#naruto abo
fengkye · 3 months
☆ᯓ “Do you..want me..to scent you?”
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❀⇝ᗩ/ᑎ: hi!!! Omg, this is one of my first posts on here!! I hope you guys like it!! requests r open too! feel free to req!
alpha!ssk, omega!reader (male, fem, whatevs you want!) scenting, ssk being an uncertain alpha, no uses of y/n
ੈ✩‧₊˚☄. *. ⋆⍣ * ˚ ✦
🍙⋆ ★ You felt real bad, bad as in, it was a bit overwhelming to even get ready in the morning. 🍙⋆ ★ It was suffocating, at least, to you, and you thought that it might never end. 🍙⋆ ★ It was yet again, another restless morning. It was quiet. Yet, you felt uneasy still. Like, it was a good life, a mate that loved you, an okay life style, it was a dream for other omegas. 🍙⋆ ★ still, it felt like something was wrong. and it felt wrong to think that. staring into the bedsheets and scrunched blankets as you rose from the laying position you once were at. eyes narrowing into the wrinkles of the fabric under you. 🍙⋆ ★ was Sasuke on a mission again? maybe, what time was it even? you looked over the clock, eyes glazing over the numbers that seemed to shine out "11:42 AM." 🍙⋆ ★ silently, you got out of bed. doing your usual. brushing your hair, brushing your teeth, changing, washing your face. whatever. 🍙⋆ ★ rubbing your eyes as you were walking out the bathroom, soon bumping into a broad chest. the familiar scent of what seemed to be rainwood and a bit of smokey-comfort filled your nostrils. immediately easing yourself in every way. "hey." The familiar deep and subtle voice spoke, as you melted into his arms. your beloved mate caved his muscular arms around your wavering body. "hi." you replied, face muffled into the fabric of Sasuke's chest. taking another deep inhale of his natural scent. rainwood and smoke didn't seem like a perfect mixture, but sure as hell put you into any state of comfort. 🍙⋆ ★ Sasuke was a bit confused, moreover concerned why his omega was so tired. he smelt it in you, he saw it in you, it's been a bit dry how you were. and that wasn't good to the Uchiha. "are you okay?" he asked again, a bit unsure what to do. besides his primal instincts obviously telling him to help you, the alpha himself wasn't one for comforting. 🍙⋆ ★ and tbh, he felt more guilt because of that. (I'M GROVELING AT THE FLOOR DON'T THIN KTHAT HARGRHGRGRRR) you responded with a small hum, nodding your head. your hair ruffling against his shirt as he let nervously inhaled. thoughts racing in his mind of what to do. what would a normal alpha do? his mind clicked after a few seconds, well, it was the fastest and most simple way possible. yet, sasuke felt a bit embarrassed how he was asking--it really made him question his own place as an alpha. 🍙⋆ ★ "do you..want me..to scent you?" he asked, feeling himself become more hesitant with himself. he loved your scent, but he missed when it wasn't so sour and bitter now. ever since you started showing signs of ignorance and small irritated icks. 🍙⋆ ★ honestly, it was a bit surprising at first. the way he was just randomly asking that. you really didn't expect him to ask that, you expected to just take a whiff of his scent and go. "ya.." you replied flatly. letting out a small mewl when the Uchiha swept you up. 🍙⋆ ★ and with that, sasuke took you to your shared bedroom. placing you down gently onto the scrambled sheets that you dragged yourself out of earlier. it felt nice to be back. also made you think that you just got up and got ready for nothing. the alpha carefully shimmied next to you, the bed dipping as Sasuke moved closer to you. to which you caught him by surprise, immediately wrapping your body around him. the room mixing with both of your scents. 🍙⋆ ★ you already felt better. "oh.." he spoke gently, subtle dark eyes closing as he felt you immediately sniffing into his neck and shoulder. close to his scent glands. Sasuke felt a bit awkward since he was the one who suggested this cuddle session, yet you were taking the lead by a bunch. his arms wrapped around you again, soothing your tensed body into relaxation. your scent was perfect to him. he dipped his nose into your hair, taking a big whiff of satisfaction. the Uchiha was happy that he atleast made you feel better. he kissed gently at your forehead, to which you purred at. 🍙⋆ ★ this was truly, truly everything you could've asked for.
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miniminiujb · 5 months
Boa tarde! Gostaria de saber se você poderia fazer uma reação dos meninos se não for incomodar 😀
Poderia fazer como os meninos de Naruto reagi- riam ao grito de seu Alfa de repente porque os meninos se moveram muito e puxaram o nó??
Como se eles tentassem ficar confortáveis depois e esperassem que tudo descesse e eles se sacudissem levemente e puxassem o nó do Alfa. Isso seria especialmente engraçado.
Gostei da ideia kkkkk
Desculpa a demora de fazer o pedido, não tenho muito conhecimentos desses personagens (nunca vi Naruto) mas espero que goste.
A parte do Sasuke ficou pequena, sinto muito.
Aviso: sexo implícito e machucar o companheiro sem querer?
Puxando o nó do Alpha
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- Naruto arregalou os olhos, horrorizado ao escutar seu Alpha gritando, seu coração disparou de angústia e culpa ao ver o seu rosto contorcido pela dor.
"Me desculpe... Me desculpe!" Naruto repetia em um sussurro desesperado enquanto tocava em seu rosto.
Você olhou para ele, os olhos se apertando de desconforto. A dor era evidente em seu rosto, mas havia também um traço de preocupação.
"Naruto... Não se culpe. Foi apenas um acidente", você disse com voz fraca, tentando confortar seu Ômega mesmo naquele momento. "Só não se mexa para não acontecer novamente".
Mas o Ômega não conseguia se acalmar. Sentia como se tivesse falhado terrivelmente em sua função de ser o companheiro perfeito.
Ele não merecia alguém tão maravilhoso quanto o você. Por que sempre tinha que estragar esse momento?
Com lágrimas escorrendo pelo seu rosto, Naruto abaixou a cabeça, sentindo a dor em seu coração se intensificar. Ele não conseguia nem encontrar palavras para expressar sua tristeza e arrependimento.
