#like we all read the same descriptions but we each see something different in our head
accirax · 4 months
Chessgram Theory: Who is Kotoko Breaking?
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While the object Kotoko is breaking in Deep Cover’s thumbnail is still certainly up for debate, many people (including myself) are of the belief that she’s snapped a white bishop from the game of chess. Given where Kotoko’s mental state is right now and what’s implied by the lyrics of Deep Cover, I think it’s likely that this MV’s theme will depict all of the prisoners as different chess pieces. Therefore, it’s worth asking: who is that? And, in a larger sense, which prisoners could be represented by which chess pieces?
Kotoko pretty clearly sees her situation as her and Es against the rest of the prison. So, I think that the characters would be divided as Kotoko and Es on one team, and everyone from 01-09 on the other. Kotoko is wearing black and appears to be breaking a white piece, so it’s pretty safe to assume that she and Es would be represented by the black pieces. It’s an interesting choice, given that, even to a non-Western audience, black can be considered a color of evil, and white a color of purity and truth. However, if the Es/Kotoko team is “mystery and anger” and the 01-09 team is “cold demeanors and death,” it fits well enough.
And that’s ignoring the most important part: in chess, the white team always moves first. This would fit with Kotoko’s vigilante worldview that everything she does is just a retaliation against others’ wrongdoing. The other characters attack first by sinning, and Kotoko is only picking them off before they can do any real damage to Team Warden.
Anyways, as for the pieces themselves, different websites seem to have slightly different opinions on what each piece can represent, with some obvious throughlines. I’ll be pulling quotes from these three articles, color coded according to which one is being used, which you can read more of if you wish. I’m also not a chess expert, so if I’m missing anything or got something wrong, I encourage you to add any of your own thoughts!
We’ll start with the Black Team, because there are fewer characters and I think it’s pretty obvious who’s who.
Kotoko Yuzuriha
Kotoko herself will probably be the black Queen. As anyone who’s played chess should know, your Queen is the most powerful piece in your arsenal because it can move on straights or diagonals for any distance.
The queen is our impulse to fight and possibly our id. It can argue based on beliefs. It can let loose and fight like a rook. It has no reason to hold back as a knight does and will often attack to the other side of the board just because it wants to.
This hyper-violent description of the Queen reminds me a lot of Kotoko. She attacks the other prisoners because, according to her beliefs, they’re criminals who deserve to be punished. Not to mention, the “id” is actually the same thing as the “es” in psychology. After we voted her innocent in the first trial, Kotoko became our teammate. She thinks that she’s the same as Es, so seeing herself as the “id” would fit perfectly with that self-assessment. Speaking of Es…
Es (and Jackalope?)
Es is most likely going to be the black King.
The king is not as powerful as the queen, but he is considered the most important piece that needs the most protection.
Even if Kotoko has more power than Es inside the prison, Es is still the one ultimately calling the shots. They’re the important piece who actually casts the votes that Kotoko can use to exact justice. The way that Es falls asleep between trials (or, at least, they did the first time) also reminds me of how the king can only move one space per turn, and often remains in the same square until closer to the end of the game.
The meaning of the Queen in the game of chess is she is plainly the closest support to the King and is often the second biggest (tallest) piece on the board, signifying her power and importance.
Es and Kotoko being the King and Queen together also opens them up to being assessed as a pair. They start the game next to each other, far across the board from the white pieces. If Es is the tallest, most notable piece in the prison, Kotoko isn’t far behind, acting as the King’s loyal fang.
I don’t know if any of the other pieces on the black team would have any sort of particular association. Maybe Jackalope could be the pawn that starts in front of the King (I think that’s the E pawn), so that he could hop out of the way on black’s first move to allow Kotoko to escape on a diagonal?
If I’m right about this theming, I also believe it’s possible that the black team would start only with the King and Queen. This would 1) make Kotoko and Es appear as rootable underdogs by having fewer pieces, 2) show how Kotoko is doing all of the work to defend justice, and 3) give Kotoko a lot of space to move around in from the start.
Now that we’re done with the black team, it’s time for the 01-09 White Team! Given that this side has many more main characters, there are several more possibilities to discuss here. I’ve settled on an answer for each of the prisoners, but there’s certainly room to be flexible with any of them.
Haruka Sakurai
Starting with Haruka… sorry, buddy, but I think you’re a Pawn.
Look, there are only eight pieces (not pawns) for each team on the board. If there are nine prisoners on the white team, at least one of them has to be a Pawn. And, especially through Kotoko’s account of the first Trial, Haruka wasn’t doing a whole lot. He didn’t get voted guilty, so she didn’t attack him, and he didn’t try to save any of the attacked prisoners, either. All he really did was get a new fit and align himself with Mu, someone who barely avoided being voted guilty in the first place.
There is a debate about whether the pawns are the peasants who live outside of the castle walls or are the soldiers protecting the royal court behind them.
Specifically, though, I think that Haruka would be the pawn that stands in front of Mu. Depending on which piece Mu is, it doesn’t have to work like this, but if you say that Pawn Haruka’s placement is basically a “if you want to attack her, you’ll have to get through me first,” that’s quite reminiscent of the threat he presented in his second audio drama.
Haruka also makes sense as a Pawn because he has a lot of potential. For anyone who doesn’t know, in chess, if a Pawn manages to make it to the other side of the board, they can transform into any other piece. Haruka’s quiet demeanor might let him slip under the radar, but if Kotoko takes her eye off of him for too long, he could wind up becoming a threat to the King (Es).
Haruka (VD2): “If you don’t forgive Mu-san, I’m going to kill you.”
In the audio drama, Es counters this plan by pointing out that, as a prisoner, Haruka cannot attack them. However, the sentiment is still there. Even if a Pawn doesn’t really stand a chance of attacking the King when Queen Kotoko is on the loose, there’s always the possibility that he could get too close and throw a wrench into Kotoko’s plans.
Yuno Kashiki
As for Yuno… well, we all know that she’s a Queen in general, but in chess, I don’t think that argument really holds up. Yuno really just isn’t… relevant? enough? to the conflicts of the prison as a whole (at least where Kotoko is involved) to be represented by such an important piece. But, if Yuno isn’t the Queen, what would she be…?
Personally, I think she would be a Rook.
The rook is brute force. It is a disregard to beliefs.
Simply put, Yuno is a Rook because she’s a pretty straightforward person. That’s not to say that she doesn’t lie, of course– her whole t1 attitude seems to have been a bit of an act, and that one section in the middle of Tear Drop makes it pretty obvious that Yuno conceals her true feelings on order to better please her customers sometimes– but that, in the end, Yuno always does what she wants. If she wants to barge forward or cut across the entire board sideways, she’ll do it. She often keeps to herself, just like how enemy pieces wouldn’t want to get directly in front of the Rook for fear of being curb stomped.
Back to her t1 attitude, though…
The rook is the castle, the walls, the protectorate of the city, and in being so, is the only piece not representative of a living thing.
While most sources attribute the Rook’s walls to protecting the other important pieces, Yuno’s walls protect herself. Yuno’s Castle keeps her true self locked behind cold and stony walls, giving her freedom from making any attachments.
Futa Kajiyama
Futa is a Knight because… he’s, uh, literally a knight.
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The knight pieces are the protective knights in the castle. The pieces are shaped like a horse because it is symbolic of what knights rode during battle.
It doesn’t always have to be that deep. (/j)
Actually, though, there are other reasons to call Futa the Knight– possibly some of the same reasons why the Milgram creative team decided to make one of his MVs themed after fantasy RPGs in the first place.
The knight represents the pure inner-warrior. If a knight starts out passive, it will always end up aggressive and vice versa. It can't move very far, but it never moves in a straight line, always preferring to be tactical and thoughtful.
Futa definitely seems to cycle between aggressive and passive. He passively lived his life as a regular guy until he unleashed his aggression and became a cyberbully. That aggression fueled him until he learned of his victim’s death, at which point he shut down and seemed to become more passive and introspective again. Arriving in Milgram triggered his aggressive tendencies, but getting voted guilty and losing an eye for it triggered his passive terror. At the time of his second audio drama, it seems like he’s returned to aggressively questioning Es again, and it remains to be seen whether he keeps that attitude into t3 or if something happens that once again makes him lose his footing (or die).
Mu Kusunoki
Much like Yuno, Mu also has an argument for being called the Queen– more so than Yuno, considering her strong Queen Bee coding in It’s Not My Fault and the titles of both of her audio dramas– but also falls short in the “being opposed to Kotoko” department. Although Haruka certainly looks to her for leadership, I can’t imagine Kotoko actually considering Mu a serious enough threat to put Mu on the same level as herself.
So again, like Yuno, I think Mu might be the other Rook. Mu also displayed a very “whatever I say goes” attitude in INMF, so she can share the same rhetoric behind Yuno being represented by that piece. The logic behind the castle aspect is slightly different, though.
Every country or medieval estate would have its royalty who were protected within the walled city or castle.
Mu is a rich, half-European girl whose dad sells real estate. Of course she would be represented by the Castle! Mu’s tactics involve consolidating her power in order to lead from a place above it all, exactly like how a castle looks over the rest of the village. Additionally, I can’t find the source of whoever pointed it out first, but I’ve seen it mentioned that the dress Mu wears in her birthday art is a reference to the one that Belle wears in Disney’s interpretation of Beauty and the Beast. It’s a fairytale with a princess (and perhaps someday, a queen), yes, but it’s specifically one where the heroine is trapped within a castle. Making Mu into a Rook would be a great way to keep up her royal theming, while leaving the Queen for a character a bit more powerful and relevant to Kotoko.
(Going back to Haruka for a moment, this would make him specifically the A or H pawn.)
Shidou Kirisaki
I really thought that Shidou might have more competition for the role of King, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that nobody fit the role quite as well as he did.
Shidou is the perfect balance of a piece who’s very problematic for Kotoko’s win condition, while also not being much of an active threat himself. There are very low odds that Shidou would ever actually try to harm Kotoko directly or get in her way to divert an attack. However, as long as he’s alive, Kotoko can’t win, because Shidou can keep attempting to heal all of the pieces Kotoko tries to eliminate. That’s not something that the King piece can actually do in a chess game, but hopefully you get my point.
Additionally, Triage let us know that Shidou is a family man. While the white Queen will obviously not be representative of Shidou’s deceased wife, and not every other prisoner would enjoy living under his reign (cough cough Amane), the optics of him being the “head of the family” are obviously there. It’s a pretty bad look if the white King starts the game by pleading with the black King to give him the death penalty, but… Well, at least Shidou changed his mind.
Mahiru Shiina
Not to answer the theory’s main question so early into the post, but… I think Mahiru is a white Bishop. Specifically, the one that Kotoko could be snapping in half in the thumbnail.
As far as I can remember, barring Undercover, Milgram’s MVs have only shown us things that have happened in the past. There are some things that could kind of hint at the future (like Shidou’s “So hey, prolong my life / I’m indispensable” in Triage) or depict prisoner’s fears of the future (like Futa potentially being afraid that Es could declare him guilty again at the end of Backdraft). But, I think that every instance of something like that happening could be explained as something that the character did or thought about in the past as well. That might be wrong, as I don’t want to take the time to write out how everything that appears like it could be in the future is actually in the past, but it sounds right to my memory.
My point being, while the snapped bishop could be indicative of Kotoko’s plans to crush someone in the future, if the chess pieces do represent characters, it makes far more sense if her smashing the white bishop is something that already happened in the past. Thus, it would probably be one of the three characters that Kotoko attacked in the past: Futa, Mahiru, or Mikoto.
Of the three options, I think Mahiru fits the role of bishop best.
The bishop is your belief structure. This is why a bishop that starts on white, will always be on white and vice versa for the black bishop.
While not a particularly religious person, Mahiru is someone who lives and dies based on her beliefs about the value of love. No matter what happens to her, she always keeps her same perspective, believing that love is the entirety of who she is and the only thing that’s worth living for. It’s how firmly she clung to those beliefs that sent her to Milgram, and her lack of awareness regarding her actions that got her voted guilty. AKA, Mahiru’s Bishop-like beliefs are exactly what sent her to be crushed in Kotoko’s palm.
To the extent that the blood in the thumbnail is the Bishop’s and not Kotoko’s, Mahiru was also the most grievously injured of the prisoners in between trials. I saw people joking that the thing Kotoko was crushing was “Mahiru’s bones,” and, like… maybe you’re not entirely wrong? 
I hope that you continue reading the post to hear my thoughts on the last three prisoners. But, if you are tapping out here… uhhhh, 0610 enjoyers, go crazy with this one.
Kazui Mukuhara
When I started theorizing for this post, I really thought that I was going to make Kazui the Queen to Shidou’s King. The two of them are pretty close, so the idea of Kazui being Shidou’s guardian makes total sense. And, most importantly, Kazui was the one to actually intercept and divert Kotoko’s attack on Futa. He’s been established as the most muscular prisoner in Milgram, on par with someone like Kotoko, which is perfect for him being the Queen!
Wellllll… I changed my mind and decided to make Kazui a Knight anyway.
There are a lot of good arguments for Kazui being a knight too, okay? After Cat, it’s pretty clear that Kazui was once a police officer. Thus, being a member of the castle guard would be a good match for his choice of career. They’re also probably the most traditionally “manly” piece, representative of an armed man on a horse, and Kazui tries very hard to be manly.
Knights can also hop over other pieces, much like how Kazui jumped into the fight between Kotoko and Futa. In fact…
Never underestimate [the Knight] for its limited range. It’s known as the "Queen Killer" for a reason!
Knights are often a good piece to use to attack Queens because of their unique L-shaped movement pattern. Unlike every other piece, they can attack the Queen from a position that can’t be immediately reversed upon them. Thus, Kazui’s ability to beat Kotoko could be an indicator of this “Queen Killer” quality, instead of the innate power of being a Queen himself. (This logic applies to Futa as well: he can attack Kotoko from the unique angle of appealing to Es’ morals and own sense of justice. Kotoko can’t do the same because, unlike Futa, she has yet to outwardly acknowledge that her murder could have been anything less than righteous.)
Also… the Knight is the only piece that doesn’t move in a straight line. Get it? The Knight doesn’t move straight? And that represents Kazui? Because Kazui is–
Amane Momose
Amane is the other Bishop because… religion.
The bishop stands close to the king and queen because it represents the church which many royal courts held near and dear to their hearts.
The Bishop represents the church, an important and very powerful entity throughout history and even today if you think about it.
Again, not everything has to be a reach. (/j)
So… yeah, Amane’s beliefs– specifically religious beliefs, this time– are also a huge part of her life. Even if she’s changed what the cult’s doctrine means to her, she still confesses that she carried out her murders for the sake of what her religion considers right and wrong.
This is also considered the third most powerful piece on the chessboard because back in the day religion could influence many people, even without the help of the royal family.
Not so much for Mahiru, but this sentiment also fits Amane pretty well! Between the threats of potential conversions and potential assassinations, Amane was definitely one of the prisoners to watch heading into t2. From what I’ve heard, the main reason why her vote was so down to the wire was mostly because people were afraid of the power that Amane held.
