#i was in a server and random people kept showing me images of. The Character
guard-en · 5 months
i now know what labrats feel like.
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jitterbugjive · 3 years
Something I wish more people would understand is how unhealthy and misguided I was in my early 20s. I came out of a life of mental and sexual abuse, for a bit I had a much older boyfriend than me that I didn’t realize until fairly recently was grooming me since I was 14. I was a hyper sexual teenager due to the exposure I had in childhood and I sought people out constantly to ERP with, even adults, without really thinking anything was wrong with that. I had an old friend who started running away from home to look for random adult men to sleep with so my understanding and feelings towards that kind of situation got all twisted and confused and I didn’t know how to help my friend. I had another friend who was pulled in to a 3 way by another minor and an adult, and the other minor was also the sort who actively looked for adult men who would be sick enough to sleep with her. And my best friend had a sister who was also exhibiting this behavior despite my friends’ many protests, because their mom didn’t give a single fuck about anything. I had an older babysitter, by older I mean in his 60s, who would bring up conversations about sex with me and show me porn on TV from when  I was 10-13. I was dealing with unchecked PTSD which made me overly reactive, prone to fits of anger and anxiety.
My point is, back then I didn’t have any kind of professional help or anywhere I could go for answers on things I didn’t understand or had a limited understanding of. When I ask the question ‘what do you do if a kid is seeking out adult sexual attention’ it’s not because I’m trying to blame kids for this, it’s because it scares me when kids are unknowingly, maybe even knowingly, exposing themselves to danger for whatever screwed up reason they may have. And no one wants to talk about that kind of situation, so I couldn’t find any answers. I couldn’t find an appropriate way to process my feelings on the matter, my understanding of it, the way I viewed it, I couldn’t find what the correct way to feel or deal with it was. Again, because no one wants to talk about it. With my naivety and personal experience, I at first held resentment towards kids like that, because I remember being put in danger because of them or they put my friends in danger, and those kids seemed very sure of their choices even when they were perfectly aware it was wrong. One of them I knew, even as an adult, didn’t ever think anything was wrong with what they did, they didn’t come with that regret you hear most people talking about. I regret the way I’ve reacted to these situations and I regret the way I phrased things when I was trying to come to terms with this issue that I’d been honestly traumatized by.
Another thing I didn’t understand in my early 20s was appropriate boundaries, because I wasn’t given appropriate boundaries as a kid I only knew one big basic thing: Don’t do anything sexually explicit with minors.
And when it came to RP, I thought that meant PG13 content was okay. I thought if there was a fade to black, or a time skip, or an implication, it wouldn’t be a bad thing. Now, there are literally only 2 instances I can think of where there was any sort of implication of sexual acts between characters with a minor, I still made sure nothing explicit was shown or explored and I was of the impression that I was just letting the other person have fun because that’s what they were in to. And that was a mistake. Not as big of a mistake as it could have been, mind you, but I’d never cross that line. I thought I had a good line drawn in the sand but I didn’t really understand where it was supposed to be. Because if we’re gonna be honest here, looking back I know now even romantic fluff RP between an adult and a minor isn’t okay, even if it’s through characters and not as ourselves.
I know now how much of an emotional impact RP can have on a person, considering most of my romantic relationships started with RP. When you have a character you deeply connect to interacting with someone else’s character, it’s really easy to start mistaking your character’s feelings for your own. You could believe because your characters get along so well that maybe the two of you can get along romantically too. I’m not saying that RP shouldn’t lead to romance, but that it can easily blind a person from how their RP partner really is. So it’s dangerous to RP with kids like this. I should know, my abusive ex that groomed me until I turned 18 in order to date me certainly had me convinced we were meant for each other just because our characters clicked and my character happened to be a representation of myself.
Something I’m really ashamed to admit as well is a serious misjudgement on my part, where for some reason I assumed bodily fluids weren’t NSFW. Probably because I’ve seen people get away with censoring out naughty bits but leaving the spunk in an image, or just drawing the character with spunk on them or something. Point is, people were getting away with it not being flagged as porn, and my dumb brain was like ‘okay so it’s not that bad’. I need to make something clear here, I don’t entirely remember what happened or why it happened, but it’s true that Bedeviled Derpy had a post that showed spunk in 2 of the images and it was drawn from some sketches of mine by a teenager. I don’t believe I would have requested such a thing, I certainly didn’t script it to say ‘draw spunk here’, in fact the sketches don’t show any indication of a mess anywhere. I just remember being given the finished images with the spunk being added, and I was dumb enough to think “oh yeah this is totally okay for a SFW blog” and my brain didn’t even register like ‘hello yes a child drew this maybe ask them to remove the spunk also spunk isn’t sfw or child friendly in any way shape or form’
Some people, maybe only a handful, or more, I don’t know, but some people have this assumption that my mindset in all of this was like “Hahaha I’m taking advantage of a minor” and that’s just... not it?
I’m a colossal dumbass, I admit that, and I was really irresponsible, but it was NOT because I had any intentions on preying on a child. I just don’t do that.
The things I said and did, I did out of ignorance, and most of the bad stuff people talk about me saying was from 5+ years ago, before I got any help, before I had anyone to walk me through these incredibly complex emotions and opinions that were ingrained in my head since childhood.
I just wish that people could see I had no malice or ill intent, I wish people could realize they’re way overthinking my actions and taking things a lot more personally than they were ever meant to be. Maybe if they could see this for what it is rather than assuming I’m a villain who purposefully did everything wrong, they could learn to move on in a healthy way.
I understand I did a lot of harm and there’s no undoing that.
But I do NOT deserve to be accused of pedophilia. Pedophilia has literally ruined my life and my perception of the world. I’m a victim too, and just because I became an adult doesn’t mean I suddenly know right from wrong. That’s not how becoming an adult works. You’re allowed to make mistakes as an adult, being an adult doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes any more. Yes it’s easier to say to someone ‘you were just a kid, it was a mistake, you didn’t know any better’, but adults have a hard time knowing ‘any better’ too. We’re always growing and learning and I’d like to think people are smart enough to see that I have grown in to a better person.
I hope people can find it in their hearts to forgive me, but I fear some people are too far gone down the rabbit hole of being convinced that everything was on purpose and from malice, that I’m some evil mastermind who thrives on manipulation and taking advantage of kids. I’ve only ever associated with 2 minors since becoming an adult and I have no intention of associating with any more that aren’t directly connected to my family or my friends.
Anyone who actually knows me would know I have a 0 tolerance for IRL pedophilia, when I found out a member of one of my groups was showing nudes to minors he was immediately kicked out and I kept tabs on the situation to make sure he’d be caught by police. When a member in my server was exposed for ERP and orbiting with a minor, I kicked him out too.
I worry about kids to a point that it’s part of my PTSD, I have anxiety attacks just worrying about how a kid might be getting harmed, the last thing I want to do is bring harm to them.
And I did cause harm, I didn’t know that was what I was doing, but I did, because I wasn’t mature enough to understand how to interact with kids as an adult. And again, I’m just incredibly sorry things had to even come to this. I’m not lying when I say I think about this every single day, and sometimes spiral in to really bad anxiety because of it. It affects me heavily.
I want to move on.
And I want the people affected to move on too.
Because dwelling on this isn’t going to do anyone any good.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Ride
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The Ride: An Iron Man Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  James Rhodes/Tony Stark
Word Count:  1614
Warnings:  Just some talk about Tony being a bit of a slut
Synopsis:   Rhodey confronts Tony when he starts to slip back into his old ways following the break up with Pepper. Turns out they have both been keeping a pretty big secret.
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The Ride
Rhodey watched from the lobby as Bobbi, Tony’s new assistant showed a bewildered-looking redhead around the gift shop, throwing random Iron Man merchandise into a basket.  He sighed and shook his head.  Of course, she was a redhead.  This return to the scene since Pepper had left had so far been a long string of women, at least three out of four having red hair.  The giving them an Iron Man gift basket after the event was the cherry on top of what was primarily a shit sundae.  Why for the love of everything good, Tony Stark had decided that the women he slept with needed a t-shirt with his face on it after was beyond reason.
He watched as she was ushered into the street and waited for Bobbi at the elevator.
“Hi, Colonel Rhodes.”  The small blond said cheerily as he held the door open for her.
“Bobbi.  Doing the tour I see.”  He said hitting the number for Tony’s lab.
Bobbi rolled her eyes.  “There was two last night.  The other one decided to sneak out at about two with her shoes in her hand.”
The elevator started moving as Rhodey shook his head.  “Another redhead?”
Bobbi shook her head.  “No, not this time.  I guess he only needs one at a time.  I wish he’d realize that the thing he liked about Pepper was her brains though.  That’d be nice.”
Rhodey huffed and shook his head.  “I keep just going ‘It’s temporary, it’s temporary.  Big break up.’  Starting to think he’s given up.”
Bobbi frowned.  “Yeah, well.  I hope not.  Didn’t really sign up for this to have to be the bad guy as soon as I get in.”
The elevator stopped on some offices and Rhodey patted her on the shoulder.  “Well, he did give his last assistant his whole company.  So you never know where you’ll end up, hey?”
Bobbi laughed as she stepped out into the hall.  “I can dream big I guess.  Have a good one, Colonel.”
“You too, Bobbi.”  He replied.
The doors closed and the elevator just stood there.  “FRIDAY, what’s going on?”
“Mr. Stark has said he wanted privacy,”  FRIDAY replied.
“FRIDAY…”  Rhodey said dragging the word out.
“But Mr. Stark…”  FRIDAY began.
“FRIDAY.”  Rhodey interrupted sternly.  There was the count of three and the elevator started moving.  “Thank you, FRIDAY.”
The elevator stopped and doors flew open much faster than normal and when he stepped out into the lab then slammed shut behind him.  Tony was hunched over a bench using his soldering iron on a small circuit board, he kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other, his ass popped out and wriggling with each movement. Rhodey made his way over to him and slapped his ass.
Tony jumped up, swore and turned to Rhodey grinning.  “Getting a bit fresh there, platypus.”  He teased, turning back to the board.  “Ah shit, I burnt a hole right through it.”  He said and tossed the whole thing in the trash.  “FRIDAY can you print me up another one?”  He said spinning some plans on the screen in front of him and quickly switching one of the circuits paths.
“Right away, Mr. Stark.” The AI replied.
Tony turned back to Rhodey.  “What’s up, buttercup?  You’re here early.”
“Thought we could go grab some breakfast,”  Rhodey said.
Tony furrowed his brow.  “Well as much as I’d love to go on a date with you, I’m kinda busy.”
Rhodey scoffed.  “Bullshit.  Come on.”
Tony hesitated, looking between Rhodey and the bench before grabbing his jacket, shrugging it on and following Rhodey to the elevator.  “So what are we doing?  Don’t you have important work to be getting to?”  Tony asked as they started traveling down.
Rhodey shrugged.  “Not since I got on the Avengers’ payroll.”
“I suppose you think you’re funny.”  Tony teased.  “But really?  We don’t go to breakfast.”
“Saw your latest conquest getting ushered out, man.  You’re giving them gift baskets now?”  Rhodey said.
“Hey, they took the ride.  Only fair they get to take home a souvenir.”  Tony said, nudging Rhodey.  The joke didn’t quite make it all the way to his voice though and as the elevator came to a stop and Rhodey looked him up and down.
“Why are you doing this to yourself, man?”  He asked.
“Doing what exactly?”  Tony asked.  A couple of teenaged girls came rushing over and Tony posed for a selfie quickly before moving on.
“The whole Playboy thing.  Sleeping around.  That.”  Rhodey said as they started walking again.
Tony pulled a face, pursing his lips and his eyebrows knitted together.  “What do you mean doing it to myself.  It’s who I am.  Who I’ve always been.  This is my natural state.”
Rhodey sighed and patted Tony on the back.  “You were just in a really significant long-term relationship.”
“Yeah, which failed.  I ran it into the ground and it caught fire.  There were hundreds of casualties.”  Tony huffed.
Rhodey laughed and pointed at a café midway down the block.  “That was dramatic even for you, Tony.”
“You know what I mean.  It crashed and burned and that was because of me.  I can’t keep people.  Look at me.  Everyone leaves eventually.  This,”  He said gesturing up and down his chest.  “Is it.  I’ve accepted it.”
Rhodey opened the door to the café and Tony stepped inside.  There was a brief pause as everyone fell silent and craned their heads to see him.  One of the servers rushed over and grabbed some menus.  “Hello, Mister Stark.”  She said with a bright smile.  “Table for two?”
