#nah jk but still
starillion · 2 years
part 1 of my sw / silm crossover au
The galaxy finds itself in yet another civil war as the sith lord Darth Morgoth escapes his captivity in the deep dungeons of the jedi temple, under the eyes of Jedi grandmaster Manwe.
Having corrupted Aule's former padawan Mairon to the dark side - soon to be named Sauron his apprentice - and being promised aid in the war by his lover Empress Ungoliant of the sith planet Utumno, his attacks are brutal against the peace-drunk galactic capital. But the jedi prove all but powerless when master Denethor - gifted with foresight - reveals a whole army of soldiers, cloned from the bounty hunter Barahir to serve the Republic. The clones prove their worth in Doriath, where one of the first major battles took place, and have been keeping the front lines ever since.
Yet in the meantime, Sauron has managed to blackmail the Mandalorian smuggler Gorlim, with the life of his wife Eilinel, to assassinate his comrade and friend Barahir. Whilst he succeeds, Gorlim takes pity on Beren, Barahir's unaltered clone and son, (and decades after, he would be the one to procure the plans to the death sar 'project Glaurung' with Luthien, princess of Doriath, but that is a story for another time.) and aids him in escape just before he himself gets killed by the dark lord, only then realizing his beloved already dead.
Back on the jedi temple, Feanor, an aspirint jedi knight is determined revenge on Morgoth, who had killed his master finwe in the previous war. His acts are bold and relentless, despite Manwe's concern that his emotions will prevail. Yet he is valiant nevertheless, and proves himself multiple times in battle. That is, until he receives a distress signal from Fingolfin in Alqualonde cluster, Fearful that the ships already boarded by the enemy will be stolen and used against the Republic, he gives orders to shoot down all boarded ships. He is chastised for this and the seemingly death of Fingolfin by the council, which has him leaving the order, frustated that he can do no further to prevent Morgoth's vice. He organizes a third party in the war with his followers.
The war continues, until the dreadful order 66. Another fruit of Mairon's deeds, this was, when he years ago followed Denethor to Kamino by orders of Morgoth - still captive then - and requested the presence of the Orders. That was the rise of the Empire and the end of the Republic, and the Jedi, with many among them dead and Manwe retreating to the planet Taniquetil in the outer rim in secret. But for Feanor's forces' occasional threats, the Empire met little opposition at its start. But what neither Morgoth nor Feanor knew was that Fingolfin survived the crash at Helcaraxe, and was constructing a rebel cell on his own, helped by peoples of his home planet Aman, and Melian, senator of Doriath.
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You really didn't think that one through huh?
idk if im sobbing, wheezing, or choking on my tea <3
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pixelatedraindrops · 5 months
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A blush/cry template but its of a higher temperature...
...brilliant hehe 🌡️😈
I had to try it.
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ask-heta-dzayer · 1 month
[I was working on my South Africa design in the bus (no reference) and i have a draft and whatnot, i'm kinda embarassed with it so i hid them under the cut! enjoy! (or endure? :,D )
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Okay so at first i was obsessed with this, bcz its exactly how i wrote him before, but (like always) when i colored i missed the hair texture i was going for (its thicker and not exactly slick) like i often miss Alge hair (its very thin, not curly nor straight) and i hesitated with the skin tone (i have additional drawings, illustrating SA relation with Algeria and Morroco for anyone interested)
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(this isn't a haircut the protype 1 wpuldn't make, he changes his pretty often, so plz focus on everything else <3 and vote:]
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chris-mc-dirty · 2 months
"If they won't color the world, I'll color it myself."
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kakuriyo · 2 months
going crazy cause i haven’t had a legit crush in years and now i think i have one on my straight cis male friend
the kicker: he thinks i’m gay. hell i thought i was too
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oops, it broke. Unfortunate
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shrimparts-blog1890 · 8 months
No cuz like Honeymaren def had to have had some sort of traumatic experience with Elsa for Iduna and Agnarr to carefully prepare and mold Honey to withstand Elsa's panick attacks and anxiety AND be her bodyguard and the only one to enter her chambers or even come close to Elsa
And by trauma i mean icicle-in-chest/neck-kinda-type when they were little
And Honey i def think in this AU was somehow brought to the kindom and was a lost child of Northuldra or something and always knew she didn t belong in Elsa's kindom but knew that her purpose was to stand by her side till her last dying breath cuz duuuh she s a raging homoseggsual with her only purpose in life being protecting the woman she s in love with the Queen/future queen of Arendelle
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asteruuu · 23 days
Imagine if in the future of kageyama and hinata— theyre still competing with eachother even tho theyre alrdy married to their s/o. Like- imagine them competing with having the most kids😭😭🙏
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nyenylon · 25 days
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W.H.I.D. is the story of my experience with maladaptive daydreaming until it's not and then it's about how to get all the interdimensional queers to work in Spar
Anyway casual Will outfits because Ireland wouldn't support the Tumblr sexyman look so now he gets Fat face™ gitup:
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jewishraypalmer · 4 months
MGADD said Secret Invasion? We don't know him
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quanblovk · 2 years
The greatest warrior in the galaxy goes shopping with the shadow of the greatest swordsman.
▪︎Chapter 1: A mysterious encounter!
