#just saying stuff i think would be more fun w the weapon
deerteatime · 1 year
Tea, my good mutual, with us having established you liking rollers what are your thoughts on Big Swig?
big swig is very fun!!! i like just painting the shit out of everything so its really nice in that regard. it can be super awesome if you have teammates willing to stick around you to help with damage but as of now i think it needs a different sub/special kit, i don't like inkwall with it at all. ink vac is ok but i think something like tri strike would be awesome. at least give it a bomb or something so i can attack better tbh. i do like it tho its a lot of fun!!!
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atlabeth · 4 months
all of me | luke castellan
pairing: knight!luke castellan x princess!reader
a/n: sooooooo i know that i said i would work on something else but this hit me and suddenly i could not rest until i wrote something for it so you're getting headcanons since i can't formulate proper thoughts. some of this is dialogue but most of this is pure stream of consciousness. im already kind of obsessed w them ?
wc: 3.7k lollll this got away from me but it was so much fun.
warning(s): parental death, fighting, normal royal stuff. fluff, angst, all that good shit
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princess!reader and knight!luke
and they're childhood friends bc they grew up in the castle together
luke is the son of a kingsguard and he wants to be just like his mom 
his father is out of the picture (booo) and his mom never really talks about him but she’s raised luke the best she can
shoutout to may castellan, she was the first female kingsguard! and definitely the first to personally guard the king 
you are the heir to the throne and the only thing you're sure of is that you want luke to be in your life
you basically spent all your time together because he was kinda the only one your parents would approve you hanging out with
most of the crownsguard don't have children and those that do have them live with their spouse outside of the palace, and your parents didn't want you spending time with the children of servants
and luke's mom is your father's closest friend because she's the king's personal knight and so everything’s basically already vetted and they don’t have to worry about you accidentally getting murdered by him 
so you and luke basically spend every moment of your free time together!! 
even when you’re not free tbh 
sometimes you beg your tutor to hold your lessons outside so that you can sneak glimpses at the knights training and luke training alongside them 
whenever he sees you, his face always instantly brightens and he will lose focus in whatever tf he’s doing because he’s only thinking about you now 
and instead of either of you doing what you’re supposed to do, you just spend the whole time making faces at each other and trying to grab the other’s attention 
after his mother tries (and fails) to get him back on track a million times and your tutor realizes that you’re never going to listen to her historical prattles they allow the two of you to talk for “FIVE MINUTES AND NO LONGER MY BOY” and your tutor is all “i ask that you do not delay our lessons any further, your highness” 
and tbf you and luke could notttttt care less. you immediately join up and you start teasing him about his form and how he was holding his sword and he just makes fun of you for having to be a princess
“Your form is horrendous, Luke! How do you expect to beat anyone holding a sword like that?” 
“At least I’ll be on the battlefield one day. You can bore our enemies to sleep with your recounts of Aureldan history.” 
“Oh, I bet I could beat you right now. I’ve got royal blood in my veins.” 
“And I’ve got knight’s blood in mine,” he says. “I’ve at least got a sword. That’s more than you have.”
You huff. “Mother says I have to learn propriety before I even think about picking up a weapon.” 
“Do you want to hold mine?” he asks immediately, his eyes lighting up as he offers it over. “It’s just wood because Mom doesn’t want me to hurt myself, but that means it’s safe for you.” 
you do. obviously. 
You’ve got soft hands, untouched by the world, and the sword feels foreign in their grasp as you realize this is in fact the first time you’ve ever held a weapon. You cut it through the air a few times and Luke is grinning wider than ever 
“I think the role of a warrior princess suits you,” he says.
“It is nice,” you muse as you turn it over in your hands, already growing used to the feeling of it. 
“And you look great with it,” he says. “Powerful.” 
“I’d give myself a splinter before I can do anything with it,” you retort as you hand it back to him. “It’s a nice thought, though.” 
His eyes light up. “You should train with us sometime. My mom is the best at teaching— she’d teach you everything you need to know!”
You glance back at your tutor, who is very clearly eavesdropping, and you sigh as you look back at Luke. “Maybe in a few months.” 
Luke’s mother calls his name and it’s obvious that your time is over. You hug each other and promise to meet up as soon as your responsibilities for the day are over, then go back to your respective duties. 
Your tutor takes you inside because she doesn’t want anymore distractions, and you wave at each other like crazy as you’re walking back into the castle.
so yeah. you’re best friends and you have been since you first met as children, and though it is a battle for your betters to keep you on task if you’re near each other, you just light up when you see each other and it actually helps 
You’re learning dining etiquette and if you get told that you’re using the wrong spoon again, you’re going to lose your mind. 
luke is hurrying through the halls to catch up with his mother and you both catch a glimpse of each other. 
your posture straightens, he stops in his tracks, and you both smile at each other. then luke’s mother calls his name again and he’s on his way again. 
spoons aren’t that bad, you think 
you’re mulling over history books in the library that make you want to fall asleep.
luke just happens to be walking past on the way to his chores, and when he spots you, he yells out your name and waves at you. you wave back, and you both stifle laughs as your tutor shushes you 
suddenly, you’re not feeling so down.
Luke is training on his own out in the yard before dinner and he’s about ready to break his sword over his knee because he can not get this damned move right. 
he hears your voice across the way and sees you, all dressed up and with your parents about to get into a carriage. you’re on your way to a ball, he remembers you telling him earlier, and he finds himself smiling. 
You had been complaining about it, and Luke had told you to just think of the two of you hanging out whenever you were bored. You said you were already planning on it.
His smile widens. He’d be thinking of you too, wondering what it would be like for him to attend with you. Dressed in the same gaudy outfits as the rest of the court, having to go through the same dull niceties that you’d been raised on, listening to stories from other royals he couldn’t care less about. 
Standing beside you as an equal. 
Luke’s young, but he already doesn’t care for nobles and their court. But he thinks he would wear any amount of uncomfortable suits and listen to any number of dull proposals for you. 
for the rest of the night, he trains better than he thinks he ever has. 
and of course, you break the rules together. GOD HELP YOUR CHARGES YOU ALWAYS BREAK THE RULES TOGETHER 
your tutor cannot count how many times you’ve slipped out of lessons and she’s found you in the halls talking with luke, him smiling brighter than she’s ever seen as he listens to you go on and on and on 
your mother cannot count all the times you’ve talked about what you and luke did that day instead of describing to her any of the history or arithmetic you were supposed to be learning 
May always keeps watch over her son, but she’s been known to turn a blind eye when Luke thinks he’s being sneaky to go off and see you. 
and of course, sometimes you actually hang out when you’re allowed to hang out lol 
you’ve run around every bit of the palace grounds together, you ride horses together (with parental supervision of course), and once you’re a bit older, you’re actually allowed to practice with luke and the rest of the knights! 
typically, it’s a shorter session with May teaching the two of you, and typically, it ends with both of you ready to die because you’re just kids and even though Luke is a prodigy, you are sooooo bad at swordfighting. it’s honestly not even funny how bad you are at it the first couple of lessons 
But May just pats you on the shoulder and promises to work with you until you’re as good as her. 
(luke pouts and says he wants to be better than you. you forget that you’re holding a sword and just start complaining at each other) 
(the lesson ends when May has to pry you two apart) 
but we haven’t gotten to the knight part. 
because it’s a bit sad. 
what happens to may in pjo canon is awful but 
May Castellan dies when you and Luke are sixteen. A month after your birthday, in fact. Four months after Luke’s. 
(he’s always held those three months over you, especially as you get older.) 
(it doesn’t seem to matter as much now.)  
rumor has it throughout the kingdom that she slowly went insane and then fully lost it, ultimately dying in an attack against the king during a ball that turned out to be a set-up. 
the only one who knows what really happened that night is your father as he was the only other person there at her death that still lives, but he refuses to talk about it, only saying that “Head of the Kingsguard May Castellan died a hero and shall be remembered as such”. 
Luke… does not take it well 
besides the king, he obviously spent the most time with his mother and it was obvious to anyone that she loved him with all her heart and wanted him to follow whatever dreams he may have had 
she’s given a knight’s funeral and you are beside Luke the entire time, holding his hand or him leaning against you as you listen to eulogies or even just sitting next to each other because your presence is enough for him. it doesn’t matter what—you’re always connected in some way, and no one says a single thing. 
he needs you, and you need him. it’s as simple as that. and no one dares to correct the princess when she’s icier than they’ve ever seen her.
You put on that front to protect Luke—you don’t want anyone bothering him, and you don’t want him to have to worry about you at a time like this. 
Because you know he would. He always does. 
When Luke gives his speech, barely able to hold back tears, he looks at you the entire time. he doesn’t tell you, but you’re the only reason he’s able to get through the day. 
Luke becomes a ward of the royal family. 
There’s no chance you’re letting him leave, and Luke doesn’t want to go either. The memories of his mother all around are painful, but he takes some small comfort that she’ll live on in Aurelda forever. 
Your parents have no objection to it—he grew up in the palace anyways, and he can practically provide for himself. You wouldn’t have let them say no. 
You’re thankful beyond words that Luke is still here. Because everything feels like a mess, and things are a little more manageable with him by your side. 
Someone tried to kill your father. They killed Luke’s mother instead. Both of you are broken in different ways.
Obviously, this sparks the beginnings of war both in Aurelda and in Luke’s entire being. 
but that’s a topic for another day. 
May’s death changes your relationship. 
She was his mother, obviously, but you were close to her as well. you could never forget every time she ruffled your hair and complimented your sword fighting, or every time she would acknowledge you in the midst of a crowd with a smile and a nod, or every time she would act like a mother and not a knight. 
she had the best hugs in the entire kingdom. 
But her death changes your relationship because Luke changes. 
He’s angrier. His edges have all sharpened, honed by his own spirit. He softens when he’s around you, but to the outside eye he’s impenetrable. He thinks you’re the only one that understands him. 
Others pity him, fear him, are jealous of him. 
You treat him the way you always have. Like your best friend. 
That’s all he needs. 
And so Luke throws himself into his training, vowing to become the youngest kingsguard in Aureldan history to honor his mother’s memory. He wasn’t able to save his mother, and he needs to become strong enough to protect the ones he loves from anything. 
(You don’t know it, but he thinks of you every time he closes his eyes and sees the night his mother died. He’s in the place of his mother and you’re in your father’s position, and Luke knows that he would sacrifice himself for you every single time.) 
So you don’t have as much time for each other anymore. Luke is on his kingsguard mission, and you’re starting to come into your own as the Crown Princess of Aurelda. 
You can’t sneak out of lessons anymore to go talk with Luke, because you’re starting to learn about the nuances of politics. 
Luke can’t let you interrupt his training, because he’s on a warpath and he won’t be stopped before he reaches his goal. 
You can’t neglect your responsibilities because they’re more than just etiquette or history lessons. War is going to come to Aurelda sooner or later, and you’ve got to be ready when it does.
You’re only sixteen, but neither of you are children anymore.  
But you’re still best friends. Nothing can change that—it’s just changed the way you show it. 
You take your morning walks with your mother past the training grounds, and Luke always smiles at you and salutes no matter what. You bow your head in a very refined, princess-y nod, and you continue on. 
Luke makes sure he’s always the one that gets to deliver news to you, even going so far as to make deals with other servants and messengers just to make sure he gets to see you at least once a day. 
Most of the time, you end up seeing each other at night. Just happening to end up in the kitchens at the same time for a midnight snack that results in hours of talking with each other. Bringing Luke to your balcony to look at the stars together. 
