It’s crazy.”
Haechan mimicked Taeyong’s earlier tight-lipped hum in acknowledgment, “yeah we’ve heard.”
“So we were listening to it and came up here as soon as the report was over.”
Noticing Mark struggling with his bag and belongings, Taeyong stood up to lend him a helping hand. Mark mouthed a quick thank you, mentioning briefly how his morning had already been so hectic and he couldn’t seem to keep it together. Taeyong offered him a comforting pat on the back and told him he should take a few deep breaths. Mark complied and after having collected himself, showed Taeyong a grateful smile.
“That makes us seven out of ten. Any ideas where the rest are?” Taeyong asked the whole group.
The boys all shook their heads bar Jungwoo, who spoke up, “I’m not sure, but I think I remember Doyoung mentioned he had something to attend to before noon. I don’t know about Yuta and JiHo though. Should I call?”
Taeyong shook his head dismissively. “They’ll get here soon enough, let’s start warming up already.”
Practice was in session not long after. The members started warming up and began going over choreography. About 15 minutes in, Doyoung and Yuta joined. They seemed distracted and Taeyong took note of it, but didn’t mention it out loud. The practice wasn’t even halted, they just continued on and the two latecomers joined wordlessly so as to not waste any time.
Once the first break arrived all the members went to their own corners of the room for a water and snack break.
“You two good?” Taeyong checked on Yuta and Doyoung who both nodded. “Did you hear anything from—”
“The mother who got injured during last night’s hit and run in the direction of Incheon was willing to explain the incident.” The voice of the female reporter sounded from Haechan’s tablet.
“We were heading towards the airport, me and my daughter were going to visit family in Europe. It was fairly empty on this road, since people usually go from the main road. I just remember a car to the left of me, and I think also one behind me. Suddenly I heard a loud noise and the car left of me hit my car. I only remember hearing another car speed by and they didn’t have any lights on. The next thing I know, I was checking on my daughter and we tried to exit the car safely. Luckily we were able to get out easily. Me and my daughter only had some bruises and I had a little cut from the glass of my side window that shattered.”
“Mother and daughter are safe and were able to catch another flight to their destination. The two young injured men have been successfully treated for their injuries in the hospital. The last victim is still in the hospital, getting treated for injuries.”
Once the reporter stopped speaking the room began filling with murmurs. Some of the members were discussing the news, while others had conversations about entirely different things in general.
Yuta didn’t realise he was drowning out the other members’ voices, preoccupied with his own thoughts until something caught his attention.
“—JiHo, so I’m not sure.” Doyoung was talking, but Yuta couldn’t connect enough elements to figure out the context. This was noticed by Doyoung, who placed a hand on the older man’s shoulder and with a chuckle—not necessarily one out of amusement—he asked if something was wrong, “are you okay? You seem spaced out.”
“No,” Yuta began. “It’s nothing. Just… I don’t know anything about JiHo either—”
“Guys!” A loud high pitched voice cut Yuta off. All the members present turned to the door where they found a heaving Sihyun.
Another one, Taeyong thought as this had been the fourth person he had seen walking into this room who looked like their whole morning was filled with misfortune.
“What is it?” Johnny asked carefully as Sihyun had a difficult time speaking any words. No one was sure if it was because she had been running and was out of breath, or because of what she wanted to say.
“Have any of you guys seen JiHo?”
Chapter II:
“You don’t have to leave,” Yuta pouted playfully. He had a hard time hiding his smile as, even though he did feel a bit sad about JiHo returning to her apartment, he was happy she was in a better place than a month prior.
“You say that, but I’m pretty sure Doyoung is annoyed with me hogging his bed 24/7,” she deadpanned. However, the second she made eye contact with her fellow Japanese friend, the two broke out in laughter. “I think I’m messing with that homebody’s safe space too much,” she confessed.
“You can sleep here as well.” Yuta patted the bed he was sitting on—his bed.
In response JiHo scoffed, turning back to his desk where she was looking for her phone charger. “You kick me out every time you want to sleep. No thank you.”
“Hey! I don’t do that. It’s just that you hate me hugging you in your sleep and I need my space,” he countered. As he spoke those words though, he started to realise how contradicting they sounded. “Okay, so maybe we’re not great sleeping buddies, but if you go back to your apartment, who’s going to cook for me? And our movie nights? And game nights! Those are fun, although Haechan always hogs your attention and it’s getting annoying. That tiny boy needs to learn his place—”
Mid-ramble Yuta noticed how JiHo wasn’t responding to him. His eyes scanned JiHo’s unusually stiff figure until he realised what she was doing—or rather what she had seen. “JiHo, it’s not like that—”
“Like what?” Her voice had dropped an octave and there was no emotion in it. She turned around and was holding a small stack of envelopes. “What are these doing here?”
Taking a deep breath in, Yuta stood up and took a step closer, but JiHo moved back instantly. “I— Okay, I got them from your biological parents. They tried to visit you in Japan and I didn’t think you wanted them to, so I told them to leave. They gave those to me.”
JiHo took a few moments to let the information settle before she spoke up. “Japan? When exactly? At the beginning of the year?” When Yuta nodded affirmatively, JiHo scoffed even louder. There was a scowl on her face as she eyed him with anger. “Why didn’t you at least give them to me?”
“I was planning to. Believe me,” Yuta pleaded, trying to reach out to hold JiHo’s hand, but she shook him off. “I just didn’t know how you’d react or—”
“Well, now you know,” JiHo said and grabbed her suitcase, rolling it behind her as she walked out of his room.
“JiHo!” Yuta called after her, but she didn’t answer. She didn’t even look back as she closed the front door behind her and left the dorm.
Defeated, Yuta plopped down on his bed, cradling his head between his hands. He felt like an asshole for not letting the younger girl know about the letters, or that JiHo’s biological parents had tried to visit her, but if he was being honest, he knew that he wasn’t even planning on doing so. He lied to her.
Yuta never wanted to tell JiHo about her biological parents. They weren’t good people, they didn’t have good intentions. All he wanted was to protect her from them. Although he knew that that wasn’t his place nor call, he just wanted to be selfish. He and the members had been around JiHo for so long, caring for her, loving her, he didn’t want JiHo to meet those people who would give her an empty promise of doing what they had done for so many years. He wanted JiHo to see the boys as her family, he didn’t want her to reach out to those fake parents.
Too lost in his thoughts, Yuta fell asleep that night without changing out of his clothes. When he woke up that following morning it had already been close to noon. There was a lingering headache that made his every move that much more painful, more than the muscle ache of sleeping in an uncomfortable position for many hours.
As the late morning progressed he had pondered on whether or not to reach out to JiHo. He wanted to know if she reached her apartment safely last night, but the memories of their fight halted him. JiHo probably didn’t want him to call her. He had probably broken her trust and she must’ve been very angry at him—the anger in her eyes that looked at Yuta was still imprinted in his mind. He had to, however. It would’ve made him an even worse person if he didn’t at least check on her.
Just as expected, his call went to voicemail. JiHo didn’t want to talk to him, Yuta was sure of it. However, he hoped that she had at least seen the call attempt and knew that he was putting in an effort, but that thinking process even sounded selfish to himself. Yuta coined all his thoughts and actions towards JiHo as selfish. That’s just how I am, he thought.
Chapter III:
“What do you mean?” Yuta asked with a shaky voice after Sihyun had run into the practice room asking for JiHo. “Is she not at home?”
Sihyun turned to Yuta as he heard his voice and shook her head. “No… She isn’t,” she answered, but sounded confused.
“Did something happen?” Doyoung mimicked her confused look, sensing the weird atmosphere in the room.
Again Sihyun shook her head and took a step further into the room. “Why are you guys looking like that at me? It’s just that I’ve been setting up for JiHo’s birthday surprise and I don’t want it to get ruined.”
It took a second before the boys all sighed with a sense of relief. “God, you scared me, I thought something happened.”
“OH! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you guys, but… Wait. If JiHo isn’t here and she isn’t at home? Did anyone call her?”
Yuta raised his hand hesitantly, “I called her earlier, she didn’t pick up, but I…” Everyone eyed the Japanese expectantly. “We got in a little fight yesterday night so I think she doesn’t really want to talk to me.”
Taeyong sighed in a mixture of relief, acknowledgment, but also pain. “That’s why you’ve been acting so strange,” he said as he patted his friend on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. It’s hard to get JiHo that angry. She either didn’t see it or she’ll get over it quickly.”
“No, Taeyong. You don’t understand. I really fucked up this time.” Yuta’s eyes were wide before they turned down into a frown. It was clear to Taeyong—and the others—that whatever happened between Yuta and the female member was weighing on him.
“What happened?” Mark asked curiously. Of course he wasn’t beyond realising the weight of the situation, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t actively curious about what had happened. He would have to admit that when Yuta turned to him and let out a deep shaky sigh that he almost felt bad asking, but he thought that it would be best for his friend to air his worries.
“I spoke to JiHo’s biological parents more than half a year ago… during our concerts.” The gasps of disbelief from the members had Yuta lowering his head in shame. He knew that the boys had already made up their minds and thought badly of him for doing so. A comforting hand from his leader, however, had urged him to continue explaining. “JiHo sent them letters when she felt lonely, when she couldn’t see her actual parents. Her biological parents gave me the letters and I never told JiHo about it. I kept them and JiHo found them last night.”
There was tension in the room. It mostly felt like a feeling of shared sadness, but there was a clear air of disappointment and something akin to anger. The latter was very prominent coming from Yuta’s immediate left, where Doyoung stood and let out a scoff.
“Wow,” the Korean sarcastically commented. “Way to go, Yuta.”
“Hey! You would’ve done the same if you were in my position,” Yuta turned to his so-called friend. “If you met those people, you wouldn’t have wanted them around JiHo even for a split second.”
“You should’ve told her about it at least.”
“Don’t act like you’re a saint and never make dumb decisions.”
“HEY!” Haechan suddenly yelled, catching everyone's attention. “What Yuta hyung did was dumb, but you can’t say you would’ve handled it differently when you never had to be in his place. Now, it doesn’t matter anyway. We don’t know where JiHo is and I don’t know about you guys, but it’s starting to get a little concerning to me.”
Mark turned to his friend who was heaving a little and put his arm around his shoulder comfortingly. Taeyong nodded in agreement before looking at Yuta and Doyoung and then at the rest. “I’ll call JiHo, see if I can reach her. Sihyun, you can continue preparing for JiHo’s surprise and the two of you—” Taeyong turned to the two members who were previously yelling at each other “—please make up, there’s no need to fight because of this. I’m sure you both are already stressed enough.”
Taeyong disappeared from the room alongside Sihyun, leaving the other members to themselves. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been feeling off the whole day. I slept terribly last night and,” Doyoung sighed. “I just hope things are fine.”
Yuta pulled the man in a quick hug, which Doyoung reciprocated immediately. “No need to apologise. I understand.”
Despite the two men reconciling, the mood in the room still felt a bit off. The members either stood in place, staring at whatever it might be, or were pacing around trying not to get in their head too much.
It proved rather pointless, because with every passing minute—Taeyong was taking a while—the boys grew more uneasy. They were all worried, but Johnny noticed one member in particular seeming to have an ever harder time. “Hey,” he said in almost a whisper. “You don’t seem too well. Is something on your mind?”
Yuta looked up at his taller friend and released his lip that was held hostage between his teeth. He shook his head from side to side, his eyes unfocused and darting around the room. “It’s just that…”
“Just that what?” Jaehyun stepped forward once he noticed Yuta’s expression. It looked like the Japanese man was about to say something, but had a hard time letting the words come out. “Did something come to mind?”
Jaehyun could act all calm, cool and collected as much as he wanted, but the tone of his voice gave him away immediately. He was panicking on the inside, scared that something might have gone wrong. His faked exterior immediately crumbled, however, when Taeyong entered the room with his phone held up high telling the members he wasn’t able to reach JiHo.
“Yuta, speak up,” Doyoung quickly urged.
The man eyed his friends first before he opened his mouth to speak, “Maybe—”
“The victim who was sent to the hospital with major injuries after last night’s hit and run case in Seoul is recovering well. The young man was in the driver’s seat of the first car that got hit with his two other friends in the back of the car. He will be able to leave the hospital by tomorrow. All victims of the crash will be able to spend their holidays safely with their families and friends. The police are still searching for the perpetrator.”
As soon as the female voice got cut off, Yuta let out a huge sigh of relief. Mark’s eyes widened once the realisation set in after he connected Yuta’s earlier demeanour and actions. “You thought that person was JiHo?!”
Mark’s voice boomed through the room, louder than it ever had.
As if caught red-handed, Yuta started to stutter out words defensively. “It wasn’t ruled out! I just thought there was a possibility JiHo might have gone to the airport because she wanted to see her parents,” Yuta’s loud and defensive tone diminished with every passing word. He looked around at his friends and once again dropped his head in shame. “I didn’t want to think like that, but perhaps hearing her biological parents tried to reach out… JiHo might’ve wanted to get in contact with them.”
Although Yuta sounded meek and defeated, the way his voice started to tremble and his words started to mix together, it was clear he had been insanely stressed and in his head before and that his emotions were finally catching up to him.
“Hey hey.” Mark took a step closer and called out to Yuta in a gentle voice, “you were just worried and scared. Let’s just be happy that it wasn't JiHo.”
Yuta shook his head and pressed his eyes shut tight—tears were starting to run down his cheeks. “I still shouldn’t have thought like that. If I even thought it was possible, why didn’t I do anything?”
Mark pouted and looked at Doyoung with a lost look. He didn’t know what to say or do, so opted to hug the Japanese man instead. Doyoung gave Mark a firm nod and with his own hand softly patted Yuta’s back. “You couldn’t have done anything in such a situation anyway. Let’s focus on actually finding JiHo first.”
As on que, Taeyong entered the room with his phone in hand. He was already shaking his head from side to side. “I can’t reach her.”
A collective sigh came from the boys. At this point reaching JiHo started to feel like an urgent matter, but if she wasn’t going to pick up, it did not matter how many times the boys would call.
“Let me try,” Haechan suggested, although having the same mindset as the others. Taeyong was about to say that the idea seemed almost pointless at this time—although he wasn’t against trying a few more times—when Haechan had already pulled out his phone and dialled JiHo’s number.
He tried 3 more times after that and each time the boys looked at him with held breath. The last time though, something was different. It didn’t take about a minute or two before the call went to voicemail.
“What happened?” Jaehyun asked with much urgency in his tone.
Haechan looked as pale as a ghost as he looked up to his older members. There was a confusing mixture of emotions displayed by him and his voice came out meekly as he answered, “it went straight to voicemail.”
Chapter IV:
JiHo slammed her hands on the steering wheel as soon as she sat down in the car. It was Yebin’s car. Yebin, her manager who had gone on pregnancy leave. Her fiance didn’t allow her to drive so Yebin had nicely lent JiHo her car for now.
It was a nice car, though nothing special. Something affordable and big enough for a kid or two in the back seat. JiHo would’ve decided on something else for a car of her own—if she was allowed to at least. This car was nice, but she wanted a car in which she could get away from life for a moment. A car which she could pretty much live in whenever life became too much. Just like at that moment.
She looked at the stack of envelopes on the passenger’s seat before letting out a scoff and immediately turning on the engine. In barely a minute she was on the street already. Despite it being the weekend, the streets of Seoul were rather empty. That shouldn’t have been surprising, noticing the time of day—rather night—it was.
~“Last night there was a reported hit and run in the outskirts of Seoul in the direction of Incheon. The hit vehicle crashed into two other cars, causing a massive crash.”~
Driving was something that went like autopilot for JiHo. One moment she was still in the parking lot, the next she was pulling up at her destination.
