#look at the kiddos theyre so!!! look at their little faces!!
gretahayes · 11 months
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Titans (1999) #10
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movedtone0mile · 1 year
camping trip
jaemin x f!reader
warnings: smut, mdni, outdoor sex (this is not hygienic, would not recommend irl kiddos), unprotected sex (again would not recommend but theyre in a relationship)
word count: 1,6K
summary: Jaemin and Y/N go on a camping trip by the lake, and Jaemin has a special plan for nightfall.
Jeno had advised Jaemin to take you on a camping trip, he had said it was more romantic than you may think at first, and Jaemin was all excited about it. Also, Jeno had given him another tip that you would love for sure, but it would have to wait until nightfall. 
The sunny weather was perfect for the weekend getaway Jaemin had planned, and he had a weekend off. If you were maybe reluctant at first, you had decided to give it a chance, so here you were, driving around, your face stuck to the GPS.
“Here! Look at the sign!” you exclaimed when you finally saw a sign indicating the lake. 
Jaemin eagerly turned in the right direction, it had been hours since you were driving among the twisting and winding roads. You were both relieved to finally get to your destination. 
Jaemin let out an exaggerated sigh of relief when the lake finally became visible. He pulled off the car and playfully slapped your thigh. « We’re here princess! »
Opening your door, you rushed to the water. Jeno had not lied about it, it was beautiful. Tall trees hid you from the rest of the world and the light reverbing on the surface of the water gave it a magical appearance. You were impatient to go swimming since the hours in the car had you suffocating for air. 
“Hey! Come help me with the bags!” Jaemin cried from the back of the car.
You helped him bring your things to the place you decided would be best to set up camp. 
“We have to set up the tent before it gets dark.” he declared, opening the manual.
Unrolling the tent, you carefully secured the corners and poles, and about 25 minutes after, the fabric finally had taken the shape of something that may welcome the both of you.
“Good job baby!” He exclaimed, proud of your teamwork. 
Jaemin threw himself inside, spreading his body all over the narrow surface. 
“Well, it’s not as spacious as you told me it was.” You said, looking down at him with narrowed eyes. 
“What do you mean? There’s plenty of space!” He patted his belly, inviting you to join him. 
Throwing your entire weight onto him, you tossed and turned, groaning. “It’s not comfortable at all, we should return it to the store!” 
Jaemin slapped the back of your thigh playfully, faking being offended. “Get up then, we have a fire to set up miss.” 
“Oh, we really are playing little adventurers!”
꧁ ♡ ꧂
Jaemin had gathered some wood and you had displayed some rocks to create a fire pit. 
“Where did you learn how to light a fire?” You asked him, watching him confidently placing paper and kindling in the centre of your preparation. 
“I’m a man full of surprises, you know.” Wiggling his eyebrows, he reached into his back pocket, picking up something. He then quickly took out a lighter to ignite the paper. 
“A lighter?!” You reached out to shove him and you busted out a laugh together. 
Soon enough, the flames began to grow and dance, and you snuggled into Jaemin’s chest as the embers started to crackle. 
“You aren’t impressed by my scout skills?” 
As the fire grew, you roasted marshmallows, snuggling close to each other under a blanket. You and Jaemin shared stories you hadn’t told each other before, as well as your plans for the future. The stars above you shone brightly in the sky and you looked at Jaemin’s features. “Thank you for bringing me here, it’s beautiful.” You murmured. 
Looking down at you, he smiled, “I’m always happy as long as I’m with you.” 
You leaned in to kiss him gently. “And it is only the beginning.” He said once you pulled away. You asked what he meant and he gestured to the lake, “Don’t you want to take a dip?” 
꧁ ♡ ꧂
You both sat down on the dock, settling on the edge, letting your feet dangle above the water’s surface. The full moon cast a soft glow on the lake, and the stars above were reflected on the surface. 
Jaemin leaned his head on your shoulder, as you sat in comfortable silence for a moment.
“Do you really want to swim?” you asked him. “It’s getting late.”
“Of course!” He stood up. “Why go to the lake if it’s not to take a dive?” 
Jaemin took off his shirt and started to unbuckle his belt. 
“Jaemin, our swimsuits are in the tent.” You said. 
“Who needs them?” He wiggled his eyebrows, pulling down his pants and briefs. 
You screamed, putting your hands in front of your eyes, faking outrage. 
Jaemin dived into the water, splashing you on the way. He emerged a bit further, shuffling his head like a dog would do. He was cute like this, you thought.
“Isn’t too cold?” You asked, raising your voice enough for him to hear. 
He shivered, “A little, at first, but it gets better when you move!” With that, he swam to you before putting his hands on your knees, his eyes looking lovingly into yours. 
“You got goosebumps, don’t tell me that it’s not cold.” You said, raising a sceptical eyebrow. 
He faked chattering his teeth, before responding, “I swear! It’s so warm, feels like a hot tub, » you scoffed. « Come onnn, baby!” 
Getting up, you raised your top above your head. Jaemin’s mouth hung open dramatically at the sight of your naked breasts. « Oh please. » you whined, unbuttoning your shorts. Then, you teasingly slid the fabric down your legs, sending shivers down the poor boy’s spine. 
Propping yourself on Jaemin’s shoulders, you let your body sink into the cold water, shrieking at the contact. « Jaemin! It’s freezing cold! »
Jaemin gripped the flesh of your hips as your face got to the same level as his. “I have an idea to warm you up, you know.” 
“Oh I have no doubt.” you mused and leaned in to kiss him.
He pushed your body impossibly close to his and let his hands roam your body. Yours were squeezing his shoulders, your nails occasionally scratching. 
The kiss was an intense one since both of you had the whole day to grow needy. Being just the two of you, recluse from the rest of the world, the set added to your excitation. 
“Open your mouth.” Jaemin always loved to say this kind of thing, which had you unable to contain your laughter, with this smug smile of his. 
You scoffed but complained anyway, you wouldn’t stop this game between the both of you. 
When you opened up your mouth, he slid his tongue inside and sucked on yours. His jerky breathing had you smiling into the kiss. You loved how riled up he could get, even at the slightest touch. And without you realizing it, he had started to grind against you. 
Reaching your hand to his crotch, you grope him. He broke the kiss to moan, his eyes were tight shut, and his voice had become raspy.  “The things you do to me, baby…”
Complacency rushed to your head, and your grin intensified. It was always so satisfying to see how you were able to drive him crazy. Pleasuring him was more than enough to please you. 
Jaemin grabbed your wrist, withdrawing it from his length before sliding it between your thighs, and even in the water he was able to feel your warmth against his own skin. The friction was not yet enough but it was enough to make of Jaemin a whimpering mess. However, after some time, he grew bored and impatient of thrusting in the water. 
“Hold onto me,” Jaemin said, already breathless, before he grabbed your thighs, as you circled them around his hips. He entered you in a swift motion, and you threw your head back, crying his name out. He chuckled and began to move. You had shut your eyes tight as a consequence of the stretch, but Jaemin softly asked you to open them. When you did, you were met with the spectacle of the sky dotted with shining stars, and you thought that the setting had never been this much in line with what you were doing: amazing.. 
Biting on his lower lip, Jaemin concentrated on his movements, thankful for the water that carried your weight. The only things he had to focus on being clinging to you and moving. 
As he sped up, waves began to create around your bodies, and the sensation of hearing your whimpers reach as far as they could, before dying far away from you was all new and exhilarating.
“Jaemin, please, please!” Not even knowing what you were begging for, you begged anyway. The pleasure was too much, the stars in the sky fading into a big white halo, as your vision blurred. 
His head dropped against your neck and you could feel his hot breaths grow into needy groans.
