#oc katsuko
the12thnightproject · 2 months
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Chapter 46: Divergent:  Katsu and Toshiie reconnect, while Mitsuhide gives Katsu a field promotion.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
As Toshiie continued to level his best glare at Mitsuhide, well… my first impulse had been to laugh. I didn’t laugh, of course, and squashed the giggles before they could reach my mouth. The idea of my clumsy brother picking up a sword to duel the cool elegant Mitsuhide seemed a recipe for self-inflicted injury. When the initial humor faded away, anger jumped in to replace it. “You knew that I was in Sakai… and you didn’t come to find me?”
“If I might offer an explanation –.” Mitsuhide began, before the second half of the realization hit me.
“And you! You knew my brother was here and you didn’t tell me either?” Someone was going to be sleeping alone tonight.
“May I continue, Brat?” At my shrug, Mitsuhide raised a questioning eyebrow at Toshiie, who also seemed to be inclined to let him keep talking. “Might I first point out that you never mentioned your brother’s name?”
I hadn’t? I thought back… I might not have.
“It didn’t occur to me that I had met your brother until after you returned to your original time.” When Toshiie startled at that, Mitsuhide nodded to acknowledge he was aware we were from the future. “Katsu, Toshiie was the healer who treated you when you were in the accident. Why he chose not to disclose the connection and not to return to see you is something that you need to discuss with him.”
When I turned to look at Toshiie, who hung his head, Mitsuhide again took control of the conversation, this time by removing the wig to reveal his natural silvery hair. “Before you two talk though, I must introduce myself to you, Master Toshiie. My name is not Kyubei, its Akechi Mitsuhide. When your sister and I were here earlier this summer, we were pretending to be a merchant and his concubine.” Even though Toshiie bristled like an angry cat, Mitsuhide strolled to my side, picked up my hand and kissed it. “My brilliant fiancée was kind enough to agree to the charade in order to help me locate a kidnapped Oda princess.”
As Toshiie edged down from DEFCON one status, I gave Mitsuhide a look. Ok, he technically hadn’t lied, aside from claiming that we were engaged, but I still was going to have to expand on the story to Toshiie… hang on. I slapped Toshiie’s arm “You didn’t visit me because you thought I was a prostitute?” Way to be sex positive… not.
Toshiie threw his hands up in the air and looked to Mitsuhide, apparently now deciding that hewas the good cop, and I was the hard ass. Mitsuhide simply bowed. “Dear me, it appears that the two of you need some time alone to sort through matters.” He kissed my cheek, and then whisked himself downstairs, where I expected he would probably get a lesson in all kinds of nasty potions.
Who am I kidding? He had probably crept back up the stairs and was listening in. I mean…. I would have.
“I thought he was holding you against your will.” Toshiie glanced toward the stairway. “He seems nice though.”
“He’s not nice… but he is kind. Nice would bore me.” Since Toshiie didn’t respond to that, and had instead fallen into awkward silence, I gestured at the walls. “Is this your building?”
The response to that question was bitter laughter, a sound that seemed out of place coming from my brother. “No, I work for the herbalist in exchange for room and board.” He seemed not to know what to do with his hands, and so, taking pity on him, I asked for tea, even though I was not thirsty.
While he bustled around the irori, I took a closer look around his quarters. His place was small – there was no upper floor above us, so all he had was a cooking area and a main room. A futon was folded neatly in the corner, with two cushions sitting on top of that, but there wasn’t very much in the way of décor.
It was such a huge departure from his room in modern Japan, which had always been full of art posters, brightly colored textiles, and piles (literally piles) of books and graphic novels, that I realized my brother had become a completely new person. One I would have to get to know from scratch. Well… I suppose it was the same with me. I was not the same directionless adrenaline chaser I had been in my adolescence.
Once the tealeaves were steeping, Toshiie grabbed the cushions from the futon and placed them on the floor on either side of a tray table. I knelt across from him and waited for him to begin his story.
When a couple minutes had passed with him doing nothing but stare uncomfortably into his teacup, I finally decided to prompt him with a little bit of interrogation. “Would you rather start at what happened the day we got here? Or fast forward to the day you found me and didn’t stick around for me to wake up.”
“Wow. Harsh… But I guess I deserved that.” He still wouldn’t look at me. “Last fall… I was in a bad way. I um, drank. All the time.”
"The first night I was injured. I don’t recall much, but I do recall hearing a flute. That was you, wasn’t it?"
Mitsuhide inclined his head. "The healer mentioned you might find it soothing."
"Where is this healer now? Did he not come back after the first time?" It was strange to hear about a doctor who popped in once but didn’t come back to check on a patient. Maybe he needed to be sent for.
"From what Shojumaru has told me, the man is brilliant but rarely sober." As if to illustrate the point, Mitsuhide poured himself a cup of tea, rather than breaking out his sake. "As long as you appeared to be incrementally improving, I thought it not necessary to further test his sobriety."
Calling on the spirit of my moderately awesome ninja pal, I kept my face as impassive as possible.
“And I thought I had nothing to offer… that you would hate what I had become. I needed to clean up first.” He clenched his hands so tightly that his knuckles paled in the effort.
“I wouldn’t have cared. I mean… well, I would have worried a lot, but I wouldn’t have ever hated you.” Although I might have done my best to stage an intervention… which probably wouldn’t be possible in a place where the rice wine was sometimes safer to drink than water. “I just wanted my brother back. I’ve been looking for you – that is one of the reasons I became a courier to begin with. To find you.” I paused a moment, then prompted by honesty, I added, “Well, that and I hated being a housemaid.”
“Until I saw you with Kyu- er, with Mitsuhide, I thought you were dead. Eaten by a bear.” His fingers played absently with a rough chip in the side of the teacup.
Eaten by a … what?
“A bear?” There was nothing I could do after hearing that except laugh. “I’m sorry,” I said when I caught his hurt expression. “I know you must have been devastated when you heard that, it’s just… I’ve never gotten close enough to a bear to even be bitten by one, let alone become a bear meal. They don’t eat people. They’re more scared of us than we are of them.”
At that point, there was only one thing to do, and that was to hug him and pat his back and he tensed and shuddered a few times. “I’m sorry. You must have felt so lost.”
Belatedly, I wondered whether Aki’s gruff, slightly distant affection had indeed been exactly what I needed. After my first few weeks of culture shock, and reluctant acceptance that yes, I was stuck 450 years in the past, my entire motivation had been focused on physically and mentally becoming the best scout/ messenger possible. I had thrived on the challenge, more than I ever would have on any challenge I had faced in modern Japan.
“I thought it was my fault. I was the one who suggested we go to the shrine that day, and then when we were attacked, I couldn’t protect you.” His face was still buried in my shoulder, and I could feel his tension through his entire body.
“You wouldn’t have had to suggest it if you weren’t so worried about me, but… it would never have mattered. They would have figured out how to get us here no matter what.” Ok, that last bit was still a theory, but given the whole Aki situation, I think we were both supposed to be here.
He pulled back, and now his expression was one of curiosity. “What do you mean?”
“It’s a long story… but I want to hear about you first.” I figured Toshiie needed to unload and get everything out. Bringing up Aki right now would just derail all that. “All I knew, or at least what I thought I knew, was that you were on a ship of some sort.”
“We’re going to need more tea.” He poured out another serving. “That’s right. I was on a ship. We'd been at sea about six weeks," he made a disgusted face, "when we encountered a rogue wave that damaged the mast. The ship limped into Sakai for repairs and in the confusion, I escaped… and well, I guess they probably didn’t look too much for me. I was an awful sailor. They were getting tired of stepping in my vomit… and when they asked me to clean it up myself… well, I just got sick again.”
