#logan and violet are behaving
bearlytolerant · 2 months
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Made the twins in sims today.
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dinosaurs-last-day · 3 years
Of Witches and Long Lost Families
This is my gift for @because-were-fam-ily for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange 2020!
Their prompt that I used was magic au, and I also added an nonbinary character since another one of their prompts was nonbinary coming out. 
Relationships: platonic dukeceit, eventual romantic intrulogical, familial dukexiety and familial ancxeit. 
word count: 5004
warnings: ask to tag
Witches, demons, angels, elves, fairies. All considered mythical creatures to humans, all very real. Most of them live in hiding, unwilling to prove their existence to the non-magical humans, sometimes even fearful of what people would do if they found out the truth. 
Janus was one of these magical beings, they were a witch. Like many magical and mythical beings, they preferred to avoid humans, opting to live in the woods that were deemed “haunted.” Because so many magical beings lived in those woods, humans tended to stay away, which led to it being a magical paradise. 
Janus lived by themself, spending most of their time perfecting potions and magical spells. When they weren’t working, they were often with their best friend, Remus. 
Remus was a demon, a cruel and vulgar species. Remus didn’t live in the forest, he chose to live in the pits of hell, which suited him just fine. Everything about Remus was crazy, from his wild sense of clothing (billowing black shirts with tight leather pants) to his wild purple makeup and dark green demon horns. Remus’ favorite pastime was coming up from Hell to terrorize humans in the village closest to the forest. 
Janus was almost the exact opposite. They were calm and careful, full of grace and poise. Janus dressed with elegance, wearing long cloaks and flowing skirts that were practical but still had that dramatic flair that Janus was known for. They wore satin yellow gloves, which served no practical purpose, the gloves were purely because Janus liked them. 
Together, the two friends were a force to behold. Remus’ chaotic whimsy and Janus’ calculated cunning worked together better than most people would expect. Most of the time, their schemes were directed at humans who had wandered into the forest or offended the magic folk. Janus insisted on using their powers for protective purposes only, but Remus was known to convince them on pulling a cruel prank every once and awhile. If the two weren’t terrorizing humans, they were probably terrorizing Remus’ rival and brother, the angel Roman. 
On the particular morning our story starts, Remus had crawled up from Hell, bored and hoping that Janus could entertain him somehow. He wanted to go and trick his brother or his brother’s friend, but Janus insisted that he was too busy working to go do any of Remus’ crazy ideas. So Remus just sat around Janus’ cabin, moping, complaining and summoning hellhounds to keep him entertained. 
“Janny! Why must you insist on being so serious! We’re occult beings damn it! If we want to have a little fun, we should be allowed to have fun!” Remus draped himself across Janus’ couch dramatically, trying to tear Janus away from their work. Janus rolled their eyes and continued to stir the bubbling brew in their cauldron. 
“I’m sorry Remus, but I am working. I have to get this potion ready for Logan.” 
Remus perked up. “Logan the elf?” Janus nodded. It was common knowledge that Remus was romantically interested in the elven man for a long time. Logan himself was the only one who seemed unaware, but he wasn’t known for being the best at reading social cues. He was the most socially awkward elf that Janus had ever seen, which was saying something since elves were known for being an incredibly social race. 
“Are you delivering the potion today?” Remus asked. Janus nodded once again. 
“You can tag along if you promise to behave,” Janus told their friend. Remus agreed wholeheartedly that as long as they were going to visit Logan, he would stay out of trouble, specifically, he would refrain from terrorizing Roman. 
“Well then let’s go!” Remus was ready to bounce out the door but Janus held him back, reminding him that they had to wait for the potion to be done first. Remus sighed and flopped down on Janus’ couch, waiting impatiently as he summoned another hellhound and began to play with the giant demon dog. 
“It’s done,” Janus called, watching as Remus zoomed towards the door and out into the open air. Janus laughed and followed their friend outside, smiling as the sun peeked through the trees. 
“Let us be off!” Remus cried dramatically, leading the way. The two headed through the woods towards the more populated area, where Logan lived. They were still a ways away from the town when they heard a rustling in the bushes.
Janus stopped to listen, expecting some sort of rabbit or little fairy to pop out of the brush, but nothing appeared. Remus was starting to get bored, so he began to pull Janus down along the path. 
The moment Janus’ back was turned towards the bush, more rustling came and out appeared a young teenager. He was tall and skinny, his vivid violet eyes hidden by the hood he wore over his head. The boy froze when he saw Janus and Remus. 
Remus was the first to move, diving for the boy. The boy screamed and held out his hands to keep Remus from flying straight into him. 
“Remus no!” Janus yelled. Remus stopped mid flight, suspended in the air as he stared at Janus. The boy went to run away but Janus muttered a spell to immobilize the boy. The boy struggled against the magic for a moment before seeming to give up. Janus walked forward, motioning for Remus to come and stand on the ground. 
“What are you doing in the forest, dear boy?” Janus asked, standing in front of the boy. The teenager’s skin was a tan color, partly from being out in the sun and partly because of its natural shade. 
“I was running away,” the boy said through gritted teeth. He was glaring at the two mythical beings in front of him, shifting his eyes between the two, unsure of who was the bigger threat. 
“Janny, I wanna feed him to my hellhound!” Remus whined, tugging at the witch’s arm. 
Janus shook their head. “No, we’re not killing him.” Both Remus and the boy seemed shocked. 
“Why aren’t you going to kill me?” The boy asked. “Not that I don’t appreciate it or anything, but he’s a demon,” his glance flicked over to Remus for a moment before returning to Janus. “And I’m assuming you’re a witch. And I’m in your forest.” 
“Correct, Remus here is a demon, an annoying one too. And yes, I am a witch. My name is Janus. 
“Now, as for why we aren’t going to kill you, even though you are in our forest. I guess you spark my curiosity. You said that you were running away, why?” 
The boy looked at the ground for a moment, seeming to consider if he should tell his captors.
“Be honest now, or I’ll let Remus do as he pleases with you. I won’t stop him if he tries to feed you to his army of hellhounds.” Remus clapped his hand in excitement. The boy gulped and looked up.
“I hated it there, the village I mean. I don’t have a family and basically the only reason they kept me around was for working. I don’t know where I’m going, just not there.” 
Janus thought for a moment. 
“What’s your name kid?” The boy seemed surprised that Janus had even cared to ask, but Janus just stared at him. 
“Um, it’s Virgil.” 
“Well Virgil, if you don’t know where you’re going, how do you feel about becoming a witch? Having an apprentice would be nice, an extra set of hands and commany for when Remus is too busy terrorizing someone.” 
Remus gasped from behind Janus, but they focused on Virgil, waiting for a response. Virgil gulped and nodded.
"I'll become your apprentice. Anything to not be fed to a demon's pet dog." Remus growled, but Janus ignored him. With a few words in an ancient language, Virgil was released from the spell and collapsed to the ground.
"Remus, I'd like you to make the delivery for me. I'll be walking Virgil back to my cabin. We can't have anyone else see a human in our forest." Janus commanded, handing Remus the potion. “And please don’t make Logan uncomfortable, he is a valued customer.” 
“Fine, but only because you asked so politely,” Remus said, running down the path, glass vial in hand. Janus sighed, they knew that it was highly unlikely that Remus would actually respect Logan’s boundaries, that’s just how Remus was. 
They turned back to the teen who was still sitting on the ground. Virgil was staring up at Janus, his face expressionless. 
“Why did you save me?” He asked.
“I have no idea what you are talking about. Now follow me.” Janus headed back towards their cabin, allowing Virgil to follow just a few steps behind him.
“You offered me the option to live. I’m human, why would you do that?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“You don’t know?”
“No, I don’t know. Something about you draws me in, interests me. But I’ve yet to put my finger on what that something is. I intend to find out though.” 
“So I’m some sort of experiment?” 
“If you insist on looking at it that way, then sure. But I think of it as an assistant with an interesting past that I intend to find out. Why do you keep asking, would you prefer death? It can be arranged.” 
Virgil stopped in his tracks. “No, I prefer this.” Janus turned around, facing the boy. 
“Then follow me and stop asking so many silly questions. Questions are for learning.” They turned back around and listened to the sound of Virgil’s feet hitting the dirt path as the boy followed along.
They approached Janus’ cabin, Virgil silently taking in the entire forest. When the two walked through the front door, Janus allowed Virgil to walk around and look at everything. They noticed how Virgil seemed to hang around the storage closet where Janus kept most of their potion ingredients. Virgil was inspecting the different labels, sometimes silently mouthing the names of the different herbs. 
Remus came storming into the building right as Virgil was settling down on the couch next to Janus. 
“I’m back!” He yelled in a sing-song voice. “Did ya miss me? How’s our new friend doing?” 
Janus looked to Virgil, who seemed surprised that he was expected to answer.
“Um, I’m doing fine I guess. As fine as a dude can be in this situation.” 
“You going to lay down some ground rules for him, Janny? So if he breaks them, I can feed him to my hellhounds?” Virgil visibly paled at the mention of the demon’s dogs, but neither of the adults paid him any attention.
“Yes, ground rules. First of all, don’t touch anything without permission. We don’t want you to accidentally cause an explosion. Second of all, you can’t leave my property without one of us, that’s for your safety. My garden is open to you whenever you want but outside my fence, if we aren’t there, we can’t protect you from any magical being you stumble across. And lastly, if I happen to have a customer over, it’s probably best that you stay upstairs. Again, this is for your own safety.” Virgil seemed to relax when he realized that the rules weren’t as bad as he originally thought. Remus pouted a little, realizing that he couldn’t actually feed the teenager to the hellhounds with these rules, but he knew better than to argue with Janus. 
“So I’m not a prisoner?” Virgil asked. 
Janus shook their head. “We’ve already discussed this, you are an assistant. And I’d like to make it clear that if you decide that magic isn’t your thing, you’re free to leave, go wherever you want. But I will not protect you.” 
“If you want to leave Jan’s boring potion making lessons, feel free to join me,” Remus said, sliding next to Virgil. Virgil laughed awkwardly.
“Join you?” 
“Gimme your soul and you’ll have everything that I have! Become a demon! It’s lots of fun, I promise.” 
“No trying to convert my assistant Remus. I doubt the boy is ready to give up his soul just yet.” 
“Yeah, I think I’ll keep my soul for now. I kind of like it.” 
Janus showed Virgil to the room that he would be staying in and told him that they would begin his lessons in witchcraft first thing in the morning. Right now, Virgil needed sleep. Janus insisted that it had been a very busy afternoon and that practicing magic while not being fully rested was a dangerous game. 
The next few weeks went by in a blur to Janus. What stood out to them about living with Virgil was how easily the teen picked up magic. It was like a second nature to him, Janus couldn’t help but wonder if Virgil actually had some mythical ancestry in his past that maybe, he didn’t know about. 
Virgil seemed to enjoy learning magic too, he was constantly asking questions about whatever Janus was working on and reading some of Janus’ old spell books in his free time. Remus wouldn’t stop bothering him about selling his soul, but now it was more of a joke, the subject didn’t bother Virgil as much.
And Virgil was really good at following Janus’ rules. He never went past the gates, which he claimed the very idea of heading out alone made him extremely anxious, and he always stayed in his room when there was a visitor, who was usually Logan. Virgil did spend a lot of time in the garden, choosing to read in the sun and warmth of the forest. 
One day, while Virgil was off somewhere reading and Janus was busy finishing a potion for Patton the fae, Remus slammed open the door.
“I’m home!” Janus rolled their eyes, used to the demon’s antics. “I brought company!” Remus dragged another person into the cabin. Janus immediately stood up.
“Logan! Hello. Did you come with another potion order?” 
Logan, the elf that Remus had been crushing on, was a very serious and simple person. He tended to stick to simple, practical clothes. A fitted navy blue tunic with pants and a half cape that didn’t get in his way. He wore glasses that matched his simple style. Even his accent, a traditional elven dialect, was crisp and simple. 
“I’m afraid not Janus. You see, I came here upon Remus’ request.” Janus turned and raised an eyebrow at Remus, who was bouncing up and down on his toes. 
“I convinced him to date me!” Remus said, holding onto Logan’s hands. 
Janus turned to Logan. “Blink twice if he threatened you into this.” Logan shook his head.
“There was no such threatening. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we’ve been spending more time around each other and I do not find Remus unbearable as others do. Quite the opposite actually, I find him quite enjoyable. He has a lot of interesting things to say and knows many things about topics I’ve never looked into.”
“You hear that, Janny? I have a boyfriend! I can’t wait for us to do things together! We can go on adventures together, create cool things, teach Virgil how to-” Remus cut himself off, realizing his mistake too late.
“Virgil?” Logan asked. “Who is Virgil?” 
“Virgil is no one, Remus is just being silly,” Janus lied, hoping that Logan would believe them. 
“I heard my name, is everything okay?” Virgil said, walking in from the garden, carrying an old spell book. He froze in his tracks when he saw Logan. Janus could see the anxiety rise up inside Virgil, knew that Virgil would probably have a panic attack any second now if this situation wasn’t taken care of immediately. But they didn’t know what to do. 
“Are you a human?” Logan asked, stepping forward. Virgil immediately took two steps backward, remaining silent. Logan didn’t seem to realize how scared Virgil was, continuing to walk towards him, backing Virgil into a wall as he examined the boy. “Goodness, you are human. How interesting.” 
Remus was the first one to truly react. “That’s actually one of my little demons in training! Not a human at all!” Remus had always been the worst liar that Janus had ever seen. 
“No, this boy is human, and quite an interesting one at that,” Logan mused, continuing to study Virgil. He noticed the book that Virgil was clutching to his chest.
“Can you read that? Understand it?” He asked. Unsure of what to do, Virgil nodded. His breathing was becoming rapid. 
“Fascinating. Can you brew potions, perform simple spells?” Another nod. Janus moved, slipping in between Logan and Virgil, motioning for Virgil to go outside. The teen obeyed immediately, sitting in the grass, out of sight of Logan. He focused on steadying his breathing. Janus would take care of this. 
“You can’t tell anyone he’s here. You know what some of them would do if they found out,” Janus pleaded.
“Don’t be ridiculous, he has just as much a right to live in this forest, just like every other mythical creature here.” 
Janus raised an eyebrow as the three adults moved to the couch. “What do you mean?” 
“Don’t you think it’s funny that a human boy can perform magic? And did you see what he was reading, those weren’t simple spells that he was studying. I think it’s more than safe to say he has witches’ blood. How ever did you find him?” 
Janus and Remus worked together to tell the story of how they found Virgil and brought him back to the cabin. Logan listened in rapt attention and thought a few minutes after they had finished telling the story.
“Did you ever figure out what drew you to him?” Logan finally asked Janus.
“No. For all I know, it was just chance,” they said. 
“I want to do some research back at my library, but I’m almost 100% sure that boy has witch’s blood in his veins. That would explain everything. Why he was drawn to this forest, why you decided to help him, why he’s so good at magic. I’m sure if you asked him, that would even explain why he decided to leave his home.” 
"So, Virgil can stay?" Remus asked. Logan nodded and Remus immediately moved so that he was sitting next to his boyfriend, as if he had kept space between them in case Logan said that Virgil had to leave. 
Logan left, insisting that he had to start immediately on his research into Virgil’s family history, leaving Janus and Remus alone. The moment that they were sure that Logan was gone, Janus ran into the garden, followed by Remus. 
The two adults found Virgil under a tree, tearing at the grass as if that would calm him down. He looked up when he heard them running towards him. Janus could still see panic in the teenager’s eyes. 
“I’m going to have to leave, aren’t I?” The sentence was like being stabbed through the heart with a sharp sword, Janus felt so much pain over it. Remus practically threw himself on the ground, pulling Virgil into a hug and holding him close. Janus joined the hug, keeping his own sobs at bay.
“You aren’t going to leave,” Remus said. Out of all of them, Remus was definitely the calmest in the moment, which was very strange. But Janus couldn’t focus on it at the moment. “If Janus tries to kick you out, I’ll feed them to my hellhounds and you’ll come with me.” 
“Of course I’m not going to kick you out or make you leave. If you want to stay, then I’d be more than happy to let you. You’re family by now.” Janus reached over and wiped a tear off of Virgil’s cheek. Virgil sniffled, trying to pull himself together. 
“But what about that elf?” Virgil asked between sniffles. “Won’t he try to get rid of me?” 
“Logan? He would never.” Remus looked slightly offended on his boyfriend’s behalf, but only slightly. 
