#my brain is. somethin.
westywallowing · 2 months
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oh the accidental transformations,,,
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lylahammar · 3 months
does anyone else feel like they become neurotypical while they're in the shower
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therealcallmekd · 5 months
Enjoy these dumb Trigun cosplay Starlo doodles while I'm busy working on other stuffs!!!
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Guys can we spread Starlo the Stampede propaganda??? please???
Anime dub vash is literally my headcanon voice for this man, it just fits so perfectly to me- I can't explain it...
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ritoryb · 5 months
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did god still love you at the end?
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second part of this which was meant to make things a bit clearer. i feel like it came out ok but it just seemed awkward with two. well take both but pretend you only saw the first one.
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eerieechos · 3 months
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“Are you two DRUNK right now??”
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jamiesgotchu · 23 days
get. Them. Wrecked.
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ouuuuh jason's gonna GET em:3
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sluckythewizard · 6 days
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had this thought rotating in my mind since arthur had to wear that Anti-Sun disguise. and well. now u see it too
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an-albino-pinetree · 22 days
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I think I am cursed to forever have gripes with how I draw this man /lh
However, have yet another redraw, I fixed his broke ass legs, improved the antlers, and opened his mouth a bit to make him look more real/probable as an actual creature -v- 💜
I’ll admit seeing the improvements side by side is really satisfying
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Lovely Jaxalope and AU, as always belongs to @kookydoodleky :]
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barnaby please, he'll give you the hotdogs, just let him go. not wally, he's fine where he is
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batfossil-fr · 9 months
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wowie I love her so much. plague rare wins again
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kwillow · 10 months
Ambroys has a horn, so did that complicate his birth or did his horn grow in as he got older, like baby teeth coming in?
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Don’t worry about Ambroys’ mother, she can handle worse stabbings than that.
BUT regardless: he didn’t start out with that glorified carrot on his head being quite so pokey. Like you speculate, it grew in over time.
When he was born, he just had a small, rounded nub. His horn grew taller and sharper throughout his life, and reached its full doorframe-clipping height in his twenties. He’s proud of the stupid thing, but it’s something like a sports car: a real showy ego boost in theory, in practice a constant annoyance. Many pillows have been disemboweled at its merciless point.
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ouhh ouhh the ol 'started as a scribble n then got RLY COOL' conundrum... i titled it 'flying microtonal FISH' bc i was listening to alot of THIS song (ANOXIA - KING GIZZARD AND THE LIZARD WIZARD. LISTEN TO IT) and i based the colors off of the album cover. this was also meant to be the scene right before the noctis arc, when gillion gets CRAAZy struck by lightning and acts all deranged through the storm. LOOOVE that fish i think he should kill more
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
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twomystdunstans · 2 years
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catzgam3rz · 2 years
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More Empires Season 2! Take the colourful llama man
Haven't caught up with Scott's POV yet but I couldn't not draw his design next
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
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bo sinclair x afab!reader
rating: explicit
wordcount: 941 
Reader POV. Your dreams take you to different places, but you’re never too far out of reach. 
EXTREMELY dubious consent as always. Mostly weird prose, but there’s some smut thrown in here as well. Somnophilia, cockwarming. 
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A/N: It’s been raining for nearly a week straight where I am. Every single day has been grey. This idea burrowed into my brain and now I’m inflicting it upon you. Similar vibes to poacher’s dream. I just...really wanted to write something that reminded me of the feeling I was trying to capture with that fic. Somnophilia’s been on my mind ever since I read this absolutely electric fic by our lord and savior, @visceravalentines​. Definitely go read it if you haven’t already. It features a lovely man who is not at all like the one in this fic. We should all make out with him instead, probably. We won’t.
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You’re lost in a quagmire of green, knee-deep in muck.
You’re running from something, but you aren’t sure what. You feel like it must be close. You can hear crashing, the sloshing of something at your heels. The water is dark here, it’s deep. You need to watch where you’re going, but you won’t. It feels familiar.
Maybe, if you push a little further, you’ll reach the edge of the marshland.