Yeah, that tracked. Toshiie always had had terrible motion sickness. “I didn’t have any money though and for a long time I just existed by helping out in a noodle place. Chopping and stuff. Putting those medical skills to good use. And then I actually did put my skills to use when the restaurant owner cut himself and I stitched up the wound… did you know that they’d never heard of sutures here?”
In fact, I was aware of that, having witnessed my share of battles from the sidelines, but I didn’t want to stop his flow so I simply raised my eyebrows to get him to keep going.
“Anyway, every so often I would do some actual medical work and after a while people started coming to me when they were injured or sick. The herbalist downstairs thought it would be a good business decision to have me up here, so it is kind of a trade. However, he takes most of what people give me for the care.” He gestured around the sparse room and at his worn clothing. “Hence.”
Ugh really? And I had smiled politely at the man when we came in? “That’s not fair!”
“It … is though. I might have not spent it wisely anyway.” He left that open for interpretation, but I got the inference. “I haven’t been very proactive about this… career. Or really bothered to do much in the way of advancing my knowledge.” He sighed. “At first the drinking was just to help the sea sickness.”
“And that helped… how?” Wouldn’t that have made it worse?
As if no years had passed, my twin was able to glean my thoughts again. “You’re thinking it might have made it worse… but I already felt so miserably sick, that at least at some point I wanted not to care about it. Besides, you should have seen the quality of the water on board. You do not want to know what I found floating in one of the barrels.”
Ew… I could imagine.
He turned serious again. “Once I was off the ship… it made things seem less awful.” I stretched out my hands to him and he took them. “I didn’t want to live… but after what mom did, I couldn’t kill myself either.” His grip tightened on me. “When I saw you alive, I finally had a reason to change.”
He … should have changed for himself. I didn’t want to be anyone’s reason or purpose (too much pressure), but now wasn’t the time for that. “And … did you… change?”
A rather strained smile crossed his face, and I could see that there were dark unhealthy circles under his eyes, but his next words were from the old Toshiie, my sarcastic twin. “Cold turkey, baby. It… sucked, but having knowledge of herbal teas helped get me through the worst of the symptoms.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help.” Because there were no more words to say, I pulled him into a hug, and as he once had done when our mother died, he sobbed on my shoulder. Toshiie always had felt things more deeply and fiercely than… no, maybe that wasn’t true. His way of dealing with pain was different from mine.  His outlet was emotion; mine had always been activity – to push my body until I couldn’t think.
Neither way was better or worse… they… just were.
After his emotional storm passed, he got up and pulled the teakettle off the irori. It had been steaming and spitting for a while now. He’d be lucky if there was any hot water left. While he made yet another pot of tea (well… he was probably still flushing poison from his system) I gave him the highlights of my past seven years, doing my best to get to this summer where I knew I would need to selectively edit information to match up to Mitsuhide’s story. “After Aki disappeared, Mitsuhide and I partnered up – “
“So you weren’t his fiancée?” Toshiie, of course leaped on that inconsistency, seeming (of course) very interested in my relationship with Mitsuhide.
“At the time it was more of a business partnership…”
“Heavens, wherever did you get the idea that I was offering you a partnership? You will be working for me, and you will do exactly as I say.” Before I could tell him where he could put his job offer (such as it was), he continued. “Don’t look so mutinous, Brat. Am I wrong in thinking that this was exactly the scheme you were planning with this man-” he nodded toward Francisco, “-as your conspirator?  And would you agree that I would be far more competent in the role than a man who was not able to appear at the auction in time to rescue you from danger?” In spite of, or more simply to humor, Francisco, Mitsuhide sent a friendly smile in his direction.
Again, yes. Mitsuhide and his mouth full of teeth would be an upgrade in that regard. If I continued with Plan A. However, I could move directly to Plan B – finding and working for this Shojumaru – without taking a partner. Especially one who would-
“I rather think your rejection of me, while somewhat personally hurtful,” he dramatically placed his hand over his heart, and directed an over-the-top lovelorn glance at me, “lies in the fact that unlike your language-deficient friend, I would exert control over your somewhat impetuous behavior.”
“My rejection, as you put it, lies in the fact that I don’t want to work for you. I don’t want to work with you. I don’t want to spend any time in the same room with you.” 
A punch on my arm startled me out of my reminiscence. Toshiie grinned at me. “Look at you, with that goofy smile on your face. You liked him even then. My little sister in love. Never thought I would see the day.”
Ooof. Goofy smile? Mitsuhide probably heard that. Oh boy. I was going to be teased for that for certain. “It was only after I got hurt that the two of us realized how we felt about each other… but Toshiie, I haven’t yet told you… it turns out that Aki is our father… he’s from some time in the future…. I mean the future of our future. If we hadn’t gone through the wormhole then, we might have ended up here at some point anyway.”
There was a long silence while Toshiie digested all that. “Wow. That’s some serious sci-fi stuff. I love it... Our bio dad, huh? What’s he like?”
“Gruff. Distant. But… I always knew he cared about me. Before learning he was our father, I would have said that I loved him as a father figure. My Obi Wan. Now… it’s all mixed up because of the multiverse … on man, I haven’t even explained that part of it yet.” Toshiie was looking at me with four parts fascination and one part incredulity. “We live in a multiverse, and you and I have alternate selves. There is only Aki, but lots of us, and in another timeline, I met my alternate – as well as your children. I met them. Nao and Mayumi. They’re pretty good kids. Nao likes to climb things.”
“Huh. Kids.” He smiled. “I don’t know why that helps. But it does. I feel less cursed.”
Well. That was good… but it made me wonder. My life, and Katsuko’s life and apparently my unmet alternate Okatsu’s life had turned out all right. Maybe the mysterious ninja self was good too.
But… were there timelines where we were not ok? Where things had gone as badly for us as they had for Toshiie in this timeline?
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“Brat, I don’t recall you mentioning that you met an alternate version of yourself.” After spending most of the evening at Toshiie’s, Mitsuhide and I had returned to the machiya, eaten a light snack, and were now getting ready for bed. I’d hoped he’d missed that part of the conversation… but Mitsuhide misses nothing.
“Hah. I knew you were listening in.” His re-entry into Toshiie’s rooms had been suspiciously well timed to the end of my conversation with my brother, and his welcome interruption into what had been an awkward conversational lull had diverted the rest of the evening into a getting to know you session between the two most important men in my life. Under Mitsuhide’s acting of a fervent lover (and probably also under the spell of those cheekbones) Toshiie’s stiffness had melted away. By the end of the night, he’d agreed to Mitsuhide’s proposal to move to Azuchi.
“I was, and you would have done the same.”
Ok, that’s fair.
True, I had indeed expected him to listen in… but it had been difficult enough just to pitch my edited tale toward Toshiie. I’d decided I would just deal with the eavesdropper later.
Now, it was later… and I still hadn’t figured out how to handle any potential questions. Divert, divert, divert! I gestured to the parcel he’d brought back from the herbalist. “Did you buy something?”
“A little of this, a little of that.” He set a few paper-sealed packets up on the shelf where he kept the oil and incense. Then he turned around and gave me one of those looks. The look that seared into my soul and set my nerve endings buzzing. That prickly feeling… but now that I knew what it meant it was less frightening. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Ok… maybe a little bit frightening. But in a good way.
I knelt on a cushion, folded my hands piously, and gave him an innocent look.
Eyebrow raise.
