#lucas is not afraid of the dark anymore
mcdynamite · 1 year
When everything settles down after Vecnapocalypse, Steve gets a call from the athletic director at Hawkins High School, and a day later, he accepts a part-time position as the assistant coach of the Hawkins High varsity basketball team.
Lucas is obviously stoked, and the other kids concede (after a few minutes of bemoaning Steve's return to the Dark Side) that it's a perfect job for him. Robin screeches with delight, and Nancy tells him she's proud of him, and Jonathan thumps him on the back with a quiet, "Congrats, man," and Eddie?
Well, Eddie just rolls his eyes and makes a joke about the Return of the King that goes right over Steve's head (but has the kids and, wouldn't ya know it, Nancy, grinning) and doesn't say much else.
It's probably stupid, but Eddie has actually (horrifyingly) grown to like hanging out with Steve. Sure, he knows next to nothing about D&D or Lord of the Rings or metal music, but that doesn't seem to matter all that much. He still listens to Eddie rant about all of those aforementioned interests and does his best to understand, even if he doesn't particularly care about the content of Eddie's latest campaign. He lets Eddie play Dio and Metallica and Black Sabbath for him, and even though Eddie can tell he's not really into most of their music, at the end of his "Musication" he gives Eddie a list of the songs he actually liked, so they have some stuff to listen to when they hang out that won't make one of them want to puncture their own eardrums.
He even looks genuinely apologetic (and, dare Eddie say, disappointed?) when he tells Eddie that it's not that he doesn't want to read Lord of the Rings. It's just that he can't, because reading is really fucking hard when the letters won't stop jumping all over the damn place.
The point is: Eddie likes Steve. He likes Steve's sarcastic quips and his attentiveness, and his hilarious but well-meaning and frighteningly successful mothering of the teenagers they apparently co-parent. Eddie likes Steve, and he likes being his friend, and he's afraid that this stupid Assistant Coach job will end up dragging Steve headfirst back into his King Steve days, and Steve will forget all about being friends with Eddie "The Freak" Munson.
It's so, so stupid, because while Eddie likes Steve, he also knows Steve, and he knows that Steve isn't the guy who used to hang around the Tommy Hagans of the world anymore. But the fear is there, and it's still there by the time the school year starts and Steve starts getting busy "prepping" for his new job, which... what? The basketball season doesn't start until January, so what the hell kind of prep would Steve be starting in August?
Eddie wonders, but he doesn't ask. He just anxiously waits to see if Steve will eventually decide to ditch him, and he continues to be quietly delighted when Steve always, always makes time for the two of them to hang out.
The thought of Steve going back into jock-mode still makes him kinda sick, but he'll never tell Steve that. Steve is way too excited for the start of the basketball season, and Eddie is gonna support him the same way Steve supports Eddie at his Corroded Coffin concerts: with begrudging interest and genuine pride, so help him God.
It goes on like this until one day, Eddie's begrudging interest suddenly becomes a little more genuine, when he accidentally stumbles upon what Steve meant for the last three months whenever he said he was "prepping for the season." 
He's got plans to hang out with Steve that afternoon, pulling up in his van fifteen minutes late because time management has never been one of his strong suits. Only, when he gets to Casa Harrington, he notices something strange. The garage is open.
The thing is, Steve always parks the Beemer in the driveway. He never uses the garage. Actually, Eddie didn't even realize Steve had a garage at all, until now, but he hears some clanging coming from inside and goes to investigate. He walks past the Beemer (parked in the driveway where it always is) and peers inside, expecting to maybe find Steve... repairing something? Reorganizing? Honestly, he has no clue what he thinks he'll find in there.
What he definitely doesn't expect to find is Steve Harrington in the middle of what appears to be a pretty fucking intense workout – hair and tank top damp with sweat, wearing frankly indecently short shorts, and breathing steadily as he does fucking pull-ups on the bar in his garage, which has apparently been converted into a whole goddamn home gym.
Eddie stops in his tracks and stares, affording himself a moment or two to have a teeny, tiny (enormous) crisis over it.
Steve hasn't noticed him yet, and Eddie can't tear his stupid eyes away from the way Steve's arms tremble from the exertion as he pulls himself up, face pinched into a concentrated frown. Eddie can see him gritting his teeth, can see the muscles in his arms and shoulders straining a little bit. Even worse, every time Steve lowers himself down, his stupid tank top rides up just enough to expose the (not at all soft, apparently) plains of his stomach, glistening with sweat, and God, Eddie wants to lick Steve fucking Harrington's abs like a-
Oh, no.
Oh, fuck no.
Oh, Jesus H. Christ, fucking shit, NO.
Listen... It's not like Eddie hasn't already known for years that he's gay. He's been fully aware of that since middle school. It's the reason his dad kicked him out and sent him to live with Wayne, for fuck's sake. It's just that Eddie has put a lot of effort into pretending his thoughts about Steve Harrington were totally, completely, 100% platonic up until this point, and now he can feel all of that hard work going down the metaphorical drain.
He stands there, stock still with his jaw hinged open, and stares while his brain melts out of his ears and his thoughts begin to race. God, those fucking arms. Eddie's not weak, but he's definitely weaker than Steve, which means Steve could definitely pin Eddie down if he wanted to. In a bed. Against the wall. On the hood of a car. Fuck, on the goddamn floor – Eddie's not picky! All he knows is that he wants Steve to leave the workout for later so Eddie can lick the sweat off of him, which... gross. But also hot. But also-
Oh, fuck. How does one talk to the sun?
Steve has noticed him standing there, obviously, which sort of makes Eddie wonder how long he's been staring. Time stopped in Eddie's world the moment a sweaty Steve Harrington entered his field of vision, so he truly has no idea how bad his staring got.
Christ, this is going to be so bad.
So, so bad.
"Eds?" Steve says, his face pinching into a frown. "You okay?"
Oh my god, you moron, say something! Eddie's brain screams at him.
"What?" Smooth. "Uh, yeah! Totally fine. Just, y'know, like, lost in thought, or whatever. Plotting my next demonic attempt at world domination. The usual."
Steve looks at him like he's grown a second head, which... is fair. But Eddie's fumbling attempt at speech is at least embarrassing enough to take precedence over the cacophonous sound of whatever Ode to Abs his mind was attempting to compose, and Eddie feels like he can think a little more clearly.
"Ah, fuck," Eddie mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose. He sighs and looks at Steve apologetically. "I'm sorry, dude. I swear I'm fine. It's just been a weird day."
Steve cocks his head to the side like a particularly inquisitive puppy, and oh God, it's adorable. Eddie loathes how adorable it is. "Good weird?" Steve asks. "Or bad weird?"
Eddie ponders his answer for a moment, then replies with, "Weird weird."
That's enough to startle a laugh out of Steve, who shakes his head and wraps a towel around his neck. "Fair enough, man. Sorry about all of this, by the way." He gestures vaguely towards the home gym in his garage and shrugs sheepishly. "I was gonna be done before you got here but I sorta... lost track of time, I guess." He's got an unreadable look on his stupidly beautiful face, and Eddie doesn't like that at all. He doesn't like that one bit.
But he decides not to overthink it and brushes Steve's apology off with a wave of his hand. "It's whatever, dude. Might wanna shower, though." The ‘otherwise I might take it upon my gay little self to lick you clean’ is left blessedly unsaid.
Steve laughs again, and just like that, things start to feel a bit less earth-shattering. They banter for a bit longer, then Steve really does go to take a quick shower, and they spend the rest of the night lying on the floor of Steve's living room, listening to the metal mix tape they made together and bitching about their brood of teenagers.
Weirdly, though, after that day, Steve seems to be working out a lot more frequently. As in almost every single time he and Eddie have plans. Day after day, Eddie is treated to the sight of Steve Harrington looking like a goddamn Greek god, and day after day, Steve catches his eye and smiles before abandoning his equipment and acting like Eddie's world hasn't been completely turned on its head.
It's starting to drive him kind of insane, honestly, and his pining has gotten so bad that even Gareth and Jeff know.
"He's just so pretty!" Eddie whines for what feels like the thousandth time.
His band mates simply exchange a long-suffering look and let him ramble.
It all comes to a head in November, just before Thanksgiving, when Eddie shows up and once again finds Steve finishing a workout. Just like always, Steve shoots him a good-natured grin and greets him before heading inside for a quick shower, and just like always, Eddie waits downstairs.
NOT like always, however, this time Steve comes jogging down the stairs with wet hair, wearing a pair of joggers and... absolutely nothing else.
It's been a long time since Eddie last saw Steve without a shirt on (since the day at Lover's Lake when they found watergate, to be precise), and suddenly Eddie is remembering why he'd immediately pulled out a cigarette to calm down that day. Only this time it's even worse, because Steve has really been putting effort into these workouts, and it shows.
His chest is toned and covered in coarse hair that Eddie kind of wants to tug on, just to see what sort of sounds Steve would make if he did. He's got the makings of an honest-to-God six pack just barely visible on his abdomen, partially obscured by scars Eddie recognizes from looking at his own in the mirror. Steve's are slightly smaller and not as deep, but they clearly came from the same sets of tiny jaws, and Eddie finds them weirdly comforting, these matching scars that they share. Steve's look pale in contrast against his skin, and God, Eddie just wants to kiss them. He wants to worship them and every other inch of the man who bears them.
The man who definitely just said something Eddie didn't hear because he was too busy trying not to pass out from mere proximity to something so beautiful.
"Sorry, what?" Eddie asks, shaking his head violently in an attempt to dispel his traitorous thoughts.
Steve smirks, but Eddie can see the soft fondness in his eyes when he cocks his head to the side and repeats the words Eddie missed the first time. "I asked if you see something you like, Munson," Steve teases, one hand carding wet hair out of his face, and Eddie just blinks at him.
Play it off, play it off, play it off, his brain supplies helpfully. He can totally play this off. Dudes stare at their friends’ chests all the time, right?
"What?" he practically squeaks. "I- well... no, wait, um... ah, fuck."
So much for plausible deniability.
He's just beginning to feel vaguely panicky when Steve seems to catch on, and he's right in front of Eddie in an instant, concerned, hazel eyes gazing down at Eddie's grimacing face.
"Hey," Steve says, reaching out like he wants to touch Eddie but thinks better of it. "It's okay, man. You're okay. I'm just messing with you."
The impact of his words is instant, and Eddie can feel his face heating up. Of course Steve was joking. God, Eddie is such an idiot.
"Right," Eddie says, voice strained. He rubs his face with both hands, shaking his head lightly. "Duh. Obviously you were teasing." His voice sounds strange even to his own ears, and he's got a weird feeling of anticipation in his stomach that tells him that he's already shown too many of his cards.
"I mean, yeah..." Steve says, seeming nervous for the first time since Eddie got here. His hands flit from the back of his neck to his hair to his waist, like he doesn't know what to do with them. "Teasing is, like, flirting 101, so..."
Eddie freezes.
"Oh my God, wait..." he says slowly, finally daring to meet Steve's confused eyes. "Flirting?"
Steve looks utterly perplexed now, and he does that thing where he cocks his head to the side in confusion. 
It's still adorable. Fuck, why is it so adorable? 
"Um... yes?" He studies Eddie, seems to register the shock on his face, and then matches it with shock of his own. "Wait, you didn't know? I thought you knew!"
"I most certainly did not!" Eddie counters, feeling a bit like he's having an out-of-body experience.
"Oh my God," Steve says. "Oh my God, Eddie, I've been flirting with you for, like, months!"
"Months?!" Eddie's voice has officially reached the stratosphere.
"Yes!" Steve yelps. He looks torn between laughing and crying, though Eddie thinks it'll be mildly hilarious no matter what choice he makes. "Jesus, dude, I winked at you while I was doing pull-ups last week! What did you think that was?"
"A hallucination!" Eddie says immediately. "You're straight, Harrington!"
At that, Steve snorts, then shakes his head.
Eddie's pretty sure his brain is melting by now.
"Yeah, um, no," Steve says firmly. "I'm definitely not straight."
"You... I... What? Since when?"
"Well..." Steve begins, briefly glancing away. "Since forever, technically. Probably. But officially, since that time I made out with Tommy H. after we got wasted at a party sophomore year. And if that wasn't enough proof, I think the amount of time I’ve spent staring at your ass lately definitely is."
Eddie stares at him. "Am I dead?" he asks dumbly. "Is this Heaven? Am I having a fucking stroke?"
Steve's laughter is bright when it rings through his living room, and Eddie is grateful when Steve carefully raises a hand to cup his cheek, because the soft touch is grounding in the best way. 
"Definitely not dead, Eds," Steve says. "And shit, I hope you're not having a stroke. How many fingers am I holding up?"
Eddie just blinks at him, because Steve has one hand on Eddie's cheek and the other on Eddie's arm, and he's definitely not holding up any fingers. "Zero, Harrington, what the fuck?" he says weakly.
Steve laughs – no, scratch that, he giggles. He fucking giggles. 
If Eddie isn't dead yet, he's about to be. 
"Good. See?" Steve says. "Not having a stroke."
"I don't think that's how strokes work, dude," Eddie says weakly.
"No?" Steve asks, though he's still smiling, and he looks wholly unbothered by Eddie's doubting of his medical prowess.
Eddie shakes his head, eyes wide as Steve huffs out a laugh and slips an arm around his waist to pull him closer. They're practically chest to chest now, and Eddie is suddenly reminded of how very shirtless Steve currently is. He's mildly horrified by the way his hands tremble slightly when he rests them flat against the center of Steve's chest, but it's not like anyone can blame him! He's only ever kissed a couple of people before, and now he's somehow found himself in the arms of a half naked Steve Harrington. So, yeah, he's feeling a little jittery. Sue him.
If Steve notices the jitters, though, he doesn't mention it. Instead, he gives Eddie a soft, disarming smile that makes Eddie feel pathetically weak at the knees. "So..." Steve says, cheeks turning a pretty pink color. "Hi."
A slightly manic bark of laughter bursts from Eddie's lungs, but it only seems to make Steve smile wider. "Yeah, hi, Stevie," Eddie breathes. 
And then he nearly stops breathing completely when Steve's thumb drags gently across his cheek. It's such a sweet gesture that Eddie thinks he might melt right into the floorboards.
"So..." Steve murmurs again, gaze not leaving Eddie's. "It has recently been brought to my attention that you didn't realize I was flirting with you this whole time."
Eddie doesn't need a mirror to know that his face flushes bright red at Steve's words.
"But I have been," Steve continues. He bites his lip, almost like he's nervous, which is ridiculous because what the fuck is there about Eddie that could be making Steve Harrington nervous right now? "Like, I've been doing it constantly, because you're funny, and sweet, and sort of adorable, but also kinda hot? Y'know, because you have the tattoos and stuff, and you're all dramatic all the time, and it's hot, but then sometimes you do that thing where you hide your face behind your hair, and it's so fucking cute, Eddie, I mean..."
Steve trails off, cheeks growing even pinker after seemingly realizing that he's been rambling, and Eddie feels like he's going insane.
"Anyway," Steve says, clearing his throat. "I like you, Eddie. Like, a lot. And I've sort of been dying to kiss you for, like, months, so-"
Eddie never lets Steve finish his sentence, because the moment the word kiss leaves his mouth, Eddie is leaning forward and pressing their lips together in a soft, fleeting kiss that's over far too fast.
So fast, in fact, that it takes a moment for reality to catch up to Eddie afterwards. He's already pulling away by the time it hits him: he just kissed Steve Harrington.
He, Eddie fucking Munson, just kissed Steve fucking Harrington.
"Holy shit," Eddie mutters, gaze flitting back and forth between Steve's wide eyes. "Holy shit."
There's a brief pause, and then Steve starts to laugh.
It starts as a soft chuckle and slowly transforms into bright, elated laughter that echoes off the walls and bathes the whole room in sunlight, never mind the rainy day outside. It's light and happy and beautiful, and Eddie unfreezes after a moment to add his own laughter to the mix. He drops his head onto Steve's shoulder, a shiver running down his spine when Steve's arms come around him automatically, like they were made to fit together like this.
Eddie wonders if maybe they were.
When their laughter finally dies down, Steve carefully pulls back just enough to meet Eddie's eyes again, and Eddie smiles shyly up at him.
"Sorry," Eddie says without a hint of guilt in his voice. "You said the word kiss and I panicked."
Steve just shakes his head and grins. "See? Like I said - adorable." One of his hands raises to cradle Eddie's cheek again, and Eddie doesn't hesitate before leaning into the touch. "But if it's okay with you," Steve says softly, “I'd really like to give you a proper kiss, now."
And yep, it's official. Steve Harrington is going to be the death of him.
Eddie can't fucking wait.
He nods and lets his gaze flit down to Steve's lips for a fraction of a second before Steve is closing the distance between them, and oh... this is so much better than the quick, vaguely frantic press of lips they exchanged only a few moments ago. Eddie takes back every judgemental comment he's ever made about the girls who were obsessed with Steve Harrington in high school, because he gets it now.
Oh, God, he gets it.
Because Steve kisses him, soft and sure, like Eddie is the only thing that matters in all the world. It's gentle and sweet and perfect – not an ounce of hesitation in the way Steve slots their lips together. And then Steve just... stays there, like he's giving Eddie a moment to catch up, to process what's happening.
He's so goddamn patient – so fucking kind – and Christ, Eddie adores him for it.
Steve pulls back just enough to break the kiss, and Eddie doesn't whine. He doesn't. But it's okay, because Steve doesn't leave him hanging for long, threading his fingers through Eddie's curls and using them as leverage to tug him even closer into a kiss that turns Eddie's legs to jelly. Steve's tongue slides against Eddie's so beautifully, and his hands are so strong, and he smells like lemony soap and minty toothpaste (did Steve brush his teeth after showering? God, he's ridiculous. He’s perfect.) and Eddie can feel the muscles in Steve's chest shift whenever they move, and, and, and...
And yeah, this time when Steve pulls away, breath coming quicker and eyes shining with happiness, Eddie does whine. Or maybe it's a whimper. Maybe it's both. Christ, Eddie doesn't care. He'll keep making that noise forever if Steve keeps looking at him like this.
"Fuck," Eddie breathes. He knows he probably looks embarrassingly awestruck, but he can't find it in himself to care. "How are you so fucking hot, Steve? What the fuck?" His face is on fire, but Steve just laughs – nope, there's that giggle again – and kisses Eddie's forehead.
Eddie's pretty sure he's melting, but honestly? Worth it.
"I don't know if you've noticed," Steve teases, "but I've actually been working out a lot lately..."
Not even Eddie's lovesickness could protect Steve from the playful smack he gets for that.
"Did I notice?" Eddie huffs. "You're the worst, Harrington."
Steve just smiles and kisses him again.
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stylesparker · 1 year
take my hand and I’ll take yours too
PAIRING: Steve Harrington x Bestfriend!Reader
WARNINGS: fem!reader, friends to lovers, so much mutual pining, more angst than fluff, MAJOR hurt/comfort, graphic character death—through nightmares (no one actually dies)
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His breathing is so quiet it makes you think he’s not even breathing at all. The only tell that he’s still here is the slow rise and fall of his chest—something you only noticed once you tried to find it.
Despite being in the safety of Steve’s bed—and him by your side—your fear still keeps you up in the middle of the night. Every time you toss and turn, you’re afraid it’ll wake him up, but you think he’s definitely out like a rock. It would probably take an explosion to wake him up right now.
The two of you had a long day. So did the kids, but being the designated babysitters, you were the ones who had the right to collapse as soon as you got in the house.
