#involuntary telepathy
tendertenebrosity · 1 month
New piece for my Ocean's Echo fan characters! Masterpost here.
Saelin Cor had long since stopped judging the people around him for the stray, incidental thoughts that flitted past his awareness like minnows. A lot of them were just silly and shallow. Many were unreasonable - petty, unfair, disproportionately angry.
Most people knew it, too. It just wasn’t something anybody could help.
What mattered the deeper patterns of thought that Saelin had to focus on to sense. Actual intention, action and deliberate choices.
Saelin could quite happily judge people on those.
Davi had just had a whole morning full of briefings and seminars. It would have been nice if Saelin could be excused from that kind of thing, since Davi would send him all the information he needed to know and nobody ever asked his opinion. People rarely even acknowledged him where he sat beside Davi (or sometimes slightly behind, which felt just great). But that didn’t seem to be allowed.
Now, as they walked down the corridor into the mess hall, past the streams of military personnel, Saelin took a deep breath and steadied himself against the flash and flutter of hungry, thirsty, I can’t believe he did that, ugh what is taking this bitch so long, wow look at them, longing…
“If you go get the food, I’ll get coffee,” Davi said, turning away.
A quick scan of the crowded mess hall didn’t detect any of the handful of people he knew, so Saelin didn’t have any real cause to object to Davi’s assumption that they’d sit together. Probably with some of the other pilots, none of whom were synced except Davi. Fantastic. Exactly what I need.
Saelin wove his way between the crowds of people, through the billowing clouds of noise that nobody but him ever perceived, towards the food lines.
… did she see me, Lights my back hurts, for fuck’s sake not this guy again…
And it was then, collecting his tray and weaving his way through the crowd, that Saelin realised he had gone all day without once consciously thinking about the sync bond or the looming counterweight of Davi Antrell’s mind on the other end of it.
It was just… there. He had not thought about it.
He wanted to throw the tray in his hands. The urge, the need to do it rose up in his chest and made his hands tremble; he wanted to dump its contents on the ground and fling the whole thing as hard and as far away from him as possible. Maybe it’d break. He wanted to break it against the ground, and scream or cry, and run. To break something, to make noise, to show some kind of external sign of the horror and grief and rejection that pressed against his skin. No. No. No. Can’t.
He’d been here for six months.
And this was normal now.
Saelin took a deep breath, resettled the weight of the tray in his hands, and resumed walking. Probably the mugs and bowls wouldn’t have broken anyway, he told himself distantly. Not the way he wanted them to.
He was aware of the sync bond now. So was Davi; there was no way he wouldn’t have felt that sudden tempest of emotion. Here he was now, sliding alarm, inquiry and concern down the bond.
Saelin pushed back, more firmly than he probably should have. No need. Wait.
When Saelin slid the tray onto the table and dropped into the seat beside him, Davi frowned at him.
“What was that?” he asked, aloud, but under his breath.
“Nothing,” Saelin said.
Irritated concern pulsed across the sync. “Did somebody say something to you?”
The protective edge to the question was annoying. “No.”
“Saelin…” Davi glanced behind Saelin, his eyes scanning across the crowded mess hall. “Don’t pretend you didn’t flip out just now. If somebody did or said something, you need to tell me about it.”
No, I don’t, Saelin wanted to say. In fact, if I were being bullied, telling you so you could pull rank on whoever it is would probably not result in anyone thinking better of me.
The murmuring of thoughts pressed in around Saelin, distracting him from the conversation. Someone two tables back was engaged in a furious argument with the supervisor they’d just left, sitting alone and stabbing a fork at their meal viciously.
The non-synced pilot sitting across from Davi was carefully keeping his face blank and wondering with queasy fascination about the sync bond and what it felt like.
“Agent Thirty-two…”
He needed to give more than this, he realised, Davi didn’t respond well if Saelin gave him nothing.
He sighed, put his hands up to massage his temples as if they hurt. They didn’t, yet. “Nobody said or did anything wrong,” he managed to say. “I just - it’s just one of those days. Nearly dropped something, and I just... Overreacting to minor inconveniences. You know how it is.”
Davi’s face cleared slowly. “Okay,” he said. “Yeah, I get it.”
That was an odd thing about this. Saelin had thought, when this began, that the sync bond would let Davi hear his thoughts the way he heard everybody else’s. That it would convey reader powers onto Davi somehow, even if it was just Saelin it worked on.
It didn’t. Unless they were sunk really deep into the sync, one bilobed mind with the ship as its metal body, Davi had no more idea of what Saelin was actually thinking than anybody else did. Emotions came across if Saelin wasn’t careful, intentions sometimes, but conscious thought? No. Saelin could still lie to him.
“You always do get a bit oversensitive at lunch,” Davi said, offhandedly. “Low blood sugar or something?”
And every so often Davi would say something that showed two things simultaneously: that he was actually paying attention to Saelin’s moods and preferences. And that he no more understood what powered those moods than Saelin understood the inner workings of the coffee dispenser.
Saelin fought back another wave of grief and refusal, took a deep breath. He swiped his coffee from Davi’s tray and used it as an excuse not to speak for a moment.
Caffeine made his barriers worse, if anything. But the coffee was the way he took it; Davi remembered without asking now, just as Saelin remembered to snag an extra bread roll and ignore the dessert option when he got Davi’s food.
He kind of wished he had gotten the wrong things on purpose. But that was one of those mean, self-destructive little impulses he already knew decent people pretended they didn’t have.
He should give Davi credit for trying, should extend that little bit of grace that said ‘he didn’t mean that to come out as rude as it did, let it go’.
Saelin didn't want to.
“Or something,” he mumbled. “Sure.”
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acey-wacey · 9 days
Good morning!!! Congrats for hitting 2000 followers, I think you really deserve it! Also, I'm really glad that you've returned! I've been following your blog ever since last year, when I found your "Love Rivals" and "Meeting your future children", I really like how you portray the twst characters in your writings! There are times where I smiled For the 2000 milestone event, could I please request Idia with Lavender (Mind Reading)? You know how Idia usually think lowly himself, right? What if Idia has feelings for reader, yet he doesn't take action because of his low self-esteem/fear of rejection, but when Idia got in a potion accident where he can temporarily read minds, all he can hear from reader's mind are praises and thoughts of infatuation/admiration about him.
So that's the general idea of it, the rest is up to you. Also, I don't mind if you'll make a few changes here and there. That's all, thank you and have a nice day!
This is so cute! Thank you for hanging around so long!
I may have niche-video-game-referenced my way a little too close to the sun with this one. Hopefully, it makes sense to somebody.
Pairing - Idia Shroud x Reader
Prompt - Mind Reader
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"Tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna..."
It has been 40 minutes since Idia had gained his powers of telepathy and already he wanted them gone. Grim hadn't had a single thought the entire class except a dumb song he made up about tuna.
The whole thing had been Grim's fault really. The mischievous cat had run away from you and invaded the 3rd year alchemy room. And of course he ran right into Idia just as the upperclassman was adding ground eye of newt to his animal comprehension potion, causing the vial to smash all over him.
You had apologized profusely and tried to wrangle Grim back to your classroom, but Crewel made you miss your class and clean all the dirty cauldrons as punishment, thus why Idia couldn't stop hearing Grim's
Everyone else went on with making their potion, but unfortunately for Idia and his tendency to get overstimulated, he could hear the immediate thoughts of every person in the classroom. He had been trying and failing to pay attention to the lesson due to the crazy noise. Serves him right for daring to venture outside his room.
"I think I put too much nightshade."
"When's lunch again?"
"Sevens, he's pretty."
Idia perked up in his seat. That last one was your voice. He looked over to where you were scrubbing grime off the rim of a black cauldron. Much to his surprise, he made eye contact with you. You looked away so fast, he almost thought he imagined it in the first place.
"Shoot, I hope he didn't catch me staring," you thought. Idia could see the embarrassment in your face now that he knew what he was looking for. He didn't know who was standing behind him, but whoever the guy was was maxed out in luck to get the prefect to like him.
Idia turned back to his cauldron and began to stir lethargically. He tried to block out the noise coming from everyone's thoughts but it was getting very loud. He just wanted to be back in his room playing video games!
"His little pout is so cute! Poor thing, he probably wishes he was back in his room," you thought. Idia's brows furrowed as he subtly looked around the classroom trying to find the person you were thinking about. "I wonder what he's looking for."