Você contraí a testa ao ver o sofrimento de Naruto. Com movimentos calmos você se move devagar, para não machucar vocês dois, você tenta se aproximar um pouco para poder abraçar o Ômega em seus braços.
"O que aconteceu foi um acidente", você disse com a voz um pouco mais forte agora.
Naruto levantou a cabeça, fitando os olhos acolhedores de seu Alpha. A tensão em seu peito começou a afrouxar aos poucos, substituída por um sentimento de alívio. As palavras acalmaram o coração de Naruto e ele se permitiu ser abraçado pelo seu Alpha, sentindo o nó se desfazer aos poucos.
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O momento em que o grito saiu dos zeus lábios, momentaneamente o Sasuke ficou parado sem entender, mas ao olhar para o seu rosto ele não pode deixar de sorrir.
Apesar da dor que você sentiu, derivada do descuido de Sasuke, não pôde deixar de soltar uma risada.
Sasuke sentiu-se aliviado ao ouvir a sua risada. Ele sabia que não havia intenção de machucar você enquanto vocês dois estavam conectados pelo o nó.
Enquanto Sasuke olhava para você, seu coração se inundou por um sentimento que só tinha com você, por ter encontrado um Alpha que pudesse suportar seus erros e rir junto dele. A sensação prazerosa do nó só se intensificou.
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Kiba observou com horror quando o seu rosto se contorceu de dor e um grito saiu dos seus lábios, Kiba tinha tentado pegar uma garrafa de água ao lado da cama, e sem querer se moveu fazendo com que o nó do seu Alpha fosse puxado, causando uma dor em você. seu corpo colidia acidentalmente com o de seu Alpha, B/n. Embora Kiba soubesse que era apenas um acidente, o coração do ômega se contraiu de culpa e preocupação.
No entanto, quando você soltou um grito alto de dor, algo dentro de Kiba se debateu com uma onda de choque. A sua expressão, uma mistura de agonia e surpresa, não parecia exatamente como era para ser. Era, de fato, engraçado.
De repente, Kiba sentiu uma fisgada perversa de riso lutando para escapar de sua garganta. Era um desejo incontrolável de rir da situação bizarra. Ele não podia acreditar que a forma como você havia se machucado, no meio ao sexo, fosse tão cômica.
No entanto, Kiba lutou contra essa vontade. Ele rapidamente vez você olhar para ele, suas características exibindo preocupação genuína. "B/n! Me desculpe, eu não queria te machucar! Você está bem?"
Você gemeu em resposta, ainda sofrendo com a dor. Embora Kiba não pudesse deixar de encontrar a situação um tanto cômica. Ele rapidamente começou a passar as mãos em suas costas, tentando ajudar a aliviar a dor.
Ainda assim, Kiba não podia evitar os pequenos tremores de riso que sacudiam seu corpo enquanto cuidava de seu Alpha. À medida que o tempo passava, o senso de humor do ômega se tornou mais evidente, e ele percebeu que você logo reconheceria a aberração da situação.
"Desculpe, B/n, eu sei que deveria levar isso mais a sério", Kiba disse com um sorriso brincalhão, a lidar com a dor. "Ver você se machucar dessa forma realmente foi engraçado. Mas eu vou cuidar de você, prometo."
Você olhou para Kiba, seus olhos carregados de dor e confusão. Mas também notou o brilho travesso nos olhos do ômega. Um sorriso torto se formou nos lábios do Alpha, parecendo um tanto quanto forçado devido à incompreensão da situação.
"Você é um ômega estranho, Kiba", você respondeu, deixando escapar um pequeno riso.
Futuramente quem sabe eu posso fazer para os outros personagens 😉
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cannellee · 4 months
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alpha!sasuke x alpha!naruto x omega!reader (f)
— what is it like being team 7's omega ?
my masterlist : ☆
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the moment it was announced that you were going to be a part of naruto and sasuke's team, you knew it would be difficult.
being both alphas, they're naturally in competition most of the time, but adding an omega to their quarrel made things even worse.
it's in their nature to seek their close omega friends' attention. you didn't particularly favour any of them, but naruto was ready to prove anyone else he could be a better partner to you than sasuke.
from this day on, the two of them started to fight even more than usual.
sasuke is a silent type of alpha, but you noticed he didn't particularly try to drive you away. he didn't seem to get annoyed either when you talked to him, you figured it was a privilege reserved to naruto alone.
actually, it's safe to say that sasuke always made sure you were out of danger while out on missions.
he wasn't exactly doubting your level, but he didn't trust you and your abilities fully. his nature made it hard for him to just ignore an omega in possible danger.
it was kind but subtle gestures, noticable to those who paid attention.
whereas for naruto, he was eager to replace you, to tell you to stay away and let him do the work. he didn't mean to come off as condescending nor disrespectful, he was just extremely preoccupied by your safety and wanted to show you he could take care of you.
it didn't take much time for you guys to become a real little pack. both had their antics and grudges, but deep down you knew they both liked each other in their own way.
you played a big part on how they interacted with each other, without you realising. your calming presence and gentle scent helped the two alphas chill down a bit.
your nurturing instincts also contribute to the cohesion of your team. you sometimes act like a mediator, having little to no trouble to resolve conflicts. kakashi has even given up trying to appease those two when they start arguing and directly lets you do your thing. you always succeed in maintaining a good harmony between the three of you, he's really thankful!
your secret trick is letting naruto scent you as long as he wants, he loves to be able to claim you like this, it appeases him so much! it does get on the nerves of sasuke who curses at him to let you go though.
moreover, they may fight once in a will and throw snarky remarks to the other, but if it comes to you, your safety or your mood, they immediately work hand in hand to reassure you.
it would be one of the rare time you'll hear sasuke be so openly mean at someone. he doesn't even foster the idea of an enemy targeting you.
come back injured and you'll be heavily questioned so he can track the one responsible.
both care so much about you, it's safe to say you bring a sense of unity that wouldn't be present if it wasn't for you.
if the three of you were out at a restaurant for example, it was a tacit rule for you to sit between naruto and sasuke.
they pay extra attention to you, naruto in a more exaggerated manner than sasuke, but you noticed sasuke warmed up to you really quickly after you guys first met.
none of them will ever let anybody disrespect their partner, and they trust each other completely to look after you.