It was hard to understand what he was saying in between moans when he warned you he was about to cum, but his erratic thrusts were enough of a warning. 
Jaemin reached his high a few seconds before you did, but continued to move anyway, sloppy thrusts getting you exactly where you wished to be. Your mouth hung open in a silent cry, as the knot inside you snapped. 
꧁ ♡ ꧂
“I got you, baby,” Jaemin helped you up on the dock, before pulling himself up too. You were still in a daze, so he wrapped a soft towel around you, as he dried your body and hair. “Did you enjoy my surprise?” You nodded, not trusting your voice just yet, and leaned into his rubs. 
He dried himself as well, before helping you to circle your arms around his shoulders and scooped you over. Jaemin carried you as a princess back to the tent. There, you still felt a bit sleepy and couldn’t wait to cuddle with him to sleep. Hastily, he took out some clothes from your bags and came back to you with a hoodie of his. With his signature smile, he tugged the fabric past your head and you lazily put up your arms, as a way not to make things more difficult for him. 
Having slipped you into some shorts, Jaemin put on his pyjamas himself and tugged the both of you into your shared sleeping bag. 
It was not very comfortable but Jaemin’s warmth was enough for you to get comfy. He held you against his chest and listened to your breathing calming down, your peace being his own lullaby. 
In the morning, he wanted you to go explore the woods, and maybe repeat the same scenario the next evening. 
God, this camping trip would do you a world of good. 
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ddejavvu · 1 year
ANOTHER JAMES POTTER THOUGHT LMAOOO. k. so. hear me out. fake dating!James potter. sirius brings it up, the idea of you and James fake dating, cus youre all nervous about going to a family event cus it'll just be more comments about your lack of love life constantly. so sirius mentions that maybe you should just bring someone and say that theyre ur bf; it'd be easier AND you wouldnt be alone, muddling your way through awkward social conversations and such. remus, surprisingly, agrees with sirius when you laugh at the idea. ever the empath, he softly explains how it could be a great idea for you, and it'd solve a few issues at the same time. James doesnt really say anything till sirius suggests you bring him as your fake boyfriend, and James is immediately lighting up like "im your boyfriend??? yeah??" and he just.. cannot be told, no matter how many times you stress that he'd be a fake boyfriend, he just repeats that hes your boyfriiiieeeennnddd though. plain and simple.
he definitely takes his role seriously. makes excuses like, "we have to practice kissing, id kiss you ALOT as your boyfriend, yknow. and I dont want you to freeze up if I kiss you for the first time and you dont know how to react. we MUST practice." also holdsur hand all the time now and hes shameless about it - "but lovely, im ur boyfriend im meant to hold ur hand, cmonnn". even gets jealous like a real boyfriend would now (not that he didn't before, but now he lets it show).
at the event, also has a habit of stealing you away and keeping up the boyfriend role, im saying he lays it on THICK, doesnt matter if no one else can see it or is paying attention. im talking touchy, he probably nuzzles his face down into yours alot,constant love sick expression on his face. its gets so bad that even ur brother is like "wow, didn't realise youd get an actual boyfriend. like, what blackmail do u have on him?? did you finally submit to the devil and curse him or smthn cus Jesus fucking christ sis look at him, hes mooning over you from across the room. seems like an alright bloke though. maybe."
can imagine that hes touchy and sweet and etcetcetc but also. after ur little event is done, he stops joking and pretending, bends down to you and "so can I be your boyfriend now. pleeeaase?? ur auntie even said that I must be a lovely young man.. you think im a lovely young man too, right? so I can be ur boyfriend?? ]: please?"
FAKE DATING JAMES IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE TROPES WITH HIM!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE he'd want to 'sell it' just like you mentioned, and he'd plan these insane grandiose gestures that have you melting for real and then you sneak off to a private area and he's giggling like they totally bought it!! and ur weak in the knees like yEah they did!!
you stress so many times to him that he's your fake boyfriend. fake. FAKE. but he absolutely refuses to say that, he calls it method acting. he's gotta get in character, he can't tell himself it's fake all the time or it'll seem fake!
no bc even before you get to your parents house he's like okay so let's practice our kisses. we're gonna need casual cheek kisses, the 'i-don't-want-to-make-a-scene kiss', the 'we-think-we're-alone' kiss, the forehead kiss, the hand kiss, the air kiss- and he's rambling on about all the ways he's gonna smooch you up and your cheeks are on fire.
the days leading up to the event he does practice! whenever you walk out of a room he grabs your hand and tugs you down to kiss your cheek, he makes you kiss him goodnight every night before bed, he even insists that you give it all you've got when no one else is around so that you get comfortable being passionate with him.
he greets your mom like the perfect gentleman, bringing her a bouquet and offering to help with dinner. but when she politely declines the help he sits on the floor at your feet while you're on the couch, spreads ur knees so that he can sit between your calves, and hangs out with the kiddos on the floor. he's their big jungle gym, constantly has children crawling all over him, and they definitely ask him scandalized questions like 'you KISS her?!?!?!' and then he gets this big shit-eating grin on his face and leans up to lay a big fat wet juicy smooch on your lips and they all chorus 'ewww!' and run off to giggle about it somewhere else. it leaves james with no more playmates, so he hoists himself up onto the couch and wraps an arm around you, proceeding to be sickeningly sweet and domestic and cute. definitely a nuzzler, ur so right <33333
YES THE TEASING FROM EVERYONE ELSE SKGNG ur grandma is like 'i'm glad you found a good man before i die' and ur auntie is like 'does he have an older brother??' everyone is enamored by this loverboy you've brought home, and he plays the part so well that no one ever realizes it was fake.
which is good, because it isn't for long. he definitely begs for you to give him a chance at being your real boyfriend, but you don't bother even giving him the chance, you just tell him you already know he'll be a fantastic real boyfriend because he went so above and beyond when it was only supposed to be fake :') ur so far gone for him and it's the best night of his life, i guarantee it :')
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lucluvr · 2 years
Zhongli and his children !!
helloo im here again. i wrote this at my job during my lunch break bcos im having very intense zhongli brainrot. i saw this artwork on here abt single dad zhongli and like i got this idea !! so yeah enjoy 💗💗
note: the ganyu n xiao x reader r like plationic btw !! and u calling the kids cute is parental cuteness IF THAT MAKES SENSE. please dont be weird abt it theyre little kids in here n i think tiny xiao is so cute i wanna keep him safe so PLEASE dont be weird about this it’s PLATONIC 😭😭 the only romantic ship in his is reader n zhongli so yeah 😭🙏 and the art before the cut is by its.kensho on tiktok !!!
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no warnings, just pure fluff and love, zhongli loves his children so much ☹️💗💗
— meeting the little ones:
“im not so sure about this, li…what if they hate me?” you clutch onto his sleeve, anxiety bubbling in your stomach. today zhongli’s introducing you to his kids. it’s terrifying. you’ve heard how lovely they are, you’ve seen photos, they’re so cute. you want them to like you so bad.
“my love i promise you, everything will be okay,” he frowns slightly. he pulls you closer, grasping your hand in his. he lays a small kiss on the forehead. so gentle, so loving. you look up at him smiling slightly.
he really does love his kids, he talks so much about them. seeing the adoration in his eyes when he mentions his daughter and son, it makes your stomach fill with butterflies. he’s so lovely…
you walk inside the restaurant, hand in hand. hu tao had been sitting inside the restaurant with the kids, helping them order their food. she looks up at you and zhongli, smiling. she taps ganyu’s shoulder. her doe eyes stare up at you and her father. she’s excited to see her father, but is confused as to who you are. xiao follows her gaze, tilting his head to the side cutely. your heart skips a beat. they’re so cute T^T.