Interestingly, this would put another prisoner who was voted guilty in contention for the piece that Kotoko is crushing. However, I still think it’s more likely that that piece would be Mahiru, because Kotoko didn’t physically attack Amane. If it were Amane, it would more likely be that her beliefs were crushed as opposed to her bones, but… I don’t really think that really happened, either. Amane would almost certainly be a bishop, though, so there’s certainly a possibility that that broken piece could be her.
Mikoto/John Kayano
With only one prisoner left to go, you may have already come to the conclusion that Mikoto is the white Queen. And… yeah, I can’t really deny that at this point. Like I said, I wanted to make Kazui the Queen, but I couldn’t otherwise figure out what Mikoto would be.
Because, there’s one main thing that makes me think that Mikoto has to be the Queen… John’s lack of restraints.
She is allowed to move in any direction and in as many squares as she wants.
Due to the whole situation with John not technically being a prisoner, when John is the alter in charge, John cannot be restrained, even when voted guilty. That makes him very powerful; no matter what he does, we can’t use a guilty vote to try to stop him, much like many people hoped to do with Haruka when voting him guilty in t2. The Queen can visit any square, no matter whether it’s black or white, upright or reversed, Mikoto or John. Choosing any other piece that was constrained to a much more limited set of movement rules just felt off for him.
Next, while Kazui was able to defeat Kotoko and save Futa, the fight between John and Kotoko was a draw. That means that they are also evenly matched– perfect for both being the same kind of piece. Mikoto isn’t as close to Shidou as Kazui is (anymore, I think?), but they were at least smoking club buddies, so calling Mikoto the Queen to Shidou’s King isn’t the most ridiculous proposition.
Finally, making Mikoto the Queen, a very feminine piece, is super interesting in the context of people discussing how Mikoto is often associated with stereotypically feminine roles and the girl prisoners (oboetemasuka | candckirby | purgemarchlockdown). I don’t have a whole lot else to say on this matter considering these weren’t points of Mikoto’s characterization I originally noticed myself, but I encourage you to read these posts to get a taste of what I’m talking about. I’m sure there were other posts discussing it too, but… it’s so hard to find things on Tumblr ;-;
Finally, we’ve been through every prisoner! Here’s a summary of what I decided on (left or right side doesn’t matter):
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The funny thing about this theory is that it could be fully disproven wrong in, like, a week, if either 1) that wasn’t a chess piece at all, or 2) the chess pieces obviously represent something else. For instance, the chess board could fully relate to, you know, Kotoko’s actual murder and not what she got up to in between trials. We are supposed to get more actual evidence regarding that too, aren’t we…?
Still, if it turns out that the chess board does represent Milgram, I will get the full satisfaction of having called it ahead of time, even if my assignments aren’t 100% correct. No matter what, I had fun thinking about it, which is (in my opinion) the highlight of theorizing! If you have anything else to add, I encourage you to communicate your thoughts in comments, tags, or reblogs. If you don’t, then I simply thank you for reading this far!
Deep Cover… soon.
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strawbubbysugar · 5 months
Coming off anon for this one cuz oh boy it’s theory time and I’m feeling very silly
(I just woke up at the time of writing so sorry for any typos, rambling, or confusion lol)
Alright! So, I’ve been thinking a lot about the existence of Eclipse and the theories popping up about them lately mainly: that Clipsey is a recycle of Moon’s broken body. Which I’ll touch up on first.
The issue that was presented with Moon by this definitely-not-at-all-suspicious engineer was that his processing unit was smashed and ‘unsalvageable’ (which we know to not be true), and aside from the obvious injuries cause by Trap, no major problems with Moon’s case are brought up. His *internals* were destroyed, aside from his battery which was reused.
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Continuing forward, the SOMA comparisons. Reading through a plot synopsis of the game, I can’t help but link the destruction of Moon-man’s processing unit and Simon’s brain injury together a bit. Considering that that is the partial cause for Sun and Moon combining and the reason for Simon getting his brain scan copy. Both undergoing heavy ‘brain’ damaging and being brought to very odd circumstances because of it.
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With the assumption that this is *actually* Moon’s body, “Uploaded into a modified corpse” is a *very* apt description for what Eclipse is. They’re a copy of someone (two people technically) inhabiting the dead body of the original, almost like Pry/ncess in a weird way.
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That’s where the comparisons for the game and Bethroned end to my knowledge however, so time to move onto the more ‘looking too far into things’ section of my theory,
The design and color scheme!
Starting off, I noticed that the coloring of the Sun side on their face was reused from *post incident* which makes sense, that’s how Sun would’ve been seen last before running away with Pry/ncess, the eyes obviously match up as well.
Though the tops of the rays have noticeably sharper points to them if that’s anything at all, it’s impossible to draw the something the same way every single time after all so that can be easily written off.
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The same can be said for Moon as well, the coloring of his face matches up with theirs, however his other features are… very much not intact. Very close but not quite.
The coloring and patterning of the hat is entirely different, the cape maintains the same coloring but the stars on Eclipse’s are much smaller and more faded than Moon’s as well.
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What’s throwing me off though is the eyes, for both post incident and for Eclipse the right eye gained a black sclera, Moon’s pupil turned white, but Eclipse’s stayed red.
If Eclipses body was Moon’s then this could’ve happened naturally, the eye could’ve simply underwent the same damage/change as it did with Moon’s form in Sun’s body. Though do to this being his actual form the pupil could’ve kept its regular eye color.
Their lack of a mouth could also mean that they can’t speak, another drastic contrast in characterization to our boys. From the artwork we’ve been shone of them they see, cunning, clever, but very, VERY distressed. (Be a bit weird to consciously design eye-bags on your new king after all, right? That’s their own fault.)
And for my last point, their crown and the Opal.
This is the most obvious ‘combination’ in their design, it gets the rounded bottom of Sun’s and the gem formation and top shape of Moon’s. When overlayed on top of each other you also get similar colors to Eclipse’s crown, though more cleaned up and appealing on the eyes.
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The gem in this crown has been confirmed to be an opal (if my memory serves me right I can’t find the post anywhere to confirm, tumblr search engine is bleh)
There were a few pieces of folklore and symbolism relating to the opal that I found particularly interesting with what little we know about Eclipse.
Mainly, it representing loyalty and goodluck as well as royalty. A lot of other interpretations I found pointed to it granting foresight and being responsible for prophecy, something you’d certainly want your king to have after the huge string of ‘bad luck’ that befell both of them.
Loyalty to prevent another incident like Sun choosing Pry/ncess over his kingdom and trusting them first, foresight and prophecy so that they can avoid incident like King Freddy dying and, well, Sun and Moon’s incident. and royalty is obvious.
Though the loyalty interpretation and foresight/intelligence can vary widely in intention depending on if Chica or PeePaw (maybe both, stares at Trap) is responsible for their existence. Cant speak that much on it before they’ve even appeared in the story.
Alright so what am I getting at with all this? Well, put simply, Eclipse’s design and name are very very intentional and combining the Princes was clearly in mind when they were (re)built by whoever their creator is. I believe that they attempted to program, be it from scratch with parts of Moon’s processor or with some kind of backup of Sun *somehow*, Sun into Moon’s body and combine their ai together in order to make a new heir.
Again, can’t find the message, but Eclipse’s existence was described as ‘decidedly uncomfortable’ which is very understandable if this were true, having you and your brother’s brain and memories COMPLETELY sewn together, not even with semi separate minds or personalities like with the actual Sun and Moon, would be very, VERY lacking in the ‘good for your mental health’ department, especially if you knew you aren’t the original ‘you’, just a clone, a do-over, a combination of two other failures that you need to clean the mess from up.
Put simply, I believe Eclipse is a combination of Sun and Moon, but not THE combination of Sun and Moon. If that makes any sense. They’re a replication of both placed inside Moon’s old body and used to fill the empty spot on the throne and potentially-maybe-hopefully-not help Afton.
Hands down my favourite ask ever. Like oh my god you did it. You got everything. You caught all the little secrets I put in and I’m flabbergasted. WOW. I AM. SO HAPPY HSFSG
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Omg I'm so sorry! I wrote that anon when I was sleepy so it had very ham-fisted wording. Yes, I meant to ask about portraying self-esteem issues about bodies. I thought guys don't talk about it much.
To that one person, why would dudes comparing dick sizes be considered smut? I can see it being rated M. Are you suggesting the rating go up to E?
Uh... anon... if that's truly what you were trying to ask... I think maybe you need to work on your writing a bit more. The vibes you give off are odd, to say the least...
Like, creepy pervert angling for foot fetish photos while lying about what they want-level weird.
It sounds like you want to heavy-breathe while reading guys' descriptions of their own penises, not like you want help with writing.
The reason your ask reads so "She breasted boobily down the stairs" but from the other side is that guys, at least from what I've seen, do not stand around comparing their dicks, at least not in the way you implied.
The people who most commonly compare their junk out of curiosity are toddlers.
This is something tiny children do. Anecdotally, some teens do it, but a lot don't, and there are clickbait articles about athletes sizing each other up this way, but they are just that: clickbait. I'm not saying it never happens, but you wrote about it like it always happens.
It is fucking weird to have a grown-ass man routinely doing it outside of maaaaybe some weirdly homoerotic scene in a stoner comedy or something.
People joke about this practice because it's a thing that exists, not because it is ubiquitous.
That's also why it reads like porn. IRL, if some dude is like "I think we should compare our dicks... uh... and they should be hard so we can compare properly", many other guys are going to interpret that as sexual. And also self-deluding. Which is a good reason to say no.
Most people in locker rooms and public bathrooms try to give each other a little privacy if they can, regardless of gender. Openly ogling is what you do if you're about to proposition someone for sex. Or, if it's hostile, you stare because you're about to beat them up.
I'm not saying a guy couldn't sneakily see the size of another guy's junk and have a response, but the whole way you described this sounds like you've never spoken to a human before. Did you seriously get this idea from those clickbait articles?
Among other issues, penises become erect. They look different in different states of arousal. Surely, you've heard of "growers vs. showers"? Temperature also matters. There's a whole fucking bit on Seinfeld that everyone quoted for like years and is probably still quoting about "shrinkage"—i.e. a guy is insecure that someone saw him when he'd just gotten out of the pool and his dick looked small because he was cold. Hopefully, the locker room isn't that cold, but you still don't know what a dude's dick looks like all of the time from catching a glimpse of it one time.
So an adult man who is not completely unfamiliar with penises is not going to 1. openly stare at another man in the locker room and 2. look only at his penis and have some crisis about "Mine looks different".
I suppose for the right character in the right circumstances, you can sell any kind of goofy-ass reaction, including the "breasted boobily" stuff where women think consciously about their tits in a way that actual women generally don't and male authors love to write. But you have to make it a whole Thing. She has to have some reason why her nipples are super sensitive today and thus she pays attention when she normally wouldn't.
Instead, you keep asking these dumbass questions like you're 12 that boil down to "Literally all men are the same cardboard cutout based on their D&D stats from this character sheet. Please tell me some facts about these stats!" instead of approaching people as individual humans who all react differently. You haven't even said anything about what kind of culture these characters come from. Both personality and specific culture (not just big things like nationality but shit like whether they're athletes who change with the same guys all the time) are going to affect how and whether men talk about self esteem and bodies.
You're boiling this down to "What does the penis-having alien species all do?" despite already getting several answers that told you to stop doing that. You either didn't listen or didn't understand what people meant so badly that it's pointless to keep giving you help.
This is not a good way to write three-dimensional characters.
Now, I'm not saying nobody has ever snuck a peek in a locker room. Lots of people, regardless of gender, do that. But we're talking covert looks and that kind of looking gives you glimpses of many body parts and not always a very clear look either.
Most actual men on most actual days of their lives are going to feel insecure about their bodies relative to someone else because the other dude looks better at the gym or grows chest and facial hair more easily or is much taller or isn't going bald.
We love to make jokes about penis size, but in my experience, the level of perpetual crisis dudes have over potential baldness is way higher. There are a shitton of ways to be insecure about yourself and your body. That goes for any gender.
Maybe a dude feels insecure because the other guy is much less body-conscious and has an easier time changing in front of people or because he's paid five times as much and is changing into a thousand dollar suit.
Many of the markers of masculinity and attractiveness have very little to do with penises.
There's also a vast difference between your POV character thinking some other dude's huge package is admirable and your POV character thinking he himself is inadequate. He could think his own dick is average and that it would be nicer to be hung like a pornstar without being insecure about it. He could also have a big dick yet still be insecure about it because he's a weirdo who's obsessed with penis size. He could be a size queen who wants to take a ride on that. He could have an ex girlfriend who thought big penises hurt and be creepily fascinated and wonder whom this guy fucks and how they manage.
All this shit is a character point. Stop treating it as immutable truth where someone can give you the Correct Answer™ for you to slot into your writing or spank bank fantasies.
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actual-changeling · 3 months
Welcome to:
We need to talk about Michael
The first post can be found right here, and I do recommend reading it first because otherwise you might not know what exactly I am talking about. As previously announced, we will now have a look at Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel in season two because our Archangels might not be as loyal as the Metatron thinks.
Part 2: Common Ground
I will start with the Apocalypse #2 meeting and the trial, since chronologically it happens right before season two, and we need the conclusions I will come to for later.
The plan for the apocalypse itself is something I've already talked about in a different meta post and there's even more to discuss, but to not get too off-topic, we'll leave it at "earth gets destroyed, heaven and hell go to war" for this one.
I don't know about you, but for me the trial has always felt... off, in a way, and I couldn't put my finger on why exactly—now I have a theory: The entire conversation around Gabriel saying 'no' was orchestrated, not just by himself but by him and Michael.
Armageddon is prevented and Gabriel falls in love with Beelzebub, who is unfortunately the prince of hell and thus the Enemy tm in theory. Practically, heaven and hell work closely with each other, and which angel he knows has established direct contact with dukes of hell?
So Gabriel goes to her and together they talk to Beez to come up with a plan, because Michael wants Gabriel out of heaven just as much as he wants to leave heaven. Michael wants his job.
The solution is surprisingly simple: Find a way to make Gabriel fall, who then gets to be princess of hell and Beelzebub's sugar baby, Beelzebub gets to be with Gabriel all the time, and Michael—as duty officer and thus second in command—gets a promotion, taking the role of Supreme Archangel; they can keep working on their own plan with even more resources and influence.
Now they just need to find something grand enough to make THE Supreme Archangel falls, and nothing is better than the Great Plan, or rather, Gabriel refusing to stick to it. This is how we land in the middle of that fateful meeting.
Obviously, everything I am about to show and explain comes down to personal interpretation, but it feels pretty sound to me.
Angels can lie. Angels can lie really well, especially Archangels whose entire job description is to keep up elaborate lies and cover stories in order to keep the system running. I watched the meeting and focused on Michael, her facial expressions, and the eye contact she makes throughout.