Idia snapped back to look at you, only to find you glancing at him again. This time, you were startled but you held his gaze and offered a hesitant wave.
Idia turned his face away as fast as he could so you wouldn't see the growing blush on his face.
"Hm, his hair is turning pink on the ends. I hope he's not mad at me for staring at him," you thought, turning back to the cauldron you were working on. "Though if he doesn't want me to look at him, maybe he should try being less nice to look at."
Idia let out an involuntary squeak. He felt his head start to swim and quickly sat down on a nearby stool. He was sure he looked absolutely crazy to the other students but he was so preoccupied by your thoughts that were apparently about him.
"Is that shallow of me to think that? I don't know. I mean, I don't like him just because he's cute. I also love listening to him talk about games he likes and his inventions are crazy awesome!"
Idia pulled himself deeper into his jacket. Your gaze had been fixed firmly on your work for fear of being caught staring again, so you didn't notice Idia's rapidly increasing fluster meter.
"I like how sweet he is to Ortho, even though he kind of hates everyone else." You sounded kind of defeated when you thought that, or at least you would if your thoughts sounded like anything. "He probably hates me too. I am just another normie. Though I don't know if he co-ops Untitled Goose Game with just anyone."
"No! I don't!" he wanted to scream, but he couldn't get a single sound out of his mouth. He thought he was the self-deprecating one, but you seemed to have convinced yourself that the boy who had a big fat, very obvious crush on you hated you. He even let you play the blue switch controller even though it was his favorite.
"I do wish he would stop being so mean to himself though," you thought, more sincere than Idia expected. "He's so amazing, but refuses to believe anything nice I or Ortho say to him. Maybe if he read my mind, he'd know I'm being sincere."
Idia froze. Did you know about the potion? Had you been messing with him the whole time?
"Well, that little brat better believe me when I tell him I love him even if I have to beat it into him with a Wii remote tennis racket attachment," you thought with a playful vengeance. "Do you hear that, Idia Shroud? I'm gonna make you believe nice things about yourself no matter how many niche video games references it takes!"
That was the moment you decided to glance at Idia, downright shocked when you found him curled up inside his hoodie on a stool with bright pink hair poking out the top.
"Idia, are you okay?" you asked. When he didn't respond, you went up to him and brought your face down to where his would be if you could see it. "Hey, are you alright?"
He jumped, almost falling off the chair.
"You actually said that?" he looked stunned which confused you.
"Yes?" you offered, unsure what he was talking about. "I did just say it."
"Uh, um, I'm, uh, fine," Idia tried to smile at you but it came off more pained than reassuring.
"I don't believe you. What's the matter? Is it too loud in here?" you asked.
"Shame he's always hiding his face. His blush is so adorable!"
"Yes!" Idia shrieked frantically, catching the attention of a few nearby students. "It's too loud. I can't think."
You nodded empathetically.
"You wanna step out for a minute?" you offered, gesturing to the door with a nod of your head. Idia nodded, desperate to get away. It really was very loud, especially with everyone's thoughts flooding his brain. Your seemingly-harmless sweet nothings were only the final nail in his coffin.
You followed Idia out of the room and shut the door behind you.
"Won't Professor Crewel get mad?"
You scoffed.
"Not a single teacher at this school gets to get mad at me after everything I've done," you leaned against the wall with a calming smile. "And if they do, they'll answer to the ghosts that live in my house."
That made Idia chuckle. You lit up seeing a smile on his face, no matter how minute.
"I love seeing you smile. If only I could be the reason more often."
"You're pretty much the only reason," Idia mumbled. Your easy smile dropped.
"What did you say?"
"What?" Idia averted his eyes, his mind filling with panic. "I didn't say anything."
"No, no, you said 'you're pretty much the only reason'," you questioned, your eyes full of confusion and shock. "That sounded like... I don't know, I was thinking something and then you said that and it sounded like..."
You squinted in confusion before scoffing at yourself and relaxing.
"That's stupid, Y/N. He can't read your mind."
"Actually, I can?" Idia squeaked, his voice getting higher with every word. Your eyes widened.
"Idia," you said solemnly, standing dead still.
"You can read my mind."
"Well, not usually, but there was a thing with a potion and it was with Grim and it messed with my head and now I can read minds and it's actually really loud but mostly I'm just nervous because of the stuff you've been thinking and I'm just really..."
You held up a hand to silence Idia's rapid rambling. He looked away sheepishly. You sighed and blinked a few times to process before laughing. Idia looked up in confusion.
"Aren't you mad?" he asked hesitantly. "I violated your privacy."
"I mean, you saved me the time of confessing to you myself," you chuckled, a giddy smile on your face.
Idia stared at you, trying to find traces of joking but you seemed to be serious.
"You aren't mad?"
"I'm in love with you is what I am."
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deceasedream69 · 2 years
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- "ah!", I screamed dodging one of Diego's knife. But running after that.
We did this all the time, messing around with our powers. Only Luther didn't like to participate, and Five always complained but he always ended up participating.
- "I heard a rumor...", I stopped involuntary, my eyes white. "That you jumped from the balcony".
I started to walk towards the balcony. Luther trying to stop Allison.
- "hey, Allison, not cool, what was even that for?"
- "she took my favorite dress"
I was near the edge of the balcony.
- "it's not like she's going to die"
- "but she could hurt herself, dad!", Yelled Luther.
Diego was annoying Klaus in the backyard, and Vanya was in her room. Only five and Luther looking at the scene. Five looked like he didn't care.
I put my feet on the railing and let myself fall.
Five quickly teleported and catched me.
- "y/n...?" He asked softly, we were in his room now.
<" I owe you a big one">, I said to Allison using my telepathy.
- "five...? What happened?", His hands on his pockets, he turned around slowly.
- "Allison mad at you for using her clothes", he said in front of the bed I was sitting on. "Which is funny to me, because you're not even the same size", his eyes looking directly into mine.
- "I told her to use something more convincing"
- "You don't need to do a big show just to catch my attention", he came close, really close. "You already have it"
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valve3nthusiast · 5 months
Hi yeah g1 again. Soundwave's telepathy being involuntary, and unfortunately he's objectively attractive and surrounded by some of the horniest mechs to ever leave cybertron
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justicegundam82 · 12 days
Pathfinder 2E to 1E conversion: Raw Nerve
Here's a new conversion from me! The Book of the Dead contains some pretty interesting critters, but this one was particularly fun and appealing to me. I tried to convert it as faithfully as possible, while at the same time trying to inject some of my own ideas into it. Not sure how well that turned out... but I still hope you will like it! Enjoy!
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Image (c) Paizo Publishing. Accessed at theARchives of Nethys here
A disembodied brain floats eerily towards you, with a network of nerves trailing behind it, crackling with electricity and morbidly parodying a humanoid form.
XP 4’800
NE Medium Undead
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., thoughtsense; Perception +18
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural)
hp 90 (12d8+36)
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +11
Damage Reduction 10 / slashing; Immune electricity, undead traits
Weakness vulnerable to sonic
Speed 30 ft., float
Melee 2 nerve lashes +12 (1d8+1 plus 1d6 electricity and involuntary reaction) or 2 nerve strokes +12 contact (2d6 electricity and involuntary reaction)
Special Attacks accelerating inquest, involuntary reaction, synaptic overload
Str 12, Dex 19, Con -, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 15
Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 23
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Lunge, Piranha Strike, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Climb +16, Heal +15, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (any one) +20, Knowledge (religion) +20, Perception +18, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +19
Languages Common, Necril (cannot speak); telepathy 100 ft.
Special Qualities float
Environment any underground
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure standard
Accelerating Inquest (Su) As a swift action once per round, a raw nerve can mentally probe a single creature within 100 feet. The creature must make a Will saving throw (DC 21). On a failure, its superficial thoughts are revealed to the raw nerve, which gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its AC and its attack rolls against that particular creature for the duration of 1 round. A creature immune to or warded against mind-reading (for example, with spells such as enshroud thoughts or thought shield) is immune to this ability. The save DC is Intelligence-based.
Float (Ex) A raw nerve floats a few inches off the ground. It ignores difficult terrain.