Janus smiled. “He thinks that you’re like me. He thinks that you’re actually a witch.” 
Virgil’s jaw dropped a few inches. “But I’m human!”
“Virgil, do you know anything about your family? You never talk about them.” Janus knew that Virgil’s answer to this question could tell them more than all of Logan’s research put together.
Virgil shook his head solemnly. “I don’t know.” 
“Then I think it’s safe to say that the odds that one of your ancestors was a witch is very possible. Virgil, you’re the best student I’ve ever seen. You pick up concepts and skills quicker than anyone I know.”
“So I’m a witch?” Virgil looked at the spell book lying on the ground next to him with a new found appreciation.
“Quite possibly.” 
“Logan is looking into it right now,” Remus said. “He has a whole library full of books and he thinks one might contain a family tree that you should be a part of, if you aren’t already.” 
“So I can stay?” 
“Yes, of course you can stay.” 
“I’d like to see Virgil.” 
Janus looked up from their work, and made eye contact with Logan, who was standing in the front doorway. 
“Well hello to you too Logan. It’s a pleasure to see you in my house.” 
“This is important. I want to speak to Virgil. I think I may have found his family.” 
Janus dropped what they were doing, and immediately walked over to Logan. 
“You think so? Wow, that’s amazing.” 
“So can I see him?” Logan seemed slightly impatient, not unusual to him. Logan liked to know things, and not knowing things made him uncomfortable. Janus could tell that this was one of those moments where he didn’t know something and he expected Virgil to have the answers.
“I’m afraid that Virgil isn’t home right now. Remus took him down to hell to see the new hellhound puppies. I don’t know exactly when they’ll be back, but you’re welcome to wait here until them.” 
Logan nodded and thanked Janus before sitting down on the couch. Janus watched the elf for a minute, noting how his leg bounced in anticipation. For Logan’s sake, they hoped that Remus and Virgil would be back soon. 
The sound of two people shouting excitedly was what alerted Logan and Janus that Remus and Virgil had returned. Logan had been waiting on Janus’ couch for nearly an hour, sitting in silence with his leg bouncing. When he heard them, Logan practically leaped off the couch. 
Remus kicked the door open, floating inside. Virgil followed, excitedly explaining something to Remus, his hands waving around his head as he talked. He immediately stopped talking when he saw Logan.
“Lolo!” Remus said, throwing himself at his boyfriend. Logan kissed Remus quickly before turning back to Virgil.
“I’m sorry to spoil your conversation Virgil but do you have a moment? I’d like to talk to you, in private.” Virgil’s glance immediately shot to Janus, looking for an answer as to what was going on. Janus mouthed the word family and Virgil seemed to understand.
“Sure, yeah, would you like to walk in the garden or talk in my room?” Virgil asked Logan. Logan fidgeted with his glasses. 
“The garden is fine. This will only take a minute.” Janus and Remus watched as Logan followed Virgil out the door into the back garden. The moment that they were out of sight, Remus turned on his heels and demanded an explanation from Janus.
“Logan showed up to speak to Virgil about an hour ago,” They explained. “Said it had to do with his family. I can only hope that it's good news.” 
“Jan,” Remus sat down on the couch, his voice soft as if he was afraid to say what he was about to say. “What if Virgil finds his family? What if they’re nearby and he wants to live with them?”
Janus hadn’t even thought about this, but it made sense that Virgil would want to live with his real family, not with Janus and Remus. They sat down next to Remus, resting their head on the demon’s shoulder.
“I guess all we can do is support him. It’s his family, we don’t get to claim that title. He’ll probably still want to spend time with us.”
“And if he doesn’t? What if he prefers his new family, his real family, to us and never wants to speak to us again?” It was rare for Remus to worry about something, which indicated to Janus how much this was bugging Remus.
“Well, then we’ll just have to accept that. There’s nothing we can do.” 
They sat in silence for a minute, letting the thought of losing Virgil settle in their minds. When Virgil and Logan walked in the house, they both jumped up to greet them. Logan stood near the door in silence while Virgil walked over to the two adults.
“So, do you know who your family is?” Remus asked, hovering a few inches over Virgil. The teenager nodded. Remus sank down to the floor, leaning on Janus for support.
“Are you going to stay with them?” Janus asked softly. 
“My family was a line of powerful witches, but Logan says that nobody knows what happened to them. They don’t live in the forest anymore.” Remus stood a little straighter, hope glimmered in his eyes. 
“So that means you’re staying?” He asked. Janus tried not to smile, but he felt just as hopeful as Remus looked.
“I wouldn’t know where to start looking for my family. Besides, you guys are my real family now and I could never leave you.” Virgil wrapped his arms around both Janus and Remus, holding them close in a tight group hug. They hugged him back, both feeling full of joy and gratefulness. Remus looked up and motioned for Logan to join the hug, who agreed slightly reluctantly. The four of them were a family. An odd family, but a family nonetheless. 
“Virgil, if you don’t stir that right now, it’s going to explode!” Janus shouted, watching in horror as Virgil stood over the cauldron. Sure enough, the liquid in the pot let out a great popping noise as the room was enveloped in smoke and the two stood coughing. When the smoke cleared, the cauldron was empty, with a burnt smell coming from the bottom. 
“Sorry,” Virgil said, immediately going to clean up. He was laughing slightly at his mistake. Janus couldn’t help but smile, mistakes were rare with Virgil, he was so good at witchcraft. 
“Don’t tell Remus, he’ll be praising you for trying to kill us both and I don’t think I can live with that,” they joked, helping Virgil clean up. 
“Don’t worry. You know what Logan would say if he heard that I made such a rookie mistake? I’d never hear the end of it!” 
“Roman stopped by the other day, while you were out with Logan. He said that you and Remus were causing problems again.” Janus watched as the teen’s face turned a bright pink. Pranking with Remus had become a common pastime for the young boy, but Janus never found the heart to tell him to stop. Often, they found the silly tricks funny and couldn’t help but laugh at how Remus’ brother always reacted. Roman was quite a dramatic angel. If him and Remus got along, they would be quite a force to be reckoned with. 
“It’s not my fault! Remus was upset at something Roman said and he had the perfect revenge plan! I only used one spell and it wasn’t even that powerful!” Virgil defended himself but stopped when he saw that Janus wasn’t angry. 
“Just don’t get caught next time,” they warned Virgil. “I’ll have to tell the same thing to Remus. I swear, the two of you together are like two small children. I don’t know how Logan doesn’t go insane dating that menace.” 
“Did someone say menace?” Remus asked, popping his head through the front door. 
“Yes, we were just talking about you,” Janus said. 
“I knew it! I am the most menacing menace this forest has ever seen you know!” Remus floated into the house, followed by Logan, who was rolling his eyes at his boyfriend’s absurdity. 
“Are you all prepared for the family picnic?” Logan asked. Janus nodded, grabbing the large basket of food that they had prepared from the counter. 
“I’ll carry that!” Virgil said, grabbing the heavy basket before Janus could object. He had to adjust his hold on it a few times before he was comfortable carrying it, leading the way out the back door through the gardens. 
They set up the picnic under a large tree that was older than all of them put together. Logan took a few moments to tell Virgil about the tree’s magical properties, who listened in rapt attention. Janus would have listened, but he was busy stopping Remus from eating all the mini pies.
“You know, I’m glad I didn’t feed you to my hellhounds,” Remus told Virgil. “You’re a good kid.” 
“You could never feed me to them anyways, I’m too powerful and besides, they like me more than they like you.” Remus let out a dramatic gasp, offended. Virgil smirked, continuing to mock Remus. 
“You guys ready for lunch?” Janus asked. Everybody sat down and waited. Janus smiled at their friends gathered around on the blanket. He thought of how close they had grown, how many memories they had made. 
Janus held up a drink, indicating that they wanted to make a toast. The others followed suit. 
“To family, however strange we may be.” The others repeated the words and dug in. Once, Virgil looked up and smiled at Janus. Janus was sure that they would be speaking for everyone under that tree when they said that family was the best thing to ever happen to them. The odd, mixed family, with all of it’s magic, was probably the greatest thing in the world.
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A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
This is a request from @ringa-starr, and it is just super cute. This is a Bill Preston x Reader, and to make things even better, it’s a Cinderella AU. Putting two of my favorite things together. Gifs and characters are not mine. I hope you all enjoy this!
Description: Y/N jumps at the chance to go to the Prince’s ball, despite her stepmother’s disapproval. While she is there, she catches the eye of a certain curly haired blonde.
Warnings: none, just sweet and cute fluff
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Y/N had just finished sweeping the floor for the third time that day. She knew that it was clean, but her stepmother insisted that it wasn’t. After the passing of her mother and father, Y/N was stuck living with the most horrible women on the planet.
Her stepmother, Lady Tremaine, constantly had Y/N clean the house until it was spotless. When Lady Tremaine first married Y/N’s father, she treated Y/N as if she were her own flesh and blood. After her father’s passing however, she showed her true colors.
Y/N’s stepsisters, Drizella and Anastasia, were the same way. Any chance they could they would insult Y/N, and today was no different. While Y/N was dusting the clock by the stairway, Drizella and Anastasia came gliding down the stairs in their extravagant ball gowns. Their mother followed right behind.
“Oh, the Prince will fall in love with me for sure,” Drizella gushed as she spun around in a circle.
“No, he’s going to fall in love with me,” Anastasia retorted. The two woman started to pull at each other’s hair, and their mother had to step in.
“Come now girls,” Lady Tremaine said with a slight tilt of her head, “That is no way for ladies to behave.”
The two sisters quickly nodded their heads in agreement, but they continued to glare daggers at each other. Y/N put her duster down, and told the sisters how beautiful they looked. She only received snorts of disgust in response. Y/N then turned to her stepmother, and mustered up all the courage she had in order to speak. “May I go to the ball? I have all of my chores done. I even have my own dress! Please, can I go?”
Lady Tremaine smiled. “Of course you can go! Hurry up and change, or we will be late.”
Y/N cheered as she dashed upstairs to change into her dress. It used to belong to her mother, and while it wasn’t as extravagant as the other gowns, it was still very beautiful. The shades of magenta brought out the color of Y/N’s eyes, and she couldn’t help but feel the excitement that was growing within her. Y/N made her way back down the stairs, and she was greeted by her stepmother’s wicked gaze. “What’s wrong,” Y/N asked.
“Oh this dress will never do,” Lady Tremaine said with a shake of her head. “Girls, why don’t you help your dear sister fix her dress.”
Drizella and Anastasia both lunged at Y/N. They began to rip pieces of the dress apart, all the while making comments on how much “better” the dress looked. When they were finished, Y/N’s dress had been reduced to practically nothing.
The sisters laughed as they went back to their mothers side. Lady Tremaine looked down at Y/N with a smirk. “Did you seriously believe we would let you go to the ball?! Ha! We would be the laughing stocks of the town. Our carriage has arrived, so just stay here in the house where you belong.”
The three despicable women left the house, and Y/N let the tears fall from her eyes. She ran out the back door and into the garden. It was the one place she could go to find peace. Y/N collapsed onto the ground as sobs continued to rack her body. Suddenly, a loud crash cut through her wails and cries. She looked up, and couldn’t believe what was in front of her.
It was a phone booth. Little bolts of electric slithered down the metal sides, and the only reason why she knew it was a phone booth was the fact that it said so at the top. As for what a phone was, Y/N was completely clueless. A man wearing a long grey coat stepped out from the booth and removed his glasses. He stepped towards Y/N and handed her a handkerchief, which she gratefully accepted.
“Who are you,” Y/n questioned as she whipped her tears away with the handkerchief.
“My name is Rufus. Think of me as your fairy godmother of sorts. I’m here to help you gain entrance to the Prince’s ball.”
Rufus walked back over to the phone booth, and pulled out a small bag. He handed the bag to Y/N with a smile. “This is for you. After all, it is absolutely necessary that you and the Prince get together. This should help with that.”
Y/N reached into the bag, and pulled out a remote that had a singular button in the middle. She wasn’t sure what would happen when she pressed it, but she tried it anyways. In a flash the remote projected a shimmering sapphire dress onto Y/N. To her and everyone else, it looked real. Y/N gasped lightly at how amazing it looked on her, despite being an illusion.
“Now, this device only works for a limited amount of time. Once the clock strikes twelve, the illusion will be gone. You have to catch the Prince’s attention before then,” Rufus explained.
Y/n nodded her head. “I think I can remember that.”
Rufus then pulled another remote out of his pocket, and when he pressed the button a lavish carriage pulled by white steeds stood in front of them. “We can’t have you walking to the palace now can we,” Rufus added. Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes, but she was glad that Rufus had given her such amazing devices. After climbing into the carriage, it took off at a brisk pace. Y/N turned around and waved to Rufus, who waved back in return as he climbed into the phone booth and disappeared in a flash of light.
Y/N walked into the ballroom of the palace, and she was in awe at the amount of people that were there. They wore fancy dresses, and drank until they started to sway on their feet. She had to admit that she felt a bit out of place, but she tried to mingle as best she could.
Suddenly, the sound of a fanfare could be heard above her. Y/N looked up at the balcony above the ball room. A man with brunette hair appeared and gained the attention of the entire room. He cleared his throat and opened a piece of paper. “I, Ted Logan, introduce his most royal highness, Bill Preston.”
The crowd erupted into applause as Bill stepped out from behind a violet curtain. He waved to the crowd, and shared a friendly high five with Ted. Y/N thought that it was strange for a royal to have such a friendly relationship with his servants, but that would explain why the whole kingdom loved him. Bill left as soon as he appeared, but then he arrived on the dance floor. He looked around the room, and his eyes locked with Y/N’s.
Bill was completely mesmerized by the woman in front of him. It felt as if his heart was going to stop, and if Ted hadn’t shown up by his side, he would have been lost in his love-struck trance forever. “Why don’t you go and ask that babe to dance,” Ted suggested to Bill.
“That sounds like an excellent idea, Ted,” Bill answered as he walked towards Y/N. He radiated confidence, and the smile he sent Y/N’s way could have lit up the darkest cave. Once he was within a few feet of Y/N, he offered his hand to her. “Would you do me the honor and share this dance with me?”
All Y/N could do was nod as Bill led her onto the dance floor. She was worried that she would trip over her own feet as the tempo of the song began to speed up. However, Bill made sure that she did not fall, and Y/N became more comfortable around the Prince. They danced for what felt like hours, and Bill decided to lead Y/N outside to the gardens to get some fresh air.
“I’ve been most rude to you. I have spent the whole evening with you, and I haven’t even asked for your name,” Bill confessed as he sat down on a granite bench.
“It’s Y/N, and you haven’t been rude to me. If anything, you have been too kind,” she replied as she sat beside Bill.
“A beautiful name for a most bodacious babe.”
Bill glanced down at Y/N, and started to lean in for a kiss, but the chime from the clock tower interrupted him. Y/N bolted up from her seat. It was already midnight! She had to hurry before her disguise wore off. There was no way that the Prince would feel the same about her if he knew what she really looked like. Y/N dashed out of the garden. “I’m sorry, but I have to go!”
“Wait, Y/N! Where are you going,” Bill shouted as he ran to catch her.
Y/N didn’t look back as she made her way down the palace steps. Her disguise started to falter and in a flash she was once again wearing her mother’s torn dress. Y/N’s dress snagged on a loose piece of the steps, and she yanked with all her might. She didn’t care if the dress got ripped even more. The only thing that mattered was that she was out of sight before the Prince arrived. Y/N disappeared into the forest, not caring about whether or not she left the carriage behind. Bill and Ted finally made it to the palace steps.
“I think she’s gone dude,” Ted stated as Bill frantically looked around.
“No, she’s not gone Ted,” Bill affirmed as he crouched down to pick up the minuscule piece of fabric from Y/N’s dress. “Look! We have this fabric from her dress, and I have her name.”
“What should we do now, your highness?”
“Call all the guards in the kingdom. We will search far and wide, and I don’t care how long it takes. Come on Ted, let’s go find my future bride.”
Ted hurried back inside to alert the guards of the Prince’s orders, but Bill remained outside. He gazed out into the forest, and in his gut he knew that Y/N was out there. Bill didn’t care if he had to search for the rest of his life to find her. Y/N was his other half, and he would even renounce his future crown if it meant he could be with her again.
