#it brings me right back to the mid-late 2000s
ohduhviing · 1 year
I started playing FATE (2005) again for the first time in nearly thirteen years, and oh, it’s aged like fine wine.
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batboyblog · 1 year
hey thanks for not being super doomer over these anti-trans bills. i kept on seeing so many people being defeated over them and it messed up my mental health for a while, like nothing could be done. but you did bring up some good points and shed some light onto people who are actively fighting for us so i thank you again
The queer movement, in the US any ways, has always been cyclical, we make big gains and push forward, then there's a super scary backlash. We're right now at the hight of a really scary backlash thats focused on trans people in particular but is anti-queer more generally. It's intense but its important to remember these backlashes don't generally last very long, they are scary, but each time they've happened, the mid to late 1970s, the 1980s, the early 2000s, the tide has gone out and gay rights, LGBT rights, and society's acceptance of LGBT people has been farther along than before they have never ever managed to turn us back in the years since Stonewall.
And as intense and scary as this is in some ways it's better than last time, when I was a gay teenager. in those days... in 2004 and 2008 the Democrats running for President were uniformly against gay marriage (the big issue of that time) they were trying to get us to settle for the not marriage alternative of civil unions. Only a handful of Congresspeople (some of them gay themselves) in DEEP! blue districts dared to support gay marriage outright. Today the Democratic Party is the most pro-LGBT major political party in the world, you had the President and every Democrat of any note making statements for TDOV a few days ago and you're not seeing even red state Democrats back down and agree to be "a little transphobic" for votes. It felt a lot more lonely last time when it was us and a handful of allies fighting the backlash with most of the Democratic Party on the side lines handwringing and saying "well can't you wait?"
any ways this movement is and will always be a struggle, the rights we've won, the acceptance we've received has never just been given, it's been won, through hard work. Everyone has to dedicate themselves to work in their corner of the earth to the best of their abilities and to push themselves past what they think they can do. That means hooking up with LGBT rights groups on the ground to protest, to rally, to try to support and comfort those queer people who are down and out in whatever way right now, it means digging deep and having hard and awkward conversations with the people in your life, if you're gay or trans or whatever and you got that one aunt/uncle/cousin/whoever in your life that loves you to bits but you know still votes Republican and you just don't bring it up because you don't want to hurt the relationship... have the talk keep having the talk as many times as you need to. Tell your grandparents if they don't know, tell your parents (if its safe or if you don't need their money any more) tell co-workers who don't know etc, they vote for us 2 to 1 if they know they know one of us. Finally register to vote, make sure all your friends particularly if you're young are registered and vote, vote in every election. Trust me it's AMAZINGLY easy to find the email of candidates for school board or city council and it's amazingly easy to ask questions. Last election I emailed every school board candidate about Holocaust education, and the state rep candidate about trans rights, she wrote me back a lovely note and mailed be a sticker she'd picked up from a trans rights group. It's amazingly easy to get involved, I volunteered with my local democrats for one election and they offered me the #3 spot in their local party, I have the phone numbers of my state rep and state senator without trying really, you can get in the room with these people, with candidates for governor, congress, I have my picture with 3 US Presidents? its not hard to do, and you can use chances like that to talk to them and show them your humanity and leave an impression that really matters in the long run.
sorry to RAMBLE but it's important that everyone do their part, pick a little something, a project to push this thing forward, people doom scrolling, particularly posting about how its hopeless does not help, posting in general doesn't help much even if its not doomerism, I think in the years after the anti-gay marriage Bush backlash we got very online and we got very "progress just happens" and a lot of people fell out of the habit or came of age without the habit of protest and without a local queer community or local progressive community and its very important in the face of this to find or build those and also understand in some places its gonna be years of work to get where we want to go, but we will and it'll be worth all the work.
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to-the-stars8 · 9 months
Reviving Love
Jason Todd x Reader AO3
Chapter 3
Jason hadn’t meant to stalk your Instagram page, but it was too tempting. Your profile was public and you posted just the right amount that he could put pieces of your life together from the time he died to the present. Eventually, he had scrolled down far enough that he surprisingly found a picture of you and him.
By the shit mid-2000s Instagram filter and the poor iPhone quality, it had to be right when the two of you started dating. Jason subconsciously ran a hand over his cheek, feeling the stubble and small scar on his jawline as he stared down at the smooth-skinned, rosy-cheeked boy in the photo. It had been before the years got to him, and it was almost an anomaly to see himself so content. He’d forgotten he had been at one point.
Jason shut off the phone, the picture brought him back to reality. Even if he did see you again, he felt too unattractive to ever approach you. No, the scars on his body and the bitterness that hung off every word he said would probably turn you away. He sat on his bed, thinking about how if you saw him again you would probably be deeply disappointed. 
And, scared because, as far as you knew, he was dead. That much would be obvious. 
Jason cursed Dick again for bringing you up. He didn’t know if it was pathetic or not that he was thinking of an old flame from back when he was a little more than a teenager. Surely, you probably hadn’t thought of him in years as it looked like you had moved on with your life. In any case, he was happy about it and tried to do the same. 
The only time he’d ever thought of you before was when you popped up occasionally in his dreams. He’d wake up, and wonder what the fuck that was about. Then he would get up to work out, cook, or anything else so he wouldn’t dwell too much on the thought of you. 
This time, Jason got up to get something to eat as hunger was starting to burn at the corners of his stomach. When he opened the fridge, the light illuminating the dark room, there was nothing. Well, almost nothing. There was a pickle jar, expired cheese, and some beers but nothing that would constitute a good meal for a growing boy as Alfred would say. Defeated and hungry, Jason resigned himself to the horrible fate of having to leave his apartment to go to the store. Groaning, he pulled on some pants and a hoodie before grabbing his keys. 
It wasn’t too late in the evening so plenty of people were still going about, leaving work to return home or going out for the night. Honestly, Jason didn’t find it all too bad. In fact, in a certain light, Gotham could be nice. In a late eighties neo-noir kind of way. The sound of the people on the street with the traffic in the background under the light rainfall made Jason feel at home. It was the diamond in the rough. 
The light rain was a nice relief from the lately warmer weather as summer was finally fading away to let autumn in. Luckily, the store was right around the corner from his apartment, so being outside in the light drizzle wouldn’t be too much of a hassle. 
The store owners greeted him as he entered. Another thing he liked was this part of Gotham, the one not seen by people like Bruce. It was familiarity, a general tough, arms-length kindness that was much appreciated by him. 
“We’ve got those cigarettes you like so much, Jason,” The old man said. “Those imported ones, ya know?” 
“You know I can’t pass those up,” Jason laughed. “Let me grab some groceries and I’ll come back up here to grab ‘em.” 
With a laugh, Jason playfully waved off the old guy as he did the same, wandering down one of the many aisles. Bread, cheese, meat, and soda—The meal made for a growing boy. Jason wandered up and down for a little while, pausing at the selection of condoms before laughing to himself. Nah, he wouldn’t need those any time soon. 
He was about to turn down another aisle when he bumped into someone. “Shit, sorry,” He said, finally looking up. 
Just his fuckin’ luck, he had bumped into you.
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faffreux · 8 months
can you tell us about when you fell in love with fawful? :)
Yep. In fact, I'll write a whole mini essay for you so I can add it to the FAQ section of my website coming up shortly LMAO (SINCE I NEED TO FULLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION FOR THERE ANYWAY, RIGHT???) CLICK UNDER THE READ MORE TO SEE IT BECAUSE THIS IS GOING TO BE THE LONGEST THING I'VE EVER POSTED HERE, LMAO.
