#nocturne in blue and silver
scatterghosts · 2 years
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Emerging by The Mountain Goats // Nocturne: Blue and Silver by James Abbott McNeill Whistler 
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nokissforthedauphin · 4 months
Der Fußschellenwalzer III - Last Part!
Eben jenes Weihnachtsfest verfluchte Youma im Moment ebenfalls. Diese Peinlichkeit! Und das nur für zwei Stunden! Zugegeben, seine kleine Schneekugel war nicht die allerbeste oder einfallsreichste Idee auf Erden gewesen, aber so langsam bereute er es, nicht auf Reitzel gehört zu haben. Hätte er es doch nur getan, dann hätte er vor Shaginai nicht dermaßen sein Gesicht verloren! Argh, warum war er nur so ein schlechter Lügner!
Umgezogen hatte er sich trotz allem aber dennoch, obwohl er sich eigentlich viel lieber einfach nur die Haare raufen würde, in der Hoffnung diese Blamage schnell zu vergessen. Kaum, dass er sich aber in dem schwarzen Anzug gekleidet hatte, beruhigte er sich ein wenig. Der schwarze Stoff fühlte sich eigenartig an auf seiner Haut und er fand auch, dass er komisch aussah im Spiegel, obwohl es doch gar nicht so lange her war, dass er oft schwarz getragen hatte… Er drehte sich im Spiegel, besah sich von allen Seiten, wischte den Staub von den Ärmeln und schloss die Manschetten. Ein Kleidungsstück aus der Menschenwelt, eines von Nocturns ersten Geschenken, damals noch, dass es zwischen ihnen nichts als Zank und Hass gegeben hatte, nur geschenkt, damit er auf den Straßen von Paris nicht auffiel und neben ihm nicht unpassend aussah. Es waren Stoffe aus der Menschenwelt und doch fühlte Youma sich plötzlich dazu verleitet seine Hand zu öffnen und seine Schatten kristallisieren zu lassen, in Form von Blumen, die sich von seiner Handfläche aus erhoben. Seine Magie zu sehen… Youma lächelte… war sofort…
„Oh lala!“ Nocturns Stimme ließ Youma hochfahren und beinahe gegen den geöffneten Schrank donnern. Überrascht wollte er seinen Namen rufen, aber Nocturn kam ihm mit einem Grinsen zuvor:
„Wie schick du aussiehst! Was für ein ungewohnter Anblick; diesen Anzug habe ich ja schon lange nicht mehr gesehen.“ Grinsend lehnte er sich an den Türrahmen, mimte den Heiteren, aber auch wenn das Licht im Umkleideraum des Yamis nicht eingeschaltet war – er vergaß es sehr oft – entgingen ihm nicht… dass Nocturn mitgenommen aussah. Was… hatte Hizashi mit ihm getan? Offensichtlich hatte er nicht vorgehabt Nocturn von seinen Hand- und Fußschellen zu befreien, denn die trug er immer noch.
„Hör auf so besorgt auszusehen, das schmeichelt mir nicht.“ Nocturn zuckte mit einem schiefen Grinsen mit den Schultern:
„Den Sadismus eines wahnsinnigen Forschers zu überleben ist doch meine leichteste Übung!“
„Nocturn, das ist wirklich nicht lustig. Darüber macht man keine Scherze“, antwortete Youma mit besorgter, aber auch strenger Stimme, während er die Schranktür schloss.
„Oh ich mache keine Witze, ich spreche nur die Wahrheit. Es war ja auch nicht meine erste Sitzung mit ihm und er hat viel zu viel Spaß mit meinem Körper um mich zu töten, glaub mir. Wenn ich es nicht besser wüsste, würde ich denken, ich sei sein größter Schatz.“ Er löste sich von Türrahmen und tänzelte geschwind durch den Raum, bis er vor ihm stehen blieb, mit zusammengelegten Handflächen:
„Aber sag mir lieber zu welchem Anlass du dich so hübsch gemacht hast!“ Freude wischte die Zeichen der Schwäche nun gänzlich weg und Vorfreude erhellte seine Augen, brachte das Rot deutlich zum Leuchten:
„Darf ich etwa auf ein ganz besonderes Weihnachtsfest mit meinem cher Dauphin hoffen…?“ Er lehnte sich vor, wurde aber von Youmas ausgestreckten Finger aufgehalten, der ihn auf seine Brust legte um ihn zurückzuschieben. Aber seine Wangen waren leicht errötetet als er das tat.
„Ouuuu!“ Nocturn klatschte noch einmal die Hände zusammen:
„Was soll ich dann zu diesem Anlass anziehen?“ Die Erwartung in Nocturns Augen wurde immer größer und auf einmal fand Youma Reitzels Idee doch nicht mehr ganz so doof.
„Etwas, was dazu passt wäre gut.“ Nocturn grinste noch breiter und die Freude war so greifbar, dass Youma sofort ebenfalls lächelte. Nocturn kicherte, machte eine Pirouette um sich selbst und ließ sie in einer eleganten Verbeugung ausgleiten.
„Euer Wunsch ist mein Befehl, mein Prinz!“
Nocturn brauchte keine 15 Minuten um neuangekleidet zum verabredeten Teleportationspunkt zu kommen – mit Hin- und Rückweg zu seiner Kammer, die so weit weg lag von Youmas, dass man meinen könnte, man hätte sie mit Absicht voneinander trennen wollen. Er war so schnell, dass Youma sich kurz fragte, ob er und Reitzel womöglich zusammen gearbeitet hatten und er deswegen schon alles bereit gelegt hatte – dieser Gedanke wurde allerdings sehr schnell aus Youmas Kopf gefegt, als dieser Nocturn… und seine rote Schleife entdeckte, die er sich um den Hals gebunden hatte. Seine Augen konnten sie gar nicht gehen lassen, während Nocturn sich noch einmal vor ihm auf dem verzierten Boden des Teleportationspunktes verneigte; zwei Dämonen, die hier im Tempel eigentlich gar nichts zu suchen hatten und im Moment aussahen, wie zwei Menschen, die sich in einer magischen Welt verirrt hatten.
„Das… ist die Schleife deiner früheren Uniform.“ Die Worte Youmas ließen Nocturn verwundert blinzeln und dann unsicher Grinsen:
„Exakt. Das erkennst du? Es hätte doch jede andere Schleife sein können.“ Ertappt errötete Youma sofort und sah weg – dennoch, so peinlich berührt er auch gerade war, ihm lagen die Worte auf der Zunge, dass er diese Schleife unter Hunderten erkennen würde. Er hatte sie zu oft betrachtet, zu oft gedacht, dass sie Nocturn stand, sie mehr als einmal in Wut zusammen mit seinem Kragen gepackt und einmal in Liebe gelöst und dessen Knoten geöffnet…
Schnell schüttelte Youma den Kopf und nahm einen beherzten Schritt auf Nocturn zu.
„Bist du bereit für diesen Abend, Nocturn?“ Er schüttelte noch einmal kurz den Kopf, fasste sich aber schnell wieder und öffnete seine Hand für Nocturn.
„Nein. Lass es mich anders formulieren. Bist du bereit diesen Abend der Weihnacht mit mir zu verbringen?“ Nocturn sah zuerst die Hand an, dann erwiderte er mit einem bübischen Grinsen Youmas ernsten Blick:
„Wie könnte ich so eine verlochende Einladung ablehnen?“
Er nahm die Hand seines Partners-----------
                     --------------- und fand sich, wie er es erwartet und erhofft hatte, in Paris wieder.
Doch der Ort überraschte den Kenner der Stadt der Liebe. Paris hatte so viele Orte wo man alleine sein konnte, so viele schöne Straßen über die man flanieren konnte, so viele Restaurants, wo Youma hätte reservieren können und die alle so perfekt zu ihren Aussehen passten – warum waren sie ausgerechnet auf dem Trocadero Platz? Nicht, dass Nocturn sich beschweren wollte, er liebte Paris, liebte es hier, aber verwunderlich war es.
„Hier? Von allen Orten, die du dir hättest aussuchen können, hast du uns hier hin gebracht? Hast du dich falsch teleportiert?“ Tatsächlich sah Youma ziemlich überrascht und überrumpelt aus.
„Warum… warum sind hier so viele Menschen?“ Nocturn war kurz davor loszuprusten, als er diese Worte hörte – das war mal wieder typisch Youma! Erwartete, dass nur, weil er irgendwo alleine sein wollte, dass jedes Lebewesen natürlich diesen Wunsch respektierte und automatisch das weite suchte. Erwartete sein Prinz doch tatsächlich, dass an Weihnachten niemand anderes den Eiffelturm bewunderte! Ja, es waren weniger Touristen als sonst auf der Aussichtsplattform des Trocaderoplatzes zu Gegend als Nocturn es gewohnt war, aber es waren immer noch gut 300 Menschen; von den üblichen Touristen, die sich vor dem glitzernden Turm fotografierten, schreienden Kindern, Straßenkünstlern und den aufdringlichen Verkäufern von Touristenramsch. Es war laut, es war schrill. Zucker lag in der Luft, denn auch an Weihnachten wurde hier Zuckerwatte verkauft, zusammen mit gebrannte Mandeln. Der Platz war so hell erleuchtet, dass man die Sterne der Nacht kaum sah.