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eyrieofsynapses · 3 years
YJ REALITY CHECK: S1 Team Ages vs S3 Team Ages
SO I was going through the birthdates of the Team for... reasons (timeline planning is fun :| ) and honestly, I’ve never been able to get a really clear idea on just how old the new Team (which I’m including the Outsiders and Red Robin’s mini-team in, because a lot of them are former S2 Team and they’re major focus characters in the third season) is in comparison to the original Team. So I wrote it out, and I’ve gotta be honest, it felt a bit like a slap in the face a few times. 
I’m estimating season three ages from the wiki-listed birth year to the year 2018, which is when the majority of the third season takes place. Season one ages are estimated from birth year to 2010. The wiki notes that birth years are estimates based on current knowledge and therefore subject to about year’s worth of leniency either way, so you can take this with a grain of salt. There are no ages listed for Orphan or Forager, so I’ve left them out. 
13-14:  S1: Dick Grayson and Zatanna Zatara S3: N/A
Yup, that’s right. It seems like the third season doesn’t have any major young heroes under the age of fifteen. Speaking of...
15: S1: Artemis Crock, Wally West (pre-Coldhearted), Raquel Ervin S3: Bart Allen (estimated), Stephanie Brown, Tara Markov
I have to admit, I thought Tara was younger. (Though that does give some extra depth to Artemis’s relationship with her.) We’re also seeing an interesting decrease in younger heroes in the third season, which may be a reflection of how the show is maturing and how our original heroes are getting older. I had to estimate Bart’s age based on wiki details because, well, when you come from the future, your birth year’s kind of insignificant regarding your age.
16: S1: Kaldur’ahm, M’gann M’orzz (human equivalent), Conner Kent (biological equivalent), Wally West (post-Coldhearted) S2: Garfield Logan, Violet Harper
Once again with our trend of a decrease in younger heroes. Kaldur actually surprised me- I thought he’d be seventeen, but according to the wiki he’s only about as old as Conner, M’gann, and (...post-Coldhearted, anyway) Wally. 
17: S1: Roy/Will Harper S3: Tim Drake, Cassandra Sandsmark, Cissie King-Jones, Eduardo Dorado Jr., Brion Markov, Roy Harper (Arsenal) (biological equivalent)
And here we see where all of our Teammembers and Outsiders went! Apparently, the majority of the current crew is around seventeen, which is a bit shocking when you think back to Red Arrow and how different he was in comparison to the younger original Team. (It also lends an interesting light to how Arsenal behaves in comparison, though he has a relatively small amount of screen time.)
18: S1: (outside of the Team) Jade Nguyen S3: Virgil Hawkins, Victor Stone, Queen Perdita, Billy Batson
That’s right, the itty-bitty Billy we knew so well in the first season is now officially old enough to vote! (...whoah.) Which puts them at the rough equivalent to... zero team members. The closest is Jade, so I threw her on to give y’all an idea.  
19: S1: N/A S3: Jaime Reyes
Jaime’s officially older than any of the Team from the first season! Which is one of the facts that feels a bit like a slap to the face, tbh. He’s only three years younger than Dick. By the way, Jaime and Jason Todd share the same birth year, so we’ll probably be looking at a 20 to 21-year-old Red Hood if he shows up in the fourth season. (Though that’s assuming that he hasn’t lost any time in between, which is a distinct possibility given his comic version.)
Overall Averages:  S1 (not including Jade Nguyen, counting Dick Grayson at age 13, Wally West age 15): 15.23 S3 (not including Queen Perdita, Roy Harper, or Billy Batson, as they aren’t official Team/Outsiders/Batman Inc. members): 16.7
Intriguingly, the average age of YJ’s teen heroes has gone up by over a year. (I am keeping Dick and Wally at their younger ages, but this is because those are their respective ages for the majority of the season.) But the show has gained a more mature tone and the original Team is considerably older, so it makes sense that their heroes would age with it. 
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hiddendreamer67 · 4 years
That’s No Bird
Heyo, we had a few secret sanders who didn’t finish gifts. I stepped in for one of ‘em and here’s the gift I made for @falsehoods-phonated! Thank you for your help friend and I hope you enjoy! <3
Word count: 4,069 words
Summary: The Sanders family has traveled to a quaint abandoned park called OakCrest to camp for the weekend. While older brother Deceit helps set up the tent, Logan traverses the woods and finds... something. An undiscovered type of bird, perhaps? It has to be; after all, there’s no way Logan truly found a fairy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Aaaaand we’ve arrived! Family fun can officially begin!” 
Logan blinked, pushing off the window where his face had been resting for the past several hours. It seemed as per usual he had become distracted with his own train of thought, as it felt that only a few moments ago his parents had piled up the minivan.
In the seat next to him, Logan’s older brother gave what could be an impressive eye roll. “The term ‘fun’ is subjective. I prefer to catalog my experiences how I please, thanks.”
“Oh so I see you’re feeling pleasant as ever.” Their dad chuckled, but there was a fatherly tone to it that was clearly meant as a warning for Deceit to be on his best behavior- which, unfortunately, can also be subjective.
“Dee, darling, how about you help your father pitch the tent?” Mother, always the negotiator, eased things over as she hopped out of the car. “I’ll begin unpacking the car, Logan can you look for some kindling?”
“Naturally.” Logan left the vehicle as well, eager to stretch his legs. It was common for the Sanders family to take camping excursions in the summer, and this particular venture brought them to a new location known as OakCrest Park.
Logan hummed noncommittally to himself, venturing out into the treeline to collect twigs and sticks for a fire. He took note of his surroundings and began to compare it to other landscapes he had camped at previously. OakCrest seemed rather abandoned, foliage growing abundantly as mother nature reclaimed the space. Perhaps this was a poor sign for business but Logan rather enjoyed the overall appearance. Already he could spot several specimens of plant life that were less common in populated areas.
Wanting to explore further, Logan returned to the campsite to drop off his findings and explain to his mother that he would be back shortly. Logan wasn’t foolish; he knew the rules, sticking to one of the hiking trails going further into the forest even as at times the path would disappear for a few feet. He went further, eager to tune out the sound of his brother and father bickering. 
Yes, this was quite nice. Logan attuned to the forest well, listening in to the various wildlife that called this forest home. In the distance he could hear the familiar hiss of a raccoon, the even cadence of goldfinches nesting in the trees, and…
Logan paused, stopping in his walk to see if he heard correctly. It was uncommon for Logan to hear a creature he couldn’t identify. It sounded almost bell-like in nature, as if the musical note itself was shimmering through the air. 
Focusing on this sound alone, Logan followed the call, hearing its faint tones jabber up and down in an almost comedial manner. He was so entranced that Logan was scarcely aware of his feet leaving the path, or the way the other animals cries grew distant. The young lad stepped into a clearing, a twig snapping beneath his boot.
Immediately, the shimmering noise stopped.
Logan frowned, glancing around at his surroundings for a clue as to what could have produced the noise. It seemed rather ordinary, nothing out of place. No abandoned music box as Logan might have imagined. 
There was the faintest shuffling up above Logan on a branch a few feet to the left. Immediately Logan’s gaze snapped up, trying to make out anything suspicious hidden within the leaves. An undiscovered species of bird, perhaps?
Logan took a slow step forwards, and the leaf pile seemed to explode. All at once they came tumbling down upon him, startling Logan enough that he almost missed the single high-note bell tone as a purple being shot out from the foliage and into the air.
It was a moment, nothing more. Logan glanced up at the creature, his jaw dropping as his eyes tried to process the sight before him. A pair of purple wings beating frantically not unlike a hummingbird, and between them… a tiny person. Surely not a person, but enough like a person that it gave Logan quite a fright as those beady eyes briefly pierced into his soul. 
And then, the creature was gone.
“Wait!” Logan cried out, reaching his hand out towards the direction where the apparition had fled. Logan spit a few leaves out of his mouth, attempting to follow the flighty thing before realizing he was running after nothing. 
He blinked, rubbing at his eyes. Was it possible some sort of hallucinogen floating through the air had found its way into his air ducts? There was no logical explanation for such a creature existing, and- and clearly his subconsciousness was playing tricks on him.
Logan nodded to himself, walking back towards the path. Yes, that had to be it, a trick of the light. In his fright Logan had seen an optical illusion when all it had been was a… was a…
Well what was it, anyhow? The point still stood that Logan knew of no creature capable of making such an outlandish noise. It sounded as though it came straight from a realm of fantasy and that must be the only explanation why Logan’s mind chose to input a fairy of all things when it must have been a mutation of some form of aerial creature. Perhaps it was a hummingbird with a vocal defection.
“Logan?” Once again Logan was pulled out of his thoughts by his mother’s voice. “Are you alright? You were gone an awfully long time, we had begun to worry.”
“It would have been so tragic had you wandered off into the woods and gotten yourself mauled by a bear.” Unsurprisingly, Deceit’s words did not sound sympathetic.
“I apologize.” Logan said, glancing at the fading beams of sunlight on the horizon. “I lost track of time.” 
“What?” Deceit gasped, placing a hand to his chest. “We never would have guessed. Truly inspiring insight.” Deceit began to clap loudly, standing up as if to applaud his brother. “Praise be to the favorite spawn!”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Mother gave him a brief glare as she prepared a meal for Logan, the others having already eaten.
“What is it with you and favorites?” Father scoffed, glancing up from where he was baiting a fishing line. “Your mother and I love you both equally.”
“Ah, yes.” Deceit sat back down. “And that would be why when you first took me camping you forgot me in the river.”
“I do believe they were justified in that decision.” Logan drawled, glancing up at down his brother’s form.
“Completely unrelated, I do believe Logan and I will be visiting the river tomorrow.” Deceit glared at him.
Their mother was quick to step between them, eager to prevent any rough-housing near the open flames. “Logan, eat. Deceit, stop antagonizing your brother.”
“I am hardly the only antagonist here.” Deceit huffed. “In the American School System I do believe we would both be equally guilty of punishment.”
“Well, you’ve told us multiple times how that system is flawed, so we’re not using it out here.” His mother teased. “Instead we’ll go by good old fashioned rules, like ‘mom is right’.”
“I do believe that was created with some personal bias.” Logan observed.
“I said eat.”
“Since when did we raise such smart-alecs?” Father murmured. 
Thankfully, the rest of the meal passed without further distraction. Logan was quick to scarf down his portions, both boys helping their mother clean up with only minimal complaining before getting into bed.
“You’re taking up two thirds of the tent.” Logan nudged into Deceit’s side, attempting to get his brother to scoot over.
“I earned two-thirds of this tent, I set it up.” Deceit put an arm over his eyes, ready to drift off. “Soon it will be three-thirds. Survival of the fittest. You can go sleep with whatever raccoon kept you so occupied you forgot you’re supposed to be amongst humans again.”
Logan huffed, rolling over to try and get more comfortable. “...it wasn’t a raccoon.”
“Then what was it?” Deceit groaned, clearly uninterested.
Logan paused, quiet for a very long time. “I don’t know.”
Well, that got his brother’s attention. Deceit sat up, raising a suspicious eyebrow that was only visible via the light of their lantern. “You don’t know? There’s a beast alive unrecognizable to the walking encyclopedia?”
“It wasn’t a beast.” Logan frowned at the wall of the tent. He shifted again. “It was- a bird.”
“A bird.” Deceit flopped back onto the ground, jostling Logan. “You got all wound up over a flying pigeon?”
“Why would you refer to it as a flying pigeon?” Logan snapped, getting defensive. “Pigeons already fly.”
“I bet it wasn’t even a bird.” Deceit continued to mock, not knowing he had just stated Logan’s own fear. “You probably just spooked a flying squirrel. Or a strange beetle. Maybe it didn’t fly at all, it just jumped away so fast your infinitesimal brain couldn’t process it-”
“Oh quit your chattering.” Logan growled. “If you’ll never let me live that mistake down at least do me the decency of letting me sleep.”
But despite his words, Logan seemed incapable of falling asleep even as the lantern light was turned off and the brothers were plunged into darkness. His mind was left racing, trying to comprehend what he might have seen. No matter how logical an explanation Logan was incapable of convincing himself he had not seen a … tiny winged person.
Logan cringed once again at his own unfounded thought. It had not behaved in a typical pattern for a bird- were there other winged creatures that grew violet feathers in this area? Or perhaps it wasn’t feathers at all, but some sort of insect like Deceit had teasingly suggested. Logan knew that, though unlikely one would be so large, insects were known for a variety of strange genetic mutations. Beetles were estimated to take up 25% of all animals on the planet alone; so, statistically, it was entirely possible it had been some strange undiscovered beetle variety. With feather-like appendages and a bipedal humanoid structure. 
While debating internally what characteristics define a beetle, Logan spotted a faint glow in the distance. He hypothesized this was just the lantern light of his father getting up in the night, until the light began to approach. It was then that Logan realized it was floating in a chaotic flight pattern, emanating a violet light. 
Immediately Logan shot up, pressing his glasses to his face as he shoved his boots haphazardly on. There was no reason to assume his specimen was capable of bio-luminescent energy, but even if this was a new creature Logan’s curiosity had been piqued. 
Logan grabbed his phone in case he needed a light source, but for now he unzipped the tent and allowed his eyes to adjust to the darkness. The violet blur was zipping around so fast Logan couldn’t get a good look. Logan jumped, startled as there was a clattering sound, one of the cans of bug spray knocked from the table.
It seemed this flying blur was either looking for something or just wanted to destroy as much as possible. Both motives were unclear, and until Logan could tell if it was dangerous, he armed himself with the spray and crouched down, quickly moving closer to the scene of the crime. 
Logan uncapped the spray, the noise startling the light as it gave another high-pitched note, in the same tones as the mysterious forest noise. A rapid set of jabbering followed as the being flew closer, and he got the distinct impression that the tiny creature was telling him off. Squinting in the blinding light, Logan aimed solely by instinct as he raised the can and pushed the nozzle. 
The jabbering increased, but then grew less and less frantic as the movements slowed down, the light dimming. Now Logan could make out the figure drifting in the evening breeze. This time there was no disputing it- there was indeed a tiny, confused humanoid creature floating in the night, its shadowy figure outlined in a faint purple glow. It shook its head, stumbling in its path as it tried to retreat away from Logan.
“Oh no you don’t.” Logan turned on his phone light, hurriedly trying to find a container suitable for catching the creature. It couldn’t get away, not now when he had such a great shot. With every second Logan was feeling his chance slipping away, the violet light losing altitude as it tried to dart back towards the forest. Giving up hope of finding anything in the dark, Logan elected to simply sprint after the creature himself.
Logan winced, realizing the ruckus had woken some of his family members. He got about three more steps before his mother was awake enough to pull out her patented mom voice.
“I- I don’t have time to explain-” Logan panted, worriedly glancing between his mother and the treeline as his father and brother poked their heads out. 
“You sure as hell do, young man.” His father was just as livid, looking like an angry papa bear awoken early from hibernation. “What sort of asinine compulsion has given you the right to trash the campsite in the middle of the night?”
“This was hardly my doing, I swear-”
“Were you about to run off into the woods?” His mother gasped, rushing over to inspect his face. “Logan, what on earth were you thinking? Do you have any idea how dangerous that would have been?”
“Oh of course he did.” Father growled, stomping forwards. “He’s certainly got a big head on his shoulders, he just doesn’t know how to use it!”
Logan bit his lip, wondering how he could possibly explain his irrational and admittedly foolish behavior without his parents believing he had gone insane. He opened his mouth not unlike a fish, trying to find words that would portray his sanity without being utter falsehoods.
It seemed, for once in his life, Deceit decided to act as a proper older brother should. He burst out in an evil chuckle, drawing attention towards himself and away from Logan. 
“Wow.” Deceit pretended to wipe away a tear, the lantern illuminating the bottom of his chin in an ominous manner. “Didn’t think I could still get lil’ Logie with a dare of all things. What happened to bravery is the fool’s term for idiocy?”
“You dared him to do this?” If anything, their mother’s gaze turned fatally livid. 
Their father stormed up to Deceit, sticking his finger in his son’s face. “You have some nerve, taking advantage of your brother like that! What sort of sick stunt are you pulling, throwing your brother into danger like that-”
“I hardly threw him into danger.” Deceit cut him off with a glare. “He’s the one who acted on it!”
“Yes, indeed.” Mother turned back to Logan, nullifying any chance of Logan sneaking off into the night. “What the devil were you thinking, going along with your brother’s ridiculous notions? I expect at least one of you to possess some common sense.”
“I suppose you just have to lower your expectations.” Deceit shrugged, clearly possessing a death wish. “It sounds to me that the issue lies more with your tendency towards assumptions than your children’s moral compasses leaning further to the side than you would prefer.”
