#murk dnd
mistercrowbar · 4 years
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One of my favourite boss battles I ran for the Murk campaign, a giant murk-corrupted elk. The party first encountered in the forest at day and spent a while following it around to a magic pool kind of thing. They stuck around to watch the sunset with it and then... uh oh, oh no, it transformed. 2020-02-09
The thing had a lot of parts, as you can see, and I can’t quite remember how it all worked. I think the tentacles were all one-hit kills but would regenerate after a turn. Unless removed with fire. I was proud of how the players handled it. They were overwhelmed at first but, luckily, the elk never left the safety of the spring it was on and the party could escape. They came back the next day for a rematch and had an amazing victory thanks to the patterns they learned.
There were two ways to kill it, reducing either the body or the core to 0HP. The body was a kind of, reliably easy enough to hit but had lots of HP. The core was heavily defended but, if they could get through to it, didn’t have much HP at all. This whole set up was inspired by how large bosses are handled in the Grandia series and I think breaking bosses into parts really solves a lot of issues with legendary actions etc. If I ever DM again I def want to play with this design philosophy.
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dm-tuz · 2 years
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Forgotten Foes - Murkwood Horrors
If you liked what you saw with the Murkwood Horrors, I have fantastic news! The entire pack of monsters is on my Patreon or my Ko-fi. With a Patreon pledge, not only will you get this unique set of 5 monsters, but scores of monsters, subclasses, and playable races.
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dark-nimbus · 5 months
The fuckery that is D&D is great comedic fuel. One moment you’re trying to help captive mushrooms and trying to magically heal a forest like a Disney princess from a swamp, the next moment you’ve somehow killed god thanks to a tattoo, shit planning, and dumb fucking luck and started a revolution based on war crimes
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emrose-art · 3 months
Uh hi I never posted this here but this is Agnes:
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Shes a tiefling rogue and she’s 25 flavors of fuuuucked up :,)
This is my first *real* D&D character and if she dies I too will die hehe haha
Anyway here’s the Timelapse too:
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death-ward · 2 years
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shadow sorcerer magic, man
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Love my DND character dying in the first 10 minutes of session 6
(click for better quality!)
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circlique · 2 years
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She’s like the definition of “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.”
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subretinal · 2 years
Ceaseless watcher turn your gaze upon this wretched thing
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ensburg · 7 months
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New Powers, pt. 2
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wyrdwulf · 9 months
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I think they got your number, I think they got the alias that you've been living under
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pinksdoodles1 · 9 months
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some old and new dnd ocs. aster, the dragonborn + drow hybrid (dragondrow? drowgonborn?) and opal, the tiefling + (earth) genasi hybrid. aster was repurposed while opal was pretty much a new oc. they're both childhood friends of aurelia, the catgirl in the last pic.
i'm still working on their characters, and admittedly i have more ideas for their appearances than anything else atm.
opal, due to being part genasi, would have had horns with an "opalized" look to them (probably more present in the ridges) - along with some mineral growths in her body. another idea was that her hooves, nails, etc. would have a shine to them, like polished rock. i might look up mountain goats later, for horn inspiration.
aster's design is a bit harder to nail down. at first i thought he didn't look dragonborn-y enough, so i added more scaly patches and spikes - but that might have tipped his design too far to one side of his parentage (i thought him having a... well, relatively flat face was enough to say "part drow"). personally i'm okayish with it, genetics can be funny like that, but i might play around with his design (and opal's) later. see what i can take and what i can add.
as for kiddo shenanigans, there was an idea that aster had a cold breath weapon - something that aury and valens (another guy not shown here) would encourage him to use to make ice cubes by freezing water. all with the purpose of making delicious ice cream at home.
"couldn't they just buy ice cream?" where's the diy spirit!! i remember being a child and trying to make coke-flavored ice cream. it tasted bad, as one might expect. absolutely unpalatable.
anyways, shout-out to my dm for immediately using these guys against me in a trippy dream sequence. nothing like having your childhood bestie murk you while telling you to wake up!
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mistercrowbar · 4 years
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Beginning of 2020 I ran a small West Marches type campaign about exploring a huge region covered by the Murk, a blight encroaching on the land and making it inhospitable. It lasted a couple months until April when I bought Death Stranding and a long-lasting obsession began, oops. 2020-03-01
I had fun with the overworld though. They were given a hand drawn map and after exploring, I’d add in the actual terrain. which was yes VERY TEDIOUS.
Highlights of the campaign were robbing shrek of his onions, nearly TPKing to a bunch of raccoons, and beating up a corrupted giant murk-elk on the rematch.
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snugglyporos · 1 month
I want you to know that seeing the Poros on my dash is always a bright light in the murk that is my ADHD/Depressive mind. They remind me why I RP and why I play DnD. I want to make people smile and I want to help whomever I can (DnD there).
Poros are bestest Frens.
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// poros are friends! Are snuggly and friendly to all!
And trust me, I get it. I'm autistic, I have adhd symptoms, but I have major depressive disorder. My brain doesn't produce seretonin, I guess because it decided it doesn't need happiness.
But! I love poros. I love spreading love with poros. I love making people happy.
There's a lot of bad in the world, but poros are always good.
And I like to think that I put more good out into the world with poros than I do bad. I try to make people's days better with poros. Even if I myself struggle.
So I'm glad you love reading poros. I hope I spread more love for a long time to come with them.
