#lmao could you imagine
ariesbilly · 1 year
Steve trying to include Barb just to get Nancy over to fuck her got Barb killed
Billy going to fuck Karen got him killed
Moral of the story is if they simply had gay sex no one would’ve died also don’t fuck wheelers they are cursed and it’s because of their allegiance to Ronald Reagan and stranger things is actually an anti republican narrative I’ve connected the dots
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i bet the world would be so beautiful if i didn't hate myself
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itstimeforstarwars · 1 month
In an exciting limbo called "I'm posting a chapter as soon as I can get this fucking computer to work long enough to post."
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nothisislyra · 2 months
i post about being a failgirl all the time but actually i'm so pretty and funny and people like to talk to me and i'm an important part of people's lives and y'all are wrong for not assuming that was the case
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intoapuddle · 2 years
I'm suffering from a lot of anxiety right now. What would really help me is dan releasing a butt pic so I could focus on that chaos instead.
Hey, Dan, since you're a mental health advocate---
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ruffled-serpent · 1 year
Now announcing flight rising...2!
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ouijafrank · 2 years
frank, put pencey prep on the setlist
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lisanamjoon · 9 months
waiting for one of these ghost hunter youtubers to capture grave encounters type of footage
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shrublike · 2 years
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u can’t touch this🧂
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moonyswarmsweaters · 1 month
Obsessed with the idea of Slytherin Skittles true crime podcast that is just them reading over real crimes and pointing out each of the criminal’s mistakes.
once, someone repeatedly sent them hate comments saying they could never do better causing Batshit Barty and the gang to go “Bet”
A week later, A newly freed child abuser who didn’t serve his time was found dead with the exact same MO they said in the latest episode of the podcast with none of the mistakes they pointed out. No one could prove they did it yet everyone knew.
The podcast continued as usual.
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pineappical · 10 months
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one of my absolute favorite friendships in the show is Ted and Keeley and i am sooo bummed out that we barely got more scenes with them... 🥺
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caelanglang · 1 year
itadakimasu . gochisousamadesu .
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itstimeforstarwars · 11 months
When tumblr fails and shuts down I'm not joining any discords or anything so y'all are just gonna have to relearn how to use ffnet forums with me.
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
the city I live in had to take down a big old tree on public property down the street from where I live but before they did it they stapled a sign to it giving the reason (tree was dead and rotting and was a threat to the road and power lines) and then included contact info for objections to removing it to be brought before the city and idk I know it’s not much but I just think that’s….nice. like a nice acknowledgment that people have connections to plants and particularly big old trees around where they live and should at least be able to be like Please Do Not Cut Down This Big Old Tree For A Parking Lot Or Something. their reasoning for this one was super valid and they did indeed remove the tree earlier this week but quite frankly I was just like. surprised to (at least in theory) be able to have a say in it at all lmao
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lightseoul · 1 year
cw. gn!reader, reader has boobs, established relationship w/ bakugou, implied nsfw
a/n. got the idea from an ig reel by user @michaell_anthonyy (i searched SO far for the specific clip but they have so many reels i couldnt find it anymore ):
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“I saw that.”
An incredulous noise erupts from the man slouched on the sofa beside you. “Hah?”
You lift your hand to poke at his side, which he swats away, annoyed. Though you know better than to think he actually is.
Embarrassed is more likely.
Deciding against poking fun at him (literally), you lean back on your end of the couch, a knowing smirk etched on your face.
“You just looked at my boobs.”
At that, Bakugou splutters.
“I did not.”
You try to reign in the guffaw that is threatening to burst from you, but fail. He only seems to redden even further at the sound.
“I’m pretty sure I saw you clearly, Kats.”
He makes a guttural noise in response, and you can practically hear the gears turning in his head, face and neck still rosy, before a smug look spreads across his features.
“Yeah?” he starts, sitting up before slowly invading your space, crawling on top of you until you’re forced to lie on the cushion with your head trapped between his muscled forearms.
You stare up at him, nervous.
That sardonic grin of his is still there when he adjusts the right strap of your low-cut top, the split–second of skin-to-skin contact sending shivers down your spine.
You try not to let it show, but he notices.
Of course he does.
His grin grows even larger, canines now peeking through. He’s even more handsome like this, you think.
He dips down closer to you, snapping you out of your reverie, until his mouth is a feather's touch away from your ear.
“Something tells me you were asking for that, princess.”
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basically the ig reel was captioned: 'when i catch my BF looking down my low cut shirt knowing full well that's why i wore it' with a vid of him lit rally just looking down his gf's shirt lol
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tagging. @katsukis1wife @rinalou @loverboyrin @brunnetteiwik
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kazanskys-mitchell · 8 months
when i first watched top gun i thought ice was a pretentious asshole and then i matured and realized that he’s a pretentious asshole with a fat crush on mav
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