Driving was so much like going on autopilot that JiHo sometimes didn’t even realise where she was heading. Usually it was just driving from her apartment or the boys dorm to the company, or returning home from the company. Sometimes JiHo would drive to personal schedules or if she just wanted to go out somewhere on her own. She didn’t have a car though, so it was a hassle to ask a manager for permission each time she wanted to go somewhere. If only she could buy her own car. Her father didn’t approve of the idea. Something about it being too dangerous. “Dangerous my ass,” JiHo mumbled to herself as she relived the arguments with her father about the topic in her head.
There was a nice song on the radio. JiHo hummed along with it, letting her body steer the car to wherever it wanted to go.
~“We were heading towards the airport, me and my daughter were going to visit family in Europe. It was fairly empty on this road, since people usually go from the main road.”~
The road she was on was not the one going to her apartment. That much she was sure of, but even though she was aware, even though she mumbled it to herself that this isn’t the way home, it was like her mind wasn’t connecting the dots. She just continued driving.
“God—” JiHo cursed as she had to hit the brakes suddenly. A car in front of her slowed down abruptly before its blinkers changed from the right to the left. With the sudden movement she heard something shift to the side of her. Looking back down at the passenger’s seat she was confronted with her own handwriting. She didn’t have to look closely to know what it said.
   Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dubois
   It’s me, JiHo. I was wondering if we could meet up one day.
JiHo internally cringed. She didn’t know whether she was more disappointed that she ever wrote it, or that she was still wondering about how her biological parents had reacted when they first read the letter.
“They probably didn’t even care.” The words she spoke were those to comfort her. It did little to do so however because JiHo quickly felt a hot tear on her cheek. She sniffled and wiped the tear away before really focusing on the street in front of her again. “How did I get here?”
In front of her were two cars. Despite this place being a bit further than the main road—JiHo wanted to be on the road for as long as possible—it was a pretty big road. Three lanes wide, but JiHo was in no rush. She continued behind the car on the most right side, heading towards the bridge.
~just remember a car to the left of me, and I think also one behind me. Suddenly I heard a loud noise and the car left of me hit my car.~
A loud screeching noise came from JiHo’s side. She barely had any time to look up before the four headlights started to blur into one big mess. There was rumbling, the sound of metal bending and screeching and scratching and getting crushed. JiHo tried to keep her eyes on the lights but it quickly became impossible.
The lights started to disappear to the left side of her vision and she felt her body get shaken until she couldn’t see any light anymore.
Chapter V:
“Should we call the police?” Mark suggested, earning some of the boys attention.
“We could, but they might not act on it immediately,” Johnny answered. His face looked like one of worry. It looked like he hadn’t slept in days, yet it was easy to pinpoint the source of his concern.
“I can’t sit here any longer, I’m gonna head out,” Jaehyun said as he grabbed his jacket.
“And do what?”
“I don’t know. Something?! We can sit here all day and wait, or we can try to go out and find her,” Jaehyun stated firmly. When he looked his leader in the eyes, however, his whole semblance shattered. He dropped his jacket and shook his head defeatedly. “Hyung— I just don’t have a good feeling about this. Just sitting here makes me feel useless.”
Taeyong nodded, pulling the taller man into a hug. “I know, but for all we know JiHo is just at the gym blowing off steam, or with a friend. JiHo is a smart girl who needs her distance sometimes. Let’s take it step by s—”
A ringing noise sounded from behind Taeyong. Turning around, he found Doyoung looking down at his phone confused. “Who’s that?”
“I don’t know, I don’t recognise the number,” he mumbled confusedly.
“Maybe it's a sasaeng?” Taeil commented with a slight scowl. It was true that lately the boys and JiHo were getting more sasaeng calls. If it weren’t the usual fan girls that bothered them, then it was this new fan who just called and didn’t say anything. As if to taunt them.
Doyoung shrugged, but decided to pick up the phone anyway. “Hello?”
The boys all watched as Doyoung took the call, trying to understand what was going on by watching his facial expressions.
“Car? ... Black car? … I’m sorry, I can’t— Wait, I’ll step out for a sec—” Doyoung stopped dead in his tracks before asking the person on the other side of the phone to repeat themselves. “No… I, you must be mistaken. There were only 2 cars—”
“On further investigation the police were able to find a third vehicle that was involved in the hit and run last night in Seoul. The car was found about a hundred metres down the side of the bridge. There seemed to be only one passenger in the car. The victim’s condition is not yet known.
“It took the police several hours to find the last vehicle. The car was not immediately found since there were no direct traces suggesting more than 2 vehicles involved, as well as the side of the bridge being very overgrown and there being many trees making the last car difficult to spot. They will do an extra search, expanding the search area to make sure no one else is left unfound.”
Frozen in his spot, Doyoung looked Taeyong dead in the eyes. His eyes were filled to the brim with tears and he had completely forgotten about listening to what the person on the phone was saying.
“Doyoung?” Taeyong whispered, but his friend still couldn’t say a thing. “Please talk to me.”
Before long, Johnny snatched the phone from Doyoung’s hand and held it up to his ear. “Yes? … Yeah I’m— I’m her brother.” As Johnny said that he couldn’t look his members in the eyes and so he turned his back on them and continued talking to the person on the phone.
“Hyung, what’s going on?” Haechan asked in almost a whiny tone. It wasn’t the usual playful tone he carried, but a genuine pained sound. “Can’t you tell us what happened? What did they say?”
Just a few seconds later Johnny turned back to the group. “Taeyong, Yuta, Doyoung?” He looked at the three, calling for their attention, but the latter didn’t budge. “Let’s go.”
The three stood there in shock, unsure of what to do, with Taeyong and Yuta eyeing each other nervously.
“COME ON! If you don’t come I’m taking someone else with me,” Johnny yelled loudly which made Yuta and Taeyong move instantly. To help Doyoung out, the leader pulled him by his arm, only partly getting him out of his trance.
“What about us?” Jungwoo asked in a soft, shaky tone.
A sigh escaped Johnny’s lips and he glanced over the room once again. “Okay, one more person can fit in the car with us. The others, ask for the manager to bring you.”
The other members nodded after they pushed Haechan towards the older members. “Where to?” Mark asked. He sounded almost scared to ask the question and when the response came, his apprehensiveness felt not unwarranted.
“To the hospital goddamnit! Where else to?” Johnny had never been this upset—this angry. When he got angry he’d always try to compose himself, using sarcasm or trying to joke about it to lighten the mood. This time, however, every sense of trying to stay composed—trying to be fake—was thrown out of the window and it was scary.
“Yeah. I’m sorry,” Mark had whispered to himself when he noticed the group leave the room without much of a second glance. Jaehyun was by his side in seconds to give him a pat on his shoulder, but when Mark looked up he didn’t see Jaehyun look at him with a comforting or reassuring gaze. The man himself was dying of nerves. He was just as scared as the rest.
“Let’s just go,” he stated short, earning affirmative hums and nods from the boys as they looked for a manager to bring them to the hospital.
Chapter VI:
“I’m sorry, this many people aren’t allowed in here. It’s family—”
The nurse had barely any time to state the protocol when 5 intimidating men were towering over her. If it weren’t for the clear tears, red eyes and clumped-together eyelashes, the woman would’ve called security without a second of thought.
“We’re her family, she’s all she’s got here.”
The woman nodded nervously before looking down at her clipboard. “A—And who’s family is it that you are?”
“Lim JiHo’s,” Taeyong answered in Johnny’s stead. It wasn’t like Johnny was unable to answer, but his height and clearly sour mood was making the nurse severely uncomfortable to the point Taeyong needed to step in. Johnny was tall and really scary at this moment, but he wouldn’t hurt anyone—besides possibly the person in charge of what had happened—Taeyong just didn’t want anyone to misunderstand his American friend.
“Lim? Lim JiHo?” She continued to leaf through the patient documents until she found the right name. “Oh—” Her expression was all but satisfactory.
“What does that mean?” Yuta asked, a clear waver in his voice. He felt the blood in his veins run cold and cold beads of sweat form on his hairline.
The nurse ushered them towards a waiting room—secluded and cold—before telling them to sit down. “I’ll need you to wait here, I’ll send you JiHo’s doctor immediately.” Before the boys could utter another word the nurse had run off already.
“Hyung,” Haechan whispered as he softly poked Doyoung’s shoulder. The latter turned around to look at the younger man, revealing his bloodshot eyes to Haechan despite not having many tears rolling off his cheeks. “Are you okay?”
Doyoung shook his head. It was the clearest answer he had given since the phone call. “I’m not,” he then voiced his answer. “But that doesn’t matter. All that matters is JiHo.”
Haechan nodded, but felt like it was not right. It seemed like Taeyong felt the same way as he reached out to Doyoung and caressed his arm. “I understand, but you have to stay strong as well. JiHo needs you that way.”
The two best friends shared pained gazes between each other and although not by much, it still felt a bit comforting to Doyoung. His mind couldn’t stop thinking about the what if’s and the maybe’s, but at least he didn’t feel alone.
“Hello good sirs,” a doctor said as he approached the five men. He didn’t share any other niceties and went straight to the point. “As you know JiHo was in that car crash?” When the members nodded, the doctor continued, “as she was found much later she wasn’t in good condition when we found her. She was still awake though not able to respond verbally. We brought her here and she’s currently in surgery.”
“What took them so long?” Yuta asked as soon as the doctor finished speaking, but his tone didn’t hold any hostility. He was genuinely curious as to why they had to suffer so long before being called to the hospital and could only imagine how long JiHo had to suffer alone in that car wreck.
The doctor made a gesture of acknowledgement and answered, “JiHo was found about an hour ago. We, the hospital staff, did think it was for the best to keep this information from the public until we found the family of the victim.” He let out a deep worrisome sigh which had the boys at the edge of their seats. “When the police found her and when she was brought into the hospital JiHo’s injuries were too severe to clearly identify her at first. The police couldn’t find any other identification on her until they found her phone a few more metres away from the car. When they charged it they found your number in it and during the surgery one of the doctors recognised her as well,” he explained. “I’m sincerely sorry about how this process has been going so far.”
“Do we have any updates on her so far?” Taeyong asked and the doctor’s brows settled into another frown.
“JiHo’s condition is still unstable. The surgery is getting wrapped up by now, but just surgery alone won’t make her better. She needs a lot of rest and possibly more surgeries. Due to the severe trauma to the head we have decided to put her into a coma.” Doyoung gasped and jumped out of his chair at the news even if his legs felt like they could give in at any moment. “Without it she won’t make it. She had been bleeding a long time before the police found her. It’s a miracle she even stayed awake for that long.”
“How big are the chances of her being back to normal with a coma?” Johnny asked.
Again the doctor sighed and placed a hand on Doyoung’s shoulder. “JiHo’s a really strong girl. The chances aren’t zero, but it will be really hard for her.” Doyoung dropped his head at the words and scared that he might fall, the doctor gripped both of the idol’s shoulders to keep him up. “It all depends on how hard she fights and seeing the support she has I’m sure she’ll put up a great fright.”
Without many more words said, the doctor excused himself and left the room. A nurse informed them that they could go visit JiHo in her room in about 10 minutes from then and offered to bring Doyoung some water since he started to look very pale. The members politely declined the offer and sat in the room waiting for any developments.
Chapter VII:
A droning in her head woke JiHo up. As she tried to open her eyes she was only met with blackness. At first she wasn’t sure she had even opened her eyes, but as she started to make up the interior of the car she realised it was just dark outside.
Her phone had been placed on the passenger’s seat along with the envelopes, but when she looked to her right instead of seeing those items, she was met with what looked like a branch of a tree. The passenger’s side window was indeed shattered and several branches and bushes were covering that side of the car, making it even darker inside.
With a sigh JiHo went to lean her head on the window on her side only to notice that the glass had also shattered. “Fuck,” she whispered tiredly. A piece of shattered glass had grazed the side of her head, not quite enough to leave a cut or even a scratch, but it was the contact of the glass and her skin that caused all the feeling in her body to return.
JiHo felt a hot stream of liquid on the side of her head. It didn’t take much for JiHo to realise it was blood, her own blood, that covered one side of her face. She tried to move her hand to press the wound shut, but her limbs felt unusually heavy.
“Oh God, please help—” she tried to pray but her words got cut when she heard something in the distance. She noticed the sound of her phone, someone was calling her but she couldn’t pick up. Her phone wasn’t in the car, the distance of the sound made her realise that.
JiHo didn’t know how long she was in the car. She had heard a lot of noise coming from the distance, and what sounded like sirens, but when she was still there after the sun started to come up she wasn’t sure if she had only imagined it.
Despite the sun coming up, her vision hadn’t gotten any clearer. The temperature in the car had dropped significantly from the night as the warmth the car had provided escaped through the shattered windows. Thankfully she was still wearing warm clothes and the pain in her limbs and head were still providing her some semblance of warmth. The sun which just hid her windshield provided a little warmth as well.
At this point JiHo could hear her phone ring more often. It was almost as if the sound was teasing her. She couldn’t see her phone and even if she could, she wouldn’t be able to reach out. At some point she felt like she was getting delusional. She couldn’t possibly be hearing her phone, she normally put it on silent anyway. Yet she wanted to believe her members were worried about her. Although she remembered the way she ran out of Yuta’s room and thought that maybe she had acted a bit childish. Yuta must have had his reasons, and JiHo started to understand why he possibly did what he did.
The ringing sound of the phone was drowned out by a sudden ruckus. It sounded like a group of people, but not one of the voices sounded familiar to her.
“There’s someone here!” was all JiHo could really make out between all the shouts and for the first time that night she was sure that she at least wasn’t imagining those people. She could hear them, she could feel them and eventually she could see them. “Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me?”
JiHo only blinked in response, not having the energy and seemingly not even the ability to respond verbally. “She’s awake! We need to get her out now…” The man continued to speak to the other people, but JiHo could only focus on the fact that he looked so much like Johnny. He wasn’t as tall and he didn’t look as fit as Johnny, but his facial structure reminded her a lot of him. “Hey, we’ll get you out of here. Just stay awake, hmm?”
That was the last thing she heard before she closed her eyes, hoping that she was in caring hands, hoping she would be reunited with her family soon.
Chapter VIII:
“You can go inside now, but I suggest only three people go in at a time,” the nurse told the group. At this point in time, the other four members had arrived at the hospital. The mood in the waiting room had grown indescribably cold after Taeyong had explained the whole situation to the others. That also gave the first five to arrive a moment to take everything in once again and it didn’t make it easier.
“Doyoung?” Taeil called for him and motioned in the direction of JiHo’s room. The younger one shook his head though and slumped back in his chair.
“I think I’ll go last,” he told them. “I need to mentally prepare for this.”
Although everyone knew he could never be prepared—none of them could—they didn’t refute his comment and let three other members go in first.
Taeil went in with Mark and Jaehyun. They stayed in the room for about five or ten minutes before they walked back out. They didn’t say anything and no one asked anything either. All that was clear was that the three looked more defeated, more tired, more sad after they went in—no words were needed to notice that.
The next three were Jungwoo, Haechan and Taeyong. They stayed inside for a little longer than the previous three and when they came outside Taeyong had to support a sobbing Jungwoo to the waiting room. He tended to him for a bit before Jungwoo suggested he’d go outside and get some air.
“I’m coming with you. I think I need to get out of here for a little while,” Mark commented and helped Jungwoo get up from his seat. The two friends walked side by side towards the exit at the end of the hallway.
Once they were gone Taeyong turned to the last three. Johnny gave him a small nod before heading in with Yuta under his arm. Hesitantly Doyoung called for Taeyong’s attention, “how is she?”
Taeyong sighed deeply. “Well…” he mused. “It looks like she’s just sleeping,” he explained and Doyoung nodded although he seemed a bit apprehensive. “She looks a little pale and I don’t like it that I can’t see her smile right now. She looks a lot prettier when she smiles,” Taeyong chuckled sadly as he tried to hold back tears. “She almost doesn’t look like herself, but I can recognize those freckles and birthmarks anywhere.”
