#new funny fan art comic comics memes meme avengers
milli-moi · 1 year
Domestic Avengers Comic Books
M’kay so, a thought I’ve had a bunch and I feel the need to share with tumblr cause you guys will get it (maybe even generate some fan art/fan comics… *fingers crossed*)
We know that Marvel has a bunch of different comic types right? Some of them have the more fantastical genre, some have more fight scenes and less words, others are more comedy or some (my favourites) are more internal and character driven.
There is one specific genre though that I feel marvel has missed the boat on. If you go on the Avengers section of the fandom interwebs you will find A LOT of domestic avengers.
It was the whole thing for a while right? The fanfic, art and memes based on the Avengers team living together in Avengers tower and doing normal stuff together.
Like, I can give you loads of ideas Marvel, loads of single issue style comics which are light and funny and would interest a bunch of people. They don’t all have to follow that remit of course but a bunch would.
Option one:
Avengers Team building games night.
(You could have a bunch of different games as different episodes but this was my first thought)
Tony: instantly winning, has all the money and is bragging about how he is obviously the best equipped.
Steve: is barely hanging on but claims it’s better to spend money on what the people need than be rich, fundamentally not what the game is about but it’s Steve.
Clint: keeps ending up in jail, claims he knows what’s happening but keeps checking the rules on his phone
Natasha: waits till the end of the game to pull thousands in Monopoly money from her back pocket to the total confusion of all involved. Points out that if anyone knows corruption it’s the Russian one.
Chewie/Goose: eats pieces while Carol observes watching the players frown at the pieces they were sure they put on the board.
Or what about this: individual character pieces.
1. We have some of the team try to teach Vision how to dress for an event, each having their own ideas of how to style clothes, ending in vision looking awful but wearing something each person suggested.
2. Actual intern Peter Parker, on a simple journey through the streets of New York to both collect a complicated coffee order for the team and make it back with all elements involved. Featuring: trying to read Tony’s hand writing, editing the poorly spelled names on cups, avoiding pigeons who REALLY want the croissant he got for himself. Etc.
Movie nights!
practise missions!
Baby sitting!
House rules!
So! Many! Possibilities!
Would love people to tag their own detailed versions and even more would love you to tag your fan made versions of some of these ideas.
Domestic avengers comics- we need you!
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*Meow* 😂😂😂
art by: pencilhead7
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wingshead · 5 years
FULL NAME:  Steven Grant Rogers GENDER & SEXUALITY: male / bisexual ETHNICITY & SPECIES: Irish-American / Human BIRTHPLACE & BIRTHDATE: Upper East Side, NY / July 4th, 1920.
GUILTY PLEASURES: sweets (cupcakes, cakes, chocolate, ice-cream … it’s steve’s secret weakness bc he tries so hard to eat healthy, sweet babe), sleeping in, show boating (he’s such a fucking show off guys, it’s not even funny), acting Innocent and Unassuming to get out of trouble and frustrate people when he acts like he doesn’t know what they’re talking about lmao.
PHOBIAS: waking up to find himself in a different time era again, losing his loved ones in battle, being unable to help someone in need, becoming what he hates / adhering to modern a/immorality, failure
WHAT THEY WOULD BE INFAMOUS FOR: his Guilt Trips, accompanied by his Disapproving Frown. that, and his sometimes infuriating stubborn nature lol
WHAT HAVE THEY/WOULD THEY HAVE GOTTEN ARRESTED FOR: breaking the law & refusing to cooperate with or work for the government, ironically enough haha
CHARACTER YOU SHIP THEM WITH: steve/sharon (the otp), tony/steve ( the other otp ♡ ), steve/wanda ( !!!!!! ), thor/steve, steve/rachel, steve/sam, steve/rebecca (it was short lived but i loved them so so much)
CHARACTER MOST LIKELY TO MURDER THEM: red skull / baron zemo / zola / the baddie of the week. that and tony for steve being so frustratingly stubborn. also sharon. because she’s gotta deal with his bs on a daily basis lmao
FAVORITE BOOK GENRE: historical / philosophical / sci - fi
LEAST FAVORITE BOOK CLICHÉ: sensationalism / shock factors
TALENTS OR POWERS: peak human strength, agility, stamina and reflexes. eidetic memory. world leading strategist. olympic level athlete. master in dozens of fight styles in martial and mixed martial arts, accelerated healing factor, indomitable will, multilingual, doesn’t age.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: he’s considerate. he’s kind. he’s empathetic, and understanding. despite his large and intimidating stature, and his ‘take no bullshit’ attitude, steve’s just a giant teddy bear, haha. he will do his utmost to make sure people are safe and comfortable, and will help those in need - whether they’re being attacked, or they’re in emotional pain. he’s just basically The Ultimate Mom Friend
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: he’s stubborn. he refuses to compromise, and therefore refuses to go along or even listen to plans that compromise. so, steve sometimes doesn’t listen to people, even when their plan is better. because of steve’s iron will and steadfast ideals and morals, people see him as holier-than-thou. also, villains hate him ‘cause he kicks their asses, lmao.