Even some midnight training has occurred together, though you always end up a sweaty mess and having to make a bath for yourself because you can’t alert your servants. Luke says he likes you best when you have that vicious glint in your eye while you’re training with him. 
Luke still has horrific dreams, and though he weathered them on his own for a while, one night he finds himself outside your door. When you open it, seeing his haunted eyes and disheveled appearance, you let him in immediately.
It’s not the first time you’ve slept in the same bed after nightmares, and you know it won’t be the last. 
(You spent the whole week together after his mother’s death. Not even your parents could complain when they saw the change in both of you.)  
And Luke does it. He completes his training, having become one of the fiercest and youngest warriors Aurelda has ever seen. Traditionally, knights are older, but an exception was made for Luke—he’s got the Castellan name and a childhood spent with the greatest knights in the kingdom to back him up.
You’re the first person he tells when he finds out, and your scream of pure joy must have echoed throughout the entire castle. You hug him tighter than he’s ever been hugged before, and for just a moment, in your embrace, he feels like you’re both kids again. 
Weeks from his eighteenth birthday, your father knights Luke Castellan in an official ceremony. 
Not just as a member of the kingsguard, though—he is sworn in as a knight, and as your personal bodyguard. 
Your father didn’t tell you beforehand, and you thank a childhood of courtly influence to keep the shock off your face. One hand tightens ever so slightly into a fist, and you let it out just as quickly. 
You can’t see Luke’s expression, kneeling and head turned downward. You would pay all the gold in the kingdom to know what he was thinking. 
“Sir Luke Castellan.” Your father’s voice booms through the hall, and a shiver even goes down your spine. “Do you swear to serve Aurelda as her loyal knight, through war and peace, through riches and debt?”
“I do,” Luke says. 
“Do you swear to protect the Crown Princess of Aurelda—” your father says your entire title, and for the fifth time you wonder how many middle names a princess needs, “—my daughter—with everything you have in you, until your dying breath?” 
Your breathing stills for the slightest moment. 
Luke doesn’t flinch. “I do.” 
The thought of Luke dying for you is unimaginable. It’s something you’d never ask of him—you don’t think you could live in a world without him anyways. You know it’s what knights are expected to do—for king and country, my life for yours—but that’s for any member of the royal family—any member of the court. 
Luke is assigned solely to your protection. 
And he doesn’t even falter when he bonds his life to yours. 
As soon as the ceremony is over and Aurelda has gained three new knights, you’re on your way to Luke. You don’t care if anyone else wants to talk with the princess, you don’t care if your parents need to tell you something—royal propriety be damned, you need to talk to Luke.
He doesn’t look surprised when you march up to him, but there’s already a different air about him. 
Maybe it’s because in these past couple of years he’s absolutely shot up in height, maybe it’s because his insane training regimen has toned every part of him, maybe it’s because he’s done what no one else has done before, or maybe it’s just because he actually accomplished his goal. 
But when he smiles at you, that crooked slant to his lips that always meant mischief when you were younger, it’s enough to make that train of thought immediately shut down. 
“Princess,” he greets. “I think we’re going to be spending a lot more time together, these days.” 
“Yeah,” you say, the warpath you’d intended to be on fading away almost immediately with his words (and that goddamned smile that will certainly be the death of you someday.) “Maybe this is our way to make up on all that lost time.” 
“...I’d like that,” Luke says. 
“Can I hug you?” you ask wryly. “Or is that unbecoming of a brand new knight?” 
“I don’t think anyone will tell the princess she is doing something wrong,” Luke says. 
So you do. You hug him, and he immediately wraps his arms around you, and you hate that you had any doubt that he would. You’ve always felt safe in his embrace even since you were children, and now that he’s four times as strong and much taller, you feel it more than ever. 
He truly does look the part of a perfect knight. You remember the days of wooden sword fights and afternoons by the lake, wondering what your future awaited, but sure you would be together no matter what. 
You feel like you’ve aged a century since then.
“I’m proud of you, you know,” you say as you pull away. “You’re incredible. I mean— you always have been, but this… It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. So I’m proud of you.” 
Luke brushes his curls out of his face with a gauntleted hand, his smile turning a bit more genuine. “It means the world, princess. You are… one of the main reasons that I even made it up here. So I have you to thank.” 
You feel your cheeks heat. “I haven’t done anything.” 
“You’ve been you,” he refutes. “You’ve stood by my side through everything, and you’ve always been there when I need you no matter what. You’ve done everything.” 
You’re thankful for the sheer sleeves of your gown, because now your entire body feels warm. And maybe that’s why you practically blurt the question out, but it’s been burning in your mind since the moment it happened. 
“Did you know?” 
He frowns. “Know what?” 
“That you would become my personal guard,” you said. “You’ve wanted to be a part of the kingsguard since you were a child, and now…” 
“Princess,” Luke says, “I asked your father for the honor.” 
That throws you off. “What?”
“Do you think he would entrust your wellbeing to just anyone?” he asks. “It’s part of the reason I’ve been training so hard—I wanted to prove to him that I was worthy of the position.” 
“Luke—” you start, but he shakes his head.  
“War is coming to Aurelda whether we like it or not,” he says. “All I want is for you to be safe. This way, I can ensure it.” 
“You said you would die for me,” you say. “You vowed it.” 
“That is generally how knighthood works, yes—” 
“Luke,” you interrupt forcefully. “I don’t want you to die for me.” 
“The goal is for nobody to die,” he says wryly. 
You cross your arms. “You know what I mean.” 
“Your safety is my number one concern, princess,” he says. “That’s all you need to know.” 
You stare at him. He stares back. 
You win, because Luke sighs and shakes his head. “We don’t have to worry about that at the moment. Right now, you have to get back to change before you sit in on an advisor’s meeting with the king and queen.” 
You frown. “How do you know?” 
“I’m your guard,” Luke says. “It’s my job to know.” 
“You were just sworn in!” you protest. 
“And I am always prepared,” he remarks. Luke holds his hand out in a gesture towards the door. “After you, princess.” 
You shake your head as you start walking. You hear Luke’s footsteps start soon after, much heavier than yours in full armor as opposed to your ceremonial dress. “You are ridiculous.” 
“Which is also my job,” Luke muses.
and so luke becomes a knight, but not just any knight.
your knight.
good luck handling that crush on him you've harbored since childhood now.
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mad-mantis-649 · 3 months
Meet Alice!
This is Alice! (Short for Adelaide). This Is her Carnival design! (Carnival au belongs to @sm-baby !). She's a purple spool of thread, and she's a ditzy type character!
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I based her outfit offa' 50's things in general (TO kinda keep with the barber shop quartet thingy with players). I imagine she was close friends with Caine and Abel before they got trapped in the the carnival . She would always get them up to trouble, being a bit of a rascal! Always pushing them out of their comfort zone and all. I live to imagine she'll casually "Flirt" with them (nothing like, explicit or vulgar. Kinda like "oh you got all dolled up for ME! What a show!") But she wouldn't make any actual romantic advances. She just knows they're a buncha bible slinging goody-two-shoes and likes to tease and fluster them a lot.
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Since I realized Caine and Abel were kinda like mugman and cuphead I decided to make her A LOT like Miss chalice. She's got a bit of a "Ditzy" voice goin on, she's a lot more witty and brazen, and she's always getting the two brothers in trouble. But she cares about them quite a lot!
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She primarily wears puprle, and she carries around a large sewing needle which she uses as a weapon. (Courtesy of Caine, for self defense of course!). She's not a coder by any means, so she has no "power" like the boys. But they coded in some extra stuff for her (Like a respawn screen, a few extra buff here and there.) But she's crafty and quick on her feet, always being able to weasel her way out of a tough spot! I'd like to say she's on Miss Pauling's (from TF2) level of dexterity, so she can hold her own pretty decently.
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Just some extra stuff about her: Relationships: Caine: Oh VERY close! She likes how goofy he is, always bringing a smile to her face! Though she also loves teasing him. Abel: Also incredibly close! She's always trying to drag him along with her to who knows where, but he always has to be a "goody-two-shoes" and reject her. Whatever. Pomni: They get along just fine! At first Pomni didn't like her very much, a she she thought she had a thing for Caine. But no! Pomni usually turns to her whenever she needs to know something about Caine. Ragatha: Not much to say. She thinks ragatha is too uptight and needs to learn to live a little. Ragatha thinks she's a wild street dweller. They don't care for each other much Zooble: Fine. Able gets along with her, so she makes an effort to get to know her purely for Ables sake. They don't really chat 1 on 1, only when they're both around able. Gangle: She can respect her enjoyment of plays, but they have some creative differences. Alice prefers stand up comedy and improv, so following a script ain't really her thing... Jax: They don't interact very much. She actually sort of likes his wildness, but only to an extent. She avoids him at all costs though. (She's not willing to be crushed AGAIN). She sets up counter pranks and traps to keep him away, and so far its worked. Kinger: She knows the least about him, having never even been in the same room as him. Though from what Pomni's told her, he's a ruthless tyrant. She dislikes him off the bat, having a general disdain for authority. Some backstory tid bits: She met Caine and Abal as they all grew up in the same church community. Where as Caine and Able became "good stand up Christians" she got more and more wild as the years went on. Adam and Eve always though she was a bit of a "bad influence" on the boys but they hung out nonetheless. She was always getting into trouble and hanging around some of the street kids (with Able and Caine stuck to her hips). She was always a bit scrappy and crafty, having more street smarts than books marts. She's mellowed out a bit but she's still fun as ever!
Oh I'm TOTALLY gonna do more w/ her! Than you SOOOOOO MUCH @sm-baby for making such an AMAZING AU! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GIRL! :DDDD
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Hello sweet pea! I see that you like yanderes! May I request a Yandere!Luffy x Female Reader? It could be your own prompt, idea and choice of genre for the fic! (Angst, smut any one you prefer love!)
Love you like I do~..
When you first joined the crew everything was great! It was fun and most of all adventurous, you considered all of your crew mates very good friends who always looked out of you!…
But your captain was a little..too friendly..you just couldn’t put your finger on why he was attached to you. He was already a pretty friendly guy, but with you..
The day was just about to end in a warm summer evening you the wind blew a nice breeze. The deck was pretty quiet which was rare but you liked it. Staring at the sunset you yawned and smiled softly, the wind blowing through your hair.
Your thoughts were wondering just about everywhere but became silent when you felt two stretchy arms wrap around you. You didn’t even have to turn around to see who it was..feeling him nuzzle in your neck you sighed softly and put on a calm and collected voice. “What’s up Luffy?..” you asked softly, turning around to face him with a small smile.
The boy grinned and chuckled. “Shi Shi Shi! Nothin’! Just wanted to come see you!…say what are you doing all by yourself?” He asked with his usual cheery attitude, you noticed that he didn’t pull away from you which was normal. Out of all the crew members he was clingy with you the most, you never knew or understand why but he just seemed to be around you all the time!..even coming to your some nights and sleeping with you in your bed no matter how much Nami hit him over it.
You smiled softly and glanced at the sunset, finding his closeness to be a bit smothering but didn’t say anything..”oh I was just thinking about stuff..nothing much..” he blinked and smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist a bit tighter causing you to squirm a bit under him.
“Ah okay!!..well anyways Nami said we’ll be docking on another island in probably one to two days!” He said excitedly, still clinging onto you. You patted his head gently which caused his grip to grow tighter, him chuckling.
“That’s good..uh so luffy..can we talk about you coming into my room to sleep some nights..?” You asked cautiously, your captain in the straw hat blinked and his grin got a bit smaller but still smiling.
Okay that was a good sign right..?