Somewhere along the docks of orange ocean, you can spot a small building with a giant logo spelling out "Pupupu mart". It used to serve as a shop for selling all kinds of fishing and diving gear until the owner went missing for unknown reasons. Then, 3 years later, a certain waddle dee saw the abandoned building and was determined to turn it into a convenience store for his majesty.
Now, it's ran by multiple waddle dees, including Shadow Cashier Dee's counterpart, Cashier Dee! Who doesn't actually seem all that different from their mirror world equivalent. Which is understandable, since working in customer service isn't exactly an enjoyable job. However, it still has its exciting moments, such as this one that's about to happen riiiiight....now!
*Ding dong!*
The store's cheery theme song blares through the speakers, welcoming the new customer who flew right into the store with his majestic angel wings. The waddle dees and other various species of Dreamland's inhabitants all looked in awe as the white armor clad knight lands softly onto the familiar tile flooring of a typical convenient store. "It was the famous Galacta Knight! The greatest warrior in the galaxy! One of the four heroes of yore that sealed away Void Termina! The sexiest man who ever lived! That guy who keeps staring at people intensely and scaring them away!"
Those were the cries of all the customers in the store as they rushed towards the purple warrior, showering him with compliments with eyes of admiration towards his impressively well-built body. Cashier Dee watched behind the counter with amusement, scoffing at how immature those wild fans are before going back to their work.
Throughout all of this, the man thought:
"I knew i should've just foraged food in the forests...what was i thinking? This ALWAYS HAPPENS everytime i go out! And DID THAT WADDLE DEE JUST PROPOSE TO ME?? O-oh- oh god everyone's staring at me- GAH! This is what i get for stepping out of my comfort zone! Sure Galacta Knight, maybe visting the store once in a while would be fun! Maybe no one would recognize you! my ASS.
.....sigh. Oh. They're starting to make room for me to go! Phew...i should just get on with my shopping. These guys are friendly, they wouldn't bother me THAT much, right?"
Despite his inner voice trembling with anxiety, he made sure not to let it show outside. All the fans simply thought his unresponsiveness was cool and shows off that stoic characteristic. Galacta Knight's so awesome! Though he's kind of scary...better make way so he can shop in peace! The way he flashes his one eye really gives you the vibe that he's not happy...
Good choice, guys. Good choice.
The warrior's fans soon quiet down and continue with their shopping, letting him roam the soup aisle without any disturbances. Unlike the soup aisle in the Mirror World, this lane contained shelves that weren't flipped over, dirtied by spilt soup and were fully stocked with various soup can products. It was a long time since Galacta Knight ever ate these canned soups of long presveration, truly a wonder of food science. Knowing this, he reaches out towards a can with the letter "M" on it, resembling an M you'd see on a maxim tomato. However....
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The warrior's fingers lightly brushed against another hand instead of the can's plastic covering. Being caught off guard, he immediately retracts his hand and turns right to see...
A dark grey astral with pale yellow eyes that emitted a slight orange glow. Across the left side of his face was a massive scar which stretched all the way from the forehead to the lower body, passing his left eye. The stranger wore a torn cape, having an uncanny resemblance to the one Meta Knight wears. He stared back at Galacta Knight and quickly retracted his own arm, holding the cape higher to cover his mouth.
"F-fancy seeing you here? Meta Knight? No...you aren't him...you're...."
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WIFI IS MINE ONCE AGAIN as i sit on a mattress on the floor
#it feels like ive been without it for so long...#it has been... three and a half days... i am Weak....#nah jk i wouldve been find without it for much longer#but boy howdy am i Glad to be able to use my dear beloved laptop again#i am In The New Place i am Beginning To Settle#tomorrow i begin unpacking my own stuff!!! exciting!!!#i cant wait to admire all of my Things!#ohhhh and i finally have a spot on the wall for my combo whiteboard/corkboard....#im still very stressed and i want to lay in a hole but!!#i am doing slightly better than a few days ago!#the weather has been nice... cool and rainy... i am not used to cool and rainy#its also cold and i am - unfortunately - a desert creature#suffice to say i am wearing hand warmers a hoodie and a blanket#absolutely unprompted#the place's last owner Didnt Fucking Clean though#so there have been many spiders. and cobwebs. and general Grime we will have to scrub#like seriously today i was dusting the ceiling. THE CEILING.#had to dust & vacuum the windowsills... gonna scrub my bathroom tomorrow...#theres a large tear in my bedroom carpet too...#ugh and the cabinets are Small so organizing all the spices and shit has been Rancid#stuff has to go out of place and you cant see it all and MY ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS ARE CRUMBLING#sometimes it feels like my adhd and autism are fistfighting but during a move?#lockstep babeyyyy. they are Streamlined. lots of things and lots of sorting & placing and eeheehee#i have also killed most of the freakishly huge mosquitos in the house so! things are better!#that first night was Rough! its better now! this shell is becoming a House!
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occultvettr · 2 years
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Goretober Day2: Beaten/Bruised.
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cotccotc · 1 year
so like why is tumblr ugly now
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brushes-of-sage · 9 months
If I’ve learned anything from participating in decades-long fandoms about stories, it’s that canon is a playground and the good and the bad - it’s about finding the joy within community and stories
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