Tony nodded and pointed to an empty booth that hadn’t been cleaned off yet.  “That one.”  There was a scurry of movement as the booth was cleaned off in record time, silverware being placed down as Tony slid into the chair.   “Can we get you any drinks?”
“Coffee.  Black.   And sparkling water.”  Tony said.
“And for you, sir?”  She asked, Rhodey.
“I’ll have the same.”  He said.  The server scurried away and Rhodey trained his sights back on to Tony.  “Relationships fall apart, Tony.  But you were happy.  You just had different things you wanted.  Next time…”
“Next time.  Right.”  Tony scoffed.  “What’s the point?  I got shown pretty early on that I’m unlovable.  People leave me.  That’s what they do.”
Rhodey narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath.  “You keep saying that, but I’m still here.”
“Yeah well too bad you’re straight,”  Tony said rolling his eyes.
Rhodey raised one eyebrow.  “Who said I was straight?”
Tony stared at him blankly and pulled his sunglasses to the end of his nose.  “You… You said you were.”
“When?  When have I ever said that?”  Rhodey pressed.
“But… But… You’re always with women…”  Tony stuttered.
“When? When am I with women?”  Rhodey asked, exasperated.
“When… When we… and I…”  He stopped talking and his eyes went wide.  “What.  The.  Fuck?  Platypus?”
“Figured it out?”  Rhodey asked.
“But… But…  Why didn’t you tell me?”  Tony asked.
“Does it matter?  I don’t really date.”  He didn’t add because he’d been pining for a certain genius billionaire.  There was no reason he had to know that.
“Yes.  Yes, it matters.  You’re my best friend.  You know everything…”  He stopped and rubbed his hand through his hair.
“Yeah.  Too much.  But that’s nothing.  Who cares if I like men?  The only difference now is instead of saying too bad Rhodey’s straight, you say it about yourself.”  Rhodey said with a roll of his eyes.
The waitress came over and put their drinks on the table.  “Two black coffees.  Are you ready to order?”
Tony started stirring his coffee with a spoon watching the little whirlpool effect he’d made.  “Waffles.  Whole wheat if you have them.”
“Certainly, Mr. Stark.”  The girl said writing on her notepad.  “And you, Colonel Rhodes?”
“I’ll take the light breakfast.”  He said.  She scribbled on the pad and took the menus away.
“Light, huh?”  Tony asked.
“Well, I’m not getting any younger, Tony,”  Rhodey replied.
Tony dropped his eyes and kept watching as he stirred his coffee.  “I can’t you know.”  He said.
Rhodey took a sip of his coffee.  It was bitter and slightly burned but the caffeine hit the spot.  He looked at Tony with his eyebrows raised.  “Can’t what?”
“Can’t say it’s a shame I’m straight,”  Tony answered.
“Why because you like being straight?”  Rhodey asked, feeling slightly confused.
“What?  No.  I mean… I’m not.”  Tony said.
“Well if you’re gay you’ve built that closet pretty fucking big there, honey.”  Rhodey scoffed.
Tony scrunched his nose and looked up at Rhodey over the top of his glasses.  “There is another option there, sour patch.”
Rhodey stared at him blinking.  “What?  No…”  Tony nodded his head, a little smirk on his lips.  “Since when?”
“Always.  I just don’t advertise it.  I had an image I had to live up to.”  Tony said scrunching up the side of his face.  “Besides, I thought you were straight.”
Rhodey shook his head and started laughing.  “You mean, all this time?”
Tony scooted closer to him and placed his hand on top of Rhodey’s.  “Looks that way.”
“Well, aren’t we a couple of fucking idiots?”  Rhodey asked.
Tony took off his glasses and rubbed his eye with the back of his hand.  “I’d say that was an accurate statement.”  He looked up into Rhodey’s eyes with a look of hope he hadn’t seen in him for a long time.  “So now what?”
“Well, now I think…”  Rhodey said and brought his lips to Tony’s.  Even as he knew people were pulling out their phones to capture the moment, the world disappeared.
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emptymasks · 5 years
I Won't Rest Until I Find You
Pairing: Alucard | Adrian Tepes / Trevor Belmont
Words: 3208
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Read on Ao3
Notes:  This is set during Curse of Darkness, but in my mind it could continue on with the show’s continuity as well.
So I guess I want to start with a disclaimer if Trevor seems out of character to some people: I haven't watched the Netflix show yet. I know Castlevania from the games. But I do plan on watching the show.
I’m making Castlevania art too, and if you’re interested in fan-merch and pins, I’m going to be starting a Kickstarter soon for some Castlevania pins.
I've been loving these games and characters more and more and have been wanting to create content. I also make art (@emptymasks on social media and on my Etsy shop) and I am soon going to launch a Castlevania pin Kickstarter.
I also want to say something about kins, so if that isn't your thing or makes you uncomfortable then please stop reading. I'm @emptymasks on tumblr, but I just made a side-blog (which is also a kin-blog) for Castlevania @princeadriantepes.
Also, also! I have a Castlevania Discord server! DM me or send me an ask for the link Sever is LGBT and kin friendly.
Phew, thank you so much if you read all of that text. Now onto the story...
“Why did you attack me?” Hector’s shout echoed through the empty castle.
Trevor shook his head and sighs.
“The place to which Isaac has gone can only be entered by those who possess very advanced powers; I had to test you.” He explained.
“I see.” Hector moved forward. “Meaning you would have me pursue him?”
“Indeed, but first you shall need my help. Come.”
Trevor led them throughout the castle. He hated that he remembered the layout. Everywhere he looked there were memories. Fights and injuries and screams. He had fought Grant along that corridor not too far into the castle. The poor man still awoke in screams, fearing he was in a body that wasn't his own. He’d been working hard to rebuild the villages and houses. And then Sypha, having to hide her magic from the world. Trevor had seen his fair share of dark magic and monsters before facing Dracula, but despite that had not been so blind to think magic could only be evil.
Trevor slowed his walking as they entered the main hall. The place of their final battle, and unfortunately it seemed, for future final battles as well. They had made a great team, his ‘legendary three warriors’ as people had already begun calling them. Grant, Sypha and…
Trevor’s feet halted.
“It’s for the best.” Alucard had said.
“Who for? Because it certainly isn’t for us. It isn’t for the people who you could help protect.” Trevor yelled.
Sypha had put a hand on his arm, wanting to calm him.
“Trevor, after everything I have done… I cannot risk becoming like my father.”
“You won’t.”
“You cannot know that!”
Trevor had never seen Alucard shout before. He looked so distraught.
“Cursed blood flows throughout me. It is only a matter of time that it turns sour, or some dark powers try to turn me into him, or use me for his resurrection.”
“You are stronger than them, Alucard.” Trevor tried to reach out his hand, but Alucard stepped back.
“We cannot know what the future holds. I cannot take the chance that I will hurt others…”
“And what of the chance that you could help them? You’re reasoning makes no sense, are you truly so blind that-”
“I killed my own father!” Alucard turned to face him, tears streamed down his face. “Do you not understand that! I know what he did, I know he was deserving of such a fate… But that does not ease the pain in my soul…”
“Let us help you.” Sypha said.
“I care about you both greatly. Thank you for being my friends… But this is something I must do. I will not ask permission, nor seek approval. But please do not think badly of me, and do not blame yourselves.”
Alucard turned to look at them one last time.
“I love you.” He stared at Trevor as he spoke.
Trevor lunged forwards, but Alucard had already transformed had flown into the shadows of the night.
“Belmont? Are you alright?” Hector’s voice cut through his memories.
“Ah, yes. My apologies, I was simply remembering exactly where…” Trevor trailed off as he walked towards the centre of the room.
He pulled off a glove and reached for his knife. He didn’t wince as he pulled the blade through his closed fist. His nails dug into the cut as he squeezed, and the blood dripped out and mingled with the red carpet.
The stains glowed for a second, before a seal grew out from below them.
“There. ‘Tis done.”
“So, the Belmont blood acts as a key…” Hector mused. “And what lies beyond this point?”
“Do not ask. If you knew your heart might waver. For now, hold the image of Isaac in your mind, think only of defeating him.”
“Very well.” Hector said and stepped onto the seal.
“Hector, hunt him down. And when you have him, show him no mercy.”
He watched Hector’s body disappear into the light, and his feet started to move backwards.
He knew Alucard was here… Or rather, his body was. Sypha had knocked him out that night as nothing could console him. Sypha had been trying her best, but she could see his heart was not whole anymore.
“I miss him too, Trevor.” She had said one night. “But he made his choice, we have to respect it.”
“Why must we?” He bit back.
She signed.
“I heard Grant was asking after you again today.” Trevor was aware his voice sounded distant.
“Yes… He hasn’t given up on me yet.” She made her voice sound light, as if she was wanting Trevor to laugh.
Trevor shifted, unsure if he should face her.
“Would you… Are you considering taking him up on his offer?”
He saw her eyes widen slightly. He thought for a second she was going to slap him.
Instead she sighed.
“Do you want me to take him up on his offer?”
“I just want you to be happy Sypha… I fear that your happiness cannot be found with me.”
She stood up walked across the room.
“You loved him back?” She mumbled.
“Didn’t we both?”
She chuckled, but she sounded sad.
“Perhaps you should look for him?”
“And what happened to leaving him with his choices?”
She walked back over and pushed his longer hair away from his face, her fingers grazing over his scar.
“Because I want for you to be happy too. I do not think I can stand one more day of you sulking.” She smiled. “I try and reach for him sometimes… There’s something of him in the castle’s ruins. Whether it’s just memories or it’s him I cannot tell but…”
“It’s the only place I have to start…”
“You’re not mad I didn’t tell you sooner?”
“Sypha… Love, you have only ever tried to protect me from my own stupidity. I do not blame you for protecting yourself from it too.”
Trevor glanced back at the seal. It can only be closed from the inside, which meant Hector should have no trouble leaving (unless he fails), but… if he leaves it does mean something could follow Hector inside… The castle was rather empty though…
Before Hector had arrived, he’d sworn he was close. There was something amidst the ruins behind Dracula’s accursed throne. The presence of another entering the castle caused him to cease his search for he feared Isaac was entering.
He wouldn’t be leaving the room… He would only be taking his eyes off the portal for a short while…
Well it didn’t seem to matter what his brain thought the right thing to do was, because his body was already doing the selfish thing. He dug through the rocks until he found a hole. He ran back to grab one of the candles from the wall and gave one last glance to the seal, before he jumped down.
The candle didn’t provide much light, but that combined with the small rays coming in from the entrance to pit revealed more stone. Parts of pillars and archways and cracking gargoyles. None of them seemed to have life in them, but Trevor brought his whip out all the same. He held the candle up to the back wall, hoping to see something there, when his foot become wedged. More stone, Trevor assumed, until he felt his knee resting against the same object. He brought the candle to scan the shape. It was far darker than the rocks, and it stretched out beyond where the candle could see. Trevor kept himself along its side as he manoeuvred around it. The edges seemed to get wider as it went up and Trevor’s breath caught in his throat as they become thinner again almost at the top. He kept his whip in his hand as he reached a finger out and sure enough there was a lip, an opening.
Trevor took a deep breath and hoped Isaac wasn’t about to jump out at him.
In one motion Trevor threw the lid of the coffin open and jumped back with his whip ready to strike.
But nothing jumped out.
He kept his arm outstretched as he neared the coffin and peered over. Despite the low light, there was no mistaking the pale skin and golden hair. Trevor had to fight the urge to reach out and touch him. He placed the candle down in order to reach for a vial Sypha had given him.
“Once people hear you’re searching for someone, it might not take some long to realise who it is. And you know how those succubi like to transform into loved ones to lure people in. Throw this onto them and any illusion like that will be displaced. If you pour this on him and nothing happens, then its him.”
Alucard was going to kill him for drenching him… Not that he wasn’t going to kill him for stealing him away either but… that was something he could deal with later.
He splashed the potion onto Alucard’s chest, remembering Alucard throwing a fit anytime Trevor got his hair wet. He watched the potion soak through the shirt and… into his binding. Trevor was going to have to tell him off for that later… But if this was a random monster, it wouldn’t know to wear binding… Trevor hoped and waited, made himself count to twenty just to be certain, and Alucard’s body didn’t change.
Trevor reached out a shaking hand to cup Alucard’s sleeping face. He looked so peaceful… Trevor could feel the guilt welling up, but… This wasn’t just for him. He hoped he could help Alucard too. He shouldn’t have locked himself away because he thought the world was better off without him… He needed help… He needed to allow himself to be helped.
