#incase u couldnt tell
thingsbyrubithus · 7 months
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art block? *laughs hysterically* never heard of them
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god-impeaching-dj · 5 months
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Yeah! I play computer, Apple 2e! First person shooter! Yeah!
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binniebakery · 2 months
i got food poisoning 🧍‍♀️
Is this a bad omen……. is this a warning… for tomorrow… i feel so crazy rn…
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jrueships · 1 year
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nevermind yall. forget ALL my criticisms. this movie got vince staples in cute lil shorts??
T E I N !! (10) Keith Lee declaration of glee with the hands in the air !!
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why are they the only ones all flared like that lol it's so cute <3 n his pretty shoes too omg!! babygirl!!
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evvlogetarian · 10 months
Port Jack came home I can rest easy
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29121996 · 26 days
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this-doesnt-endd · 9 months
Also I know its very hard to be a 911 operator and like ur trained to keep people calm and collected and to reassure people on the line it will all be okay but when i had to call for what i thought was an attempted break in she did not help whatsoever in fact i felt so much more stressed cause i didnt believe a word she said cause she sounded so unsure
#so i used to have such a major fear of being awake and turning to look at my front door and seeing the knob turn and the one night it did#i was watching fucking mindhunter of all things and i heard something weird looked up at the door and the knob was turning#it was 2 in the morning and dark and i quietly but quickly got up grabbed my pepperspray and my bat and went to look thru the peephole#and its just some fucking dude in a hoodie and hes like looking down at the knob so i cant tell anything and i go to wake my mom up#so hard to wake her and then when i do shes no help shes whisper yelling at me and i end up having to dial 911 cause she wont#and ive been down this road i tell her everything so efficently and clearly and quickly and shes asking for description#and i tell her thats all i can give her i cant see him and im watching thru the peep hole on the phone like tryna prep myself best w my bat#just incase i gotta use it and then he walks away a bit and stops and like stares at the door and goes and like trys to do the same thing#on the neighbors door but no ome lived in either at the time#and shes like well do u wanna go outside and like ive given her a real description at this point im just kinda narrorating at this point#and im like no and shes like are u sure? and il like yeah and he left to the parking lot at this point and i gave her every detail i coulds#but i like honestly couldnt make out much if his face cause he was looking down mostly and had a hoodie on#he comes back to the door and is doing it again and at this point im like mother talk on the phone im just gonna be ready#and we have a deadbolt lock which im very greatful for so i feel decently confident they arent gonna get thru it#eventually he stopped and left and no one and come to help and so it was kinda just like okay whatever then a bit after#two cops show up and they're like hey is it this guy? and my mom went to look cause i had jsut gotten a ton of adreneline#and was tryna not to puke and it was and they ended up calling emts#it turned out to be like an older guy and they were like he might have taken something but they were pretty sure he had dementia#cause if i remember right they got a simillar call and it was also him and they said they were told at some point that#he used to live in the general area#so they took him to the hospital to get checkd out#but 911 lady did not help at all and my mom wasnt any help either so i spent a good 2 hours being like okay be ready to bed broken into
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void-kill · 1 year
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safetyrat · 2 years
hi! for those who dont keep up with tangos work on decked out, he has shown a bunch of artifacts today that each reference a hermit. they are very funny, acurate and look amazing, which is why i thought id compile them all in a post. added the names too incase u couldnt tell who some were referencing!!
warning, post gets very long after readmore
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joe hills:
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millym00n · 8 months
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im doing asras route incase u couldnt tell
Yep,,,,,, college has been very busy but i actually kinda feel excited about it? idk,,
ANYWAY heres some close ups
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natsmagi · 2 months
man as someone who also draws yet tries to be critical with the media and art i follow yeah i agree that artists could learn to draw diverse designs (not targeted to you just a general opinion) and such yet people forget that in the end we don't really own diversity neither representation and the way anons keep harassing you is ridiculous and tiring it makes me sad and i hope it doesn't discourage you.
i love your art, i really love scrolling through your page and see you rant about natsumugi it makes me get even more invested in them plus you draw them so pretty. i'm not even strongly into femstars but the way you draw natsume specifically influenced a bit in my hcs about him because idk it just fits him and perhaps because original natsume is already a bit androgynous this last remark is just a little side note i hope it's not too random lol and the way you draw both natsume and tsumugi makes my little sapphic heart go yippee
WAHHH it doesnt discourage me at all anon dont worry!! i have incredibly lovely friends, mutuals and followers who bring me immense joy and drives me to create even more! these anons are moreso just annoying, but harmless in the end!