“Well um I think it would be best if you stop that..Nami really doesn’t like it since it’s the women’s quarters..” you said trying to hide the fact that YOU wanted him out of YOUR space.
His smile now completely faded and he stared at you for a few moments. You gulp and suddenly seemed to realize how much he really seemed to loom and tower over you..
You gulp and smiled nervously. “So nami Saïd that huh?” He asked almost seriously his voice a bit more quiet. He had a somewhat blank look on his face but you could tell he wasn’t very happy.
Not waiting to get Nami in trouble or even worse..you shook your head quickly. “W-Well she didn’t exactly say it I just-” “Great so there’s no issue then right?..!”
With a nod you smiled holding back a sigh. “Right..” he grinned and stretched his arms around you even tighter for a second and nuzzled his head close to your neck.
2 hours later~
Having to take your mind off of things you were now in Usopps workshop, watching him tinker and tanker with new inventions or weapons used in battle, you sighed softly which got his attention. “Something on your mind Y/N?” He asked while lifting his goggles to his forehead to take a short break from working.
You hesitated for a bit but sighed softly again. This was kind of weighing on you ever since you joined the crew so it couldn’t help to just talk about your problems with another person right..?
“Well i mean..it’s not that much of a big deal but..ever since I’ve joined the crew I feel that luffy’s a little..odd around me y’know?..” you said looking up at the long nosed male.
His eyes seemed to study yours for a bit as he tilted his head and sat down beside you. “What do you mean?..”
You looked far into the distance and leaned back into your chair. “We’ll have you ever noticed that luffy’s acted really..clingy around me? I mean I don’t mean to toot my own Horn or anything but he practically comes into my room every night!”
You said sounding frustrated, the boy with the straw hat would not only come into the women’s cabin at night and disturb you by trying to snuggle under the covers with you. He would also just wake you up in the middle of the night to talk. Everyone knew he was very energetic and it was part of his personality but that was just weird..
Rubbing his chin Usopp seemed to think for a second and then nodded, almost turning serious. “Yea that is true..he’s always been so..attached to you..we all thought it was because he really trusted you but just the other day he almost punched Zoro in the face for something he said about you…not that it was bad or anything..”
You blinked and turned to usopp with a raised eyebrow. “Really..? What do you mean..?” Usopp sighed and crossed his arms, looking down he seemed to lean back in his seat as well. “Well not to be a tattle tale but Luffy turned all serious at zoro and I even saw him clench the table so hard it broke..he said “don’t ever talk about her like that again. Watch your mouth zoro!!”
Your eyes widened and you felt so many emotions..flattery, surprise and a bit of fear. Why had he gotten so defensive and protective?..even with his own crew mates.
You looked down at you lap and pressed you lips together. “I don’t understand..” you mumbled quietly with a soft sigh. Usopp seemed to sense your in sureness and distress and patted you on the shoulder and smiled. “Hey don’t worry..if it makes you feel better I’ll talk to him about it! Luffy’s an idiot sometimes and needs guidance!” He said optimistically, clearly trying to cheer you up.
You smiled and nodded while turning your head up to him. “Yea I would really like that..thanks Usopp your the best..” you said with a grin. He just chuckled and proudly placed his hands on his hips, “what are friends for?!” He said proudly.
The rest of the evening was spent full of laughs of Usopps silly lies and stories. You hadn’t felt this good in a long time…
That would all change very very quickly…
It was almost dinner time and you were currently on deck doing your favorite activity with Luffy beside you of course. Babbling on about some nonsense of the next island you learned to tune out a long time ago. Looking up from a split second you saw something that left you shocked.
Usopp had just came out of the medical bay with a black eye, broken nose and bandages around his arms and legs. He was frowning and had a terrified look in his eyes. Your gazes both met each other, Usopp quickly frowned even more gulping and taking a short step back. You quickly rushed to Usopp to ask what happened but was stopped by a arm stretching around your waist and pulling you back.
“L-Luffy let go! I need to go to usopp to see what’s wr-” “No. you’re staying with me Y/N.” You gasped softly as you looked back at him. His straw hat covers his eyes and he has a frown on his face, he was clenching the floor boards and looked dead serious.
“Captains orders..” he said looking up at you with a dark expression, you looked up at usopp and expected him to at least say something but he coward away it seemed. To scared of whatever Luffy had done to him. His lips were trembling and he quickly sped walk to ether his work shop or the men’s quarters.
Feeling betrayed and frightened you had no choice but to follow your captains orders, retreating to the spot you once sat right next him..just how he liked it.
Not even a minute passed and Luffy was grinning and being his cheerful self again. “Good! I knew you wouldn’t disobey a captains order shishishi~!” He laughed as he pulled you close, seeming to nuzzle you a bit.
You gulped and bit your lip, staring long and hard at that smile of his. What was that?..did Luffy just threaten you?..
Did Luffy hurt Usopp just because he tried to convince what he was doing was at least strange??..
Wrapping his arms around your waist even tighter his grin only grew and you knew that you could never escape this pirates clutches..rubber didn’t seem so fun and stretchy anymore..it seemed like chains..a cage even that held you tight. Filled with possessive, protective and even murderous tendencies.
All just to keep you safe no matter what.
Later that night when luffy snuck into your room and got under your covers, hugging you protectively. You felt him grin and gently kiss your neck and cheek repeatedly for a few seconds to claim you. Muttering incoherent words but definitely making out one sentence that sent chills.
“Mine Y/N..mine forever and ever..your MY girl..okay?..okay..” he didn’t even give you a moment to respond or protest. Falling asleep in less than a minute while holding you tightly against him.
No one could love you like he did..
@anemptypuddingcup I really hope you liked this and I’m so sorry it’s a bit short love but if you would like me to redo it then I will! Please feel free to request anything and anymore from me and I definitely will with you because your an amazing writer!! Also I know I’m posting this late but I always end up doing that with my stories 😅 I hope you like this!
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vypridae · 4 months
You seem to be the only one making brokerdoll (thanks for the ship name btw) content, and I wanted to know if you have any more headcannon s, or just general thoughts on the ship. I'm starved for content
okay a. you are so welcome for the ship name i shit you not i spent like ten minutes just being like WHAT DO I CALL THEM because i couldn't figure out a word that would go well with "doll" (as velvette's ship names tend to have in them)
ANYWAY!! HEADCANONS !! i had a post uuuh here (that took me so much longer to find than it should have) of some hcs but here are some more!! (if this took forever to get out i apologize my brain is working at 2 wpm rn and sometimes thinking of hcs is hard)
after they started dating, carmilla starts buying velvette clothes she sees that she thinks velvette will love
spoiler alert: every single piece she buys for vel is exactly her style
i like to imagine carmilla is pleasantly rich, even in comparison to the other overlords, because her weapons and parts and whatnot just sell super well
so she gets so much money to spoil velvette with and she UTILIZES it
velvette's love language i imagine is acts of service or getting gifts (she knows they love her when they get her stuff) and carmilla's is gift giving, which neither of them seemed to realize until velvette literally squealed in joy when carmilla bought her a jewellery set she'd been wanting for FOREVER
also since singing is apparently just a canon thing in the hazbin universe, i cannot for the life of me stop imagining pre-relationship velvette sneaking vox's camera footage from inside carmilla's bunker(?) (of which he got velvette, conveniently, to put there after the overlord meeting) onto her phone just to listen to carmilla sing over and over and over again.
vox and val HAVE walked into her room to see her with her phone sitting on her dresser, watching the same footage of carmilla singing out for love for the 138147985th time
(they don't question it because lets be real they have their obsessions too)
post-relationship, velvette probably posts a bunch of fake online drama about her and carmilla because she thinks its funny to see people being like OMG??? WHAT NO WAY
carmilla is like "cariño why are you posting that we broke up. again." and velvette is like "just for funsies, babe <3"
velvette probably ends up showing carmilla how to use social media because let's be so fr she probably has no clue
velvette loves running her fingers through carmilla's hair and probably has just as much fun actually doing it up as carmilla has with velvette's
painting nails ?? carmilla paints velvette's and paints little white swirl designs over the black polish and velvette draws cute little pink hearts on carmilla's
(yes, they do both get questioned about it)
velvette probably wanted to start a friends w/ benefits (or enemies with benefits) relationship with carmilla but she knew for a fact carmilla would deny INSTANTLY
ok look they aren't married but matching rings ... carmilla wears hers as a necklace and velvette shows off her ring (that she keeps saying is "marriage proposal material" when its not) to literally everyone forever
possessive carmilla? only slightly. she glares daggers and probably throws said daggers at anyone who tries anything to velvette
pre-relationship velvette pining she progressively started sitting closer and closer to carmilla during meetings until she was in the chair next to her like zestial is during ep 3
(she lies out her ass and says it's "so i can annoy her easier, obviously" but she's just gay)
(carmilla starts noticing when velvette starts arriving to meetings earlier rather than later so she can get the seat she wants)
also velvette probably ended up convincing staticmoth to stay away from overlord meetings specifically so they can't tease her for being head over heels in hate-love with carmilla when she's in the same vicinity as her (of which they agree with because its more time for them to do What Ever The Fuck Their Gay Asses Do)
(also vox has cameras set up at the meeting room)
(guess who gets teased to heaven and back by two (2) overlords when she gets home)
(they both know the struggles of a weird obsession with another demon, they know how to poke and prod at velvette until she admits her gayness to them)
they probably ended up convincing her to confess tbh
(which doesnt happen for Several Years, probably)
either that, or carmilla finds a letter on her chair in the meeting room signed "~V" and opens it and it just says "we should be homos" or something stupid like that AJHAKASHJ
firm hc that velvette cannot confess for her fucking life . she doesnt like being vulnerable
lucky for her, carmilla 100% sends back a letter thats signed with "C. Carmine" and says "We can date, if that's what you mean by "being homos"" or something HAHAHASGFJ
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lazycats-stuff · 11 months
can i req a part 3 of lil bat baby and his weapons ): maybe one of the boys gets him small starter blades or smthn or ones w dulled edges
You sure can request! This was fun to write too... And my first post after being on a break so yay! Also, feel free to send requests. Also, it's a bit short, but none the less it's a nice shot. PART 1 and PART 2
Summary: The fam can't watch (Y/N) being sad anymore, so they compromise.
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Bruce knew that his son was stubborn, even for such young age, but this has reached new heights. Completely. He refused to talk to anyone besides Alfred. He completely refused to talk and ignored them.
No amount of apologizes, gifts or offers to give him his favorite stuff (that weren't blades or guns) worked. Nothing. Zero. Nada.
Alfred enjoyed it all. He was always an advocate for giving (Y/N) some dulled down blades or even decorative ones. But Bruce didn't think it was a good idea.
How the tables have turned.
" (Y/N), please talk to us. We miss you. " Jason tried this Saturday morning. He just wants his little brother back. His favorite brother too.
(Y/N) turned his head to look at Alfred instead. Jason sighed, ready to pull his hair out. He didn't care what he had to do to get (Y/N) talking again.
" Okay, I can't. " Jason said, taking his cup of coffee and going back to his room. He couldn't do this with his brother.
Bruce took a sip of his own coffee. How stubborn can one person be? Apparently, if you are a little kid, you can go with with it. Damian watched (Y/N), clearly annoyed that he wouldn't talk to him either. He wasn't the one to take his blades. Or guns.
" (Y/N), you can't keep this up forever. " Bruce said, taking a bite out of his toast.
(Y/N) still didn't respond, refusing to communicate. Alfred just smirked, knowing that he was right. Bruce knew how to make things right again, but he didn't want to admit he was right. It wasn't easy to do so.