If there had been any chance of a peaceful night in the tents, Deceit’s last comment had hopelessly shattered it. Both boys were dragged by their ears to go sit on a log near the burnt out embers, their parents taking turns scolding them ‘till their voices were hoarse from use. It was clear that the stress of the late hours was weighing heavily on the family’s mood. Logan properly ducked his head in shame, hoping this would be over with quickly.
Deceit raised an eyebrow once they both seemed to be panting for breath. “Are we done here?” He cocked his head, not waiting for an answer when he heard a rumble of thunder in the distance. “Ah, sounds like we are. I suppose our punishment is leaving our camping trip early?”
Their father’s glare narrowed. “Has that been your game all along? You just want to get home to that ratty boyfriend of yours?”
Deceit shrugged. “I have a feeling you don’t care for my answer.”
“We talked about this.” Their mother sounded almost pleading. “It’s supposed to be a family fun weekend!”
“Yes, family fun.” Deceit mocked. “What a joyous time we’re sure to have in the impending rain.”
No! Logan felt his stress increasing, wondering how on earth he could possibly leave when there was still a discovery waiting somewhere in the woods.
“No.” Their father paced back and forth, in full lecture dad mode. “No, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to head back into those tents and get some rest. We’re going to wake up, have a nice breakfast, and spend a weekend roughing it as a family as intended.”
Mother nodded rapidly. “Yes, yes, we could all do with a bit of rest. I think a recharge will do us well.”
“...Fine.” Deceit stood up, heading back to their tent. “Can’t wait to be drenched.” 
“Goodnight to you as well.” Father called out.
Logan stood next, knowing that by now the fairy- the creature was likely long gone. It wouldn’t be worth risking further anger tonight. “I apologize for my behavior.”
His mother gave him a soft nod. “Go to bed, Logan.”
Without another word Logan entered the tent shared with his brother, collapsing into his part as he removed his boots. He sighed, staring up at the darkened tent ceiling and trying to process all that occurred.
“...why did you lie?” Logan asked finally, still laying on his back with his eyes open. “Why did you tell them you dared me to misbehave?” 
“You were chasing after your bird, weren’t you?” Deceit answered with his own question. 
“...Yes?” Logan was only more confused.
“I figured as much.” Deceit’s shadow shifted in the darkness. “You’re lucky I bought you more time, they were ready to send us packing. It better be some bird.”
“I suspect it’s not a bird at all.” Logan murmured. “But why are you helping me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Deceit’s voice was muffled by him putting his face into his pillow.
“Well, yes, that is why I inquired-”
“Look.” Deceit sat up, likely glaring at him. “Here’s what’s gonna happen. Tomorrow morning, you’re gonna go try and catch that thing, and you owe me about a dozen favors. Now pipe down before I knock your teeth out, some of us still want to sleep before we get rained out.”
Deceit had always been a bit cryptic in his responses, and wanting to survive Logan decided to keep his mouth shut. Instead he tried to get some sleep of his own, tossing and turning until Deceit kicked him into the side of the tent. It was a fruitless endeavor, especially when the rain began pouring down creating a cacophony of noise as it pounded against the roof of the tent. 
Finally, after what felt like a miniature eternity, it began to grow lighter outside. Logan took this as a good enough sign to get up, lacing his boots tightly and throwing on a dark green plastic poncho. This time he packed a waterproof flashlight as his light source, just in case, and exited the tent. Immediately his glasses got splattered with raindrops, making vision a bit difficult as he scoured the campsite. It was still a bit of a mess, the fairy having thrown several items around in its temper tantrum. Thankfully Logan was able to find the jar he required easily enough.
One last cautious glance back, and then Logan was trekking out into the forest. He wasn’t exactly certain what to look for so he opted to head back towards the clearing, listening closely for another taste of that twinkling voice. 
He began to fantasize about what would happen if he did manage to catch a fairy. What would this mean for the biological community? How does one even go about presenting such a finding? He’d have to find a way to sustain it- what do fairies need to survive? What do they eat? Hopefully nothing too gnarly. Now Logan was wishing he had paid more attention whenever Roman yammered on about fairy tales. 
Logan paused, trying to figure out if he had heard those bell tones or merely imagined them. It was a quiet noise, with a trembling not unlike a vibrato. He tried to follow it, getting turned around more than once as the rain drowned out the fragile voice. Eventually Logan seemed to have narrowed it down to the base of an old oak tree, where a small bush was trembling more than was strictly necessary in this wind.
Logan crouched down, parting the branches. Sure enough, sat at the base of the tree was the purple fairy, shivering frantically. Without wasting a moment Logan slammed his jar down, watching as the creature flinched when captured. 
“Incredible.” Logan murmured, getting his first real observations as he ducked down further. The fairy had stumbled to its feet, pounding on the glass as if it could make a difference. Logan could hear the sporadic bells going off, its wings drooping significantly. It appeared half-drowned as well, and Logan hypothesized that the rain had grounded the creature. 
As Logan grew used to the being’s appearance, he took notice of its actions. The fairy was stumbling about, clasping at its hair not unlike a human who was experiencing an extreme existential crisis. Logan frowned, trying to make sense of what exactly was happening. Why had the fairy attacked camp? Is that why so few humans visited this park nowadays? But now the creature just looked terribly frightened. It must be a defense mechanism, the creature clearly territorial.
Had it been caught by a human before? Was it dangerous? It was possible that the fairy was just trying to get Logan to lower his guard, releasing him to either escape or worse yet attack Logan. Surely such a small creature would possess some form of self-defense, perhaps a poisonous bite or infectious claws. 
Looming even closer, Logan was able to make out the glazed look of those panicked eyes. It was possible the spray from last night had weakened the creature, allowing it to only travel this far into the woods before being caught by the storm. Perhaps a few effects were still lingering. Could it be sick? Rabid? Did it possess any sentience? It was hard to tell if the bell-voice was as complex as human languages, or just another songbird tune. 
But no matter the complexity of its thoughts, it was clear the fairy was… suffering. It was scared in a new situation, trapped by both the elements and Logan himself, and it was incapacitated. What was the ethical route here? Would it hurt the fairy further to take him back to camp? As he delayed his decision, the fairy sunk further and further to the ground, its little chest heaving as it wrapped its arms around itself and tried feebly to calm and warm itself.
“You’re freezing.” Logan realized, wondering if it could even understand him. The fairy’s head snapped back, once again tracking Logan’s every move. “I imagine your habitat is further into the forest, and without proper shelter… well, I imagine a great many predators would take advantage of you when grounded.”
The fairy shuddered, though it was unclear if this was in response to Logan’s statement or another bout of cold. 
Logan nodded to himself, agreeing with his own reasoning. It would be cruel to leave this creature so defenseless when he had been a major component in disarming it in the first place. Logan would take it back to camp, explaining himself to his family. Then he would help the fairy recover, warming it up and calming it down. 
His mind made up, Logan carefully flipped over the jar and slid the lid in place. The fairy let out another round of frantic jingling as it was tumbled about inside. 
“It’s alright.” Logan murmured, hoping his low tones would come off as less threatening as he stood up. “I’ve got you now.”
164 notes · View notes
demented-dukey · 5 years
NOTP RemRom-averse Awareness Post
Welcome. This is the list of users who do not like Remrom and cannot scroll past and ignore it, compiled so that shippers know who to unfollow/avoid/block/etc. Names have been added from public posts I’ve come across, or from users sending me asks or PMs. 
To be on this post, you are directly asking Remrom shippers to do something, whether it be to block/unfollow you, to not interact with you, or to be extra careful around your trigger. You have crossed into our lane, and I am obligated to respond to your request. Users who are overly hostile, aggressive, or unrepentantly post death threats or suicide baiting towards Remrom shippers will also be added and tagged with applicable warnings.
To be clear: NOTPs - people who are non-aggressive but still opposed enough to RemRom to be unable to ignore it and scroll past Antis - people aggressively stirring up discourse in the fandom and violently and/or vocally opposing RemRom
(If you wish to be removed from one of these lists for any reason, contact me via an Ask or PM and we will discuss the matter. I have answered asks about this process, but I will consider each case individually and I am willing to work towards an agreement.)
I promise that I will do my best to respect DNIs and not @ tag anyone on this list as long as they stay in their own lane - however, if a user interacts with me or makes posts/comments about Remrom, I will probably respond (not always, but probably).
If anyone sees someone not on the list already talk about being anti-ship, request that shippers DNI, or publicly say that this topic is a trigger for them, I encourage you to let me know with a link to their post, and I will add them to the NOTP list so that their wishes can be respected.
Shippers: DO NOT send these people hatemail, period, no matter how hostile they are. Not everybody likes every pairing, and that’s okay. (And hey! Now that this list exists, maybe anti-shippers will stop making their own hate-posts about Remrom shippers and leave us alone!)
(Edited to Add: Dear NOTPs and Antis, please understand that you are fully capable of filtering the #remrom and #romrem tags, and that taking the next step to “unfollow/blocking” and asking people to “DNI” is an extreme reaction not to be taken lightly. Please take a moment to read this post before being asked to be added to this list.)
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Tag List Legend:
[DNI] = This user has requested that shippers Do Not Interact with them.
[*unfollow*] = This user has requested that anyone who ships Rem/Rom should “get off their blog”, unfollow and/or block them, or they’ve said they will block anyone who is a pro-shipper. 
[*trigger*] = This user has said that this is a trigger. Please do not tag or mention incest or remrom to them, either anti or pro.
[*sensitive*]  = This user is sensitive to this topic. Please do not tag or mention incest or remrom to them, either anti or pro.
[~Hostile~] = This user is actively stirring up trouble and/or spreading hostile messages in the fandom, and/or purposefully provoking Remrom shippers.
[~Hurtful~] = This user had been informed that their hostile anti-shipping comments are hurting people, and they are unwilling to listen. They know they are hurting people and are willfully and intentionally continuing to spread hate in the fandom. Pro-shippers, please completely avoid for your mental health. 
[~Violent~] = This user, whether “as a joke haha” or “maliciously”, chose to punctuate their opinion with a threat of violence towards pro-shippers. 
💚 💚 💚 💚 💚
Trigger/Sensitivity List: 
(Note: all post links have been moved to Gdoc)
(Please do not mention incest or Remrom to these users, either anti or pro. They are deeply uncomfortable with the topic and should be left completely out of the conversation.)
(ETA: This is by no means an exhaustive list of everyone who is triggered/sensitive to Remrom, only the ones I’ve come across or have spoken to via ask or PM about being on this list because they need Shippers to be extra careful around them. Some people prefer not to be on this list and I respect their wishes.)
@actslikeacat [Public Request, comment] [*sensitive*] 
@allycat31415 [PM] [*sensitive*] [*trigger*]
@anxxiousmess [Ask] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@ask-creativitwins [Public Request] [DNI] [*trigger*]
@bumble-bitch-sanders [PM] [*trigger*]
@chicabear15 [PM] [*sensitive*]
@craftystar22 [Public Request] [DNI] [*trigger*]
@fanartfunart [Public Request] [*trigger*]
@g-dino777 [Anti Post, PM] [DNI] [*trigger*]
@hope-thy-nope [Anti Reblog comment, PM] [*sensitive*]
@i-am-fangirling-14 [Public Request, PM] [*sensitive*]
@isoctopus​ [Ask] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@just-breathe-violet​ [PM] [*trigger*]
@littlesquishyprincey [PM] [*trigger*]
@littlevirgilspace [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@logans-doodles [Ask] [DNI] [*trigger*]  
@lotus-and-sides [PM] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@lotus-evergreen [Post] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@lrversefics [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@magicallygrimmwiccan [PM] [DNI] [*trigger*] 
@not-safeforsanders [PM] [*sensitive*]
@pattonsfam-ily [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@sanderssidesfanfiction [Public Request, PM] [*trigger*] 
@sidesandshortssmut [Anti Post, Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@sleepsbabyboy [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@starbucks-remy [Ask] [*sensitive*]
@the-prince-and-the-emo [Anti Post] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@ts-virgil-angst [Reblog] [*sensitive*]
@yo-seff  [PM] [*sensitive*]
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 
Anti List:
(Note: all post links have been moved to Gdoc)
(These users have earned the label “Anti”, usually by starting posts that contain aggressive, exclusive, and/or degrading wording, stirring up drama and discourse, or otherwise behaving in a hostile/hurtful way. Pro-shippers, please avoid them at all costs.)