and i agree that no artist should be forced to draw X Y Z, specifically if theyre just a hobbyist, but i do wanna say i think more diverse stuff should be greatly encouraged! and by this i mean, if you see someone try their hands at something more diverse that theyre not used to, dont be a dick about how their portrayal isnt good enough, thats just gonna make them want to stop and never exit their comfort zone again. what you should instead do is appreciate that theyre trying! and if perhaps the portrayal is offensive or REALLY misunderstands something, you can give criticisms on how to improve. the reason im still kind of trying to figure out the best way i can depict the tsumugi of my dreams is because many times when ive had people notice shes a bit softer, they get really happy about it! and seeing people be happy makes me happy and makes me wanna learn more! alot of my art is trial and error, i sometimes go back to old habits or stick to what im used to, but in the back of my head i still have a drive to learn and to improve, because people have been so kind to me. and i really wish people would realize its this kindness and uplifting that makes people want to continue learning, to continue improving, to experiment and see what sticks. shaming people for trying wont get you the results you want
AND WAHHHH THANK YOU!!! THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!! i love everything about switch SO incredibly much (incase u couldnt alr tell) and i love to just!! gush about them!!!! and i love women too!!! i love to gush about women!!!!!! this blog makes me incredibly happy, and it makes me even happier that i get to share it with such kindhearted people despite the few bad apples here is a little preview of the tsumugi also❤️
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mschimdt · 1 year
ch. 1
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mansk X reader
word count: 1.83k
nome for this chapter :))
you and mansk have been working together simce the first day in your navi body, although u werent close youd always be assigned together by the colonel. mansk was a very quiet man, he never really spoke unless he needed to, he isnt shy quiet hes just focused quiet. hes always very secretive, no one really knows much about him other than his close friends. evenn though hes quiet he speaks wisely and thinks before he speaks, unlike lyle that doesnt process a word before it splats out of his mouth. you could say me and mansk were friends. but not friends like FRIENDS were like working partner type of friends and we never really spoke outside of missions and work.
youd always notice mansk staring at u in the lunch hall, you honestly kind of have something for mansk, he makes me feel weirdly comfortable, just his presence is enough to make your day a good one.
Quaritch calls u and a few other members who included mansk."listen soldiers, i think i have an idea of where jake sully might be"
lyle stared at quaritch "how so colonel?"
quaritch makes eye contact with lyle and replies to lyles question "ive got a signal hes somewhere nearby, in the area we suspected him to be in a few weeks ago which means hea probably around here somewhere, we have a mission to complete, get ready and hop onto the helicopter, ill be there waiting"
you stare at quaritch and quickly run to your room which luckily isnt too far away from the meeting room, you wnter ur room and put on some armour. you didnt change your shorts though because youd be pretty useless for this mission and youll probably be askes to stand around somewhere, u didnt change because u doubted getting hurt when ur not allowed to do anything. you clipped ur chest armour on and quickly tied ur hair into two braids.
you quickly sprinted to the veichles room which had some of the helicopters and found that everyone has already arrived, you questioned how they did it but theres no time to spare, so u hopped on and strapped yourself to a seat while your tail went back and forth because of the excitement u were experiencing, the excitement of capturing jake sully and being over wirh quaritchs dumb hide and seek game with sully.
the helicopter has been in the air for 20 minutes now, no one has spoken the entire ride and it was all silent other than the helicopter noises, quaritch broke the silence, he had to scream so you and thw others would hear him ontop of the helicopter noise "ALRIGHT, Z DOG, LYLE, ME N' JA, WERE GONNA LOOK FOR SULLY. MANSK AND Y/N STAY BEHIND AND GUARD THE HELICOPTER" mansk stared at quaritch, you didnt know if he was staring at him because of his shades but u think hes looking at quaritch, mansk lets out an amnoyed sigh, you couldnt quite hear it but u could tell it was an annoyed one.
the helicopter was finally starting to land, you were going deaf from the loud helicppter noises even with the headphone things you were given to cancel out the noise, the helicopter hit the ground with a large thud and the engines were starting to slow down, everyonr was unbuckling theit seat belts and you did the same unbuckling your own.