After… everything, it’s been a silent agreement between you and Steve that you’d stay with him at his house for the time being. The bed sharing had not been planned, but Steve had insisted. He claimed having someone near helped him sleep better, but you knew he was doing it for you.
He’s not the one with the nightmares.
But tonight it seems, he is.
You didn’t catch it at first; you had rolled away with your back facing him, so the mumbling fell on deaf ears. It was only a matter of seconds later when you heard him sit up out of bed with a fearful gasp and sobs racking his chest. You had turned over in a heartbeat, making eye contact with Steve, and your heart immediately shattering to pieces.
You never want to see that heartbroken look on his face ever again.
“Steve..?” You ask gently. His tears haven’t stopped, the hand that’s gripping your thigh grips tighter, almost like he’s making sure you’re real.
You’re alive.
His movement is slow, but you get the hint pretty quickly. You wrap your arms around him and pull him into your chest, holding him tight against you like you’ll never let go. His own arms had wrapped around your middle, squeezing every couple of seconds. He breathes quick, his chest pounding rapidly against yours, almost making you afraid he’s gonna give himself a heart attack.
“Babe, you’re alright, it’s alright..” you whisper quietly, so not to disturb him. His tears have already stopped, but you can tell he’s still afraid. His eyes close at the feeling of your hand scratching his head.
“You’re okay,” he mumbles softly, digging his head further into your neck. It makes you want to cry.
He doesn’t deserve this.
You give him a couple of extra moments until his breathing has slowed down and he’s not in quite such a panic anymore.
“You wanna talk?” Your voice is soft, making his insides melt at the sound of it. You don’t realize how much you’ve already helped him, you just try to copy what he does for you.
He shakes his head, “I’m okay, really.”
You don’t believe him, but you don’t question him further. You just hold each other in the dark.
The room is silent until he whispers, “You weren’t sleeping were you.”
Your silence is his answer.
The kids thinks there’s something wrong with Steve.
Robin knows there’s something wrong with you.
Since they know Robin probably spends the most time with the two of you, they go to her. They aren’t expecting the answer Robin gives them.
“I think..” she groans, “god, I feel so bad for telling you guys this—I think Y/N is having nightmares.”
They’re faces drop open, they’re hearts shattering just a little bit.
“Wait, what?” Dustin asks sadly. He exchanges a glance with Max and Lucas.
“Shit,” Lucas says, “We thought-”
Max shoves him in the shoulder.
Dustin squints at the two of them, obviously knowing what he was going to say, but not wanting to bring it up right now. He looks back to a guilty Robin.
“Steve, too?”
She shrugs, “I’m not sure, Y/N hasn’t said anything about him, but he said hers have been pretty bad. They’ve been staying at his house for the past couple weeks.”
“It’s probably like us,” Max says, “don’t want to sleep alone anymore…”
The other two nod their heads in agreement.
“Look, when Y/N comes in for her shift I’ll ask her how they’ve been doing. I don’t think I’ll get an answer, but I’ll try. ‘Kay?”
They trudge out the door, and Robin sighs. She hopes they don’t tell you she told them.
It’s about a half hour later she hears the chime of the bell indicating a customer. When she looks, it’s you, as expected.
With a lack of better terms, you look horrible.
Your hair looks nice, as always, but you look the most sleep deprived then you ever have. She can see the dark circles under your eyes from a mile away. You give her a tight lipped smile and head to the back to drop your bag off. Robin tenses in preparation.
“Hey, cupcake, how’ve you been?”
She hasn’t seen you in almost two days. Maybe she should’ve tried calling an extra couple of times.
You slide your hands across the front of your shirt and wave, coming up next to her at the desk.
You nod unconvincingly, “Good. You?”
“Good!” She nods with a smile. It’s comforting. But you’re not stupid.
Your fake smile slips from your face and the sadness appears quickly in your eyes.
“You can ask.”
Robin’s facade also slips, and she steps closer to you, dropping a hand on one shoulder.
“I won’t,” she shakes her head, “but you need to talk to me.” You gulp. “You look like shit.”
You laugh, which brings a smile to her face. But the split second of happiness is quickly gone when you remember you have to tell her.
“It’s Steve.”
Robin thinks she already knows.
“Shit,” she huffs, “so now you’re both losing sleep.”
“I don’t know how to help him,” your eyes well with tears, and Robin holds you closer, “he’s so much better a-at helping me when I have them, I-I don’t know how I’m gonna get him through this-”
Robin turns more stern than you’ve ever seen her, “Y/N, this isn’t all on you. I love you guys, but you shitheads are stubborn as hell. You guys need to accept more help. I’ve been at Nancy’s this past week, even Eddie has stopped by and seen the kids. Those kiddos would love to have you guys around again, they’re missing you.”
You wipe your tears, and nod your head in understanding.
“I know..” you mumble. “We just don’t want to scare them.”
“I thinks it’s scaring them even more now that you’re not around.”
You sigh, taking a deep breath.
“We’ll come by tonight,” you nod, “have all the kids been there?”
“All of ‘em. Jane has been prone to eating more eggos than ever.”
You chuckle at the thought of her.
Robin wants to ask if there’s a reason the two of you have holed up together apart from everyone else, but she thinks better of it. She probably knows why better than you do.
You hope maybe sleeping in the same house as everyone will help you guys a bit, ease your nerves.
“I’ll tell Steve when I get home.”
Robin catches it before you do.
The gravel crunches loudly under the tires of Steve’s car. You get bumped a little bit as he pulls into the Wheeler’s driveway, but it goes unnoticed, you’re a little out of it.
Steve’s been able to tell the whole ride there. His gaze had been glancing between you and the road the whole time.
“You ready?” He grabs your hand, rubbing it softly.
“Yeah,” you reassure, “just… nervous.”
He tilts his head, waiting for you to continue.
“What if-” you look to him anxiously.
“We just won’t sleep in the same room as them so one of us doesn’t wake them up. Nancy will understand,” he assures you, “don’t worry.”
You try not to think about it as you pull your hand out of his and swing open the door. As you walk up the pavement, you wonder if the butterflies in your stomach are from nervousness or just him.
The kids are so happy to see you, maybe more so Steve, but you can’t seem to care. Dustin practically knocks him down when he gets two feet inside the door, and Jane is quick to run over and give you a tight hug. Max follows soon after, putting her arms around the both of you in a sweet manner.
“What, have you gone soft on me, Madmax?”
You hear a quiet mumble of never, which makes you giggle and hug the two of them tighter. When they let go, Steve is huffing and puffing to shove the little twerp off of him, and Lucas is pulling at his arm to give him a turn. The other two boys are waiting to greet you patiently.
“Hey, y/n/n,” Mike says softly. Will rushes forward to give you a hug before he pulls away again, but you’re glad you got anything at all.
“Hey Mikey,” you tease, ruffling his hair much to his disappointment while you lean down and give Will a swift kiss on the forehead. “Where’s your sister?”
“In the kitchen with Jonathan. Robin and Eddie aren’t here yet.”
Dustin takes you by surprise when he collides with your backside and squeezes the shit out of you.
“Never leave us again,” he mutters. You twist around and pat him on the head like a puppy.
“We’ve never left you, kiddo,” you tell him softly. You catch Steve’s eye and he’s watching you guys with fondness. Your guys attention gets pulled when you hear loud laughter from the kitchen. Steve walks by your side as you enter the room, catching Nancy in an embrace with her boyfriend.
“Hey lovebirds,” you call. Their heads turn and they give each other a suspicious side eye.
“Hey yourselves,” Nancy says. She giggles and rushes to you. “It’s nice to see you.”
“You too, Nance,” Steve says back.
Before you get a chance to talk to Jonathan, Nancy pulls you into her living room around the corner where you’re out of sight from the others.
“I figured you guys didn’t want to stay in the basement so I got a room ready for you if you want to put your stuff in there.”
“Oh, cool, yeah, that’s fine,” you reply. “I was gonna ask you anyway, I don’t want to bother the kids while they’re sleeping.”
She arches an eyebrow.
“Oh, god- Nance!” You act like your gagging, “seriously?”
“What? You implied it.”
“I did not!”
“Okay, so then what did you mean,” she crosses her arms with a smirk on her face.
You huff, peeking around the corner to make sure no one was listening. “We’ve been… having nightmares lately.”
Her arms drop and she looks at you comfortingly.
“Babe, we have too.”
“You have?”
“Yeah, we all have. It hasn’t been easy. If you guys need anything just let me know, I know how bad they can get. Max had a pretty bad one last night.”
You sigh, “Yeah, so did Steve.”
She lets you go with a soft smile, just in time when Steve rounds the corner.
“Hey, they’re going downstairs if you wanna go,” he says it with a smile.
“Yeah! I’m right behind you.”
During the rest of the evening, you have multiple moments when you realize you haven’t laughed or had this much fun in a long while. The fun had really started when the last two remaining friends of the party had shown up, and finally everyone was in one room again, together. It took you too long to realize how fast these people had become a family to you, and maybe things would have gotten better sooner if you hadn’t pulled away. Everything just feels better, lighter, like you don’t have the weight of the world on your shoulders and aren’t watching every step you take.
It’s easy to let go when Steve has an arm around your shoulder and Robin sits back in between your legs; when Dustin is trying to shove a warm muffin down Eddie’s throat and Jane has her head laying gently in Will’s lap; when Nancy is tugging back the skirt Mike tried to steal and Lucas is making heart eyes at Max. Even when life feels so hard, it also feels like it’s the easiest thing to get through when you have so many things that can bring joy.
You could tell around 10 o’clock Jane, Will, and Robin were getting pretty tired. The others weren’t, but they knew it was probably best if everyone went down together. Eddie was already zonked out on the couch so Nancy threw a fluffy green blanket over him to keep him comfortable. Jonathan was already leading Jane and Will upstairs to get their pillows when Mike had taken notice and followed quickly behind. Everyone else either had a room upstairs or their sleeping arrangements already made on the floor.
Lucas had sadly, but also willingly, given up his chair bed for Max, which she had thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. You don’t think you’ve ever seen the kid so flustered.
“Night guys,” Dustin loudly whispers as Nancy shut the lights off.
“Night, Dustin,” you whisper back, much more quietly than he did, but you get a nice toothy grin in return. Steve ruffles his hair before he leads you to the stairs, which gets him a loud complaint and a smack on his calf. Robin squeezes your hand before going off in her own direction, and the boy attached to your side leads you to the room made for the both of you.
It wasn’t exactly a disappointment to find only one bed. For either of you.
“You can use the bathroom first,” he offers, standing with his hands in his pockets at the end of the bed.
“Thanks,” you reply softly, taking your clothes to change into in the bathroom. You try to clean up quickly, but it’s about a half hour later that you emerge and you find Steve, cleaned up, and snuggled in on the right side of the bed.
When he looks at you, you can’t tell what he’s thinking. But his hair looks freshly cleaned and it doesn’t look like he has a shirt on, so you don’t dwell on it for too long. With the darkness flooded in the room, and the only source of light coming from the bathroom and the moon, you hope he can’t tell how anxious you look.
He can, but he doesn’t mention it. He didn’t want to ruin the comfortable silence that fell upon the two of you. When you came out of the bathroom looking fresh with happiness and a towel on your head, he thought he couldn’t be looking at anything cuter. He just guilty wished the big t-shirt that adorned your torso would just ride up your thighs an inch more so he could see the softness of them.
He tears his eyes away just as you tell him, “I’m glad I don’t have to shove you off my side of the bed tonight.” You flop on your stomach somehow gently onto the bed next to him, scooting yourself up just so your head ghosts over the skin of his thighs underneath the blankets. He wishes he hadn’t gotten under the covers.
You have a shy grin adorning your features when you add, “Sorry I took so long.”
Steve waves it off, “No big deal, I got to steal Robin’s shower. She wasn’t too happy with me, though.” He feels accomplished when it makes you laugh. Your head drops onto his thighs for a moment, and he curses when you lift it far too soon.
It’s quiet again until you lift yourself off the bed to take your towel off. He takes this moment to watch you until you shut the light off and walk back over. You face him when you get under the covers, and he shifts himself so his arm is under his head and he can actually face you too.
He beams when your foot ghosts near his. He boldly reaches out to tuck your hair behind your ear, which earns him a slight blush.
“Sleep,” he murmurs.
You shake your head softly, “Not yet.”
Now that his hair looks more dry it flops when he shifts again, and gives you questioning glance. You hate that he looks so pretty.
“What do ya’ wanna talk about then?” He asks.
You shrug. You hope you don’t upset him with what you’re going to ask next.
“What was your nightmare about, Steve?”
He could tell it took you a minute to ask that question. He knows he shouldn’t lie, so he takes a deep breath.
Your lips pout, and they look so soft, all he wants to do is rub his thumb over them.
“I scared you?”
“No, honey,” he sighs, “I was scared for you.”
Your mouth makes an ‘o’ shape and you don’t say anything else. You look like you feel bad and he wishes you didn’t.
He continues, “Do you remember.. when we were in that stolen van, and I was telling you about that dream I had?”
You nod. “The six little nuggets.”
He laughs, “Yeah.. that.”
“Do you still wish for that?”
He shrugs, “I think so. Maybe not six, but I think I want a big family.” He takes a moment to add, “I think it’s because I didn’t really have one growing up.”
Your eyes soften incredibly more than they already are and your hand rests on top of his, “I get that.”
He debates telling you the real reason he brought this up, but decides against it. It would be too much.
You can see the conflict in his eyes, and take it for what you think it is.
“You don’t have to tell me about the dream, Stevie.”
His eyes find yours again and he has to fight not to kiss you on the spot. Your voice makes his heart beat so fast he feels it might fly out of his chest into your open hands.
“We didn’t make it out,” he starts. He grabs hold of your hand for comfort. You run your hand over his to keep him going. “I don’t know... if I did, but you didn’t.”
He notices you holding your breath.
“We had just got Eddie, and we were all running, and we were all screaming at each other to keep going, we were almost there. But... I felt your hand slip out of mine and suddenly you were gone,” he clears his throat, “I could see you getting higher in the sky, like three bats had gotten you, and you were screaming my name over and over, and I couldn’t get to you. One minute I was chasing after you and the next...” he blows air out of his mouth, “You were on the ground bleeding. I had you in my arms and you weren’t moving, it didn’t even look like you were breathing. When you woke, you just stared at me, you held my hand, and you comforted me.”
You made sure the small tear that fell out of your eye was quickly wiped away before he could notice it.
“No matter how much I screamed, no matter how many times I told you not to close your eyes, your breathing stopped and your eyes went blank. You were cold in my arms, and suddenly nothing else mattered. I couldn’t move.”
Steve doesn’t realize you’re moving until your head is an inch away from his, and your warm hand was placed on his cheek.
“I’m here,” you say softly. He closes his eyes and tries to push away the memory of the dream, leaning forward that extra inch to touch his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, just... stay with me.”
“Steve? Steve!” Your breathing is harsh, you can’t see, and none of the others are around. The others had separated from the two of you; gone on their bikes and rode away to find the gate. It didn’t matter this felt unfamiliar, this was real, it had to be.
Each step you took made a creak on the stairs, causing you to cringe and stop every time, afraid something would dart out of the shadows and take you away before you could locate Steve. You called his name one more time, but again, there was no answer.
Sweat beaded against your brow, and you held your knife closer to your chest. You didn’t risk taking your jacket off to try and lead off some heat, you knew your eyes had to stay sharp. The walls were still covered in the vines you remembered, or whatever they were. They moved and made weird noises that had you catching your breath and looking into the other room.
The floorboards beneath your feet creaked again, but this time, you heard a scream. A loud, painful scream that vibrated through your body, from your head to your toes, and had you perking up, on edge.
That was Steve.
You were running up the rest of the stairs in an instant, almost tripping over your own feet to get to him.
“STEVE! STEVE! I’m here! I’M HERE!” You almost wish you hadn’t turned the corner at the top of the steps.
There, hanging in mid air, was Steve. You didn’t know where Vecna was, but there you could see your boy with his head upturned toward the ceiling, no movements being made.
“Shit, shit, shit, oh my god-” you fumbled around with your jacket to find the tape for him, but it wasn’t in the pocket you left it in. What were you gonna do if you didn’t have his music?
“Steve, baby, hear me. Listen to my voice. Steve!” You couldn’t even reach his feet, he was just too high for you to grab a foot to try and pull him down. When you thought, maybe, just maybe something was working, your greatest horror played out in front of you.
You could barely look as his bones started cracking, the sound filling your ears and making you remember what it felt like to lose the man you loved. He fell to the ground in an instant, making no signs of life.
You dropped to your knees in next to him, not having the ability to stop the uncontrollable sobs that leave your chest in the moments after.
You can see him, there, in the corner of your vision, lingering, waiting.
For you.
“GO! Leave!” You scream at the top your lungs, falling on top of Steve’s body.
“Y/N.” He says. You can’t hear him, you won’t.
“Y/N!” This can’t be it.
“Y/N!” You’re gasping and clawing at anything around you, your tears clouding anything you might be able to see.
“Steve! STEVE!”
You feel arms holding you so tight around your middle, trying to wrangle your arms in the process.
You can’t really tell what you’re doing, you just feel wet tears streaming down your face and a huge pressure on your chest.
“Baby, breath. You need to breath. C’mon.”
That’s... Steve?
Your hands go to your head, trying to cover your ears, but whoever has you won’t have it. You’re trying to get out of their hold, but you don’t really know why. It’s so hard to grasp at anything.
“Y/N, listen to me. It’s me, baby, it’s Steve.”
You take a shuttering breath, and suddenly, you’re no longer in the attic of that house. You’re in a bed, and there’s legs in front of you that aren’t yours. You lean your head back and it hits a chest, you don’t really feel yourself moving anymore.
“That’s it, c’mon, come back to me. You’re okay.”
The voice is so soothing. It’s gentle, it’s comforting, and it’s definitely Steve.
“Steve?” Your voice sounds so broken, so tired, it makes his tears fall faster. The sound of your screaming had woken him up, his fight or flight immediately sending him into over drive. The fear that had flooded through him when he thought something was happening to you, he didn’t know what to think when all of a sudden you started hitting him.
You weren’t awake yet.
You scratched, and you hit, and you clawed at his arms, but he was stronger than you and was able to pin them to your sides. He was able to get you into his lap and hold you tight against his chest, hoping the feeling of his skin and the pressure he was putting on your chest would calm you down. It took a minute but he realized you were finally starting to get a grip when your hands had landed softly on his thighs. The Steve that had left your lips made him hug you tighter. He didn’t dare let go until he knew you weren’t gonna hurt yourself anymore.
The rocking helped, you sort of felt like a baby, but god did it help. You could open your eyes and see your surroundings. Your breathing had finally slowed, and most of the panic was gone.
“Shhh, you’re okay, you’re okay, just breathe.”
You held his hands, holding onto them like they were a lifeline. You whimpered when he let go to wipe your tears, and you quickly turned in his hold to look at his face.
Steve knew it was bad but your eyes, they were so red, you looked so wrecked, he knew this one had to have been the worst one you’ve ever had. When you took notice of the marks on his arms, you started crying again.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-”
“It’s alright, it’s alright, you didn’t hurt me, I’m okay.” He grabbed your face and started kissing it all over, blocking you from seeing what you had done and hopefully distracting you in the process. When you tried to pull away he didn’t let you, only tugged on you until you fell into him, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. One hand cradled the back of your head while the other rubbed up and down soothingly on your back; your whimpers had died down to only a few.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry-” you repeated it so many times he didn’t know if it would stop.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Just listen to my voice, baby.”