To preface, I have been a fan of the M&L games going back to the early-mid 2000s when I was a kid. I had no involvement with fandom or anything of the sort back then but I used to hop on my mom's bulky computer and look up fanart and other related content as early as 2004/5 and as a result, ended up captivated by the characters long before I knew who they actually were. (As a result of this, I have the names and art styles of various old M&L fandom creators permanently ingrained in my head and often wonder where they are today since a good deal of them vanished..!) It wasn't until 2006 that I got my first handheld console (DS Lite) and of course, what did I do? Immediately begged my mom to order me a used GBA copy of Superstar Saga. 
When I finally had the game in my hands it was like coming home to a colorful world that I'd been captivated by for so long but never gotten the chance to actually explore until now. The characters felt like old friends and the Beanbean Kingdom as a location felt familiar and comforting to me. (As a side note, Popple quickly became my favorite. Shocker, right?)
I used to sketch various beans in my notebooks as well as on printer paper we had lying around the house. Long story short, I finished Superstar Saga and then a few years later in 2010 I picked up Bowser’s Inside Story and THAT’S WHEN THINGS SHIFTED–
BIS brought Fawful and his personality to life in a way that captivated my imagination like nothing else had prior. He quickly overtook Popple as my favorite character from then on forward… and that’s where it ends! Or.. is it?
Nah, that’s where it gets funky. Life got a little chaotic after that and not only did I stop playing video games altogether for many years, but I also almost completely gave up on art - the one thing I was most passionate about above all and thought I would make a career out of someday. A series of depressing events caused me to lose all hope and motivation for anything I created and the spark I’d kept inside of me for so long all but died out as a result.
We’re going to timeskip again, this time to late 2019. I’d just moved away from home permanently for the first time and had been getting settled in and no matter what I did to make my new apartment a cozy place it always felt like something was missing. My mind would keep wandering to the fact that I never made art anymore despite it having been such a key part of my life when I was younger. I so desperately wanted to change this and over the next few months the frustration only kept growing until on January 1st, 2020, I sat down in the living room with a pencil and paper in my hand and shut my eyes tightly before saying under my breath:
“I do not care what it is, I don’t care how it comes. Just please… PLEASE send me something to bring my art back. Anything… anything at all. I don’t care what I draw, I just want to be drawing again.” And with that, I placed the lead onto the paper and began to sketch…
And from there… a familiar face appeared!
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(Now I could ramble to you about how much I do NOT like this drawing and how off model it is from how Fawful actually looks… but I’ll forgive myself since I hadn’t touched the M&L games in over a decade at this point and had forgotten most of Fawful’s character. And yet?? Here he was.)
How else can I explain it except that in that moment it felt like the pencil in my hand had suddenly become one of these:
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A joy that I hadn’t felt in SO long suddenly filled my entire being and without wasting another second, I immediately went online and ordered both Superstar Saga and Bowser’s Inside Story to replay again. In the time waiting for the games to arrive I had started drawing daily again - sketching out various old characters of mine with dozens of doodles of the bean man stacked in between them all.
There he was… always smiling, always happy to see me, and oftentimes with his arms outstretched as if to give an encouraging hug. When the games arrived I worked through them quicker than I ever had prior - finishing up Superstar Saga in less than a week and subsequently moving onto Bowser’s Inside Story with a LOT of excitement built up for it. 
It was my first day playing and I was having the time of my life! The way Fawful looked in his little grey cloak with that enormous, charming grin of his as he bamboozled Bowser into eating the Vaccuum Shroom had me giggling with joy while words repeated in my brain over and over of: “I need to draw this later, I NEED to draw this later!!!” I WAS EXCITED ABOUT ART AGAIN… AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I was practically hopping in my seat from the happiness I felt in my heart and chest every time Fawful appeared at this point!
This was how it felt until the moment I arrived at the Fawful Theatre and watched as he began dancing on the stage floor. THIS time.. something different came over me. If you’ve felt it before, then you’ll know what I mean when I say that it was like my entire body turned warm all at once, like some sort of flame had been lit inside. I’d never felt it for anything or anyone prior to then, and that's partly why it hit me as hard as it did. I was practically sweating.
Heck, I was so absorbed in my feelings that I had forgotten there was anyone else in the room with me! That is.. Until my roommate at the time spoke up: 
Her: Are you alright? Me: Uhhh… yeah, why? Her: You’re red as a beet. Are you sure you’re okay?
By this time I had realized what was really going on so I reassured her I was fine, grabbed my 3DS, and ran to my room to finish the playthrough on my own so I wouldn’t embarrass myself any further, hahaha.
In the days, weeks, and months following that moment I became dedicated to drawing the best art of Fawful I could possibly create! What started as a challenge to myself to ‘give back’ to the person who’d given me back the ability to create again turned into someone I genuinely could not stop drawing for how much fun I was having doing it. The desire to make better and better art in order to honor him drove me to improve at a speed I never had prior, and soon thereafter I created Jolligig as a way for me to be in this colorful world with him and to express the deepening affection I was feeling for him with every day that passed by.
By some miracle, my prayer had been answered and here it was in the form of a grinning lima bean.
[End of Part 1. Interested in the rest? Yes… there’s more, I’m sorry. Please let me know in the comments. This took a while to write so I thought splitting it up would be best if folks are interested, LOL.]
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murumokirby360 · 4 months
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Title: Another 90s Camera: Olympus Camedia C-2000 Z
DeviantART Version [CLICK ME!]
Hello, January! Sorry for the long delay, though. Because I have a lot of things that happened at the beginning of 2024. And GOOD NEWS, I've bought something that makes my PC bring back to LIFE, after 7 months of being inactive (since Jun 9th, 2023)! 🖥️🔧😀 Although I'm still working on the topic, maybe I'll submit it this Feb 2024! 😁
Right now, it's time for my 1st throwback item share of 2024, with this neat-old camera (as my improvise).🙂
• Here's another '90s camera, this is the Olympus Camedia C-2000 Z 📷 inherited from my late grandpa named Jim, who passed away on Jun 6th, 2020 owing to complications, as well as the victim of the COVID-19 virus. Once again, R.I.P, grandpa Jim. 😔⚱️🥀 Believe it or not, I used this '90s camera for submitting on dA, back in Jan 2010. 🙂📸🖼️
Here are my snapshots from the 2010s, so far using the 90s Olympus cam: ○ Jan. 4th, 2010 #1 - [CLICK ME!] ○ Jan. 4th, 2010 #2 - [CLICK ME!] ○ Jan. 19th, 2010 - [CLICK ME!]
BTW: #1: All these three we're stored to my dA private storage, but at least I've already posted on tumblr, couple of years ago.