sasuke might let his scent spread widely around you, to hold off other people. whether you notice it or not doesn't matter, he will do it regardless.
don't be fooled, they both are very jealous alphas!
naruto expresses his openly, whether it's a friendly interaction that seemed too close for comfort or a compliment directed at you, he'll playfully pout or at least put his claim on you to reaffirm his position as your alpha.
sasuke's is a bit harder to perceive but present nonetheless. you're able to notice it in the way his jaw tightens, the look of his narrow eyes and protective stance.
they both consider you theirs, it's only natural they drive away other alphas. now that they grew much closer, they only accept gestures of affection directed to you, if it comes from one of them.
they also understand you're an omega and your needs manifest differently than theirs. if you need alone time, guidance or to get away from any situation... they got your back! they'll go even as far as giving you their strongly scented clothes and note down every food you like and dislike to make sure you get your favourite next time.
sasuke is at peace with how he feels about you : he likes you a lot and wants to keep you safe. the long days and hours you spent together as teammates forced the three of you to build an unbreakable bond.
their initial alpha rivalry transformed into a playful banter now. they tease each other and use their omega's laughter to measure their victory against each other.
sasuke still likes to mock naruto in front of you, because he knows it makes him embarrassed and it makes you laugh. they love the sound you make, and your lighthearted scent is like a reward.
you might not notice it, but sasuke pays close attention to you and you can expect sweet gifts from him, like pretty flowers which caught his eyes while on mission and reminded him of you.
during training, both of them become very reliable teachers. they want to demonstrate, help you with certain moves... but always having in mind to keep you away from harm.
the same goes for missions, they'll always step in if they assume you're in danger. and they'll do it over and over again, they don't even consider that as annoying or a burden to their mission.
if you think they're doing too much and you want them to calm down with all their protection, they'll understand and let you manage your thing alone. just know that they'll still have an eye on you.
naruto is very passionate and yes, he'll jump in front of you to shield you from anything. he's like a steadfast guardian you know you can count on, no matter how much he likes joking around.
however, sasuke is protective by placing a vigilant eye over you. he assesses potential threats and his actions are calculated. his protective nature is rooted in a silent commitment to keep safe what he holds dear, in this case, you.
during missions, both will offer their hand or arm to cross a particularly tricky path, they'll regularly ask you how you're feeling and if you need a break. if you do, they'll let you rest and go search for some food while the other is inspecting the surroundings.
overall, they are very careful and attentive.
and it really does make you feel protected and safe. you wouldn't trade you team for nothing in the world!
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belit0 · 8 months
tobirama x reader breeding kink 7w7?
Combining requests because I think the two go very well together💕🤗💫
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"Who's my little breeding toy?" he whispers in her ear as he leans against her, bodies pressed together and firm hands holding her waist in place. (Y/N's) hole seems to be begging for him to bury himself deep inside it, to fuck her mercilessly and fill her as only he knows how.
He's been fighting not to lose consciousness since the exact moment his Omega went into heat, surrendering herself to him in order to ensure proper breeding, triggering his Alpha to engage in the same behavior. Tobirama becomes a beast when it comes to his rutting, achieving the same synchronicity along with her, connected and going through the very same.
The mark that bound them as one, that bite of ownership and control, those sharp fangs digging into her skin long ago, confined them to a destiny of pure understanding, moving in and out of their heats simultaneously, configured to serve each other's needs.
It may be hard to comprehend for whomever is not bonded to anyone, but the rapport one gains about one's partner under the mating bite is on a higher level.
"Does my little girl want everyone to see she's mine? Once all round and full?" his words are but guttural grunts rather than coherent sentences, but she doesn't fail to comprehend anything he says, pressing her ass against his pelvis, kneeling on the bed, and presenting herself to her Alpha.
Feeling that huge erection against her skin is slowly killing her, the warmth of her heat demanding he takes possession of her as a dominant should, filling her until her body senses she is impregnated by him, natural instincts happy to have completed their task.
She cannot find words in the inconsistency of her bestial side, dominated by animalistic needs that do not allow her to express her desires. Tobirama, however, does not need to hear her, only by reading her flesh he knows the right thing to do.
The Alpha, experienced and too powerful for his own good, learned to control the beast residing within him long ago, not completely losing his mind to its needs. Managing to restrain himself even a little gives him the perfect opportunity to enjoy the view, to appreciate (Y/N)'s heat in its full splendor, at least long enough until his own drive demands him to fill her up with his seed.
When one enters their season, thanks to the bonding bite, they trigger the thread that primitively binds them together, attempting to use the situation to their advantage in order to generate offspring, pups, family.
The animal world is as wise as cruel, forcing the Senju to abandon all his experiments today to take care of his wife, also triggered by a sudden rut that requires him to procreate.
(Y/N) moans under him again, begging him between sobs and whimpers to please fuck her. "I can't resist.... your body begs for me to knock you up." He knows he doesn't need to hold out, knows all she wants is for him to make her brim with his completion, yet he adores torturing her even a little before having to submit under his own urgency.
"Be a good slut and stay still, you're getting bred." Unable to withstand anymore, he takes his erection in hand and enters her, the natural lubrication of her pleading cunt helping with the labor. He can hear her purring beneath him, the heat of her body almost too much to tolerate to the touch, increasingly sharp nails holding her in place as he thrusts in and out rapidly.
Tobirama surrenders total control over his body to the beast who struggles with all its might to enjoy the moment, his Alpha stealing his consciousness in a second. His eyes turn full red, prominent claws taking possession of his hands, pointed fangs ready to dig into the very spot where he claimed her.
His wife's moans only fuel the raw hunger he has to fuck her, to possess her completely, to fill her belly with his children, and have everyone understand she is his. It's not enough for her to have his scent, or for his claim bite to be prominent on her neck, he needs to pump her up with the fruition of his efforts and for everyone to know who she belongs to for a good few months.
It's not like there are any doubts about it, anyway.
There's a primal feeling being satisfied every time he sees her stuffed with another litter of his pups, owning her from the inside out. "Good girl...that's right, just like that.... I'm gonna fill you up with cum...fill you with pups." His thrusts are getting more and more violent, strong lunges against her pelvis seeking release.