Doyoung didn’t say anything as he looked in the direction of JiHo’s room. Johnny and Yuta were already inside, but Doyoung couldn’t get himself to move. “You need to go see her,” Taeyong said firmly, yet his voice still held sympathy and enough gentleness. It was enough for the others to share a look before deciding they should leave the two alone.
“I don’t think I can,” Doyoung answered honestly once Jaehyun, Taeil and Haechan left the room. “I don’t think I can see her today.”
Taeyong pressed his eyes shut as he fought his inner turmoil before taking a step closer to Doyoung. “If you don’t see her today…”
“What?” Doyoung snapped his head at the leader. “What are you saying? She’s not going to die, Taeyong!”
“You don’t know that,” Taeyong said exasperated.
“I do! Even if it’s 0.0001 chance it’s not impossible! She’ll survive!” Taeyong let his friend heave in silence. He did not speak, leaving Doyoung with his thoughts and concerns. “They said she wouldn’t have been awake for so long, but she was. She’s strong enough to get through this.”
“She did that because she wanted us to go see her. Doyoung if you see her state—”
“No! I don’t want to! She’ll be fine,” Doyoung yelled and let his tears run freely. He could barely see Taeyong through his blurred vision, but tried to look him straight in the eyes. “I need her to be fine, Taeyong.”
“So you just won’t see her? Why?”
Doyoung sobbed as he tried to answer Taeyong, who seemed eerily calm, but the truth was he just felt so lost and scared he didn’t know how to act. “I don’t want the last time I see her to be like this. I want to remember her being happy,” Doyoung whispered to broken cries.
“Doyoung,” Taeyong called out for him as he placed his hand on his arm. “I know it's hard, but… This could be the last time you see her— alive,” he choked on his last words. Just as he said it, Doyoung had looked up to make eye contact once again, but upon hearing those words, he fell down to his knees and shook his head.
“No, no, no…” he chanted to himself in pain.
“I’ll be by your side okay?” Taeyong whispered comfortingly and caressed his friend’s arms. The two sat there for a bit before deciding to finally get up. However, just as they were about to turn to the hallway a group of people started rushing through the hallway.
“Doctor! Room 245!” Doyoung and Taeyong looked at each other with horror in their eyes as a group of doctors and nurses headed towards the called room, the number being too familiar.
Taeyong and Doyoung both stood frozen before Yuta and Johnny walked out of the room with extremely pale complexions. “What—”
Before Taeyong could even ask his question Yuta shook his head. “I don’t know, I— I don’t know, I don’t know,” like a broken record he kept repeating the words. Even when Taeyong told him to pull himself together, all he could say was “I don’t know”.
“Defibrillator needed in room 245!”
Doyoung stopped right in his tracks as he tried to walk towards the room before. He felt his body become instantly cold and he felt his breath get taken away. His palms were sweaty despite feeling freezing cold and his body started shivering. The tears that ran down his cheeks felt as if they were burning the skin beneath them. All he could do was watch as doctors ran into the room behind big medical equipment. Doyoung fell to his knees, not realising the blood curdling scream he let out yelling for his little sister, before his whole world became blurry and then turned black completely.
Chapter IX:
“I’ll stay with you no matter what,” JiHo smiled brightly as she traced shapes in the palm of Doyoung’s hand. “You don’t think you can get rid of me do you?” She giggled.
Doyoung didn’t respond, neither did he look at her.
“I don’t like it when you ignore me and you’ve been doing that a lot lately,” she pouted, but it was soon followed by another giggle.
Doyoung sighed. He felt exhausted, but he knew this wouldn’t stop. So he opened his eyes and looked at the girl sitting on the side of his bed. She immediately smiled upon catching his gaze and commented on it, “you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
The boy hadn’t slept in days, his complexion was void of its natural colour and his eyes were dull. “Are you still not going to talk to me?”
Again no answer.
JiHo dramatically sighed, throwing her head back before leaning in really closely. All Doyoung could see were her eyes. The colours were still familiar and bright, but something wasn’t quite the same as before.
“I won’t stop bothering you until you answer! I won’t leave you alone! Even if you get sick of me!” JiHo sang in a childish voice as if she was testing his patience. Doyoung only blinked at her. “I promise you! I won’t leave you alone until you talk to me. Will you not talk to me?”
Doyoung wanted to answer with a no, but he didn’t. He didn’t want to talk to her. He didn’t want to give in even if his whole body, his heart and mind were telling him to talk to her.
“You won’t talk?” JiHo nodded her head before sitting back up straight. She tucked away her hair behind her ears and patted down her white dress before quickly reaching out for Doyoung’s hand again to continue tracing her nonsensical patterns. “Then I’ll stay here and continue to bother you,” she sang to no one in particular, but with a raised brow and a sly peak in Doyoung’s direction he knew she said to get a reaction out of Doyoung. “Fine… I’m not leaving though.”
Doyoung closed his eyes, to suppress the tears in his eyes from falling and smiled softly to himself. Don’t leave. That’s all I want. For you not to leave.
“They found JiHo’s letters,” Taeil said as he walked inside the dorm. He dropped a stack of envelopes—some looking rougher than others—on the table. “JiHo’s biological parents sent the rest over that JiHo had sent them. I haven’t read them yet. Yuta has and he said you might want them.”
Doyoung’s eyes followed Taeil’s figure as he sat himself down on the couch. He took a few moments before turning his gaze to the envelopes. “How did they find them? I mean the letters that her biological parents didn’t send.”
The question wasn’t so heavy, yet the answer was and Taeil wasn’t sure how to bring it. Johnny was with him when he heard the news and he was angry yet collected. When he went to tell the news to Yuta—Shotaro was with him at the time—he reacted very badly. The younger Japanese member had to calm him down which was a struggle.
Now he was facing another obstacle. He was sure Doyoung wouldn’t take to the news well. “They caught the guy,” he stated simply.
“The guy? Who?”
Taeil pressed his lips together, not wanting to actually say it, but Doyoung needed to know. “The guy that caused the hit and run. Well… He’s actually the guy who caused the fire in JiHo’s apartment that time—” Taeil flinched at Doyoung’s loud gasp. The older of the two was almost afraid Doyoung was going to hit him with how he suddenly jumped up to the front of his seat towards him. “He—uhm—did it on purpose.”
“How did he know where she was going?” Doyoung asked and Taeil was actually surprised, yet confused, with how calm Doyoung was.
“He’s a sasaeng. Had so much stuff on JiHo. I don’t know the details, but he was either following her or he must have had a tracker on her. He’s put into custody right now.”
Doyoung jumped up and pulled at his hair in frustration and disbelief. “Sasaeng?! All he did was attempt to kill her! Why would he even—UGH!”
Taeil sighed and put his head into his hands, propped up against his thighs. “I don’t know— Doyoung,” he called out when he noticed him pacing in front of him. “The police will do their job, but I need you to read this. Shotaro and Yuta translated it, but I think the other thing that’s inside is more important.”
Doyoung’s eyes darted from Taeil’s to the letter and back at him. The older one gave him a nod to urge him to grab it. He hesitated for a few more seconds before taking it. It was a clean letter, no tears or creases, just a simple ivory envelope with a bit of weight to it. Aside from the main letter, Yuta and Shotaro’s translation was added on a separate piece of paper. Doyoung chuckled, comparing Yuta’s still neat handwriting to JiHo’s elegant one. JiHo always had great penmanship even back in 2018 when the letter was dated.
    Mr. and Mrs. Dubois
    You still haven’t answered any of my letters. At first I was disappointed, but I understand now. You gave me up because you didn’t want children, so maybe you despise the fact I’m writing to you now. Or you moved into another building and my letters aren’t reaching you—I have reasons to believe otherwise though, because my niece is still in contact with you and told me this is not the case. Whatever it might be that makes you ignore me, today it doesn’t bother me as much.     As you know I have debuted in my group now. At first I was a bit jealous of how close they were to their families and each other, but recently I started to feel like I belonged. I used to send you letters because I wanted a family that was close to me and didn’t lie about not being able to visit—I’m sure my parents have their reasons, however, that doesn’t change anything about me not being able to see them in real life.     Yesterday me and my group members had dinner together and Doyoung called me his little sister. Yuta said he would still bother me like an older brother when we grow old and Taeyong said I’m part of the family now. Maybe I’m living in a temporary state of delight and tomorrow I’ll face the reality that I’m just some girl who these talented people have to deal with, but today I’m feeling happy. It doesn’t matter, because I saw the sincerity in Doyoung’s eyes. He might have laughed after he said it, but he seems to really care about me.     Johnny as well! He looks like a big scary guy but he’s the sweetest. He promised to let me drive his car when I’m older, but I’m guessing papa told him about aunt Danny because Johnny was a bit hesitant when I asked him about it again. You do know about aunt Danny right? She died in a car crash when she was really young. If you didn’t know, I'm sorry to tell you right now… SO, papa told me I was never allowed to have my own car and that if I died in a car crash he would kill me. Pfft, that sounds a bit dumb no? Hahaha, I know he’s just worried, but something like that doesn’t happen as much as people think.     I’m getting a bit off topic, so I’ll wrap it up quickly. I’m super happy being around my members lately. They take good care of me and I feel like I’m at home with them. That’s why I wanted to say that as long as I’m feeling this way I won’t send any more letters. I always send you letters because I want a family, but I feel like they are here for me more than any of my actual family has ever been. That might sound a little rude, but I can’t apologise for it. It’s the truth.
    Stay well! I hope I don’t have to send you any more letters
    - NCT’s Lim JiHo
Doyoung smiled sadly and pulled out the last item out of the envelope. It was a collage of pictures of her and the members of NCT back in 2018. Doyoung laughed when he saw the picture of JiHo and him wearing matching shirts with one of them saying “sister” and the other “brother” and JiHo’s unamused face. At that time, he absolutely despised those shirts as well, but seeing JiHo hate them even more was amusing to him.
Doyoung bit back a teary smile as his eyes scanned all the pictures of JiHo with him and his members. Taeil had taken notice of that and sighed softly, “you’re allowed to be happy and smile at those memories.”
Doyoung nodded, but continued to force his smile back down, “I know. It just feels inappropriate at the moment.”
“You’re right,” Taeil said as he stood up. A confused look was plastered on Doyoung’s face as he eyed his older friend. “Let’s go visit JiHo.” Doyoung smiled softly and picked up his coat that had been thrown over the back of the couch.
The two weren’t so quiet as they made their way to the front door—not that they were trying to be—garnering someone’s attention. One of the bedroom doors in the hallway swung open, revealing a dishevelled Haechan. He eyed both men before his eyes widened. “Are you going to visit JiHo?” Taeil hummed in response. “I’m coming with you!”
The older two smiled as they watched Haechan stumble across the living room, grabbing his jacket from where he had abandoned it earlier. “Why do you so eagerly want to come?” Doyoung inquired softly.
Haechan gasped and placed a hand on his chest. “Why would I not want to come?” he countered, but both of his members didn’t answer. “I just—” Suddenly Haechan had become a bit more bashful. “I had a dream about JiHo yesterday and I just felt like singing for her today. Maybe it’ll make her smile,” he explained with red cheeks.
As Taeil cooed, Doyoung scoffed in amusement. “You know she can’t smile— nor hear you, right?”
Haechan nodded, but after putting his shoes on pulled both of his hyungs out the front door. “I know, but maybe in spirit she will hear me and she’ll smile.”
Although Taeil—and the other members—knew Haechan was hurting just as bad as the others, he couldn’t help but admire how positive and strong Haechan had been. He really had become a source of strength for all the other members, even though he sometimes also needed a person to lean on.
Taeil looked at both of his younger members and couldn’t suppress a smile and as he  ruffled the youngest’s hair he answered him with, “I’m sure she will”.
masterlists: main masterlist || jiho.writings masterlist
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bigoltrashpile · 2 years
(If you are still doing this) Q1 or Q2 (which ever gets the brain brrring) with butch
I'll go with Q2, since I got another request for Q1 and both of them make the brain brrrrr pretty equally lol
Why the fuck was this skeleton staring at you?
He had been sitting at the table across from yours for the entire time you had been eating at your favorite little diner, and you were sure his eyes hadn't left you the entire time. It might be a coincidence, though. You were on a blind date after all, and you didn't want to insult them by looking at someone else the whole time. Maybe he just happened to look at you every time you glanced over?
Fat chance.
Finally, you couldn't take it anymore. "This has been really nice," you said to your date. It was a big lie, they had been talking about themself the entire time. "But I really need to get going."
Thankfully, they nodded. "Alright. Call me back sometime? We can do this again next week, maybe go bowling?"
"Sure, sure." You would say anything you needed to get away from that skeleton at this point. "I'll see you soon."
You walked through the darkened parking lot as fast as you could, desperate to get home to the perceived safety of your home. As you did, you didn't notice the bright red eyelights watching you from the shadows.
When you got home, you shut and locked all the doors and windows, unable to shake the feeling of being watched. At least you were safe now....right?
You woke up the next morning feeling a lot calmer. Of course you had been overreacting, it was probably just a monster thing, or a weird miscommunication. After all, the skeleton had been dressed in a three piece suit at a small family diner, so he was probably just weird.
As you went about your morning routine, you were surprised to find a package outside your front door. Weird. You weren't expecting anything. Maybe it was for one of your neighbors?
Curious, you checked the name on the package. Oh, it was for you! You took it inside, practically sprinting to the kitchen to find a knife or a pair of scissors to open it.
As you fumbled with the scissors, you vaguely noted in the back of your mind that there was no postage or address, just your name written in...was that comic sans? Weird. That just made you even more curious!
You finally managed to get the box open and-
Oh my god.
It was a head.
The severed head of your date.
You stumbled backwards, unable to breathe, to think, to scream, anything. There was. A head. On your kitchen table.
You were only able to react when you ran right into someone's chest. A loud scream tore from your throat, only to be cut short by a large hand covering your mouth.
A skeletal hand.
"shhhh, no need for that, doll," a rough voice purred. "s'just a lil gift~"
You managed to look up, your heart sinking when you saw who it was. It was the same skeleton from last night, the one who had been watching you. The red lights in his eyesockets bored into you, strangely heart shaped now.
"don't scream now doll, or i'll have to take...drastic measures." The skeleton's eyes darted to the box on the table. "i just wanna chat."
He finally let go, and you immediately scrambled to get away. "W-who are you? What do you want from me?"
"like i said," he shrugged, way too casual for someone who had just delivered a severed head and broken into your house. "just givin' ya a lil gift. ya deserve to be treated better than that piece of shit could treat ya."
"I'm going to tell the police," you threatened, scrambling for your phone. "I've seen your face, you won't get away with this!"
The skeleton didn't even seem bothered. "well, i guess it pays to have friends in high places. really helps ya get a-head in life. they can't do shit to me."
As he spoke, you started to shake. This guy could do anything he wanted to you, and nobody would care, or even punish him for it! "Please...don't hurt me."
"heh, looks like you'll have to come with me then, y/n." How did he know your name? "you're mine now."
"But...you don't even know me!" you argued. "What do you want from me?"
"heheheh," he laughed even harder. "i know ya, kitten. ya just don't know me." In a blink, he was on you, pinning you to the wall. "the name's butch, but from now on, just call me your husband~"
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
Love your Au's with dante so how about one where mc is an assassin and she was hired to kill Dante but when she tries to kill him he was too strong so she kept coming back to fulfill her mission and then she started to feeling things for him but being born and raised as an assassin she's not entirely sire whats she's feeling but she eventually gives up the mission and swaps missions with another assassin because she just couldn't bring herself to kill him. How do you think Dante react would he consider her a friend, or would he be trying to kill her from the get go? With Dante's personality I think he'd find it really funny that y/n kept coming back even after failing so many times
Yes more DMC aus
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Your mission was simple. You were to get rid of the Demon Hunter Dante. You weren't sure why the contract was made, but you weren't in the position to ask. It was the paycheck that you needed, so with all your gear in hand, you make your way to Devil. May Cry already come up with plans for your new check.