“ganyu, xiao, this is [name], my partner,” he squeezes your hand , reassuring you. you wave at the two children sitting in their seats. xiao whispers something to ganyu. zhongli’s explained to you that he often makes ganyu talk for him. between the two of them, ganyu is more talkative, but she’s still pretty shy
“hi miss, im ganyu. this is my brother, xiao.” she smiles at you. zhongli guides you into the booth, seating you beside ganyu. she leans over and whispers something in your ear,
“my brother and i think you’re very pretty,” you look at her and you feel like your heart is being squeezed. theyre so cute and lovely, just like zhongli. you look back at him, your eyes meet. you get this feeling that maybe he was right, they will like you, and everything will be okay.
— being greeted by them:
zhongli had asked you to meet him at his house. after waiting outside in your car for 10 minutes, you decided to knock on the front door. your greeted by two little heads peaking out the door.
“hi miss [name],” xiao speaks softly. you crouch down to match his height.
“hi xiao,” you ruffle his hair. “is your daddy home? i was waiting for him outside. how are you doing, kiddo?” he scrunched his nose and closes his eyes when you touch his head.
“im good. he’s home, he can’t tie his tie. ganyu’s trying to help. do you know how to do it?” he shyly asks, creaking the door open a little more. he invited you in and you shut the large brown door behind you. as you walk in further into the house you see ganyu sitting on the kitchen counter, fumbling with the fabric around her father’s neck.
she peeks her head from behind his shoulder and smiles at you. zhongli turns his head around, looking at you slightly shocked and embarrassed.
“hello, darling. did i make you wait too long? i apologize. it’s just um…” his face flushes slightly pink. you stride towards him, patting ganyu’s head. you turn zhongli towards you, and hold the tie in your hands. you cross the fabric left, right, under, and so on.
“next time, if you need help, ask me, don’t make poor yuyu do it, okay?l you tease him, ruffling his hair much like you did to xiao’s. you see the slight resemblance between the three of them. xiao has zhongli’s eyes, and lips, ganyu has his long hair and cute nose. you giggle slightly. theyre all so adorable.
“thank you, dearest.” he kisses your forhead. he picks ganyu off the counter and places her down. zhongli beckons xiao over, runs to him like a lost puppy. zhongli kneels down to their eye levels. he gives them a little run through of what to do and what not to do when childe comes over. he’s babysitting them tonight. zhongli never asked, childe more or less insisted. the two kids nod at zhongli’s words.
“i love you both, okay? be good, my gems.” with that he pats and kisses their heads. he takes your hand in his and opens the door. childe is standing right outside about to push the bell. he eyes you up and down and sends you a playful wink,
“you both look as good as always.” he sees the little ones behind zhongli and runs to them, picking little xiao up in the air. zhongli looks at the scene in front of him, he’s so happy. he couldn’t wish for anything more. you realize, he loves so much, you make it your duty to make sure he’s able to receive it too. after all, he deserves all the love in the world. you kiss his cheek. you two bid the children and tartaglia goodbye. tonight will be great.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 10 months
HEY BBG !! so happy u took that break and that ur requests are open nowww
so ive been wanting to tell u abt this dream i had with peter quill (of course i mean..who else) and turn it into a request!
its like after the holiday special and before gotg vol 3 where maybe reader was just cruising around knowhere before these cute lil kiddos come up to reader like "mx. ___, come play with us! we need one more player for our game" and it took them some time to actually convince reader and theyre finally like "alright alright" so they play a game with em
and just so the cliché and cheezy can come in, peter is also just walkin around yk, seeing what ppl doing, and boom 🤯🤯 the skrunkly sees reader playing with the kids
very cute n sweet best dream ive probably ever had, hopefully you can write this soon! I also dearly apologise for coming to you with peter requests only. I only feel comfy requesting things to you 💔
have a great week/end !!
HI BBG!! I really hope I did this right, I felt pressure to write it as best as I could for to live up to your dream. also never apologise, I love that I can always rely on you to send in quill requests. and you’re so sweet, again I love that send ideas to me😩 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
play ball
peter quill x gn reader
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word count: 409
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"Can you play with us?" a small, child-like voice asks, interrupting you from your thoughts. 
"Me?" you question, pointing to yourself as you glance around the quiet, empty park.
"Yeah," another kid adds, rolling the ball towards his friend.
"I'm not very good," you say, slowly turning your attention away.
"No one ever wants to play with us," a little girl joins in, frowning at you. 
"Just for a few minutes," one of the children pleads, giving you puppy eyes. 
You had a swarm of kids badgering you to join in with their ball game, and it was only a matter of time before they could wear you down. 
"Alright, alright," you exhale, standing from the bench where you were comfortably seated. "What're we playing anyway?" you ask, looking around at their mischievous faces.
"We can't tell you."
"And why's that?"
"The last time we had an adult, we..." a kid trails off, pausing.
"You what?" you ask, eyes squinting.
"We accidentally hurt him," he said bashfully.
"Hurt him?" 
"Yeah, we threw the ball at him too hard."
"Yeah," another joins in.
"It was an accident, though— we didn't mean it."
"We said 'sorry,'"
You chuckle, shaking your head. "Filling me with great confidence, kids,"
"We won't hurt you,"
After a while of playing and following their impossible, make-it-up-as-you-go-along rules, you were tired and in desperate need of a break. So you excuse yourself back to your bench, except now, there's someone in your space. 
"Do you mind if I sit?" you ask, nodding to the empty seat beside the man. 
"Sure, go ahead," he nods, crossing his ankle over his knee. "Those kids tire you out?" he asks, making friendly conversation. 
"Big time," you laugh, holding your side. "And they're not even mine." 
"No, no, I know. I just know from experience," he chuckles, turning to face you. "Last time I played, I got kicked in the nuts."
"You did?" you fail to hide your laugh. "They can pretty rough."
"Tell me about it," he rolls up his sleeve, extending his arm. "Also got bitten."
You look over his forearm to see the outline of a bitemark, a small circle of faint pink that was sure to form into a scar.
"You got bitten? I didn't think I'd consider myself lucky," you chuckle, looking ahead at the kids who are now tackling one another. "Wild little things."
"That they are," he says, smiling at you. "I'm Peter."
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
quill taglist: @annielr @spacetalbot @bubblezuku @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @queerponcho @selfryed @traiitorjoe
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le-fils · 1 month
-- The Duke of Montebello, @armagnac-army
He does not know how this missive has found its way into the not-quite-nothingness that holds him. But it is in his hands now, and as he starts to read he indignantly raises his eyebrows. As little value as he had always claimed to place on imperial etiquette, he still had gotten used to people treating him like royalty. He cannot help but starting to feel irritated at the blunt tone - not even realizing that this may be the first emotion he's felt in decades - until he sees the signature.
The Duke of... LANNES? Marshal Lannes welcomes me?
In the blink of an eye, all his self-consciousness has returned. Voices whisper from the fog wafting around him. Lannes was one of the true heroes, was he not, one of those who had changed the course of history with their actions, who had given their blood and their life for what they believed in... Unlike others. Others like him... If anybody had the right to use such a tone with him, surely it was Lannes? Could Lannes possibly help him? (Hold a second... Help him? With what?) As unexpected as the sudden mix of emotions, a lectern has appeared between the dancing shadows, fully equipped with pen and ink. And so the boy-who-may-be-a-young-prince-or-possibly-a-tired-old-man does what he has always done and takes refuge behind impeccable manners and a cheerful face as he answers:
Mon cher Duc, the letter Your Excellency has been kind enough to write to me has been a most pleasant surprise. I feel greatly touched and honoured by your welcome. As to Your Excellency's suggestions, I thank you and may report that similar thoughts had already occurred to me. May this letter find you in perfect health, as much as we can be healthy in death. Please let me know as soon as there is an occasion for me to be of service to you! Eugène Beauharnais P.S.: Wait - what do you mean "play with Napoleon 2"? Is this - The emperor's son? Did he rule then, was the empire reinstated? Does this mean that ... not all was in vain?