He knows his wife would beg if she had the chance to use words, pleading to receive every last drop of what he sees fit to deliver, and when he feels the perfect climax for his knot to begin to inflate, he bites her in the same place he did that first time.
He knows his wife would beg if she had the chance to use words, imploring to receive every last drop of what he sees fit to deliver, and when he feels the perfect climax for his knot to start swelling, he bites her in the same place he did that first time.
(Y/N) moans even louder, milking his cock with more enthusiasm, pussy desperate to have it all inside her, straining violently and cumming all over him. It's not enough for Tobirama to join her, forcing the ever-larger knot at the base of his cock in and out, enlarging the hole and making room for it.
When it reaches the right size, the one that will ensure nothing escapes from that tight cunt, his body decides to paint her internally white, filling her completely, growling with fangs digging into her skin and claws hurting her waist.
Both of them convulse with pleasure at a divine culmination, totally sure that in a few months, they will have to deal with a new litter of children.
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domoz · 1 year
An a/b/o mada/hika/tobi (in that order) something or other.
(Which I need you to understand, is not something I thought I'd ever be writing. But here we are.)
In this au high status alpha/omega pairs often take a beta or two into their household to act as an assistant/handmaid/servant/etc etc. which is what Hikaku is doing here.
The moment Tobirama enters the room, Madara goes stiff. At a glance nothing seems wrong, and Tobirama pauses, seemingly as surprised at the reaction as Hikaku is.
A closer look shows Madara's pupils have blown wide, which means this is probably one of those instinctual things -- what's caused it though, Hikaku isn't sure. A deep breath of his own mostly gets him a nose full of Madara's overpowering campfire scent; if Tobirama's is doing anything different he doesn't know the man well enough to tell.
It's… A little saltier, maybe? Nothing so extreme that he couldn't chalk it up to a shift in emotion --
"You're in pre-heat." Madara blurts.
Oh. Well then.
The exclamation seems to have shocked all three of them. Tobirama's lips part for a moment before his expression tightens.
"Apologies." He says, "It's earlier than usual. I did not realize."
They probably should have expected this, all things considered. Tobirama may not be a typical omega, but spending so much time in the house with the alpha he had recently married and consummated with would wreak havoc on anyone's biology. Or so Hikaku has heard.
"Well, what do you -- I mean --" Madara sputters, color rising to his cheeks, "How do you want to handle it?"
There's a brief flash of surprise across Tobirama's face, one so small it would likely be missed by someone who's not an Uchiha, but it's there. Almost like he hadn't been expected to be asked.
"…I understand that I'm expected to bear your heirs." Tobirama says at length, "But if it is an option, I would like to wait to do so until after peace is more stable."
Until he knows they won't be born right back into another war. Madara nods, lets out a slow breath of his own.
(Breaths in through his mouth, Hikaku notices, but Tobirama's scent still seems so mild, to him).
"In that case, I think it's best if Hikaku takes care of you." Madara grunts.
Hikaku feels his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, and wonders if Tobirama is looking at his clan head with a matching look of incredulity. What Madara's asking for isn't unheard of, but for a newly mated couple's first heat…
"I'm not ordering you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable." Madara clarifies, voice rising in pitch. His face has gone a lovely puce, but he doesn't take it back. "Either of you. Use your best judgement! But if we're trying to avoid… That, it shouldn't be me."
"…Right." Hikaku says, suddenly feeling dizzy. He's not actually ever experienced an unrelated omega's heat firsthand. He's heard plenty of stories, but all they're serving to do in this moment is leave him feeling woefully under-prepared.
But. He thinks with sudden clarity. Tobirama is hardly the kind of omega you hear about in stories. In cases like these it's best to just…
"Well then. Tobirama-san." He clears his throat and tries to fight off his own rising blush, "How do you want me to help?"
There's the twitch of an eyebrow again, the barely there surprise.
"Boil some water for tea and bring it to my rooms." Tobirama says after a moment. He hesitates where he stands in the doorway, and the silence stretches so long that it must mean that he wants to say something more, but some pride or embarrassment is stopping him.
Hikaku has already given in that he's not going to get out of this situation (this entire arrangement, really) with his pride unscathed, so he forces a smile and asks, "Would it be helpful for me to bring something that smells…" He nods at Madara, who is all but hiding behind his hair at this point. Like an alpha, he means, like Madara, like your mate.
Tobirama tilts his head in consideration, no trace of whatever had been stopping him, which meant this likely wasn't what he had been considering at all.
"I suppose it couldn't hurt." He says.
Madara gapes open mouthed for a moment before ducking his head.
"Okay. I can just…" Madara pulls off his haori, looks at it pensively for a moment before rubbing the fabric on his face and neck. Hikaku politely pretends not to notice the way Tobirama is watching with rapt attention.
Seeing as how Tobirama is across the room and how Madara appears to be entirely resistant to getting any closer, he hands the garment to Hikaku, who fights to keep himself from making a face as he folds it over his arm.
It would be a wildly inappropriate time to laugh. Still, the urge is there.
Tobirama clears his throat.
"That should be fine." He says, "You may also wish to bring a book."
He turns and flees back to his room before Hikaku can ask for clarification.
With the omega gone, Hikaku lets himself sigh. Quiet enough that it doesn't draw Madara's attention away from where Tobirama just left. He looks like he's about to vibrate out of his skin.
"…Madara-sama." He says tentatively, and those dark eyes snap to him, "Do you think you could handle a patrol, right now?"
It's one of the best ways he knows to help Madara get his instincts under control, letting him guard his territory and deem it safe. At the suggestion, his clan head all but shoots to his feet.
"Yes." Madara says, and now that the mortification has passed his voice is so low it's almost a growl. "I'm going to -- yes."
Hikaku looks down. He has plenty of reason to be blushing right now so if he is, it hardly matters. He swallows hard and reminds himself that this isn't about him.
Madara takes a step towards the front door, then another before pausing.
"…Good luck."
Madara, too, disappears out the door before Hikaku can formulate a response. With him gone, too, Hikaku groans and thumps his head against the table.
This is what you signed up for. He reminds himself, you knew this could happen.