Involuntary Reaction (Su) A creature that takes electricity damage from a raw nerve must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or become staggered with muscle spasms and unable to make attacks of opportunity for 1d4 rounds. Multiple failed saving throws prolong the duration of this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Synaptic Overload (Su) Once every 1d4+1 rounds, a raw nerve may release a burst of mental energy in a 30-foot cone, dealing 4d8 damage to each creature in the cone. Each target may halve the damage taken with a successful Will saving throw (DC 18), but if the saving throw is failed by 5 or more, the creature is also stunned for 1 round in addition to taking damage. A creature immune to or warded against mind-reading gains a +4 circumstance bonus on this saving throw and cannot be stunned by this ability. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Thoughtsense (Su) A raw nerve is constantly under the effects of athoughtsense spell. This ability cannot be dispelled.
A raw nerve is a peculiar kind of undead that is sometimes birthed when a humanoid creature is killed by electricity and subsequently exposed to a large amount of negative energy. Usually, this means that the victim is killed by a powerful electricity-based spell or by a freak lightning, but in some technologically advanced regions, a raw nerve may also result out of an electrocuting accident – though such cases are exceedingly rare. In any event, a combination of electricity and negative energy takes possession of the victim’s nerve system and cause sit to wrench free of the body, creating a furious, tormented undead horror.
A raw nerve is irretrievably insane. Although these creatures possess superhuman intelligence, their psychic senses are overstimulated by the mere presence of sapient creatures. While a raw nerve does not go out of its way to hunt and kill the living, it perceives other living creatures’ thoughts as a chaotic jumble that causes it pain and discomfort, and it seeks to regain its peace and quiet by destroying the source of its torment. Once a raw nerve has destroyed all living beings in its proximities, it resumes its quiescence, sitting in midair in a meditating pose, but any similar disturbance will rile it up and turn it murderous once again. Constructs and other undead do not irritate a raw nerve in the same way – only living creatures trigger a raw nerve’s rage.
A raw nerve stands between 5 and 6 feet tall, but weighs very little compared to similarly sized creatures. Though it can communicate via telepathy, it rarely chooses to do so, making most attempts at diplomacy pointless.
A more powerful version of a raw nerve can be created when a creature is struck multiple times by lightning in a short period of time before dying. Raw nerves “born” in this way seem to appear and disappear at random intervals, like a flash of lightning during a storm. An enhanced raw nerve has the advanced simple template and the following special ability in addition to the ones standard to a raw nerve.
Shock to the System (Ex) At the end of an enhanced raw nerve’s turn, roll 1d6: on a 1, 2 or 3, the raw nerve is visible, glowing with bright light that makes sighted creatures dazzled while within 10 ft. of it. On a 4, 5 or 6, the raw nerve is invisible (as with an invisibility spell)
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wangxianficrecs · 2 years
❤️i'm the one for your fire by occultings (microcomets)
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❤️i'm the one for your fire
by occultings (microcomets)
E, 43k, wangxian
Summary:  Wei Ying, virgin and noted heterosexual, gets hit with a curse of an unusual nature on his 30th birthday: Through physical contact, he can read the minds of others around him.
Enter Lan Zhan, hot former rival and current coworker, whose true thoughts about Wei Ying are nothing like he expects.
(A loose Cherry Magic AU.)
My comments:  Ah, tropelicious! It just serves up everything you could want: involuntary mind reading, sexual fantasies, gay awakenings, veerry insecure wei wuxian and his self esteem issues, very hot sexytimes at the end. *chef's kiss* 
Excerpt 1:  Is he still cold? Should I offer my other coat? He will say no if I ask him directly. Does he run cold when he sleeps? I have spare blankets if he
Wei Ying quickly moves his arm away. A ridiculous, flustered warmth has risen to his face, tingling against the cold.
It is rapidly becoming evident that, in a horrible turn of events, Lan Zhan may actually be a decent person in addition to being beautiful and very competent at his job.
This cannot stand, Wei Ying thinks, very put out by this discovery. It ruins the whole — their whole thing if Lan Zhan secretly doesn’t hate him.
Excerpt 2:  It’s just that — if they’re friends, then there’s no — there’s no friendly way to think about gagging someone and tying them up, right? With clothes or without, but the without does seem significant here. Wei Ying may be a virgin, but he’s definitely no prudish, innocent maiden. If Lan Zhan considers them friends, then that means — when he’d been thinking those things earlier, it means
It doesn’t bear thinking about. It’s not even a possibility.
modern au, cherry magic au, (I’ve never seen Cherry Magic and didn’t need to so don’t worry if you haven’t either), wwx thinks he’s straight, modern cultivators au, touch telepathy, curses, modern with magic, mind reading, bewildered wei wuxian, thick as a brick wei wuxian, oblivious wei wuxian, POV wei wuxian, self-worth issues, involuntary mind reading, lack of communication, wei ying has drawn many inaccurate assumptions, enemies to lovers, misunderstandings, pining, hurt wei wuxian, protective lan wangji, hurt/comfort, getting to know each other, sexual fantasy, lots of them, feelings realization, gay awakening, coming out, light angst, crushes, drunk lan wangji, emotional hurt/comfort, love confessions, first kiss, first time, top lan wangji, bottom wei wuxian, getting together, favorite, @microcomets @wanlangji  
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Ah so Raph’s telepathy being able to pick up on distress from those he made a connection with could also explain how he was able to break free of the Krang.
And yes there would be a big difference from choosing to go off on his own and the connection being involuntary severed.
I think though with knowledge he has that power and training he could strengthen it. Maybe even get to the point he acts as a communication conduit, when they can’t use tech for some reason. (Kinda like Martian manhunter occasionally does for the justice league) though his brothers would have to learn the difference between projecting thoughts and private thoughts.
oooh yes! That would have helped exponentially! B/c all three of his little siblings were in hella distress and physically nearby. So those three little distress becons would be all but screaming in his mind, and no big brother can ignore that!
And yeah, i could definitely see that power being used more reliably in the future. as someone mentioned in the asks already, i think his power also got a powerup from the nimpo being unlocked. So he would definitely be able to use it more after that.
Thank you!
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bamfspock · 2 years
FIC MASTER POST (to be updated)
Know All Your Enemies
Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 351,857
Pairings: Jim Kirk/Spock, Spock/Nyota Uhura, Jim Kirk/Carol Marcus, Jim Kirk/Gary Mitchell, Jim Kirk/Original Character, Carol Marcus/Leonard McCoy
Being able to read someone's mind doesn't mean knowing them, as Jim finds out. Being forced to navigate the fallout of a terrible tragedy while fighting to stop a large-scale threat doesn't help. What will it take to protect what matters? Will the Federation survive it? Will Jim?
And will the growing connection between he and Spock bring them together before it tears them apart?
Tags: T'hy'la; Telepathy; Telepathic Jim; Eating Disorders; ARFID; Tarsus IV; Academy Instructor Jim; Section 31; Alliances; Dadmiral Pike; Dadmiral Archer; Starfleet Academy; Murder Investigations; Amanda Grayson Lives; Jim has a lot of high-profile penpals; Slow Burn; Endgame Jim/Spock; Multiple POVs; Primarily Jim POV; Background Relationships
WARNINGS: Explicit discussions and descriptions of a restriction-type eating disorder (ARFID); discussion of involuntary weight loss; murder of children; genocide; eugenics; child abuse (physical and emotional); descriptions of dissociative states; descriptions of panic attacks; discussion of sex as self-harm; mentions of pedophilia; mentions of other self-harm behaviors; discussion of suicidal ideation; graphic violence; minor character death; sanist language
(BONUS: My meme-ified preview post)
A Weary Traveler
Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 27,619
Pairings: Jim Kirk/Spock
"Of course you're not," he says, which sounds patronizing but his tone isn't, like he's stating a fact. "But I saw you come in and had to say hi."
She narrows her eyes, because between that and his 'guess'..."Do I know you?"
The bar is a little too dark to be sure, but he does look awfully familiar.
"Not yet." He crosses his arms, and she realizes he doesn't have a drink. "You will, though."
Jim keeps jumping through time.
Tags: Time Travel; Non-Linear Narrative; Mentions of Restriction-Type Eating Disorder; Tarsus IV; alternating povs; T'hy'la; Bad Fake Physics; Brief Jim/Bones; No Uhura/Spock; canon character death
WARNINGS: non-specified restriction-type eating disorder; mentions of involuntary weight loss; child abuse; brief discussion of hypothetical sex between a minor and adult
Red Sky In Morning
By a-really-good-lawyer (BAMFspock)
Fandom: Daredevil (TV); The Defenders (TV); The Avengers (Marvel Movie)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 500,593
Pairings: Matt Murdock/Frank Castle, Matt Murdock & Peter Parker, brief Matt/Natasha
"You ever been tired, Red?"