Trevor felt the rumbling beneath his feet before he heard it. Rocks started to fall into the pit and it felt as though the ground was moving upwards…
Not again…
He grabbed Alucard’s limp body and slung him over his shoulder. Jumping on top of the coffin he flung his arm up so that the whip latched onto a pillar above them. He carefully removed a hand from Alucard, letting him angle his body up to support the weight, and used both hands to climb the whip. He was lucky that despite his height, Alucard didn’t weight very much. He carried Alucard out from the ruins and into the hall, before setting him down and going to inspect the seal, which was now glowing brighter.
He could see the spires raising up past the windows and could hear the storm more clearly. The castle was once again flowing with power. The seal seemed to be pulsing now and Trevor could feel the power coming from it. The castle was waking up and it wouldn’t be long before everything inside it would too.
Wait… Everything…
Trevor heard a groan and the whip was ready to lash out before he had even turned around.
He gasped.
Trevor watched as Alucard brought himself to his feet. The dhampir seemed to come to his senses at the sound of his name, his head shooting up and pale eyes locking onto Trevor’s. His eyes scanned across Trevor’s body, taking in the new clothing and hair… And his ageing, Trevor thought as he felt a little self-conscious.
“Did something happen? Is there some emergency?” Alcuard's voice was dry.
“Not exactly… That is to say, there is a fight going on, but not one we need take part in…”
“Then… Why am I…?”
“Need I repeat what I said before? You deserve to live, Alucard. You deserve to stay alive, and you deserve a chance to be happy.”
“I was.” Alucard spat. “You couldn’t be satisfied could you?”
Trevor walked towards him, but Alucard stumbled back. His strength clearly hadn’t returned to him yet.
“Why, Trevor? Why did you have to wake me up? Why did you have to bring me back?” Alucard’s voice was breaking.
“Perhaps because I couldn’t live with myself.” Trevor continued to walk towards him. “Perhaps because you told me you loved me and then ran away. Perhaps because you gave up and left to go and die for no-”
“I wanted to die!”
Alucard’s voice rang out throughout the castle. The storm seemed too quiet. Alucard was shaking and he bent his head down and clutched at it as he cried.
“No one should feel like that…” Trevor whispered. “Let me help you, Adrian. Let me take care of you. I love you too-”
Trevor groaned. Why did this shit always happen?
He saw red hair out of the corner of his eye, and glanced down at the blade sticking out of his chest. He was dimly aware of Alucard lunging up and Isaac easily pushing hem out of the way.
“Fiend. What are you doing here?” Trevor tried not to move too much around the dagger.
“I can’t have you interfering beyond this point.” Isaac kicked Alucard as he tried to stand. “Only just awoken, little lord? You haven’t any strength in you at all yet. As for the seal, I left that to Hector.”
Trevor tried to reach out to Alucard, but Isaac pulled him back against the dagger.
“Impossible. The seal can only be undone by a torrent of demonic energy, Hector could not know that.”
He felt Isaac move back and prepared for another blow, when Isaac fell and Trevor grabbed onto the dagger to stop it leaving his chest, wincing is it cut into his hands through his gloves. Now wouldn’t be a good time to die of blood loss. He stumbled onto his knees and leant forwards.
“Fools!” Isaac picked himself up from where Alucard had tripped him. “Do not equate a devil-forgemaster’s power with that of an ordinary sorcerer. For a seal like that, the magic produced in battle is more than enough. Placing a guard there proved to be your downfall… But enough talk.”
Isaac reached for the dagger’s handle, still sticking out of Trevor’s back. Alucard pulled himself upwards and tried to beat Isaac to it. Isaac’s hand was grasped around the handle when a sudden burst of light knocked both of them backwards.
Trevor cried and fell to the floor, and Alucard crawled over to him.
“Julia! You still insist to side with them?” Isaac wiped the blood off the dagger with his hand.
“You may not realise it yet, but I am trying to help you brother.” She said.
Isaac stared down at the fallen Belmont and laughed.
“I would stay and chat, but Hector is waiting for me.” He cackled as he teleported away.
Julia rushed to Trevor’s side and started to push him onto his back, only for Alucard to grab her wrist.
“I’m trying to save his life. You would do well to help me.” She urged, pushing his hands aside and getting to work.
“Am I supposed to know who you are?” Alucard slumped back, tiredness and confusion overtaking him.
“I’m Julia.”
Trevor was dimly aware of Julia’s hands pushing his clothes open as she murmured incantations. Whatever she was saying seemed to be helping as his vision came more into focus and the pain lessened.
He cast his eyes over to Alucard. He seemed to be staring at Julia as if he wanted his eyes to burn through her. Trevor chuckled, and in an instant those pale eyes were on him instead.
“I see age hasn’t made you any less overzealous.” Alucard said.
Trevor could have wept again if he wasn’t so tired.
“Come here,” Julia turned her head to Alucard as she stood up. “You both need taking somewhere safe to rest and heal.”
Alucard dragged himself over to them. Julia tapped her staff on the ground and after the light engulfing them faded, Trevor looked upon a familiar building.
“Should I be worried that you know where I live?” He questioned Julia.
“You should be thankful, I just saved your life.” She put an arm around him to help him up.
Alucard came around his other side to help as well, but he still seemed as if he might collapse at any moment and so Trevor tried to not put too much weight on him.
“Thank you, Julia, truly… What will you do about your brother?” Trevor asked.
“Isaac has been lost to me for many years now. All I can do is aid Hector and hope he frees my brother from this curse.”
“Then I wish you luck. But be careful inside that castle.”
“I will be.” She nodded goodbye and transported herself away.
“So… Who is she?” Alucard asked.
“I have no idea.” Trevor replied.
He looked over at Alucard and smiled, a smile which grew wider when he saw Alucard fighting against his lips twitching upwards.
Trevor moved himself closer and groaned
“You’re supposed to be resting.” Alucard’s hands were on his shoulders.
“So should you.”
Trevor’s hands moved upwards and pushed the coat off Alucard’s shoulders. Alucard seemed too tired to fight him. He moved his hands up to cup Alucard’s face, his thumbs gliding over the pale skin.
He let out a shaky breath. He was crying again, but he wasn’t ashamed. He’d done it. He’d found him.
“Please, stay. I know you wanted to be asleep, but I promise you I can help you. I can make you feel better, closer to whole… And if I’m allowed to be selfish, then please don’t leave me. Alucard, Adrian please, please I can’t lose you again, I won’t survive it, so please…” Trevor was aware that he was rambling and saying the same things over and over but he couldn’t seem to stop.
He didn’t want to stop begging until he heard Alucard’s reply.
He watched Alucard’s eyes widen and his hands come to grip at Trevor’s coat.
“You missed me this much…?” He said in wonder.
“Of course I did. How could I not? Please… Say you’ll stay… Stay with me…”
“You make it sound so easy.”
“It is. It is easy. We’ll deal with trouble as it comes. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, but I promise I can help ease the pain of it. I promise. I promise I’ll take care of you.” Trevor’s hands were moving backwards and grasping around Alucard’s neck.
He sobbed when he felt Alucard’s arms come around him. He was aware that Alucard was crying too.
“I can’t promise that I’ll get better.”
“I know. But give yourself a chance. Let yourself try.”
“…And you’ll stay with me.”
“After everything that just happened, does it seem like I’m going to let you out of my sight.”
He heard Alucard let out a choked laugh and held him tighter.
“I’m not going anywhere, Adrian. And neither are you, agreed?”
“Agreed… I suppose I should say thank you…”
“You don’t have to say anything. Let’s just get some rest. And you better be here when I wake up Adrian Tepes because I swear to god-” Trevor cut himself off as Alucard started laughing.
He shuffled back and pulled Alucard down with him onto the bed.
“Rest, Adrian. I’ll be here when you wake.”
“As will I.”
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cbacofficial · 7 years
Connected by a Cable [Chapter Six]
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"It sucks that you can't make more than one character. How else am I suppose to experience all the game has to offer? Maybe it's me but perhaps if they just expand the server capacity we might be able to make more than one character." -Random Commenter
   Reports were coming in from Sephirion of adventurers vanishing here and there. The reasons were still undetermined and all the characters were starting to get paranoid over who would be next. Some did conclude that the Controllers DID have control over if they remain or not, and the reason for their eradication was possibly due to either their own boredom or they were not having fun. Some didn't want to think of this. The idea that their supposed masters could easily remove them with a simple button push was not setting in well enough. People still thought this was a game, and had no idea that the people they played with were real living humans. They assumed it was just part of the game's aesthetics.    Since waking up, Yukara was paranoid. The image of last night haunted her. The idea of being erased at the will of her master. It was gnawing at the back of her head. She tried to do some small jobs while Hioshi was at work to get her mind off this but it wouldn't fade. In her heightened state, she heard a faint sound and felt something breeze by her. In panic, she screamed in terror. "NO! I don't want to vanish!" causing the people around her, especially the computer characters to stare at Yukara. She wasn't vanishing. Nor was there a sign of it. So she tried to laugh it off before running elsewhere in the capital to relax.    She would end up over by a secluded section of the capital, overgrown with vegetation against the brick and stone. The trees healthy and ripe with fruit at times. The cobblestone unevenly placed but sufficed for ease of walking and a running fountain that made it all the more harmonious. Yukara took a seat on the bench and tried to collect her thoughts. Hioshi didn't seem like the guy who would outright remove her, right? He and his friends are kind and caring. She had to trust them. So she sat alone to her thoughts as time passed. It was haunting her...Yukara needed comfort.    Suddenly, a warm hand rested on her shoulder. She jumped again and shielded her face with her hands. "Calm down, Yukara. It's me." His voice came through. The blonde hair and young face. Kael had taken his seat beside her. "Oh...For a minute i thought i was getting erased." she breathed in a sigh of relief. Taking another look at Kael, she was worried that his controller would do the same as well. Yet he seemed calm. "How are you so calm after last night?" Yukara asked in a bit of a panic. "Did you not see what being deleted is like?"    Kael tried to find the right words. He smiled and replied. "I don't know. I trust my master. She seems like a nice person. Especially when we started leveling up." Kael recalled the moment of meeting his controller, Rei. He thought her voice was sweet and cute. Yukara though tried to chuckle back but her current state reduced it to an awkward sound. "Yeah I guess...Hioshi wouldn't ever delete me...R-Right?" This nervous tone she had was concering. Kael then had an idea. Digging into his bag, he pulled out a pastry. The fruit filling in the small cracks caught Yukara's eyes.    "Are those...Leyberry Strudels?" her hunger was starting to show. Eyeing the sweet treat with greed. Kael then offered one to her. With a smile he said "Yes they are. I thought maybe it could calm you down a bit?" but already they were gone! Whisked away into Yukara's delicate hands as she took a large bite into them. The sound of bliss and enjoyment as she could taste the flaky pastry with sweet filling tickle her tongue. The light hint of mana surged inside, replenishing her resources. It did perk her up and with Kael around she felt at ease. At least for the time. Kael leaned over. "You should really trust him. If he's anything like my master, he will not treat you like rubbish!" -----    During his time working, Hioshi was in his zen like state working at the bar. He often checked his phone just in case but Yukara was not responding nor she was attempting to contact him. Perhaps there was a glitch or the servers were down? Needless to say, he didn't seem too worried. It wasn't like Yukara would do things on her own without reward. Though the new update did allow for occasional rewards to be accumulated from the character. Minor things. As he passed a drink to a patron, he overheard two people talking about the game beside him.    "I like the game but i have to delete my character to even play the other classes..." one commented. Another replied "Yeah. You only get one slot. What if i want to play a Shellmage instead of a Runeshaper?" bringing something to his mind. Indeed only one character per account. Perhaps it was a limitation of however they made the characters more real than simple coding? Whatever the reason, Hioshi would never delete Yukara. Always the one to cherish what he made and who he became friends with. Yet his zen state would go away when he heard a familiar female voice. Nira.   ��"Oh hey, Hioshi!" She gleefully said, hopping into a bar stool and looking at him with some clear interest. Wearing a miniskirt and tank top that promptly showed off her bust and figure. Her hair in a bun and makeup as well. Clearly she was trying to impress or grab attention. Hioshi offered the selection to Nira and yet treating her like a normal customer. "Take the time to see your-"    "Hioshi! I came here to see you work and you don't say hello!?" Nira pouted. Hioshi chuckled a bit. "Sorry...Yes hello Nira. I'm on the clock though so mind if we keep the talk to a minimum?" this was of course not that he hated Nira but work was where he could shine. Yet Nira blinked before tapping the table. A rude gesture to Hioshi in a way like she wanted his full attention. It was about this time that Zack caught wind of Nira's actions. Something felt off about her. The actions, her tone and voice. It was like Nira was TRYING to control him. Zack passed by and looked to Hioshi. "Hey, Why don't you take your break now? I'll handle this." he whispered as a code word. To help his own state of mind.    