(and) #2: Also, picturing & submitting these photos on whole "January" calendar was utterly coincidence. 😊📸
1st & 2nd Image(s) [took photos on Jan 19th, 2023]: ↑
• Anyways, the 90s Olympus cam possessed 2.1 megapixels of camera 📷✌️, which was pretty clear & and crisp at the time. However, as of 2024, it is considered a pretty low megapixel that no other modern high-quality companies make that, anymore. 🤷‍♀️ Except for cheap gadgets, of course. And when you compare to your (flagship/mid-range) smartphones 📱/digital cameras 📷 that possessed a whopping 150+ Megapixels, and sometimes 200+ megapixels for the Pro-DSLR camera brands 📷🖼️ speaks volumes to the consumers. It was simply an evolution of the camera lens. Today, like the brick phones from the 90s, the 90s cameras we're now a relic status of the past, meaning no one's using them, anymore due to outdated hardware. They now act as a throwback collection, which simply refuses to throw the trash 🚯, like this ancient 90s Olympus camera. 📷🫳 But hey, if your 90s camera still functions, then you're lucky to used it, but please be careful. 😉
• So, what about the "Olympus" 🇯🇵📷 brand? What happened? Are they still producing cameras? 🤔 Well, according to "quora.com", quote "Olympus has announced in June 2020 that it is selling its camera division to Japan Industrial Partners (JIP) and will exit the camera business altogether. The sale to JIP was completed in January 2021, and the new company created from the sale is called OM Digital Solutions." This means the Olympus camera brand is already off the camera wars; with Canon, Sony, and other Japanese camera brands still running the camera business. However, the Smartphone cameras became more advanced than the old-style digital cams. Here's hoping, that the digit cams will have the same treatment, or maybe still be around in case the smartphone's camera pixels weren't enough, in terms of the raw image.📷🤞
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3rd & 4th Image(s) [Took photos on Jan 29th, 2024]: ↑
• Uh yeah, I forgot that the camera includes a soft case fitting for this model. And look, my paper dolls were delighted to see a throwback camera & they wanted a snapshot using it. 🙂📸 Yeah, but it's no longer working 📷❌, and I tried (using 4 Eneloop AA Batteries) 🔋🔋🔋🔋🤷‍♀️. So much so, that I decided to pretend to take snapshots with the old cam while taking photos with my actual camera from my current smartphone (Honor 8C). Was that a coincidence? 🤔 I'm not so sure 😅, but they're delighted. 😊
Well, that’s the end of my topic, more things to come this 2024. 😊
And if you want to see my Yearend Items Summary - 2023, then please → [CLICK ME!].
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @paektu, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @alexander1301
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dropintomanga · 11 months
Thinking About the “Othering” of Japanese Media
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For those who keep up with Japanese video games, you may have heard comments from a prominent Japanese video game producer about how a certain term labeling a video game genre felt discriminatory in his own eyes. A recent Polygon article about that term made me think about how the Western media has “othered” Japanese pop culture media for as long as I remembered.
The producer I’m talking about is Final Fantasy XIV and XVI producer, Naoki Yoshida (known as Yoshi-P to his fans). Back in February 2023 in an interview, Yoshi-P said that the term “JRPG” (short for “Japanese RPG”) was considered discriminatory to him and his peers in the Japanese video game industry. Polygon took a look at how Japanese RPGs and JRPGs became a thing in the late ‘90s (starting with Final Fantasy VII’s North American release in 1997) and how media outlets in the West never seemed to take them too seriously. Even worse, the outlets shoved Japanese developers into a sub-category they never asked to be a part of once Japanese RPG popularity started to wane in the mid-2000s’.
After reading the article, I actually thought about manga and its perception when I first started reading comics. When I first discovered what manga was back in 1995, I learned about Ghost in the Shell from an issue of Wizard Magazine (a North American-based magazine highly dedicated to Western comics). The first thing that came to mind when I read what Wizard wrote was that it had a cybersex scene and very adult in nature. My mind was somewhat blown since I was in 7th grade at the time. Now that I think about it, almost 30 years later, I wonder if Wizard was trying to say that Japanese creators were super-perverted compared to Western creators. I still remember a non-fan a friend of mine met at Otakon one year who asked “Isn’t anime sexual?” when inquiring bout anime.
With regards to manga, for most of its history in the overall comics world, it has been othered in the U.S. due to how successful it’s been in reaching out to “non-traditional” comics-reading audiences. Statements like “Oh, it’s just a fad!” and “Manga doesn’t have dedicated buyers (i.e. adults with disposable income) like Western comics does!” were thrown to discredit manga’s popularity. Christopher Butcher (of Mangasplaining/TCAF fame) talked about this in a 2015 article on his website, which still holds some truth today. Even though manga sales have peaked around the pre-vaccine COVID time period, they are steady today. New York Comic-Con in 2022 had a substantial anime/manga presence compared to years past. Anime and manga can’t be ignored any longer.
Yet I know that some things haven’t changed in industry recognition. I will use the Eisner Awards as an example. For those who don’t know, it’s a prestigious awards ceremony that happens around San Diego Comic-Con every year and honors the best in comics. However, their recognition of manga is spotty. There has been recent criticism towards the Eisner committee for recognizing only the “hot” manga creators (i.e. the ones with best-selling manga titles on book charts). The best example I can give is Junji Ito. A lot of his works are nominated despite there being better works worthy of recognition out there. There has been some criticism in the manga circle I’m in about how Eisner judges/representatives don’t seem to take the time to explore the greater breadth of what manga has to offer in its new golden age.
Of course, when awards ceremonies like the Academy Awards don’t really seem to care much about praising Japanese pop culture media, what hope is there, right?
Which brings me to a point that the Polygon article elaborates on the West’s insistence on particular views of Japan.
“It’s clear that the mainstream only courts a specific idea of Japan as being acceptable — often reinterpretations of feudal Japan, largely spanning from the 1500s to late 1800s, when the samurai were still part of Japanese society.“  
I do notice that Japan is supposed to be this “quirky” and “weird” place with wild imagination. If somehow a Japanese title has themes common in Western media/culture, but lacks the exotic style Westerners prefer, it’s sometimes heavily ignored in the mainstream eye. I don’t know. What do you guys think?
Polygon does mention that we’re living in some really good times with regards to Japanese video games being popular again. Many fans, including myself, know that too well. I enjoyed gaming again due to the variety of Japanese-developed titles that came out since 2016 (the start of the Japanese video game industry revival). I see parallels in manga and anime reception too. All of Japanese pop culture media is celebrated overseas. Fans that consume all things Japanese are living through amazing times.
That doesn’t mean that it’s going to last forever. I do know at some point, Western media will find new ways to scrutinize Japanese media and our time in the spotlight will fade again. Some degree of othering will always happen due to human nature and I know that we can use that term for positive purposes. Manga is about how “others” that are different from the norm can become celebrated by the world. Reading this post about manga reminds me that comics of any kind can cover any topic imaginable and definitely be made for “other” people to read. 
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country-corner · 2 months
New States or National Divorce
Over the last couple of days, it seems everywhere I turn I'm hearing talk about a national divorce. Again.
Over the last several months, on a different platform, I've been talking with several people from Oregon and Washington, that is where I hear the most talk about a national divorce, what brought them to this way of thinking.
Most of the complaints are about how the State Governments have become to totalitarian, violates Constitutional rights, institution of Marxist or Communist laws, rules, or regulations.
So I pose a simple line of questioning. In the late 1930's early 1940's the State of Jefferson was formed on the border of Oregon and California. It was revived again in 2016 with more counties added (with some chatter as early as the late 1990's early 2000's). Would you be willing to back that movement?
For several decades, almost 100 years, there has been one group or another trying to break Eastern Washington off of Western Washington to form it's own State. It even got votes in the Washington State Legislature a few times, one vote for the split fell short by just a couple votes. Would you be willing to back such a split?
There was one group had even drawn up a plan to split Eastern Oregon, North Idaho, Western Montana and Eastern Washington into a new State. Would you back that kind of movement?
Then there is the Greater Idaho movement where most of Oregon's counties have voted to leave Oregon and join Idaho. With some suggestions of bringing Eastern Washington in as well. Would you back that?
The majority response was NO. No, because Boise, Helena, Olympia, Salem or DC would never go for it. No, because there are too many living in the area who would vote against it. No, do you know how hard and how much work it would be forming a new State. Even when reminded that Democrats have talked about giving DC and Puerto Rico Statehood, with the (alleged) thought that it would give them 4 permanent Democrat Senate Seats, guaranteeing a permanent Democrat majority in the Senate. They still say no.