The possibility had been there yes, but reality has him feeling so nervous that his hands are shaking when he forces himself up to boil the water for tea.
Hikaku scowls at them. Trained shinobi, and here he is getting shaky over the possibility of helping an omega through their heat. Tobirama is the omega in question, so he supposes some slack could be allowed, but still.
He only has until the water is boiling to dither around, then with another deep breath (and the room still smells mostly like Madara even now) he walks to where Tobirama is waiting for him, tea tray balanced on one hand, Madara's haori and book of poetry under the other arm-- which he's still got no clue about, but Tobirama suggested it and he's just --
He's just… Here to help, that's all.
Hands full as they are, it's awkward to rap on the door, but Hikaku manages, and also to maneuver it open when after a moment Tobirama calls, "Come in."
The pale omega is sitting cross legged on the floor, a series of tins open in front of him, the contents of which he appears to have meticulously measured and mixed together.
"You can set the tray here." Tobirama gestures to the floor in front of him, "And-- hm. You may as well put on the haori."
Hikaku does not allow himself to make a sound of surprise at that, but he knows his face must be burning scarlet.
He really, really hopes that Tobirama isn't going to ask him to pretend to be Madara. Still, he pulls the over-large garment over his shoulders and shakily falls to his knees to sit across from Tobirama.
This is not how he'd imagined he might end up with Madara's clothes on.
The herbal smell of whatever mixture Tobirama has put together is strong; it too almost overpowers the sea-salt scent of what must be the omega's pre-heat smell, and it only grows stronger when he opens the teapot and dumps it in to steep.
"I would offer you some, but I can reliably inform you that it tastes abysmal." Tobirama says without inflection. Hikaku blinks.
"I take it that it's medicinal?"
Tobirama nods.
"It helps shorten heats and lessens their symptoms, among other things."
Oh, well that's…
Hikaku feels some of the weight leave his shoulders. However this goes, he can at least take some relief in knowing it won't be as bad as it could have been.
They sit in silence as the tea steeps, and then as Tobirama pours a cup without giving Hikaku the chance to do it for him. That taken from him, all Hikaku can do is observe and try not to fidget.
Now that he's noticed it, that ocean-breeze smell is really starting to fill the room. It's not a bad scent, he decides. Objectively speaking.
When Tobirama finishes, he sets down his cup without making a sound. Hikaku forces himself to breath, to not allow himself to grow tense again, because surely that will make everything that comes next more difficult.
"My heats are usually quite mild." Tobirama says at last, "With this, I'm often able to ignore them entirely, except for how they cause others to behave. Though the fact that its come early may hint that something has changed, I don’t anticipate anything too extreme."
"…Okay." Says Hikaku, throat dry, "How do you want me to help?"
Tobirama blinks, and now that he's looking, Hikaku can see the way all of Tobirama's movement has gone just a little sluggish.
"Just…Hm. Sit on the futon, for now."
Mechanically, Hikaku nods and moves to sit at the head of the futon. It's got a few extra blankets on it, he notes, but not the huge amount he's heard to expect from a nest. Maybe this is all a utilitarian man like Tobirama needs?
Tobirama sits next to him after a moment, purses his lips.
"… Stay like that." He says.
So Hikaku does -- stays frozen in place as Tobirama all but drapes himself over Hikaku's lap, loops one arm loosely around his waist, buries his face near his side where the fabric of the haori is bunched together. The omega shifts. Gets comfortable. Sighs.
"Is it true that you can smell me in heat and not feel the instinct to do anything?"
"…Yes." Says Hikaku. He thinks so, at least, because he's still not entirely certain what people mean when they talk about having instincts like that, "When I smell you I just… Think it smells nice. That's all."
"…That seems useful." Comes Tobirama's voice after what feels like an age, muffled by fabric "To not be ruled by your urges."
"…It has it's drawbacks." Hikaku admits, "I can't tell what a stranger is feeling through scent alone, and some social cues pass me by entirely."
There's a reason betas don't often enter the world of politics, after all. Entire conversations can be had just through scent.
"Hm." Is all Tobirama has to say in response to that, and then, "If you wish to pet my hair, feel free. Otherwise, I am going to nap."
"Oh." Says Hikaku blankly. "Alright."
For the moment, at least, there is no grinding or biting or leaking like Hikaku has heard often accompanies heats. Maybe if he doesn't draw attention to it, there wont be.
This, he supposes, is why Tobirama recommended him to bring a book. Which does come in handy, because Tobirama is apparently content to lay like that for hours.
After the first, Hikaku works up the courage to run his hand through Tobirama's hair, just once. It's soft, and the man doesn't respond at all because he is well and truly asleep.
After the second, Hikaku's legs start to cramp, but he remains still. This is well within the realm discomforts he's to handle as a shinobi, after all, and less than he thought he'd be feeling today.
After the third, Tobirama rolls off of his legs and blinks up blearily at him.
"If you're invested in helping, you could consider telling Madara to stop stalking back and forth outside."
Madara was --?
Well, he had been doing it unobtrusively to anyone but one of the best sensors in the world. To have done a patrol of Uchiha lands in three hours, though… Hikaku hadn't thought him so eager to return.
He takes a moment to stretch out his legs before making for the door. When he slides it open, he's immediately hit by the smell -- not just a campfire but spicy, now too.
Hikaku hadn't recognized the change in Tobirama's smell, but he's known Madara long enough to know what he smells like going into a rut.
They should have predicted this, too. After all, his new mate had gone into heat right in front of him. Personal feelings for each other aside, it would have been more surprising if this didn't happen.
Madara freezes from where he's clearly been pacing the corridor, eyes zeroing first on Hikaku, and then on the room behind him.
This, at least, Hikaku has an idea of how to deal with.
"Hold on a moment." He says. Closes the door.
"Tobirama.-san" He turns to the omega, who has been watching the proceedings with half lidded eyes, "May I borrow one of the blankets you've been lying on?"
"Mm?" Tobirama hums, "Ah. I see."
When he pulls the blanket out from under himself, Tobirama, too, nuzzles his face into it for a moment, before holding it out to Hikaku. He's decidedly less ashamed about the whole ordeal, though whether that's because he's currently in heat, or just because he's a shameless man, Hikaku can't say.
