#crossover au-ish??
starillion · 2 years
part 1 of my sw / silm crossover au
The galaxy finds itself in yet another civil war as the sith lord Darth Morgoth escapes his captivity in the deep dungeons of the jedi temple, under the eyes of Jedi grandmaster Manwe.
Having corrupted Aule's former padawan Mairon to the dark side - soon to be named Sauron his apprentice - and being promised aid in the war by his lover Empress Ungoliant of the sith planet Utumno, his attacks are brutal against the peace-drunk galactic capital. But the jedi prove all but powerless when master Denethor - gifted with foresight - reveals a whole army of soldiers, cloned from the bounty hunter Barahir to serve the Republic. The clones prove their worth in Doriath, where one of the first major battles took place, and have been keeping the front lines ever since.
Yet in the meantime, Sauron has managed to blackmail the Mandalorian smuggler Gorlim, with the life of his wife Eilinel, to assassinate his comrade and friend Barahir. Whilst he succeeds, Gorlim takes pity on Beren, Barahir's unaltered clone and son, (and decades after, he would be the one to procure the plans to the death sar 'project Glaurung' with Luthien, princess of Doriath, but that is a story for another time.) and aids him in escape just before he himself gets killed by the dark lord, only then realizing his beloved already dead.
Back on the jedi temple, Feanor, an aspirint jedi knight is determined revenge on Morgoth, who had killed his master finwe in the previous war. His acts are bold and relentless, despite Manwe's concern that his emotions will prevail. Yet he is valiant nevertheless, and proves himself multiple times in battle. That is, until he receives a distress signal from Fingolfin in Alqualonde cluster, Fearful that the ships already boarded by the enemy will be stolen and used against the Republic, he gives orders to shoot down all boarded ships. He is chastised for this and the seemingly death of Fingolfin by the council, which has him leaving the order, frustated that he can do no further to prevent Morgoth's vice. He organizes a third party in the war with his followers.
The war continues, until the dreadful order 66. Another fruit of Mairon's deeds, this was, when he years ago followed Denethor to Kamino by orders of Morgoth - still captive then - and requested the presence of the Orders. That was the rise of the Empire and the end of the Republic, and the Jedi, with many among them dead and Manwe retreating to the planet Taniquetil in the outer rim in secret. But for Feanor's forces' occasional threats, the Empire met little opposition at its start. But what neither Morgoth nor Feanor knew was that Fingolfin survived the crash at Helcaraxe, and was constructing a rebel cell on his own, helped by peoples of his home planet Aman, and Melian, senator of Doriath.
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sweeneydino · 3 months
Colors for thy artists
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Credits again to @shyadri for the names!
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pineappical · 11 months
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captains 🦋
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thebrainrotsreal · 1 month
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BACK ON MY INVINCIBLE MLP CROSSOVER JOY!!! I love this crossover smmmm, my soul is happy, cured even, treated of all possible ills. For Andressa's species, instead of relying on a horn for magic (which they don't have), every filly is bestowed a gem for magic! AND, because I want it, Oliver has some winks to Andressa's designs with the swirls on his legs mimicking the lines on hers, sharing a thinly tail, tiny little bumps like spikes, and the curls sorta kinda maybe like her antennae (if you squint and believe, which you should). Andressa and Oliver ilysm. Best purple pony on the planet tbh, sorrry not sorry Twilight Sparkle :/
Bonus drawing of Oliver trying to practice magic by lifting a sheet of paper, he's trying his best, ok???
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hrokkall · 11 months
What's gabriel in this au?
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Some loser, probably.
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fishfishiee · 1 year
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summary: In which you're an adeptus made of Noctilucous Jade. How would your companion react when they saw you shatter during a fight?
characters: Traveler, Zhongli
warning(s): body horror(?), gender-neutral reader, reader is a gem person, their relationship can be viewed as platonic or romantic
a/n: my first time writing characters! I was going to add more characters, but I can't think of anyone else. It's… quite alright, I guess. Hm. Writing characters is hard.
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You were one of Liyue's best jewel smith. While you usually worked with whatever precious stone that caught your eye on the market, there were times when none of them were up to your standard. In times like this, you had no choice but to mine them yourself. The problem was mineral nodes are often teeming with enemies. While your body can easily withstand a few blows, you will eventually shatter, and be left defenseless against those who want to collect your precious shards. This was the reason you avoid fighting alone. So, you asked one of your friend to accompany you to mine the gems you need.