But many of those are openly calling for a National Divorce, fulfilling the Mid 20th century Communist dream of the balkanization of the US.
Some talk like it is the easiest thing to do (won't do Statehood because it's too hard but build new Nation would be easy?). Others talk like every State Capital would go along with the Divorce idea with no disagreements. Still others talk like everyone in the country would go for it with no disagreement. I have even seen a few say it is the "Final Solution" to the discourse within the US.
It brings in the question to me, are these people the useful idiots that the old Communists loved to see? Are they actually Communists pretending to be "Concerned Conservatives" trying to break up the US? Are they just too brainwashed by the media, education system and political pundits to accept any alternatives? Are they just too tired or too lazy to put in the work of forming a new State? Or have they just given up and don't really care anymore?
I've said it before, a National Divorce or a Big Split as some call it, would not work out like many think it would. It would greatly weaken both of the new nations. It's not the Conservative or Liberal dream that some political commentators try to make it sound like. Because there will be both Conservative and Liberal people who will refuse to move leaving people with strong political ideologies in the middle of (what I've heard some refer to as) the "enemies territory." And do you honestly think, if there is a split or divorce, that the US Constitution will come through to either of the new Nations as is?
And that doesn't even address those I hear talk about a new Civil War like they're playing Call of Duty.
I'm not saying I have all the answers, but I know that a National Divorce is not the answer. Nor is a Civil war. Forming new States might be. There may be other answers that have not been voiced out there. But look around. Get out of you echo chamber box and talk with your family, coworkers, neighbors fellow Church or Club members, but talk with them not at them. You might find that you and that person who has a different political view may have more in common than you thought and can come up with something better than anything being talked about now. But TALK.
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ketsubankoya · 10 days
I don't know what to do with myself.
Once upon a time, I was a medium-grade fanfic writer. I wrote fanfiction for Sailor Moon, which was already past its golden age but still had a good amount of life in it. I belonged to a few online communities and built a solid following, along with a number of long-lasting friendships with great people.
In the mid-2000s, I faded out of online fandom for two reasons. I burned out on writing after forcing my way to the end of a fanfic that had ended up being way longer than I'd ever intended, and I got involved in offline fandom. Primarily staffing conventions and events. Again, I poured everything I had into a community that meant the world to me.
It was the best and worst thing I've ever done. I grew into a stronger, more capable person, and helped bring cherished experiences and memories to thousands of my fellow nerds. I met amazing people, several of whom were instrumental in keeping me alive when my brain spent a few years trying to kill me. And yet, all human constructs are dumpster fires. Problematic people are everywhere. Whatever beautiful thing you're involved in, eventually it will go wrong. Things will get ugly, and whatever you loved will become unrecognizable. And I burned out again, and had to step back from that world.
So now, here I am. Trying to figure out what kind of life I'm going to have next. I've been indulging in several hobbies I haven't had time for over the past 20 years. But I feel adrift. I've always had trouble dedicating myself to any hobby enough to get good at it, but it's been a long time since I felt real fire for anything that lasted longer than a flash.
I've been struggling with this for several months at this point. I've been painting, I've been writing, I've been streaming, I've been redecorating, but I haven't gotten particularly far with any of them. Today, I'm realizing that as much of an introvert homebody as I am, I need community. I need connection with others doing the same things, and feedback from people who consume what I produce. Creating for others is instrumental to my motivation for doing anything.
It's frustrating, and sad. We should do things for ourselves, and for the pleasure of doing them, not for an audience, right? I don't know if I've ever in my life made anything with no intent to show it to anyone. I need the value found in sharing my efforts with others. So now I'm here on Tumblr, after carrying around an unused journal since last August. And after trying several other social media platforms in an effort to connect with people. I can't be productive in a vacuum.
What now? I've been strongly attracted to the thought of being a content creator lately. What kind of content, I don't know (see aforementioned list of hobbies). But there's another problem, when it comes to that. I'm not a creator. I'm not really a writer, or an artist, or any of those things. Everything I've ever made is either derivative or garbage. Every. Single. Thing. I make things, but I don't actually create anything.
There's an odd agony in wanting so badly to create something, but not actually being a creator. I keep waiting for the perfect hobby to pop up, but I don't have what it takes to seize that opportunity even if it were to arise. So I'm sad, and empty, and idle.
I don't know what to do with myself.
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mrultra100 · 9 months
I dunno about you folks, but given the recent news about Adult Swim’s new Checkered Past block (them broadcasting old Cartoon Network shows), along with today being 810nicle Day, it’s got me thinking about my childhood.
This is something I normally don’t bring up, as I usually don’t discuss my personal experiences, but I wanna get it off my chest. As far back as the mid to late 2000s, 3 big things were a factor of my childhood; LEGO, Cartoon Network/Adult Swim, and, believe it or not, the city of Atlanta, Georgia.
The LEGO bit is rather obvious, given how I’m a huge Mixels fan, but I also recall liking Bionicle alot when it was being sold. While I don’t really remember alot of my past with that particular franchise myself, I do remember seeing the commercials for it back in the day. And to this day, I often find myself rewatching old promotional material for Bionicle on Youtube for nostalgia reasons. Why, I even dabbled around with the G2 sets back when they came out during the mid 2010’s. I guess my love for LEGO back in my early years was a huge reason why I latched onto Mixels from the very start. Like with alot of people that I know, Mixels and Bionicle are the two LEGO franchises I love the most, both as a kid, and even now as a young adult. Obviously, a few other themes from that time like Power Miners, Atlantis, and Hero Factory were sets that I liked alot, but for the sake of discussion, Mixels and Bionicle are what come to my head first whenever I think about LEGO.
Speaking of Mixels, the series that it got on Cartoon Network was, and still is, one of my favorite shows on the channel. I guess that serves as a nice segway into the CN portion, eh? Getting back into the topic at hand, given how I was born in 2002, I would eventually grow up with many of the shows from the CN eras of not only the mid-to-late 2000s, but also the early 2010s; Yes! Noods, and even a bit of the Check It era are when I had some pretty good memories with Cartoon Network, and the shows airing throughout all of that time stuck with me. Obviously, Mixels comes up again when I talk about this sorta thing, but shows like Chowder, Flapjack, the original continuity of Ben 10, Billy and Mandy, Adventure Time Regular Show, and plenty more are what I saw and loved back then. I even dabbled in a bit of Adult Swim too, as not only does Aqua Teen Hunger Force come to mind, me and my family even watched late-night broadcasts of King of the Hill. And I’m not sure if I’m remembering this right, but I might have even seen a tiny bit of Toonami as well. I dunno, it’s been a long time since that all happened
Lastly, the last thing of this 3 layered cake of nostalgia is me and my family visiting the city of Atlanta, more specifically, the Georgia Aquarium. My mind’s a bit fuzzy on when my first visit exactly was, but I’m guessing that was around in 2008. I was 6 back then, so it happened long ago. Even back at that age, I was a lover of marine life, sharks especially. I think the Georgia Aquarium was my first ever time seeing these beautiful creatures alive. Unlike a good chunk of people, I’ve always been fascinated by sharks and other marine animals, so you can probably imagine the sheer awe that I had when I saw a whale shark swimming around Ocean Voyager. Moments like that tend to stick with you for life. And ever since, I’ve had the pleasure of coming back again and again all throughout my late childhood and teen years. Even to this day, me and my family go to the aquarium for sleepovers every once and a while. No joke, I even teared up a little bit when the lights went off in the massive viewing window in Ocean Voyager, where me, my dad, and the sleepover group that we were a part of, when it got late. Seeing shadows dance, cruise, and flicker inside the inky depths was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen in my life, mainly due to how it struck a chord with my nostalgia. While the Georgia Aquarium itself has changed to add in renovations, new galleries and animals, and other such things, my love and appreciation for the place has only grown within years, and I’ll always treasure it and the memories that I’ve had. Also, while we’re on the topic of Atlanta, did you know that Williams Street, one of the teams behind Adult Swim, is set within Atlanta? Things like that bring everything together.