„Ich… ich wollte mit dir alleine sein…“ Nocturn musste sich sehr viel Mühe geben dem Drang des Lachens nicht nachzugeben. Oh Youma! Oh sein Prinz! Er hatte so wenig Ahnung von der Menschenwelt! Jetzt ließ er sich auch noch gänzlich erschlagen von seinen verpatzten Plänen auf die Kante der nach unten führenden Treppen nieder. Er sah aus wie ein Häufchen Elend. Er bemerkte gar nicht, wie Nocturn ihn bemitleidend und äußerst amüsiert angrinste.
„Was wollte mein Prinz denn hier…? Was war sein Plan?“
„Ich wollte mit dir tanzen.“ Youma sah auf den Boden, gänzlich niedergeschlagen.
„Deswegen habe ich eine Ausrede gefunden um nicht bei der Ratssitzung dabei zu sein, habe mich vor Adir und Shaginai blamiert, habe Reitzel mit hineingezogen… Ich wollte mit dir tanzen, hier. Als Weihnachtsgeschenk. So wie damals, als du mich nachts hierhin entführt hast und wir bis zum Morgengrauen getanzt haben.“ Damals war es drei Uhr nachts gewesen. Der einzige Zeitpunkt des Tages, wo selbst Touristen etwas besseres zu tun hatten, als Selfies zu machen… das hatte Nocturn ihm auch erklärt, aber damit sollte er seinen armen niedergeschlagenen Prinzen lieber nicht aufziehen, huh.
„Ou, du hast dir ja wirklich richtig viel Mühe gegeben.“
„Das habe ich ja auch!“ Youma sah richtig verzweifelt aus, fügte sogar hinzu, dass sie nun genauso gut zurückkonnten, aber Nocturn hörte ihm gar nicht zu. Er sah mit einem Lächeln über die Schulter, zu den Straßenkünstlern, wo gerade viel zu kitschige, amerikanische Weihnachtsmusik gespielt wurde, aus mitgebrachten Lautsprechern, deren Qualität in Nocturns Ohren knirschte. Hm…
„Die Qualität der Musik ist ein Graus, aber der Takt ist doch gar nicht übel.“ Youma horchte auf. Nicht wegen Nocturns Worten, sondern wegen der Bewegung seiner Füße: er ließ seine Hake auf den Boden aufschlagen, schlug den Takt ein des Liedes und drehte sich dann schon mit einer eleganten Drehung herum.
„Nocturn, was…“ Youma richtete sich auf, aber Nocturn hatte sich schon mehrere Meter von ihm entfernt.
„Was ich vorhabe?“ Er warf ein Grinsen über die Schulter:
„Das wofür wir hier sind natürlich: Tanzen!“ Und das tat er auch. Ganz egal wie viele Augen sich ihm plötzlich zuwandten, ganz egal wie viel Aufmerksamkeit plötzlich auf ihn lag und ob die Musik plötzlich wechselte. Er tanzte, tanzte mit sich selbst – nein, tanzte, als würde er mit einem unsichtbaren Tanzpartner tanzen, voller Leidenschaft und Hingabe.
Um Youma herum zückten einige Menschen ihre komischen flachen Kommunikationsgeräte und richteten diese auf Nocturn, der sich davon allerdings nicht stören ließ. Er tanzte einfach weiter, bewegte seinen mageren Körper zur Musik, die er mit seinen Schritten zu formen schien, als mache er die Musik. Seine langen Beine tanzten einen Walzer mit sich selbst und mit den Ketten die um seine Fußgelenke gelegt waren. Eigentlich müssten die Fußketten ihn einschränken oder irgendwie behindern; sie müssten Fehl am Platze aussehen, aber irgendwie… war es, als schuf er seinen ganz eigenen Tanz mit den Ketten. Kein einziges Mal brachten sie ihn zum Stolpern, kein einziges Mal behinderten sie ihn und plötzlich… nervte das Klirren der Ketten Youma gar nicht mehr. Nocturn vereinte sie in seinem Tanz; so sehr, dass niemand über die stutzte. Die Menschen glaubten wohl die Ketten seien ein Teil der Show, die ihnen geboten wurde, die Nocturn ihnen da bot – ein getanztes Kunstwerk.
Jeder Schritt war so energisch wie das Leuchten seiner Augen, wie das Rot seiner Schleife, die durch die Luft gewirbelt wurde.
Er brachte die Nacht zum Leuchten.
Einmal, nicht dieses Jahr, sondern eines der Jahre, in der Youma auch in dieser glitzernden, lauten Stadt gelebt hatte, hatte Nocturn Youma gefragt, ob er nicht irgendwelche Wünsche zu Weihnachten hätte, die er ihm erfüllen könnte… und heute war ja auch diese Nacht, diese Nacht, in der Wünsche erfüllt wurden.
… aber wenn er ihn so sah… ihn tanzen sah, vor dem von ihm geliebten Turm, in seiner geliebten Stadt… dann war Youma wunschlos glücklich.
„All I want for christmas is youuuuu.“ Die Töne des Liedes verklungen und mit den letzten Tönen kam auch Nocturn mit einer völlig übertriebenen Verbeugung zum Stillstand. Wohlverdienter Applaus erschütterte sich über den Flötenspieler, dessen Brust sich schnell hob und senkte und dessen ganze Erscheinung strahlte und so verdammt charmant aussah, dass Youma drauf und dran war sein Gesicht hinter einer Hand zu verstecken.
„Merci! Thank you!“, rief Nocturn freudetrunken der Menge zu, die die Handys wieder senkte – doch dann, während das nächste kitschig klingende Lied angespielt wurde, sprang Nocturn in zwei Schritten zu Youma und – sang auf einmal?!
„This year to save me from tears I give my heart to someone special!” Youma verstand kein Wort von dem, was Nocturn da sagte, aber er verstand sehr wohl, was er vorhatte und sofort schüttelte er den Kopf – doch Nocturn wäre nicht Nocturn, wenn er die Proteste seines Prinzen nicht ignorieren würde. Er packte seine Hände – beide auf einmal – und ein elektrisierender Stoß ging durch Youma, als hätte Magie in Nocturns dünnen Händen gelegen. Überrumpelt ließ er sich in die Mitte des Platzes ziehen, wo schnell wieder Platz für ihn gemacht wurde. Youma wollte der Aufmerksamkeit entfliehen, protestieren, aber da zog Nocturn ihn schon mit in den Tanz hinein, so gekonnt, so leidenschaftlich, so voller Freude, dass Youma jegliche Aufmerksamkeit vergaß und sich mitziehen ließ, entfachen ließ von seiner Energie und seiner Begeisterung.
Zuerst tanzten sie ziemlich unorthodox, beide Hände festhaltend, aber dennoch gänzlich synchron, aber dann, in der Mitte des Liedes, übernahm Youma die Führung des Tanzes, die Nocturn ihm bereitwillig überließ, als hätte er nur darauf gewartet im Takt eines Walzers in seinen Armen zu schmelzen. Ihre Blicke trafen sich und obwohl sie nichts sagten… hörte Youma die Worte die Nocturn fühlte; hörte sie in seinen Augen und flüsterte sie in den Tanz hinein:
„Ich dich auch, Nocturn.“
Es gab keinen Grund im Jenseits durchzuatmen; es gab ja keine Luft, die man einatmen könnte. Aber einige Hikari legten diese natürliche Angewohnheit dennoch nicht ab und auch Reitzel erwischte sich bei dieser unsinnigen Tat, ehe er um die Ecke ging, begleitet von Hizashis Schritten, die er schon von weiten gehört hatte.
Schritte, die sofort innehielten, als er Reitzel sah.
Ein deutliches Stirnrunzeln zeichnete sich unter seinen hellem Haar ab und wenn Reitzel sich nicht irrte, dann war er kurz sogar ein wenig erschrocken seinen Mithikari und früheren Schüler dort zu sehen, als wäre es ein unangebrachtes Kapitalverbrechen, dass Reitzel sich überhaupt in der Nähe seines Raumes befinden könnte.
„Hat der kleine Reitzel sich etwa verirrt?“ Die Irritation in Hizashis Stimme stach Reitzel ein wenig; es war doch nur 120 Jahre her, da war Reitzel beinahe täglich in diesem Bereich des Jenseits gewesen.