The building was dark and quiet, which only made you shrug. He was probably asleep making your job even easier than you thought. You snuck into the building from a window close to the roof, being careful where you step.
It took a while before you were able to find where he was sleeping, but eventually, you found him on the first floor sleeping on a chair with a magazine over his face. Not wanting to go back downstairs, you found the perfect spot to jump from end his life.
However, before your blade could sink itself into his chest, he moved out of the way, rolling to the floor.
"Man, I can't even get a nap around here." He sits up with a sigh before looking up at you. "And who are you supposed to be?"
Not wanting to waste time, you lunge forward to hopefully land a hit only for him to dodge forward closer to his desk again. Once there he grabs his sword from the other side, and stands up.
"The silent type, huh?" He shrugs "well let's get this over with."
Your body crashed through the front door, landing on the pavement, making all the air from lungs come out through mouth. This mission was turning out to be harder then you first thought.
You struggled to sit up, but when you did, you watched Dante walk through his now ruined door frame. Rebellion on his shoulder as he casually walked up to you. "Now look at that you ruined my door frame! Your gonna have to pay for that you know?"
You let out a sad scoff as you tried to regain your breath again. "I can pay it off if you let me finish my contract."
He looked back at you, surprised you spoke before he smirked, scoffing as well. "Not a chance. I wouldn't be alive to see it."
He turned away from you, took back at his doorway. "It's gonna be a pain to tell Morrison,"he turned back to you, but before he could speak or act, you were already gone. He let out another sigh "and they didn't even pay."
This was the first of many attempts on his life. You kept coming back every month like clock work. Alway tried new ways to end his life and fulfill your contract, but every time, he came out on top.
It came to the point where he started expecting you. He even got more than just a sentence out of you. There was a bond the two of you could feel it, but you weren't even sure what it was.
That's why you were standing outside of Devil May Cry again. You were fighting these odd feelings. What of you did kill finally? Sure, you got the money, but....was it really worth it? Unable to bring yourself to enter the building, you turned back, digging out your phone to give away the contract.
Unknowing to you, Dante sat in his office awaiting your arrival. He had come to enjoy your interactions even if you were trying to take his life. He found your sarcastic quips funny, and the few times you opened up to him, he found you quite fascinating he couldn't help but want to learn more. However you never showed up that night or the night before making Dante question what had happened.
He didn't get his answer till sometime later when an assassin with short red hair attacked him as soon as he got through the door
"Well, you aren't who I was expecting." He brought Ebony and Ivory pointing them at women.
She shrugs, standing up straight with her weapon in hand. "They didn't want the job no more. So it was given to me." She puts herself in a battle ready stance glaring at him, "and I plan to collect."
She may have been quick and agile, but it didn't take long for Dante to find a way to corner her. This his blade coming down closer to her head, he looks down at her terrified form. "Now tell me all about your coworker."
You had taken a break from your job after that night. You were still struggling with these emotions, making you feel unfit to continue your job. So, instead, you stayed at your home in Redgrave, trying to decipher these feelings you held for the Demon hunter.
He was very talkative for someone who was in a fight. Yet you found that you didn't mind it. Not only were the sarcastic comments he made funny, but you also really liked the sound of his voice. At times, you even wonder what your name would sound like coming from him.
You flinched as if you got hit. Where did that come from?? What did that even mean?? You could feel your face heat up, making you cover your face. Despite no one being in your home besides you; you could help buy hide your embarrassment.
After finally cooling off, you decided you need to go out. Maybe getting out of the home will help you keep your mind on what these feelings were.
Which is how you ended up in a little cafe hand in your palm as you pushed around some stray lettuce from the sandwich you ordered.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't wrap your head around these feelings and why it made quite such a good contract. It would have paid for everything and then some! Yet....you turned it down because you couldn't bring yourself to actually harm him.
"You know food is usually better when it first comes out. Unless you like stale and cold."
Your eyes widened as you looked up to the name who had been on your mind since that night. "...Dante..."
Sitting across from you, then man leans back into his chair, crossing his arms. "Hey Angel. I was starting to wonder where you ran off to."
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Code Blue Ch. 25- Code Green
Summary: Long chapter. Josie and Orlando arrive at the hospital and the evening goes from bad to worse with all kinds of drama.
*Warnings* language, angst, mob mentions, trauma, mental illness, self-harm, domestic dispute, infertility, anxiety
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Orlando, David, Britt, Sami, Jimmy
Salem, Massachusetts
February 27, 2023
Salem General Hospital- 7pm
The ambulance arrived at the hospital and the EMT's took Orlando inside with you right on their tail. Lee had texted and said he was about 15 minutes away which made you feel better knowing you would soon be in his arms after the nightmare you had just endured.
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The police were already there waiting to question Orlando again when he was more coherent. You held his hand and talked to him for a moment before they took him back to a room.
"Hey, how are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" you asked him with a shaky voice.
Orlando smiled at you and told you no, but you knew better. He saw your worried expression and wanted to be strong for you, so he slightly fibbed so you wouldn't be so scared. He knew that fib was nothing compared to what he had to soon lie about, all to keep you safe....and that meant Ethan would go free... and you still wouldn't be safe. Orlando knew Ethan had been into some bad dealings for quite some time and the threat he made against you would and could very well be carried out if he were to be charged and sent to prison so he figured if he kept his brother happy, Ethan would eventually calm down about everything. There was also the matter of his mother and how she would react if her son was sent away because of her other son who had already tore their family apart. It was truly a no win situation but he was going to do what he thought was best for you. He couldn't bear the thought of you being hurt because of him, or at all.
"I know you're lying. It's ok to admit if you're hurting Orlando."
He didn't even get to answer as a doctor came to assess him. After a brief update from the EMT's, the doctor then spoke to you.
'Are you his wife?"
'Oh...n..no. I..I'm his friend." you answered, shocked that he didn't even know who Orlando was. New doctor maybe?
"I'm sorry. You'll have to wait down here if you're not family."
"What? Wait, where are you taking him? I need to go with him, I told him I wouldn't leave him!"
He ignored you and told a nurse to take him up to ten and he would be in shortly, then walked off.
"Seriously???" you miffed. "I'll be right there Orlando." you assured him and reluctantly let go of his hand as they wheeled him off to the elevator.
Where the hell was Britt or Amy, you thought, then took out your phone and began texting both of them. Within a minute as you paced about, Amy responded that she wasn't working and then Britt finally replied and said she was up on ten with David, coincidentally where they were taking Orlando. God, you hadn't seen Dave in so long.
Without even thinking, you found yourself on the highly feared elevator, closing your eyes and holding your breath the entire time as you clutched the hand rail, picturing Lee beside you.
As the doors opened, you bolted out, releasing your breath and saw Dave headed in your direction, obviously looking for you.
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"Dave! Oh my god!" you panted and threw your arms around him.
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"Josie, sweetheart, you're shaking. What's going on??" he asked as he held you so tightly. "Britt told me you were on your way up here. Are you alright?"
"No..no I'm not. They brought Orlando up here and the doctor wouldn't let me go with him."
"Yeah, I just saw them taking him into a room. Josie what the hell happened?"
"His brother Ethan is what happened. Please tell me you're going to be taking care of him??? I don't like that other doctor. I think he's missing a heart"
"Hey, don't worry. He's in good hands and once then get him stable, they'll let you see him."
"Can't you go check on him? Tell him I'm right outside and that Lee is on his way? Just so he feels better?"
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Dave's eyes became curious. "Yeah Josie, sure....I..I um... didn't realize you you and Dr. Bloom...or Dr. Pace were...that close. But ten again I haven't heard from you since Jason's funeral over a month ago. I take it you and I over?" he said with a grin.
Dave was always a pretty reserved guy, so his comment slightly threw you. You understood it though because you had made up that lie to Lee about you and Dave dating...and you had also neglected your friendship with him ever since then and you had never done that before.
"I know...I'm so sorry. It was so very stupid and insensitive of me to do that. SO much had and has been going on...I'm sorry, I'm just spewing out such lame excuses and..."
"Josie...it's alright. Life happens. I get it. So are you and Lee....a..thing now?"
"Jo!" Lee called to you as he got off the elevator.
The sound of his voice was pure music to your ears. As you whipped around, Lee was right there, desperately pulling you into his arms, cradling your head in his hand as he closed his eyes with an intense sigh of relief. He then leaned back and kissed your forehead and gently but vigorously rubbed each side of your face.
"Baby, are you alright? Tell me you weren't hurt."
"I'm ok, I swear. It's Orlando that's hurt pretty badly and they won't let me see him yet. Maybe they'll let you...since you're a doctor here?? Dave, can Lee go in??"
David stared at you for a moment, realizing from your loving meet and greet with Lee, that his question was confirmed.
"I'm sorry. I wish that he could, but with his suspension and all..."
"Hey, it's ok man. I called Orlando's sister. She and Jimmy are on their way."
"I'm going to go check on him like you asked." Dave said with a light smile and left.
"Lee, is that a good idea after what happened with Jimmy? Sam was really cruel to Orlando. I saw it."
"Despite their differences, Sami loves him. Can we...go talk for a moment? Somewhere not so crowded."
He led you around the corner into the hall and you could feel it. He was upset that you went over there and understandably had a lot of questions.
"Jo..." he simply said and stared down at the floor, then finally brought his eyes to you and spoke softly. "What were you thinking? Going there alone?"
"I...I tried to call you first, but you didn't answer and..I could feel something was wrong. Orlando had left me a voicemail earlier and he just didn't sound right. It was like he was desperately needing to talk to someone, but I could hear it in his tone. Lee, there was fear....and I called him back tonight and he tried to say he was fine, but then I heard Ethan shouting at him...and then he just hung up. I called again but he wouldn't answer and so I texted him. Shortly after, he texted back and that's when I could truly tell something was wrong, by what he said, but I now believe it wasn't even him because I called again and Ethan answered his phone. He tried to tell me Orlando was fine and up in a room with a girl and that he had saw your post, which I then looked and saw Orlando supposably gave it an angry reaction...but Lee, you and I both know he isn't that petty."
"Are you so sure about that? Look what he did with Megan."
'Yeah I know, but also look how incredibly sorry he was...I don't know Lee. But I'm telling you, Ethan did this. I mean, you even believe he tried to run us off the road. Like...I just feel Orlando was trying to warn me about something, but chickened out. You know Ethan better than anyone Lee. Is he capable of this?? Hurting his own brother like that?"
Lee stared off down the hall momentarily. "I've seen it before, his anger."
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"At Orlando??"
"I have...and at me, but this? Stabbing him? Jo, did you see it happen?"
"Well...no but Lee...how else did it happen? Orlando was too out of it to say anything and Ethan had the audacity to say Orlando did this to himself. I'm sorry, but that's bullshit."
"I guess we wait to see what Orlando says. I wish he would have called me and not you. You should not have been anywhere around Ethan..."
"He didn't call you because he thinks you hate him... Lee, what are you not telling me. I can see it all over your face. You're worried about something. Talk to me...please. I'm not your enemy... Let me in...I love you."
Lee caved at your words and kissed your forehead again, the pulled you against him, wanting to tell you everything so badly.
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"I love you so much Jo. What I am worried about is you...and Orlando. Of course I don't hate him."
"Then please tell him that. I really think he needs to hear it and know that you're in his corner. You...don't believe he hurt himself, do you?"
"I don't want to. I just know that he has had a lot of mental problems and I can't judge him or anyone. Look at the things I have done when I was not in my right mind."
"So...you think that it's possible?"
"I pray it's not true because this will really impact his life...his career even. I know how that goes first hand as you also know. Everything now depends on his statement. Come on, let's go see if there's any updates."
You obliged and went with him, knowing damn well Lee was holding back on something. Something that terrified him.
As you and Lee came around the corner, Sam and Jimmy were speaking with Britt, who's eyes fell in shame when she saw the two of you.
"Jimmy, hey man!" Lee enthusiastically said as they both shared a manly back patting hug. "Glad to finally see you. Hey Sam. You guys, this is Josie...my girlfriend." he then said with a cute smile at you and squeezed your hand. To hear him say it officially to someone else made the butterflies wake up.
"Hey." she softly said, looking very agitated. "Thanks for calling me Lee. Sorry we couldn't make it to the funeral. You can see why, all thanks to Orlando."
She glanced up at her husband's rainbow colored bruising that consumed one of his eyes.
"Nice to meet you Josie...Sam, come on. Give the kid a break. It was an accident." Jimmy said in defense of his brother in law.
"How many breaks do you think he should have Jim? And now Ethan is in jail because of him. I need some coffee while we wait." she snapped and walked off to the waiting room.
Something about Britt's reaction caught your immediate attention at the mention of Ethan's name.
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'Any update on Orlando?" Lee asked her.
"Uhh...yes, he's....um, Dr. Conrad is with him currently down in radiology. That's all I can offer at this time."
"I better go sit with my wife. You guys want to come?" Jimmy asked.
"Britt...can I talk to you for a minute?" you asked as she hesitated making eye contact with you. "Lee, you go ahead. I'll be right there."
"Sure baby."
He kissed your forehead again and left with Jimmy. Britt then tried to escape.
"I really need to get back to my rounds Josie."
"Oh noooo you don't." you retorted and pulled her into the hall.
"Josie, seriously, if this is about the other night, how many more times can I apologize? I drank too much and said things i shouldn't have."
"Nope not about that. What do you about Ethan?"
"Oh cut the shit Britt. I saw your face. You know something, now spill it."
"I don't want involved in it Josie. I think it's now obvious that he's bad news."
"And you're going to tell me why that is? I'm not leaving until you do. I swear I will follow you around all night if I have to."
"Ok ok! God. I just...the other day, at the funeral...I..I knew he looked familiar but..I couldn't place him then. But when she just said his name..."
"Britt?? Tell me!"
"I've seen him with Jason before ok?? and...the Zacchara's."
You spaced out for a moment in disbelief, then your hand made it's way to cover your mouth as your eyes widened.
"Oh..my god....are...you sure???"
"Yes...I mean, he had shorter hair then, but I know it was him. It was on the Haunted Star and there was some gambling event going on. He was into it big time. A high roller."
"My father's boat...where the hell was I??"
"Off with Gerry somewhere as usual. I don't know."
"Josie...Lee was with him. So was that big mouth brother of his. Gavin?"
"Gordon..." you whispered in complete shock.
"Yeah, that's it. But that's all I know. I never had any reason back then to think anything of it....until now."
"Yeah except that Lee was there and the Zacchara's are one of the families....and not exactly friends with Jason and Sonny."
"Look, Jason's business was his business. I didn't question him because you know as well as I do that he would never tell us anything. Lee, I can assure you was not involved in any of that world. Just there having a good time. That's all I know Josie. I really have to go."
Britt left and you just stood there reeling over this new confusing information for a few minutes, then went to find Lee to hopefully get more clarity on this from him. You knew Lee didn't know Jason but that didn't mean he didn't know what Ethan was involved in....and judging by Lee's behavior earlier, you suspected he did know....and that there was more to his and Ethan's relationship than what was revealed.
You joined Lee, Sam and Jimmy in the waiting room as they were all talking. Lee noticed your sullen face and he took your hand as you sat down beside him.
"Jo? Everything alright?"
"Yeah..we can talk later."
He half smiled, sensing that it wasn't going to be a pleasant talk.
"I really should go and see Ethan so I can hear his side of things." Sam randomly said.
"Come on Sam." Jimmy said. "Ethan's a big boy and he made his bed. Orlando is hurt and lying in a hospital bed."
She didn't like that response at all and became visibly upset.
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"Yeah, just like he hurt you and put you in a hospital bed. Ethan wouldn't do this Jim. Orlando has serious problems and people get hurt because of him, including himself....and Mum, fuck...how do I tell her any of this?"
"Look, I know Orlando has problems but that night...he didn't know it was me. It was just...blind rage. It could have been anyone."