Now, with all of that said, what’s the point of me going off on a discussion like this? It’s just me wanting to talk about certain things from my childhood that I, along with many other people, have had happy childhood memories. Given the state of the world right now, I feel like thinking about simpler times helps with feeling better. Adult Swim’s Checkered Past feels like the team in charge of the channel wants to not only bring back memories of the old CN shows that we all loved as children (along with introducing any kids today to said shows), but to also give these beloved classics the love and respect that they deserve. Cartoon Network, as it stands now, is in desperate need of repair, and it’s all Discovery’s fault. Given how he ruined both Discovery and Warner Bros with the WB Discovery merger, along with canceling certain films and shows before they could come out, filing Discovery and ruining Shark Week with pseudoscience nonsense designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator (I.E. braindead morons who spread conspiracies that aren’t true in the slightest) and reality show garbage that no sane person would willingly watch, David Zaslav is one of the few people out there that I unironically despise with all of my heart. I really hope someone in the near future comes out and finds a way to fire his ass for good. That bastard needs to go. Only then, things for WB and CN can find a way to improve for the better, along with many other studios going through similar situations.
Until that happens, things like Checkered Past serve as a way to rediscover the magic felt by all of us, and it’s a magic that I can attend to especially. Even with how I’ve grown and changed as a person, along with my tastes in media being refined and expanded on, I’ll always harken back to simpler times. I think we could all have a trip down memory lane.
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dwn024 · 10 months
i want u to know that cmy2k inspires me so much,, ive got my own sorta retro sci-fi project going and i look to it to see what i could perhaps improve story and atmosphere-wise!! its so fun looking and i love all the character designs :]
AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH that makes me extremely happy to hear i can’t believe i’m inspirational to someone that’s awesome….
if you want my one big secret tip to making a retro futurism/period piece scifi thing feel more legit or authentic, it’s to not Just look at examples of futurism shit from the era your thing is set in [for instance for CMY2K, not just looking at late 90s shit and ESPECIALLY not at early 2000s shit cuz if it’s later it could be anachronistic]! you have to also look at whichever prior era that decade was nostalgic for.
for example, a lot of 2010s futurism harkens back to the 80s cuz everyone was nostalgic for the 80s in that decade, certain facets of design from the 40s-70s took inspiration from the fucking 1890s. 90s/2000s was nostalgic for 60s/70s, so there’s a lot of 60s/70s influence in Y2K futurism, especially taking inspiration from things like mod fashion or supergraphic ultramodern, or even like, flared jeans kinda came back in the 90s and those are pretty ubiquitous with the 60s/70s.
if you only Just look at shit from the era you’re focusing on the retrofuturism of, you risk accidentally corrupting it with more modern influences and it won’t look authentic because it’s too obviously recent. plus, time periods don’t exist in a bubble, the 80s bled into the 90s, the 70s bled into the 80s, hell people nowadays still live in houses that look like they were built in the 40s. for period pieces and retrofuturism, it’s better to skew older than newer or else no one’s gonna buy it. i personally always get torn right out of it whenever i see a VHS effect that looks too digital or even like, a movie that’s supposed to be set in the 80s has a soundtrack that sounds like the fucking sims 3 loading screen (cough wonderwoman 1984 cough) whereas pretty much ALL 80s movies used early moog synths for their soundtracks and early synths have a very distinct sound to them, and even if they used a real orchestra or session musicians it still sounded analog and staticky, and even things like audio mixing have changed SO MUCH since then like the bass nowadays is always mixed SO GODDAMN HEAVY in FUCKING EVERYTHING so if you have that like 2010s cinematic bass boost that you can feel in your stomach if you have surround sound, i won’t buy it, lower the bass and bring up the treble and mids please god (he was forced to watch wonderwoman 1984 a few weeks ago and fucking hates how little effort it put into the period accuracy)
good luck with your thing thank you for liking CMY2K^_^
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grim-echoes · 1 year
honestly not to sound like a mid-20s boomer tm but kids' online experiences now don't hold a candle to what people in my age group and older used to have. like bro when i was a preteen i was on youtube making bad windows movie maker sonic videos with my best friend about our terrible (affectionate) ocs and doing bad asterisk roleplay in pms and comments back when those things used to exist and whenever you'd see shipping """discourse""" it was just kids arguing with eachother in the comments of deviantart stamps about how some crack shipping was stupid because they'd never met eachother and sonic wouldn't love your oc because that's not in line with canon and we only knew eachother by our sonic oc names which were always like blade or razor or flame or darkness and the worst community discourse you'd ever get were kids complaining about someone stealing their art style meanwhile the entire subculture of scemo sonic ocs were straight up ripping one particular person's very distinct art style left, right, and center for years complete with bad "I <3 weed" tramp stamps and rainbow coontails and bisexual behavior and now kids online today are like. genuinely ripping eachother apart over some of the most trivial shit you've ever seen turned up to 11 with intensely high stakes that could ruin a person's life and entire online experience and there's almost no spaces left for them anymore to just be stupid and have fun with eachother the way you could as a kid in the late 90s and 2000s and it's so depressing bro. do yall even watch amvs with like. angel of darkness or animal i have become or bring me to life anymore
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literaticat · 1 year
Hi! Librarian who's also a YA writer here. Do you think we will ever see another "surge" in YA popularity the way we did in the mid-to-late 2010s? Our YA titles at my library don't circulate nearly as much as our books for other age groups (MG does great, for example). I know that the YA genre is generally oversaturated. Could you see the tides shifting back to another YA boom in future years?
For sure, I kinda think these things are cyclical. That "surge" was a particularly large bubble (and bubbles DO burst); we're still feeling some of the pain of the market correcting on that, but I think YA is starting to normalize to a base level again.
At some point there will be another mega-series like TWILIGHT or HUNGER GAMES -- something *so big* that it lights up the entire section for years again and brings a whole new audience and renewed enthusiasm for YA as a whole.
For the youths among us who may not remember: Pre-Twilight, in the late 90 and early 2000s, YA was really just getting its footing and finding popularity as a distinct category outside of "kids books." There definitely were YA books, don't get me wrong -- but they just weren't that big a deal, nobody was celebrating them or really noticing them. Laurie Halse Anderson's SPEAK came out in 1999, which to me marks the beginning of the modern age of YA; that's also the year that the ALA started honoring YA with it's own award, the Printz.
The category began picking up steam fairly quickly -- Holly Black's first book came out around 2003, as did Libba Bray's first series -- at my bookstore, around this time, we literally moved the YA section *out of kids entirely* and put it next to the adult SF/F section because there were starting to be a lot more books!
2005 rolls around. The first TWILIGHT book comes out, the publisher paid what seemed like an insane, unthinkably large price for it, but it also sold phenomenally. And we were off to the races - BOOM TIME.
By 2008-2009, HUNGER GAMES is coming out, TWILIGHT movies start coming out and the boom becomes a mega-boom. Those books and movies, (and the big series that followed, like Maze Runner, Divergent, etc, in the 2010s-teens) made up a HUGE amount of that $$$, for YEARS. But also the success of those books raised the profile of EVERYTHING in YA, because more customers and patrons were in the section, because of those books. Which made publishers want to try and chase that high and get MORE giant series like that. Why not? It's an unstoppable juggernaut, right?
