#lucid's ramble
shunan-p1 · 11 months
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buying p5t for the visual, gameplay and story ❌
buying p5t for this kei nanjo 2.0 ✅
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I love how when you're in small fandoms you follow literally anybody who even mentions something related to said fandom
like,,, it doesn't matter that they're probably 10 or only made posts about characters you hate or has long since moved on from the fandom
idk idk I just find it hilarious how I see the exact 5 people in every notes whenever I check out the tag for the show, movie, book, etc
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strawhatmisfit · 1 year
Okay that last post i added to made me think about it but i wish Sanji could be fucking normal for once because if he and nami had a mutually respectful friendship it would be so FASCINATING
They BOTH suffered immense trauma due to not having access to a resource--Sanji almost starved to death, and Nami saw Bellemere killed for not having enough money. And they handle it so differently!!
Nami hoards money. She keeps it close to her chest and doesnt share it freely--think of her interest rates! Even among friends she rarely is seen giving money away. There are some exceptions--Thriller bark for instance--where she can be generous if youve earned it, but largely she is extremely tight fisted about it. (And yes, part of this is the trauma associated with bellemere, and part of it is the trauma and long term habits of becoming a thief at such a young age).
Sanji, on the other hand, is So Generous. Its one of the first things we see him do, and its what drives Luffy to ask him to join the crew. Feeding Ghin, and convincing him to eat, even though he can't return the favor (and ultimately actually causes damage to sanji and the Baratie). And yes, theres something to be said about food being something thats harder to hoard since it spoils, but this first act of generosity is towards a complete stranger on a restaurant ship. That food wasnt going to be wasted, it took time and effort to prepare, and he still gives his labor away freely.
And these two could have such interesting conversations/debates/realizations with each other if they were allowed to exist normally! If Sanji would see Nami as his equal and crewmate (please oda im begging), watching these two butt heads over when to be generous and when to be frugal would be fascinating! Its one of the reasons i dont often ship Nami/Sanji beyond a friendship, because i think that fundamentally they have extremely different values! Which could lead to some really deep and nuanced interactions! (Not to say this wouldnt also lead to an interesting ship dynamic but thats beside the point)
Again its way too early and im rambling but i love both of these characters and how they contrast each other and would love to hear everyone else's thoughts
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enamoredwithbella · 3 months
Things said in my dream that I can’t really get over
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Them: i don’t like your attitude!
Me: yeah? Well I don’t like your autism diagnosis
Me: what are those?
My friend: buffalo Chicken wings *runs off a and I chase her with a bucket of chicken*
-has to put the chicken down to chase her more efficiently-
Me: I had to put your chicken on a table
Her: awwww I wanted those
Me: well why’d you run then?!??
Her: I was scared
Me: ???!?!??
Her: they were gonna touch me *shows me the bucket of chicken that now vaguely resembles boobs*
Me: they’re just titties
Her: 😕
Things written on a wall by my friend
-“Like Remus puts his head in Sirius’s neck and falling by stars (?) is playing as he falls asleep” >> wolfstar propaganda-
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I wish I could remember more they kinda disappeared as I woke up but crazy shit man.
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hiemaldesirae · 21 hours
you knwo what. you know what. i can never fucking escape the game system trope no matter what fandom it is im just gonna play into it now
so actually the original concept for this was isekai where vox ends up getting booted into hell via a universal mishap but i think its funnier like this: where vox dies and since he did technically die for his friends, he ends up ascending to heaven but is greeted by a different angel instead of the seraphims who asks if he'd like a second chance instead
vox says yes thinking he'll just get sent down again and be back w the vees- this does not happen. instead he ends up back at the very first day he fell into hell with a "system" - one that tells him its a "gift" from heaven, no less, thats supposed to guide him through his time in hell to like . minmax his gains + his losses (emotional and material) if that makes sense . so the system walks him through his time in hell but suddenly there seems to be a problem . turns out an unanticipated side effect of the system is that vox has a similar presence to an archangel (the one who Gave him the damn thing) so a lot of people end up assuming hes some kinda fallen angel which makes it like 100% harder for him to go thru life^3
alastor in PARCTICULAR takes a very odd interest in him, wondering and asking if he has wings or if they were "burnt in your fall" meanwhile vox isnt quite sure whether he wants to take the chance to get close to al this time or just leave since deep down he knows itll end badly for him either way. the system makes the choice for him and starts to steer him away from al who in turn becomes even more intrigued by the fallen angel, who for whatever reason he swears feels familiar
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kawareo · 3 months
Dont remember exactly what it was but I had a dream that somehow involved Bane until my roommate's alarms went off and i, half asleep still, vividly heard god of Tyranny telling me to go slaughter the jester who dares perform this offensively
Mi'lord i cannot "slaughter upon thine altar" my roommate's phone they need this for school
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densewentz · 8 months
guys in an incredibly funny turn of events I am on the cusp of figuring out how to lucid dream and its mostly because since I've gotten into Sandman I dream sometimes feat. Dream of the Endless who I KNOW as the King of Dreams IN-dream. So I'll be sitting there watching this scrunkly guy in my dream going "oh shit that's the Dream King, holy shit am I dreaming?-" and then I usually get yoinked out but. Girl we gettin there. We gettin there in an incredibly ironic way but.