Like you suspected, you and your companion were attacked when you began mining. Battle was inevitable, so you and your companion brandished your weapons and attacked back. In the heat of the battle, you lost count of how many times you were hit, and one of the enemies slammed you with their hammer. One hit was all it takes to shatter your torso. Welp, at least your head was still intact…
Traveler The moment they heard the shattering noise and Paimon's horrified shriek, they knew something happened to you. They didn't expect to see you literally broke to pieces, each of them glittered a familiar luster. They were horrified to see some hoarders start putting your body parts into a bag despite your head's protest. After all the hoarders were knocked out cold, Traveler quickly took your head out of the bag.
“Phew, thanks for that. Being shoved into a bag is not nice at all!”
"Y-You-- How are you-- Are you okay!?"
"It's fine! Happens all the time when I fight. Can you please gather my pieces? Madame Ping should be able to put me back together, so don't worry about it!"
As Madame Ping put you back together, you explained that you were essentially a living gem made out of noctilucous jade. You apologized that you didn't tell them before, since you really thought you're not going to shatter with them fighting with you. Traveler marveled as Madame Ping put some powder that made your 'skin' looked human.
"Ooh, so that's why you always decline when we asked you to eat together! You can't eat since you're literally a living rock! Wait, then can Paimon have a piece of you? Just a piece--ouch!"
"Paimon, don't be rude!"
Zhongli He was the one that commissioned the jewelry in the first place. When you asked him to accompany you, he agreed without hesitation. That way, he can also assure the quality of the stone himself. During the fight, Zhongli knew you were fighting quite recklessly due to his shield tanking most of the damage done to you. Once his shield went down and you didn't seem to notice, he quickly took care of his share of enemies and went to your side. It was still too late. You were shattered, and Zhongli can only sigh as he put you back together.
"You were careless."
"… Yes. I'm sorry. It's just… It's really nice to go hard on them without worrying about my body sometimes! Your shield is really dependable, Zhongli."
"I am glad you find my assistance reassuring, but please pay more attention the next time you fight. After all, I won't be here every time you put yourself to pieces, lustrous one."
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
Event batch 2
Another round of requests!! thank you so much guys, I'm having a bunch of fun writing these ficlets :3c I'll be closing the request form tomorrow morning, so feel free to check out my event and send in something before the cutoff!
🩵 Check out my 200+ followers request event! 🩵
for @hanasbananas || Kaeya x Reader - Modern AU, college classmates 
for @magica-ren || Fatui!Scaramouche x puppet!reader - Descender/Isekai, reader falls to Teyvat and encounters early-Fatui Scara
for @magica-ren || Wanderer x Reader - reverse-Isekai, Reader handles Wanderer as he figures out how to navigate the modern world
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Study Date
“Kae….” You let out a drawn-out whine, reaching across the table to gently poke your boyfriend’s arm. “I’m bored.”
Kaeya chuckles under his breath and nudges your hand with his elbow. “You’d be less bored if you actually studied, silly,” he says, looking up from the papers he’s grading. “You’re the one who wanted to join me while I do my TA work, remember? Now, you have to sit tight for a bit until these are all checked.”
You grumble and fold your arms over the table, covering your textbook, and drop your head into the crook of your elbows. 
“But I don’t wanna…” 
“You have a test tomorrow, though.”
You groan at the reminder, throwing a small fit on your side of the table and shuffling your notebooks and papers around. With a world-weary sigh, you sit back up and take a survey of the warzone that your workspace became. You pick up your discarded pen, resting the side of your hand against your notebook and staring blankly at the scribbles of notes that you’d taken. None of the information wants to be absorbed, and you sigh again.
You feel a foot nudge yours under the table, and you respond with a lazy kick. 
“Ouch,” Kaeya says teasingly. He brings one hand to his chest, appearing most scandalized. “Is this the way you treat the love of your life? I see how it is.” 
“Studying sucks,” you declare. “I’m moving to the North Pole and becoming a penguin.”
“If you studied more, you would know penguins don’t live in the North Pole.” 
You kick him again, causing him to laugh at your misfortune. “That’s not even the subject, dummy.”
“Tell you what, sweetheart,” Kaeya says, cajoling. “How about you study for the last twenty minutes, so you’ll be ready for your test tomorrow, and when we’re done here we can go get boba? On me, of course.” 
Immediately, you brighten up and give him a wide smile. Endeared, he reaches over the table and pets your head affectionately.