As they are about to reach the 'everything ends, amen' part of it, Michael and Gabriel share a look:
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We get a wonderful close-up of Michael right after, and to me this looks very much like a smile, a tiny rush of excitement before they begin acting on their shared plan. Then another one when he closes his eyes. It is the timing of the looks that makes me think they're purposeful and not just casual.
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And apropos timing, I have re-watched the same two seconds at different speeds like fifty times now and Michael opens her eyes before Gabriel says 'nah'. BEFORE. Saraqael does not open theirs until after, but Michael opens them on his inhale, which sounds like the beginning of Amen, so she couldn't have known what he was going to say right there and then—unless she already did.
Which means she was expecting it, this was an intentional acting choice on Doon's part.
The entire conversation after does not feel like a fight, it doesn't feel like Michael is surprised by his decision. The looks they give each other SCREAM sibling banter, and I know that because I see my sister and me in them.
"I told you you could ask" with that teasing grin and Michael looking up afterwards like "God give me strength to deal with this idiot". No anger, no disappointment, no confusing, nothing. Just mild annoyance over his behaviour.
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Then, when Gabriel drops his "only Archangel in the Universe" line, does Michael look angry? Furious? ANYTHING?
No. She smiles. It is all going according to plan and Gabriel is being a little shit, but she cares about him.
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Once we reach the cleaning roster, there are more looks.
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Like this one before we get a close-up of Gabriel, followed by a blink and you will miss it side-eye; then the lasting look Michael gives him, not annoyed but rather checking in.
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Uriel sounds properly annoyed, she looks genuinely frustrated and upset with Gabriel, which makes Michael's behaviour seem even more out of line.
To summarize what we've got so far: Michael and Gabriel came up with a plan so he could go to hell and be with Beez while Michael would take over as Supreme Archangel in heaven. In order to do so, they had to find a fire-worthy offense, and saying 'no' to heaven's Great Plan and victory over everyone and everything certainly did the trick.
For now, it's all going according to plan. However, that won't last.
I am far from done talking about this, so with a big sigh—disappointed but not surprised—I will continue this in a third part, which will be all about the trial.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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kiwiraccoon · 5 months
Our Own Story
Read To Me pt. 2
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Yunho x reader
Description: Read To Me Pt. 2: “Put the book away, let’s write our own story tonight.” Yunho doesn’t hold back anymore, he’s waited long enough. Your story has been a slow burn, he’s tired of the glances, fluff moments, and boring nights thinking about what if.
Word Count: 1117 (unintentional)
Warnings: MDNI, female pleasuring (not descriptive), borderline smut (first time writer), petnames, dom!yunho x sub!femreader
part one
You set the book on your bedside table letting your need and desire completely take over your mind, you didn’t realize how deprived of touch you were until this very moment. His hands remained in their place, one dangerously slipping underneath the hem of your shorts and the other holding him up by his elbow while his hand softly touched the exposed skin of your stomach. “Yun, what-“
“Shhh baby, don’t ruin our story.” He says the moment our eyes meet, I can see the same desire I feel swimming through his innocent yet dangerous eyes. The heat from his body surrounds my being like a warm blanket, heating me all the way to my very core. We’ve spent so many times laying in the same bed just enjoying each other’s company, it’s all we needed to feel content. Now I know I won’t feel content until his body is connected with mine in a way neither of us have experienced together.
We would be breaking down a wall that would no longer leave us stuck on opposite sides of roommates. “Are you sure?”
He chuckles at my question, “I should be asking you that.” He takes a moment to scoot a little closer, invading my space in an intimate way that sends fire burning through every vein in my body. “Baby, are you sure?”
Not breaking the intense eye contact between us I move to push the blanket away from my skin, removing that wall myself, I refuse to let it get in the way any longer. I never wanted it there in the first place. “Write our story Yun, make the words on the page come to life please.”
He wastes no time in moving his hand from my thigh up my body to the side of my face to hold it tenderly while he leans in to connect our lips. The feeling is so much more than what the stories say. It’s not just fireworks or butterflies, no it’s euphoria, bursts of serotonin, complete and utter happiness, and the perfect amount of ecstasy.
The world around us disappears into nothingness, a void of darkness to swarm us in the moment that we both have been waiting so long for. He craved me almost as much as I craved him, and I would prove that. I move my hand to wrap around his neck, tangling my fingers into his hair to give slight tugs at random times. Our kiss grew stronger with my actions, and when I heard the sound he made my whole body lit on fire.
The flames dance under my skin tickling spots with a needle like feeling to shock my nerves to life. I wouldn’t believe anyone who told me I was alive at this moment, I feel as if my soul is a million miles away in a paradise someone can only dream about.
His hand on my stomach moves up my skin under my shirt more at a pace that leaves whimpers escaping my throat to be swallowed by his kisses. I can feel the electricity building underneath my skin following his touch. It burns like the most beautiful bonfire underneath the perfect sunset of orange and purple skies.
I never believed I would feel the words I had read in so many different versions on pages from various books. But here I was having a book start something I had only dreamed about.
Yunho moves his mouth from mine against the skin of my jaw and down my neck to my collarbone. I can’t begin to explain the sensation I feel from his lip on my skin, it’s like I can see and understand paradise without knowing exactly what it means to me, it feels other worldly but that world isn’t known. I can but cannot explain the complete fulfillment. It makes all the sense in the world but my brain cannot wrap around it.
His hands make pleasure seem as if it wasn’t the easiest thing to bring to myself when in reality any other hands could never, mine absolutely could not. My conscious mind was only on the feelings and sensations he gave me, yet I still failed to realize he had moved his hands lower. One hand holding my side still in a comforting yet strong grasp, exuding dominance with a splash of care and comfort. 
“Tell me how you feel.” I hardly register the words in my broken and fading mind. His voice held a rasp that made my legs squeeze tight around his one hand. Though he wasn’t having it as he used that hand to push my right leg down to the mattress with a firm grasp on my thigh. “Tell me, not show me.”
“Oh god,” was all I breathlessly said, not knowing exactly how to form a sentence. All he had done was kiss and touch me and here I was completely losing my sanity.
His chuckle makes my eyes land on him. He lowers his head to my chest as he chuckles before he looks up and makes direct eye contact with me. The few seconds of silence make my world feel like it’s ready to implode. Who he is now is not the cute puppy I want to squeeze and cuddle for hours on end. No this is a dog, one ready to pounce. “God?” He lets out a small chuckle again. “No, say my name baby.”
He pleases me in a way I’ve never felt before with just his hand making me take in a sharp breath and hold it in. I suck in my lips to bite down on them as I whimper louder than I have tonight. He gives me more and more, pushing my limits and making stars appear behind my closed eyes.
I can feel the pressure building in my core as it tries to break free from its hold, the walls cracking and bending against their will. The second his lips touch my skin again I can feel the walls give in, “Yunho!”
“That’s it baby, that’s my name. Say it again.” And I do a few times letting him know he was the one that caused my undoing that ripped the sounds from my throat and reached my core so easily. 
Seconds pass before my consciousness comes back to me and I pull Yunho closer to me into a cuddling position we both love sleeping in. “Yun?”
“Yeah?” He asks while he tugs me in closer to him.
“What did we just do?”
His chuckles brings a smile to my face, making me dig my face into his chest to hide any embarrassment I feel. “That was only the beginning baby.”
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versegm · 7 months
What the fuck is up with Mashmorgan
Someone on neocities asked me to explain the appeal of Mashmorgan in a single concise post. Well I did it lads you've got your single post. It's also 1500 words long but that's not my problem. A lot of it is stuff I've already said in scattered posts/fics, so if you follow me this will not be any news for you, but if you ever need to redirect someone to an explanation of this ship you can direct them to this post. Also fair warning this will be incomprehensible without knowledge of lb6. This is by design.
Anyways. Enjoy.
The most basic shit about Mashmorgan is: Mash and Morgan spent a long time together. So long that Mash starts considering herself a part of the Fairy Calendar over the Queen's calendar (see: Totrot having to remind her "you're not the only one who remained, you're the one who is going home! You were never meant to be here in the first place.") Furthermore, Mash and Tonelico didn't just hang out. They were good fucking friends! Tonelico trusted Mash enough to tell her that Tonelico is, in fact, a ball of rage and ressentment wrapped in a savior skin (which is a big deal considering Tonelico lies to Fucking Everyone about her true feelings on things.) It's important to note that the ONLY time Morgan ever smiles during the entire lostbelt is with Mash ("Sure! We did our best, didn't we?" while sending Mash home.)
Speaking of, the fact that Tonelico sent Mash back in the present at all is very telling of Tonelico's feelings for Mash. The excuse she gives Totrot is "well I wanna recruit Mash later," but that's very obviously bull; Tonelico's last conversation with Mash makes it very clear that Tonelico expects them to be enemies later on. Besides, how can you recruit someone you know for a fact you won't remember? Morgan has zero reasons to send Mash back to her own time. She knows she's shooting herself in the foot by doing that. She KNOWS that Mash will turn out to be an enemy. But she's sending Mash back anyways. Because it's the right thing to do? Because it wouldn't be fair otherwise, and Morgan values fairness above all? Because Tonelico failed to save Uther, but she could still help one friend on this bitch of an earth? You tell me.
Now that's our basis to read Mash and Tonelico as exes, or people who pined for one another, or just very close besties, whatever you want. Which means we've now a wonderfully tragic romance (or friendship if that's your thing, but I feel like romance makes it tasties) of two people who do love each other but cannot stand by the same side because of widely differing ideals. Adding to that the dramatic irony of Mash and Morgan never knowing each other at the same time- Tonelico knows who Mash is, Mash doesn't know who Tonelico is. Mash knows who Morgan is, Morgan doesn't know who Mash is.
Mash still holds Tonelico's memory close to her heart- Tonelico (the summonable one) has a line mentioning that though she has no idea who Mash is, Mash keeps looking at her with sadness. Furthermore, while Morgan changed a lot from her Tonelico days, Mash still knows the woman pretty well- when asked if she's willing to fight, she responds "well yeah I know the gal she won't give up without a fight."
Obviously, Morgan doesn't remember Mash. But she still holds the knight in high regards; in the Fairy Cup event, she mentions that "oh lol you guys had Mash with you no wonder you guys turned out fine." Additionally, when you barge in her throne room early lb6.2 to ask her about Mash, Morgan does not remember that name, but she does react to the description of Fairy Knight Galahad. She doesn't remember Mash, but even without her memories something still echoes in her about it.
So that's all our canon basis to go wild. What are the roads we can explore with this ship then?
For Tonelico/Mash, there is obviously a "doomed romance" angle. Whether they're lovers who can't go anywhere, or people pining unwilling to start something at all, the fact is: this romance is doomed, and they both know it. They're from different worlds and times. Mash going home implies Tonelico's failure. This love cannot change anything, but it mattered that it was here.
For Mash/Morgan in lb6, there's the "lovers to enemies" angle. As I said before, they're clearly both still fond of each other on some level. But that's not enough. They both stand on either side of that war, because they each want to protect different things. The agony! The pain! Delicious. Of course, the most tragic part of this is that Mash didn't even get to kill Morgan herself. All of this, and they never got the catharsis of battle at the end. (I should add that I'm a firm believer of the inherent eroticism of homicide.)
Less obvious, but an aspect of their dynamic that I find really interesting is that... Mash is someone who is constantly asked by various nonhuman people for understanding. Goetia, the Lion King, Beryl, all asked Mash to understand their pov and goals. Because Mash, as a homunculus, fundamentally stands at the edge between human and nonhuman. She's legitimately these people's best shot at being understood. But through this pattern, Morgan is noticeably the one person who never asks for understanding. She explains herself, but that's it. What she does ask of Mash, however, is to find a good reason to fight Morgan. Cuz Tonelico just endured 3000 years of the most senseless and brutal violence- she’s just fresh out witnessing her attempt to save Britain being destroyed on a whim. The only thing Tonelico asks is for their fight to actually have meaning for once. Don’t face me just because I’m mildly inconvenient to you. Face me because you are striving for your own star. That, I will respect, and should you succeed in defeating me- I will be fine with that. (Also because Morgan long gave up on being understood, so she's not even trying with Mash, which is why I think it fucks that despite Morgan being a fucking brick wall, Mash still manages to know this girl better than most.)
Post-lb6, on Mash's side, this ship is a case of "this girl I used to love changed a fuckton, but also She's Still Here." On Morgan's side it's "I do not know who you are, but my body does remember you and it's fucking weird." And both these things are haunted by the ghost of "Oh christ we fucking killed each other. We can never go back to who we used to be. How do we build a new relationship after All This Shit? What if she forgives me? What if she doesn't?"
Additionally. Morgan is someone who fundamentally believes herself to be evil. That's why she's always like "ohh I'm a wretched witch I do this because I'm selfish teehee." It's a Sakura behavior, she's rationalizing the bad shit happening to her as "well I was evil anyways so I deserve it." Veering into headcanon territory now, but I think Morgan would see Mash as her total opposite, someone who embodies the good in this world- she's fucking fairy knight Galahad, the purest of the round table. So it's also cool to explore Morgan thinking she's unlovable struggling to understand why Mash would be interested in her. Possibly worried about corrupting Mash too, historically things have never turned out well for people close to Morgan.
Ok this is all my thoughts that have actual canon ground. Now back to making shit up. I think Mash should get to be fucking deranged about Morgan. Mash has lost MANY people since the beginning of the story, but that trauma is shared with Guda. Morgan's however is her trauma and hers alone she ain't got no one to relate. I think it would be a great way to showcase her character development, from someone who struggled to understand Mozart's "yeah humans suck but that's why I love them!" to someone who can be incredibly Not Fucking Normal in her grief. AND that means you get neat Beryl parallels as well. Mash sees her own behavior as something reminiscent of Beryl's, and feeling SO bad about it, but what is she supposed to do? She's lost so much so fucking much can't she just have something to hold onto for once? Something more tangible than a memory? Anyways I think Mash should get to mishandle Morgan's corpse SO fucking bad.