„Nein, ich wollte zu dir, Hizashi“, antwortete er dennoch mit einem gekonnten, höflichen Lächeln. Es sollte auch eigentlich absolut offensichtlich sein, dass er zu ihm wollte, denn in diesem Bereich des Jenseits gab es nichts… absolut nichts anderes außer Hizashis Raum. Alle anderen Hikari, die hier ihre gehabt hatten, waren schon längst nicht mehr in Jenseits. Adirs Raum war der nächste und dieser war… weit weg von hier. Andere Hikari würden sich sicherlich einsam fühlen, aber Reitzel war sich sicher, dass Hizashi nichts dagegen hatte, allein zu sein. Meistens jedenfalls.
„Zu mir? Ha.“ Hizashi schüttelte den Kopf und fand wieder zu seinem kalten Lächeln zurück, mit dem er jeden erdolchen konnte.
„Dann hast du wohl den falschen Zeitpunkt ausgesucht. Ein Hikari wie ich… muss zum Rat.“ Sehr kindische Stichelei, aber irgendwie schien Hizashi zu glauben, dass es Reitzel störte, nicht Teil des Rates zu sein.
„Wenn du ein Anliegen hast – reich es schriftlich ein. Ich antworte, wenn ich Zeit habe.“ Mit diesen recht abfälligen Worten ging er an Reitzel vorbei, der sich ein wenig Zeit ließ mit dem Antworten – aber nun war es an der Zeit Youma den versprochenen Gefallen zu tun.
Hah, wem belog er da eigentlich. Ihm ging es doch gar nicht um Youma.
Er wollte sich doch nur sein eigenes Weihnachtsgeschenk holen.
„Hizashi.“ Widerwillig drehte Hizashi sich wieder herum, aber Reitzel war froh, dass er es tat, denn er wollte sein Gesicht sehen.
„Sind deine Ohren von Menschenluft verpestet oder habe ich mich nicht klar genug ausgedrückt?“ Doch das hatte er. Dennoch zögerte sein ehemaliger Schüler den Moment ein wenig hinaus, als wolle er ihn gänzlich ausschöpfen.
„Der nächste Band der Dämonen Enzyklopädie der nun zum 10ten Mal neu aufgelegt wird, ist der vierte, nicht wahr?“ Jetzt hatte er Hizashis Aufmerksamkeit. Natürlich. Es ging ja auch um sein Lebenswerk.
„Ja? Worauf willst du hinaus?“ Seine Stimme war schneidender als seine Waffe, aber Reitzel ließ sich nicht einschüchtern.
„Hast du Kapitel 36 überarbeitet?“ Nichts in Hizashis Gesicht sah noch nach einem Lächeln aus – und das alleine war schon ein großer Verdienst.
„Warum findet der kleine Reitzel, dass ich Kapitel 36 überarbeiten sollte?“
„Findest du nicht, dass die Feldarbeit im besagten Kapitel etwas dürftig ausgefallen ist? Heutzutage gäbe es doch andere Möglichkeiten diese etwas auszuarbeiten.“ Und da hatte er ihn. Genau wie er es sich gedacht hatte. Hizashis ganzes Gesicht versteifte sich in Wut und sofort stand er vor ihm.
„Wie bitte? Kritisierst du mich etwa?“ Was war es armselig von Reitzel, dass er sich so über diese Reaktion freute; so sehr, dass er beinahe anfing zu strahlen, einfach nur weil Hizashi ihm nun sämtliche Aufmerksamkeit zukommen ließ. Der Rat war unwichtig geworden – die Zeit genauso. Es war armselig, er wusste es – und dennoch genoss er es in vollen Zügen.
Endlich ein Gespräch!
„Aber nein, ich kritisiere dich nicht. Ich denke nur, man könnte in dieses Kapitel ein wenig mehr Arbeit investieren. Mit mehr Zeit für Feldforschung…“
„Beim Licht der Göttin Hikaru! Wie soll ich mich denn der Feldforschung widmen, wenn ich Dämonen nicht…“ Hizashi war doch tatsächlich gerade so in Rage, dass er beinahe „foltern“ gesagt hätte, aber er konnte sich gerade noch beherrschen.
„Wenn Adir meine Arbeit nicht so dermaßen blockieren würde…!“  
„Aber du stimmst mir zu, dass dieses Kapitel noch weiter ausarbeiten könnte?“
„Natürlich tue ich das! Glaubst du, ich weiß es nicht selbst?!“ Doch natürlich wusste er das.
„Man könnte sich auch normaler Feldforschung widmen. Unblutiger Natur. Durch Beobachtung…“
„Oh komm mir nicht wieder damit; komm mir nicht wieder mit der „Natur des Dämons“ oder noch schlimmer: deren Wesen!“ Er knirschte mit den Zähnen, aber Reitzel wusste es – er hatte ihn. Er hatte ihn genau da wo er ihn haben konnte und Hizashi unbemerkt – der einfach weiter redete – lächelte er ein wenig triumphierend, aber größer als der Triumph wog… die Freude.
Wie lange war es nicht her, dass er so mit Hizashi gesprochen hatte; so lange, so intensiv.
Hizashi lud ihn nicht in seinen Raum ein; aber Reitzel war nicht so verwöhnt, dass er sich darüber pikierte. Sein Plan hatte Erfolg und sein toter Körper brauchte keine Bequemlichkeit mehr. Nach all den Jahren, wo er Hizashis Räumlichkeiten nicht mehr betreten hatte, konnte er wohl auch nicht darauf hoffen, dass dieser ihn einladen würde, egal wie intensiv die Diskussion war… eine Diskussion, die so feurig geführt wurde, dass man meinen könnte… dass auch Hizashi schon lange darauf gewartet hatte, mal wieder eine ordentliche Debatte führen zu können…
… aber vielleicht war das nur Wunschdenken von Reitzels Seite aus.
Doch nichts desto trotz, hatte er sich selbst wahrlich ein wundervolles Weihnachtsgeschenk gemacht!
Youma hatte keine Ahnung wie viele Videos aufgenommen worden waren und auf wie vielen Handys sie festgehalten worden waren, aber am Ende des Abends konnte er seine Füße kaum noch spüren. Es war kurz vor 22 Uhr; ein Lied nach dem anderen hatten sie durchweg miteinander getanzt, allen Blicken ungeachtet. Der Applaus hatte ihren Tanz nie einen Abbruch gemacht; nur die Uhrzeit tat es. Ansonsten hätten sie wohl bis zum Morgengrauen durchgetanzt.
„Uff, ich spüre meine Füße nicht mehr! Dass ich das mal sagen würde, ich bin beschämt!“ Nocturn hinkte auf einem Bein und stützte sich an Youma ab, während sie den Weg hinunter gingen von Trocadeoplatz, hin zum Eiffelturm mit seinen Karussellen, die auch an diesem Abend golden in der Ferne leuchteten.
„Du trägst Fußschellen.“
„Ja, glaub mir, das habe ich nicht vergessen. Das kann ich nämlich gar nicht vergessen – dafür sind sie zu schwer.“ Beim Tanz hatte es aber nicht gerade so ausgesehen, als wären sie zu schwer gewesen, dachte Youma, aber hielt schon Ausschau nach einer Bank.
„Dann sollten wir uns setzen. Wir haben noch ein wenig Zeit.“ Youma legte seine Hand um Nocturns Schulter und steuerte mit ihm auf eine Bank zu. Es war kalt, aber ein wenig wollte er – oder nein, sie – das Zurückteleportieren noch hinauszögern. Kurz atmete Nocturn aus und für einen Moment waren seine Schmerzen in seinem Atem zu hören, aber er grinste schnell wieder:
„Wir landen jetzt sicherlich im Internet. Jede Wette. Wir bekommen eine Millionen Klicks!“ Youma hatte kein Ahnung, was Nocturn da redete während er versuchte seine Füße zu massieren.
„Wäre doch lustig hehe.“ Der Kronprinz runzelte die Stirn:
„Lustig? Ich glaube eigentlich nicht, dass das besonders erfreulich oder ratsam wäre? Wir sollten immerhin nicht hier sein. Wir sollten es tunichts vermeiden gesehen zu werden.“
„Nah, Hizashi und die anderen Hikari treiben sich sicherlich nicht auf Youtube rum.“
„Auf… was?“ Nocturn schüttelte den Kopf – und schmiegte sich auf einmal an Youma.
„Nur kurz. Nur kurz… genießen“, flüsterte er und legte den Kopf auf seine Schulter. Youma errötete, aber er lächelte, genau wie Nocturn es tat.