HOW THEY CHANGE: he doesn’t. steve over the past 75 years has remained largely unchanged as a whole. he still follows the same set of ideals and morals that he did in the 1940s, and is still the same person. still thinks the same. HOWEVER, this does change from time to time when he’s been betrayed, or when his loved ones are threatened. steve gets really ugly then. he does not rule out doing some bad stuff. he has threatened to kill, has aimed to kill, has let people been tortured. he hates doing it but. he does it. shit’s bad ya’ll. apart from anything to do with his loved ones though, steve changes in his response to the world. he always aims to go bigger, to tackle the next issue. he, eventually, manages to accept guilt and blame when he’s guilty and to be blamed – like how he hasn’t helped the x-men enough.
WHY YOU LOVE THEM: okay … li s t en. i’m going to try not to get too into this and write like, a whole fucking novel on him ok. lmao. but … i’ve been a fan of steve rogers since i was a kid. my father introduced me to marvel comics. i loved him. fell out of comics for a bit in like 2009, picked them back up like two years ago after ca:tws came out. fell in love with steve rogers again and to a whole new level because i could actually understand better what he stood for. fell out of love with comics in 2016 because of the bullshit nick spencer pulled with h*dra cap. got back into it now that it’s been over for a while and the first issue of the waid/samnee run pulled at my heart strings. steve rogers is … he’s an ideal. a lot of people look up to him. i look up to him. he’s a pretty popular superhero, despite many people not seeing him as a superhero since he has no superpowers. he’s not an anti-hero, or a sometimes hero, or a hero on the weekends, he’s a hero. his ideals, his morals, his belief system, they are so simple but pointed true north. protect those who cannot protect themselves, fight for what’s right even if others push you down or refuse to listen, and help one another. steve rogers doesn’t fight for the government, or for the country. he fights for the people. first and foremost. and despite all the shit that the world has thrown at him, despite all of the loss and the death and the grief and the hits he’s taken, the insults, the betrayals, the shocks, the trauma — steve rogers has remained steve rogers this entire time. the world can fuck him up, it can beat him down, it can shove him into the dirt and spit on him, and steve doesn’t let it change who he is. steve doesn’t let corruption touch him, doesn’t let his ideals waver, doesn’t let it stop him from fighting for what’s good and what’s right and fighting for the people who need it. steve could have easily, so easily, been a completely different person. near any other man would have broken and shattered under the weight of everything he’s been through and all of the responsibility that he carries on his shoulders every single day of his life. he could have been the most bitter, jaded, despicable fuck you have ever seen in your entire life.
but he isn’t. he’s kind. he’s compassionate. he sees the flaws in society and the corruption in the government and isn’t afraid to call people out on it. he isn’t afraid to disagree or go against his government if they do something that he can’t morally stand by. steve has trained every single avenger in hand-to-hand combat himself. he considers them family. he gives them the support they need - emotional, physical, mental. a lot of avengers, new and old, are/were reformed criminals, because cap gave them a second chance and vouched for them. he believes people can change. he has a huge heart. that’s been there since before the super soldier serum. steve is just such a good man, who looks for nothing else than the chance to help people, and constantly puts them before himself. he has given up and sacrificed so much of his life and of his own personal dreams in order to keep being what the public and the world needs him to be. he helps people. first and foremost.
and he doesn’t ask for anything in return other than for others to do the same.