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funshinebf · 2 months
vash 2 me would love wearing makeup and dresses occasionally. but usually like. like he loves doing makeovers with friends as a girls night kinda thang. he loves letting a group of children attempt to braid his hair and paint his nails. its like a social thing for him. he would love doing drag performances. but i dont think he would really care for it just like, for himself. like i cant really see him putting on makeup by himself in the morning. like i said its more of a social thing, he uses it to bond with others, ie makeovers and such. he only learns how to do decent makeup so he can participate in these social events. grah imagining younger vash seeing a group of young women talking about makeup together and he very shyly asks if they could maybe help him learn? and they all get SO excited, invite him to one of their houses and they all sit in a circle showing him the basics and giving him advice and letting him practice on them for the night. and hes SO happy, cause not only did he get to befriend these nice strangers, but also now he has this knowledge that he can use in the future to befriend MORE people. grahh i just think about vash being invited to girls nights so so much he's an honorary girl. esp for meryl and milly. m&m and vash having a girls night one day, hanging out in m&m's hotel room with face masks and snacks and painting eachother's nails. wolfwood knocking on the door looking for vash and seeing them all like this. he makes fun of them a little but u can tell his heart isnt in it and hes actually a little hurt that he didnt get invited. milly excitedly asks mr priest, would you like to join us? youre always welcome to! and he thinks he should decline and go find something else to do for the night but all three of them are looking at him hopefully with their big puppy eyes so he sighs and goes alright alright. lemme in here. meryl paints his nails black with little fancy white crosses on his middle fingers and he ends up liking it so much he keeps borrowing her black nail polish all the time, until one day she gives him a brand new bottle and tells him to keep it, for whenever theyre not traveling together. vash and milly do his makeup and at first he's kinda huffy and tells them not to make him look like a clown, expecting them to go nuts with it. but then when theyre done he sees himself in the mirror with just some lip gloss, mascara and eyeliner and hes like wait a minute. this is actually pretty good... basically m&m plus vash introducing ww to the wonderful world of being low-effort gnc and changing his life. although i do think when he was a kiddo he totally let the girls at hopeland give him makeovers, but he acted all huffy about it cause he thought he was supposed to. but really he just loved how happy it made them so he never put up TOO much of a fight when they would ask. n when m&m plus vash invite him into their girls night it reminds him so much of his sisters at hopeland doing the same to him and it makes him kinda nostalgic and fond. and hes happy that even though he cant see his old family and he misses them like crazy, hes thankful that hes got a new little family with him right here. ok this got away from me big time but its okay you all already know im insane and love to ramble. okay
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chaotomatic · 1 year
Rewatching for the future, heres some details ive noticed!
-the collectors pallace has paintings in the hallways that are eerily similar to memory paintings when you enter someones mind. Several collectors are shown in the backround paintings in different deptictions of collector stuff, along with a teeny collector that i can only assume to be our main one
-when searching for the teleport glyph, all the memories pulled out are ones that were negative or traumatizing for her, implying that those moments have stuck with her the strongest and are at the front of her mind. Almost half of them are decisions she made that she regretted making later due to them getting others hurt. (Stealing amitys training wand and showing phillip the light glyph are there as examples)
- another look at the paintings in the collectors room, three of them contain depictions of the boiling isles titan
- when kikimora and bitch face throw luz camilla amity and matt in the detention pit, kikimora points a gun at them with her robot. Luz, whos on the ground, immediately scrambles up and stretches her arms out to protect her mom and the others. I love her so much
-in disguise, kiki dressed up her robot in abomination track clothes. Any purple spillage from said abomination robot would be tossed aside because shes an abomination student, of course shes got goo on her, no suspicion here!
-boschas horns are crab legs or claws. Like her palismen!
-during the breif scuffle with boscha, its almost immediately hinted that Matt illusioned both of them to switch places. “Matt” turns around, uses abomination magic to yeet bochas attack back at her, while “amity” looks scared off to the side.
-eda went from gagging to the idea of being a mom to calling king “kiddo” and giving him a little kiss. Character arch im crying shes full on mom mode i love her
-also camila admits she messed up when she moved the family to gravesfieled for that hospital, implying she blames herself, at least partially, for mannys death. Fuck bro
- willow sobbing because she misses her dads (and gus as well, hammering in that he misses his dad) just slaps me across the face each time. Theyre like- freshman in highschool. Theyre BABIES.
-willow is blushing slightly after hunter saves her and gus from the cave in, teehee
If anyone else has little details theyd like to say please share!!!!!!!
Edit: i also wanna add, that scene where luz is in that inbetween world between portals, she straight up sees a titan and it waves at her lmao
Little guy
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writeforfandoms · 10 months
Oooooo okay so like people would think oh it’s a bunch of grown adults being mutated…..but let’s say that’s what happens at first
This is me fleshing out my thoughts without to much details so this might be everywhere
You don’t need to read this if your uncomfortable with it, I’m planning on another one <3
Forcing a fully grown body to have body modification is one thing, like you can add horns to your skull, but can you retract them? No it’s just there and not was a shifter is.
A shifter can shift from human to animal. It’s can change cause it body was born to do so
So if you take and try to force fully formed bodies into do so, I can imagine a lot of failed and grotesque result.
But what body isn’t formed yet? Children
I imagine that to turn someone into a shifter isn’t just body modification but genetic modification. And the spine is the perfect place to grab and put in what you need. And then give the body some time to make adjustment to it. It’s going ugly, but for science!
Sucks for the little ones, they haven’t even reached two digits and yet they can barely walk after waking up in a brightly lit white room. The smell of sanitization clogging their noses, sad that that’s going to stick to them forever, or their short miserable lives.
Scientists and highly arm security we don’t want a repeat like with the adults brings them to a new room afterwards. And now they’re alone, or are they. Cause I swear they complain to the doctors about here a low grumbling sound, like a wild bear, or a hiss from a feral cat. Always there, in the back of their mind. But they don’t know that, they just want to know when they can see their mom again
Later on, after that burning sensation from their back is gone (though it’s always sensitive, always to remember) they are brought out of their rooms. Into a new one. There doctors behind a wall with glass on it. They tell you something, but all the baby can here is a animalistic noise surely there’s a wild animal in here coming and trying desperately to get out of the room, begging them that they’ll be good and they want their parents
Sadly, that’s not what the doctors want. In comes in a large security guard. Oh! They’ll let them out, they protect them- that grabs them by the scruff of their necks and pushed a ….white powder? to their faces
And oh how painful the kiddo cries are. There’s a sick cracking sound coming from the room? Do shifters normally crack their bones when shifting? We’ll make a bit of that for the next batch. Anyways let’s continue watching them twitch and contort in pain as their body morphs into something weird, something wrong.
At last, the yelling has stopped and and their only whimpers can be heard. They can see the doctors nodding and talking to eachother….and….IS THAT THE ANIMAL IT BEEN HEARING- aren’t they looking into a reflective window?
Eh, can’t blame them. Theyre kids after all. 
Oh man. Ohhhhhh man. Oh boy. Yeah this broke my heart a little but it's also so good. Just. Yes yes yes. See this would absolutely happen.
Hm. Hmmmmm. Actually. I might adapt this a bit if you're okay with that, because this is the kind of thing the 141 would stumble on and be all about shutting down. With prejudice.