„Hier können wir es… hier in Paris.“ Youma legte seinen Arm um ihn, entschlossen die paar Minuten noch zu genießen, ehe sie in en Tempel zurück müssten und küsste Nocturns Stirn, obwohl gerade ein anderes Paar vorbei ging.
„Weißt du was, Youma?“ Nocturn sah auf, seine Augen leuchteten, wie seine roten Wangen es taten. Er hob den ausgestreckten Zeigefinger und grinste verschmitzt:
„Das wäre jetzt der beste Zeitpunkt gewesen um Frohe Weihnachten zu sagen!“
„Argh, ich werde es noch lernen.“
„Oui, irgendwann.“       
Die Hikari hatten in der Tat kein Youtube, genauso wenig wie die Wächter es hatten.
Aber Silver hatte sich erst vor kurzem ein Smartphone geholt, einzig und allein deswegen, weil er alles bildlich festhalten wollte. Auch an Weihnachten sprang er zwischen Firey, Green und seinem Bruder hin und her und machte ein Selfie nach dem anderen mit ihnen.
„Silver, jetzt reicht es langsam mal.“ Blue schob seinen Bruder weg von sich, der gerade ein Fotos von sich und ihm machen wollte, während Blue ein Stück vom Weihnachtskuchen nahm.
„Du musst mich nicht fotografieren, während ich esse.“
„Bah, dann widme ich mich eben den vielen anderen tollen Dingen, die ich mit meinem tollen, neuen Handy machen kann, pah.“ Er warf sich neben Firey aufs Sofa, die ihm – zu seinem Leidtragen – aber leider auch einen tadelnden Blick zuwarf, denn sie hatte ihm schon vor Blue gesagt, dass er es mit den Fotos vielleicht ein wenig übertrieb. Green war die einzige, die es liebte mit ihm Grimassen zu schneiden und die sich jetzt auch schon wieder zu ihm herüber lehnte, während Silver Youtube scrollte.
„Ihr seid beide solche Spielverderber, pöh – hey! Green-chan!“ Schneller als Silver handeln konnte, hatte Green ihm das Handy aus der Hand gerissen und starrte vor Wut gebannt auf den Bildschirm. Alle drei sahen sie verwundert an, während man „Last Christmas“ hörte.
„Also ich finde ja auch, dass das Lied etwa zu oft gespielt wird, aber ich dachte du magst…“ Blue wurde von Greens lauten Schrei unterbrochen:
„DAS GLAUB ICH JETZT NICHT!?“ Sie war drauf und dran das Handy auf den Boden zu werfen und hätte das sicherlich auch getan, hätte Silver es nicht gefangen. Ihm rutschte das Handy allerdings aus der Hand und Firey musste es fangen.
Und das Video, dass die Hikari zum Überkochen brachte, war ein Video mit dem Namen „Fußschellenwalzer vor dem Eiffelturm“…
… aber leider bekam Nocturn nicht die erhofften Millionen Klicks.
Es reichte nur für 10.000.      
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aimaileafy · 9 months
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War Zones
Another set of Inktober drawings from 2018 - all taking place in the Dauphin universe <3 in a future where Nocturn is allowed to fight and use his magic that is...
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While we’re on the Diasomnia ice cream au, it reminds me of those unicorn and mermaid themed food in the 2010s. The tie die stuff and blue purple with sparkles. In cupcakes, in ice cream, everything. Does the Diasomnia ice cream parlor have a unicorn and mermaid flavor like that? A dragon flavor to fit its theme?
[Referencing this post and this post!]
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… I think you and this ice-cream brand were on the same wavelength 😂 They even have a “dragon dream” flavor, which is scarily on-brand for Diasomnia too! Sebek would probably be so proud to serve that up~
This got me thinking, what if their parlor had their own “themed” flavors like this?? Maybe an ice-cream flavor for the nocturnal fae, so it’s a rich dark chocolate speckled with bits of toasted marshmallow to look like a starry night sky?? Ooh, or amusing flavor for each dormitory??? Or even the individual student! I think Silver and Lilia in particular would be happy seeing people and places come together on the plate like that.
They could even do flavors inspired by different cultures and their cuisine (which is something I’ve seen irl ice-cream parlors do)! Lilia’s worldly knowledge could come in handy here—just don’t let him near the ice-cream machine or the ingredients!! They could incorporate spices from the Scalding Sands, or do their own take on the stretchy ice-cream Malleus tried there. What about all the fruits from abroad, like Silk Melon?? Those could work great as a flavor or a topping. What about ice-cream infusing flowers from the Queendom of Roses? Cacao from the Sunset Savanna? Sea salt from the Coral Sea? Apples from Harveston? Grapes from Fleur City? Twisted Wonderland is so vast and has a wide spread of dishes and produce to consider for frozen desserts 🤤
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nobrashfestivity · 1 year
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James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Nocturnes 
Harmony in Blue and Silver, Trouville,1865
Nocturne in Blue and Gold, Old Battersea Bridge, 1877
Nocturne in Blue and Gold, Vaparaiso Bay, 1866
Nocturne in Grey and Gold, Westminster Bridge,  1871
Nocturne, Blue and Silver - Cremorne Lights,  1872
Nocturne in Grey and Gold, Snow in Chelsea, 1870s
Nocturne in Blue and Silver, 1870s
Nocturne, Blue and Gold - St Marks, Venice,  1879-80
Nocturne in Black and Gold, The Falling Rocket,  1875
Nocturne in Blue and Silver, The Lagoon, Venice,  1879-80
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bruh-changbin · 7 months
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pairing: yang jeongin x afab reader
genre: smut + fluff (minors dni)
warnings: mentions of food (grapefruit lawl), oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), kissy, that's it
word count: 1.5k
a/n: SHORT I KNOW but i'm busy and lowkey wasn't feeling this while i was writing it but was also too stubborn to scrap it and also havent posted for skz in like eons so here also first jeongin fic yay enjoy and lmk thoughts
you’ve always been impartial to mornings.
they’re so boring. 
and desolate.
and……. ugh.
who would rather be up at the ass crack of dawn being productive instead of getting a couple of extra z’s in? your boyfriend would, much to your dismay.
being a vehement night owl has been an integral part of your persona since highschool, when papers and essays that in hindsight were not all that important kept you up late into the night. the ink splotched sky dotted with milky white stars a solace from the glaring blue light of your laptop that dried your eyes and gave you a headache.
in post-secondary you never strayed from your nocturnal ways, often times only crawling under your covers to get some rest when the sun had started making its way up the horizon. whenever asked your greatest weakness the first word that always comes to mind is procrastination.
still, there’s something so hauntingly beautiful about being awake and alone in the late hours of the night. you’re able to gaze upon the moon and the pale glow she casts upon your surroundings. you’re able to take in the sounds of the world when people are removed from the equation. you’re able to ponder, allow your thoughts to swim around in your brain without interruption. all of which is washed away when tinges of orange, yellow and pale blue begin to streak the sky in the morning. 
ergo, you were somewhat disappointed upon the discovery that your lover does not feel the same way; quite the opposite actually. 
to be completely fair jeongin’s schedule is to blame for his early rising, but it makes no difference to you. most mornings you wake to an empty bed, hands feeling around before your eyes are open to search for a warm, 5’10” body and instead being met with cold sheets. 
of course it’s not the worst thing in the world but still, it’d be nice to bathe in the warmth of the late morning sun while wrapped in jeongin’s buff arms - morning sex is also a plus, should the opportunity arise (which it almost never does due to you usually waking up alone). 
this morning you wake up to an empty bed, as per usual. the screen of your phone lights up when you tap it and tells you that it’s nearing 11:00; you spend a few minutes scrolling through your socials before forcing yourself to get up. 
you laze your way through your morning routine, making sure to wash your face and make your bed and throw on some clothing with more coverage before making your way downstairs. upon entering your kitchen you spot a plate that’s been placed on the middle of your counter with a spherical object of some sort on top of it - a grapefruit. half of a grapefruit, to be precise.
it looks refreshing, with the flesh a pretty pink, the veins white and spongy, the rind a pale yellow that’s waxy to the touch. crystalline specks of sugar are melted into the juice, the sweetness a contrast to the bitterness of the fruit.
you indulge yourself by digging in with a silver spoon, scooping out coral coloured chunks of fruit and placing them in your mouth, leaving a tart coating on your tongue and the back of your throat. syrup slips past the corners of your lips and you lick it away, not wishing for a drop of the fresh juice to go to waste.
despite there being no note or whatsoever you know this was jeongin’s doing; and you know that he had the other half before he left this morning so in a way the two of you still had breakfast together (not really). of the small things he does for you in your relationship this is easily your favourite - knowing that your brain is barely operating when you first get up and head downstairs so he makes it easy for you to nourish yourself before starting the rest of your day. 