The trees crowd around each other, their bulbous trunks bursting out of thick green algae. It’s so dense here, impossibly heavy with warmth. It soaks through your clothes, bleeds under your skin. If someone sliced you open and cracked your bones apart, you’re sure you'd flare hot. Chalky white and exposed, scattering chunks of marrow over the swamp. 
Things end up here when they have nowhere left to go. They get caught in the hanging moss and become part of the scenery. 
You’ll make a mess of this place, but it won’t matter. There are animals here, bigger than you, and they’ve been waiting. You couldn’t ever run very fast. These kinds of games are about losing.
It wasn’t behind you, anyway. It caught your ankle underwater and pulled you down, tumbled you underneath its weight. You’re spinning wildly, rolling and churning, filling your lungs with water (but it’s so hot here, and you like that stuff).
It’ll play with its food until your neck snaps. Trailing blood in the water, dragging you back to a den squashed in the mangroves. A place of dead things, hobbled together out of reeds and a dozen people’s bones. You wonder if they sparked like yours, if they’re kindling too.
Your body is perched on top of a waterlogged tire and hid away until it starts to rot. It makes it easier to eat when it’s soft like that, when the botflies come. Practical things are sometimes the cruelest.
God, you’ve never been anywhere this hot.
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You wake up with your face pressed into the pillow, huffing out shallow breaths. The room is bathed in pale light, milky grey with the faintest wash of blue.
The grey disorients you. There was so much light before. You blink a bit in the gloom. Water is still rushing away above you, beside you. It’s impossible to tell what time it is or how long you’ve been asleep. It feels like forever. You lived and you died long before you were spat out here.
Out of the heat of your dream, you’re surprised to feel your skin prickle with goosebumps. You must have thrown the sheets off in your sleep. The position you’re in feels unnatural, one leg hoisted away from you. It rests on something solid, something warmer than this room.
You feel so full (of water, of bugs in your belly eating away the soft tissue, of life).
Stop, look at the window. You’re not underwater. It’s raining, dripping tears down the glass. You’re awake again and the fullness is the pressure between your legs.  
Bo’s hand cups at your breast, jiggling the flesh to test its weight in his palm. He catches your nipple between his fingers, tugs at it. When he rolls his hips, you let out a soft little noise, mouthing at the pillowcase. His cock pulses inside you, thick and warm. 
He’s already so deep.
“Couldn’t help myself.” He murmurs into your ear. “Not with you movin’ round like that.”
His hand wraps around your thigh, easing you down. You let out a whine as you feel your walls stretch around him. He hisses out a breath, digging his fingers into your skin.
“You’re so wet, baby.” His voice is husky, the rasp of sleep still thick around his words. You can feel how slick you are, how easy it is for him to push in. “What were you dreamin’ ‘bout?”
“You.” You’re not lying, not exactly. He doesn’t need to know the specifics.
It’s the right answer, or, at least, the one he was expecting. You’re never really sure with him. It doesn’t matter, really. Your dream is getting away from you now, chased away by his hands and his lips and his cock. You were somewhere. He was there. You remember heat, you remember weight. 
(Or maybe that’s all there is now and you’re getting things confused.)
“Thought you were tryin’ to kill me, baby.” He nips along your neck. You clench down around him, moaning into the pillow. “Asleep, squeezin’ me like that.”
Good, you almost say. If I wrap myself around you enough times, you can’t breathe. Neither can I, but I only need to do it once. 
People get rid of snakes, throw them off into the swamp. They’re not supposed to be there. But this looks enough like their idea of home, doesn’t it? They’ll adapt or they’ll get eaten, and that’s all you could ask for. 
His breath is warm on your skin. You reach back, your fingers curling into his hair. 
“You ready to stop teasin’ me?”
(I couldn’t stomach you if I did. I’m not supposed to be here, anyway.)
You almost ask him if he had the same dream. Was it hard, waiting for the rot to set in? Waiting for softness? Did you taste better like that? Would he do it again if you asked him to? Could you return the favor?
Your hand tightens in his hair, giving it a sharp tug. His teeth are on your neck and it hurts in the way it’s supposed to hurt—scorching away inside you.
You’ve never been anywhere that hot, but maybe he has. Maybe he’ll take you there.
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