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thesawisfamily · 3 months
Pt 2 of my tav Saoirse's screenshots! warnings for Act 3 spoilers below
If you missed pt 1 it's here
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my pfp, bc this scene was so so beautiful.
It's from Shadowheart's romance scene
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also featuring this one from my header
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these robes.... so glad I chose a non melee class to wear all the clothes in this game without worrying about missing out on AC.
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bonus Lae'zel looking at Saoirse in the background
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little photoshoot on the way to murk cazadork
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and little dialogue spoiler warning for post Caz fight
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no clue where her hat went here but it's fine. I have no obsession to my tav being covered in blood <- lying
+ bonus little shart kiss from the most recent patch. I had been waiting for new kisses for so long since shadowheart didn't have any special ones until the patch, and for some reason half of it was always off screen.
and lastly an epilogue photo
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and that's all I got for Saoirse. So far this is the only playthrough I've actually completed, for my first playthrough it will always be near and dear to my heart, total runtime of 133hrs and I spent a good chunk of it locking myself out of interactions, restarting fights (I hate you House of Hope and House of Grief) getting lost, learning the combat system, learning more about dnd, sobbing at the story (act 2 finale you know what you did) and absolutely falling in love with this game.
I'll be sharing more of my tavs later but in the meantime, feel free to ask about my tavs/ocs in the comments or my asks! I'll answer all I can.
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lowlyroach · 1 year
311) Simple Machine
Sleeping on a bed
I feel so vapid
I wanted to dine out last night
If you had a moment
I wanted to eat
I wanted
I do nothing but want
My body is made of simple machines
The wedges of my teeth
The pulleys of my joints
Screws of my forearms
The planes of my feet
The wheels of my shoulders
I will join them
Complex machine
Made simple in thought
I will not want
I will shotgun a four Loco at dnd
I will wade through the murk
Wires tangled
Fuses shortcircuiting
My Molex is on fire
I will replace it
Strip the wire
Thread the copper
Solder it together
Check the terminals
Reseat them properly
Replace the relay
Rewire the controller
Route power to the power supply
Ensure the screws are tightened
Not stripped
Add loctite
Flush water
Turn on water protection
Refeeding syndrome take me
As I scarf down chicken, rice, salmon, shrimp in my poke bowl
Play chess against my friend
It's been over a week since I made a move
As usual, I am down a fucking pawn
I'm going to lose! It was so close!
It was even only a few moves ago
I am still in here, somewhere
Sometimes pretending to be
Hat low over my eyes
Configuring the wires
Making sure the lead screws function
Using a buzz saw to remove metal
Ensuring water cooling is functioning
Answering emails
Replacing motors
Calories are the amount of energy
Needed to raise 1kg water by 1°C
I will shovel them in
I am still functioning
I was just starving
Sleeping on the floor
And waiting
Other times I am in here
Adhd impulse control setting at 0%
My mouth is a live wire
Listen to it spit
X axis motor Rambling
Is the noise skipping
Is it catching fire
Where is the smoke coming from
Tongue to toothy hinge
Bite down with jaw lever
Hinges are stripped
Stuttering gantry
Sensor failure
Ensure jst is connected
I've eaten
I've eaten
You do not have to be cold
But your silence is already chilling
01001001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100101
I am a machine
A machine does not want
It does.
It is simple.
I am simple.
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angstyavocado · 7 months
Well, that was a very good but emotional day.
Had my last Sunday at my home church. Was running sound with the lady who recruited me for college and brought me down here in the first place, had to say goodbye to her. Also, they somehow played all my favorite hymns? With a really great sermon and also communion. Shout-out to the lady doing sound with me who did not acknowledge me wiping the tears off my face with one hand while I advanced slides with the other.
Then I drove straight to my in-person DND campaign to kill off Chancey 😂. The DM gave me the option to have her separate from the party to leave for an indefinite period of time far away, but that was too real, so I opted to murk her.
I've never had a DND character perma-die before, or watch it happen, I don't think. I know I didn't play her very long, but I poured a lot of love and thought into her. So kind of sad, but ALSO GEEKING OUT VERY HARD OVER HOW COOL IT WORKED OUT.
The other players kind of knew what was up, but not how it would happen. The DM and I only established ahead of time that as she died, she would pass off to them a letter (the contents of which I had already shared with the DM as flavor text) to call on them to help someone close to her, as her dying wish.
She died in combat, being tank-y and defending the cleric, and pressed the letter into her hands, WHICH I GOT TO ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY DO (I realized on the drive over that would be cooler than texting it to the party, so in the Wendy's drive-thru, I scribbled the text of the letter into the back of a car maintenance receipt).
The party was upsetty-spaghetti at my death, dying gesture, etc., but when I went feral was when the DM put on Chancey's playlist as the cleric read the letter aloud, and HE PICKED THE SONG THAT INSPIRED ME TO WRITE THE LETTER IN THE FIRST PLACE. AND IT APPLIED BOTH IN THE ORIGINAL CONTEXT AND IN THE CONTEXT OF CHANCEY DYING AND LEAVING THE PARTY. And then the other song he had going for her last words was also just one I'm perpetually emotional about anyway out of game.
It was terrible and fantastic and I now am going to get an illegal head start on Nanowrimo while the inspiration is here, because I highly doubt I'll manage much in November anyhow.
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