#nothing is worth it
burgeredagent · 14 hours
literature crew
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faunshark · 3 months
I'm sick so that's fun ahahahahaha someone please kill me
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stegosheen · 4 months
i want to cry so bad im reealy balls im
help me
nothing is worth anything
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angst-is-yumyum · 9 months
happy suicide prevention day
I just cleaned more blood than i have before on a sh day but then I saw someone posting about this.
please don’t kill yourself. I love you.
I love that you’re alive.
hold on to the hope that it gets better. Because if I can hold on this long, then you better hold on too.
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totopopopo · 2 years
Oh my god I really am doing horribly
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wormy-business · 1 month
I saw this question posed on tiktok, but I think Tumblr would really enjoy it too.
If a fae creature offered to give one million dollars for a bone FROM YOUR BODY chosen at random, how many bones would you allow them to take?
Light clarifications; The fae is not the one choosing the bones. The bone is taken at random. Each bone, no matter the size or importance, is worth a full million dollars. You must also declare the exact number first, you can't go bone-by-bone. You either say 2 or you say 10, you can't work your way up to a higher number. The bones are removed instantaneously, and the money is given immediately as well. You will not get in government trouble for acquiring the money.
Tell me in the tags/replies how many bones you'd let the fae take. And as always, reblog for bigger sample size.
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heilos · 2 months
I'm gonna miss the boopening. You may have been here only for a day and half, but you brought the joy of many many MANY boops to completely random strangers, watchers and mutuals. God speed you adorable chaotic kitty paws.
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 1 year
Production houses: but if the writers stay on strike we can't guarantee the future safety of your favorite shows 🥺🥺😭😭
Viewers who 1, have already lost their favorite shows because they were cancelled in spite of good ratings and good reviews or 2, have stopped watching new content entirely until the entire series has aired and concluded as a result of so many good shows getting cancelled on cliffhangers and thus leaving said viewers unable to gain closure with those characters and with a hollow viewing experience, so they've begun a, watching older shows they know came to a planned conclusion or b, revisiting their old favorites and enjoying the nostalgia or c, reading new books or fanfic instead: YOU ALREADY CAN'T GUARANTEE THE FUTURE OF OUR SHOWS SO GET FUCKING WRECKED AND PAY WRITERS WHAT THEY DESERVE!
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deedadobee · 1 year
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preschool eggs :)
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iwasbored777 · 10 months
Obsessed with Miles absolutely melting while thinking about Gwen and creating art while she's bottling up her feelings for him and violating the drums. They're both experiencing the same feeling, reacting completely differently to it and expressing it through art in different ways. Obsessed with how his montage feels calmer than hers, hers quickly turns agressive especially towards the end.
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worseenough · 2 years
ate thanksgiving, felt like a cow, worked out for 2 hours and will fast until Saturday ✌🏻
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Bare skin, bare feelings.
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stuckinapril · 13 days
I genuinely love not having a crush like I’m not over here feeling physically sick over some mid guy being dry to me I’m literally chilling
#Spring semester of last year was so bad bc I was unironically into 3 guys at once and they were all#Being dry and cryptic to me#And then before that in 2022 I had my horrid situationship#I had a mini obsession arc in dec 2023 over someone but now there hasn’t been anyone since#And my palette is so cleansed#When a girl is like I miss having a crush I’m like you’re literally a masochist#There was very briefly a girl I thought I had a crush on when I realized I’m bicurious but#I haven’t put effort into talking to her bc the idea of pursuing anyone makes me wanna claw my eyes out#I’m pretty sure I ghosted her by like just not responding to her last messsge actually#Not on purpose but more so bc I realized I was feeling the same anxiety I felt whenever I had a crush so I was like#Yeah I’m dropping this for now#I’m also always the most present for my friends when I don’t have a crush so idk#Like I don’t wanna be consumed by anyone I just wanna chill#The solution to not having normal attraction to people is just to not be attracted to anyone at all#I fr cracked it#I always just crave the butterflies out of it and never an actual relationship anyway#But they’re so not worth it#Which is why I always get bored of guys who’re forthright like oh ok you actually WANT something…. U don’t wanna just have fun#Not for me#I think the guys I’m into and I typically diverge in the sense that neither of us wants a relationship but they just wanna fuck me#And I more so just want the butterflies experience / to playact couple for like a couple months but nothing too serious#Which is why it never works#Like it’s not that it doesn’t work bc either of us wants a relationship it’s more that what we want out of the situationship is different#So lame#Ok this was a lot but I literally came to this epiphany while writing these tags
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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i think the barbie movie would have a profound psychological impact on hua cheng
prev comic / next comic / follow for still more hualian barbie movie content because i am not done
bonus angsty version 🎉 i hate love expressions just a couple tiny lines on the mouth and eyebrows and it goes from silly to sad
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hitorimaron · 3 months
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thirteen years
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astrid-beck · 9 months
I will never understand people who want Caleb to find some weird magical way to live longer not only bc it extremely obviously undermines everything that is poignant and crucial about him thematically but also because I think about old man Caleb and I want to start violently weeping
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