TAGGED BY:  no one !
TAGGING: @ukubi / @roikhoi / @armorforged / @decommed / @theimperiusrex / @bestdefender / @gamenu / & anyone who wants to do this!!
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A short(possible long) list of fandoms I keep tabs on WARNING: SPOILERS
1. Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus and friends: Gosh, where do I start? I discovered the series back in seventh grade, right around when House of Hades came out(haha that’s a good one). I didn't start out on the original five books, mostly because, and get this, they weren’t in my A.R. range. How ridiculous is that? Also, I was into the bigger books, mostly because I was SUPER shy at that point and reading was an escape(It still is, surprisingly). I eventually got around to reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and I just bought the books from Target, which means I have PJO and HOO, and book 1 of Trials of Apollo. Sadly, no Magnus Chase or the rest of TOA yet, because it’s expensive and my shelf doesn’t have that much room on it anymore(and I don’t want access to the worst thing Rick has done yet). The movies(what movies? there were no movies! what are you talking about?) are good if you take them away from the books(howcouldyousaysomethingsocontroversialyetsobrave?) and the musical(look at the broadway section of this post) is awesome!  I love the ships, canon and fanon, and the fact that this fandom is relatively chill is awesome.(No warring sides or tearing itself apart.(*cough* Voltron *cough*)) The fans are awesome and so is the art and writings. Thanks Uncle Rick!
2. Marvel Cinematic Universe(since I’ve never read the comics, as there are WAY too many for this girl): I LOVE this fandom. It is one of the best places to see what a good fandom is like, even after Infinity War. They stay positive and are usually up for debates, not wars. The art is INCREDIBLE and the fans are super supportive. I’ve been here since 2008, and even though I was young, I still am chilling out. This is my favorite fandom, and Thanos can’t snap me away from it. We all are super psyched for Captain Marvel, Avengers 4, and Spider-Man: Far From Home. I am really counting on those movies to fix things, but with RDJ missing from the FFH cast, and big actors’ contracts expiring, it’ll be dark times for the fans and fandom.
3. Oh dear lordy, Voltron: My first thing that I want to say is that this fandom has taken a turn for the worse. After season 6, the fandom became toxic and was bashing its creators and producers, as well as artists and fans. The fandom has torn itself apart after season 7, which was released on August 10. 13 days later, they seem to be doing better, but there are still a lot of negative people that are pouring salt in the wound and are keeping it from being completely healed before its final season, dropping later this year. The ship wars in this fandom are brutal, and it gets worse every time a season drops. The best way I can put it is that the fans have gone insane, and not the happy insane. I personally feel bad for Lauren Montgomery, because she has been the target of many bashings, but I am glad that the cast and positive fans are standing up for the executives and producers. One of the few good things here is the art. It is exceptional and is so well done. If you want to check some stuff out, find @honestlyprettychill on Instagram and youtube, and Captain Lumin on here and other sites. Those two have good quality art and such, and they keep it positive. If there are others that you have found, let me know.
4. OH MY GOODNESS IT’S TIME FOR............. BROADWAY!!!!!!! I first fell in love with Broadway stuff last year, after seeing Emirichu’s animatic of Legally Blonde. Shortly later, I found Hamilton, which was a ride of its own. Then the dam burst. I got hit by Dear Evan Hansen, Be More Chill, Wicked, and finally, THE LIGHTNING THEIF! (This musical has been done so well and is so accurate. They have done SO much better with one show than with two movies[that don’t exist what do you mean?]) Until Heathers walked in, but that’s okay. My life has been changed slightly, but I can’t say for better or for worse yet.
5. Erm, Supernatural, I guess??? I don’t know a whole lot about this except that there are GIFs of anything and the memes are great. The fans are cool and are dorky, but in a cute way. This fandom has made it through 13 solid seasons. That’s rad, dudes.
6. The flarrowverse should go next. This fandom is hilarious and everyone is supportive. There aren‘t very many issues with this group, and it’s not hard to see why. The casting is on point and the actors have an amazing time doing what they do best. Save the world in our hearts. 
7. Star Wars. This fandom is super funny and is really exciting. The fandom is always prepared for a new movie and are really energetic.
I’ll address the fandoms more in context with the ship posts.