Especially if you are Batman. Then it's even more difficult. And far more sweet to the person who was right in the first place.
" Master (Y/N), how about you go find a place in the garden where we can have our tea? " Alfred said to the young boy. They had a tradition on the weekends to have some tea (or juice in (Y/N)'s case) and just gossip about the family members. It was fun time with Alfred, as (Y/N) would say.
(Y/N) nodded and happily skipped out of the room and into the garden.
" Master Bruce, I think you know what to do in order to make things right. " Alfred said, giving Bruce a knowing smile.
" Alfred, I can't give him blades. He is too young for them. Damian and Jason know how to take care of them and they understand that blades are some sort of toy, they are dangerous and can really hurt somebody. (Y/N) doesn't understand that. " Bruce explained to Alfred.
" I didn't think of sharp blades master Bruce. "
Bruce tilted his head to look at the butler.
" I thought of dulled down blades. Master Jason and Damian might have a heart attack when they hear it, but it is the best thing for (Y/N). "
Bruce just nodded, thinking it over. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe, just maybe. Now he just needed to tell Jason and Damian.
(Y/N) was walking around the garden with Titus. Just because he wasn't talking with Damian, doesn't mean he can't steal Titus. He walked inside with the Doberman, walking past the living room with his brothers and father and Alfred. Bruce knew what he was going to do and he stood up, grabbing his son up.
(Y/N) screamed a little when he was picked up like a sack of potatoes.
" You aren't going anywhere son. " Bruce said, putting him on his lap as he sat back down on the couch.
(Y/N) crossed his arms, clearly not happy to be here with them.
" We know that you like blades, whoever, you don't understand how dangerous they can be. So, for the time being, " Bruce said, looking at Jason and Damian.
Damian took a little box and handed it to Bruce. (Y/N) raised his eyebrows, clearly suspicious. Bruce opened the box, (Y/N) still on his lap.
(Y/N) smiled so widely at the sight of the blades, all of them smiled slightly. Their brother is back.
" They are dulled, so we don't have to worry about you cutting yourself. Also, " Bruce said, turning one of the blades to give (Y/N) a look. It said: (Y/N)'s blades.
(Y/N) turned around and hugged Bruce. Bruce put the box down next to him to hug him properly. It felt nice to have his son back. (Y/N) moved to his other brothers to give each one of them a hug.
" Now we can have some fun! " Jason exclaimed, pulling (Y/N) into his lap.
Bruce gave Jason a look that could only be translated to really.
" Well, I have to teach how to take care of them. Now, take the box and lets go! " Jason said, laughing at the excitement of his brother.
(Y/N) took the box and waited for Jason to get going.
" Come on little bird. " Jason said, taking (Y/N)'s hand.
" We should have done this sooner. " Tim said, watching the pair go upstairs.
" Maybe we should have. " Damian said, trying not to smile.
Bruce didn't say anything, just nodded his head. Maybe they are right. Just maybe.
" I will check on them. " Bruce said, standing up.
It wasn't really to check. It was to get more hugs from (Y/N). And to make sure that Jason doesn't teach him how to use them. He can just have them, not use them.
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nardos-primetime · 2 months
Ngl my brain is trying to cook some crossover things already but I'll wait till you post some more lore (if you're comfy with that stuff to boot) Also obvs these boys are different from their source but does Donno still hold any interest for tech? Or do his hobbies end up elsewhere.
Murder talk TW
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Donno only really gets to experiment with hobbies once he's with Big Mama. And he wouldn't be a Donnie if he didn't like technology!
Most of his technological expertise comes into his more casual job, which is working with the gamblers. He finds new ways to swindle yokai out of their money and is always excited to show Mama his new ideas. Along with this, he would absolutely steal someone's wallet and sell it back to them.
He's a little unhinged as well! After a few... hiccups, he becomes one of Mama's main choices when it comes to directly getting "the job done" so to say. (Other than Rage). He likes shooting people from afar, but his preferred alternative is experimenting and making torture devices to use on some of Mama's..... "problems".
He likes gaming too! In fact it started as a joke but I made his weapon a little mystic controller as a gift from Mama. He's a lot more open to mystic things and is the first one to get a gift like this from her, think of Donnie's ninpo but a lot more nerfed down, even the guns he makes from the controller have a strong size, usage and radius limit, to appease this, he experiments with real technology, such as his own hover shell when he's out an about, and packing a few actual guns to hold with his mystics to get past the whole "bullets don't go too far" problem.
Mystic weapons in this au are more like objects that can be in tune with their users emotions, Mama has been figuring out how to make more from ones she already has stolen and his controller is the first mostly stable one she's managed to make, Donno is picking up the slack on the testing and research, nowadays. After all, if his sad excuse of an original can't accept mystic things he should get ahead of the curve and learn about it first! (He also loves fucking with mystic shit and shoving it into other things if he can.)
He also likes fancy things in general, dramatic bitch. He does have a smoking issue that he picked up from older yokai (if you couldnt tell Mama runs with a bit of a bad crowd) but he is working on a healthier, mystic option. For himself (and yokai, if they have the cash.)
Overall none of this probably makes sense I'm just having fun but OHMIGOSH yes I'm totally fine w crossovers!!!! The characters do change a little overtime in the storyline but my favorite arc (and mostly the middle one) is the Big Mama arc because most of the problems truly get worse with her influence, can't wait to post more about it n would love to see what you come up with! :D
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Star Trek Magazine (2002)
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As ENTERPRISE approaches the end of its opening season, we catch up with Dominic Keating to get his view of Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, weapons officer and action hero.
After several months of ENTERPRISE's grueling weekly shooting schedule, Dominic Keating is as energetic as he was on day one. "I'm still cheery!" he says. "It's going well. It's been a hell of a ride, but I've really found my place, and I'm having a great time. And they're starting to look at Malcolm quite closely, and that's really fun."
Dominic's biggest show so far has been 'Shuttlepod One,' aired in February, and he was delighted with it. "Dare I say it was quite the best work I've ever put into a camera lens. Connor and I had an amazing time; the chemistry between us was electric. It was a great dynamic, and I think the fact that I'm English adds an extra angle for an American audience, just in that I would be the voice of reason. Malcolm isn't all doom and gloom, although Trip refers to him as the Grim Reaper; he bares his soul, and it's a very moving moment when you actually get to see inside the somewhat brittle shell of this army man. He's becoming a real, breathing, living human being. This episode was groundbreaking--I can't say it in any other way; you see a side of this man that's real and that's very touching and vulnerable, and I just hope that episode does not just sit out there and never happens again."
The actors suffered real-life discomfort while making the show. "They froze the stage!" says Dominic. "That was the hardest part of the whole filming. They brought the temperature down inside this igloo that they had built, and put the shuttlepod in there. In the script we had turned down the thermostat in the shuttle to conserve oxygen, so, space being as cold as it is, the temperature inside the shuttle drops to below zero, so they wanted to see our breath.
"The gag kind of worked, but you weren't seeing enough breath, so it became a hell of a process, which took about a day to figure out. They literally shot 20 seconds at a time, and in between they just filled up the shuttlepod with liquid nitrogen and turned on six huge, massive air-conditioning units that made a real din. We shot for three days like that, and it was hard! It was freezing cold, very noisy, and it was hard to listen and hear, and you never really got a run at a scene. If I'd had to do another day I'm sure I could have dug it up from inside of me, but at the end of the third day, when we knew it was over, my knees just buckled. But, like I say, we put some incredible stuff in the camera, and I think it's one of the finest hours."
Previously, 'Silent Enemy' had made it clear that Malcolm is pretty hard to fathom, and even his parents didn't know what his favorite food was. Dominic says, "That episode brought the audience's attention to the fact that you don't know much about this guy, and actually by the end of the episode you still don't know that much about him! But I was glad they didn't try to wrap me up in an hour's show. It was a great forerunner to 'Shuttlepod One,' where you really get to see the mettle of this guy."
Had Dominic been aware there was more to come? "Not really, no--like every other show I've worked on, they keep us pretty much in the dark. We're like mushrooms; every now and again they open the door and shovel some scripts on us! But I'm glad he's not two-dimensional, and I'm glad they didn't just make him this gun-crazy, buttoned-down Brit. I was fearful that ultimately that's what was going to happen to me on the show, but they haven't done that. And I remember saying that to Rick Berman after they'd offered me the job and I went to meet them all, 'I don't want to become a talking head over a console that just happens to be English; the money's great and everything, but I'd pull my hair out! And it hasn't become that, and I'm really happy. My fear, though, is whether they know where to find a normal episodic voice for Malcolm, so that he actually gets to be in the shows when he's not doing something extraordinary every few episodes--a place where he has a normal voice with the captain and the rest of the crew."
Despite being an ensemble show, it's usual in STAR TREK for a pair or threesome to become the main focus of attention, whether deliberately or naturally arising out of the chemistry between the actors. "There was a moment when I was fearful that it was Trip, T'Pol, and the captain, and I rang Brannon [Braga] and he said, 'Well, just hang in there; there's a long way to go yet.' And then they started looking at him, and I'm really happy about that. But if they wheel him out once every seven shows and give him a really cracking go, then I can play golf and go to the beach the rest of the days, and learn how to direct, and do something else."
"I look at this show and I think, 'Why can't it be like 'er': just a bunch of people working.' I think it would be just as feasible to make all these characters real human beings who happen to work on a starship, and to give them real emotions and put them in real situations, either on an alien planet or just working with each other. I think there's room for a lot of drama between them on the ship, and I hope they do it; I don't know whether they will. They have something of a formula that they know works, but I think with this incarnation they seem to be going for more human drama."
Dominic feels close enough to his character to recognize that he's using some of his own personality traits to help portray Malcolm. "I don't want to make him altogether me because 'altogether me' is not Malcolm Reed. But there's certainly an element of me; I nearly joined the army as a 17-year-old, and I was a very keen cadet officer in school, and so I'm kind of playing him like I was when I was at school aged 17, quite frankly! That's what I'm referring to in my little library of the Dominics I know. That side of me is the one he's closest to, when I was a teenager and a serious student thinking about joining the army, but of course I liked running off to the pub as well, trying to kiss all the girls! So he's multifaceted, I hope, but it takes me a while as an actor to appreciate that a character can have contrasting and conflicting character traits that aren't completely in sync with one another. Sometimes I find myself pulling a face or laughing inside about something and I think, 'Oh stop it; that's not very Malcolm,' and then I realize it could easily be Malcolm and not just me. I'm really exploring the character just as much as the writers are."
Dominic is also enjoying the more boisterous scenes. "Another thing I like that they're doing for me, of course, is that being the tactical officer I get to be the action man. In 'Sleeping Dogs' we were on a Klingon ship and Malcolm is in the thick of it, and gets beaten up by this Klingon supermodel. It was hard work--somehow I signed up to do the stunt myself, and we were wearing EVA suits; and, man, that's quite a trip, getting beat up in an EVA suit!"
If there's anything Dominic is not 100 percent happy with, it's being called Malcolm. "At the first meeting, apart from saying I didn't want him to be this and that, I also said, 'And do we have to call him Malcolm?' They must have listened because there's a moment in ˜Shuttlepod One™ where I have a dream sequence and I think we've been rescued and, as Archer and the doctor are leaving sickbay, T'Pol is hanging around, and then starts coming on to me and telling me that Vulcan's can't resist heroism and I acted unlike the rest of my species. She says, ˜May I call you Malcolm?™ and I say that that's fine but I've never liked the name because I always thought it was a bit too stuffy!"