Anyways. Say whatever about lb6, but Morgan did successfully save one thing in Fairy Britain. She did successfully save Fairy Knight Galahad.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 6 months
Analysing my favourite lines from Six of Crows chapter by chapter: Chapter 4
Same as usual: famous or popular quotes being missed doesn't mean I don't like them it just means I don't have anything new to say, and some quotes will not have explanations because I just like them I don't really have anything to analyse
“Inej knew the moment Kaz entered the Slat” - first of all I think it’s relevant that this is our second chapter from Inej’s POV and both of them have begun with the focus entirely on Kaz, the first one being the infamous “Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason”, which she immediately disproves to be factual and instead shows as something created by the opinion of the many who don’t really know Kaz and disputed by the few, herself included, who do. To some extent it’s possible that the same action is being completed with this introduction, since it’s actually less about Inej being aware of Kaz’s presence than it is about her being aware of the Dregs’ acknowledgment of him. Secondly I find it an interesting parallel between the pair, that Kaz recognises Inej’s presence despite no-one else knowing she’s there whilst Inej recognises Ka’s presence because everyone knows he’s there. This not only summarises their drives, for Inej to melt into the background and stop being noticed for her physical appearance and instead valued for her skills, and for Kaz to be seen, to rise to prominence, and to be noticed by Pekka Rollins, but also tells us about their particular gifts for reading people. Kaz reads individuals incredibly well, he explains this in many of his quotes about lock picking and blackmail and we also get the brilliant idea of the way he notices everything about a person down to their scent and the story that their scent tells (I’ve written before about the relevance of him being bothered by the fact that Inej doesn’t have a scent but in the Bathroom Scene he comments on how he can smell soap on her), he sees small details, tells, and nervous ticks and these things give him a massive advantage in the control he exercises over individuals. Inej reads crowds, she sees collective responses to people, events, or objects and uses that response to evaluate the thing that caused it, she doesn’t notice tells until Kaz suggests she looks out for them but she is able to very quickly assess Kaz’s chances of success, and how quickly those chances change, when he faces the Dregs at the Slat and leads a coup against Per Haskell in Crooked Kingdom.
“The worst part of the Barrel […] Most of the buildings in this part of the city had been built without foundations, many on swampy land where the canals were haphazardly dug. They leaned against each other like tipsy friends gathering at a bar, tilting at drowsy angles” - I love the description, I love the imagery, I have a deep obsession with worldbuilding… this is just great, like I don’t really know that’s there’s anything to say it’s just great
“Inej’s room was on the third floor, a skinny slice if space, barely big enough for a cot and a trunk. But with a window that looked out over the leaked roofs and jumbled chimneys of the Barrel. When the wind came through and cleared away the haze of coal smoke that hung over the city, she could even make out a blue pocket of harbour” - ok first of all I’m obsessed with the imagery and the description, and second of all I’m actually just going to copy and paste a post I made a while ago about the window because I find it an incredibly important detail for Inej and I think this is worth saying again:
‘I find it really interesting that Inej’s favourite part about her room at the Slat, despite it being “barely big enough to fit a cot”, is that she has her own window. I think this is important not only because all the windows at the Menagerie were barred, but also because the whole idea of a window is representative of the difference between her life in Ravka and her life in Kerch. Travelling through Ravka, she had no need or want of a window because she was part of and at one with the outdoor world, free to explore it and enjoy it as she saw fit, but in Ketterdam windows and rooftops are her way of travelling the city. They bring her a source of hope and connection to the life she lost whilst simultaneously being her method of completing jobs for the Dregs to slowly claw her back to that very life. So in a way, the window has become a physical manifestation of both a veil of separation between her and everything she’s ever loved or cared for, a literal sheet of glass between her and her world, and of a hope for salvation to return to that love and care.’
“If you had a gripe, you settled it outside where you didn’t risk interrupting the hallowed practice of separating pigeons from their money” - I love this quote so much but I also think it could be interpreted as quite sarcastic on Inej’s part; she talks a lot about how “nothing [is] sacred to the Kerch except trade” and finds a lot of their traditions baffling since their cultural attitude and religious attitude are both so different to the ones she was raised in. This could be seen as a subtle undermining of the culture that abused her whilst appropriating her own culture of peace, which is of course deeply ironic of them, and also reflective of the battle constantly waging inside her over the morality of her surroundings and the core moral code she knows she has broken and will continue to break because circumstance has left her no other choices - possibly linking to the way she specifically considers more fear of her parents not forgiving the actions she’s taken since leaving the Menagerie than what she was forced to do whilst imprisoned there
“I didn’t hurt you none. It was just words” - this is Rojax’s response to Inej punching him in the face whilst wearing brass knuckles after he insulted her, demanded money that neither she nor the gang owed him, and then tried to grab her collar. Now ignoring the money since to be fair we don’t know how much he stole and how much his pay cheque should have been so we don’t know if it evens out or not, the important thing here is that Rojax fails to identify his ability to do Inej damage by calling her “little girl” (words Tante Heleen weaponised against her), referring to her as though she’s Kaz’s property, and threatening violence towards her. I don’t think Rojax meant to affect Inej in the way he surely did, but I do think it shows so well that there’s a massive lack of understanding in the Barrel for the kind of pain that people like Inej have experienced and carry with them, especially since she herself comments on the way even though she hid the scar from her Menagerie tattoo “they all knew it was there”. I how this makes sense I’m not sure if I’ve articulated it quite right
“People were watching now, so she hit him again”
“It would’ve been easy enough to turn away when they called her names or sidled up and asked for a cuddle, but do that and soon it was a hand up your blouse or a try at you against a wall” - this again emphasises that there’s no real acknowledgment of Inej’s experience as traumatic but almost as intriguing or even erotic, and it reminds the reader of the rampant misogyny that travels through the Barrel not only in the dehumanising treatment of women and children in the pleasure houses but also in the cultural attitude as a whole. Although no-one sees Inej as a less threatening force because of her sex, it’s undeniable that the Barrel sees women as something to be conquered or won, and we also see this reflected by the upper classes in the attitudes of merchants and in Van Eck’s marriages.
“Nothing was sacred to the Kerch except trade” - laughing at myself because when I talked about it earlier I didn’t realise this quote was in this chapter
“Inej like Rojax, but right now he was just a frightened man looking to feel bigger than someone”
“Still clutching his cheek like a stunned toddler”
‘ “You look exhausted. Will you sleep at all tonight?”
Jesper just winked.
“Not while the cards are hot. Stay and play a bit, Kaz will stake you”
“Really, Jesper?” she’d said, pulling up her hood, “If I wanna watch men dig holes to fall into I’ll find myself a cemetery”
“Come on, Inej!” He’d called after her as she passed through the big double doors onto the street, “You’re good luck!”
Saints, she’d thought, if he believe that he really must be desperate. She’d left her luck behind in a Suli camp on the shores of West Ravka. She doubted she’d see either again” ’ - this conversation is so important in developing the reader’s baseline understanding for Jesper’s situation and addiction, and it’s not something I see people talk about a lot. Other than Kaz staking him and Jesper calling himself “a creature of habit”, this is the first concession to Jesper’s gambling “habit” being a genuine and debilitating addiction, and I think it’s important for us as the reader to so early on see that Inej, someone whose opinion Jesper so highly valued and someone he is evidently so close to, is unable to talk Jesper out of the card game - in fact the entire conversation to me gives the air of there having been many previous conversations where she tried and this one being one of many following where she’s all but given up. She expresses her opinion on the situation with the beautiful cemetery line, she directly confronts him in the issue by asking if he’s going to sleep tonight, and doesn’t hold back on pointing out that the addiction is having a physical impact on his health by saying that he looks exhausted, but she doesn’t make active strides to pull him away from the game. I think Inej has reached a point where she accepts that it isn’t her job to try and fix the people she cares about, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to. She desperately needs Jesper to hear what she means through what she’s saying, and if he isn’t going to then she cannot stand by and helplessly watch his self-destruction. Jesper on the other hand seems to seek support in her and her presence because of his fears surrounding failure and not being cared for by others as much as he cares for them; he knows Inej leaves because she can’t help him and can’t watch him, and he knows that her trying to help him would make little long term difference as he explains in Crooked Kingdom when talking directly about his addiction, but that doesn’t mean that the cruel, self-destructive, disparaging part of him isn’t taunting him with the idea that she’s leaving because she doesn’t care about him and because she doesn’t want to help him, and that fear/pain only makes him feel more hollow and only makes him need to play more. Again I hope this makes sense it’s starting to feel like I’m just rambling
“Inej moved aside a bucketful of cleaning supplies that she’d placed there precisely because she knew no-one in the Slat would ever touch it” - I couldn’t cope in the Barrel. There’s no way I could cope with the fighting anyway, but if I by some miracle survived it would only be for the general lack of cleanliness to finish me off
' "This place is like anything in Ketterdam. It leaks,"
Inej could've sworn he looked directly at the vent when he said it. ' - I love this so much because Kaz never mentions anything about this himself but it just so fluidly becomes part of the way he's always aware of her presence. There's also never any surprise at meeting her right outside the closet she's hiding in immediately after the conversation with Haskell so I think we get the idea that's quite routine, and it begins more and more to introduce us to this quiet dependence Kaz and Inej have on each other without addressing it; there are so many things that they each know the others does but never mention, and I think generally speaking they both know that the other knows as well but their ease with one another doesn't require voicing it aloud - if anything it may even rely on keeping it silent, since neither of them are in a position yet where they can admit to themselves the need to rely on someone/the care they feel towards each other.
"You're smart Brekker, but you need to learn patience," - this line always catches me out a little, but I think it's actually just giving us another hint to the extent of disconnect Haskell has from the real experiences of his gang members. We already know Kaz to be a patient character at least in some of the situations we've seen so far, and he goes on to prove himself as immensely and genius-ly (I have no idea what the real word for that is, work with me) patient in his processes and his plans - particularly in Crooked Kingdom when he explains that "you don't win by playing one game". Remember it's in chapter TWO of Crooked Kingdom the Kaz puts the plan to hand Wylan his father's fortune into motion, we just don't know it until after the auction for Kuwei's indenture. Kaz does have a quote somewhere about how too many people aren't patient enough in committing crimes and that's how they end up making mistakes but I can't remember it exactly (I'm working off my audiobook at the minute so I can't flick through and find it), if any one knows it feel free to comment it because it's a great quote and a really interesting reference for this! My point here is that we know Kaz is a very patient person yet Haskell, someone who would appear on the surface to work so closely with him, is accusing him for a lack of it. Because realistically, Haskell has no idea of the everyday workings of the gang or anything of the scope of work Kaz puts into it, and I htink this is just another of the many unsavoury characters building hints we have to encourage the reader to develop an immediate disliking for Per Haskell in this scene.
"But you'll get your twenty percent" - it took me a while to actually think about the money and why the total is 30 million but the main six characters are only getting 4 million kruge each because honestly I won't lie it just didn't occur to me to actually think about the maths. Like I was vaguely aware that didn't add up but I didn't really think about it. But let's talk, because 30 million kruge split between 6 crew members should have meant each character receiving 5 million kruge each (30/6=5). But Per Haskell is owed 20% of any money that the Dregs earn, so he's taking some of the money. On the surface, does 20% seem like an unfair margin? Probably not, considering that theoretically the Dregs members owe him money, live at the Slat seemingly rent free, and are his employees in a business taht has to make money somehow. Personally I odn't think it's a great business model, but I literally know noting about business and also that's not really the point right now. The point is that on the surface 20% doesn't sound wholly unreasonable, and it doesn't sound unreasonable in this conversation. It's not until later, when Kaz offers Inej and Nina 4 million kruge to join the Ice Court Heist that it really occurs to us that they're kind of getting screwed over. Because 20% of 30 million kruge is 6 million kruge. SIX. This man is about to make 2 million more kruge by sitting around in Ketterdam playing with a ship in a bottle than any of our main characters are about to make for nearly dying a thousand times over and successfully infiltrating the Ice Court. What is interesting to me is how the decision of the money is made, because it seems that we're regarding it as if the income is solely Kaz's so he's paying Haskell is twenty percent then choosing to split the remainder between his crew, which seems to make sense since he was the one who was approached for the deal and the one who was offered the money. But if the money had been offered to hte six of them, the financial implications could have been far more complex. Wylan and Matthias aren't members of the dregs, so they would have no need to lose 20% of their income. They would each take 5 million, whilst the other four took 4 million and gave Haskell 1 million from each of their hauls. SO HASKELL WOULD STILL MAKE EQUAL TO THEM. Wylan and Matthias would come out marginally richer than the others, which neither of them were particularly bothered about anyway, and Haskell would still have done nothing and successfully screwed over Kaz and the other Dregs members. And I'm not saying they would've gone for that, because I don't doubt that Wylan and Matthias would have suggested splitting the income the way they do in the book anyway, but I'm saying it's so important that ultimately the person winning here is always Per Haskell. But what's really interesting about Kaz is that not only does he never question the suggestion of splitting the money evenly when he could have easily claimed more for himself as the person who made the deal nad hired on the others, effectively putting himself in Haskell's position except with more involvement, but even when he cuts Haskell out of the business he keeps none of the 6 million kruge for himself, instead splitting it between Rotty and Specht for their smaller roles in the Ice Court Heist. Kaz represents so many things that Per Haskell doesn't, and in that way he comes to represent key things that Pekka Rollins isn't as well, since the book makes strides to show Haskell and Rollins as effectively representative for all the gang leaders. Even though Rollins appears far more involved and on the ball than Haskell, when Inej attacks him in the final chapter of Crooked Kingdom he is forced to question the last time he "felt real pain" since no-one dared to actually fight him any more. I really hope this makes sense because it's very rambly and I'm starting to think I just explained fairly straight forward maths for no real reason.
"Rich as Saints in crowns of gold" - ok I love this because it shows us so much of what Kaz, or if we assume this is a common saying then the Kerch or just citizens of the Barrel, think of the Saints and of religious iconography. We know from the King of Scars duology, the Lives of Saints, and probably to some extent Shadow and Bone that the Saints' lives were not ones of riches, fame, or power, but Kaz exercises this idea of people turning themselves into religious icons for crude, financial purposes. I actually wonder if the way he views them is a kin to the way I've talked about viewing Jarl Brum as a reader, and I think that it's really important to hear this from Inej's perspective because we're already heightened to such an opposite idea by the overall style and tone of the chapter.
"And why Pim? The thought shamed her a bit. She could almost hear her father's voice: So eager to be the queen of thieves, Inej. It was one thing to do her job and do it well, it was quite another to want to succeed at it. She didn't want a permanent place with the Dregs, she wanted to pay off her debts and be free of Ketterdam forever, so why should she care if Kaz chose Pim to run the gang in his absence? Because I'm smarter than Pim," - First of all shout out to the Inej narrator of the soc audiobook because she nailed the intonation of "I'm smarter than Pim" I love it. Second of all we get this really interesting implication of Inej's moral code here, because as I've talked about before her morality is incredibly important to her and the necessity of crossing that line to survive has wreaked havoc on her emotional and probably mental states. She sees a clear distinction between doing what she has to in order to survive and enjoying what she does and I think this is possibly her 'new' moral code to cope with the inability to control her life and stick to what she considers her core moral values.
' "What would you say to 4 million kruge?"
"Money like that is more curse than gift,"
"My little Suli idealist. All you need is a full belly and an open road," he said, the mockery clear in his voice.
"And an easy heart, Kaz"
That was the difficult part. '
"We'll be kings and queen, Inej. Kings and queens,"
"Kaz was not a giddy boy smiling and making future plans her. He was a dangerous player who was always working an angle. Always."
' "I'll need Wylan waiting at the Crow Club tomorrow night,"
"Wylan? If this is for a big job..."
"Just do it," ' - Inej throws so much shade on Wylan early in six of crows and I always seem to forget and then be caught off guard when she's just complaining to Kaz that he's useless and Wylan's like '... I'm right here,'
"One moment he made her blush and the next he made her want to commit murder,"
' "Fence it,"
"Whose is it?"