Captain America and his allies are allowed to come out of hiding under the terms of a stripped back Sokovia Accords, overseen by a newly-rebuilt SHIELD. An agreement is struck, and four Avengers are assembled once more.
Then Midland Circle Financial falls, and they find Daredevil among the ruins.
Identity revealed, Matt is forced into his own agreement. But SHIELD has a hidden agenda, and it's not the only organization making its move. A long-hidden secret is slowly working its way into the light, and now the race is on to find the truth.
Matt just wishes he'd never escaped from Midland Circle.
Tags: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Rape/Non-Con; Post-Defenders AU; Sokovia Accords; Mystery; Conspiracies; alternates between present time and flashbacks; Matt-Centric; multiple POVs; Hurt/Comfort; Angst with a Happy Ending; Found Family; Matt being protective of kids; like so many kids; flagrant perversion of Marvel comic canon for plot purposes; some AU NMCU Punisher references; Teamwork makes the dream work; mostly ignores other NMCU/MCU shows except Iron Fist S1
WARNINGS: Discussions and portrayal of suicidal ideation; discussions and portrayal of sexual assault; allusions to and some portrayal of self-harm behaviors; discussions of trauma; discussions and portrayals of depression; discussions and portrayal of dissociative states (DP/DR); mentions of depression-related weight loss; allusions to and discussions of child abuse; portrayals of non-consensual drugging; ableism; sanism and sanist language; eugenicist talk; graphic violence; depictions of adults and children in captivity; depictions and discussions of eugenics; discussions of substance abuse; rated M for themes and sexual content
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unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
speaking of metaphors to illustrate the autistic experience, The Setup: okay obviously thinking abt winston quant billions, my home base for [considering, discussing, exploring, conveying the autistic experience] as well as just a [i am always considering some shit] home base. spinning off of the idea "he can be clairvoyant for real b/c like, well he's right, he Is cassandra, not just b/c of the [always seeing the future] thing but b/c of what's usually more specifically applied to cassandra figures: being right but everyone is like 'NO b/c NOTHING you say can be right so SHUT UP already' as is also extremely applied to him whenever he 'says something' or possibly 'is physically present' or 'any other situation in which he can possibly Wrong people by their putting in the effort to acknowledge him to themself in any way'"
And So, Further Setup: other preternatural manifestations except they are all the more essentially Expressive, they Do require effort in the way that every possible process of being alive requires effort, but like other processes have the range of possibly being unconscious, involuntary, conscious & voluntary but so practiced that they can be done more absentmindedly / automatically, voluntary and "active" effort (but probably little to no Ability that's like, beyond the Expressive. everyone being telekinetic or anything is off track, this is more about the world of ppl being able to Communicate than other external applied processes they can carry out) like, e.g., tayston telepathy being more literal in addition to how they can deliberately, directly nonverbally communicate b/w themselves both effectively and efficiently, and how winston Gets things abt taylor when we don't know if/how anyone explained anything to him and which other ppl do Not get despite that we do know they're more involved in some plotline loop. imagining like any nonrealistic emotionally illustrative sensory cues that can here just be made literal. But:
yet more setup, talking heads' radio head style: what if these [a bonus layer of people Expressing Their Internal State atop realism] is, also, not Automatic to interpret or observe. manifesting in different ways for different people and maybe sometimes one's frequency happens to already be more aligned with certain people's, but to get a literal Clearer Signal to their bonus expressive sights or sounds or static charges making your arm hair stand up or what have you takes Effort no matter what. if you're on their wavelength, you'll get a faint picture / indicating that Something is there, maybe an impression that, through foreknowledge of that particular person's particular manifestations, is all the easier to get the gist of, but to tune in to it more fully takes effort, and the signal strength (sometimes) depends on their conscious effort too, but also it can be strong as hell while to everyone else nothing's happening if they're not tuned in, or there's some [barely anything] secondhand manifestation in another field that can be easily ignored or entirely overlooked too....but also: you can notice a signal and tune it Out so that you're not picking up on it At All, but this Also takes effort. but it's such a case of like, again a conscious voluntary process can seem more Effortless when it's something ppl have practiced such that it's Easy and just kind of their own automatic background process....whereas to go "well i guess i could try to pick up on your weird frequency" Is considered this "extra" effort to expend, and you can go like, well why don't you just get a more Normal one like 96 hz, or like if i'm not picking up on it with the ease i do other people's and i'm not recognizing and Understanding the material i'm picking up on that i sampled for 0.09 seconds then why is Your aired material inferior &/or absent, obviously (this radio thing is itself a metaphor lol at least in that, like, nobody's Physically turning dials. but Some Of Us Probably More Depending On Age / Exposure To Radio Tuning Dials Have Been There re: that the Precision of catching a weaker signal is a process requiring the effort of more time & focus, including possibly being willing to just Listen Closer to something that will come through less clearly than other signals even as best as you can land on it)
all this as specific leadup to: i was like, what if winston has mood ring bioluminescence. but what would give it flair vs like, for real just [pick a pattern and color/intensity correlates to mood sometimes] and i was like, neon displays would be a flair. can flicker and hum and vary in brightness or blow out and it can have some shapes or lines that abstractly convey some Feelings. and then i was like "lol but it can't just spell out Words like a neon sign does. or be an emoticon or something" but then i was like, the hell it can't. winston's tee being overwritten with an [I'M PISSED] kilowatt glow that others are autotuning out, or ignoring what faint / incomplete picture they're getting, flickery low brightness with letters unilluminated if there's not a stronger connection....while if you're Trying to tune in and you've Up To Date Active Learned the WNSN 89.5 language then you Do see the [they're just flat out Words b/c it's like when someone is internally yelling but externally quiet] like he Does get neon signs that just say some shit. you Can see the [vision of simultaneous alternate winston who is face to hands, head to desk, body prone to floor, surrounded by thunderclouds like in a comic, accompanied with high energy static, mood ring glowing neon purple curlicue lines which those in the know means distress] you Can be friends and experience a literal figurative warmth or cooling from proximity to him, whichever is more replenishing. whilest winston can hone and craft some of what he expresses if he has the "someone's trying to pick up on this" knowledge, and if he's not instead putting in Effort to suppress any of it, b/c that can also take that extra effort. ongoingly. masking style. and that's depleting / disheartening (also masking style)
i have tried to think of a similar "no he Could just have a neon sign light up" sensory experience that would also be fun & funny and my Just Now spontaneous inspiration was Hit A Pinball Machine Jackpot. fling your orb his way and it can ricochet around through him and you get Lights & [You Did It!] adequately unalarming alarm noises and your winston points get a nice boost. the bonus of another launched effort if yours sinks without having to give him 75 cents or what have you. how does the ricocheting work? well that is for winston to feel (it is high energy / noticeable internal interplay but not like Ow Ouch literal physical) but you will see the results (mood ring neon lightup You Did It) this isn't very serious it is Fun but it's like, take the fun thing and just follow it a ways and see what comes of that. i'm just pinballing ideas for kicks and this post is mostly to say "winston can be out here spelling it out in neon huh"
oh and further notes being: b/c this is a parallel to irl, including a framework of ableism, it's not like "wow at last an 'objective' direct externalization of anyone's internal experiences which is Universally Correctly Interpreted," and it's also not like it supplants the real life communication....like if emitting neon purple curlicues is, sometimes, even usually, associated with [distress] for winston, that wouldn't be universal. and someone could make assumptions about what it means, or infer a larger context based on further observations, but it's like, you'd have to ask to be more sure. and asking outright like "hey what do you mean by emitting neon purple curlicues" could be akin to asking outright "hey what do you mean by [description of a stim]" wherein like, that sure could get info, but it could be asked with an inherent negative assessment like oh you're never Supposed to Have to ask, like how oh smiling always means happy and frowns are bad (which isn't accurate) everyone knows that....your fidgeting or nonverbal vocalizations or repetition or what all should be so Normal that everyone of course Knows the associated experience and doesn't even have to think about it. whereas maybe someone doesn't notice they were [non neurotypically "invisible"] stimming at all, maybe they do it alone and haven't noticed it much themself to be ready to put it accurately into words, maybe they feel put on the spot by a question that could be more a rhetorical [issuing a judgment] than an earnest request for info