Letting my fingers trail across the smooth straw of the tatami mat, I tried to ground myself. “It’s nothing really.”
Grounding would have been more effective if my kitsune hadn’t simply picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. He crawled on top of me and kissed the underside of my chin, his tongue flicking out to caress my throat. “You do remember I have my ways of making you talk… and moan… and scream.”
“I knew I shouldn’t have let you watch those old melodrama – oh!” He was already nibbling his way along my throat, moving leisurely up to my ear. I wiggled in anticipation of what would come next.
“You are avoiding the question.” That wicked smile told me he was having fun questioning me… and that he wouldn’t stop until he got an answer.
And, I suppose, that avoiding it would only make the revelation seem bigger than it actually was. “It’s really not that important. My alternate self is in love with Shingen.” When he frowned at that, I added, “but having met them both, the only way I could manage not to be weird about meeting another me was to think of her as my older sister, and as such, he will always be another brother in my eyes.”
Before he could respond, I hugged him closer. “Thank you for finding my brother. And for having someone watch over him.” I had not missed the nod that Mitsuhide had given to a man sitting across the road from the herbalist’s storefront. “It was the best grand romantic gesture a woman could ever dream of receiving.”
Well, that and travelling through time to find me.
There was silence for a moment, but I wasn’t expecting him to answer. Mitsuhide had as much trouble acknowledging a thank-you as he used to with accepting pleasure. Therefore, I was surprised when he very quietly whispered, “you are very welcome.”
“I’m glad he decided to come back with us. I mean, sure Kyoto isn’t that far from Azuchi, but it will be nice to see him every day…” Hm. That did remind me of one other white lie he had told my brother. “Although he’s going to figure out pretty soon that I’m not your fiancée.”
“He will not, because you are in fact my fiancée.” While I was still processing that matter of fact statement, Mitsuhide took advantage of my silence by kissing me thoroughly that most of my consciousness jumped the track to yes there, move closer, why are we both still dressed.
When my brain cells finally took control again… “I don’t recall there being a marriage proposal-“
“Consider it a permanent extension of our contract.” He propped himself up on one arm and smiled down at me, his fingers drawing little circles on my stomach.
“You know I’ll stay by your side without marriage. I’m more than happy as your lover.” Marriage had never been part of my dreams. “It’s not necessary.”
“You misunderstand. It is very necessary to my continued happiness that you become my wife. Until that blissful moment occurs, I intend to at least use the term ‘my fiancée’ on a daily basis.” He leaned down and placed a slow gentle kiss on my lips, one of reverence, one that said what his words could not. Then, he pulled away, and with that smirk, he added, “After all, do you not want to marry the man who can, to quote your brother, put that goofy smile on your face?”
I knew that was going to come back to haunt me.
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@lorei-writes @bestbryn @selenacosmic @tele86 @lyds323 @akitsuneswife
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Shoutout to @mysticcrownwolf for the idea to do. this (sorry it took so long) and behold! The Lovechild AU (it's a dumb name, I know and apologize)
So this au basically revolves around the idea of Kuai Liang and Hanzo having a kid by accident. It works whether one of them is trans, mpreg is happening, or if Shang Tsung just made the kid in the fleshpits (I haven't decided which one I wanna go with yet)
The lovechild in question is:
Katsuko Tian-Hasashi aka Avalanche
She inherited both of her father's powers which actually had the unforseen consequence of her developing a chronic health issue. Due to her body being able to summon and withstand both extreme heat and extreme cold, her internal temperature is incredibly inconsistent. THis can lead to her having days where she cannot get warm no matter how hard she tries and days where she feels like she's boiling alive. As such, she has to be very careful to balance her power usage to try and avoid triggering another flare.
Whenever it flares up and she's too warm, Kuai Liang will usually sit with her and use his ice to keep her cool until it's over, with Hanzo doing the same when she's too cold.
Her fire is actually white due to the sheer amount of heat she can generate, though she can get it down to blue if she tries. She has never been able to generate an orange flame.
In terms of weapons, she uses a rope dart like Hanzo, which he taught her to use, and various knives hidden on her person. If she is weaponless, she'll summon ice around her hands and teeth to make claws and fangs and fight that way.
She could have joined either the Shirai Ryu or the Lin Kuei if she wanted to, or neither, her dads weren't going to push her decision no matter what, but she chose to join the Lin Kuei for reasons she still refuses to explain to anyone.
As far as Katsuko is concerned, Frost and Takeda are her siblings and she will defend them with her life, despite them both being older than her.
That's all I've got for her so far, lemme know what you guys think!
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raireart · 3 months
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More @anbu-legacy fanart - this time of Ryouma and Katsuko!
Featuring more really bad calligraphy by yours truly.
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melishade · 1 year
In the Soundwave timeline, how's he gonna take over the world? He and Laserbeak have a groundbridge and some Cybertronian ship, but will that be enough to stop Optimus and Megatron from protecting humanity? Marley and Paradise are working well together so far, especially with Calvi out of the picture and Willy befriending Optimus, so they have a huge advantage over Soundwave.
Part 8: Willy and Lara feelings about Megatron
Soundwave still has Pieck, and I stated before that he will use the technology he's gathered along with using that technology to create a groundbridge (so he's going to be sending people into the Shadowzone), a ship of his own, and Lazerbeak.
But just for fun, I'll throw in Hizuru as Soundwave blackmailing the continent. (In this timeline, Hizuru and Paradis have not made contact.)
With Soundwave's expert spying, he realizes that Marley and Paradis has joined forces, and knowing that will cause a derailment in his plans, needs extra support and fast. He went after the Middle Eastern Alliance and stole their technology because they were the ones who actively stood a chance against Marley's forces. They had the best technology, but because of his interference, the Middle Eastern Alliance are now turning on each other.
(He watches the shit go down as entertainment while Pieck is just mortified at it all.)
So Soundwave knows that he's going to need a temporary army until he can finish his machine to contact the Decepticons. Through his spying, he finds out about Hizuru shady deals and military advancements and decides that they are the best route.
He waits, spies on the locals, finds out more information about Ambassador Kiyomi, the Azumabito Clan, the Hizuru Royal Family, and the country's disdain for the royal family. He learns that the current one was placed there during the loss of the actual heir and the fall of the Eldian Empire. Taisho's father was despised, Taisho himself is hated, Kenshin is considered neutral, but...they all seem to adore Katsuko, the Emperor's wife.
So some OC background that I wanted to divulge in for Taisho and Katsuko since I have talked about Kenshin in the past. Taisho was around during the height of the Marleyan Empire and the scorn and ridicule of the Hizuru Empire. His father became corrupt due to his own dealings to try and get rich, instead of valuing the future of Hizuru. Taisho had constantly witnessed uncertainty, death threats, assault, everything. The only friend he had was Kiyomi, since she was already part of the Azumabito clan. Taisho and his father's relationship was terrible, abusive even. Taisho's only desire is just to survive in this ever changing world.
The only time Taisho was willing to risk it all and throw the crown away himself was because of Katsuko. Katsuko was definitely a low ranking member of society, but she is exceptionally brilliant and deeply compassionate to those around her. She fought tooth and nail to try and learn everything she could for a woman of her time and do her best to hold herself to a higher standard despite her status. One thing leads to another, and she and Taisho meet for the first time, and then continue to meet in secret.
And Taisho...feels safe with her. Initially, he thought she was there for an ulterior motive, but Katsuko never abused her knowledge of his identity or tried to take advantage of him like so many others. Taisho falls and he falls hard. People see Katsuko and Taisho together, and they don't like Taisho, but they adore Katsuko because of her kindness throughout the capital. Taisho's father does find out about this and immediately tries to destroy the relationship, but Taisho finds out and immediately threatens him: if he so much as lays a finger on her, he will never see Taisho again.