"Ours now," ' - I shouldn't find this romantic, should I?
"Move the DeKappel we lifted from Van Eck's house into the vault. I think it's rolled up under my bed," - pleaseeeeee he doesn't even have the painting up, the audacity in this boy know no bounds. I talked a lot about the DeKappel when I was writing about the last chapter so I'm not going to detail it here, but everything about it makes me so happy
"Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won't you do me the honour of acquiring me a new hat?" - first of yesssssssssss we love, and secondly I wrote a whole thing about Kaz using sarcasm as a defence mechanism and the complexity of his inability to express emotions a while ago with particular focus on this quote and a few others so if you want to you can find that on my page or I might be able to tag people on it or whatever if you can't find it because it was some time ago now
' Inej cast a meaningful glance at his cane.
"Have a long trip down," she siad, then leapt onto the bannister sliding from one floor to the next, slick as butter in a pan. '
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and that my scattered thoughts made at least some sense <3
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smallgodseries · 2 years
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[image description: A chipper character wearing a red and deep blue plaid shirt and newsperson’s cap. They hold a bottle in their right hand and point at it with their left. The classic symbols for ‘Male’, ‘Female’, are entwined with a question mark — these symbols appear to be spinning differently on the bottle front than on its neck. Inside the thin golden bezel cameo oval that may (or may not) be shifting its orientation is an impressionist mix of magenta and blue. outside it, five colored horizontal stripes  — Pink, White, Magenta, Black, and Blue.Text reads, “201, RIVER ALGOOD, the small god of the Gender Fluid”]
• • • • •
“Okay, kid, so you found the bar.  Good on you.  That means you need to be here.  No, there’s no cover charge, and we don’t care how old you are—think of it as a public house or an inn as much as it’s a tavern.  Or hell, go with coffee shop.  That’s a modern way of saying ‘gathering place with drinks and plenty of chairs, where you can be yourself with other people who are also being themselves, and not need to worry about anybody seeing you.’  This idea that bars are only about the alcohol is a lot more recent.  But then again, so is clean water.
“Huh?  Yeah, I do talk about it like I was there, because kid, I always have been.  Go all the way back to the creation, to the first people we’d recognize as humans, standing there all hairy and muddy and naked, and there were always the ones who felt like they were one thing when people said they were something else, or who were something different today than they were yesterday, than they’d be tomorrow.  You’re nothing new.
“Honey, you don’t gotta look so scared.  You’re here.  That tells me you belong here, and that tells me you’re one of mine.  If you weren’t, you’d never have found the doors.  I’m not going to judge anything except that nail polish—it looks like you didn’t use a base coat, and it’s going to stain your cuticles.  But you’re young, you’ll learn how to do your nails without dyeing your skin at the same time.  Unless ‘necrosis’ is the look you’re going for.  In that case, you’ve got a lead on the competition.
“Anyway, you’re nothing new, and you’re something valid, and no one gets to tell you who or what or why you are except for you.  All those choices are yours to make, all those futures belong to you, and I’m just the lucky god who gets to guide you along the way.
“My pronouns?  Kid, I’ll take any pronouns you’ve got.  I keep ‘em in a bucket in the back.  Some of them can get kinda frisky sometimes, but they’re all good.  If you need new ones, you can fish ‘em out of the bucket.
“Oh, which ones am I currently using?  I find that ‘divine/divinity’ works pretty well for me.  If that’s too much of a mouthful, you can use my name—River—or ‘they/them’ is almost never entirely wrong.  But really, anything’s good by me.
“I am the god of the changing and the questioning, the malleable and the multiple, the ones who don’t conform, and the ones who won’t, or can’t.  I belong to all of them, all of you, and I will keep you as safe as I can.  It’s not easy.
“Nothing important ever is.
“So you found the bar.  That’s the first step.  Now here’s the question of the hour: what are your pronouns?  Speak, and we can know each other better.”
• • • • •
Join Lee Moyer (Icon) and Seanan McGuire (Story) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a guide to the many small deities who manage our modern world:
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theidiotwhowrites · 3 months
All About YOU
Joe Goldberg x Reader
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Warning ;
Stalking, Obsession, Unsettling descriptions
You have been warned
...Hello YOU
As you enter the bookstore. My eyes gleem with interest, Who are YOU?, Where have YOU been?, Who will YOU read?, What is YOUR story?
Polaroid camera in your hands, wearing a black casual long sleeve shirt on such a rainy day. Umbrella in hand, explains why your not wet. You mumble something to yourself as you stumble across the wooden floors of 'Mooney's'.
I can already imagine my hands on you, sinking my fingertips into your soft delicate skin. Feeling every inch of you , i wonder if you would like that.
You walk with confidence, you like a little attention. Ok I'll bite.
You have this aura, some kind of magnetic force that makes me want to know everything about you, What makes YOU so special? What will make YOU the one?
You look at the bookshelves and land on Horror, that's new
In this small shop people only get the books by celebrity's but you, your different. You don't care about 'Fitting in', I like that about you
Your eyes, they tell stories. It's like I could look at them forever and that's when you walk closer and say your first words to me, something I will never forget
"Hi, do you uhh work here?" You ask softly almost seeming embarrassed to ask...
"Guilty" I respond, God your voice it's so seductive and your not even trying. Imagine if YOU were trying! Just the thought of it has my pants tight.
"Great! I'm for a book, but I can't decide so what would you recommend?"
I hand you one of my favorite books from the genre. Having to hold back a smile when I can see that twinkle in your of how intrigued you are reading the description at the back of the book.
"You know, I might actually get this. It's this type of creepy but interesting I can describe. Thank you"
You smile at me, a smile that can light up a dark room in the middle of the night.
We bond over books and chat, completely forgetting about why you were here. Why I was able to me YOU.
But our time was cut short when I get called over to the counter but before you were next in line.
"Ok, I'm going for it. This better live up to the expectations you set for me"
I chuckle at your statement while you  put the book on the table to cash
"Trust me you won't be disappointed"
You hand me the amount and look down at my name tag on my apron
"Ah yeah, Joe Goldberg but everyone just calls me Joe and you are?" I ask expecting a name but you surprised me
"Call me what ever you like Joe" You pick up the bag I put the payed book in and left.
You smile at me, laughed at my jokes, I want to say you were being nice but I could tell you were flirting with me
I look down at the floor, watching your steps as you leave.
That's when I see my first clue, I wasn't your number or your name but it was a polaroid picture of you.
I knew YOU did this on purpose, it was no accident.
YOU wanted for me to find you, to make YOU mine.
But at the end of the day, people are the all the same but the question is, are YOU?
Love is finding the one, but sometimes it doesn't work out
I had an ex once. She really did break me in ways that took forever to fix because at first I didn't see the signs but with you, your different.
Love is confusing and that's why I need to know if we are meant to be.
I had to figure out a way to know YOU the real YOU inside and out.
That small photo was my place to start, not a lot of people like you.
Most of your accounts never showed your face, smart. Just one of the many things to love about you but even if the info was short I knew almost everything about you.
Your interest, your past, everything but your actual god damn name! Only your username, It's fusstrating.
And the last thing I found is were you live. It's a small apartment, blinds open you look tired....why is that?
I'll probably ask when we get to know each other better in the future.
Is there more to YOU than what's on the surface? I'll find out, I'll be watching and one day I will have YOU....
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Loving ‘N Fuckin’
Description: In which Eddie & Evan have been messing around with the same woman for a year now (you) and they find out, eventually confronting (you) which leads to a threesome.
Warning(s): Fluff, Smut, GxBxB, oral, bodily fluids, mentions of trauma, scars, and more.
Must be 18+ to interact, I know I can’t stop anyone from reading but just keep in mind you’re reading at your own damn risk. Okay?
2K words.
Sex scene isn’t completely detailed but it’s detailed enough.
Chapter One…
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“Oh my God..” You laugh softly breathing breathlessly, your body and his body leaned up against the shower wall. Sex with Eddie was amazing, it’s like he was making love to every inch of her body. You pecked his lips multiple times before starting to wash yourself up. “Mm, I swear every moment with you makes me forget about the little things.” Eddie says, kissing your neck as you squeezed the loofah over your body, he ran his hand down your hips to your thigh, to your front. “Mm, Eddie.. I can’t withstand another round, my legs are already weak.” You giggle.
He kissed your shoulder. “Alright.” He chuckled, grabbing his towel and soap, you smiled and after you finished washing up, you stepped out, rubbing yourself with body oil spritzing on Evan’s favorite perfume.
“Mm, that smells good. Then again,” he grabbed your hips, kissing your neck then your cheek. “You always smell lovely.” You blushed. You shook your head grabbing your hair dryer that you kept over here for whenever you’d come and see Eddie, You and Eddie have been seeing each other for about a year, you both were free to see other people but Eddie didn’t want to see anyone else and his son loved you, he didn’t want to keep bringing women home, he felt like you were the one. But lately, he was curious who you were with. He knew you’d been seeing someone occasionally outside of him, he appreciated your honesty but he honestly didn’t want to think of another man pressed against your body. “Baby.” He kissed your shoulder as you blow dried your curls.
You look over at him, his shirtless perfect bod was all you wanted and more, he smiled. “I’ve been thinking. We’ve been together for a year and a half now, I was wondering if we could make us exclusive.?”
Eddie didn’t want to share you, and if you were being honest.. You didn’t want to share Eddie. You sighed. “Eddie, I don’t know.. Are you sure we even ready for that?” Truth was, you had another on the side, he was just as good as Eddie, maybe better in the bedroom, each man gave something different. Something special. Once you finished with your hair, you turned off the dryer moving closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You know I love you, Eddie. More than I should be considering our arrangement in the beginning but, I do. I’m just not ready for commitment.”
“Why? We have been together for over a year. You say you love me but you don’t want me?”
You sighed. “It’s not that, Eddie. Baby, you know that’s not the case. I do want you.” Truth was, for years you’ve been the one always left broken-hearted, hurt and bruised after a relationship. You told yourself no more. Then you decided to have your fun. And you were until you met Eddie and Evan. Things changed. You couldn’t get enough of either. “Then what’s the issue?”
“Eddie, you know I haven’t been with just you. There’s one other person I’ve been seeing. Keeping my options open. Weighing shit out.”
Eddie rubs the back of his neck. He couldn’t be mad because when this all started, he wanted just sex and someone to accompany him and you wanted the same. Not knowing that you’d both fall for each other. “I get that. But I no longer want to share you. I want all of you, alllll of you.” He says rubbing your butt kissing your lips. “Just think about it.” You nod your head, going to get yourself ready for the day and for work. Being a school teacher had its perks. But it also meant you’d have to be around kids all day and all night, don’t get me wrong, you loved it. You just didn’t like the kids that weren’t raised. “Mm, you know you don’t have to sneak out early. You could stop playing and move in with us.. Chris loves you. I love you.”
“I’ll talk to you later, okay?” You smile softly waving before you slowly creeped out the bedroom and down the hall careful to not wake Chris, but that was proven difficult when he called out for his dad. “Dad?”
You cursed mentally, turning to back up. You walked into the room and knocked seeing Chris seated at the end of the bed. He grinned from ear to ear when he saw you. “Hi, Y/n.” He giggled. You smiled, folding your arms, walking over to him. “And how are you, Christopher?” You were seated beside him. Christopher’s school was shut down due to some minor repairs so, he was home today. “I’m okay. Tired.” You smiled as he rested his head on your shoulder. “Tired huh? Why are you tired?”
“You and dad’s screaming and yelling woke me up.”
You blushed. “Oh. I’m sorry. We were uh..” Eddie chuckled walking into the room. “Wrestling.” He answered. “Good screams.” He smiled at Chris, Chris laughed. “Oh.. okay.” You blushed, you didn’t even realize Chris was still home. Usually your moans would be kept mute but Eddie was doing a number on you last night and this morning. “Well as much as I want to stay with you boys, I have to get to work.” You kiss Chris’ forehead, and then leave.
Evan had been calling you all day but hadn’t received a response, he figured that you were at work so he stopped calling, but it was weird because even when you were working, you’d always get back to him. He sighed deeply. You found out about him being a sperm donor for his friend and his friend’s wife and you were and weren't in agreement with it but told him it was his decision.
“Hey man.” Eddie approached Buck, seating next to him.
Buck nodded and smiled. “Hey man.” They embraced each other. Eddie sat up and looked at Buck, he had been noticing that something was bothering him all day. “What’s up, man?”
“Nothing man.” Buck smiled, looking over at Eddie, his finger brushing over the screen on his phone with a photo of you and him, of course your face wasn’t visible, it was just one of the both of you lying in his bed together. “You sure? Is this about your donation?”
Buck realized he hadn’t told you that he went through with the donation. You always found out things, so he knew that you’d figured it out. He didn’t understand why you were upset when you wouldn’t agree to be with him in the first place. Buck wanted to marry you, he wanted a family.. with you. But, you didn’t want commitment. And he was used to being the one talking about commitment.. “No, man, it’s not about that. It’s just been a long day.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “So, what’s been going on with you?”
“Ah, you know.. work, and Chris. Work, and Chris.”
Buck shook his head. “You’re lying man, I know you. You’ve been extra happy for the past few months. You finally went out and got laid?”
“Maybe, what about you? I overheard you telling Hen it’s been awhile.”
And those weeks without having sex with you have been the worst. It was complete hell, and he couldn’t wait to get back at it. He had so much pint up inside that he was ready. “Man, it’s been too long and I can’t wa—” He was cut off by his phone ringing and your name flashing against his screen. “y/n? Y/n? Where you been, baby?” He answered walking away. Eddie frowned sitting up. He just laughed. He knew it couldn’t be. It couldn’t possibly be his y/n.
“I’m working Buck.” He heard your voice as he was on FaceTime.
He got a small glimpse at the screen and saw you. It hit him to his core. He clenched his jawline. Anger consumed him. His boy? His boy was the other man??
“Baby, I get that but..”
“But what?”
“You almost always respond to me, you mad at me?”
“Buck, I’m wrapping up—”
“Can you come over, after work? I miss you.”
“Buck.. I have plans elsewhere tonight.”
“With who? I thought you broke up with dude weeks ago. You was supposed to break things off so we could..”
“I never said that.”
“Please!” He exclaimed. “I wanna see you. Come over tonight, I’ll make us a nice dinner..”
“Fine,” she sighs. “I’ll be over, what time?”
Eddie sucked his teeth. He rubbed the skin between his thumb and index finger, his jawline clenched. He fought back tears because you were the one woman he allowed himself to fall in love with since his wife died. He let his kid around. He knew you was seeing someone else, but the fact that it was his best friend, and the fact that he doesn’t know you have another man.. it was hardening.
“See you at eight.”
She hung up. He sighed, running his hand down his face. “Fuck.” He paced back and forth. Eddie stood up walking over. “Y/n, huh? How long have you been with her?”