“What are you, a puppy? Does the puppy want a treat for performing the ‘studying’ trick?” he teases, to which you make a bark noise. “Alright, alright, but you have to actually study, promise?”
“Okay!” You reply, giving your notebook a determined look. Without wasting any time, you begin to recopy your notes with added commentary and clarification.
Satisfied, Kaeya gives you a soft smirk and returns to his grading.
Time passes sluggishly, and though you were motivated at first you quickly grow bored again. Only the promise of boba keeps you going, and you chug through the last of your notes just as Kaeya straightens his pile of completed grading, getting up and stretching his arms above his head. You finish your last sentence with a flourish, looking up at your boyfriend with a grin.
“Done? Good puppy!” Kaeya laughs, patting your head again. “Come on, then, let’s go get boba. I’ll even get you a pastry with it, since you finished all your notes.”
“Yay!” You exclaim, jumping up and rushing to put your stuff away. “Come on! We’ve got to get there before there’s no more free tables!”
Kaeya follows you closely as you lead the way to the boba cafe, and quietly considers the study date a success.
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No Strings
The first time you see the puppet, you’d only just crashed into this strange new world. 
Your containment pod had crashed in the middle of the unfamiliar ocean, and it had taken you days to drift to the nearest land. There, washed up and exhausted, you hide behind jagged shore rocks and watch in fear as strangely dressed soldiers shout at each other in a foreign language, carrying the limp form of another person.
As you look closer, you can see the distinctive lines of ball-joints, and you gasp in recognition. Another puppet! 
The soldiers shout again, and two of them pry open the cliff face to reveal a hidden structure. Without further ado, the soldiers carrying the puppet bring it inside and lay it delicately in the bed of red leaves at the foot of a majestic tree. The soldiers exit just as the puppet appears to regain consciousness, and you watch in dread as the puppet rolls itself to its knees, reaching out with a cry toward the soldiers just as the twin stone doors slide shut.
You look down at your own porcelain hands, the imitation of a gulp coming from your throat. Surely, if this land treats puppets this way, then it would be wiser for you to conceal your identity for as long as possible.
With that thought in mind, you begin making plans to find some long-sleeved clothes for yourself, and maybe some gloves.
The second time you see the puppet, it’s been a hundred years since your Descent. You’d been learning the language of this strange country, watching and hearing about the political turmoil within the major city. You stay on the small island you’ve stumbled upon, keeping mostly to yourself but occasionally venturing into the small industrial village to pick up supplies.
Tatarasuna’s forge stands tall in the center of the canyon, the villager’s houses dotted along the walls, and workers bustle through the streets and across suspended bridges as they go about their day. You watch on with a tinge of envy, wishing you were still home on the deck of the Space Station you’d been created on, enjoying the atmosphere of space travelers coming and going to distant planets and bringing home fantastic stories.
You shuffle in through the crowd, still amazed at how they can manage despite their lack of technology. You purchase a few rolls of bandages, to wrap your ball-joints, and some thick salve, which you smooth into the seams of your face to facilitate their more natural looking movement. You don’t have the supplies to perform the same maintenance you once did, after all.
When you turn around after making your purchase, you see the puppet working in the forge. He’s hammering a thin strip of metal, following the instruction of his brown-haired mentor. He looks better, more energetic, but there still seems to be an air of melancholy about him. His joints have faded to barely-noticeable lines, you notice with slight bitterness. Whatever magic he’d been made of seems to be aiding him in blending into human society. You wish you had that luck.
With your purchases in hand you turn back to the woods, not noticing how the puppet looks up and watches as you walk away.
The third time you see the puppet, you’d been in pretty dire straits for a while. 
You had to leave Inazuma behind, as much as it pained you. You couldn’t stay in one place for too long, unless you wanted someone to realize just how long-lived you are and try to uncover your puppet identity. That’s how you find yourself in the wilderness of Mondstat, scrounging around on the outskirts of the countryside for supplies. 
That’s when you bump into him, literally. 
You’re not paying attention to where you’re going when you collide with a suspiciously hard body. You let out a soft ‘oof’ on impact, extracting yourself from the tangle of limbs and black fabric with apologies already on your lips. They all fall silent when you look up to see the face of the mysterious Inazuman puppet from five hundred years past.
“You’re the-”
“- weird traveler-”
“- sad puppet-”
“- from Tatarasuna!” The two of you blurt out at the same time.