Dominic's career back home in the UK included a regular role for six years on the comedy show, "Desmond's" as well as guest spots on major TV drama shows, including "Inspector Morse™ He has lived in the States for several years, and was already becoming familiar to TV audiences thanks to guest spots on "G Vs E" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and most recently, "The Immortal" in which he had a recurring role. I played the Prince of Darkness! That was really fun to do. And I've got a movie coming out called "The Hollywood Sign" with Burt Reynolds, Tom Berenger, and Rod Steiger, playing my first American role - I went to this audition for a part as a mob guy from New York, and they bought it and gave me the job! I showed up on the first day of shooting with an English accent, and they said, "What the...™
But for the next few years, Dominic's career will be centered on STAR TREK. Is he happy at the prospect? "Yeah, I am. It was a consideration for about nought point three seconds, but I'm at a time in my life where I want what this will give me, which is security. If I finish STAR TREK in seven years and perhaps do a couple of movies with these guys, that'll be great. And I'm going to start directing; I'm at the LA Film School and am taking classes there. I have to inform Rick [Berman] somewhere down the road that I'd like to direct, and if I show him that I really want to do it, he'll let me. They're wonderful like that."
As for performing, I'm a good actor, I think.- if I can blow my own trumpet -"and a versatile one; and with a bit of luck, and a producer or director with some imagination, I could certainly go on and do other stuff that's far removed from STAR TREK. But if STAR TREK is the rest of my acting career from here on in, fine " particularly if they write stuff for me like "Shuttlepod one" I was utterly thrilled and complete doing that; it was everything I would ever want to do in front of a camera.
Dominic Keating was born in Leicester, England. Cast in a school play while at prep school, he developed an interest in acting that continued during boarding school, where he had the lead role in a Shakespearean play. He then attended University College in London, studying for a BA in history, but also continued to perform in several theater productions; his credits to date include "Live Class™ ,˜Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead","The Christian Brothers", and "The Best Years of Your Life."
While still in the UK, Dominic played the regular role of Tony in popular sitcom, "Desmonds" which ran for six years, and guested in one of Britaina's most popular TV detective shows, "Inspector Morse™ He moved to Los Angeles a few years back, and is best known to American TV audiences for guest roles in ˜The Immortal,™ in which he played the roll of Mallos, ˜G vs E",˜Special Unit 2,˜Buffy the Vampire Slayer,™ and ˜Poltergeist: The Legacy.™
He has also had several big-screen roles; he starred in ˜Jungle2Jungle™ opposite Tim Allen and Martin Short, and appeared in the Academy Award-winning movie ˜Almost Famous,™ and before signing on for ENTERPRISE, he filmed ˜The Hollywood Sign™ with Burt Reynolds. He also plans to take up directing, and is currently studying at the LA Film School.
Source: www.dominickeating.com
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cinnamonroll-anon · 3 months
Hello! Can you do a request, Platonic or Friendship of Transformers (Prime, RID 2015, Animated, and others) Autobot kids, of your choice, w/ Reader as a Bot (or Animatronic) who's based on Daycare attendant (Sun/Moon/Eclipse) from Fnaf?
(if its okay add a reactions of the Autobots on Platonic relationship or Friendship between Autobots' kids and Daycare attendant! Reader?)
(Thank you and Hope you doing well!)
A/n: I'm having a wonderful day anon and i hope you do as well! Decided to add everyone's reaction so it's a big post! (I literally love sun and moon, the silly jester's)
Warnings: Fluff, Platonic Care, Friendship/ Guardian Care, Angst
He was more amazed by your design, how gracefully you moved compared to the other bots
You often would invite him to join you into some activities but he'd brush it off saying that he was too old for that kinda stuff (but you did make it look fun)
Then there was your moon form, the switch from you bubbly and exciting personality to a more docile yet protective one was quite baffling to him (also talk about a makeover)
Poor him if you hear about a messed up sleep schedule from being a teenager. Even his mom hasn't been able to get him to bed (he was obviously grumpy about it, but deep down was moved by your care for him.)
When he meets eclipse when he's in danger he feels so shocked but safe. What happened to you?
Has seen and understood the protection protocols you have and just how much you care about their safety.
Definitely still rebellious. If you think she called people her parents as an insult you definitely fit the parental role in her life.
She was at first very outspoken about not wanting you watching over them. (Babysitting her)
And when she tried to show you heavy metal by playing it, you happily supported her by playing a tiny xylophone. (You were trying your best but being excessively loud wasn't your deal)
You'd try to give her the space she needed but you obviously cared about her.
She did think your moon form was awesome. (Especially when she heard about you protection protocols)
You were unsuccessful to get her to sleep at reasonable hours but she ended up growing fond of you. You actually cared and supported her while her parents wanted her to be perfect. And you liked her the way she was.
Would more often than not join the activities you had planned out for them, learning that you were actually loads of fun behind your safety protocols (and human care files)
When she meets eclipse she thinks you're so cool! Yeah kick the cons ass! Definitely tells you that you're like a weapon which makes you feel bad, you worked so hard making sure that would never happen again. She clarifies that she just thinks that you being able to fight makes you awesome in her eyes.
Beyond delighted to meet you! Most bots are busy and don't often have time to chat but you're more than happy to talk to your hearts content with him
He allows your personality to shine, letting you both make fun activities and just hanging out with you
Definitely sees you as a Guardian because his family often overlooks him/ pressures him. But you can give him your undivided attention and compassion. He is still a growing boy
Is practically beaming when he sees your Moon form! "How did you do that!?"
Sometimes he overworks himself on what he's doing and you can always persuade him to rest
You can tell him stories and even play from your built in music box. You definitely help him feel safe and rest easy.
Definitely shows you morning cartoons and you sit happily with him and watch him. He also teaches you about videogames.
When he meets eclipse he's honestly worried about you but also sees that you're not some defenseless bot and you're willing to risk spark and limb to keep them all safe
He knew a bit about your past and he trusts you with the kids. He has no problem believing that you excel at entertaining and protecting them
He knows about your protective protocols and about eclipse and how that came to be
You were a caregiver on cybertron, watching over new bots and keeping them happy and healthy. You took absolute happiness in caring and playing with them, until the war. He knows how you tragically lost all of those under your care, seeing them all perish without being able to stop anything
He knows how that affected you eventually causing a split in your personality. Eclipse was more or less who you were, sun and moon were what you were left with after all the heartbreak.
He's seen how despite not wanting to be on the battlefield, you can definitely kick ass. Seeing you attack ferociously almost in a rampage when he first met you on cybertron
He treats you with much respect and feels easy around you. With how serious the war has been having you around is like a breath of fresh air
Man is a doctor, not a babysitter and he appreciates you
Hes always on edge and his patience is thin so he could never properly take care of the kids, even if he's grown on them (with some favoritism to raf)
At first he didn't really think you had it in you to be an Autobot or watching over the kids but you've shown him just how much you're capable of your work
You can work with the kids, having so much patience and just care for them. He realizes your strength and grows to truly appreciate the care you put into them
He definitely notices when you sometimes grow anxious around the kids but you prioritize them.
He doesn't know why until he asks optimus. His view on you definitely changes, he wonders if you see pieces of the young bots under your care in the kids
Definitely didn't believe in your capabilities in fighting until there came a moment when the kids were in danger. You turned into eclipse, swiftly taking care of the problem before frantically checking over the kids
She finds it funny when Jack comes and complains about your caring nature to her. She cares about him and also nags him, so she bonds with you over that care
Asks more about eclipse while all you can do is politely decline answering her questions. Its a sore spot for you and eclipse is strange to you
She also asks about your past and relates to you. She also had to deal with grief over the war, and she sympathizes with you. She stops pushing for answers and understands what you do and who you are better
Definitely happy to have you stay in base watching over the kids if an emergency happens. She trusts you and is grateful for you.
She finds your music box relaxing.
He loves your personality, he's always happy to see you. But he's even happier to participate in your activities.
He also has fun watching over the kids but you do a stellar job!
He thinks it's cute how you take care of the kids, you just radiate lively energy
Then he sees your moon form and he's pleasantly surprised by the shift. Especially if the kids are staying over for the night. The way you carry yourself with serenity and care is so different but wonderful.
You often ask for them to keep quiet if the kids are sleeping.
He's heard about eclipse but hasn't met them yet.
He's just happy that someone more careful with their feet are taking care of the kids
Hes a big guy with great strength. He tries to be gentle but he can fail, so having you watch over the kids is like taking a sigh if relief.
He may find your switching from sun to moon a bit uncanny but he just doesn't know how to interact with you. (He's nervous and doesn't truly understand how it works)
Sees you try to take care of miko and sometimes apologies for her, even when you told him that this reaction is natural in growing kids
He often overlooks your activities because he doesn't want to accidentally break anything you've set up.
Learns about your past and can't help but feel bad for you. The war has harmed alot of people but how could it rip such a vibrant bot like you.
Happy to have someone that knows what they're doing taking care of the kids.
She enjoys your company when she's more younger. She's always wanted to hangout with the bots more but sometimes she has to sit out certain missions. Luckily you're there to watch over her.
She definitely is happy that you actually know how to take care of humans and understand them. (You downloaded your information)
She was happy to count on you when her father was missing. You definitely made it easier for her and she appreciates you.
When she turns into a teenager that's where some changes happen. She thinks you might watch over her as babysitting and she can take care of herself!
She also puts a bit of a front with your moon form. She's not a little kid and she can stay up longer. (In her opinion, she tends to knockout early thanks to you)
She adores how your personality changes like the sun and the moon.
They day she saw you turn into eclipse she was shocked. "YOU KEPT A SECRET THIS BIG FROM ME???"
She'd love to see eclipse more often but usually gets told to not push it.
Doesn't fully understand humans or taking care of younger ones. He does end up learning by asking Sari and you. He picks up some stuff pretty quickly
He doesn't understand why you were added onto their team from the beginning. They were maintenance bots and you were??? Well, not that.
Your long limbs did prove to be helpful on more than one occasion and you were quite flexible.
He met eclipse when you had saved Sari from getting taken by the Cons. You singlehandedly scared them off and he was frozen in place. You were so quick and fierce getting her back and away from them, yet so gentle at handling her and looking her over for any injuries. He couldn't quite process it for a minute.
He asked you about eclipse and you nervously told him that it was something of mindset that combined both your personalities and it only ever appeared on cybertron. He respected your boundaries and made sure to remember them.
He feels relaxed around your moon form, but your footsteps are so light he forgets that you can still be walking around. (Has to listen closely to pick up on your bells)
At first he was deeply annoyed by you. Especially when you were Sun. He thought he had gotten another energetic and unruly young bot that he'd have to watch over like bumblebee.
Then when you all arrived on earth he saw just how patient you are. You would answer Saris questions, keep her entertained and safe.
He was also caught off guard by your moon form. He's grown more used to your Sun form and gets a bit spooked out at first. He ends up liking how you remind them to rest and just how calm you are. What freaks him out more is when you play your music box.
When he saw eclipse he was more cautious and even a bit frightened at what had just happened. He knew that your personalities weren't a common occurrence, not even on Cybertron, especially when it appeared in a time of high stress.
He became more fascinated in wether eclipse was some way you coped with emergencies or as a fight or flight response. He definitely thought it was a fight response on how you maneuvered yourself against the cons to get Sari back.
He was worried about leaving Sari in your care after that, scared that you could potentially hurt her.
He did some digging through the ship and learned about your past. You were tasked to look after young bots, not necessarily a teacher. He learned that you've been around from before the war and how you were sent to evacuate the young ones to an area away from the fighting only for the Cons to lay siege on the area, thinking it was an Autobot hideout.