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transskywardsword · 3 months
omg for the ask game 2, 4, and 14 for both the links and the zeldas if you’re up for it??
I have had to answer this ask three times bc my phone keeps crashing and I have a cat on my chest so I can’t get my laptop, BUT I am always estatic to talk abt heroes gate and zeldas universe so let’s go!!!
2) Who was the hardest character to design?
Twilight, sky, and waker def. I wanted twilight to look very distinct from other aus, which tend to stick to common motifs like face tattoo, wolf pelt, etc, and that proved to be very, very hard and I’ve actually redesigned him a lot recently and need to post those redesigns haha. Sky was hard for similar reasons, but also bc I have a hard time with fat characters. I myself am fat, but I have a hard time making characters that look like me; I get quite embarrassed and end up not making them look how I want. Sky has always been fat since day one of designing, but making him fat on paper is much harder for me. Waker’s prosthetic gives me trouble— I wanted it to look similar to an 1800’s soldier's prosthetic, but that’s easier said than done when they were so awful for the person using htem. I’ve had to do a lot of research which has been fun, but also lots of work and redesigning over and over.
As for the zeldas, it was definitially my two armored girls, phantom and aella. phantom bc the phantom armor is ugly as fuck and very bulky and mature, something phantom is not, and aella bc I wanted to keep her elegance but had to sacrifice it for actual armor, since she is ya know. In the middle of a war.
4) Is there a character you want to include but didn't for whatever reason
I would have LOVED to include the first ever hero from the skyward sword manga. He’s one of my favorite characters to sandbox and I think he would have added a lot, but I’m already running with a shit load of characters so he got cut from the roster :(
14) Do you have any headcanons about the Rito/Zora/Goron/Hylian/ect
YOU BET I DO!! World building is my bestest of friends, and i have too many to do in one sitting (if you'd like me to go more in-depth i would loveeeee to) but i do have a huge post on the interactions between the gerudo and sheikah here. i dont agree with all of it anymore, as my ideas on ganondorf have shifted, buuuut it's still a good read :)
just gonna hit some bullet points of headcanons bc if i try and make it a cohesive paragraph we'll be here for everrrr
each race has very different ideas of gender and sex; in particular, the gerudo's terms voe/vai dont actually mean man/woman, that's just the meaning hylians put on them. it actually refers to a role in society; there is no real concept of hylian 'man' or 'woman'. the kokiri are completely agender (one of the ways oot link realizes they/she aren't kokiri is bc they/she realizes theyre/she's transfem. poor kiddo), and the gorons have little in the way of sexual dimorphism and are all genderless. the zora are all asexual, though they range in romantic orientation; they find the hylian concept of sex to be strange.
there are many kinds of zora; ocean (including subgroups like deep sea, costal, artic) zora, river zora, and lake/marsh zora. they do not have a history of getting along, but the calamity forced them together and they've become a multicultural diverse and mostly peaceful society
sheikah language is heavily gendered, but the sheikah's concept of gender is outside the hylian binary. the sheikah are deeply, deeply religious and historically served as priests and monks as well as soldiers for the hyrulian crown.
mentioned in the post i linked but: impa is a name passed down to the leader of the sheikah, and as subservient to the hylian crown (gross), it is expected that each impa will serve the queen and her children specifically as a bodyguard since the first impa (skyswd) served the first zelda.
because the sheikah were expected to carry out the hylian family's violence for so long, which primarily targeted the gerudo, there are tense relationships between the two groups
sheikah cover their faces 24/7 out of remembrance of the sheikah who worked alongside hylia, who had to hide their faces to avoid being burned by her holiness. the sheikah directly and deeply revere hylia as well as local gods and spirits.
hylian ear shape has changed over the centuries. skyswd hylians had short but pointed ears, but the later early generations of hylians had large, very long, furry ears from intermingling with zonai, and as time passed and the zonai disappeared, the ears lost their fur, became medium-sized, but stayed pointed
i have a LOT more but i dont wanna go on forever so ill stop here lol.
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rubberkiwi79 · 3 months
Fast first draft. Feel free to critique.
Major Marcus Hoburn, commanding officer of Bravo Company of the Barghests Howl Mercenary Regiment, strode from the Headquarters truck towards his 85 ton Stalker Battlemech. Looking around the small clearing they were using as a temporary camp he spotted a figure seated against a tree, stetson dropped ofer its eyes.
Marcus walked over and kicked the mans boot. "Morning Staff Sargeant."
Not lifting his head the seated figure replied with a long slow drawl. "Mornin'."
"Not sure you've heard, a lot of people around here call me Sir or Major!"
"Not sure you've heard, i didnt call your father or grandfather sir when i served under them, not likely to start now kiddo." With one finger the seated man pushed up the brim of his hat revealing a face that appeared much younger than Marcus's 45 years. The eyes however held the wisdom of years.
"Alright old man, but arent you supposed to be doing something right now? Your Rifleman is half of our entire air defence right now with the aerospace wing grounded." Marcus said quizzically.
"How many times do i have to tell you," standing he brushed off his pants with his hat and turned his head revealing long pointed ears, " these ears can hear a flea drop a turd 2 miles out. No flyboy is getting anywhere near us."
" All the same Wyatt, for the sake of appearances, would you mind pretending im in charge and mount up? Briefing in 5."
"Since its you boss, just this once." The Elf slowly dragged himself up to attention and tapped his right eyebrow, yelling "SIR, YES SIR!" At the top of his lungs. The centuries old Elf bounded over to his mech, scaling the chain ladder 12 metres up to the cockpit. Within 15 seconds the head mounted radar was active and the mechs twin autocannon arms were scanning the sky.
"Like ive told you boss, when the Dandelion eaters showing off gets annoying im happy to squish him for you." A deep rumbling voice said above and behind Marcus. "No charge."
Marcus stifled a grin before he turned around to look the newcomer square in the metal codpiece. By no means was the Major a small man at 6 foot 2 inches, one of the reasons he piloted the stalker was due to the fact he simply didnt fit in some other mechs cockpits. He craned his kneck back looking up. And further up. On a normal day, just like others of his species, Sue stood a little over 8 feet tall. In the power armor he was currently wearing, it was closer to 10. "Oh, i couldnt do that Ray, he's basically a family heirloom at this point. Im glad you're ready to move, wheres your partner?"
The Troll waved one enormous Metal claw towards the tree tops on the western side of the clearing. "Off gathering intel from the local wildlife, as usual."
"Good, good. Tell her we're moving out. Briefing in 5." Marcus turned toward his Mech but had only taken two steps before the world exploded behind him.
Marcus swung back around, his ears ringing. "Shit Ray! Those suits have comms dont they? So we dont need to yell?"
The Troll grinned back and said simply "they sure do." Before bounding away with the aid of his suits jump jets.
Turning, Marcus headed towards his mech yet again thinking to himself 'yeah, but theyre my screwballs'. Catching movement in his peripheral vision he dropped to one knee as an armored foot flew through the air where his head had been.
"Sorry sir, the mana on this planet is a little off. Its screwing with my magic a little." While wearing a similar suit to the Enormous Troll, the young human woman was barely half his size. However the young Eagle Shaman could more than hold her own in a fight. Before the Major could even stand, let alone reply, she had sped off through the air.
"Friggin mages."
In truth, the young woman had been a blessing to the unit, they had gone several years without magical support and it had cost them dearly. In both men and metal. When Ray brought her to the dropship on Outreach 18 months ago after some R&R, nobody quite knew what to make of her. But Ray had said she was coming and so along she came. It took 3 and a half weeks to reach their next destination, an out of the way dustball that was home to a pirate band that had been preying on the local cluster. At least that had been the brief from the Fixer back on Outreach. What it had actually been, as happened far too frequently in recent years, was something else entirely.