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'Well...I'm beginning to see where half of Orlando's problems stem from. Thank you Jimmy, for defending him. At least someone sees the truth." you bluntly said and stormed out.
Lee's eyes grew in shock as he sucked in a heavy breath and exhaled, then he abruptly stood up. "I'm uh...going to go check on her and Orlando too."
You wandered into a small empty waiting room down the hall, sat down with your head in your hands and internally screamed. Sure, you didn't know everything about Orlando, but this, you just knew.
You popped your head up to see Dave leaning on the doorway, looking at you with his benevolent blues.
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"Dave...how did..."
"I could hear you screaming internally from down the hall......annnd, I...saw you come in here." he said with a soft smile. "You ok?"
"I'll be fine. Did you get to speak to Orlando??"
"They gave him a sedative for the pain and to calm him, but he's fighting it. He's pretty worried about something."
"I'm pretty sure I know what that is. What about his injuries?"
"I can't discuss that with you, you know that."
"Ok, then get me and Lee in to see him. Please. He'll calm down if he has someone there he trusts and is on his side."
"I would, but the police are waiting too."
"Well, you said he's sedated right? So, he's still not in any shape to speak with them. Please, David. Don't let them see him. Get us in there first. I'm worried he'll tell them something he will regret."
"I'll see what I can do."
Dave left, almost running into Lee as he did so.
You got right up and went to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and snuggling into his chest.
"I'm so sorry Lee. You must be so embarrassed by my little tantrum back there. Sam just makes me so mad! She cares more about Ethan sitting in jail than she does about Orlando lying in a hospital bed, bloodied and beaten."
Lee held you tight and slightly rocked you. "I know. It's just how Sami is. Don't be sorry. Your passion is one of the many things I love about you Jo."
You tilted your head back and stared up at him with sad eyes. "I also feel a little guilty too. I mean...her husband was badly hurt...and...if that were you...I know I'd be the same way. If someone ever hurt you Lee, I'd..."
Your words were ceased by a soft full kiss, sending your wide awake butterflies fluttering up into your chest.
"God I've wanted to do that from the moment I got here tonight." Lee whispered against your lips. A tiny whimper snuck out of your mouth as you pulled his lips back to yours and for a few moments, you both forgot where you were as Lee backed you up against the wall.
You could feel someone was there, in which you opened your eyes and could just see over Lee's shoulder. Dave had come back.
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"Sorry. I...I didn't want to..interrupt." he said, noticeably discomfited by what he saw.
"Dave...I...ummm...did you...see Orlando?"
"Yeah, he's uh...he's asking for you....the police will be held off until tomorrow. I can't go into detail. Orlando can fill you in. I uh...gotta run. See ya...later."
"Dave wait...."
You ran up to the doorway but the heartbroken doctor kept going.
"Damn it." you sadly huffed.
"I'm sorry Jo...I shouldn't have went so crazy with the PDA.."
"No, god no Lee. It's not your fault. Please go crazy with it." you giggled and kissed him again. "I...I just wanted to tell him myself. Oh well. I can't do anything about it now. I'll talk to Dave later. Let's go see Orlando."
As you and Lee came up to his cubicle, you could hear the conversation between him and a nurse.
"Dr. Bloom. I have your admittance and consent for surgery papers right here for you to sign."
"And how shall you say I do that when I'm right handed and my right hand is shit?"
"Your left hand will do just fine. I am a witness."
""I don't need surgery. Just stitch it."
"Dr. Bloom. Respectfully, you're a doctor. Surely you're aware that this type of would cannot be stitched. I cannot force you to have surgery, but if you do not, you will lose full use of your hand."
Reluctantly, Orlando signed it in big capital letters. "Tell Nurse Teresa if she can't read that, she needs fucking glasses. The kind that make your eyes bug out of your head."
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You and Lee looked at each other and silently laughed.
"Annnnd he's back..." Lee chuckled as you both went inside the curtain.
Orlando's eyes fattened at the sight of Lee.
"Your gown is there in that closet. I'll leave you to your company and they'll be back to prep you in about an hour." the Nurse explained to Orlando.
"I know that...I work here remember?"
The Nurse rolled her eyes and left, making Lee chuckle some more.
"Hey banando, come here man. That's if you're not too stoned to stand up."
Watching Lee embrace his best friend had your eyes stinging with tears. No matter their spats, they would always care for each other and that was just so beautiful to you.
"Soooo, this is how I am forgiven? By ending up in the hospital.." Orlando grinned.
"Who said I forgive you?" Lee smirked. "Just fucking with you man. Of course I forgive you. You can thank Jo here for that."
Orlando looked at you with sullen eyes and came over to you.
"I'm so sorry for all of this and I do not even have words for what you did for me."
"You're ok. Well, mostly....That's all that matters. Just give me a hug and I'll be happy." you replied as your tears finally fell.
Orlando softly smiled and pulled you to him with his good hand.
"Thank you." he whispered into your ear.
Sam and Jimmy then walked in and Orlando's somewhat happy face fell flat at the sight of his sister's angry face and his brother in law's bruised one.
"Jimmy man...I am so damn sorry..."
"It was an accident man. How many times do I gotta say it? We're good ok? Now I just want you to be good."
"So, are you going to say Ethan did this and send him to prison? You got Mum all worried again." is all Sami could manage to say.
"What the hell did you tell her?"
"Oh you mean how you and you're....whatever she is put Ethan in jail?"
Your mouth dropped open at this bitch's nerve and Lee jumped right on it.
"Hey, Sam...don't do that. Jo saw Orlando was hurt and she did the right thing. At some point in your life, you're going to have to see the truth on things, so don't go blaming my girlfriend or my best friend for Ethan's fuck ups."
"Lee, thanks man but don't bother. I'm going to go call Mum so I don't have to stand here and listen to my own sister berate me today. Feel free to leave Sam. I have everyone I need here." Orlando snapped and walked out to the payphone.
She and Jimmy then began arguing with Lee trying to calm them, so you crept over to the doorway to watch Orlando in case he needed help, but you stayed back far enough to give him privacy....although you could still hear him and he didn't know it.
"Hey Mum. I'm alright, don't worry. A little surgery and I'll be good as new. No Mum..it will be fine. It was all just a big misunderstanding. An accident. Ethan will be free soon enough once I get to speak to the police. Yes, tomorrow I think. It will all be alright. Try not to worry anymore ok? I'll call you later when I can. I love you too Mum. bye."
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Orlando hung up and lightly jumped when he saw you.
"Did I just hear you tell your Mother that it was an accident and that Ethan would soon be free?"
"What??" Lee said as he had just came out to find you.
"Look, I don't want to get into this right now with either of you. I am fine now. I thank you both so much for coming, but you can go now."
"Like hell." Lee snapped.
"Lee man, this is my business. Let me handle it."
"You look me in the eyes right now and tell me Ethan did not do this to you, because it is no accident when someone stabs someone."
"I never said anyone stabbed me. Look, I was drinking and fucking around with his knife, you know, the finger game. I missed."
"You mean to tell us that you were playing five finger fillet. I saw the wound Orlando. There were three punctures and last time I checked, you are right handed, which is the hand that is injured. So you accidentally stabbed yourself THREE times with your LEFT hand." you asked in extreme disbelief.
"Ok Josie...you got me. You heard Ethan. I did it to myself. I'm off my fucking meds and I hurt myself. I do it a lot. Is that better?"
"Lando man. Don't do this. Don't throw your career away for Ethan, because you know that's what will happen if you tell them you intentionally hurt yourself. He ain't worth this man! Look at the mess I'm in over my poor choices."
"That ain't the same and you know it Lee. You're being investigated for medical negligence."
"The hell it isn't. Some of my poor choices involved Ethan just as your poor choices do because you're protecting him for some unknown fucking reason."
"I'm not protecting him, I'm...you know what. I'm done here. I need to go change."
"You see?? I knew this was your fault!" Sam said as he followed him back into his room, in which Orlando went in the bathroom and slammed the door shut.
"Leave him the fuck alone already! I do believe he told you to leave." you shouted at her.
"I'm sorry, just who the hell do you think you are??"
"I'm someone, unlike you, that actually cares about him. Jesus, no fucking wonder his mind is a god damn mess. You and Ethan are toxic!"
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you fucking Lee and not Orlando...or ARE you?"
That did it. You lunged at her but were swept right off your feet by Lee's arms around your waist while Jimmy held Sam back.
"Oh looks like I hit a nerve!" She shouted.
"Yeah, the I'm gonna kick your ass nerve!" you shouted back, struggling to free yourself from Lee's unbreakable grip.
'Enough!!" Orlando barked as he came out of the bathroom with another door slam. "Jimmy, man, get her out of here and don't bring her back."
"Sam! Let's go. Now!" Jimmy snapped as he stood in front of her.
She scowled at him and stormed out in tears. You jerked your arm free as Lee finally let you go.
"Why the hell did you stop me!?"
"Oh I don't know Jo, maybe so you didn't end up in a cell beside Ethan!"
"Ok, well I've had enough of this night. You can both go. I'll be fine. I'm going to the chapel for a bit to clear my fucking head before it explodes." Orlando vexed and left.
"Hey, I'm coming with you man." Lee called out. "Jo...I need you to go home."
"What??? I'm not leaving? He's going to have surgery soon and I'm not leaving you. Lee, I'm sorry I got all bent out of shape but she had it coming."
"Hey, look at me baby." he softly said and took your face in his hands. "I'm not mad. You're right, She did deserve it. Just let me stay here with him and try to talk some damn sense into him. I'll stay here through his surgery and after so he's not alone. I swear to you I will call you if anything is wrong. Just let me spend a little time with him by myself. I know him better than anyone and I'm going to do my best to try and get through to him about Ethan."
"I understand that. I..I just don't want to leave you. I can let you go be with him. I'll stay in the waiting room. I rode a fucking elevator to get up here tonight, I'll have you know."
"Jo, no. Please baby. Go home and get some rest. It's late and you have moving to do in the morning remember? I will still meet with you for lunch if all goes well here and you can come see him, and we can then go to the farm like we planned. Jo...please. For me. You've been through enough tonight. I will feel so much better knowing you're at home. Ethan's in jail so you'll be safe. I've got until tomorrow to get the truth out of Orlando, so just let me try."
"Is...there a reason I wouldn't be if he were out??"
Lee knew he shouldn't have said that part. "I just meant that, I don't know what Ethan is thinking right now."
"You mean that you are worried that he blames me for this."
"Jo...I'll call you when he's out of surgery."
"Deflecting. Typical. You know...I'm a hell of a lot smarter than you give me credit for and I know you're keeping something from me. That's what I wanted to talk to you about because I though we agreed about no more secrets...but...I guess it will have to wait."
You picked up your purse and marched out.
"Jo, babe!" Lee called after you but you ignored him and kept going, in tears.
"Fuck!" he shouted and then took off after Orlando.
"Josie!" Dave shouted as he saw you about to leave and came trotting up behind you.
You quickly tried to wipe your tears but he saw you.
"Heyy, why are you crying?? and...leaving?"
"Dave, I'm fine."
"No you're not. Sit down...please." he asked and placed his hand on your arm to guide you to the couch in the lobby.
You reluctantly sat down and he sat across form you.
"What happened? Talk to me. You know, we always used to talk...about everything. I miss that josie. I miss you." he said and leaned down to take your hands into his.
"I know. I miss you too, but..."
"But what?"
"There's just so much going on and I just want to go home. That's all."
"Like...with Lee? You two...are together now huh?"
"Dave, I reeeeally don't want to talk to you about Lee."
"I thought, besides my sister, that I was your best friend. I suppose...he is now?"
"David...don't do this. Not now."
"I just asked a simple question Josie. What's so hard about that? To tell me about your life?"
"Because I'm in love with him..." you blurted out in frustration.
Dave released your hands and sat back up with a look of shock and disbelief.
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"Dave, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just spit it out like that."
"There's nothing to be sorry about. You can't help who you love. I should know."
His beeper went off and he checked it. "I need to go. I hope you will be happy. That's all I've ever wanted for you. Bye Josie."
Dave got up and left with pure anguish in his eyes, leaving you feeling like total shit and worried you may now lose him, for he pretty much just admitted how he felt about you, which you've always suspected. You adored him but you just didn't have those kinds of feelings for him. It was all Lee. It had always been Lee even before you knew him.
Lee entered the empty chapel and sat down beside Orlando and then just told him his own truth about Ethan's voicemails and what happened at the funeral reception.
"Now do you understand man. You can't let Ethan get away with this. He's dangerous. I just never realized how much until now."
"No, you don't understand Lee. I've made up my mind and what you just told me made it a hell of a lot easier and showed me I'm doing the right thing."
"The right thing? And what is that? Lando man, come on. I'm your best friend. Tell me what's going on."
"And I'm your best friend. You've been through enough shit too ya know. You and Josie both. If I don't....man things will just get worse, so just leave this alone."
"I think you know that's not even an option. You're going to throw away everything you've worked so hard for and for what? Ethan?? I know damn...oh... I mean darn...sorry up there." Lee said in panic as he glanced up at the cross. "I know you didn't do this to yourself and you'll never convince me otherwise, or anyone else for that matter. If you're this determined to go through with it, then at least go with your first lie, that you accidentally did it. God, I cannot believe I'm sitting here in a church, conspiring with you."
"Then don't. I don't want you or Josie involved in my messes."
"I think it's a little too late for that don't you? I mean, did you not just hear what I told you about his messages? and what he told Josie at the reception?"
"Look, I don't need you here. Just go back to Josie and live happily ever after ok?"
"Man, don't do that. You knew, you've known for how long how I feel about her."
"And?? What's your point Lee?"
Lee sighed and closed his eyes. "I...I'm in love with her...and she's in love with me."
"So I've seen."
"I know you didn't make that reaction on my post either. Ethan had this all worked out to his advantage so he could blame you for his jealousy."
"I came here to be alone...but since I can't, I'll just go back to my room. I'm not changing my mind. You're wasting your time. Go home Lee."
Orlando got up and walked out, but Lee followed him.
"I know why you're doing this! You're not protecting him, you're protecting her. He threatened her didn't he? If you put him in prison. I'm right aren't I? and you're also doing this because....you're in love with her."
Orlando froze as he listened to Lee spell out the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help him God, and then, he just kept walking.
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You got home to a dark house. "Mom??" you called out as you turned on all the lights, for you hated the dark. There was no answer. "Meggggan??" you then called out as your rolled your eyes. No answer to that either.
You then found a note on the kitchen table form your mom that said she was out and would be back soon.
"Where the hell would she go at this time of night?" you muttered to yourself as you read it.
You then went up to your room and poured another glass of the wine you were drinking during your bath and downed it and then got undressed, putting on a robe.
You were way too wound up to even attempt to sleep, so you put on some music and sat on the bed with your laptop while you drank some more wine.
Immediately, you found Ethan's page through Orlando's, but of course it was all private. You blocked him and set yours to private as well so he couldn't stalk you from someone else's account like he did tonight. Before you did that, you noticed Lee hadn't done the same, which you guessed he didn't do it because Ethan would just cause more trouble over it.
Now that you took care of that, you began typing.
"I liked you before I even had a chance to brush my hand against yours that day in the hospital. I was attracted to your soul before I had a chance to kiss your lips that night in your car. I fell for your mind before I knew your body that night at the lake house. I loved you in such a short time because I waited a lifetime for you.....Forever I will love you now."
Lee sat in the waiting room while they prepped Orlando. He wasn't going to leave even if Orlando didn't want him there. In his boredom, he got online. What he really wanted to do was call you so he could hear your voice and tell you how sorry he was, for he just couldn't take knowing you were upset with him. But he decided to let you cool off and he didn't want to wake you if you were sleeping.
Lee then saw your post and he instantly teared up.
"Right back at ya baby girl." he commented and then posted a song on your page.
"Forever my Jo."