and b/c [parallel to ableism] there can't be like, oh good faith both sides is the same situation like "oh most people just genuinely Cannot pick up on winston's neon signs"....it's unilateral and a perspective/approach that can be dropped, being marginalized means needing to put in more effort and having more taken from you while at most your rewards are simply being targeted with Less negative treatment, being centered / marginalizing has its efforts streamlined and systemically supported while extracting gains from those beneath you and getting to dole out the negative treatment....rather than Conscious Effort being an inherent part of interpreting and navigating sharing a conversation or room or building or planet with anyone else, it's like, no, only Superiors with Power are Worth effort to work With them, your more vulnerable inferiors are only worth effort Against them, anyone trying to correctly appease a higher up should never ask anything of them and instead appeal with everything they can and will offer....winston can suddenly have the psychic aux with a soundtrack to his mood that everyone hears, rather than oh they just Can't, and it'd be like winston you don't deserve to have the aux, shut it off or we'll tune you out and/or turn on you to punish this insurrection of the social hierarchy. the way a mood Sounds could be misinterpreted, all we know is he knows Of metal genre lore, that's what plays when he's chilling in the zone or i don't know, having a particularly nice time, but anyone could be like hmm sounding chaotic and discordant and aggressive to me, like his mood is [arrogantly about to insurrect again by saying something], let's kill him: being an example
and, again, that [anything] here could be consciously suppressed or honed as it manifests, but that takes effort....as it might when it Is like, gee i'm having a hard time understanding some particular way you are expressing something / trying to take a nap so flickering neon glows during this chat wouldn't be it, do you have some alternate way of manifesting / conveying / enhancing / burning off this feeling? versus that people will ignore or misunderstanding without having to be that aware that they're ignoring or misunderstanding, and not actively work with anyone if need be like, b/c of some misalignment that's more genuinely this two-way street like doesn't work for the both of us as a specific combination right now...."umm interpreting people's vibes and demeanors and modes of expressing / communicating should take as little thought / effort / Learning as possible" No!!! also for example if i had comic strip weather mood illustrations, [rain cloud] would not be a bad mood lol. if i'm feeling down, realizing it's sunny makes it worse, i am wearied & dismayed by that, Rain and overcastness is like oh nice, that's chill & safe & cozy, to invigorating & restorative & exciting & watering my crops....that, again, if winston has something so "objective" as neon sign Words, it wouldn't be some like manifestation of his feelings being translated Outside of him. it'd have to be something like, he's yelling that in his internal monologue, or he's whispering it on purpose to someone else he knows is tuned in, who he Wants to communicate it to....whereas, on the flipside, if it's like someone saying "what's up with [implicit negative judgment on some stim or whatever other considered 'incorrectly' 'abnormal' behavior]," he could With Conscious Effort that is also more ongoing than [just flip the switch to off], suppress that from happening / do so around that one person &/or in general. while trying to tune in to and accurately(tm) parse any & everyone in general's own signals b/c [double empathy problem is all your fault] and having to try to actively give enough to be treated better and to try to actively avoid being treated worse
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sanisse · 2 years
I have a headcanon that elven semen is itself orgasmic and it triggers multiple orgasms in the wife after the man has ejaculated. Like, he’ll have an extra long and voluminous ejaculation and use half of it to pull out and spurt some onto her vulva so that she can enjoy a second orgasm. That sweet, sweet feeling of warmth filling you up and then ejaculating outside to cover your genitals, giving you a second round to maximize pleasure. What do we call this? Aphrodisiac cum? Imagine all the implications for oral sex too. Suddenly my oral fixation makes sense.......
I also headcanon that for elves pleasure during sex is, like, almost involuntary. They truly lose control. Like it’s a soul-bond that just makes your full body orgasm, before you even touch your clit right at the end to push you over the edge. The more willful nature of elven sex means that the elf husband can also pour his soul energy into her body to pull more pleasure out of her and lowkey play her like a fiddle. Just imagine him sending waves of pleasure through your whole nervous system, on purpose. (Kinda like telepathy?) I think it’s a very overwhelming experience in the best sense. :)
😳😳😳😳 oh wow holy shit
I hadn’t considered any of this but these are fun ideas. I mean canonically elves have wild sex so—
I do headcannon that especially for bonded partners there is a DEEP emotional/spiritual connection during sex where you mirror your pleasure between each other. Like just imagine when you place two mirrors opposite each other and they reflect infinitely? That. But with pleasure. And it is so intense. And they can feel each other’s orgasms in their bond and usually end up orgasming together during any mutually shared acts.
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tendertenebrosity · 5 months
Not sure if any of you have read Ocean's Echo, but this is fanfic for it! Surit is a cinnamon roll and I wouldn't have him any other way, but this is an 'assholes-slowly-learning-not-to-be-assholes' blog, so.
I wouldn't get attached to these guys in their current incarnation because this is likely to become original fiction and then all of this will become noncanon, but it might as well go here in the meantime.
“It will feel like a key in a lock,” the pilot in the instructional video had said. “Or like one of those telescoping rods - I don’t know, it could feel like something totally different to you. But you’ll feel it click. Might be difficult if the reader has strong walls - sometimes it’s hard for them to drop them, but they have drugs for if that happens.”
“All right,” the medical technician said, pushing the scanner wand on its articulated arm aside. She managed to look bored; how many of these did she oversee? “When you’re ready, sir.”
Davi moved in as if he was going to write the person in front of him, but - all of him? He tried to encompass too much of the mind at once, was pushed back by slippery walls and lost his grip.
“Could you try to drop your defences, please?” he asked, distantly, all of his attention focused internally. Anxiety and insecurity gnawed at him. He wasn’t doing it properly. It should be done by now. It hadn’t sounded like a difficult procedure in the instructional vid.
The reader - Davi’s reader, as soon as he managed to actually do the procedure - took a deep breath that hitched in the middle. He looked small, even now that the guard had left; shorter than Davi, hair cropped close, the featureless prison scrubs loose and faded in stark contrast to Davi’s smart uniform. The ID cuff on his left wrist had a wooden gender token on it, plainer and somehow even less like jewellery than Davi’s button.
“I don’t…. Do I have defences up?”
Davi gave him a suspicious look, but the reader looked honestly bewildered behind his neat little glasses. No formal training, huh.
“Yes, you do,” Davi told him. They wouldn’t have stopped a determined probe, but this wasn’t a normal probe and they made things just slippery enough that he couldn’t get purchase. “If you can relax and be open, this will be a lot easier.”
“I’ll - I’ll try.”
And he did, Davi could feel it, the walls softening and thinning and the mind turning its face up to him and -
It wasn’t a click, but he could see why you’d describe it like that. Like the threads of a screw-top jar engaging. Like one of those intricately carved puzzle boxes that needed to be moved in a very specific way before they opened up. More than anything, the sense that two things that were supposed to fit together in a whole had finally found the orientation in which they did. Davi reached out and pushed those pieces together firmly.
And suddenly there was a presence, filling the tiny interview room, warm and alive and close enough that Davi felt like he was crammed up against the walls moving with its breathing. Breathing with it.
The reader’s knees buckled. Davi was somehow there as soon as it happened, to catch the slight frame in his arms and stop him tumbling to the hard metal floor. He’d known that was going to happen because the body was his, in some weird way. Part of him.
The technician spun in her chair, pressed a few buttons. “Successful sync,” she said. “All vitals looking good.”
No, Davi wanted to say. Wait. They can’t all be good. If they’re good why does this feel…
What did it feel like?
He still felt like Davi. He was just Davi with… something else stapled into the middle of his senses. It was difficult to talk around it, difficult to think around it.
The reader’s fingers moved against the chest of his uniform shirt. Stiff coarse fabric, the line of piping hard underneath his thumb - wait, what?
The fingers closed up as if to grasp him, but then flattened to push him away. Sensation, emotion, something poured out of the unfamiliar presence in Davi’s head. He struggled to name it but it was… bad. Like fighting against a torrent of dark water.
You’re in control of this, he told himself. You’re the architect. This is under your control. Get a grip.
He set his mental shoulders against the deluge, tried to rise above it. He made himself push the reader’s body away from his - not you, that is not you, keep all of that to yourself - prop the reader back up, set him on his feet. The reader was looking around the room, blinking, looking as stunned as Davi probably was.