Until next time, this is SpicyKetchup, signing off.
p.s.: the next post will be about ships!
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marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray.....
1. Re: TED talks w Jon Jandai PP Pun Pun [left pointing carrot symbol removed][email protected][right pointing carrot removed] Sun 9/1/2019 11:42 PM Inbox To: marla ([email protected]); Dear Marla.... Thank you for your email. You are correct. The modern world has indeed built itself into a strange illusion that suggests security when in truth, as you have mentioned here, we are far from it. Nature provides us with all we need, for free. Unfortunately, due to the fruition of seeds long ago sown by a few with very different versions of reality, many now struggle for what should be easy. And for many, like you, to do what we are fortunate to still be able to do here in Thailand will require major changes to laws, and infrastructure, city planning, and ultimately over all consciousness regarding what it means to be human. But there is good news! Many are already working hard to make this return to sanity occur, even in what is currently referred to as The United States. Are you hoping to come stay and learn with us? Yes! we can help you learn how to build a home easily from earth. I have attached our volunteer information which contains more general information, and an online application form. If you wish to volunteer please let me know your requested dates and submit your completed application form. We will then hold a space for you assuming your requested dates are still available when I hear back from you. Your completed application form and confirmation of dates via email secures your space with us so please complete it as soon as possible. And if you are simply asking some important questions, wonderful. If you wish to know of people in The States doing similar work, please let us know where you are located and we can share our contacts with you. Hope this helps. Keep the seeds alive! Gregory Pettys 2. Dear Gregory or others at Pun Pun.... Hello and thank you for your wonderful message. Please let me know about any contacts in the United States in my area. I live in the area of Richmond, Virginia. Its in the southeastern United States. I would love to visit Thailand as well. So I will have to think about that. It is easier for me to try to find out information here possibly. This being such an exciting endeavor, it would be great to find others possibly nearby with the same interest as well. Once more, I will keep in mind visiting and volunteering with Pun Pun. It is such a great thing to invest in: self-reliance. It makes only sense to one's own well being and one trying to do anything at all. Thank you. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 3. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0YPUUpFG27/?hl=en 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvqby3Vgpiz/?hl=en 5. 242 likes chris_hemsworth_fan_paage Devil 👿 -------------------------------------------------------- @chris_hemsworth_fan_paage 👈 --------------------------------------------------------- . . . . . #marvel #avengers #spiderman #dc #art #ironman #mcu #comics #marvelcomics #follow #infinitywar #captainamerica #memes #love #thor #like #funny #hulk #avengersinfinitywar #deadpool #ps #fortnite #batman #anime #blackpanther #christmas #peterparker #tomholland #tonystark aevindee ฉันชอบเครา��องคุณ 0zhenechka0 He's super cute.😍😍😍💋💋💋💖💖💖 MARCH 31 6. https://www.instagram.com/chris_hemsworth_fan_paage/?hl=en 7. Sounds like zoco said "think about the song". 8. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2BWaUInd6p/?hl=en 9. 336 views chris_hemsworth_fan_paage Wohhhh new plan of workout 💪🏻 Follow ⏩ @chris_hemsworth_fan_paage 👈🏻 . . . . . . . . . . @chrishemsworth @elsapatakyconfidential #marvel #avengers #spiderman #dc #art #ironman #mcu #comics #marvelcomics #follow #infinitywar #captainamerica #memes #love #thor #like #funny #hulk #avengersinfinitywar #deadpool #ps #fortnite #batman #anime #blackpanther #christmas #peterparker #tomholland #tonystark evewmurphy 😌😅😮😯😅😌☺ marlaluster Sounds like zoco said "think about the song". 7 HOURS AGO 10. chris_hemsworth_fan_paage's profile picture chris_hemsworth_fan_paage Chris hemsworth fan page THOR his smile💓 Started on 10 feb 2019 Chris + Marvel follow for know more about chris hemsworth's life Followed by hemsworth_123, chris_my.baby, chrishemsworth_love + 2 more Funny 572 posts 11.3k followers 356 following chris_hemsworth_fan_paage 11. https://www.instagram.com/chris_hemsworth_fan_paage/?hl=en 12. Re: TED talks w Jon Jandai PP Pun Pun Wed 9/4/2019 10:52 PM Inbox To: marla ([email protected]); Hello Marla. I have been very inspired by Soul Fire Farm. http://www.soulfirefarm.org/meet-the-farmers/ It is indeed very hard to do what we do in America. Many MANY laws will need to change and a massive shift in values before that can happen. But things are starting to shift. It is imperative we