You slowly started to feel better; you didn’t know how long it had been, but it had to have been awhile before you lifted your head to look at the boy in front of you. You hated how worried he looked.
He must know. He had to.
You told him anyway.
“You died.” He nodded his head and wiped your tears.
“I’m fine.”
“You can’t die, Steve,” You begged firmly. “I wouldn’t survive.”
Maybe it was you, maybe it was him, but both of you knew you needed it and neither one of you was gonna stop it.
The kiss was brutal, all teeth and desperation. There was a fire burning in your chest and now Steve was burning with you. You clung to each other as if some magnetic force was going to try and pull you away from each other. You knew nothing would separate you from him right now, not this instant. He pulled away first, and calmed you down when you tried to chase the trace of his lips.
“Nothing could ever take me away from you, my love,” he whispers.
“Then kiss me like we’re never going to be apart again,” your whisper back is desperate, and he knows it.
You don’t have to tell him again.
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abybweisse · 3 months
Ch210, More spoilers
⚠️ corrected text ⚠️
So, we definitely get some action here, as suggested by the cover art (posted earlier).
I'm not sure if this is inside, or outside in a paved area. I'm thinking they might still be inside, perhaps still under the barn. There seems to be an open sewer here, and they might be discussing the possibility of escaping through it.
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It's pretty dark there, so it could just be the low lighting, but they could be looking at something besides just water there. Maybe it's runoff from the dissections, etc., so it could be rather gross.
Perhaps Theo has the determination to go for it anyway, and then it looks like Artie maybe jumps in? Oh, I think he removes his tailcoat and gets in.
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Ok, so now Oliver is trying to decide whether to get into this sewer, while Mabel and the others are getting in. Finny notices staff running towards them.
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Theo tries to coax Oliver into the water, as the staff members get closer. Perhaps Oliver can't swim or is afraid of the water? Finny can't let Oliver stall anymore, so he rushes at him and grabs him to take them both into the water... just as the staff shoot.
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It's hard to tell from the image above, but it does look like Finny takes a bullet to his left leg (the one that's still extended back).
Oof the Mother3 vibes I get from this scene! Because Lucas and his pals go through the sewers of New Pork City and find Leder. I had a similar feeling about our earl and company slogging through the sewers of London when they were approached by Lau and Ran-Mao. But, unlike in Mother3 and that previous Kuro sewer scene in London, this time we probably won't find allies. Not for a while, anyway.
That's all the spoilers I have so far, and I'm thinking it's near the beginning of the chapter.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Brought to you by this post.
Eddie had run through every sort of scenario that could happen with his return. He had especially thought about how Steve would react. The top contenders were fear, disgust, and violence. He was a monster now after all. It wasn't immediately apparent, the only physical changes to his appearance being the fangs in his mouth and how his pale skin turned into a pitch black on his hands, ending with dark claws on each finger.
But on this inside, he was so much more. He was faster and stronger. He thought of consuming flesh and blood and knew there were few forces in the world that could stop him from it. When he awakened, Vecna filled his mind with thoughts of rage and revenge. The town had been the ones to kill him in the end. Had they not treated him like a criminal, he wouldn't have run away, wouldn't have ended up in the Upside Down, wouldn't have tried to prove he wasn't a runner and stood his ground the way he did.
Hawkins had experienced loss, yes, but not nearly enough. When he clawed his way back topside, he was ready to bathe in the blood of his enemies. An army of demobats always flurried around to obey his bidding. And they did so with a bloodthirst that matched their master. Vecna had revealed exactly why he chose each of his victims. Told him the secrets they all held. So Eddie's first stop had been the Cunningham household.
He didn't threaten, didn't spook. Just let his little pets crash through every window and feed on the people who made Chrissy's life hell.
The next night, he did the same to Patrick's household, and that was Steve's first gander at his new look.
After the death of the Cunningham's, Nancy quickly figured out that they should stake out the homes of Vecna's other victims. El, Lucas, and Will stayed with Max in the hospital. Nancy, Robin, and Jonathan kept an eye on Fred's place. And that was how Steve ended up watching Patrick's home with Dustin and Mike. They had been too late to save the parents, but just in time to see Eddie standing over their dead bodies, eyes wild and hands bloodied.
Blood also dripped from his mouth menacingly and he only allowed them the briefest of moments before he was off and away, disappearing into the shadows of the night with the sounds of flapping wings.
When they met back up with everyone that night at Hopper's cabin, the exchange of info had been wild. Steve had mainly kept quiet, thoughts buzzing in his brain while the more take charge members of their party tried to figure out if that had really been Eddie, what he was doing, if Vecna was controlling him, and why he was going after these specific people.
"If that had really been Eddie, there's gotta be a way to get him back to the good side. Make him see the light", Dustin said.
"But what if we can't make him see?", Robin pointed out. "He's already killed. Twice. Technically more than that if we go by actual body count."
"And if we don't stop him, he's going to attack again tomorrow", Nancy said. "We just can't entertain what-ifs right now. The facts we have are he's done this two nights in a row. Which means tomorrow he'll either be going for Fred's family or Ms. Mayfield."
"Nancy you didn't know Eddie like we did!", Mike shouted. "You already left him behind once, we can't give up without trying to bring him back!"
That stung Steve. Not being able to bring the body back had been a terrible regret. And now they were paying for it.
"How are you gonna bring him back?", Jonathan asked.
"By appealing to his humanity, duh", Dustin said. "If Eddie's still in there, he'll recognize us."
Unable to keep his thoughts quiet anymore, Steve finally stepped in. "I saw what he did Dustin. I'm not letting any of you kids anywhere near him right now. But!", he cut off the younger ones before they could protest, "You might be onto something. If we can convince him to come back to us, he could be saved."
Robin gave him an odd look. "I'm really afraid of what you're about to say next."
"Look, I can't-I know it's sounds crazy, but I might be able to bring Eddie back."
Steve was met with a chorus of 'whats' ranging from Lucas' genuinely confused one to Mike's absolutely offended one.
"You think you know Eddie better than us? We were actually friends with him", Mike said.
"I know he and I weren't that close. But during the whole, save the world part we had some...moments." Steve looked to Robin and then to Nancy, hoping they understood. And unfortunately they did.
Robin shook her head. "This has gotta be the stupidest idea you've ever had."
"And you're crazy if you think we're letting you do it", Nancy added.
"Good thing I'm not asking permission", Steve said.
And thus began Steve's solo mission: Seduce Undead Eddie. He got very little support in his plan, but it wasn't like he needed any. He just had to make sure he got to Eddie first and kept the attention on him and not on whoever the target might be.
The others were staking out the possible victims. Hopper and Joyce were even taking Ms. Mayfield out to dinner, in the hopes a public place would keep her off limits for Eddie as long as possible. Meanwhile, Steve had his own hunch that he was following. Based on what they knew, Fred had felt guilty about a car accident, but there wasn't concrete evidence of anyone calling him out on what happened. And Max felt guilty about Billy, someone who was already gone.
Steve's hunch brought him to the Carver household. He still had just enough of his golden boy status to win Jason's parents over and let him into their home, still mourning the loss of their son. Steve didn't need to wait long.
He heard the screeching of bats and then a few of them broke through a window. Steve grabbed the frat paddle he had spied when he entered and smacked them away from Mr. and Mrs. Carver. Seeing as everything was a hivemind, he knew Eddie must have felt before he saw.
"Steve Harrington, as I live and breath", Eddie drawled as he entered the house through the door he had broken through.
Steve had little time to prepare for tonight but he thinks he pulled off the perfect one-two punch with his outfit. His brightest, tightest jeans along with a black shirt that had the sleeves ripped off. Steve leaned against the wall and even let his hips cock out a bit.
"Come here often, Munson?"
In the darkness, he was sure he saw something familiar spark in Eddie's eyes. It was the same light he saw when he'd called Steve metal, or when he flirted while stealing that rv, and that had definitely been flirting.
"Steve", Eddie called out in a weak voice, a cry for help before his features hardened as well as his voice. "You can't save him."
Eddie disappeared but Steve was not deterred because he was right. Eddie was still in there and he could reach in to him.
Steve pulled out all the stops then. The next time they met, Steve was laid out on the lunch table in the dark cafeteria like he was waiting for Eddie to come home after a long day of work. When they came face to face at the picnic area by the school, he sat right on the table, legs spread out enticingly.
When Eddie tried fighting him for the first time, Steve had him pinned to a tree and made sure their bodies were pressed out as close as could possibly be.
Sometimes Steve doubted himself. But he knew he had Eddie whenever he saw that light in his eyes. So he didn't shy away from any part of him, even the newer additions. Whenever he could, he touched Eddie. Wrapped a curly lock around his finger as an excuse to say close. Even kissed those blackened and bloodied hands of his.
When he did that, Steve got a thrill. He didn't forget what Eddie was capable of. If he truly wanted, Eddie could rip him to shreds whenever he wanted. But he let Steve get close. Let him get soft with him.
Victory was his when Eddie finally expelled Vecna from his mind completely. And now they didn't just have a friend returned from the dead. They had an ally with a backdoor to their enemy.
Of course Steve felt absolutely vindicated that his plan had actually worked. But he only felt true triumph when he got to watch Eddie help take Vecna down, rip him to literal shreds actually. And then for him to turn those hands, covered in blood and viscera and gently hold him as they kissed for all the world to see.
So yeah, the Harrington charm still had some juice in it.
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gffa · 11 months
I saw you used to dislike Obi/Ani but you don't anymore.
I'm not an anti idm what you ship I'm just curious how it happened
Hi! It's pretty much just, "I watched The Clone Wars and got smacked in the face with how they did not act like I thought they would." When I first stumbled back into Star Wars, it had been a very long time since I'd been into it, probably since a bit before AOTC came out, and so I was originally a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan shipper. You could pretty much go down the line of Hot Takes Of SW Fandom and I bought into all of them--the Jedi were stagnant and brought about their own downfall, Anakin was kind of abused by them and not responsible for his own actions, Obi-Wan was Anakin's dad, the prequels were bad movies, Hayden Christensen's acting was terrible, etc. I was on all those trains. Then I just. Watch The Clone Wars. "Huh," I thought. "Obi-Wan's actually kind of trying to help Anakin here and Anakin's not listening." I watched some more. "Wow," I thought. "That is some very flirty dialogue they have going there. 'Study the bottom of my boot!' and 'Two steps forward and you'd be kissing it.' really??" I watched even more. "Wait," I thought. "The Jedi seem like they're actually right about a lot of this stuff, the Force and politics and the Separatists are actually going to kill everyone if they don't fight back and the Force really does need you to be calm and the dark side is in all of us but it's something you have to let go of." And then I started watching George Lucas interviews. "Ohhhhh," I thought. "The Jedi ARE right about 97% of everything and Anakin DID have help offered and chose to push them away because he was too afraid and didn't want to live a life that accepted things were transient and impermanent." Ultimately, it just comes down to that I never had any moral or ethical objection to Obikin, I just didn't feel the chemistry was right for me. But I watched more of The Clone Wars, I went back to the movies and saw ohhhhh no those two do not feel like they see each other as father and son to me, however, I do feel that from Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan now (ehhhh sort of), so that one's squicky to me now, personally, but I get Obikin. (And I still have no moral or ethical objection to Q/O, I get why people ship it, they see it differently than I do. I get why people are squicked by Obikin, they see it differently than I do! Both are are valid positions to have.) It helped that the Obikin part of fandom was very fun and there's a lot to be made of the Mustafar fight feeling like a big, dramatic divorce, that there are moments from official creators (like Stover's novelization or Gillard's interviews or even some of the things Lucas says about their narrative roles in the bigger story) that just sort of all helped ease the way further, but primarily it was just: Man, those two flirted in TCW and it tickled my brain chemistry real good.
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persage · 2 years
Summary: Vecna knows he's losing the war, so he makes a trade. He agrees to stop the attacks, and asks for only one thing in return-You. Seven. By keeping you and Eleven apart, he will be safe forever.
In which you are one of the kids from the lab.
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(PostS4! Steve Harrington x Reader) Masterlist .
Part 2: Sacrifices
Words Count: 4.3 k
WARNINGS! : Heavy Angst and Whump. Mentions of psychological and physical abuse. If you are sensitive to certain topics please don't read it, i don't wanna trigger you, your mental well-being it's important to me (also take care of yourself <3)
Basically a -way darker- Stranger Things's remake of Tangled and just another Steve Harrington's love story cause I can't stop writing about him.
Vecna knows he's losing the war, there are forces against him, stupid humans trying to survive in every stupid way. But you are exhausted too, you aren't gonna last long and you all know it. Battle after battle, death after death, hope fades and every time you come up with a new plan and arm yourself, or go on a reconnaissance mission to rid the Hawkins streets of demogorgons, you can't help but wonder who'll be the next. You almost lost Will last time. Robin was injured some days ago. Hopper lost his hand trying to save Murray and Murray, he died anyway. You are no longer sure what are dying for, what you are fighting for. After all you've been through, from your escape from the lab, to your arrival in Howkins, to the rediscovery of your dormant powers, nothing seems to make sense anymore, not if you ultimately fail to kill that damned monster. Then you turn to Steve Harrington, asleep exhausted in a corner of the shelter next to Robin, her hand wrapped in his, Steve's body covered with visible bruises and scratches and his expression tense even in his sleep. And suddenly you know that your reason is a boy like many others. And you know it probably won't be enough to keep you both alive: feelings don't save people in this war. They haven't saved Eddie, nor Max or Murray, and maybe they won't save Will, feverish in an unmade bed not far from you.
Creel or 001 or Vecna, whoever that monster is, is weak, tired. It is a war of wait, that goes neither back nor forward. Sometimes 001 thinks that if he just waits he could watch men destroy themselves until they disappear, other times he thinks they don't deserve this concern. But what he can do is taking his time to recover and come back stronger than before, perhaps with a few more allies. He's already got Eddie Munson, now he is ready to take someone much stronger and with his new puppet by his side he will finally win. Humanity will be over. So he makes a trade, he agrees to stop the attacks and asks for only one thing in return: he wants the only person that can actually destroy him, someone with powers too similar to his own. He asks for you y/n l/n, Seven, the one who ran away from him. He knows that when you and Eleven'll find the right way to combine your powers, then there will be no escape for him, that you could hold the balance of power in this fight. So one day he makes his proposal to you, in a low and frightening voice. He's in your head, a dark echo that portends the worst.
"If you come with me your friends will be safe." He ramains silent for a while as you let yourself fall to the bathroom floor, your hands clasped on your knees. "You're lying." You whisper, hoping no one hears you. "You have a chance to stop this, Seven you really want to waste it?" He asks, while he lets the faces of all the people who have died or who could do so scroll through your mind. Eddie covered in blood, Hopper holding his missing hand, Murray being devoured by a Demogorgons, Joyce holding Will in her arms and Eleven exhausted to the limit. Steve covered in bruises and blood. Max, still comatose in the hospital. Lucas, Mike, Nancy. All of them. You can save them, maybe. You just have to make the boldest choice: trust the devil. You shake your head, afraid. "It's a trap"
"I don't set traps, Seven, I give freedom to people. Let me save you too." You put your hands to your ears, even if it is useless, to chase his voice away. "Let me save them"
"I know how you save people, I won't let you do that again."
"This time, I could let them go ... Just come with me. You don't want me to kill Steve, do you Seven?" And it's time it breaks you, the image of Steve Harrington's cold, motionless body facing you, eyes closed, lips firmly folded into an eternal aching expression, the bluish color of the bruises mingles with the pallor of his skin and you call him, desperate, and you shake him and he doesn't react. He is a soulless shell. He is dead and you don't realize you've started screaming loudly.
"It's not gonna happen." Steve has his hands closed in two fists resting on his hips and shakes his head repeatedly, that's the only thing he can do: say no, try to prevent this madness. The worst thing is that no one else is as convinced as he is, he sees a timid hope in their eyes, the vague hint of assent and that's enough to drive him out of his mind. Is he really the only one he cares about your well being?
"Steve .." You whisper, approaching him as he walks away, pacing back and forth through the small room. If he stops he gets the impression that he might collapse, he's already risked losing Robin, he can't let anything happen to you. He wouldn't forgive himself and he honestly doesn't care that you're a badass superhero with superpowers. Fuck superpowers, protecting you is his job, it has been since you showed up at his house after Billy's beating and his amazing walk in the tunnels with the kids. You, who had literally just closed an immense portal to a scary world and wore the signs of weariness and fatigue on your face, had showed up at his door to check if he was okay.
"I knew you would be alone, it's not safe."
"I'm fine y/n, seriously"
"I'm not saying you're not fine Harrington, I'm saying I don't want you alone."
"No, no! We can't allow it, we know it's a lie. Vecna'll kill her" Steve looks for Hopper, Joyce, someone to listen to him. Hopper sighs and looks at you with regret. After all this time you've become a daughter to him, but the whole world is paying a very high price for this war and he knows that maybe taking some time could be a solution. "It's a possibility, of course" He confirms. "A dangerous possibility though." Lucas steps in, approaching to hug you. "He's weak," Will whispers, drawing your attention. He is pale, half hidden under the covers to save himself from the cold and fever. "I can hear him. Maybe he's not lying." Joyce looks at you hopefully. "He could break the bond with Will so we don't have to ... I mean, hurt him too. And we'll buy some time." They don't need to convince you, you've already made your decision, you just want them to know what to do. "We can't beat him without you." Dustin whispers. "Eleven can and I will take time until she's strong enough to do it on her own." You reply, turning to El. Once again it is Steve who objects. "He will get stronger too in the meantime. Do you realize that it doesn't make sense? It's a suicidal plan." He shouts, approaching you and gently grabbing your shoulders, shaking you.
"Steve, Steve please try to understand" You put your hand on his cheek and caress him softly, for all the times you've refrained from doing it, for all the years you've repressed and hidden your feelings. You let yourself get carried away by his warm and soft skin under your fingertips, the slight hint of beard, the creases around the lips and the scars under the flesh. "You have already decided" His voice is a murmur and it breaks, shattered like glass, his gaze becomes lucid and his grip grows stronger as if to hold you back. "Stay here." And God only knows how hard it is for you to step back, move away from him. Everything around you is still, you don't see anyone else, you don't hear their voices anymore. Steve Harrington is all that matters to you now. "I won't change my mind. It's our only option."
"That's not true, we have other solutions. We can keep fighting." He insists, trying to get close to you again. He is suffering, you recognize the slight shaking in his right hand as he tries to hide it behind, typical of when he is nervous or stressed and the way his lower lip protrudes slightly, like he is about to cry. He keeps silently begging you and is still aware that he is helpless. "No, but it is the only one who will perhaps allow you to live."
"I won't let you" This time he takes a firm step and hugs you tightly. "You can't. I won't let you do it"
"I know Steve, I know" With your face pressed against his chest you inhale his perfume and hide the tears. " Forgive me" You place one hand on his chest and one on his head and use your powers to make him collapse to the ground, unconscious. Holding back a sob and more tears, you manage to hold him close to you so that he doesn't collapse as Hopper helps you to lay him down, his clear eyes serious and worried. "You don't have to do it kid" You hold Jim's hand and don't reply.
In the darkness of the night Vecna collects what is due to him. You walk slowly, his long hand extended towards you. "Welcome home, Seven." With a quick gesture, he spells your memories away, slowly you feel everything you are and know slipping away from you, like words are erased from a sheet of paper as it becomes white again. You didn't know he could do it, none of you did. You feel stupid for getting caught so easily, you try to fight it, to keep something of you but it's not a power you know, you can't manage it. All you can do is concentrate: hide something in the back of your mind, memories in memories, hoping that one day you will be able to unlock them.