“A few months. Close to a year.” He sighs. “We've been on and off though. She’s upset with me because I wanted to do the whole sperm donor thing, she doesn’t know I went along and did it but I’m quite sure she does. She’s been blowing me off for weeks now. Or maybe because I’ve been abstinent”
Eddie brushed the side of his face. “Something you should know.”
“I know her.” He pointed to your contact name and photo. “I’ve been seeing her for a year.”
You sighed heavily brushing the side of your face, placing the students' homework in your bag, standing to your feet. You cleared your desk. You were tired from dealing with these teens all day, you gathered everything you needed to make your exit when there was a knock on the door and it opened. “Eddie! Hi.” You smiled and chuckled nervously. “What’re you doin- Evan?!”
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You had no idea Eddie and Evan knew each other, you knew they both were firefighters but you just never really realized the coincidences or anything of that matter.
“What’re you two doing here?”
Evan sucked his teeth. “So uh, you've been holding out on me?”
“Evan, it’s not.. it’s not like that.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Not like that?”
You stammered over your words. You sighed deeply, dropping your bags, they both scoffed. You walked around the desk and leaned against the desk, your beautiful legs that made Eddie melt were visible, your skirt was fitted; showing off all your curves that Evan loved and adored. “You want to explain?” Eddie clenched his jawline. “You want to explain to me why the woman I love is with my best friend?”
“Best friend?”
“Woman you love? Y/n, what the fuck?”
“Buck, just..” You sighed heavily, scratching the side of your face. “Eddie and I have been in a relationship for about a year, well not really a relationship. We don’t have a label on it. We both agreed it was just sex, just sex turned into something a little more.. then I met you..” her voice cracked as she smiled at Buck. “I-I never meant for any of this to go too far. Like, I was honest. Eddie, I told you there was someone else.”
“You didn’t tell me. Me, Y/n!” Buck shouts
“And you didn’t think for one second that we knew each other?”
You shook your head no. “No. Okay. I met Buck at a coffee shop. I just didn’t think. At first I wasn't even interested but he kept on pursuing, then we went out on a date.. next thing happened and here we are.”
“I love you.” Eddie kissed your lips.
It was an awkward moment. “I love you too.” Buck kissed your neck as he got between your legs. You were unsure what was happening right now, it all escalated so fast. One minute they were screaming at you, yelling at you.. and the next Evan was unbuttoning your blouse, your skirt was up to your stomach, and panties were around your ankle, Eddie was kissing you while Buck went down on you. You moaned. “W-what’re you doing?”
“You want us both right?” Eddie mouths against your lip as his hand squeezes your neck. “Y-yes.”
You didn’t want it like this. You were cool with seeing them on seperate occasions but like this, your eyes were closed but now glued on Eddie’s, he looked you in the eyes. “I don’t want to share you..” he squeezed your neck tighter. “But if I have to.. I rather it be with my best friend.”
Your moans broke the kiss and your eye contact with him, you moaned louder as Buck eyes met with yours as his warm tongue flicked over your slit, fingering your pussy with his middle finger that soon connected with three, your legs were becoming weak. and shaky.
You leaked perfect cream all over your desk and his fingers, Eddie moves your hair to the side as he unsnapped your bra and sucked on your breast, showing them love and affection. You threw your head back against his chest.. “Mmm yes!”
“Oh!oh yes! Fuck! Please..” you whimpered as you rode both of their dicks.
You couldn’t figure out how the hell they both managed to lay on this desk with you, let alone this. Eddie had penetrated your anal, and Buck was penetrating and redoing your insides. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you fell back against Eddie’s chest. “Fuck” they both groaned. “You so tight, baby.” Buck moans.
“Mm, shit.” Eddie groaned as his dick slipped out. Slipping back in, he thrusted in and out of you the best of his ability.
You creamier and squirted everywhere, Buck’s moans were silenced by your lips pressing against his, he was working his hips. Thrustingin and out of you. Both taking their sweet delicate time with you.
“Ah! Ah!” You scream out. “Fuck me!”
You all fell on the floor, breathing heavy. Rapidly. You stammered over your words, wondering what could possibly be said right now. “What just happened??”
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thesweetnessofspring · 5 months
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Roses and Pearls by HalfHope (thesweetnessofspring)
Rating: E
Description: Peeta Mellark is the sole victor of the Quarter Quell. With District 12 nothing but ash, he rebuilds his life by moving to the Capitol and falling in love with Rosalia Snow, granddaughter to Coriolanus Snow.
Then people Peeta thought long dead kidnap him and Rosalia, including the one person he hates more than anyone: Katniss Everdeen. They say he's been hijacked. They say that he used to love her. Locked away in District 13, Peeta is determined to protect his mind and his fiancée from the rebels. But while imprisoned, videos disprove his memories and his feelings toward Katniss grow confusing. Who can he trust, and what really happened in his past?
Thank you @louezem for being my beta through this multichapter project. Ten weeks we've been doing this!
Read Chapter One | Read Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten
Footage in therapy slows as it skips ahead to me waking up in the evening of the feast, cheeks no longer flushed with fever and eyes clear. I startle at the blood pouring out of Katniss’s forehead and check her breath. I collect some rain water and rinse the wound, bandage it up, then take the tarp and construct a shelter from the leaks in the cave, taking Katniss’s wet socks off and placing her under the somewhat drier spot. I rub her feet to keep them warm. I change her bandage again, lines of worry on my face at the first soaked-through bandage. I collect rain water in our bottles and use the iodine drops to purify it. There is an occasional glimpse into Cato hunting Thresh through the field of grain, of Foxface burrowing herself under a thatch of pine branches and shivering through the ordeal. But mostly, it’s just me, for over two hours, hobbling on my bad leg as I care for Katniss. 
Finally, I see what all of this was for. Through our alliance, we were both able to get something. Katniss by getting more sponsors, myself having someone who knows survival on my side, and both of us someone to watch our backs. Each movement, each act of tenderness, is building toward the end goal of getting us out of the arena alive. I try to imagine what it was like for this younger me. If Katniss hadn’t been what my memory said she was, if we’d worked together…I don’t know what that made us to each other back then. Allies or even friends? 
I see some of that possible friendship at the bakery in the morning, when Katniss offers to help me and Delly with weighing and shaping the loaves. We stand side-by-side, and I laugh at her attempts to get the right amount of dough on her scale, her globs either the size of a cat or a candy bar and take at least three different measurements before getting it within the approximate weight.
“I see why they put you on the hunt,” I say. 
“No, I clearly don’t have those soft merchant hands like you two,” Katniss says. And hearing myself described as a merchant, someone from Twelve and not the Capitol, brings a sense of stability I haven’t felt in years. Even if Katniss meant to tease me, it wasn’t the same as the Capitol’s pity or the rebellion’s resentment. It felt like being home.
Continue reading on ao3
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lostfirefly · 3 months
You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me (Ch.9)
Hello, kiddos! The idea for this fanfic came to me from a dream (again) I had about a month ago. Тhe main characters were T. Cruise & H.Cavill (don't ask me why), but with a light hand they have been replaced. The main action of the dream took place somewhere in the sands. Аlthough this fanfic will feature Sir Crocodile and our beloved Buggy, the action shifts to the desert. No marines, ships etc. The devil fruit's abilities are preserved. Catch the Mummy and Indiana Jones vibes :) Different titles and names from the original source material will be used to emphasise the general OP's vibe.
Since English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) 
And thank you to my dear @yujo-nishimura and @laurasoretta for believing in me :)
Description: Catherine, a librarian who is searching for the trail of her sister who went missing on an expedition. Notes in books and diaries lead her to Cairo. There she finds a retailer from an artifact shop who, in exchange for selling her a map and equipment, insists that Catherine take her along. They get into a little (or maybe a big) adventure.. 
Warnings: Mythical creatures are mentioned in the text. I had to open books to refresh some of my knowledge and made everything more or less close to the original myths. Half of ch. 9 is completely from my dream. We're coming to the final. Catherine is smart (but I love smart girls). One more riddle :) Adventures and fun are still here (I hope). Buggy x OC, Sir Crocodile x OC.
To tell the truth I'm not happy with this chapter :( Hope you enjoy it!
Words: 2678
The title is taken from «You've Got the Same Dream as Me» (Sonya Belousova & Giona Ostinelli) (One Piece, Netflix)
Taglist: @gingernut1314
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• Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
"It's all your girl's fault! If she'd read those Egyptian poems properly, do you know what we'd have? Oh yeah, our way back?!", Crocodile hissed through his teeth, holding Buggy's head in his hands while the clown's body lay on the ground.
"If, as you put it, she hadn't been reciting those fucking Egyptian poems, we never would have gotten here!".
Rika, Catherine, Laura and Jules sat against the wall and watched the scolding.
"They've been yelling at each other for about fifteen minutes. Rika, I obviously deeply despise you for what you did and don't really want to talk to you, but could you ask your man to put Buggy's head back where it belongs?" Catherine mumbled, propping her head up with her hands.
"Hone-e-y, I hate to admit it, but she's right, there's no time for a showdown right now," Rika said longingly, leaning the back of her head against the wall.
Crocodile held Buggy's head in his hands for a long time, muttering something to himself. With an inarticulate hiss, he tossed it to the ground. In the next second, Buggy connected the head to his body.
Catherine crawled over to Buggy as he shook his hair off the sand. At this time Crocodile sat down next to Rika, closed his eyes, and sighed heavily.
Laura and Jules watched with round eyes.
"Damn you, Crocodile!", barked back Buggy.
"Are you okay? Let me see…" Catherine began examining Buggy's head and face, running her hands through his hair.
"What are you doing?" he looked at her in surprise, grabbing her arm to stop her. "Don't!”
"Don’t do what? You know, even though you're the biggest pain in my ass, I'd like the person who can save my life to somehow make it to the end of our adventure,” she examined his face a few more times. "Well, there are some minor scratches, but you'll live. And thank you, by the way. You did it again. You’ve saved me,” she ran her fingers lightly through his hair once more and looked into his eyes.
“Kind of… Besides, you’ve got to take me to the gold,” he replied with a slight chuckle. 
“Laura, what's happening? What was that?" Jules nudged Laura in the side.
"Well, how can I tell you? It's the abilities from the devil fruit. But I've never seen people do anything like... like him before," she nodded toward the clown. "You know, people, I realize that Jules and I are a little extra at your celebration of life, but maybe you can tell me where we are?"
"Ah, yes. Give me some time, please. Ok, I'll try to find something in the book. You girls examine the map. Hey! The beehive! The diary," Catherine threw it towards Crocodile and sat against the wall. 
"What am I supposed to do?" asked Buggy in surprise.
"And you sit here with me, your head has already suffered today." 
For a few minutes there was silence in the cave, broken occasionally by the noise of turning pages and Crocodile's scolding.
"Hey, cot-, pie.. Catherine," Buggy leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, "I w-w-... I’m...kinda...s-s-.....I'm...s-s-sorry..."
"For what?" she whispered back, continuing to flip through the pages of the book.
"Well...F-for what I said...well...about that.. one-"
"Yeah, I remember. I don't care. I just thought.. you… nevermind."
"I s-shouldn't have said that. It was.. w-w-r..," he mumbled uncertainty.
“Yes, it was.” She said, smiling slightly. “Thanks for apologizing, silly clown. Now I don't hate you. Now I just don't like you.” She made herself comfortable next to his shoulder.
“That's ok. I don't like you either.”
They continued to sit in the cold cave for about another 30 minutes. The wind occasionally blew out the torches. Because of the darkness and the hum of the wind, it began to seem as if there were rustles or footsteps coming from everywhere.
"Geez, my brain is starting to trick me. You haven't figured out where we are? Is there any chance of some mummy coming at us out of nowhere? I keep feeling like there's someone walking around" Jules looked around.
"So far I've figured out that we're in a cave with no name or maybe I don't understand something," Crocodile continued flipping through the journal. He moved closer to Catherine, "This place is described here, but rather superficially." They began to study the records in the dairy together.
Buggy, glancing at Crocodile, didn't even notice as he put his hand on Catherine's shoulder and moved her a little closer to him.
"We can name it something ourselves. The Legendary Cave, for example! And then we'll be remembered as a bunch of losers who died here," Laura said irritably.
"No one's going to die! We're not going to die, are we?" asked Jules in a panic.
"For fuck's sake, Jules! Seriously? You were going to go on an expedition somewhere with Crocodile without any preparation, as it turns out, and now you're whining about being stuck in a cave?" Catherine slapped the book on her lap.
Everyone looked at her in surprise. Catherine stood up from the ground, growling loudly. She took the torch and silently walked forward through the dark passage of the cave.
"I thought your sister was insufferable, but you're even worse. Score!" Rika shook her head with a smirk. “Hey, where are you going?”
There was no response. Buggy got up and went to get Catherine.
"You know, in horror movies when everyone gets separated, something bad happens," Laura replied quietly, running her hand over the sand, "Should we go after them?"
Everyone looked at each other and started packing up.
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you ok?" Buggy caught up with Catherine.
"What? No. I mean, yes. Everything is ok, I guess. I'm just...tired a little, though I have to admit, this is all pretty exciting," she ran her hands along the walls, "And do you get this often? Treasure hunts of all sorts."
"Well, from time to time...," he scratched his head. “To tell the truth, this time I’ve got a nic~”
"Well, there you are!" Jules shouted and hugged Catherine, "Sister, you can't do this. You're walking down a dark hallway into the darkness, there's no telling what's going on here."
"I just..." Catherine continued running her hand along the wall, "What's this?"
She held a torch at the wall, illuminating the drawings and various writings.
“What are these? Whose drawings are these?” Rika leaned against the wall and squinted her eyes.
"These are drawings of Egyptian gods and their symbols! Wow! They're hundreds of thousands of years old! You know, I'm insufferable sometimes...." 
"Sometimes?" everyone asked in unison.
"But do you realize that we are now in a place where perhaps only a few have been! Or maybe just Alabasta was here, and now we're. All right, the beehive, open the diary! Rika, Jules, Laura, try to get a rough idea from the map of where we are. Buggy, honey, hold the torch for me," Catherine could hardly hide her pleasure as she ran between the wall of drawings, checking the journal entries and the book.
She would periodically get up and sit on her knees, whispering something to herself under her breath and checking the notes. 
“Anu.. Os.. Sar.. Oh, people, you're going to laugh now. We're in the corridor of the dead.” 
“Where are we?” they asked in unison, and Buggy's head separated from his body in surprise. 
“Can you stop doing that??” Jules asked with a little disgust in her voice. 
“Hey!” Catherine barked at her sister. “Look, it's Geb, Osiris, Anubis and Serapis. They were all related to the afterlife in one way or another. See, this one. With the head of a black jackal. That's Anubis. He's the lord of the dead, the patron saint of funeral rituals. Pretty cool, huh?”
"Listen, girl, are you trying to trick me again? What the hell is the corridor of the dead? How do we get to the treasure?" Crocodile grabbed Catherine's shoulder. 
Rika and Buggy stealthily took two short steps forward. 