Marcus had led his company of 12 Mechs and support Armor down the ramp of the Turtzburg dropship, prepared for a fight as always but not expecting one. Nor had they been expecting Word of Blake Militia. Two full companies of highly advanced mechs with Aerospace support. Suddenly Marcus heat warning had blared, threatening a reactor shutdown even though he'd yet to fire a single shot. There in the centre of the enemy line a small metal figure stood shimmering. Not only were the Howlers outnumbered and outgunned,
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mimimelu · 1 year
Like hundreds of people after a heartbreaking relationship five years ago, I stopped looking for anything only God. I had dreams. The biggest dream was to see new places. I never knew what to do and where to start. I searched many places however, there was still some void. That's what I found wierd cause when I finally reached the new place I felt home. What was the reason?
Was it my experience travelling here or my independence. I never knew. However , when I did understand the answer was right in front of my eyes. I just couldn't recognize it.
When i came to Lonavala in July 2019. Who knew what God had kept waiting for me. I met this boy, a companion. We didnt connect immediately. He was a complete opposite from me without any ambition or goals in his life. However, still he knew how to enjoy life.
We started off differently but the heart always said more than that. Which spoke love. I always thank God for this gift cause he was special to me. Sometimes i wonder wouldn't those nights be lonely on the terrace under a starry sky if he werent there?
If he wouldn't be there wouldn't i learn how to better myself in many ways. We had many ups and downs With a big age gap.
However after five years when i did tell him everything. The second time in my life. He already found someone in his life and he never considered me or took me in that way. Cause he was immature kiddo to think a little broadly that if theres something more to friendship theres something more ti what we started as sister and brother however, weren't in reality at all. I couldn't lie to God, myself and him.
For me was his happiness and when you love a person you let them go and let them be happy set them free. Dont force them. No matter how much you hurt everyday year, week, day, hour, minute and second. Never ever. So more than being in the place called Darjeeling the love was for this man. I love his parents. the most simplest humble people with the little green house where it didn't matter of the shortcomings but just there was a roof over my head a bed to sleep in and the best food on my plate. I had to let go and walk away cause he needs to choose a better beautiful woman as his partner whom he will build a family with. no matter what the mockery and everything. I will always even though he rejected me and my heart is powder not even pieces second time. But still the smile will always be on my face no matter how much it hurts cause i love his freedom he will find a babe who will make him her baby cause we all know what it means. let him be happy avoid him for he may not know love when you like a flower you pluck it when you love it you water it everyday 5 years I've been watering now someone else will do that. I know lord i may and will not be pretty or good looking from the out but for you ill always be beautiful Jesus
I would like to say we ignore a lot of things, ignore the people who care and love us and also disagree to the real thing. However, if you do find that special moment go ahead and be with that person who has loved you and stood by you. Some gems and diamonds are rare. Cause you never know how long theyre there. Till we realise we lost the most important person in the world. Some may some may not. You may get hurt. Walk away when you see that they didnt get it or understood it. And let them be happy with their choice.
For me it will always be this boy. Thats why i rose in love with a Man from the Hills.
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
hiiii can u do hcs for mondo, kazuichi and gundham when theyre like. falling in love with someone. does that make sense
Mondo Oowada, Kazuichi Souda, and Gundham Tanaka when they fall in love
i sense.. someone might request this same thing but with different characters
i have such embarrassment over my writing rn because my classmates read my fuyuhiko pegging fic in class and i was internally screaming like pleas ei'm egbeigng nstpo
-Mod Souda
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Mondo Oowada
❤ He would keep looking you up and down, not knowing what to think, not truly understanding why you drew him in so much. He liked seeing you laugh. More than that, he loves seeing when other people make you laugh. Something about observing you, the real you, makes him feel more at peace.
❤ There are times where he will walk up behind you and pat you on the back as he joins your conversation.
❤ There are other times where he will lean back into his chair and just watch you for the entire class period.
❤ He will compare the two of your hand sizes (definitely not for an nsfw reason), invite you out on rides, make jokes about your appearance (harsh...) and call you things like pip squeak or kiddo.
❤ He would like to think he has complete control of the situation; that he has you under wrap.
❤ But there are small moments where you ignore him, whether on purpose or accidentally, that utterly ruin his mood. He will sink back into his chair and cross his arms, the smile he always gets when he's around you dropping from his face.
❤ Whenever he's listening to music, suddenly all of the "you's" become about... you.
❤ All those sad romance songs become not so fun to listen to anymore.
❤ When he's driving and he thinks about you, he grips onto his handles a little too hard. Oh, how he would kill to feel your hands around his waist from behind.
❤ He's not going to get you flowers or a box of chocolates. But he's going to threaten mean people away from you and tell Taka to come down on his brash-ness when it comes to you.
❤ Mondo falling in love is the strong urge to keep his eye on you, to relate you to every song on the radio, and to have your approval.
Kazuichi Souda
❤ You take his breath away.
❤ He literally like chokes on his own air whenever he sees you round the corner. It's a moment of panic, like, oh shit where do I hide?
❤ Before he puts his hands behind his back and puffs out his chest.
❤ "Good evening, (Y/N), do you need me to accompany you to class?"
❤ He always wants to help you. Stuck on an assignment? He probably won't know how to do it, but the two of you can struggle together. Is it raining? Take his jacket, hell, you can even take his pants.
❤ He needs you to tell him that he's being helpful. He wants to know that you need him. After he does something kind, he will stand there, looking at you with wide eyes. Please say the words, he begs.
❤ Loving you means he needs you. You make his day better, you make him smile, his self esteem depends on your mood.
❤ He will get you small gifts.
❤ He will make it obvious that he likes you - in hopes that it increases his chances of you liking him back.
Gundham Tanaka
❤ Does he want to talk to you? Maybe. Will he talk to you? Sigh - yes.
❤ He didn't notice he starting to love you until his eyes would flicker to you whenever he would talk about himself. Are they listening? And it made him wonder - why does he care so much?
❤ This need for appreciation... he's hardly experienced it before. So what's so special about you?
❤ You're addicting. It feels as if you are draining his soul (in both a positive and a negative way), that he needs to be around you. You're in his dreams just as much as you're in his day to day.
❤ When talking about you, he'll call you his partner [in crime], and then cringe internally when he realized he said it out loud.
❤ When you look at him, he looks away. Always. As if he wasn't the one who was looking at you first.
❤ "Gundham?" You'll say. He will ignore you at first, and then feel bad immediately, turning to you with his low hanging eyebrows and his dull eyes.
❤ But if you're kind to him, he's going to lose his shit. He will be hiding behind his scarf, breathing hard, blinking rapidly while he tries to calm himself down.
❤ When you go along with what he is saying, his face develops such a cocky smile. So cute, he thinks, understanding me... you must be special.
❤ Sonia will tease him (in a very kind away) about it. She will give him unwanted advice on how to pull you, and she'll talk about the things that make her flustered and the things that make her like somebody.
❤ He listens but he does nothing with the information.
❤ He is not going to admit that he likes you. He would much rather you figure out, for him to make it obvious, than trying to claim you as his own and failing.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
This highkey might be one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written. I adore Julian (as you could probably tell from my header) and it’s always wonderful when I can fit him in! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
It was his birthday, and Jules was…well, honestly, kind of bummed. The string of his party hat itched the underside of his chin and he picked at his cake—his mother had made it the night before, and he had been looking forward to it all day. Now, though, it just tasted bitter.
His friends skated around with bright smiles and loud laughter, racing each other around the ice with reckless abandon in some weird version of tag that looked pretty lame. Jules had really tried to have fun, but the disappointment was crushing him.