Once Hioshi had left for the back of the room, Zack turned to Nira with a smile. "Now then...What can I get you, miss?" offering his assistance while his friend took a much needed break and time away from Nira. Hioshi took his time to exit out in the back. He re-adjust the collar of his work clothes and checked his application again. When he tried tapping to get Yukara's attention there was silence. The application continues to tell Hioshi that Yukara is still on a mission. He knew they could still talk regardless...and he was worried. Was Yukara ignoring him for what they did yesterday? Was she sleeping a lot? Death dose not concern Hioshi as she would be immune so long as Yukara stayed in the towns or city.    "Please pick up..." Yet why was he concerned so much? -----    Coming back home, Hioshi started his computer up. The warm glow of the screen brought some comfort but he still worried about Yukara. She hadn't even tried talking through the application lately. It concerned him. Hioshi logged in, waited on the loading screen and sure enough there she was enjoying a meal with a few companions. He tried calling out to Yukara. "Hey Yukar-" and suddenly she fell out of her chair in a panic!    "D-don't delete me, Hioshi!" Yukara huddled in terror. Her arms covering her head and unwilling to look up. Hioshi wondered why she would beg like that to him? He tried calming her down with gentle words. "Woah. Calm down...I got worried because you were not answering the app." and while it did diffuse the situation it didn't stop her from talking about it. "Right...App...But people have been vanishing lately! It's scary..."    Vanishing? To Hioshi, that sounded like characters being deleted without a second thought. With one character slot it would be inevitable that some players would grow bored of the character they were playing or want to try a different class. Everyone else doesn't seem to realize exactly how human they really are. Majority still think of Law of Mahna as a game and nothing more. Why should they concern themselves over code that is merely a representation of their avatar? Hioshi and his friends started to feel like the characters they made were less graphics and true people. Perhaps he should tell her...    "Probably because people are...not happy with what they made? This is a guess but because there is only one character slot, we are restricted to one person to play with. I know some people prefer to play with multiple characters rather than focus on one...but i'd never delete you, Yukara. Don't worry." He tried to assure Yukara to the best of his abilities.    Hioshi's words slowly reached Yukara. Though trust would need to be built up again. Who knew if he would just turn right around and remove Yukara for good? For the time, Yukara would rebuild her wall and be on alert of Hioshi. "Right! So, what will we do today Hioshi?" she put on a smile regardless despite her inner judgement of Hioshi still. He had the power to make her...and destroy her if he so wished. Even so she couldn't hate him yet.    Hioshi though took that smile differently. That she was okay. So he told her "Why don't we start working on some dungeons? I'm sure the others would love to come with us." -----    In an apartment in the same city as Hioshi was, a young woman stepped through the door of her home. Long, straight hair reaching just past her shoulder, neatly kept and a pair of glasses reflecting her sunset orange eyes and dressed in her uniform office attire of black and white. Coming home, she tossed her bag on the couch, cleaned the kitchen space, took a shower and changed into something more comfortable, brief shorts, a long t-shirt and socks. This was how Rei spent her days for quite sometime. Television played on for noise as she started her computer up and logged into the game to greet Kael, her computer companion...   During her game time she can't help but wonder who Hioshi was and how he was so alike her. The strategy and reactive attitude to raiding in the dungeons she's seen before. Rei overlooked the numbers of her guildmates as she noticed Hioshi's own. Something inside her wanted to call him. Perhaps meet up with him. She picked her cell phone up...and then she put it back down. "No. I don't want to bug him..." she mumbled silently before returning to her game to escape her boring lifestyle. 
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shidoukanae · 7 years
Dull and Charming (VRAINS speculative fic)
Note: This fanfic was written BEFORE Vrains aired so everything here was merely speculation before the show began (although some aspects turned out to be eerily accurate despite me merely headcanoning random shit). Specifically, this was written before we learned that Akira was Aoi’s brother which was like two weeks before the show aired (if I remember correctly, April and the first week of May are all a blur tbh) and is also the reason I refer to Akira as her “father”. Summary:
In which Aoi’s path crosses with that of both Yusaku Fujiki’s and Playmaker’s and the creepy little pets that accompany them both. (speculative fic)
Relationships: slight but not really Aoi ZaizenxYusaku Fujiki, Angelmakershipping
AO3 version for further notes: Link
If there’s one thing thing Aoi Zaizen knows, it’s how to keep her head down.
Of course, there’s no other option. She can’t act the same in the real world as she does in the VRAINS world. The real world is a cruel place to people like her, people who are dull and flat - side characters to someone else’s story. No one expects anything from her, no one wants more than the money her family produces. She is not anyone important, no, not here, but rather a showpiece, a prisoner to the family inheritance.
“Keep your calm,” her father had always told her. “You are the heiress to this business. You must not act in a way unbefitting for our image.”
So, as it is, she acts dull. She is dull. Here, she can’t be anything more than a girl who holds a fortune, a centerpiece to a wealthy family and yet a student who is considered nothing more than a futile existence. When her family calls upon her (as they always do), she’ll act as her father expects her to - a polite and respectable woman who is always eager to oblige the image of those who meet her.
It’s here Aoi hates. She hates the real world. She hates her role, her family, her wealth. The only time she is not dull and boring is when her connection to wealth is made evident. Wannabe charmers and tactless delinquents have been after her for her money. Nothing she can’t handle, of course, but she trembles in disgust at the very thought of them. She, in their eyes, is an object of desire, a claim to escape from poverty and thus a figure of dollar bills and not someone who should be appreciated for her true self.
However, Aoi has a savior. Blue Angel. Her counterpart, her performing persona in which she is allowed to be free. As a Charisma Duelist, she isn’t limited by her family or the people she is forced to meet in her everyday life. Rather, she is someone famous, someone popular, someone who is not dull. She’s a star, an idol, a Duelist who can catch eyes and charm everyone with her cheerful gaze. As Blue Angel, Aoi is someone her real self can never become. She’s adored, beloved, and no one can take that from her. Not even her father.
But, even so, her existence as the Blue Angel must never be known. Her father has made that very evident by his disgust towards her alternate self.
“A disgrace,” he’d always say, enjoying a cup of coffee with frowning lips as the TV recalled one of Blue Angel’s - her - latest battles. “Such a disgrace. Blue Angel is nothing more than a circus clown. I can’t imagine her real self would be much better. She’s probably just some buffoon girl who fancies herself a star.”
At those times, Aoi wants to scream. To yell and shout and toss away her stupid, stupid facade of dullness and laugh with hysteria because he’s talking about his own daughter and he doesn’t even know it. The mere idea makes her want to keel over, to burst into fits of giggling so unlike her real world self because her father hates the very thing he’s taken from her, the very thing she is never meant to represent, to taste or to spread. Freedom.
But, oh boy will he never know. No, never . She will never, ever relinquish her title to him. As Blue Angel, she’s free. As Blue Angel, she’s a rebel, an idol, someone who can never, ever be forced into performing like little doll Aoi.
Regardless, that doesn’t change her situation. In the real world, she’s dull. An ordinary human, someone not worth acknowledgement outside of those who seek her family’s wealth.
And, yet, she’s stumbled upon something (some one ) interesting. She can’t escape it, this chatter that echoes down the hallways, inside the classrooms, inside her mind. Playmaker. The star of the show, the mysterious hacker with aims that the media wants to know. She’d met him recently, in the VRAINS world. It had been an accidental brush, a mission that had somehow coincided with the virtual duel she’d enacted on behalf of her online audience. He had waltzed in with the notion of ignoring her (just like in real life. She hated being ignored but she hated being acknowledged by those unworthy to her), with playing hero as a hack-gone-wrong had nearly corrupted her avatar. The corruption had been scary, she had felt her identity leaching from her, but Aoi admits she was thankful for his quick thinking. His so-called legendary skills had proved worthy when the virus was driven back and her avatar, her life, her freedom had remained intact. But was was ever more intriguing than the legendary hacker’s appearance himself was his little pet.
Playmaker’s little creature was interesting, a black humanoid silhouette lined with purple. Orange eyes that were somehow lifeless yet living had bored into her, a hidden threat in its hovering presence. There was something...off about the creature, not just in the fact that things like that just didn’t exist in the VRAINS space (all creatures were kept solely on Duel Fields - a monster like this one shouldn’t be outside such a thing) but because it had its attention focused upon her. It seemed to see past her, past Blue Angel and into the heart of Aoi Zaizen.
And, that scares her. Her real world identity could never be uncovered, must never be uncovered. Such an upset in the balance of her life, such a tragic discovery would land her in great harm. What would her audience think when they saw that their idol, the illustrious Blue Angel with witty charm and grace, was actually a dull and bland high school girl with rich connections? Would they look down upon her then, like the rest of the world who knew her? Would they trod upon her with upturned noses, their adoration for her persona a facade in the face of her true identity? She doesn’t know, she doesn’t want to know, but Playmaker’s creature seemed to have an apt for making her question her own safety.
She’s at school after the incident. She’s back to Plain Jane, another cast member in a list of more valuable actors. Playmaker’s little exploit has already produced a scandal with speculation about how Blue Angel and Playmaker are together. Partners in crime, so to speak, as if the hacker and idol are partners in some elaborate conspiracy theory. Aoi laughs inside at that. She doesn’t know Playmaker much less his true identity; the news media is jumping to conclusions yet again.
Class starts and, regardless, her peers are ready to embrace a discussion.
“I heard that the Blue Angel and Playmaker could be dating,” a girl says, swooning over the idea. She clasps her hands together. “Did you see the way Playmaker rescued her? He jumped so high just to rescue her! You can’t tell me that’s not romantic!”
Aoi begs to differ. It’s not romantic, it’s stupid. Playmaker was just trying to play hero. Her fingers tap on the surface of her desk. It’s irritating enough that she’s been connected to someone she barely knows but to go so far as to say they’re an item...she’s almost disgusted by how much one little incident can perpetuate so many falsities so quickly.
A boy waves his hand. “Can’t be. Playmaker doesn’t seem like the type,” Aoi likes this boy already, “I bet he was just trying to show off and play hero or something.” Aoi really likes this boy.
“You don’t know that!” the girl says, huffing.
“You don’t anything either,” the other shoots back and Aoi finds herself almost smiling. “How about you, Yusaku, what do you think?”
Aoi’s gaze flits to the boy in the corner of their class. Yusaku Fujiki. Same class, same year, same boring and rather dull personality. He is as quiet as she is, a casual observer who prefers to isolate himself from the rabble much like Aoi does. She realizes there is something unusual about him, something quite not right, like he’s hiding himself from the rest of the world. Then again, so is Aoi. As a daughter of someone rich and as the real life counterpart to Blue Angel, she can’t act without raising suspicion.
The boy with the cotton-candy-colored hair gives them all a baffled look at having been addressed. “I…,” he begins, words cautious, “I don’t think Playmaker has any relation to the Blue Angel. This is the first time they’ve been seen with each other, right? We can’t leap to conclusions just yet…”
Ah, finally. Someone logical.
The girl and boy nod. “Damn,” the female student sighs. “I wanted it to be super romantic!”
There’s a scowl from everyone in the class and the girl promptly finds herself booted from the topic. Their teacher, luckily, decides he’s had enough and begins class. Aoi, having her fun taken from her, turns her head to the board.
Another class, another day, another dull girl in a dull world.
She’s scheduled for a live conference that very evening.
The media presses into the virtual auditorium, pixel cameras glittering with light that she knows is being translated to real-world TV news. The avatars of the news people flicker and flutter, the sheer number of those in attendance causing the servers to lag and bumble.
“Welcome, welcome,” Blue Angel says, smiling. She waves her hands to her audience and the crowd eats it right out of her hands, muttering and cheering and shouting. “As you all know, yesterday was an...interesting occasion. The legendary Playmaker bequeathed me with his appearance and, it seems, has caused you all to begin rumors about our... relationship.”
“Do you know Playmaker in real life?” a man asks, microphone straight to his mouth.
“No, I do not.”
Another bites. “Are you in any way in a romantic situation with Playmaker?”
