#idek if all of this is right.
arostormblessed · 2 years
Oh god the fight was so good… Obi-Wan hauling ass when he sees Vader multiple times instead of fighting back…I know people are going to say that the big confrontation was unsatisfying but it makes SO much narrative sense. This is his nightmare. This is the shit Obi-Wan’s been running from for 10 YEARS now. He’s so fucking consumed with grief and guilt that he’s done nothing but wallow in a desert cave all these years and tell himself he’s doing the right thing. He’s cut himself off from the force so completely that Qui-Gon doesn’t even answer his pleas for guidance anymore. He’s so tormented that he HALLUCINATES Anakin standing in a field and has had nightmares about Mustafar & everything that happened STILL ten years later, and that was BEFORE he knew Anakin was alive. My man is so twisted up and miserable that when he’s in a hundred-foot radius of Vader he gets the equivalent of a force hangover so strong he’s barely conscious. Of COURSE he turned and ran for his life when Vader tried to confront him, of COURSE he’s sloppy and can barely hold his own. Obi-Wan’s feelings about Anakin are so conflicted and intense and full of pain even all these years later that he can barely say his name without crying, OF FUCKING COURSE HES NOT READY TO SEE HIM FACE TO FACE. OF COURSE he ran like the devil whenever he had the chance instead of fighting in the poetic duel Vader has been dreaming of for the past decade.
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emry-stars-art · 2 days
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My other fav queen wip
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mediocrtea · 5 months
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Ion even blame Leyley😮‍💨😮‍💨
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summershouto · 1 year
One piece as posts part 12
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disastrouscanasta · 14 days
the tiniest luztoye scenepack
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duusheen · 2 months
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Jay Pollock, the runaway teenager, built a ranch from scratch, was a farmer, a father, made a fortune with his wines and ended up being the famous musician he always wanted to be. His life wasn't the easiest, but he can say all his achievements were attained through sweat and hard work! Alongside Miracle, the absolute love of his life, Jay has managed to fulfill all his goals and is ready to relax, spend time with his family, and finish raising the next generation!
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1am-yan · 4 months
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Lazy redraw of a drawing (that I deleted you dont need to see it) from whenever the pregnancy update came out ... (+ full)
Also it's been officially a year now since I first played DoL!! Milestone or something !
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miyakuli · 6 months
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snarkspawn · 1 year
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some random kenbig stuff from the vault (my drafts)
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alienssstufff · 3 months
I love how even tho there’s so many Apocalypse/Zombie Apocalypse AUs in Trafficblr, they all go by different names
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nick rn
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hellsingmongrel · 3 months
Man, so I'm not normally the biggest fan of Modern AUs, nor am I overly fond of fiction focused on kids, but...last night, my sleeping brain decided to concoct this Trigun (Stampede-flavored) Modern AU that now is living rent free in my damn brain! I want to get it out of my head and into the ether. I don't know if I'm going to do anything long-form with it, and I'm having to translate dream weirdness into more coherent storytelling, but here we go.
So it's modern day Earth, like 2024 or some shit, right? And that's when this version of Earth had just begun fucking around with Plant cloning. It's early enough that the SEEDS project hasn't even left the planet, the scientists haven't yet figured out how to put Plants in bulbs and use them for fuel, none of that! But they've already had Tessla happen, and the boys have already been born. Since they're not in space, even though they had to have found out about their sister, Nai hasn't had a chance to literally nuke humanity from orbit, and I guess Rem has had a chance to try and curtail some of his trauma, so he's...more stable? Ish? Stable enough where he's not actively trying to murder everyone. And the boys are "older," like we see in the flashbacks for the time Vash encountered Nai during the Last Run, so probably around 6 years old but looking 16 or so.
Rem has managed to fudge their paperwork so they've started going to school with human kids, to try and give them a normal childhood. Nai isn't as eager to play ball with the whole "being human" thing as much as Vash is, but Vash has got so many friends, Meryl and Milly and Lina are there and they're like the cutest, most stupidly adorable group of friends, just a bunch of little goofballs, like kids that age are. And the school has a field trip to a theme park (it was Disneyworld in my dream because my school actually did this, but ours was a band trip) and Vash manages to convince Rem to let him go. Vash and Nai and Rem are still paranoid about humans figuring out who they are, so you know, he's told to be extra careful and take care of himself, and Nai gives him one of his blades or something for self defense, just in case something happens. Even though Vash would never, that boy has trauma around knives and trying to defend himself, if you've read Trimax, iykyk. But he takes it anyway, and somehow, he manages to sneak it into the park. Maybe the metal doesn't register on metal detectors or something, who knows.
But he's a kid, and kids are dumb. Especially when they're 16. Especially if those 16 year olds aren't actually 16 and don't have the actual lived experience to know better. So he starts playing with the knife in front of the girls, showing off and just being a silly little guy. And then the knife slips. Bad. We're talking "this is how he probably lost his arm in this AU" bad. Blood everywhere, the girls are panicking and take him to the school chaperones and it's like "HOLY SHIT WTF DUDE, We're taking you to the ER, someone call his mom!"
And he hears that, pictures the doctors finding out he's not human, remembers what happened to Tessla, and panics. Boy does a runner like only Vash can do, and he manages to get away from them, out of the park, and escapes from security. And when parents get involved in trying to find him, the authorities start looking into the incident, and someone in the government overseeing the Plant research is able to recognize the elemental make up of the blade he dropped, and they start having suspicions. So the feds get involved, and it just goes from bad to worse, right?