"If you want to get to your gold so badly, the very last thing you need to do is kill me. I can read and write ancient Egyptian, and I'll be very interested to watch you figure the riddles out without me." Catherine walked over to the wall of drawings, “Wow! One more…”
“One more.. what?” Rika asked.
“One more riddle! Give me a minute..,” she sat facing the wall and started mumbling to herself. “West.. Sign.. Death..”
“Death?” Laura asked.
“Shhhh! Don’t interrupt me! One second.. 
Lead your soul to the west, 
Find heaven and tree’s nest, 
There in the darkness you will see a sign, 
It will show you the way to the Grand Line. 
Be aware, believe your eyes,
Or you'll meet your death and no sunrise.” 
She looked back at everyone over her shoulder with undisguised admiration on her face. All five of them were looking at her with a silent question in their eyes. 
“What does that mean?" asked Jules.
“Jesus, Jules, you're useless sometimes. How were you ever going to go on an expedition?” Catherine got up from her knees, shaking off her pants.
"Hey! I'm good at reading maps. I don't know how to solve the riddles" she pouted.
“Well, my friends. As I said, Anubis is the god of the afterlife. According to myths, he led souls across the stony deserts of the west to the paradise of Osiris.” Catherine leaned her back against the wall.
“What's a tree got to do with this riddle?” Crocodile asked.
“The Tamarisk tree was considered a symbol of Anubis. Look at the wall. All gods look to the east. But only Anubis' feet are turned to the west. I bet if we continue down the tunnel we'll come to the right place, to yours.. to the Grand Line, I guess,” Catherine waved her hand towards the tunnel. 
They gathered their belongings and moved down the long corridor. The silence was broken by the sound of footsteps and occasional whispers. Jules was talking to Laura about all sorts of things. Rika and Crocodile looked back periodically and whispered about something. Every time there was a noise, Crocodile put his hand on Rika's back. 
"You know, even though that beehive is all evil, I think it's really cute how protective he is of his girlfriend," Catherine whispered to Buggy. "How's your head? Does it hurt?"
"No, I’m fine. Why are you asking?" he looked at her with round eyes.
"I just...," she blushed a little and cleared her throat. "Hey, when you find your treasure, how are you going to share it? Or are you going to fight until you get old? Because you.. well.. you know. You can't die in a battle like normal people. You could form one team. Call yourselves, I don't know... a Cross Guild. Race through all the caves of Egypt, collect treasure, strike fear into the Egyptians and the local mummies."
"Clown, if you don't shut her up, I'll shut her up myself!" Rika said with annoyance.
They walked along the corridor, illuminated only by torches, for about ten minutes. And finally came out into a large part of the cave, more reminiscent of an underground hall. Faint rays of light were shining inside. The air was noticeably lighter here. 
“Find heaven.. and tree’s nest..”, Catherine whispered.
“You know, if I died, probably the heavenly light would be like the one I see now,” Buggy pointed his hand at the rays of light.
“You see! You're a very smart boy!” she tousled his hair. “We should find the tamarisk tree. A sigh or a drawing. I don’t know. Neither the book nor the diaries describe what the tree looks like.” 
Everyone dispersed to different sides of the cave and began to survey the space.
"People!" came Laura's sudden shout, "There's something here."
Everyone walked over to her. Laura was pointing her finger at a slab in the wall. 
"I don't know what this Tesseract looks like..."
"Whatever. But I couldn't find any other trees.” 
"There are still drawings here!" shouted Jules, "On these walls."
"And here!" replied Crocodile and Rika.
“Believe your eyes.. Believe your eyes. Why eyes?..”
Catherine started running back and forth. Buggy walked over to her and slapped his fingers in front of her face. 
"Hey! Are you here?" 
She looked at him for a split second, sighed heavily, and rested her head against his chest. She kept muttering a riddle to herself under her breath and waved her hands. 
"And what is it with her? Has she completely lost her mind?" asked Rika, dropping to the floor and spreading the map in front of her. 
"Hey redhead girl, where do we go next?" Crocodile hissed and walked over to Catherine. Buggy instinctively put a hand on her back and took a step backwards away from Crocodile. 
“There in the darkness you will see a sign… Find heaven. Who's got the compass?”
Rika walked over to Catherine, put the compass in her hand and squinted at her. "You know, clown, I'm even starting to feel sorry for you."
Catherine pulled a mirror out of her trouser pocket. "Now, my chop chop friend, I need your help. Can you send your hand with the mirror up there and try to catch the sun bunny?" 
Buggy shrugged, took the mirror from her hand, detached his own hand, and held the mirror up to a faint ray of sunlight.  
“Damn you and your abilities,” she whispered with admiration. 
Finally, a beam of light hit the mirror, reflecting it pointed to the center of the floor. 
"Oh God, yes, you're the best!" Catherine looked at Buggy with big eyes. He blushed so red that he was as red in colour as his nose. 
“And now what?” Crocodile asked.
"Give me the map and the compass! Hurry!" Catherine practically snatched the map out of Rika's hands and placed it on the ground. She held the compass up, under the thin beam of light that fell, and yoked it to the map. "I knew it! The green light is barely peeking through, but I'm more than sure we're on the right way. There in the darkness you will see a sign.. What does it mean? Quick, we have to look at the tree drawings again." 
Everyone started looking round the walls again. 
“I found something!” Suddenly Laura's voice came through.
“Where? Where?” Catherine ran up to her. “Holy God! It's the sign of Anubis. It's Ankh!”.
"Look, he points clearly to the centre of the hall where the map is lying. What's next?" Jules came up behind her sister and rested her chin on her shoulder. 
"Paradise... Paradise... The opposite of the afterlife is paradise, right? What if we put a light on every tree? See, there are Anubis signs everywhere here one way or another. Either this is the very centre of the mythical afterlife... or it's just a dark cave with simple drawings," she laughed suddenly. 
Catherine put the mirror back in Buggy's hand, he separated his hand again and began catching sun bunnies, directing them at each drawing of a tree on the wall. All the rays converged on one spot. In the centre of the hall. A green beam of light from the compass reflected on all of Ankh's drawings. The green light from the compass and the white light from the mirror met in the centre of the hall. And then one large line of light pointed at the wall.
Catherine quickly leafed through the book and the diaries.
"I can't believe it!" she whispered, running her hand over the page.
"Believe what?" asked Crocodile irritably.
"According to Alabasta's book and the translations in the diary, we're at the right point. Brace yourselves, we're about to see the path," she said calmly.
"A path to what?" asked Buggy and Crocodile at the same time.
"To your gold, boys."
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earthtooz · 9 months
hello! i love your works so much everything you write is perfect! i stopped writing more than a year ago but reading your works inspired me to write again 😊 it’s crazy how we are the same age but our level of writing is completely different, yours blew my mind 🤯🤯🤯 (in a good way!!!!!) i was wondering if you could give me some tips to improve my writing as i feel like i’m lacking in many departments (if you’re comfortable in doing so, ofc!) thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
this ask was send march 5th, and i'm happy to report that four months later, for the first time in a while, i think i'm finally at a point in my writing where i'm confident giving out tips that are not generic and stock standard. i do not know if anon is going to ever see this, but i hope you do, and i hope that you're still as inspired to write as you were when you sent this :) a lot can happen in four months!!
i'm just going to get straight into it. you'll find that the further you go, the more... catered the advice might be to you (it's long, and maybe a bit rambly, but i hope it’s useful in some sort of way 🥲)
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the most DEVASTATING thing you can do for your writing is not have a purpose for each scene or snippet you write. give your scenes a point, don't let them be just images that you sit on the document to take up space! are you trying to prove that character x oc's relationship is growing? are you trying to show that it's breaking apart? are you trying to set up the character as someone who's beginning to fall in love and hates it? give everything a purpose. every word must be linked to your intention.
you know what they say about chekhov's gun, if you are going to mention some little thing, give it a purpose later! you mention reader likes sweaters? let character give them a sweater! this works in many-a-ways.
this all comes down to the planning, which i would give tips on, but i'm writing this part too late. i'm also trying to keep this first part brief because this is a very long post.
for english speakers, the second most devastating thing is to not know your grammar LOL (i cannot criticise those who speak another language as their first! kudos to you, keep doing what you're doing.)
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# TWO - FIND YOUR STYLE: easier said than done, but it's an essential part of any art. writing takes time, and only time will evolve your skill and therefore, your style. if you do not like what you write off the bat and believe you are 'lacking' in some departments (no such thing, there is room to improve instead of being 'incapable' of doing something), then i always turn to some of my favourite authors, whether they are published or another fanfiction writer, turn to them and study them. DO NOT PLAGIARISE, just try and emulate what you see from their works and put them into your works, with your own sense of individual style.
i have my list of esteemed tumblr writings that i look up to, as well as writers that i adore. ocean vuong will always be one of my favourite writers, i listen to him frequently when i am stumped by my own writibg. he has this sort of creative aura that drips of his own idiosyncrasy that inspires me every time i try to listen to him, him just speaking calms and invigorates me so much.
so yeah, find your writer, and learn from them :)
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# THREE - THE 'DEPARTMENTS': the departments that i have included are:
description and artistic expression (this one is long, bear with me.)
like i said earlier, there are indeed departments are writing that we all have room to improve in. i will talk about the few that i might find specific to fanfic writing because i am nothing like an actual author :,)
characterisation: a fickle little thing T^T the worst thing ever. to characterise properly means you know the character like it's your own, but in fanfiction that's just truly not possible :,) so i can try and give you my own tips on how i deal with characterisation.
listen to the english dub (or your first language) - DON'T CRUCIFY ME. PLEASE. BUT LET ME SPEAK. for my fellow fluent english speakers, listening to a dub in a language we do not understand can only go so far in the way we understand a character. when listening to english, we hear the intricate ways of their tone and personalities work, and what kind of dialogue best flows with them (toji fushiguro is excluded from this. never listen to that man's english dub.). when i was writing for bakugou- he's not the hardest character to understand, but with the help of the english dub, the dialogue that i wrote for him flowed a lot easier than if i had just tried to internalise his jp dub. he's gruff, and rude, and cocky, and his english va captures that in quite an adorable way! ofc you can never just ignore the original, the original is there to provide you the blueprint, but sometimes a little help explaining the blueprint goes a long way !!
characterisation can also be perfected through the subtle changes in dialogue that you see. a big part of character is how they talk, and even just the subtlest of changes can go far. let me start with the example "this is a really bad idea." if i were writing itoshi rin, then i would change the sentence fit to his speech and embody how he'd actually react to a 'bad idea'. he's curt, doesn't say more than necessary, and unashamed to be cold so he'd probably just say "this is stupid." before walking away LMAOO if i were writing someone like gojo, then the sentence also changes too. he doesn't mind talking and adding more to his point, so i would write something like: "you sure? this doesn't seem like the brightest idea." and if i'm really trying to sell a romantic relationship, i'd add a 'sweetheart' there or something.
dialogue: this is a personalised experience, so as is everything in writing. i have been complimented on my flow and dialogue a lot of the time but in truth, i am merely having a conversation with myself in my head. i try to become the character i am writing about and then i just chat with myself :3 it can be that simple. dialogue does not need to be something you over-complicate, i am my own, ethical character.ai.
description and artistic expression: look, i can't say much on this one except that you're all on your own. i am still trying to perfect my own skills in this department because this is perhaps one of my most vexing parts of writing. i truly am just not... as poetic and imaginative as i want my words to be, but i am trying and i am improving.
my biggest tip regarding description and artistry is: if the reader can imagine it, you don't need to write it. you don't need to fill in the gaps with actual scenes, if your characters are walking through the park as a filler for getting from destination A to B, then that park scene does not need to be as descriptive as A or B. a mere 'you took a shortcut through the park' will suffice. or even better, just go straight from A to B.
say my 'A' scene is starting at a cafe, and my 'B' scene is going to the mall, you could just go 'calling for the waitress to get the bill, you then find yourself in the mall within 15 minutes'. spend time on the gaps that require a bridge to cross, not the gaps that you can merely step over.
these kind of things appear in your planning and admittedly, i don't even plan ROFLLL but i have primary scenes that i have sketched out which i sometimes add to. like spider webs, when going from one thread to another, sometimes the journey is not all that important if it does nothing for your plot.
again, i find inspiration in a lot of the writers i look up to. a recurring motif is something i love adding, whether that be dialogue or a recurring item that symbolises something (like the hairband in between love and lies - a nagi fic). techniques like motifs or an extended metaphor add a lot of depth in your writing that you can't find otherwise. you can also omit going too over the board with reader's emotions too, or just the character's. if it's obvious that they are angry, sad, happy, you don't need to go too far in detail about said emotions.
another so crucial thing is to take note of the things you see in real life and apply it in fiction. the most mundane of things you are doing can have beauty in words.
are you at the beach? why don't you take a look around. tell me about the people that sit on towels, minding their own business. tell me about the way the sun sits high in the sky, unforgiving and burning before going into the main plot.
are you sitting on a bench, killing time? tell me about the breeze you feel, or perhaps the heat that overwhelms you. tell me about what you hear- bikes, children laughing, whilst you're waiting for your date to show up- all of these minute things, so long as you don't go overboard, will matter a lot to the imagination of the reader!
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# FOUR: TAKE CARE OF AND LOVE WHAT YOU WRITE writing will always be hard :,) not a single draft goes by where i do not find inconsistencies and flaws, but i love them all the same. i love the drafts that i read over once and posted and i also love the drafts that i poured blood, sweat, and tears into. neither of them are more special to me because they were all born from a simple idea.
to look back on what you wrote and going 'i can do this better now' is beautiful, no? i love the end product for what i learnt on the way.
i know me giving this advice is kinda hypocritical because you'll find me going 'i hate this' in the tags, and you can choose to believe me or not, but i adore all of my stories the same. some of them i just hate that i couldn't give them the attention and love that they deserved, which shows through in the end quality. not that you guys seem to care, it's all in my head sometimes lMFAO.
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# FIVE - KEEP THE POV CONSISTENT: now we are getting to the tips that i've been learning myself recently. how funny is it that i learnt this whilst reading from a writer that i so admire?
whilst reading a long fic, i noticed that the flow is satisfying because there was no swap of perspectives. the character was in the focus the whole time and the reader was the reactor, the catalyst being the character's actions and internal dialogue. on the other hand, the reader's thoughts and feelings being in the spotlight can also be significant.
i had always known that keeping the pov consistent would influence your writing, but i never knew how much.
which pov you might want to choose is all intuitive. writing is intuitive- every other tip that i have revealed is all intuitive and i'll cover more of this later. more importantly right now, which perspective you want to execute is all on you, and no one else. if you know your character, your storyline, and your skills, you will simply know how the story shall go. it is just as powerful to write it from reader's pov as it is the character's because it comes from your knowledge and authority as the writer!