She frowns at the eagerness in the news man’s voice. “No,” she sighs, her cheerful charade crumbling. Her patient smile wears thin and she gives them all a frosty glare. “Whatever you may assume about me and Playmaker is false. His appearance at the dueling stadium - much less his little rescue - has nothing to do with me.”
A calm voice surges through the air right after hers ends. “Did Playmaker have anything unusual with him?”
She snaps her head to the right to search for the voice. However, try as she might, she cannot find the source of such an inquiry. Blue Angel settles for an answer instead. “Such a weird question,” she murmurs and the cameras inevitably pick up her words, “but, no. I have seen nothing out of the ordinary. Just a boy playing hero.”
She remembers too late the humanoid creature with the soul-staring eyes. The press clamors for more questions, more answers, and she is forced to respond to their eager words. She searches for the voice again, for the man who asked her such a thing, but finds that she cannot detect any other presence in her midst. Had the inquirer logged off? It had been such a strange inquisition, one that would not have been made by a newsman without some hidden intent.
Whatever. She has nothing to hide. It doesn’t concern her so she won’t both with it any further.
Yusaku has been acting weird lately.
Aoi takes notice of it when the boy’s calm posture suddenly, one day, becomes fidgety and uncertain, his gaze flitting past anything and everything. He seems to be searching all the corners of the classroom, of the school and of the faces that inhabit his peers. She’s caught his gaze more than once and it’s honestly bugging her. If he hadn’t been inspecting the faces of his other classmates she might have suspected that he was suspicious of her. There was something in his light green eyes, something wild and rather desperate that made her uncomfortable. It was as if something was wrong with Yusaku, a certain kind of distraught that made her more paranoid than anything. And, though she wishes to prod her classmate for nosy answers, she doesn’t want to bring attention to herself. That is the last thing she wants, the last thing her father wants.
Still, that doesn’t mean she wants to uncover the cause of his distress. It is better to occupy her mind with what Yusaku is thinking of than to suspect he knows something that can lead to her ruin.
So, Aoi makes a point to track him down after class ends, wandering after him in a way that keeps her from out of his view and yet invisible in the eyes of her classmates. Yusaku is sharp, a keen master of concealment, and sometimes it is hard for Aoi to remember that he is a daily presence in her life. Still, even if he’s a main character and she, a side character (but aren’t they both side characters? They’re both dull and invisible, members of a society that adores the obedient), there is no reason for his strange actions.
Regardless, she can’t shrug off something rather...malevolent about him. Something that makes her skin crawl with a special type of frightful loathing. There’s something not quite right about him, something rather strange and odd. It’s like he’s detached, isolated inside a shell that nearly hides his presence among the crowd.
He pulls into an abandoned hallway and Aoi realizes too late that there is nothing in that hallway to hide behind. Yusaku’s head is moving side to side, eyes straying, and she’s sure it won’t be long before he notices her behind him. Aoi can’t retreat into back into the hallway of students - they’re too packed and loud and she doesn’t want to lose Yusaku while waiting for him to pass the hall - so she ducks into the nearest room - a storage space full of boxes and books.
There’s a clatter of noise, a loud thump that sends a jolt of pain down Aoi’s shoulder. She hisses, wincing at such recklessness. She hopes her uniform hasn’t torn. Her father won’t let her hear the end of it if it has even the slightest of tears.
The door locks into place and Aoi sighs in the midst of darkness, welcoming the pitch black that filters over her. Darkness is oddly comforting, a kind of blanket that tucks away her worries at being seen, at being scolded and scowled at because she’s not perfect and she should be perfect.
She waits a few seconds, waits to see if anyone had heard her crash, and then she props open the door.
...Or, she tries to. However, the door is locked shut, a solid barrier of steel that stands between her and the outside world.
Instantly, the darkness suffocates her. Anxiety halts her breath, her eyes widening and her hands shaking as she pushes against the door. It doesn’t give. Frightened, she rams into it, her shoulder against the metal surface. A sting of cold spikes through her and she winces, resorting to kicking it with her feet. The door barely budges, mocking her with the faint light that filters in from little slits.
“Anybody?” she asks, voice a quiet cold. It would be bad if anyone finds her inside a locked room. She can already imagine the rumors that would start if such a thing occurred. Her father would undoubtedly rage at her, furious that his precious doll would have produced such an unfitting image of herself. “Is anybody there?”
A paper moves. She freezes, glancing around. “Hello?” she asks, hating the terrified tone in her voice.
Aoi nearly screams. The sound of something brushing against cardboard comes from her right and she whips her head in the direction of the sound. “Who’s there?” She inwardly scolds herself for how cliche she’s sounding, wondering if she has landed, somehow, in a virtual reality horror movie set.
“A friend, friend!” the person replies, voice oddly high-pitched and rather cutesy.
“Are you a student?”
“A student, student?” the voice inquires, seemingly mocking. “What’s a student? Is that what those are?”
“The humans with black and blue and white skin!” Something about the word human sends a shiver down her spine. “The slaves to the system.”
Aoi watches the darkness warily. “You have a strange way of talking.”
“I talk weird?” the person ponders that. “I’m still learning.”
“Are you a transfer student? How’d you get in here?”
“I came here! I was exploring and then I was stuck inside. But now you’re here! Who’re you?”
“I prefer not to tell my name to those I don’t know,” she says, carefully. If the person beside her is a transfer student than it is unlikely they will remember her as soon as she escapes. She’s dull for a reason, dull to the point of invisibility.
“Oh, that’s sad,” they say. “I like new people.”
Footsteps. Aoi perks at the sound, pressing her ear to the door.
“What’cha doing?”
“Shh!” she hushes the person with desperation, trying to listen to what she had heard seconds earlier.
“Sorry,” the voice whimpers and she hears some papers being shuffled.
The footsteps become louder, more prevalent. They’re heading her way!
She pounds on the door, insistent. “Help! Is anyone out there?”
The footsteps stop and Aoi’s breath catches. Then, they run, becoming more and more distant as Aoi calls for help. Surely, whoever was out there must have heard her right? Or had they not? They had stopped, surely they knew but...the hallway grew quiet and she pulled her knees to her chest.
“Great, just great,” she mutters. “Of course I get stuck in here. Stupid me, following Yusaku like that.”
“Yusaku?” the voice inquires and then they begin to chant with a kind of adoration. “Yusaku, Yusaku, Yusaku, Yusaku! I like Yusaku!”
Great, now she’s stuck with someone who’s crazy in love with Yusaku. She rests her chin in between her legs, blinking at the darkness.
“Do you know Yusaku?” the voice asks her.
“Yes, barely.”
“Do you know Playmaker?”
“Of course, who doesn’t,” she pauses, “why the questions though?”
“I like Yusaku. I like Playmaker too. I like them both!”
Ah, great. A fanatic. Like she hasn’t had enough of those in her alternate life. Still, a bit of curiosity forces her to ask: “Do you know Blue Angel?”
“Blue Angel? She’s...blue,” the voice seems to ponder on how to produce an efficient answer. “I don’t know if she’s someone good for Playmaker. He says he doesn’t know her despite what all the news says.”
“You know Playmaker?” Suddenly, her interest in this other occupant increases by tenfold.
“Know him? I know him! Playmaker is friend!”
“Do you know who he is?”
“Yes, yes! Playmaker is-!”
The door opens. Aoi nearly startles, falling back in surprise. In the light of the doorway stands Yusaku Fujiki, panting with sweat down his cheeks.
“I...found you!” he says, eyes striking past Aoi and over to someone behind her. Then, his gaze turns to her’s, befuddled and wide-eyed with a kind of horror. “Aoi,” he breathes, “what are you doing here?”
Her face turns a angry scarlet, blood rushing to her cheeks in a manner half between embarrassment and shame. She straightens out her skirts, pulling herself out of what might seem like a scandalous position, and turns to face the other occupant of the room behind her.
A black humanoid being with orange eyes glances back at her, a strange apparition of creepy proportions with purple lines running down its body. Its head is in the shape of a misshapen teardrop, its fingers like that of a frog’s and with shoulders a bit too emphasized for her liking. It’s not at all human, not at all a transfer student like she thought, and she wonders how this thing could be sitting in front of her like it was a real existence. She stares at it with a kind of fright, scuttling backwards as it tilts its head in her direction.
“Why do you stare?” it asks in the same voice of her prison-mate. “Isn’t it impolite to stare?”
“What-?” she turns to Yusaku with wide eyes and a gaping mouth halfway between screaming and shouting, “What is that!?”
“I am not a that,” the thing mutters.
“He,” Yusaku hesitates, looking side to side, “is a newly developed program that I’m helping to beta-test. SOL Technology gave him to me in order to see whether or not he could function well in society. His name is Ai.”
“Well, obviously he’s not doing his job well,” she mutters, glaring at the offending thing.
It looks back at her. Orange eyes bore into hers and Aoi thinks she’s gone through this experience before. Playmaker’s companion, his little pet , resembled something akin to the creature before her just…smaller. She supposed it was possible for both Yusaku and Playmaker to have different models of the same program – Playmaker was a hacker easily known for his exploits so it’d be no wonder to her if he made a VR replica of the program (for god-knows-what-reason) – but the sheer coincidence in itself makes her nurture tiny seeds of suspicion.
“Blue Angel!” the program says suddenly. The human-sized creature makes a chittering noise that forces Aoi to press herself up against a wall in sheer horror at the name. “Blue Angel, Blue AngelBlueAngelBlueAngel BlueAngel…!” She stares at the thing with shivers wracking down her body. How did it…!?
Yusaku looks between the both of them and frowns. Her gaze flits to his and she shakes her head desperately. “I...I don’t know what he’s talking about!”
“Blue Angel!” it says and then turns to Yusaku, pointing at him. “Playmaker! Blue Angel, Playmaker!”
Yusaku’s cheeks flush a slight pink seemingly unbefitting of himself. Is he embarrassed at having his little toy go out of control or is he thinking other thoughts that might associate her to Blue Angel? She supposes she doesn’t want to know either way. The creature claps its hands in a kind of maniac glee, acting as if it was almost a child.
The boy, chasing away the color on his cheeks, gives a sigh and offers her a hand. “He didn’t do anything to hurt you, did he?”
“No,” she refuses his hand and gets to her feet. Bad mistake. A arrow of pain shoots through her shoulder and she grimaces, gritting her teeth in frustration.
“Blue Angel is hurt,” the creature observes and she gives it a glare. It seems to avoid both meanings of her look, pondering: “What should I do if someone is hurt?”
“Help them,” Yusaku says to it and then turns his gaze back to her. “Is there anything I can do for you, Aoi?”
“Is my uniform torn?” she asks, turning around. The action makes her wince but she’s more concerned with her attire than with her aching shoulder.
He gives her a confused stare. “No, why?”
“No particular reason. Thanks.”
He seems unsure but doesn’t press farther. “You’re…welcome, I guess?” he places his hands in his pockets. “What were you doing in here, anyways?”
She remembers her little spying game and immediately goes quiet, unwilling to admit her guilt.
Yusaku shakes his head and then smiles at her. “Forget it. It’s none of my business. Do you need anything? A ride or some ice for that shoulder?”
“I’m fine, thank you,” she says, unable to keep the cold chill from crawling into her voice. “I’ll be okay on my own.”
“You sure?” he inquires but when she doesn’t offer a response he sighs and beckons to his program. Ai immediately gets up and waltzes over to him, giggling. Yusaku pats it on the head like he might a child and it coos with appreciation. “Alright, before you go though. Can I ask for a favor?”
A little alarm rings in her head, a warning that echoes of her father’s voice. Favors are never good. Favors can cause scandals, can show people that you’re willing to put up with them and to be wheedled endlessly so that they can extract all that they can out of you. People are greedy and, while that may be Aoi just being cynical, she’s well-aware of the fact that boot-lickers have existed around her for as she’s been alive. As long as she’s tied up to her father, to her family, to their wealth, she will never be considered anything other than a living doll for someone else’s pleasure.
“Go…on,” she struggles with the words, uncertain.
He claps his hands together and bows forward, his arms over his head. “Please don’t tell anyone that you saw Ai today. He’s supposed to be a secret and the public isn’t supposed to know about his existence,” Yusaku pleads, an expression Aoi never thought she’d see on his face.
“Alright,” there’s a whoosh of relief from Aoi. It’s a reasonable request and not at all what she had been suspecting from him. “However, I want a favor from you too. To even the deal. If you must.”