@3robots - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful/Violent~]
@afroclementine - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@ahcwolves [Anti Post] [*sensitive*] [~Hostile~]
@bing-fucker (prev. @smutty-sanders-sides-stories) [Anti post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]   [*trigger*] [~Hostile~]
@blogging-time [Anti Post] [PM] [DNI]
@despacitosanders [Anti Post] [DNI]
@dethwilldie [Anti Post]
@emovirgil-sanders [Anti Post]
@ephemeral-afterlight [Ask] [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*trigger*] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@falsehoodx [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@forcastings - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@girdance - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@heavensite - [Raider] [~Hostile/Hurtful/Violent~]
@iamyourfandomqueen [Anti Post] [DNI]
@ilovemygaydad [Blog description] [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@innocentblueberry [Anti Post] [Anti Comments] [~Hostile~]
@itsbleuybleu [Anti posts] [~Death threats/Suicide-baiter~]
@lovelylogans [Anti Comment] [~Hostile/Hurtful/Violent~]
@lovinglogan [Anti Posts and comments]
@nachosforfree [Ask] [Anti reblog] [DNI] [~Hostile/Hurtful/Violent~]
@nonbinarylogan [Anti Post] [DNI]
@notafeeling [Anti Post] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile/Violent~]
@my-analogical-romance [Public Request] [DNI] [*trigger*] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@passem (prev. @thedinodad) [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile~]
@plyyeemoloser [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] 
@remuscore [Anti post] [DNI] [~Hostile/Violent~]
@romananalogicality [Anti Reblog comment] [~Hostile~] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes [Post] [Anti Reblog comments] [*unfollow*]
@scarletteking [Anti posts] [~Hostile~]
@storytellerofuntoldlegends [Public Request] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile~] [~Hurtful~]
@tempest-tongue [Public Request] [DNI] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@the-no-name-system [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [~Hostile~]
@the-starlit-blade [Anti Post] [DNI] 
@therubyjailcell [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*trigger*]
@thesinningcell  [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*trigger*]
@thewrongsidee [Anti Post] [~Hostile/Hurtful~]
@un-sympatheticside-opinions [PM] [Anti Posts and reblog comments] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile/Suicide-baiter~]
@unsympathetic-sandys-sides [Anti Posts] [DNI] [~Hostile~]
@wolfishhel [Anti Post] [*unfollow*] [~Hostile~]
@xionical [Anti Post] [*unfollow*] 
@xtracheesy [Post] [~Violent~]
@yeet-ceit [Anti comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
💚 💚 💚 💚 💚
NOTP Remus/Roman List:
(Note: all post links have been moved to Gdoc)
@accidentally-logince [Reblog tags] [*unfollow*]  
@adrianthealien [Ask] 
@aleiimm [blog DNI list] [DNI]
@ambersky0319 [Post & Blog description] [DNI] [*unfollow*]  
@an-agender-disaster [Post] [DNI]
@angelpatton [Ask]
@angstyfanfiction [Post & Blog description] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@anti-virgil [Post] [DNI]
@ask-ordare-thedarksides [Post] [DNI]
@askthesandershshostclub [Blog description] [DNI]
@bitchyybabyy400 [PM]
@broadwaytheanimatedseries [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@broken-mirror-sanders-sides [PM] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@celeste-tyrrell [Blog description] [DNI]
@cheerycherrychampion38 [PM] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@chocomiruk [Blog description] [DNI]
@codeyellow-reptilian-rapscallion [Blog description] [DNI]
@cosmic-cleo [PM]
@creativitwinsagere [Blog description] [DNI]
@cryptidcherrry [Ask]
@deceit-propaganda [Post] [DNI]
@did-he-just-hiss-at-me [PM]
@down-low-gan [Post] [DNI]
@dr-skellington [Post] [*unfollow*]
@dragonindigo245 [Post & Blog description] [DNI]
@evilliouschroniclesfan [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@frostfiredragon [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@futuristiclovetrash [Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@galaxy-lilies [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@grayskiesrainyskies [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@hotcocoalover [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@imnotalwaysthebadguy [Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@izzyfandoms​ [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@jadabp​ [Ask] [DNI]
@janetsanders [Blog Description] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@joygaytrash [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*] [~Violent~]
@juggalomilk [Blog Description] [DNI]  
@kaileah-kat [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@kastrefeila [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@katie-the-noble-fangirl [Post] [DNI]
@kindasortaemo2 [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@knightinsoftpastels [Posts] [DNI]
@lackingroman  [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@lavender-gumdrops [Ask]
@lawyerpatton [Ask]
@magikkittenz [Blog Description] [DNI]
@mango-shpango [Blog Description] [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@mariuex [Anti Reblog comment] [~Violent~]
@mayflowers07 [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [~Hostile~]
@monstermemories [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [~Violent~]
@ninja-girl2846​ [Ask] [DNI] [*unfollow*] [*sensitive*]
@nogenderwhatsoever [Blog description] [DNI]
@ordinaryfander [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@pattontheback [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [~Violent~]
@peridot-the-kitten  [DNI]
@phantomofthesanderssides [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@plauge-magic-doctor [Blog Description] [DNI]
@poppiesss [Post] [*unfollow*]
@pretty-odd-josh [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@pxrpleprincey [Ask]
@rawr-xd [PM] [DNI]
@remusisastinkybastard  [Blog description] [DNI]
@remusrotten [Posts] [DNI]
@romansleftshoulderpad [Posts] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@ronnirotten [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@sanders-geeks [Blog description] [DNI]  
@sanders-sides-reverse-au [Post] [DNI]
@sanders-sides-spoofs  [Post] [DNI]
@sanders-sides-theories [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@sanders-sides-with-quinn [Post] [*unfollow*]
@sanders-stars [Post] [DNI]
@sandersfanders [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@sandersmuts [Anti Post] [DNI]
@secretkeeper007 [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@shirospeaks [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*]
@shitpost-sides [PM]
@short-circut [Blog description] [DNI]
@shut-it-nerdywolverine [Ask]
@sizzlingfacedonut [Ask]
@softestpatton [DNI]
@space-captain-lars [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@sporkkles-irl [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@starryicarus [PM]
@stxrry-sanders [Blog description] [DNI]
@supersecretsanderssides  [Blog description] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@sweetest-honeybee [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@swordscurse [Post] [DNI]
@sympathetic-deceit-trash [Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@teardroppeddew [Post] [*unfollow*]
@that-one-garbage-nerd [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@thefinaltatertot [Post & Blog description] [DNI]
@theprettiestflower [Post & Blog description] [DNI]
@thingysandstuff [Post] [*unfollow*]
@this-seat-sanders [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@thomas-sanders-is-my-life [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors [Blog description] [DNI]
@under-the-blue-moonlight  [Blog description] [DNI]
@unsympathetic-character-thomas [PM] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@unsympathetic-remus  [Blog description] [DNI]
@vaugleysassygrunt [Anti Reblog comment] [*unfollow*] 
@virgil-negativity [PM] [DNI]
@virgilvigil [PM] [DNI]
@we-all-horny-here [Blog description] [DNI]
@whats-going-on-kiddos [Anti Post] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@why-should-i-tell-youu2 [Blog description] [DNI] [*sensitive*]
@wolves-on-caffeine [Post] [*unfollow*]
@wooflesthatwoof [PM]
@woorenergy [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@wowimsogoddamnoriginal [Reblog tags] [*unfollow*]
@zombie-teeth [*unfollow*]
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 
NOTP (Dis)Honorable Mentions:
(Note: all post links have been moved to Gdoc)
The Anti-list started as a way for me to keep track of the anti-shipping posts I kept seeing being reblogged all over my dash. Since I went public with it, I’ve been re-editing the list and being more selective about who I automatically add to it. The below users were added to the list because instead of ignoring the discourse and scrolling past (or even just reblogging without a comment), they felt it necessary to jump on the anti-shipping bandwagon and add “don’t ship this” and/or “get out of the fandom”-esque comments, or they made a post that was hostile and/or insulting towards Remrom or its shippers. This is not a complete list, because not even I can keep track of the entire fandom, but it gives the reader some context into the scale of the discourse. While these users may not have expressly requested pro-shippers to stay away, it is a reasonable assumption that we should keep our distance - they have made it clear that they don’t want us on their blog and/or in this fandom.
[~Violent~] = This user, whether “as a joke haha” or “maliciously”, chose to punctuate their opinion with a threat of violence towards pro-shippers.
@1mothman1 [Anti Reblog comment]
@a-valorous-choice [Anti Reblog comment]
@alkimara [Anti Reblog comment]
@alwaysalilhigh [Anti Reblog comment] 
@annoyinglytinyhideout [Anti Reblog comment]
@anxiouspannda [Anti Reblog comment]
@anxioustsfan [Anti Reblog comment]
@authorized-trash [Anti comment]
@breebro [Reblog comment] [DNI] [*unfollow*]
@cantthinkofagoodurlsorry [Anti Reblog comment]
@dascreatortreeula [Anti Reblog comment]
@everyoneprotector [Anti Reblog comment] [~Violent~]
@falseh0od [Anti Reblog comment]
@green-ball-of-trash [Anti Reblog comment]
@green-writes-sanderssides [Anti Reblog comment] [~Violent~]
@gummibearbullet [Anti Reblog comment]
@idosanderssidespromptssometimes [Post]
@lallyphant [Anti Post]
@mynamesmuse [Anti comment] [DNI] [~Violent~]
@nerdybrokecollegestudent [Anti Reblog comment]
@ninja-girl2846 [Anti Reblog comment]
@occasional-darksides-doodles [Anti Post]
@panicattheeverywhere13 [Anti Post]
@panicathesocialevent [Posts] [*unfollow*]
@patton-deserves-the-universe [Anti Reblog comment]
@paultinsrival [Anti Reblog comment]
@pinkroses030 [Anti Reblog comment] [DNI]
@puritysanders [Anti Reblog comment] 
@rasberrytears [Anti Reblog comment]
@ravenkake [Anti Reblog comment] 
@romanknite [Anti Reblog comment 1, Anti Reblog comment 2] 
@royally-anxious [Anti Post] [*unfollow*]
@shadowybutangealicsongbird [Post]  
@sleeping-is-for-the-weak-nerds [Anti Reblog comment]
@sugarglider9603 [Anti Post]
@sunshineandteddybears [Anti comment]
@taylordoescoversandstuff [Post]
@teacupfulofstarshine [Anti Post] 
@the-weaver-of-worlds [Anti Post]
@the-yandere-kitsune [Anti Post comment]
@urlocalkookware [Anti Reblog comment]
@vestsfriends [Anti Reblog comment]
@virgil-in-the-bathroom [Post] [~Violent~]
@whats-up-bitch [Anti Reblog comment]
@whizzers [Anti Reblog comment] [~Violent~] 
@whore-energy [Post] [*unfollow*]
@yty-is-a-gfeat [Anti Reblog comment] 
(List last updated 08/25/2020)
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(Gif credit goes to @hiddendreamer67)
133 notes · View notes
winterknight1087 · 4 years
Flower from the Fae (ch 16)
Chapter Title:  Remy, Say Hello to Oblivious's Dates
Summary: Virgil likes plants, but when he goes to investigate a plant his friend, Remy, tells him about, he doesn’t exactly check out the plant. Little does he know that the handsome man he meets there is a fairy who is about to challenge the world Virgil knows.
Word Count: 1677
Chapter Warnings: cursing, Remus (mention), Deceit (mention)
Chapter Pairings: (growing) Romantic LAMP, platonic Sleep/Virgil
AO3 Link      My Writing
A/N: this is chapter 16, so read the first chapter here! 
“Come here,” Virgil said to Galaxy.
She moved over and was moved to the other worktable. She happily started trying to eat a leaf while Virgil looked over a plant he was worried about. It was Halloween, he could be out looking at decorations or helping Remy and Emile prepare their house for the party. But instead, he was here carefully looking over a dead plant. It was the fourth plant to spontaneously die in the past week. Well, at least it distracted him from the things worrying his ever-anxious mind. But what if it’s true…
“Whoa! It’s so pretty in here!”
Virgil spun, accidentally knocking the plant onto the ground as he turned to see who broke in. Standing there were Logan, Patton, and Roman, all dressed as fairies. Roman was the same as the first night Virgil had met him: prince costume with red wings. Logan had dark blue wings while wearing a navy waistcoat, pretty much like some 18th-century royal advisor would wear. Patton had on a long silvery-blue dress, matching the same time period as Logan’s but he had a soft sky-blue pair of wings.
“What the hell!” Virgil gasped.
“You called out ‘come in’ after we knocked?” Roman answered, confused.
Virgil leaned against his worktable, trying to regulate his breathing. “Only thing I’ve said in the past hour was come here to Gala. I didn’t even hear a knock.”
“Oh, sorry Vee!” Patton said.
“Bitch, you better not be ruining your costume, playing with dirt!”
Taking a deep breath, Virgil rolled his eyes as Remy burst into the greenhouse. Not even aware of doing so, Logan put himself in front of Roman and Patton, feeling the sandman’s energy slam into him. Looks like they were right about Virgil having a sandman for a friend.
“Gurl, that is not what the costume we got you. It was a perfect pick, gurl!”
Virgil snorted, “Pick? I had a choice? I remember distinctly saying that the only way I was wearing the dress you picked as a costume would be if you bought it. I said I wanted to be a vampire, but noooo, you insisted I be a witch.”
“And I bought it for you, along with other cute accessories. You were a vampire last year. Be glad I stopped Emile from doing another group costume. Now, go put the outfit on!”
Virgil rolled his eyes as he moved over to a pot being heated by three heaters. He carefully picked it up and poured the hot water into his thermos and setting a tea bag inside. He had set it up, thinking he’d be able to finish it before people showed up at his place, but he decided to just sip it on the way to the diner instead. The four beings watched in shock as he moved about.
“Bitch, are you actually using the cauldron I got you? I mean, it is usable, but I wouldn’t have thought you’d use it?”
“I don’t have anything else to heat water with right now.”
Remy made a face. “Alright, say no more.”
“Uh, what?” Patton asked.
“Just use your imagination. The worst thing you can think of is usually tamer for this rat. Now, Anx, are you going to introduce your company?”
“Oh, right, sorry. Remy, this is Patton, Roman, and Logan. Pat, Lo, Ro, this is Remy.”
“Bitch, tonight I’m Crowley! Even you know Good Omens, gurl.”
Virgil looked over Remy, noting only small differences from their normal outfits. “Really? I thought you were my Fairy God-Bitch”
“Bitch, that’s my job the other 355 days of the year. Tonight, I’m Crowley.”
“Sure, good luck with that. I’ll go throw my costume on. Don’t kill each other. Galaxy is still too young to watch murder.”
The four of them glanced at the tiny kitten trying to clean her paw. While they were distracted, Virgil slipped through the door leading into the house and went to his bedroom to change. He scowled at the dress. It wasn’t a bad costume, but he really wasn’t comfortable dressing like a witch right now. Don’t think of it right now, Anx. Still, he pulled it on and went to finish his make-up. He couldn’t think of a good enough reason, even for himself, not to wear the costume. It was just an uneasy feeling about it. But…
There was an awkward tension in the greenhouse. Remy ignored the three fairies as they wiped the cauldron dry and started filling it with a small hand warmer under some bedding and herbs. With that, they summoned some sand to rub around the cauldron before harshly knocking on it, only to hear nothing. That should keep the cauldron fairly quiet for the kitten during the party.
Once they were sure it would be comfortable, they pulled out a set of kitten-sized wings and a purple bow from their pocket. They carefully placed them on the kitten, cooing at how well behaved she was and how cute she looked. They kissed the precious kitten before placing her into the comfy cauldron. Gala stared up at them, just two blue eyes staring out from the void. Remy huffed, amused. Black cats were the cutest.
Logan cleared his throat. “So…”
Remy glanced at them, pleased to see they were at least a little nervous. “I have no interest in fighting but if you lot hurt Virgil, I will not rest until you have suffered. He is basically my little brother by now and I take my job as older sibling seriously, even if it is self-appointed roles. Clear?”
“We have no intention of hurting him either,” Roman answered calmly.
“If I may ask, were you the one to send him the box of information?” Logan asked, cautiously. “And if so, why?”
“I was in on the idea,” Remy answered, watching them carefully. “And his powers are starting to develop. I can tell you three have your own plan on trying to get through his oblivious mind. What is it.”
Patton shifted uncomfortably. “We were going to tell him the truth. We want to ask if he wants to join us as our witch.”
“You lot have his name, so why haven’t you forced him into it?”
“Only Patton received his name. First name. For something like that, we would need his full name to force him into it.” Logan answered.
Remy relaxed against the table. “I wish you lot luck with that. I’ve known that boy since he was thirteen. Even my fabulous fifteen-year-old self couldn’t get that out of him. Which, I assume means you lot need his voluntary acceptance to go around the name complication. He isn’t going to take the information kindly, I can tell you right now. We’ve been taking it slow since he got this kitten and we still haven’t even addressed that magic is real.”
“So, is he really just that oblivious then?” Patton asked, softly.
“Only towards magic-related stuff.”
Roman stared at Remy suspiciously. “Why are you being so open with this information, Sandman?”
“I really wish there was some accepted gender-neutral of sandman. Like Sandbeing. There are women who do this job. There are non-binary beings who do this job.” Remy commented before looking at the prince in the eyes. “I’m giving you this information so all of us are on the same page. We all care about Virgil and so if I can share something that keeps you three from accidentally hurting him, I will spill. I expect the same in kind from you lot. Our people can hate each other as much as they want, even if Sandmen are the most neutral in that fight. I don’t care about them. I care about my dumbass best friend who has too big a heart and too much untapped magic now revealing itself to the world for his own good.”
“Thanks for having a gurl’s back, Galaxy.” Remy looked at the fairy in navy. “I assume you’re Logan. Meaning you’re the one who discussed fairies with him. Anything you want to spill?”
“Uh… No? Maybe ask you how you’ve not strangled him for his obliviousness, but otherwise no.” Logan answered, awkwardly.
“Gurl, you just earned a good place in my book.” Remy laughed.
“I am not a girl. Why do you keep using that? Please do not refer to me as a girl.”
“Boi, I call everyone, but those who prefer not to be called gurl, gurl” Remy immediately switched. “Still, Dee and I have been asking that same question for years.”
“Great, lots of help, thanks.” Logan deadpanned.
“Now, on to a different topic.” Remy turned to the prince. “Gurl, why in the name of every Gucci fashionista goddess out there are you in such drab clothing?”
“Excuse me, but my outfit is amazing, unlike your rags.”
“Bitch, I’m at least dressed as a TV show character. Did your personal clothing-designer take a day off on Halloween? At least those two look like traditional fairies.”
“Well, I’m not sure if I expected anything different.”
The four of them turned to look at Virgil. He had a black cocktail dress on with a rich violet corset tied with silver ribbon right in the middle of it. Trailing from all but the exact front of the corset was the same shade of violet, flowing material that would look a bit like a cloak as Virgil walked. The sleeves were a see-through black material that had silver protection runes stitched into them. His black pointed hat had a purple band around it with a silver flower rather than a buckle. Remy was pleased that he had included the long necklace with a crescent moon. He didn’t have the black platform heels Remy tried forcing on him, but rather slip on black flats.
“Wow,” three love-struck voice whispered.
“See, gurl. I told you they’d love it. I know what looks good on my babes.” Remy said proudly. “Now, let’s head to dinner. Dee and Emile should have finally convinced Remus to put pants on by now.”
Next Chapter
Taglist: @that-one-nb-kid, @hufflepuffxfox
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 5 years
Letters and Tea A Sanders Side Mario AU fan fic
Dedicated to the lovely @sugarglider9603 and her lovely AU which I love to bits! I mean I love all her AUs and if I could write fics for all of them I would. But alas, college consumes my every waking moment. So for now, please enjoy!
Dearest Virgil,
I cannot thank you and your brother enough for helping me and Patton escape from Bowceit again. Me and Patton were able to make it to the Royal Alliance Meeting in the nick of time and though it was rather boring excellent progress was made. Which reminds me, King Joan Boo says hi and asked that, if you weren’t too terribly frighten still, if you would like to come over to their mansion for lunch. But worry not, I was able to convince them to change the location over to my castle since the lilies in my garden are in bloom and I MUST show them off to someone. So, think of this as not only a “Thank You” letter but a formal invitation to lunch this Saturday. I’ll even ask Patton for that cake recipe you like so much if it’ll convince you.