Sorry, buddy, but we’ve got a game, Remus had said over the phone three days prior. We’ll come and see you as soon as we can, though, okay?
And Jules had said ‘okay, love you’ even though he wanted to cry a little, because he was eleven and that made him a grownup. Remus had never missed his birthday before.
A heavy hand squeezed his shoulder and he looked up from his paper plate. “Hey, kiddo, why aren’t you out on the ice?” his dad asked. He was smiling, but Jules could see the concern on his face.
He shrugged and pulled his hat off. “Takin’ a break. My legs were getting tired.”
It was a lie, and a poor one, but the bummer clouds were getting thicker and his birthday cake was tacky in his mouth. “Eleven’s a big one,” his dad tried again, sitting next to him on the bench.
“And all your friends are here.”
“Yeah. I don’t want to kill their mood, but…” He pressed his lips together and licked more frosting off his fork. It was chocolate; Remus would have loved it.
“Tell you what: I’ll tell people we’re having a second round of cake, and you can help me cut it instead of sitting here all by yourself, okay? That way nobody will get bummed out.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Jules pulled his feet out of his skates and wandered over to the table with his plate, sniffling a little.
“Hey, baby,” his mom said, giving him a quick side hug. “Are you okay?”
“I miss Re.” His voice wobbled and he cleared his throat. “But he’s got a game, so—”
“He sounds like a real loser, actually,” a new voice said drily behind him. Jules froze. “I mean, not showing up to his little brother’s birthday party? Yikes.”
“Next time you see him, you should kick him in the shin,” someone else added. There was a light smacking sound and a quiet laugh.
Jules slowly turned around.
Remus’ skates hung loose from his hand as he leaned against the wall, casual as you please; next to him, Sirius was barely hiding a smile. He raised an eyebrow when Jules looked at him. “Oh, hey, Jules. Fancy seeing you here.”
“Remus,” his mother scolded, though she didn’t sound very upset at all. “You could’ve said hello like a normal person.”
“You came,” Jules blurted, still in shock. Whispers were starting to spread out on the ice. “But—but you—you came out for my birthday?”
Remus gave him his most annoying big-brother look. “Duh.”
Jules was running before his brain even caught up and he flung himself at Remus, who dropped his skates and hoisted him into the air for a tight hug. “You came,” he repeated, suddenly close to tears as he wrapped all his limbs around his brother.
“Of course I came,” Remus said quietly, holding him just as close. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“I thought you had a game,” Jules sniffled, pulling back to get a good look at his face. It didn’t seem real.
“I had to make it a surprise somehow, right?” Jules punched him in the arm. “Ow!”
“I was upset!”
“Sirius, will you be my new brother?”
Sirius snorted. “Sure, Jules, that sounds great.”
“We came all the way out here just for you to replace me?” Remus asked with fake indignance, tickling Jules’ sides. “You little rat!”
“I hate you!” Jules laughed, wiggling out of his hold. Most of his friends had gathered at the boards in a clump of shock and awe—he puffed his chest out a little. Hell yeah, that’s my older brother. “Everyone, this is my brother Remus and his fiancé.”
“That’s Sirius Black,” Devin whispered, his voice cracking. Sirius waved and his jaw dropped. “Jules, that’s the Sirius Black.”
“Cool, right?” Remus flicked his ear lightly, and he stepped on his foot. “Oh, and there’s more cake if anyone wants it.”
The rest of the cake remained untouched as ten kids mobbed the newcomers; Jules perched on his bench and laced up again, grabbing his stick and sliding onto the ice once more with a smile so wide it made his cheeks hurt. Remus ditched Sirius to get his own skates on and quickly joined him, passing a spare puck over with ease.
“I didn’t think you’d come,” Jules said after a minute of short passes.
Remus’ face fell a little, all previous teasing gone. “I’ve never missed your birthday, buddy.”
“Well, yeah, but you said you had a game.” He shrugged with one shoulder and poked Remus in the thigh as he passed. “Your job kinda needs you there—”
“Jules.” He stopped short as something tugged his jersey; Remus pulled him around gently, already crouching down to his level. He looked serious in a way Jules didn’t see very often. “Hockey is never going to be more important than you, okay?”
Remus gave him a look. “I need you to believe me on this one.”
“It’s your job, Re.”
“I don’t give a shit—” He wrinkled his nose in instant regret. “Don’t tell mom I said that. My job takes second priority over family. Your birthday is important to me. You are way more important to me.”
Jules’ lower lip trembled. “Okay.”
“C’mere.” Remus pulled him in for another hug and Jules scooted as close as he could. “I love you so much, Jules.”
“Love you, too, Re.”
“I’m really, really sorry for making you think I wouldn’t be here.”
“It’s alright, I’m over it. The surprise was cool as f—ow!”
Remus rolled his eyes as Jules rubbed his wounded ear. “Watch your language.”
“Fine, mom.” They pulled apart and Jules pretended not to see the dampness of Remus’ cheek that he quickly swiped away. Sirius was looking a little distressed under the onslaught of questions and gave Remus a pleading look from the bench. “I think he needs help.”
“Nah, he’s fine.” Remus grinned and blew him a kiss. Sirius pointed to something across the rink, then flipped him off as soon as Jules’ friends looked away.
Jules doubled over in laughter until a puck hit the back of his skates and nearly toppled him. He whipped around, but Remus was already skating backwards with an irritating little smile on his face. “What was that for?”
“Rule number one of hockey: don’t get distracted.”
“You little—” Jules suppressed a scream as Remus took off in the other direction, laughing at his frustration. “You can’t be mean to me on my birthday!”
“If you catch me, I’ll play goalie!” Remus called back.
Being a smart and innovative eleven-year-old, Jules found a loophole. It only took five minutes of all his friends—plus Sirius—getting in Remus’ way for him to catch up and hit the back of his knees with his stick. “I hope you brought your mouthguard,” Jules panted as they laid side-by-side on the ice, both out of breath.
Remus dissolved into laughter, and Jules wasn’t far behind. Best birthday ever, he thought as Remus clambered to his feet and headed toward the goal posts.
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Showtime Thoughts
bc i am in love with julia lester
spoilers below
First off, why is this episode so short?
ngl i forgot mazzara was a regular
ricky ded besties
awww nina and the letters 
she looks very good in her dress
ashlyn and ricky look so good
“We’re screwed!”
ash and ricky are too funny like where were they this season?
chaotic and pretty best friends
sidenote, why did they go see north high’s production? 
oh my god ricky and nina are talking
i am taking what i can get
my favorite part of the episode
his makeup looks very good
he looks very good
as @organic-guacamole said, he is very pretty
its been like three minutes and it already is so chaotic
yessss kourtney’s mom!!!
so howie and kourt are fine? gah since when?
“look for the shortest fork” mood
big bird ej comin at you
wait isnt this ejs last show? is he going to miss his last afterparty for a date?
true love bitches
“Is he with us?”
seb being a supportive boyfriend is everything i needed
jenny is frazzled
i love how all the techie turned actors are nervous at some point during the episode
awww thats so cute love the callback!!!
ooo howie is here
love how the writers leave a cliffhanger and then close the book before it turns to tragedy with one line
mazzara and ej, thats it
jenn what
why is mike there?
that was so unnecessary like aren’t mike and jenn over?
“did we forget to build a moat around the school” 
let ricky be single challenge
she just said “lol” i cant
props to ricky for keeping calm during the show after he saw mike and jenn
ah so lily is a child of divorce?
“lily scram”
how did ricky do that so fast-
put on gloves over the cast, makeup, and a mask?
i dont work with costumes 
The one scene we get from the show...