looking after you is second nature for jeongin, who tends to act as if you’re a precious baby bird who fell out of its nest and needs help getting back on its feet. you don’t mind it of course, and he knows where the line between pampering and coddling lies and rarely crosses it (you’re not actually that reliant on him, and he knows that). being the youngest in stray kids means he’s constantly being taken care of, and he just likes to do the same for someone else - that someone else being you. 
he’ll massage your back when it hurts, run to the convenience store when you’re craving something specific, dry your tears when you cry over a sappy rom com that you forced him to watch with you.  
he lets you play with his hair and help him choose his outfits. he’ll wrap his arms around your waist and kiss his way down your neck when you’re doing the dishes. he’ll fuck you in the middle of the night when you wake him from his slumber, claiming that you’re too turned on to fall asleep and his body is the only thing that can satiate you. 
the devotion he has to you is constant, and you can feel it in the way he talks to you, takes care of you, touches you. through this you’ve learned his quirks and nuances, how to tell what he needs and when he needs it.
much like tonight, when, after coming home from a devitalizing day of practice, you can tell that all he wants is to feel your warmth and you his. the pads of his fingers are rough as they slip under the hem of your shirt and smooth against your sides and your back, his pouty lips coming in contact with your jaw before pressing against your own. with movements that have an undertone of urgency jeongin guides you towards your shared couch in your shared apartment, his arms bracing your frame as he all but pushes you up against the cushions. 
with his chest flush against yours you inhale his scent, dragging your fingers through his hair and whining when his teeth pinch your bottom lip. the grip he has on your restless hips is strong, and when he glides his tongue against yours and you swear you can taste the faintest hint of grapefruit juice in his mouth. 
the warmth you lose when jeongin pushes himself off of your body is only worsened when he pushes the fabric of your shirt up to expose your tummy, his curious fingers dipping into the waistband of both your pants and panties, both of which are stripped from you when jeongin drags the fabric down and off of your legs. 
you instinctively clamp your legs shut, yet you allow jeongin to pry them open with his firm grasp and position himself in between your limbs. his pupils swallow up the rest of his eyes as his gaze falls upon your bare cunt, tongue flicking out to wet his lips as he kisses and nips his way down the flesh of your inner thighs. 
your pussy is sticky and wet with sweet nectar that jeongin laps up and swallows down like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted. his tongue pokes and prods at your flesh, your cunt clenching around nothing when he teases your clit by flicking it with the tip of his tongue. 
“baby~ don’t tease,” you huff in annoyance as jeongin refuses to focus on one place for more than a few seconds. his right hand moves from where it was perched on your hip to allow his index and middle fingers to toy with your now dripping hole, only slipping inside once you’ve whined and complained enough. 
he continues to suck on your clit as his fingers dip in and out of your pussy, causing your stomach to churn and your heart to flip in your chest as you writhe in pleasure. your breath hitches in your throat each and every time the silver rings at the base of jeongins fingers graze your hot wet cunt, his digits now surely coated in your arousal. 
his fingers keep thrusting and his tongue keeps teasing and soon enough you’re cumming all over him, moaning aloud into the open space of your living room as your orgasm slowly ebbs away.
the sight of jeongin making his way up your body after tongue and finger fucking you is one to behold, with his pout swollen and pink and coated in your juices and his hair a mess from the way you were tugging on it. his cheeks are flushed a subtle shade of rosy pink, much like the colour of the grapefruit you shared this morning. you pull his body against yours and kiss away the sweetness on his lips. 
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sepublic · 5 months
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So remember that Zamor sphere pack that came with (at the time) exclusive gold, silver, and gunmetal colors? Since this is Bionicle, there’s actual lore for these exclusive Zamors and the powers they possess! Gunmetal causes a target to be tracked via an energy pulse they give off, and silver binds the target to the nearest living being with an energy chain (Interesting how they’re both centered around capturing people)! These powers were listed only in the Bionicle Encyclopedia and have no known canon usage/wielders. By contrast, we did see an instance of a golden Zamor in the story; The one used by Hewkii to transfer Brutaka’s power back from Hakann and Thok. So Greg applied that to these golden Zamors as well by making them the same type.
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Unfortunately, there’s no lore for the blue-green Sea Squids exclusive to this pack they were sold in; I guess the species just comes in different colors the same way animals do? I remember actually adapting this difference into my Bionicle RaE fanon for G2, explaining the color comes from absorbing a specific type of energy that they can now use, kinda like the Creeps from the Deep commercial (canonically a vision Dekar received from the Ignika) having a Sea Squid glow from lightstone energy Ehlek drained… Did anyone actually buy/use this pack, especially with how unpopular the squid launcher was as a gimmick? I want to see the color paired with a set like Takadox or Nocturn.
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Would A Venomoth Be A Good Pet?
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No :(
Unfortunately, a venomoth would most definitely not be a good pet, despite their charming look.
Size-wise, they’re pretty big when it comes to a flying pokémon. Sure, they’re lightweight, but with such a long wingspan they may have a hard time getting around your home unless you have a lot of open space inside. Well, actually, scratch that: you shouldn’t bring a venomoth inside, period.
You see, venomoths are, unfortunately, highly toxic. Their wings are coated in a variety powdery scales, which each have varying effects on those who come in contact with them (Red/Blue). Darker scales are known to poison anyone who touches them, while lighter ones incite paralysis (Silver). While these scales are difficult to remove manually (Yellow), they still release and leak out their powder when venomoths’ flap their wings (FireRed). If you come into contact with a loose scale, it will be even worse for you: venomoths’ scales are difficult to remove once they get stuck to your skin, where they will constantly leak poison onto you (Let’s Go Pikachu/Let’s Go Eevee, Diamond/Pearl/Platinum). If you keep a venomoth as a house pet, you will be running a huge risk to your own health, and any people, animals, or pokémon living with you. Venomoths are living, breathing biohazards.
Even if you are able to successfully keep a venomoth as a pet (perhaps by permanently wearing a hazmat suit?), you would have to cope with the fact that this species is nocturnal: wild venomoths are only active in the day, seeking out light sources like street lamps where their prey, small insects, gather (Ruby/Sapphire). To keep a venomoth, you would need to be a real night-owl.
You could probably guess this, but venomoths’ toxic biology gives them access to a large pool of threatening moves. The power of their powdery scales can be seen in concerning moves like Poison Powder, Stun Spore, and Sleep Powder, but that’s not all: venomoths can use physical moves from several types such as Leech Life, Zen Headbutt, and Poison Fang to really mess with enemies. Thankfully, there isn’t much indication that venomoths are particularly violent, as it seems they rely on their “highly toxic” (FireRed) scales to eliminate targets without a fight.
Overall, I simply cannot recommend a venomoth as a pet given their incredibly toxic biology and size. They are best left out in the wild, and given a wide berth when encountered fluttering around a streetlight.
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iwtvfanevents · 24 days
Rewind the Tape —Episode 3
Art of the episode
Just like we did for the pilot and for episode two, we took note of the art shown and mentioned in the third episode while we rewatched it. Did we miss any? Can you help us put a name to the unidentified ones? Do you have any thoughts about how these references could be interpreted?
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On the Origin of Species*
Charles Darwin, 1859
* Not exactly art... ...and not exactly confirmed, but given the time, the subject of their conversation, and Lestat's "...this naturalist that fogs your mind" remark, this seems the most likely attribution for the book Louis is reading during the opening scene.
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Darktown Strutters' Ball
Shelton Brooks, 1917
The song Antoinette is first singing was published that same year, and you can hear it performed by The Platters here.
Minuet in G
Christian Petzold, circa 1725
As pointed by @cardassiangoodreads in this post, the song Lestat first plays before he starts improvising is Petzold's Minuet in G, often falsely attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach.
Wolverine Blues
Jelly Roll Morton, 1923
While the scene in which Lestat improvises the melody happens in 1917, Morton would go on to record and release the song in Indiana in 1923.
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Slave Auction
Jean-Michael Basquiat, 1982
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Our very first look at Basquiat's Slave Auction comes in the third episode, though it will be the backdrop of most of the sixth. While some elements, like the crown of thorns, lend themselves to varied interpretations, it's clear this collage shows a boat (golden for money, perhaps) crossing a blue expanse, and the faces of the slaves being transported.
Mother Daughter and Twins 1
Rahmon Olugunna, undated
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Rahmon Olugunna, born in Osogbo in 1975, is a member of the Oshogbo school of artists in Nigeria. His work represents Yoruban mythology as well as modern Nigerian life. He is represented by New Orleans curator Katie Koch. [Identified by @vfevermillion.]
Untitled ceramic totems
Julie Silvers, undated
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Each unique totem is made by New Orleans native Julie Silvers, and they are distributed by New Orleans store Villa Vici. Two can be seen in the sitting room. [Identified by @vfevermillion.]