Meanwhile, loopy from blood loss and panicking and a little sobbing mess because he feels dumb about slipping up and he's afraid he'll never get to go home to his mom and his brother again and is spiraling the way kids do when they panic, he gets lost in the city and ends up stumbling over teenage Wolfwood, who lives on the streets and has a few street kids that he looks after on his own with Livio. They never got to live at the orphanage, but that also means that the Eye (in whatever form it takes in this AU) never got ahold of them, so yeah, shits fucked for them, but it's actually a whole lot better for them than it might have been. And it's Wolfwood without all of the EoM trauma, so you can just imagine what he does when this delirious, bloody, terrified, severely injured kid runs him over in the street, sobbing about being caught by the adults and taken away.
Big Brother Nico do what Big Brother Nico do.
At that point, I ended up waking up, but damn if my brain didn't give me enough details to come up with a dumb AU idea that I kind of love and want to do something with, but I don't know if I have the time or spoons to do so.
Ideas I'd had following this beginning to flesh itself out in my head; Luida and Brad are Plant researchers brought onto the project to help the feds figure out wtf is going on with this whole situation, and when Luida is told to talk to Rem, because she's not giving them anything they can use, the two of them reach a secret accord to bring Vash home safe and sound and cover everything back up nice and squeaky clean the way it should have stayed.
Vash's arm is bad enough that he can't really heal it very well on his own without medical care, Plant healing or no. He's doing better than most kids would, but it still begins to go septic, and it forces Nico and Livio to make the really hard decision to find adults they can trust to bring him to so he can get the care he needs. He still ends up losing his arm, though.
At the end of everything, Melanie ends up taking Nico and Livio and the other kids in, so they still get to have their momma figure, even if she comes in later. Maybe she's the one that they find to help them. Is she maybe someone they've known was mostly safe but was never able to get them to stick around long enough to take care of them? Either way, the boys get Vash to her, and it starts the process of getting him home and the kids finally staying at the orphanage.
Meryl, Milly, and Lina all end up sneaking away when they realize that Vash is in more trouble than the adults are letting on, trying to go find him, since they know him better than anyone other than Rem and Nai. Eventually, they meet up with Nico and Livio while everyone is trying to avoid federal agents.
Obviously it's lovey-dovey Vashwood and Insurance Girlfriends and Polygun-flavored, but in the "these kids are too oblivious to think about sexy things, yet" sort of way, because I really do headcanon that at least Vash is ace, Wolfwood is probably demi, and also I am not writing children getting intimate like that. >8/ But kids having little crushes on each other is adorable and I can't not have Vashwood and Insurance Girlfriends be the eventual outcome, once those idiots all grow up and get their heads screwed on straight.
Also, because Nai hasn't had a chance to murder everyone, Rem's managed to work with him enough that he's very slowly overcoming his trauma and regaining his ability to trust that he's not in permanent danger. He'll probably grow up to be a Plants Rights activist or something, lbh. Or a politician. But he's not going to murder people, so either way, it's a win/win!
Because Nico's been living on the streets with him, Razlo either hasn't had to manifest as strongly for Livio, or hasn't manifested at all. Livio is still the sweet, shy, crybaby teddy bear we see, and maybe Razlo only comes out when the feds start getting closer and almost managing to grab the kids, and because he's been able to bond with Nico and the other kids so well this time, Livio is close enough to them that the thought of them getting hurt or taken away is enough to make him want to protect their little group instead of just Livio.
Wolfwood absolutely grumbles about how alike Vash and Livio are. Both a couple'a crybabies, geez, what the Hell you two??? But he also is very much a teddy bear who gives the best hugs when one of his little band of gremlins is upset, so he probably spends more time in a cuddle pile than anything else, now that there's two of them to lose their shit at the drop of a hat.
Vash was totally the one very sweet boy in a clique of girls that everyone who'd known him realized, when they were adults looking back, that he was very much the sweet gay kid hanging out with the girls because it was safer to be himself around them than it was to be around the other boys. (This isn't meant as a stereotype of gay kids, this is based on actual kids I grew up with. My friend group honest to God adopted them because we were all a bunch of momma bears.)
Vash is also...not trans? Because he's a Plant and Plants don't work the same way humans do, but he's also not what humans would think of as a cis boy. He expresses a masc presentation, but probably the closest equivalent would be an intersexed kid. Nai, too, tbh, though he's probably more of the "I don't give a fuck" opinion when it comes to his own gender identity. He uses he/him because that's what humans think when they see him, but he doesn't care any deeper than that.
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grapejuicegay · 5 months
this is what happens when you forget that p'aof is a troll. you watch ep 4 of last twilight and draw the parallels to bbs ep 4 and think oh hey, a sleepover and no heartbreak or tears. what a fun parallel! and then you get to ep 5 all excited to see what he springs on us this time - it won't be bbs ep 5 because this is an entirely different story, but it'll definitely be good! and bam. there's the heartbreak. because he knows the brain rot he has caused. he used it to his advantage and snuck that heartache right in there. goddamit. i got got once again (i am so happy to have been got)
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memento-mariii · 2 months
I had a dream that I saw a really interesting Gale-centric Hunger Games AU on my dash, but then the OP called Peeta an incel and I got so offended I woke up.
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cytharat · 11 months
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Nonkul Chanon as YANG YU in Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
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melien · 4 months
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