What have you done? What have you DONE?
The thought arrived in his head, not so much in words but more the impression, but still crystal clear and foreign. Blank horror.
“You should probably head back to your quarters and rest,” the technician told him. “It’ll take a while for you both to settle into it.” She retrieved something from one of the cupboards in the med-bay - a rectangular packet of cloth. She slapped a packet of medication tabs on top of it and held it out to Davi. “Standard issue equipment for Agent Thirty-two; you shouldn’t need these, but just in case. Come back here tomorrow, or sooner if there are any issues. Do you need help getting him to your quarters?”
Davi didn’t question why she was giving the pack of uniforms to him and not to the reader, swaying and wavering in the middle of the room. Even if the other man hadn’t been on the brink of falling over or throwing up, he was Davi’s responsibility now.
He would always be Davi’s responsibility.
Oh Guidance lights what have I done…
Davi shook off the thought, exerted what he hoped was firm but gentle pressure on the alien presence in his head until it receded a little. He stepped forward and took the packet.
“No, that will be fine,” he said. “Our quarters aren’t far, and we can walk without assistance. Thank you.”
The technician gave him an odd look as he tucked it under his arm.
“Need a tissue, sir?”
“What?” Davi put a hand up to his face. To his complete surprise, his eyes were streaming with tears. He hadn’t even noticed.
The reader - Agent Thirty-two - Saelin Cor - made another small noise from behind Davi, a pained inhale. He was lifting one hand up to his temple, fingers pushing through his hair, and Davi was suddenly convinced that it was supposed to be much longer than it was, that having it short and prickly was strange and unfamiliar still.
Davi hadn’t needed to see him to know any of that.
“I’m fine,” he said roughly. Panic fluttered at the edges of his mind - what have I done what have we done what is this - and if not all of it receded when he shoved it away, well, it would improve. Nobody was expecting them to be out there at the bridge tomorrow. There was time to figure this out.
He blotted one side of his face with the heel of his hand, and turned away. “We’re fine. Come on - Agent Thirty-two. Let’s go home.”
Continued here.
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marvelgirltm · 1 year
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“Dreams are sometimes windows…to other realities. And waking doesn’t always make things better.”
Abilities: Rachel is what is known as a “Class Omega“ mutant, according to The Avengers. Since she is the daughter of the Phoenix, Rachel inherited a great deal of psionic powers from Jean, but has limited control over them; she is still learning. Her biggest issues lie with her telepathy and telekinesis, sometimes the developments of her attempting to control them result in piercing headaches, migraines, that are so overpowering she can gather a nosebleed or worse. She could begin convulsing in a slight seizure. Currently, when she utilizes her powers, since merging with the Phoenix force, a bright blue Phoenix symbol appears over her left eye. She has learned lock-picking from Logan {Wolverine} and Storm, as well as hand-to-hand combat from Nightcrawler, her father, and a smattering of other sources/mutants. Strength - Rachel is otherwise a normal human female. But her physical shape is petite and fit, with regular exercise and physical training. She loves to run and often goes on long jogs to clear her head, quite literally, and tune the world out. She uses physical fitness as a way to steady her powers and keep the rambling thoughts at bay. When possessing the Phoenix Force, however, she contains superhuman strength with an unknown limit. Weaknesses - Even with the power of the Phoenix, magic and magical objects prove to be an enigma among Rachel’s capabilities. If her abilities become too overwhelming, she has a tendency to have a complete mental shock, creating migraines and an extensive nose bleed and potentially a seizure. 
Mutant Powers/Capabilities:       Telepathy - Rachel can read minds and project her thoughts into them. She can do so within a vast, potentially limitless radius, much like Xavier can when utilizing Cerebro. Though, Rachel has continual difficulty honing her craft with continuing mental blocks. However, even when she utilizes her telepathic abilities the residual energy provided is neigh indestructible.  
Astral Projection  - In an “astral plane” Rachel can project her ‘astral form’ from her body. She can also do so on physical planes, however, she can only do so over short distances, whereas in the ‘astral plane’ she not only harbors no limitations but she can create psionic objects and manipulate her surroundings. 
Mind Alteration  -  Ability to alter the minds of others by force of will, whether changing their personality entirely, partially or altering their perception.
Mental Amnesia  - Rachel can erase any particular memory, or provide full-on amnesia, wiping the brain entirely. 
Mental Paralysis -  Ability to produce/induce temporary mental or physical paralysis. {Which is, an involuntary loss of function/movement. In other words: if she is not careful, she could induce brain damage}.
Mind Control - With a purer form and great deal of concentration, Rachel can control the mind of another. 
Mind Detection - Ability to detect when another superhuman/mutant is present or nearby, or headed in her general direction. She can sense and decipher the distinct mental radiations emitted by the other being.
Mind Possession - Ability to mentally posses another, and use their body in a controlling manner. In essence, she can use their body as if it were her very own.
Mind Transferal - If for some reason her physical form were to die {her body}, she could then transfer her mind into another living being. She is able to transfer both her mind and powers and abilities into another host body.
Psionic Blasts - Rachel can project a psionic bolt which really has no physical effects, but can render a victim’s mind slightly hindered, causing them great anguish/pain or sending them into unconsciousness, or otherwise causing them to become brain-dead. These blasts can be as mild or lethal as she so desires. 
Psionic Firebird - Rachel harnesses the ability to manifest her telepathy in the form of a psionic firebird, like a Phoenix, whose claws and beak can inflict both physical and mental damage. 
Psychic Shield - The ability to create a psychic shield for protection of herself, her mind, and the mind of others. 
Telepathic Cloak & Shadow - Rachel can mask her presence, and the presence of others if so desired, from being detected by others — even telepaths. Her abilities can at times go undetected or be counteracted by other powerful telepaths depending upon their level of skill in using their own psi capabilities. So far, the only two people who are genuinely well educated at this would be Xavier and her mother since they know her well and have helped her hone her craft {But even unto them, she can cast said shadow}. Rachel can also mask herself and others around her from those near or far by telepathically disguising them/making them disappear or appear as a shadow.
Telepathic Illusions - The ability to create illusions to make herself seem to be invisible, look like someone else entirely, or make others experience events that are not truly happening — in essence to create a world full of emotions and render someone’s reality void, and make them see something that is not actually there. 
     Telekinesis - Rachel possess telekinetic power that allows her to exercise control over objects, including herself. The exact measurements of her limitations as far as weight and mass with respect to her telekinetic capability have yet to be defined or discovered.
Concussive Blasts  - Rachel can project telekinetic energy as a powerful blast that beams directly from her brain, and can affect any given matter with concussive force {much like her mother/Phoenix}. Think of it as a big shockwave of energy, almost like an atomic bomb but of course not nearly as lethal. 
Force Fields - Rachel harnesses the ability to create protective force shields that could deflect even the most powerful of attacks. This power can even go into the depth of filtering bacteria from the air and repel nuclear weapons. Rachel has displayed a capability of being able to shape the fields perfectly and precisely, even to conform very closely to the shape and form of her body. 
Intuitive Aptitude - The ability to disassemble complex devices, explosive or otherwise, explosively or otherwise {separating and severing every last component, such as screws, bolts, nuts, wires, components of a circuit board, etc. etc. etc.} She can dissolve them just as quickly as she can re-assemble or assemble them. This particular skill has created Rachel’s awareness and control over very tiny objects such as individual electrons in an atom. For example, Rachel was able to detect whether or not a seal was hermetic by checking for the presence of penetrating oxygen molecules. She can even discern particular oxygen molecules and determine the atomic weight of said molecules by the amount of atoms that are present.  
Matter Alteration - Since Rachel has merged with the Phoenix force, her capability spans beyond that of a generic telepath. She can alter molecular and atomic structures, even alter the molecular valences or rewrite her own genome. At one point as the Phoenix, she was capable of creating a micro black hole. This power is particularly disturbing to those who can control matter such as metal {particularly for Magneto} as it gives her the ability to melt said metal, and utilize it against him.
Psionic Spikes - The ability to create destructive psionic spikes that can destroy the physical object that the spike comes into contact with.
Telekinetic Flight - By using her telekinetic abilities she can levitate and “fly” at various speeds and lengths/heights.