"Thank you." He says, and doesn't bother folding the blanket, because the moment he opens the door again and holds it out to Madara, the man snatches it from him, eyes blown wide.
"Do you need anything else, Madara-sama?" He asks.
Madara doesn't even seem capable of mustering words right now. He shakes his head, and retreats down the hallway without ever turning his back to Hikaku. When he finally ducks into his own room, all Hikaku can do is shake his head and fight back a fond smile.
It's a bit like introducing two cats to each other, he thinks dryly. But it can be done.
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Au where while Naruto is off getting Tsunade to be Hokage with Jiraiya, Kakashi’s in Konoha putting Sasuke and Sakura through extra tough training because his kids almost DIED and he doesn’t care if it’s largely because a friggen sannin infiltrated the exams
He’s doing everything in his power to make sure it doesn’t happen again, and you bet your butt Naruto’s joining that extra hard training with he gets back
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i-mushi · 9 months
Yu is an ANBU fukutaichou for Konoha, but the country is barely surviving the Fourth Shinobi War. In a laughable bid to survive when there’s no way out, her team led by Hyuuga Neji opens a time travel scroll thinking it might buy them five minutes. Instead they travel to a world scarily like their own except there is no war, wrongs in their own world never happened, and what’s this nonsense about dynamics?
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This picture dominated my MySpace account in 2005. This story is the self-indulgent romance story I wanted to read and write when I was 11 but didn't have the maturity to. It's not complete, but I should share it anyway so maybe someone else has some joy from it too.
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illogicals-blog · 8 months
What's that? I can't hear you over the p0rn.
I'm not sorry.
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fengkye · 4 months
✩‧₊˚Feng’s master list!
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┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ - naruto, aot, jjk, male/ftm reader enthusiasts, ABO and other things too!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚- ᴘ.ꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴘᴜʙʟɪᴄ ᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴀᴘᴘ, ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ɪ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴀʟᴇꜱ…
Sasuke with a shy s/o! alpha! sasuke with a tired!omega!reader!
-nothing seems to be here yet…request one!
-nothing seems to be here yet…request one!
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asukaskerian · 2 years
"I see it's not that kind of poison after all."
Madara stared for long seconds, mind empty. The apparition on the engawa didn't dissipate. Right here, in their fancy loaned house's fancier inner garden: Senju Tobirama, dressed for stealth -- pants bandaged up at the ankles, weapon pouch at the waist, his only armor the wire mesh that had recently come into fashion from the Land of Iron.
Not in heavy battle armor, but not in his genteel omega disguise either.
His hair was as short and bristled as always, a white dandelion of hair falling into sharp, watchful eyes, and that -- jarring, after the elaborate high buns, the waterfalls of silky white, catching his eye.
Madara had had his fist in that hair, forcing the omega under him to bare the back of his neck, holding him still to slice his clothes off him. He'd seen it damp with sweat, raked back in haphazard rows and stuck to forehead and temples. He'd --
"What are you doing here," he rasped, and tried not to look any lower, not to rake his eyes over the simple sleeveless gi yawning open over mesh wire on bare skin.
Sequel to “blood rare and sweet as cherry wine”, ABO with littermates.
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cannellee · 4 months
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alpha!naruto x omega!reader (f)
— how does he act around his omega s/o ?
my masterlist : ☆
this is my first time writing for anything other than tokyo rev. I've just entered another naruto brainrot and was baffled by the lack of naruto omegaverse content on tumblr, so I decided to diversify my blog and write for naruto too!
I'll post a headcanon about being team 7's omega later in the evening!
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naruto truly is an energetic person, the reason why he approached you in the first place is because of your empathy for others.
you know him since childhood, while his personality and his curse might have driven others away, you never treated him differently.
you were kind and thoughtful, but you still stood your ground and never hesitated to speak up for others.
naruto was always by your side. he was a noisy kid and whenever you voiced something, he often felt the urge to say it even louder to make sure people heard you or to back you up. you did feel a bit embarrassed sometimes, but his clumsy actions were endearing in their own way.
you noticed how he always seemed to protect you without never overstepping your boundaries. he wanted you to know he would always defend you, but never overwhelm you with his presence.
he would always challenge the other kids whenever he saw them as threats, possibly taking your eyes away from him.
always your #1 defender, never letting any other kids treat you badly, especially since you hung out with him. he wasn't afraid to get mad and pick a fight if he considered that your pride or integrity was involved.
growing up, he still didn't stop following you like your shadow.. the only difference was the way he carried himself, he seemed so much more reliable you found yourself falling for him.
his actions towards you were no longer clumsy attempts to impress you, instead, he started an enthusiastic pursuit, his determination was impressive and you knew he meant every words he ever said to you.
as mindless and forgetful as he might look, naruto is one to spoil you with thoughtful gestures.
during the courting process, he would gift you handwritten notes, try his best to carve a wooden necklace with your initials behind it.
his gifts are surprisingly delicate and he's paying extremely attention to your interests.
naruto is always so supportive of you, cheering you on, congratulating you for any reasons and ready to help you for anything as well.
he's so reassuring, affirming that everything will be fine whenever you're doubting.
if you're in trouble for example, he'll simply tell you to go rest. he'll take care of the rest, you don't have to worry about anything! he'll throw you a big smile and come back with his same happy face, and your problems are all gone in a minute!
even as a teenager, naruto still is pretty jealous, not in a possessive way, but he will get upset when other alphas are looking your way. once again, he will not hesitate to challenge anyone if it means keeping you for himself. yes, he will be the main reason why you don't have any alphas asking you out anymore.
naruto wants to seduce you by showing you how strong and reliable he is, always bragging about his strength and how his training will turn him into one of the best shinobi to ever exist.
he tells you about his ability to protect you, and that he'll never stop working out nor neglect his training. you can rest assured that you'll always be safe by his side!
he is protective of you, that's a fact, although it's not as intense as some other alphas. he trusts you and values your independence, he doesn't want to become a burden or a nuisance to your happiness.
that's why he learnt to take it easy and let you live a normal life most omegas don't even have access to.
but don't worry, naruto isn't scared to step in, in order to shield you from whatever he considers compromising to your safety. he wants you to be 100% comfortable, doing everything in his power to keep you away from harm.