That aside, I truly am thankful for not only yesterday’s rescue but for ALL the rescues you’ve done before that. I am a very capable prince, believe it or not, and can handle most things myself just fine but even I need some help every once and a while. Bowceit is a handful to deal with alone but you make the burden of it much more barrable. It is an honor to fight along side someone so brave and courageous.
As a token of my gratitude I’ve enclosed in the package a scarf that I knitted for the up coming winter or if you ever find yourself venturing to Ice Land again. You get cold so easily, I hope this will help you even just a little. I’ve also enclosed some of my favorite peppermint tea which I’ve heard helps sooth the nerves after a stressful day. The tea’s leaves come from my garden so you know you’re getting the best.
Anyways, I should wrap this up before I continue rambling on forever. Thank you, once more, for everything you do. I truly do admire you.
Prince Roman
Virgil flushed a deep scarlet as he finished reading the letter before looking back to the table were the beautifully wrapped package waited for him. It was a medium lavender box with dark purple designs held together by a white silk ribbon and a small bouquet of violets. It was so fancy and expensive looking that Virgil had been avoiding touching it for fear he’d brake it somehow. When the delivery Talyn came to drop it off Virgil at first thought they had the wrong house. But no, it was just Roman being extra.
Even so, Virgil was still extra careful when untying the ribbon and placing the bouquet in a small vase near his favorite reading nook near the window. The scarf was in Virgil’s favorite shade of deep purple and extremely soft to the touch, there were tassels at the end that he could fiddle with and a fancy V embroidered in white. Virgil put it on immediately and it was just as warm as he thought it would be.
It also smelled vaguely of peppermint.
Virgil peered into the box once more and discovered a small yet thick packet stuffed with peppermint tea bags. Tied onto it was another note that said: Come over anytime you need a refill -R.
There was a lip stained shape near the corner of the note, a light gold shimmery hue that reflected against the light. Virgil swallowed thickly, cheeks warm as he reached into the box and took the packet. He stood there staring at the note…the kiss…for what seemed like an eternity, face burning, stomach in knots, palms sweaty, heart racing, and Roman’s smile dancing across his mind.
It wasn’t that Virgil liked Roman, no wait, he did like Roman but just as…a friend? A guy that he saves on the weekly? An annoyance? Roman was just…a lot for Virgil. He was arrogant and loud and flashy and charming…very sweet to his people, brave, and confident. Roman was like the sun, beautiful to look at but burned if you looked too long.
‘But of course,’ Virgil thought bitterly ‘he is a prince after all and I’m just…a plumber.’
Still, Virgil thought it best to write back to confirm their lunch date, er, meet up and thank him for the gifts. Yeah, he should do that, Logan probably has some stationary in his office. Virgil was sure he wouldn’t mind if he took some. Or maybe it would be better to go out and buy some for himself? Virgil didn’t get many letters so he didn’t bother keeping any stationary and it would probably be a waste to buy a whole packet of stationary for just one letter. It’s not like Roman had the time to continue writing to him, he was a prince after all and he probably had many more important things to do then entertain Virgil with a letter or two.
Virgil continued to stare at the lip stain on the corner of the note, looked around to see if he was alone before gently pressing it against his lips. It was only for a second, just to get it out of his system, it wasn’t creepy or weird. At least that’s what he kept telling himself before quickly placing the packet back in the box and slamming the lid on top. His hands were shaking as was the rest of him and he was pretty sure all the blood in his body had redirected itself to his face. What was worse is that he could still smell the icy warm sent on his scarf but his body was still too paralyzed with humiliation to take it off.
After about thirty minutes of dying on the inside Virgil decided to head out for some fresh air and if on his way back, he bought some stationary that wasn’t anybody else is business.
Dear Roman,
I’m sorry your meeting was so boring but at least it went smoothly. Give Joan my thanks and that I’ll be there for lunch this weekend, no problem. Also thank you for convincing him to change the location, I really appreciate it. Their mansion is cool and all but the ghost children popping out every five minutes still freaks me out.
Also thank you for the gifts, the scarf was really nice and warm and the tea was delicious. I’m sorry if this comes out a little awkward, I don’t really write many letters. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to write about, there really isn’t anything interesting about me. Besides facing off with Bowceit on the weekly I don’t do much so sorry if I’m a bit boring.
I don’t do much except fix toilets, doodle and write shitty music. So, I don’t have anything in ways of a gift for you except this crappy drawing I did of this water planet I visited with Remy one time on vacation. It’s not my best work but I like it better then any of the other sketches I have on hand. I hope it’s okay.
Well, anyway, you’re probably busy and this letter has gone on long enough so I should probably end it right about now. Thanks again for the gifts, I may have just found my new favorite tea. Talk to you soon.
Sincerely Yours,
P.S. If anyone of us is brave and courageous it’s you.
Roman squealed in delight flopping back onto the bed as he pressed the letter close to his rapidly beating heart. His face ached with the now surely permanent smile he had on and burned with a flush of scarlet on his cheeks. He raised the letter up to scan over it once more before retrieving the paper behind it and admiring the beautifully drawn master piece on it.
Virgil was a brilliant artist, were it not a black and white pencil sketch Roman could of sworn he was looking out the window of a submarine. If he thought this was “crappy” Roman could only imagine what Virgil deemed “okay”. And he apparently wrote music too, Roman wondered what kind? Orchestra, ballads, contemporary, folk…maybe love songs.
Roman sat up quickly, a blush of embarrassment creeping up his neck for even thinking such a thing. I mean, he hasn’t even heard any of his songs so who was Roman to assume what he could and couldn’t write. Even so, if it’s anything like his sketches it’s probably amazing.
“Just like him,” Roman sighed dreamily, it was an embarrassing thing to say out loud in your room alone but he still couldn’t help the goofy smile forming across his face. He hopped off the bed, trying his best to mellow out but to no avail, “Come now Roman, you’re behaving like a child. This is no way for a prince to act! Especially towards a gloomy, stick in the mud who’s crude and emo and sarcastic…and witty…smart, funny…he does have a nice smile.”
Roman bit his lip worriedly, looking out into nothingness for some sort of answer. How is it you properly answer a question such as Virgil? Virgil the plumber, Virgil the hero, Virgil the adventurer, Virgil the artist, Virgil the musician, Virgil…the person. He was one layer after another and Roman just couldn’t seem to stop unwrapping more and more to see what else there was.
Would it seem too desperate to write another letter back? They would be seeing each other this weekend but that was three whole days away! Roman couldn’t wait that long but he couldn’t just up and leave to visit Virgil right this second. Well, he could but that would be highly inappropriate! Why?
Roman’s blush darkened, “I-I should write a letter back, thanking him for the lovely drawing, yes, that’s it. A-and to thoroughly remind him about our meet up this Saturday. King Joan would surely be disappointed if he’d forget.”
Dearest Virgil,
I’m glad you’re coming over this Saturday, King Joan will be thrilled to see you and I…want to show you the moon garden I’ve been working on. I have most of the plants I want added into it but I feel like it’s missing something. I’ve heard you like to take midnight strolls sometime and was wonder if there are any interesting plants you’ve seen in your travels. They don’t necessarily have to be flowers just plants that thrive best in the moon light.
I would also like to thank you for the wonderful piece of art you sent me in your last letter. You really do need to give yourself more credit, you have such wonderful artistic talent that I can only imagen how your music must turn out. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble would you allow me to read over some of your musical creations? I wouldn’t show anyone else, I promise, but that’s only if you want to. I’m very curious to see what kind of music you enjoy writing.
Anyway, I’m getting a head of myself. I am immensely glad to hear that you enjoyed the gifts I sent you. I hope the scarf was the right shade of purple, I’d hate to mess up your whole emo aesthetic, haha. I’m joking, in all honesty you look quite good in purple, it’s defiantly your color. As for the tea, I’m so relieved that you liked it, it was hard to pick what type of tea flavor you’d like best but in the end I’m glad I made the right choice. I know it’s silly to say but…the smell of it reminds me of you; a cold yet unusually warm sort of fragrance.
But anyways, before I continue to ramble nonsense again, back to the subject of your picture. You said that it was a sketch from a water planet you visited with Prince Remy on vacation. I just wanted to ask, what was it like? What other planets did you visit? As a prince I don’t have much time to go out and explore the world like you and your brother, though I wish I could. You have so many adventures that take you so far and beyond this land that I envy you sometimes. So, if you could please indulge me with a few stories I’d be very happy. In exchange I’ll send you more of my home-made tea blends.
Today’s tea blend is a fruity strawberry and lemon tea, perfect for summer days. If you ever find yourself in the desert again a pitcher of that will have you cooled down and energized in no time.
Well, I’m beginning to ramble again so I shall bid you farewell for now. I’m off to purchase a frame for your picture. Hope to see you soon.
Prince Roman
P.S. You were wrong in your last letter. You, Virgil Sanders, are the most intriguing man I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet.
Virgil wanted to scream, in a good way for once. He had not expected for Roman to write back and so soon at that but he was sooo glad that he did. Roman truly wanted to get to know him, asking for his opinion on the moon garden as well as details of his travels. He thought Virgil was interesting and talented and worth writing to! And he liked Virgil’s crappy drawing so much that he was going to fucking frame it.
Virgil was positive he looked like a hopeless, blushing mess and thanked his lucky stars he was in the privacy of his own room or Logan would tease him until the day he died. Not that he didn’t already but this would just give him more material to use against him. Virgil grabbed one of the nearby pillows so as to muffle his screams of panic and joy. This was all really just too much, Roman was just too much!
Yet Virgil couldn’t get enough of him.
He looked back towards his desk where he left the letter and besides it, a thick packet filled with tea alongside another kiss sealed note. He hadn’t even looked at it, too afraid and embarrassed that the same thing as last time would happen. Virgil wondered how much someone could blush without passing out because he’s pretty sure he’s passed that limit by now. He had kept the other note in the same purple box it came in up on top of his closet where he couldn’t see it. He wasn’t sure if it was due to embarrassment or the burning temptation to do it again.
Virgil swallowed thickly, clutching his pillow close as he slowly made his way to his desk and peered over at the note. He saw the same familiar gold tinted lip stain at the corner alongside perfect cursive handwriting that said: Hope you like this blend, it’s one of my favorites. The strawberries came out extra sweet this harvest. -R.
The purple clad plumber wondered, if he supposedly smelled like peppermint would Roman smelled like strawberries and lemons. Or would it be some sort of summery citrus sent that would be carried across a warm wind through a flower field? Great stars above, where the hell did that come from? Virgil viciously shook his head before gingerly grabbing the packet and bringing it close to his face. He stopped just an inch short of contact though it was a tremendous test of self-restraint. The sent wasn’t as overpowering as the peppermint but still pretty strong since they were freshly picked and dried. It truly did smell of summer though.
Virgil didn’t do it on purpose, it was purely a subconscious reaction that caused him to move. His lips gently placed over the golden stain and the sent of summer taking over his senses, and for a moment, if he closed his eyes tight, he could pretend Roman was there with him. Just for a moment he could pretend this was real and not a pathetic act of loneliness and desperation. Roman was here and he smelled like summer and his writing became words of adoration and praise.
He didn’t notice he was crying until he finally snapped out of his trance and slowly placed the packet back down. Star’s above, he was so pathetic. Falling into the delusion that these notes were some sort of love letter and that he even had a slim chance at getting with Roman. A prince no less!
He really shouldn’t write back, it would just hurt more then it already did. Unfortunately, Virgil must be some sort of masochist because he did anyway. He knew he’d just fall deeper and deeper into whatever this was but he just couldn’t stop. When it came to Roman he doesn’t think he could ever stop.
And so, it continued on, past Saturday’s lunch, days beyond days, weeks beyond weeks, months beyond months.
Dear Roman, I hear pink succulent are a good type of plant to have in moon gardens. Though maybe any kind will do, along with a few other cacti. My favorite are turbinicarpus…
Dearest Virgil, your music is just as beautiful as your drawings! I hope you don’t mind but I played a few notes on my piano when I had a chance to be alone. I feel these would make wonderful sounding songs…
Dear Roman, I’m not really great with words, which is why I mainly compose melodies. But if you feel like using them to write lyrics please go right ahead. You may be a drama queen but you have this great flow with words…
Dearest Virgil, Oh ha ha, that’s rich coming from you mister I-wanna-live-in-a-haunted-house! Which I’m not surprised in the least! Though, the Phantom did live under the crypts of the opera house and was a genius musician…
Dear Roman, went over to Joan’s mansion and explored the graveyard. They told the ghost children before hand to make themselves known before greeting me so that’s good. They’re a pretty good group to talk to when they aren’t popping out of nowhere…
Dearest Virgil, you’ll be excited to hear that I’ve decided to dedicate a section of my green house into making a cactus garden! I had visited the desert earlier this week for some royal business when the idea struck me. So, I picked up a few rebutia to get started…
Dear Roman, the piranha plants of the jungle are probably the most vicious out of all the other piranha plants. Not to say the rest aren’t as deadly but these ones have some extra bit to them for some reason. Logan thinks it’s some sort of muted jungle fever that only plants get…
Dearest Virgil, you’re painting of the stars is beautiful as well as the melody that came along with it…
Dear Roman, you have such a talent for making great tea blends, have you ever thought of opening a store…?
Dearest Virgil, you and your brother are coming to the banquet Friday, right…?
Dear Roman, Patton wants to go hiking, please say you’ll come…
Dearest Virgil…
Dear Roman…
…you’re absolutely amazing…
…I truly enjoy your company…
Sincerely yours…
Roman took a breath, double checking to make sure that everything was perfect. Virgil was coming over today under the impression that Roman wanted to show off his beautifully progressing cactus garden. That was only partly true, the other part being was that hopefully, maybe, possibly, Roman would work up the nerve to confess to him. He’s been keeping these feelings in for months and if he had to keep them secret for one more day Roman swore he’d explode into a fiery inferno.
Still, there was the possibility of rejection and the shattered remains of a friendship soon to be gone that was just enough to keep the Prince of Sarasaland tight lipped forever. But he had to at least try, if not he knew he’d regret it forever. Though was ruining a beautifully constructed friendship worth all that?
He hadn’t time to think over the answer when a Talyn scurried over to inform him that Virgil was finally here. His breath caught in his throat and his palms began to sweat, all very un-prince like but could not be helped, Virgil just had that effect on Roman. He caused him to let go of his title and forget his image so that he could just be Roman and not Prince Roman of Sarasaland. Truly, he could be himself around the purple clad plumber.
“I finished the other half of the song I sent you last week.” Virgil announced as he entered the garden, waving a paper he had tucked in his overalls.
Roman smiled fondly, “Excellent, we’ll look over it after lunch. Come and sit, I’ve prepared a special blend of that peppermint tea that you like.”
It was quite easy to talk to Roman, just like how it’s easy to write pages and pages of letter to him. They always have something to talk about, a wide range of serious to nonsense topics, and when they didn’t the two were perfectly comfortable sitting in silence. Just enjoying each other’s physical company as the warm summer’s breeze passed between them. It was all very nice.
But there was something off.
Roman had been a bit fidgety. Not that he wasn’t prone to being a bit fidgety, lord knows that next to Patton Roman wasn’t one to keep still for very long. But this time it seemed different. Anxious, almost.
‘What did Roman have to be anxious about?’ Virgil wondered ‘Bowciet left for a family vacation with the kids, he doesn’t have any important diplomatic meetings for a while, and Patton was coming over tomorrow for a picnic. So, what’s up?’
“Virgil!” Roman said at the same time Virgil called to him.
“Oh, no you-”
“Sorry, you can-”
They awkwardly stared at each other in tense silence, though from what Virgil didn’t know. All he knew was that Roman was hiding something and he had no idea if it was good or bad. Maybe he knew Virgil liked him? That was probably the whole point why he was invited over, to be let down gently before he could even have chance to confess. It was probably for the best, Virgil hadn’t ever planed on confessing anyways so maybe with this out of the way he could finally move on. Or be sad and pathetic and alone forever knowing it was his fault he ruins one of the best friendships he’s ever had. All because he couldn’t keep his stupid emotions in check-
“I think I’m in love with you!” Roman blurted out.
Wait, what?
“Wait, what?” Virgil said, in a brilliant moment of word association. He stares at Roman whose face was a pretty shade of pink and had a look of utter embarrassment and panic. Virgil never thought he’d see the day when the Prince Roman, self-proclaimed charmer and smooth talker, would get flustered.