He gives her a surprised look that makes her suspect he hadn’t thought she’d inquire anything of him in return. “Please don’t tell anyone that you saw me in here,” she says. “I’ll agree not to mention your little friend’s existence if we all pretend that we didn’t all meet up here. Sound good?”
Yusaku gives her a calm smile that speaks little of his earlier confusion. “I can deal with that. Thank you, Aoi, I promise I won’t tell your secret if you won’t tell mine.”
“Friends!” Ai shouts, startling them both. “Playmaker, Blue Angel! Friends!”
They both stare at him, at each other, and then give nervous laughs.
“Your program doesn’t seem to know what he’s talking about, does he? I don’t look anything like the Blue Angel,” Aoi gives a slight giggle as if amused by the “random” connection to her alternate persona.
“And I don’t look anything like Playmaker,” he agrees with a glare at Ai. His creature deflates in a sulky sort of manner. “Come on, Ai, let’s go.”
“Go?” it perks up. “Go home?”
“Home,” Yusaku agrees and then begins to exit. He looks back at Aoi, smiles, and then waves goodbye. She reciprocates the response and watches as he leaves. Pulling herself together, she straightens up and then abandons the storage closet. With a deep intake of breath to calm herself (and the crazy thoughts in her mind), she makes her way down to the school parking lot.
She wonders how furious her father will be if he ever found out that she had made a deal with a stranger behind his back. Then again, she supposes it doesn’t matter. Her father won’t know, and so long as his father doesn’t know then her father won’t care. She may be his dull and boring little doll but she’s still Blue Angel. And, Blue Angel knows exactly how to rebel.
She’s a trickster, after all.
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eriwrites · 7 years
A Voice Like Honey - Taehyung
Pairing: Kim Taehyung | V - Reader
Rating: G
Summary: AU- your computer decided to stop working halfway through a relaxing evening, so what else can you do besides call for tech support? 
A loud thump echoed through your apartment as your forehead met the desk. You groaned and lifted your head to glare at your computer. The screen didn’t change under your angry glare, instead almost seeming to buzz in happiness at your pain. Clicking on the back button, you started the episode over again, fast-forwarding to where it had crapped out. The show seemed to be going fine before the sound suddenly blurred and the picture cut at a weird angle- like an inch in the center just disappeared, completely distorting the image. The picture froze for a couple seconds before continuing, still distorted, but now also not synced up with the sound. You slammed down on the space bar in frustration to pause the show, glaring at the computer again. Of course this would be happening on the last episode of the season, of course it would be happening on your last night off for a while, because why not?
With a groan you leaned back against the couch and stared at the ceiling, contemplating your options. Maybe this meant you were supposed to get up and move around or something. There was a small pile of dishes in the sink that needed to be cleaned, and you could probably stand to vacuum or something. You shot up from your slouched position- like hell were you going to do any of that!! This was your last night before the major work season started and your boss had already told you to expect to be working late, so no way in hell were you going to give up your last night of freedom to do anything other then lounge around. Restarting the episode, you let it play for a while, growling when the picture distorted. Hovering over the settings and options, you clicked on the button to report an issue and were sent to a new window with a chat function. A message popped up asking if you’d like to talk directly with a service agent and you clicked the ‘yes’ button, adjusting your headphones and mic to be able to speak more clearly.
Light hold music played in your ears before a voice answered.
“Hello? My name is Taehyung, how can I help you today?”
Momentarily stunned by the deep, sweet voice, you blanked on the issue, letting out a soft ‘uhhhh’ in response to his question.
“Hello? Yes? Is there a problem? Anyone there?”
Stuttering, you fumbled with the computer in your lap. “Yes! Yes, sorry, I’m uh, I’m here.”
The man, Taehyung, laughed, a beautiful glittering sound that made you smile too. “Oh good! I was wondering if there was something wrong with the servers again and they were sending us random accident reports. So, what’s going on?”
“Hmm? Oh nothing much, what’s going on with you?”
He snorted and laughed loudly, a bright flush of red rushing across your face at your mistake. He was asking about the computer, not you! Groaning inwardly, you thanked the stars that he couldn’t see you right now.
Fate seemed to like you at that moment though, as the man with the beautiful voice thought your ‘joke’ was hilarious. “You’re funny! Ah, man, I needed that today, thanks! So what can I do for you?”
With a relived giggle, you told Taehyung about your issue. “Woooow, that sounds really bad. Oh, oh-! But don’t worry, I can fix it! Let me just get into your computer and see what’s going on.
You could hear some clicking on his part, a soft hum echoing in your ears as he worked. You leaned back into the couch, smiling to yourself. He really did have a beautiful voice and you could listen to him humming away for hours. He clicked his tongue softly before calling your name.
“I got into your computer just fine and I think I found what’s causing the problem, but I need to get into the program over here and mess with some things. I’ll put you on hold ok?”
You sat up, gripping the computer. “You don’t have to do that! I mean- do I have to be put on hold?”
Taehyung sounded surprised at your question, “oh, um, I guess not, but it might be boring for you if I don’t. I’m not sure how long it’ll take, and if I don’t put you on hold, our mics will still be working- this way you can go do other things while I fix it!”
“Yeah, but I don’t really have anything to do other then wait. Besides, I like listening to your type and hum. You have a wonderful voice….”
The man in your ear sputtered and you could hear something being knocked over. “Ehhh?!?!? Me, no, I don’t- I’m not, it’s just- r-really??”
You laughed at his reaction, not at all bashful about praising him. “Yeah, it’s amazing! Like sweet honey~”
“Ahhhh, th-thank you! I’ve never heard that before, ahh, I’m all red now…” he giggled and you smiled, silently fist pumping at making this adorable man blush. “Ok, ok, I’ll start working now. Can’t have your evening ruined by a faulty movie player, yeah?”
‘If it meant meeting you, my evening was definitely not ruined,’ you thought, fingers drumming lightly on the couch cushion. Taehyung let out a couple sounds of exclamation and thought as he worked, every now and then humming a few bars of some song. You quickly got lost in his voice, further enraptured by his cuteness in the noises he made while concentrating. This was crazy right? You had no idea what this guy looked like, and barely knew his personality, but you could already feel yourself falling for him in just the past 20 minutes. Maybe you needed to get out more, meet more people…
You snapped out of your thoughts by Taehyung calling your name again (wow it sounded good coming from his lips) and answered in the affirmative.
“I think I got the issue solved, you should have no problem finishing that episode now.”
You sighed sadly in your head. Did this mean he was done and leaving? “Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! And sorry for disturbing you.”
He laughed, “it’s no problem! And it was no disturbance- this is my job after all. Besides, I got to talk to you, so it really wasn’t any trouble.”
You blushed heavily, mouth falling open with a lack of response. Fortunately, Taehyung kept on going. “You know, we should play the episode, just in case. Gotta make sure it’s playing alright.”
You nodded before realizing he couldn’t see you and stuttered out a yes. He hummed happily before moving your mouse for you, still connected to your computer through his, and hit the play button. The two of you watched through the entirety of the episode (even though you had seen the first 10 minutes or so, you weren’t complaining as long as it kept Taehyung with you) with Taehyung laughing or gasping in your ear, completely enraptured by the show.
As the credits rolled, Taehyung let out a cry. “That’s it?! Why did they end it there?? What happened to the friend, or the main guy?? There’s still unfinished plot lines!”
You laughed, “I think they made a movie after this season to finish up the story, since it wasn’t renewed for an entire season.”
The line was silent for a moment before Taehyung spoke quietly, “Do you think it would play alright? If there was an issue with this show, there might be issues in some other things…”
Shocked, you stared at your computer screen as Taehyung’s unasked question hung in the air. Clearing your throat, you replied, “I suppose it’s possible. We should probably double check, just to be sure everything is working.”
He gave a relieved laugh; eagerly moving your mouse around to find the movie you spoke of. “My thoughts exactly! So what’s the name of the movie they made?”
You giggled and told him, the two of you falling into a content silence as the opening music started. You laughed together, cried a little, laughed while Taehyung cried, snorted like a dying hyena through his commentary during the overly done romantic parts, and yelled in frustration when the characters were doing idiotic things. By the end of the movie your sides hurt from all the laughing you had done and Taehyung’s glittering laugh was stuck in your head like your favorite song.
Silence rang over the headphones again before Taehyung gave a little cough. “Well, I guess your computer is working alright now. Um, I guess, that’s it then?”
You sighed, biting your lip. “Yeah, I guess so. Uh, thanks again for all your hard work.”
He laughed, though it sounded a little forced. “No problem! Thanks for putting your faith in me! Have a great night.”
You whispered back a ‘you too’ as he ended the chat and sank back into your couch cushions. What a way to end the night, sighing and mourning the loss of the man with the beautiful voice…
Work picked up just like your boss had warned you and it was another two weeks before you had a quiet evening to relax. Finishing up making dinner, you grabbed a plate and headed over to the couch, pulling your computer onto your lap. Truthfully, you had forgotten about the man with the beautiful voice, but he popped back into your head as you opened the web browser to watch a movie while you ate. You took a sip of your drink, wondering what he was up to and if he was watching movies with other people that he chatted with while he fixing their computer problems.
About halfway through your movie the sound cut out unexpectedly and you groaned. Not again… Opening up your music program, you played a snippet of some song. Nope, it wasn’t your headphones that just quit working; you could hear the music just fine. So it was an issue with the browser again. Clicking on the ‘report an issue’ button, your heart flipped flopped in nervousness. Would you be connected to Taehyung again?
A sweet and joyful voice answered the service call. “Hi! I’m Jimin, what can I do for you~?”
You sighed, a little disappointed, but smiled regardless at this other guy’s joyfulness. “I’m having an issue with the sound. It just quit working suddenly.”
The guy gave an understanding hum. “Ok, let’s take a look, I’ll get into your computer real quick… Oh! Hey you had some issues a couple weeks ago with the sound and picture, right? There’s a service note connected to your computer’s IP address here.” Jimin made a couple clicking noises as he worked, before letting out a chuckle. “If you could just wait a moment, I need to transfer you to someone else, alright?”
“Uh, ok, sure?” You answered, confused. Was there something wrong with your computer? Could they not fix it or something? Where was he transferring you? Light music played in your ear as he put you on hold. You sighed and continued eating your dinner, leaning back into the seat.
The music suddenly stopped, a deep, sweet sounding voice crying out your name in excitement, causing you to jump in shock and almost toss your drink all over the place.
“You remembered my name! Ahh, I’m so happy~” he cooed through the headphones.
You blushed a bright red and laughed.
“So, what seems to be the problem and how can I help you today~?”
Shaking your head at his cuteness, you told him your problem and he worked through it no problem. Once he was done and the two of you tested the sound by finishing the movie together, he went silent for a moment before calling your name in a question.
“Ok, so, um, I really hope you don’t find this creepy or anything, but I, um, I can see where you live, like the general area, with being c-connected to your computer, ok? And I just, um, I was wondering if maybe you’d, I don’t know, um, if you’d like to get coffee sometime, or something? Cause I live in the same area actually, so uh, yeah.”
You were silent as his words sunk in, a huge smile taking over your face. Unfortunately he couldn’t see your reaction and took your silence to mean the opposite. “I-if you don’t want to that’s fine! I just, uuhh shoot, I’m an idiot, I’m so sorry.”
You laughed, shushing him as he quietly prayed that you wouldn’t tell his bosses and file a complaint.
“Taehyung, calm down! It’s alright, it’s alright! I’d love to go out with you some time~.”
He sputtered, in complete awe. “R-really?! Wooow~ Ah, that’s awesome, um, ok! Here’s my number then?”
A soft ping alerted you to a new message, Taehyung’s number blinking at you with a little smiley face next to it. You smiled, hiding your reddening face in your hands as you quickly texted the number with your name. Taehyung let out a gleeful exclamation as he got your text.
“Awesome! So, I’ll text you, yeah?”
You replied with a soft yes and he laughed, thanking you for your patience as he worked and wishing you a good night. Clicking out of the call, you pressed your phone to your grinning lips. Who’d have thought that having computer issues would end up leading you to a date with a man with a voice like honey? Who knows, but you sure weren’t complaining about it~!
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thelimitsofcontrol · 5 years
One more word about Fallout 76
Fallout, the RPG series using a 20-year heritage , finds out its most recent entry taking another opportunity at braving a fresh leadership. It places a significant focus on working together with different folks in a planet with endless actions that try to sustain your participation forever. It presents significant changes to the established arrangement of Fallout 4 to allow it to be both a multiplayer and single-player experience. In doing this, both types of drama have problems with important compromises which exist simply to serve another, and consequently, both are feeble. Fallout 76 can feel and look as its illustrious predecessors occasionally, but it is a soulless husk of an adventure.