But of course that wasn't really sustainable, since nothing lasts forever, fads come and go, at a certain point everyone who wants the books already owns them and has moved on, the YA fever had broken, the sales dried up, but publishers work two years ahead of time and had massively over-bought and over-spent, thinking it would all last forever, and ... well. You saw what happened. :-/
The good news is -- again, fads come and go, things are cyclical, people don't learn lessons from the past, etc etc. So it wouldn't surprise me AT ALL if a similar thing were to take place again. But it might not be *quite* as dramatic this time around, since YA is well-established at this point rather than being a wild-west scenario.
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10,000 Maniacs with Leigh Nash – Ardmore Music Hall – Ardmore, PA – November 12, 2023
10,000 Maniacs was briefly – during the mid-late 1980s and early 1990s – one of the biggest bands in the alt-rock world. Formed in Johnstown, New York in the early 80s and fronted by singer/songwriter Natalie Merchant, with keyboardist Dennis Drew, bassist Steve Gustafson, drummer Jerry Augustyniak and guitarist Robert Buck, they broke out with their 1986 album In My Tribe, which spawned three minor hits – “Like the Weather,” “What’s the Matter Here” and a cover of Cat Stevens’ “Peace Train,” but eventually sold over 2,000,000 copies.
In 1989 their follow-up Blind Man’s Zoo opened up their recognition even more, becoming a platinum record (1,000,000 units sold) and they just missed the top 40 with their single “Trouble Me.” Their 1992 album Our Time In Eden also became a hit, spawning the minor hits “These Are Days” and “Candy Everybody Wants.” However, they had their first top 10 single with a live cover of Patti Smith’s “Because the Night,” which was recorded for MTV Unplugged, back in the days where nearly every band released an Unplugged album.
Right at the height of their fame, Merchant decided to leave the band to go solo, a sporadically successful venture which led to a couple of big hit albums and has continued to this day. The band’s label Elektra decided to stick with Merchant and drop the rest of the band. Therefore, in regrouping, the Maniacs brought on board John Lombardo (who had been an early member of the group but left the album before they broke out) and his musical partner Mary Ramsay, who had a folk band called John and Mary which had opened for the Maniacs. (Both had performed as part of the Maniacs at the MTV Unplugged session.)
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Over the years since, the band had a series of lineup changes – the most important one coming when guitarist and songwriter Robert Buck died way too young of liver disease at age 42 in 2000 – but basically the band continued on with a base of Drew, Gustafson, Augustyniak and Lombardo. Ramsay ended up having a much longer run with 10,000 Maniacs than Merchant ever did – recording four albums (10 if you count EPs and live albums), and even having a fluke top 40 hit with a cover of Roxy Music’s “More Than This” on her first album with the band, and touring with the band for nearly 30 years before leaving the group last year.
Without a singer for the first time in decades – I don’t know if they reached out to Merchant, but she is still working on her solo career and has shown little interest in looking backwards over the years – the band had an interesting thought. Over the years they had toured periodically with the group Sixpence None the Richer – which was big in the late 90s and early 00s and had hits with “Kiss Me,” “Breath My Name” and covers of the La’s “There She Goes” and Crowded House’s “Don’t Dream It’s Over.” The members of 10,000 Maniacs became friends with the band, particularly singer Leigh Nash and lead guitarist and songwriter Matt Slocum. Why not bring them onboard, and the tour can be a mixture of both groups’ hits? (The group’s official bio promoting this tour is a bit vague as to whether Nash and Slocum have joined 10,000 Maniacs full time or if this is just a one-tour thing…)
It turns out to be a pretty good fit. Nash’s vocals are similar enough to Merchant and Ramsay’s so as to not be distracting, and yet different enough to add a bit of interest and excitement to songs that have been around for decades.
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This gig was the second of two shows on the tour in the Philadelphia area. The night before the new Maniacs played at the more traditional Colonial Theater in nearby Phoenixville, about a half-hour drive away. The Ardmore Music Hall is more of a large club, standing-room-only atmosphere.
The band opened with a slightly more obscure tune, “City of Angels,” but after that there was a run of hits that lasted most of the first set. (The show was broken into two nine-song sets plus a three-song encore.) “Trouble Me” started things off with a sweet hopefulness before the set took a slightly darker turn... at least lyrically. “What’s the Matter Here?” and “Like the Weather” (undoubtedly two of the most upbeat and catchy songs ever written about the serious subjects of child abuse and manic depression) from In My Tribe still feel new, immediate and wonderful all these years after their release.
The covers also started to pop up soon afterwords, with gorgeous takes on “Don’t Dream It’s Over” and “More Than This” going down smoothly. Back to the originals, the political treatise “You Happy Puppet” still stings in its immediacy – in fact it’s perhaps even more trenchant today than it was when originally recorded. The first set finished off on the gorgeously somber “Stockton Gala Days.”
The mix of the groups was even more evident in the second act, when 10,000 Maniacs’ desperate “Don’t Talk” was followed up by Sixpence’s wonderfully catchy “Breath My Name.” (That song should have been a much bigger hit than it became.) Of course, each of the bands’ biggest hits were represented: from 10,000 Maniacs’ propulsive cover of Patti Smith and Bruce Springsteen’s biting romantic discourse “Because the Night” to the sweetly naïve and lovesick catchiness of Sixpence’s near-perfect hit single “Kiss Me.”
That romanticism was also touched on in a couple of favorite In My Tribe album tracks, the sweetly charming marriage song “My Sister Rose” and the beat-generation mythologizing of “Hey Jack Kerouac,” which led into the encore. The group sent the night out with the perfect power pop of The La’s “There She Goes” and then closed things out with an uplifting version of “These Are Days.”
Turns out that the merging of two separate popular bands from two different eras worked out pretty well in this case. I’m looking forward to seeing if this collaboration goes further.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: November 14, 2023.
Photos by Jim Rinaldi © 2023. All rights reserved.
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visiblenostalgia · 10 months
Six Of Cups
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{What reminds me of this card. Via, images, links and potential smells or even outfit ideas for you to master/use.}
⊱ ────────────{.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}──────────── ⊰
Nostalgia • Innocence • Inner Child
(More under the cut)
It’s got this like…..vignette film on the outside but it’s white instead of black. Like it’s definitely done through an innocent haze
Getting coffee/tea with your best buds in the morning listening to metal on the radio. (One of my favorite memories from mid-high school)
Lots of baby/pastel colors and warm gushy feelings (but can vary for others)
Going home/or to a house of a closely related one for Christmas/Thanksgiving/[insert your traditions here. It doesn’t matter what they are but if they involve family or friends and celebrate life/the riches it brings, then that’s what matters]
Long held traditions
The scholastic book fair
A new MacBook or Apple Computer out of the box
Bubble Bath by REPLICA
Black Ice/ Little Tree Air Freshener
Gain laundry detergent…..idk why it just does it for me.
Your gonna hate me for it but…… Axe Apollo. AXE IS NOSTALGIC FOR ME.
Coppertone Baby sunscreen
Washington state morning air (during a sunrise) in the late summer days before school begins.
Texas evening air (when business close and everyone returns to their families and supper begins) for the summers. Even if their heat is oppressive, I still love the smell
Gingersnap and gingerbread
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Outfit ideas:
Thrifted grandma sweaters, wide leg acid wash jeans, (slightly dirty) converse chucks, funky socks, plaid flannels, anything thrifted
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emptylittlebug · 1 year
Lbs lost in Feb: 1.6
In: 290
Vitamins (10), water, Adderall, Wellbutrin, magnesium, water, bbq boneless wings (280), water
Out: 2606
Steps: 3106
Period is over!