He saw that you were basically rehabilitated after being eclipse for so long, but you couldn't go back to your original job because of it.
He saw that you truly cared about Sari and you would protect her and he trusted you again. He just hoped that reverting to eclipse didn't cause any psychological episodes on you. It's hard to read you when you always act like everything is okay.
He didn't think much of you like Ratchet. Already having a taste of another energetic personality (bumblebee) he wasn't exactly excited to work with you.
When you had arrived on earth, much like him, you were curious and open about this planet to the point of downloading just about any information you could find.
Then he saw you watching over Sari and learned that you were also observant and clever. You were sometimes able to get Sari to do things that she would refuse to do (like sleeping early)
He sometimes talks to you about his observations, seeing how you light up and are interested in mundane things like nature with him.
Then he sees your moon from and he greatly enjoys your company. You're much more relaxed and quiet, you seem more docile. Some night he enjoys quietly talking to you.
And then theres eclipse. He didn't even know you could fight. Despite his initial shock his gut feeling tells him to trust you. Especially when you held Sari and were practically all over her asking if she was scared and if she was hurt.
He did want to talk more about eclipse, he knew you would get a bit uncomfortable, but he reasoned that getting better control of eclipse could prove more helpful for you. Eventually he'd get eclipse to come out again, making sure to help you grow accustomed to them.
He learned that Eclipse was more silent and more alert, almost on guard. He'd end up talking to you getting told small bits of your past but he was okay with it. He's more happy that you don't pose a threat to yourself and others
He got along with you! You were so much fun and so active! You weren't reckless like he was but he still enjoyed time with you.
And going to earth didn't change much, except he thinks you became a bit of a buzz kill. It was mostly because he always let Sari tag along and you didn't want her to get hurt.
He knows it comes from a good place at heart but he feels like you nag him a bit.
He wasn't too fond of your moon form. You were quite and usually wanted to talk in a hushed tone (because you had already put Sari to sleep)
He gets to learn more about humans when you and Sari are talking or making a fun activity together. He often joins in on the fun (usually to escape s boring task)
When he met your eclipse form he was bewildered and awkward honestly. "So we're not going to talk about your crazy orange side?"
More blunt about the subject, he wanted answers! But luckily ratchet just told him that when you were ready you'd explain it.
He definitely gets along really well with you. You tend to keep things safe and fun, and he appreciates it
He has grown used to seeing you watch over Sari but he also gets his time to spend with her
You have both actually bonded over art! He makes paintings while you tend to draw adorable stick figures, that you sometimes deck out with glitter glue. Everytime you show him your work he's always positive about it.
As well as bumblebee he's liked you before landing on earth.
At first your moon form caught him off guard, especially when you'd walk around ay night, but he's used to it now.
When he saw Eclipse he was taken aback and frightened. It looked like you but it wasn't quite you. You were defensive and just worried about Sari.
He kept a close eye on the two of you for a while, trying to ease his own nerves.
He confronts you about it, bringing it up gently and you tell him that it's complicated but you didn't intend on scaring anyone. He doesn't judge you and is just happy to have you back.
RID 2015:
He was at first trying to be distant from you. To be fair he saw you like a babysitter and he was trying to act more mature.
He at first would be dismissive at first at your attempts to befriend him but he'd eventually give in with some pressure from his dad.
Eventually he'd find the activities you set up to be actually fun, heck, even his dad would take part in them with him and they'd have a great bonding experience
He'd find your sun colors to be bright but not too oversaturated. You reminded him of a carnival.
When he met your moon form one of the Decepticons managed to break free from his pod at night. Russell was taking a walk with his father and they were about to be trampled until you practically flung the Decepticon away.
And that's when he looked up and saw you. You were so different like this, you changed color and personality, at first he called out to you nervously not sure if you were alright. Luckily after dealing with the Decepticon you leaned down and comforted the two (his dad practically froze on instinct)
Then after getting used to your moon form, being more quiet and peaceful he met your eclipse from. This was probably his favorite form of yours because you were still fun but you were more relaxed
He enjoyed introducing you to new things on earth and answering your questions, you were just so wholesome and excited about it.
Overall he enjoys the time he spends with you, well except when they leave him out of missions and leave him in your care (he's just salty he doesn't get included)
Was concerned when you had also traveled the space bridge with them. Him and strongarm were at least police, sideswipe got dragged along, but you weren't exactly what he'd call cut out for the job.
He struggled to understand where you fit in, sure you had juvenile tendencies but you weren't a handful to deal with like sideswipe. You also tended to follow along but not all to the book like strongarm. You were like your own middle space. When you first arrived on earth you were definitely spending more time looking around and learning about the planet.
He grew fond of your personality, you were optimistic and energetic, which is why it surprised him to see your moon form. Sure you saved Russell from getting stomped but you also took down a whole con. Alone.
He was curious about your moon form, noticing how quieter you were, especially your footsteps, it was harder to hear where you were if it weren't from the bells decorating you.
He overall tried talking to you about it, in which you assured him that this was just how you were, but you didn't think you'd change while on earth. Speaking of changes when you turned into eclipse he thought you broke or something.
It was a high stress situation and you weren't taking it too well but he was walking you through it (to the best of his ability) until he saw you change. In this form you were more grounded and put together and you ended up helping alot like this.
He enjoys watching you interact with Russel and the others, reminds him of when he didn't have the responsibility of a leader. That and too often humored him more than the others. He knows he doesn't have to worry too much about you (especially seeing how capable you were at handling yourself) but sometimes worries when you change between forms. He wonders if it's painful for you.
She was definitely more harsh on you when you first met. As far as she was concerned you were just a civilian that got dragged into this mess, but she didn't dislike you as much as she did with sideswipe.
She thought you were gullible and slowing them down until she realized how crafty you were. She often watched how you partook in "arts and crafts" while watching over Russel but didn't bother to think how clever you were (at least in the situations you were actually in)
She grew more fond of you, especially after you got lost in the forest trying to find her and sideswipe after they had another disagreement. After they both cooled down and returned to base they realized that you've still been gone and it was already nightfall.
Eventually she went out to look for you but was shocked when she found you. You looked different, she almost confused you for a con in the dark. She noticed the change in your body language and voice, you sounded more quiet. You told her to keep your little change a secret and she did.
She honestly prefers your sun to your moon form. You were always cheerful and lively that seeing you so docile and quiet made her nervous. That and when she saw the way you had practically flipped a con like it was nothing.
When she met your eclipse form she approached you with more curiosity, asking if you were feeling well. You explained that you were okay but your heightened stress would often have you revert back to this.
She's understanding of your personalities and has enjoyed having you as her friend, especially when you talk to her about something new from earth.
Oh boy where to begin. He didn't mind your presence but didn't seem interested to get to know you. He was all about action but he knew you weren't a total buzzkill.
After a while you ended up becoming his voice of reason, like a friend that was watching out over him and Russel if they were getting into more dangerous activities.
He enjoyed hanging out with you a ton, finding himself participating in any activities you were doing with Russel and Denny. He warmed up to you easily with your enthusiasm yet caring personality.
His jaw practically hit the floor when he saw your moon from, the way you threw that Decepticon like they were nothing had him flabbergasted. "Since when can you do that!?"
He was freaked out at first but then was practically beaming at how awesome you were. He found your moon form more calming to be around especially at night. He was more than happy to give your form a chance but he also wanted you to take down more cons (he wanted to see you go berserk again)
Then he saw your eclipse form and he couldn't decide how he was feeling about you, on one hand, this was another one of your surprises but on the other you were more sure of yourself and also helping out more in this form.
He's happy to call you his friend, especially when he convinces you to do something reckless with him. bumblebee always scolds him for being a bad influence, but in his opinion a little fun never hurt anyone.
When he first saw you he thought you were funny looking, in a good way! He loved the way your personality reflected the way you looked. You were like a little sun!
He was definitely 100% on board with anything you wanted to do. You always made up new ways to have fun. He did feel bad about arts and crafts though, he wasn't too careful and he'd more often than that break his creation, but you always comforted him and encouraged him forward.
The night the con had escaped its pod he practically had a heart attack as he saw you charge at the con, before sighing in relief when you successfully knocked them out. He was cheering loudly for you as you were attacking the con, telling you to go all out.
Other than that he liked your moon form, not only were you great at fighting but you became more caring and calm. He was actually the one that discovered your music box and at night would often ask for you to play it. (It helps him relax a lot, especially because it's also with you)
This man was so shocked seeing your eclipse form. He would often joke around with you about how you kept it a secret. You were amazing in your eclipse form, you kept your knowledge and strength in fighting but you were also a great teammate, he'd love to go on missions more with you.
He's honestly a sweetheart with you and gets along well with any form you're in.
He was more amazed at your appearance. He wasn't used to seeing many bots but you were so different and stylized.
You were more understanding with his glitching, more often than not laughing to yourself at his mix up. You also were happy to befriend him more than the others. He believed it was because you didn't have much experience seeing a minicon.
Then he saw your moon from and was practically gushing at you. He had never seen another bot do whatever you just did! The personality changes gave it away that you were different from any regular bot.
He ended up trying to do some research, it's not that you were a different bot entirely. His conclusions led him to believe that something in your past caused this spilt in your personality.
He felt more safe around you whenever you stayed behind to look after the base when bumblebee had left for a mission, trusting that your moon side could protect them.
When he saw eclipse he was practically speechless. It made him ask all sorts of questions on why you were like this. You ended up being a bit vulnerable and explaining that you weren't sure why you were made like this and that you were sorry if this all made him upset.
He reassured you that he didn't think any less of you because of it, he actually compared it to his glitching. It wasn't regular but it made you both unique.
He's very warm and friendly towards you, he likes having you around, especially when you include him in whatever you're working on. He always ends up having a blast and he feels lucky to have a friend like you!
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iri-scrublord · 2 days
Fresh Season 2 Weapon Review
Once again, I'm putting my faith in the automatic cut. If it doesn't show up for you guys, god help you. Or press the...what is it? J key? K key? One of those skips to the next post.
Below there be thoughts on the weapons that came out.
The Whale In The Room
There're less weapons each time one of these damn seasons comes out. The first season of each era bans a bunch of the old weapons as they figure out the balance with the new stuff. That's fine, there was still a ton of stuff to go through. The second season of the De-Recall era introduced 13 weapons.
The third introduced twelve. The fourth introduced eleven. Ten. Nine. Eleven. And this new one coming up has eight.
Squidforce is losing steam. If I've said it before, I'll say it again. They're a bunch of boomers and need to go. Get some fresh minds in there. Like me. I'll run the damn league I don't give a damn, you think I don't know my way around weapon and stage logistics? Hell, maybe I'll even allow all of the idols I sponsor to, I don't know, participate in the damn sport.
I'm not going to rant again about accessibility, I did that last time. But it's a damn sin that Big Man has to sit there, on a podcast, and wax poetic about turf and ranked - sorry, anarchy - and the only time he gets to hold the fuckin' weapons is when he's working his second job at war because Grizz doesn't give a shit about regulations (Thank Squod).
Anyway. #DownWithSF.
TL;DRs in the tags.
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Deco's .52 Gal (w/ Curling Bomb and Splattercolor Screen)
I'm trying a new formatting thing with the titles. It's going to be a little less consistent with what people actually call the weapons, but I want to highlight the developers of the kits a little more. There's a lot of work that goes into making even the worst kits, and it's not fair to the engineers at each company not to shout out who made them.
I've already given my view on the Splattercolor Screen last time, so I'm not going to go on and on about it. They did rework it, but barely. Still gives you damn achromatopsia, but...I dunno, it's not as bad as before. Dialed it back, I guess. Blegh.