"You're the closest thing to a sister I've ever had." Max confesses to you, hugging you, sitting on the sofa in his house. Billy has only been dead for a month, the worst is yet to come for her.
Robin passes you a bowl of ice cream, she has been working at Scoops for a short time. No Russians, no monsters, no war "I don't believe you have never eaten one. How did you survive so far?"
Steve hugs you, his face is covered in bruises from the torture of the Russians and you are still lying on the ground as the Mind Flayer approaches dangerously. Steve shields you with his body while you are so weak and exhausted that you can't even find the strength to move. "Go away, Steve." "You come with me"
Murray takes your by he arm dancing and you laugh with him while Hopper shakes his head. "Come on Murray leave my daughter alone" He has never called you that way before. He must notice too, cause he opens his eyes almost as wide as you do and then, slowly, he smiles sweetly at you.
001 locks you in the attic of the Creel's house, a secret room, a kind of tower hidden under the roof where nobody will ever find you again unless he wants to. There, in the midst of a large dangerous forest in the Upside- down, you will be safe, you are his guarantee, keeping him anchored to this world until the time of destruction comes. Vecna adds protections around the tower. More monsters, bats, vines and do what he has swore, he lets your friends live for now. Max wakes up blind, bones still broken and a long path ahead of her. Eddie ... Vecna lets him go as he promised and what remains of him is an empty shell, a body without a soul, dead, reopening everyone else's wounds. Dustin cries for hours, because in his heart he has hoped that your sacrifice was worth at least Eddie's life and instead it didn't help and he is even more dead than before. Will recovers slowly and for the first time since the day of his disappearance, in that distant 1983, he no longer feels the upside-down stirring in him.
Despite what Vecna does to subjugate you, every now and then a spark of clarity lights up in your mind and in the opacity of your confused eyes, he reads your fear. You don't know why but you know you're in danger and sometimes you instinctively run away. He always takes you back, again inspects your mind and never finds anything new. It's like he's violating every part of you. Eventually he arranges for you to build a wall of vines connected to his mind so that he can hear every attempt to rip them open. It's the perfect prison, an impenetrable tomb. He leaves you in there for fifteen days without talking to you. Something escapes your mind, names on the tip of your tongue you don't know where they come from, distant voices speak to you and they belong to another time. He comes back on the fifteenth day and you still try to resist him.
Another ten days go by. Twenty-five days of total isolation, food and water just enought to make you survive, without knowing who you are, where you come from, what you are like. Why am I here? Eventually one day you stop resisting and Vecna knows he can now create his own weapon. You. All he has to do is wait a little longer, allow his body to recover the lost energy, reborn stronger than before. "Who are you?" You ask one day when he walks into your room. You are no longer afraid of the appearance of him. There is innocence in your voice, something that has little to do with the humans that he despises so much. He thinks about how to answer you, then his gaze falls on your tattoo. 007. "I'm 001" You stare at him. "And who am I?" He grabs your wrist and you let him. "Seven" you read. He has a number too. He's just like you. He's not sure why he has avoided it until now, a real contact with you, but he knows he doesn't want to anymore. "That's a long, sad story." You are sitting on the ground, looking at the dark ceiling and experiencing something new, which replaces fear and confusion: boredom. It grips you, takes you to travel with your mind to the story that One has told you. A bad man took you, used you because you are special and then your sister Eleven betrayed you, she opened a gateway to this world - and you don't know why but you call it the upside-down - and locked you up here, in a world without humans, which is cause of that a perfect place. Humans are bad and Eleven chose them anyway. She chose the bad man and she turned One into a monster. You don't care anyway: he is your brother, he is saving you.
We have to kill humans. They hurt us, they only hurt. Parasites.
The world without them is beautiful, One will show it to you one day, when you regain your strength. You're powerless, he says. He keeps you trapped to keep you safe, it's dangerous. They want to kill you.They want to take what's left of your powers. One promises you that you will train together to recover them and then you will go to the world of men and you will see with your eyes, what you are fighting. Then you will have peace together.
Sometimes One watches you for hours and you never notice, you never turn your head towards him. His plan his working, still there is something about you that has remained secret. Hidden. He understands this when he visits you one night, you are sleeping and when he comes in you don't open your eyes too tired by prigony and by a strange sense of emptiness that sucks you in. You don't eat anymore, you sleep a few hours a night and he knows that he must start making you use your powers slowly, otherwise you will let yourself die. Yet he does not trust you, he must be sure that you will not turn against him. "Are you here to rescue me?" You whisper, clouded minded. He doesn't give you an answer. It's better not to.
"You are here for your own safety," he says simply. "And you will stay here for now"
"I don't want to stay anymore," it comes a desperate plea. "I wanna go home" But you don't even remember what home is. Do you have one? He reaches forward to touch your pale cheek. "This. Is. Home." He's angry. And you're so tired you won't even remember this conversation.
He starts training you the next day, with nastiness and brutality. It's a punishment for what you said, a lesson to put yourself back in your place. "You have to learn to hit, like this" He openes his hand towards you and instantly you are thrown away, you hit the wall and your body protests at the painful impact, immediately like laces those strange vines squeeze your wrists and legs, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze more and more and then let you fall to the ground, stumble down to the floor, surprised by the sudden release. You bite your lip and scrunch your brows, sad and angered by the situation. "Do you understand?" One asks. "What they will do to you is even worse, Eleven will not be as kind as me. She will kill you if you don't kill her first." You get up from the floor and look away. "Are they really this cruel?"
"Oh, Seven. Humans are the worst, you'll learn"
"But why I don't remember anything? I've got this ... Feeling like I'm missing something .. Important?"
"You'll learn. Trust me. I saved you" Yet you don't really feel like he has saved you. At all. After a while you nod, One steps closer and reaches for you cheek wet from tears and you don't even know why you're crying. You keep hearing a voice inside of you telling that something is wrong. "My soldier"
"I will return in two days," One promises as he walks away. "I want you to know how to move these objects when I get back. The next task could ... hurt you otherwise."
You find it easy enough to move things, you feel you have strong control over your powers. And so the days go by and moving things around becomes a fight with bat-shaped monsters, then big dogs with a flower head that you slaughter without too much trouble and One hits you often, instigating you to fight with him. This is what they will do to you, he's preparing you for the enemy, sometimes you wonder if this enemy really exists. "Well done, my Seven" he says one day."That's not my name," comes an answer, voice weak. You don't know why you say it, it's not because you think it. The image of an unknown man with light eyes appears in your head, he is tall with a big mustache. Is he the enemy? Yet he looks good, funny.
"What is your name?" The funny man asks. "Seven. But I don't like it, it's not even a name."
"And what name do you like?" You shake your head. "I knew a girl years ago, beautiful and brave, she was called y/n" He says "y/n ... I like it"
"And what is your name?" One asks, intrigued. He took all your memories, there shouldn't be anything left. How is it possible? "I don't know. But I know it's not that." Your mind screams "y/n" but decide it's wiser to keep quiet. You shouldn't have said anything. "Your name is Seven" He states, leaving you. You hug yourself tightly and nod. Everyday, time seems to pass slower. Everyday, existing feels more and more unbearable. You wonder if you're even alive at all. It happens one day, unexpectedly. You don't know how long it's been. One hasn't come to visit you for longer than usual, the last time you managed to hit him, just to move him, but he laughed with satisfaction.
"The time is coming Seven"
You hear a noise, something banging against the wall, muffled voices and you wonder if they are in your head. Then silence. It happens again. There's movement somewhere behind the door, you are scared cause it can't be One and you know it. You've never seen someone other than him as long as you remember, so you take a step back, frightened. There's someone at your door and it's not One, it's a girl, curly short hair, big blue eyes. There's a man, the funny one you saw in -what was that? A memory? -he's different thought, he doesn't have a mustache and his face is hollow and his eyes are darker somehow, and then there is him, a young man in front of everyone, an ax in his hands, his expression shocked. His mouth is open, his eyes veiled with something you don't understand, relief perhaps and amazement. You can't stop looking at him, there is something that chains his gaze to yours, yet you are afraid of him. He confuses you. You feel strange while he looks shocked, only now you notice his worn out clothes, stained with blood, torn in several places and his face covered with dirt, like he has fought for a long time before arriving. Humans.
"y/n" The girl whispers. Y/n. Your name is Seven. You hear One's voice in your mind as you take another step back. "You're in danger, Seven"
"y/n" Repeats the funny man, and he's not funny anymore. "Honey, we're here ... It's okay" he reassures you. You shake your head. "Attack" One orders. You put your hand over your ears as he screams in your head. "Y/n" This time the boy is calling you, his eyes wide open and terrified. He remains motionless in the grip of a presentiment, a visceral terror. Suddenly he is pale, shivering and he looks younger. A little boy. The girl moves towards you, she holds a weapon. "Attack" You remember every time One has pushed you, hit you, hurt you just for this moment to come. Denfed yourself. You reach out and yell at the girl pushing with your powers her small body against the wall. "Nancy!" The boy shouts, running towards her to help her. She has her eyes closed. "I'm fine" she whispers, but her arm has taken a strange angle. You look around, breathing hard like a caged animal and stretch out your hands ready to attack again. The man tries to take a step towards you and you point towards him. "Attack" You don't want to, something in you prevents you from hitting them again and you feel bad looking at the girl in the boy's arms. He looks at you like he just lost someone important and you wonder why, why they seem to care about you. Because they haven't killed you yet, Vecna says. But they haven't even tried. "They will"
You hide in a corner, confused, while other images flow through your mind.
The girl - Nancy- holds out her hand to help you get up. You are on a bed. It is soft. "Nancy I don't know how to thank you." You say, looking at yourself in a mirror - funny, in the present you don't even know what you look like - you wear a dress that is obviously not yours and fits tightly in places. But you are happy. "Don't thank me it's your first ball think about having fun!"
You put a hand over your eyes now, you try to tear them away and you scream afraid. One, he's too is close. You feel it in your veins.
"Go away" You find the courage to look at the man, his clear gaze veiled with worry and pain. "They'll bring Eleven to you. They'll kill you."
"You have to come with us" he replies, reaching out to you. The younger man is now standing behind him, and his eyes are veiled with tears, he's trembling and you feel physically sick under those disappointed look. Steve. A name resonates in your thoughts.
"You're an idiot Harrington "
"Steve! Please don't tickle!"
"Help me Steve!"
"Steve Harrington, I solemnly swear never to steal your candy stash again."
This time you turn to him. "Go away." You repeat, slowly. "He is coming." And you don't even know why, you just feel that it's the right thing, that you want to protect him, that they won't make it with One. The guy suddenly snaps to you, feline, grabs you by the arm hard, almost desperately, then reads the fear in your gaze, the confusion and his touch softens. It's almost like a caress and you think it's nice to be touched by another pair of hands after a long time. Even if they belong to the enemy they can be delicate. "You have to come with us, please" He begs you. There is no more time, One's so close that you can almost feel it in your bones. With a wave of your hand you push them away and somehow manage not to hurt them. They look at you "I'm not letting you!" The young man says, getting up quickly and wiping a trickle of blood from his mouth, eyes tearing up. He's angry. His hands clenched in two fists. "We have been looking for you for so long." He continues as the girl places a hand - the one that doesn't seem broken - on his shoulder and gestures for him to go. "We'll be back, I swear to you." She promises. A heavy presence appears out of nowhere, and you know all hope is lost.
"Go away. Please" The last words come out distorted from your lips. You feel bad. Humans have hurt you and you, you are helping them without even knowing why. They run away, giving you one last glance while you stand still in the center of the room. One is here, in front of you.
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bladeweaver-if · 7 months
I feel that this a tumble classic question great author but…
RO’s and family reaction to MC dying in battle or to protect them from a fatal blow?
I'll be answering this assuming every character has a good relationship with MC! I'll also have a little bit of text for a romance option.
Callen - He'd feel an immense amount of grief and sorrow - a member of his family has been killed. He'd be inconsolable and blaming himself heavily for the death, especially if it'd been to protect him. He would rather die than have that happen. It would take him a long time to process such a thing happening.
Sonia - Similarly to Callen, though her grief would manifest as rage. She'd certainly attempt to avenge MC's death first and foremost, blaming herself for not being better at protecting them, especially if they'd died for her. It isn't likely she'd ever recover from such a thing happening.
Sam - Distraught and afraid - his best friend/lover is gone, just like that. He wouldn't know what to do with himself. It would be something impossible for him to ever completely recover from. Any dreams he might've had with an MC he's romancing are no longer possible and a lifelong friend is just not there anymore.
Caitlin - She'd do her best to grieve properly, trying to remember MC as best she could. She's experienced a fair deal of loss in her life, she's no stranger to it. The loss of somebody so close to her, especially if they'd died protecting her, would hit particularly hard. Dark, vengeful thoughts would eventually surface.
Lucas - Immediate vengefulness and a quiet rage that would stay with him for a long, long time. Lucas is fiercely loyal to those he's close with and this would be a deep blow to him, being relatively unfamiliar with the death of a loved one. He'd do whatever possible to avenge MC's death, if such a thing is possible. After processing the grief, he'd be quiet and contemplative regarding them, the hurt still clear in his eyes. He would never forget MC, but would try to do better in their name.
Talia - She would practically shut down, reverting to what she knows best: tricks and schemes. Avenging MC's death (down to the minutiae of who might've even given the order) would be number one priority and if that wasn't possible, she'd spiral into old vices and essentially self-destruct at the loss of somebody so close. She had once believed she wouldn't let herself feel such pain again.
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zalrb · 3 months
OTH Rewatch Review 3x07
Jesus Christ
So, like, here's the thing about this fucking Inception dream sequence. What is happening? Is Nathan dreaming about Haley making out with Brooke after waking up from a nightmare about Lucas and Chris in bed together after Lucas woke up from dreaming about being in bed with Brooke? Because it's a dream within within a dream. I don't know what your subconscious is like Nathan.
Nathan's grin. I mean, technically you've slept with both of them. AND HALEY'S SISTER.
"What is she doing talking to that troll?" "By troll do you mean Peyton?" Oh, Haley. How I love you sometimes.
Because Peyton fucking SUCKS.
"I'm over possessive-best-friends-with-weird-lesbian energy. And Haley!" That was actually a good delivery but if anyone has the lesbian energy here, it's Brooke and Rachel.
"Well, at least somebody wanted me." Oh, preteen Zal was SO frustrated with this ENTIRE storyline.
"You look so..." "Overdressed." Good delivery. But also Haley, my girl, the SUN is out, why are you wearing a little black dress?
I mean "little black dress" this is still OTH.
They really felt uncomfortable in the clothes they had to wear??
This is so dumb, she's clearly going out with Nathan and Haley too, Lucas.
Ugh, Skills.
"I've been on kinky dates before..." with who? I guess s1 Nathan would've done something weird.
Remember how s1 Nathan was like a legit emotionally, verbally abusive villain?
"Let's spring [the senior in the nursing home]! It's just a couple of hours, what harm could it do?" If this was a dark comedy, he'd die.
Chris tipping a random woman on the beach and slapping her ass is just ... ugh. She should've slapped him. Alas, Mark Schwahn.
Haley having a quiet but profound breakdown. Brooke, "It's OK. Let's just go to the mall." And she is being helpful and it is very sweet but that's also hilarious. Uhhh, sorry that your wedding spot is being destroyed, let's just go to the mall instead. You know? Nothing profoundly sad happens at the mall.
"I can't believe she's doing this." IT WAS A GROUP DATE, LUCAS.
"This guy has caused a lot of trouble, Brooke knows that." Lucas, the people that he caused trouble between WERE WITH HER GETTING INTO THE CAR. YOU SAW THEM.
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I swear to god Lucas, I would hit you. SHUT UP.
24. Braley are such better friends than Breyton.
25. I REALLY wish we got more Nathan and Brooke scenes because they had a really fun chemistry together and I liked that they were both being courted by Haley and Lucas and they could both understand where the other was coming from
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26. Haley's laugh at Chris saying "Maybe he's afraid of me" is hilarious because she stops and continues. But Chris shutting her up with "Maybe he doesn't care anymore" was mean but well-played.
27. It's funny how Chris Keller is a better Damon than Damon. Because he's not a good actor but he doesn't overplay it.
28. Aww, jealous Nathan
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29. James Lafferty's shoulders are quite broad this episode.
30. Nathan is vulnerable and you were practically giving the enemy a LAP DANCE. I mean she wasn't Brooke but the exaggeration is very Brooke and also very high school. I remember in high school we were at a school dance and this girl's boyfriend was getting jumped outside while she was dancing with another guy and all of us girls were like WHAT THE FUCK??? [INSERT NAME] IS GETTING JUMPED AND YOU WERE BASICALLY HAVING SEX ON THE DANCE FLOOR! What did we expect her to do? Get jumped with him?? Teenagers.
31. "I didn't do anything!" "Except for kiss Chris and run away with him?" I mean, she's got a point Haley. "What about you messing with Lucas and hiding all those letters you wrote to him under your bed?" I mean, she's got a point Brooke.
32. "I know this is where we made love in the rain." I mean, it wasn't ON the balcony though. It should've been.
33. "I still feel our past just like you do" well especially considering that you were the one who was left.
34. Rachel calling Lucas gay because he's CLEARLY into Brooke and is like please stop getting naked around me because I LOVE BROOKE is hilarious because what?
35. Chris also getting Brooke more and more drunk so they can have sex is incredibly gross.
36. "All of the celebrity..." she had ONE original song and was doing covers and opening for actual celebrities? WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT HERE?
37. We could also talk about the fact that Nathan was the one who encouraged her to sing in front of people etc. etc. and she wouldn't have been a "star" without him in her life at all.
38. Mouth's reveal that Mel is his grandfather is ... OK? I know this is supposed to push Peyton to Ellie but meh.
39. "SHE NOTEBOOKED YOU?" "I totally Notebooked him" lmao these references.
40. Nathan keeping a flower from the beach is Lucas keeping a feather from Brooke's wings.
41. *SIGH* Brooke and Chris. What, it takes like two more episodes for them to be together?
42. I also absolutely do not believe that Brooke wouldn't have kicked Chris out of the house right after sleeping with him. She'd be disgusted.
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medulla-soblongotcha · 2 months
‼️TRIGGER WARNING:‼️ This post is a truncated personal account of the death of my partner. It includes mentions about death, life saving measures and personal trauma.
My partner died unexpectedly in our home two years ago today. I woke up this morning and pushed the significance of today to a dim corner of my mind for exactly two minutes as three of my cats began their pre feeding shark circling on top of me as I lie there in bed at dawn.
I remember everything for days before it happened.
What we did. What we ate. How boring the week was. The dinner we had. I still have the clothes the paramedics sliced off in a frantic ditch effort to put in a large bore line as they fired up the Lucas device which is a machine designed to deliver mechanical chest compressions after every member of the paramedic team had exhausted themselves after doing so many chest compressions they physically couldn’t do anymore themselves.
They were able to get a flutter. Enough to legally transport my partner to the hospital so they wouldn’t have to call and have mortuary services come pick up the body from our home. It was ultimately a psychological service for me alone. The state of Virginia doesn’t allow medical services to transport patients to hospitals if they have already died. They would have had to leave me with the body of my partner in the garage while I waited for the death van.
The house is haunted enough as it is.
I would have had to burn the place to the ground if my brain didn’t crack entirely.