Bryan Cunningham, undated
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By "Junkyard Alchemist" Bryan Cunningham, who posted about it here. [Found by @iwtvdramacd18.]
In the same shot we can see an unidentified painting, maybe of a man's profile. Perhaps you can place it?
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Untitled photo of loading docks in St. Paul, Minnesota
Bradley Olson, 2015 (Alamy Stock Photo)
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Forty-two Kids and Cliff Dwellers
George Bellows, 1907 and 1913 respectively
Several Bellows pieces have been featured around Rue Royale already, in episodes one and two. [Identified by @nicodelenfent, here.]
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Nocturnes, Op. 55: No. 1 in F minor. Andante
Frederic Chopin, 1842-1844
This is the song that plays during Jonah and Louis's escapade to the Bayou.
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Roman Bacchanal
Vasily (Wilhelm) Alexandrovich Kotarbiński, 1898
Kotarbiński was a Polish artist and painter of historical and fantastical subjects, and co-founder of the Society of Kyiv Painters. [Identified by @nicodelenfent.]
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Weeping Nude
Edvard Munch, 1913
Young Man kneeling before God the Father
Egon Schiele, 1909
Two more artists we've seen already, in episodes one and two.
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Edvard Munch, 1881-1882
Bouquet in a theater box
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1871
While we have seen Munch's work already, this is the first Renoir featured. He was a French artist and a leading figure in the development of the Impressionist style. [Identified by @nicodelenfent.]
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Church in Stein on the Danube
Egon Schiele, 1913 [Identified by @nicodelenfent, here.]
If you spot or put a name to any other references, let us know if you'd like us to add them with credit to the post!
This week, we are rewatching and discussing Episode 4, …The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood with All a Child's Demanding. We can't wait to hear your thoughts!
And, if you're just getting caught up, learn all about our group rewatch here ►
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espion7971 · 11 days
NightWing tribe sheet!
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hey guys, sorry this one took a little bit. nightwings have a lot going on. also, i talked about both the old night kingdom and the volcanic island, but i didn't really mention their new rainforest setup, bc i didn't want this to be *too* long. so sorry that there isnt anything regarding that lol
Physical Appearance + Traits
-NightWings are the only fully nocturnal tribe, going to sleep a bit after dawn and rising at sunset. Their colors are dark, not only making them invisible in the shadows but also letting them fly at night without standing out. The undersides of their wings are scattered with starlike scales and rich coloration that perfectly resembles a night sky. Their night vision is almost perfect, and their eyes flash in direct light not unlike nocturnal mammals like cats. 
-NightWing colors are usually mixed with green, blue, purple, or some combination of these. Some are nearly pitch black, and others are more gray. Their beaklike snout, horns, and spines are usually the same light silver as their scales, but sometimes these can be black too.
-Healthy NightWings are often somewhat large and even bulky, with thick tails and strong legs. After their retreat to the volcano, they were thought for some time to be scrawny and have a permanent dull roughness to their scales, but after a few generations in the rainforest they began to again be sleek and strong.
-The three moons are not only extremely important to NightWing culture and imagery, but also have a physical effect on them. Named Oracle, Perception, and Imperial, each full moon can grant a different ability. A NightWing hatched under a full Oracle will have limited prophecy abilities, and Perception will grant mind reading. Imperial added to either of these will make them stronger. The only thing that is still uncertain is whether Imperial alone has any effect. Some dragons insist it grants natural leadership abilities, but the only consistent observable effect it seems to have is a deep-rooted infatuation with the moons throughout the dragon’s life.
-Perception - mind reading - will also leave a silver teardrop-shaped scale in the corner of the dragon’s eyes. It will be reinforced with a silver circle beneath it if Imperial’s strength is applied. Oracle’s mark is more subtle, but seers’ eyes themselves will often be strikingly silver, and some have noted more clear constellations present in their wings.
-The strength of the power can often depend on how directly the dragonet was exposed to the light.
-The pattern of stars in the wings of NightWings are as unique as a human’s fingerprint. Sometimes, though, they resemble real constellations, and even when they don’t, there are seers who claim to be able to read a dragon’s fortune in their wings, similar to palm readers or even Zodiac theorists. Superstitious parents may have the wings of their dragonets analyzed by these seers. It’s very rare, but on occasion a dragon may be hatched with large, bright patches of clustered star scales, and these dragons are not only considered extremely attractive and desirable, but also may be said to be blessed by the stars themselves. 
-Albino NightWings are extremely rare, but they are practically worshipped. One factor in the bad blood between NightWings and IceWings was the feeling from NightWings that IceWings’ pale coloration was a crude mimicry of the moons, and therefore impure and insulting.
Life Cycle:
-NightWing eggs are laid in small clutches, usually between two and four. They incubate on secure clifftops, carefully watched by parents, for 3-4 months, and hatch quite physically defenseless. They take longer to learn to walk and fly than any other tribe (with the exception of SeaWings, of course). NightWings believe this is a sign of superior intelligence, as their development goes to their minds first and their bodies second; it is, in fact, true that NightWings learn to speak and even read quite early compared to other tribes.
-NightWings live with their parents and siblings in family units. It isn’t uncommon for homes to be multi-generational, with grandparents or even great-grandparents to live in the same place as their descendents, as some dragons simply never choose to leave their unit. They also sometimes live with friends and other relatives. Some also choose to live alone.
-Despite how many NightWings sometimes choose to live together, they are actually not very socially dependent dragons. Some are more social than others, but much of their lives and work will be spent on their own, even though they live and sleep with other dragons. They are self-motivated and many are quiet and disinterested in conversation. They also tend to lean toward making friends outside their families rather than having the same parent and sibling bonds that some other tribes have. 
-Dragonets spend much of their time, for several years, in school. NightWing schooling is very organized and thorough, and every dragonet is expected to attend. The vast majority of their socialization while they’re young is done in school.
Society + Culture:
-Even more so than SeaWings, NightWings have thousands of years of literature that they take enormous pride in; the main reason for their education system at all is their need to teach about their history and writings. Poetry and orchestral music are inventions of the Night kingdom, and they are beloved within the tribe. Their technology is on par with SkyWings, but instead of weaponry and armor, their focuses are on instruments, glasswork and even some scientific tools. 
-Their society doesn’t rely much on rank and structure; some dragons may have higher status, usually based on wealth, but NightWings don’t have distinct ���high-status’ and ‘low-status’ groups like other tribes might. They are valued based on ability and intelligence, and not so much by birthright. Mindreaders and seers are usually well-known and well-respected, though there is a subtle jealousy pointed toward them throughout their lives as a result. 
-There was a time when NightWings would intentionally try to lay eggs that would hatch on full moons, especially double moons, hoping to have powerful offspring. However, many myths state that these dragonets would be cursed, and their gifts would somehow backfire; in these stories they often died, young and tragically. This practice was later discouraged and even considered taboo. 
-This hasn’t stopped some morally ambiguous experiments from being carried out. Eggs about to hatch have been intentionally exposed to meteor showers, eclipses, blue moons, harvest moons, northern lights, and a number of other phenomena with the hopes of finding some new and mysterious powers. The records of the results have been lost to time.
-Architecture is another particular piece of pride for NightWings, and while the Night Kingdom still stood, it was a marvel to any dragons who visited. Their structures - schools, homes, even the kingdom - were carved directly out of the cliffs of their jagged land, and then carefully and lovingly sculpted over time; pillars and statues and high-vaulted ceilings with intricate detailing are almost reminiscent of ancient Rome. 
-Even before their retreat to the volcanic island, NightWings were not very involved in the conflicts between other tribes. They were perfectly content in their region, and tended to think other tribes didn’t have much worth seeing anyway. Because they don’t usually bother themselves with fights like this, when they aren’t hunting, they tend to spend their time on things like art, writing, astronomy, and music, as these are highly valued in their society. Those who weren’t interested in these areas could also do limited military work, construction work, or work in service of their royalty as guards, hunters or servants.
-Once they lived on the island, though, survival trumped anything else. Food was scarce to non-existent, they lost the majority of their craft and literature, and some died outright from smoke inhalation toward the beginning. They carved rough tunnels into the cliffs with their own claws. They became hardier, but much less advanced. They also lost all knowledge regarding the stars and moons, including that of their own powers.
Old Kingdom: Omnivorous. NightWings could make a wide variety of food and drinks, usually eating small animals, fruits and vegetables that they could grow or trade, and even some mushrooms. They had no qualms about eating them raw without preparation, if they just needed a quick meal, but they could mix and cook food to make a variety of meals.
Island: Carnivorous. They eat anything they can find, and rarely bother to do anything beyond cooking it, if even that. Very few plants grow on the volcano, and only the most desperately hungry dragons will eat it. 