Taisho's father still tries, but the public love Katsuko, and his partners do see a benefit in gaining public approval. The father still disapproves, tries to make Katsuko's life in the temple a living hell. But Katsuko's been through worse and just keeps her head held high. This only furthers the kingdom's resentment of Taisho's father. Kiyomi ends up finding out about the father's attempt to downright assassinate Katsuko and stages a quiet coup. Using the diplomatic skills she's been training for, she convinces the other council members of the importance of removing the father and putting Taisho on the thrown immediately for the ultimate future of this nation. Most of them agree, since they've noticed his behavior is out of control. One day, Taisho discovers that his father died in his sleep. But Taisho's not stupid. His father was in perfect health and would've lived a long life with all the luxuries he had. Someone caused his death, and he had a gut feeling who.
"Do you resent me for it?" Kiyomi asked him that night.
Taisho crossed his arms and sighed. "You know how my father was. His love was only for money. Not for his country, not for his dead wife, not even me. I don't resent you for it, Kiyomi. You made a call to protect this nation. You'll make a good ambassador."
"I could turn on you, one day," Kiyomi warned, "If you do something that will ultimately destroy our nation."
"...I'm in your debt," Taisho declared, "If you decide I'm unfit to rule, do what you must."
Taisho doesn't shed tears as they bury his father, and he is made the new emperor without any objections. Katsuko asks him if he's alright, and...Taisho admits that he's terrified. He now has all this power, and he's afraid of who he'll become now that he has it. He doesn't want to be like his father. And Katsuko reminds him that he has the power to be whoever he wants to be. Taisho could have bent to his father's will, but never did so. That was more than enough proof that Taisho was better than him. Taisho is moved and downright asks Katsuko to marry her in that moment, if she doesn't hate him or what his father put her through. Katsuko laughs and says yes.
Now back to the main story. Soundwave knows about Katsuko's favoritism among the public, and decides she's the best way to get the army that he wants. So he kidnaps her, and forces Taisho's to give him an army or else she dies. Taisho's in a tight spot, the council and the public are in terror and disarray. Taisho can't let his wife die, but he now realizes that all the odd occurrences happening in other countries are happening because of Soundwave. Soundwave is the one causing them trouble. And Taisho makes a very calculated risk without knowing much about Soundwave. He tells Kiyomi and Kenshin to run and get help while he bent to Soundwave's command. Kiyomi understands the situation, but Kenshin is terrified and angry, lashing out at his father and calling him a coward!
"You're just going to let mom die?!" Kenshin demanded.
"I am buying my time!" Taisho declared in anger, "We don't have many options! That being has been dismantling governments in the shadows! If we are not careful, Hizuru is next!"
"Mom is our best chance at swaying the public-!"
"As long as she is in his clutches, I cannot take that risk and let her die!" Taisho yelled, "I am not going to lose your mother without a fight! You know that we are limited in options! You and Kiyomi getting help is our best chance at survival! So listen to your father for once and go with your aunt!"
"...Dad...I'm scared," Kenshin confessed, tears forming in his eyes.
Taisho felt his lips tremble before placing his hands on his son's cheeks. "My stubborn and prideful child, that is natural. This is not something we prepared for...In the event of my death and the death of the Empress, you will be crowned the next Emperor of Hizuru."
"Don't you fucking say that!" Kenshin yelled.
"You are the pride and the future of this nation," Taisho declared, "And I have never been more proud to call you my own."
Taisho wants to say that he's sorry for not being the best father and letting their relationship get so strained, but there's not enough time. Kiyomi and Kenshin need to go. Father and Son say their emotional goodbyes, and Taisho does his best to wipe his tears as Kiyomi and Kenshin flee to get help.
(More OC centric, but I've been meaning to talk about them.)
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ginger-grimm · 11 months
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Katsuko for @the12thnightproject
I hope you like it!
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arrthurpendragon · 1 year
@the12thnightproject for OC creator ask!
Her OCs have impressive lore, and oh my gosh. The plot of her longfics? My heart was torn, glued together with honey, then torn again, and I keep on coming back for more. She's an extremely skilled writer, and the possibilities she creates with carefully crafted OCs... I'm living for that.
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someoctober · 1 year
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katsuko kanaizumi ultimate tattoo artist
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izuku · 2 months
types of people : dungeons & dragons classes
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𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙽 »  toothy grins, stories around the campfire, clothes covered in pet hair, hot temper, old jeans, heartbeat in head, potatoes and steak, beaded jewelry, bruises like galaxies, mementos, backpack stuffed full, craigslist furniture, spontaneous road trips, air ripped from lungs
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙳 »  homemade bread, white lies, easily excited, trying on hats, band geek, pep talks, no impulse control, sunsets, vintage fashion, long showers, selfies, following dreams, rosy cheeks, song mash-ups, pink lemonade with tequila, loves easily, animated storyteller, full of comebacks
𝙲𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲 »  list of wishes, biting their tongue, band-aids and neosporin, shoulder to cry on, morning sun, necklaces, trial and error, homemade quilts, formal clothing, astrology fan, messages in bottles, pleated braids, speaking up for friends, feathers, motivational quotes, vivid dreams
𝙳𝚁𝚄𝙸𝙳 »  bird watching, shy kid, wind chimes, trying to whistle, summer camp, apple orchards, lost in their head, glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, hoodies, thrift shopping, saving worms off the sidewalk, pig latin, bare feet, thunderstorms, numb fingers, braided hair, naming potted plants
𝙵𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁 »  goosebumps, leather jackets, adventure, chewing nails, cares deeply but can’t show it, bronze locks, no sleep, taste of iron, netflix binges, never forgets, combat boots, stories behind scars, table for one, official soundtracks, sore calves, trusts themselves the most
𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙺 »  always trying to be better, wanderlust, meditation, sweat pants, old photographs, yoga, sleeping in hammocks, nostalgia, minimalist design, a breath of fresh air, baby animals, volunteering, perfectionist, doesn’t care about fashion, healthy snacks, noticing the little things
𝙿𝙰𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽 »  school uniforms, thick jackets, sleeping with the windows open, logical advice, scrapbooking, compasses, i fight for my friends, sculpture gardens, cold morning air, big soul, likes routine, secret romantic, last to get jokes, sunflowers, practical presents, misty weather
𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁 »  herbal tea, smell of rain, blinking away tears, camping trips, collecting bones, swiss army knives, first impressions, anxious thoughts, bobby pins, burnt marshmallows, too competitive, clothes lines, messenger bags, holding grudges, gets along better with animals than people
𝚁𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴 »  flirtatious sarcasm, candid photos, lost phone chargers, adrenaline rush, picking dirt out from beneath their nails, social chameleon, clashing clothes, self-deprecating jokes, claw machines, sits in chairs wrong, smudged eyeliner, has too many  sunglasses, eats nothing or everything
𝚂𝙾𝚁𝙲𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚁 »  infectious laugh, family trees, shivers down their spine, lipstick and roses, mood swings, clumsy, believing in destiny, high expectations, sleeping in darkness, collection of nail polish, passionate, good grades but never studies, poetry books, blowing kisses, not knowing their own strength
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺 »  knowing everyone’s secrets, backpack covered in pins, envy, being in walmart late at night, earl grey, selective memory, conspiracy theories and cryptids, key smashing, need to know basis, can’t cook, bags under eyes, experimental art, flickering bulbs, black clothing all year long
𝚆𝙸𝚉𝙰𝚁𝙳 »  piles of textbooks, cat in lap, keeping a diary, indecision, scented candles, studying alone in a café, lingering touches, museum dates, unanswered questions, taking on too much responsibility, collections, chalk dust, comfy robes, unnecessary apologies, coming home after a long day
0 notes
kobayashisoul · 2 months
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》 ᴄᴏɴɢʀᴀᴛᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ 《
ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ꜰᴀʟʟ ᴀꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ
ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ ɪꜱ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍꜱ.