Fallout 76 doesn't have artificial human characters to socialize with. The rationale is that, since the dwellers of all Vault 76 are tasked to be the very first to re-enter and recover this postwar America, there are not many coherent beings. A number of the people who did live nuclear annihilation conveniently expired shortly before your arrival.
On the other hand, the dearth of people can also be Fallout 76's largest problem. The match goes to great efforts to paint an image which includes cities and towns with various cultures and populations, survivors who've banded together to form factions, and tales of individuals who were able to live against all odds. However, without having some of these individuals present to tell their tales , 76's planet is limited to become little more than just an ecological display with matters to kill. This means the art of dialogue is disappointingly absent, but more seriously, it implies there aren't any powerful emotional anchors that will assist you become genuinely invested in the planet, a complication which reduces the match's other core tasks.
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The largest victim is the pursuit system. Without really having individuals with needs and needs, initiating and job quests often entails using explicit found-object storytelling applications --listening to music logs, reading notes, and surfing via computer terminals for crucial info. A pursuit will frequently explore the tales of particular personalities, but they are characters which have since passed out, and all you get are extended monologues and one-way directives by someone who no longer exists and you can not interact with. Your activities ultimately will not impact anybody, or the remainder of the planet for that thing --each place you see will be flashed with enemies and items frequently --so it is hard to remain motivated.
. . .there are not any powerful psychological anchors that will assist you become genuinely invested on earth...
A number of those stories are fascinating to make sure, and if you happen across a story about a character who piques your curiosity, you become eager to find out more about their final living moments. The absence of a much more relatable and private connection between your activities, the planet, and its people --combined along with your lack of sway --signifies quests start to split into wild goose chases across the world to test things off a record, and also feel unworthy. It makes the concept of continuing to advance the narrative --listening to more sound logs, running round the nation to look for more doohickeys, reading more journal entries--sense exhausting.
The dependence on things like sound logs and notes that are written additionally demonstrates to be the largest hindrance to playing Fallout 76 in multiplayer. By teaming up, you can explore the entire world together, get help in carrying down tough enemies, and finish any exploration, but sure things are kept different to each individual participant's experience. Containers that hold things, as an instance, will possess unique loot for every individual who opens them. But pursuit objective completion also is not shared, and each member on your group should trigger things to get them count on their own development.
This is a superb idea on paper, since it makes certain everybody sees every bit of a story themselves. However, in playing both great friends and strangers, I discovered that every individual's individual need to progress quests seriously hinders the flow of progress. Due to the need to await your group to catch up, have every member take their own time to obey important sound logs (which can be impossible once you've got voice conversation proceeding ), and hunt terminals for applicable info, questing in multiplayer wants a great deal of patience and courtesy. Add to the fact that Fallout is currently a game which promotes constant, time-consuming equipment direction (which penalizes your movement rate to be over-encumbered), in addition to a basic, sometimes tiresome survival method (which requests one to keep meters representing thirst and hunger ), along with the notion of getting another squad member only feels to be an extra weight.
In case you've got a squad that's pleased to bypass the story content matters will go a lot more easily, but then you are denying yourself the 1 vector which provides these quests taste. However, the capacity for random fun is an unremarkable characteristic. The benefit of questing solo rather than having to wait about is definitely a major advantage, but it's its obstacles too--packs of enemies will frequently have a couple of foes which are 10 or 20 degrees over you, and with someone to watch your own back is undoubtedly a element that needs attention, warts and all.
Fighting enemies also does not feel that purposeful in 76, a morbid result of the deficiency of in-universe characters. The new area of Appalachia is full of a variety of beautifully manicured creatures both old and new, such as humanoid enemies such as the Scorched and Mole Miners who will wield firearms. Nonetheless, it is not as amusing to carry on enemies which have not wronged you or anybody you know.
Appalachia is full of a huge range of multiplayer-focused public occasions which encourage everybody on the host to assemble and take part in a exceptional task tied to a certain site. However, these largely boil down to escort and protection assignments which request that you hold back several waves of enemies and also execute fundamental aims.
That is also partly as a result of alterations to V.A.T.S.. What was formerly a tactical pause-style ability that let you take the time to evaluate your environment, target specific body parts, and also make the most of your battle strengths, is currently a mostly an opt-in real-time auto-aim system, an alteration presumably left for the purposes of multiplayer. In case you choose to update the ability, it serves its purpose in being in a position to make precision strikes on limbs once the activity is more manageable, however in more extreme situations this edition of V.A.T.S. does little to bridge the constraints of this real time battle system as it did.
Nevertheless, the overwhelming bulk of quests have apparent linear throughlines for their individual objectives, all which include shooting a great deal of things.
A few of the choices in Fallout 76 are optimistic, though. The flexibility of this new perk system (that is currently card-based) lets you modify your skills at will, which has encouraged me to utilize Fallout's stranger abilities, based on my own situation. In my experience, the game's distinctive spin on player-versus-player contest is good at deterring unprovoked attacks when researching the entire world --killing someone else is a good deal of work for little benefit if your goal does not retaliate. Base-building carries more than Fallout 4 and includes a couple quality-of-life alterations. You have the capability to maneuver your base camp to get a trivial fee, and you'll be able to save patterns of whole arrangements for simple placement elsewhere.
Most disappointingly, if you do start to come across some little joy in researching Fallout 76's planet, you are frequently not much from falling prey to the show' now attribute penchant for specialized oddities. Whether due to the game or the internet server-based nature of this match, I have run into innumerable problems in the PC version, even following the match received a significant patch inside its first week of launch. Issues like cutting throughout the planet, suspended animations, whole buildings failing to loadenemies becoming stuck in walls or not moving, music logs not enjoying enemies spawning from mid-air, delayed harm detection and planet effects, host disconnections, and being not able to finish a pursuit because somebody else on earth murdered your goal, requiring one to log off and on until it respawns. These are only a few examples, and experiences will change, naturally. But in my own time with the game, Fallout 76 didn't feel as though it ran smoothly for protracted periods, technical problems were acute and frequently frustrating, and they overshadowed any fondness which has been, at the point, beginning to grow.
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Fallout 76 tries to perform some significantly new suggestions for the show, but with few exceptions, they especially restrict the significant aspects of the sport. The novelty of multiplayer could be somewhat entertaining, but it is not an ideal way to enjoy mainline development, along with the shooting mechanisms are not powerful enough to produce the concentrate on combat-heavy activities really enjoyable. Matters feel like a solo participant, along with the Appalachian landscape surely has fascinating things to watch. However, the lack of in-universe characters along with your inability to create a significant effect on the entire world means getting spent in the entire travel is remarkably hard.
Bethesda has said it plans to keep on supporting the match for quite a while, but at launching, Fallout 76 is a bad encounter. You can find echoes of this show' admirable attributes, but look beyond that facade, beyond the adorable Vault Boy cartoons, beyond the radio paths, and you will discover no heart--an inconsequential wasteland doomed to be nuked over and over again.
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miss-m-calling · 5 years
Chocolate Box 2019 letter
Requests (all fic):
Adult Wednesday Addams (web series) -- any (Wednesday/Brian, Wednesday & Warren Agency Interns, Wednesday & OFC, Wednesday & OMC, Wednesday/OMC)
American Gods (TV) -- Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney
Black Sails (TV) -- Miranda Barlow/John Silver
Dear writer,
Hello and thank you for writing for me. I’m very excited to read whatever you come up with. Without further ado…
Adult Wednesday Addams
any (Wednesday/Brian, Wednesday & Warren Agency Interns, Wednesday & OFC, Wednesday & OMC, Wednesday/OMC)
I belatedly discovered this webseries, and it resurrected (see what I did there?) my love for Wednesday and how the Addams Family canon runs on the endless possibilities of this loving, happily eccentric family being 100% true to themselves and the world just having to deal with it. The show was everything I never knew I wanted till I watched it, the perfect blend of Addams-macabre and cozy slice of life with bonus Wednesday navigating the world (and not just any ol’ place, but shiny, plastic, image-conscious LA!) alone, without always knowing her family will back her up, and it made me crave more of adult Wednesday’s mini adventures in LA. For this canon, I’m good with gen or, if you want to write that, more of Wednesday’s adventures in dating guys who really aren’t up to the challenge. I’m keeping the prompts pretty short, just to (hopefully) pique your creativity:
-Wednesday goes to IKEA
-More of Wednesday’s interactions with the nice interns at her receptionist job. Maybe they invite her out to happy hour, or to the beach or a club. Or maybe we get to eavesdrop while they shoot the breeze on their lunch break, possibly over barbecue-chicken pizza from CPK.
-More of Wednesday’s gigs. She already babysits and walks other people’s dogs, what else might she do for extra cash that would be both really common and seemingly ill-suited to Wednesday, except she totally makes it work for her? Cat sitting (especially if the cat belongs to someone incredibly rich whose house is full of secrets – and expensive things for the cat to knock over), driving an Uber/Lyft, becoming an AirBnB host, catering/server, working the late shift in a New Age/occult supply store where none of the woo is real…?
-Or, alternately, Wednesday finds a career that is perfect for her, in which she can have success and respect. What ever could that be and still fit into the non-Addams world?
-Wednesday tries speed dating
-Or, she runs into Brian a.k.a. chains guy (I cackle with glee every time I rewatch the bit when he tries to kiss her at the pet store) a third time – how does it not go quite as he wanted or expected this time?
-Wednesday takes an evening class, or goes back to school part time, or enrolls in an online degree program
-Wednesday takes a road trip, alone or with her apartment mates/colleagues/Brian/strangers she met for carpooling purposes. Bonus points if you work in real roadside attractions, or tourist traps, or famous sites/landscapes.
-It’s Dia de Muertos, and Wednesday goes out to celebrate and soak up the atmosphere. It may or may not live up to her expectations.
 American Gods (TV)
Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney
I ship it. Yes I do. They had me at “gimme-my-coin-dead-wife”-flicks-him-into-wall. The snarky road trip was the best thing I never knew I wanted until it happened, and I adored every second of it. They’re both such assholes and so fascinating, even if they mellow toward each other a bit in the last two episodes, and all the gods/magic/resurrection stuff swirling around them begs to be explored further. Plus she’s half his size yet can and does beat him up with literally one finger, and then there’s the angst of he having killed her, feeling really guilty about it, and then bringing her back.
Please give me either missing scenes from the road trip (if you can work in a divergence, that’s great - for example, I like Salim, but if you want to have him boot Sweeney and Laura to the curb and go off on his own, or Sweeney to boost his taxi before Salim catches them, or whatever else to have those two alone, go for it!), or something about these two post-S1:
-Laura discovers (how? you decide!) that Sweeney gave her back the coin after their accident – whatever happens next, some punching may be involved.
-Wednesday’s big war finally comes, and “don’t you dare die on me, you asshole” is a line either Sweeney or Laura (or both) might say to each other.
-Laura asked “What does Wednesday have to lose?” and the answer is…? (Yes, give me that sweet poetic justice.)
-On a similar note, Wednesday told that luckless cop that Sweeney had been against the big gods’ war from the start, and while Wednesday lies, Sweeney definitely seems to be participating out of a sense of obligation and lingering guilt over the war he ran from long ago, rather than lust for a good fight or even a dominant death wish. What if he decided to hell with Grimnir and his war and his having Sweeney kill random people? I’m guessing Sweeney too drank three glasses of mead so he can’t back out without dire consequence - but he does have a fierce, dead woman in his corner.
-They go to some as-yet-unnamed old god (feel free to bring in whatever mythology you want) in order to bring Laura back to life. Between Sweeney’s mouth and temper, and Laura’s mouth and temper, it doesn’t go well. Now one or both of them are in big magical trouble with a pissed-off deity and have to get themselves/each other out of it.
-Things happen and Laura finds herself in the position to throw Sweeney under the bus but also help/save him, and while he knows it’s only karma, he can still be pissed about it - how do they navigate this?
-Somehow or other, Laura’s croupier skills come in handy when dealing with gods and trying to get alive again.
-Laura gets fully alive again, but traces of her (un)dead state remain – what are they, how does she cope, what price did she/he/they have to pay for her resurrection, and how does their relationship change? I’d especially be curious how it would work if they’re already a sorta-maybe-item and *then* she’s alive again and it’s weird in a new way.