“What?!” He reacts first, scrambling to get you off of him. He backs away with an angry expression, pointing at you accusingly. “How do you know that?!”
“I saw you!” You say, trying to explain this in a way that doesn’t make you sound insane. “Hundreds of years ago, I saw you in Tatarasuna! I used to go there to buy my wrappings!”
You quickly unwind your bandages, showing him your own chipped and stained ball-joints. You’d fallen into disrepair a while ago, not having access to the necessary materials to maintain your body. “Look, see? I’m a puppet too!”
The other puppet stares in awe and confusion, so many questions flitting across his expression. Finally, he looks up at you with a hardened gaze. He snatches his kasa hat off the ground, jamming it onto his head with a jingle of the heavy metal charms tied to it. 
“You look awful,” he says, finally, to which you take offense. 
“Excuse me!” You berate him. “That’s a rude thing to say to a complete stranger! I just haven’t been able to get maintenance, that’s all…”
He looks at you, considering, before seeming to come to a decision. “Come with me, I know somebody who can probably help you. He’s a Doctor.”
The way he says the word has a strange weight to it, but you don’t know enough to question him about it. “Really? I could really use a bit of help, honestly.” You say, tentatively extending your hand to him to shake on it. “I’m glad I ran into another puppet before I completely disintegrate.”
“Sure, glad to help,” he smiles, all teeth. “Come on, what’s your name?”
You tell him yours, a name you haven’t heard in a terribly long time, and certainly not from the mouth of another person.
“Is that so? Well, it’s nice to meet you.” The puppet tips his hat and his sharp periwinkle eyes look at you from the shadow of its brim. “My name is Scaramouche. I think you will be a great help to me in the future, my fellow puppet.”
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Houston, we have a problem
You let out a growl of frustration as you feel another candy hit the back of your head. You whip around to catch the suspect in the act. You glare at him, but Wanderer only snickers as he prepares another candy in the bowl of his spoon.
He launches the candy with his spoon-catapault, hitting your shoulder this time as you get up and stomp over to him, snatching the utensil from his hand as he protests.
“Hey! I was using that!” He tries to grab it back, but you move quickly and put it in the sink, out of his range.
You still aren’t sure why Wanderer appeared in your house so suddenly. You’d been playing Genshin quietly in your room, doing one of the SPiral Abyss floors, when your active character (coincidentally, Wanderer) clipped out of bounds and you could only watch in despair as he fell off the platform and into the surrounding void.
The shock of your life came a few seconds later when his heavy body suddenly appeared above you and crashed into you like a sack of bricks. You still have a bruise from the impact. 
“Would you quit picking on me? I’m trying to look up a way to send you back into the game!” You hiss, trying not to let it show that nothing you’ve googled so far came up with any results. It seems that sudden manifestation of fictional characters is a trait unique to you.
“Why would I want to go back to Teyvat when everything here is so much easier?” Wanderer counters, letting himself slump comfortably into the cushions of your bed. “I don’t have to fight monsters or petty criminals here, and there’s quick access to all kinds of household utilities that people in Teyvat could only dream of. Plus, it’s quiet here. No nagging Travelers or Buer telling me to do my homework.”
“But you don’t belong here!” You protest weakly, not sure how to convince him that he needs to go home. “What if something happens, and you get like… glitched out of existence or something?”
“Sounds like a bonus, to me.”
You reach over and smack the hat off of his head. “Cut it out with the self-deprecating shit for a second,” you scold. “I thought Nahida was beating that habit out of you.”
“She’s too soft to beat anything,” he shrugs and picks his hat back up, resting it against the side of your mattress. “I’m going to get tea.”
He rolls off the bed and heads into the kitchen. You return to your research with a bit of desperation, listening to him exclaim in delight at your electric kettle, boiling the water in record speed, much to his delight. The thought of him being stuck here indefinitely frustrates you, you certainly don’t want to hold him back or inconvenience his story in the game.
Mostly, you’re frustrated at how much you almost don’t want him to go back, too excited at the notion of having your favourite character all to yourself. Not that you’ll tell him that, though.
Back to the drawing board, you guess. 