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stalkerofthegods · 2 months
Lord Morpheus/Somnina deep dive info
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Herbs • Poppy, Poppy trees, poppy seeds, ivory, Dandelion seed, Chamomile, mugwort, lavender, jasmine, passionflower, basil
Animals• Bats, Nocturnal animals, Cats, Fireflies, Moths, Butterfly, Racoons, Wolves, Crows, Halcyon birds, sheep “counting sheep” (my personal thinking)
Zodiac • None, I couldn't find any evidence, perhaps Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces because they were born in the winter.
Colors • Black, Blue, Gold, Purple, Silver, Red, some folks like associating neon colors and grey. I also think white.
Crystal• Amethyst, Herkimer Diamond, Scolecite, Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, and gemstones associated with dream magick
Symbols• Horns (he passes through a horn gate each night), Portals, gates, feathers, wings, skeleton keys, stars, night, ivory, tea, baths, sweet coffee
wear in their honor • sleep masks, PJs, slippers.
Diety of• of dreams, of sleep
Patron of• from/shape (his name translates to that, and shapeshifts in dreams.), messages to the unconscious, prophecies to the unconscious, influencing people unconsciously, hypnotizing, dreaming about the future, daydreaming, dream jobs, human shapes, hallucinations of humans, meditation, desire, hope, insomnia, opium-based medication, lucid dreaming, imagination, schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like disorders or illnesses, creativity, astral travel, encouragement, communication, divination
Element• Water, air
Offerings• Honey, honey cake, wine, fish and incense, Melatonin, Sleep-related gemstones and crystals, Skulls, Dream Catchers (ethnically obtained), Any type of stress reliever, and sleep indulgent tea, Ivory and/or Horn items, Sleep-related spells,
The imagery of his associated animals, Feathers, demon imagery(?), imagery of his animals, offerings of things like moths, butterflies, skulls, and feathers (ethically sourced), melatonin gummies, skeleton keys, Dream Pillows (herbal satchels filled with lavender to place under your pillow for better sleep)
Devotional• Track your dreams on a calendar, Keep a dream journal, Get enough sleep, Turn off your electronics 1 hour before bed (gets you in deeper sleep faster), Perform a night ritual, Learn about lucid dreaming and practice it, Write a letter to Morpheus before going to bed, Prayers related to Morpheus, Prophetic inducing herbs, Creating a playlist for him with songs that help you sleep, drink mugwort or chamomile tea before bed, set and try to stick to a night routine, write letters or jokes to him, write stories/a book, wear or dress your bed in his associated color, keep crystals for him on your bed or bedside table, have a bath or shower before bed, speak to him before you sleep, go to a sleepover to his honor, washing your bed sheets, cleaning up ur bed, try making your own melatonin, practice divination, try controlling ur dreams
Ephithets• Μορφευς, Morpheus, Shaper of Dreams, Sandman, Mildest of the Gods, Balm of the Soul, Oneiros, Kai’Ckul, Lord L’Zoril, Shaper of Forms, Lord Shaper, Prince of Stories (The Sandman, Neil Gaiman), Dream Giver, Sleep’s Guest, Lord Shaper, Father of Dreams, Lord of the Night, He Who Tells Mortals Stories,  Formshaper, Shadowmaker
Equivalents• Niorun (Norse), Angus (Celtic), Caer (Celtic), Bes (Egypt), Tutu (Egypt), Morpheus (Greek), Somnina (Norse).
Signs their reaching out• Sudden floating in dreams, better dreams, sleeping better, seeing him in dreams.
Vows/omans• Perhaps wedding vows.
Number• 1, 6, 7
Morals• Morally lawfully neutral follows the gods' bidding.
Courting• no one, but is seen as Iris's husband in some literature,
Past lovers/crushes• I couldn't find any, I think he is Ace? But that is not anyone's business. He is ‘said’ to date Iris because of always being togetherer 
Personality• Morpheus is a very chill and comprehensive God. He’s understanding and he’s happy to help out if he can. He doesn’t ask for much when you worship him, as long as you’re making an effort he’s fine.
Home• Erebus, in the Underworld
Mortal or immortal • Immortal 
Fact• Some say they were able to “heal”, 
Curses• Insomnia, your dream of the ‘good future’ being wrong, your hopes and dreams crashing down, no dreams (If u like your dreams), feeling anger towards you in dreams and just in general. Your baby wakes up with a nightmare. The back/neck problems you wake up with.
Blessings• Good sleep, having good dreams, and your children going to sleep.
Roots• Ancient Greece, born probably in Tarturas
Friends• Iris, Zeus, Hermes, Hera, messengers in general.
Parentage• Pasithea and Hypnos, some say he came from Hypnos asexually, some say from Nyx asexually, I think Nyx.
Siblings• Oneiroi, Icelus, Phobetor, Phantasus
Pet• None.
Children • None 
Appearance in astral or gen• often depicted with wings, he changes into whatever shape is needed at a given moment, decided as a young man in art, and has one ear with wing and one to hear with. He looks like he has short hair.
Festivals • I couldn't find any, I would say hibernation month, and just celebrate being able to sleep when animals are hibernating.
Season • winter 
Day • I would say Saturday because I get the most sleep on Saturday, no school, and no worries, I couldn't find a historic one, or just make a day for him, many people do that for minor gods.
Status• Greek Minor god/personification, a part of the Oneiroi, and the leader of the Oneiroi. plays a major role in day-to-day life. He is a Cthonic deity
What angers them • Insulting them, 
Music they like• I would think Sleep Music, Sleep Asmr
What they like • sleep.
What they dislike• I would say physical touch since he disappears all the sudden when he is almost being touched, I think he only touches those he ‘is okay with’ as a sign of trust or adornment because I heard a person back then say they use to get tapped by them
Planet• Moon (phase new)
Tarot cards• The Four of Swords and the Tower, message card (based on sleep and messages, each their own.)
Reminds me of• sleep, the good resting kind of sleep 
In my opinion • they are pretty rad, and strangely I've been having shit sleep, ain't he just a sweetheart.
Scents/Inscene • Opium, Lavender, Jasmine, Chamomile, Sandalwood, and any other calming scents
Ever-shifting Morpheus, lord of the Oneiroi who bring us our dreams, true or false. Morpheus, swift-soaring courier, twilight messenger of the gods, kind one, dweller in the shadowed land of dreams, dark-winged god who shapes the visions of the night, who tells the tales that must be told, who strips us bare of secrets, who clothes hard truths in subtle raiment, child of the black night, child of the shrouded dark, in the realm of illusion you are king. Morpheus, harbinger of change, concealer of clues, you bury bits of truth among our wishes and fancies; with your aid can we see into the mist of the unknown, with your aid can we find the hidden pieces of the self. Morpheus, I praise and honor you.
With a whisper I call you, o Morpheus,  lord of dreams, greatest amongst the Oneiroi. I call to you as Hypnos draws near.
Phantasos, ancient messenger who  crafts wonder into form who conjures in our minds a tapestry otherworldly. Greatest molder and master of lights,  many-shaped, you cross the night  and take on any face or voice any hue or sound you so desire. I ask you, my lord: shield me from pain  and fear in my dreams, let no anguish burden my heart as I sleep. This only I request: that within your great creations I may rest  and through your hand I may find safe haven. That my words may reach you, o Morpheus  whispered though they may be as Hypnos draws near.
Links/websites/sources •https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morpheus
https://www.thecollector.com/morpheus-greek-god/https://www.britannica.com/topic/Morpheus-Greek-mythology https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hypnos https://despena.gr/morpheus-the-ancient-greek-god-of-dreams/https://kreweofmorpheus.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=174762&module_id=305302 https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/morpheus-greek-god-dreams-who-delivered-messages-gods-mortal-world-002318#google_vignette How Ancient Egyptians Interpreted Dreams - UnEarthed Penn Dream Angus: The Celtic God of Dreams (The Myths) - Amazon.comAmazon.com Caer Ibormeith - Thoughts on PapyrusThoughts on Papyrus Who is Niorun? - Northern Tradition Paganismhttps://greekpagan.com/tag/morpheus/
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ouraboras · 16 days
Ranking Alucard's Designs, Best to Worst
I've had a rough day and feel like being mean. These are just my opinions. Some rules:
I’m not counting each game a character appears in unless the design is noticeably different. I don’t count different art styles as a different design. I’m not counting the mobile game skins with two exceptions. For the most part it’s just him but purple. However, for your pleasure, joker Alucard:
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Symphony of the Night
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No surprise. It’s his most iconic design. He’s gorgeous. I enjoy how he wears a mixture of human clothes (the jacket) and more stereotypical vampire clothing like the cape. Same with warm colors with black and silver.