I’m well acquainted with death. I’ve declared several patients, been with still many more as they transitioned beyond to the cosmos. I lost my first best friend in third grade to a drunk driver, and my maternal grandparents at a young age.
When I was young I was so afraid of it, I didn’t fully understand or know what to expect. As a child I would panic in the dark imagining an eternity either in hell for being born queer and doomed to damnation or eternal darkness alone because there was no god but simply nothingness beyond because I was too young to grasp the concept of simply no longer existing.
Now death is just a greedy thief to me: stealing those I hold most dear, refusing to ever give them back, leaving me powerless and empty hearted.
Fuck you, death, you miserable eventuality. You get to have everything, don’t you?
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juju-or-anya · 11 months
This is my headcanon for Tyler:
Tyler was always a somewhat different child, quiet and preferring to stay in class drawing or reading the teacher's stories rather than going out to the playground to play ball. As he grows up, Tyler becomes more solitary, struggling to form connections outside of his family and forcing himself to spend time with Lucas and his group of friends.
His mother dies when he is 11 years old, and that's when solitary Tyler is filled with anger. Previously, his father was a loving man, not clingy but affectionate. But with Francoise's death, his world goes dark and nothing matters anymore, including Tyler.
Tyler starts seeking ways to get his father's attention, realizing that being the perfect child doesn't work, whether it's getting good grades, excelling as a pitcher on the town's baseball team, bringing home the first-place trophy as a defenseman in the state hockey game, or even his job as a barista at Weathervane. So, he starts causing trouble, hoping that it will finally grab his father's attention. He begins with small fights at school, intentionally failing his classes, skipping school to engage in spray-painting vandalism, and the final straw comes when he gets into a fight with Xavier Thorpe, the son of an influential outcast
When Laurel Gates, also known as Marilyn Thornhill, approached him, she tried different approaches. She started by attempting to be his friend, flirting with him, and even directly proposing to him sex but none of that stood out. Tyler wasn't attracted to her. So she had to directly entice him. She told him a truth mixed with many lies, claiming to seek revenge on behalf of her mother and showing him her mother's files from Nevermore.
This is how she managed to lead him to her car, drug him, and chain him up, in order to unleash the Hyde within him. From the time he was first kidnapped until the day Wednesday arrives, Tyler tried to completely forget what happened with Laurel. Initially, he ignored her, she sent him messages and visited him at work, but he tried to avoid her. He succeeded to a certain extent, as the Hyde couldn't ignore its master.
So, Tyler lives in robot mode. He wakes up, goes to school, attends court-ordered therapy, eats, goes to work, and kills for Laurel without being able to say anything to anyone. He lives with the monster gnawing at his mind, his sanity, his spirit. Until he meets Wednesday. Wednesday is that gray area where he can be himself, sarcastic, and with a questionable sense of humor without anyone thinking it's wrong. With her, he can be that monster. Of course, he was afraid to fully reveal the monster, but he could show glimpses of it.
When everything was over, when he escaped from the armored truck, he could only think of one thing: finding Wednesday. She would know what would become of him. She held his world in her hands—his life, his heart, his sanity. If Wednesday were to kill him, he would be happy. If Wednesday were to hate him, it would be his end. There is nothing worse for him than her hatred.
He knows that this love is not healthy, that it is sickly and obsessive, but he doesn't want to stop. Why would he? Wednesday is a goddess whom he enjoys worshiping. He would kneel down and accept everything she said and did to him.
Wednesday doesn't hate him; she accepts him (after giving him a god-level slap) and kisses him because, well, in the end, she is just as obsessed as he is. With the help of her family, they manage to get all the charges dropped and allow him to study at Nevermore. Also, thanks to Gomez and Morticia, he regains his job at Weathervane.
He has decided to have exemplary behavior at Nevermore, never risking anything that would distance him from Wednesday, now that he has full control of himself. But Xavier doesn't make things easy for him. He tries to provoke Tyler into causing trouble and getting expelled to keep him away from Wednesday. However, she knows exactly what Xavier is up to. When he goes too far, Wednesday, along with Enid, Bianca, and Ajax, secretly confronts Xavier and threatens him, without Tyler knowing. Xavier stops his actions and harbors hatred towards them.
He formed two great friendships with Ajax and Enid. He bonded with Ajax when he shared that in their first year, Ajax had a little crush on him. Although Tyler felt flattered, he regretfully told him that he never really had a chance, but the idea of being friends attracted him more. They also discovered more common interests, especially when they started sharing a room at Nevermore, such as their mutual love for Batman.
With Enid, after she threatened to mutilate him if he hurt her bestie, their friendship began with Tyler upgrading her unicorn frappuccino order with extra chocolate sprinkles and whipped cream for free. Eventually, they realized they both were Swifties, listened to Olivia Rodrigo and Conan Gray, and knew all 40 movies in the Barbie franchise by heart.
Tyler plans lovely dates in the cemetery and the forest for Wednesday. He always cherishes the moments when he can see Wednesday with her hair down. In fact, he is obsessed with her hair. Another thing is that he tells everyone that Wednesday is his girlfriend. When they are alone and only for Wednesday's ears, he affectionately calls her Wendy. But when they engage in sexual activities, he refers to her as "baby."
When he and Wednesday had their first time together, he decided that before Wednesday, he had never been in a relationship with anyone else, and that other people didn't exist. He believed that he lost his virginity to his girlfriend because that was his true first time—the one that mattered and the only one he would acknowledge if asked.
After all the drama with Laurel Gates, Donovan agreed to attend family therapy with Tyler. They begin to repair their relationship, and Donovan opens up about Francoise. They start having small dinners together, occasionally joined by Wednesday. They even had dinner with the Addams family, where Gomez and Donovan had a heartfelt father-to-father conversation about their children.
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
The Past Will Always Catch Up To You
Raining Hellfire : Season One | Season Two
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Word Count: 3462 words
Warnings: swearing, fluff, mentions of homophobia, forced coming out, mentions of trauma from S1, eddie being adorable as always
[A/N: It's ma birthday so why not start season two! Thank you all for the support from the first series, I hope this chapter isn't disappointing :)]
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The Past Will Always Catch Up To You
It had been around 10 months since you discovered the secrets of Hawkins. 10 months since you fought what had lurked in the dark. 10 months since El saved lives and disappeared. 10 months since you met Eddie.
And in those months, you couldn’t have been happier. You and Eddie spent almost every day together after that, learning more and more about eachother until it felt like you knew eachother completely. Well, almost completely. Neither of you had shared much about your families. But, you both preferred it that way; it was a comfortable mutual understanding.
Eddie finally gave you your Walkman back, holding a suspicious smile when he handed it to you. You still haven’t figured out what he was smiling about.
You attended the majority of his band’s rehearsals. Eddie was afraid you were going to be bored and would always have a selection of books for you to read just in case. However, you don’t remember ever picking up one of those books much less reading the titles; you were genuinely captivated by Corroded Coffin. The way they always gave 100% even though it was just a practice. Despite the fact that they were playing in a garage, you always felt like a member of a huge audience staring up at them on stage.
He even told you about his mysterious club that he attended every Thursday night. Eddie was slightly embarrassed to tell you about ‘Hellfire Club’, mostly because it was for Dungeons and Dragons, yet was pleasantly surprised at your excitement. You told him about the Party, about how the kids you babysat from time to time were obsessed with it.
There were so many happy memories you had collected throughout ‘84, and you were ecstatic to have been able to share them with the boy you were certain you were in love with. You were grateful for those memories, especially since not everything had been rainbows and sunshine over those months.
You still had nightmares from the Demogorgon. Barb died and El sacrificed herself, that guilt always bubbling away inside you. And every now and then, you swore you could feel something breathing down your neck, whispering in your ear. And you couldn’t tell anyone about it.
You didn’t want to involve Eddie, it was wrong to drag someone else into this Upside Down mess. And the Party had finally got Will back and were happy again. You couldn't ruin that with more talk about the trauma from last year. So, you didn’t have anyone in your life you could speak to about it.
No family, no friends...
You didn’t even have a best friend anymore.
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“Y/n!” Dustin’s voice echoed in the Wheeler kitchen, slightly muffled by the pancakes he had shovelled into his mouth.
As you entered the room, you saw that the Party was all together, happily sat with their sweet-tooth breakfast.
“Hey, guys. Another campaign happening?” You ask, setting the empty mixing bowl you were holding onto the kitchen island. You had borrowed it from Karen earlier in the week so you could bake a cake. It wasn’t for anything in particular, you were just really craving chocolate cake.
“Mmm-mm, mm-” Dustin was trying to communicate but seemingly forgot the mound of pancakes he had stacked and then attempted to eat all at once.
“Translation?” You looked to the small boy sat closest to you.
“We’re going to the arcade before school.” Will smiled, using his fork to prod at the barely eaten pancake on his plate. He looked tired lately and you wondered if he was kept up by nightmares of the Upside Down. He wouldn’t be the only one.
“Yeah. Why don’t you come join us?” Lucas smiled, leaning toward you. You swore that this boy flirted just for the hell of it.
“Ah. Well have fun. Without me.” You quickly added, raising your eyebrow at Lucas who still had a smirk on his face. “And can someone please beat Dustin’s high score on that ‘Dig Dug’ game. It’s all I ever hear about.”
You roll your eyes sarcastically, earning a chorus of nods.
“Hey!” Dustin finally swallowed the last bit of pancake, “I don’t talk about it that-”
“Yes you do.” All the boys said, shaking their heads.
“Anyway, it’s too late, someone already beat it.” Lucas added and then he leaned into you, lowering his voice, “And he’s being a wuss about it.”
“I heard that!” Dustin pouted.
“Mike, can you let your mom know later that I’ve returned her bowl?” You ask, placing it in its respective cupboard and shaking your head at Lucas and Dustin’s argument.
“Why can’t you?” He questions, dumping his plate in the sink.
“I… I won’t be here later.” You say, giving a quick goodbye and walking out of the room.
“What was that about?” You heard Lucas stay and you slowed your steps.
“I don’t know. Her and Nancy had some sort of fight.” Mike mumbled, clearly uninterested.
“About what?” Dustin’s loud voice sounded out and you winced.
“Who cares? Let’s just go to the arcade instead of discussing girl stuff.”
You heard a few mutters of agreement as you continued to the door, leaving. For once, you were glad that Mike was a minor narcissist.
Stepping off the porch, you smiled at the crunch of leaves beneath your boots, taking in a breath of the fall air. It was your favourite time of year. The weather wasn’t too cold or too hot. Leaves were scattered all over the ground, coloured with amber hues. The sun shining behind the naked trees beamed warmth in the autumn breeze.
Placing your Walkman upon your head, you pressed play and blared Journey through the headphones, treading along nature’s carpet as you headed toward the school. The songs played from their Frontiers album, one you had grown to love since its release.
A tap on your shoulder made you jump, turning quickly and stepping away. It may have been 10 months but you were still very afraid of the things that went bump in the night.
Steve Harrington stood in front of you, his hands stuffed into his jacket pockets as he avoided your eyes.
“Harrington.” You sighed, sliding down your headphones. “What’s up?”
You and Steve had a better relationship than you did last year. You no longer saw eachother as the enemy, merely just nuisances if anything. In fact, you were both on your way to becoming good friends.
Until Nancy ruined it all.
“We need to talk.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with an exhale of breath. “It’s about Nance-”
“No.” You put your headphones back in place and strode away from him. You weren’t in the mood.
“Dude! Come on!” He ran after you, pulling you to a stop and miming for you to remove your headphones again.
“I’m not talking about this!”
“Then don’t talk, just listen. Like, one minute, I promise.” He pleaded, searching your eyes for an answer.
“Fine.” You finally breathed, the headphones resting on your shoulders once again.
“Okay.” He took a deep breath. “I get why you two aren’t talking anymore, I really do. But…”
“But what?” You ask impatiently when Steve’s voice trailed off.
“You need eachother.” He said.
“No, Nancy made it very clear that she doesn’t need me.”
“She’s just upset about Barb-”
“So am I, Steve!” You raise your voice and he jumps a little from your burst of emotion.
“I know-”
“No, you don’t. I was ready to help Nancy through that, I really was. Because I thought she needed someone, just like I needed someone.” Your voice broke a little and your gaze shifted to a particular leaf that had spiralled down from its branch and landed on your foot.
“I thought you had Eddie.” Steve’s voice was sympathetic. He wasn’t being rude, he sounded more confused than judgemental.
“I did. I do. It’s just… how am I meant to talk to someone if I can’t actually tell them anything.” You sigh. You knew that getting into a relationship with Eddie meant you had to keep the Upside Down a secret. You just weren’t prepared for how lonely you would feel.
“Look,” You continued, having to tilt your head to reach his eyes, “Nancy and me… it’s all broken. I tried, Steve, I really did. But I said one thing that she didn’t like and suddenly I was the villain.”
“Maybe you weren’t listening to her-”
“She said everything she wanted to.” Your voice was cold, strings of sentences pulling at your brain as the memory flooded in.
“She didn’t mean it.” He shook his head but he sounded defeated, like he didn’t believe his own words.
“You were there, Steve.” You point out, showing no emotion, “There was no uncertainty in her voice when she said that to me.”
“I…” He gave up, slumping his shoulders, “I’m sorry.”
“For what, exactly? Just standing there while she made me feel shit or being the one who told her?” You spat.
He was silent, shock laced in his eyes.
“See you in class.” You murmur as you walk away.
You didn’t hate Steve, not even a little. You knew why he didn’t speak up when Nancy was making you feel worthless. He was in love with her, it only made sense that he be there for her, not you. You just couldn’t forgive him for what he did.
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“Hey, Nance.” You look up from your book to see your best friend walk into the room, head hung low.
“You lied to me.” She whispered, so quiet you almost missed it.
“What?” Your heart sped as you discarded the book in your hand, sitting up straight.
“Do you even like Eddie or are you just playing him, like you were playing me?”
Mouth dry, you attempt to speak but were met with nothing but a breath.
“What- what are you talking about?” You managed to speak, shifting uncomfortably on your bed.
She just stared at you, a look of confusion and disgust.
“Robin Buckley.” She finally spoke, her voice as cold as her expression.
It felt like your heart leapt into your throat, restricting your breathing. How did she know about that?
“You kept that from me.” She added, “I thought you were my friend, I thought… I thought you were-”
“Normal?” You blurted as the room went silent. Nancy didn’t speak. She didn’t try to argue with your choice of words.
Steve burst into the room, panting. He came to a halt and bent over, trying to catch his breath. “I can explain-”
“You.” Standing up, you walked over to the tired boy, eyes seeing red, “You told her.”
“No, listen. I just meant to-”
“Yes. He did.” Nancy regained her confidence, crossing her arms. “But that doesn’t change the fact that you’ve been lying to everyone.”
“And why do you think that is, Nancy?!” Anger coursed through your veins, “Do you see how you’re treating me right now? Like you want my head on a spike to carry around town as a warning to others if, god forbid, they don’t fit into ‘Nancy’s perfect little world’.”
She just scoffed, turning her head from you. Steve cleared his throat awkwardly, shuffling into a space where her could intervene if anything got violent.
“Guys! Calm down, okay?”
Nancy sent him a glare and he stilled, his expression conflicted.
He finally let out a sigh, turning to you but avoiding your eyes. “Y/n…”
“No. No, stop it.” You shook your head in disbelief, tears threatening your eyes, “Why are you taking her side?”
“You’re…” He glanced at Nancy again, “You’re just... over-reacting a bit.”
“I can’t believe this.” You felt your chest tighten as the first tear dropped from your eye. “I trusted you…”
“Look, Y/n.” Nancy’s face fell into a softer expression as she watched the drop of sadness mark your cheek. “I can’t keep doing this with you… It’s like- like I don’t even know who you are.”
“Because I like girls?” You finally said it. You finally spoke the words that were avoided like a plague.
Nancy took a step back. You had to admit, that hurt.
“There’s nothing wrong with… that.” She shrugged, wrapping her arms around her torso.
“There isn’t, huh? Then why are you acting like it’s some sort of disease.” You took a step forward and watched her take another step back before she even knew what she was doing.
“I like girls, okay?!” You yelled, making Steve jump. “I still like boys, too. Not that it even matters because I’m some sort of freak now, right? You can’t even look at me! Just because I had a crush on Robin Buckley? You act all high and mighty but you’re just as fucked up as the rest of us, Nancy Wheeler, don’t even try to deny it!”
You weren’t even sure what you were saying; you were blinded by fury, pain.
“Bullshit!” She screamed, hesitating before closing the space between you.
“Really? Then how come Miss Perfect can’t even admit that she’s miserable in a relationship that she just sees as a convenience?” You lowered your voice, aware that Steve was still in the room. “We both know who you really want.”
“I should have seen it coming.” She finally said after a beat, resting her shoulders and raising her chin, “Makes sense to go both ways when you’re a whore.”
A gasp was heard from the corner of the room, echoing in the tension. It felt like Nancy had reached into your chest and ripped out your heart.
“Get out.” You ordered through tears, a familiar feeling flooding through your body as your hands shook.
“Y/n-” Steve tried to… you didn’t even know. You didn’t care. You just wanted them gone.
“Get. Out.” Voice laced with venom, Steve looked to Nancy who opened her mouth, only to close it again when she clearly had nothing left to say to you.
Instead, she stormed out without so much of a second glance. After a beat of silence, Steve looked defeated as he followed his girlfriend out of your house and left you standing in your room.
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“Hey, beautiful.”
Eddie grins as you run up to him, catching you in a hug. You always felt safe in his arms. The scent of green apples clung to you as you pulled away, looking up at him.
“Hey. Ready for another year of this?” You waved your hand towards the building in front of you.
“Hm.” He turned his body, studying Hawkins High with squinted eyes, “You know… I think it’s gonna be my year.” He concluded with a nod, looking back to you only to find you holding in a laugh, “What?”
“We’re in October.” You laughed as he playfully shoved you.
“I meant the school year, dumbass.” He chuckled, “Plus, I’d say this whole year has gone pretty well for me so far.”
“Oh yeah?” You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his waist and staring up at him with your chin on his chest. “How so?”
“Well…” His arms found their way around you, “I finally found the design for Hellfire Club.”
“Wow, okay I see- wait. You did?” You straightened slightly but neither of you let go of eachother. It only surprised you because Eddie had been struggling with a design concept ever since he made the club.
“Wanna see?” He asked, still refraining from moving away from you.
“Obviously.” You said and he chuckled. Reluctantly, he let go and shuffled to his bag, pulling out a t-shirt and showing it to you.
“I mean, I’ve literally had to draw it on an old shirt but I know a guy that can print me actual designs-”
“I love it.” You stared down at the shirt in your hands and started to trace the lettering with your fingers. It had Hellfire Club written on it (obviously) and in the centre there was a design of some sort of horned devil, decorated with objects from Dungeons and Dragons. It was so freaking cool.
After a while you looked up from the devilish art and saw Eddie admiring you.
“What?” You giggled. Lowering yourself onto the grass. You had a few minutes to kill before the first bell.
“Nothing.” He just smiled, claiming the spot next to you and resting his arm around your shoulder.
You both turned to eachother at the same time. You have known Eddie for 10 months and still, he made your heart race in the most beautiful way.
“Yo! Y/n!”
“Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!”
“Guys, leave her alone! She’s clearly busy?”
“Busy? Oh…” “Ew. Are they gonna suck faces?”
You sigh, sending an apologetic look to your boyfriend who was trying to keep in a laugh.
“What’s up, guys?” You ask the four boys in front of you, squinting against the sun.
“We… were… at the… arcade.” Lucas tried explaining, out of breath, “Why did we even… run here?”