-All the old gods hide their true appearance to an extent. A situation arises in which Laura sees Sweeney’s true, or at least old, self (I’m thinking of his surprise!poignant monologue about when he used to be a king, and the glimpse of him in full Celtic warrior mode in the S2 teaser). How does she, the ultimate skeptic even when she’s on the other side of the mirror, react? Does it change her opinion of/attitude to Sweeney or the hidden realities of the world?
-The power of names: Sweeney basically stops calling her “dead wife” (or anything else) toward the end of S1 – there comes a time when he (has to) call her by her actual name, and that’s a tricky moment for them to navigate. Or, Mad Sweeney is almost certainly not his actual name, since true names have great magical power and so must be kept secret; Laura discovers or learns his name, from someone else or from himself; what does she do with that knowledge? Or, Sweeney gets to say “cunt” in a situation (sexual or otherwise) where, not only does Laura not peel his lips from his gums, but she finds that she can’t object, even though she knows that he knows that he’s getting away with it.
-My perfect AG spinoff would basically be Sweeney and Laura tooling around America, looking to get her resurrected (whether they succeed or not is up to you), stealing ever more ridiculous vehicles, arguing/fighting and having those pesky moments where vulnerability and genuineness creep in – and fucking. So yessiree I’d be down for porn, including “it’s technically necrophilia/zombiesex” porn.
-If you wanted to throw in some worldbuilding, maybe something exploring living death. Magical bargains. What kind of favor did Sweeney do for Ostara that would be worth her bringing someone back to life as repayment? What other powers might Sweeney have (he doesn’t seem on a par with someone like Wednesday and Ostara, nor is he really a god, more a mythological being/kinda-deified former-mortal)? How long can a dead wife keep going before she’s “soup”? What other superhuman abilities might dead!Laura have? Can the dead do magic?
If it helps your inspiration, you can find some of my meta and lots of tag-burbling about these two here. I have read the book though I remember it only in bits and pieces, and while I prefer the show characters and the fact that they get thrown together, you can use or riff on book material if you want. Also you can, but absolutely don’t have to, use the glimpses of these two in the S2 teaser. With reference to one of my DNWs, for this canon, describing Laura’s physical decay is totally fine. Also, Shadow/Laura don’t interest me except as a part of Laura’s backstory (so if your story wants to include Laura figuring out or having already figured out that pinning all her hopes on Shadow to make everything right is unrealistic, unfair, and not how it works – by all means, go for it!), and Shadow/Sweeney interest me not at all. Also also, I’m not really into Laura being Essie’s reincarnation/descendant, or a lot of emphasis being placed on how Sweeney’s history with Essie may influence his relationship with Laura – I saw Emily Browning playing both parts as more of a fun stylistic choice, maybe a hint that when one lives almost-forever like Sweeney, the people who make an impact and whom one remembers tend to blend together, rather than some big foreshadowing or what have you, so I’d prefer it if you didn’t write about Essie or Essie-Laura.
 Black Sails
Miranda Barlow/John Silver
Ah yes, my they-never-really-interact-in canon-at-all ship. I see this as an early seasons ship, not just because Miranda was, you know, alive, but because the early Silver was the ever-scheming trickster with a smile and a smart-allecky comment always up his sleeve, ever ready to lie, cheat, steal, and murder to his best advantage, yet already with glimpses of a capacity to care about people other than himself. What I’m saying is, he was fun to have around in a way the later Silver somewhat lost as the price of his character development.
We know Miranda has an eye for a handsome man. I suspect S1-2 Silver totally would bed the captain’s woman if he thought he could get away with it or it could be a way to manipulate Flint, only Miranda is smart and pragmatic, has a core of pure steel, and can see right through Silver, which I’m convinced she would. Unlike Flint, Miranda has done her grieving and she’s so ready to move on and feel alive again. Not saying that Silver would become another great love of hers, but they could have fun. He’d make her laugh. After years of Flint’s moods, Silver would be so easy to get along with. The sex could be great and not angsty or merely dutiful. He’d inevitably find an angle to play, but then Miranda’s no stranger to maneuvering around and with people, so maybe she’d find that his manipulative ways are half the fun. They might even fall in love for real, though that’s not a requirement, and I definitely don’t think love would be the same as absolute trust in this case. (Also I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make the relationship revolve around their shared fixation on Flint, or focus on Miranda’s angst about Thomas or the legacy of Thomas/Flint. These can be mentioned, but I’d prefer that doesn’t hijack the story.)
-Flint sends Silver to Miranda with a message or on an errand, and thinks nothing more of it (or possibly he wants Miranda’s assessment of how much he can trust the “new cook”). But then Silver and Miranda are intrigued by each other and start finding excuses to see each other again. Bonus points if they orchestrate encounters in a way which allows them both to pretend they don’t actually want to see each other again, it just happened, sometimes things just happen but now that they’re both here they might as well take advantage of this opportunity, etc.
-S2 divergence: James dies at Charles Town, and Miranda lives. Silver may or may not lose a leg. Silver and Miranda have to assume at least temporary leadership of the crew in order to get everyone safely back to Nassau. Do they become pirate co-captains or lady captain and her quartermaster? Do they dissolve the crew and try for a different life? Do they make a play for the Urca gold, after Silver confesses his double-dealing to an angry, grieving Miranda (Jack maybe doesn’t capture the gold, it’s still up for grabs, or if Jack does how does that play out)? I mention lower down I’d prefer no angsty sex for these two, but in this scenario I could see any sex that may happen being, at least at first, angry and angsty, but also conducive to emotional healing.
-Actual witch!Miranda. I mean storybook witch, with a cauldron in which she brews that invulnerability potion for Flint and possibly some broom-flying, rather than a Wiccan or another kind of real witch. Maybe she needs a human participant or human-sourced ingredients for some of her most powerful spells, and since Flint isn’t really comfortable with magic Miranda decides that the new ship’s cook will do, only magic has a way of binding people together more closely than they intended. Or maybe she attempts to bind a familiar, hoping for a cat or a bird, and the magic picks Silver, much to her (and his) initial consternation? Maybe Miranda doesn’t really know what she’s doing, she used to dabble in London but hasn’t tried making a spell in years and has none of her books of magic with her, or she’s heard the crew’s rumors about her and decided to give this whole magic thing a go, and oops it actually works! Either way, there would definitely be snark and “if I give you X for a spell, what’s in it for me?”
-Flint respected and cared about Miranda, but also kept her waiting on the sidelines while he did stuff. Gimme Miranda and Silver at a point where they trust each other, maybe not completely, but enough that they can scheme together, where she is impressed by his quick wits but she’ll also tell him when one of his plans is likely to go wrong in XYZ different ways. Then, obviously, they execute a plan/heist by drawing on their combined skill sets.
-Fucking someone is easy. Sleeping the night through next to that person is hard.
-Speaking of which: sex. With or without plot. In the bed, in the kitchen, in Nassau, on The Walrus when the rest of the crew is on shore-leave, or a stolen moment during the journey to Charles Town. First times, later times. Any position is good, I’ll just mention a couple possibilities: Cunnilingus with a side of mind games. Pegging. Fingering (of either by either). Intense (emotionally and physically) PIV. I could see them both initiating sex and wanting to “direct traffic” at one time or another, both wanting to keep up a front but then being ambushed by actual emotion and vulnerability. Let it be happy and giggly, or passionate, or playful, or unexpectedly tender, or seemingly casual and then very emotional and heartfelt – just please don’t let it be angsty.
-Miranda discovers she likes to get her fingers in Silver’s hair during sex, both gently and not. He likes it too, which is not to say he’ll necessarily admit he likes it.
-Sexual role-play: the demure lady abducted by a wicked pirate, only it turns out the lady’s resistance is symbolic at best. Who gets to play the lady and who the pirate is entirely open. If Miranda’s the lady, I suspect early seasons!Silver’s attempts at being menacing and dominating may make her break character for a giggle – and if Miranda’s the pirate menacing the demure and naïve, er, young gentleman, I’ll just say that I think she should wear Silver’s clothes (after washing them or making him bring a spare set).
Two general points: whatever you end up writing, please don’t kill off Miranda or imply she dies “off-screen.” Let her live to fuck Silver another day. Also, I love Flint/Miranda in all their angsty glory, and I love all the intense, complicated emotion of Flint & Silver and the potential of Flint/Silver. I know I said not to make the fic revolve around Flint’s influence on their lives, but I’m fine with Flint in a walk-on role, if you want to write that. I don’t see him making too big a fuss, Miranda definitely treats her brief affair with the pastor as her business and her business alone – I can see Flint being exasperated that Silver hanging around Miranda is now a thing, or suspicious of Silver’s intentions but also trusting Miranda to handle it.
I love pre-canon, canon, post-canon, canon-divergent, and missing-scene stories. I love character-driven and plot-driven stories equally, and I love fics which mix humor and angst/serious business when appropriate for the canon.
I love stories about characters at work and play, group dynamics, family dynamics (including constructed families), professional partnerships, friendships, alliances, rivalries, intimate couples (new lovers/first times as well as long-term/established couples), UST-ridden couples who are not just UST-ridden but connected in other ways too, etc.
I love irony, snark, humor as well as angst arising from the characters rather than the plot crowbaring it in, linear, non-linear, and 5+1 stories, hopeful endings, happy endings, bittersweet endings, worldbuilding, spiky characters who keep their jagged edges and spikiness in adversity as well as when their lives are going well, square-peg-in-round-hole characters, characters who are their own worst enemies as well as those who can get over themselves when the occasion calls for it, characters with conflicting values which may or may not be reconciled/resolved, characters who treat each other with respect and as equals even if they hate/annoy/can’t stand/love to dislike each other.
I especially love workplace stories (this can mean anything from an actual workplace/casefic/procedural setting to anything that revolves around the canon world in which the characters live) in which the characters are competent and dedicated to the job, and while they may not be exactly friends and they may well irritate one another, they still manage to rub along to get the job done and maybe even grow to care about one another (much to their surprise and sometimes reluctance/discomfort). Or, if they can’t get along, show me why not and what’s preventing them from finding common ground.
In terms of ship dynamics, I love (where it fits the characters) banter, competitiveness or antagonism shading into attraction (this tension need not be resolved), oh-god-why-did-it-have-to-be-you-what-did-I-do-to-deserve-this, bickering yet loving couples, faithfulness, characters who are serious about their romantic interests, characters who think they are much better at flirtation than they actually are, characters forced to work together only to prove much more compatible than they initially assumed, fics which mix an exploration of characters’ professional and everyday lives with shipping. A dynamic I cannot resist is shipping a couple who are incompatible in some important way (they are ideological enemies, cop and criminal, spies from opposite sides, one betrayed the other or they betrayed each other), and while they love and want each other they’re also not willing to change sides or surrender/compromise their identity for the other’s benefit, and how they might (or not) make their relationship work anyway.
I don’t have any very specific likes for smut, other than smut fitting the characters – show me how their canon dynamics spill over into the bedroom (or other place of congress). I also like sexual scenarios that subvert expectations a little and surprise the characters themselves (e.g., the person who’s usually quiet or more passive taking charge, the more aggressive person goes with it possibly snarking or commenting on it as long as they can). And I like sexual scenarios that contain an element of competition, antagonism, oh-god-this-is-a-bad-idea-but-we’re-going-for-it-hammer-and-tongs, not wanting to admit feelings or show vulnerability except oops it happens anyway, whether the characters acknowledge it or not, or just people getting way more into it or being more affected by it than they thought they would. When it fits the characters and their canon dynamic, you also can’t go wrong with we-both-wanted-this-for-forever-and-now-we-both-know-it-so-here-we-go-diving-in-headfirst. For het and/or slash, oral, vaginal, anal incl. pegging, manual (ifyouknowwhatImean) – it’s all good. You can go as veiled or as explicit as you like, but please avoid excessive medical jargon – I don’t find a lot of mention of “penis” or “clit” sexy.
MPREG, A/B/O, knotting, D/s, kinks, incest, underage, genderswap/genderbent characters, poly, xeno, non-/dub-con, torture and abuse (this and non-/dub-con can be mentioned if the story needs it, but please don’t dwell on it in loving detail or subject any of my requested characters to it), unrequested crossovers (please have the mods ask me!), dwelling on bodily fluids (mentions of gore/blood and come are fine), toilet humor, character bashing, issuefic, soulmates and soul marks, major character death (unless it’s canon), serious illness or injury, pregnancy and children, holiday or wedding setting/theme, secondary characters shipping the main pair like it’s their job, reference to RL current events, 1st/2nd person POV, AUs which have nothing to do with canon
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