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definitelynotshouting · 6 months
Recently, I've been thinking about something. We know that after Grian was kicked from Hermitcraft and after the initial hurt and anger simmered down a lot of Hermits started regretting kicking him to an extent. They had questions and now no one to answer them. And around every corner is some painful reminder of the friend they lost, some building he made, or a place where some bit or game happened. While that is certainly very normal, I can't stop thinking about how this already angst idea is only made worse by the idea that, things probably feel even more dull than they would now that he's not amping their emotions. In all the minigames and group meetings Grian's absence is like a hollow chasm that refuses to be ignored. None of it seems to be quiet as fun anymore. I kinda doubt many of them would connect this to Watcher feeding but maybe I'm wrong. Just the idea of the Hermits barely being able to make it 5 steps without some reminder or Grian but amped by the fact that they're so used to the joy he brought with his shenanigans, both naturally and through the occasional Watcher Nom Noming.
I think about this SO OFTEN actually and how like.... its true. Its just plain true!!! Things are just less in Hermitcraft now, and theres this horrible tangle of complexity surrounding that because on the one hand, theres just..... not as much EXCITEMENT as there used to be when Grian was around, and on the other hand, they never consented to having their emotions messed with in the first place-- but theres still that acute sense of loss. They lost something and there are reminders everywhere and while some members have channeled that loss into bitterness and hate, a lot of people are just... sad. Its just really sad. I always imagine the Empires crossover has a lot more of a subdued tone to it, since Grian (who had helped plan and organize it) wasnt there to join in.
Its gonna be a very complicated reunion, once the Grian Rescue Squad returns with our resident Watcher in tow
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penpenpencil · 4 months
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Feeling overwhelmed
[tw: potential eye strain under cut]
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sirwow · 8 months
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Working slowly on a small(ish) fic between these two so have some oodles of them over the past week
Pom wraith of course belongs to @splitster
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the-random-phan · 1 year
wandering through the Lonely
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wibble-w0bble · 1 year
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Tehee more Sky Turtles 🤭
I kind started to play around with how they were brought into the world of Sky and I kind of feel like they all originated from the same falling star that got split into 4 peices on its descent towards Home (where you first arrive in the game). Raph was the first one to land being the biggest lol (chunky boi)
Anyways -->
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Also Leo showing off a crab (feat. a badly drawn crab)
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sweeneydino · 1 month
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Gremlin baby Dai.
Can you and your peepaws resist his creature charms?
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frankenjoly · 5 months
watch me do more of my very specific au with an initial target audience of 2 ppl for utahime week on twt
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m-awile · 7 months
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i have not explained on here that in GTS, characters from Pokemon do exist but they’re just normal people without any Pokemon. and some of them are even friends with the Cons or Bots
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rosebloodcat · 1 year
Crossover AU Idea: Trollhunters and the Kane Chronicles
Had an idea for a crossover and I really need to say/share it with people!
Basically, what if Toby and Jim were Magicians that lived in Arcadia? And not just two random, clueless kids that got sucked into a magical war that had been rumbling away under their feet by random chance. I think it would be cool!
(What would this AU be called? Trolls and Magicians? Magicians and Trolls? House of Trolls? House of Hunters?)
They were part of the recruits Sadie and Carter found before the second book, who were brought in to be taught and to learn about using Divine Magic. Which they did!
Eventually Toby and Jim decided, after finishing their Magician Training, to go back to Arcadia. Both because of homesickness and to finish their normal schooling, and because the Main Threat to them all (the return of Apophis, the Sun Eating Snake Monster) had finally been settled.
(I mean, that’s how it’s “supposed” to go after the Apocalypse has been stopped, right? Everyone just goes back to their normal lives with no ill effects? (They are very wrong but they don’t know that.))
> I haven’t decided on their respective gods yet because there are a LOT of Egyptian gods and I want to pick someone who’ll be a good fit for them and hasn’t already been used for a magician in canon.
I’m clueless for Toby so far, but I’d love if I could tie in his use of a War-hammer or just a Hammer to his patron.
For Jim, I kind of want to play with his name and have his god be a Water/River god. I’m considering using Nephthys, since she’s a powerful goddess in her own right and tends to get overlooked in favor of others. (Plus, it would be fun to expand her character!) That, or a god that could be tied into his knife and/or cooking skills.
> Toby’s therapist is part of the House of Life so that he can fully unload/unpack everything they’ve been through. He keeps trying to convince Jim to go too, but Jim keeps shrugging it off or saying he doesn’t need it.
(He does. He absolutely does, no matter how much he denies it. And stress baking, while delicious, doesn’t help as much as he thinks it does.)
> Neither of them were front-line fighters during the battle in Egypt, but they WERE in the battle at the Brooklyn House.