“Dude. Exercise more.” Mike looked at him while Will giggled behind him.
“Dustin?” You looked to the boy who had decided to sit the other side of you on the grass. You figured if anyone was going to explain, it was him.
“We were at the arcade trying to beat the new high score but we got nowhere with that, like who can beat 751,300 points? That’s impossible!” He exclaimed, laying down on the grass with a grunt.
“That’s your big news? The exact thing you told me this morning?” You lifted an eyebrow as Eddie chuckled beside you.
“No! There’s more.” Dustin sat up so quickly you thought he’d get whiplash.
“Is there?” Lucas questioned with a high voice, still panting.
“Yes. We were trying to beat the high score when this car literally sped by the arcade so fast we thought it was on its way to investigate paranormal activity, you know like in Ghostbusters minus the sirens, and we haven’t seen the car before so we thought it had to be him-” He paused for a second, tilting his head and looking down at the shirt in your hands, “That’s so freaking cool!”
He took the t-shirt from you, any intention of continuing his train of thought disappeared.
“Thanks, man.” Eddie smiled, looking at you proudly.
“Yeah. Okay, so there’s someone new in town and they can’t drive. Why is that important?” You furrow your eyebrows, ignoring the small boy next to you who was holding the shirt against himself and posing.
“I really want one of these.” Dustin shared, just as Eddie reached behind you and snatched the shirt back.
“Hellfire only, sorry man.”
“Hellfire? Like a club? I’m in!” Dustin said excitedly.
“No, you’re not. It’s a high school club.” You sigh, rubbing your temple.
“Curse age.” Dustin shook his head solemnly.
“Maybe someday, man.” Eddie reassured, patting your friend on the shoulder.
“Can we get back to the matter at hand!” Mike yelled, causing everyone to quieten. “Thank you.”
“I’m still confused.” You groan, resting your chin on your palms, elbows digging into your leg.
“Whoever the crazy driver is has to be ‘Madmax’!” Lucas exclaimed. That caught your attention.
“Madmax?” You glance between the boys, stilling your movement. Eddie noticed the sudden change in your demeanour, sending you a concerned look.
“Yeah. He’s been crushing all the arcade games, how can someone even be that good?” Dustin sounded upset but also slightly impressed.
“No way.” You whisper.
Before anyone could respond, a Camaro came screeching around the corner, barely missing a few pedestrians as they came to a dangerous stop. They somehow parked perfectly into a spot outside the school.
“It’s him!” Will spoke up, stepping from behind Mike to get a better view. Everyone had crowded into a small group now, each of you wanting to satisfy your curiosities.
“Let’s find out who this sucker is. Apparently, they should be our age.” Dustin nodded as you all turned to him. “What? Keith told me.”
“Explains the driving.” Eddie muttered, making him snort out a laugh.
The passenger side door opened as a small red-headed girl exited the car. She slammed the door shut, clinging onto her skateboard.
“Ah. That makes more sense.” Dustin noted as Lucas slapped the back of his head.
As they argued, the girl turned to the group, locating the quarrel she was hearing. She shook her head, dropping the board but caught herself when she focused in on one particular person in the group. You.
“Who is that?” Lucas and Dustin asked before glaring at eachother.
“Do you know her?” Eddie asked you, noticing the look you were sharing.
Your words were caught in your throat as you tried to make sense of what was happening.
“Yeah…” You finally breathed, something you didn’t recognise twisting in your stomach.
“How?” Mike looked confused, glancing up at you.
The girl snapped back into focus, hopping onto her board and skating away toward the Middle School.
“… she’s my sister.”
[A/N: So... how are we feeling? *insert evil laugh*]
Chapter 1: Secrets, Secrets, Secrets... ->
taglist: @gnnnne / @beepisbeep / @paintballkid711/ @eddiesbirdie/ @livasaurasrex / @darktimelegends
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strangerquinns · 2 years
'86 Baby!: Chapter Thirteen
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Eddie Munson x Female Reader
A Stranger Things Season 4 Rewrite: It’s Senior Year for Hawkins High School Class of '86. But while most are dealing with the pressure of finales, the threat of the Upside Down looms over you and your friends. But an old friend is soon pulled into the darkness, and all you hope to do is save him while pushing away old feelings.
story warning: dark themes like; death, blood, violence, descriptions of dead bodies + other Stranger Things related warnings. themes: fluff w/ angst + smut
word count: 3.0k+ // ’86 Baby! masterlist
stranger things masterlist
Chapter Thirteen: Phase One
Steve pulled up to the front of the worn-down Victorian home that sat on the north side of Hawkins. The sun setting behind it only made it more ominous and creepy as it was looming down over all of you. The moment the RV crawled to a stop Max, Erica, and Lucas quickly gathered their things and started to make their way out of the RV. But before they fully stepped off, you called after Max's name. You stood from your seat and moved to the doorway, looking down to see her standing there waiting for you, with her lantern held tightly in her grasp.
You loved every kid within the group, all of them crawling their way into your heart and making sure that they stayed there. But there was something about Max, along with Dustin, that owned your heart a little more. You saw her as your little sister and grasped onto her a little tighter when Billy died. When she tried to push everyone else away and even went as far as breaking up with Lucas, you didn't let her do that with you. Instead you held on tighter with two hands.
Except something slipped through the cracks. The headaches, the nose bleeds, the threat of Vecna right over her shoulder. Just like you missed them with Chrissy. A part of you was deeply afraid that you'd have another dead friend because of this monster.
"J-Just be careful, ok?" You stepped down a couple of steps, "If something happens...just fight like hell if he comes for you."
Max nodded her head, "I plan on it. I'm going to be ok, Y/N."
You nodded your head and stepped down to wrap your arms around her, feeling her arms do the same with you. You looked over her shoulder to see Lucas and Erica standing not too far to the front of the house.
"The moment she starts rising," You stepped back as you spoke, "You turn that Walkman on and you blast Kate Bush through her ears."
"You got it." Lucas nodded.
Max gave you one final smile before stepping to join the Sinclair siblings. You stood there till they disappeared through the front door and were out of sight. A deep and heavy sigh left your lips as you turned around and walked back into the RV. Steve stared over the back of his chair to look at you and gave you a slightly saddened look. Neither of you needed to speak to know what the other was saying. Instead, he nodded his head once before driving the car back down the road and to Forest Hills.
When Steve pulled the RV into the trailer park, the sun was gone from the sky, and the night was cast over Hawkins. You stepped forward and looked out the window not seeing a soul. Steve had parked toward the back of the park where no one really goes anymore, but still.
The only thing you could hear was the wildlife and even that was sparse. From the front, you could hear Steve and Nancy move from their spots before stepping back and joining the three of you.
"We should go through the plan again. Just to make sure." You spoke up, slowly turning away from the window and facing the rest of the group. Everyone wearing tense, yet scared, looks on their faces.
Nancy stepped up beside you and nodded her head, "That's not a bad idea. Wanna make sure that we have it all...don't miss a step."
"Phase One, we wait for Erica to give the signal at the park across from the Creel House, from there she'll signal Max and Lucas that we're ready." You stared, your hand still holding tightly to the leather belt of the sheath across your back.
"Phase Two, Max baits Vecna. Get's him distracted for us." Steve continued.
"Phase Three?" Nancy asked, but her blue eyes were focused on Eddie and Dustin who were more toward the back of the RV. Dustin sat in the booth across from Robin with Eddie standing behind him.
"Me and Eddie draw away the bats," Dustin spoke, Eddie smiled slightly and laid an affectionate hand on Dustin's head.
"Phase Four, we head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and...we flambe his ass." Robin finished with a smirk.
"No one moves on till we have all copied, no deviation, nothing...go it?" You spoke firmly, looking up and making eye contact with every single person.
"Got it," They all repeated back in unison.
"Let's go get this son of a bitch," You spat out angrily, turning to walk past Nancy and opening the door of the RV quickly.
There was a tense and eerie silence throughout the park you felt when you stepped out of the RV. The entire park was empty almost like no one was home. In a quick single file line, all of you moved through the park toward the Munson home. You ducked low and made sure to stay close to the back of the park till you needed to move up.
The moment the trailer came into view, your feet seemed to only move faster, leading you to the front door. You grabbed it openly quickly, it left unlocked from the last time everyone was there and held it open as everyone rushed inside one after the other.
You followed behind him with everyone else, double-checking the park to ensure no one was around to see them. The trailer was left exactly like last time you were all there, the sheet rope still dangling from the ceiling and into the Upside Down.
Steve stepped forward and grabbed tightly to the sheet, "I'll go up first, pull the mattress over on the other side so you guys will have a safe place to land."
Everyone took a step back and waited as Steve made his way up. He disappeared quickly through the wide opening at the ceiling before flipping quickly and landing on his feet. He paused for a moment before looking back at you all.
"What does he want...an applause?" Robin asked sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she looked back down at you, making you laugh through your nose lightly and shake your head.
It wasn't long till you heard Steve moving from the back of the trailer through the gate. The mattress came into view as he threw it down on the ground.
"I'll go next," You spoke without hesitation, grabbing the strap of your machete sheath from over your head before stepping directly under the gate. "Watch out!" You shouted before sending it through, watching as it landed on the mattress.
Steve bent down quickly and grabbed your weapon before stepping back to give you space. You grabbed tightly to the white sheet and moved to pull your body upward, this time seemingly easier than the last. That same feeling from before came through you as you passed through into the Upside Down. The feeling of gravity took over as your body fell forward. You acted quickly and tucked your knees into your chest so you landed swiftly on your back.
Steve stepped forward and held a hand out for you, which you took gratefully before he pulled you up.
Following close behind you was Nancy, a few more weapons, and then Robin. Another round of weapons and even a shield came through before Eddie soon followed. You stepped forward and held your hand out for him to get up from the mattress. He smiled up at you before using your help to stand. Dustin threw a few more spears through, but the moment the mattress was cleared, he came tumbling down.
Everyone strapped back on their chosen weapons before stepping out of the trailer and into the Upside Down Forest Hills.
"Hey," Nancy spoke jogging slightly to catch up to you. "I know you have the machete and everything, but thought maybe you'd want something a little more powerful just in case."
She smirked at you before thrusting what was in her hands forward. Your eyes moved down away from her face before settling on her hands. Your eyes widened slightly when you saw the sawed-off shotgun tightly in her grasp, matching very much the same as the one strapped across her back.
"Seriously?" You chuckled before stepping forward and taking it.
"We're going to need as much force power as we can get when we get in there. If Jason's...advice is worth anything...this will make sure that we don't miss."
You quirked a brow to her, before nodding your head, taking the extra shotgun shells from her and sliding them into the front pocket of your jacket. Steve and Robin started walking over to join you and Nancy before stopping short and turning around.
"Listen," He spoke talking to Dustin and Eddie "If anything goes wrong, you turn back and you run do you hear me? Stay safe and don't do anything stupid. Keep 'em busy for like a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't be cute...or try to be heroes, ok? You're just..."
"Decoys," Dustin finished off for him. "Don't worry, Steve. You can go and play the hero."
There was a touch of sarcasm in Dustin's voice as he spoke.
"Don't worry about it, dude," Eddie took a slight step forward, "I mean...look at us...we are not the heroes."
Eddie smiled slightly at the end, his dimples showing on each side of his cheeks. It made your stomach flutter with butterflies. Amazing, even in the face of the world ending and possible death, he still made your heart race and swoon. You moved closer to step up beside Steve, your eyes only focused on Eddie.
"Keep an eye on my girl ok?" Eddie's voice changing to hold heavy seriousness, but with that playful glint still in his warm eyes. "Need her coming back to me in one piece."
"You got it, man," Steve nodded his head, before stepping away, leaving you there standing before Eddie.
"You know very well I can take care of myself, Munson," You teased as he stepped to stand right in front of you.
"Of course I do, sweetheart. We both know it's you that's gonna be looking out for Steve and the rest of them," His hand moved up to affectionately grab your chin. "But I'm serious, ok? Come back to me safe."
Your eyes softened as you looked at him, reaching up to caress his face so that his eyes focused solely on you. Seeing the vulnerable fear and sadness, the same vulnerability he showed when you all found him at the boat house.
"I'll come back, I promise." You rubbed your thumb over his cheek, before pressing up on your toes and kissing him.
Eddie pressed his lips firmly against yours and wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you tightly against his chest. The kiss wasn't long. But it was enough. Enough for you to convey to him how much you cared for him, were sacred for him, and needed him. Eddie pulled back with a shaky breath and pressed his forehead against yours.
"Y/N..." He whispered with his eyes looking deeply into yours. "I...I love..."
You shook your head and pressed a finger against his lips. Tears welled up in your eyes knowing exactly what he was going to say. The words you'd longed to hear since you were a little girl. Ever since you knew what love was. Only from him. But you couldn't hear them, not now. Not like this.
"Shh...don't...that sounds like a goodbye, and we're not saying goodbye right now." You stepped back and sniffled lightly, "You tell me when I get back. Ok?"
Eddie watched as you started to walk away from him, your eyes still looking at him in a way that felt like a fist had punched through his heart. He couldn't speak, the force of his words lodged in his throat, so instead, he nodded his head. He and Dustin stood outside that trailer as he watched the four of you run away toward the woods.
"He almost said it," You spoke to Robin, your heart still beating hard against your chest in amazement. "Like...really say it!"
"Why didn't you let him?" Robin questioned with a confused look on her face.
"When has it ever gone well when someone professed their love before a death-defying event? Never!" You exclaimed.
"She has a point," Steve shrugged from a couple steps in front of you.
"Thank you!" You shook your head and sighed deeply, "Besides I want him to tell me when it's the right time. And not because he feels that one of us isn't gonna make it. I hate that."
"I thought it was pretty sweet," Robin shrugged her shoulders as the four of you continued through the woods.
"It will be...after this is all over and done with." You sighed and moved your flashlight from side to side as you looked around the woods. "Haven't we walked past that tree before?"
"What? No!? Don't say that?" Robin spoke, her voice slipping into the highly animated and panicked voice she slips into at times. "We couldn't have."
"We didn't there is no way," Steve spoke.
"Are you sure? Cause that would really, really suck of Vecna was able to end the world cause we got lost in the woods" Robin spoke quickly, stepping forward a little more as she walked faster. You looked down and watched as the vines moved and slithered along the forest floor.
"Robin! Watch the vines....hive mind...remember!" You exclaimed as you chased after your clumsy friend.
"Guys! Really!?" Steve shouted after the two of you as you moved past him and Nancy.
"We've got it!" Robin shouted over her shoulder just as you grabbed her wrist, stopping her from stepping onto a vine that was right beneath her raised feet.
"Robin! Fuck!" You cursed with your heart jumping and feeling like it was frozen for a moment in panic. "Come on..."
"Sorry...sorry..." She cringed and stepped back to you, "I can't help it...my body jolts with energy when I'm panicked."
"Oh, I know." You chuckled, wrapping your arms around her shoulder and walking tightly at her side. "You're a klutz, and I love you for it, Robin Buckley. Most of the time, 99% of the time. It's adorable, but this is not one of those times."
"Did I ever tell you that it took me longer to walk than most baby's at my daycare?" Robin spoke.
You laughed and nodded your head, "Yes, yes you did. Many times during our shifts. Any time you tripped and dropped ice cream on the floor."
"That floor was shit and you know it!" Robin spoke defensively.
"Alright, alright." You shook your head and scoped your flashlight through the woods before halting your steps as something caught your eyes. "Hey, Buckely...you see what I see?" You spoke with your eyes still focused on the structure in front of you.
"Holy shit!" She spoke with a wide smile before turning back to Steve and Nancy. "Guys! Guys! We aren't lost! Y/N found it! Come on! Let's go!"
It wasn't long till you heard the quick and hurried steps of your friend coming back in your direction.
"Robin! Slow down!" Steve shouted after her. That only made you laugh a little harder as you heard his stern voice echoed through the woods. Robin stopped short right beside you with her breath hard and panting loudly.
"You're making dad angry," You chuckled just as Steve and Nancy walked up beside you.
"You two aren't funny I hope you know this," Steve grumbled.
"Calm down, dad" You teased further as you all walked the few steps you needed to break from the woods. The light and airy fun you felt only seconds ago dissipated the moment your eyes fell onto the Creel House. It looked as broken down and decrepit as the one back in Hawkins. But the one difference is the swarm of bats flying around the top level of the Victorian home. You felt a chill run up and down your spine as you heard the shrill shrieks they called out into the sky as the thunder rumbled through.
"Fuck," You cursed low under your breath, feeling Robin's fingers lace through yours and squeeze them tightly.
Your eyes were soon pulled away from the hell home by a soft glow coming from across the street. Everyone else seemed to catch it at nearly the same time as you did.
"Erica," Steve sighed deeply before moving toward the play structure. You all moved along the tree line to not draw attention to either of you. The last thing you needed was to catch their attention and have them coming for you.
You all dropped down to your hands and knees the moment you go to the back of the park. You moved slowly and silently, soon enough making it to the structure and hiding beneath it. You knelt down below the slide with Steve and Robin sandwiched at each side of you.
Nancy reached a hand up and moved it through the glowing lights that danced through the structure, acting as a signal to Erica.
"Erica here," Her voice echoed through. "We moving into Phase One?"
Nancy moved her fingers through the lights in a motion, acting to pulse the light Erica had in response. You sat and waited for her reply, knowing nothing could move forward until Max started her plan first.
"Copy that Lovebirds are moving into Phase One, I repeat the Lovebirds are moving into Phase One."
"That was easy," Robin sighed
"Yeah, but now we wait for the hard part." You whispered, your eyes darting across to the home knowing that he was inside. "Take the bait...take the bait you fucking asshole," You whispered.
"He will." Steve nodded his head.
"We need him to," Nancy countered.
"I want him to, more than just cause he is threatening our world. I want him dead because of Chrissy. He took her from me, from her family...I-I just want him to fucking pay for that. She was sweet and kind...one of the good ones and didn't deserve that." Your voice was laced with venom, each word coming out angrier than the last. "I want to make him pay."
I don't know about you guys...but this is my favorite chapter so far. might change with the next two or three but...oh, I had fun writing for Reader and Eddie but also building on Robin/Max's relationship with the reader cause that's going to come in a little more later.
I have seen people panicking about Eddie...he is going to live guys. That's the whole reason for this re-write. And my anger for his death has been recharged with a video coming out of Joesph getting his prosthetics for the show...Eddie could've lived through those wounds...I'm sorry. You can't convince me otherwise. Leave a comment! Give your predictions of what you think is going to happen in the bat-tle...(see what I did there, thanks for the joke Dustin!!)
‘86 Baby! Tag list - let me know if you want to be added!!
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mrskeery-quinn · 2 years
It was just a nightmare..
Dead Eddie X female reader Harrington
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Summary: it's almost the same story with Max's but with the appearance of dead Eddie helping you and a really good brother protecting you. Max didn't die.
Warning: Sad(was even crying while writing it),dramatic,memory flashbacks
Good ending!
Story's song:
(play the song now, while reading/ use earphones for a better experience 🎧)
Btw I'm sorry, I'm not a professional in writing stories and i make a lot of mistakes. :(
You were at your dead boyfriend's trailer, sitting on the chair in front of his desk, writing letters for your friends, your brother and.. him.
You knew your time is coming soon. Vecna is coming for you and you could do nothing about it. You stopped your tears from falling and smile thinking that you might meet Eddie again in the afterlife. You rub the guitar pick chain that's hanging from your neck with your thumb. Eddie gave it to Dustin and asked him to give it to you, seconds before he let his last breath. You sighed and stood up, put all of the letters in your small backpack along with some Eddie's pictures with you and walked outside to your friends. Eddie loved Taking pictures of you. Wherever you guys were, he always had his camera with him so when he felt like it, he'd take a picture of you and tape it on the wall.