2. Grimoire of Souls
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I love this design. I kiss it every night before I go to bed. I pray to it on Sundays. His waist makes me go feral. The only thing that bothers me is the brown lining. I wish they did something like the inside of his SotN jacket.
3. Moonlight Rhapsody – Outfit 3
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I know absolutely nothing about this game. However, I love this skin. In my head when I imagine Alucard pre-Dracula betrayal this is it. The collar is a bit silly but I can look past it. I love the sleeves. The only critique I have is the brown and we’ll get to my feeling on Alucard wearing brown. But on this outfit, it’s not too bad.
4. Nocturne
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They gave him his gay little neck ruffle back nature is healing. I wish they kept the details on the coat, but I’ll happily take the trade. I like his face.
5. The cancelled Dracula’s Curse movie concept art
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I need to know what the context behind this would have been. The skirt, the pauldrons, his bloody hands, HIS HAIR PUSHED BACK. The only thing I dislike is his black nipple.
6. Aria and Dawn of Sorrow
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I like the suit. The red pocket square is nice. I think it is a really interesting choice for it to be red rather than yellow as a callback. I love the choice to make him resemble Dracula pre-vampirism. All of his color has been drained and replaced with black and red. I go back and forth on if I hate or like (for symbolic reasons) his tie-neck ruffle thing. But none of that is my real problem with the design. His shoes are hideous. The heel is good.  He deserves a little heel. But what is going on with the white. It's ugly and going to be a bitch to keep clean. His slacks are too long. He’s a government agent, he can afford to go to a tailor.
7. Season 1 & 2 of the show
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I dislike the shirt. I’m not a big fan of how they drew his face either. But I like how they gave him Trevor’s chest scar.
8. Captain N
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He’s so rad. But to be honest, Captain N Alucard has a special place in my heart. I remember when this was the closest thing to an animated series Castlevania had. It being this high is purely my nostalgia. I highly recommend watching the episode. It is pure 90s camp.
9. Season 4 of the show
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10. Grimoire of Souls – Blood and Loyalty
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I can’t find a better look at this skin. He’s apparently dressed as a samurai. I like this purely because his hair is up. I don’t see enough of that. (artists pls you’d be doing the world a service)
11. Lords of Shadow 2
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The only thing I like about this design is the coat. The dark blue with gold looks really good. I don’t like the belts, but I can ignore them. My issue is the armor. I hate the bronze so much. The armor on one hip is ugly. The ONLY thing that salvages this crime is the fact this Alucard is wearing the highest heels. This looks like an MMO armor set.
12. Judgement
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I only unironically like 2 of Judgement’s designs. This is not one of them. I dislike it purely because of how boring it is. They put Simon in bondage gear, gave Trevor a boob window, and made Sypha a Catholic magical girl. But Alucard has to be more modest than the actual child. They could have fun with this but didn't. The most interesting thing about this design is they made a vintage couch into his cape.
13. Dracula’s Curse
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This is Alucard’s original design. It’s just your standard pop culture vampire. I like his little owl hair tufts.
14. Legends
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I’m fine with changing up Alucard’s design. Hell, we got SotN because of changing it. However, why is he blue? It’s not this illustration either he is just light blue for some reason. I like the short hair. I think it’s a cute way to show this game takes place in the past. But again, purple? Really? His necktie is not doing it for me either. It looks really bad.
15. And finally, last and certainly least: Pachinko and Moonlight Rhapsody
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The faces? Good. Hair? Good. But for some reason they made his coat brown. At LEAST for pachinko they had some gold gauntlets and brown gloves instead of his sleeve cuffs. But whatever fucked up person at Konami did the design for MR kept the sleeve cuffs. It’s not like there is the excuse of ‘Oh the inside is black’ because it’s yellow. Now you might be asking: Why is this the worst? I have similar issues with other designs. But here is the thing, they all did something new. This is just your standard SotN Alucard with a color palette change. It looks like a recolor skin but it’s the main one. It's a bad change but not one bad enough to not be boring.
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mantrabay · 2 months
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Underneath A Spell Part 2
A dark blue midnight awning has its portrait,
etched by a starlit silver lustrous galaxy,
silhouette of black lace frilled clouds,
in somber quietude adrift beneath a vibrant pearl,
amber moon whose gleaming radiance bemused awhile,
at the stark underbelly of flickering candles,
that the urban nocturne spellbound revel in perchance,
sleep pattern held captive by ethereal bliss,
angelic dreams wrapped in opal tincture,
what optic relishes await at early first light,
a colourfast dawn unveils it’s bronze bespoke banner,
heaven bound yellow flare insouciant whim,
red orange burst sky a stirring presage,
for wingspan flight of stone gray plume creature,
natural world usher whose gold throat cadence,
rouses wonderment among the persimmon trees,
phasing into human yearning for awestruck omen,
Kashmir bright velvet hue azimuth a scant gem,
yet sapphire orb twinkles close or distant lure
might embolden dull minds with ardent spark
Photographs All My Own Work
Inspired by amazing sister Jay A Pallen
I’d like to thank all those in the tumbrl community who view and consider this picture/piece suite
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tiikerikani · 2 months
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All my tiny glow dice :D
Normal-sized die for scale.
Most are Chessex:
Borealis® Mini-hedral™ Icicle™/light blue Luminary™
Borealis® Mini-hedral™ Royal Purple/gold Luminary™
Nebula® Mini-hedral™ Nocturnal™/blue Luminary™ 
Luminary™ Mini-hedral™ Sky/silver
Nebula® Mini-hedral™ Wisteria/white
The solid-color sets can be got off AliExpress. (The blue set I actually bought in Fanroll (Metallic Dice Games) packaging but it appears identical to the other colors. Fanroll also sells a set that's supposed to be clear or white but I might just have to buy one to find out whether it's actually white-white or the traditional glow in the dark greenish tinge.
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maycat-19-142 · 7 months
Being a night talent fairy
A/n: this platonic. I hope you enjoy this and have a great day
⚠️:fem coded but gender neutral reader
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A new talent is rare
Well night fairy are not very new
They are just going to be working closer to the season fairies
They day to arrived to the new house you got a knock on the door
When you opened the door you saw a blonde hair,red hair, black hair,and brown haired fairy
"Hi I'm tinker bell tinker talent nice to meet you" the blound said as she shock your hand
"I'm y/n night talent" you said letting them walk in to the small cottage
"Honey your outfit is to die for is it blue nightingale" the woman with red hair asked "oh sorry I'm Rosetta"
"You're ok it is blue nightingale" you said as you shut the door
From that day one you are so close
You are really close with Iridessa as her is is sun or light talent
You and silver mist often help nocturnal water animals with practicing there skills
You often have to try to keep her awake tho she falls asleep a lot
Tinker bell loves to watch your wings because they are a darkar color
Videya likes to race you and you often lose
You and fawn love to watch the stars while helping birds to fly
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Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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dragonprincedrake · 5 months
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Nightwings are the scholars and mystics of Phyrria. They have expansive libraries and museums in their kingdom, as well as the most intricate schools and universities. The current Queen, Battlewinner is an ailing but stubborn queen. She has only one heir, princess Greatness, as well as one son (Battlecry, an oc). Greatness is trying everything to avoid becoming the next Queen, but she’s running out of time and options as her mother’s health worsens.
They have perfect night vision, as they are a nocturnal species, they see better at night then day. Their eyes and ears tend to be bigger when compared to other tribes. Most common eye colors are shades of green, purple, or amber. Blue is a very rare eye color among Nightwings. All Nightwings can breath fire.
Scales are most commonly black, dark grey, or darker and less saturated shades of purple, red/brown, green, or blue. Horns and claws come in grey/silver or black and a about roughly 40% of the Nightwing population hatch with a second but smaller set of horns that curve more downward then the first pair. The underside of their wing membranes resemble the night sky, with no nightwing hatching with the exact same pattern of star like scales.
Nightwings who hatch under one full moon, will either receive mind reading or seer abilities. A silver tear drop under each eye indicates mind reading, and silver tear drop scales along the sides of the neck and tail indicate seer abilities. Nightwings who hatch under two full moons get both abilities and those who hatch under no moons, get no powers and no extra silver scales. The very few who hatch under three full moons (the brightness night), will have a more powerful version of the first two abilities. There is a line of nightwings who may sometime hatch as animus, though this is rare. This line can be traced back to Darkstalker and his family. Animus magic, though not as intensely regulated as it is in the Ice Kingdom, is regulated to a degree. With most Nightwing animus end up working for the royal family in some way.
Basically in my au, Nightwings never left the original Night Kingdom and never lost their powers. Darkstalker’s story ended much differently to, I’ll explain that au eventually.
Below is an example of what an average Nightwing would look like (one set of horns and no moon powers).
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Thanks @one-mopeyboi for helping out with various ideas for the au !
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