I forgot my water bottle at home this morning 🤦‍♀️ Plastic bottles just aren’t the same.
This evening I’ll be building my son’s bunk bed. Hopefully that’ll burn some cals.
I was up wayyy too late last night making felt eyes for my stuffies. I’m so tired today.
I think I want to but my hair… right now it’s down past the middle of my back. I know I’ll regret it though. Hmm. Might lose a few ounces though… and it’ll look better/healthier obviously.
I really think I need to start exercising so I won’t have sooo much loose skin. I know I’ll have a bit, but maybe I can make it a little less? And I’d love to get my arm muscles back.. I’m thinking about a dance workout to start with? I have a few from my beachbody obsession days.. I’m actually thinking about signing up for that again tbh. Just for the workouts and shake if I’m being honest. Of course I’d stick to my current diet of “as little as possible” 🤷‍♀️ It would be sooo easy to get sucked back into that agin though. And it’s expensive. Buttt if I’m not spending that $ on food maybe I can make it work… hmm.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how the “Ana trend” has changed so much since 2004-2009 until now. Yes, AFTER I became anorexic I found the world of Ana on Xanga a lifetime ago it feels like 😅. We never had any of that high restriction, metab days, or any of that. It was straight less than 1000cal/day, exercise off every single cal down to net 0 or in the negatives. If you had more than 1000 you were just “dieting”, not an eating disorder status…800-900 was high restriction and only allowed if you were in sports or something. 300-400 was status quo.
I know how bad that is and everything and I do NOT encourage it!! It severely messed up our short term memories and even though I recovered for 10ish years, my short term memory never came back like it should be. I’m glad it’s not the norm anymore so people aren’t hurting themselves as badly. I just think it’s strange how things change like this.
We were some very fucked mentally ill teenagers in the mid 2000s…
The hold those tabloids, VS models, MK, Nicole Richie, diet culture had on us… damn.
I just can’t bring myself to change my thinking about this 🤷‍♀️
My brain says “oh, you want to up your calorie limit… I knew you just wanted to diet and don’t ReAlLy have an ED. Your pain and reasons aren’t as strong as they should be. Poor little emo kid just wants to be trendy and lose weight.” UGH.
My logic knows that’s stupid, but brain beats logic unfortunately.
Anyway, enough rambling from me!
I hope you enjoy your day ✨
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Imagine being worth 60mln at the age of 16, wtf but hopefully he plays well. Zidane hair era??? For a second I thought it'd be Kaka and that Kaka look alike not his actual son akdhajhsjsgajahaj
Messi acts like Neymar's father what is Neymar gonna do once Messi retires, Neymar retirement era as well? Skshsbahjshababsjshaha
I've always had this issue with The Blues, I saw them in match a few times and it was during the seasons when they were mostly defending not attacking and it's not like they always played better teams so it was confusing. Well anyways LONDON IS RED so 🤗 Ronaldo at Bayern wow and Man City, Man Utd fans would be thrilled lmao
Tbh I know it's not always easy to check everyone before hiring them, like all the idols who were mean to people at some point, a lot of the situations were kept in secret. Prison League 💀
I spent some time "studying" the royals, so I have a lot of strong opinions about them, maybe that's why. I obviously don't know them personally, but some things are obvious. Hahaha do you think some of the watch The Crown and actually like it? 👀
GOT at Coachella? Hmmm choices, but that would be funny. Shinee at Coachella tho! Or maybe not there since it's trash. Godddd I hate Paris now because they're getting MuBank in April with Skz and then Lolla with Skz as well??? Fuck them Frenchies, after witnessing their behaviour at Fashion Week this year and last year they don't deserve shit 😤 good for Skz, very proud but also 🔫
Unhinged mid/late 2000s tv shows was such an era. And now they released Teen Wolf the movie IT'S SO BAD. Oh I haven't really watched Wizards of Weverly Place, I saw a few episodes but I don't think I was the target audience when it came out. I'm not really a Disney Channel person, except for Zack and Cody and maybe Hannah Montana
Yeah, Baek not to threaten you, but I might send my army of snakes after you if you keep teasing me 😘 uhm a G wagon to pick up girls???
I started the murderous husband webtoon on a different page that has more chapters, cause I had to see what was going on! It's interesting, but idk how to feel about that relationship, we'll see
The NASCAR cartoon was called NASCAR RACERS idk why I watched it
Soohyuk is clearly dating Hoshi lol also don't forget about our wedding soon!
Everything I've learnt about Coleen Hoover was against my will and now Blake, et tu Brute...
Hold on Baeksy, consider this... the question is, why are they enemies, or is it a one sided hatred? How and why did person 1 fall for person 2? So many possibilities!!!
Me for the past few days: ik Hwa has black hair, I need to accept it. Hwa: *shows up with black hair*. Me: WTF IS THIS 😭😭😭😭
EH, ot8 black hair lovers are winning... but oh well. Now if Seonghwa cuts his hair (99% sure he trimmed it already :/) and gets an under cut I'm gonna have a bigger problem. MILF SEONGHWA COME BACK PLS, L O N G HAIR PLS!!!!!
This idc for my kpop men looking like regular people 😫 they have black hair every 10 minutes what's there to miss. The only way to win me over with black hair is when the hair is loooooong long. And I literally had a dream about him in this colour, I know he had it for a while, but it's time to bring it back me thinks
I need more selcas. Also a missed opportunity to dye it a different colour, but I understand his scalp was damaged :( Seonghwa gives so much, but then he has to take it away...
Not him being 👉👈 about the cat beanie photos, best believe once the photos drop I'm gonna eat all my walls!!!