your the last one to leave the helicopter after mansk, you were all outside now and quaritcg repeated "Y/N and mansk stay with the helicopter and gaurd it incase some navi bitch tries to destroy it, me and the rest are gonna go looking for sully because hes around here somewhere" he said with a blank expression
you and mansk have been standing next to the helicopter for around 40 minutes and it was getting really boring you havent exchanged a word with the man next to you and your both just staring into no where
suddenly you hear a noise in the trees around u. you and mansk both jolt up holding your guns towards where the sound was coming from, after a few minutes you put your guns down thinking it was just a gust of wind
you look to your right and there was a pandorian creature sprinting at u, it had claws, claws that looked like they could decapitate an entire human head, it was speeding at you. you let put a little "uhmmm" and mansk looks your way looking at the creature speeding towards u holding up his gun. it was already too late, the creature attacked your legs with its huge claws before mansk shot him. he was teying to scratch your chest but thankfully you were wearing the armour you put on earlier. you stared at your leg, then at the dead monster, then at mansk. mansk was already rushing towards you, you stared back at your now red legs from blood. mansk leans down to where you are on the floor "are yoy okay? that looks bad" in a shaky scared voice, you reply to his question on the verdge of crying from pain "u-uhm, yeah im fine but my leg clwarly isnt" theres tears building up in your eyes now. mansk leans down to look at the huge cut caused by the monsted on ur leg.
"i should fetch the first aid kit till quaritch and the rest get back because we cant leave them here" says mansk, he hops into the helicopter and grabs the first aid kit, he leaves the helicopter again sitting on the floor next to you, he lifts ur legs onto his thighs.
he gets some iodine to clean ur wound incase it gets infected, he puta it on a little cotton pad and rubs it all over youe wound. it kind of stung but u werent gonna complain because he was trying to help you after all
he finally wraps. ur bleeding legs in white medical wrap to try and stop the bleeding. the white wraps quickly turnes into red ones from thr amount of blood yoy were losing, it was a very deep cut and you were worried it might get infected.
"thanks for helping me i really appreciate it" you said with a smile plastered across your tear stained face "we shoukd probably call the others youre bleedimg too much and jake isnt really worth letting you die, we can get him later"
he holds up his walkie talkie typa thing and says sometjing into it, your too light headed to focus of anything he says. suddenly, everything went dark
you wake up after passing out, you arent on the ground anymore, your back in the helicopter with someone holding you in their lap, you slowly open your eyes to look at whoever was holding u. you were shocked to see it was mansk, mansk always seemed like a tough guy that wouldnt help anyone if it didnt benifit him, he stared down at you and smiled
you closed your eyes hoping youd wake up from your 'dream' just to find that ur still in mansks arms wrapped tightly, the helicopted landes and you could omly tell it did because of the large thud it made, quaritch had already called the medics to wait till you arrived to prevent further bloodloss
you were wuickly rushed into the small hospital, the mediics quickly unwrapped your leg and cleaned it while another one of the human medics was getting a huge needle ready to stitvh your leg before you lost too much blood' you looked to you right and saw mansk sitting on a chair next to the bed you were layed on, they stitched up your legs which was a very painful and long process, another nurse came into the rook you were in with a blood bag of your blood type. mansk stares at you, he keeps staring for a few minutes
"sorry about not killing that monster earlier, we should have looked around a bit better, im glad your okay though"
"thanks mansk, its not your fault, we killed the monster in the end though so its okay"
mansk smiled at you, he got up from his chair and walked over to you pulling you into a long warm hug, you quite enjoyes the hug he gave you, it was out of no where though youve never seen mansk hug anyone or look at anyone in the way hes always looked at you, it made u feel a bit special because you knew it wasnt a bad type of stare
after that day you and mansk bece closer, youd always hangout. work out together, eat together, and he quickly told you more about himself, you were quite surprised he actually did it because hes never told anyone that you know any of this type of stuff about him.
it was raining outside and you were sitting next to mansk on a sofa, you were both laughing at something on your tablets (phones but theyre big so they could fit navi hands) suddenly mansk put his arm around your shoulder pulling you a bit closer to him than you expected, you stopped laughing and  blushed a bit and mansk noticed it, he started rubbing your shoulder so he could see if he could make u blush any further, you stayed like this for a few minutes until mansk finally decided to speak "your enjoying than hm?"