It's a big Picture of Gaara's and Raziela's Wedding Day together with their closest loved ones and Family! On this Picture Reeze is already pregnant with the Twins. ⏳️
Gaara's Siblings were more than happy for their little Brother and they welcomed his Wife so warm into their Family. Their Baby Brother finding a Woman and him going to be Father.. They really were incredibly happy for him. So of coursr they were a big Part of the Wedding Ceremony.
Then, of course, Gaara's best Friend Uzumaki Naruto. He was his best man on his Wedding Day and he was also so happy for Gaara. For Gaara it was really important that Naruto was Part of the Wedding, because without him he wouldn't be the Man he is today. It was all thanks to him.
Then of course, Raziela with her Brother, Buredo Kobayashi. He was with her through all the dark times of her life and never lost his deep Connection to his Sister. They were sleqys inseparable from a very young age on. For Raziela it was special to have him at the Ceremony, because he was the only one from her Family who she's still close to.
And of course, Raziela's Foster Father Katsuko Kobayashi. He was the one who walked Raziela to her Future Husband, since she didn't had and Contact to her biological Father. Katsuko means so much to Raziela and having him there on her special Day was everything to her. For her he is the best Father she could've asked for.
Everyone was there to congratulate the Kazekage and his Wife. Happy Wedding Day! 🩵
Art (c) pun_shun
Raziela, Buredo & Katsuko Kobayashi (c) @kobayashisoul
Naruto & The Sand Siblings (c) Masashi Kishimoto
Naruto & Boruto (c) Masashi Kishimoto and Mikio Ikemoto
This Picture was a Comission for me from pun_shun . I am NOT the Artist of this Artwork. I have the Artists written permission to upload this drawing to my Social Media. ⚠️
The Ocs, their Designs and Stories belong to me. Without my written permission you have no right to recolor/repost/trace/edit/use this in any way. ⚠️
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hawkspots · 7 months
A little late to the party, but I wanted to try posting some OC content on this blog instead of just fanart, and what better way to do that then participating in this year's OC-tober?
Day #5: Relationships
(I won't be going back to do the days I missed)
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Ft. My OC Kanata (purple sweater) and his family! More on him and the piece itself under the cut.
(Please reblog if you're comfortable doing so <3)
Kanata is a character I made for a roleplay I'm in, the others are just backstory characters who never directly appear. This is a flashback or old family photo type thing, in the current time Kanata is 17 whereas he'd be about 8 in this image.
Characters from left to right are Katsuko (mom), Kanata (younger sibling), Hakaru (older sibling), and Naoki (dad).
The art isn't particularly polished, since if I'm gonna try and keep up with this prompt list for the whole month it's gonna be simple and easy drawings haha
The reason I went for him for the relationships prompt is because almost everything he does is influenced in some way by his relationship to his family.
(CW for brief mention of death & dark subject matter below)
I'm not giving a full lore explanation, but long story short, his his parents and sibling all eventually died. He carries a lot of trauma and survivor's guilt because of everything that happened, never really letting himself get close to anyone else until very recently in the story.
You'll probably see more of him over the course of this OC-tober, since he's my favorite character I've made to date! I can't wait to share more.
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clickonmedotexe · 1 year
Katsuko wonders throughout the offices and finds this strange place that she can't describe
"What is this place?" @katsuko-rp-blog
(The only OC i have who hasn't meet rex well atleast i think)
"The Office." Comes the grumbled response from nearby. Rex sits on a desk, twirling a sharp knife around in his hand.
"What, did it take you this fucking long to figure out?"
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the12thnightproject · 1 month
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Chapter47: Epilogue Katsu settles in in Azuchi. Plus kittens.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
Azuchi, Six weeks later…
The maids were going to kill me. Having been one myself, I understood the frustration of someone dripping mud across a freshly cleaned floor. But even though I left my mucky geta at the entry, there was no way to stop the rest of my clothing from scattering dirty water all the way down the corridor.
“You should just let Katsuko decide.” Though I’d intended to go change into dry clothes, I ended up halting by the door to Mitsuhide’s office area when I heard Toshiie’s voice.
What is this all about?
Before I could hide behind the door to eavesdrop, Mitsuhide called out. “I hear you out there, Brat, you might as well come in.”
As I entered, both took in my barefoot and soaked appearance with varying levels of concern (Toshiie) and amusement (Mitsuhide). I sighed. “Yes. My horse dumped me in a puddle again. Yes, in front of Nobunaga.”
On the bright side it had been after the afternoon of negotiations with a contingent of Nanban merchants, so at least I hadn’t spent the day messy and uncomfortable. Far from being insulted that one of his entourage had suffered an embarrassing splat, Nobunaga had been amused by the whole thing. Though he was still an imposing authority figure, and a stern boss, I suspected that below all that was an inner troll.
Mitsuhide took off his socks and passed them to me.
“Funny. That horse never does that to Ieyasu.” Toshiie’s comment confirmed to me that Ieyasu had continued to secretly ride her on the days where I was occupied with my duties as Nobunaga’s translator.
Eager to move the conversation away from my latest riding mishap, I turned to Toshiie. “What are you doing here?”
Usually at this time of day, he was in Ieyasu’s manor, while the two spent the afternoons exchanging medical knowledge. Now looking much more like the brother I remembered, he’d been enthusiastically training in feudal medicine. To everyone’s surprise, Ieyasu appeared not only to tolerate his company, but actually enjoy it.
Immediately Toshiie clammed up, looking furtive. Mitsuhide simply raised his eyebrow. Oh. Another romantic gesture was incoming. Mitsuhide had taken to love bombing me with just-because gifts. The gestures were always thoughtful, though occasionally embarrassingly timed, such as when he had Keiji perform a K-pop ballad in the middle of a banquet. (“How did you remember all the lyrics and teach it to him?” “I have my ways.”)
Hm. I would get nothing out of Toshiie with Mitsuhide around – I would have to privately interrogate my brother later.
“Come over here – I haven’t seen my darling fiancée all day.” Mitsuhide patted a spot on the floor next to him. I was soaked and muddy, but… details. If Mitsuhide wanted to be covered with ambient muck, who was I to stop him? After kissing me thoroughly (much to Toshiie’s embarrassment) Mitsuhide easily switched to business mode. “Was your day a success?”
“Yes to the negotiation, no to the drawing.” Before leaving modern Japan, I had printed out a screencap of Father Slappy Hands, and Mai had tried to draw him wearing period appropriate costume. I’d taken the drawing with me to show it to the Nanban merchants, but none of them recognized him. Nor had I been able to locate Francisco to question him about the man (or the gun).  He was still playing least-in-sight, and his business had been shuttered all winter.
Removing the drawing from the leather tube that had protected it when I splashed down, I unrolled it and showed it to Toshiie. “Do you remember this guy?” It was unlikely he would recognize the man who had spied on the gymnastics meet. It had been nearly fifteen years and Toshiie only had him on camera for a few seconds. So I was surprised when Toshiie said, “Nuno da Guerra. Why is he dressed as a missionary?”