The two of them hadn’t put a lot of focus on weapon training, focusing more on the magic side of things. That said, Jim’s got a MEAN swing with a sword when it comes down to it.
(Although, since they came back to Arcadia, they’ve become a tad rusty at fighting. Not because they haven’t been practicing, but more because they’ve only been able to train with each other and against Shabtis.)
> SPEAKING OF THE HOUSE OF LIFE!  There is a House in Arcadia, but it’s pretty much empty and unused most of the time. Arcadia does feel very magical/magic saturated to anyone who knows how to tell. But, as far as the Magician’s have been able to tell, there doesn’t really seem to be anything there. The House is more of an Out Post/Watch House than anything else.
Jim and Toby have a Bi-Weekly Sleepover Weekend there to practice their magic and try to keep in shape. It’s also a good place to just... Hang out without the usual problems that crop up.
A safe space to get away from everything and just be themselves.
> After facing the end of the world together, Toby and Jim are really close. They’re also really close to the other kids from the Brooklyn House.
This is part of the reason why they have problems connecting with the kids at school.
They can’t bond with everyone over the things they enjoy, they can’t talk about their experiences, they can’t share the things they learned during those couple years they were outside Arcadia, so they just kind of... Hang back and let everyone else drift by them.
(It’s also another reason why Jim has so much trouble talking with Claire. He has NO IDEA how to talk about Normal Non-Magician Teenager Things and he has no idea how to approach a girl who’s not a magician who helped stop the End of the World.)
> The two of them know A Lot about Egyptology and Egyptian History. Honestly, after everything they’ve been through, it would be weirder if they DIDN’T know about those.
> Barbara and Nana both know that the boys have been through Crazy Shit™ and try to help where/how they can. And despite how long they were separated, both boys still have really strong bonds with their respective guardians.
Things were a little awkward/clumsy when they first came back, but they’ve all settled into a comfortable routine with each other. Home feels like home again.
That said, Jim still suffers from some wanderlust because of everything that happened. It hard to fully settle into normal.
> When Jim and Toby find the Amulet, they are a HELL of a lot more cautious about it. Magic is an old hat for them by now, and talking amulets that know (one of) their names are SUPER SUS and treated with the UPMOST WARINESS.
(Who knows what could be accidentally unleashed if they try messing with it??)
They don’t bother trying to research the amulet at school. (Since it’s Very Obviously a magical artifact.) Instead they vow to look into it at the Arcadia House and to call other magicians if things take a weird/bad turn with it. (Or if they find something worrying about it.)
Plus, it’s not smart to talk about magic around not-magic people. They are smarter than that.
> Jim openly tells him mom he and Toby found a weird, magical-thing in the canal and that (after dropping his stuff off at home) he plans to go to the Arcadia House to have it checked out. There’s no need to hide magic from her in this one since she already knows about it.
Barbara’s okay with that plan, but also gives him explicit instructions to call/text her if anything happens.
>When Blinky and Arrrgh show up in Jim’s basement, things do not go as smoothy as they had been hoping for. Mostly because Jim is a magician who survived the Apocalypse and is armed with a duat locker that has his weapons and a wide array of verbal spells to call on.
Blinky gets magically punched.
Arrrgh gets a few new scars from a Khopesh.
Jim hits his head against something.
Basically, it’s frantic and messy until they manage to get across that they don’t mean any harm. Jim takes the testament with a grain of salt.
I'm not really sure where it would go from there other than this:
Blinky and Arrrgh are impressed by Jim’s skill in a fight.
They learn that the world almost ended and they didn’t notice
There is a new, genuine Pharaoh who can channel Divine Magic and Blinky is excited for the lost magic being regained. He is learning just as much from the boys as they are from him.
Toby is brought up to speed and makes it very clear that Jim’s not going to be doing this by himself. There is a lot of arguing about letting the rest of the House of Life know what’s up.
They get to see the Arcadia House, and learn more about the training Toby and Jim have.
Jim takes to the Amulet better than he thought, but worries about how is might mess with his magic since he doesn’t know what it was made with. Also, plate armor is new and hard to move in.
Jim still fights Draal, but spares him bc of compassion and “How the hell do you expect to take care of everything myself? I need back-up to get shit done, that’s how human’s work.”
Toby points out that “We’re squishy magic users, we need muscle to back us up. Especially if we need to bust out the BIG spells.”
And that’s about it for now. I will probably think of more later, but I’ve been sitting on this idea for long enough.
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