you throw ur head down and look down onto your lap, you didnt want to show him how much you were blushing, thsn suddenly a warm hand grabs ur chin and turns it up and to the side, you try to fight back but yis grip is too strong, you find yourself staring at mansk, your faces were too close, he was repeatedly stearing at ur eyes, then your lips, your eyes, then your lips. he did this a few times until you spoke up "what are you doing?" mansk leans closer to your face waiting for premission to press your lips against his, you closed your eyes and he took it as a sign he could kiss yoy now.
he leans in and your lips touch, this was your first ever kiss, it felt bettee than what you expected it to feel like, you never thought mansk felt this way
he pulls back and hesitates for a second, then he says "i love you" staring at you with a soft facial feature, you then grab his shades and pull them off his face, youve only seen his eyes twice before this
he had the most gorgeous yelliw eyes, he looked sinilar to quaritcy but his facial features are so much softer than quaritch's.
you realize youve been staring at him for about a minute now, you hug him tightly and he hugs back, his body language telling you hes happy you gave him a positive response.
he pulls away from the hug first, "ive been meaning to tell you tjis for a while now, Y/N ive liked you for so long" i reply to his words "me too.."
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joyboyish · 1 year
ok so in this post, i mentioned that nami gives the strawhats money so they can decorate their rooms, and now i want to tell u guys what i think their rooms look like
luffy -
he probably has a little bit of everything.. like a race car bed, some dinosaur coat and hat hooks his beetle and frog collections is there and beside it is a little book robin wrote about what to feed each beetle (its written in very simple terms) its organized by name. think he has a book shelf in the shape of a rocket ship that has fun facts about his favorite animals and bed time stories when robin is too tired to make one up, theyre robins books and she reads to him since he is canonically the only person who doesnt have a book in the ships library. theres a dresser with beetle shaped handles but he has like 3 things in it. also he always has legos on the floor... no matter what
zoro -
he has a simple bed, simple dresser, simple decorations etc. the only notable things are probably the larg collections of workout materials, and protien powder.. he also has some pain ointments incase he hurts himself, chopper gave them to him and hed die before something bad happened to them. he doesnt rlly go in his room unless its for sleep so theres really not much there.. there isnt a closet bc he wears the same smelly thing everyday and washes it like once a month in the washing room
nami -
she has a loft bed w some bean bags under it, some nice comfortable sheets and what not.. some spare treasure lying around, probably some of her favorite maps up on her walls, or framed photos of the crew and her and bellemare/nojiko. her closet has lots of clothes in it, orginized by type of clothes. she has a caddy bag for her night time stuff, and she has lots of face masks and hair care products for various hair types so usopp and brook dont feel excluded
usopp -
he has a bunk bed! which on he sleeps on depends on his mood tbh but he loves the top bunk so much. he has various green stars on his dresser that he messes around w for stronger ammo. he has pictures framed all around the room, seeing a picture is almost as frequent as seeing his CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR!!!! he likes silly bed sheets and blankets a lot, and he has a journal where he writes down all of his adventures
sanji -
his prince side came out a bit tbh... HUGE bed w silk sheets, and puffy blankets, his closet is decked out in TONS of different suits and silk pjs. has cook books laid out on his nightstand displaying different recipes from different islands he wants to perfect. he probably has porn magazines under his bed tbh..
chopper -
his room has lots of pillows and blankets tbh... they couldnt find an adults bed he could reach and he didnt want a kids bed. usopp and franky made him a smaller adults bed but luffy got uoset bc that meant he couldnt fit in it when he sleeps over at his room, so chopper sleeps on the floor and his room is just covered in various blankets and pillows.. he likes it tho its like a huge bed
robin -
honestly her room is just a library w a bed in it... TONS of bookshelves and a bed in a corner... thats it
franky -
his room is also p simple, huge bed tho bc hes.. him. he doesnt own a closet bc he only wears undies.. his floor is covered in cola, oil, and unfinished projects.... its super sticky..
brook -
BAND POSTERS GALORE!!! tons of different instruments everywhere, he has a bed and a closet and thats p much it.. nots of music sheets tho! theres a trash w scrapped music ideas next to his door
jinbei -
hes a simple man! simple furniture and a neat room. he doesnt spend much time in it
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transirisreal · 1 year
mega man (1987) - review
also known as: rockman
release date: december 17th, 1987
played on: nes (mega man legacy collection)
have i played this prior to the review?: yes
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mega mans first game!!! does it hold up??? lets find out!!!!