Mitsuhide pulled our original screencap out of his desk and passed it to Toshiie. “Same man?”
Toshiie squinted at it. “Could be. What is this about?”
“He attacked us in Sakai. Once when we were investigating a slave auctions, and then a couple weeks after that.” At my selective edit (Toshiie did not need to know exactly how I had been investigating that) Mitsuhide raised his eyebrow, but let the omission go. “How do you know him?”
“I don’t know much about him at all. He would sometimes visit the herbalist.” Toshiie gave a bit of a shrug. “But… there are rumors that he’s bringing in opium from Goa.”
“That would certainly be a deviation from history.” A new voice came from the ceiling, then a moment later, Sasuke popped into the room with a graceful flip.”
“Dear me. Are you at all aware of a concept called… a door?” Mitsuhide gestured to his rifle, which was within reaching distance. “One of these days someone is going to hear you scrabbling around up there, shoot first, then question later.”
“If I ever made enough noise to, um, scrabble, Kenshin would skewer me before I lever left Kasugayama.” Sasuke turned and bowed to Toshiie. “Greetings and salutations. I take it you are Katsu’s brother.” He raised his hand in a Vulcan salute.
Since Sasuke’s greeting had only served to confuse Toshiie, I introduced the two of them and explained the future connection.
“Before this conversation can degenerate into a litany of modern Japanese cultural touchstones-,” MItsuhide’s eyebrow raise was in full force, “will you please expand on what it is you were talking about when you so charmingly… dropped in.”
Sasuke pushed his glasses up on his nose. “Historically, Japan never had the type of … issue… with opium that the Chinese empire did. Although its use medicinally dates from this period, it was rarely used recreationally, and by the nineteenth century the Tokugawa shogunate proactively banned it. Therefore, a foreign merchant attempting to disseminate it as a drug in this era, could theoretically do a fair amount of damage to a culture that has not been inoculated by China’s bad example.” Having dropped that lecture on us, Sasuke turned to Toshiie. “Did I hear you say you were working with the one and only Tokugawa Ieyasu? Would you mind if I accompanied you back? I’m eager to hear your impressions of that man.”
Seeming bemused by the torrent of words, Toshiie simply nodded.
“Wait, Sasuke. Were you just in the ceiling to spy?” Seemed like a rather large risk, especially when he could easily have just walked in through the entry.
“Ah. It escaped my mind when I heard him mention Ieyasu.” Sasuke dug a letter out of his kimono. “Yoshimoto sent this.”
Moving quickly, I grabbed the letter before Mitsuhide could confiscate it. “Thanks, Sasuke.”
He and Toshiie were already on their way out, with Sasuke eagerly listing his favorite Ieyasu accomplishments.
“It’s probably for both of us,” I said to Mitsuhide, hoping to prevent a sarcastic-
“Ah yes. Of course. I am accustomed to receiving love letters from a resident of Kasugayama.” He pulled me closer to him. “Hm, you are indeed quite damp.”
“There’s a thing called rain that you may have heard about.” Then, because I doubted he would let me leave with an unopened letter, I unsealed it and held it up so that we could both read it. “Save you the trouble of stealing it later.”
“Pity. I quite enjoy your attempts to ransom back your belongings.” He rested his chin on my shoulder and began narrating the letter. “’Dear Katsuko.’ Hrm. Inauspicious beginning. I would think you’d rate a darling at least.”
“If you’re going to snark all the way through this-“
“I make no promises.”
“I hope this letter finds you well. Thank you for the letter you sent via Sasuke. I shall cherish it always.” Mitsuhide tapped my forehead with his finger. “You wrote to him?”
“He did see me go over the wall. I thought he at least deserved to know that I survived… and deserved thanks for helping me out.” I elbowed him. “May I finish or are you going to continue to be a yandere about it.”
“Carry on.” He tickled the back of my neck. “He may have a paper from you, but I have the real thing.”
“’I am relieved to know that you survived your journeys through time, and if you are indeed settled in Azuchi, I wish for all your happiness. However, be assured there will always be a place for you wherever I am.’”
Hm, maybe I shouldn’t have let Mitsuhide read over my shoulder after all.
Luckily for the sake of peace in our relationship, Yoshimoto’s letter quickly switched gears to catch us up on politics. “You maybe be aware that Yoshiaki has entered a Buddhist temple. He will not be leaving it, as he recently suffered a brain storm that has left him rather incapacitated.”
Brain storm? Stroke? Yoshiaki was a little young for that, although I supposed it was possible.
“I thought that might occur.” MItsuhide sounded a bit… disappointed. “Although I do wish that could be confirmed.” Ok, not disappointed. Suspicious.
“As for your young friends, Sho and Hiko, they have settled in nicely at Kasugayama. Hiko has been all but adopted by Kanetsugu, who prizes education and has a school in the city. Our lovely flower Sho has a string of lovelorn vassals following her every step, although she does seem to prefer arguing with Yukimura. Shingen and I are amused by how easily they annoy each other. Meanwhile, I have returned to my passionate patronage of the arts. Come the Spring, I do believe I shall make the journey to Azuchi in order to explore the wares of your local artisans. I hope to encounter you then. Yoshimoto.”
“Is he warning us of an attack on Azuchi in the Spring? Or does he really plan to go shopping?” With Yoshimoto, it could go either way.
“I suspect the latter. Kenshin may be battle crazy, but he prefers to fight in a more open territory. Terrorizing civilians is not his style.” Mitsuhide made a move to confiscate the letter again, but I quickly folded it up. “It’s rather disappointing he wasn’t specific on the timing of his travel plans, in order for me to ensure you and I are elsewhere.”
I decided to ignore that bait. If we got into an argument, I never would get to the bathhouse, and I had become more uncomfortably damp as the afternoon wore on. A hot bath, and then maybe I could convince Mitsuhide to make an early night of… drat.
A long discussion of any of the things we had just learned had to wait. I’d forgotten that Mai had arranged the often-threatened “double date” for this evening. True, I liked Mai and Hideyoshi, and a meal cooked by Masamune was almost enough to make me forget my preference for a quiet night in. But given the already late hour, I rushed through my clean up, then had to press Mitsuhide into service to help me control my hair.
“Are you sure it’s going to stay?” I gently touched the series of knots behind my head, all held in place by a mass of hairsticks, including my beloved bellflower lockpicks.
He placed his hand on his heart. “I am devestated to hear you question my abilities as a hairstylist. It will last as long as it needs to last.”
With that cryptic statement, he led me into Hideyoshi’s manor… where I discovered that the hairstyle was meant to last until I bowed, at which point, the structural integrity disintegrated, gravity took over, and everything landed on the floor in a clatter of hairsticks. I cleared my bangs from my vision in time to see Hideyoshi wince.
Yep, I had already heard his opinions of how an employee of the Oda ought to look in public. It was similar to his opinions on running in the hallway, allowing Nobunaga to purchase a large quantity of konpieto in Saiki (as if I could have stopped him), and general tardiness.
To his credit, aside from flinching, Hideyoshi easily moved things along, becoming a perfect dinner host. Though Mai was the only one of us who had ever been on a double date, the evening proceeded smoothly enough, especially when Mitsuhide brought up Yoshiaki’s reported illness and the conversation turned to politics.
It was nice to be able to sit back in a relaxed setting and watch Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide interact. Though on the surface, Mitsuhide subjected Hideyoshi to as much teasing as he did me, I could see there was deep respect and admiration between the two of them. I recalled Mai mentioning that Mitsuhide only teased when he was serious, and I mentally amended that to the fact that he only teased where he loved.