Time Travel - Rachel possess the unnatural ability to displace herself and others at almost any specific point in the timestream and then reemerge back into the physical world from as much as a few minutes to years by generating chronal energies. She can travel in astral form as well, and can travel to points well into the future; hence Days of Future Past.  In conjunction with other her other powers, Rachel can combine her telepathy with her abilities to manipulate time. She can temporarily transplan a person’s mind and send it through time into a younger/older version of their self, or a close ancestor/descendant or disembodied astral form. {This is accomplished when combining her telepathy and chronokinesis; this is also referred to as “chrono-skimming”}. Rachel combines her telepathy, telekinesis and varied effects to create other abilities such as a “chrono-shield” which is an unconscious emanation of a fourth dimensional pulse which creates a “chrono-shield” protecting her from changes in the timeline. As well as “psychometric projections” in which she encapsulates the ability to mentally project past events.
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dinosquad-central · 1 year
December 2022 DinoSquad monthly prompt:
Canon-divergence AU where their dinosaur telepathy is constantly active and involuntary. They hear each other’s thoughts whether they want to or not which results in a sort of hive mind.
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bugendude · 1 year
Summary of Vast’s Abilities! Been working on this for a couple of days now, and I’d like to share it!
Phantom ruby links the stones back to their home universe, while also connecting them to the universe being explored.
🟪 Power Stone
🟪 Fragmentation Ray- Destructive laser that dissolves obstacles/enemy projectiles (Used on people as a last resort)
🟪 Disintegration Blast- Explosion from the user that destroys all matter within a 500 meter radius
🟪 Super Punch- Explosion that erupts from the fist
🟪 Violet Fire- Flames that stay lit until decided otherwise
🟣 Prison of Flame- Wall of fire that surrounds foe (Mainly used for foes with ice/cold based abilities)
🟪 Battery- Fuels other stones/phantom ruby
🟥 Reality Stone
🟥 Summon- Creates any object from thin-air
🔴 Flurry of a Thousand Fists- An onslaught of punches from disembodied arms
🔴 Elemental Based Attacks- Use of elements as a form of offense (Electric/water/earth/wind)
🟥 Transmutation- Turning objects into some other material (Only works for a limited time on living creatures)
🟥 Illusion Casting- Changes the immediate area to another setting
🔴 Invisibility- Illusion that makes the user impossible to see
🟨 Mind Stone
🟨 Cerebral Touch- Mind Control that only activates with a touch on the head
🟡 Comatose Touch- Puts people into a deep sleep
🟡 Pansophical Touch- Instant understanding of the foe’s memories
🟨 Telepathy- Method of communication (Does not need to touch to be used)
🟨 Mental Shield- Protection against foreign mental attacks/illusions
🟨 Cranial Laser- Small beam of neural energy emitted from the forehead (Used for very precise cutting)
🟨 Homeostasis- Complete control over all bodily functions (can pick and choose which organ systems are voluntary/involuntary)
🟧 Soul Stone
🟧 Astral Projection- Separation of spirit from the body (Can be used on others or self)
🟧 Revival- Bringing a recently deceased body back to life (Only works within 5 minutes of the person’s death)
🟠 Soul World- A pocket reality where speaking to the recently deceased is possible
🟧 Spirit-Based Techniques- Use of Ki/chakra/etc
🟠 Instant Transmission- Light-speed teleportation to any being by locking onto their spirit energy (Taught by Goku himself)
🟧 Spirit Tether- Locks Vast’s soul to his mortal body (Cannot be body swapped)
🟦 Space Stone
🟦 Space Bridge- Creation of portals to anywhere in the universe (Used mainly for travel, but can also be used to absorb projectiles and spit them back at the user)
🟦 Dark Matter Shield- Force field that can cover entire or specific parts of the body (Can be broken with enough power, though it would have to be noteworthy. Small shields are stronger than bigger ones, hence them being used to cover stones/phantom ruby)
🔵 Dark Matter Hold- Force field that surrounds objects and prevents them from moving (Used to restrain foes with disintegration powers)
🟦 Gravity Hammer- Increase/decrease/reverse the gravity around a person or object
🔵 Black Hole- Compresses gravity into a small black hole to eat enemy projectiles
🟦 Atom Spacing Manipulation- Changing of the distance between electrons and the nucleus of atoms
🟦 Intangibility- Phasing through any material
🔵 Instant Prison- Partial phasing of a person or object into ground or wall
🟩 Time Stone
🟩 Time Manipulation- The movement of time forward or backward, or stopping it entirely
🟢 Chroneal Crawl/Sprint- Slowing or
speeding of time
🟢 Enhanced Reflexes- Slowing of time to allow for counters/dodging
🟩 Alternate Paths- Viewing of alternate futures
🟩 Paradox Invulnerability- Protection from time paradox based occurrences
♾️ Phantom Ruby
♾️ Flight- Supersonic Flight reaching speeds of 3069 mph (4939kph/Mach 4). Leaves a small light trail like a cartoon depiction of a comet)
♾️ Dimensional Bridge- Portal to other dimensions (Main use)
♾️ Clone Backup- Produces 4 clones of any being with all of their abilities (Usually his mobian [Sonic the Hedgehog] form. Clones of Vast do not also have infinity stones, but they do have phantom ruby shards. When defeated, no longer needed, or Vast leaves the universe, they glitch out of reality. Clones do not talk)
🔘 Laser- Beam that can burn/knock enemies back or melt through material (not as powerful as fragmentation ray)
🔘 Flight- Flight with a top speed of 80mph (130 kph)
🔘 Object Creation- Can produce small, basic objects
🔀 Combinations
🟥🟦 Terraforming- Movement/creation/destruction of land (Can also affect people in flight)
🟥🟦 Spirit Sneak- Combination of invisibility and intangibility
🟥🟦 Space Suit- Creates an air/pressure pocket around the person/object (Used for deep space travel
🟥🟦 Ant/Giant Man- Growing/shrinking of any being/object including self
🟦🟩 Time Bridges- Portals that lead to a different place in time
🟦🟩 Time Bubble- 20 ft (6m) diameter dome where time can be altered
🟨🟧 Being Identification- connection to every living being in the universe (Can be used to locate a specific person or a group of people)
🟥🟨 X-Ray Vision- Illusion based sight that allows certain body layers to be seen
🟪♾️ Clone Army- Produces an infinite about of clones (When defeated, no longer needed, or Vast leaves the universe, they glitch out of reality)
🟨🟧♾️ Doppelgänger- Produces a clone with the memories and personality of the original (Only 1 can be used at a time. When defeated, no longer needed, or Vast leaves the universe, they glitch out of reality. The doppelgänger is aware they’re a clone)
🟥♾️ Shared Shard- Creation of a phantom ruby shard (Grants same powers as base clones)
🟪🟥♾️ Shared Whole- Creation of entire phantom ruby (Only given to those who are worthy. Grants same powers as the original)
🟪🟦 Endless Fragmentation Ray- Laser that is shot into a portal, which is then reused by it leaving the portal and into another portal countless times
🟪🟦 Burning Shield- Force field that burns when touched (Covers stones and phantom ruby when an attempt is made to remove them)
🟥🟧 Natural Rejuvenation- Creation/control of flora (Mainly used to restore nature after its destruction)
🟥🟩 Time Machine- Can create a handheld Time Machine for others (only works for 1 round trip)
🟦🟧 Enhanced Instant Transmission- Base IT through a portal (Used when instant travel throughout the universe is needed)
🟪🟥 Bulk up- Growing of muscles (Used for hand to hand combat)
🟨🟩 Temporal Awareness- Complete knowledge of the flow of time (Only related to current universe)
🟪🟨 Mental Illusion- Traps multiple foes in a fake reality inside their own heads (Method of subduing. Visions are usually pleasant)
🟪🟥🟨🟧🟦🟩 The Snap- Wipes everyone and everything from the universe (Only used if the universe is doomed. Used with left hand)
🟪🟥🟨🟧🟦🟩 Big Bang- Restores a destroyed universe (Can only be used in a void with no already established universe. Used with right hand)
🟪🟥🟨🟧🟦🟩♾️ Godkiller Laser- Universe destroying beam of energy (Ultimate final attack. Stones need time to recharge after use)
Skills Learned from Travels
⚜️ Cooking/Baking/Bartending- Combines foods/drinks/other ingredients from different dimensions/ stone’s powers to create delicious meals/drinks