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# SIX - LEAVE THE COMFORT ZONE: this kind of returns to tip four. sometimes the only way to evolve is to do something we are bad at and that advice applies to writing too. writing is a path set by previous writers but it is not one that we have to follow all the time, why take a shortcut when the long way is prettier, and more rewarding? your journey of improvement is dependent on what you realise and give yourself opportunities to improve in.
for example, recently i have been trying to improve the depth of my descriptions and- don't laugh, but the way i've been doing so is as followed:
i input myself into the scenario, i empathise with the characters within the scene and i describe it. maybe it's emotional and the character can't look you in the eye because they don't have the heart to, not when their chest is filled with a smoke that is so unbearable that all they can focus on is not turning to ashes. maybe it's a happy scene and all you can look at is the character. maybe it's confronting, and the only thing you can think about is defending yourself against their clenched fists that will never actually hurt you, but you know damn well can break your walls in one swing. leave the comfort zone, write new au's and new dialogue pieces, write new metaphors and similes and use rhyme, listing, repetition- just try something new every time and let it be meaningful to the story.
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# SEVEN - GIVE YOURSELF TIME. like the growth of your muscles or the mobility of your limbs, or the way your hands flow along the canvas or keyboard, writing is a skill that can only be improved with time. fanfic writing is intuitive and completely reliant on your own tastes.
i can sit here, speak for ages about writing, but the only way you can learn is to do. i have people who see what i do and praise me for being one of their favourite writers, and as honoured as i am every time, i am merely born from the six years i have put into this craft, as well as the hours i put into writing and planning what they see. if you could see the behind the scenes, you would go 'what the fuck am i looking at' LMFAOO.
when i write and then i reread and i know what it is missing, but i cannot speak about this like it is easy, like i have not spent the past few years of my life consistently writing for various characters and growing along the way. to be fair, you don't need to take six years to get good at writing, it can be a very smooth process! i don't think i was the brightest cookie at 12 ngl but i took my characters and rewrote them into different scenarios and here i am today, at 18 and (marginally) better.
as long as the urge is there, worship it, take the step and write. then post, if that is a step you want to partake in. simple as that :)
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that's all for now! sorry this is so long, now that you've reached the end, i just wanted to say that i have no authority over what you produce and how you do it. these are simply just things i've learned along the way and i hope they can provide you some sort of revelation.
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mellointheory · 2 years
Writing Tips: Descriptions
Okay I've been asked for this, so here's all my advice on writing descriptions in scenes.
Number one, what you always want to remember, is that they shouldn't interrupt the flow of the scene. There's always going to be like, an action or specific tone that a scene has, and you should match your descriptions to it. You don't have to rattle off a list before we even set the scene, we can fill in the details as we read.
For example, if someone walks into a room, you don't have to immediately describe everything in the room in great detail--we follow the POV character, and of course they won't notice everything immediately. You can have someone enter a room and notice there's tv and a couch and the cat. You can say the color of the couch or the patterns of the cat when the character first starts to interact with those things: when they sit down on the couch or pet the cat. Example:
Dylan walks into the sitting room. There are two black satin couches and a dark red rug, with a tortoiseshell cat curled comfortably on it in.
Dylan walks into the sitting room and is immediately greeted by the meowing of a tortoiseshell cat. It pads over to wind around his legs and he sits down on one of the couches before he concedes to reach down and pet it. It hops up beside him and kneads its paws on the black satin fabric of the couches.
When action is the focus of the scene, keep descriptions short and focused on what is happening. If someone is having a moment of quiet thought or introspection, then you can spend more time talking about the things around them because it lends a sense of thoughtfulness to the scene. You can stretch out the details of something someone is focusing on through the entire scene. You don't have to describe the view from a skyscraper until someone stands at the edge and has an introspective moment, you don't have to mention a character has fangs until they smile, you don't have to say the way someone's eyes change colors until they step back into the light.
Number two, use your thesaurus. Sometimes overusing descriptive language can make something less interesting (control + F to see if you're using a word too much in a scene or in a fic in general), but we can easily skip that by just pulling out our thesaurus at all times. Also, if you're trying to emphasize a specific part of someone's nature, you can do so by restating it multiple times with different words. Example:
For a brief time he too felt the need, the want, the panicked search for anything and everything that would fill his senses.
I basically said the same thing over and over, yes, but I used different language each time and expounded upon it the third time. I do tend towards more flowery or fancy descriptions, so this could be a matter of personal preference, but I often will point out specific details about a character over and over throughout the course of a story, just using different words each time.
Honestly, my biggest tip is to write description through the lense of the viewpoint character. If your POV character is afraid, then focus on the knife in the hand of their enemy. If they're fascinated, then discuss the details that catch their attention. If they're zoned out, eschew most description in favor of the things they're thinking or feeling.
Feel free to add on to this or ask me any questions you have, and happy writing!
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sugaroto · 4 months
There's a lot I wanna say about uni and how I feel about the whole shit, but imma start by one thing for now
I'm gonna take it from the begging
The first 2 days I was hanging out with a group of girls that were... too straight-girly for my liking and toxic
And when I say straight girly I don't mean "I like pink" or shit focus on the TOXIC part
*girl leaves*
Toxic *literally 2 seconds later* she's a weirdo isn't she? You agree with me don't you?
*next day* Let's keep her around she's fun. The *[name_of_her_hometown]* gurl. Omg
(She literally called her the "Το [μερος] γκερλ" [μέρος] as in where that girl was from)
Example 2
"I can't have guys friends, they ALWAYS end up hitting on me and ruining the friendship, I only want gay queens for bffs"
Those 2 examples are actually of the same toxic girl
Oh also she's independent since 14 and has been smoking since then #cool #not like the others girls or something
Now, to be honest that group had a bunch of people, mostly girls, she was the most annoying,
I ended up keeping in touch with one girl from that group who we're gonna call Keila (used random name generator) who was actually cool
Before uni started we also met Floretta who I really liked cause she watches the same shows like me, like anime or good omens etc that kind of stuff, oh and also books like 6 of crows, she also knew what all for the game was and wanted to read it
In class we met Jessi... and I'm not sure how to describe her
And Beatrix who I don't remember when she appeared but she seemed nice and have become real close with Floretta
I am giving a description of these girls, cause supposedly that was the group of friends I made
Now, an ironic thing, one of the first days I was out with Floretta, Jessi and Beatrix (I think Keila was out of town or something) one of them asked if we knew that trend "where people bring food of different colors to a house gathering"
And I replied that "Oh my friends actually did that last year but I wasn't invited"
Jessi said "I would have not let that slide! The audacity" and stuff, in which I kind of tried to justify my school friends, bc if we're being honest I was mostly hanging out with other people at the time, and I was not this close with the girl that the party was at her house
And they said stuff like "We'll involve you now, in the stuff we'll do and all"
Guess what they did
Guess who was the only person they did not invite in shit they did
Well, we did do stuff at first, we had a sleepover at someone's house, we went to the cinema together... that I think
We sat together in class and all, and I could see that some of them were closer with each other than I was but I still thought we were a friend group
We didn't really hang out much lately, and too be honest the last... 8? Weeks I hadn't left the house on the weekends, daily I would go to uni for class and the canteen to eat with them but on the weekends I would stay inside the house for the whole 2 days... which was probably kind of lonely
Oh btw, there was a group chat, but nobody sent anything, they stopped texting right after a few days, and too be honest there were 2 other girls in the gc who found other friends and we stopped talking so I kinda expected someone would make a gc of the supposedly friend group we had
Anyways the other week, one of our classes got canceled, I stayed in and the next day Keila was describing to a girl from class what happened last night at Floretta's home on a sleepover and how Jessi got drunk and Beatrix slept etc
So I'm realizing they all had a sleepover and didn't tell me, but I'm not the kind of person that would make a big deal out of it even if I felt bad or something. I guess it was a last minute thing cause class was canceled (?) And didn't tell me cause I live in a different town 5 minutes away
Later that day Keila was telling Beatrix something like "I sent her(Jessi) *something something* on the group chat"
So I realize there's a group chat I'm not a part of
btw that was on a Friday, oh also that day, I asked Keila which bus I should take if I wanted to go to jumbo
Later on Monday, I had a morning class which I only share with Jessi, we didn't really talk. And I took the bus to go to town and 2 hours later I saw all of them across the street
Turns out they were waiting for the same bus I was waiting to go to jumbo, (I was on the wrong side of the street) but I ended up talking with Floretta outside the bus while she was looking for her ticket like "hello" "Oh hi... what are you doing here?" "I'm going to jumbo" "oh cool us too"
And since we had the same destination we ended up going together, since we're also friends
And honestly I'm a little mad cause like Keila knew I wanted to go to jumbo, and Jessi saw me that morning, but no one told me hey why don't we all go together, but the 4 of them went
And I did feel like an outsider and had my own basket while they had their own, I didn't feel like putting anything I wanted into their shared basket since I wasn't in the plan
Does this even make sense its 3am
Anyways Floretta was also buying candles and balloons and decorations, and when we were in the elevator she told me "Oh by the way I may do something for my birthday on Sunday if you want to come" Μπορεί, Κυριακή, αν θέλεις, are not enough information to invite someone in your birthday
Especially when you pick out the decoration like "but girls, I don't want to celebrate it" and then go "μπορεί" may means you're still thinking about whether or not you do something about your birthday, also I don't know when and where, do I just show up at her house at 7am on Sunday? No?
I've gone uninvited to 2 birthday parties as a kid I'm not doing it again if you want to invite me do it properly
She obviously told me cause I was with her when she was buying everything, but wouldn't she end up informing her guests about the time and all when she decides what she does? She didn't text me anything or told me anything about it the rest of the week
So on the weekend, I saw two birthday stories, one from Keila on Saturday and one from Floretta on Sunday, I already explained Floretta
Keila, tried explaining herself to me when I saw her on Monday
Which personally... I find ... stupid?
That's what she told me: "I want you to know the reason I didn't invite you was because I wanted to do something small with only the people from [town] cause they live close, and I didn't want anyone to sleep over, cause my dad died, and my dad died I can't be doing parties. Shame" all in one breath. 9am I didn't not have the energy.
And GIRL. Seriously when you try to excuse it like that it sounds stupid. 1) I live literally 5 minutes away with the bus, the taxi costs 4€(considering in my island it costs 27€ I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT SPENDING 4€ ON A TAXI) 2)If she told me "come to my birthday" I would not have brought my pajamas with me, I would have left with a taxi, I do not know why she assumed I would sleep there without her wanting me to sleep there
3)... I know what grieving is. I assumed she didn't invite me bc she wanted to do something small due to her father dying.
(Considering I am the only one she didn't invite, I don't know what huge difference I make but anyways)
Also. I don't know how to explain it but I feel it ridiculous that she tried to explain this to me. I stopped inviting people at my house after my uncle died.
And don't tell me anything like "but that's her father it's just your uncle" or some shit because of what I know it seems I had a much better relationship with my uncle than she did with her father
I know no matter what of person he used to be, she still lost him and will grieve him, but ... explaining those reasons to me?
I used to have a group of 11 people coming to my house almost biweekly and then I just stopped. It took me a long while to actually invite people over again cause I have forgotten how to do so, and the people that came were 2 really close friends. Only after a year did I ended up inviting over my bsf and 2 classmates(3 whole people) for board games
I know what grieving is.
And I know people can grieve in different ways
...but when you word it like that it just sounds like an excuse....
I assumed she didn't invite me bc of it but the whole paragraph? "Only from the town, no sleepover, dead father"
Honestly I had similar experiences when I was 12 and I have hated those kind of excuses since then. You did not invite me. For whatever reason. Okay. Making an excuse is worse. I don't care
And like as I said, I had assumed the grieving part was why and I was not planning to fight her about it. Her paragraph just makes me mad
I'm tired it's 3.30 am
I have a few more things I'll say tomorrow
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A Study of Good Omens and Taylor Swift Lyrics
AKA: These are the songs/lyrics from Taylor Swift songs that I connect to Good Omens (in honors of 1989 (Taylor’s Version))!!
1. YOU ARE IN LOVE (1989)
Hands down my favorite Taylor Swift song EVER.
Here are some lyrics that I think fits the Ineffable Spouses:
One look, dark room
Meant just for you
I mean…Aziphale and Crowley having to communicate through glances and touch because they can never really say they truly mean through the ages?
Time moved too fast
You play it back
Crowley literally STOPPING TIME because Aziraphale threatens to stop speaking to him!!! Simp behavior!!
You're my best friend
And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
And why I've spent my whole life tryin' to put it into words
To me, it makes sense that they wouldn’t really have a good grasp of individual love quite yet at the beginning. Angels like Aziraphale are obligated to love ALL of God’s creation, but that’s a very distant kind of love. Crowley, a demon, whose very job description details that pure love is something he cannot feel.
But as they spend more time around humans, they finally realize the quiet companionship they feel around each other is LOVE. They find love in each other, in the simple pleasures of the human world around them.
(Am I reading into this too much?? Who knows! I’m having fun, I hope you’re having fun, let’s continue)
2. Dancing With Our Hands Tied (Reputation)
I loved you in secret
Deep blue, but you painted me golden
I think this line relates to both of them, especially recalling the Job minisode in S2E2. They were both lonely, both struggling with their faith in their respective sides but found common ground and a sense of belonging with each other!!!
I loved you in spite of
Deep fears that the world would divide us
I think this is self-explanatory again but it just needed to be said, such a good lyric.
Yeah, we were dancing
And I had a bad feeling
But we were dancing
This lyric reminds me of their Arrangement. I see a lot of people on here describing the rituals that Aziraphale and Crowley form over the years as an intricate “dance” around one another and I wholeheartedly agree.
Even though they don’t really think of each other as “hereditary enemies” (case in point: “foul fiend! After you,” from Season 1, Aziraphale stopping mid-smiting in S2E2 when he recognizes Crowley, “I trust you,” in S2E4, the Arrangement, etc…) they still dance the same lines of arguing that they are on different sides and therefore inherently different because their hands were tied (metaphorically) by their respective loyalty to Heaven or Hell.
3. Wildest Dreams (1989)
This song feels to me like it’s from Aziraphale’s point of view, if we were to relate it to the Husbands.
Exhibit A:
I thought Heaven can't help me now
Nothing lasts forever
Yeah…sounds familiar?
He's so tall and handsome as hell
I just think that this is how Aziraphale would pine over Crowley in his mind, it’s very…Austen, he would write this in his diary with a glitter pen.
I said, "No one has to know what we do"
Did someone say the Arrangement? Unlikely alliance??? Perchance.
4. Peace (folklore)
If Wildest Dreams is Aziraphale’s pining moment, then Peace is Crowley’s.
All these people think love's for show
But I would die for you in secret
Angels in heaven has no concept of love, they believe Crowley wholeheartedly when he says “you have to wait a few days and see,” and even Crowley himself thinks that love is equivalent to sheltering under the rain and sharing one sweet, perfect kiss.
But that’s not why we, the watchers, recognize that Crowley loves Aziraphale, we see that when he walks through consecrated ground and saves Aziraphale’s book!! Crowley cares!! He would do anything to make sure Aziraphale’s safe!! And that’s love!!
The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me
5. Right Where You Left Me (evermore)
Season 2, Episode 6. Yeah.
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