Yep, his love language was snark.
As I continued to watch the two of them, Mitsuhide’s expression radiating relaxation and contentment, even as he good naturedly disagreed with something Hideyoshi had said, I realized that contentment was mirrored inside myself. I … was … happy. It was unexpected. Though I had spent most of my life running from unhappiness and my mother’s example, I had never run toward happiness. Instead, I’d had a hard-fought equilibrium, a balanced life that I enjoyed, and I’d been fine with my lot.
But this all was new. And… lovely.
Catching my gaze… and the direction of my thoughts, Mitsuhide smiled at me. “Happy?”
“Yeah. I can’t imagine anything that would make this moment better.” If I could have frozen everything in time, I might have chosen this exact point.
Although Mai did have a suggestion that was intriguing. “Mitsunari and a basket of kittens.”
“Ok, that might just-“
“No.” Her voice was full of wonder and amusement. “Mitsunari has a basket of kittens.” She sighed and gestured to a point behind me.
I turned and… Mitsunari stood at the door, holding a basket of kittens. A little grey one had already escaped containment and was climbing his arm.
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“My response was perfectly normal given the situation. He had a basket of kittens.” I took one of the hoodies I had smuggled back to the Sengoku and used it to create a makeshift bed for the new feline members of our household – Hawkeye and Natasha.
It turned out that Toshiie’s ‘secret’ meeting with Mitsuhide had been to determine which kitten I might like. They’d decided to let me choose for myself, hence Mitsunari’s sudden appearance (he’d gotten the message confused) with his cat’s recently weaned offspring. “Thank you for the gift. It was very thoughtful.”
I stood up and gave him a kiss.
“To be clear, the gift was the cats themselves, and not the man holding them.” He picked up Natasha, tickled her grey striped fur, then held her against his chest. “Until I saw you and Mai melt that way, I had not realized that women become that weak when presented with the sight of a man holding a miniature cat.” He set the other kitten on his shoulder then smirked at me.
It didn’t have quite the effect that Mitsunari had, but he looked handsome none the less, especially when he tapped his finger over his sensual lips.
“A basket of kittens. Not that he held onto that that long.” Mitsunari’s attempt to keep the kittens in the basket had met with certain failure, resulting in seven furry bullets ricocheting all over Hideyoshi’s quarters. By the time the five of us managed to round them all up, the double date was well and truly over.
Mitsuhide seemed to have ‘the touch’ with them, and he settled them onto the hoodie. They instantly curled into each other, and dropped into sleep. “Tomorrow, I’ll introduce them to Chimaki and ensure she understands they are friends. But for now…” He turned, scooped me up, and carried me to our own bed (he seemed to like doing that, and I was getting used to it). “I believe we should follow their example.”
In moments, we had created our own ‘cuddle puddle,’ our arms and legs entangled. “The fact that you remembered I still miss my old cat. It was… I’m…” Too many words struggled for supremacy. This was beyond happiness.
“I know.” He pushed my hair out of my eyes. “I remember every moment of that night. The best and the worst parts of it. I wanted to love you slowly and thoroughly, but I told myself that was not something I could have. Still… there was a part of me that pretended it was the first night of many. That we would return to Azuchi together, I would find a cat for you, and you would-“
“Give you everything. I have. And I will.” No more words were needed. He made good on his promise and began to make love to me, slowly, tenderly, taking time to assuage both of our needs, rocking against me as gently as a boat rode upon the waves.
Maybe it had been a longer route to get here… but we had made it.
The tenth thing I hate about Mitsuhide. The fact that everything about him makes it impossible to avoid loving him.
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Coda: Sasuke
“Status update?” Aki, still looking frail and slightly feverish, settled behind the massive European style desk in his office.
Sasuke considered telling his part-time employer to take a few days off, but he settled for handing the man a bottle of antibiotics stolen from the hospital pharmacy. Though Aki had wanted to return to the Sengoku era immediately, Sasuke and Kayten convinced him to wait at least a week to ensure his infection would not recur. Instead, they had used the prototype to laterally jump to Sasuke and Kayten’s primary timeline, where at least the police (not to mention Shingen and their alternates) could not follow.
Now, after very little rest, the three were in the modern version of Aki’s manor in the Togakushi mountains, trying piece together the strands of the known timelines. While Aki was often out of communication range, as he hopped around the multiverse, he usually had let them know where he was going. The trips to 1578 and 1586 had been unplanned, leaving Kayten and Sasuke scrambling to not only manage the timelines, but also search for Aki.
“To borrow a phrase, would you prefer hearing good news or bad news?” Sasuke did at least like to prepare people first.
In this case, though, Kayten was clearly feeling less polite and her hiss of frustration suggested she didn’t appreciate his attempt to soften the blow. “One of the Katsukos was executed.”
A harsh way to put it, but Sasuke remembered the look on Kayten’s face when they arrived in timeline G a few days after her alternate had been put to death. He’d never wanted to see that look again.
Aki closed his eyes for a moment. When he reopened them, he said (in Sasuke’s opinion) the worst thing possible. “And Hikosane?”
“He’s fine. Dad. Adopted by one of Nobunaga’s vassals.” She got to her feet, glaring at them both under a fringe of violet bangs. “I know there’s a bunch of us… versions of myself scattered across the multiverse … maybe to you, it doesn’t matter if one of us dies. But it feels like little pieces of me are being chipped away.” For a moment it looked like she was about to say more, perhaps even include Sasuke in her blast of anger. But instead, she simply left the room, without even a slammed door to punctuate her outburst.
Unsure of whether to try to comfort his friend or continue to keep Aki company, Sasuke stayed frozen in indecision.
“She’s wrong.” Aki’s voice was so quiet, Sasuke might have thought he imagined it. “I lost them both once, and my response to that almost destroyed the multiverse.”
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Coming next winter… As Yuki Likes It
Courier, scout, daredevil, housemaid … Bodyguard? Katsuko has had many identities in the seven years since a wormhole sent her back in time to feudal Japan, and she’s found a certain satisfaction working for Akihira. Then an accidental encounter with an alternate timeline gives her a glimpse of a blissful future with a handsome grey-eyed warlord.
To ensure that future for herself, Katsu accepts a mission guiding a young prince and princess to Kasugayama. But a series of betrayals endangers that mission, and only by accepting the escort of Sanada Yukimura do they have any chance of reaching their destination. Meanwhile, Katsu’s wish for that once-glimpsed future is tested by her growing friendship with Yukimura. Not that it matters, as Yukimura is fascinated by the beautiful Princess Shohime… a girl already betrothed to the Dragon of Echigo.
Only time can sort out this entanglement of mismatched lovers. And time… is the one thing that is quickly running out.
… Loosely inspired by Shakespeare's As You Like It
I handed Shohime my arrows, knowing her aim was nearly as good as mine. “You know what to do.” I nudged her toward the cover of trees. “Wait… give you your shawl.”
While she and Hikosane vanished in the undergrowth, I pulled my hair out of the braid, and wrapped her shawl around my shoulders. It would fool no one at close range, but hopefully I could lead our attackers out of the area until the Kanamori vassals could bring reinforcements.
Then I leaped on my horse, and making as much noise as I could, cantered out to the crossroads, where the mercenaries were still searching for us. Moonlight wasn’t fast, but in this mountainous territory, a surefooted horse was more valuable anyway. To ensure I had their attention, I shrieked in fear, then took off through the trees.
Behind me, I could hear the pounding of hoofbeats, and the occasional yelps as one of the ronin got too personal with a low-hanging branch. Taking a meandering path, I zig-zagged through the area, until I was sure the men behind me were thoroughly lost.