⚜️ The Arts- Mastery over every instrument (the piano is his favorite), as well as dance
⚜️Fighting- Has trained with the best martial artists, and uses a mixture of their styles
⚜️Culture- Includes the styles, history and languages of the people in more than 600 different universes
⚜️Stone’s Uses and Limitations- Has years of reflection, and picks and chooses what battles to fight in and who to interact with. The stones are powerful, and they would be disastrous in the wrong hands
⚜️Empathy- Cares for all good beings within every universe, and never stops fighting for them when he can. It pains him when he has to withdraw
❌ Stones give off massive amount of gamma radiation which cannot be concealed, making them easy to track with the right powers/equipment
❌ If the Godkiller laser is fired or a snap is used, the stones need at least 4-8 hours to recharge. The phantom ruby can still be used during this time
❌ Overuse of the power stone can start to erode the user
❌ Stones will light up when used regardless of them being cloaked or invisible
❌ Cannot produce/manipulate Magic (Stones are based in science and have no magical properties)
❌ Stones work within the natural laws of the universe being explored, and cannot go over the universal threshold of that dimension (This means that someone with a power greater than that of the universe they reside in can beat him)
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bubbas-baby-boy · 2 years
100 AgeRe Questions
Credit: pickledratinajar
1🐝 What Age(s) Do You Regress To ~ 3-6
2🍯 Do You Pet Regress As Well / What Animal ~ no
3🥮 How Long Have You Been Regressing ~ almost a year
4🐌 Is Your Regression Voluntary, Involuntary, Or A Mixture ~ mixture
5🐻 What's Your Personality Like When Regressed ~ timid, shy, small
6🐴 How Often Do You Regress ~ once a week
7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace ~ bottles/pacis/coloring
8📜 Are You A Baby, Toddler, Or Big Kid Regressor ~ baby-toddler
9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed ~ not really
10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~ yes
11🍪 What Makes You Instantly Small ~ certain words
12🧋Why Do You Regress ~ trauma
13🌙 Pink Or Blue ~ blue
14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies ~dragons
15☁️ Dinos, Princesses, Space Or Safari Theme ~dino’s AND space
16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets ~dark
17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~ onesies and thigh highs and overalls
18🌸 Favorite Color ~ sunset
19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers ~ i hve some but not really they don’t feel good to me
20🧁 Coloring Book Or Paint By Numbers ~ paint by numbers
21🍧 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~ slime
22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes ~ brushes
23🧼 Crayons, Colored Pencils Or Markers ~ colored pencils
24☀️ Do You Have A CG / Name For CG ~ Dada/Bubba/Bubs
25🌻 Do You Have A Baby Sitter ~ kind of, it’s not official
26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies ~ yes. one
27🧺 Do Your Parents Know About Your Regression ~ no
28🧋 Favorite Nicknames / Pet Names ~ babba, baby boy
29🍕 Ideal Playdate ~ park time at night with stars out
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~ with CG but i’d love to try sleeping in a crib
31🍼 Favorite Snack ~ sweets/candies
32🧸 Favorite Juice ~ apple juice
33🍪 Favorite Icecream Flavor ~ strawberry cheese cake with white choclate chips
34🩹 Favorite Type Of Milk ~ almond milk/angel milk
35🐶 Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Bitter Or Savory ~ sour
36🍰 Favorite Dessert ~ cheesecake
37🍦 Favorite Type Of Chocolate ~ white
38⏳ Mac & Cheese Or Nuggets ~ dino nugs
39🎒 Favorite Movie ~ scooby doo
40🍬 Favorite Cartoon ~ scooby doo
41🚀 Favorite Game ~ hide and seek but only if i’m hiding
42🎀 Favorite Disney Princess ~ merida
43⚾ If You Could Have Any 1 Superpower What Would It Be ~ telepathy
44🍄 Anime Or Cartoons ~ cartoons
45🍓 Favorite Carebear ~ never seen it
46✏️ Shows Or Movies ~ movies
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies ~ yes
48🐸 Do You Have A Comfort Character ~ scooby doo, coraline
49🌱 Do You Like Rain At Night ~ yes
50🦕 Are You Easily Scared ~ yes
51🧃 Are You Also A Carer ~ never tried
52🌵 Are You Independent Or Dependent ~ independent
53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace ~ big talk, having to do “big things” for myself
54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs ~ some bugs
55🦝 Favorite Toy Series ~ honey acre farms, monster high
56🚛 Do You Use Pacis ~ yes
57🦴 Do You Use Diaps ~ no
58🦈 Gear Wishlist ~ https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/ROR6VX8NCPJX?ref_=wl_share
59🍵 Favorite Regression Item ~ clothes
60🐾 Sippy Cup Or Bottle ~ bottle
61🦊 Oldest Stuffie ~ pinky pie
62🎃 Do You Sleep With A Stuffie ~ yes
63🔥 How Many Stuffies Do You Have ~ too many to count
64🍂 Newest Favorite Stuffie ~ pickles
65🏵️ Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store ~ build a bear
66🥧 Stuffed Animals Or Dolls ~ stuffies
67👽 Do You Have A Bedtime ~ yes
68🍭 Do You Keep An AgeRe Journal ~ yes
69⚡️ Do You Have Rules ~ yes
70🍥 Blankie Or Paci ~ blankie
71🌈 Night Light Or Glow-In-The-Dark Stars ~ both
72🌿 Bedtime Stories Or Lullabies ~ bedtime stories
73🎩 Favorite Thing To Do Outside While Small ~ swing
74🐵 Favorite Thing To Do Inside While Small ~ watch movies and paint
75🦋 Blanket Fort Or Bouncy House ~ blankie fort
76🐯 Stroller Or Walk ~ stroller
77🔮 Dress Up Or Tea Party ~ tea party
78🦜 Do You Like The Playground ~ yea
79💖 Early Bird Or Night Owl ~ night owl
80📝 Indoors Or Outdoors ~ outdoors even though it kills me
81💕 Warm Or Cold Weather ~ cold
82🦢 Dogs Or Cats ~ both
83☎️ Do You Have Any Pets ~ yes, one dog and two cats
84💌 Favorite Animal ~ wolf
85🍒 Favorite Holiday ~ halloween
86🐇 Favorite Season ~ autumn
87❤️ What’s Your Big Age ~ 18
88🌼 What’s A Nostalgic Place For You ~ summer camp
89🐳 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~ slime
90🐙 Do You Collect Anything ~ crystals
91🐠 Bubble Baths Or Bath Toys ~ bubble baths
92🍑 Are Your Agere Interests More Fem Or Masc ~ masc
93☔️ Do You Stim More While Regressed ~ equally as much really
94🎨 Favorite Place To Regress ~ home
95🧵 Favorite Regression Youtuber ~ haven’t found one
96🌈 Favorite Site/App For Regression Community ~ tumblr
97💐 What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up ~ a psychiatrist or a journalist
98📒 What’s The Most Nostalgic Electronic For You ~ computer
99📀 A Toy You Always Wanted But Never Got As A Kid ~ i can’t think of one
100🪐 What Is Your Favorite Thing To Learn About In Headspace ~ space and dino’s
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haseleywildere · 4 months
I suppose I should introduce the next of my Tavs!
This is Huxley, the Way of The Four Elements monk. He grew up in a hermitage in Eltabbar, a brother in the Order of the Phoenix, a monastic order dedicated to the worship of Kossuth, Lord of Flames.
With a name that derived from the old Common word for “untamed wilds,” Huxley was a chaotic presence within the monastery from a very young age, displaying an unfortunate penchant for outbursts of anger and disobedience, one that caused great consternation among the eldest brothers. It was only thanks to the patience of one of his teachers, Forsami Hallor, that Huxley was able to learn the patience and discipline needed to master control of his mind and body. Not one to readily learn from traditional education, his religious and humanities studies remained fraught with struggle from start to finish, but he became one of the most skilled martial artists and flame wielders among the other monks, while learning the wisdom to maintain a peaceful and placid demeanour outside of combat.
Although he has significantly tempered his formerly untamed personality, a little bit of that chaos still bubbles to the surface every now and then, and he has been known to lash out at those who forcibly interrupt his balance. After his capture and infection by the illithid, the involuntary telepathy that beset him was a particular source of rage. But it isn’t just going away, so he’s had to learn how to deal with it.
Huxley was the first Tav I completed BG3 with, and I became so attached to him that I ended up recreating him for a D&D campaign. He’s a good boy, I like him very much.
Plus he’s got that smoulder. 👀
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