“Y-you heard what I said!” Roman squeaked out, his face going a deeper shade of red.
“I did but I’m not sure if I was hallucinating or not,” Virgil confessed “so can you please repeat it one more time? Just to know that I’m not dreaming, please?”
Roman squinted at him suspiciously, Virgil reached over and squeezed his hand, eyes sincere and nervous, “Please…”
The prince bit his bottom lip nervously as he squeezed back in response, “I…I love you.”
Again, Virgil’s body seemed to move on its own accord as he leaned over the small tea table and softly kissed the prince’s gold tinted lips. He pulled back just a moment later, somehow breathless as he whispered against the prince’s mouth, “Again.”
“I love you.” He repeated without fail and did not wait for Virgil to make the first move again. Greedily capturing his knight’s mouth in his own, cupping his hand behind his head and pulling them closer. They part for breath once more and this time it’s Roman who demands a confirmation, “Now you.”
Virgil did not hesitate, “I love you.”
Roman pulled them back in so fast he was dizzy but he did not stop him. Couldn’t stop him, couldn’t stop himself, the fire was addicting and Virgil knew he’d happily burn in it for Roman. Just as he knew that Roman would willingly freeze to death in his bitter winds so long as he could taste the minty warmth of peppermint while Virgil consumed the summer breeze.
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[ ♛ ] send me your url and i’ll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: Okay so I know you’re a multimuse but I love every single one of your characters!! I love how you’re able to blend comic canon with both your own flair and into the Wicked Game world. You didn’t have to do that for me but you did and I really appreciate it My thoughts on each character in general:Laura - So my only familiarity with Laura is X-men Evolution and Logan. I’ve never read comics featuring her so I don’t know how she’d behave as an adult. That said I love what I do know of her and I’m especially impressed she started out as a TV character. However it was Daphne Keene’s performance that cemented Laura as one of my favorite X-men characters. Still lamenting the loss of an X-23 movie (and idk what anyone says MCU will not do her justice the way she deserves.)Wanda - Truth? I never liked Wanda XD Didn’t matter which interpretation, she didn’t appeal to me. I do like her goth look in X-men Evolution (that show pretty much defined the X-men for me along with the movies) but that’s about it. I don’t know I never liked her, I just don’t...until you decided to write for her!
Violet - I love this OC. I love what you’ve done. She’s creepy and heartbreaking and perfect company for David Xavier!! Admittedly her fixation with David Haller is a little...not my thing but I understand it and find it an interesting character angle XD
Emma - another character I didn’t like until X-men: First Class. I was very much the tomboy as a kid and tended not to like overly feminine and sexualized female characters. I couldn’t identify with them (I realize now this isn’t their fault but that’s a whole other rant.) However First Class painted Emma in a powerful light. Yes she’s second in command but you can tell by the way she carries herself and the way she talks that she’s very much in control of herself and whatever situation she’s in (except that one scene Erik and Charles subdue her but even then she never flinches.) I like to headcanon Emma knew what she needed to do to get ahead in the 1960s, just as Moira did and I love them both for it. Maddie - I haven’t interacted with this incarnation of Maddie yet which is mostly on me xD; But as far as canon goes - while I am familiar with her I’ve never actually read any comics featuring Maddie (whom I’m calling Maddie because I’m too tired to figure out how to spell her name.) I like her backstory though. It’s fascinating and tragic. how they play them: Okay so I’mma break this down again!Laura - I love the way you’ve envisioned Laura as an adult! I love her voice, I love her attitude and I love that she isn’t two-dimensional. Sometimes aggressive/badass characters are interpreted that way and it’s never any fun to write with them (it’s been a while since I’ve encountered this but I’m old lol.) I love her relationship with Blake as well; they balance each other out despite still struggling to open up without second-guessing themselves. Wanda - Like I said I really like your interpretation of Wanda. She's very down-to-earth despite still having inklings of her father’s temper~ I like her voice as well and how she struggles to get through to her icy little sister. I’d love to explore more verses with her because she really does feel like she could be a long-lost older sister and it’s fun!Violet - WOW I never would’ve thought to do what you did with Violet. You took such a minor character and completely redefined her in the best way! She’s like a living cheshire cat at a glance but I can tell there’s so much more there and it’s wonderful. I love how she and David bounce off each other, the ways they mesh and the ways they don’t quite line up. It’s by far one of the most fascinating relationships on this blog and probably one of the most unique that I’ve ever written.Emma - I LOVE how you write for Emma. She’s callous and aloof and has her own interpretation of events and it’s FASCINATING. Not everyone could commit to the White Queen’s cold front but you do and I love it. I mean I know there’s definitely more to her - as is evident through our conversations - but there is a kind of solace for me, knowing you aren’t afraid to play up that side of her. 
Maddie - Again, haven’t written with this version of Maddie yet. I’m looking forward to it! I just need more time and inspiration...or the right situation? I don’t know XD But I look forward to it! 
the mun: FRIIIIIEEEEEEND. So glad we reconnected! I always feel more comfortable writing with friends. Not that I’m opposed to new friends but there’s a fun familiarity and security that comes with people who know me XD I don’t worry as much about overwhelming you.
do i;
follow them: YES!rp with them: All the time want to rp with them: Aways~ship their character with mine: We have several ships and I love all of them! Always open to more as well ^.^
what is my;
overall opinion: If you aren’t following Deity then YOU SHOULD BE. She’s fun and creative and approachable and open to all sorts of storylines. I’ve written with her on and off for years and built amazing RP relationships with her. 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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phaninaflowercrown · 6 years
My thoughts on Shane’s “The Mind of Jake Paul”.
I am sure a lot of you have heard about or seen Shane Dawson’s series, “The Mind of Jake Paul” in my opinion, I think it’s absolutely incredible and he seems like he’s worked really hard on it. I just wanted to express my thoughts on this subject and so you can share yours in the comments too.
I thought Shane really delved deep into the way sociopaths are made, how their minds work, what their characteristics are and how they behave. Once he explained what the disorder really is, you could really see how Jake seemed to fit in perfectly with the description of a sociopath. I also recommend you watch Logan Paul’s video on his view of the subject, he says that there is a “sociopathic spectrum”, and that everyone has “sociopathic tendencies” and some people’s may be stronger than others, he also says it’s a mistake to just point at someone and accuse them of being a sociopath. I agree with him on the fact that there is a sociopathic spectrum and some people may have some symptoms of a sociopath but aren’t one. I also think it’s wrong to just pint fingers at people when you do not know them fully. I do however, THINK that Jake is a sociopath after watching Shane’s series so far. You can disagree with me it’s just my opinion and I’m not too certain about it anyway, so I really want to learn more about Jake.
A few of the other reasons that makes me think Jake has this disorder is because of the way he acts towards the people he meets as well the people in Team 10. Ive stories about things that he’s done to Alissa Violet that just sound terrible and shocking. There are videos of it happening as well as bruises for proof, many people who have been in Team 10 say he’s a bully and he doesn’t treat people kindly. Another reason is Jake’s parents. They seem to care more about their sons’ fame more than their actual sons.
I am sure to post more about this in the future and i hope it hasn’t been too boring for you to read this. It’d be amazing to hear what everyone else thinks about this subject too.
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crazycoke-addict · 6 years
Celebrities who are innocent of the crimes they were accused of or possible innocent
Keanu Reeves- a female fan accused Keanu Reeves of impregnating her by dressing up as her ex-husband and also hypnotise her as well. The woman sued him for child support and Keanu Reeves was fighting to claim his innocent. It was revealed that the baby wasn’t Keanu’s. Keanu has also been falsely accused of a hit and run. In 2007, Keanu was sued by a paparazzi named Allison Silva. Silva followed Keanu to a medical facility, where he was visiting a relative. She was taking a photos of him, but Keanu just ignored the photographer and got in his car to leave. Silva claimed the actor crashed into him, causing a painful wrist fracture that rendered him to unable to lift the heavy camera that was necessary for his profession. Keanu disputed Silva’s hit-and-run Story, stating that Silva tripped over his own feet. Silva demand $700,000, but when the case got to court, the paparazzi’s “evidence” worst than his wrist. First, a radiologist’s assessment showed Silva’s wrist fracture was from a childhood soccer injury rather than a recent incident. More damaging, Keanu’s defense produced recent footage of Britney Spears, with the “too heavy” camera in hand. Silva admitted his lawsuit was a cash grab and that he’d exaggerated his pain levels. The case was thrown out in less than two hours.
Brian Banks- In 2002, when Banks was only 17 years old, one of his high school classmates came forward, saying that while they were in School together, Banks dragged her into a stairwell and raped her. Banks served five years in prison and another five on probation before he was able to meet up with the accuser, while he was secretly taped with a microphone- she admitted that she fabricated the rape story,and he got her confession on tape. Only in 2012 was Bank’s conviction overturned.
Tucker Carlson- In the summer of 2001, a woman accused Carlson of raping and claimed that the two met in Kentucky. The problem was Carlson has never went to Kentucky and the women turned out to be a long term stalker of his. It was revealed that the woman was mentally unstable. Carlson didn’t tell anyone about the allegations since he knew it would affect his career and also his family.
David Copperfield- Copperfield went through a two year investigation by the FBI when former Miss Washington runner up, Lacey Carroll accused him of trapping her on his private Island in the Bahamas and recently sexually assaulting her. No evidence was ever found against Copperfield, and the charges were dropped after Carrol accused another man of something similar about a month before she accused Copperfield.
Faze Banks- Youtuber Faze Banks was accused of assaulting Jake Paul’s assistant Meg in 2017 at a club called Warwick. In Jake Paul’s video “my assistant got assaulted”, Meg claimed that she saw Banks at Warwick and was kissing another girl (Banks is dating Alissa Violet), she also said that Banks clothes lined her and knocked the wind right out of her and also gave her a bruise. In the video, Meg rarely talks and the people who were in the video with her (Jake, Erika and Anthony) aren’t key eye witnesses and kept trying to over exaggerate the story. Banks made a response that by saying before that video was uploaded that Nick Crompton got in touch by DM on twitter and said that Meg knew that he didn’t meant to, but later on potrayed him as a monster. Alissa Violet and friends that were there claimed that they didn’t see Banks assaulting anyone at the night and he wasn’t being aggressive at all. It’s odd that the incident took place in a club, which is public place. Meg had a bruise on her neck, but on one of Logan Paul’s video, when the camera zoomed up close to the bruise, the bruise was sparkling. She made a video to prove that the bruise was real by using “make-up remover”, the brand that she used was Burt’s bees exfoliating Towelettes. A girl on twitter made a video using the same brand and created a bruise on herself and tried to wipe it off and nothing came off which probe that Meg was lying. A former team 10 member named Max revealed that he did not see Bank kissing another girl or assaulting anyone as well. Max also said that Meg had a bruise when he came back to their table, but it’s impossible to get a bruise in 20 minutes. It’s possible that Meg has anemia. She also once tweeted that she was randomly getting 5-10 bruises constantly but than delete delete it. Banks revealed that they have the security footage and told him that there weren’t any indication/evidence of him assaulting anyone or even kissing anyone that night.
Ed Westwick- He has four allegations against him, but all four of them don’t make any sense. The timeline doesn’t add up, the stories changed and sometimes they turn the story into a traumatising experience to an romantic dinner. I have written an information about the allegations in which I posted it on Twitter.
Sylvester Stallone- Stallone has been accused of two sex crimes that happened around the 80s and 90s. However, I can’t say much about the first story. The second story has some plot holes. A woman claimed that Sylvester Stallone and his bodyguard raped her in his hotel room and said that he would beat her head in if she ever told. This incident happened in July 1986. However, Stallone’s second wife Bridgette Nielsen came to his defense and said that her and Stallone were newly weds and were inseparable. She said she saw him acting out his scenes, they had dinner and went to back to their hotel room, there was no indication that someone was with them. Stallone also said that no one contacted him about the accusations and found out about it in the media. This is actually common these days. Sylvester Stallone has sued both of the women for reporting false charges on him.
Michael Jackson- In 1993, Michael Jackson, known as the King of Pop, was accused of molesting a 13-year-old boy named Jordan Chandler. His father, a dentist named Evan Chandler, demanded payment from Jackson as damages, but this was refused. Evan was recorded on tape saying, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever. Michael’s career will be over.” Jordan’s own mother even declared that there had been no wrongdoing on Jackson’s part – but her husband still pushed ahead with charges.
Jackson’s home was raided by the police and the media storm had begun. Emotionally strained by the charges, Jackson settled with the family out of court for $22 million. A legal document signed by Jackson admitted no wrongdoing and no liability, which was signed by the Chandler’s and their family lawyer with no contest.
Then in 2002, Jackson allowed a documentary camera crew into his home, the program directed by Martin Bashir was broadcast in 2003 as Living with Michael Jackson. One particular scene sparked controversy, where Jackson can be seen holding hands with a young boy. After the documentary aired, the LAPD conducted a thorough investigation. The mother of the young boy who appeared in the documentary, told investigators that Jackson had behaved improperly with her son, and in November 2003 he was charged with seven counts of child molestation and two counts of administering an intoxicating agent.
The People v. Jackson trial began on January 31, 2005, in Santa Maria, California, and lasted five months, until the end of May. The credibility of all the witnesses was questioned when private investigator, Paul Baressi, had taped conversations that revealed Philippe Lamarque, who was a potential witness, would say we saw Jackson touch Macaulay Culkin’s crotch outside of his shorts for a $100,000 payment, but if he was paid $500,000, he would say in court that the hand was on the inside of the shorts. On June 13, 2005, Jackson was acquitted on all counts. 
 He was also accused of child pornography possession after he died, but according to police report this is no documents or indication that Jackson even had child pornography.
George Takei- George Takei was accused of inappropriate touching a male model. Takei says that he can’t remember and even tried to but couldn’t. Recently it was confirmed by the male model that Takei probably didn’t sexually assaulted him.
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niccolahiromithomas · 2 years
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Anonymous Asks:  Niccola, was there any major difference between how you raised Logan verses Brianna? Were there things you did differently between son and daughter? What about Bret? Did he treat Logan different than how he treated Brianna while parenting them? Do you have any advice for other moms?
Ask Me Anything
“The only major differences that happened were those that happen naturally with raising children if you allow them to be who they are going to be,” she says fondly, her violet eyes bright with amusement.
Rearing children was a thankless job. There had been plenty of nights where she found herself covered in bodily fluids, trying her best to soothe the aches and pains of sickly children. Some days where she even questioned her choice to reproduce when her usual well-behaved child was screaming and writhing on the floor, upset at her for one thing or another. Throw hormones into the mix and the desire to show independence...well, she had survived. And even then, she knew that her children were precious angels compared to what she had seen and heard through friends and family raising their own children.
“I mean, there’s the curse of the firstborn as some in the parenting community put it. Being born first means that child is the one you are testing all your parenting on. All children that come after benefit from the experience you gain but that firstborn is literally almost always your first anything for being a parent. I say almost because there were a few things that Brianna did with me that Logan did not, like, throw a tantrum. My Gods, was I not prepared for that one!” 
“There I was in the middle of a store. Lo was 8 so that would make Bria 3 and down she went because I wouldn’t let her eat a raw chicken drumstick. I thought my child was hurt when I heard the scream that came from her. So when I turned around to pick her up and she fought me, imagine my surprise! Even Logan was confused because, again, he had never thrown a tantrum. Had he gotten a bit mad, pouted? Absolutely. But never had he gone into dramatics nor lashed out at me. But you know what? I let her have her moment because, obviously, she needed it. I am a firm believer that you have to treat children like people who don’t know better yet and that includes their emotions. Apparently, little Bria woke up and chose violence that day,” she muses.
Niccola could still see the curly haired girl on her back in the middle of the snack aisle, screaming so hard that she had gone red in the face, which was impressive given the little girl had her mother’s coloring. Her legs kicking as best they could in her snow boots while she wiggled around in her oversized coat. In hindsight, she wondered if little Brianna had overheated herself running around the store in her heavy winter gear. There had been a heavy snowstorm the night before in Calgary, temps were barely above 20 degrees in the middle of the afternoon and so the store had the heat cranking.