When you saw his reply and the song, you smiled so big and gave it a heart reaction, then hit play and finished off your wine. After it was over, you went to brush your teeth and try to go to bed. As you placed the toothpaste on the brush, your heart skipped a beat when you saw your birth control pills laying there...that you forgot to take for almost 5 days. With everything going on, you literally had forgotten. You weren't sure why you became worried because the only reason you even took them was solely for lighter periods and cramping. You weren't sexually active before Lee and it wouldn't have mattered if you were because after an accident you had when you were with Gerry, you were told you couldn't have children. A single gunshot took that away from you. One of the cons of having a cop for a boyfriend and a mob related brother.
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Now you realized why you slightly freaked out. Being with Lee and being so happy, you had also forgotten of your inability to conceive...but Lee didn't know. What would he think? How would he feel? Surely he would want kids again someday, for you saw how he was with them and how much he loved Jacob. That night at his other house with Dash. Watching them together, Lee was so good with him and you remembered how it triggered you.
So many thoughts swirled through your mind now. Would Lee even want another child after Jacob? That was the main thought. Could or would he ever be able to love another child in that way? How could you ever even tell him about this? Would he still want you if he did want more kids and knew you couldn't give them to him?
There went your anxiety and you began to cry. You told yourself over and over that Lee loved you and it wouldn't matter, but how could you really know? It's not like that had never been a deal breaker for anyone before. But Lee, he was different wasn't he? He loved you more didn't he? All of his beautiful words and actions, they had to mean that he did, didn't it?
You couldn't take it anymore and climbed into bed, eventually crying yourself to sleep, for you also had a secret.
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achievement unlocked 🔓 (part four) || Streamer AU! Reddie (IT)
Part 1, 2, 3
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Inspiration: this prompt
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
TWs: innuendos, lots of talk of sex (it's Richie), vague mention of one night stands, low self-worth, a little angst, loneliness, imposter syndrome, cursing, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: This series has a chokehold on me. I cannot stop writing it, seriously. I also cannot stop listening to BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Billie Eilish, so we're counting that as inspiration. Enjoy :))]]
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It was a few days later (and Eddie's message was still bouncing around his head, even though they'd kept talking the whole time and moved on from it). Richie can't remember exactly what he'd said in response, but it was something pathetically embarrassing. Like maybe 'okay'.
He really didn't even have the guts to go back and check. (For reference, all he'd actually said was interesting. Can't tell if that's worse.)
Richie was supposed to stream today, but Bev wanted him on her stream. (Something about doing men's clothes). So, he changed plans. Posted on social media that he was, which probably meant both of their audiences would be watching. And while that was a little nerve-wracking, Richie was a natural on stream -it was kinda the place he felt the most like himself. Which was a little sad, he didn't think about it too much.
Anyway, it was about an hour before the stream and he was debating.
Beverly was busying herself with fabrics, holding them up against him from a distance.
Tell, or not to tell, tell, or not to tell, tell-
"Stop thinking so hard, you're going to hurt yourself."
Richie blinked, clearing his throat, and straightening his posture. Her eyes slinked along him for a second, curiously. It was only a matter of time before she figured him out (he was shockingly easy to read). She opened her mouth to say something-
He grabbed his phone so fast that Bev no doubt saw it, and he didn't even think about that at all. He was really so fucked. Eddie had a strangely strong hold on him. He was always a dumbass (he'd been called clingy a lot) when it involved feelings though, so maybe it was normal for him.
You're on Bev's today?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
yeah she's gonna make some men's shit
and I'm a fucking model ✨️💅
That's how you know she's low on options.
Richie laughed.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
u called me handsome eds
u made me this way
You are handsome dickweed.
Your personality is the problem.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
awe spaghetti thinks I'm handsome 🤭🤭🤭
You already knew that??
Or did you run out of memory in your brain? That would make a lot of sense too.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
i think you're a cutie patootie too eds 😘
You're such a dick trashmouth.
"Whose that?"
Richie blinked again, the smile dropping from his face, "What?"
Bev was mindlessly folding and stacking fabric, really impressive that she could do that without even looking actually, "Who are you texting?"
"I'm just watching videos," he offered -weakly.
"Right," she laughed, stepping closer, "-without audio?"
He instantly reacted, more casually, "Bevvy, you might think I'm a dumbass, which to be fair I am, but I can read."
"Richie," she leveled, blue eyes staring.
He weighed his options.
"Okay, okay," he threw his hands up, "-it's Eddie."
"Eddie?" She questioned, now completely facing him.
"Like um," Richie rolled his lips through his teeth, hissing out a breath, "-like the one in my chat?"
"Oh, Eddie," she stressed out, "-you know I did notice a change in your streams, actually. How did you find him?"
"Don't judge me, but-" he spoke, a little hesitantly, "-internet stalking."
"No, I get that," Bev relayed, before clarifying, "-and you just... messaged him?"
"No, I accidentally liked a post and he messaged me."
She laughed a little, "That checks out, actually."
"Yeah," Richie added, "-I'm a dumb motherfucker."
"Only sometimes," she added, flawlessly, before moving closer -curious, "-is he cute?"
"Oh, so cute," he spoke, near instantly, through a rushed breath (he had been kinda holding this in), "-He's got these cute fucking freckles, and works on cars-"
"Is he gay?"
She followed up, a little concerned. Richie had been there before, so she was completely founded.
"Yeah," he pursed his lips for a moment, "-and he told me his type was tall idiots. Which I think was him hitting on me-"
"No thinking," she laughed for a moment, "-that's a definite. Let me guess, he's a tiny brunette?"
Richie grinned a little, a shit-eating grin probably, "Maybe."
"Let me see your texts," she held out her phone, and it should be said, he didn't even hesitate. He really trusted his friends.
She snatched it up, unflinchingly. Typing in the passcode (which she of course knew), she seemed a little surprised to see that it was already open.
"Oh, he texted you," she sat just beside him, reading, "-'Gotta go, boss sucks ass, but I'll see you at the stream.' What do you want to say?"
"'See you spaghetti' with a heart, an obnoxious amount of hearts actually," he watched over her shoulder, "-commit to no capitals, and use the letter u, not the word."
"Sir yes sir," she laughed, typing it out and then, carefully scrolling up, "-shit, you guys talk a lot."
"Yeah," he laughed a little, "-it's like he's not getting sick of me."
Bev turned to him then, carefully scanning over his face, "We don't get sick of you either, Richie. You know that, right?"
"Well, I don't-" he started, before resetting himself, "-I... hold back sometimes because I think I'm too much."
"But I don't," he spoke, a little carefully, "-with Eddie, I don't."
She pursed her lips, eyes shooting back to the texts and then back to him, "For the record, you don't have to hold back from me, but-"
Richie waited.
"-I'm happy you have that. Really."
With a breath, she read through the texts. Only commenting a few times ("He was definitely flirting with you, Rich." or "It is strangely kind of cute how he insults you, I kind of get it."), the time flew by. Before he could blink, it was time for the stream to start.
She was setting everything up for a moment, her desk was a standing one, so Richie was kind of awkwardly in the background. He really, at his core, was lanky limbs and awkward posture, even more so standing. Hence why he only had sitting streams.
Bev told him when she started the stream, and then promptly asked, "Should I move my camera up? Can you guys see Richie?"
Chat was still basically dead, but some people did answer her.
"'Tragically yes'," she read out, laughing, "-Oh hey, Eddie! I've seen you in Richie's streams how are you?"
"Hi, spaghetti!" He grinned (big enough that it was kind of embarrassing), waving.
eddie.kaspbrak: I'm doing okay thank you
bevs.boa: 🍝🍝🍝
the_fashionista27: whose eddie
trashy.tozier: @/the_fashionista27 a regular on trashmouth streams
dizknees: EDDIEEEE
trashy.tozier: 🍝🍝🍝
elite.girl07: bev what are we doing today
skirt-nopants: why are there spaghetti emojis in chat
beverly_supremacy34: BEVVYYYY
stan.the.man: why is he here
tozier_babeyyy: 🍝🍝🍝
benny.boy: so excited for today's stream !!!
"We are doing men's clothes today," she chimed, happily, before walking back to where Richie stood (where she was drastically shorter) and splaying out her hands, "-hence our visitor."
He threw out some jazz hands, awkwardly. He always felt a little out of place on other people's streams, he usually toned himself down, especially for Bev's.
eddie.kaspbrak donated $5: since when are you tall
Beverly laughed, reading that one out. Turning toward Richie, she beckoned him to answer.
"Since I was 16, Eds," he clarified, exaggeratively brushing off his shoulders, and purposely lowering his voice, "-not to brag, but I am 6'1."
dizknees: no he has a good point
bev-hiiiii: I have never actually seen him stand
trashy.tozier: you're 6'1 ?!
the.losers.are.better: I thought he was lying
"Guys, come on," he laughed, speaking defensively, "-have a little faith in me. I'm not that fucking shitty."
stan.the.man donated $10: yes he is don't let him lie to you
Richie laughed again, "Fuck you, Stanley."
"Okay, okay," Bev motioned, "-let's focus chat. What kind of shirt do we want to make today?"
They decided pretty quickly on a button-up, mostly because Richie's wardrobe consisted of that and graphic tees. Bev wanted him to wear it, and he would definitely wear a button-up.
She always did want to test the waters with him though, bring him out of his fashion boundaries. His comfort zone really.
Skimming through the fabrics, she picked up two. She let Richie touch them all (he'd rather die than where a shirt that was scratchy on his skin), and she settled on two that he'd approved of. A white one with light blue vertical stripes, and a yellow one with tiny little stars in a pattern. Richie, naturally, liked the yellow more but either way he'd be happy to have a shirt made by Bev.
"Wait," she paused, debating, "-chat, what if we made him a plain one? And I could style a sweater over the top? Ooh, or a vest-"
"Totally down for that, Bevvy, really, I love it-" he interrupted, "-but we live in California. Layers mean sweat, and I'm a sweaty man-"
big.bill donated $5: how do we beep beep him here
"I guess just use chat," Bev hummed, laughing a little.
smell-ya-later: beep beep
stan.the.man: beep beep
eddie.kaspbrak: shut the fuck up richard
bevs.boa: beep beep
trashy.tozier: sweaty rep say that king 🤴
elite.girl07: beep beep (I have no idea what we're doing)
dizknees: beep 📣 beep 📣
pantmeup88: dunno you but beep beep ig
the_fashionista27: beep beep
the._.voices: beep beep
b*tchy-richie: beep beep
beverly_supremacy34: just realized that's trashmouth
mike.me.up: beep beep
Richie raised his hands in surrender, pretending to zip his lips closed. Bev promptly zipped them back open with a smile, patting his chest, "It's not fun if you're not talking, Rich."
She then spun around pointing at the camera, making a motion like she was watching them, "I'll fight you guys next time, watch out."
Chat responded with a slew of emojis.
"Alright, anyway," she pulled up the two fabrics -showing them to the camera, "-chat, these are our options."
Bev walked back to Richie's side, holding up the blue against his chest, "A," then the yellow, "-or B? Mods?"
The poll was finishing up, when the notification popped up.
eddie.kaspbrak donated $5: don't listen to those fuckers it's yellow
"Is blue even winning, Eds?" Richie laughed, something fluttering in his chest. He thoroughly debated changing his entire wardrobe to yellow-
dizknees: period say that 🍝
trashy.tozier: no he's right
trashmouth-for-me: YELLOWWW
bevs.boa: you guys don't understand art it's blue
girlie-pops: I'm late what are we arguing about
pickle-pickle7: no fr it's yellow
your._.mom: guys come on be real it's yellow
beverly_supremacy34: HOW IS BLUE WINNING
dizknees: yellow stans UNITE 😤😤😤
baby-baby67: yellow yellow yellow
butterfly_spawn: first stream what's up
bevs.boa: @/butterflyspawn hiiiii welcome <33
babey_gurl745: obvi yellow
urgencyforwhat: listen to me when I say this BLUE
burt-n-ernie.loverz: blue it matches his eyes
stan.the.man: eddie's right
smell-ya-later: poll is rigged bevvy
benny.boy: I think he looks good in both
"Thanks, Benny," Richie hummed, batting his lashes, and blowing a strangely wet kiss toward the camera.
Bev pursed her lips, eyeing the poll, "It's going to crazy fucking close, guys."
eddie.kaspbrak: can I pay for more votes
Bev and Richie laughed at that. Well, Richie might have giggled, actually. Why was every embarrassing thing he did on public record?
trashy.tozier: where's the gay shit guy saying that is gay shit
trashmouth-for-me: @/trashy.tozier no real
gay.shit.guy: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 GAY SHIT MENTIONED 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
bevs.boa: are y'all seeing what I'm seeing 👀
butterfly_spawn: I hope yellow wins
beverly_supremacy34: @/bevs.boa no no I see it
battle.bus547: yellow deserves it
girlie-pops: bev do both
burly._.bears89: will you guys play minecraft soon
trashy.tozier: richie tozier gay? more at 11
bet_on_it: @/trashy.tozier trashmouth is gay?
trashy.tozier: @/bet_on_it are you serious?
trashmouth-for-me: yellow yellow yellow
"Alright," Bev laughed, clapping her hands once, "-I think I'm just going to do both. Alright, Rich, get ready for some measuring!"
The rest of the day was pretty quick, Bev told him it would take a few days if not a week for her to get one done, at least a few more streams. Two meant a longer wait and Richie was alright with it. He couldn't fucking imagine making something himself, so he would wait without complaint. Not that he'd complain anyway.
He waltzed up the stairs of his apartment, fingers dancing along the rails. The metal chime echoed around the room as he did so, and he paused -waiting to see if anyone was in the stairwell.
Richie wasn't entirely sure he knew any of his neighbors, or even if he wanted to. Who knew their neighbors these days? He only really saw familiar people in the lobby, and surprisingly, he didn't really talk to them. Well, maybe not surprisingly, if you really knew him he wasn't super comfortable with strangers. When he was nervous, not uncomfortable, he started fucking talking.
It was different.
Slowly, when there was no reaction, Richie made it up the stairs. And then, his phone started blaring.
"Shit," he nearly dropped it, before quickly answering, "-Hello?"
"Richie," it was Mike, he realized (in all his haste, he hadn't really even checked the caller ID apparently), "-hey. Did I catch you at a bad time?"
"What? No," he mended, quickly -regaining his composure and walking through his floor (lowering his voice appropriately) "-I'm just getting home from Bev's, what's up, Mikey?"
"I wanted to," he paused a second, "-I wanted to talk to you about Eddie."
Richie faltered, slowly putting the key into the lock, "What about Eds?"
"You're not-" Mike started, before seeming to reiterate, "-You're not fucking with him, are you?"
He opened his door, sliding off his shoes and tossing a bag he brought onto the counter -moving to lock the door behind himself, "Fucking with him?"
Mike clarified, "Like joking? About being... being interested in him, friend or otherwise?"
"I'm sorry?"
"It's not you, Rich," he quickly added, "-Eddie's just been through some shit. He's an old friend and deserves a lot better than what the world has given him."
Right, 'so good to see you happy man ❤️'.
"How do you know him?" Richie asked before he could stop it -throwing himself onto the couch.
"You remember how me and Ben lived in the same shitty smalltown?"
Ben and Mike were old friends, used to volunteer at the library over the summer together. (At least, he's pretty sure that's how that happened.) They hadn't stayed in contact, but then Bev found Ben and recruited him, and they were reunited. Even still, Richie doesn't know the luck of that happening but it did.
"Yeah," he answered.
"Well, Eddie lived there too," Mike clarified, "-He visited the library a lot, it was one of the only places he was allowed to go-"
"Allowed?" Richie questioned, once again his mouth was uncontrollable.
"His mom, she..." Mike fell silent, settling on something, "-Eddie should tell you about that. It's not my place."
"Oh-kay," Richie replied, a little confused, fidgeting with a button on his shirt, "-Mikey, what is this about?"
There was a pause.