God Pique is so embarrassing what a clown. SO PRETTY YOUR DAUGHTER JSJSHSBANSHAHAH no bc if she was 3 years younger it'd make her 15 years younger and I know some people become parents at the age if 15, so imagine him as her father.... yikes
Oh yes they're right
Also not me not recognising Ateez at Eden's wedding, I especially couldn't recognise Hwa IT'S THE FUCKING HAIR IT'S NOT CLICKING FOR ME. Maddox is my new bias, because his hair aaaaaa. But Seonghwa talking about crying at the wedding, that's my boomer baby boy - DV 💖
Imagine being worth 60mln at the age of 16, wtf but hopefully he plays well. Zidane hair era??? For a second I thought it'd be Kaka and that Kaka look alike not his actual son akdhajhsjsgajahaj
YEAH AT THE AGE OF 16??? i was worrying about my exams and this bro out here earning millions 😭😭 he does, plays super well! his story is quite sad but his motivation is mental, he’s mbappe fast, maybe even faster and he’s only 16! hopefully he does not get injured!! LMFAOOOO FOR A MOMENT I WAS EXPECTING KAKA LOOKALIKE AND WAS SURPRISED IT WAS HIS ACTUAL ONE, his looks still >> zidane hair might not grow! he’s got 4 teams, rm, psg, juventus & bayern wanting him now 😭😭
Messi acts like Neymar's father what is Neymar gonna do once Messi retires, Neymar retirement era as well? Skshsbahjshababsjshaha
he really does, thiago messi who? it’s neymar messi actually 🤚🏻I THINK HE WOULD ACTUALLY he’s been wanting to bc njr said he can’t handle the media pressure anymore 😭😭 hopefully he retires w the wc trophy 😭😭
I've always had this issue with The Blues, I saw them in match a few times and it was during the seasons when they were mostly defending not attacking and it's not like they always played better teams so it was confusing. Well anyways LONDON IS RED so 🤗 Ronaldo at Bayern wow and Man City, Man Utd fans would be thrilled lmao
yEAAAHHH the players are underperforming also the tensions w the coach and the head,,, spending MILLIONS in transfer windows atp they’re collecting players like pokémon but those players are not doING SHIT!!!! tuchel should have never left, mourinho is the only hope but i doubt he might come back,,, MAN CITYS CATCHING UP ALVAREZ IS COMING FOR UR REDS 😭😭😭 atp i think cristiano would like to go the man utd too but at least it’s said he’s gonna retire at rm 😭😭
Tbh I know it's not always easy to check everyone before hiring them, like all the idols who were mean to people at some point, a lot of the situations were kept in secret. Prison League 💀
yeah! it’s not easy but at least the bare minimum works 😭😭😭 sometimes a pretty face can get those idols anywhere, to the point of hiding insane stuff,, PRISON LEAGUE FBWKDBWM it’s not world cup, it’s prison wars <3
I spent some time "studying" the royals, so I have a lot of strong opinions about them, maybe that's why. I obviously don't know them personally, but some things are obvious. Hahaha do you think some of the watch The Crown and actually like it? 👀
OOOOOOOO with ur info, who do u think is the better one out of them all? who’s the worst? and who’s ok? i do like philip’s humor he seems like the funny, blunt type of person fbfb i think harry confirmed they see the crown 💀 charles also said he doesn’t mind it but thinks ppl might take the fictional part not seriously and think it’s real dbdb i know edward and sophie love it and made the queen watch it for funsies but she thought some parts were dramatized, i guess we can say they have some sort of humour fbfbf i bet no one watched the diana season 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
GOT at Coachella? Hmmm choices, but that would be funny. Shinee at Coachella tho! Or maybe not there since it's trash. Godddd I hate Paris now because they're getting MuBank in April with Skz and then Lolla with Skz as well??? Fuck them Frenchies, after witnessing their behaviour at Fashion Week this year and last year they don't deserve shit 😤 good for Skz, very proud but also 🔫 //// Unhinged mid/late 2000s tv shows was such an era. And now they released Teen Wolf the movie IT'S SO BAD. Oh I haven't really watched Wizards of Weverly Place, I saw a few episodes but I don't think I was the target audience when it came out. I'm not really a Disney Channel person, except for Zack and Cody and maybe Hannah Montana
yEAAHH GOT AT COACHELLA would be quite polarizing no? the songs would 😵‍💫😵‍💫the audience might find it pretty interesting to listen to all of that,,, SHINEE AT COACHELLA WOULD BE PERFECT, BRUNG OUT VIEW AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO AND ALL THE DANCE POP 😭😭 sm would never, they never sent exo when they were invited, im convinced they’ll never send their bg’s,,, NAURRR WILL U BE GOING?? yeah no the behaviour at the pfw was 😬 maybe lfw would be better
WHAT A GREAT ERA!!!! want the cliche romcom’s w THAT cringe factor back but ppl are so judge about everything they won’t be pleased w nothing 🔫🔫 THEY RELEASED WHAT???? ANON GUESS WHATS BEINF RELEASED FBWMFJWK MY MAIN THOUGHT WAS OH DYLANS GONNA HATE THIS 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️wowp was >>> ZACK AND CODY OH MY GOD AND HANNAH MONTANA 😭😭 i have her dolls with the click button on her tummy that when it clicks it sings party in the usa 😭😭 and miss anne? mother.
Yeah, Baek not to threaten you, but I might send my army of snakes after you if you keep teasing me 😘 uhm a G wagon to pick up girls???
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yup! they tend to purchase gwagons but always go with girlies who are identical to every other nhl player ☺️ they’re all also slightly racist tho im not surprised on that fbdjck
I started the murderous husband webtoon on a different page that has more chapters, cause I had to see what was going on! It's interesting, but idk how to feel about that relationship, we'll see
IT REALLY IS INTERESTING and the dude makes it even better 🥰 have u read the perfect marriage revenge? it’s actually really good ive read most of it tho i stopped,, it’s very <33 pisses me off a little bc the fucking sister is 🔫
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The NASCAR cartoon was called NASCAR RACERS idk why I watched it
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wait hello, those are some fine men,, gives me totally spies but w guys vibes!
Soohyuk is clearly dating Hoshi lol also don't forget about our wedding soon! //// Everything I've learnt about Coleen Hoover was against my will and now Blake, et tu Brute...
CLEARLY HE’S DATING ME! I WAS IN THE CAR W HIM https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn7dfkLyMK6/?igshid=Zjc2ZTc4Nzk= he’s so dilf. he’s like perfect, really,, omg,,, HEY HEY IM SORRY I GOTTA STEAL UR GROOM THIS WEDDING CANT HAPPEN 🤚🏻 no srs i wish she backs out of the movie 😭😭😭
Hold on Baeksy, consider this... the question is, why are they enemies, or is it a one sided hatred? How and why did person 1 fall for person 2? So many possibilities!!! //// Me for the past few days: ik Hwa has black hair, I need to accept it. Hwa: *shows up with black hair*. Me: WTF IS THIS 😭😭😭😭 /// EH, ot8 black hair lovers are winning... but oh well. Now if Seonghwa cuts his hair (99% sure he trimmed it already :/) and gets an under cut I'm gonna have a bigger problem. MILF SEONGHWA COME BACK PLS, L O N G HAIR PLS!!!!!
i….omg,,,, the ANGST???? they HAVE to be enemies bc the main character was already with someone and the enemy’s heart broke seeing them all wholesome wHEN ALL THIS TIME HE’S BEEN IN LOVE WITH MC 😭😭 do u think the enemy would accept the heart if the mc brought it back to them,, HE HAS BLACK HAIR AND EVERYONE ELSE IN ATEEZ 😭😭😭😭😭😭 MINGI BROWN AT LEAST
This idc for my kpop men looking like regular people 😫 they have black hair every 10 minutes what's there to miss. The only way to win me over with black hair is when the hair is loooooong long. And I literally had a dream about him in this colour, I know he had it for a while, but it's time to bring it back me thinks /// I need more selcas. Also a missed opportunity to dye it a different colour, but I understand his scalp was damaged :( Seonghwa gives so much, but then he has to take it away... :// AND MINGI 🤧🤧🤧🤧
no srs 😭😭 let them look like gods for a minute they’ll go back to black anyway 😭😭 i’ve have seen
idol: *changes hair colour*
fan : *im so upset i liked him in black hair*
also, fan : *DYE YOUR HAIR COME ON1!1!1*
Not him being 👉👈 about the cat beanie photos, best believe once the photos drop I'm gonna eat all my walls!!! ///// God Pique is so embarrassing what a clown. SO PRETTY YOUR DAUGHTER JSJSHSBANSHAHAH no bc if she was 3 years younger it'd make her 15 years younger and I know some people become parents at the age if 15, so imagine him as her father.... yikes /// Oh yes they're right
im actually going to scream when these photos come out,,, 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
RIGHT THE FUCKING COMMENT HAD ME CRYING ITS SO FUNNY TO SCROLL THRU THEM 😭😭 VIOLATION,,,, omg stop that’s awkward as fuck,, when i first saw the photo i thought it was his sibling 💀💀 bro can’t take care of his kids this new edition would just make it worse,,, they are 100% right, do u rnr that one matz clip where he was manspreading and hongjoong walking to him, need that repeated but in this outfit 💃.
Also not me not recognising Ateez at Eden's wedding, I especially couldn't recognise Hwa IT'S THE FUCKING HAIR IT'S NOT CLICKING FOR ME. Maddox is my new bias, because his hair aaaaaa. But Seonghwa talking about crying at the wedding, that's my boomer baby boy - DV 💖
???? 😭😭 about the txt cb??
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