The weapon itself...? I mean it's fine? The .52 didn't really need a tool for getting in like the Curling Bomb, it's got healthy ink spread and decent range. Curling Bomb is usually best on weapons that either have trouble inking or short range.
Course, that's me trying to be impartial. If you want to know my bias, I love curling bombs because it's so much fun to splat people with them. It's almost as embarrassing as dying to a Sprinkler.
That's besides the point though. If I'm going to be forced to think about the synergy with...that thing...I guess it provides pretty good area denial. The .52 is a scary enough weapon that it can take out opponents at a safe distance, and anyone heading through the screen is going to be at even more of a disadvantage than they normally would be going into neutral with it. The curling bombs don't add much, though.
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Custom's E-Liter 4K and E-Liter 4K Scope (w/ Squid Beakon and Kraken Royale)
So. I've been one to rag on E-Liters in the past. Like literally last season, I ragged on them. And before grading this weapon, I'd like to retract some of my previous statements.
E-Liters are perfectly respectable weapons, capable of being played in skilled and interesting ways.
It's you saltlicks that just sit in the same damn place for five minutes doing sweet FA but looking down your sights that piss me the fuck off. Do you spend your free time watching paint dry? Do you put your meals in the microwave at low power just so you can watch that shit turn for thirty minutes? The hell are you doing playing this sport when you could pick up the well-respected and more-your-speed human game of FUCKING BACKGAMMON
Anyway. The actual weapon. Once again, freaky special, but I did try it. Don't say I never did anything for you guys. And...I like it. E-Liter at its base is a very solid support weapon. Even just seeing one on the other team is psy-ops, and as long as you can convince the enemy that you're a threat, you don't actually have to follow through on too much to keep them on their toes. Squid Beakons are great to mobilize your team, since you won't be on the front lines unless you're a Battle E-Liter (respect). And the Kraken works wonders to get people off of you. Just try and use it smart, don't chase people off into the wild blue and get caught with your pants down when it expires.
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Custom's Explosher (w/ Splash Wall and Triple Splashdown)
Ahhh, Triple Splashdown. The noobkiller. Menace to turf, nigh inconsequential to ranked - sorry, anarchy.
I like this kit. Explosher has always had a lot of trouble keeping people off of it, and its base kit of Point Sensor and Ink Storm didn't really do much to help it. But this one's got a Splash Wall to give a bit of buffer (though you're going to need to stack some Ink Savers if you want to do anything after throwing one), and Triple Splashdown as a panic button.
I don't normally like panic buttons at the best of times, but this is a weapon that really needs one. Getting rushed down sucks as this thing, and having some tools to help with being harrassed by Splooshes and the like really helped it out.
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Dolphin's Dread Wringer (w/ Squid Beakon and Wave Breaker)
I don't like Squid Beakons quite as much on this guy. The Wave Breaker works nicely with such a slow but terrifying weapon. I love Wave Breakers on any kind of mid-to-long range slosher that can take advantage of tags over walls. So...most of them. But Squid Beakon?
I mean this thing isn't going to be on the front lines all the time, sure, and it never hurts to have beakons on the team, but...I don't know, I feel like if the team tried a little harder, Dolphin could have found something better for it. Hell, Dolphin makes Sprinklers, right? I would have taken a Sprinkler over Beakons to make for even more consistent specials.
Eh, I dunno. The Wave Breaker's nice.
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Foil's Flingza Roller (w/ Suction Bomb and Splattercolor Screen)
I love the finish on this thing. The Flingza Roller to begin with is one of my favourite weapons to look at. Weird, rustic, industrial. The folding mechanism needs constant upkeep, sure, with a roller whose entire gimmick revolves around the flick, that's only natural, but it's so simple yet so great. And the navy blue finish is just, chef's kiss, y'know?
And yeah, another Splattercolor Screen, you knew they were coming.
Okay, I'm stalling a little. I freaking love this weapon. I loved the original Flingza, and as much as I wanted to hate this thing because of its special, I don't. I really don't. Suction Bombs just feel so good to make people scatter like minnows. And until Dynamo stops sucking major ass, this is the closest we're going to have to a long range roller. With Suction and Screen, this thing excels at flushing people out and following through. And I HATE that I think that because I still fucking hate the Screen.
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Deco's Glooga Dualies (w/ Point Sensor and Trizooka)
First off, absolutely love the finish. Striking. They look like power tools.
But other than that? I dunno, they're...good. They're good. Tagging is always nice, though I kind of wish that they had the dart instead. More weapons need that thing, and I think it's neat. I could probably fit a dart onto Gloogas if I really wanted to, though I'm not sure I'd be able to make it league legal (#DownWithSF).
But I'm digressing. Going into a fantasyland where I get to make my own kits for league.
There's just not much exciting or standout about it, y'know? Tag someone, take 'em out. Tag someone, take 'em out. Gloogas are a pretty terrifying weapon as they are, and this is just a way more aggressive kit. But it's not like....burst bomb aggressive.
...Or line marker - sorry, Angle Shooter aggressive. (Nouveau I swear to god please change the name)
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Shelly and Donny's Nautilus '79 (w/ Suction Bomb and Triple Splashdown)
What a gorgeous weapon. The gold-rimmed finish? God. Sheldon knows how to make 'em. Or, I should say, not Sheldon. I happen to know that this one was designed and manufactured by Shelly and Donny, the little guys that run the stores in Inkopolis. They look pretty young (I haven't asked ages) but for their first crack at a weapon kit they did a pretty good job. Pick this weapon up if you can. Even if they're in the pocket of Squidforce, it's always good to support up-and-coming designers.
Beyond the looks, this thing is serviceable. (Sorry, guys, but I'm not going to mince words just because you're new. Feedback is feedback, and if you only get gilded phrases you'll never grow!) Suction Bomb and Triple Splashdown is an alright combo, respectable, though I get the inkling that the two of them had Squidforce breathing down their neck trying to make them include one of the new specials in this thing. I haven't gotten a Splashdown dev kit yet, so I don't know how actually hard it is to work with, so I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they did the best they could under the circumstances.
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Dolphin's New Squiffer (w/ Autobomb and Zipcaster)
Fuck you guys they put a fun weapon in the game.
I don't care if it fucking sucks or is the best thing on the planet it's fucking fun okay
We can have a fun weapon every so fucking often as a treat
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Custom's Douser Dualies FF (w/ Ink Mine and Killer Wail 5.1)
Alright, on to the brand new weapons they introduced. The meat of it.
That is to say the fucking pair of them come the FUCK ON-
These guys are interesting. Love the firehose inspiration, Custom's really been coming out lately. Three new kits (The E-Liter and Scope count as one) and a brand new weapon in a single season? Jeez, guys, slow down!
As for effectiveness, I like the special on them. They're pretty long range as it is, but they've got a damn slow kill time if they don't roll, and if they roll, they don't have the damn long range anymore. So the Wail really helps them out.
I think if I had to use a word t describe the Dousers it'd be 'underestimated'. That's probably going to wear off the more we see them, and understand how they work, but they just don't look like they should have the range that they do. Those hydraulic pumps do wonders man, what I wouldn't give for a three month internship at Custom. Custom's weapon department. I don't want to be stuck making actual fucking power tools.
Sub's a wash.
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Sorella's Recycled Brella 24 Mk I (ft. Ammo Knights) (w/ Angle Shooter and Big Bubbler)
So you might be looking at the name and going "oh damn that's familiar"
And you might look at the aesthetic of it and go "Oh damn that's familiar"
And I kind of gave the game away by putting it in the heading but...yeah! This is a collaborative weapon between Sorella and Ammo Knights! Sheldon's never actually had the opportunity to make a brella before this, because Sorella's got a patent down on the damn things. Same reason I haven't been able to make any either. (Same reason they're all kinda dogshit tbh)
But they actually opened up the golden gates for a bit to let someone else in! And it's my man Sheldon! How did he do??
....Bad. Sheldon did bad.
Or, more accurately, I think Sorella did bad. I can see Sheldon's character in here. He always makes weird and interesting weapons with cool catches to them. This one's definitely the power in the shaft, and the fast-launching canopy. The aesthetics are so fucking good, too, I love what he did with it.
But I can feel Sorella's influence creeping over this thing like black fucking sludge. It's slow, the canopy's a joke, and what is that KIT? Big Bubbler??? On this???? Are you fucking joking?????
I'm so sorry they had to do you like this Sheldon I'm so fucking sorry
And that's Fresh Season 2. Done literally what, two hours before Sizzle Season 2 comes out.
I'm going to try and get that review done in time before the last minute, I promise, just...I dunno. Had a weird bit in the middle of the season where I just kinda. Existed, for a bit.
Side note, anybody get that? Like, two weeks in or something, you just got this striking sense of ennui, like your thoughts all just vanished for a couple of days? I talked to a few guys and they felt the same thing around the same time. Promise this isn't a race thing, but octos got hit especially hard. Hope you're all okay.
Take care of yourselves, guys. Burnout's real.
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silverskye13 · 1 year
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
I have two favorite types of comments.
"OP I am doing you physical harm for the emotional distress you've caused me / biting you biting you biting y--"
[My favorite variation of this is when one of the major characters died in Casting Rain, in which the comment said only "Respectfully, fuck you." I think I laughed for 20 minutes straight.]
"Here is an in depth analysis of all the little details, nuances, and foreshadowing you put into this story, intentionally or otherwise. Here are all my theories on where those details are going to take us, right or wrong." I reread those over and over and over again, smiling and giggling like a small child. Oh people pay attention? They pay attention to the stupid little details I put in there? Oh! Joy! Joy for author for 10000 years!
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Hound's Tooth. I thought no one would read it / it would be too angsty or OOC for people to find it enjoyable. Instead I got a lot of comments from people saying it made them think deeply about their own past traumas, gave them the words to describe their own conflicted feelings, and helped them think about body dysphoria in a different way. I was very surprised. Also there was a really nice commenter who talked about their coclear(?) implants [the story had a lot of themes about body dysphoria around Doc's prosthetics] and how they dealt with the dysphoria around that, which was an experience I hadn't even hoped to touch on realistically but it was lovely to have someone comment specifically to say I had and they had enjoyed it.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
W... Worldbuilding. Worldbuilding? Worldbuilding. Aside from it just being wildly fun to create workable universes for your characters to play in, worldbuilding helps inform character development so much. If the world is at war, how different characters handle the stress tells you bits about their personality. The social norms they ignore tell you what they find important. When you switch POVs, how they talk about their environment in contrast to how somebody else does gives them so much life, makes them feel more real. Also, you can fit so much symbolism into worldbuilding.