"Look," Mike refocused, voice steady (in the scary loyal kinda way Richie's only heard a few times), "-all I'm asking is if you're genuine. With Eddie."
"You do shit like this for me?" He joked, a little flatly, "-Or do you pick favorites?"
"I am," Mike answered simply, "-I already have."
He talked to Eddie? Something in Richie wanted to ask about it, poke and prod until he couldn't anymore. Just like he always did. What did he say about me? What did he say about m-
"So?" Mike questioned.
Richie pursed his lips for a second.
"Of course, I'm fucking genuine," he started fidgeting with the buttons more intently like he could avoid what he was saying (make it a little less real), "-I think Eddie is the shit. Probably the coolest person I know, no offense, and I-"
The words halted in his throat, almost like he wasn't ready to say them. He powered through anyway.
"-I really like him. It's fucking embarrassing how much I like him."
"Like-like?" Mike asked, completely serious.
"Are you seriously fucking saying that right now?" Richie laughed, pulling his fingers away from the button, "-You sound like we're under the bleachers gossiping about the hunky football captain or some shit. Do you think he'll ask me to the dance, Mikey? Do ya think so-"
Mike laughed, "How else am I supposed to say it?"
"I dunno," he added, brushing a hand through his curls, "-How about... Are you into him? Do you think he's hot as shit? Have you planned your future marriage ceremony in your head-"
"Have you?"
Richie's lips pressed into a firm line (he'd really only gotten to the engagement part -god he was so fucked up), "No."
"Right," Mike laughed -uncertain, "-Look, Richie, I think it's great you like him, and I'm willing to bet he's into you too-"
Why? What did he say? He likes me? How do you-
"-But be careful," he continued, "-I don't want you or Eddie hurt in the long run. It would be really shitty to half to divide my time like I have divorced parents."
"I'd obviously have custody of you," Richie instinctively responded.
"I don't know," Mike countered, "-Eddie has a lot of fight in him. He'd drag you through hell in court."
"Fair point," he relented, maybe smiling a little.
"Well, that's all I wanted to ask," Mike sighed out, "-Plus, I stream in like an hour, so I gotta go. But take care of yourself, okay?"
"Yeah, you too," he quietly responded.
It felt a little like it echoed along his walls, even though the room wasn't as empty as the stairwell. (It felt a little like it was, in the ways that mattered). Richie dropped his phone on his chest and stared up at the ceiling -silent.
He should probably tell Stan all of this is happening, huh? And Steve, when he sees him next. (Should be in about a month.) He basically had a list for the guy when he gets to his next appointment, filled with thoughts and events-
Richie peeked at his phone.
Did Mike talk to you?
He pursed his lips a second, fingers stagnant against the keyboard.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
yeah u?
Obviously, I just asked you dipshit.
Richie smiled.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
u r a funny guy eds
u should steal my job u could do it
You're good at your job.
And fuck that, I want to watch your streams.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
u like my streams ???
I'm subscribed to you, moron.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
well yeah
I thought u just wanted to shit on me
or maybe see my pretty face 😉
You're lucky I'm far away from you.
Richie pursed his lips together, typing before he could stop.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
no I'm not eds
He watched the message for a few seconds, eyeing the bubbles typing away and then disappearing. Like he was writing and rewriting everything, like he wasn't sure what to say. Richie wasn't sure what he would say if the tables were flipped.
So instead of assuming (despite his stomach twisting with anxiety), he patiently waited. (If you could count his foot bouncing so fast it was shaking his coffee table patient).
I'm genuine.
You have to fucking know that at this point.
He thought for a second, smoothing the words over his skin.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
so am I
That's not answering my question trashmouth.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
I didn't know
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
u r kinda a dick to me tbf
That's just how I am.
Sometimes I'm a dick to people I care about, it happens.
Richie smiled again then, quietly absorbing the words. Eddie was such an interesting person, and Richie (un)surprisingly could not wait to know all the little Eddie-isms.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
I care about u too spaghetti
There was a pause again, and Richie felt a little heavy for a second. Waiting.
Mike told me about your parents.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
mikey told me about ur mom
Vaguely too.
Do you want to talk about it?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
do u eds?
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
yeah me too
I wanna tell u eventually
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
yeah spaghetti?
I like when you talk, even if it's the stupidest shit I've ever heard.
Richie laughed then, quietly, and something smoothed off his shoulders. The heaviness felt lighter. Just like it always did with Eddie somehow. His mind was quieter, calmer. He doesn't know how he does it, but he does.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
I think that's the first time I've ever heard that from anybody eds
Well, people are dumb as fuck.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
u r not wrong
but thank u
means a lot from u
What does that mean?
Richie paused, carefully, thinking over a response. It felt different this time, this conversation, he wasn't sure why. It just felt a little monumental, like they were crossing something, a milestone (as Steve, his therapist said).
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
u r pretty cool too eds
even if u call me dipshit a lot
I still think u r pretty cool
You are a dipshit.
But thank you.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
ahh good ole mean spaghetti
believe me nice eds is cute
but there's something special about grumpy lil eddie :)
Richie frowned. Did he say something?
You called me Eddie.
Don't do that again.
He laughed out loud, something swirling around in his chest. It felt weird for a second, it had barely been a month knowing him, and even less texting him, but it felt right. Like they were meant to slot together. Like destiny (which was cliché as fuck).
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
sir yes sir 🫡
You're such a dick.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
that's my name don't wear it out babey~
He smiled for a moment, dropping his phone onto his chest with a breath. And in that moment, his apartment felt a little less empty. Richie wasn't sure how to feel about that at all, but it felt good for now.
Yeah, he thought to himself, I think it's pretty good.
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tonys-fav-bitch · 11 months
PLOT TWIST || Reader x Moonboys
Moon Knight AU
Part 13
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: in which your boss sends you to keep an eye on a possible avengers recruit. You’re tasked with following him, figuring out who he is, and if he’s good enough for the team. That’s it. But it’s never that simple.
Warning(s): none (I dont think?)
WAKING UP TO an empty bed was not what you expected as you felt around for the warm body you now craved each day. Your eyes shot open and you looked to the spot where Marc was once lying. A frown found it's way to your lips as you sat up, listening for him anywhere else in the apartment.
You slowly swung your legs over the side, your small feet touching the chilled floor. You rubbed your eyes as you got to your feet.
"Marc?" You called out into the silent flat.
No response was heard, making you frown further. Had he left you in the middle of the night? A pang of hurt ran through your chest at the thought. You padded around the place, checking to see if he was somewhere you couldn't see, but the place was empty except for you.
Your thoughts immediately went to Moon Knight. Had he slipped out to continue his hero business? Probably. You'd like to think that's what it was and not him skipping out on you.
A bubble of laughter suddenly erupted from you as you thought to yourself - who would have thought you'd be in London on a mission, falling in love with a potential recruit? It wasn't funny, Fury was probably going to kill you, but you didn't know how else to react to your whole situation.
You grabbed a pillow off of the couch and pushed it into your face, letting out a scream into the soft material. You threw it back down and took a deep breath, running your fingers through your hair.
"Okay. I'm good. You're good. Go get ready for work." You spoke to yourself out loud.
You trudged your way back into your room to begin your morning routine, not looking forward to going into work or seeing Donna again. But maybe Steven would show? You hoped he would.
You quickly got ready, grabbing your stuff and heading for the door. You glanced back at the couch and thought to the previous evening, the way it felt to hold Marc.
God you missed him already.
You groaned at your internal dialogue as you exited your apartment, locking to door and heading out into the gloomy London day.
☽ ♞ ☾
Steven let out a groan as he adjusted himself in bed. He rolled around, reaching out to pull you closer to him - the spot next to him feeling colder than usual. A frown formed on his face as he felt the empty space next to him. His eyes were still shut as he listened for you, but he could only hear the hum of Gus' fish tank.
The wild haired man shot up from the bed, looking around the room - his room. He let out a grunt of frustration as he got up and scrambled to his mirror.
"Bollocks, how did we end up here?!" He growled into the mirror, waiting for Marc to respond.
"How do you think?" He grumbled, anger bubbling in his chest.
It had been a while since a blackout had occurred where neither of them knew what had happened - which meant Jake had been around. Marc was pissed that he or Steven weren't able to wake up next to you. He wanted to feel that homey feeling when he fell asleep and when he woke. Instead they were met with cold sheets, the hum of a fish tank, and more anger for their third friend.
"Oh god, she's gonna hate us, isn't she?" Steven groaned as he tugged at his hair.
"Calm down, Steven. . She'll understand. You told her about our habit." Marc tried to calm his alter down.
"I know, but we didn't even go back to her!" He collapsed back onto the bed and grabbed his phone, noting the time.
"I'm gonna be bloody late again." He huffed.
"She's gonna be there Steven." Marc reminded him.
"You better be ready for some groveling."
☽ ♞ ☾
You were walking quickly through the museum, your mind lost in thought. As you rounded a corner, your body collided with another. The other person instinctively grabbed onto you, keeping you from falling. You let out a small yelp of surprise at the sudden contact.
"Love!" Steven's sweet accent hit your ears.
"Steven, hey." You said with a soft smile, your heart still pounding from the scare he just gave you.
"Love, I am so sorry that I wasn't there this morning when you woke up." He immediately began to apologize, his eyes wide with worry.
"Steven -"
"I feel so awful, please do not think that I was ditching you -"
"Steven!" You squealed his name out louder so he could hear you. His eyes got even wider at your tone, now worried that you were about to lay it on him or demand to never see him again.
"S - sorry. ." He whispered softly.
You stepped forward and rested your hands on his cheeks, instantly calming him. A gentle smile danced on your lips before you spoke.
"Steven. It's okay. You told me about your sleeping habits. I didn't think you were skipping out on me. I admit it was upsetting not getting to wake up next to you or Marc, but I understand it's out of your control." The man let out a sigh of relief as he took in your words.
He could feel Marc relax as well. The mercenary didn't act like he was bothered by what happened the previous night, but Steven knew him - he knew it upset him. Not only because he left you alone, but because it reminded them that there was a piece of them that was very much out of their control. Neither one of them ever knew what was going on with Jake and Khonshu.
"A - are you sure?" His voice was small.
"I'm positive." You told him before leaning up to press a sweet kiss to his plush lips.
He grinned at the touch and kissed you back, not caring that they were in the middle of the museum. You pulled away, keeping your hand on his chest and letting it trail slowly down.
"But you and Marc definitely owe me." You sent him a wink with a mischievous smile before turning on your heels and heading towards the main office.
Steven was stood awestruck with rosy cheeks. He didn't know how to take the comment you had just made. He could feel Marc getting worked up.
"Go after her Steven." He demanded to his alter.
Steven shook his head and cleared his throat as he tried to gather himself. Marc let out a huff of frustration.
"Steven, I swear to god." His Chicago accent was thick when he got worked up.
"Steven, damnit!" He growled as he watched your figure disappear through the door way.
"What'd you want me to do? Take her right here, right now?" Steven asked in a flustered tone as he glanced to the door one more time before heading back to the gift shop.
"Yes!" Marc retorted.
"Not happening, Marc."
"Oh buddy, we gotta lot to work on."
☽ ♞ ☾
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Someone wanted a story about him taking out his professional frustrations on his wife. I found the idea interesting, but I have to admit that I can't really imagine him doing that. Nevertheless, this story came about. Your Strawberry
She realised she couldn't concentrate on the book she was reading. Her eyes kept slipping to the clock and the more time passed, the more worried she became. He had been sitting in his study brooding since morning. He hadn't even noticed her when she had kept checking on him. All the time he just sat there staring ahead with a grim expression. When she had gone to fetch him for lunch, he had reacted angrily. "I'm not hungry. Just leave me alone. If I want something, I'll take care of it," he had thrown back at her with effortful control. She had been startled that he spoke to her in such a harsh tone and wordlessly she had left the room.
Although she had looked at him again and again, she had not dared to speak to him again. He had not turned up for dinner and with every hour that passed since then her uneasiness grew. She knew the current situation was bothering him, but he usually talked to her. She could deal with him getting angry, but it was unbearable for her that he shut her out like this and didn't let her get close to him. The longer she thought, the clearer it became for her that she had to do something. She put her book aside and went to his study.
Carefully she opened the door and immediately the heavy smell of cigars hit her. This quickened her steps and a short moment later she was standing in front of his desk. He was sitting in his chair, a cigar in one hand and a glass in the other, in which she guessed there was whisky. "Have you taken leave of your senses?" she rumbled. "Since when have you been smoking here? The air is stagnant. You haven't even opened a window." Her anger had quickly gathered momentum and with each word she spoke, his gaze had darkened more. "Leave me alone," he pressed out angrily. But that didn't stop her from continuing, she was too angry for that. "No. Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong with you."
Quick as a flash, he put the cigar down and set the glass noisily on the table. Then he rose and glared angrily at her. "Get out," he said dangerously calmly, pointing his hand towards the door. Horrified, she looked at him and as quickly as her anger had come, it was gone. "Do you want me to call someone you can talk to?" she asked calmly, because she wanted to help him. But this question only intensified his anger. "No," he shouted at her. "I want you to go away and leave me alone."
Automatically she had backed away, even though a table separated them. "Get out," he shouted again when she didn't move. When she saw his gaze, she felt fear constrict her throat. This was not the man she knew. She felt her body begin to tremble and tears welled up in her eyes. Her only thought was: I have to get out of here. Although she didn't know if her legs would carry her, she took one step after the other and the further she walked away from him, the faster her steps became. She wanted to put so much distance between him and herself that she fled to the upper floor.
Only when she arrived in the bedroom did she realise that she had run the last bit. Her breathing was rapid, her body shook and she felt so hurt that tears ran down her cheeks. Her steps led her further into the bathroom and it was only in front of the washstand that she stopped. She looked in the mirror and was startled by the fear she recognised in her own eyes. Her breathing quickened and she felt panic rising within her. What had just happened in his study? Why was he acting like this? She closed her eyes and lowered her gaze. Her hands clutched the washstand and she tried to steady her breathing.
That was when she heard him say her name softly and flinched. She shook her head, thinking she was imagining it. But when she heard her name a second time and perceived the desperation in his voice, she opened her eyes. In the mirror she saw him standing in the doorway to the bathroom, looking at her in anguish. She turned around in a flash. He bridged the distance to her and pulled her into his arms. Stiffly, she just stood there, feeling his arms holding her against him. He smelled of cigar and whisky. His head rested against her neck and softly she heard him say, "Forgive me." Those two little words caused her tension to release and she slumped in his arms. Her arms gripped around him in search of support and her head fell against his chest.
"I didn't mean to take my frustration out on you, but that's exactly what I did," he explained softly. "I thought if I stayed away from you, I couldn't hurt you, but I was wrong. With every hour that passed, I got worse," he said. "When you keep things bottled up, it can't get better," she sighed softly. "You really scared me for the first time with your behaviour. I'd been worried all day and just now, I didn't recognise you." He pulled away from her and looked at her. "I'm sorry," he said softly, lowering his gaze. She stroked his cheek. "We should talk," she urged and he nodded.
Hellooo sweet 🍓!
Okay, I confess I kinda liked the “cigar and whiskey” version (somehow it sounded quite hot in my head) but I definitely did not like this version of Emmanuel. Man, you just do not talk to your wife like that!! Even if yes, sometimes the pressure and stress of work do take the best of us... glad that he at least went over to her and apologize.
Thank you so much, Strawberry! ❤️❤️❤️
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 24 - Hiding in water. Episode 1.