you're his priority and he will offer you his unwavering support in times of distress and doubt.
even during the courting process, you both are comfortable enough to let him spread his scent around you. he'll shower you with his pheromones to calm you down and talk to you in a reassuring manner, so foreign to the naruto people usually have in mind.
once you get together, he's attached to you, more than before if that was even possible.
he's dragging you to surprise dates, gifting you everything that reminded him of you and kissing your forehead every chance he gets.
his nose is always buried in your neck : he's whipped for you and your sweet scent, and he's shameless about it too.
he takes deep breaths with his face pressed against your scent gland and doesn't stop until you push him away. once you look at him, he has the most satisfied grin ever and profusely kisses your whole face with love struck eyes.
he's crazy about pda and isn't embarrassed at all to initiate it, even in public. you're his omega, why would he restrain himself from showing you his love?
he is so proud to be your partner, everyone knows about it the second you start dating.
you're the prettiest omega he ever laid his eyes on and naruto knows how lucky he is that you have chosen him out of everyone.
that's why he's so desperate to show you that he's the right one for you, that he's trustworthy and that you can lean on him.
oh yes please, he's so devoted to you he'll do anything! especially during your most vulnerable moments, when he thinks he's blessed that you chose to trust him near you when you're in this state.
ask him to bring you this type of snacks and he's running outside to get it! ask him to give you more blankets or soft items for your nest and he'll go straight to your favourite shop to buy them.
he's delighted the first time you ask him to scent one of your clothe. sure, he had gifted you a couple of his shirts when you weren't dating, when he was still courting you, but it was always coming from him, and he didn't really know whether you accepted them or just politely threw them away without him knowing.
to have his beautiful omega, directly ask him to be scented by him is a dream come true and you swear he has heart eyes when he eagerly starts scenting all of your wardrobe.
being in your nest, cuddling with you is quality time he'll never neglect or refuse. he loves it so much! everything smells like the both of you, an intoxicating mix of your flowery scent and his own, which makes him soo dizzy.
he's even happier when you start cooking for him, always packing his lunch before a mission or any normal training.
food is one of the things he loves the most, and to have it prepared by his precious omega is such a blessing. you're the best cook and your food is so delicious he can't get enough!
but you're not the only one who can make him giddy, naruto has his ways when he wants to make you flustered.
he actually doesn't do it on purpose, but when he suddenly acts all serious and talks to you with his reassuring and soft voice, looking at you like you're the most beautiful and delicate thing he's ever seen, you can't help the blush from making its way to your cheeks, nor the rapid heartbeats his manly scent sparks.
he smells it in your scent, it's subtle but he's able to decipher such change in you. when you get shy or a bit more submissive than usual, you scent also gets sweeter and softer. it drives him crazy and he has to dig his nose closer.
he teases you a bit about it, but he doesn't want to ruin the romantic mood so he tones it down for now.
his omega needs his love and attention, and he'll give it to her!
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martilyongabo · 8 months
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Desert Bloom piece (05.2023)
After a long while, it’s finally up! Come on over and take a look at the work we’ve done :DD
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belit0 · 9 months
 I'm hunting you, Izuna - Tobirama's version
No, Betas don't exist in this verse Dark Tobidrama!
Pairing: Alpha Tobirama / Omega Izuna.
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We define life in black and white, simple. Well, not for Izuna, since his anatomy decided it would be inappropriate to present a status ruling by the age they normally suit it for.
Now the young Uchiha is in his twenties, and he still doesn't know what he is. People present as Alphas when being nine, in Omegas' case at twelve. As for Izuna, no hint of anything appeared, branding him as the odd case of the Uchiha clan.
It really is frustrating. Everyone talks about heat and love, marks and deep close relationships, bites and rut... Izuna can't get involved in any conversation, as he doesn't know about all that world. Never aware of whether he would be an Alpha or an Omega, he neither bothered to understand their habits. It left him in the middle, where no other case like his exists.
Everyone expected he would present a dominant status. After all, they know Uchihas for the large number of Alphas populating the clan. Only Senju compete with them, having a similar or even higher number of Alphas.
But as the years passed, hopes were disappearing, leaving room for doubt and fear. What would happen if Izuna never presents as anything? What would be his future? His destiny?
Izuna himself had felt pressured by these concerns as a teenager, but growing up, he understood there is much more in life than just two popular branches. While the unknown is scary, it opens an immense window of opportunities.
He had a hard time imagining what people meant by "scent". Many complained about Madara's overpowering aroma, a hostile and frightening fragrance for anyone. He couldn't wrap his head around it, because when he inhaled, his brother smelled of shampoo and clean clothes, as usual since he was a child.
Those special smell everyone described were imperceptible to his senses, and in a way he was grateful for it, for the disgusted face Tobirama makes when Hashirama goes to work while in heat doesn't leave much to be desired.
Izuna can deduce Alphas loathe the sensations other Alphas generate, while whatever an Omega releases into the air, whichever it is, is highly pleasurable. Every time he asks and demands a description, an explanation conducive to a rational concept in his mind, no one can answer him.
No one can explain the physical sensations of a heat, of what it feels like to be marked, of what it feels like to smell someone you are very fond of.
Eventually, the Uchiha understands answers to his questions will not come. He does not belong to that world. The only missing link in the chain, he must learn to deal with it.
Immersed in these depressing thoughts, he finds himself while Aniki and both Senju brothers argue in front of him, the four of them sitting in Hashirama's office while ignoring a monumental amount of work.
He only snaps out of his dark haze of self-pity when Tobirama's voice stops aggressively addressing Madara, changing the subject drastically.
"Do you smell that?"
"You're not getting away from this discussion with a foolish and poor distraction-" Uchiha leader tries simply to be interrupted before finishing.
"I mean it. Don't you sense it?" the white-haired man goes again.
"Your brother is pathetic." Madara resolves addressing Hashirama gravely.
"There's a scent, you futile fool. Inhale."
"I feel nothing, Senju."
"Scent? Tobi, I can’t smell anything with those suppressants you're forcing me to take."
"Don't you dare put the blame on me with you being the one who neglects keeping track of his rut."