Yay Steph!!!!
“Big Red has not thrown up in twenty minutes” ashlyn’s little smile
“she heard wrong”
someone please explain how spotlighting the judge is a good idea it makes it seem like things went wrong
“Carlos is a seasoned professional” honey carlos is on the verge of a mental breakdown
“He says help
Seb translating for Carlos is beautiful dramatic, yes, but im right. 
im so proud of them. they go from not talking for a week to seb being able to tell how carlos is feeling based off a stoic expression.
wait so carlos goes from on the verge of a mental breakdown to full on performing and speaking?!?!?!? Speaking well too, not stumbling.
he looks so comfortable on stage when not even ten minutes ago he looked like he was going to vomit?
h e l p
ashlyn’s little laugh!
big red lookin’ at his girl
ricky what are you doing?
howie’s little mouth drop
i cant with sebs costume i should not be laughing how is he able to do a kick line
be our guest was enjoyable. it had a lot of moving parts. frankie and dara sounded really good. it’ll probably grow on me the more i listen to it.
is it just me or did be our guest lack some energy?
awww gina bb
“my mom sent me jordan fisher”
big red and ricky!!!
...what is big red doing? has he been faking sick?
alright what the hell is up with howie?!?
kourtney is so excited and then downer howie comes to ruin it
nina just write “thanks for being the best bro and glad youre not dead”
btw kourtney and gina look really good in their costumes
gina and jamie!!! 
he looks so proud
glad gina gets to see her family!
cute scene, jordan is a nice addition!
julia lester is killing it with the vocals
big red is so in love
seb bouncing in the costume 
“she’s never looked at me that way before” evil smirk
my heart fricking stopped when carlos went on stage 
being early on your cue/missing is awful would highly not recommend
a bop to the top callback after this would have been perfect
those harmonies!!
ummm phone call?
...why wasn’t seb cogsworth? 
alright that was really good. everyone (even the backup) sounded really good. portwell rights! ashlyn rights! kowie rights! acting rights! 
so mazzara and jamie?
Ashlyn is the perfect Belle fight me
“Eat it Zackey Roy!” how about “yay kiddos, nice job!”
ej’s little dance
“bc you’re ginas brother” 
he is enamored by her it is adorable
“hey, jordan fisher, would you like to f up one of three stableish ships in hsmtmts?” “sure, im in!”
aww hopefully he doesnt take the conversation too heart. they both like each other so much.
Portwell is so enjoyable to watch.
return of the bro
ej go get your girl dont worry about her brother please
all hands on deck
“Can you just jump off something high”
I seem to remember Ricky falling from something high last episode, is that correct? 
She tells this to one of her most UNSTABLE kids
Oh shit
Miss. Jenn
like what the actually hell
look at the kids faces they’re heartbroken
Miss. Jenn why. You’re stressed about the show, but you’re not performing it. They are. They have to worry about lines and cues and pitches, not you. Miss. Jenn has literally gone at the kids this season. Opening night speech too Ash and Ricky, shutting Seb down, that comment. She has become obsessed with the Menkies and North High. It has gotten really bad. These kids have put everything into this show, even their relationships (both platonic and romantic) and that is how you repay them? 
I didn’t think they would address this, I lost hope after last week but I am so glad they’re going too.
Someone send Seb after Miss. Jenn please, let him rip into her, he would do very well.
Miss. Jenn is supposed to be the role model and she just told a kid to jump off something high.
nina has been a godsend this episode, props to her!
haven’t been the biggest nini fan this season (off and on for me), but she was very behaved this episode. 
if there is anything the east high kids are good at, it’s bullshitting their way out.
“aim for my face” character growth
I liked the episode. Didn’t love it, but liked it. I really wish we got to see more acting, like we didn’t even see Big Red and E.J go on stage. Not even the iconic yellow dress. Some of the drama is so unnecessary, like why Mike and Jenn? What is with the Kourtney and Howie drama the writers insist on having, can’t they just be happy?
Besides the whole harness incident (burn that harness and mask it is causing so many problems) the production went very well, too well. This is East High we’re talking about.
Promo thoughts because what
oo they’re sneaking, maybe Big Red’s thingy
oo Kowie confession?
portwell please be okay
what is up with carlos’ hair?
so seb, miss. jenn, and carlos scene? this has the potential to be very beautiful.
“It’s not over” not this again... 
i’m thinking carlos and seb are going to talk to miss jenn.
Sidenote, if we do not get a good seblos scene I will riot.
Hopefully Miss. Jenn apologizes with a billion sorrys
rini you just broke up please dont get back together 
im scared
if it is a scene where they close the book i will be very happy
Are we getting a flash forward scene? I’m pretty sure Miss. Jenn said Menkies aren’t till two plus weeks after the show.
We know based off the promo pics Ej and Gina are at the cast party, what went wrong?
Wait do we not get to see the finale of the show?
We better see the goddamn transformation
how does lily home and core four song fit in? im more curious about the lily one.
In conclusion, I am not ready for this to be over and the transformation needs to be sent to hell.
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hxneekyuu · 4 years
dating headcanons || ennoshita chikara
request : N ONES REQUESTED FOR ENNOSHITA YET?? Excuse me ?? ENOSHITA GRR BARK BARK Boyfriend headcanon please because we all grrr for this man ( HC or text whatever floats your boat!)
warnings : i simp hard for ennoshita chikara
a/n : there is not nearly enough ennoshita love goin around on this blog
Tumblr media
wait cut the cameras deadass
Ennoshita Best Boyfriend
hes got the sweet but savage disposition that suga has
and he deals with tanaka and noya 24/7 so you know his patience is through the roof
hes like the perfect mix of sweet boyfie your parents love and heinous best friend you cant live without
plus a little bit of bullying, tsukki style 
never in his life has missed a single good morning or good night text
hes got it down like a routine at this point
“brush teeth, wash face, text y/n” thats his life motto
always makes sure you eat all three meals even if he skips them sometimes bc hes forgetful like that but only about himself
will be So Upset if he doesnt get one kiss before school and one before practice 
it throws off his whole day
the second years are like whys he grumpy today
and hes just standing in a corner like “didntgetmykissdidntgetmykissdidntgetmykiss--”
if youre part of the second year squad too hes in trouble
you and nishinoya love yelling his name at a ridiculous volume and dragging him into unnecessary bs 
“y/n pls do not enable noya im begging you”
“C H I K A R A A A A A A”
he just has to accept that when youre with the whole group, your mission is to Drive Him Crazy
but youre honestly his biggest fan and he knows it
hes probably too embarrassed to give you his spare jersey for games 
but somehow you still manage to get your hands on it and he blushes every time he looks at you
big fan of lazy cuddling and manga reading
big fan
any time he doesnt have practice hes like “come over RIGHT NOW”
most people would be like oooh spicy times
youre just like “i brought my ENTIRE manga collection”
likes to have calm study dates with you after his chaotic group studies with the boys
he probably didnt even get any of his own work done bc he was too busy keeping everyone else in check 
but he knows youre calm and quiet and will just glue yourself to his back while he works 
if hes having a bad day hes just going to Appear wherever you are and make himself comfortable in your lap
you could be in the middle of a conversation with your friends and hes just like “hi hello dont mind me” and then he takes a whole ass nap 
it used to be weird, now theyre just like ah yes ennoshita has arrived 
and if youre having a bad day he can always tell
his eyes are so calm and his gaze is so comforting and it doesnt change at all when he looks at you, but hes an observant boy
one little lazy glance at you and hes like okay this was a great talk kiddos but i gotta get y/n home
youre like ?? did we make plans
“yeah, cuddle plans”
ugh gotta love ennoshita chikara 
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