Knight character who fights in an arena, but noticeably wears his helmet all the time when no one else does -> he's hiding something
Elemental character who thinks it's nerve-wracking that someone isn't treating him like a weapon -> the world expects him to be dangerous
Werewolf character who struggles a lot with hiding what he is -> the world didn't always require him to, and something has changed to make it so it does
The mirror is smashed in a missing person's home, and the last image he drew was his own face -> there was something important in his reflection, possibly something he mourned
Real Fic Writer Asks
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hiroshotreplica · 8 months
i would love to hear about ur Hiro thoughts if u wanna share :3
hiro.... where do i begin...... (btw no coroika stuff sorry. from what ive seen the characterization there does not line up with any of my promo kid brainrot at all LOL. also they turned kayoss into an inkling there lol???)
love him so much you dont even know. i memorized his username (Hirooooo) i think he's cool. i like his inkless office drone title it implies so much about him. projected some of my traits onto him a very long time ago, so he's an autistic trans guy to me. maybe bi. ive mentioned it before but i think he wears his ocho octophones outside of battle and theyre noise cancelling. i think he needs that feature for battles cause oh my goodness there's so many noises in battles sometimes.
of COURSE he uses .96 gal, its iconic as hell. but i think he uses like.. 3 other weapons too. splattershot, mainly because he's been shown with ttek splattershot + he's on the trizooka card (or at least the octoling there has a VERY close resemblance). i think he uses range blaster and dark tetra dualies cause he's been shown with them (the range guess is based on like. 20 pixels from a millisecond of footage though). also i use range and dark tetra..and i thought it was funny
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also fun little thought i had the other day: i think he avoids .96 gal deco like the plague. was excited to see it get splash wall but freaked out about kraken royale. picked it up just to find out about the kraken part mid-match and got jumpscared by the transformation. enough to shove somewhere and never think about it again
i dont think he has like, a set in stone team or anything (i dont think any of the splat 3 promo kids do, they all play matches with each other n theyre all friends) but he usually teams up with anemoneno1, takotruck, and c4l4m4r. they have the most toxic synergy ever but thats another story. my interpretation of ane is its own thing too. i think they and hiro hate each other in the friend way. say the rudest shit to each other as a joke then laugh about it.
SPEAKING OF HIS RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER PEOPLE. coming out as a hironika lover. i think he loves veronika so much its unreal. kind of boyfail type of way. they share an apartment w/ ane. sometimes i think about a poly thing between them but i like to think ane's just an onlooker to the frustrating chaos that is the two of them pining on each other in the most obvious way possible. theyre so t4t oh my god. (off topic but im a veronika she/they nonbinary believer forever. i think she's also a girl too but i dont know how to explain that. bigender, demigirl?? hard to label wish i could just let people peer into my brain on that.)
ALSO I LOVE NEO 3 VERONIKA BUT HIRO'S THE NEO 3 TO ME SORRY. my url gives this away so fast (hiroshotrepilca.. huh i wonder who hiro is). i think his smallfry friend would have the mohawk haircut. need more neo 3 hiro fanart in my life...
ok thats all i can put into words... a lot of this is going to show up in a thing im writing (I NEED A HIRO. posting it on ao3if anyone cares) but Yeah. sorry for this being sooo long these thoughts have been brewing in my head for like a year
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apollotronica · 3 days
2, 12, 31, and 36 - what color, weapon, nd aesthetic would you have as a magical boy !!!
2. when is your birthday?
august 25!
12. where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
id like to visit my family in the philippines and maayyybbeeee somewhere in europe like italy.... idunno
31. describe yourself with 3 singers
miyashita yuu, mafumafu, and gene☆ :3 i lowkey Do Not Know what this question means so i just named some of my favs
ID LIKE TO SAY ID BE PURPLE but i dunno.... purple is usually reserved for the more serious characters...... so either purple or blue :3 Most magical girls have staffs or whatever but i think id like a cutesy club or giant hammer . or maybe i can be more elegant with dual swords Which would be fun...but im not skilled enough for that so its probably the hammer . AND I KINDA WANT EITHER A SCIENCE MOTIF OR ANGEL MOTIF....... angel would be easier to pull off w the magical girl pretense but more techy stuff would be fun to experiment with too :D maybe ill draw something relating to this later... Ohoho...
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yourlocalartsonist · 1 year
PSST! The fanfic is officially out now! Read it here <3
Hi uh I decided to start a ROTTMNT fanfic ;w;
So it kinda started out as just random “what if” scenarios of me and the turtles interacting but then got out of hand when I officially started developing my self insert character a bit more and giving them a backstory and creating an overarching narrative, blah blah blah. And then it just got more set in stone when I ended up actually writing an entire chapter and having way too much fun doing it. I wasn’t sure whether or not to announce this now or later when the chapters actually start going up on AO3 but I got too giddy to just not say anything so here we are :D
Introducing my dumb little rise fanfic: Moths Fly in Packs!
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So this story is meant to take place a few months after the movie events. In my head canon, the movie takes place in August 2020 and the story starts March 2021. I’m not sure how long it’s gonna be yet but I know for sure it’ll cover a few years of their lives since I want the dynamics to seem believable and not hilariously rushed
SO! I actually had two versions of this story planned out. One is just continuing the Rise series in general with the turtles being the main characters and this fanfic’s MC being more on the level of April or Casey. That whole stuff I wanted to save for a future comic series if I ever get to it with a more similar tone to the show. The fanfic is showing that story from MC’s perspective, having them be the main character and following the events of her life with the turtles and the tone being SLIGHTLY darker than the main show. It doesn’t feel too different though since I think the show kinda already nailed the blend of fun and trauma that I love, just increased the trauma a teensy bit. Oh also cursing I guess
Speaking of MC, here’s their design! :D
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Salena Moni :D she/they
LOOK AT MY DARLING BASKING IN ALL HER GLORY! She’s half Japanese half Bengali and is actually (unknowing to her) part luna moth Yōkai and I’m not gonna talk more about that as it would spoil parts of the story. She’s the same age as Mikey, both 16 in the story, and yes this is gonna be some turtle x oc shipping since I’m a simp for Leo and I’m not wasting an opportunity to create a fictional relationship with him <3 Aside from that, Salena is sweet, spunky, and chaotic, wonderfully fitting in with the rest of the gang. Of course, she has her dose of trauma and baggage too since it wouldn’t be a rise fanfic without that! Their weapons are mystic sickles and their powers are still in the works
For any of my fellow character design nerds: I tried putting some luna moth elements into her design. Her color palette is inspired by the green, pink, and yellow palette of luna moths and the spots on her sickles are meant to resemble the spots on their wings. They’ve got gold earrings in the shape of feathers to emulate the cute fuzzy antennas on luna moths. The bag isn’t related to moths, it’ll get explained in the story it’s a pretty sweet moment I don’t wanna spoil. There’s probably more but I’m forgetting that right now ANYWHO
Um yea I think that’s everything? Apologies if I sounded like an awkward dork, it’s because I am and still not used to posting on tumbler. I’m really excited to share this story since I think it’s a lot of fun and just a really sweet found family story. It’s kind of my little comfort fanfic as a lot of the original characters are inspired by people I knew in my life and a lot of the events are a mix of things I struggled with and the potential life I would’ve had if certain events ended more tragically than they actually did. I struggle with feeling lonely a lot and this story lets me breathe in another universe as a character who eventually finds their true family despite the things they’ve been through. A family that accepts them for who they are, weird quirks and all. It’s a wholesome ride and I can’t wait to share it with y’all
As in literally can’t wait, I might honestly just put the first chapter on tumbler instead of waiting for my AO3 account to activate since there’s APPARENTLY A WAIT TIME FOR THE INVITATION but anyway enjoy a little fluff drawing I did of Salena and Leo that’s now my homescreen
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
PLEASE elaborate on bunny reader and wolf gojo that dynamic sounds hilarious
cw hybrid stuff, violence lol
im imagining like how u meet😭
imagining you as like… a little rabbit hailing from a small village town. you’re off on your own for the first time because you’re trying to go make some money to bring back to your family. its a very dangerous journey so you’ve prepared a complicated route and a long list of weapons.
and you’re all suited up to avoid as much danger as humanly possible. and then, on your trip, you come across an injured person. theyve got white ears and a long tail with a dagger lying beside them, all bloody. its against your better judgement but you managed to lug the big, heavy person into the nearest town to get healed. you use some spare money to take care of them and they seem completely unconscious for days.
and then one day you come back into the room youve been sharing and you’re getting immediately pinned to the ground.
“woah, woah - what the fuck!”
“shouldnt i be the one saying that?”
lo and behold, the guy you saved is a wolf. a white wolf with terrifying blue eyes. you dont really have wolves where you lived, you didnt know what they look like. and you’re not the brightest but you’re pretty sure this guy wants you dead. it only takes a few minutes at best for you to figure something else out.
this guy is a fucking nutcase
“c-cant we just talk this out? maybe just, y-yknow—“
“what would we have to talk about?”
“why you’re trying to kill me?”
“isnt that only natural though?”
you’re screwed. and you have an inkling that you’re not gonna make it out of here alive if you’re not smart. when he leans in close and you see his teeth, sharp and imposing, you immediately push him away.
“a-ah, but thats no fun for you right! ya seem like a guy who likes fun, so maybe you could… uh chase me instead! like a game!”
he pauses, then stares at you and grins. grins so terribly wide. he looks so excited.
“a game does sound fun. good thinking,”
“r-right! right, right. there has to be rules. uhm and since im at a disadvantage ill have a head start on the run. and if you chase me before i get to where im going you w-win,”
he stops and gets up. without so much as a word, he comfortably sits back on the bed leaving you to dash towards the wall. he tilts his head, moon shining on his face.
“hmm. you’re smart. i do hate things that are boring.” he rubs his chin deep in thought as you try to make sure your heart doesnt fail “then.. lets play your game. we can start in three days. until then, we should get to know each other,”
he looks at you one more time as you desperately try to figure out how to survive this insane situation.
“think we’re gonna have a lot of fun together, little rabbit,”
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heavenpierceher · 1 year
can u do tailgate 4 that ask game
(ask game here! and sorry this took AGES)
one aspect about them i love: would it be weird to say "that he's a liar"? idk i'm really enamored with like, characterizations that manage to take a pathologized/generally seen as Bad trait eg lying, stealing etc and make them like endearing and quirky. i like a lot that he's essentially a compulsive liar who's not like demonized for it and when the initial lie comes crashing down for him it's because he was extended compassion. idk it's very unique i think. ALSO ALSO i think it's sweet that he likes crafting stuff by hand.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: god im so bad at fandom i dont really pay a lot of attention to like fandom Trends at large. idk it bothers me when people take his punchier more vengeful trauma-response characterization in early lost light as like, Just The Way He Is By Default rather than a temporary defense mechanism? does that make sense
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: ive said before i think that since cybercrosis weakened his legs he prefers to use his alt mode to travel short distances (in crowd shots where everyone's fuckin Schmoovin he's usually in alt mode) since in alt mode his shoulders (front wheels) can pick up some of the slack... he was probably really happy about being able to transform again post-cybercrosis ;w; i think he probably has a lot of Weird medical stuff he kind of just has to Deal With, first as a consequence of just being old as shit and Built Different, then later because of the cybercrosis and recovery. in general i really like the idea of him being some equivalent of chronically ill/disabled because imo his arc has a lot to do with like coming to terms with how he doesn’t have to be "useful" or "strong" or serve some function in order to deserve support and love
one character i love seeing them interact with: is saying "literally anyone" cheating. i love the recurring bit with people giving him piggyback rides. Eveybody so sooooo nicey to him forever OK?
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: odd as it sounds, getaway? i understand why the pacing etc wouldn't have allowed for it but i'd have killed for a single conversation between the two post-47. just to figure out what is going ON in there (there being their heads). mainly because i want to know if getaway would just cut to the chase and be like lmao wakeup call i never gave a shit or if he'd like try to keep up the manipulation. get a job stay away from her etc etc
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: now i feel like you guys know by now about my rodimus+tailgate besties agenda. i think they get along especially well because they both have a weird little thing about being treated more like a set of ideals or a symbol than a person with emotions, rodimus with [gestures] His Whole Fucking Deal and tailgate with being like the Ship's Mascot Sweet Itty Minibot Who Missed The War What A Heroic Little Slugger. their relationship is symbiotic because tailgate loves being used as a projectile weapon they promise magnus they swear see look he's literally fine he's having fun see him thumps up 👍
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