----------Andy's point of view------------
Things continued running smoothly, even after my little run in with Evan's dad. Evan took it nicely over all, although he kept having moments where he would grunt or curse to himself. His dad was far from forgiven, but I could see that Evan was over all doing a little bit better. Somehow my little escapade had cleared out at least the worst of the air, and it was a bit easier to breath in our relationship. It was a few days after my meeting with Mr. Thompson Senior, that Evan suddenly decided his mood was good enough to go to the beach for swimming. So here we were, basking on each our towel in the sand, enjoy cold sodas as our skin was soaking up the sun. We had driven a bit outside the city, to a smaller beach with less people, but it was mid summer, so not much of a chance for any holding hands. The place was still too swarming for Evan to feel comfortable showing affection. I can't say it wasn't frustrating and kinda ruined the mood a bit, but I was determined to get the best out of the day possible. We talked a bit about all and nothing. Mostly memories from our time in our old band. And it really lifted our spirits. Completely forgetting all the problems, remembering better days. Digging our feet into the hot sand, the sun dancing on our skin, the crisp air, the smell of the salty water. It was the perfect afternoon. Evan had just commented the fact that he had laughed on the inside first time he met me, due to my crazy purple mohawk, which was a lot longer back then. We were mid laughter as he suddenly stopped laughing and ran his eyes over my face as he was searching for something. I couldn't help but suddenly become too aware of myself, which made me blush soft pink over my cheeks.
Andy: What? I halfway giggled the words out shyly
Evan: He moaned softly and smiled warmly Nothing…
Andy: I blushed further No, tell me… why did you look at me like that?
Evan: He looked around a bit contemplating, then softly let his thumb run over my cheek, and made it look like he was drying some sand of my face, however, I felt the touch, loving and caring, so I closed my eyes and let myself swim away in it. I felt dizzy and intoxicated. Evan was my own personal drug. Every touch from him was like a longing finally answered. He chuckled softly as in a split second his caress was over again, and his hands had returned to his towel I was just thinking how beautiful you are without that sloppy mohawk.
Andy: I opened my eyes and glared at him Hey! I happened to like that hair!
Evan: He chuckled softly and shook his head, sipping his soda a bit No. Trust me, you are way better with shorter mohawk.
Andy: I pointed my tongue at him and pouted like a kid
Evan: He chuckled softly and turned around to sit up, letting his eyes gaze at the water for a while before he spoke again in a warm tone So… wanna get in?
Andy: I nodded softly and sat up Sure!
Evan: Race you? before I even got to react he had already started running
Andy: You little shit! I laughed loudly and sprinted after him, almost stumbling over my own feet twice. I didn't reach him till further out in the ocean, he was such a quick swimmer it was hard to keep up with him. As I reached him he was laughing warmly, and I couldn't help but laugh along.
Evan: So there you are slowpoke? He chuckled softly and looked around, most people were a bit further away from us, only a lone kayak was close enough to hear us talk Hey… can you reach the bottom?
Andy: I put my feet down and nodded, the water only reaching me mid chest Yeah… why?
Evan: He looked around a bit questioning, but it was hard for him to contain a cheeky smile appearing on his lips. He coughed a bit in a laughing manner and grinned wide
Andy: What? I couldn't help but feel he was up to something so I chuckled hoarse at his cheeky grin
Evan: He quickly looked over his shoulder and a satisfied smile appeared on his lips as he saw the kayak was far enough away to no longer be able to hear us I uh… He moved closer and grabbed my hips, letting himself float behind me, and just as he put his feet down on the soft sandy bottom, he pressed his groin area against my ass, letting me know he was hard.
Andy: I bit my bottom lip Seriously?
Evan: He moaned softly and let go of me, letting himself float in front of me again, looking at me a little too hungry For his own good Yeah… that's why I was in such a hurry…. I just felt something move, and decided to make a run for it he chuckled softly and moved really close to me, digging his fingers into my hips. He looked around a bit contemplating, searching the ocean with his eyes There are practically no waves today…
Andy: I frowned a bit curiously What?… that's pretty random….
Evan: He shook his head a bit Nah… I was wondering if I were to get on my knees here, if I could hold my head above the water surface without getting waves in my nose…. but the water is pretty calm right now, I think it's doable.
Andy: I raised my eyebrows and looked at him like he had suddenly gone mad What the fuck are you talking about?
Evan: He just grinned wider than before and let himself sink down on his knees, automatically dragging me after him, making sure my ass landed on his lap, rubbing against his boner I want you…. His voice was low, an almost whisper, but very determined
Andy: My heart started pounding violently Evan…. I moaned soft and looked around us there's people here…
Evan: He chuckled hoarse and leaned in, planting a couple of kissed up my neck that never seemed to hold you back before?
Andy: I moaned out some extra air, feeling my breath getting hotter against my wet lips But…. you…. are you sure?
Evan: I felt his teeth sink into the skin on my neck, sending electricity through my body Andy… he talked between his bites and kisses, his voice was husky and demanding they are far away…. they can't see us… as long…. as we just make sure to only…. keep our heads above the water…. they won't be able to see us move… they wont know….
Andy: But… I moaned softly as he sank his teeth into my collar bone They can definitely see we are way too close to do less than gay things…. are you I moaned deep as I felt him slide my swim shorts over my ass so it was now free in the water… granting him free access are you sure?
Evan: He moaned in my mouth as he started kissing me greedy I just gotta have you!…. I can't wait….
Andy: FUUUUUUUCK!!!! You have no idea how much I wanted to shower myself in those words, but I was worried he would regret it later on, so I pushed myself a few cm away from his face Evan… I… you know I fucking want you all the time… but… Are you 100% sure you wont regret this later?
Evan: He observed my face a few seconds, before he grinned wide and once again dragged me closer to him, only this time I right away feel his dick press against my hole I gotta have you!
❌Short sex scene START - readers must be 18+❌ ❌ (To skip sex scene, scroll till next marking) ❌
Andy: I moaned out loud, and as I felt him cover my mouth with his palm, but at the same time slide two fingers in my mouth, to prevent me from getting too loud, I also felt him slowly pressing himself inside me
Evan: He moaned deeply and slowly started moving in deep circles Andy… I fucking want you so bad!
Andy: I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned softly, licking and sucking his fingers as if there were no tomorrow
Evan: He moaned softly and arched his back a bit as he started moving back and forwards I'm gonna let go of your mouth… Please keep it quiet… I wanna kiss you….
Andy: I nodded soflty and sighed deeply as he let go of me God! I can't believe this is happening I moaned softly and leaned in, showering his lips with tiny bites and kisses, never getting enough of the taste of him
Evan: He moaned hoarsely and let his free hand travel down between my legs, quickly locking firmly around my dick, slowly starting to jerk me off
Andy: I gasped from excitement and arched my back gently to make him reach deeper inside me, moaning softly as I felt a tickling warm feeling all over my body. The excitement from people watching us was almost too exciting for me to contain, and I constantly had to hold myself from bursting out a loud moan, that would sure catch every bodies attention Evan…. I moaned deeply and leaned my forehead against his, gazing deep into his gorgeous eyes I love you so much!
Evan: He slowed down his movement and planted a tender loving kiss on my lips I love you too….
Andy: We kept our movements slow and soft for a few minutes, kissing gently, making love in the water. I loved the hint of a tan Evan's skin had gotten, it looked golden in the pink tones of the slowly sinking sun, making him look even sexier than usual. As his moans turned to a heavier breathing, and his movement once again got more rhythm, I felt myself ready to cum.
Evan: I can't…. he moaned deep, and the rhythm of his body told me he was going to cum soon as well, so I dug my fingers into his shoulders to make sure I wasn't gonna slide off him. He moaned even deeper, and jerked me faster and faster I'm gonna cum…. his voice was hoarse and burning hot, and I once again got this intoxicating, dizzy feeling in my body
Andy: I looked down at our bodies under the water, seeing Evan's hand pumping me made me completely lose it and I dug my nails into his skin as I came. It was arousing to see my cum float around in the water, and I guessed Evan liked the sight of it as much as I did, cause with 2 hard thrusts he came inside me Oh god! I moaned deep and satisfied, letting my head sink down on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him in a tight embrace
❌Short sex scene END - Readers must be 18+❌ ❌ (Congrats, you successfully skipped sex)❌
Evan: We sat like that a minute or two before he slowly slipped out of me, and gently pulled my pants back up. I could feel his hands fumble around a bit to get his own pants in the right position, then he gently kicked off from the bottom and sent us gliding through the water, him on top of me, gently holding my head above the water as we floated through the chilled water. He started moving his legs, and I quickly found the same rhythm, laughing and chuckling softly as we splashed our way further and further out
Andy: Where are we going?
Evan: He chuckled softly I just need a bit of time to cool down before I dare to face people on the beach his cheeks blushed bright red
Andy: I chuckled softly So we are not going to become mermaids?…Mermen?
Evan: He laughed loudly and swam a bit more before he answered with a small chuckle No dicks or…. holes…
Andy: I moaned deeply at the thought of Evan thinking as far as to missing dicks and holes. It was truly beautiful to watch him slowly become more and more confident and relaxed in his new sexuality. Few months back he would not have dared to say something like that… and probably not even dared to think it. Here he was, preferring dicks over scaly skin. Okay, maybe that was not such a big wonder after all… who would want scales anyway?
Evan: Where's your thoughts? He had let go of me, and we were now just floating around on our backs, looking at the pink sky
Andy: I chuckled hoarse Uhm… scales…
Evan: He shook his head and laughed loudly Still?
Andy: I chuckled hoarse and half smiled cheekily Yeah… I stayed quiet for a while, wondering whether or not he was regretting what we had done, and as I started to worry a little too much about his thoughts, I decided to try to ask him casually, without asking directly So… do you think anyone saw us? My voice was lowered and a bit uncertain
Evan: Probably… his voice sounded neutral, which only made it harder for me to figure what was going on in his head
Andy: I sighed softly Do you…
Evan: No, I don't I couldn't help but smile as he grabbed my hand
Andy: You sure?
Evan: He nodded softly and once again got blushy cheeks I mean… is it hard for me to find the courage to get back up on that beach? Sure… but to be honest we were pretty far away… it was impossible for anyone to see any details, and probably not even any movement between us. So… it's not like I feel my privacy or personal space has been invaded…. or my sexuality put on display for that matter.
Andy: I stayed quiet… I dunno… something in me just felt this was all too good to be true. It was too easy.
Evan: We floated around a few more minutes, then he suddenly let go of my hand I'm hungry! What do you say we go for a stroll and an ice cream?
Andy: I nodded agreeing and we both started swimming towards the shore. When we about 10 minutes later had dried up, packed our things and was strolling through the small beach town, with each our big ice cream cone, I couldn't help but feel a bit out of place. I still was quite unsure about Evan's feelings towards our saltwater sports, and since he hadn't spoken much after we reached land, I couldn't help but feel this whole experience wasn't half as good for him as it was for me? As I started feeling anxiety in my body and wobbling knees, I stopped walking and leaned my ass against a big electricity box, continuing to lick my ice cream as I tried avoiding Evan's questioning eyes.*
Evan: You okay? He had stopped licking his ice cream, and it was slowly starting to melt down his fingers
Andy: I chuckled softly Eat your ice cream before it runs away…
Evan: He sighed softly My ice cream is not as important as you..
Andy: I smiled softly and lifted myself up to sit on the box But I paid your ridiculously expensive ice cream, so I demand you eat it! I chuckled hoarse and licked my own a few times
Evan: Hm… he observed his ice cream a bit how about we strike a deal?
Andy: I tilted my head a bit A deal?… what kind of deal?… does it involve crossroad demons?
Evan: He smiled softly No. But it does involve you kissing me.
Andy: I looked at him questioning
Evan: He smiled warmly If you kiss me, I will finish my ridiculously expensive ice cream…
Andy: And if I don't?
Evan: I'll keep standing here till all of it has turned to melted goo on the ground.
Andy: I looked around a bit nervous But… there is people here… all around us was small cafe's and restaurants, packed with people sipping drinks and eating late dinner, it was impossible to not be the centre of attention as we were standing right in the middle of all of them. As an old habit I quickly skimmed blind angles to see if any paparazzi were around… but so far it seemed we had been lucky at staying out of their reach
Evan: So… what's it gonna be?
Andy: I looked at him questioning, really unsure of myself, and I started feeling my palms get sweaty
Evan: He smiled softly, reached his free hand up to my cheek and caressed it softly Andy… it's okay…
Andy: I started feeling tears in my eyes, my heart was pounding, and suddenly it all felt so overwhelming. Was he really sure about this? Sex in the water… and now this? Kissing me in full public… we were much closer to people here, they could easily all see us, and not just our shapes from a distance… no everything. Up close. I suddenly felt a big pressure inside of me, and I lowered my head so he wouldn't notice my wet eyes, but a lump in my throat made me feel like I was going to choke on my ice cream
Evan: Hey… his voice was tender and warm. He gently ran his fingers down to my chin, grabbed it softly between two fingers and slowly raised my head so he could look into my eyes Andy… we will probably never see these people again… I still wish to keep things between us, and out of the public eye… but please, let's for once just forget about that. I love you so much, and I wish we can one day be able to kiss freely in public…. but let's take it one step at the time… Today being the first step of many…. if you will let me?
Andy: I sniffled my nose and looked at him with flickering eyes
Evan: Andy… I had a fantastic time with you in the ocean, and I don't regret it even for a second, I will forever cherish it as one of the best memories of my life… it was very special to me, and I felt free, even for a short while. I just want that feeling back… I just want it to last longer… he slowly lowered his face towards me, gently pressing his lips against mine, and just as he started kissing me deeper, sucking my lips gently, I gave in. It felt so good, so liberating to be able to kiss him in public, I got so lost in him I completely forgot my ice cream, and it didn't take long before it slipped out of my hand and cracked against the street below me. The thought of people watching us sent butterflies dancing in my stomach, they would all look at Evan and think how lucky I was to be able to have his lips showering mine with loving kisses. It felt so good, almost euphoric! And I linked my fingers with his, squeezing his hands softly.
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crystalmarred · 6 months
[CHECK]: after an unexpectedly violent situation, sender frantically rushes to check if the receiver is okay, cupping their face to look closer. // from Aymeric, to whomever you're vibing with!
MEME ( accepting! ) ⇢ @tenebriism
Normally, Youmu's sharp, Miqo'te hearing more than made up for the eyesight that he lacked. It was becoming something of a vice of his, to not consider how different the terrain and clime—be it weather or political—would be from what he was used to in the countryside of La Noscea.
He had been prepared for the snow and the ice, which had proved difficult when first he encountered it. He hadn't recognized what the ground beneath his feet was until he'd slid, but he was fortunate then that no one had been around to witness what was surely... a bit of an embarrassing display.
But this... this was a bit more... out of his element.
Hurricanes he was used to, but a blizzard was altogether different. The din of noise was bad enough as it was, but the hat he was forced to wear by the change in the weather left him near-blind in a way that his eyes never could. The range of what he could hear narrowed, so when something came barreling out of the snow towards him.
No time to react, no time to unsheathe his blade and defend himself if he even needed to.
Something hit him, pushed him and he landed on his back, the powdery snow going up in a puff around him as the sound of a fight ensued. He was almost glad to be pushed aside, to be out of sight and—hopefully—out of mind for the moment.
His ears twitched and he jumped at the sound of shouts, metal sung against metal. Something splashed against the powdery snow and slick stone, something he could only reasonably assume was blood.
Youmu stilled, unwilling to move. He could pray he'd been forgotten, only for the sound of footsteps to make his ears twitch. The familiar crunch of heels in the snow that drew Youmu's hand near the hilt of the sword.
A question he can't quite make out in the noise of the blizzard hit his ears, though he swears a man's voice said something along the lines of are you alright. He startled when hands touched him, cupped his cheeks, turned his face to the side to... check if he was alright, he supposed?
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"I'm... I'm alright, thank you..."
Youmu breathed out a sigh of relief, the immediate danger had passed, though truthfully he couldn't be certain of it. He didn't recognize the voice that spoke to him, didn't know the hands on his face, though the partially gloved hands only made him half-sure of that.
"I'm not quite sure what just happened..." Youmu started, confusion evident in the curious lilt of his voice. "Thank you for your help. ... I think."
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