After that, it was simply a matter of finding my way back to the others. I love it when a plan comes togeth-
In the midst of my anachronistic celebration, I heard another horse behind me. “Hey! Stop!”
Yeah, that would be a big old no. I spurred Moonlight into action again, but this pursuer was a bit more competent than the others, and no matter how sharply I turned, I could not lose him.
Plan B.
I cut back around, across his path, and took Moonlight directly toward a puddle of water. As expected, as soon as her feet got wet, she reared up, and dumped me off.
Shit, this is going to hurt.
I thudded to the ground, rolled, and, as the rider approached, I pulled Shohime’s shawl over my face, pretending to be overcome with terror. Whoever wanted to kidnap her would be surprised to discover they had the wrong girl, but the longer I could string this out, the better chance I had to learn why he wanted her. As footsteps reached the spot where I had ‘fallen’ off my horse, I added a couple of theatrical sobs.
“Ah… geez. Don’t cry. Are you hurt?”
The voice was vaguely familiar. I risked peeking up at the man who was raking his hands through his hair in frustration… Sasuke’s friend? Yuki? What did Yuki want with the Princess? And how could I make his life a misery for grabbing me instead?
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Another story has come to an end, and it's always hard for me to say goodbye to the characters - that snarky kitsune just worms his way into the soul, doesn't he? We will of course see these characters again in other longfics, and I'm actually in a few weeks going to do a follower celebration here, with one of the options being "suggest or vote" on a scene to go with a fic in the Katsuverse.
As you can see, Yukimura will be our next hero in longfic #4, and, despite the angsty coda of this story, I'm hoping it will be heavier on the comedy side (more in tone to Mitsunari's story than Shingen's).
Until then, I want to once again thank everyone who read this story, whether you were a Unicorn commenter, or left a comment sometimes or just quietly came in to read. I'm so grateful for everyone - I love this community, both here and on Ao3.
In the meanwhile, as I try to get Yuki's story written, I'll be bringing back a throwback Thursday fic, so starting in April, keep a lookout for A Mitsunari Night's Dream.
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@lorei-writes @bestbryn @lyds323 @tele86 @akitsuneswife @selenacosmic
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the-haunted-office · 1 year
(i had to stop my self, there was too many good ones)
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
In general, no. Mess with her friends, yes - but only if she hasn't been given enough time to calm down first.
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Not really, no. She won't lie to friends, but may withhold the truth under certain circumstances or phrase things from a different angle if she thinks she might hurt their feelings. To enemies - not so much lying as twisting words around to frame a different truth.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
In general, Thursday does neither - she freezes if she is genuinely scared.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Thursday wants happiness for all of her friends. She will do whatever she can to help that happen, but knows that you can't make someone happy - she can facilitate their happiness, but real happiness is a choice.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
That she suffers from depression. Most of the time she keeps it firmly tucked away under a smile. She shows it only to her closest friends.
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
Bullying behaviors. If she thinks you are being bully, she will speak up about it.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
That someone she loves or deeply cares about hates her.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticeable? what changes when they're in love?
Crush - Whether or not it's noticeable is up to the individual on the receiving end of her affections - usually she will be sillier than normal around them, banter with them a lot, smile a lot, giggle a lot, go out of her way to be around them. May become more easily flustered under certain circumstances.
In love - Wants to spend A LOT of time with that person; initiates a lot of physical contact; tries to be extra attentive to their thoughts, feelings, and needs; willing to share her bed with them (although she will do this with close friends as well, so it doesn't necessarily mean she's in love with that person); in general, willing to and even wants to have sex with them.
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katsuko-rp-blog · 10 months
🪨 👎📚🌌📅
For Katsuko, Moriko, and Kiyuki!
Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
Katsuko would probably put it on a shelf if it was from one of her friends..if not probably take it and then politely put it back on the ground when they leave.
Moriko would put it back on the ground patting it.
Kiyuki would do one of two things, put it in someone's tea or keep it for safekeeping
Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
Katsuko can't stand Kojou Sara despite the leading cause being gone, you could call it a grudge if you wish, but of course Katsuko would never say that in public.
Moriko isn't one to hate or dislike someone but she didn't like Saiguu at first. She'd never say that now though.
Kiyuki doesn't actually care enough..but Katsuko and some other people or kitsune and get on her nerves sometimes.
Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
Katsuko would talk about how to safely use a weapon without cutting yourself or anyone else
Moriko would explain how everyone shouldn't fight because it's bad for the economy.
Kiyuki would explain how to safely put out fox magic fires without exploding yourself.
If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
Katsuko's Nightmares would consist of either the horrors of the abyss or getting chased.
Moriko doesn't usually remember her nightmares but they would likely consist of being hunted
Kiyuki's Nightmares would consist of seeing her loved ones again only for her to realize they aren't real.
If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
Katsuko would spend it with her friends and tell everyone she knows goodbye
Moriko would tell everyone she knows goodbye and walk out into the wilderness
Kiyuki would just leave for some unknown place to never be seen again.
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melishade · 10 months
Właściwie miałem pytanie dotyczące Chaos timeline po tym wszystkim co się wydarzyło jak eldian warrior and cadets zareagują na święto Halloween i samo to PS. Czy uda się odbić Piecka z rąk soundwave i jak to by wyglądał
Translation: I actually had a question about the Chaos timeline after everything that happened how the eldian warrior and cadets will react to the Halloween celebration and the same PS. Will it be possible to get Pieck back from soundwave and what would it look like
Previous Episode of the Chaos Timeline
I feel like the Eldian Warriors would have a little bit more skin because they would have some more exposure to multiple cultures and their possible urban legends. However they would all freak the fuck out at Megatron’s Wailing Spark story.
Meanwhile for Pieck, I still would need her in Soundwave’s claws to create some sort of tension and final battle time crunch scenarios. During this time, she and Katsuko (my oc. I mentioned it earlier) bond as prisoners and make sure they keep each other alive.
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Updated lineup of my kny ocs, some info about them undercut so this isn’t unnecesarily long 
In order:
Gushiken Sora
Age: 18
Birthday: 27th September
Height: 178cm
Weight: 76kg
Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps
Rank: Hinoe
Breathing Style: Storm breathing
Favourite food: Miso Soup
Yasuda Haruko “Haru”
Birthday: 18th July
Height: 178cm
Weight: 73kg
Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps
Rank: Hinoe (maybe Sanemi’s Tsuguko?)
Breathing Style: Wind Breathing
Favourite food: Tonkatsu, or any plate with it (like katsudon)
Ishikawa Takehiko 
Birthday: 14th August
Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps
Rank: Tsuchinoe
Breathing Style: Crystal breathing
Favourite food: Sashimi
Yukimura Makoto
Birthday: 29th January
Height: 165cm
Weight: 60kg
Affiliation: Demon Slayers Corps
Rank: kinoto
Breathing Style: Ice Breathing
Favourite food: Cold Soba
Kogane Daisuke
Birthday: 7th January
Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps
Rank: Kinoto
Breathing Style: Water breathing
Favourite food: Curry rice
Kazan Katsuko
Age: 19/20
Height: 176cm
Weight: 73kg
Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps
Rank: Kinoe
Breathing Style: Lava Breathing
Favourite food: Tamago kake gohan (rice with an egg yolk)
Kazan Yaketsuku
Age: 19/20
Height: 186cm
Weight: 78kg
Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps
Rank: Kinoe
Breathing Style: Lava Breathing
Favourite food: Natto with rice
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