i assume i dont need to go too in depth as to how mega man gameplay works. you likely already know but ill explain a bit anyway. u are given the choice of 8 robot master stages (6 in this game) and after beating those, a few more linear stages after those referred to as the fortress stages, with a final boss at the end who is (almost) always dr wily. after beating one of the 8 (6) robot masters, u get their weapon, certain weapons are strong against certain enemies and bosses, etc.
the popular consensus regarding this game is that it isnt very good, and to a certain extent, i agree. this game is pretty clearly their first attempt. only 6 stages, passwords werent invented yet (meaning if ur playing on an og nes and need to leave, youll have to start the game all over), and a bad game design moment that ill talk abt a bit later.
despite it being the first game, its graphics have aged pretty well, and still look pretty nice today. of course later games would have better graphics but mm1 still looks damn good
the music in this game is pretty good and memorable! my favorite tracks are elec man's stage, guts man's stage, wily fortress 1 and wily fortress 2, and the ending theme.
the special weapons are pretty good, the thunder beam (elec mans weapon) is the best but everything else is still pretty good, my least favorite is the super arm (guts mans weapon), as you can only pick up specific blocks...
this game is known for its hard difficulty. its one of the hardest in the series, though theres a pretty infamous glitch that cuts the difficulty down by about half. its known as "the pause glitch" and basically involves you constantly pausing the game to abuse the bosses invincibility frames. unless ur a Super Ultra Pro Hardcore Gamer™, ur gonna need that pause glitch bcs bosses like fire man, elec man, and yellow devil are way too friggin hard without the pause glitch or any other fancy tricks.
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theres a moment a bit later on in the game thats quite infamous for being badly designed...so in elec man's stage, theres an item called the magnet beam, you cant miss seeing it but u need either guts mans weapon or elec mans weapon to break the blocks and grab it. heres the thing: the magnet beam could have easily stayed as a fun little bonus utility if you went through the effort of obtaining it.
instead, theres a section in the first fortress level that you cant pass without the magnet beam. since "exiting the stage" wasn't invented yet, if you dont have it, youll have to lose all of your lives, get a game over, go back to elec mans stage, grab the magnet beam, and finish the rest of his stage or get another game over, and go back to the fortress to finally pass through. incase you couldnt tell...
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in conclusion, this might be a hot take but i think mega man 1 is a lot better than people give it credit for. did it age perfectly? no. are there better mega man games? yes. is this game even good? thats debatable! however, i think out of the 716 licensed nes games, this still outclasses a good majority of them. good controls, good music, good graphics, a lot of aspects of this game still hold up today.
mega man 1 gets a 3.5/5 from me :)
so anyway, if u made it this far tysm for reading my silly goofy ramblings! likes/reblogs would seriously be appreciated, as my goal is to get more people to see my dumb little reviews! i plan on doing a review for mega man 2 soon, but dont be surprised if i get bored and forget my tumblr account exists :3
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faggot-friday · 11 months
hello Arrow Dykery Faggot-Friday,
my name is Icarus Luma insta'gram dizzy dizzeners dizziest and i have long blond hair with pink streaks and blue tips that reaches my mid back and sky blue eyes like limpid tears and alot of people tell me i look like enid sinclair (AN: if u dont know who she is get da hell out of here!) im not related to harry styles but i wish i was because hes a major fucking hottie. im an elf but my ears are round and cute i have pale white skin. im also a witch and i go to a school called (name) in (place) where im in (number) grade (im an age). im a girly girl (incase you couldnt tell) and i wear mostly pink. i love hot topic and i buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a pink corset with matching lace around it and a pink leather miniskirt black fishnets and pink combat boots. i was wearing pink lipstick white foundation black eyeliner and pink eyeshadow. i was walking outside of my school. it was sunny and bright and there was sun which i was very happy about. a lot of gays stared at me. i put my middle finger up at them.
this is a work of art
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heartstoppermybeloved · 5 months
I LOVE HEARTSTOPPER JST INCASE U COULDNT TELL🤑 #lgbt #antizoo #therian #fypシ #therianthropy #foryou via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV4d5EozyUk
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