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 months
a pal is very skeptical of my ability to turn off being tipsy so next time we go drinking I gotta show them what I mean lmao
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luc1d-dr34m5 · 4 months
Au time fellas
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Its a Bedman Lives au (+Lethargy V. an oc) wjjejw the first one looks messier cuz its just doodles i colored
Au explanation under cut
Okay so for now its not too developed but the basis is
Lethargy manages to save Bedman last minute n they both run away ans the crumbling body left in Bedman's place is a fake, but to make Bedman awake Lethargy had to kinda put a piece Bedman's conciousness in the Bedframe. This action wakes up Delilah last minute but due to circumstances she appeared much later on so they couldnt reunite with her.
Current game timeline of the au is the Strive storyline, Bedman is a professor n Lethargy is also a scientist prof at a sort of University/College of sorts. Bedman doesn't use his name "Romeo" there cuz its personal to him so he just goes by Bedman.(Tbh the GG world has seen their fair share of weird name. Ex. Sol Badguy.) Lethargy on the other hand due to some ties with Ariels(Shes basically their older sister) decides to go by their nickname "Lethe" there.
They're basically living out their new life peacefully. Delilah has no idea Romeo is alive *alive* tho so Strive: Another Story still happens.
Will the bed siblings reunite?? yeah
Will i make that comic??? maybe. depends.
But thats the Au for now, its a recent one so the concept is rough around the edges.
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shunan-p1 · 1 year
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evangelineshifts · 2 months
The movie dream scenario is suspiciously shifting like towards the end with the norio
“Clear your mind. And this is the important step; set an intention for your visitation”
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(OOC: Using my teeny audience to spread my agenda.
what is Lucids, you may ask? The only way I can describe it is: the conglomerate of two TikTok skit(?) series’, and a 6 part YouTube series.
Jasper (originally called Cultish) is the story of an average Joe named Jasper that one day stumbles across a cult formed in the name of a Pampers Ad he did when he was a baby, lead by a man that goes by Jasper Prime. It’s as weird as it sounds.
while this Jasper was running, Nick was also posting The Adventures Benjamin and Oliver which follows Oliver and Benjamin, two old school friends, who wake up in 3rd grade to learn they have dreamt their whole lives. They meet Mrs. Hills, who is training them to become Lucids, people who can “swing between dreamscapes like branches on a tree” to get their lives back.
it all culminates and transfers over to YouTube in the titular Lucids. We learn something about Jasper Prime, and Mrs. Hills sends Benny and Oliver across dreamscapes to find him.
Despite its batshit premise, it is a genuinely heartwarming story about love, friendship, loss, grief, and not letting your trauma define you. One of the best internet series I’ve watched.
and did I mention it was all made by one guy? Nick does all the writing, acting, editing, and scoring, with help from his parents in the voice department. It’s a miracle it works so well.
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!!???! Go watch it on Nicholas Podany’s YouTube. The two prequel series’ are combined for viewing ease. JUST BE WEARY! It heavily deals with the nature of reality, so if you have issues with that kinda stuff, I maybe wouldn’t watch it
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk lol
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scummy-writes · 5 months
Scum my darrrrrling 👉👈
Could I pleeeeeease request 'falling asleep together with Theo? I've been thinking of him a whole lot lately 💕
Hellooo ally- this is short and based on the chapter where Mc tends to his wounds after running into those shitty art fucks (i dont remember their name, its almost 2am im not digging for it HAHA)
It was difficult, having you take care of him. His life had been difficult, his second chance at it hardly better - so what had he done to deserve that panic in your eyes, the way you gently tended to split skin and bruises.
The hour was late into the night, and you stubbornly refused to let him be. Equal in such a trait, he stayed in the room with you, only answering a few of your inquiries as to what had happened to him. The words came out calloused, cautious, and only served to barely dull that worrying gaze of yours.
And now, you slept curled up beside him, leaning against his shoulder using his coat for warmth. He should have sent you to bed or should have stomped off to his own. But that unfamiliar warmth of care that you gave him caused him to linger, greedily taking what you'd give, despite the way his thorns strove to fight you off.
Theo was...tired. tired of fighting. Of putting up fronts and shields. He was worth nothing in comparison to the rest of the men here, yet he was the one being cared for, being trusted so earnestly. What had he done to deserve that?
He wasn't sure he'd like the answer. It could be from pity, meaning that he wasn't coming off independently enough. Or it could be from a daunting feeling he didn't want to name, not while he was still dedicating himself to revenge, not when he needed to make sure you'd go home to your own time. Surely, with the care you put onto him, it mean there were others from your time missing the same treatment, who needed it more.
As the rain continued to fall outside, gentle taps against the windows lulled his eyelids closed. The sound, mixed in with your sleeping breaths, had the tension ease from his shoulders. Your warmth felt comforting, and Theo supposed that for just tonight, he could allow himself to bask in it to sleep with ease.
Does this make sense? No. I just thought it was a cute idea that could have happened in his route.
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Back when I was younger, I used to just have this ability to stop nightmares, dead in their tracks. It got to a point, where, if I was having a nightmare, I’d just realize “wait a minute, this isn’t something that happens in real life. I bet I’m dreaming,” and I would just try REALLY hard to open my eyes. Like, even if they felt open in the dream, I would try opening them even more, and it usually forced my eyes open irl, which would wake me up from the nightmare. Idk how I ever lost that ability, but sometimes I think about it, and wish I still could.
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polyphonetic · 10 months
I've gotten pretty good at flying on command in dreams! It takes practice. You can check if you're dreaming by counting your fingers and I remembered to do that while sleeping. I'm also pretty good at teleporting and rewinding time in dreams as well. I love dreams and practicing control over them, it makes me feel like such a girl wizard.
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just-slightly-chayotic · 11 months
i am lying down in moss, disintegrating and becoming one with the forest
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