#like i’m going to WAR FOR IT
drawnbythestream · 2 months
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Obi-wan and his friend Bant Eerin having a sad moment after certain events
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mroddmod · 25 days
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she’ll be alright because she had you.
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all-lee24 · 4 months
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Young Malenia doodles + headcanons
((A.K.A Malenia as Miquella always sees her even after she grew up and became a fierce warrior))
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billyzigz · 1 year
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The Rocks Princesses my beloved
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jewelleria · 18 days
I know it's not how you rationalize it to yourself, but your posts about Israel/palestine come off as a support of the destruction of Gaza and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Insisting that it's a war (Palestine isn't allowed to have an army, and Israel cannot claim self-defence against a territory they occupy), denying that Israel is at fault, obscuring support of Palestine in general as being motivated by antisemitism - it paints a picture.
At least 30 000, probably closer to 100 000 Palestinians have been killed as of now. That is so monumentally worse than anything currently happening to Israel / zionists. So when you spend most of your energy focusing on those wrongs, or insisting that people talking about Palestine should focus on them, it comes off as brushing it off or trying to diminish its importance.
You don't have to answer, as I'll be blocking you, but I'm asking you to please consider what you're willing to support, excuse or tone down, and why. I know what it's like to be too focused on the discrimination we're facing to really take in what other groups might be going through.
hey anon, that's some great useful idiot syndrome you got there. how much college debt did you go into to earn it?
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evil-swedenish · 1 year
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Accidental head bonk and its consequences
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dawnsing · 2 months
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jedi padawan leia organa
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rancidsugar · 2 months
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Fan-art for the fanfic - The Ghost of Our Future
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bikananjarrus · 8 months
the way that, if you took away her armor and the two or three lines referencing it, you would literally never know that sabine was a mandalorian in the ahsoka show. filoni completely stripped her of her culture (and personality) and never gave her a meaningful scene talking about the destruction of mandalore or her family. all in favor of giving her a bad and poorly executed padawan storyline, because apparently a character can’t be interesting unless they’re a jedi
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chiliger · 9 months
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Happy Yue
Inspired by @chiptrillino ‘s recent Ko-fi post. Check it out, they’re gorgeous! Link
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tim-drake-scholar · 1 month
Sorry but Tim referring to Bruce as “dad” kills me bc I think he’s like 18/19 here so he’s only been legally adopted for a couple years or so? They really are all siblings and they really are a family! I love that Damian looks so confused about physical affection!!
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questforgalas · 2 months
They can definitely wrap up this season when Rex shows up to Tantiss with a ship full of explosives and a rocket launcher as a front door knocker
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 3 months
crosshair in s3 e3 and beyond:
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steveybucky · 3 months
Can we talk about that scene in Civil War? The “your mom’s name was Sarah, you used to put newspapers in your shoes” one? Like real talk??
Steve was literally stolen out of his time. He’s a piece of history, he has his own museum exhibit. There is NO ONE who remembers him from before after Peggy. Even more than that, there doesn’t seem to be much information about Steve’s life before the serum, and people probably just don’t really care.
Sure Steve has his friends now, and they’re great. But they still knew him as Steve Rogers, Captain America first. All they’ve seen is one blurry photo of Steve preserum, and Steve doesn’t seem to be the type to open up about personal stuff before the war. I imagine it would be too painful.
But Bucky???? Coming in and saying his mom’s name was Sarah like he knew her personally?? Like they were close once? Steve probably hasn’t even talked about his mom since waking up from the ice. Sharing a small, seemingly insignificant detail about Steve trying to fix his shoes being too big? I bet only Bucky knew about that, because I don’t think Steve would’ve just given that information away. And Bucky probably thought it was hilarious at the time, which is why he laughs at it like it’s one of his most treasured memories I just 😭😭😭
Like it really hits Steve that this is Bucky. His Bucky. And you can hear it when he says “you can’t read that in a museum.” This is the person who he cares about more than anyone, the person who stuck with him no matter what. The only person who truly remembers him as Steve Rogers before the war. And this is the first time Steve has heard someone talk about his life before the war intimately since he was stolen from his time. Like, this is really such an important moment for Steve.
So yes, Sam Wilson, just like that we’re supposed to be cool.
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captora · 1 year
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I just think that the Jedi should have spent more time in TCW kissing their commanders
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Soooo…. How early do we think the Bad Batch were sent out into the war? Because it’s very sad to think about, and I’ve also seen this explored with some other clones as well (Tup and Dogma), but I also can’t erase the somewhat funny mental image of some high-ranking members of the GAR having this elite, special force team coming to help them on an impossible mission, the group succeeding, and when its time to finally meet and thank them it’s literally just some guys whose voices haven’t fully changed and haven’t even lost all the baby fat in their faces yet.
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