"Y/N....." Your brother Steve walked to you and pulled you in for a tight hug, resting his chin on your head and give it a kiss. He's so afraid he's gonna lose his sister, the only person he calls family. You could tell he was crying earlier, his red puffy eyes filled with anxiety from the moment you mention that you could hear him..you could hear Vecna and see things. He was playing with your mind for days.
"we'll stop it Y/N, i promise you! I won't let no one hurt you." He shut his eyes as tears slipped under his cheeks. You never seriously fought with Steve, all your arguments were only for silly little things like Who's going to the market today, or who's going to pick up your friends from school after. He was overprotective and you could understand that, after fighting bunch of demo monsters.
A tear fell from your eye, arms around his waist, squeezing him. You mumbled on his shirt a "i know" and pulled back wiping both of his and yours faces
Dustin and Lucas were watching everything. They both were crying hoping that El is gonna find a solution to this.
"can i please go see Eddie?" You asked while slightly smiling "i want to tell him some things" you added and he nodded twice "ofc you can. Get in" he kissed your forehead while walking to the car.
You both got in and you smiled to the boys. Their smile so bitter, you'll never forget it. Steve then drive off to the cemetery where Eddie's grave is.
After 15 minutes, you arrived. Steve gripped your wrist softly while looking at you "you sure you want to go alone?" He looked in your eyes hoping for a 'no' and 'come with me' but it was yours and Eddie's moment at that time. "Yes Steve, I'm sure" you said in a lower tone and got out of the car.
You walked to his grave while trying to keep back your tears from falling. You sat right in front of him, crossed legs, your fingers sliding to the cold gravestone before you say "Hey baby".
You took out the letter and look at his picture "don't judge me, i don't really have the time to talk to people right now" you unfolded the paper "but I'll read your letter, hopefully you'll hear everything even if these are my last minutes"
You shut your eyes for some seconds, as a teardrop slide down your cheek. You couldn't help it, the image of Eddie appeared in your head. You let out a sigh before you hear a clock loudly ticking. You quickly opened them only to see the dark red sky and no one around but trees. the floor was dry and the air not clear anymore.
"no..not yet.." you whispered to your self under your breath after realizing you're in the upside down. You didn't get to read him the letter, you were dying to do.
"Y/N" a soft familiar voice spoke behind you and you turned immediately before you feel your blood cold.
"E-Eddie..?" You let out as you saw him standing there with blood on his cheeks making it's way down to his neck, mouth and his whole body. His white "hellclub" t-shirt all riped and painted in red.
"i need no letters,Y/N" you stood there in shock at the figure of your boyfriend right in front of you, trying to hold the tears back. "All i needed was for you to save me." He coldly said while walking towards you, the guilt slowly built inside.
"You promised to never let anything bad happen to me, remember?" He is so right, you promised him..if you were there just 3 minutes earlier everything would be better and he'd be alive.
"Look at me now.." his voice softened and pull up his shirt just to reveal the bites from the bats that ate him alive.
You couldn't bare to look at the wounds and you turned your head to the other side as you let the tears come out and drop on the cold floor.
"LOOK AT ME!!" Eddie screamed at you and you jump slightly before you slowly meet his eyes,
"this is YOUR FAULT! You never truly loved me!" he said, his voice deeper than ever. You felt a sharp pain inside, his words bullets. You've never seen him like this before, he's so different from being...Eddie. You stood there, unable to move, feeling like you're about to collapse after everything he said.
"and you come here to read me YOUR GODDAMN FUCKING LETTER?!" You felt him some meters away from you, still blaming you for everything.
"I- I'm sorry- i-" you tried to say but he cut you off
"if you wanna make up for what you did, stay here and be with me" his voice softened again, standing some inches away from you. He tucked some of your hair behind your ear while looking down at you. It felt hard for you to breathe after you felt his fingers touch your skin. You missed it so much..but that doesn't look like him at all. Eddie would never blame you for nothing and you all knew he sacrificed his self to save everyone, and that made him feel proud.
you heard a whisper in your left ear but you never turned your head as your eyes locked into Eddie's, his fingertips traveling from your cheek to your neck, making you bite your lip
"that's not me, sweetheart.."
And it hit. The Eddie that's in front of you, never called you by your full first name, something the real one did only in bed. Even in arguments, just a short form of it. That was a rule for him, it'd sound weird. He leaned in slowly to press his lips on yours.
"run..baby please, run now!" Your eyes widen and you started running to the other direction as fast as you could. You glanced back and saw the fake Eddie turn into that asshole, Vecna.
Steve got out of the car to come check on you as 20 minutes passed. He found you sitting in front of Eddie's grave and he run to you, touching your shoulder.
"Y/N? We know how to stop him from hurting you. Robin and Nancy found a solution!" He walked in front of you and noticed the little paper you were holding. He slowly bend down to take it and he read only the first sentence
"what is that?.." Steve lifted his head from the paper to look at you. His face changed, like he'd seen a ghost. Your eyes rolled back. He knew what's happening.
"Y/N?? Y/N!!" he grabbed your shoulders, shaking your whole body, trying to bring you back.
"Y/N PLEASE, TALK TO ME!" He screamed while tears fell. He felt so helpless at the moment.
Dustin and Lucas heard his cries and run to you. "STEVE!" They both scream and froze after they saw your eyes.
"Oh no..." Was the only thing that escaped Dustin's mouth and bend down with Lucas
"he got her!" Lucas said trying to help Steve, bring you back.
"BRING THE FUCKING WALKMAN, DUSTIN!" Steve shoot to him, more tears sliding down his face making a mess to his jeans.
Dustin run to the car, grabbed the walkman and run back to you as fast as he could.
"What's her favorite song??!" Dustin asked throwing all the cassettes on the grassy ground. Steve was trying so hard not to panic, checking the names of the artists, trying to remember the song you've been listening too many times, while doing chores, at school and everywhere.
"WHAT'S HER FAVORITE SONG?!" Dustin yelled making Steve jump
"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!!" he cried out and paused as a flashback hit him at the right moment.
"well, she's obsessed with that song, obviously" Eddie chuckled, elbows on the kitchen counter and chin on his palm, while his fingers playing with his curls, staring at his girlfriend, that's quietly singing her favorite song. Steve, right next to him, took a sip from his beer and continued "how can someone listen to the same song all day? Like, aren't you bored of it?"
"how often do you listen to music?" Eddie crossed his arms while looking at him. "I'm not really that kind of person. I don't think music will solve my problems, so..you know" Steve shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows. Eddie put his palms on his chest like his friend just stabbed his heart with a knife .
"what did you just say? Music is the best medicine in the world!" He said and tap his fingers on the counter before walking slowly to the living room "It can't heal you physically but it can heal you mentally. When you have no one around and you feel like shit, music is always available." He turned around to face Steve "it can make you feel sadness..confidence..happiness.."then he bowed while opening his arms "and peace. Something you can't find in humans anymore"
Steve gave him an understanding look while flashing a smile.
Eddie, straighten up his body again and turn his head to look at his girlfriend, while she be laying on his couch, smiling, her earphones off so she could hear Eddie. A huge grin grew on his face showing his perfect dimples while tip toeing to her slowly
"here's the number one kate Bush fan!" Eddie said like some kind of presenter and clapped his hands then started singing "it's you and meee" while he threw his arms in the air, head hanging back, making a spin "and if only i could, I'd make a deal with god" he jumped on the couch, making his girlfriend laugh "and I'd get him to swap our placessss" he gripped her chin while looking down at her and continued "be running up that road.." he stopped only for her to continue, her voice, his favorite melody
"be running up that hill, be running up that building!" Her pretty smile always reminded him of the first time he saw her and it made him fall deeper and deeper in love. He placed a kiss on her lips before jumping on her and start tickling her. Laughters filled in the whole trailer.
Steve was looking at them both from the counter, smiling like an idiot. What they had was true love, something no one could find in their generation.
"STEVE!" Dustin shook him, bringing him back to reality. He look at Dustin only to say
"Kate Bush!" He was looking and looking for the cassette, he wasn't a fan of her so he didn't know any of her songs, except the one you were singing a little bit.
"I found one!" Lucas turned to look at you both as they all were holding a Kate Bush cassette "fuck"
Steve tried to remember again and sang under his breath, pretty low, not even his friends could hear
"if only i could......and I'd get him to swap our places... Running up that road...running up that.." he glanced at the cassette he's holding "HILL!" he shoot,relief took over him and put the cassette in the cassette player and the earphones on your ears then pressed the play button quickly.
"Come one Y/N.. you can do this." Steve whispered while their eyes were focused on you.
You were running as fast as you could, trying to find a place to hide or even better the gate to get the hell out of there. You felt like your legs were about to give up, but you wouldn't stop running for your life. Suddenly You felt something grab them and pulling them, making you fall on the floor.
"NO! Leave me alone!" You were trying to grab something that would help you set your self free from his grip, but there was nothing around you. His tentacles grabbed your right arm, then your left, lifting you up, pinning you on a tree.
"STEV-" before your brother's name come out from your lips, something pressed on your neck really hard. You knew, that's the end of you. You're going to die just like Chrissy and Fred. What made you think that you can actually stop him?
"Y/N... Welcome home" Vecna said, appearing in front of you, getting closer and closer to you with every step.
You couldn't say anything and just closed your eyes as tears started sliding again.
"sweetheart.. don't cry, man up, baby"
Eddie's voice filled your ears and you immediately open your eyes to search for him.
There he was. Standing there, behind the demonic monster.
Your Eddie.
You knew it was him, from the way he talked to you. He gave you a grin to encourage you
"you should be there to see me fighting those bats" He pretended to hold his weapon and hit a bat "right on the head!" He said while laughing
His words sounded like an echo in your head and you let out a heavy breath
He wanted to make you smile one more time before he help you get out of there. You'd never gonna see each other again and he knew.
You shut your eyes...
"Come on, baby, you got them!" He shoot,His hands in fists, encouraging you as he always did. "YES!" He hit his hands on the arcade machine and you jumped on each other "THAT'S MY BABY, OVER HERE AND SHE CAN BEAT ALL OF YOUR ASSES!" He was looking at all the losers in front of him.
"dude she have only won twice and lost million times. She su-" he cut off the kid
"she's a fucking winner, she won both my heart and this game little kiddo, why don't you close that little mouth and go sit with your mommy for a treat?" Eddie bend down to rub the boy's hair and then stood up, getting loud again "RIGHT ON THE HEAD!" he then picked you up and kissed you.
You opened your eyes and made eye contact with Vecna
"You belong to me now Y/N" he said standing right in front of you. You felt like giving up after you saw Eddie.
"I don't want her to go" Steve was crying, face buried in his hands
"She won't go Steve, we won't let her" Dustin said and Lucas agreed. His cries got louder and louder as the minutes passed.
All of a sudden, your body started floating in the air, leaving everyone in shock. They stood up trying to catch your legs to pull you down.
The three boys were calling for you with the hope it'd work. That's all they could do and nothing else..
"it's not your year sweetheart, i want you to fight for me just like i fought for you" Eddie appeared right next to you. It hurt him that he couldn't help you by punching that asshole down so you could escape. He was like a ghost..
"i want you to live for me and them." You could hear his voice and then your favorite song slowly started playing. A gate opened and there they were, your friends and your brother calling for you, while you were in the air. Vecna turned his head to look at them. Eddie's smile appeared watching his best friend's trying to save you
"your friends can't save you Y/N, no one can" he's really close to your face now
Eddie's smile faded, his eyes met with his guitar pick that hangs from your neck.
"listen to me baby, you have to move fast. The tentacles on your arms are not as tight as the one on your neck right?" You nodded, trying to breathe. Vecna brought his hand close up to your face
"My guitar pick,babygirl" you knew exactly what he wanted you to do. "Remember...There's no shame in running for your life" he whispered softly in your ear.
"you're mine!" Vecna lifted his head and shut his eyes.
it was too late, you couldn't move an inch, just your eyes to look at your brother and your friends as flashbacks hit you one by one..
"i feel you like my older sister" Dustin smiled while fixing his Wacky tocky "aww Dustin.." he cut you off "no, I'm serious. I love you like the sister i never had" that made you tear up and hug him, then did your cute handshake with him "ice cream?" He asked all excited and you nodded.."ice cream".
"it's easy Y/N, i always believed in you" Lucas said at the basketball field, teaching you how to play basketball "I'm not for that" you said and he run to the Field "come take the ball from me". You gave it a try and accidentally trip on his shoe, pulling him down with you. You both died laughing. You too the ball and threw it in the basket, still sitting down. You were shocked as you actually made it. "You scored!" He was so proud of you
"we'll never stop having sleepovers, duh!" Max said while eating chips and you all giggled "just the three of us" El added. You woke up hopper again because of your laughter. He stood there by the door, eyes half open "what now?" He asked and you girls glanced to each other ,then laughed louder.
"what if i die Robin?" You shrugged your shoulders "you can have all of my-" she cut you off "woah woah what the heck? If you die I'll have no one to annoy Nancy with! You won't. You have to promise" she look dead serious. "You'll come save me then" you hold on a chuckle and she said "promise me Y/N, if you ever get caught by that motherfucker, you'll fight it!". You nodded your head after letting out a quick laugh "i promise dummy"
"I'm the king now" Will said spinning around like a little kid. "Oh damn I'm dead" you placed your hands on your tummy and fell down. Will and Mike laughed at you pretending to be dead. Then Will smiled "you're going to make it. I feel it." You sit up and look at him "yes, look at me, I'm alive" you raised your arms. You didn't know about the upside down, You thought he was talking about the bored game you're playing. Only Mike knew what he meant.
"We're gonna make it, i promise you. We'll fight and we'll win." Steve cried giving you kisses on your head. He hugged you tighter as his tears found their way to his neck "
"you're the only one that didn't leave". He whispered "The only one I'll always love as a family.You're the only one i have Y/N."
That was enough to help you free your left arm, grabbed the guitar pick and pin it in his eye. His tentacles disappeared as you fell on the floor. Eddie's voice sounded really loud in your head
You started running to your friends as fast as you could. Vecna glared at you as you run away from him. Eddie whispers sounded like screams in your ears.
"be careful". You lifted your head and saw a huge stone falling towards you. You increased your speed to make it.
Huge stones kept falling, while Eddie helped you pass them. He'd whisper under his breathe.
Till you reached the gate, you turned to look behind, Vecna was furious, he walked towards you but was way far away. Eddie appeared right next to you.
"we always were a good team" he chuckled and placed his really cold hand on your cheek, only for you to feel cold air hit the cheek where his hand was. giving you a soft kiss on the forehead, you felt that too. A tear fell from his eye "I love you Y/F/N, I'll always will" that was the first time he mumbled out your full name.
"no, come with me, Eddie!" You look at his tear, sliding down and you got it, you'll never see him again. He can't pass the gates because he's dead and he's soul is still trapped there.
"run the hellclub for me, okay?" He let out a slightly smile and wipe your tears away "it was my year baby, i finally graduated" you nodded and chuckled "yes, you...you did.." you tried to talk as your voice trembled. "you are...you are a..a hero Eddie.." he smiled like a little kid. You knew he is proud for what he did but, he was messed up he left you behind.
"oh and something else.." he lowered his head to look at his guitar pick that was deep in vecna's eyes minutes ago and put it over you head "you have to clean it a bit" you nodded while crying he wrapped his arms around you pulling you in for a hug, but you just felt a really cold sensation on your body.
"promise me that you'll make it. That you will stop it and continue your life just like how we planned"
Cuddling with Eddie was your favorite thing to do with him, because of his large arms that wrapped around you, giving you comfort everytime. You felt so safe, like even if the world would get destroyed, no one's going to touch you two.
"hey princess?" He rub your cheek with his warm fingertips, while staring at your beautiful face.
"So how you plan on our future?" he wanted to end up with you for the rest of his life. That's how deeply in love he was. He used to write you poems, play songs for you with his guitar, sing for you, he even made a song just for you. He promised that he'd play it in your wedding one day.
"you asked me so many times Eddie.." he knew that you liked it even when you were complaining. "Just answer mama" he tap your nose with his finger and smiled
"hmm maybe, married, living in the trailer with 2 adorable babies?" You said while playing with the hem of his shirt "And travel the world!" he added
"And travel the world" you bit your fingertip. He sighed loudly and that made you worry. "What's wrong Eddie?" He bite the inside of his side cheek
"will i ever be a good dad?" You could hear the worry in his voice "eh ofcourse you will! You will be a crazy handsome dad that all the other moms will go nuts for" he laughed loudly "that's too much!" He said quickly before he got on top of you "do you want us to have twins?" He asked looking at your eyes and lips with lust .
You just stared into his eyes before you say " yes..twins" he growled and shove his face onto your neck
"let's have babies!"
"I... I can't Eddie.." you lowered your head and he grip your chin, giving you the sensation of an ice cube again
"sweetheart..promise me." You couldn't say a word. You couldn't lie to him, he was all you wanted.
"babe..we don't have much time, come on! Promise me" you took a deep breath and nodded
He smiled "take care, princess" he walked right behind you and pushed you in the gate. "I'm sorry.." he whispered.
You opened your eyes wide, took a huge breathe and fell to ground. Steve pulled you from your shoulders and saw you were back.
"OH MY- Y/N I SAVED YOU!" Steve pulled you in for a really tight hug.
The wide smiles appeared on their lips while they all went in for a group hug. You turned your head to where the gate was, you saw Eddie. He gave you one last wink before he disappear and the gate close.
"No! EDDIEE!" You cried and sit up in the bed. You look around to see you actually were in Eddie's room, in his bed. You felt a pair of warm hands on your shoulders and you jumped.
"calm down, calm down, it's me princess, I'm right here!" Eddie whispered and pulled you in his arms. You pulled back quickly to look at him then the clock. 5am.
It was just a dream? You turned on the lamp on the nightstand just to see. And there he was. Sitting shirtless in the blanket with you.his hair all messy, his sleepy look is so cute, you just wanted to kiss him like there's no tomorrow.
"Eddie.." you jumped in his arms and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around your waist while giving your neck and cheek soft kisses. "I just had the worst nightmare EVER!" he rubbed your back to comfort you.
"do you want to talk about it and cuddle till we fall asleep in each others arms or you prefer just the second?" He said in his deep sleepy voice and you pulled back to look in his chocolate also sleepy Doe eyes. "I think I'll go with just the second but Eddie? Do you still wanna have a future with me?"
He raised an eyebrow "why wouldn't i want to?" You shrugged your shoulders while staying silent.
he gave you a warm glance and lay with you on his pillow, bringing you closer, Your head on his chest, you could hear his heartbeat.
"I love you Eddie" he shut his eyes and whispered "i love you too my princess" before you both doze off.
I was in a hurry when i actually wrote that. Hope you liked it😩 i already started 2 stories with kurt Kunkle and Dacre Montgomery.
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thefriendlywriter · 2 years
You’re What? // Steve Harrington
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x Gif not mine x
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson Fem!Reader
WC: 2,088 words
Summary/Request: The gang is at the graveyard as Max reads her letter to Billy. But things take a dark turn, especially for Y/N. And she can’t hide her secret anymore.
A/N: Omg I know it’s been such a long time since I’ve wrote anything on here. But the new Stranger Things got me hyped up!! I hope y’all enjoy this, I kind of played around with the idea for a while so I decided to write it. Please bare with me and my writing as it has been a while! Thank you!