all get involved politically as well as on a grass roots level at this time. The Green New Deal seems like it might help with this. Please do keep in touch. Smile and breathe,, Greg 13. http://www.soulfirefarm.org/contact/ 14. love ((AT)) soulfirefarm.org 15. Dear people at Soul Fire Farm: I found out about you after contacting a place called Pun Pun in Thailand. I was looking for a contact for something similar to Pun Pun but in the United States since I am presently in Midlothian, VA. I am told it is difficult to replicate conditions in Thailand in the United States, but I still would wish to ask my question anyway. Do you help people build their own home at Soul Fire Farm? I found out about Pun Pun after i saw a YouTube video with the founder Jon Jandai talking. It is a part of a series of talks called, I think, TEDx talks. Pun Pun is a farm too n the place help people to be self-reliant n have a simpler life. Please help with my question above. I simply have a difficult time in the present way of the world n am trying to see if i can somehow have a home be more accessible to me. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 16. Dear people at Soul Fire Farm: I found out about you after contacting a place called Pun Pun in Thailand. I was looking for a contact for something similar to Pun Pun but in the United States since I am presently in Midlothian, VA. I am told it is difficult to replicate conditions in Thailand in the United States, but I still would wish to ask my question anyway. Do you help people build their own home at Soul Fire Farm? I found out about Pun Pun after i saw a YouTube video with the founder Jon Jandai talking about how things should be simpler for people to live and have things they need to live. It is a part of a series of talks called, I think, TEDx talks. Pun Pun is a farm too n the place helps people to be self-reliant n have a simpler life. Please help with my question above. I simply have a difficult time in the present way of the world n am trying to see if I can somehow have a home be more accessible to me. And I wish to find like minded people to myself, as well, such as Jon Jandai. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 17. Dear people at Soul Fire Farm: I found out about you after contacting a place called Pun Pun in Thailand. I was looking for a contact for something similar to Pun Pun but in the United States since I am presently in Midlothian, VA. I am told it is difficult to replicate conditions in Thailand in the United States, but I still would wish to ask my question anyway. Do you help people build their own home at Soul Fire Farm? I found out about Pun Pun after i saw a YouTube video with the founder Jon Jandai talking about how things should be simpler for people to live and have things they need to live. It is a part of a series of talks called, I think, TEDx talks. Pun Pun is a farm too and the place helps people to be self-reliant and have a simpler life. Please help with my question above. I simply have a difficult time in the present way of the world and am trying to see if I can somehow have a home be more accessible to me. And I wish to find like minded people to myself, as well, such as Jon Jandai. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 18. Dear Greg and others at Pun Pun, I don't often have ease of communicating with others as I have had in these instances of hearing from you. Maybe this is indicating I should try to see about visiting Thailand. Thats not hugely accessible to me. It feels like it would be a difficult endeavor presently. I hope this is not too much to ask, but can you tell me more about yourself and how you came to Pun Pun n what is your position there? Can you tell me anything that stands out to you about Pun Pun? I am mostly interested because of the TEDx talk i saw with Jon Jandai n because of your messages. It is not very easy to find like-minded people. But finding this can make life much easier and better. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 19. Dear Greg and others at Pun Pun, I very much wish to keep in touch. I don't often have ease of communicating with others as I have had in these instances of hearing from you. Maybe this is indicating I should try to see about visiting Thailand. Thats not hugely accessible to me. It feels like it would be a difficult endeavor presently. I hope this is not too much to ask, but can you tell me more about yourself and how you came to Pun Pun n what is your position there? Can you tell me anything that stands out to you about Pun Pun? I am mostly interested because of the TEDx talk i saw with Jon Jandai n because of your messages. It is not very easy to find like-minded people. But finding this can make life much easier and better. I dont know how i would do on a farm. I have had interest in them but i dont love to get dirty. I love nature n flowers blooming. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 20. 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