"You're both pathetic." Madara corrects, looking up at the ceiling.
“What does it smell like, exactly?” Izuna tries on a desperate chance to get answers.
“Well... it’s like something... beckoning you. As if someone placed your favorite meal in the next room and you cannot fathom the source of the scent, but you sense it. Need to devour is there.”
“Oh... sure, right, yeah... sounds to me like I don’t want to be you right now, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m going home.” Younger Uchiha gives up on trying to grasp onto this strange world. He rises from his seat in front of Hashirama’s desk, but as he turns around, Madara’s voice stops him.
Following his older brother’s eyes, his vision fixes on the chair he was occupying moments ago, being completely stunned at what he finds there. The seat is covered with a clear liquid, texture that presumes to be sticky from how densely it drips to the floor.
Only then do his hands have the reflex to touch his backside, feeling this wet sensation through his clothes. It is incredible to think he did not notice it until now, and he cannot understand where it came from. His eyes widen in panic at the thought of something being wrong with him, a strange thing happening to his body, when a growl bursts onto the scene.
It sounds animalistic and comes directly from Tobirama’s chest, who is now standing and leaning back on the desk while resting both hands on the surface. Long fangs suddenly grow out of his mouth, his eyes turn completely red and ten claws cover his fingers. A true predator.
An Alpha eyeing its prey.
Common sense seems to have completely abandoned the white-haired man, who cannot speak any words unless it is an incoherent sound. Despite Hashirama’s futile attempts to calm him down, the Senju does not back away, his gaze fixed on Izuna.
It is Madara who leaps from his seat and scoops his younger brother into his arms, carrying him as he jumps out the window and flees at full speed away from the other Alphas.
"Of as many moments you could choose to present your status, you had to do it in a room full of Alphas!"
Madara leaps from rooftop to rooftop in desperation, knowing he must hurry if they want to beat the fastest man in the whole damn village on the run.
Who is precisely chasing them.
Several Alphas raise their noses to the air in order to feel Izuna's scent, which seems to suddenly spread all over the place, and the Uchiha leader knows Konoha is not safe anymore.
Their course changes towards the forest, shooting different fire techniques at their feet, so Tobirama loses time behind them.
"Aniki what's going on?!"
"You're a damn Omega, Otouto. Congratulations! We could toast with some Sake for the news if we didn't have a Senju trying to hunt you down!"
"But how can that be?! Why aren't you affected?!"
Jumping, blowing fire, talking and carrying his younger brother would be a nuisance if Madara didn't have the goal of protecting the precious cargo in his arms.
"Does it look like I have answers?! I don't know, Izuna. Maybe because I''m used to your scent? I don't notice any difference in you!"
"But you're carrying me, even though I can use my legs perfectly!"
"Yeah... alright... but... shut the fuck up and do some thinking!"
"Aniki let go of me! It's my rival! I know how to deal with him, I've been doing it for years!"
"I said no!"
"Aniki let me go!"
"I'm not letting go of my Omega-"
Madara will argue later, having mistaken his words because of the branch which hits him right in the forehead, making him fall unconscious to the ground from the height.
Izuna might feel guilty for leaving his big brother there on the forest floor, but he has a hunter to run from, and there's no time to waste. He quickly stands up, thanking fate that branch wasn't in his path as his legs shoot out at an even faster speed than the Uchiha leader.
In his thighs the stickiness is unpleasant, but he is a Shinobi, and knows he must assert himself in any adversity if he wants to survive.
The Senju was always faster than him, but at least he's not using that stupid technique he recently created, the one he keeps bragging about. Looking slightly back, the black-haired man can swear his hunter is running on all fours, and he's getting closer and closer.
A kunai brushes his cheek and the matter becomes more serious, almost grave, a sense of danger plaguing his body.
Izuna didn't regard this game as unsafe, he thought the Senju was having fun. The Uchiha never saw an Alpha's reaction to a newly presented Omega.
Suddenly, Izuna runs because he really wants to escape, not because he wants to win a competition who thought friendly with Tobirama.
The shout is almost desperate, and the only reply is growls sounding nearer and nearer.
Hours ago, the Uchiha was not for this world, simply a mistake. Now, by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he is about to lose everything he earned minutes ago.
He is not ready for that.
A seal sticks on his clothes and his entire body is paralyzed, making him fall hard to the ground. All he can do is insult his hunter as the latter walks menacingly towards him, enjoying the sight of his captured prey.
"Who would have thought... Uchiha Izuna an Omega..."
"Let go of me now and I might not cut your head off, Senju!"
Though his words are laced with venom, fear runs deep under his skin, anxiety whispering in his ear that it is over.
"Why should I spare you when it cost me trouble to hunt you down, Omega?"
"Don't call me that, I have a name!"
And what the Uchiha certainly didn't expect is the slap he receives at that retort. His face turns from the impact and Tobirama's hand mark is clear on his white skin.
"We'll work on your fashions and mannerisms. Nothing beyond fixing, Omega. We shall now proceed to that which concerns us."
The Senju's fangs glint impeccably as he crouches down beside Izuna, leaning over him and going right for his neck. The Uchiha knows what's coming, he's seen too many people bitten to not understand.
"WA-IT! WA-AIT! How... how come you reacted... so fast?! to what happened in your brother's office?!"
Talking won't buy him much time, but if only Madara would wake up and show at the right moment....
"It's simple, Uchiha. Your older brother always bears a scent far too sweet to be his own. It took me a while to deduce it was yours, but it became clear as you made a mess of your seat."
"Ah... ah... and how-"
"Enough, Izuna. I know you too well as to play your games."
Is the last thing he hears as Tobirama closes on him, digging his fangs in.
That day Izuna loses many things, but gains one. One he never asked for and never wanted.
An Alpha.
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xxjinchuurikixx · 1 month
The Nine-Tails is a demon fox, after all. He has needs…
“Kurama, what… what’s…” Naruto asks, his clammy hand slipping along the tiled countertop.
“Uchiha. We need Uchiha, Naruto.”
“What? Why?”
“Mate. We’re in rut.”
Sasuke receives an urgent message to return home. Naruto needs him…
I am alive!! And I posted fic for the first time in like a year!!
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