Y/N had no idea how everyone was going to get through this one. Of course, they’ve fought off the demogorgons/ demo-dogs, then battled the Mind-Flayer, and lastly, a human meshed creature that was more horrifying than anything Y/N could imagine. Or so she thought.
No, this was much bigger. No one could’ve predicted this coming. Everyone called it Vecna. And it had a much stronger power than anything she had witnessed before. It started with Chrissy, then Fred. Their bones all broken, their eyes gone with blood pouring out of the sockets, and their jaws broken out of place.
Eddie Munson was the main suspect, of course since Chrissy was found in his trailer. But Y/N and the group knew better and knew that whatever it was, it was from the Upside Down. Just one question though. How were the murders happening without a gate being open?
After finding Eddie and keeping him in a safe place, it all started to happen to Max. Like Chrissy and Fred, she started having visions, along with the sounds of a grandfather clock chiming. Everyone was worried, scared that Max was going to just break at any second. Max was terrified herself, she wrote letters for everyone in case the worst happened.
Y/N though, she still couldn’t wrap her head around it all. She was afraid for everyone, but especially Steve and Dustin. Her boyfriend and her little brother. She couldn’t bare the thought of losing either one of them. She thought she was scared with the demogorgons, but this? She felt she could have a heart attack at any second. But that wasn’t the only thing she had to worry about.
Y/N stood by Steve’s car with Steve still sitting in the driver’s seat. Lucas was perched at the hood of the car and Dustin peering over the car by the passenger side. They were watching Max, who was sitting in front of a grave, reading one of her letters. A letter for Billy to be exact. Her late step brother who was an absolute asshole to anyone and everyone. But his death was hard on Max, so no one spoke of it.
“Alright, she’s been over there long enough, I’m getting her,” Steve said, throwing open the driver door. Y/N put a hand up to stop him.
“I’ll go get her,” Y/N smiled at Steve as he backed off. She made her way over to Max who was still sitting criss crossed. She put her hand on her shoulder and gave a light squeeze.
“Hey Max, let’s head out. See if Nancy and Robin found out anything,” Y/N said with a soft voice. Nancy and Robin were currently at the mental hospital with a plan to visit Victor Creel, who was the only one that possibly had answers to everything happening.
“Max?” Y/N gave a harder squeeze on Max’s shoulder after she didn’t budge or respond. Y/N started to get worried and started shaking her, knowing she was in another one of Vecna’s trances.
Slowly, Max started to move. She slowly turned around to face Y/N, who was shaking with fear. When Max was facing her, Y/N couldn’t see her eyes. They were clouded, almost white. This wasn’t Max.
“Oh, Y/N. Look how scared you are for me. That’s so sweet, but I’m thinking you should be a little more scared for yourself right now,” Max spoke. But her voice was deep and rough. The sky changed with dark clouds and streaks of red lightening. Steve and the boys along with Steve’s car were gone.
Y/N turned around and started to run, but missed the step down of the platform that Billy’s grave rested on. Hitting the ground hard, she scrambled to get up but she could feel the presence behind her. She expected to be met with Max’s face again, but instead seen a creature that was almost impossible to describe.
She could only assume that it was Vecna. Skin was a clouded blue color, it looked like he had been burned. His face was almost skeleton like, with a deep pocket where his nose should be. His eyes were piercing, like he was staring straight into her soul. Tentacles slithered up and down his neck and down his shoulders. He wasn’t the most horrifying creature that she has seen, but definitely the most powerful.
“It’s so nice to finally get to see you up close and personal. I couldn’t decide between you or sweet little Max, but then you surprised me. Thank you for deciding for me,” Vecna chuckled. Y/N finally found the strength and scrambled to her feet.
As she ran, she couldn’t tell where she was going or where Vecna went. She just wanted to find Steve and Dustin. She slowed down to take in her surroundings which still consisted of the graves, but a red smoke started to roll in, fogging up the area. She knew it was a dumb idea, but she decided to walk towards the fog. How else is she going to find out more about Vecna and how to destroy him?
She walked through the fog, only for a what once used to be a house to come into her sight. There were only pieces of a structure. Wooden stairs leading to nowhere, the front door still completely intact with a beautiful mosaic in the window and the fireplace still in one piece. But that was about it. What really caught Y/N’s eye was the tall structures in the middle of it.
Chrissy’s body was still in the exact same state as when she died. Her mouth was wide open and her arms and legs stuck out in different angles. Tentacles were wrapped around her, keeping her secured to the tall pole like. And across from her was Fred, who was the same.
Y/N choked back a sob, afraid that Max or one of her friends/family would soon be the next one on display.
“Well, there you are, admiring my trophies. You know, it is your lucky day. Would you like to join them?” Vecna appears beside of Fred. She gasped, and turned to start running again, but a tentacle wrapped around her leg. It jerked her to the ground and pulled her back.
She felt more tentacles wrap around her wrists and lift her body up, securing her against whatever it was. One final tentacle wrapped around her neck, making it harder to breathe but forcing her to look at Vecna. The sight of him made her sick to her stomach.
This is it. She didn’t know how she was going to get away from Vecna, so she just prepared herself for the end. Tears ran down her face as Vecna got closer. She only hoped that everyone would be safe and find a way to end this. She hoped that her brother would be safe with his friends. And she hoped that Steve would be safe and have someone supporting him if she didn’t make it. She hated herself for not telling Steve what he needs to know.
“Don’t cry. It will all be over soon, I promise,” Vecna said. He was now in front of Y/N, reaching out to wipe a tear off her face. Y/N flinched and tried to moved away as much as the tentacle, around her neck, would allow her.
“Remember how I told you that I couldn’t decide between you and Max? You made my decision so easy, and I’m so excited for this,” Vecna chuckled.
“Have you told your little boyfriend, Steve, yet?”
“Told him what?” Y/N choked out. She knew very well what he was talking about, but she didn’t want to believe it. She didn’t want to believe that was the reason Vecna went after her.
“The secret you have growing inside of your stomach, of course.” A tentacle slithered around her stomach as Vecna spoke. “I thought maybe instead of going after Max, why not go for you? Get a two for one special,” he laughed. Y/N was sobbing at this point.
She never got to tell Steve and now, she may never get to. He’ll never know how close they were to starting their family.
Vecna continued to laughed as he raised his hand up over her head, his long fingernails slightly grazing her skin. Then out of nowhere, music is blasting. She recognized the voice as Kate Bush. A hole opened up in the distance and she couldn’t believe what she saw.
Y/N’s body was levitating so high up in the air that she could barely make out the group below her. But she could hear them. Steve was screaming her name at the top of his lungs. Dustin was frantically pulling at his hair and also screaming. Lucas and Max we’re jumping below her, hoping one of them would get enough height to grab her foot.
Seeing them made Y/N want to just cry harder, knowing that was the last final moment they’d see her alive. And she isn’t even there to tell them goodbye or to tell Steve that she was pregnant. As the thoughts and moments flashed through her mind, she felt the energy rising in her.
Gathering enough strength, Y/N broke an arm free and grabbed at Vecna’s neck, ripping out a tentacle. The pain caused Vecna to free Y/N from his grasp and she fell to the ground. Wasting no time, she scrambled up and ran as fast as she possible could.
Vecna was trying to be a step ahead of her by raining down broken wood and rocks. Y/N nearly dodged them, even tripping at one point. But she didn’t stop for a second, and she wouldn’t until she was back in Steve’s arms.
With all the destruction raining down on her, she pushed her legs harder and harder until she reached the opening.
Within a split second, she felt gravity pull her body down to the ground, hitting hard. But she didn’t pay no attention. Still sobbing, she felt strong arms grab and wrap around her and the most angelic voice was heard. Y/N opened her eyes to see everyone’s scared expressions, surrounding her. They we’re still by the car, where she had been standing in the first place.
“Oh god, Y/N. You’re okay, you’re still here. You’re safe, baby. You’re safe,” Steve whispered, still in shock from witnessing his girlfriend being nearly broken in two.
“Please don’t do that again, Y/N,” Dustin cried, hugging her and Steve. Everyone was crying, partially in shock from Y/N being the one who almost died and not Max.
“Steve, I need to tell you something before this happens again,” Y/N said as she pulled from everyone’s hug. Steve just looked at her with a perplexed look.
“I’m pregnant,” Y/N breathed out. “And that’s why Vecna came after me instead of Max. Saying it’s two for one.” She couldn’t stop tears from rolling down her face. She just told the love of her life that they’re having a baby, but it’s the possible reason you’ll die.
“You’re what?” Steve looked hurt.
“You’re pregnant?!?” Dustin screamed, making everyone flinch. Y/N nodded, while looking down at her feet. She didn’t want to see Steve’s face, knowing he’s probably got upset written all over it.
“Baby. I hope you know that I’m ecstatic at this news, like this is one of the best things that could ever happen. I’m gonna be a dad!” Steve exclaimed, pulling her hand so she’d be closer to him.
“But I’m scared. I was scared before, but now I’m even more scared now. Knowing that it’s not just you I could possibly lose, but our baby too. I don’t want you doing any fighting or anything that could potentially risk getting you hurt. You’re on the bench now, no excuses. We have a baby to think about now.” Y/N smiled and hugged him as tight as possible, forgetting that everyone was still around them.
“Excuse me. You’re pregnant?!?” Dustin screamed again, making everyone slightly chuckle. It was a bright side to look at in the moment, but it just made it all more risky.
“Yes, Dusty. You’re going to be an uncle,” Y/N said, pulling him into her and Steve’s hug. Lucas and Max soon joined in.
Y/N was relieved now that they know, especially Steve. But it was far from over with Vecna. She hoped they could just end this and be happy with Steve and their little family.
“Now, let’s figure out how to destroy this son of a bitch.”
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gffa · 2 years
Hi! I want to ask you something since you know so much. I think I might've misunderstood some parts of Anakin bringing balance to the Force. I've always heard people say "there were too many jedi", that's why balance was needed and that's why they had to die too. I just believed that tbh. However, I saw someone say that the "Jedi act in harmony with the Force" which would mean the imbalance existed because of the Sith. Have I been fed empire approved sith propaganda all this time?
Hi! Here's why the idea that "too many Jedi = imbalance" doesn't work for me--during the time of the Empire, there were two Jedi (Obi-Wan and Yoda) and two Sith (Sidious and Vader). Are we saying that the time of the Empire was good and balanced? Because I'm pretty sure that's not the message of Star Wars! I just don't think the message of Star Wars would be "and then balance was brought to the Force through the murder of a bunch of toddlers asking for help". I'm pretty sure that "equal amounts of Jedi and Sith (like during the Empire) was BAD" is much more accurate to the tone of the movies. Further, to get into the whole "what is the balance of the Force?" thing, you have to start with the foundations of how the Force works, that the light side is good (compassion, love, selflessness) and the dark side (anger, hate, fear, greed, selfishness) is bad. That the way George Lucas describes the Force: “The core of the Force–I mean, you got the dark side, the light side, one is selfless, one is selfish, and you wanna keep them in balance. What happens when you go to the dark side is it goes out of balance and you get really selfish and you forget about everybody … because when you get selfish you get stuff, or you want stuff, and when you want stuff and you get stuff then you are afraid somebody is going to take it away from you, whether it’s a person or a thing or a particular pleasure or experience. [….] “Only way to overcome the dark side is through discipline. The dark side is pleasure, biological and temporary and easy to achieve. The light side is joy, everlasting and difficult to achieve. A great challenge. Must overcome laziness, give up quick pleasures, and overcome fear which leads to hate." --George Lucas, The Clone Wars writers' meeting That is 100% in line with Yoda and the other Jedi explaining how the Force works, which means the Jedi are correct about it and that's a huge sign that they're reliable narrators about the Force lore we learn from them! The Jedi are acting harmony with the Force, indeed. There's often the idea that balance means equal amounts of something, but I instead of think of it as balance as in stability.  The light side, which is love and compassion, can we ever really strive to have too much kindness and care for others in the world?  If there were more goodness in the world, would that make it unstable?  In contrast, if there's a lot hate, greed, and selfishness in the world, that does lead to instability, it leads to people hurting each other and making the world a worse place to live. So, why is there imbalance while the Jedi are around?  Well, the Force doesn't belong to just the Jedi, does it?  Over and over, the Jedi tell us that the Force is in everything, everyone and every living thing in the galaxy contributes to the Force.  Look at when the dark side is growing--on the cusp of the war!  Where there are so many people in the galaxy, trillions and trillions of everyday people being angry and afraid and hateful (both legitimately and not), that the Force is slowly being darkened.  There's so much anger at the state of the galaxy, so many people aren't helping each other anymore ("Mom, you said that the biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other." --Anakin, The Phantom Menace) that the Force is darkening and the Jedi are only one out of every six billion people.  One Jedi cannot be enough light to counterbalance 6 billion people! Balance in the Force isn't really even about the Jedi, per se.  It's about everyone.  It's about people rising up against the darkness and saying they'll help each other.  It's about the Sith finally being gone from the galaxy, but the Jedi return to it.  Vader and Sidious both die, but Luke remains as a Jedi, this is a better, more balanced state than before, a triumphant ending to the OT. The Sith aren't the entire source of the darkness in the Force, I wouldn't say, but instead that the galaxy had become incredibly dysfunctional--that's a huge part of how the Senate had become more interested in its own greed than it was in helping the people they represented, it was a huge part of how the people were angry at being neglected, it was a huge part about how the Sith were stirring up and catalyzing that sentiment, and the Jedi were doing everything they could to help defend and save innocent people, they were the only ones (along with a handful of politicians like Bail and Padme) who were trying to help people and create good in the galaxy, but for every one of them, there were a dozen or more powerful senators who were selfish and greedy, for every war the Jedi managed to end, two more were popping up in another part of the galaxy. It was only once the people were willing to stand up and fight for themselves (as the galactic public wasn't willing to stand up for themselves ("The rift in the galaxy is not [the Jedi's] fault.  If more worlds would stand up for themselves against the Separatists, this war would have been over long ago." --Obi-Wan, The Clone Wars) instead of making the clones fight for them or turning a blind eye when the Jedi babies were murdered in their home, that the darkness could finally start to ebb again. The Jedi and the Sith play pivotal roles in the light vs the dark, but ultimately it's bigger than any one person or even any one group of people.  The Jedi are reliable narrators of how the Force works, they act in harmony with it to the best of their abilities, but balance isn't really about only them, it's about everyone. And balance isn't equal amounts of light and dark--that gets you the Empire.  Balance is when everyone works together and cares about each other and loves each other and is compassionate to each other--the light side is the balance!
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
You may have seen this recent addition in the Billy tag but oh my goodness people have no brain cells anymore. Here’s just a part of the post
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I couldn’t fit all of the buffoonery in this post in one screenshot and it took me so much self control to just block the user and not leave a comment on their grammar or their logic.
Like, dang, ignoring that Jason literally shot at and beat Lucas up, reducing Billy to nothing more than an asshole racist, AND saying that Jason was a good boyfriend when Chrissy felt like she couldn’t even talk to him about her problems?
Yeah, I've seen it 😃🤌
It's all over, my friend 😑
I was hoping after that scene with Jason and Lucas, perhaps antis would give it a rest... but then I started seeing Jason apologists pop up.
Now, Jason is a fictional character, like Billy. If people want to... like him... they can. What really upsets me is their hypocrisy, and the unwillingness to acknowledge that the Duffers' shitty writing also applies to the characters they just love to hate.
If you want to like Jason, you can. But despite the tiktok edits, love didn't make him crazy. He wanted an excuse to go after Eddie, and I'm certain he would have gathered up a mob for he and Lucas even if Chrissy was alive.
I'm glad you brought up the fact that they're saying Jason is a "good boyfriend". Yeah, he's so great that he doesn't notice something is off about her. What he cares about is that Eddie (someone he hates) was who she chose to confide in.
I think Chrissy was afraid of Jason, and I say this because Jason has a vendetta against "freaks", and she doesn't want anyone to know about her visions because she doesn't want to be another "freak" in Hawkins.
No hate to Jason's actor, he did great. But Jason Carver is worse than Billy. I'm actually disturbed about how antis aren't using critical thinking.
They're so used to hating Billy, that it's a learned thing, and as you mentioned they clearly lack the brain capacity to unlearn that behavior.
Jason scares me more than Billy ever could- because we don't see Billy gathering up a fucking mob to kill people. We don't see Billy unleashing the basketball team on Erica and Lucas.
Jason's behavior is eerily similar to that of racist extremists and right wing movements, and for people to ignore the fact that what Jason was ordering Lucas to do is straight out of a fucking cop's mouth mind boggling.
I've seen enough dashcam videos of racist cops on the news that when he pulled out that gun and started talking I forgot this was a Sci fi show.
My point is, Jason felt real for a whole another reason than Billy did.
The Billy Hargroves of this world don't scare me. It's the Jason Carvers and the Neil Hargroves that do. And people that go on rants about hating a teenage abuse victim with no proper grammar.
Antis can't make this connection because the Duffers aren't able to either. They are as smart as their audience. They wouldn't have thought of making Robin gay without Maya. They wouldn't have thought of Billy being abused without Dacre. That brings me to my next point; THEY DON'T THINK.
Stranger Things is not as complex as they think it is. Notice how complex, real characters with any hint of a troubled life are shown (Billy, Eddie, Chrissy etc) they're killed off. Because the Duffers cannot write complex characters. And by extension they cannot write social issues.
Racism is not an aesthetic. If you bring up even a hint of it, you cannot gloss over its ugly effects. Once the Duffers attempted to bring social issues into a Sci fi story, they could have gone into depth about it. But like I said, this is a Sci fi story. And it was never supposed to feel real. If that was their intention? They failed.
I related to characters like Billy and Max more than I did El, and not because El has powers. Because Billy and Max (and their sibling dynamic) brought a new kind of darkness to the show that the creators didn't know how to handle- reality.
In a show about monsters and kids with special powers, Billy and Max were among the only characters who were more than stereotypes. They had real issues, and as I mentioned, the Duffers gloss over social issues.
The difference between them and say, Stephen King? For one, King can write and address social issues and still scare the pants off of readers. Because reality is scarier than any fictional monster. Plus he didn't try to humanize characters like Pennywise. He actually spent more time on developing his main characters, and he didn't gloss over their trauma.
In all seriousness, I blame the antis' lack of critical thinking on the Duffers. They backtrack everything. They wanted Steve to SA someone. They wanted Billy to say the n word. But if this had happened... I still wouldn't trust the Duffers to know how to handle either.
I love how fans are just now realizing how shitty the writing is- but it's not just because of Byler or Stancy. Apply the same logic you use on Eddie and use it on Billy. These characters are only amazing because of the actors, and they need to realize that.
Where was this defense of Dacre when he was being harassed online for playing Billy? The creators (and I use that term loosely) just sat back and let him take the blame for a character they only wrote to be Henry Bowers 2.0.
They wanted Dacre (as Billy) to say a slur, and he didn't. The writers wanted Billy to be racist so that he could be hated. They wanted him to spice up the story line, and further Max's character (which they failed).
This is a knock off of Stephen Kings method: that only irredeemable characters are racist or homophobic. He tells readers from the get go what characters to root for by doing that.
Plus reducing Billy to what the writers wanted him to be? They really should appreciate Dacre's push to make him more.
Also good for you, because self control is something I myself struggle with when I see this bullshit from antis. You're better than I am. I personally hate it when someone not only rants with no sense but bad grammar 😭
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