“Ultimately, I let her cry it out for a moment before I asked her calmly why she was doing all that yelling. She cried just a bit more before she naturally reigned herself, wanting to talk to her Mama. ‘Eaaaatttt!’ is all she got out before she started crying again. That’s when Logan piped up. ‘Mum fine with ya eatin’, Bria. But that will make ya sick. We don’t want ya sick!’ This got her to calm down just a bit more, to think about what she was doing. ‘Cold e-e-eat?’ Of course, Mama will find you something cold to eat. Now, isn’t this better than doing all that screaming? Your throat hurts, doesn’t it? Come on. Let Mama get you in the cart and we can get you something cold to eat and drink.”
There’s such a fond glow to her as she finishes relaying the story, chuckling again to herself before she starts to focus again. “Sorry, that was a bit of a side track but I promise I will tie it in! As I was saying, when you let children just be themselves then, of course, raising one is going to be different compared to raising another. Logan Stu Hart was my firstborn. He was my practice baby. He wanted a toy kitchen to make food for his teddy bears, who he then proceeded to jump on and perform Sharpshooters on. Brianna was independent from the moment she came out of the womb. Skinned knees from climbing trees and afternoon tea parties were her thing. And calling her a Daddy’s Girl is a severe understatement. That man has driven four days just because his baby girl said she missed him. That’s with her being an adult and the airports being shutdown because of snow.”
“Of course, Brianna did get to experience Bret being home a bit more than Logan did since she came towards the later time in his career before he retired but at the same time, Logan got to have his Mum all to himself for nearly 6 years. I also think Lo finds his time spent with Bret just that much more special because he didn’t have his father around as much as Bria did. But Bret was always active in raising his children, even on the road. He never really slacked off just because he wasn’t here. Nightly phone calls had him asking about school and hobbies, even had him helping with homework and studying where he could. He would even double down on any sort of punishment or lecturing I did. He trusted I wouldn’t be unfair or abusive to our children so if I was putting my foot down about something then I had good reason.” 
There’s a bit of a pause in her storytelling, a thoughtful look upon her face as she thinks on how to explain Bret’s involvement with raising the kids. “We have had a few fights about rearing the children but that is based in the fact that Bret was raised with very strict gender roles and gender based morals. You know, the man is the protector and the provider. The woman make the home and is to be protected at all costs. Women take care of the children while the men make the dough. I would have to remind him, at times, to not be so hard on Lo and not go so easy on Bria.” 
“Mind you, I was raised within the same framework but my Papa definitely believed that a woman should know how to take care of herself if no man was around to take care of her. But, yea, we very much agreed that we wanted the children to feel safe and protected and we wanted them to know that they could be whoever they wanted to be. We would love them no matter what. Given Bria being a Daddy’s Girl, there were times that I had to be the bad guy to make sure our daughter understood she had crossed lines given Bret was weak against those baby blues of hers. And, ultimately, I think we succeeded with that. Our kids are amazing. They are doing their thing! Bria is getting her education and living on her own. Lo has an amazing wrestling career and real estate business. No hard drugs. No alcoholism. No arrest records. Regular calls, texts, FaceTimes, and visits home. We did something right!”
“So, yea, to all the Mamas out there...your children owe you nothing. You did not bring them into this world to be little mini-yous even if they look like you. They are going to have their own personalities, their own desires, their own wishes, and much much more. You are the trellis to help them grow strong and tall; a guiding structure but they still chose the path upon which they will take up, around, and through you. It is alright if they don’t come out how you envisioned, as long as they come out alright.”
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loubuggins · 7 years
Trouble at the Tea Shop (Part 2)
A week later, Rachael found herself wondering into the safe café as last week. Besides the lack of honey, credit card readers, and hospitality, the shop was really rather nice. Due to its small size, not many people hung around inside. Those who did, chatted quietly. Plus, the spot she sat in the other day, was perfectly located behind part of the brick wall. Almost like a secret hiding place that separated her from the rest of the café. So, after much deliberation, she decided the pros out weighed the cons. 
She enter the shop and was annoyed to find the same barista standing behind the register. He greeted her with the same full-hearted smile that he used on her last time she entered the shop. This time, however, instead of returning the greeting with a polite nod, she scowled at him with her violet eyes. She swore he only grinned more. 
"So I take it you enjoyed your tea last time, even without the honey." He quipped, earning him another glare by the black-haired, petite women. 
"Actually, it was quite bitter." She spat at him as she slammed her purse down on the counter, making him jump. "Luckily, I can handle a little bitter." She said with a smug grin. The man snorted at her, clearly upset that she had scared him so easily. 
"Same as last time, then?" He asked with a huff. 
"Yes, please." She replied, a little too sweetly than she was used to. She watched as he went to the back and began using the machine to pour the hot water into a cup. She noticed him grumbling to himself and couldn't help, but feel proud of herself for getting under his skin. He did it to her last time, it was only fair she return that favor. He came back to her carrying her tea in the same ceramic cup and saucer she was given during her last visit. 
He pushed a few buttons into the old register and mumbled, "That'll be $1.50." With a nod of her head, she reached into her purse and dug out two dollar bills. 
"Here you go." She said as she handed him the money. He snatched it out of her hand and with the push of another button, opened the cash register and deposited the money. She wasn't sure where this mood came from. Behaving like this was not like her. Allowing someone to affect her the way he did was not like her. Yet, here she was, playing at his own game. 
"Your change, ma'am." The sound of his usual, cheery voice broke her thoughts. She peered down at his extended hand, wondering why his mood had changed so quickly. Then she noticed it. The change. Instead of giving her two quarters back, he had handed her five dimes. 
 "What's this?" She questioned as she pointed to his opened hand. 
His smirk widened. "Your change." Her eyes narrowed at him. She knew what he was trying to do, and this time, she would not fall for it. She reached over and scooped the change out of his palm. A strange feeling creeped into her stomach when there hands touched, but she brushed it off. 
"If that's your attempt at bothering me, you're going to have to try harder." She commented as she put the change into her purse and grabbed her tea. 
"Challenge accepted." He grinned and again gave her a playful wink. She rolled her eyes at him and went on her way. She came back to the shop the following week. This time she was greeted with a mischievous smile. Raising an eye brow, Rachael cautiously stepped up to the counter. 
"My usual please." She said in her normal, monotone voice. She had given it some thought, and chose to cut the man some slack this time. 
"Sure thing, ma'am!" He said in his usual cheery voice. He went to the back and began making her tea. After a minute passed, he came back carrying her usual English Breakfast tea. He sat it on the counter and began punching in the price. "$1.50." Before he could finish she had the cash in hand. She handed him the money, which he gladly accepted. She looked off to the side, studying the front window, as he pulled out her change. 
"Your change, ma'am!" He stated, change in hand. She looked down and found her change, this time in ten 5-cent nickels. She looked up at him with a glare while he just smiled wider at her. This continued on for a while. Each time she entered the café, he would find a different way to give her back her fifty-cents. She could even feel her purse start to weigh on her shoulder more due to the increase in cent pieces. She wanted so badly to curse at him. To slap the change out of hand and tell him what for, but she knew better. Reacting would only give him exactly what he wanted, so instead she forced herself to do the opposite. 
She stayed completely emotionless. No smile, no change in voice, not even so much as a nod. She would enter the shop, he would bring her tea, she would hand over her money, and finally he would give her a new combination of her change. Each time they would both grew more annoyed with one another. It was only a matter of time before one of them snapped. 
"Welcome back, ma'am! Your usual?" He asked, but was already in the back making her tea. During these brief moments, Rachael had found herself studying the man with great concentration. She didn't know why she had taken such an interest in him, but she had and she soon learned much about him. Like how his name tag had the name Logan written on it with a paw print drawn next to it, or how he often hummed to himself as he worked. Little details like this seemed to file themselves into her mind without her taking much notice until they randomly opened themselves up while she was showering, laying in bed, or listening to a class lecture. 
He came back with her tea, and he went through the normal routine. When it came to distributing her change, she mentally prepared herself for whatever odd combination he thought of next. Suddenly her outreached hand became very heavy. Looking down, she stared at the pile of copper colored coins. She gapped at the pile for a moment, and all her hard work to stay calm flew right out the window as her newfound rage consumed her. 
"Are. You. Kidding. Me." She said slowing as her eyes turned to daggers. 
"What? Did I forget one?" He joked as he examined her hand, pretending to count the pennies. With a growl, she grasped the pennies and flung them out him. He raised his hands like a shield as the pennies came flying at him. The sound of metal hitting metal sounded throughout the small café as the pennies hit the brewing machines. The whole café fell into a dead silence and all eyes landed on the pair. 
"Have fun in hell, you jerk!" She screeched as she spun on her heel and stormed out of the shop, leaving her steaming tea and a completely baffled barista behind.
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
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reddirtramblings · 6 years
Before settlers crossed the Mississippi River and literally ran for 160-acre plots in one of several Oklahoma land runs in the late 1800s, much of the territory’s western half was covered in mixed prairie grasses.  In what became Oklahoma Territory, the Osage, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Kiowa, Comanche and Apache tribes hunted bison and other animals. Oklahoma’s diverse landscape, including its glorious grasses, made such hunting possible because prairie and forest plants provided cover and forage for animals like bison, elk, bear, rabbits, squirrels, turkeys, and white-tailed deer. On the eastern side of Indian Territory, the land was wooded with blackjack oaks, eastern cottonwoods, post and pin oaks, and many other tree species. Being rocky and hard to develop, much of it is still very wooded today.
1892 Map of Oklahoma and Indian Territories courtesy of the Library of Congress.
I live at the junction between the prairie and the forest in what is now Logan County, a green section at the center of the map above. Each day, I wake up grateful that I own 7.5 acres of land where I continue to work in a garden that’s become a pollinator and bird habitat. Lizards, snakes and frogs like it too. It’s always a work in progress, and that’s what makes gardening such a fascinating hobby. You never run out of things to learn.
And, one thing I’ve learned over the last ten years is that glorious grasses help me build my own little corner of the prairie.
[Click on photos in the galleries to make them larger.]
Grasses and other plants in my garden midsummer of 2013. It looks similar now, but the chairs are painted purple. I could no longer find French blue paint.
Pennisetum purpureum ‘Fireworks’ with Phlox paniculata ‘Bright Eyes’ behind. See how great they go with my purple chairs?
Tallgrass prairie once covered 14 states throughout the central part of the United States.  On November 12, 1996, the Nature Conservancy purchased the Chapman-Barnard Ranch covering 29,000 acres near Pawhuska, Oklahoma. This purchase helped form what is now the 39,650 acres of the Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve near Pawhuska, Oklahoma, once part of the Cherokee Outlet and the Osage lands in the above map and stretching into southern Kansas.
Bill and I have visited the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve numerous times in various seasons. It is a source of respite and inspiration to me in my own garden. I especially notice this In late summer and early fall. Grasses that have been providing background support for the rest of our landscape now take center stage. Ornamental grasses are at their full height and sport fully-formed seedheads. The prairie is a thing of true beauty in any season, but in fall, it is magical. Ornamental grasses breathe life into a garden. Let them breathe life into yours.
Good old Miscanthus sinensis, maiden grass in my garden. It is next to Blush Knockout rose. Although M. sinensis is invasive in some parts of the U.S., it has never moved from this spot in my garden. I also use ‘Adagio’ in another spot.
How can you replicate some of the tallgrass prairie for your home? One way is by strategically planting grasses. Although the Great American Prairie is composed of a multitude of plants, grasses are its living backbone providing structure for three seasons out of the year. The only time ornamental grasses don’t look good is in late winter/early spring when just cut back. However, the plants surrounding them will shelter grasses until they begin to grow. Grasses are relatively unobtrusive unless you have an entire row of a particular grass as I do with my pink muhly grass.
Muhlenbergia capillaris ‘Lenca’ Regal Mist, pink muhly grass, with Salvia leucantha, Mexican bush sage peeking through.
Even then, the grasses don’t look bad. They just don’t look like anything.
Bouteloua gracilis ‘Blonde Ambition’ blue grama grass. I grow it in pure gravel, and only water it occasionally in summer.
Many varieties of grass are simple to grow. In fact, in some climates, they can be invasive, but we haven’t seen that in Oklahoma. You can grow many by seed, or by purchasing container grown plants in the spring or fall. Although I have grown some by seed, I prefer to buy plants to get things more quickly established. Some of the ones I grow are native. Others are not. I tend to choose grasses based upon what I need in a particular space. I then surround them with other prairie plants attractive to pollinators and birds. Although I still love roses and grow them, Rose Rosette Disease wiped out many of my rose shrubs. I will never plant a rose in the same spot for a variety of reasons, and I’ve found grasses are wonderful for rose replacement although I’ve also planted numerous fruiting shrubs for the birds too.
Grasses require some garden work, but it isn’t onerous.
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Ginger Love’ is a dwarf fountain grass that I love more than ‘Hameln,’ although I grow ‘Hameln’ too.
Grasses come is many different heights. Among the shortest are Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln’ and ‘Ginger Love’ dwarf fountain grasses. I love these small grasses for the front of the garden bed. In fact, I bought two more one-gallon containers of ‘Hameln,’ and I’ve planted them in the front of the garage border. Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Standing Ovation’ is a shorter little bluestem grass. I have trouble growing bluestem grasses, tall or small, in my garden probably because I water more than they like. I use drip irrigation, but I also have years like this one where Oklahoma received tons of rain. Bluestem grasses do not like too much rain or enriched soils. I have both at various times. I also can’t grow Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ fescue.
No one can grow everything, and that’s okay.
Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’ up close. See all those shades of yellow?
P. virgatum ‘Northwind’ turning bright yellow.
P. virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’ with a crapemyrtle behind.
I have tremendous success with the native switchgrasses, and I grow several from tall ‘Northwind’ to the shorter ‘Heavy Metal’ and ‘Cheyenne Skies.’ At eight or nine feet, ‘Cloud Nine’ is one of the tallest switchgrasses available. At the present time, panicums are probably my favorite grasses. They’ve performed so well in the garden that I’ve been able to split them several times. All of the switchgrasses turn beautiful colors in the fall with some being more yellow and others more purple. They are perennial.
Rosa ‘September Song’ with P. virgatum ‘Cheyenne Skies’ behind it.
Speaking of purple grasses, for pure theater, I don’t think you can beat Pennisetum purpureum ‘Fireworks.’ I’ve grown this grass in pots on the deck and in the borders for years. I especially love it with coleus and Phlox paniculata ‘Bright Eyes.’ Such a beautiful combination. Purple fountain grass is not perennial in Zone 7, but also check out ‘Princess Caroline’ for a large focal point.
Pennisetum purpureum ‘Fireworks’ with Phlox paniculata ‘Bright Eyes’ behind. See how great they go with my purple chairs?
Pennisetum purpureum with purple heart and coleus at Bustani Plant Farm.
Another view of ‘Campfire’ coleus and purple fountain grass in the terraces. The trees are still small, but they will get bigger each year eventually providing windbreaks and shade.
The very gorgeous Pennisetum ‘Princess Caroline’ is a showstopper next to Hibiscus ‘Maple Sugar’ and Senorita Blanca® cleome.
Dramatic dark grass at OSU Botanical Gardens. Might be ‘Princess Caroline’ or Vertigo.
If you want a nice tall grass with large plumes, consider Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Overdam,’ a variegated selection. If you can’t find ‘Overdam,’ try ‘Karl Foerster.’ I’m growing it along a fenced border in the back garden as a kind of screen. It’s going to take a while to fill in. I like larger grass clumps at the edge of my gardens because they dissuade deer from entering the space. They don’t like the swishing noise or that they cannot see.
Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ with the very late-blooming and tall  Hemerocallis ‘Autumn Minaret’ daylilies.
  Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Overdam.’ In front of the grass is Penstemon smallii ‘Violet Dusk.’ 
I mustn’t forget Mexican feather grass either. Although it is invasive in some climates, it is well-behaved here. I do have to replant it periodically because it tries to die out. I love how the plumes swish with the wind. Is there anything better?
Mexican feather grass and other plants, native and non-native make up a the palette used by Piet Oudolf.
Phlox divaricata, woodland phlox with Mexican feather grass planted in a shallow border. I lined the border with Nassella tenuissima, Mexican feather grass because it softens the concrete.
Nassella tenuissima, Mexican feather grass, planted along the edge of a border softens the concrete blocks.
Side border next to the deck has Tightwad Wad crapemyrtles, Little Lime® and Quick Fire® hydrangeas. There are also daylilies and Mexican feather grass in this border.
Try some glorious grasses in your garden, and you’ll see what I mean.
  Glorious grasses Before settlers crossed the Mississippi River and literally ran for 160-acre plots in one of several Oklahoma land r…
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